tv Americas Newsroom FOX News July 20, 2012 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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just some of the horror that we've seen, those of us covering this through the night. we're getting reports from some of the people inside that they played dead as the bullets were flying. just moments ago, police breaking through the window of the suspect's apartment building, very, very carefully, using a crane to break through the glass, afraid to go through the front door no doesn't after the gunman allegedly warned police there were explosives inside. gregg: here is a timeline how all of this unfolded. the batman premier began at midnight, 12:00 a.m. mountain time. 20 to 30 minutes later the chaos began. witnesses say the shots may have lasted up to 15 minutes. let's go right to trace gallagher live in our west coast newsroom with more. trace. >> reporter: we're following a number of different remotes hearing from producers in the field. we're getting more information from the witnesses, we see how horrific and chaotic this
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was. imagine a midnight showing of batman. a few minutes after the movie began the surround sound extraordinarily loud the witnesses say inside. a exit door pushed open in front of the theater. a man walks in tossing canisters. the canisters releasing smoke. a lot of people thought it was related to the movie an act or a prank. then the shots began firing out. those in the back of theater say could see people in the front begin flooding to the exits, making it easier for the gunman to spray them with bullets, picking them off as they moved toward the door. it happened into theater 9 of a 16-theater complex. the scene was so chaotic, so many injured people outside, police squad cars were taking veck timms to the hospital. we now know that at least six victims were taken to children's hospital. the youngest, three months old has now been released. a 6-year-old we know was also shot and wounded.
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listen to someone who was inside the theater when it happened. play this. >> pretty intense action sequence. right in the big first action scene in the movie, theaters are shaking. so you know, started hearing a little come motion, be when the action scene started to die down a little bit to the left of us. which was theater 9. we heard screaming. then my friend, jason, started choking and people started coughing. there's a strong smell. i began feel like suffocating. >> tear gas. >> it was coming through the vents, yeah. >> reporter: choking and coughing. some people say their asthma attack started because of gas. the death toll was lowered to 12. 50 still wounded. some showed up with shrapnel wound to hospitals. there was some concern maybe an explosive was set off, a scrap metal bomb, if you
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will. police said there were no explosives found inside the theater. it appears the shrapnel wound might have been from the neighboring theater because the bullets actually pierced the wall and sent debris flying into the neighboring theater. here's a woman who was in one of the other theaters. play this. >> the first thing we see when we walk out is a 13, 14-year-old girl with a wound in her leg, her stomach and her chest. at that time, everyone kind of realized what was going on. we saw the look in her eyes. everything was just not normal at all. >> reporter: no, not normal at all. the shooter was found outside. he has been identified 24-year-old james holmes. he lives in aurora. he was wearing a bulletproof vest. he was caught with a rifle and a shotgun. we now know that he also had a gas mask on and he told police there were explosives in his apartment. so far they have found no
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explosives. we're doing some background check on james holmes. we so far learned all we can find related to criminal activity was a traffic ticket that he got back in 2011. they did say they found some items of interest inside his home. they have not told us what those were. earlier now, listen to the aurora police chief. >> we know that the gunman opened fire. now i'm saying the gunman because as of right now we only know of one gun man, okay? we have no evidence of any additional shooters. police officers responded. and found the gunman in the back of the theater, out in the parking lot near a car, in possession of a gas mask and at least a rifle and a handgun. there are additional, at least one additional weapon was found inside. >> reporter: for some context on aurora, some asked how did the police get
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there so fast? a couple of answers, one, there were police officers on scene doing some crowd control because at least five or six of those theaters were showing the batman midnight movie. the aurora police station is only about the aurora mall which is linked to that movie complex. you had in a matter of seconds a bull -- bulletin went out and police from several different counts arrived on scene. the fbi is still there. there are 10 bodies still inside the theater. the coroner is on scene. the crime scene is being investigated. nothing will be moved until the scene is completely processed. we are watching the developments, still hearing from witnesses. we have producers doing background checks on the shooter, if we find out more we will get back to you on the situation unfolding in aurora, colorado. gregg: trace, any idea how he got into the theater and was there a weapon already there that had been planted in advance?
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>> reporter: you know, it's a good question, police are trying to figure that out right now. remember, they found one weapon inside the theater and found two weapons on the shooter's possession. they believe from the witness accounts he entered through one of the exit doors as the movie was just beginning. a lot of speculation he might have gotten inside with those weapons. we're hearing witnesses say he kicked open an exit door now near the movie screen. he stepped in front of the screen. he let the canisters off. as the smoke began rising, people started coughing and choking some moving toward the exits. some were so surprised they were sitting in their seats in shock and that's when he pulled out the gun and opened fire. we should noted he was found in the back of the theater by police by his car. he did not put up a fight. police say it was unclear if he was out of ammunition or what his weapon status was, if there were weapons inside the car. it is interesting because his license plate is from
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tennessee though he is living in aurora, colorado. still trying to figure out the connection there. but we do believe, gregg, that he entered the building after the movie started through one of the lower exit doors. gregg: he didn't put up a fight when confronted by police, trace, yet, as i understand it, he was wearing a bulletproof vest or a flak jacket of some sort? >> reporter: a flak jacket and he was also wearing some people described it as goggles. police say it was actually a gas mask, making sure in fact he could keep seeing people while the smoke bomb was going off. if you look at the theater and the pretheater, in fact one of our producers went to a midnight showing here in southern california and said there were a number of people in costume there. the same was true in aurora. some of the witnesses saying they saw people before the theater walking around in full-blown batman gear. if someone kicks open a door and in a bulletproof vest and something looks like goggles or a gas mask. first you might be kind of
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stunned and you might think this is part of the show or maybe an act goes alongwith the show or a prank. clearly it was not. police say when they found the shooter he was sitting down, by his car and did not put up a fight at all. gregg. gregg: trace, as i understand it, six different area hospitals, many of which have, you know, top-notch trauma centers, level-one trauma centers, were able to take in some of the victims here but the transport occurred even with police? >> reporter: yeah. because police say they just didn't want to wait for the ambulance and they didn't know how many were going to arrive. they started putting people in the back of squad cars. not the most serious wounded, mind you but people who had some sort of wounds, maybe superficial. they put them in the back of squad cars and rushed them to hospitals by themselves. if you look at a map of the area, gregg, in a three or four mile radius, there are three or four different hospitals. those are the ones got the
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initial victims. they tried to get to children's hospital with doctors that know more about dealing with children and children's surgeries. we do know that the a three-month old was released. we do know at 6-year-old was shot. there are some report that is a 9-year-old may also have been shot. that is not yet confirmed. as for the other hospitals they're still trying to figure out how exactly people got shrapnel wound during the middle of a shooting were there were no explosives inside. as i said earlier it may be because the bullets, so many bull lits, dozens and dozens, you alluded earlier, gregg, it might have gone on for 15 minutes. you can imagine how much damage was done to the inside of the theater and how much stuff, glass, et cetera, was flying as a repercussion of those bullets bouncing and ricocheting off different parts of that building. gregg: with automatic weapons a lot of bullets can be fired in a brief period of time. if it went as long as 15
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minutes, my goodness. trace galler are, thank you very much. we'll be checking back with you. jaime: gregg and trace, thanks for that. the city of aurora just issued a statement. we certainly appreciate the nation's thoughts and prayers as our police department continues to investigate the terrible theater shooting tragedy that occurred today. our con dollenses go out to victims and family members. let's take a closer look at aurora. it is colorado's third largest city with 327,000 people. boy, it has grown over the years. it is also home to buckley air force base, a large defense department satellite intelligence operation. i should note there is no indication of any connection between the shooter and that base. it also houses two hospitals and a future veterans' affairs hospital is planned for there. gregg: we are just getting started with our coverage of this tragedy. the first 911 calls coming in. we're going to have that for you. we're going to play them for you.
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plus, a man who was inside the theater at the time that the shooting broke out. he will be joining us live. what he saw and heard. jaime: yeah but during the commercial and before you leave the house today you can stay updated by going to of course you can always take fox with you on your mobile device as well. all the events on the colorado deadly shooting will be streaming live on our homepage. we'll be right back. >> took me a second to realize what was actually going on. people were running away i hit the ground, so i wouldn't be hit. all i saw was, i heard the sound of metal canisters clinging around. then i saw plumes of smoke.en or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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he is live now and he joins us. john, thank you very much. what is going on right now as we look at the pictures outside the home? >> reporter: what we can tell you right now the apartment complex is located about, just about 10 minutes from the theater complex. it is also the i-225 which is the beltway around aurora. this is just ironically west of the hospital complex, university hospital complex at old fit simmons army base. that is where 20 of the wounded and injured parties from the batman movie were taken. the youngest, a 3-month old child. this has just been a horrific morning for folks here in aurora and the denver metro area. we're in the apartment complex which is located on 17th and peoria. this is 10 minutes from the theater complex. you know there they were showing the batman all over the metro area. within seconds after the
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shootings at at aurora theater complex there were police at all the batman movies. we understand many around the country being postponed because of the tragedy. the apartment complex, the fb. the fbi as used bombs to break out the windows. they looked inside with infrared cameras to make sure there are no booby-traps on the door for agent preparing to go in the front. they burst out all the back wind windows in the apartment. they ice harpoons that firefighters use to fight fires. they looked inside to make sure there were no more explosive devices or booby-traps to injure anyone going in to search that apartment. jamie: something that, and that is exactly what i wanted to ask you, what were we looking at earlier? our guess was a camera of some kind. now there is a car that is
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parked right outside that looks like it has been inspected. can you confirm if that is the suspect's automobile? >> i can not confirm that but we have learned that the suspect's vehicle may have had tennessee plates on it. we have also learned he may have a colorado driver's license. there are some question as to whether that car might have been stolen. whether the plates might have been stolen but they have definitely looked at that, at that vehicles well. jamie: thank you so much. i want to mention as john mentioned the movie theaters around the country, gregg, are being protected playing the new batman movie in the event there is a copycat. commissioner ray kelley says as precaution against those copycats and raise comfort level of viewers they're covering theaters in new york. gregg: some of the shows may be canceled. you can well imagine the frantic calls to 911. let's listen in. >> shooting at sunshine theaters.
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1400 east alameda avenue. they say somebody is shooting in the auditorium. there is at least one person that has been shot but hundreds of people just running around. somebody is still shooting inside theater number 9 per an employee. >> somebody is spraying gas in here too. >> copy. somebody spraying gas. >> we have another person outside shot in the leg, a female. i have got people running out of the theater that are shot from number 9. >> gas masks for theater 9. we can't get in it. >> we're letting rest know. >> behind the theater. suspect in a gas mask. >> okay. we need cars outside. suspect in a gas mask. >> i have three parties shot over here. where is rescue going to be? >> white car in the rear of the lot, is that the suspect? >> yes. we've got rifles, gas masks.
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open door going into the theater. >> two victims on the east side of the theater. ambulance real quick. >> we need rescue inside the auditorium. multiple victims. >> we have seven down in theater 9. seven down!. >> copy. we'll notify fire, 7 down in theater 9. >> i have a child victim. i need rescue at the back door of theater 9 now. >> we're bringing bodies out of the get someone to the back as soon as you can. rescue personnel. 3 to 7 hit. gregg: you can hear the fear. you can hear the panic. a child injured. a man with a gas mask. bullets flying. just some of the content of the mean one calls to police. jamie: we're also getting new reaction to the deadly shooting in colorado. a man that was inside the theater, his sister was too. talks to me live next. greg and remember is your complete online source for all updates on this developing story. there are links on the
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homepage with videos from the scene. before you leave the house this morning or head out for the day remember, your breaking news source. stay in the moment sanya. focus lolo, focus. let's do this. i am from baltimore. south carolina... bloomington, california... austin, texas... we are all here to represent the country we love.
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jamie: and our coverage continues of the tragedy in colorado overnight. 18-year-old george shipera, he joins me now. he was inside the theater during the shootings in an adjacent theater. thank you so much for joining us. we're so sorry you and your sister was in yet another theater in the multiplex experienced this. how are you feeling this morning? >> good morning. i'm still shaken up. thank god me and my brother and sister were okay. jamie: were you all seeing
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that movie, the batman movie? >> yes, we got there about three hours earlier, just to get a good seat. and we're raul watching the same movie but we ended up slitting up in two movie theaters out of the three showings. and --. jamie: george, what was your initial reaction? i understand a number of people thought everything going on might have been part of the movie? >> yes, that's what everybody thought. everybody had been there at least a couple hundred times to watch a movie and this never happened before. and the fire alarms went off just 10 minutes into the movie. then we all thought it was a prank, somebody pulled a fire alarm. that wasn't the case when we got out suicide. when we got outside we see all the people, shot, injured. a crowd of policemen carrying out a 6-year-old not breathing at all. i saw a man laying down got shot in the stomach. people screaming everybody. it was a -- everywhere.
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it was a bit crazy. jamie: i imagine you had never seen anything like this. >> no, i had never seen anything like it. jamie: how did you and your sister and brother find each other? was it inside the theater, outside the theeter? >> we were rushing toward the exit. as we were getting out i was holding onto my brother. i just hear the policemen say, get out. there has been a shooting. then we were leaving the movie theater, we started smelling the gas. we didn't think it was that bad. and we got out. and i realized when people are, i see people dying and people getting shot, that's when i got scared for my sister. i called her and she didn't pick up. she was eventually in the movie theater right next to it. and i called her. she didn't pick up. i started running around trying to find her. finally she called me back coughing because of the gas that was in the movie theater. i finally found her and we
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ran out of the scene as soon as possible. jamie: you're 18 years old. how old is she? >> she is only 16. she just graduated high school and her friend, her friend in theater 9 which is where the shooting was happening. she was describing it, the gunman came in and started firing everywhere. and the girl said she, the guy right next to her got shot in the leg. people had to drag him out. and everybody was crying. [inaudible] it was pretty --. jamie: i imagine. have police questioned any of you, of the group of four that were together? >> yes. we were, as we were leaving trying to leave the scene, they asked us if we had seen anything? and we, couldn't talk at that moment. we just, left the crime scene as soon as possible. that was all, i was trying to get my family safe and
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back to the house. jamie: what is with the scene like in the parking lot? >> the scene was unbelievable. as we were leaving, we didn't think it was serious like i told you. we would go right to the front of the movie theater and there was people laying down on the floor. two women bleeding out to death and another man comes out. he was hurt around, around hess head. and then a woman covered. getting help by the police. i see a child carried by a policeman. there is a man screaming inside a police car and some of the police had to take all the, injured people as soon as possible because the ambulance didn't get there until later on. jamie: seems like a massive response though by emergency crews. before i let you go, george, i thank you again, i know this must be so difficult for you to talk about so
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close to when it happened. i have been to aurora. one of the most charming communities i ever spent time in. >> yeah. jamie: are you from that area and how does it feel something like this could happen literally anywhere with, especially there? >> i just, you news never expect it. i never thought this would happen, not in aurora. i never expected this to happen. it was usually peaceful. everybody playing around. see kids at night playing. this kind of thing never happens. jamie: george, i'm so sorry for you and your family. we're glad you're okay. we pray for all the others and thank you for taking a few moments to talk to us today, george. take care. >> all right. gregg: you can certainly hear the shock in his voice and it may take a long time to get over this. there have been a few other recent violent incidents at movie theaters in the last several years. back in may police say a georgia man was shot and killed at an atlanta drive-in movie theater. in august of last year
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police say another man survived after being shot in the head in an alabama theater. one month later a massachusetts man survives a stabbing at a movie theater. jamie: which is why around our country theaters are on watch where this movie is playing. gregg: president obama is campaigning in florida right now but we've just learned that he will cut his trip short and head back to the white house. he will also be addressing the aurora shooting a bit later this morning in fort myers, a little after 11:00 a.m. eastern time. he will not be heading on to winter park but back to washington. jamie: we're getting on disturbing new information about the gunman behind the tragic shooting in colorado. we should say alleged. a former special age enfor the dea joins us live. gregg: and remember, for the latest details on this developing story go to, your click through a slide program from the scene and send in your pictures of the developing
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[ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you thousands a year in out-of-pocket costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. gregg: back now to the breaking news out of colorado. the horrific shooting in aurora. our affiliate kdvr, has reporters at the scene where they interviewed one eyewitness who says she narrowly escaped the shooter. take a listen to this report.
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>> ruffle seven hours into the shooting a lot of stories inside the theater are gyping to emerge and they are tragic and difficult to hear. joining me is jennifer inside theater 2. you see the man comes in. tell me what he looks like. >> tall. six foot, 6'3". big and strong and probably 185 pound, 200 pounds. >> what happened? >> came in and i thought he was a prop, you know what i mean. and he threw some grenade, smoke grenade some sort. i thought it was for pizazz. when he shot the ceiling that is when everybody was like pandemonium. it was just chaos. tea point he time took to ceiling he had the gun in my face. i was freaked out but, five seconds and i just dove into the aisle and i don't know what it do. i'm going to curl in a ball. after the guy goes up the stairs we need to crawl, get out of here. we need to escape. i'm going to get shot.
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people are shot in the background. >> reporter: tell me about that. most of the injuries --. jamie: we'll go to one of the hospitals about shooting victims in the tragedy. >> they appear to be certainly high caliber. >> how is the medical staff holding up? we talked about how nobody has ever seen anything like this. >> i don't know how you could be prepared for such a thing but i think the staff did an excellent job. they mobilized. they did what they had to do and are trained to do. at this point they're starting to settle down. there is a program we have here and support starve to go through debriefing and support not only patients and families but also staff that had to take care of them. >> [inaudible]. >> at this point i don't have any information on anybody who is that young that was seen at this facility. >> [inaudible]. >> there were teenagers here. but we don't have anybody younger than that.
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>> [inaudible]. >> we have served this community as level 2 trauma center many years and we're always prepared. this is routinely outside the scope what we see. they all banded together and did a very good job. >> describe a little bit what the scene was like. >> there was a lot of uncertainty at the initial stages and so there was a lot of chaos at the beginning but everybody settled down and we actually took the patients rather rapidly, assessed them, assessed their needs and many were treated immediately and then taken to surgery. >> are there still people in critical condition here? >> yes. there are four in critical condition that i'm aware of at this point. >> tell me about the chemical exposure issue. >> at this point we think it was some sort of gas, tear gas type situation. we don't have a specific identification at this time.
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but the patients that we did see had burning skin, burning eyes, burning and irritation to their nose and mouth. those three patients were seen, decontaminated and actually have been discharged. >> four parities in critical condition, you mentioned this is still a critical time. they have gone this far. are they over the hump yet or is it still, still more serious time to come? >> i think there are certainly, this is a very difficult time for a lot of those patients but we're very optimistic. excellent surgeons here taking care of those patients. at this point again, no fatalities but we're in very early stages of this. >> people in critical condition can you -- [inaudible] >> again those in critical condition, the information that i have those are gunshot wound to the neck and torso and abdomen. that is about as far as detail as i have at this point. >> [inaudible].
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>> we do have a staging area in the hospital where those families are being received and we have support counselors available to them as well. those patients whose family have already been advised and are either at their bedside or awaiting them arriving on the floors. >> talk to me about after something like this, bullets -- [inaudible] >> certainly that is beyond the scope of my forensic knowledge. so i would imagine, we just take care of life-threatening injures and wounds. as far as anything forensic that is beyond the scope of what i do as emergency physician. >> you hold onto them? >> no. >> so you're saying -- [inaudible] >> at this point, no. i don't have any updated information on those critically ill patients. >> there was a question about -- [inaudible] >> i don't have any information on that at this
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time. >> [inaudible]. >> we have had four patients released. >> do you have a breakdown, male, female? >> i think there is almost equitable mix of the tie of patients, male, female, that we have received. again they're on the younger side, certainly. >> approximate age range. typically 15 to 31 is that about right? >> that's right. any other questions? >> spell your name first and last name. >> frank lansville. jamie: we have been listening to dr. frank lansville who runs the emergency room at aurora south medical center, one of the hospitals treating the victims of a tragedy at a colorado movie theater. four patients released so far. he says four remain in critical condition. they are young between the ages of 16 and 31. no specifics right now on the gas that was used, was it tear gas, we don't know,
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in that theater but he said the patients seen including four in critical condition received gunshot wounds to the neck, torso and abdomen. again all very young. we'll have more details at other hospitals feed in live press conferences as well as the police. so you want to keep it right here on fox, all of this unfolding in the town of aurora. that is just 15 miles from the scene of one of the worst mass shootings in american history, littleton, colorado. and that state has had more than its share of these tragedies. in april 1999, two teenagers storming columbine high school in littleton, over five hours they killed 13 people and wounded more than 30 others. in july of 2001 in western colorado, three people were killed, four wounded in a late night shooting spree. and in december of 2007, in the denver area, a 24-year-old man attacked an evangelical christian church
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and a missionary training center, killing four people. jamie? jamie: we're awaiting a news conference from colorado police. they will give us an update on the theater shooting in aurora. gregg: make sure to go to for the latest developments throughout the day plus more eyewitness accounts of what happened. click on the link, witnesses to massacre describe terrifying scene, to read what it is they're saying. and we'll be right back. >> there were explosions behind me. and there was dust. i thought it was just a normal practical joke, you know. fireworks or something. but than i see people starting to leave the theater and smoke behind me and, for the first few seconds nobody was panicking but everybody started moving towards the exits. the perfect use of the 7th inning stretch. get that great taste anytime with kingsford match light charcoal.
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>> gas masks for theater nine. we can't get it in. >> we'll let rescue know. >> i need a -- behind the theaters. got suspect in a gas mask. gregg: just some of the frantic 911 calls made to police shortly after midnight. we're getting new details on the shooting massacre at a colorado movie theater. on the left-hand side of your screen i want to explain this. this is the suspected gunman's mother's home in san diego and police are there. obviously they want to talk to her. they may want to check out her home. but the suspect is in custody. he is identified as 24-year-old james holz. the motive is unclear at this hour -- holmes. the fbi is searching his apartment as we speak. they are concerned there may be hidden bombs there. the death toll stands at 12 people. 50 in all were shot. many are injured.
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some of them quite critically. kelly burke a fox news field producer who joins us on the phone from aurora. kelly, what can you tell us. >> reporter: well i'm sitting near the century 16 theater. it is eerily quiet right now compared to the chaos that happened here last night. police have obviously cordoned off the entire area. they are diverting traffic and pedestrians, not letting everybody come in. obviously in an event a lot of people want to come down and take a look at the scene. we are told, as of about a half hour ago that the 10 victims who died at the scene are still inside the theater as the investigation goes on. gregg: 10 people who are victims, who are dead, are still in the theater, is that right? >> reporter: that's my understanding, yes. gregg: two others died at area hospitals, kelly? >> reporter: correct. that's right. originally they were saying that 14 people had died.
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police now say they can only confirm that 12 have died. there have been several injuries. some reports as high as 50 injuries. some of the injuries are probably due to the gas, whether it was tear gas or smoke bombs. i think police are now saying it was, they suspect it was tear gas. some of those injuries are probably due to that gas and we're also hearing some may have been due to shrapnel, pieces of share that were flying off as the gunman was shooting. so some of those injuries might not be as quite as severe as victims that died. gregg: we're getting e-mails from folks suggesting that perhaps the gunman, james holmes, had a military background of some sort simply because here he is with a flak jacket. he is well-armed. he has got a gas mask and so forth. do we know anything at all about the suspect, james holmes? report no.
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jamie: a tragedy that the town of aurora, colorado, could have never have expected. at a movie theater with many, many young people coming out to see the opening showing of the new "batman" movie. when they heard shots they smelled gas and had to run for their lives. we continue to hear bone-chilling accounts from witnesses inside the theater during the attack. one moviegoer said it took a few moments for people in the adjacent theater to even realize the gravity of the situation. one witness we spoke to earlier on this program said he thought it was all part of the movie. maybe a prank. but it wasn't. this eyewitness who spoke
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with "fox and friends" earlier this morning described it this way. >> the building shakes in the movie theater these days. that's what we thought was happening the then obviously, the scene died down and there was calm in the movie, that's when the real chaos started taking off, you know. that is the way the security or the i don't know if it was the guys in the movie house, or the projector house, somebody yelled get down and get back. that's when we knew things weren't right. >> you guys had a lot of trouble breathing. even though it was exploded in theater nine because the air-conditioning and circulation was on it was in your theater in no time, right? >> right, right. we were seven rose back from the screen. from what i'm hearing reports he appeared from behind the screen in nine. he was in front virtually in front much their screen. virtually seven rose in front of us. if you were to take the wall down he would have been in seven rose in front of us. you can imagine that the gas easily flows through these
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thin walls. >> really indeed is a massacre. there is not really a better word for it. was there blood everywhere? >> yeah. you know, like i contact with brood was the little girl. she was in her mother's arms and the mother was hysterical. i had a feeling well my friend needs help. he don't breathe at all. very short gasps of breath. then the little girl in the mother's arms. hard for me to talk about. like said earlier something that will hahn me for the rest of my life. and i pray for everybody and families. jamie: that witness, james cameron and his friend treated at an area hospital for the inhalation. gregg. gregg: we're awaiting a police news conference. we're following all the developments as they come in. the president will be speaking about this in a little more than an hour. keep it right here to the fox news channel. >> i thought it was like a firecracker or fire work or something. i thought someone was like,
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oh its the "batman" premier. bring firecrackers in and get people riled up. it wasn't until an alarm sounded saying there was emergency in the building, something going on. that's when i figured out. ♪ ♪ i find myself at the wrong place ♪ [ male announcer ] the ram 1500 express. ♪ it says a lot about you. ♪ in a deep, hemi-rumble sort of way. guts. glory. ram.
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jamie: at the top of the our a fox news alert. america will awakes to a horrifying chatterji coming out of aurora, colorado. at least 12 people confirmed dead. a gunman opened fire in a this movie theater during a busy midnight premiere of the new batman film, "the dark knight rises." welcome to a brand-new our of "america's newsroom." i am jamie colby. bill: greg: and i am breggin for bill today. ironically, as the shooting scene played on the screen, dressed all in black, possibly wearing a dash himself. they say that he opened fire from the front of the theater,
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spraying bullets at his victims that included many children. listen to the chaos as emergency responders rushed to the scene. >> we were inside the auditorium and there are multiple victims louisiana -- get to the back door of theatre nine now. we are bringing them up from out of there. we have people had. jamie: at the suspected movie theater, the shooter is identified as james holmes. as we await word from police on any kind of motive, the heartbreak from this senseless shooting has spread from coast to coast. without a doubt. trace gallagher joining us in los angeles. what is the latest?
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reporter: to add to the heartbreak the were talking about, sad news from a fox affiliate in denver. the father of a six year old that was shot and wounded, the father has confirmed that the six-year-old has died. if that is true, that will bring the death toll up to 13. remember, it was at 14, down to 12, and we are learning more about the alleged shooter as well as other victims. and also about how this went down. the shooter, as you said, 24-year-old james holmes. he was carrying for weapons when he was found, including a semi automatic rifle. a shotgun and two handguns. we reported earlier that he did not put up a fight, but it was unclear after shooting for some 15 or 20 minutes inside that theater if he was simply out of ammunition. now we are told that this alleged shooter is not cooperating with police. other reports say that police on scene at the department report
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that it looked like it might've been might have been booby-trapped and they found buckets and buckets of ammunition inside that apartment. i would like to show you a live look at san diego. there are reports that the shooter's parents live in san diego. in fact, the mother was contacted and the mother said, yes, you have the right person. i need to call the police. i need to fly to colorado to listen now to one of the witnesses, as she describes what happened while she was leaving the theater moments after the shooting. >> we keep walking to our cars, thinking that it is still a freak incident. we want to try to help people. there is a girl that looked at me and said i just need help. my best friend just got shot, i don't know what to do. you look at her and you can see the worry in her eyes and you can see that she needs help. i want to help her. i look over, and there is a group of about 300 people running away from the theater area at this point in time, we need to get out of there.
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reporter: those heartrending accounts to coming into us. we are also learning that one of the victims who died was an intern in the sports department for a local tv station in denver. we don't want to release her name, because the authorities have not yet. but we pulled up her twitter account and she was having an argument with her boyfriend about whether or not to go to the movie to see "the dark knight rises." she said i never thought i'd have to coerce an eye into seeing the midnight showing of "the dark knight rises" with me. she later sent eight tweet, and she said i won the argument. he is going. she said i'm going to be tired in the morning argument never wins. she was shot and killed, reportedly inside the theater. she is the same girl who was in a mall in toronto last month, where a shooting broke out there. she says, she wrote in a very vivid blog, that she was walking
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to get sushi and that the last minute she decided not to. she went to the food court to get a burger. it was at the sushi line where the shooting broke out, or one of the two people who was killed died. i would like to now play some of the radio traffic, if i can, betweethe police officers who were rushing to the scene. play this. >> somebody is shooting in the auditorium. at lease one person has been shot. they are saying there are hundreds of people running around. somebody is still shooting inside a theatre nine. >> somebody is spraying gas. >> get out the gas masks. reporter: that was not the radio traffic, those were the 911 calls. we will get that radio traffic taped and play for you. the reason the police responded quickly is the police station in aurora, colorado, is less than a mile from the mall.
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within minutes, there were police officers, dozens upon dozens from at least three or four different counties surrounding a war up on the scene. we are getting more information about the victims and how this went down, as it comes into us, we will relay it to you. jamie: you and i and greg have covered so many tragedies. in the first few moments you hope that emergency crews get there in time. it does seem, and do not have a sense that this was an all-out effort -- by emergency services, but things might have been worse if the shooter had had had assistance, which at this point we don't know if he did in the theater, although people are looking. also, if the indolence had knocked out there as quickly as they could. reporter: a couple of good examples to expand on your point is this was a hands on deck situation. you have so many police and not enough ambulance. we mentioned that 50 people were wounded. some superficially and others
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critically. police officers were actually putting people in the back of squad cars and driving them to the hospitals. we were told when the alert came over the police scanners, it was a bulletin for all police officers in the area within miles to go directly to the aurora mall. that is how big this thing once. all the hospitals were put on disaster alert and none of the new hospitals had any idea how many patients they would be receiving. there are three or four by our check hospitals within a 4-mile radius of the aurora mall. children's hospital that six patients and others not a few patients. some were flooded with patients. based on trend they try to spread them out. they knew that as many people as possible could get the immediate treatment they needed. doing a headcount, you can imagine the chaos around. you are trying to triage patients in the parking lot.
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you are waiting for indolence and first respondents. you're trying to figure out how many doctors or hospitals have on staff at one autumn morning. to handle god knows how many patients. then you have police officers taking different patients to different hospitals. we are still in contact with hospitals trying to figure out exactly how serious the injuries are. again, we just want to update for those who missed it -- we have been told by the father of the six-year-old, are fox affiliate has learned that she has passed away, which jamie brings this death toll to 13 people unconfirmed. if that is true, but 13 people speak to my heart breaks for each and every one of the victims and families. one of the young man who is only 18 years old says he thinks he will get over this. but really, your life must be changed for ever. i would like to ask you one question that we may not know the answer to right now. we can all work are sources whether or not the weapons, which have not been completely identified, were legally owned
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by the shooter. which also raises the question for people out there who feel one way or another on it. there is an air force base nearby, but no indication that he had anything to do with that. we are being told that it was not terrorism. do we know anything more about the weapons at this hour? >> we do not. we do know that he was not connected to the military in any way. jennifer griffin confirm that with the pentagon earlier. we also can tell you that he is not on any terror watch list. as far is a criminal record goes, the only thing is a traffic ticket from 2011. no criminal records. as for whether he owned the guns legally, it is still unclear. again, police reported that he may have had buckets of ammunition inside his apartment, along with some booby-traps. there were reports earlier that there were some explosives used along with the shooting. along with the guns inside the theater. police think say that that is not true. there were no explosive sound,
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and the shrapnel injuries at some of the victims received might have been because there were so many degree pieces flying around -- so much debris flying around. jamie: bullet casings as i have heard it described. we can only imagine. thank you very much. greg: one other point, and trace gallagher mention this. our viewers said they wouldn't be surprised if the suspected gunman had a military background. jennifer griffin checked with the u.s. army. they ran a check of records. there is no evidence that james holmes served in the army. colorado is no stranger to tragedy. it echoes the columbine high school murders. only 15 miles apart. here is the map. in 1999, of course, to students at that school went on a five hour shooting rampage, killing 13 people and injuring 30 others. jamie: president obama has cut
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his trip in florida short today in light of the events in aurora, colorado. we are planning to hear from him about the shootings. we are told that he will speak about aurora, colorado. you are looking at live picture of where the president will be in fort myers, florida. earlier today, he said michelle and i are shocked and saddened by the horrific and tragic shooting in colorado. we are committed to bringing whoever was responsible to justice. ensuring the safety of our people in and caring for those who have been wounded. as we do, we are confronted with moments of darkness and challenge. we must come together as one american family. one thing i want to mention is that the shooter was not on any watch list. the alleged shooter. he was in the united states legally. we will learn more about the background possibly from the denver area. greg: apparently his mother who
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lives in san diego, we showed you scenes of her home as police converge their says yes, that is my son. i don't know anything about this, but i have to catch a flight. there is her home in san diego. i have to catch a flight to colorado. this appears to have caught his mother a surprise. governor mitt romney also expressing his shock. saying that intel and i are deeply saddened by the senseless violence. we are praying for the families and loved ones during this time of deep shock and immense grief. we expect the person responsible for this crime will be quickly brought to justice. jamie: there is new reaction to the deadly shootings in colorado. updated from one of the main hospitals are dealing with the wounded can only imagine the triage of taking care of those who survived. remain here for continuing fox news coverage. >> there was an officer in a gas mask. he was holding a huge rifle.
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they were trying to get people through the lobby as fast as possible. we ran down the stairs, we walked out and i saw a girl with a bullet in her leg. start with soup, salad ancheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently.
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greg: there is the scene in aurora, colorado. twelve people confirmed dead. there might be a 13th victim. a shooting rampage at the career of a movie just after midnight last night. it all started 50 people shot. many are gravely wounded. those who survived. we are going to get an update from an area hospital in about 15 minutes from now. then we will also going to be hearing from the police department at the top of the hour, 11:00 o'clock eastern time. joining us now is tom ruskin, former new york city police detective. bob strang is a agent. the ceo of investigative management group.
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bob, let me start with you. first and foremost. a great many people, and this is just judging anecdotally from the flurry of e-mails we are getting. why would a lone gunmen create such a heinous massacre? so many people, including women and children. the youngest just a baby. given your background, what might be the possible answers here? >> i mean, when we look back at all these shootings at columbine and other shootings in the country, we ask these questions? how did we let this happen. we ask that same question here. you have to take a look at the individual and find out if anyone knew that he was homicidal and suicidal? could and action have been taken to keep them off the streets? through the mental health laws in california or colorado or elsewhere. the family members don't realize it. you don't have to lock people up in jail. their other week on trent ways
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to get people help. i think that is what we are going to learn from this. obviously, this was a well-planned. when you look at the ammunition and weapons and the gas that he had -- this is something that took a lot of time and preparation. he is a very sick individual. jamie: i want to ask this question, we have talked about crimes that you have investigated. it is very possible that 10 people who killed, their bodies still lie in the movie theater while police continue the investigation. i know there is probably a purpose for that if it is happening. can you tell us why? >> yes, once you have the scene security know there are no more injured, there is no rush to remove the dead. it is part of a crime scene. forensically, crime scene investigators are going to go through and photograph that for potential prosecution purposes.
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jamie: would something like the number of shell casings be relevant? >> not only the number, but where they are, which will show a proximity to where the shooter was at the time that he fired those shots. jamie: in other words, you have to prove to charge somebody that there is a connection between somebody to death, specifically to that shooter? greg: and you want to bring to the jury at the time of the prosecution how the crime was committed. the actual methodical way that the crime transpired and where the people were that were shot and injured and removed now. and the people were shot and killed and still remain. greg: given how well armed and how planned this horrific event was, you also have to be concerned of bombs left behind. it is a classic terrorist tactic in the middle east. they leave cars behind laden with bombs. homes laden with bombs.
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here police are taking the precaution. it is a good precaution to take, isn't it? to you have to. when you have a situation like this, you do not know the details surrounding whether or not he is involved in a secret terrorist group organization -- we just don't know whether he is a lone wolf or part of an organization. that is why you get the atf involved, the fbi -- they used to send teams out -- forensic teams, right away when there was a crime like this just to be able to put everything together. you are dealing with a possible booby trap in his apartment and other cars. you are dealing with chaos in this area, trying to work through all this. at the same time, while you are building evidence for the prosecution, you are also looking for the possibility of other people involved, things that may detonate based on activity, car movements,
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starting a car, opening a door into the apartment. the police are not only getting ready for prosecution, not only with the federal agents help, collecting evidence and making sure that there is no booby trap. they are also going to make sure that there is nobody else involved. you're going to go through his computers and cell phones into all of that investigation. greg: there is a wealth of evidence inside his apartment. thank you both. >> thank you. jamie: here is what we know about the suspect. police have named him as 24-year-old james holmes, the alleged shooter. he was found in a car near that movie theater dressed in black, carrying a white on trent rifle and handgun and gas mask. greg: we have the latest information on the victims. jamie: stay with us. you can always stay updated on the stories by going to fox all the events on the deadly shooting will be streaming live
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>> i headed first to the exit on the left. there were two girls they there. one girl was shot in the jaw. she was crying and she was in shock. the other girl was asking for help. jamie: each and every account we have heard has been bone chilling. the scene at the hospital has been chaos. we are going to hear from one of the patient's life coming up. meanwhile, this tragic shooting in aurora, colorado, maybe one of several in recent years that is not making it easier for investigators to understand what could possibly motivate anybody to do this. care to offer a look inside the mind of the alleged shooter is
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dr. keith ablow. great to have you on. thank you so much. >> it is my pleasure. jamie: you are a clinical psychologist. you have an active practice. you see people all the time to have issues. what sort of issues -- we hate to speculate, but what drives anybody to do something that calculated? >> well, i have done this for 20 years. i am a forensic psychiatrist. i evaluate people who have done horrific things. in many different circumstances. the common trait these folks have is a lack of empathy. things break your empathy of very nature. one is if you have been exposed to physical or emotional abuse. you can stop feeling for yourself and for other people. it also makes you more vulnerable to substance abuse. which further reduces your capacity to feel for other people. believe me, other mental
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illnesses can intervene. you can have people who are psychotic, delusional, believing they have to kill people in order to save the universe. this is the evaluation that needs to be done. intervening psychiatrics and the disorders. the early chapters of his life story are such that the seeds were sown for horrific destruction way back then. they always are. jamie: let me just ask you this. what comes to mind is warning signs for the fort hood massacre, and i think about this. this young man that shot gabrielle giffords. who claimed he was deranged. obviously, they will do a psychiatric evaluation regardless. the narcissist has a lack of empathy. they are all over the place. it could be that he is completely normal in some respects, too, could and it? let me just say high functioning
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>> yes, you can be high functioning and do some horrific things. and still be working off of a very disordered way of thinking about yourself and the universe. with narcissism itself, it drives behavior -- i don't believe it would. but what kinds of signs would you look for? withdrawal, social isolation. depression. expressions of violence. you know, this is very much about darkness turned inside out. it is what this person is feeling inside about self-destruction that even projects on other people. i am telling you. when we do an inventory of what this man has told others and the weird behaviors, he will have demonstrated -- it will be one of those things were then people say, man, why didn't somebody intervene because the signs were unfolding. jamie: i would like to get greg and here. he was wearing a bulletproof
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vest. greg: that is true. a calculated move. doctor, you are talking about taking inventory of this young man's life. part of that would be his family. we would like to show some videotape to our viewers of the san diego home of the parents. this is the father of the suspected shooter, james holmes, a time ago emerging from his san diego home. a distant shot, not only have police been there and been talking to the family, that the media has converged as well. doctor ablow, clearly, authorities will want to talk to the family to see if there is any history of mental illness. if i can throw something out at you, i have often wondered. >> sure. greg: maybe it is not bipolar, schizophrenia, maybe it is not mental illness. are there silly people who are
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evil and violent in this world? >> i allow that there could be people born, you know, bad seats. but i have not met that person. i have evaluated people who have done horrific things on this jail or, you know, horrific sexual crimes. there is always a story line that tells you how did this person lose that humanity? or capacity for empathy that would allow you to open fire on strangers? how can that be? these folks that are now flying to join their son in colorado, if you were to ask them, listen, honestly, from the bottom of your heart, what three things are you most sensitive about not telling people about your family or your son's development? the things that are the most painful to relate, there is your answer. jamie: dr. keith ablow, we will be checking back with you. in the meantime, we are taken to the hospital. one very close by with a spokesperson on the condition of the patient there. there we are.
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spokeswoman for that particular facility and joins us now on the telephone. thank you for taking a few moments. how many victims are being treated at your medical center, what are their conditions? >> here at swedish medical center we've seen a total of four victims. right as the incident happened we got three of the victims, all three game in with gunshot wounds. we had and 18-year-old now listed in fair condition. a 20-year-old male list ned critical . and a 29-year-old female also in critical. a few hours after the main event we did get a 19-year-old female who came into the emergency room and she had fairly minor injuries. it looked to be caused by shrapnel. she was treated in our emergency room and released. gregg: can you identify the sort of nature of the gunshot wounds, how severe they are? what areas of the body? >> the 18-year-old male appears to have had a wound to one of his extremities, again he may need to go in for surgery but he
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is listed in fair condition at this time. as far as the other two that are in critical condition, we have not had an update on them, we do know that they had to go into surgery right away. we are also just anticipating any information we can get on their condition. gregg: how did they arrive? was it via emt ambulances, or we have received some reports that, you know, police officers were actually transporting people to area hospitals. >> actually all of our victims did arrive by ambulance. at about 1:15 this morning we received a page of hospital administration saying there had been a violent event and could be as many as 50 victims headed to area hospitals. they started assessing our availability of beds, as well as what level of, you know, patient we could take, and so we all started reporting to the hospital and staffing up, anticipating as many as 20 patients. we did get those four patients by ambulance, and we are hearing
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that some people have even left the scene that were able to drive themselves, and have been walking into area hospitals for treatment. we are just far enough away from the scene, we are about 20 miles, or 20 minutes away from that theater, so we are not getting a lot of that walk-in traffic. we haven't seen any of those patients. gregg: i'm sure many of the survivors are quite grateful for the medical care in all of the different approximate trauma units that were so close nearby. nicole williams, thank you very much, at swedish medical center. jamie: we are keeping an eye on all of the developments at the location of these theaters, at the suspect's home, at the alleged suspect's parents' home in san diego where we saw video shortly ago with his father leaving with officers heading to colorado we believe, and also from the hospitals. trace gallagher is also following the timeline of the event and any new information coming out, including trace, confirmation from jennifer griffin at the pentagon, that
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the alleged shooter who has been named had no relation to the military, trace. >> reporter: none whatsoever. we are checking some of his background. as far as we can find he has no permit for any kind of weapon, so that will be a key bart o part of this at investigation goes forward. those, just joining us he's been identified as 24-year-old james holmes. he gave up without a fight, it's unclear if that's because he ran out of am nicks or not. wammunition or not. he is not cooperating with the police. he told police there were explosives at the apartment and he may have meant it. reports we are getting the apartment may have been booby trapped and police went inside and found buckets and buckets of ammunition. he was found with four weapons including a semi automatic rifle, a shotgun and two handguns. as you say, jaime no connection at all to the military, he's not on any terror watch list. his parents live in san diego.
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as you can see cameras are trained on that house. the father walked out a short time ago. the mother confirmed to reporters, that yes that was her son, saying, quote, you have the right person, and then she said, i need to call police, i need to fly out to colorado. now we've learned that yes, james holmes recently lived in aurora, colorado was driving a car with tennessee license plates but apparently was from san diego because these where his social security number is from and for the past four years prior to living in aurora he lived in san diego. unclear if he lived with his parents. also learning more about the victims in this case. we have learned that the six-year-old girl who was shot and sounded her father has confirmed to the fox affiliate in denver that she did pass away. i'm being told that she is still among the 12 fatalities, so that does not raise the death toll to 13. and we have also -- she by the way is clearly the youngest victim. a 3-year-old was wounded. the 3-year-old has been treated and released. another victim has been identified, she was an intern
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for our fox affiliate in denver, she worked in the sports department with them. she's been identified as jessica gowey. she went by the name jessica redfield. she wanted to go see the movie, her boyfriend did not want to go to the movie, and she was also involved in a mass shooting at a mall in toronto last month, and she barely missed being shot there. she said that fate told her to walk away. we have heard a lot of the victims' accounts in this. i want to play you some of the radio traffic between police when they first got the call. listen. >> we have gas masks available. >> century theater. a shooting with multiple victims. [inaudible] >> lincoln 25, i'm being told that he's in theater nine.
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it sounds like it's -- [inaudible] >> get us some gas masks for theater nine, we can't get in it. >> we are letting rescue know. >> reporter: he was indeed in theater nine as we all know now,. jamie: me. we are continuing, we've got about 16 pages of information on the alleged shooter. we will scan through them. if there is anything that is urgent we'll get back to you immediately. jamie: we appreciate it so much. the investigate investigation into the colorado rampage is obviously in its early stages. we are monitoring developments as they come into our newsroom and we are awaiting a police news conference at the top of the hour, we'll have that for you live. if you can't stay with us on tv all the information you need is right at, always online, always on your mobile device, updates as they come in throughout the day right here. there's links on the home page for videos from the scene. they are all there for you.
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gregg: this is fox news alert. for the myers, florida, president obama at a campaign event there that will likely turn quite solemn as he addresses the shooting in colorado. let's listen in. >> let me first of all -- let me first of all say how grateful i am for all of you being here and how much we appreciate everything that you've done. no that there are a lot of people here who have been so engaged in the campaign and sacrificed so much, people who
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have been involved back since 2007 and -- [cheering] >> so i want all of you to know how appreciative i am, and i know many of you came here today for a campaign event. i was looking forward to having a fun conversation with you about some really important matters that we face as a country, and the differences between myself and my opponent in this election, but this morning we woke up to news of a tragedy that reminds us of all the ways that we are united as one american family. by now many of you know, many of you have heard that a few miles outside of denver, in a town called aurora, at least 12
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people were killed when a gunman opened fire in a movie theater. and dozens more are being treated for injuries at a local hospital. some of the victims are being treated at a children's hospital. we are still gathering all the facts about what happened in aurora. what we do know is that the police have one suspect in custody, and the federal government stands ready to do whatever is necessary to bring whoever is responsible for this heinous crime to justice. [applause] >> we will take every step possible to insure the safety of all of our people. we are going to standby our neighbors in colorado during this extraordinarily difficult time. i had a chance to speak with the mayor of aurora, as well as the
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governor of colorado to express not just on behalf of michelle and myself, but the entire american family, how heartbroken we are. even as we learn how this happened, and who is responsible, we may never understand what leads anybody to terrorize their fellow human beings like this. such violence, such evil is senseless, it's beyond reason. but while we will never know fully what causes somebody to take the life of another, we do know what makes life worth living. the people we lost in aurora loved, and they were loved. they were mothers, and fathers, they were husbands and wives, sisters and brothers, sons and daughters, friends and neighbors. they had hopes for the future,
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and they had dreams that were not yet fulfilled. and if there is anything to take away from this tragedy, it's the reminder that life is very fragile. our time here is limited, and it is precious. and what matters at the end of the day is not the small things, it's not the trivial things, which so often consume us and our daily lives, ultimately it's how we choose to treat one another and how we love one another. [cheers an and applause ] >> it's what we do on a daily basis to give our lives meaning and to give our lives purpose. that's what matters. at the end of the day what we'll
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remember will be those we loved, and what we did for others. that's why we're here. i'm sure that many of you who are parents here had the same reaction that i did when i heard this news. my daughters go to the movies. what if malia and sasha had been at the theater, as so many of our kids do every day. michelle and i will be fortunate enough to hug our girls a little tighter tonight, and i'm sure you will do the same with your children, but for those parents who may not be so lucky, we have to embrace them and let them know we will be there for them as a nation. so, again, i'm so grateful that all of you are here. i am -- i am so moved by your
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support, but there are going to be other days for politics. this. i think, is a day for prayer and reflection. [applause] >> so, what i'd ask everybody to do, i'd like us to pause in a moment of silence for the victims of this terrible tragedy, for the people who knew them, and loved them, for those who are still struggling to recover, and for all the victims of less publicized acts of violence that plague our communities every single day. so if everybody can just take a moment. [moment of silence ]
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>> thank you, everybody. i hope all of you will keep the people of aurora in your hearts and minds today. may the lord bring them comfort and healing in hard days to come. i am grateful to all of you, and i hope that as a consequence of today's events, as you leave here you spend a little time thinking about the incredible blessings that god has given us. [cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much, everybody, god bless you. god bless the united states of america. gregg: president obama in for the myers, florida. this was a campaign swing in what is obviously a critical battleground state.
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the president was going onto another campaign event but will cancel that and go back to the white house given the events in aurora, colorado. jamie: breaking news out of aurora, colorado. this police statement we have brought into fox news, first time we are seeing this too about the suspect's home. listen. >> right behind us the building with the sign there that says one studio apartments is the residence of the subject who was arrested this morning. he lives on the third floor in the back. his apartment is apparently booby trapped, and what we have is we have a whole bunch of bomb techs from all different agencies, we have pictures inside the location, and we are trying to determine how to disarm the flammable or explosive material that is in there. that's why we're here.
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we could be here for hours, we could be here for days trying to figure out how to get in there. obviously we are very concerned about getting in there to get whatever evidence there is, but the pictures are pretty disturbing, it looks pretty sophisticated in terms of how it's booby trapped. >> have you evacuated a large enough area? >> that's why we're here. we've consulted the experts, evacuated five buildings total and we believe that is a sufficient evacuation for what we see inside. beyond that this could be a very long wait. we don't know how long we'll be here. that is really all i have to say, i don't believe there is anything else to say right now. jamie: let me just repeat what the officer there said. the investigation early on at the suspect's apartment was to evacuate part of the area around his third-floor back of the building apartment. police took no chances here, initially using infrared cameras from the outside on a ladder in the window to make sure that that house would be safe to enter. it was determined early from the video that we have been showing
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you, actually live pictures, that that apartment was not safe, that they needed to secure the area, and they also had to take precautions going in. now confirmed from aurora police that the suspect's home was not only booby trapped, he had told police it was reported early on that there were explosives in his house, but that officer saying it was a fairly sophisticated set up of explosives and they have called in now bomb techs from other branches, other areas to dismantle whatever is there, possibly detonate, we will have to wait and see. you're looking at video on the right side of your screen, live pictures as well i believe outside the home where this police activity may now we learn continue for hours. back at the movie theatre where we understand forensics are taking a look at scene, still considered active, as our kelly burkee who is a producer with our denver bureau, he is in aurora outside of that theater. what are your thoughts when you hear how active the
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investigation will be at the suspect's apartment? >> that is incredible information. obviously it was apparent that he came here to the theater really armed and prepared and knowing exactly what he wanted to do, obviously. the same holds true for his apartment complex, or his apartment. that is amazing information. jamie: early on we saw when they climbed on ladders from the top of this police vehicle a different, less sophisticated lift that we were looking at, they were dressed without much protective gear. these guys have site up a little bit more. we imagine it's going to bring in, if it's as sophisticated as we've heard from the aurora police now they are going to bring in the really talented, top-notch bomb investigators, and also those who can get this out safely. can you imagine being a neighbor of this 24-year-old, watching this unfold, you're not there at your house, you could lose everything? >> that's exactly what i was thinking. what if you live in this complex. how long are these people going
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to be evacuated? i understand they've also evacuated some homes near the complex as well. this is a nightmare not just for the victims, but for the people of the community and the people that live there. jamie: standby where you are, kelly for more developments where you are as well. gregg: apparently inside there were buckets of ammunition, and we now know from a source that the suspect had an assault rifle, a shotgun, and two pistols, and of course we knew he had teargas or some sort of smoke bomb canister that he let loose inside the theater. this is a very-well armed killer. we are going to be right back with more details. [ manager 1 ] out here in the winds, i have to know the weather patterns. i upgraded to the new sprint direct connect. so i can get three times the coverage. [ chirp ] [ manager 2 ] it's like working in a giant sandbox with all these huge toys. and with the fastest push-to-talk... i can keep track of them all. [ chirp ] [ chirp ] [ male announcer ] upgrade to the new "done." with access to the fastest push-to-talk
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tran-sixes going to start right now with jon scott and jenna generally. have a great and safe day. jon: right now investigators are working to clear the shooters booby-trapped apartment. several victims are still fighting for their lives. i am rick folbaum in per jon scott. jenna: i am generally. here is what we know at this moment. twelve people are dead, 60 others injured. some critically at this time. the youngest victim only a few months old. a baby that was in the theater. the suspect in custody identified as 24-year-old james holmes who lived in aurora. as we just told us, his home is booby-trapped at this time. they are right now trying to work to disarm some flammable or explosive material that is
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inside that apartment. there is a live look for you right now as they continue to work to do this. police say the gunman wore a bulletproof vest. also a gas mask as he detonated gas canisters and opened fire on a crowded theater early this morning in colorado. cell phone video shows the chaos is terrified moviegoers come out of the movie plots. here now, are the sites and sounds of this nightmare. >> there are explosions behind me and i thought it was just a normal practical joke. >> there are people shot right now. there are people running out of fear that her shot. >> guys come running in, running through the theaters and the exit and he is like, don't go out the lobby. someone is shooting people out there. >> one of my friends got scammed by a bullet on the neck. he is okay. he was at the hospital.
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