tv Red Eye FOX News July 27, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT
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exercise as a way to combat obesity. let me tell about you my favorite exercise. it is your world ♪ and i'm just a squirrel ♪ ♪ trying to get a nut to move your butt ♪ to your floor ♪ ♪ the crowd is live as i pursue this groove ♪ ♪ make me feel what? ♪ move ♪ work me all night ♪ ♪ dance to the rhythm ♪ everybody dance now." >> you finally got the lyric right. >> i like big butts and i cannot lie? >> and you ruined it. >> thank you for that. >> you are welcome for that. >> we are not moving time slots, ever, people. we are stuck at 3:00 a.m. we might even move to 4:00. did mitt slip on his land to fish and chips? he called the british olympic preparation disconcerting and questioned london's security.
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here is what rom-rom said on the first day of his overseas trip. >> stories about the private security firm not having enough people. the supposed strike of the immigration and customs officials, that obviously is not something which isen corning. >> i didn't hear a word he said. she so gorgeous he makes brian williams look homely. david cameron, not sure what he does, hits back. >> we are holding an olympic games in one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world. of course it is easier if you hold an olympic game in the middle of no where. >> he is the lead singer in one direction, i believe. anyway he was eluding to salt lake city which hosted the games that romney over saw. and it is indeed in the middle of no where. let's go live to london where the olympics correspondent mike michael son has been following the developments. warning, there may be a small satellite delay. mike, are you there?
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>> hey, greg, i'm here live in london covering the story. >> what can you tell us about it? hi, greg, i have been making calls all day trying to get all of the information and the facts on this story. to you. >> i understand mitt romney tried to walk back his comments. >> that's right, greg, it appears mitt romney has been trying to walk back a comment. >> can you tell us exactly what he said? >> that's it from london. back to you, greg. >> happy. >> he is not getting the hang of this at all. not at all. $25,000 to send him over there. frankly i am not even sure if he is over there. >> i have never been to that part of london before. >> he could just be in our basement for all we know. i want to go to the resident
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british at the table. we can see what an expert has to say about this. sherrod, mitt is questioning the security there. was that a mistake? >> it is a mistake. first, that's the typical american thing to do when you go to a foreign country. the first thing we do is say, how did all of these foreigners get here? he just put his foot in his mouth. he just got off the plane. shut up and have some tea and relax. >> but he was telling the truth. >> nobody wants to hear the truth from somebody who doesn't live there. keep the truth to yourself. >> valid point. but i am going to bring that up later. people have to speak the truth and risk being a jerk. do i that every night. >> when you are on the plane coming em ho, you go, what a bunch of losers. i am glad to be an american. it is like the rest of us do it. >> brits come overall the time saying if you only had universal health care you would have teeth like us. oh we don't have the death penalty. why can't we do it to you once in awhile?
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>> the good thing for romney here is the selection will not bea won on foreign policy. it will be won on the economy. let's face it, he was the definition of the british slang term muppet over the last couple days. that is a little bit of a foolish person. you don't turn up and insult your host. added the seven years of grumbling the british press has done a pivot. at that moment they have gone after romney and the jokes in the british media have been extensive and quite funny. >> i bet. funny in your british sort of way. you did give us benny hill, and i believe syphllis. romney backtracked. i could play you the sot, which is the sound on tape. basically he said, whoops. >> does anyone wonder why romney, the human gasp machine has gone to another country and made a gasp? they say, oh man, this man will be speaking for us in
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interests national circles if re-elect him. romney is fine as long as he is talking with his friends and companions, his other billionaire robot friends who don't understand why humans cry. he is great to that. >> i will respond to this, but first i want to go to bill. i want to take your points apart point by point. bill, you won a medal. >> i got it for hep-s, hep-3 and hep-george. you are welcome, america. there is a rule among presidents that you don't criticize the commander-in-chief. apparently this does not apply for former heads of the olympics as he is criticizing the olympics or maybe he is just an awful, awful diplomat. either way he should be impeached. i believe it is an amendment. i am for it. >> it is a small problem. i think it is a small thing. i don't really care what the english people think about what we are doing over here.
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he made a mistake. >> they only got missiles we gave them. >> i want to respond to everybody here. what would you rather have a doctor who looks at a mole and says don't worry about it, or a doctor who says we should check that out. the problem with romney is he is a businessman, and a businessman often says the truth that nobody likes. so he says -- and they were having problems. >> but he is also a family man. he is the same dude that goes to his uncle's house or somebody in the family's house and start criticizing the house right in front of them. why would you do that? >> i am outnumbered here, people. i am the bob beckle here. we live in a world right now where people don't speak up. if people had spoken up against people who are mentally ill we might be in a different spot. what if nobody said anything about security is my point and
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something did happen, we would never know. >> we would save the day. >> what i am saying is he just said what is on his mind. by the way, pierce morgan who i can't stand said the same thing. he said he told the truth. >> but he wasn't running for president. the fact of the matter is if i see blood on your couch i will not mention it until i leave your house because i'm a guest. i want a president who says the truths that bother certain people at the right time. when you go to england don't make fun of eveningnd la. but when you go to pakistan and come back and say "we killed osama bin laden" that's the truth i will take. >> but it is true. they had security problems. he is a guy -- he is a businessman who has to say the truth jie. is he helping with the security problems or is he the guy that says, wow, this looks messed up. >> i don't think he is a billionaire. >> that was the only gasp. he did go and insult the labor leader by forgetting his name. it sounded like dear leader of
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north korea. >> that is such a british thing to get upset about. we don't care who he is. >> i heard he is going to easy relet -- israel next week, and the first thing he will say when he gets off the plane, boy, there are a lot of jews over here. >> you know what obama said when he got there? >> what? >> nothing, because he never went. count that one! >> it is not a state though, right? israel is not a state. >> they do vote, but not for us. from pouty brits to outfits. another example of why america is awesome, the u.s. american beach volleyball team vowed to keep their bikinis despite a new rule that lets them compete in shorts out of respect of various religion. they said, quote, we are not uncomfortable in our bikinis. me too, sister. in other news, a pair of australian swimmers who posted the picture on facebook will be forced to leave the olympics after their competitions end next
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weekend. nick darcy and ken ri ck -- ce nrick are banned because of the totally not overreacting olympic committee. meanwhile, they stayed scandal free. >> how to catch a caping go riew. a kangaroo. first you have to find one in a bush. you get major shopping bag, and you put it over the kangaroo and it will fall in. and then you have the kangaroo. >> that was a dead kangaroo. >> i don't know what went on there. >> that was dead. >> that was more interesting than the olympics. that should be in the olympics. what do you get -- do you think those guys should go ohm
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over that picture? >> it is like the ioc is grounding the australians because they -- they will take away their tv and they have no candy privileges for a week. it doesn't make a lot of sense. if it was okay to go to the gun store, then why was it not to take a picture of them at the gun store? >> their argument is it is like taking a picture of them at a strip club, but that's not illegal either. that's not a problem. i know for a fact that that is not a problem, imogen, because i have seen you there all the time. what is up with your backwards attitude with all things bough key me. >> prince harry is going to the beach volleyball. he is suffering for his country and going there. it is -- and apparently it was the fastest selling tickets. i don't know the reason for that. as far as the australians go, apparently the boys have been up to no good. they had a track record. >> up to no good of taking pictures? >> they were brawling. >> i tell you guys who are like that. >> when australians don't have
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guns they are from new zealand. we agree on that, right? >> what was i going to say? >> bikinis? >> bikinis, comment. >> that's the only part of the volleyball game i will be watching. who will watch them with jean shorts? >> i was going to ask you, the religious aspect of it, who are we scared of offending? can you think of a single -- >> is it like the muslims ? >> i think it might be, right? >> really? >> i don't know. that's the only one i am thinking of. >> how come 2% of the viewers gets to judge what the other 98% get to see. >> that is true. if we were worried about the religions of other people, we wouldn't have anything on any network. right? >> what about the little girl gymnast? they can see the flesh and the legs out and they are 13 years old. >> now because of this new rule, they will get to play beach volleyball. the way to spread freedom across the world is to show
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women across the world that our women can wear whatever they want. that makes them want to wear whatever they want and men hate us and we go to war, but eventually we progress freedom. >> this makes sense. >> bill, i can speak for everyone when i say why are you here? have you rethought wore boycott of beach volleyball now that the u.s. is representing. >> i guess, but when is it going to become a dude sport? as for these aus sigh e guys, they are known, as you mentioned, as the bad boy in the sport. one guy got into a bar brawl. >> in beijing. >> the other guy had a skateboarding accident and lied and said it was a hit and run. they found oud about that. and it makes sense. you have to be a bad boy when your sport involves shaving your entire body and wearing a speedo. >> you have to do this. those are the only guys we are looking for whether it is swimming. you are like, which is the guy with the gun? >> because it is so boring. we have become a nation of babies. that's all i can say.
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that's what i go back to when i can't think of anything to say. we have become a nation of babies. >> that's why we will win in the swimming because babies float. >> that is true. >> us eight! -- usa! >> the australian guys will have a better chance of having relations with our beach volleyball players because they are bad boys. >> that is probably the most cogent point made and that's that the bad boys always win. >> from london calling to name calling. are internet threads bad for your head? they say to avoid engaging in wars. they say commenting usually results in agrees without resolution. he tells the website, mother nature network, a name that makes no sense. having a strong emotional experience that doesn't resolve itself in anyway cannot be a good thing. thanks, psychology professor for nothing. they say the anonymous dialogue is not really communication and people need to stop leaving nasty on-line comments and start talking to
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peel face-to-face in order to develop a healthy respect for people with different opinions. anyway, you know who doesn't have time to comment on-line? raccoon mechanic. >> i want to replace a gasket under here, you know that, right? >> he works at furry lube. imogen, i'm sure you never had anyone say nasty things to you on the internet, right? >> i have had so much hate mail, hate tweets. and i know psychologists say all of these trolls have low self-esteem, but they are not giving me low self-esteem. i take it to heart. >> you should because you deserve it. >> that's exactly why. i am a bad, horrific person. >> it is not so much about the comments, right? it is about the desire to
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engage the comments that raise the aggression that is unhealthy. >> what they are -- what i have learned and my website runs an unmoderated comment board. it is psychological warfare about my weight, my waist and general intelligence. i spend time thinking about what motivates these commenters. there are just some people that are mean. and they say mean things. >> sherrod, that's true. you said all of the racial stuff to him of the. >> most of it. but it is a brotherly thing. >> isn't this actually good that these people you don't talk to face-to-face? >> these people are cowards. if you are talking with somebody on-line are you a coward. >> stop it. if you have something to say to somebody, wait until you see them and get it off your chest. >> they are like from across the globe or somewhere else. >> keep it to yourself. don't engage in something you don't have a type through. >> have i to move on because i
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want to leave time for kristen stewart. isn't it better they express hostility on-line, that perhaps flying to you and killing you? >> i don't think they will. >> now you are tempting fate. >> when you have to go. i am miserable. i am miserable. >> i never cared about the death threats and the making fun of me. i welcomed it and i am an on-line cuter. what bothered me is two hours before i saw the premiere of "the dark knight rises" did not look at any reviews. some d-bag made a fake twitter account called not paul mccurio and went through and gave me every single one of the spoilers right before. >> do you feel powerful? >> coming up, that's not a story. it is a new language i invented. the only person who understands it is josh grobin. >> what is the latest on k-stew and r-pat? we will pick up where a
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supply -- will she lose her guy after living a lie? on wednesday kristen stewart apologized for cheating on robert pattinson with her director boyfriend rupert sanders. and then there was a photo of sanders kissing stewart on its latest cover. says the "twilight" star in a statement, quote, i am deeply
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story for the hurt and embarassment i caused to everyone close to me and everyone affected. this discretion has jeopardized the most important thing in my life, the person i love and the respect -- the person i respect the most, rob, i love him, i love him. i am so sorry. that's my impression of her. i am doing her mood. pattson is said to have moved out of the house he shares with stewart and into a con de with me. i a guy can dream. i prefer to remember them in happier times, seen here. >> they were so happy. they had no idea what was in front of them. sherrod, do you remember where you were the pirs time you heard the news? you were napping on my chest. >> i was asleep and woke up to lovely kissing between a girl with no color and some vampire. you have to let it go. first, she is cheating with
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the wolf and now this? the old dude he -- he is married. she apologized to rob and not to the wife. i love when little kids are disappointed with stuff. this is a key moment for me. >> this was a big balloon. >> i am very sorry for all of the people who love her and feel that her emotion less facad is a personality. i think those people are rightly crushed today. >> she has such a great pouty look. i feel terrible. >> she was perfect in "segora" she was frozen in half of the movie. >> when these things happen we focus on the cheating. can we talk about the guy who is having sex with -- we should have a rule. you cannot have sex with somebody who is younger than your oldest daughter. that has to be a rule. >> i have a lot of daughters. >> that is absolutely the point. everybody is going after her.
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it is the guy. she 41 years old. he is with somebody 20 years younger. he has a wife and he has kids. it is this rupert guy who is evil. by the way, robert, call me. i'm here for you, baby. >> his wife is a sire model, but to other people he has been married to her for awhile. secondly, he is a 40-year-old dude not getting laid at home, and now some young starlet is in his face every day shooting a movie. >> he is directing the movie. >> you know she is running through his head all day. >> the director's wife played the mother of kristen stewart in the last movie. >> that's amazing. >> and picked her for the role. >> this is perfect. just when you thought nothing was better than reality tv hollywood takes it back. the real winner here, unfortunately is all of england. pattinson, british, took the american girl. what is this guy? british. even if they don't get medals in the olympics, and they
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won't, they had -- they have won her. >> russell brand came that close to getting it. >> a few quick points. >> she looks like russell brand. >> she is beautiful. the problem is she made $50 million last year. >> oh my gosh. >> she can cry into her giant sack of money. you know the director hates her guts now. he wasn't planing on spilling the beans. >> he had to after she did. >> this is why you don't have sex with 21-year-olds. they don't shut up. >> i wish they would have lied. they have the photo, and watching the explicit, horrible lie -- >> we were going through scenes. we were working dialogue. look, right there. how do you explain that? i wish they tried. i really wish they tried. >> she pleaded with the reporter i guess not to run the pictures. what could she have offered the reporter? i mean like perhaps an exclusive. >> he heard the words coming
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from the young mouth and he was like, what? i am great? everybody says they love his words. she said it this close to his ear. >> robert has to leave her now though, right? >> oh yes. it is part of the guy code. >> i don't know if he is familiar with the guy code though. look at him jie. he is a vampire. he will live forever. >> that's not real, sherrod. >> oh, it's not real? he is not really a vampire? >> no, that's a movie thing. >> we will be talking about this topic tomorrow. i believe so. it is only going to get worse. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox or call 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by jigsaw puzzles. the puzzles in the form of pieces that make a picture that put together. thanks, jigsaw puzzle.
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welcome back. let's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. >> did you want to continue that fascinating conversation you were having during the break? >> what? what are you talking about? >> i don't know what it was about. i heard snipits, but it sounded delightful. >> the term empty calories was used, and not by imogen. >> i was talking about how i don't know any adult who still drinks regular coke.
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>> except me. jay you are almost 50 and you drink regular coke. >> i love how i am supposed to be the -- >> i am not almost 50. >> not yet. >> romney wonders. i lake a full flavored soda, greg. >> too sweet. too sugar re. you liked it as a kid, but when you get older, the sugar is sticky. you need to go for diet coke, or coke zero is a delightful soda. >> don't the artificial sweeteners give uh third eye? >> no, they are like vitamins. they are like god's vitamins, like better than mother nature. >> chamomile tea is nice. >> i like keeping dentists in business. i am doing my part to help the economy. romney wonders whether london is ready for the olympics. i gather romney didn't say
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anything different from what the brits are saying. i don't think what he said was that big of a deal. but you are right. nobody wants to hear the truth from somebody who doesn't live there. >> it is like your next door neighbor hear and you your mother arguing. you can call your mother every name in the book. you go outside of the house and they say your mother is -- was really hard on you and you say mind your business. >> we get pissed if barack obama tries to tell us what to do. >> greg, you supported romney foretelling the truth. he said, mitt went to the uk to contrast his love for the uk. he wound up getting booed by 60k people. >> that's because he says what he says. >> if you are going over there to be diplomatic and to help relations, maybe you don't say stuff like that in public. >> i don't care about relations. >> 60k is like a metric thing,
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right? >> it is a really long race. >> that's the equivalent of six americans. >> that's what you say about an old racist uncle. >> it was a different time. >> sherrod, he speaks his mind. >> he's old school. >> by the way, the bbc report says when asked if mitt romney might carry the olympic torch, robinson said, quote, certainly not after today. >> did he say -- wow, how bad is this? gwenyth paltrow says far worse things about us, that brit. >> but on the bright side, she lives there. they are stuck with her. >> when she runs for president, we are stuck with her. and she will. >> don't even -- you called romney the human gaff machine.
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so does president obama and i think there are a lot of things that president obama goes overseas and says. >> but he doesn't make me guffow as much as romney. >> i guffow and shake my head. >> you cannot. >> you physically can't. try it. see. >> i think i broke something. >> bill, thank you for not mentioning the blood on my couch until after you left. not sure you needed to bring it it up on national tv. >> i could have said cranberry juice and nobody would have known the truth. >> and nobody likes you. >> cherry coke, actually. >> what? >> never mind. >> u.s. women's beach volleyball team wearing bikinis. did you hear thatatheist, not so smart now. >> are you talking to the
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mirror? >> also, men's beach volleyball already exists. >> it is not televised much. >> of course it is. >> i think they won the first men's olympic beach volleyball. >> and they did a movie with hulk hogan. >> it was a tom cruise and anthony edwards. >> they were professional volleyball players players who in recreation would fly jets. >> that's it. >> great film. >> australian olympians told to stay out because of gun. gun. it is like they are grounding them. three thr is an olympic biathalon team. would they get in trouble? >> again, if it was okay for them to go to the gun store, i
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really don't understand why it wasn't okay -- it is not even real if it is not on facebook. >> here is the only thing -- i don't think it is the gun as much as the pose. here is my problem with it. frankie, can we put that picture back up? the guy on the left -- i don't know which that is, the one with the handgun? >> the one that needs to be punched in the face. >> the one that is pointing the gun at his teammate or himself. it is hard to tell. that's gun safety 101. even if you know 100% a gun is not loaded, you don't point it at someone unless you are going to use it. >> i don't think they were mad because they were not practicing correct gun safety. >> i think they said the fact that -- >> they were glorifying it in someway. >> i thought it was a weird smirk, the fishy lips. somebody is taking a picture and you go like this. look at that on the left. i love the guns. it is the offensive smirk i can't handle. >> at least we know somewhere,
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some ab ridge knee is laughing at him. >> and posing with guns like a tough guy is pathetic. >> what if they posed like that with bows and arrows, would they be in trouble? >> maybe a "hunger games" fan. >> do the "charlies angels" pose. >> i'm sure they would love that. >> you pointed out they have been in trouble before, but bill you said nick darcy was involved in a brawl at the last olympics? >> no, it was a bar brawl. >> he was charged with assault after a brawl the night after he was named to the australian olympic team in 2008, i think, and they kicked him off the team and he never went to the games. >> that could have not been his fault. he could have been australian and been in the bar. they are real hard on each other. if somebody called him a coward for -- >> you should be on "national geographic."
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>> however they talk. >> i think you nailed it. >> i watched a lot of crocodile done de. >> kristen stewart cheats on robert pattinson. as a founding member of team jacob i feel smarty about this. >> you should. >> did you say the director rupert sanders apologized to pattinson and not to his wife? >> no, she apologized to pattinson, but didn't say i'm sorry for breaking up your home and kids. >> well, she did say in her statement -- he's the only one she mentioned bay name, but she said she feels bad for everyone that is affected. >> who me? be more specific. >> home wreckers generally have a heart of gold. >> i like this. sanders' wife, liberty ross, the model slash actress. she talked to a magazine before the scandal and said her husband was never around. she said, quote, i would never say out loud i am raising my children alone, but a lot of
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time it is felt like that. >> there is only one way she can get this husband back right now. black dude. >> in fairness, andy, the quote was, oh wait, did i say that out loud? and they edited that as editors do. >> she sounds like a real mom of the year. i went from the glamour of working with big people to living on a hilltop with my husband gone most of the time. how about don't get married and have kids then. >> on a hill with lots of money. that allows you to live in isolation. >> that's a rich person problem. >> i myself would love to live on an isolated till top. >> you live on a hill of cats. can i -- one thing i have learned from this story, andy? >> sure. >> no one ever talks about dirty old men anymore. >> can you say that again? >> nobody ever talks about dirty old men anymore. meaning, when you were a kid there used to be in cartoons older men who went after girls
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were dirty old men. we are all older, it is just average. who cares? >> he is mid40s, right? >> he is a dirt ay old man. >> she is 20 something. >> you have to be a lot older to be a dirty old man. >> how come you can't call him a wolf or whatever? a cougar? >> he is something. >> because he is married with children. >> i think it is called a cad. >> they are called rhinos because they are considered horny and ugly. >> andrew. >> i am not making that up. >> i call them heros. >> are we done here? >> sure. coming up, a quiz on whether or not you bought every item our valued sponsors are selling. and what is the solution for porn viewing in public libraries. i have to reexcuse myself from this story. judge's orders.
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san francisco's public libraries installed plastic privacy screens so others won't have to see the smut. the screens are an alternative to filtering access, but some say they don't block much at all. oddly enough, "red eye" came up with this solution over a year ago while discussing the problem of porn in new york libraries. >> want a solution to the problem? this. it is "red eye"'s porn viewing box. you can change the sign when ever you want. for example, buy mother's day gifts on-line, or whatever. and of course not looking at porn. >> we were really ahead of the curve. nobody will remember that unless you tell them. >> lightning roooouuuuunnnnddd. lightning round. >> as a society, haven't we just given up? we can't even say, please,
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transient, don't watch porn in the library. no, our tax dollars, we will build something for you. >> if you accept the premise that the homeless have a right to use the internet, and you accept the premise that the internet is for porn which it is. then you have to accept it that homeless people are going to watch porn in the library. >> this is a library. "50 shades of greq yts is a book. i can get that not being in a library. >> you are right. >> i watched 50 shades of may in the library. it is like the book, but better. it is not a book. you have to be able to watch porn in a library. it is first amendment right of the. >> there are people who -- there used to be people who useett library. they don't anymore. now libraries have become a place for people to hang out and sleep and [bleep]. >> if you are in -- sleeping
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in the library you are homeless. >> i don't want tax dollars to go as a maturbatoy haven. >> would it be better if it was at starbucks ? if you can give me a solution for the homeless people to watch porn somewhere else, i willisen to it. >> my place. you are all well come. >> who are we forgetting? the poor librarian who has to deal with them. is she going to walk around with a squigie saying i will get that for you? it is like a peep show. >> at least she has something to do with her bore dom. there is no more dewey decimal system. nobody is there. help the guy with the porn. that is a freedom of speech thing. our founding fathers knew we would get into it, knew we would have free libraries and knew people would come and abuse themselves. >> imogen please agree with me
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on this. can't you just say, please, in public buildings, don't masterbate. it is against the law! it is public indy sen see. >> it is against the law to touch yourself, but not to watch it. >> what are you going to do? you download it in your head? you think people sit there and download it and then run off somewhere? >> homeless people have to be resourceful. >> they will be resourceful in front of other people. it is against the law. they are encouraging lawlessness. >> for years parents have been trying to get their kids to the library. now it is, no, no, no library. >> give the homeless people somewhere to watch something. >> it is bad. >> they chose to be homeless. i have to take a break of the seriously they get all of the great weather, have a dog. now i have to pay for their sex. more stuff to talk about. stick around.
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albany high to get his grade an a plus. he did not show up to a lab even though he was allowed to be absent because of a family matter. it is boring, but the teacher was aware a c plus in chemistry would destroy his chances of being accepted to his two colleges of choice. why must we sue over everything, or is this legitimate? >> this would not legitimate. i would rather help homeless masterbate at libraries. the reason this is happening, it is happening more and more. the reason it happens is there are not enough jobs to go around for everybody. there are no jobs for stupid people. when stupid people don't get what they want, they sue. >> imogen, thoughts? >> i moved to america to love and understand. i never got this lawsuit thing. it is back to the elbow. i fell over 18 months ago and smashed up my elbow on a new york sidewalk. it was my fault. i sliped on ice. i lost count of the people who said, you should sue. why should i sue?
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it is ridiculous. >> as a british person you live in a system where there is health care. in america where there is no health care -- >> what are you talking about? there is health care. >> one of the ways to get money for your health care is to sue people. >> it was the city's fault you fell. the other day i fell on the street and skinked my elbow. i said, dam, bloomburg and i called a lawyer. >> last word, bill, teachers seem to hate the student. >> yes, it is a bad teacher. look at all of the stuff. she had him grade his -- she said come in and grade my pages. last i checked that was her job. i will give you an "a." he showed up and she didn't. he -- she has a personal vendetta against him like every teacher i had. >> but they had a legitimate reason. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from tv's andy levy. and to see recent clips, fox fox eye.
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see you back here at 5:00 p.m. for "the five" a new" red eye" tomorrow. tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> imogen, what are you doing to help americans get in the spirit of the london olympic games? >> to help americans understand british slang i wrote a dictionary and it is on my website. it says words like muppet. >> did not understand a word you just said. >> all i know is i want more porrige, andy. >> what is the one thing you learned from your wife being pregnant? >> so i learned that lamaze is
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something that should be required courses for every boy before they have sex. once you learn what -- once you learn the dangers of having sex, you will think a lot more response plea. responsibly. >> wasn't lamaze one of your house boys? >> unfortunate accident. >> he stopped breathing. >> he won't pea at the house boy festival next week. >> that's a shame. >> part of him will be. >> sherrod, how is the new show? >> i will be on "good afternoon america" and i want to announce the winners of the hang with sherrod. it is mad de springfield and sydney lorenzo. you are winning so you are coming next week here with me to "red eye" and watch the crew. >> you have to run it by us first. >> i ran it by security and they said okay. >> no, you ran by security. you didn't run anything by security, you just ran by them. >> thank you, imogen, ed schulz, ellie and sherrod small. mr. bill.
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you beta. >> bill: o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> there are some crimes that are so heinous that they cannot be left to the discretion of a judge like this guy murphy. thank god a hero has emerged in the awful child rape sentencing in brooklyn. u.s. attorney loretta lynch is coming to the rescue, embarrassing judge martin murphy and governors cuomo and christie as well. megyn kelly will report. ♪ i. [cheers] ♪ so in love with you. [cheers] >> bill: americans still like president obama even if they don't support his re-election. but why? john sununu and laura ingraham on that. also tonight, a new study says adolescents watch movies full of sex they are more likely to
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have sex. the culture warriors on that. can i come in? >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. finally a hero to protect the kids that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. andrew goodman raped two boys ages 11 and 13 over a period of four years. this savage pleaded guilty to 48 felony counts of criminal sexual acts. 48 counts. new york state judge martin murphy sentenced the monster to just two years in prison. outraging the victims, their families, and the brooklyn district attorney. murphy gave goodman the
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