tv Huckabee FOX News July 15, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am EDT
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>> we developed a plan who give people stuck in the welfare hole a ladder to independence. in my state with 90 percent of the legislature being democrats it was not a easy sell if we removed government life support and insisted on able body people getting to work. we would have massive dying in the streets and sleeping in the park and starving. >> that's how disconnected the far left is. thanks to responsible democrats and willing to work with me. we passed a strong welfare reform bill. insteved people tarve dying, unemployment numbers went down and poverty rates declined we learned a lot. mostly if you create a system
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that opinions people and rewords them for dependency. you get more. >> we learn thad they are not looking in imbition . but they lacked a simple household device they never needed before. an alarm clark. people who didn't have to work're worry about being a a job on time didn't need an alarm clock. the essential tool of moving people. insistence of having to work to collect benefits was not cruel. what was cruel was to trap people permanently in the pit of a system that caused people to depend on politicians and made them providing them. it was not federal for the people on welfare.
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now the obama wants to go back to the days when welfare checks can be given without the stringent works and helping people to be able to stand on their own two feet. why would anyone propose such a stupud reversal. and remember, it is it not about the people. it is the power that politicians want to have the people. real strength of a government program is not how many people are on. but independent enough to not have to need it joining me now is it the original architect of welpear reform. former wisconsin governor tommy towns han and now running for the united states
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senate full disclosure. and endorsed the jam pain. that i can make being chage. what is the heart of the what makes welfare reform work. >> the fact people have to go up in the morning and go to work and get themselves out of poverty. you can't get out of the pov are they by not working and the welfare mothers reponded . we provide for help for them and assistance and they had to get yup look for a job and
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work. they were happier. and they got out of poverty and funerally people are listening and hand up instead of a hand out. there is it a new posal that let states have a waiver. i want it it get your reaction on that. >> i am indignant on that. we know it is wrong headed. and unemployment goes down when people are working and we know that individuals get out of the poverty when they are work this is it a slap in the face to those people who are on welfare. we want you to stay there and you will be able to vote for us and hand out things when we feel like temperature
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you can go out and contract to society and that makes america so much better president obama and kathleen sebluous. they introduce a rule that emas cullates the ten independence and opportunity for poor people to get ahead. it is wrong and i am repulsed by it >> governor thompson, you are getting a nice round of applause. and you actually served in addition to being the governor that created the movement you were also the health and human services secretary. i am wondering does the secretary have the right to overturn the statutory environment in the welfare reform bill. is that waved by the
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secretary. >> onliurped the social waiver power when it given to the second to do it. it was veted by bill clinton and now he said it is one of the greatest accomplishments of his administration. it is no opportunity to waive it. and secretary of health and human service. is oud of the scope of the law and i think it is a mistrach and i think somebody will bring a lawsuit and if somebody innocent i will. i will say that the secretary of health and human services doesn't have the authority or waive something that is in the secretary doesn't give the secretary absolute discretion to do so. it is it outside of the scope of her authority. the obama administration said it is just plexibility. we know that it is total
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nonsense. this is not a state that give one cent. it lemoves the most powerful part of welfare reform by insisting on education requirement to get benefits it is it like the mafia chieftan to get a tribute ask given protection. what do we do to change it and how do we make americans understand the change. >> it is on top of that. governor, we are borying money out of china to contribute to the program and say you are not having to work. and no one really wants that. you know, something no body governor introduced legislation.
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they will try to circumvent it and the mafia chiefs and it is it a politician to get votes. you don't have to work and so vote for me. i am repulsed by it we need to start a lawsuit. and the public office who believes in the individual and believe that they make it on their own. the government have to do everything for them. thank you very much. always a pleasure to visit with you. and again, i am delighted you can talk because no one knows about the entire process mar than you do. thank you for being with us. >> thank you, my freened. >> well, these are folks who went through med school and internships residencies and built many successful health care practices. many say obama care is throwing that in the medical
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waste bin. we'll tell them why the president's health care law is driving them out of medicine. stay with us. . i would love to hear fru. go to michael-- mikemuck or sign up on facebook and who are you, really? country? rocker? glam? take off that mask and see! clean makeup won't fake up... won't clog your pores so it lets your skin breathe. it lets you be you! flawlessly. clean makeup. from easy breezy beautiful. covergirl.
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we sent e-mails who said doctors were quitting the practice because of obama care. >> it the doctor sole his practice arizona. and another doctor is laying off employees and strugling to keep the doors open. i want to say thanks to all of you who are here. you posted a sign outside of the office and we have a shot here. it was a reminder to your patients. if you voited for obama care, be aware that the doors will close before it goes into affect. was not an empty promise. you said it was done. why. >> i never expected the picture to come back two years later, it is it a threat to the practice of medicine and doctors and these threats are
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going on for 20 years. this is what the public doesn't understand. the swords are hanging over the doctor's head in the early 90s and coding system changed. it is so complex, you can't comply. if a pulmonary patient writes a social history down it is it enough. now it is the dates down. if he doesn't have that information he is fined $11,000. and the government has auditors in that charge you with the percentage of all of the charts they evaluate literally, i could be fined for over two million if they wanted to find things like that to charge me with. >> it will hit you with the cost of installing tron - tron elect tronic. >> it would be 25,000.
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fiinstall the software right now. you don't know if it is viable two years from now. it if they don't have a computer system. it is $50,000 toor $75,000. and if your kids are not in college and massive fines. do you want to deal with this? everything that the government is doing impair our ability to do it and we went to medicine to do a job that was valuable and it is turned upside down. >> dr. hanson you can't take medicare or medicare because you are not reimbursed. >> they don't know what we are paid. they don't know eob's in the. >> it is it an explanation of benefits. you get something from your medicare statement and tells you what the doctor charge medicare and insurance paid
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and what is left over that everybody writes off. >> i can charge $100 for a visit. but if the medicare or medicare is $25, i write off 75. >> 75 percent. >> some plans are 40 percent. write off. and we get 60 percent of what we charge and that is across the board. some plans pay more and others much less. >> if the government expands medicaid, that means those patients walk in you lose roughly 40 cents on the >> medicaid is there a sevens on the >> and there are not enough medicaid providers. i ped triddings says behind me said are you on medicaid. don't get on it and it is too much paperwork. medicaid, our practice had to
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make a decision to stay on medicare. and 15 percent was medicare. you need to close or sell out your practice or stop taking medicare. >> and soul of the promise that the president is taking more people. not if you guys quit. a cardiologist in philadelphia and you have been part of a practice and it is so tough to make. most people think cardiologist are roll nothing dough. you had to reach in your own pocket to pay your employees. that is a shot. there is no money made in your practice. >> cardiology is affected by medicare. back in 2010, medicare made devastating cuts to that is done in the office that resulted in approximately 75 percent of the cardiologist are employed by hospital and private practice is dying out. and our reimbursement went
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down and expenses went up because of all of the complex medicare regulations . we have to maintain a large staff. expenses are going up we are not getting paid enough to maintain a viable business. it got to the breaking point where four physicians left my practice. and it was so frustrated he quit and whether he returns to practice remains to be seen. it is upsetting to the patients. people calling in tears that their doctors left and the staff is spending time on the phone. >> you guys went to college and four years of medical school and internship and six years of residency and established your practice and lurned to be good of what you do. this policy that is supposed to be so wonderful is causing you to say i can't do this anymore and you are making
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less than members of congress. doctors are not getting rich. doctors on average they earn less than members of congress and with all due respect what congress does ain't nearly as important as what these guys do. we'll do something that president obama should have done and never got around to and that is it listen to the doctors of how to fix health care. stay with us. . but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you. [ male announcer ] we believe small things can make a big difference. like how a little oil from here can be such a big thing in an old friend's life.
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from your patient when you are saying you are done. >> i have been vocal about this for years. i was in a resource and putting my mind in full gear and the government came into the fold and it is it getting worse and worse and worse. i can't put out of my head every time i saw a medicare patient i was at risk for $11,000 fine. my patients understood full well. i had cards thanking me, to my surprise. and it is not something i liked but i was fearful of being bankrupted by the system. >> would you advice a young person to go into medicine. >> i have a nanny, michigan state grad and smart gurl and got her a job at nasa and thinking about medical school i said cheril. don't do it and now i regret
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that, because i want the ethical people to be in medicine. i said you will be a government employee and 10 years of your life are taken away from you as far as anything social and she's in biomedical engineering. and i felt bad after and hindsight, i should have told her to g. i want good people in medicine. >> you want to encourage them. >> yeah, i tell them it has to be a calling like a pastor and teacher. never do it for the mon yeheartaches but only because you love patients. >> there is it a likelihood you may get out of the private practice and be the employee of a hospital. >> right. >> what are the disadvantages to the patients if you are no longer in private practice. care what the hospital think. how are the patients affected. >> the patients are affected. it is an access to care issue. the question is does the
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hospital have the resources to accomdate the patients that need testing done the hospitals may not be geared toup handling those people. the other issue if you are an outpatient co-pay is higher as well. and reimbursements for the same tests that are done in the office and hospital are much, much higher to the hospital. and so it is costing medicare more money to pay for the tests to be done. >> both as a taxpayer we pay more and patients are going to pay more. talk about your prescription and if you could fix obama care and maybe we could read it we'll have to do it. >> and what was your obama care. >> health care experiences tax dedictable and get rid of employer based health care system make people responsible.
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realize we are paid so little that their co-pay is the cash flow for our business. it is it hard. >> that is. dr. pence your prescription for obama care. >> to me mal practice reform is a huge issue. [applause] it is estimated by some that mal practice adds 50 to 100 billion to health care cost and that is even in washington a lot of money. think of how much health care
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you could provide with that money. >> thank you. for the clarity of your answers and helping audience at home that this is a causes and it is caused by government and not fixed by government. i hope people are paying attention and listening. we group to listen to our doctors. and folks, we ought to listen to our dollars. do you think the doctors know more about the practice of medicine than president obama does and the members of congress. i trust them a lot more and the fact that they worked this hard to be prepared and save your lives and we are make harder for them? this is surd. >> and you will not be -- i thank all of you for being here. up next i am answering your
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e-mails and hank williams daughter jet is jamming with the little rockers and talking about a movie. and called t [ female announcer ] you can make macaroni & cheese without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one from stouffer's. my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at
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>> international red cross formerly declaring the civil war nunsment observers hearing about more dozens killed in an attack on a village tuesday. reports say that attack was carried out by syrian crews. civil war by the red cross. declaration could play a part in the war crimes trials. a small army of volunteers joining the search for two young cousins in iowa. 8-year-old elizabeth collins and more res see was last seen in evansdale. their bikes were found by a nearby lake after they were reported missing.
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much of that lake has been searched. investigators are treating this as a missing person's case. the possibility the girls were kidnapped is not being ruled out. i am marianne rafferty. now back to huckabee. harris fat you right away back to huckabee. ♪ huckabee said he would send me all of those e-mails about my health care law. right. what is this? oh, no, he didn't. hey, cancel that trip to the naacp in houston, you know, the one i have been trying to avoid. now i have a real excuse not to go. i have to read all of these e-mails. article 9 definition of taxes and duty was broad. waivers of certain provision says of obama violate the constitution. >> what? one employee qualifying for health tax credit the employer
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must pay nondeductible tax. that is tough questions. i guess i am going to have to actually read my affordable care act. there has to be a easier way to raise taxes. >> yes, we sent all of your e-mail tots white house i am sure president obama is reading them now. but not for the lack of sending thep. we took them seriously. and you took them seriously we want to more with you and i will try to respond to as many as we can. you keep sending them and bill wants to know why we hear about nonsense of health care and taxes. can we run a country without a budget? the fact is, we can't. and that's why the count reap is in a mess. the u.s. senate their duty is to pass a budget and harry
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reid has not allowed a budget since 2009, we are three years and three months from having a budget presented on the senate floor. when you hear about the nasty house republicans. would you remember they had at least prepared budget after budget after budget sent it to the senate. if the senate doesn't like it they can draft their own. this bottles up the ones they get they pay their taxings and we can consume at least something insteved nothing. you are right the reason that a lot of companies move off shore is because our tax system chases them away. you are in business not to see
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how much money you can lose but make. by the way, the purpose of the business is not to create jobs. the purpose is to create capitol and return for investment for people who put money in the business and if you don't make it they will lose jobs are the by product of a successful company that makes money and without money, you can't hire people for the jobs. i can start a business and hire a hundred people. how are we going to pay it. i better make money and i caint pay them. that's what the nonsense when the president said all of the cutches are trying to make money. gosh, i hope so, if they don't no one can work for them. why is that so hard to know mr. president. >> eric holder made the statement. there is no evidence of voters
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fraud. really? multiple voters voters fraud documents. in mississippi a prosecutor went after an official who was a individual with the naacp in that community and 50 years of sentencing because of voters fraud. in texas, south carolina and my home state of arkansas, yes, people were convicted there and one of the relationships i am a christian and believe in the regulation resurrection. every election day i saw people rise up out of the grave and vote. there is it voters fraud. and that is why it is it absurd that the attempt to get dead people off of the voters rolls and see if people have a right to vote is not trying to keep them from voting but protecting the right of those who have a right to vote.
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if someone is vote and cancelling your vote and you are legitimate and you -- they are dead. it suppresses your vote. keep the dead in the grave and don't let them out on election day. i make no apology for that and i hope you don't either. go to huck mail at fox actor charles groden has a new role and he is a voice for prisoners who was harshly convicted for crimes they didn't commit. happy birthday! thank you, nana send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay.
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to make new ideas real. it's the cloud from at&t. with new ways to work together, business works better. ♪ >> hear my dail commentaries on the mike huckabee. get deat >> charles grobin has starred in movies and been in radio talk shows. he is helping people who are overcharged by the criminal justice system. ryan hole was convicted of first degree murder for a burglary. holly didn't kill the victim and was notine near the crime scene. he was sleeping at home. but he lent his car to friends and they used it to drive to the scene of the crime.
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holly was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. charles grodin. this is particularly troubling. this young man was not even near the scene of the crime. >> he was convicted of premeditated murder. he lent his car. he had no record and he writes me from prison and a yes, sir, and yes, ma'am kind of kid tells me about what he wants to do out of prison. he will not get out unless something is done about this. being an advocate for inmates who are unfairly in prison. i want to say a lot of people are let out of prison that are not -- or should not be let out. the chesshire murders in
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connecticut. kill the mother daughters and set the house on but the doctor survived. another case in florida. they broke in the house and killed a two year old sleeping baby boy. i don't think they should have been let out of prison. of all of the cases i have been involved with are nonviolent cases and i never saw a case like and if you are involved in a felony such as robbery that leads to a murder, then you are as guilty as the person who commits the murder and that's what felony murder is. and i have been involved in other felony murder cases. this is the first time i was involved in a case where the person was home asleep in bed and i told the prosecutor, who is now a judge, even he feels it is it too strange. a boy with no record and a
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fabulous kid, actually is serving life in prison with no chance of parole, and he was at home sleeping in bed. >> it would be one thing to be charged as an accessory and that would be the extent to be charged. but ryan holly is charged as if he pulled the trigger. how big of a problem is this in the country? >> felony murder role started in england and all parts of europe and abolished because of unintended consequences abolished in india. canadian supreme court ruled that a person should be held for his or her own tactions. and so america is the only count reap that retains this law and kentucky, michigan and hawaii have gotten rid of it. 47 of our states retain it and the perfect example of the unintended consequences is a good kid who is serving life in prison with no chance of
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parole. >> can the legislator change it? >> yes, they can. in hawaii and kentucky and michigan they d. unfortunately, i was in touch with a justice in one of those state to learn how this happened. i am deliberately not mentioning names. but the answer was money was involved and this is more sickening. >> i hope you continue the advocacy. this is an issue people don't talk about. you ought to care and it could be you or your son or daughter. the thought of life without parole. i agree with charles. there are people who shouldn't get out. but there are people who are in prison that don't need to spend the rest of their lives our prison director used to tell me. we lock up a lot of people because we are mad of them but not afraid of them. the people we lock up ought to
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be the ones we are afraid of. charles thank you for being here. hank williams daughter jet williams will join the little rockers with a classic who are you, really? country? rocker? glam? take off that mask and see! clean makeup won't fake up... won't clog your pores so it lets your skin breathe. it lets you be you! flawlessly. clean makeup. from easy breezy beautiful. covergirl. the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite. you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress."
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you want to listen to the radio? i ain't got a radio. you want one? i guess. no radio huh? >> no. how about a girl. you got yourself a girl? >> no, sir. you think there might be a connection there? >> joining me is hank's daughter jet williams it is so good to have you here. you were born five days after he died. >> he the official death is january 1st and they took his body to montgomery and i was born before the sun came up on the sixth. >> it was a touching part of the movie in which he went to the doctor that was going to deliver you, i mean that was part of the film and he wanted to make sure he took care of that baby and that is got to
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be special to know that your dad wanted to make sure you were taken care of. he had no way of knowing he , not meet you. he wantehis baby. and growing up adopted and find out hank williams was my father was important and what meant the world to me, my daddy wanted me and he didn't count on dying at 29. >> jet, you are going to do one of your dad's song. >> i would like to dedicate one to you. hey good looking. >> there is a future in politics if you can lie like that. >> i will just sing country music and politics take care of itself . ♪ ♪ hey good luckin. ♪ what you got cooking?
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♪ out -- how about cooking something up with me. ♪ hey sweet baby. ♪ don't you think maybe we can find a brand new recipe. ♪ i got a ford and i know it is right over the hill. snet and then if you want to have fun come along with me. ♪ hey good looking. ♪ what's you got cooking? ♪ how about cooking something up with me. ♪ i'm free and ready. ♪ so we are steady. ♪ how about saving your all of your time for me. ♪
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♪ no more looking. ♪ i know i have been cooking. ♪ how about keeping steady company. ♪ i am going to throw it over the fence. ♪ find me one. ♪ i wrote your name. ♪ hey good lookin. ♪ what you got cooking? ♪ how about cooking something up with cooking something up. ♪ how about cooking something up with me? [applause] >> thank you, jet and it was great to have you here and what a pleasure. see the film. don't miss it the last ride. go to the website the last ride film.comand down load it
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itunes and on amazon. i am mike huckabee from new york. good night and good bless. ♪ and crowd cheering sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering so, i'm walking down the street, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering just you know walking, sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering and i found myself in the middle of this paradeeet, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering honoring america's troops. sfx: sounds of marching bandnd and crowd cheering which is actually in tquite fitting becauseadeeet, sfx: sounds of marching band and crowd cheering geico has been serving e military for over 75 years. aawh no, look, i know this is about the troops and not about me. right, but i don't look like that. who can i write a letter to about this? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. without freshly-made pasta. you could also cut corners by making it without 100% real cheddar cheese. but wouldn't be stouffer's mac & cheese. just one of over 70 satisfying recipes for one
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>> you heard him yell allah akbar? >> screamed it. the first shot hit me right here in the chest. oo weent through my left shoulder here. >> two soldiers who sur vufed the massacre at fort hood speak exclusively with fox. >> it was the worst terror attack on u.s. soil since 9-11. 13 people murdered 43 wounded on the world's largest army base. major nadal hassan wore the same uniform. >> we had a terrorist serving in the military i am sure for some people was hard. >> only thing he didn't do was
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wear a t-shirt that said i am going to attack fort hood tomorrow. >> how did the united states army and fbi miss the enemy within. >> do you believe the massacre could have been prevented? >> i do. that's the painful conclusion. >> there was a failure to act. >> the obama administration says no purple hearts will be avoided. what happened at fort hood almost 3 years ago should be addressed in the context of a broader threat of workplace violence. >> the big question is, why didn't anybody ever blow the whistle on hassan? >> i am bill hem mer. >> i am katherine jarrett. >> i am greg begun feld we are here on this episode of "fox files." >> i wanted to help soldiers and i wanted to work in mental health. >> hiidaho native shawn manning comings with a
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