tv Red Eye FOX News July 12, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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and at arby's he is considered a combo meal, bill schulz. and if hilarity was a hockey stick, i would put tape around his shaft for a better grip. sitting next to me is the co-host of the opie and anthony show, a delight. and our new york times correspondent, good to see you, pinch. >> today in "dining and wine." january hoffman profiles summer camps for culinary -minded kids looking to cook fine cuisine. what meal would you like to create at the chef schools? >> sneakers. >> no, what recipe would you like to learn, you half wit? >> sneakers make porch jump higher. >> okay. get him out of here. greg? >> i think we shed approximately 45,000 viewers from "the five" rerun.
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awesome. how does the president rate among women without a mate? actually pretty well, which means good i think. according to a poll, my favorite poll, obama has a 2-1 advantage over romney when it comes to single females. he is benefiting from a marriage gap where people who are married dye in a gap outside niagara falls. no, actually, says a researcher, married voters are likely to focus on the economy and health care because they are smart. and single voters look to gay rights and reproductive issues. and folks who are hitched are more likely to favor mitt. that's mitt romney for those at home. what happens if the carrie bradshaws of the world don't carry obama in november? i wonder, will this be his last political campaign no matter what? >> this will be my last political campaign no matter what. >> thanks for your prompt reply. for more on this, let's go
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live to a dog trying to bite traffic. >> somehow he is the story. lee app, you are a woman -- leeann, you are a woman. singles love obama. marrieds love romney. are you surprised? >> i am not surprised. things are different to them, and they are more important when they are married like the economy and like health care. >> why is that? >> i don't know. when you are single and still looking for that, other things are important to you. they are worried about gay marriage. they are worried about their own rights. i am woman, here me roar. other things haven't come into their life. >> why is that? >> i am going to kick your butt, greg. >> it is an interesting question. that's why i am repeating it.
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is it because married people tend to be older and wiser? is that why they support rom nay? >> i am not -- support rom me? >> no, it is women thinking they have a shot with obama. >> single women think they have a shot, and quite frankly he is a little sexier than romney who comes across like every guy in one of the erectile dysfunction commercials. >> you mean he should be driving like a classic challenger through perhaps the strip between vegas and l.a., and they should be playing not the actual song, but a song done by a tribute band, perhaps a steppenwolf song. >> and apparently you know how to put water in your radiator if you have erectile dysfunction. >> and good at throwing a football through a tire. >> exactly. >> very good at that. >> i finally understood that imagery. keith, you have been covering the presidential campaigns since the early 1970s. what do you make of this marriage gap? >> i don't think it is a surprise with the single
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ladies obama has such a big margin over romney. obama took out a gigantic ad in the middle of "50 shades of grey." that's getting that support. plus romney keeps referring to his future vp running mate as my wing man. >> not a good way to go at this. i agree with you completely. bill, as a single gal making your way in the city, and i have to say are you doing a great job. it is tough for you at times. what is it about president obama that speaks to you? >> well, actually he spoke to me earlier in the presidency. that's the reason he doesn't want to campaign after this because he started the president looking like denzel, and now he looks like robert giam. i disagree with what you say. when you are single you are more concerned with health care. think about it. you are sink gel. if you are married with -- you are single.
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if you are married and trip over something and start coughing uncontrollably there is somebody there to call the hospital or help you. i could die in my apartment tomorrow and be there for months until the stakes rattle. >> i disagree. when i was a young woman in my 20s and i was modeling and stuff, i didn't have -- i didn't have a normal job where i could get health care from one person. and i was young and i was healthy, and i decided what kind of health care. i had the catastrophic health care so i wasn't as worried as making sure i can pay my rent and keeping a healthy lifestyle. >> i was a young model too. but i am still single and not young anymore. and modeling is no longer returning my calls. >> in a way, anthony, doesn't it explain the whole julia campaign? do you remember that? it was the idea the government was going to be there every step of the way from single hood to just being a spinster. it was insurance for loneliness. and it speaks to somebody who is alone. and then you get married and go i don't really need the
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government. i can actually make my way on my own. is that part of the reason? >> i don't know. i just remember being young and single back in the 1930s. >> you look great. >> thank you. >> you didn't have insurance. you swrus said, roll the dice -- you just said, roll the dice, and hopefully nothing happens. >> exactly right. >> you can always go to the emergency room. that was my motto for the weekend. even when i wasn't injured. i went there to pick up. generally the people there are at their lowest low, and i was -- >> very drawn. >> you know what you do? you wear something white and they thought you were a doctor. that's what i did. i want to ask you, keith, president obama says this is his last election. no matter what happens, what is he going to do if he loses? >> first of all, i don't buy that it is his last election. my sources tell me he is taking advice from brett far of. brett favre. who knows?
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anything can happen. >> i am afraid of where that might lead. >> if he loses i am predicting a reof ma. >> really? >> absolutely. >> here is what i think. i think he thinks the presidency was beneath him. he is the man of the world. i think he will start doing specials. any special will be about how obama solves one problem, one problem. and it will be on the oprah network, and it will get -- it will make him incredibly healthy, and it will show everybody how to eat ice cream. do we have a picture of him eating ice cream? there he is. now, a lot of people think the way president obama eats ice cream is wrong. bill? bill, what is right about that? >> at least he is a man of the people. romney raises his own cows and has them make the ice cream and then slaughters them for dinner. disgusting. >> what is wrong with that? >> it makes what he did to his
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dog seem downright hue man terry -- humanitary. >> he is actually eating a pureed terrier jie. how can you see this far away? is that a cone with a spoon? >> i am defending him on this. do you think that is bad? >> you don't need a cone with a spoon. >> no, but the thing is, here is how the pressworks. if he was eating the cone, the pictures would be of him eating the cone and make fun of that. there is no way you can win when you eat. >> it is that a socialist swirl? >> it might be. >> it is marxist marble fudge. >> we have a theme going here jie. i am running out. >> lemon lime? >> lemon lime. >> it looks like it is light blue. is that just our monitor? >> it is castro -- >> chocolate. castro chocolate chip. >> i still blame the guy for not wanting to be anywhere near a cone or anything shaped
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like it for that matter. it is ice cream with chocolate. from ladies first to me first. do we focus on self above everything else? according to an analysis of books published in the last 50 years, americans increasingly emphasized me or we. the individual over the group. glad we spelled that out. the study looked at how often certain words and phrases appear in written language here -- year to year. said one, these trends reflect a sea change. they love saying sea change, what does that mean? that can be both good and bad. way to straddle the fence, pull a quote i just read. and the avatar of ourselves, obama. and he used i 98 times and me 19 times. speaking of self-absorbed.
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>> do some community service. there are people out there besides your stupid vanity. it makes me sick to my stomach. anthony, are we a country of naval gazers, and is that a bad thing? >> no, it is great. the whole i-me thing, social media is to blame for this. people think others want to see their dinner or whatever their dumb kid said that night. >> there is a guy i follow who actually when he is playing blackjack tweaks the cards. >> i did that. i was having a problem. >> what is worse, the fact you were tweeting your blackjack cards and the fact i was interested? >> yes, i was -- it was compelling. >> it really is. >> keith, you said that the puppy had ruined your joke. >> i wrote a joke that doesn't
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surprise me at all about the i and the we in the books. we are a self-absorbed country and it will be printed on the mirrors. you show a clip of the dog in the mirror -- >> that ruined ruined a meed yolker joke. >> there are so many other things you can do here. >> the only thing he used was blame and george w. bush in that speech. >> good political point. way to score some points with our core audience. that's important to me because i want to be here. leeann, isn't obama the perfect president for this era? it is all about him, and we are all about us. thus we identify with him. >> maybe you have a point there, greg. but it doesn't surprise me because every president is about i and me in their speeches. it doesn't matter what side of the political aisle you are on. every time you give a speech they have to talk about what they do. >> i am removing everything you do from the show. >> really? >> yes. >> me, me, me, me. they are all self-centered.
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>> in his mind he is the king of the world, and he runs it all, and he loves his executive decision making that he can just go and do whatever he wants. so it is all about him. >> all right. >> bill, you can't naval gaze because you don't have a naval. is a more individualistic culture a good or bad thing? >> bad, and i agree. it is not just the internet. it is facebook specifically. think about it, not only is it about you, you, you, but the only option is likes. there is no sucks. you never get negative feedback on a picture or update. you get nothing. all they hear is positive, positive, positive. when obama did that speech, you know where he did it? in ohio. specifically, sandusky, ohio. don'ts go anywhere near that town. and town, change your name. >> they haven't done it yet, and i find it an outrage. it is almost an implicit support.
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>> we are changing it to domer. >> sandusky is now domer, ohio. >> you know what it is, here is my two cents. we are growing up in the last 30 years and people are going to therapists where you talk about yourself. and if you are not worshiping god, there is nothing but yourself. >> so there is a good part. >> it is terrible. it is like, you become your own god. >> or other people. people do worship other people like on tv or actors. >> i don't worship justin bieber. i appreciate his artist tree. >> there is artist re. >> and as far as the photos are concerned i am an amateur photography. >> i was going to say with the attention to i and me and politicians and how they handle their speeches, this is why i believe more professional athletes should get involved, so we can actually hear some third
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person. >> i agree with you. >> dirk nowitzki loves me some america. >> we lost the joy of a third person since bo jackson retired. remember that? where is he now? all right, from serving yourself to serving your country. is the right prescription a return to conscription? i knew i would screw that up. don't laugh. so says general stanley mccrystal who believes it is time to bring back the draft. speaking at the apsen ideas festival or the ice, a couple weeks ago the commander of international forces in afghanistan told audiences, i think we will have a draft. if a nation goes to war it should not be represented by the force because it is unrepresentative of the population. if a nation goes to war every town, every city needs to be at risk. >> he also believes that giving all-americans a common experience will help bring us altogether. anyway, you know who could add a little to -- a little
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insight on this topic? dog enjoying air conditioner. >> i guess he is for the draft, ladies and gentlemen. leeann, you do a lot of work with the troops. some say unprofessional. do you think a draft is a good idea? are we better off with a professional military? >> i don't necessarily -- i wouldn't call this a draft per say. i think if you look at countries like israel and south korea, they actually make everyone after high school do two years of common service. i have always said i think that would be great in america. i think a lot of kids are entitled. i think they are either fourth in the college because that's where -- they are either forced into college because their parents want them to go and they don't know where they
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are going with their life. don't put 18-year-olds in the war burkts they need to do something where they are disciplined and learn to focus. they are doing something outside of themselves between the ages of 18 and 20. it would be great. if they want to continue their service, that's something different. every kid should give two years to their country, for sure. >> i am for this because i am 47. there is no way in hell -- i think if i was 20 -- if i was 17 i would be going, this is nuts. i am a hipocrite. mccrystal says if these guys would have a uniting thing they can go to a bar and talk about service. he has a point. >> that's a thing of the past though. look at who is draft age. it is the same people we saw during occupy wall street. >> that's exactly the reason. >> the best people i have ever met are the people who work at fox news who came from the military because they have a system here where they bring guys from the military. these guys are so much more -- they are just better people than m why.
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they make me feel like crap. i would like to feel that way all the time, not just an hour a day. >> i looked down at my notes. >> i have to disagree with you because at least the people who you are referencing, they had some discipline to begin with. >> true. >> you start drafting people now and you can have soldiers fighting with their pants hanging down and they are texting their buddies in the fox hole, where are you at? joy it will be like -- >> it will be like the party at your house. bill, are you the perfect argument against your draft? >> i am the perfect argument for it because of two words, beatle bailey. he didn't want to be there, but how delightful was he? every day would be hilarious. i assume it is fox holes. >> i am for the draft because they are the greatest -- every guy that works at fox that came from that program is great. however, i am 47, so i am a woos. coming up, should kids in 3k
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there was a good joke about the previous story now on the break. if it brings back hip -- hippies, it is not a joke. should a movie be rated r if deniro's lungs are full of tar? any actor smoking should be restricted for youngens. those ages 10-14, must be nice, and found pg-13 accounted for most of the smoking on the scenes. those with cigs are linked to real world experimentation. they estimate that an r rating would lower the pipsqueeks.
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the head of this dumb idea said the movie industry that treat them like sex and violence. something as important as smoking should get you an r rating. that would mean robin williams' new film should get a new rating which we have a clip of. >> anthony, -- >> i'm with you. >> there are a lot of things that happen in movies that are not pleasant. gambling. is gambling worse than smoke ?g ?g -- smoking? >> if a character is written into a movie that smokes, why should the writer and people that made the movie be penalized by having to cut down their audience with an r rating. everyone knows kids start smoking because it is the coolest and more kick as thing
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you can do. and it gets you girls, kids. >> you are a terrible human being. could it fall under the freedom of expression which is needed for motion pictures. >> they they just give them a rating. but with regards to movies kids don't pick up smoking because of the movies. they pick up smoking because a carton of cigarettes is cheaper than a box of popcorn at the movies. it is economical. >> that is a very good point. >> kids are smarts. >> may i say something. a lot harder to drill a hole into a carton. giving kids girl advice. >> we will just leave that. leanne, -- >> i am always disgusted by bill. the problem i have with that is smoking is there in their everyday life. if you are going to go and see a film and somebody is smoking
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in it, i don't think they should have to be -- i don't think they should be penalized for that. what do you say to the kid when he sees 10 people walking down the street smoking? it is not like he is not going to be affected by that. >> bill, here is the thing, the thing i don't like about smoking in movies, it is used to make dorks look cool. it is actually like -- cool people in movies don't smoke. it is the people that are losers that are smoking to elevate themselves. it actually hurts the classic or raw of nicotine. >> and you can tell the level of acting the person has had. you can always spot a nonsmoker playing a smoker a mile away. the hand is shaking and their cheeks go out and it is all in here. and then a little smoky chipmunk like this. they can't wait for the camera to get off so they can puke. >> "mad men" how many of the guys -- they smoke like this. they smoke like this. >> i like that. >> that's how we did it back then. >> no, you smoke like this. you don't smoke like this.
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that means you -- that means you are fetishizing. >> people who smoke like that eat ice cream cones with a spoon. >> what if it is a movie where it is an era where people smoke. automatically an r rating because you are depicting the tame accurately? >> you know what would be great is if you did a movie and there was something worse than smoking. you would just say that's what they do. it has to be something clever. come on. >> put a donkey in it. enough of this. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. it is red eye at fox to leave a voicemail 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. who cares about him? >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by blacksmith, those individuals who forge and shape iron with a hammer. thanks, blacksmith.
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let's see if we got anything wrong so far. andy, how are you do ?g. >> great. >> congratulationses on the one-year anniversary. >> thank you. >> it is a milestone. >> it is a milestone. what is a milestone anyway? >> it is a stone that marks miles. >> that makes sense then. >> obama is on top with single women. see what i did there? >> i did.
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>> leeann, it is easier for someone like me to care about social issues than it is for a married couple that has kids and has to worry about putting food in their mouth and send them to college. i think it makes sense. >> andy. i want to spank you later. >> wow. mission accomplished. >> that was an unusual response to a coherent statement. >> i am done. no point going on now. >> i love you, andy. >> i love you too. >> why don't you guys just get a -- thing. >> anthony, you remember being young and single in the 30s. that was in germany, right? >> i left though. i had a little trouble. >> in 46. keith, regarding obama saying this was his last political campaign, he said he is not taking advice from brett favre? >> that's what i heard. >> speaking of people, you said it looked like they should be in an erectile dysfunction commercial. does he have that look? >> i think so. >> every ball he tries to
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throw through the tire is picked off. he probably doesn't go to the playoffs. >> you said obama would want a rematch, you think? >> i think so. absolutely. >> i am with you on this. i think if he loses which is -- i don't know. he is going to have another -- he will come back. that's what you do, if you can. unless he is really board with the presidency, which i think he is. >> i was going to say i swear in the segment itself you said you think this is his last one regardless. >> i think he is like, i did it. it is something i did. i am going go on. maybe i will have my own network. i will go around the world. you know what he really wants, he is assuming there will be an alien invasion and he is president of earth. and then he will ago we yeses to the aliens so he can be part of the universal u.n, and then -- >> see that's what i was going say. your crack pot theories theories are ridiculous. what he wnts is for the u.n --
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what he wants is for the u.n to take over the world and establish him as the head. >> he is hoping that whatever aliens come -- >> you are a crack pot conspiracy theorist. >> what he is going to do. he will deliver earth -- earth ligs and they will point him to the board of aliens, and then he will be in charge of the entire universe. and he will earn immortality. >> obama has a free ticket to the white house. once romney has a close up look at what that shack looks like, and he finds out how much a president actually makes, he is not going to have anyone to compete against. >> i just think obama liked running for president a lot more than he likes being president. i think if he loses he is done with politics. >> i don't. >> i agree. >> i think he likes power too much. >> i conquer. >> what does that mean? agree?
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>> apolo said at the end of the "rocky" there won't be a rematch. >> and look what happened to him. we won't go there. >> now i am pissed. i was trying to set this up for you. you thought there would be a rematch. i knew that's where you were going because of your talking points, but you couldn't say. it i was giving uh chance and you turned down the chance and made me look like an idiot and left me hanging. now you bring it up here 1234 you are done. cut his mic, please. >> i am so sorry. you crossed the line. >> whoa whoa whoa. i am going to be your mickey. how is he supposed to know that you read his talking points? and by the way,. >> new york magazine headlines president obama not interested in a grover cleavland mean heying would not run for president after losing a re-election bid. >> i think instead of a grover
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cleavland just to irritate his wife he should pull a william howard taft and balloon a couple hundred pounds. >> that's a good idea. >> you know what we need? >> that killed in rehearsal. >> we do need an over weight president. >> that worked with the dress audience. >> they are so excited. they are from out of state -- >> have i to move on. people are more self-involved. you asked what sea change means. >> yes. >> it is from shakespear "the tempest." >> you see you know what i thought, i thought that is what clams had in their pocket when they went to buy soda. >> wow. >> god. by the way, we should make it clear that this individualism thing, it is not talking about people being independent, it is talking talking about how unique they are and not self-sufficient they are. it is very important.
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>> how so? >> because as the study's author says we got changes in things like unique and i love me. we didn't get them in words and phrases. everybody wants to be themselves, but they want other people to pay for it. >> the thing is, it is almost like, and i have said this many times on "red eye" just to clarify that this is a separate show from" the five" people don't want to be fire fighters or police officers, but they would lake to play them in a movie. >> yes. >> interesting. >> how do you tweet blackjack cards? >> i step away from the table. i have been yelled at for tweeting at the blackjack table. they do not like that. >> used to be you couldn't talk on your phone at the table. you can't tweet or text anymore? >> no. there is some kind of koll luges going on. >> you have to text and then do this.
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>> greg you asked where bo jackson was these days. he was just part of the baseball allstar celebration. >> he threw me out at first base once at one of those games. >> i'm sure you deserved it. >> he should have let me get to first. >> you know he got his third artificial hip. >> i have gone through two stories because you people will not shut up. >> wait a second, andy. are you saying his third or second? >> i am saying i am going another block. i'll show you. >> i stopped watching "rocky" after -- go ahead, andy. >> it just gives me more to tweet later. i don't care. mccrystal wants to reinstate the draft. ly n yo, you said it would be a great idea for everybody to do national service. do you believe your life belongs to the state? >> i do not, but -- >> sounds like you do. >> well, and that's why i am saying it is a very precarious line. you know me, i am libertarian when it comes to that.
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but i do believe kids should give two years of service somehow to get rid of the i, i, i, me, me, me generation who know nothing of service and community. >> you believe this should be forced by the government? >> yes, actually. >> there are certain things i do like about the government. if they can impose making them pay for health care we should send our youth to -- >> you believe their lives belong to the state. >> they should give two years of their life and that's it. >> stop saying are you a libertarian. there is a lot going around these days. >> i partways with the socialists over there. military is different. what worries me is that the government will actually use this for community service where they -- where you are enrolled for two years of like picking up trash or -- >> what's wrong with that? >> it is wrong either way. your life doesn't belong to the government. the government can't tell you you have to serve it.
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>> i concur. >> he says that all of the time. >> what if something happened and they had to impose the draft again. you would be against that as well if we didn't have enough people to protect america? >> are we talking about space aliens. >> dudes in general do not like a draft. >> that's why he comes to work with a nice afghan shawl. >> he brings an excellent soup. >> should smoking in movies trig r rating? anthony, you say if they are written in as smoking why should they be penalized? but they do that with sex, violence and language? >> only for hard core stuff. for sex to be an r rating it has to be full frontal nudity. but they do a lot of things in pg movies that are implied and a youngster can understand. >> you were telling me how disappointed you were that "magic mike" got an r rating because you expected so much more. >> yes. and i had some school children i wanted to take with me.
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>> actually i thought it was terrible. >> really? >> andy. >> what? >> she said she hated "imagine "imagine --" magic mike." >> women will never understand "magic mike." >> that movie was not made for women. i completely agree. why would you ask a woman whether or not she liked that. it is like asking a woman if she likes "fight club." >> "magic mike" was like semitough or" the longest yard." it is like "slapshot." >> "sex and the city 2". go away, women this is for dudes. all right. coming up, we will all be dead, but not for years, except you dennis. you may want to stay home tomorrow. and what is james earl jones
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this boy has base. darth vader is a tea party hater. james earl jones, my second favorite three-name actor next to brian austin green shared his views on the anti-tax movement on a radio interview. roll audio, audio rollers. >> i think i figured out the tea party. i think i -- i do understand racism because i was taught to be one. by my grandmother. my grandmother was part indian, part black. she hated everybody. she taught all of her children and grandchildren to be racist, to hate white people and to distrust black people. >> i will never watch "star trek" again. that wasn't a mistake. i just hate "star trek." let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning
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roooouuuunnnnndddd. lightning round. >> anthony, i am a huge fan of james earl jones. some say i am his biggest fan. those are the people that keep may away from him. keep me away from him. how do people become experts on the tea party without meeting him. the left and right do this all the time. >> something tells me james earl jones is not up on what the tea party is about. >> if it was brought up in that atmosphere, i can understand. i went to a few holiday dinners with my own family, and things turned out kind of similar. i remember what they used to call brazil nutses. >> i don't need to know that. i don't need to know that. it is almost weird though. it is like he is saying racism unites everyone which is a novel way of looking at things. yes, we were raised as racist. can't we all get along by hating each other? it is almost like an evolutionary thought.
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keith, does this ruin the lion king for you? >> absolutely. absolutely. >> still recovering. >> i will say that i totally understand and i get and i'm sure he does understand what racism is. he did, after all, at the end of "field of dreams" disappear into an iowa corn field. i'm sure he knows all about -- >> corn? >> to this day the only black man ever in iowa. >> is that true? >> i don't know. we will have our brain room look that up, but we will probably forget about it, because we normally forget those questions. not a big fan of "field of dreams" by the way. i thought it was something else. >> dad, wanna have a catch? >> i thought it had some sort of sport and it confused me. what were they doing with these bats? where are the dreams?
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leann where do you stand? i like james earl jones, but then again maybe i shouldn't. >> well, everybody is entitled to their opinion. >> not really. >> of course. it is interesting he will talk about the idea of the tea party when he doesn't know much about it probably. what he is saying is actually true. people that grew up -- people at the beginning of time were racist. that's how they protected each other. they lived in certain tribes and they distrusted other tribes and they distrusted other people that didn't look like them. that's what he was trying to go back on saying my grandma didn't trust anybody. today i think people are smarter than that. i would hope that we have evolved from that. just go out there and call people racist and throw his own. i know why they are racist when he calls himself racist, i don't know. i would rather watch him in movies than hear him talk about that. >> by the way, taxes -- luke
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and the rebellion against taxes. >> last word. you have 20 seconds. >> james earl jones is america. his grandmother, cherokee, he is black. his son, luke, could be whiter. this guy is a miracle. by the way, the more we make fun of him, the less we will hear, this is fox news. >> all right. i just wish i could have a chat with him and say -- >> invite him on the show. >> he won't come on. not since that insurance department of -- incident in the green room. >> when you killed miss daysy? >> yes, i tripped and fell. what? i don't even know what that means. >> you killed ms. daysy. ms. daisy. in the original broadway show he drove ms. daisy. know your theater. >> i didn't know that. >> know your theater! know your theater. know your thea ter. jay more stuff on the way. -- >> more stuff on the way.
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little pony." the l.a. times said holmes used throw away cell phones to initially talk to lawyers to keep cruise in the closet -- i mean in the dark about her plan. leann should we talk about the well executed divorce? >> yes. if she needed to get away from him, and he seems to be a little over bearing, then she did what she needed to do. >> the weird thing about this, anthony, i was convinced that tom cruise loved some women like katie holmes. >> she is a looker, but not pretty enough for him. i thought her plan was great to get away from agent smith with the phone. brilliant. >> keith, why would he -- why he would he allow her to become friends with an ex? >> that's a good question. i want to know why people call this divorce bombshell.
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we should have known something was brewing when instead of jumping on oprah's couch he asked if he could crash there. >> turn that around. he went for the past with the joke and then threw it in our face like glitter. bill, you carry a throw away pager so your daughters can't find you. explain it. >> well, should i explain why i had a pager in the 21st century or the story? >> whatever you want. >> behind the times. i hate these stories. it is a good excuse for every stupid tabloid writer to do some sort of headline that makes you think it is one thing when it is another. oh, they are meeting to do what? they fooled me again. shame on me. >> i think they fooled all of us. right now i think tom is staring at his dicta phone and saying what can i do to make it better? >> he has his hand on the mail to say how can i make this
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time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> what is going on with heros and patriots? >> heros and patriots is my nonprofit charity. we just donated $10,000 to the families of the four service members that lost their lives in the fire fighting plane last week out of the north carolina international guard. if anybody would like to help donate it will go to the families, and you can specify mass 7's heros and patriots . net. >> excellent. >> thanks. >> keith, where will you be performing? >> i'm heading at the carolines on broadway in new york city on sunday night. >> hope that is going to charity. >> it is. >> are you going up against breaking bed. >> i know. it is killing me. >> how was vegas? >> strange thing happened. a blackjack dealer took all of
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my money. >> did you call the cops ? >> no. it always happens. >> by the way, greg, happy fifth anniversary. >> thank you. it was originally called "the one" and then they had the others join me. it was annoying. lee app, bill, keith, anthony, that's it for me. i'm greg gutfeld. what a great, t captioned by closed captioning services, inc. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> if you want a president who will make things better in the african american community you are looking at him. >> mitt romney proving he is a brave man. speaking today before the naacp in houston. we will tell you why the governor did it and analyze whether his presentation was a smart thing to do. >> two gang bangers. one standing next to her kid. get away from the kid. >> chicago killers are not listening to mayor rahm
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emanuel. the windy city is descending into violent chaos. we'll have a follow-up report. also tonight, jimmy j.j. walker. >> hello there, mama. >> and dennis miller on a 6-year-old kid starring in this video. >> the world is upside down. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for joining us tonight. 2008, 95% of o african american voters supported barack obama but mitt romney thinks he can do better in the precincts. right now the black unemployment rate
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