tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News July 12, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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opposed to 12.7% when president obama took office. it is obvious that the scenario for black american voters is different than it was four years ago. today governor romney made that case. >> i'm going to eliminate every nonessential expensive program i can find and that includes obama care and i'm going to work to reform and save -- [crowd booing] >> the president says he will do those things but he has not. he cannot. he will not. his last four years in the white house prove it definitively. >> bill: no question mitt romney is a brave guy for going to the naacp convention. he knew he would not be received well, there. but he also knows if he wins the election he will be president to all americans so his appearance is a positive in that regard. the problem is that most african americans believe the republican party in general does not value them and then there is the race factor
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vis-a-vis the president that is a source of pride in the black community. some african american voters cast their ballots along color lines, that is true. but you there is nothing any one can do about voters who choose personal over policy and that happens on both sides. the good news for mr. romney is that african americans will not decide the presidential election this year. as many analysts believe fewer of them will vote for barack obama this time around because of the bad economy and because the president has not actively supported black special interest groups some blacks will walk away. by the way, mr. obama has largely kept his promise to be a color blind president. a new quinnipiac poll says 92% of black americans supporting president obama and mr. romney 2%. far more important to mitt romney is the woman vote and we will get to that in the next segment. brave to go to the convention in houston. not going to change many hearts
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and minds but the symbolism of him being there is a positive thing. president obama is not going to the naacp meeting himself. he is sending vice president biden. reaction with us, dr. mark lamont hill now the host of the huffington post live deal on the internet. where am i going wrong here? >> everywhere. first of all. >> bill: everywhere. >> first of all, mitt romney is not brave for going to the naacp. >> bill: you have to do it. why. in. >> if he doesn't go he gets trashed in the press. >> bill: he got trashed there and he will get trashed in the press anyway. you are going trash him right now. >> i don't give h him kudos for going. go there and offer a positive message. he didn't seem statesmanly. no need to go after president obama. say what your message and agenda and vision is for black america. you don't have to beat up on president obama. that is why he got booed.
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>> bill: he told the truth. he is going to try to repeal obama care. he told the truth. candor.ou admire that can >> i appreciate his candor. >> number two, most of the governor's campaign is that he can regenerate the economy and barack obama cannot. that is his campaign. >> as a strategic move going into the naacp convention beating up on the most popular and first and only black president of america. >> bill: why should it matter if mitt romney wants to talk economics and the economics say that the african american community is suffering more than the rest of america. why can't he make those points there? >> i think you can make the point without making it personal. >> bill: barack obama's policies are hurting african americans. >> he only alieniated black voters further. >> bill: i'm trying to understand this. >> okay. >> bill: i'm an african american voter. the economy is bad for me and worse for my people than it is
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for other people. >> as it always has been. >> bill: but it is asoundingly bad for black youth. almost 40% unemployment. >> that is not true but go ahead. black teenage unemployment in the bush administration was also in double figures. >> bill: this is 40%. >> 38.5. >> bill: the point of the matter is that mitt romney brought his message, the same message that he brings to everybody. >> right. >> bill: to the black community. >> right. >> bill: and you are telling me he should change the message because they are black. that sounds like some kind of race deal. >> i'm not saying change the message. >> bill: you just did. >> i'm saying change the delivery. he started saying i got a phone call from president obama congratulating me on the nomination and saying that he looks forward to having a vigorous debate and respectful debate about the american people. president obama has failed on that promise. that is an unnecessary comment. simply say the president --
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>> bill: i don't care if it's unnecessary. they both do it. >> i odd. do it in front of the person's core base. if i'm going to an naacp convention and i no that he people are going to boo me as a matter of strategy i would say something that would stop me from getting booed. >> bill: you patronize them and be truthful to them. >> you can say it without beating up on the president or having people feel as if the president is being beat up on. >> bill: i don't agree with the point. i think if your tailored your message because of color which is basically what you are saying. you are tailoring it because of color. >> based on audience. >> if it was in l.a. i would say tailor your message. if it was a worker's union tailor your message. don't compromise your (s but -- >> bill: you are telling me if president obama speaks before a largely conservative audience say evangelicals.
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>> he shouldn't say don't cling to religion and guns. >> bill: he should not point out mitt romney's failings as a politician. >> if i were going to the mormon church i might make a different message if i were going to people at bain capital. here is the point at the end of the day if you give a speech and people are booing you it probably wasn't an effective speech. if people are booing you at the end of the day you probably didn't do your job. >> bill: i don't know if anybody running against barack obama wasn't going to get booed in a situation if the person told the truth. he opposes the president's policies. >> then talk about the policy. >> bill: he did. he said repeal obama care. >> be specific. >> bill: he was very specific. >> i want to usher you into a more substantive conversation. >> bill: you are not seeing what happened. the audience can make up their
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own mind. what about black voters who vote on color? do you respect the vote? >> sure, absolutely. i would hope that they. >> bill: the question is do you you respect a black voter. >> i respect everybody's vote. >> bill: i certainly don't. but you respect the black voter who votes for a candidate simply because the candidate is black. you respect that. >> apples to amples, yes. >> bill: would you respect a white voter who voted just because the person was right? >> apples to apples absolutely. >> bill: so performance and character doesn't matter. just vote skin color and you respect it. >> fy walked into an election booth and hillary clinton and barack obama were the candidates they are essentially the same person and people decide to vote for barack obama based on race all things being the same. >> bill: would you respect a vote by either a black person or a white person based solely
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on skin color. do you respect it? >> no. >> bill: thank you. >> the problem is you raised a hypothetical. >> bill: i asked a straightforward question and you tried to dance. >> that is called a hypothetical, this. >> was counter factual. >> bill: i said do you respect a vote based on color and you finally said doctor no. >> the thing here is that black people aren't voting for barack obama purely because he is black. >> so 95% of african americans voting for the democratic party. >> let me ask you a question. >> bill: real quick. >> if herman caine were running against joe biden would 95% of people vote for herman cain. >> no. >> bill: i said it is an enormous factor. >> you are saying that now. >> bill: the question i asked you just so everybody is clear would you respect a vote based shoally on skin color and took you three and a half minutes.
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>> i was pushing back against the implication which is that is what was happening. >> bill: you ought to have me come speak to your class. >> i would love to have you. >> bill: i will get booed but i will still go, later, jim. >> j.j. walker and dennis miller both have things to say about the president. we're coming right back.
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a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at >> bill: impact segment. a new poll surveyed american women. right now 51% supporting barack obama and 39% mitt romney. 2008, 56% of american women voted for barack obama so he is down about five points. the house voted today to repeal obama care. no surprise. here now the author of the new best seller screwed, dick
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morris. why do american women like the president? >> first they like him less than they did in '08. >> bill: 5%. >> and if he the five points it is a tie election. that is important and he dropped by more among men. but the basic point here is that there has been two long-term skews in american politics. men being republican and women democrat but you more importantly single people, single women in particular being democrat. >> bill: 60% of single women support barack obama. >> and married people being much more likely to be democrat. >> bill: let's deal with the women factor here. american women make up 53% of the vote. it's big. and right now they are breaking for the president despite the horrendous economic climate we are in and you got to tell me why. >> the important fact here in how they vote is marital status. when you take a couple with kids they are both members are
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overwhelmingly republican. when you take a married couple the men are strongly republican and the women more or less break even among likely voters. single people men or women they will be for obama. >> bill: why? >> part of it is they are poor, one income. part of it is abortion is still an important issue to them because they are more active in that regard. part of it is the whole -- those would really be the main two factors. when i worked for clinton we did some polling and i came to him and said we are getting killed among married people with children and breaking even among married and winning people that aren't married and i said that is because you are not embracing american values. you need a whole values agenda. we patterned the whole campaign around getting what we later called soccer moms. >> bill: the first or are. >> '96. a whole campaign after soccer moms.
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tobacco regulation and family medical leave and all you that stuff. >> bill: single women a lot of them have children, right, and they need the government programsed a the president is a champion of the government programs. >> and single women are poorer than single men. >> bill: mitt romney you heard my debate with dr. hill. he has got to try to convince at least some african americans, hispanic americans and single women to come over to his side, all right. how does he do that? >> well, he doesn't with black americans. >> bill: just was he -- was he foolish to go down there? >> no, it was good to do that. >> bill: why? >> it shows bravery and being hope to people and there are plenty of whites who will not vote for a person who they feel doesn't relate to black people. they want a person who is going to be fair and not color blind. might be voting for obama out of a kind of racial guilt and this might help undo it.
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smart move. he will get latinos because of the employment situation and obama's lack of progress on immigration but also because of values. and young voters he will get because they are unemployed. >> bill: 40% black unemployment youth. voted in the house today no surprise, 244-158. five democrats just five came over to repeal obama care. now, this was to put everyone on notice for the election who was supporting obama care and whowasn't. >> make sure it is as far forward in the public consciousness as possible. obama faces a huge problem and i don't know how i would solve it if i were him. the more he talks about healthcare the more he makes it
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the central point of the election. he doesn't want to do that because he has lost points on healthcare. the less he talks about it the more he turns the dialogue over to the republicans and they widen the margin. >> bill: they are not going to get the 60 to get it on to the floor so it is pretty much dead. >> right. >> bill: we are almost in mid july. and conventions at the end of august. there was a romney float today that he might name the vice president before the convention. >> i figured that. >> bill: i was going to say exactly the same thing and i am agreeing you. >> a subject you know more about than i do, ratings. >> have to have some reason for people to watch the convention and the only reason is who is he going to pick for v.p. >> obama will have a hard time getting people to watch the convention. >> bill: i understand they gorgeous have j. lo.
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>> she would be a president president. >> bill: i know her and she would not be a better president. it will be a surprise. it will leak out, right? you are going to know? >> i believe that it has i'm going go out on the limb here. >> bill: out on the limb morris. >> i never do it. but i believe that mitt romney has known for are six months that he is going to choose marco rubio he. >> bill: you think so? i can't disagree with that. a frightening segment for me. >> what, no dinner? no dinner? >> bill: i think rubio if he is clean you vet these guys and there is all kinds of stuff does he spend this. >> no better vetting than takes place in a senate race in florida. forget the fbi, if you are vetted by the democratic negative researchers and you survive you are clean. >> bill: dick morris. buy his book, screwed. chicago mayor rahm emanuel says the chicago gang killers have values.
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>> bill: factor follow-up you segment. we have been reporting on the horrendous murder rampage in the city of chicago. last night two young girls ages 12 and 14 shot and wounded in a gang crossfire. to far this year, 263 people murdered in the windy city. up 39% from last year alone. chicago mayor rahm emanuel says this. >> we have two gang bangers one standing next to a kid, get away from that kid. take your you stuff to the alley. don't touch the children of the city of chicago. don't get near them. and it is about values and i
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don't buy this case where are people say they don't have values. they do have values. they have the wrong values. >> bill: with all due respect to mayor emanuel i have no idea what he is talking about. he asked him to come on the program and he has not agreed. joining us, a senior pastor at the st. john bible church. do you know what values he is talking about? >> the blame game goes on here in chicago. so many people are frustrated. police are blaming the politicians and politicians blaming the pastors and pastors blaming the school system and the reality is what we see is the direct result of a collaborative failure of multiple institutions. >> bill: but it doesn't seem like mayor emanuel has a grasp of the situation. i could be wrong. but he is saying look, they have values, they have the wrong values. i don't understand what value there is in drive-by shootings that put a 12-year-old and a
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14-year-old girl in the hospital. what value is there? i mean do you? do you know what he is talking about? >> i just imagine that he is frustrated. but the bottom line is here in chicago we need all hands on deck. we can understand that the mayor is frustrated but really right about now we really need some economics because many people are desperate and desperate people unfortunately resort to desperate measures. >> bill: but it is not any worse in chicago than it is in any other state in the united states as far as economics is concerned. tens of millions of dollars have been poured into the poor communities in the windy city. aid, state, federal has is gone in there for decades as you know. barack obama was a community organizer that was his job, get the money in and the money flowed in. it is the collapse of the family, reverend, you know he that. kids that don't have fathers. women having four or five
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babies, they are stacked into public housing. there is no super vision. the women are desperate that is absolutely correct but you when you raise children like that especially male children they are subjected to gangs that intimidate them to join and a they start to kill people for a little drug money or whatever. it is not about society. it is about solving the problem of the family and the problem for criminal be lem of the drug trafficking in chicago. that is what it is about. >> well, truth of the matter is we can't dodge reality that there have been some problems with the family in african american community but when you are going to look at black family socially you have got to look at it and critique the black family historically. we have gone through a whole lot in this country and you got to. >> bill: but no 1960 when the civil rights legislation wasn't even kicked in the black family was much more stable than it is today. 70% of black babies born out of wed lock. i think the number in 1960 was
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below 50%. things have gotten worse as the society has gotten more progressive. >> well, we don't want to make it a racial situation. >> bill: that it what it is. it is all black crime going on in chicago that is what it is. >> black and brown crime. the reality when you look at the poverty in chicago and look at the wealthy community there is a direct core relation between poverty and violence. if we get the drugs and the guns out and allow jobs to come back in we will move closer to solving this issue. what we need right now is all across america not only in chicago but in other cities we need all of america all of the congress, everyone to focus their energy on resolving the violence putting the resources and the attention on the violence that we put on h 1 n 1 a few years ago. you remember in a matter of 48 hours we put millions and
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millions of dollars into addressing a crisis that never manifested itself. why don't we do that with violence? >> bill: with you support national guard in the neighborhood increased police presence in the neighborhood? would you support all that? >> the reality is we don't really need more police. we need a better relationship with the police. we need improve the police community relations. right now we need more diversity in the police department. we have a majority of white police. >> bill: it takes a long time and is not going to help the two little girls shot tonight. thank you reverend. we appreciate it. plenty more ahead. jimmy j.j. walker. one of the few african americans not supporting president obama. he will be here. and then dennis miller on lance armstrong denying he is a dope head and a 6-year-old whose parents put him in a
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>> bill: personal story segment tonight. many may remember j.j. walker who hit it big in the tv series good times. he has a book out called dy. in omite. his signature phrase. we spoke a few days ago. in studying your rise from a poor kid to national tv, good times it was interesting to see that you made it on your own. you are an icon, everybody knows good times. >> at least you are not a greeter girl. >> i'm known as the sultan of
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smooth. >> bill: and you separate then from many african americans who support barack obama. you are not a real big supporter. how did that happen? yes. >> is more like a tony roberts type of guy. you feel real good and you are happy and everything and then you go home and you realize there is a foreclosure sign on your door and you just go wait a minute, i just had this great meeting with this guy and he made me feel real good. i don't think he is a bad guy. i don't think he is a good guy for the job we have to do. >> bill: when you say that, other african americans hey, come on. >> you just can't blindly vote for somebody just because they are your -- sometimes even a brother you have to let him go and he is not doing the gig. >> bill: did you vote for him first time around? >> i never voted for him. >> bill: when african americans say to you you are betraying your race because there is a lot of racial stuff around president obama. you say? >> i say look at the job he has
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done and go back be to the old regan slogan are you doing better now than you were doing four years ago. i think he is not the guy. >> bill: jay long-time know. jay leno, i don't really know jay. i respect jay. you feel he has changed a bit. >> he changed. he let us down. we all started in the five year period. 30 million people are not out of work. 30 million people are just in between jobs. that is like a life guard saying to a guy that is drowning you are not drowning you are just in between land. >> bill: you came up with leno. >> and he worked for me as a writer and many other writers along with louis anderson. >> bill: where were you when was writing for the show? >> i was in los angeles. >> criminals now have their own tv show, america's most wanted. criminals are watching those
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shows every weekend. >> how did leno change? yes. >> changed in terms of bringing on new talent which is that spot which is johnny carson, jack parr, steve allen. he has not broken in the 27 years on the air has not broken one major act. >> bill: it is a different time now and the ratings pressure is so intense. >> jay is number one and jay can do whatever he wants. bon jovi riding in the president that is pretty school. joe biden has to ride up with the guy who sang who let the dogs out. >> if you can tell me ten minutes is going to destroy your own career i'm not buying that. i'm saying to jay leno what was done for you. he used to come on the show. i got him on the merv griffin show several times. people want to see somebody new and you have talent people and
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all that kind of stuff. pick out the people that you like. when johnny carson was the host we didn't know him. he was the high ex-alted vatican leader when jay leno took over it was one of us and we said okay, our guy is in, yeah. and it would be like bill clinton getting in and closing the door to james carville. that is the way we felt. >> bill: the author of dynomite. jimmie, thanks for coming in. we appreciate it. >> it will be miller time. on president obama promoting class war fare. and lance ax=lówófófówó@ó
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cape cod. very swell, miller. down in kennedy territory. hyannis. >> i wanted to get up here. years ago we hear about the great herds of eye liz beth warren but they are about to go extinct and i wanted to see one before they went away i made a donation to the liz warren campaign. to wind her up i gave her 24
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bucks in beads. >> claiming she is 1/31 cherokee which stunned the cherokee nation and it is controversial. >> not to mention paul revere and the raiders. what is up, tonight, billy? what are we chatting? >> bill: talk about the president reinvigorating his campaign by reintroducing class warfare. he wants more of our money and you say? >> i have a friend named lisa and she said to me the other day something that really resonated. she said why does he always say rich like it is a four letter word. why doesn't he saporous porous like there was something that put it into that prospernd and i think he is the most divisive president i have seen, billy. you seem to be more fond of him than me. have you you seen the lay of the land moran coriou more rant
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is right now. he has to drop the class warfare. >> two things i notice. number one, when john kerry ran for president nobody cared it wasn't even an issue. jfk ran in 1960. very wealthy, kennedy family. you know, you look back there was none of this. i don't know why the folks are responding to this. but i think some people are and it must be class envy. the second thing is, of course, that what else is the president going to campaign on, miller? what else? he has got to mobilize the people not doing very well to go against the big fat cat romney. what else is he going to do? >> well, listen, i don't know what he can say about obama care that hasn't already been said and it looks like six out of ten americans are not into it. i think what says everything about obama care is two things, billy. the people who are most ardently supporting it are going to be exempted from it.
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and people smell something there. that stinks. everybody knows that stinks. the second thing is obama care will eventually yield another program called obama caid when they suck obama care too dry. that is what people know and i think the polls that show the president doing better, i think people are just sitting at home and they get a call at 6:30 after dinner and go somebody says i want to talk to you about your political beliefs and they know your name and phone number. are you going to tell them anything? it is like a scientologist telling you in this rancorous culture we live in now. i think people are shutting up. the scott walker polls didn't show what happened there and i think there might be a surprise coming down the road. >> bill: i'm not taking much stock in the polls now. although i think the american women are supporting the president. >> young single women always have bad taste in men, don't they? >> bill: not commenting.
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lance armstrong, huh? now, do you think he was drugged up on the bike? do you think so? >> listen, i know lance a little. i met him, he is a nice guy. this is not one of those things to me that is important if it is tried in the court of public opinion. we are never going to find out. only lance armstrong knows inside. i'm not going to let him off the hook here. i don't know if he did or didn't. he knows. i'm telling you the court that only should matter is inside you. if he knows he is cheating or he cheated somehow that haunts you for the rest of your life. >> bill: even if he got a lot o of money and fame out of it, do you think it is haunting? >> billy, i'm just one of those guys who believe there is money, there is fame, there is a lot of houses but i got to live under that roof with myself. i have a court inside me and i judge myself harshly. if he did this and he knows it he is screwed. if he didn't do it he is off free. as far as what the world thinks you can't figure the world any more.
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>> bill: roger clementss walked away from it and armstrong probably with as well. >> roger clements busting cooperstown is going to be -- >> bill: you saw the six-year-old boot theie pop video which they pulled off you tube. another scam of the decline of american culture, right? >> listen, you say that and you are the square new but simple fact is this kid is surrounded with more asses in his day-to-day life than he is in the video it is that simple. how his parents do this is remarkable to me. when i hear experts on your show talking about how we are making too big a thing out of it. i'm not a square. quit hitting me with this. the kid is 6 years old for god's sake. the most mature person in the entire scenario. let him be a kid. >> when i was six i had a coon
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boyfriend and loved me for real but made be work every day and threatened me and made me take drugs and raped me a couple of times and then sold me to four, sometimes five men a day for $100 an hour. one time there was ten men mckinley one day. i thought i would never get apay. my pimp advertised me online at backpage .com. that is how the guys would buy me. i'm 13. >> bill: tell me about the fair girls group. >> an organization that among other things is trying to stop the trafficking of under aged girl. >> bill: she looked about 13. >> actually an actress playing a girl who was sold for trafficking and typically these situations happen through the internet on something called backpage .com. a website owned by village voice media. basically the number one website for prostitution but within that website there is a lot of underaged rossty tuesday and selling and trafficking going on there. it is disturbing.
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there are 19 senators, 51 attorneys general here in the united states people signing petitions all over the place. >> bill: this is a major media company that owns this thing, right? >> they own o the village voice and the l.a. weekly. you have seen those things. >> bill: why aren't they shutting it down? >> they are hiding behind free speech and saying look we have 100 people that are scanning and vetting and seeing all the advertising that comes in and we will report something if we think it seems shady. they will report it but still run the ad. >> bill: and a lot of the ads steer people to child prostitution. >> $27 million a year in that section. >> bill: i which they could have a criminal case against this media. little league game, parents getting out of control. roll the tape.
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hey. >> bill: that is nice for the kids, right? nice for the kids to see that? >> charm. here is the thing. the two teams are competing in georgia and they are going to be one of them will be going on to possibly compete for the little league world series. but apparently there was so much pressure on the parents that they had to go and fight. >> bill: what were they fighting over? >> the game was over actually and one of the parents was outside with some other people by the car blasting some music and celebrating and the other parent from the losing team comes over turn down the music and then i'm going to get you and the curse words flying around and the next thing you know they are on the ground. >> bill: arrests? >> arrested and disorderly conduct and they will be going to court in august. >> bill: the trend around the country we see this all the
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time video comes in all the time. hockey, soccer, little league. where the parents are out of control. and i'm not really understanding that. i mean i played little league and i played baseball for 17 years. >> i have seen, personally i have seen this myself. >> bill: you have seen it personally? >> i have. i won't talk about who i have seen it with. some people really need to take a step back. >> bill: people are crazy. i think they beer up in the stands. the guy sitting there with the cooler throwing them down and then you have that. >> the paper bag is not diet coke. >> bill: never an excuse for that. children are there and watching this. >> they should be banned from going to the games the two people. >> bill: up next, the factor tip of the day. it has to do with the jersey shore this evening. that is 60 seconds away. anothe?
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how long is this one going to last? forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so what's it going to be, partner? 5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy.
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>> factorrative of the day in just a moment. but first, the mail... >> well, most americans are not ideological, morley and are not invested in politics. they see the president on tv and they like him. same thing was true of president bush, even though the iraq war became unpopular, most americans still liked him, personally.
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>> as you should be, leeza. >> you know, that's a great point and tons of factor viewers made the same point you did. i should have thought of that in the discussion yesterday. would they have been the psychologists been so cavalier if it had been a girl surrounded by men? >> and it is. that's why we do it because we want to shame these people into stopping this kind of stuff. but in america today, jason, outrage is
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fireball. >> (bleep). >> come on. >> 90,000 gallons of ethanol exploded when 11 cars derailed columbus, ohio. two people were hurt during a second explosion walking along the tracks to investigate. the cause of the crash may have been a mechanical failure. after spending a decade behind bars to get osama bin laden's body guard and driver is now a free man. he is in his country of sudan. he confessed to charges of conspiracy and supporting terrorism. his release is the first detainee convicted under the obama administration's revised policy to be transferred back home. george zimmerman will be released later today. this is a first look at what fb,i agents had in their investigation. sglirm man says he shot and ll
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