tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News July 14, 2012 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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he invested in companies that have been called pioneers of out sourcing. i don't want to pioneer in out sourcing. i want insourcing. i want to bring companies back. >> former governor romney says he left bane in 1999 to head up the olympics in salt lake city and calls the obama campaign attacks on his tenure at bane including new ads out today, quote, beneath the presidency. rom nay did interviews with all of the broadcasts and cable newschannel to push back on the uhing tays and chided the president for allowing his campaign team to make such comments such as the felony remark. >> the american people look at it and say this is politics a lot worse than usual. and they expected more from this president. he was the one that talked about a post partisan presidency, a change in the way politics worked, a change in the way washington worked. and i think people assumed we would make it better.
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with the kinds of attacks he was launching over the last several weeks he was making it worse. >> rom nay says oat bough ma campaign is going after bane capital to shift the political dialogue away from talk about the economy. romney says it is an effort to, quote, save his campaign since the president has been unsuccessful in getting people back to work. kelly, back to you. >> molly live from washington. ?ai despite the controversy president obama is continuing his attacks on governor romney's record at bane capital. while the governor's position there does not disqualify him, it does president mean he is the best man for the job. >> when some people questioned why i would challenge his main record, the point i made in the past is if you are ahead of a large private eke what you tee firming -- firm or hedge fund your job is to create money. it is not to create jobs or not even a successful business. it is to make sure you are
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maximizing for your investor. that's the person way. that's part of the system. but that doesn't necessarily make you qualified to think about the economy as a whole. >> who is the better man to get america's economy back on track? a fox news political analyst and jimoo green, former fox news contributor and great to see you both today. >> thanks for having us. >> i will start with you, angela and just ask you, bane again? i feel like this is deja vu. is this more than the president and his administration's effort, let's say or trying to divert the attention away from how the economy is doing now? >> it is a diversion, but this is what the liberal strategy has been, and it has been a smart one. jaime, in running politics, the first rule is never let your opponent define your message. and clearly mitt rom nay needs to give back -- romney needs to give back on message and what he needs to do to create
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a better america and a better economy and talk about what this president hasn't done. he needs to remain on the offensive. 75% of the american people really don't care about mitt romney's wealth or his investments or offshore accounts. >> the president and his administration are going back to the same thing about bane capital. this way stepping much further in terms of accusations. maybe you can help us understand sph you -- understand if you are running any business you try not to over spend and under employ. the president has done that to the administration. why criticize governor romney if he made money by having to do some of the things a business model requires? >> jaime, clearly governor romney has maids -- has made his time at bane capital the crux of his argument about his
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experience that would lead him to be a good president and to be able to handle the economy. goodness gracious i so wish we were not having a conversation about romney's resume when the economy is at such an important issue when there is so many bigger things that we should be talking about. the president has a choice to do that. the presidencies the jobs numbers that come out every week. and instead of going back in time, why not focus on where they are and what he is going to do. >> he has been focusing on that. he did that quite well in virginia this week and on the bus tour that he is embarking on. he has been talking about his policies, talking about what he would like congress to do to take action to work with him to fix the economy. but governor romney's entire campaign strategy is based around his time as ceo. it is armed with the information and let the voters
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decide. >> what are the other issues that governor romney and we have talked about that. >> obama care will go immediately, buts he will -- but he will lax regulations. that's what pushes jobs overseas. government regulations chokes capitalism. what mitt romney will do to increase prosperity and reduce poverty is give maury responsibility to the -- more responsibility to the american people and not have big brother say, hey, let me take care of you if you give me your vote. that has been the basis of obama's administration. when you have the department of agriculture running radio ads about food stamps and the secretary of agriculture saying food stamps add to our economy and mitt romney doesn't have anywhere on his website saying bane capital is a part of my resume that will make me a better president, then obama has on his website about what he will do and his policy. >> he has very little information on his website about what he will do.
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but we do know that he would basically put back into place the policies that destroy the economy to begin with. but he refuses to run on his record as governor of massachusetts because, guess what, he can't. it is not a good record. he took the state backward on his unemployment. >> he runs on his health care plan that introduced a mandate to begin with. he said vote for me because i was a great ceo of bane, but not after 1999, not for these small amount of years. only for the years he wants to count. >> angela brings up a good point about the balanced budget. under this administration we haven't had one. we don't even have a budget just like every household in america has had to have under these trying times. >> and the democrat and leader has not even passed a budget in the senate in three years. >> i am not even stating an opinion on that. that's fact for our viewers to know. if you think that governor romney continues to bring up
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bane in touting his ability to run our country economically, why does the president continue to raise it as well? why doesn't the president educate voters on what he thinks is the direction the country is going or is that something he would prefer not to talk about because he even admitted it is not going in the direction he would like it to. >> every day the president's campaign educates voters on the policies and his put forwards to drive our economy and make it stronger. but clearly when the number one priority from republicans and coming is to destroy this president their priority is not about fixing the economy then yes it is going to be hard to get to a place of progress. >> these are some of obama's quotes. we don't want their policy. we want our policy. he wants to out source. i want to insource. that has nothing to do with the fact that in the black community our unemployment rate has gone up. in the latino community it is 11%.
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women are more unemployed than they were in the bush days. the bottom line is obama is still playing the blame game. he is still blaming congress. he is still blaming republicans. and just as you said if mitt romney is in office he will take us back to the policies put us in this. >> angela, i have to leave it there. i just find it interesting that the two things that america wants, less government regulation, less spending, and if it takes fewer jobs because many say even the federal jobs are just way too many, if that is what bane is being accused of doing, i don't understand why the president keeps bringing it up. but we will talk between about it because it is not going away. >> stop the secrecy. that will stop the problem. >> i have to go. >> sounds like you are describing the transparency we heard a lot about too. take care both of you. >> thank you. >> i believe i still hear them talking. anyway, moving along, the president and republicans trading jabs over extending the bush tax cuts. in the weekly republican internet address senator rob
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portman says the president's plan to let cuts expire for americans earning more than $250,000 will hurt small businesses. >> today instead of lifting the burden on job creators, the president is once again calling for a massive tax increase on nearly one million small businesses that employ tens of millions of americans. i guess he still thinks the private sector is doing just fine. well, the private sector is not fine. in raising taxes on job creators during a job shortage makes as much sense as cutting off a water supply during a drought. >> well, in his weekly address, the president denouncing, quote, unnecessary drama over his plan. take a listen. >> one path pushed by republicans and congress and their nominee for president says the best way to create prosperity is to let it trickle down from the top. if they spend billions more on tax cuts for the wealthy they will somehow create jobs even if way have to pay for it by gutting education and training
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and by raising middle class taxes. i think they are wrong. we already tried it that way for most of the last decade. and it didn't work. >> so here we are with the big question, who is right in all of this? coming up, we will talk to david nelson, the chief strategist for bell point asset management. >> good information from that interview too. president obama's campaign is mourning the tragic loss of one of their staff members, alex ok re n died suddenly yesterday, collapsing at the president's campaign headquarters in chicago. he had been with the obama team since 2004 in the media department. when the president got the news he tweeted, quote, a beloved member of our campaign family passed away. our prayers are with his loved ones. we will miss you,al lengs. alex. another fox news alert right now. u.n observers are arriving at the site of a reportedly deadly masacre in central syria. activists saying more than 220 people were killed in the deadliest attacks since the
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start of the uprising. plus we are getting word now of another dangerous and significant development. fox news now confirming that syrian forces are moving stockpiles of chemical agents out of storage. raising fears that the regime is preparing to use them among the weapons and there is mustard gas musters the body. there is more on the threat later in hour. >> secretary of state hillary clinton is in egypt. she is calling on the civilian leaders to work together and complete the transition to democracy. we go live to the region. leyland? >> it would be hard for this to come at a more critical time right now in egypt's history. the united states and egypt for three decades enjoyed
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close relationships. and now at best it is a shaky relationship. secretary clinton met with president mohamed more see there. it is important to remember that mohamed more see was in jail for being a member of the muslim brotherhood. there is concern that morisey is going to move farther away from close relations from the united states and israel and take an islamist view of foreign policy in the united states for egypt. morisey is involved in a bit of a power struggle. he has a close relationship with the egyptian army and a strained relationship with the egyptian army as they are trying to figure out who has the upper hand and who has the real power. the united states would like to see the army keep the upper hand in that relationship. secretary clinton has offered hundreds of millions of dollars in debt relief and other kinds of aid to the egyptians. we have a map to show you what the united states is going to be looking for.
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of course they will be looking for continued intelligence sharing, peace along the egyptian-israeli border which is a key area there and part of the peace agreement between egypt and israel and egypt taking control of the cyanide. lastly the u.s. having priority access to the suez canal which is critical to the united states navy. the real concern over u.s. diplomats is egypt will go the way of turkey. turkey a few years ago had a close relationship with the united states. the army was in control. a member of nato. they elected an islam president and it has gone adrift when it comes to a close ally to the united states of the in israel there is a lot of concern among leaders, and they will not vocalize it publicly. they say no matter what morisey says in a press conference they are very concerned about a muslim brotherhood president there in egypt. back to you, jaime. >> leyland, thank you so
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much. why some say president obama's push to raise taxes on some americans could actually impact job creation and stunt job growth. >> you wouldn't expect this, but an olympic uniform flap causing ralph lauren to change his tune. would it become the outrage over these? >> and with 46 million americans now living in poverty, a humanitarian organization is doing what it can to help the needy. coming up, we will take a closer look at this convoy of hope, and how it is making a difference. >> government has a role to play , but government can't do everything. that's what we are hoping to show in our 50-state tour. we are going into communities and showing communities that neighbors can't help nay are bos. help neighbors.
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reports of high unemployment and a stagnant economy is pushing more americans below the poverty line. the u.s. census bureau has startling numbers in fact. 46 million americans are now living in poverty. the highest number in more than 50 years. in today's beyond the dream we focus on convey of hope.
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it is a fight against poverty. for 18 years convoy of hope has been dispatching its trucks to deliver food, water, clothing and other essentials to areas where people are in dire need. the organization is now on a 50-state tour to deliver $50 million in goods and services to the poor. >> poverty is not isolated. it is everywhere. it is widespread. in every state, virtually every community people are in need. >> reporter: al donaldson is the head of convoy of hope. al experienced the pain of poverty himself after a family tragedy. >> my dad was hit by a drunk driver and killed. she was unable to work for quite some time. our family had to go on welfare and food stamps. but that wasn't enough. it was really the generousity of neighbors who had come to our door week after week with bags of groceries.
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>> years later during a mission trip to calcutta donald son met with mother theresa. what she said to him helped drive a fueling passion to help the poor. she said "everyone can do something." i came back to the states and we loaded up a pick up truck and went to a needy area and started passing outgrows res. >> since then convoy of hope has been helping people around the world. providing a poverty free day for families in need. in each city thousands lineup to get help and find hope through convoy. they provide a full menu of services, groceries, free haircuts, clothing, dental and medical screenings and in america the breast cancer foundation provides free ma'am tbrams for women, and the group also responds to disasters. when an f5 tornado devastated the city convoy of hope was there. they are currently building new hope for some of the
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families left homeless because of the storm. the senior director says the new homes are designed to withstand another storm. >> they are all poured concrete walls. we have worked closely with fema on this new resilient package of construction. so the people that are taking ownership of these homes can really be secure and feel secure the next time a tornado happens to come through the area. >> and from the distribution center in missouri convoy of hope can provide an abundance of food throughout america. donaldson says the purpose of convoy of hope is to connect people in need with people who can help them escape the nightmare of poverty. >> government has a role to play, but government can't do everything. that's what we are showing through our 50-state tour. we are going into communities and showing communities that neighbors can help neighbors. there are a lot of resources in those communities that already exist. programs that already exist. convoy helps bring them
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together. churches, government, civic organizations all working together to help their community be a better place to live. >> fox's governor mike huckabee says the convoy of hope is on to something special here. their strategy says of uniting neighbors to rally resources provides long-term local solutions to poverty. for more information on convoy of hope go to fox fox >> i have seen him in action. great work. serious concerns for america's job creators. how some republicans say the president pushed to raise taxes and it could punish everyone on the unemployment line. and new threats out of syria. the u.n is investigating the reported mass killing of more than 220 people there. fox news confirms syrian forces are moving massive stockpiles of chemical agents out of storage.
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a possible new threat against the syrian people. u.n observers arriving in a farming village to investigate reports of mass killings of more than 220 people. this as fox news confirms that syria may be relocating some of its chemical arsonal, possibly including nerve gas and mustard gas and cyanide. this of course raising new fierce that the regime is preparing to use these chemical agents against its own people. does this escalate the crisis even further? jim walsh who is an international security expert with mit securities. jim, i want to get to you first. does this show that syria is willing to take out its own people using chemical agents? >> i would not rule that possibility out. this is a nasty civil war. remember the rulers of syria are an ethnic and religious minority. the majority population opposes them.
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but there is no place for them to go. if they lose, they are done. they will probably be killed. this is one of these nasty fights, these civil wars in which anything is possible. it would be a big step, and the international community is warning against it. i don't think you can take that off the table. >> let me read something, a statement from secretary of state hillary clinton, an excerpt of that. she said syria cannot be peaceful, stable or democratic until assad goes and a political transition begins. she went on to add, as long as the assad regime continues to wage war against the syrian people, the international community must keep increasing the pressure on the regime to halt the violence and allow for a political solution to go forward. do you believe, jim, that the u.n security council has the resolve to get tough on the syrian government to force them to stop the escalating violence? >> basically no. i don't think russia will support any move by the security council or the u.n that would impose really
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severe threatening sorts of pressure or authorize the use of force against syria. russia and syria are allies. russia is shipping support and material and equipment to syrian military during this period. i don't see russia allowing that. what sinting about that statement, kelly -- what is interesting about that statement, kelly is it is framing this as we want uh sad to go. assad to go. maybe there is something in that group that could replace him and have that be the way out of this rather than a fight to the death in which one side exterminates the other. or in which all you get afterwards is extremism. that seems to be what people are hoping for is that assad will step aside and maybe something else can be arranged. but qaddafi was killed, saddam was killed, you know if you are uh sod you can't think your odds are good. let's go to that point. you mentioned qaddafi was killed, but qaddafi was killed because of nato and some of the arab nations banded
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together to cause some sort of military intervention in libia. do you see any scenario like that equivalent to taking place in syria? could the united states, nato and some arab nations begin to look at assad say you have to go and perhaps provide some military support? >> i think that's unlikely. you know, libia was sort of a pretend country. that's in terms of its development and infrastructure. syria getting -- getting involved in a civil war in syria is a big deal, and no one wants that. you would be bloody by that immediately. you are -- the people you are supporting will commit atrocities, the pile you are opposing will commit -- the people you are opposing will commit atrocities. the one possibility, and it is not very high, turkey will intervene. turkey wants to support syria, and they are angry with syria. and if that were to escalate, that would be one way in which a country would intervene.
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otherwise everyone will do everything in the background. right now the sallies and the qataris are shipping things to the rebels, russia and iran are supporting syria, so it is bea hind the scenes. >> before i let you go, there is the fear that assad could be losing control of his government. there could be defections. given that fact, how much control does he have over the chemical weapons? might they fall into the wrong hands? >> the simple answer is we don't know what the level of control is. my guess is it is pretty good. my guess is they want to hold on to them maybe even for political leverage or an exit strategy of their own, or to use on, sadly, perhaps to use against the population. but the bottom line here is we do not know, and we are not going to know for some time. >> that is the assessment of what is going on in syria. we thank you for your perspective as always. good day to you. >> thank you. >> to the uk now, kelly, where british forces are ramping up
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security. the nation's royal air force is placing airy strixes around lon -- air restrictions around london. surface to air missiles are in place. and jets and helicopters with snipers will be patrolling the restricted zone. 3500 british troops will step in to protect the city after a private contractor failed in its promise to deliver more than 10,000 security guards. the move brings the total number of military personnel protecting the games to 17,000. from olympic security to olympic fashion, clothing company ralph lauren changing its tune after it was discovered that those red, white and blue team usa uniforms were actually made in china. that revelation sparking outrage in washington. they demanded the uniforms be remade. the u.s. olympic committee says it is too late for that, but ralph lauren is now promising american made uniforms for the 2014 winter games in russia.
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the 2012 chevrolet camero zl1 is the most powerful camero ever made. rightfully so. it will do 0 to 60 in less than four seconds, and has a top speed of 184 miles per hour. i like that. now we go on a zl1 test drive. >> looks like this, you better have the goods to back them up. this car definitely does. the 2012 chevrolet camero zl1 is the most powerful camero ever made and has enough technology under the skin to make bumblebee jealous. that is a 6.2 liter 580 horsepower v8. might as well have the words burnout machine written right on it of the maybe not because the zl1 has a launch control system and will power down perfectly every time. with it, it will do 0 to 60 in less than four seconds, a quarter mile in less than 12
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and on its way to a top speed of 184 miles per hour. all of the magnetically controlled shocks that can adjust a thousand times a second. so if something happens to the front wheels, the real wheels have time to react to it. the zl one's biggest trick is its performance traction management system. it basically lets you turn the wheel, slam on the gas and figures out what to do on its own. it is like having your own personal driving instructor built into the car. some might call it cheating, but it is just so much fun. i am going to be honest with you. i am not a big fan of the regular camero. they are kind of clumsy. this is anything but. of course, all of that performance comes at a please, and i am not talking about the $55,000 on the window sticker. for all of this technology the zl1 gets 19 miles per gallon on the highway and 14 in the city. thars -- that's the more fuel
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efficient manual transmission version. as bad as that sounds, you are going to think it is a lot worse when you drive in it like this. in montecello, new york, fox news. >> gary, you forgot to invite me to that one. if you want to learn more about the 2012 chevy camero zl1 go to fox car report. >> i checked it out. there is more in the george zimmerman-trayvon murder case. the prosecution released piles of documents, 300 new pages with key witness testimony and never before seen interviews. coming up, what the important papers mean for the case. >> and a major issue on the campaign trail, taxes. president obama wants to raise taxes on on some americans in this fragile economy. republicans say that isn't -- that's exactly the wrong thing to do. >> president obama says this tax hike is about fairness.
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it has become the hot new issue in washington. president obama pushing to let the bush era tax cuts expire for americans making more than $250,000 a year. republicans say that will hurt many small business owners who report business profits as personal income. listen to both sides right now. >> today instead of lifting the burden on job creators the president is calling for a massive tax increase on nearly one million small businesses that employs tens of millions of americans. i guess he still thinks the private sector is doing just fine. well, the private sector is not fine. and raising taxes on job creators during a job shortage
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makes as much sense as cutting off a water supply during a drought. >> one path pushed by republicans in congress and their nominee for president says the best way to create prosperity is to let it trickle from the top. if we spentd trillions -- if we spend trillions more on tax cuts it will create swrobs. even if we have to pay for it by gutting education, training and raising middle class taxes. i think they are wrong. we already tried it that way for most of the last decade, and it didn't work. >> how will this affect job creation and will it stunt job growth? the chief strategist joins us now, and how will this affect job growth? it is not -- >> it is not good at all. frankly the president is 10ering to the base. he has had a rough couple months and he is trying to
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move the political stage and get the focus off the economy. that's going to be very difficult to do. the economic message is being drowned out by the bad economic data i see each and every day. >> that is tough to deal with. let's look at what the president's plan actually provides small firms represent 9.7% of all employer firms who account for 65% new jobs created between 1993 and 2009. out of that 2.5% would pay higher rates if the bush tax cuts were allowed to expire for those in the top. so here is the question, david, if 2.5% would pay high taxes how would that have a bad impact on the economy? >> are you talking about a million businesses that employ 10 million people. their taxes are going up. that will cut across every sector. these are the job creators. i know people don't like to
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use that word. business is a bad word. but businesses can hire more money. when they make less money they cannot do that. what i find is when you are pandering to your political base you get a group of middle class americans, and you tell them their life is the result of people who have more. that's not leadership. i don't like it. it is class warfare. if you want to get something done, focus on real tax code reforming. they had a great plan, and he didn't follow the advice. >> i was just going to ask you about that. the president of course hand picked it himself. it was a bipartisan panel and he went out and found out what to do about today's economy to create job wealth and job creation. what happened to that plan? >> i don't know, and what pisses me off and pisses off a lot of your listeners is the fact that both sides of the aisle, the leaders privately endorse many aspects of this plan and say at the least this
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is a great place to start. but publicly they won't do so because it doesn't follow political lines. and what that tells me is that really both sides of the aisle are looking for a huge sweep. the presidency, the senate and the house, and then they will make the decisions. it is another form of kicking the can down the road. it is not really working, is it? >> i get you are angry, so let's choose a better word than the one chosen because there are younger people watching. it seems you are upset with the republican side of the aisle. both have emerged with plans from which you are telling me is not doing well for the job creation and the job growth we want to see in america. it is all about jobs, jobs, jobs. what do you recommend? >> what i recommend is that people take a hard look at the plan. it is a moment of truth. it is a brilliant document.
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it is not political leaders and it is a great place to start. we need to reform the tax code and get rid of the loopholes. we need to broaden the tax base and we need to flatten the tax rate. >> all right, we thank you there. continue to be angry, but continue to step up and do the right thing. >> you got it. >> thanks. hundreds of pages of new evidence released in the trayvon martin trial. it is the fbi's findings on the race role that it may have played in the shooting. was it racism? what does this mean in the case against george zimmerman. wait until you hear from our panel. they are coming up on this.
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it is pretty stunning. new evidence released in the george zimmerman-trayvon martin case. they released e-mails and interviews with witnesses all told 300 pages. the interviews were done by the fbi. they were all part of an investigation. and in conclusion it found no direct evidence that zimmerman had any racist feelings. that racism had nothing to do with any alleged crime. what does it mean for the case against zimmerman? let's bring in attorney david
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schwartz who is a defense attorney. david, if you had this case, it is a doozie. first, the stand your ground law gives the judge a chance to look at the case. the judge -- first, what do you think about that, does he deserve a different judge? >> no, unless there is actual evidence to show that the judge is prejudice against his client, you know, as long as you get a fair trial you can't judge pick. you can't judge pick and do all of this stuff unless you have hard evidence of the judge's prejudice, and i don't see any evidence of that so far. >> so now additional hate crime charges could have been brought especially if this report and the prosecutor could still 2 ahead of it, but racism had nothing to do with the death of trayvon martin at the hands of george zimmerman. does this really help
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zimmerman's case if he is charged and convicted of murder? >> he is charged with murder in the case. if they are able to get the charges there may be other prior bad acts that the prosecution -- that they ordinarily wouldn't be able to use in a normal prosecution. so far there is no evidence of a hate crime at all. >> very, very interesting. let's talk about at least some of the things that stuck out at me and however legally thinking about it they say he has a hero complex. he has not necessarily abuse, but an abusive childhood. is any of that relevant or admissible? >> it depends on what kind of defense the defense is going
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to use. if it is a standard, stand your ground self-defense case, then his history growing up is not going to be relevant whatsoever. it is not like there is a psychological defense involved in this case. the hero complex could possibly help the prosecution if they are able to get an expert witness in to explain the hero complex. and that may have an affect on the self-defense. we'll see how that plays out. >> interesting. let's ask kirsten wilson who is joining us now. where do you think the state attorney is right now in thinking? you have a judge who has been a little disgruntled about the fact that he felt george zimmerman and his wife laid about the finances they had. now this report comes back potentially no hate crime charges, but he is still charged with murder. how strong is the case? >> it definitely took some blows with this new evidence that was released for all of the reasons you just spoke about. the elimination of the race
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card is a huge piece of the case. it certainly as we have seen throughout the country is one that has brought an emotional charge to it that has captured everyone's attention. but there are some things that are helpful, the hero complex. a lot is going to go to the reasonableness of the actions on that day. and there is consistent testimony from a new eyewitness that says she saw someone on top of the other person during the fight, and that person ended up dead on the ground. >> let me ask you one thing, i have never seen so many inconsistencies between testimony given and bandages and he told police his head was hit on the concrete multiple times. the physician assistants say no cat scan or x ray is necessary. why are we hearing so much information when they haven't had a jury seated? >> you know, i often have thought about that and what is going through angela cory's
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head. i think a lot is to deflate the expectations of the population. it is to the strength of this case. any case though that you are dealing with, a -- are you dealing with a criminal defense and you have eyewitnesses and you will have consistencies. within the police department itself people said he had a bloody nose and injuries and others said they didn't notice anything of the what we do know is that there is some evidence by eyewitnesses that does support the way that zimmerman has portrayed the case including the contact residue from the bullet hole in the sweatshirt which is important. >> i am out of time kirsten and david. he wasn't charged for 44 days. we will learn more about the case. thanks to both of you. and thanks to you for being here. kelly, great to see you. jay great to see you. stay where are you. sister where you are.
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will he take fellow democrats and maybe some republicans with him? plus mitt romney addresses the naacp to cheers and jeers. other republican nominees have skipped it. so was it worth his time? and it is being haled by some as the answer to the housing crisis. local government seizing underwater mortgages through eminent domain. will that put a stop to foreclosures ? >> i am not proposing anything
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radical here. i just believe anybody making over $250,000 a year should go back to the income tax rates we were paying under bill clinton. >> welcome to "the journal editorial report." that was president obama on monday envoking bill clinton in his call to raise taxes on americans making more than $250,000 a year. he says his proposal isn't radical at all. so will congressional democrats and maybe even some republicans follow him off that tax cliff? let's ask "wall street journal" columnist and deputy editor and jason riley and columnist mary annastacia o'grady. mary, we have this huge tax cliff. everybody believes because of the expiring tax provisions there would be a big potential hit in january on the economy. first substantively is it affecting economic growth? >> sure it is. the big word out there is uncertainty. people feel uncertain. by the
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