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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  August 12, 2012 6:00am-10:00am EDT

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introducing congressman ryan yesterday as the next president of the united states. the debut for the seven term wisconsin congressman and house budget committee chairman unfomedded without a hitch really. not with standing the rushed flavor to the flair. romney and ryan held a brief session with reporters on board their campaign plane. for us expects a campaign of ideas and direction for america. what kind of nation is t going to be? how are we going to help people across the country have a better future and having two people talk about that is far more compelling dynamic than just being out there on my own. i'm really excited about this race. >> now, it is still too early to use polling to measure the effect of ryan's edition to the race, but some discernible phenomena are already apparent, to wit. the romney campaign says it raised 4 million in the first
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seven hours after the big moment in norfolk. formerren can tenders for the g.o.p. nomination closed ranks around the announcement with rick perry, rick santorum and even newt gingrich who once famously derided the ryan plan as right wing social engineering. lastly to guide ryan through his new found prominence it was announced that house speaker john boehner has detailed his communications director michael steele to the romney ryan campaign. one important shift we saw yesterday, gang. romney -- yesterday explicitly adopted the language of the obama campaign and started referring to this as a choice election. they are going to campaign later today after north carolina in wisconsin, a kind of homecoming for paul ryan. back to you guys in new york. >> thanks, james. >> get yourself some breakfast, thanks for being up early. good friend stephen haze from the "weekly standard." a fellow green bay packer fab.
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he is psyched for other packers fan paul ryan. good to he so you this morning. good morning, guys. >> you are a half hour away. >> watossa. >> before we get into your state being the center of the political universe. i'm curious on your line on this thing. how has the dynamic changed in this race if at all. >> the way that james summarized it for you is exactly right. this campaign had unfolded along the lines that mitt romney thought it would at least initially. he wanted to make this a referendum it was going to be a referendum on barack barack os presidency. and stewardship of the economy. the a problem to the certain extent is that wasn't working. whatever we were seeing with the dynamics of the race it became increasingly apparent, i think, over the last month that the referendum wasn't working in his favor. whether you believe, you know, the recent spade of polls we
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have. some have oversampled democrats or not. it seems clear there was at least some movement toward barack obama and away from mitt romney. now, i don't think that that is the only reason that they picked paul ryan they picked him on august 1st. this is before the latest round of polls came out. i know that they have been looking at paul ryan very seriously since back in april and may. and the relationship here between paul ryan and mitt romney really took off march before the primary in april. >> what is the referendum now, steve. is it a referendum on america's future? has that become the future rather than the poor job creation performance of the president? is it a stark difference between the republic and democratic party and how our country moves ahead in the century? is that now the issue? >> i actually think it's both of those. when i interviewed paul ryan back in may. i was at work. long profile that i wrote for
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"the weekly standard." we spent a bunch of time together. i went to a number of different events with paul ryan and had some time to sit down and talk to him about the big, you know, about the big issues and about the election. and he said to me. he didn't like the way that people were framing this election. he said it's not an either/or choice here. it's not that mitt romney has to run a campaign referendum only on the economy or he has to run a campaign that's focused on debt and deficit issues. really, ryan said, it's about bringing those two things together and making this an election as you say, peter, about the future of america. >> stephen there, san interesting story in the "the washington post" this morning about how they were able to keep it secret since, as you said, mitt romney basically decide on august 1st that they had to keep it secret for the next 11 or 12 days. part of it that he had under the cover of darkness sneak through the wisconsin woods to get to the waiting get away car to be secreted off to the airport. i thought you could appreciate that hartford airport. not even boston.
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>> they knew people were trailing them and following them. you probably had experience navigating through wisconsin as well. >> i do look like somebody who spends a lot of time sneaking through the woods? i'm not sure how to take that exactly. >> yeah. >> actually, paul ryan is an avid bow hunter. he spends a lot of time hunting. the first thing he does when he gets back after thanksgiving is he goes hunting up here in the wisconsin woods this is a guy who has experience in those very woods. i'm not surprised that he made it successfully. >> also ad into ler as we learn not catching the catfish. >> ask you about wisconsin. sudden ily the suddenly the center of the political universe. does it mean the state is up for grabs? obama won it overwhelmingly in 2008. >> yeah. i mean, do i think this is a real swing state. if you look back at the
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results in 2000 and 2004. they were within 1%. under 1%. so this really is a swing state. president obama did well here in 2008. i think this is a state that anyone here, anyone can win. it's so ironic to me, having grown up here that wisconsin is as political active as you say the center of the political universe as it is. when i first went to work for "the weekly standard" in 2001. i used to have to come up with very creative ways to get myself back to wisconsin so i could cover a story for the "weekly standard." i would find something that was sort of maybe marginal story that i could do so i could come back and do man on the street interviews at a packer game, for instance. i don't have to do that anymore. i mean, it's like you come back to wisconsin every time you turn around there is some new interesting story. scott walker obviously with the recall and the national attention that was focused on that. now you have paul ryan being the running mate. at the urging, i should say of
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scott walker right after he won the recall here on june 5th, the first thing did he when he woke up the next morning was give a series of interviews and said i think mitt romfully -- i think it's because of the characteristics that paul ryan brings. big, bold, energizes the' republic base. >> axelrod thought it would be pa lent. i was curious your take. >> stephen haze, thanks so much. >> go packers. >> thanks, guys. >> let's get to the rest of your headlines. a fox news alert for you right now. two devastating earthquakes have killed at least 250 people and injured thousands more in northeastern iran. rescue crews now combing the rebel looking for survivors.
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6.4 earthquake hits. minutes later a second quake measures 6.3 rocked the same area. six villages were wild out and 60 others dealing with damage this morning. police trying to arrest a man more marijuana possession when he pulled out a 10-inch knife. you can see the officers' guns drawn trying to chase him through the crowds. the man not surrendering. he ran seven blocks before charging at officers with his knife in hand. that's when they shot and killed him. there were also report subject may have tried to slash people on the street. fortunately nobody noe one else was hurt. that's the busiest place in the earth. >> it really is. man bypassing security at one of the nation's busiest airports. daniel was jet skiing in jamaica bay right at jfk airport in new york friday
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night when his jet ski apparently broke down unable to see anything else. he says he swam three miles towards the airport's bright lights. that he climbed an 8-foot fence and walked across two runways before eventually being stopped inside the terminal. ceenge charged with criminal trespass. port authority well now trying to figure out how jfk's $100 million security system could be bypassed so easily. >> wow. finally extreme weather in arizona. the dust kicked up by 40 mile-per-hour wind gusts. the region's lingering drought not helping either as can you imagine were nonexistent. those are your headlines this hour. >> coming up on the show. paul ryan is mitt romney's pick for vice president as i'm sure you know by now. he brings his family with him into the media spotlight are they ready fort months ahead? we will ask dr. keith ablow
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coming up. >> not wasting any time. democrats launching first attack ad on paul ryan the same day he was officially announced as mitt's vp. does this mean the race for the white house is only going to get nastier? the debate next. it's time to get going. to get your feet moving to the beat. it's time to start gellin' with dr. scholl's and feel the energy from your feet up. thanks to the energizing support and cushioning of dr. scholl's massaging gel insoles, you'll want to get up and go.
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let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at >> that was quick, democrats wasting no time yesterday releasing first attack ad on paul ryan. let's take a look. >> i think it would be marvelous if the senate were to pick up paul ryan's budget and adopt it. >> the paul ryan medicare plan turns medicare into a voucher system.
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>> the paul ryan budget which cuts aid to the disabled, which cuts aid to immigrants of children, which cuts aid to the elderly. >> would cut pell grants to college students by $170 billion and cut off a million over the decade. >> the cuts are so traumatic. they are so painful. >> it gives a 4.3 trillion-dollar tax cut to the wettiest in this -- wealthest in this country. >> can we expect the race for the white house get even nastier? we are asking angela mcglowan and santita jackson. >> thanks for having me. >> the democrats knew that paul ryan was on the short list, they rolled out the attack ad right away. they believe they have a lot to attack him on in terms of his viscal view. >> that's -- fiscal view. >> this man is about policy and solutions. and can he do very well
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against biden in a debate and paul ryan has won seven consecutive years a swing district, a democratic district santita he though is a bold choice as they say for mitt romney and more of a lightning rod. it gives democrats more material, possibly than some of the other choices might have? >> you know it's interesting. people call him a risky choice. i think he was a calculated risk and it was very very smart. the ad i heard was not a personal attack. it was just a statement of fact. what really concerns me is the role that the super pacs will play in the 2012 campaign. >> in 2008 we had hands off policy. today i think we will have all bets are off policy. that's what frightens me. the gentleman who drove me over here this morning had a 40% drop in his income. 40%. that is what americans want to talk about. they do not want it to get personal. they just want the facts and figure out how americans have come. >> with these ads santita tax
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you are exactly right. with these super pac ads you are going to have a lot of smear and fear especially from the left. a lot of race baiting, class warfare. americans, find out who is going to do best for you and go and vote your conscience. not your culture. because both sides are going to use 30 seconds, 60 seconds to define each party. >> do you consider that ad -- i want to ask angela, do you consider that a smear or do you consider that as santita said as stating the facts. >> i consider it as a smear when you have a sitting member of congress state that this plan would hurt, would actually hurt the elderly, would hurt the middle class when in actuality, it's goings going to did you cut the deficid cut taxes. people have more money to put in their pockets. >> okay. let me get santita's response. >> it's going to cut the deficit and cut people. cutting $200 billion from the pell grant program is going to eliminate grants for 1 million
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students. turning the medicare program into a voucher system is going to hurt the elderly. i don't know how you can say that. but as long as it's -- no, no. angela. no to the facts. >> know what the fact is. >> i'm correcting you on some things. >> no. >>? 2008, 2009, and 2010. boehner would not even touch. >> santita, with the ryan plan. >> let me finish, angela, in 2011, when the tea partiers came. >> in um-huh. >> then speaker boehner embraced the program. >> embraced what program? >> eliminating 1 million students from pell grants? come on, angela. you know that's not right. >> washington, d.c. and you know washington, d.c. ryan is ahead of the budget committee. reid in the senate didn't offer a budget for the last three years. ryan offered system. it's a something where you compromise that's number one. number two obama ha cut $700 million from medicare to pay for medicare.
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with the romney plan t keeps people 55 and over on their plan now. don't have to worry about that. so this ad saying that it would hurt the elderly his plan would actually keep -- >> -- it will. >> >> santita, last word. >> all you have to do is look at the numbers. as long as it does not get personal and nasty, let's deal with that let's deal with the fact that my driver, as i said, 40% of his income is gone. $100 million. >> who is president right now? >> it did not start with -- it did not start with president obama. 100 million americans are on welfare. 48% of us need government aid in order to survive. that's got to stop. democrats and republicans -- >> -- welfare since obama. >> leave it there. >> i am awake now. thank you both. santita jackson and angela mcglowan. >> god bless you, take care. >> next up on the run down, we will tell you how paul ryan is doing on the polls and what it means for mitt romney's
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chances to coming into the white house in november. >> dr. keith ablow has some warnings coming up. okay, here's the plan. you have a plan? first we're gonna check our bags for free, thanks to our explorer card. then, the united club. my mother was so wrong about you. next, we get priority boarding on our flight i booked with miles. all because of the card. and me. okay, what's the plan? plan? mm-hmm. we're on vacation. this is no pl. really? [ male announcer ] the united mileageplus explorer card. the mileage car ith special perks on united. get it and you're in. [ laughing ] the crackle of the campre. it can be a million years old...
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>> a new rasmussen poll of likely voters is offering some insight, possibly, into paul ryan's popularity. >> 39% have a favorable opinion of ryan and 25% unfavorable. our next guest says the most significant numbers is he looking at is 35% that say they have no opinion whatsoever. here to weigh in on all these numbers is the founder of
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rasmussen reports is scott rasmussen. great to be with you and that last number is the big one. in fact among affiliated voters 42% have no idea who paul ryan is. many of those who do have an opinion soft so far. that's why you have discussions like you did just before the break that are so intense. both parties are trying to define paul ryan in the meaning of this pick as they are introducing this man to the public. >> that's kind of great for mitt romney if is he a clean slate then they can define him however they want going forward. >> well, that's if the romney team is successful at defining him. look, if paul ryan is perceived as someone who is a small town wisconsin guy, hard-working and he is very serious about cutting government spending, that's a huge plus on the other hand, if he he is a defined as a tool of corporate america who is intent on damaging or ending medicare, that is going to be a negative.
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that's why you are going to hear a lot of discussion next 48 to 72 hours as they are trying to cement that narrative in place. >> unfortunately i think you would agree that a lot of definition of candidates especially when they have blank slates it's done by negative ads. >> negative ads, right. >> unless the romney folks have a lot of positive ads certainly positive press. look at friday's presidential tracking poll, yours, if we could. romney at 47 obama as 43. and so where is it trending now? >> well, it hasn't really been trending much in recent weeks. on saturday morning before the ryan pick. 46 for romney, 44 for obama. this morning at the:30 release daily update and show the exact same thing. 46 for romney, 44 for obama. this is pretty much where it's been for likely voters for a while. got to remember the numbers
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this morning many of the interviews for that were conducted before the ryan pick. so t will be a few days before we really sort this out. and t will be fascinating to see what paul ryan's favorables look like by midweek. >> yeah. and typically what kind of bounce can we expect with all the excitement and the buzz surrounding paul ryan? at most are we talking 2 or 3 points or when you look at the recent elections? where does that go? >> i think you are looking at something that would top out at 2 or 3 point shift. strong base around 45 or 46% 10% not paying attention to either candidate not paying attention. only 13% of the voters are following the campaign now. it may be monday or tuesday before they're even away that paul ryan is the nominee. what's also going to be interesting as you look at and this watched this rolled thought definition is the
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responses that republicans begin to give to their budget plans and budget challenges that will shaper accepts of where this is heading. >> scott, back to your original number about paul ryan's favorables and unfavorables. again, you said if 389% have favorable. unfavorable is 25. is that common? first of all it's more than it was a year ago. is he a member of congress. most members of congress aren't well known to the members of public. it is a good number. seven out of 10 republicans have a favorable opinion of him. there is potential this will energize the republic base. >> do you have -- how does a vice presidential candidate effect a voter's pick in terms of deciding who to vote for? >> it's hard to say. you can only go back to maybe
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linden johnson's election to say that the vice presidential pick changed the outcome of an election. but, in this case, mitt romney is seen as not a terribly popular candidate among the republic base. in fact, most romney supporters right now say the election is a choice between the lesser of two evils. this pick has the potential to make republicans enthusiastic about their choice. statement, most of -- at the same time most of the republic motivation for showing up and voting still comes from barack obama. >> scott rasmussen thanks for waking up with us so early and being with us. >> an internship program with the department of agriculture, it hired one intern. what happened? next. with the spark cash card from capital one,
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sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thinwork? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% casback on every purche, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back
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or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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>> you are so little and petit but to me you are are extra extra sweet. my god.
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>> the wonderful interactions that happen around the office. look around and think of your best friends, why did you become friends with them. you like to think that it's because you have so many things in common. you really enjoy each other. no, typically it's just proximity that ends up forcing you to be with best friends. i thought about this. yeah, my best friends at fox, you, rick, my office mate and clayton my couch mates. totally right on. >> can would he be best friends too? >> this morning, no, research bears this out. >> four hours he will be your best friend it's only because you have proximity right now. research bears out that your closest friends are the ones closest locationwise to you. >> one out of three people found friends at work and then one out of three people met the best friend in school. >> yeah, right? >> yep. usually you meet your best friends at school. when you go to school.
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but, if after you graduate -- >> -- 27% best friend at work. the samsung survey. >> once they looked inside these numbers. they also found that it was those, again, closest to you. someone you might share. familiarity breeds friendship friendship or contempt, right? >> proximity. familiarity i'm living proof of this. i moved from the 18th floor here at fox to the 17th floor. i have really good friends on the 18th floor. we did things together. i have never seen them again. corner office, got jacuzzi and lap pool and one lane bowling alley. it's fantastic. now my closest friends are you and rick reichmuth around the corner? we want to know from your folks are those friends right
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next to you cubical or do you find things that you share in common with. >> no. proximity. get to what else is happening. brave supermarketters jump into action after a woman walked into store and opened fire. the 21 woman who has not been released started yelling and shooting hitting two people before being tackled to the ground. he turned and looked through the door and saw who was looking at me. then i got scared. i thought if he doesn't want any witnesses, maybe you should shoot me, too. >> police say they don't believe the woman knew the victims, a man in his 70s and another in his 30's. >> many people forced to flee their homes, well, i will get to that story in a minute. let's get to this one first. fall out continues from southwest airlines promotion. facebook deal meant to give half price tickets to airline fans. instead, they charged them multiple times. ramona cobain still reeling
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from the computer glitch. she was charged 51 times. adding up to more than $11,000 leaving her unable to pay her bills. what's going on? they're going to deplete my bank account. husband, we have no money in our bank account. >> it's not a good message from your spouse. southwest is issuing refunds for their mistake. it also says it will pay for late fees and let credit bureaus know it was not the customer's fault for paying bills late. >> well, instead of going to the chapel to get married, some couples will be going to denny's? that's right. the restaurant planning a 24 hour diner in las vegas that will have a chapel so anyone looking for a late night bite can also get hitched. very convenient. cakes many of deny's pancakes. fantastic. [ laughter ] the diner will also have a full bar. that's important. and a photo booth. it's expected to open by the end of the year.
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one stop shopping, david. >> one stop shop that alisyn can get her arms around that would be it. >> and then 4:30 in the morning police show up. >> that's usually what happens. >> i have been at deny's at that hour it does make you rethink your life choices. >> don't knock the grand slam. let's get to maria molina in for rick this morning. >> good to see you. good morning. good morning, everyone. today we are talking about finally drawing things out across the northeast. we had a norm of number of storms roll through the northeast. severe weather in the hail wind gusts and dangerous lightning and again finally seeing that storm system pushing out to sea. behind it you will notice some very pleasant conditions. we're all seeing that early this morning in new york city where currently temperatures here are in the 70s as we head westbound 62 in cleveland. 60 in chicago. beautiful morning for you out there. still on the warm side.
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santonio 80 degrees. heating up later this afternoon back into the triple digits. 102 for your high temperature. 105 over in the city of dallas. otherwise, northeast again. beautiful day, 85 for new york city. 80 over in the city of cleveland. and continuing on track westbound. minneapolis on the cool side today. a high temperature at only 66 degrees. southwest is going to be another scorcher with temperatures well into the triple digits. a look at the satellite radar picture. a couple showers out across parts of new england. but, again, generally a drawing trend. air across the city of pittsburgh and central pennsylvania. that will continue to push eastbound. as we head west aross the midwest we have been talking about the extreme drought. very hot temperatures and we are finally seeing some much needed moisture from minnesota down into iowa, missouri, and parts of oklahoma and eastern kansas. so, again, some good news out there and that will continue to be in store or the story across parts of the midwest for today. ali? >> thanks so much. >> the next guest says
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president obama has surprising plans if he wins re-election. author of "fool me twice" obama's plans for the next for years exposed. this book you come out with shocking plans for the next four years. how did you learn about these. since you say these are all secret plans. >> they are not necessarily secret but same exact progressive groups and same aggressive activists behind obama's first term agenda. i'm talking about groups that wrote parts of the stimulus and groups that became part of obama care. they have been heavy at work at crafting obama's second term plans. what i did was review thousands upon thousands of documents. it's not opinion. it's fact after fact on what specifically obama is planning to do. i mean economic assault come second term. >> what kind of documents and where did you find them. >> believe it or not most of these are posted online. what's amazing is that any other reporter could have done exactly what i did. i don't think that he obama necessarily wants the american public to know his specific plan. so, instead, is he talking
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about generalities, like economic fairness. fair share. but what does that mean? so i went through and found exactly what that means. fair nsms the federal government can come and tell a private employer what the actual value is for each employee's work. >> that doesn't sound practical. >> your hypothesis because you have read through all of this mound of sort of progressive research that the president will try to adopt some of these things like raising the minimum wage and enforcing it and making all employers go up by how much? >> they don't have the exact amount. what they have is a wage ensure known as the wage for housing, for recreation. it's called basic living wage. combings from marxist ideology. the problem is it has actually been tried in the past. pushed by acorn in the 1990s
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and caused economies to crash and burn. by the way that's just the beginning. also talking about a massive government jobs program including they even want to bring back recreate what is known as the works progress administration of fdr. so we are talking infrastructure, ridges, bridges, roads, tunnels, a new green stimulus come obama's second term. and this is just the beginning. so we have to now contrast this against with romney the pick of ryan just yesterday that they don't have the specific economic plans, either. but it's very clear that we're talking about massive increases in government spending versus possibly not those massive increases and shrinking government spending. >> rnc sends out a tweet similarly dove tailing with what you are saying. congratulations and blessings to my friend congressman paul ryan fantastic choice and great partner to mitt romney they will save america. he is probably talking financially because paul ryan is on the record with trying to lower the tax rate for
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everyone. and shrink government spending. >> yeah. obama's plans are the exact opposite. we are at economic emergency. the question is continue with government spending. during the second term massive new government spending on all levels or are we not? that's the decision the american public has to make. now i have obama's second term plans. not going time plement everything as written but this is the blueprint. >> again, the book is called fool me twice. aaron klein thanks for coming in. >> thanks for having me. >> tax funded program meant to create intern s&pes for the department department of agriculture. $2 million of your money was spent to hire only one intern? and is mitt romney closer to the tea party now that he has selected paul ryan for his vp? we will talk to a tea partier coming up.
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questions. when you're caring for a loved one with alzheimer's, not a day goes by that you don't have them. questions about treatment where to go for extra help, how to live better with the disease. so many questions, where do you start? the answers start here.
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so, i'm working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. no way! i'm like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot? wherever your business takes you, nobody keeps you on the rd like progressive commercial auto. [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. >> $2 million of taxpayer money. that's what the department of agri couple temperature, $2 million spent on internship program that hired, listen to, this only one full-time intern. so what else has government wasted your hard earned cash on. is the current administration doing anything to stop it? joining me now is president
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against citizens of government waste tom shed. nice to see you in new york. tell us about. this this is incredible. the 2-million-dollar shrinking intern at the u.s.d.a. spent $2 million and hired one intern. tell us about. this part of a 63-million-dollar increase over two years enhance information technology security at the department of agriculture. fairly important task. the department got the money they started 16 projects at once, they didn't procedure advertise. part of it was this $2 million to hire interns to help them fix their security systems. >> and they did. >> they hired one intern. >> literally one. >> literally one. >> that money was spent. >> that money was spent on the program. they spent $230,000 on another program that diewsm indicated something they were already doing. typical give us all this money and we're going to figure out how to spend it and waste it. >> tom, do we know if someone
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was fired as a result of this? >> oh, peter, no. no one gets fired over. this this is the problem with how the whole government is run. nobody is at the top managing how this whole process works. >> well, you know, this has become a critical critical issue as we talk about a presidential campaign. fox did a poll on their and they posed this question. do you believe your federal tax money is spent more carefully now than five years ago? 53% of americans believe less carefully. is that what you are he seeing in terms of your findings at the citizens against government waste, which is nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation that does good work. do you find that? >> absolutely. the senate hasn't passed a budget plan for more than 1200 days. if you don't have a plan. you cannot manage how the money is being spent, so everyone is out there, just throwing money around and hoping that it doesn't get wasted rather than watching how it is being spent and keeping track and having oversight. >> it's important to have
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oversight. it's really important how bureaucracies work. we have been digging around saying who knows paul ryan? we are talking. you know paul ryan, have you worked with paul ryan in the past. what kind of fellow is he and what does he know? >> i knew paul ryan when he was a staff on capitol hill, very young, always very harp, always impressive. he knows how things should work. and when you hear people say as they derlier on the show 170 billion is going to be cut. this is from massive projected increases in spending. people need to understand and be educated how the process works. is he very articulate and very good at getting it down to a level people can just appreciate and understand what's going on. >> tom, when you reveal what you have just revealed here and the usda inspector general reveals similar information, what happens with that information at the federal level? does someone send a report to the white house to vice president biden, to the budget
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director to the white house chief of staff? what happens with that information or does it become another report that's thrown on a desk somewhere? ed office of inspector general for all agencying issues auto reports all the time. they sit around look at them and pile them up. they hold hearings on capitol hill. they have say this is a horrible waste of money and then they don't vote to cut the money off. >> i know you are working on a couple of others. very interesting thing. will you come back and tell us what they're. >> absolutely, peter. good to see. >> you thanks, tom. keep it up. all right. paul ryan is mitt romney's choice to be the vice president. now, what happens to his family as they are dragged into the media spotlight? are they red for the grueling months ahead the press bearing down on them? we're going to ask dr. keith ablow who is coming up. then, we head to wisconsin to talk about what ryan means for the g.o.p. ticket?
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>> welcome back, now that paul ryan is the vp pick for mitt romney, he is already facing scrutiny, and it is sure to pile on between now and november. >> he is not the only one, of course, who have l. have to deal with this new limelight. in fact, the entire ryan family is now in the spotlight. what will the ryan family face heading into the election. >> joining us is scris dr. keith ablow, good morning, dr. keith. >> good morning, peter. how are you? how are the rest of you doing? >> so now we have these lovely
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children and wonderful wife they have had some attention in the state of wisconsin. now they are thrown full bore into the world spotlight. what are they facing in terms of being a family and raising their children. >> what they are facing, even though paul ryan is a seven term congressman. and that prepares this family in a real way for this journey, it is still like nothing that they are going to experience. this is wholly different. the level of scrutiny, the level of scrutiny, the level of attention and so for the kids what it means necessary solid that they are growing up where the events around them can overshadow their own achievements, their own development. that's just a psychological reality. when you are growing up in a story where your dad may well be the vice president of the united states. care has to be taken to preserve your evolving life
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story so you can get your own legs in the world. and you don't feel like nothing you do will ever mean anything compared to your dad. >> if you want a snapshot of how this all changes, to me, it's the moment that we saw the palin family at the 2008 republic national convention and boom there was bristol palin thrust in the spotlight as well as the rest of the family. we have not seen them exit that spotlight since ironically, right? looking at what happened with the palin family, what can be learned from that situation? >> you know, i think what can be learned is this: that no matter who you are, the fact that a story is unfolding on the world stage threatens to co-opt how are. so what the ryans, what i would tell the ryans were i their psychiatrist, listen, now more than ever, it's so important for you to know exactly how are to be more a
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family than ever. because people will seek to define you according to their own needs and their own agendas and according to what in the media. you have got to come back to yourselves, know how are in order to anchor yourselves. >> that's a lot easier said than done as you know, dr. a blow. >> yes. >> they're about to go on a nationwide tour. they are going to be traveling all the time. paul ryan will be apart from his family. these are young kids. how are they supposed to shield their kids from what comes with the limelight? >> well, for one thing, i think what you do is you try to -- because kids are malleable. they are adaptable. and so when you talk about the possibilities involved here rather than overestimating them and letting them seem as grand as he they are, i think what you try to tell the kids is dad may have a new job, we may even have to move. i would reduce it to the mundane and also you caution
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them there will be people who want to misinterpret what this means for our family. you have to understand that if you have questions. you come to us as your parents just as you would if somebody said something about your grandfather's business. rk which, you know, grown up knowing their grandfather was in the construction business. make the thing more concrete, more mundane than the grandiose version that will be playing out for their friends. and also they will need advice. listen, when your friends say is t true your dad could be vice president? they need to be prepared to say my dad has always done work helping people. this is another kind of helping people. to give them the words to explain the family journey. >> all right. dr. keith ablow, thanks for being up early for us in boston. appreciate it? >> thank you. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. >> little bump in mitt romney's introduction of paul ryan as the vice president. >> a little bit. >> join me in welcoming the
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next president of the united states paul ryan. [cheers and applause] [ thunder crashes ] [ female announcer ] some people like to pretend a flood could never happen to them. and that their homeowners insurance protects them.
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obama's youth vote? we'll explore. >> wisconsin governor scott walker joining us live from the badger state to weigh none 00 ryan pick is this important swing state now in the g.o.p. column? >> plus, why is a family facing a $5,000 fine for throwing a children's birthday party. the pitch fork protesters outraged over this on "fox & friends" which begins right now. ♪ >> impressive graphic and music. >> you know it's a big day here on "fox & friends" with the graphic. peter johnson jr. is for clayton morris i'm dave bringinges and alisyn camerota. it is big news. it's such a 24 hour news cycle. so insane i have read five or six articles on the fact that
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paul ryan wasn't wearing a tie yesterday. that's how insane we have gotten with this news cycle. >> we analyze the smallest details. >> overanalyze no tie. >> i'm enjoying reading about him and learning about him because obviously we have known about his budget plan but did i not know that he once drove the wiener mobile. and we are going to get to many of those fact toidz. >> lunchables and snackables. >> he is not, as mitt romney introduced him, the next president of the united states. here is what happened yesterday on the announcement. >> join me in welcoming the next president of the united states paul ryan. [cheers and applause] >> >> oh, okay. >> now, the amazing part of that is it's happened before. mitt romney didn't quite recognize it. if you watch the other camera shots, it was clear that ann, his wife said, hey, you know just introduced him.
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>> she corrected it shortly after. but it seems to be an occupational hazard. >> it is. you will remember this from 2008. it sounds familiar. >> so let me introduce to you the next president, the next vice president of the united states of america, joe biden. >> look how -- he figured it out sooner before ann romney had to -- >> prompter there. probably because the prompter flipped back up. kidding. when you are so used to saying one phrase. so used to saying the next president of the united states. saying the next president of the united states. hard continue to setter next. it would be hard for me to say welcome to vice "fox & friends" this morning. >> you are right. i was trying to figure it out. he ♪ used to say i'm going to be the next president. do you say that on the trail? >> yeah, i think you do.
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>> i was in the car driving it was a little more pronounced i think when you hear it on the radio. >> well because romney hasslingerred for 15 or 20 seconds, that's why it really felt pronounced. >> it's interesting. some of the mainstream media were all over it like it was somehow the end of the campaign. t was funny. he corrected it. >> there will be many more gaffes to come ownership sure on the campaign trail. meanwhile, paul ryan hails from the battleground state of wisconsin. that's a state that's made lots of headlines with historic recall election. how are the state's leaders reacting to this big announcement? >> let's ask heather live in wisconsin with a very special guest this morning. good to he see you, heather. >> i had -- hi there, guys. good to see you. we are in waukesha, wisconsin, it is considered the heart of republic politics in this state there will be a big
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rally for mitt romney and paul ryan a short distance from here and going to be a really big homecoming of sorts for the republic congressman from janesville, wisconsin. a the love people are asking now is this a swing state? it's one that republicans have not carried in the presidential race since 1984 it's a long time coming. president barack obama actually carried the state by about 14 points during the 2008 election. so here's the question. what is t that republics need to do in the state and nationwide to win back the white house? governor scott walker joins us now. governor. >> good to be with you. >> thanks for coming out here. we appreciate it. i want to get your reaction to congressman paul ryan being put on the ticket. >> first off we are thrilled not only because is he from wisconsin but he does something unique. is he both excites the base. certainly people are pumped up in this state but i think all across america. at the same time, this is a guy who because of the way he discusses big ideas, the way he is willing to make tough decisions actually i find very appealing to independents. he comes from very much swing congressional district.
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he comes from a swing state and going to do well here and do well across america. >> according to some of our recent fox polls, independents, mitt romney not so strong with them as he was previously so how do you see paul ryan basically working with independents or bring down that vote? >> couple of things. renewed attention to mitt romney. a guy who can be a turn around agent. can he bring america back. great record in the private sector. decade ago turning around the olympics, and then as governor. past couple of months we have seen a lot of attacks president on his campaign. this is renewed focus on optimism moving this country ultimately forward. other thing with paul ryan is he has got a great way of explaining things. that's why he does so well in a district that is evenly divide. he wins big time. urban, rural, is suburban, comes from a working class community and does exceptionally well. independents and discerning democrats trust him. >> is that the main thing that you think paul ryan brings to the table. >> dime he not only helps us
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in wisconsin, virginia, ohio, pennsylvania, or florida. places across the country. people expect the higher level of discourse. we not unfortunately seen that out of the president's campaign. in fact, they are running from their record because they're scared of the record. paul ryan helps mitt romney put the focus on thinking about the optimism that will move america forward that will bring us back. >> do you see wisconsin, actually, as honestly being a swing state in this election? >> right after my election in june paul ryan and i welcomed in janesville mitt romney. i said at that time i thought wisconsin was a swing state. for me to win by a bigger margin two years ago with more votes cast suggested that not just republicans and conservatives a whole lot of independent swing voters came our way because they wanted leaders who had the courage to stand up and make decisions. mitt romney and paul ryan will are those leaders. swing in other battleground states across america. >> you faced a very heated recall election earlier this year bachingsly taking on the unions.
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how do you see that playing out this fall? >> i think you are going to see a combination of things. certainly we saw here in wisconsin and other battleground states reenergizing the base. that's where paul helps first and foremost. people are excited about that saw to wish at least in wisconsin for me to win. i had to reach out to swing undecided voters there weren't many but here is what we are going to do moving forward. we found not just in our polling we found factory to factory, town to town small business, small business is people were hungry for leadership. they were hungry for leaders willing to tell the truth to make courageous decisions to stick out their neck and i think paul exemplifies that. and i think he helps mitt romney make the case that that's what mitt romney has done through the his career. he will be a great president and super vice president. >> democrats are really looking at paul ryan's budget plan as red meat. and they are anxious to go after that. and the cuts that have been proposed. how do you see them answering that? >> i think it's a great opportunity to point out the hypocrisy. i mean, president obama is the
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only candidate in this race cut money from medicare. $700 million under obama care. paul ryan and now with governor romney, who really is going to have a plan of his own. paul has had a courageous plan in the house. this is going to be mitt romney's budget. paul ryan is going to help him out with that you have got the romney plan which is putting one forward that's about preserving and protecting things like medicaid and medicare and other things out there. they are just optimistic they can do it in a way protect it not just today but for future generations. it's great contrast really in the larger context. it's a contrast between barack obama who believes in the solution to our problems is more government. mitt romney, paul ryan and people like myself believe it's less government. putting more power back in the hands of the people. >> what do you sees a paul ryan's main theme coming forward? >> well, i mean i think it's no question that when they said this is america's come back team. you have now got someone on the ticket with mitt romney who has the confidence and the capacity to really turn things around. a lot of people four years ago
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were disappointed. hope and change would hope and change. paul ryan has shown he cannot only get things done but clouded over the next couple of days with attacks. records shows he can do it with not just republicans. that helps make the case that a romney ryan ticket not just november but in january and on could actually get things done to turn america around. >> governor scott walker, thank you so much. you will be here for that rally later on tonight. not too far from here. >> that's what's going on in waukesha, wisconsin, folks. we will head it back to you in new york and we will be here throughout the morning keeping you posted. >> heather, thanks so much. meanwhile get to your headlines. a fox news alert right now two devastating earthquakes claimed the lives of 250 people and injured thousands of others in northeastern iran. rescue crews are now combing through the rubble looking for survivors. first a 6.4 earthquake hit. then minutes later a second quake of the same magnitude in the same area. six villages were wiped out
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and 60 others dealing with major damage. a deadly standoff caught on camera and this all happened right in the heart of new york city times square. police were trying to arrest a man for marijuana possession when he pulled out a 10-inch knife on them and apparently started to run. several officers drew their guns. they also used pepper spray but the man refused to surrender. they say he ran seven blocks. reportedly slashing people on the street before charging at police and that's when officers shot and killed him. luckily, no one else was injured during. this parking tickets not just annoying and expensive. also potentially dangerous. that according to a federal appeals court that ruled in favor of a driver who sued the town of palitine claiming they violated his parking ticket left on windshield for all to z that information included his name, address, driver's license number. the court agreed that the ticket exposed drivers to
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identity theft and even to stalkers. >> that's a great decision. >> it is. it's great. >> i have seen that so, they give you a ticket and then all of your personal information is just there for passers by. and then they know you are not home on top of it. >> there you go. >> they should stop doing that. >> you might want to get on this mr. attorney. >> i think they have gotten on t. it's done is mitt romney closer to the tea party's hearts since selecting paul ryan for vp. we will talk to a tea party leader coming up. >> paul ryan is young, attractive and charismatic, we're told. will this cut into president obama's youth vote? wake up!
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wherever your business takes you, nobody keeps you on the rd like progressive commercial auto. [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. now, that's progressive. call or click today. paul ryan, of course, famous
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for going being the g.o.p.'s top fiscal budget hawk is mitt romney now a little bit closer to the tea party's heart? joining us is david web. host of the david web show. nice to see you. >> good to see you again. >> we all know that paul ryan's bona fide in terms of passing a budget that he thought could help cut government spending. he also supported tarp, the bank bailout and the auto bailout. >> right. that can't make you happy. >> well, look, it doesn't make me happy. i was against both of them looking at what he said and did and look at his floor speeches. he made a its who. if we're going to hold everyone to what they did in the moment where he said, look, i thought this wasn't perfect. i didn't like all of it. but we had a bigger problem and that's the choice he made. >> sure. that's the same rationale as the democrats and president obama have used. >> that's reality in washington. and now we have to look at the situation we're in now. we do have to look at the history of what legislators do but we also now have to go to
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the situation on the ground and who is the right person to do the job? he is a budget hawk. is he someone who knows the house. he is going to be president of the senate. and if we don't take the senate, that's important. he knows how the sausage is made. and if the tea party and we do want a seat at the table to try fix things in government. then you have to get the best you can. very reagan-like. someone is 70% don't give obama another four years. we have a choice. and that's our choice. >> sure, sure. wasn't it these very bail-outs that were the genesis of the tea party of the tea party got so disgusted with politicians voting for these bailouts. it just seems ironic that paul ryan was on that side because that's what he thought was best for the country at the time. >> well, again, look at what he said. what he did and why that vote was there we don't like it. and, in 2009, i went out there with everyone else and we started this movement. but now we take it forward. what do we need? we know somebody who can produce a budget. someone who has passed a
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budget every time as budget chairman. someone who has gone out there and told the president and shows us the numbers. these are difficult decisions, difficult times. we need someone in there and with romney ryan you get that big election about big ideas. you know, we get that reagan-like approach again positive, gold and does good things for the country. >> are you comfortable with medicare being voucherrized. >> yes, there is a good argument for it but they have to flush it out. >> block granting it back to the states shows potential because it allows the states to work within their individual economies and population. we have to lower are some of this. the problem with big government overarching control is it doesn't pay attention to the local issues and the local economies this could help it? >> the problem is with entitlements everybody is against them until their personal entitlement. how do you think this mr. l.
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play with seniors? i think the seniors are making a change in this country in their decisions. they are looking at their grand grandchildren. they say what's going to fix the problem? that solid voting block is engaged on the i. and in the last three years they have had time to reassess there will be some. there will be attacks by the democrats that he is going to throw grandma of 00 cliff. grandma said hang on eakd is, let me assess the situation for myself and i'll decide. two fundamental choices, alisyn. a more trillion-dollars of debt or a budget hawk and someone who knows how to governor and someone who can work within the house, within the congress to get things through. he knows the rules. he knows the committees. and as president of the senate it's very important if we don't take the senate that paul ryan is there. >> that's a great point. so many people are down on congress and they think that congress is a bad word. their approval ratings are so low. you say it would be helpful to have somebody who knows how the sausage is made. >> you have got to know the
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rules and committee rules and get in there and relationships. those relationships help. >> david webb, co-founder of tea party 365. great to see you. >> good to see you. >> coming up. paul ryan is young, attractive and charismatic. why do i keep saying, this david? we want to know if this will cut into president obama's youth vote ever get email from a coworker that just annoys the heck out of you? taking a look at the top email mistakes sure to irritate your clients and colleagues alike. [ male announcer ] if it wasn't for a little thing called the computer,
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>> news by the numbers. first, 102. that's how many olympic pibleg medals the u.s. has won so far at the london games. putting america at the top of the leaderboard where they belong with 15 more medals than china. next. $3.5 million that's how much you can buy the personal dream for on ebay. that's because one florida man is selling his business, homes, and cars so he can travel more. finally, 250,000. that's the starting bid for historic montana town gary owen which comes with a post office, a museum, and a sandwich shop. the auction is going to take place wednesday. >> that's a bargain. us can't get a parking spot in new york city for that. >> i need a ticket. >> you couldn't buy a one bedroom studio here for that good stuff. >> does paul ryan have flashes
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of sarah palin back in 2008 since is he young and popular among the base. >> i was wondering where you were going with that historian nic joins us this morning. good to see you, nic. >> good morning, guys. i'm interested in terms of the rarity of a house member tore chosen forever vice presidential pick. the last time a house member was on a winning ticket was 1932 very rarely put on a presidential ticket. any sense of why and how rare is this? two reasons why they are not used for the v.p. spot. house members perceived to lack gravitas. very rarely to sue see someone that could step into the presidency. we have had situations james garfield, abe lincoln who was a house member. 20th century two cases geraldine ferraro, wild card pick. mondale wanted to make history and go back to '64 barry
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goldwater who was a long shot and picked upstate congressman from new york. i think the lack in graph toss. and the other part is lack of foreign policy experience. i think we might hear that with paul ryan as well. house members don't have the stature that senators have when it comes to foreign policy. that's another reason why they tend to get overlooked. >> what about the similarities to sarah palin in terms of attracting youthful voters, in terms of the excitement of sarah palin? is this candidate going to attract that same kind of excitement over time? >> i think there are a lot of parallels to sarah palin in the sense that he is exciting, is he young, he is attractive, is he energizing the base. both the conservative base and tea party base which is really important. is he a fresh face. so i think those are the positives. and then on the plus side for ryan, i also think is he more substantive than sarah palin. he has more accomplishments. there is clearly more intellectual rigor with him. he understands domestic policy much better. i think this is smart pick in
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the sense that you get the best of sarah palin which is energizing the base. you also v. a really smart guy and policy wonk who understands the significant issue of our time long time budget reform. best of both with paul ryan. you are presidential his torn. can you tell us how many other vice presidential candidates in the past have ever been prom king or driven a wiener mobile because he has. >> that might be a loaded question, ali paul ryan. i'm pretty sure truman's vice president was a prom king. paul ryan strikes me as prom king. he looks like one. >> he was. i love the wiener mobile aspect of that summer job for hip and he drove the wiener mobile. >> that's not exactly a credential. >> exactly. >> the last time the no vice president or president hats
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any military experience. what does that say about where we are today? >> it's pretty amazing, dave, that's a good point given that we are still in a war in afghanistan people tend to forget in active war and managing exit from iraq. that's pretty amazing. that's why in the last week you heard a lot of word about david petraeus a head fake and smoke screen. foreign policy clearly is not going to be an issue. budget reform. long term entitlement spending mitt romney was doubling down on the economy and entitlement reform and saying forget about bain capital and taxes this is about the serious issue of are we going to be solving as a nation going forward. is he making a big bet. >> thanks for coming in with your expertise. fun to get history lesson at this hour. >> two teens ticketed for drawing on the street with chalk. how could that be a crime?
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>> what really annoys you about email? apparently there is a new survey about what are the most annoying emails that you receive from your co-workers. they list about 8 here. i do five out of the 8. >> that is bad news. let's give you an example of what an email some of these fouls would look like. >> here is one i got from peter johnson jr. >> hi, ali, happy friday. looking forward to working with you sunday, peter. >> apparently people hate it when you say happy friday. that's annoying. i hate when people say happy friday. >> because for us it's the beginning of our workweek did you like that email. >> from you it's nice. >> here is one that i sent with, you know, riddled with problems to dave briggs, omg
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we go on the air in a half an hour. >> you can pretty well guess what the foul is in that one. it belongs in a text, my friends. not in an email. >> really? you are not supposed to. >> text. >> that's strictly or texts. >> that doesn't go in email. >> is that a book lol, omg, text. >> really? i didn't know that. >> sos text or email why would you write sos. >> if you need help. >> save our what? >> save our seals? what are you talking about. >> emailing sos, you have issues. >> sinking ship, maybe? >> there is a lot more problems if you are emailing urgent calls for help. >> i guess. so send a letter. number one, don't say kisses and give that little smiley. >> don't do that. >> number two, grammar and spelling mistakes, i don't mind that at all. i don't expect great grammar. >> i don't try to do grammar
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and spelling mistakes sometimes on blackberry emailing quickly. >> the out of the office message from you yesterday sent you an email. aly i know you got my email don't give me out-of-the office garbage. i know you have a blackberry. >> endearment phrase is like sugar by and honey bunch. >> i do that all the time. >> why did you send me hone -- honey bunch? >> not you, dave. ♪ is that bad? is honey bad? >> well, it depends, yeah. if it's from dave. >> we gave you some of the mock-ups. but i have a real he a mail from a good friend ohio hope is not watching. she uses hugs to your kids in the first line. adorbs. laughs, will be in touch and she signs every single email with smiles. >> yuck.
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>> great friend. every email she sends smiles. >> that's annoying. >> people it's positive energy though. we can overlook it for it the positive energy. >> smile. >> he is not a smiler. >> sometimes. >> let us know your most annoying emails received and we will try to stop doing those. >> we will read them. >> in the meantime. let's get to your headlines. would very a lot to tell you about because a pilot is being hailed as a hero saving passengers before plane crashed in central illinois. sadly he was not able to save himself. the plane was carrying 12 sky divers when it started to have problems. all the passengers were able to parachute out before it went down. officials say the pilot, 30-year-old brandon farrell guided the plane away from home and people before crashing into a backyard. we heard this noise and looked up and there is the plane coming down out of the sky.
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>> guessing by 10 feet. >> debris from the crash spread over two blocks. the ntsb is investigating. this. >> federal investigators are looking into what caused this massive fire at a chevron oil refineries. decades old pipe hydrocarbon liquid may have leaked corrosion in the pipe. meanwhile more than a thousand residents that live nearby from filed health claims. two pennsylvania teenagers ticketed for drawing with sidewalk chalk. the 17 and 18-year-olds say they found the chalk in a parking lot and started doodling a whale and sea turtles. police say this is an active vandalism and they found other chalk drawings on buildings around doylestown, pennsylvania. a judge will now decide if the teens must pay a fine. remember when clayton was outside using sidewalk chalk?
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is he in jail now? is that why he isn't here. >> he we were trying to hold that from the audience, thank you. >> bail him out, soon. >> well, maybe, midweek. he needs some seasoning. >> meanwhile. let's talk about the selection of paul ryan means electorally for mitt romney and the republicans ahead of this race. we will look inside. larry sabato's crystal ball. good to see you, larry. >> good morning. >> we have talked a lot about wisconsin and we will in a moment. but, first, some suggest the pick of paul as v.p. could hurt romney's chances in all important florida because of the high population of seniors and, of course, that method the democrats are trying to get out there that paul ryan's budget hurts seniors because of his medicare plans. >> sure. look. every pick for vice president has pluses and minuses. you know, mother teresa was not available for the position. so, if you are looking to minuses, you would probably look to a state like florida, which not surprisingly, has
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the largest percentage of seniors in the population of any state. 22% of the voters back in 2008 were seniors, age 65 and over. why would they be concerned? because undoubtedly democrats are going to focus their attacks on ryan with a mediscare attack. that is an attack on his budget plan concerning medicare. so, of course, older people are concerned about that. it may have some impact. but, remember, republicans will come right back with a defense. >> in terms of the state of wisconsin, larry, does this pick mean that wisconsin is really in the bag for romney and ryan at this point? does that ensure a victory in the state of wisconsin? >> >> no. there are no assurances in politics. i'm sure the romney campaign would be the first to acknowledge that look, what i think it does in wisconsin is make it truly competitive. i didn't really buy until now that it was competitive.
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the real clear politics average for obama in wisconsin was about about plus 5. that is he was leading by 5 percentage points. this makes it closer. it takes it some pettive. don't forget even though everybody is repeating this mantra about how the last time republicans carried wisconsin was 1984 in the reagan re-election. wisconsin has as tight as a tick in 2000 and 2004. the democrats carried it by just a few thousand votes. it is at base a potentially competitive state. this is going to force the democrats to spend money and to spend precious campaign time for obama and biden campaigning in wisconsin. >> that's interesting. not enough people talk about how much money paul ryan can raise. romney doesn't need a lot of help, there but 5 million has 5 million in war chest and can raise an awful lot of it. you were saying, aly. >> a lot of analysts said this helps romney sure up
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credentials. conservatives were never going to vote for barack obama anyway. does this move the needle? moves the needle in this sense? this election just like i think 2004, is a battle of the two party bases. look, there are hardly any undecides. i keep saying this. i'm a broken record but it's true. we are talking about 5% or 6% of the voters are undecided in swing voters. the other 90 to 9 a% already know for whom they are going to voight. the question is, are they going to turn out? you have to have a base enthused to get it out to the polls, to get the volunteers to spend those extra hours during the weekends, during the evenings, working for a ticket. i think that's what ryan ads. he doesn't add extra votes, he adds enthusiasm. >> does he further polarize the situation to your point? i know in 2008 they said there was about twice as many undecides, does he push both
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sides in this respect? >> to some degree, that's true. although we were already pretty polarized anyway. when you have incumbent like barack obama running for re-election or george w. bush in 2004. you have a polarized electorate. we have got that in 2012 to a certain degree. ryan adds to that. but t was inevitable anyway. the real question is what the base thinks. and i think we saw that yesterday. the base loves this particular pick. >> we saw an interview earlier with governor walker in wisconsin that he made the point that the policies going forward are going to be the policies and programs of mitt romney. not paul ryan. so, do you forecast that there will be some separation from mr. ryan's budget plans beings some of which have been criticized. some of which have been hailed by governor romney to say, no, this is my plan, i'm adopting some of what orion has, but this is my plan that's going
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to go forward. >> look, you always have this kind of negotiation between a presidential nominee and a vice presidential nominee. people may forget president george h.w. bush when he was picked for president by ronald reagan. he changed his position on abortion to accommodate president reagan's position. there is nothing new about this. there will be some of that inevitably. never forget, you know this earth,peter, policy is made by those in the room. if romney is elected or even during the campaign, ryan is always going to be in the room or at least on a telephone hookup with mitt romney. and that matters a lot. >> all larry sabato coming to us from the beautiful university of virginia. thanks so much. >> thank you. >> all right. coming up next. why is a family of farmers facing a $5,000 fine for throwing a children's birthday party. you will meet the pitch fork protesters outraged over this.
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>> good morning. >> why exactly was martha, your friend, fined $5,000? >> she was fined for selling her farm products without the permit that the county thought she should have. and she was fined for having a birthday party for 810-year-old girls on her property. these were friends of hers. one of her friends and her 10 children 8 years old how dare she rick throw a birthday party on her own land. tell us what i think about the decision of the county to try to fine your friend $10,000. >> our friend martha is doing what all farmers in the county do we don't understand why she was singled out and cited and now fined for doing what hundreds of farmers in the area do. they advertise on the county's
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web site to do exactly what she does. and, yet, she is the only person that's been cited and, in fact, the ordinance in which she was cited under the administrator special permit that she was supposed to have no one in the county has ever gotten one. we can't figure it out. >> right. usually there is a reason for such regulations mark, what exactly is the reason the city is trying to fine your friend $10,000. what are they trying to accomplish here? >> health and safety of its citizens, zoning administrator kimberly johnson is actually breaking the zoning ordinance herself and she is also violating virginia wants right to farm act and she is violating the constitution which resident chief justice john marshal called our paramount and fundamental law. so she is violating county, state, and constitutional law
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in enforcing the ordinance on martha and trying to impose fines for having birthday parties. and pumpkin carvings on her property. >> the aforementioned kimberly johnson telling, quote: there were a multitude of violations. issuing a warning is standard practice in the county for such violations. she could get administrative permit for 90% of the events being held. what do you think of that statement, rick, and what exactly are you guys doing to fight it. >> well, ms. johnson also said that publicly that friend martha was out of line. and we think it's kimberly johnson who is out of line. our biggest problem is she has never been to the farm, has never seen what martha sells. and, yet, she is citing her for what she and her staff have found on the internet on
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facebook postings, her personal facebook postings. and and event bright and her web site, we're outraged. >> yeah, it's interesting the city went to facebook to find evidence of all of this. mark fits given, rick buchanan the organizers of this pitch fork protest thanks for being here. >> thanks for having us. one organizers, that's organizing a legal offense fund on behalf of martha and they will have that up this week. >> thank you both for being here. >> thank you. >> folks, let us know how you feel about. this are you outraged by the city finding this farmer 5 grand find me on twitter at dave briggs. he leads congress favorite workout. paul ryan keeping them fit on the hill. fill you in on some other unusual factoids about the g.o.p.'s nominee coming up.
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you tell us what you want to pay, and we give you a range of coverages to choose from. who is she? that's flobot. she's this new robot we're trying out, mostly for, like, small stuff. wow! look at her go! she's pretty good. she's pretty good. hey, flobot, great job. oops. [ powers down ] uh-oh, flobot is broken. the "name your price" tool, only from progressive. call or click today. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> welcome back, everybody. so, of course, we are learning more and more about the vp pick paul ryan. we are learning about his background, where he came from and what he stands for so we have factoids to share with you this morning. the first one his childhood, his family he was the youngest of four children, raised in a catholic family. >> he was raised in janesville, wisconsin. his dad actually died from a heart attack when paul ryan was 16. we mention that because his grandfather and great grandfather also died of a heart attack in their mid 50s. that's why he is he in such great shape. he left to care for his grandma with alzheimer's. >> 67 cousins in the
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janesville area. 67 in that area. >> high school high school though aly,. >> i do like hearing what people in high school and what they became. >> one article his father thought he was going to become a ski bum but in fact he rose to great heights. he was voted class president in high school. he was voted prom king. also voted biggest brown-noser. >> how do you accomplish prom king and biggest brown-noser those typically don't go together. >> was he on the soccer team, too? he was an athlete. he may have been on the soccer team, too. if there. >>. let's move on to his college career. collected social security benefits until he was 18. >> death benefits from his father. >> saved his money before college. attended miami university miami of ohio. economics and political science needless to say. >> perfect. if we can go back to the facts or are we going to move on with those? >> yeah. he is -- yeah, [inaudible]
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>> studied a lot of about economics. >> even from a young age. and that influenced his free market economics. as you can imagine, as work he paid bills by working number one as a personal trainer. >> here is where i get interested. >> also a waiter as a mexican restaurant. >> we heard that yesterday from john fund who remembered him at tortill flats at d.c. while he was an intern in washington, d.c. >> amazing to think he won a congressional seat at 28 years old. yes, is he rumored to have driven the wiener mobile when he was a sales person for oscar oscar mayer. >> i love the p 90 x workout. on a tv screen. >> and you know this is because paul ryan is, again, the heart history in his family.
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>> father died of a heart attack, father and great grandfather. he not only does p 98 he doesn't eat any sweets. when chris wallace brought him out a birthday quake on "fox news sunday" back in january. it's amazing to see paul ryan, it looked like a ghost had just been sat down on the desk. watch what happened. >> you don't have to eat it. >> eight no going to. >> not going to eat sweets. >> i gave it up a long time ago. >> up to now i very much enjoyed your acquaintance, sir. >> he didn't even want to cut it touch t. >> it wasn't a question. >> i gave t up. not eating it. >> he wouldn't even touch like the frosting. >> that can get in your skin and cause calorie. >> i'm glut ten free and if you put a cake right here. i'm eating it. i don't have the will power. >> i know that. >> you would gobble up that entire thing. >> what does that say about will power. >> doing p 90 x every morning is a disciplined guy. >> absolutely is.
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>> he is a noodler. reach down in the hole and get a catfish to bite on to your hand or arm and you pull t out. >> reach into the mouth of the catfish, he does that in oklahoma every may and june. >> he says it's surprisingly exsilver exsilver rating. >> say every time you say is he a noodler i take a breath and. >> think oh boy where is he going? paul ryan and what he thinks of foreign policy. that's coming up at the top of the hour.
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>> gorgeous, again, everyone. i'm am sin camerota. billing themselves as america's come back team and today mitt romney and paul ryan are making pitch to voters across north carolina. live from the campaign trail straight ahead. >> outrage over new attack that shows florida congressman allen west punching women.
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>> west seniors, voting to end medicare as we know it. he has whacked women with with votes for huge cuts in women's healthcare funding. >> brutal. is that what paul ryan can expect to face on the ware waives in florida? we'll hear from congressman west straight ahead. >> and the federal government wasting your taxpayer money yet again. $2 million of your hard earned cash beg used to pay for program that hired just one, one intern, the shocking details are coming up on "fox & friends" which starts right now. ♪ ♪ >> good morning, everybody. good to see you. good to see you back on couch. alisyn camerota is here. peter johnson jr. in for clayton morse. hope is he feeling better this morning. i'm dave bringinges. still talking about the selection of paul ryan and
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will be for the next several days. >> absolutely. big news weekend because obviously the new running mates, mitt romney and paul ryan are hitting the campaign trail today. first stop is moorsville, north carolina. that's where we find james rosen standing by live for us hey, james. >> good morning, aly, dave and peter. >> by one measure, mitt romney's selection of paul ryan has already proved unmitigated success. romney campaign estimates it took in $4 million in campaign contributions within the first seven hours of the big roll out in norfolk. aids to governor romney were clearly homing that the edition of paul ryan, a young catholic pro-life budget whiz would prove a game changer. that's because the polling trend in recent weeks for the presumptive g.o.p. nominee have not been encouraging. latest fox news polls released thursday night showed president obama 9 point lead among registered voters and 11 point lead amongst independents. one market change was evident
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yesterday in manassas. no longer referendum on the president of the barack obama. adopted the language that owe biden obama campaign had been employing. >> america is going to have a choice. they have seen the product of the obama plan. it's been executed over the last three and a half years. it hasn't worked. middle income families are getting squeezed. people can't find work. we have a very different plan. hope and change has now become attack and blame. you know what? we're not going to fall for it. >> north carolina where we are here today a critical state in november. it went for barack obama by just .04 of a percentage points in 2008 after going for george w. bush in 2004. one word about location. on the grounds of nascar tech. vocational training school for automotive skills. apparently governor romney is not afraid of appearing at a
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nascar facilities. many people considered it as a gaffe when he went to nascar racetrack and asked if he was a nascar fan and said is he friendly with a number of the team owners. it's just the kind of elitist shop in remark that wield associate with clayton norris. back to you guys in new york. >> clayton is not here. i have to defend him, james. >> all right. >> hitting the man while he is down. i like that about james rosen. not afraid to take you out at the he knees. >> right. if you are not around. >> thanks. james. >> new attack ad on florida congressman allen west which, believe it or not, has him punching women. >> west has seniors, vongt to end medicare as we know it he has whacked women with votes for huge cuts in women's healthcare funding. >> is this what paul ryan will face on the airwaves in florida? let's ask florida
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congressman's colonel allen west. good to see you, sir, how are you? >> good morning, dave. and alisyn and peter, how are you all doing? >> good morning, congressman. >> that ad is december pick cable to say least. what should paul ryan expect there in florida given what we have already seen the attacks on his medicare plan? >> well, he can expect that and more, of course, paul ryan was the victim of the push grandma over the cliff ad. and all this is, what we have to understand is when you don't have any issues that you can stand upon. when you have a record you have to go for the cheap shot and attack person's character. that shows how desperate the other side is and we already see that in the ad that was run against me which can easily be refuted. but to have me punching elderly women and women in the face when i have been married for 23 years with two daughters that really is despicable and disgusting but that's what we face here in the united states. >> then, congressman, are you supposed to fry to fight back to things like that or do you try to rise above t?
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>> well, you rise above it. the most important thing is that i know that i have a moral high ground. i have defined myself. and who i am. and for them to come around and do something like this. once again it shows that they can't talk about the critical i. we know when you read the fiscal year 2012 actuaries report. the medicare report is going to end in 2024. time for bold and courageous leadership paul ryan talked about yesterday. outlines path of prosperity in this country to protect and preserve medicare and make sure we preserve this american dream for all generations. >> congressman, why should seniors and people in the 50s and 40s flock to your plan and to congressman ryan's plan and outside budget plan in terms of saving medicare? >> we see commercials like this that engage in misogynistic racist kind of behavior casting aspersions on folks, what are the facts on the medicare issue?
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facts are very simple. look at our budget 62% is spent on mandatory spending. medicare, medicaid and social security. if we don't do anything about this mandatory spending it, will continue to grow and we will subassume our entire budget in the united states of america. actuaries report puts medicare being bankrupt in 2024. that's 12 years from now. we're looking at the fact that the average american pays about 110 to $115 billion into medicare. but, yet, they are getting three times that in benefits coming back. we know about the fraud, waste and abuse. and thanks to the affordable care act you will see half a trillion dollars in cuts and reimbursable rates are already dropping. many doctors are dropping seniors off of medicare coverage. are you to have people that have the courage to stand up with a bold plan to protect and preserve medicare, which is exactly what the house budget was about. >> colonel, a lot of oour viewers, one yourself vp pick.
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one is your military earns examine. now we have a vp nominee with no military experience, of course neither does mitt romney neither does barack obama or joe biden. of course, when you are the commander and chief and joe biden having a lot of foreign policy experience, how do mitt romney and paul ryan counter that apparent weakness? >> well, do you bring up a great point, dave, in that this is the first time in 77 years when we have sitting president and vice president and candidates that have no military experience. i will tell you folks have lost the bubble and it is ♪ just the economic mess that president obama and vice president joe biden has brought. it's the national security and foreign policy debacle. we look at the sequestration that's about to happen that will take our military down to 1940 and 1915 levels that you hear nothing from the president and vice president about wanted you have russia shawg did naval bases in cuba. china that is cass at this getting us to shut our mouth
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up and not get involved in the south china sea. of course, we know about the middle east and southwest asia. this administration has done a horrible job with foreign policy going all the way back when they did not support the honduran people and then wanted to support a marxist socialist who was aligned with hugo chavez. know that people such as myself will be there to give them whatever assistance they need to get them up to speed on national security and foreign policy issues and get them to understand the military as well. >> personally how does it make you feel that no there is no one of these four that has served in the military? >> i think that it does hurt us as members of the military. i did 22 years and, of course, i'm the third of four generations. once upon a time this country looked to men and women who had served in the military many times a career in the military to continue on their service in a suit and tie. i think we have to first of all get more military men and women serving on capitol hill and restore that sense of
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service, fact -- sacrifice in uniform to suit and tie. i will support the romney team and give all of my efforts wholeheartedly make sure they are the president and vice president elect in november. >> how is it going in florida in terms of the romney-ryan effort do you think, congressman. >> i think it's going to go very well. we have some problems here in south florida which is really the strongest place where the president can run. here in palm beach county we have unemployment 9.2% 8.11% is saint lucy. we are starting to recover from the foreclosure crisis. you have a jewish community down here in south florida really not happy with the president and his reels with our best aly in the middle east and that's israel. he is going to have a tough sloth down here to try to get people once again to pull the ballot for him in 2012. i think the romney ryan team is going to be successful. i will do everything i can to make sure that they are. >> i'm sure they are comforted
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by that, congressman allen west, thanks for coming on this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> get to headlines now. fox news alert for you. 250 people are dead. and thousands more are injured after two earthquakes have rocked northern iran. first, a 6.4 earthquake hit. then minutes later a second quake of about that same magnitude. and in the same area. rescue crews are now combing through the rubble looking for survivors. six villages were wiped out and dozens more are dealing with massive damage. >> and a deadly scene unfolding in the heart of times square. police trying to arrest a man for marijuana possession, they say, when he pulled out a 10-inch knife. can you see the officers with their guns drawn. trying to chase him down through the crowd. but the man reportedly did not surrender. he ran seven blocks before charging at officers with his knife in hand. that's when they shot and killed him. there were also reports of the suspect flashed at people on the streets.
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fortunately nobody noe one was hurt. >> that's in the shadow where the ball drops on new year's eve. >> the crossroads of the world. >> u.s. navy destroyer sliding with oil tanker in the strait of hormuz in the persian gulf. no one was injured and crews are assessing damage to the ship. it's the uss porter. no details about what caused this accident. tensions have been high in that area because iran is threatening to block oil traffic in retaliation for sanctions against them. finally extreme weather to show new arizona. a giant dust storm blanketing the city of phoenix. the dust was kicked up by 40 mile-per-hour wind gusts. the storm was particularly bad because of the region's lingering drought as can you imagine -- no injuries have been reported. get out to maria for weather around the country. >> good morning and good to he see you. good morning, everybody. we do have more showers and storms forecast for parts of the desert southwest. including the phoenix area. that's basically the trend this time of year.
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because we have the extreme drought. storms tend to kick up dust and see some of those dust storms that you basically see on your screen. we have been seeing those most of the summer. eastbound showers and storms across pars of the northeast over the last couple of days. very humid, very warm and finally seeing all of that activity pushing eastbound and much nicer day for most of us across the northeast. new york city already done with the showers. we do have a few lingering spots across parts of new england that are dealing with those showers right now. including you in boston and you are going to continue to deal with them for at least the first half of today. as we head west bound we have much needed rain. good news for us minnesota all the way down to iowa, missouri and parts of kansas and oklahoma seeing some showers and storms early this morning. continue to see them through the most of the day. grab the umbrellas, otherwise a few specs here and there. should become heavier in nature as we head on into later this afternoon and into this evening. otherwise that ongoing drought across parts of the midwest and again we will see a few
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showers and storms rolling through that part of the country for today. and some of those storms could produce severe weather. of course we will keep an eye on that today from oklahoma to northern texas. guys? >> thank you. >> coming up, what strategy will the obama campaign take from here on out now that a romney ryan ticket has been secured. >> and, a stranded jet skier bypasses security at one of the nation's busiest airports. we'll tell you how he did it. >> plus, $2 million of your hard earned cash went to fund an internship program with the department of agriculture. but get ready for. this apparently it only hired one intern. we have that story coming up. you know what i love about this country? trick question. i love everying about this count! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn
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joining us is john wallace sitting in nor john. >> how is everybody this morning? >> we know you are a noodler, much like paul ryan you like to reach down and catch the catfish. that's why you are such a tough guy, john. i want to ask you how are the democrats going to go after paul ryan is it to push granny over the cliff? is t the fight that the wanted. >> i don't know they will resurrect. don't forget paul ryan's 2012 budget plan medicare substantially different than it was the year before. i think out of all of the people that were out there. if you be talking about rob
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portman or tim pawlenty the record is not that controversial. marco rubio. chris christie would have been a good target for them. ryan budget, this is something that the democrats have a lot of practice hammering on. you can already see in the statements that were made yesterday i think it was about 20 seconds between the time the words paul ryan escaped mitt romney's lips to the time that the democratic national committee and the obama campaign punched the button on the beginning of push back. great interviews in the wake of that news. the question is, st. paul ryan pick going to be cutting into president obama's youth vote and what do you think is going to be doing to the catholic vote? two important pieces of the pie. not going to cut into the youth vote that's to the left
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of center. certainly it's going to energize a lot of young republicans who look on paul ryan as a person who is saying it like t is. saying we have got some serious economic problems down the road and we need to address those because sitting back and not doing anything about it is not going to help. and these are the young people whom we will leave that huge bill to. they are already looking at 16 trillion-dollar deficit. and by the time that they grow up and get out there under the working world. the building their careers. it's probably going to be north of $20 trillion. they are looking for somebody to come in and say we have got to do it differently. the status quo is just not good. could it attract some independent young people? in terms of the catholic vote it remains to be seen. but certainly people of the catholic faith like to have one of their own who is running but there are a lot of catholic democrats as well. and i don't think they will vote strictly on religion, peter. >> who do you have on your show today. >> we have got senator john
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mccain in an exclusive interview today. we are going to ask him about all of this. you know, whether or not this pick was a way to buy credibility with the base in much the same way that he was charged that his pick of sarah palin in 2008 was the same thing. we will also talk syria with him because there is serious developments going on with that. this weekend. and then we have got exclusive interview with debbie wasserman shoults which we'll talk about that and the way that we'll talk about ryan and we'll talk about the way that the democrats are going to approach this campaign now that paul ryan is the pick. in on helped at least beth myers with the process. that should be interesting. >> thanks for watching. thanks so much. >> he was out fishing yesterday. apparently. >> noodling. >> coming up, the department of justice creating a new whistle blower position
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following the botched fast and furious operation. is this all for show? next guest g.o.p. official says next. >> tale of two running mates. we will take a look at how congressman paul ryan and vice president joe biden compare. wait until you see that debate. wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they help cover some of the expenses medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to find out more, request your free decision guide. call or go online today. after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long.
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>> in the wake of the fast and furious fallout the justice department protect whistle blowers. a former d.o.j. final says the move is just for show. he resigned after thinks post
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after blowing the whistle in 2010. joining us now is the author of injustice what happened when you attempted to blow the whistle before your resignation. >> when i and others attempted to tell the truth about the new black panther. the justice department broke the law and told us not to comply with federal subpoenas. history of justice department attacking whistleblowers. this new policy is somewhat curious. >> how do you think things have changed since 2010? >> well, very little, this is too little, too late. the justin department announced a policy where whistle blowers who have information on efficiency, and effectiveness can come forward. but the problem with the justice department isn't the price they are paying for pencils, it's lawlessness, things like fast and furious. it's things like the new black panther sniffle. if they really cared about whistleblowers. they would have -- eric holder would tell his top deputies
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like tracy smarl who runs the press office to stop attacking them. stop attacking them to reporters and to the media that's the history of this doj. >> so why then do you think they are creating this new whistle blower position? >> well, it's to give them cover, of course. i mean, they have had scandal after scandal at this justice department and this is a way to make it look like they are doing something. look, there is another case. front page "washington times." a justice department employee is using his credit card to fly to see his mistress. the whistleblowers in that case were a attacked by rodriguez political appointee tried to get in the way of that. long history at the justice department that i don't think is going to change any time soon. >> what will change that climate and atmosphere in your opinion. >> unfortunately it's going to take accountability and eric holder is not the man to do it. eric holder and his lieutenants have been at the center of the problem. they are not the solution. >> all right. jay christian adams, the author of "injustice" former
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dodge official. thanks for being with us. >> thanks for having me. >> democrats launching first attack ad on paul ryan and his medicare plan. can they really criticize it considering it was co-authored by a democratic senator? and it's a taxpayer funded program meant to create internships for the department of agriculture, but it turns out the 2-million-dollars of your money was spent to hire one intern. we'll get to the bottom of that.
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>> welcome back, everyone. peter johnson jr. in for the sick clayton morris this morning. hoping he is recovering. >> hope is he recovering from james rosen's shot right across the bough. >> i stepped in creighton, i referred to you. >> he referred to his snobbish elitist type remark. >> it was brilliant, actually. i don't know if you have heard that paul ryan is now the republic vice presidential candidate. how does he compare to joe biden. >> let's ask peter doocy. >> good morning, dave and
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peter and alisyn. the vice president and the man who hopes to take his job paul ryan took different paths to tote goethe where they are today there are similarities between these two men. for one thing, both very young when they started their high profile jobs in washington. when vice president was elected to the senate he was 29. paul ryan was 28 when he was elected to the house of representatives. both men suffered through strategies early in their lives as well. when congressman ryan was 16 he was the one who discovered his own father in their home passed away from a heart attack. and just a few months after mr. biden was elected to the senate. his wife and 1-year-old daughter were killed in a car accident. he was actually sworn in as a senator bedside of two injured son in delaware. then senator biden became very well known for commuting to d.c. from delaware by amtrak train which is a very uncommon way for someone to get to work on capitol hill. but, congressman ryan has a
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history of uncommon modes of transportation as well because during college he took a job driving that, the oscar mayer wiener mobile. both men were introduced on ticket as saturdays. senator bidden was two days before the democratic national convention. congressman ryan's was 16 days before the g.o.p. convention. actually the second earliest roll out in recent memory. only one senator edwards senator kerry picked him in 2004. welcome him to the race and congratulate him. he told him to enjoy the day with his family he also said he looked forward to engaging him on the issues and the two are going to have a face-to-face debate on october 11th in kentucky. it's the only time that they will square off in person. >> october 11th is my birthday. big day, peter. mark that on your calendar.
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>> i'm sure they had that in mind as a special tribute. >> bp debate. you will think that was excellent compendium. >> >> meanwhile, get to your headlines, more than politics happening. a couple of brave supermarket shoppers in washington state jumped into action after a woman walked into a store and opened fire. the 20-year-old whose name has not yet been released is said to have entered the store when she started yelling and then shooting, hitting two people before being tackled to the ground. he turned and looked toward the door and looking at me and then i got squared, i thought if he doesn't want any witnesses maybe he will shoot me, too. police say they don't believe the women knew the victims who were in the 70s and another in his 30's. fallout continues from southwest airlines promotion. facebook deal meant to give half price tickets to airline fans. instead charged them multiple times.
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ramona still reeling from the computer glitch. she was charged 51 times. adding up to more than $11,000 leaving her unable to pay her bills. they are going to deplete my bank account. i had to call my husband and said hone, we have zee no money in our bank account. >> southwest is issuing refunds for the mistake. says it will pay for late fees and let credit bureaus know it was not the customer's fault for paying bills late. >> many people forced to flee their homes in fresno, california, because of this wildfire that continues to burn. crews are working to battle this blaze and is threatening about 200 homes. it's closed down part of highway 16 8. more than 100-degree temperatures also causing more than five firefighters to have to suffer heat related injuries while fighting these flames. a spokesman for the fire department says the fire was likely started by a cigarette. let's head out to maria
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molina. >> good morning, everyone. unfortunately for california and rest of the desert southwest. we will be seeing hot temperatures yet again today. more triple digit temperatures and more triple digits across the state of texas. 105 high temperature in dallas. 102 in san antonino. meanwhile the northeast much nicer for today. looking at a high of 85 today in new york city. 80 in cleveland. 80 in chicago. look at minneapolis. 67 degrees for high temperature today. storm system rolling through that area and that is what is producing coolest weather in your area across parts of the upper midwest. otherwise, take a closer look at the temperatures across parts of the desert southwest. going to be a very hot day out here. 108 high in vegas. 107 in tucson. a number of heat advisories out here. because of how hot it is going to be out there. stay safe and high dralted add and stay indoors during peek afternoon hours when it gets so hot. otherwise we had rain over the weekend across parts of the northeast. finally for the second half of your weekend it's going to look much nicer for places
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like new york city and much of the interior northeast as we head westbound. parts of new england take a closer look. still have showers we are dealing with early this morning. continue to see that for at least the first half of today before that storm system finally finishes pushing offshore. otherwise, further west across parts of the midwest from minnesota down into parts of iowa, missouri, eastern parts of oklahoma and also kansas, you are dealing with some showers and storms and we really need the rain out there. you are still taking a look at the northeast. if you click again you will see parts of the upper midwest where we are getting much of that needed rainfall and again he seeing heavier downpours into parts of missouri and oklahoma are we're in a drought out here. really need the rain so this is very welcome news. otherwise, continuing to track westbound four corners region dealing with showers. right now pretty light stuff. as we head into the afternoon hours you will notice that the activity will be again heavier in nation. head on east into parts of the plains. some of those storms that we're going it get could actually produce some severe weather. that is of concern. large hail, damaging winds,
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again we need the rains, so welcome news out there, guys. >> we do not need it here in new york. thank you, marie a businesses around the country will tell you interns are invaluable. we love our interns here. who else would give aly decap cappuccino. we use them a lot hear were they ever worth $2 million. >> we spoke to symptom schatz earlier, citizens against waste. he talked about a 63-million-dollar appropriation for 2010, 2011 to the usda. we spent on one intern $2 million. let's watch this. if you do not have a plan you cannot imagine how the money is being spent. everyone is out there throwing money around and hoping that it doesn't get wasted rather than watching how it's being spent and keep track and having oversight. when i hear stories like this
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is there any wonder that americans think spent something out of control and bureaucratic bloat has reached all-time high. $2 million allocated. requested and allocated to this department in the usda that then only hired one intern with t seems so unbelievable it is reported fox nation, seems so unbelievable that we went back to the source, the original 2010, 2011 audit report, yep, sure enough, they did discover that was a problem. >> at least they reported it. >> they were audited and because they were audited they found out like something went wrong with this internship program for $2 million. >> the thing is, you have heard stories like this. people say $2 million in our budget is less than nothing. over and over and you multiply this by a thousand which is likely happening in our system. you are looking at why we have this deficit problem that we could. fox has asked the question how is the government responding? are they saving money? are they spending money carefully or less carefully
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than they were five years ago? 53% of the american people according to fox news poll registered voters say 53% less carefully. >> yeah. they believe it's less carefully because stories like this are such head-scratchers. >> some more layers of government. that's why it's probably less careful. >> also, why do you need $2 million even if you had 200 interns. even if you had 2 million interns. interns are free. they are often free. >> we will let you in on something. it's called college credit. >> college credit. you don't actually need to pay them. you don't need the $2 million allocated for interns. >> couple hundred thousand dollars budget for putting them up in space. that was a very expensive apartment, i would think. 200,000 for one intern. maybe trump plaza. >> understand a little bit for rent. >> let us know how you feel about that another question on twitter. best friends at this point in your life, are they really because you share things in
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common? you really just beened over something or really that just because they are right next door in your cubical? let's watch a clip from the office. >> you are so little and petit but to me you are extra extra sweet. my god. [ laughter ] the point of this is you are not seeking out people according to this new survey based on your soul mates or how really bond with it's that you are too lazy to walk across the room. closest friend is the cubical next to you. >> i totally buy this. >> rick reichmuth. >> i love rick we have a lot of common. >> people spend more waking hours with the people they work with than the people they love. >> rick, if we were on a different floor we probably wouldn't be friends. >> all my friends from the 18th floor when i move i never
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see them. i can't even remember their names. it's tragic. >> unfortunate, isn't it? >> yes. >> do they know you can't remember their names. >> now they do. >> now it's going to be awkward. >> now my new 17th floor friends are my new friends. >> i don't even know who he is. >> what is that name you are mentioning? >> no, no, no. clayton. come back, clayton. >> find your best friends simply proximity. let us know on email and twitter as well. very same day paul ryan is officially announced as mitt romney's vp pick. democrats launch attack on medicare plan, is that fair? is it accurate? also discuss that there is a democratic senator who collaborated on that. why report, you decide. >> is romney closer to the tea party heart since selecting ryan as vice president. we will talk to a tea partier coming up on that important question on "fox & friends."
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devry university, proud to support the education of our u.s. olympic team. gives 4.3 tax cut to the wettestiest in this country. >> mitt romney become president of the united states you are convinced that he would follow through with a lot of the reductions you make. >> yes. >> i applaud it. it's an excellent piece of work and very much needed.
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>> >> that's the obama campaign wasting no time releasing their first attack ad after the romney-ryan ticket was announced yesterday. but mitt romney came out swinging on medicare. >> >> the president has put a plan out on head care. he cuts medicare $700 billion through his obama care plan. and. >> boos. >> what paul ryan and senator biden has done says we need to restore and maintain and protect medicare, that's what our party will do. >> so who is spinning the medicare debate? what's the fact? what's the fiction? joining us now is former president of the ama and author of on leadership doctor. >> how are you? >> thank you great to be with you. >> who is telling the truth? does medicare throw older americans down the window under a romney or ryan plan?
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what's the truth? >> no, that's not true. and the message that i bring is the same message i brought when i first testified at congress in 1976. every time the government gets involved in something, we end up with increased costs and waiting lines. in this particular case, two other former presidents of the ama, dr. daniel johnson and dr. bill wrote an article in june of 2011 in the daily caller and we dealt with this very issue. what we said it's a good plan that he is advancing. and what needs to be done. the two of them are advancing a plan where people over 55 would stay in medicare. there would be no change for them. and the people under would be given an array of choices. is that new? no. the federal employees health benefit program, everybody in congress has a plan like that. and they would be given an array of choices. and so we know that medicare, if you look on the internet and go to the medicare trustees. you will find that they're
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predicting every year that medicare is going to go broke. so, if we keep the status quo, we won't have the men to take care of the seniors. and the disabled who are on medicare. so, what we need to do is to be fiscally responsible. it is irresponsible to just keep the status quo. it's irpreponderance cybil not to have a budget in almost four years. it's irresponsible to keep making promises and then don't deliver on the promises. >> the fiscal reform plan for medicare that you are talking about is a plan put forth by mr. ryan along with democratic senator widen so is a bipartisan plan to help save medicare in the future because if medicare continues on its path, it will it will be devastating. is that what you are referring. >> to yes. absolutely. the only suggestion we had in that op-ed we wrote for the daily caller in 2011 is that people currently on medicare, they should be given that option, too. if they want to stay on regular medicare, let them
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stay on. on the other hand, if they want to have an array of choices like the people in congress, give them that option, also. what we need to do is to be fiscally responsible and have people with an array of choices and allow them to make decisions where they show that they have individual responsibility. >> in this terribly charged environment. how can there be a responsible debate about the future of healthcare and the future of healthcare for seniors in this country in terms of getting these facts out? we saw in the past this notion of the congressman allegedly pushing granny over a cliff. and i anticipate based upon what we have seen already that there will be other tough hitting ads that will probably not be accurate with regard to the particular plans. how does the information get out, doctor? and what should people be looking for in terms of assessing the various candidate positions? whether it's president obama or mr. romney. does the president have a plan
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to save medicare? >> well, you make a great point. and currently i'm the spokesperson for the coalition to protect patient's rights. i have been traveling to other states. and trying to have a conversation with citizens. and doing some media. and also telling the citizens that we need to talk to our representative from our district who goes to congress. we need to talk to our two senators and tell them how it's affecting you and what your concerns are and ask them what is their plan to save this rather than all of this misinformation. in my book, second edition of my book on leadership, i make the point that when president obama, for instance, talked at a town hall he said surgent -- surgeons get 30 or $50,000 for leg amputation. no incentive to save the leg. this is dangerous talk. the surgeon gets 740 to $1,140. we have to stop the misinformation and go to actual facts. and if you talk to the
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medicare trustees. the actual fact is, it's going to go broke by 2024. and we need to come up with alternative plan. why can't the citizens have the opportunity to have the choice of a federal employee's health benefit program. >> why can't they, doctor? we appreciate your information this morning. we will hear from you again as this campaign rolls along. god bless you? >> thank you very much. >> be well. >> coming up, how does paul ryan fair when it comes to independent voters? wisconsin governor scott walker weighs in at the top of the hour. and, is mitt romney closer to the tea party to selecting congressman ryan as his vice presidential candidate? we will talk to a tea partier coming up next. ♪
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>> 52 minutes past the hour. time for quick headlines. a new york man effortlessly bypassing security at new york's jfk airport after his jet ski broke down in jamaica bay. unable it to see anything else, he swam towards the airport's bright lights. he then climbed an 8-foot fence and crossed two runways before finally being arrested for trespassing need a terminal and michael phelps out of the poolenned a on to the golf course. the olympic medalist will be on reality show on golf channel called the haney project. he he will work with tiger woods old swing coach hank haney and play on some of the greatest golf courses in the world. there you go. that's what you doofer at what
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you do after the olympics. >> meanwhile he has a proven track record as a strong fiscal conservative. will paul ryan help mitt romney win over the tea party? joining us now is the director of americans for prosperity. and tea party activist jennifer stephan know. good morning to you, jennifer. -i they were lukewarm at best. looking for someone about the issues we care about. vision for america. who and what we are as measures. i think t is inspired choice to pick paul ryan and tea party we can get behind and champion because he has championed our issues. he has been out in front and taken the hard hits from the democrats and the left and has been a stall worth champion of the things we believe. i think is he a perfect person to articulate that. >> a lot of the followers saying we wanted allen west. the tea partiers are very
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vocal this morning. how do you champion paul ryan when he, of course, voted for tarp, he also voted for the auto bailout and a lot of members of congress were voted out because of a single vote in favor of tarp. >> here, i don't -- i think those of us in the tea party, we don't champion paul ryan. we champion our principles. and we get behind people who go beyond party. >> do those votes violate your principles is my point. >> look. not even ronald reagan had a halo ands -- and wings on him. what we need now to force the president out to discuss the issues, the economic hell he unleashed on america these last four years. 700,000 people out on workforce. 100 million on welfare. one in seven americans unemployed. he refuses to talk about that he smears personal attacks. paul ryan has the intellectual and plain spokedness to.
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we don't champion politicians. we champion our principles. >> paul ryan's explanation for the auto bailout is a decent one. he said he was told by the federal government if he didn't vote for the bailout unlimited money under tarp. but, again, that vote in favor of tp is hard to explain because why didn't the tea party not target him for that? because a lot of congressman as you know were targeted for that and voted out. >> well, not everyone who voted for it had a viable alternative. one nun, number two, that paul ryan learned a very valuable lesson. don't trust people in the federal government to tell you how things are going to work. paul ryan in his budget. you have this man. this is why he is the biggest threat to the obama administration ever to come down the pike. him being vice president. he is the only guy in america that articulated on paper the alternative to the failed policies of barack obama. now, barack obama is pedaling bankruptcy and failure. failed the american people. paul ryan has it down. it's not a talking point.
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it's not a t-shirt. it is in writing. he is in that championing the american people. is he putting power back into the hands of people and taking away from bureaucrats. can you believe they don't like it? >> clear folks who want to hear from the rest of you. are you okay with ryan's votes in favor of tarp and in favor of the auto bailout? let me know on twitter. dave briggs tv. a little bump on mitt romney's introduction of paul ryan as the vice president. >> join me in welcoming the next president of the united states, paul ryan. [cheers and applause] >> lingered too long, a bit more on that funny campaign trail moment and a look back at a very similar one at deadly standoff happening in the heart of times square. tell you more about how this ended coming up. that's good morning, veggie style.
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look how easily he gets things cleaned. it's enough to make you cry. you, specifically. not me. i'm just happy we don't go near rex's mobile home as often. because it's hard to clean or because you're scared of an itty-bitty doggy? [ dog barks ] aah! oh! [ clears throat ] yeah, that was a sneeze. i think i sprayed myself. [ male announcer ] new mr. clean select-a-size magic eraser. lets you pick the right size for every job. >> alisyn: good morning, everyone, it is surrender, august 12th, i'm alisyn camerota, mitt romney and paul ryan hit the campaign trail together on their second official day as running mates, first in north carolina, and then wisconsin. lieutenant governor rebecca clayfish joins us live from the badger state in just minutes. >> dave: the son of president ronald reagan joins us live, why he thinks mitt romney's vp pick is exactly what his father would have advised mitt to do. what they have in common.
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>> plus, granny strikes again, one day after romney's big vp announcement, democratic operatives are already throwing grandma off the cliff again. fox and friends, begins, right fox and friends, begins, right now. captioning by, closed captioning services, inc. >> alisyn: good morning again, everyone, great to have you on this big news weekend. peter, thanks for filling in for clayton who is sick this morning. >> i think he's on intend, hopefully. >> dave: what are we talking about? take a guess, the mitt romney-ryan race, the governor and his newly selected running mate will begin with campaign rallies in north carolina before heading back to ryan's home state of wisconsin. >> alisyn: where we are joined by our own heather...
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>> reporter: we are in waukesha, the heart of the republican party in the state of wisconsin and it is' state president obama won by 14 points, back in 2008 and, the republicans are now hoping they can turn it into a swing state, a very essential issue for them to win those independent votes. come this november. now, earlier today we talked to governor scott walker, he's going to be part of the rally later tonight, by the way, the location where this is being held, was the back drop for his victory party after he took on the unions and then ended up winning the recall vote earlier this year. we talked to governor walker to get his take on the paul ryan pick and he said he searched that he thinks he'll rev up the base and help win the independent vote. >> because of the way he discusses big ideas and is willing to make tough decisions i find appealing to independence, he comes from a swing congressional district and from a swing state and he will do well here and he'll do well
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across america. he has a great way of explaining things, that is why he does so well in a district that is evenly divided, he wins big-time and he has urban, rural, suburban, a little bit of everything and comes from a working class community and does exceptionally well and, discerning democrats and independents trust him. >> reporter: governor walker believes that ryan's experience in communicating with these groups will help put republicans over the edge in 2012, that is what they hopeful after tonight's rally, ryan and romney will split up, ryan will head to the state of iowa, and that is where he's going to the iowa state fair and romney heads down to the all-important state of florida. that's it from her, guys, back to you. >> alisyn: thanks, heather. all right, so, there was a funny moment, yesterday, on the campaign trail, when it was time for mitt romney to make the big announcement, the much anticipated announcement that everybody had been all ears for, of his running mate. he said the wrong title. >> dave: listen...
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>> join me in welcoming the next president of the united states, paul ryan. [cheers and applause]. >> alisyn: oops-a-daisy. >> he corrected it quickly. >> dave: quickly? it hung out there quite a while. >> corrected it a few minutes later. >> dave: it seemed like a long time, paul ryan walked all the way down the stairs and mitt romney sat down... >> it was funny, barack obama did the same thing in 2008 when introducing joe biden. funny moment then, too. >> president barack obama: let me introduce to you, the next president, the next vice president of the united states of america, joe biden. >> dave: now that is quickly correcting it. but to my point earlier, there was a teleprompter there, those silver things, screen right and
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screen left were a teleprompter and it is tougher to explain when reading it off the screen. >> alisyn: it will shock you, dave, occasionally the teleprompter is off. >> dave: no! or do you suggest someone wrote "the next president of the united states." >> alisyn: i don't know but it is funny, they are used to hearing it. people introduce them and they say the next president or the president and it is ingrained in their brain and so they made that mistake. yes. ann romney tapped him on the shoulder. >> dave: it is always your wife. >> the great wife. absolutely. >> dave: what would we do without them. >> alisyn: i need a wife. meanwhile, let's go to your headlines, an important "fox news alert." we now have brand new video to show you out of northern iran, two earthquakes left behind destruction, 250 people were killed and thousands injured. crews racing to rescue survivors who were trapped under the rebel, a 6.4 earthquake hit and minutes later a second
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earthquake the same magnitude hit the same area. villages were wiped out and 60 others are dealing with major damage at this hour. a deadly stand off caught on camera and it happened in the heart of new york city's times square. police were trying to arrest a man for marijuana possession and he pulled out a 10-inch knife and pulled it on them and started to run and several officers as you can see drew their guns and also used pepper spray but the man apparently refused to surrender and ran 7 blocks, reportedly slashes at people on the street, before charging at police. and, that is when officers shot and killed him. luckily, no one else was hurt during that. overnight there has been an accident in the persian gulf that left a navy destroyer with a gaping hole in its side, the uss porter collided with an oil tanker in the strait of hormuz. no one was injured and no reports of spills or leaks, official are investigating what happened and tensions have been
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high in the area, because iran is threatening to block oil traffic in retaliation for sanctions against them. federal investigators are looking into what caused a massive fire at a chevron oil refinery in california, the u.s. chemical safety board asks why a decades old pipe was not row placed last year during -- replaced last year. and hydrocarbon liquid may have leaked and started the blaze and 1,000 residents who live nearby have now filed health claims. those are your headlines. >> dave: marina molina -- maria molina is in for rick reichmuth. >> rick: good to see you. we are looking at cooler weather in the great lakes and the upper midwest, finally feeling pleasant, 65, minneapolis and chicago and cleveland and new york city we currently have a temperature at 75 and it is not just the actual temperature but lower humidity makes it feel more pleasant. get out and enjoy the second half of your weekend. it looks like a nice one,
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especially across parts of the northeast, low 80s, chicago, cleveland, 85 in new york city and parts of the plains, again dealing with extreme heat, 94 in kansas city, triple digits for dallas and san antonio and parts of the southwest have been dealing with extreme heat the last several days and today, no exception, 115°, for your high temperature in the city of phoenix, and, of course stay safe and parts of the midwest don't need any more hot temperatures, and of course, we are expecting more of that today, and, we are basically seeing the extreme to exceptional drought increasing, last week, 25%, this week, looking at 28% of the country, dealing with extreme to exceptional drought and the good news is we'll get rainfall across parts of the central plains today. first i want to show you the northeast, we have to deal with strong showers and storms pushing through the region the last couple of days and most of it offshore and we have a couple of light showers across parts of new england and you will deal with that half the day before showers move offshore and the
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midwest and central plains, showers and storms from parts of southern minnesota into iowa, missouri and eastern parts of kansas and oklahoma, enjoy it. we need it. that is welcome news and, as we continue our track westbound, a few threats here and there, most not reaching the ground, but, this afternoon showers and storms will be firing up and something to keep an eye on, across the plains, the rainfall we need will come in the form of thunderstorms which could produce severe weather. guys? >> alisyn: thanks for the warning, maria. >> dave: coming up, now that there is a romney-ryan ticket will it help bring religion back to the forefront in the race to the white house. father jonathan morris weighs in next. >> and wisconsin's lieutenant governor rebecca clayfish joins us live from the badger state to talk about mitt romney's vp pick. >> alisyn: and why is a family getting fined because of throwing a party them.
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pitch fork protesters who are outraged over this.
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>> mitt romney's running mate choice, congressman paul ryan is a catholic and also is pro-life and favors the defense of marriage act and recently invoked his religion when discussing his budget plan. >> the work i do, as a catholic holding office, conforms to the social doctrine as best i can make of it. what i have to say about the social doctrine of the church is from the viewpoint of a catholic in politics, applying my understanding to the problems of the day. >> so will congressman ryan help mitt romney win a very diverse catholic vote in america? joining us now, is fox news religion contributor, father jonathan morris.
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good morning, father, on this sunday. >> thank you. >> nice to see you. what do you make of all of this? a lot of pundits talked about the fact that congressman ryan is a catholic, a young catholic and devout catholic, apparently, three children. will he bring catholics to the romney-ryan ticket. >> yeah. >> or is that such a homogenous... >> i'm not a political strategist. what i do know is that representative ryan has been very serious, very deep in his explanation of why christian moral principles must incorporate into things like budget and he's not only said why but he said in my budget plan this is how my christian catholic moral principles are reflected. what has he said in he believes in the dignity of life and the common good of society and he believes in the principle of solidarity, taking care of the
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poor. of subsidiary and the preferential option for the poor and that means when someone is hurting we have to give priority to them but he said we are living in a situation where we don't have unlimited resource and many of our programs today will be broken for our children and grandchildren. therefore, sometimes cuts are necessary and they are always going to hurt. >> and one of the rationales of what i read of his public policy choices is that government should in fact serve people in need but should only serve those people who are truly in need, and you need to make cuts to ensure that this least among us really get the most that is coming to them. >> there is that, no doubt but what we will see in this campaign, sadly is, i believe, his competition is going to say, you see, the moral thing to do is to help the poor.
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and, there for, since representative ryan wants to cut things for the poor, he is immoral. that is going to be the line and what we need to ask, we need to go deeper and i would suggest that representative ryan, number one, when mitt romney wind and gave the speech about his mormonism, about his faith, that was a huge, in-depth explanation. representative ryan i think has a great opportunity to say, let's not throw names at each other and tag lines out there about who is more christian than the other. we need to get deep down. i put on my facebook, father jonathan morris and the twitter, @fatherjonathan, the link to representative ryan's speech at georgetown in which he outlines in an economic philosophy based on his christian moral principles and would invite any politician to take him on that and go deep.
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>> great advice. i look to you for sustenance and advice and a lot of our viewers do. what is the good word this week, whether you are christian, jewish, muslim, not even a believer, what is the good word, give us good news. >> this is -- we're deep into politics political season now but i think we all know in the end, while politics is extremely important, right, because it helps order society, the great way towards individual personal happiness is ordering our soul. and when we do that, then we can put up with terrible politics. we can also work hard to make sure politics serves the... >> you make me feel better, reminding me of that. thanks, see you next week. >> you pout me on the spot ther. >> i think you delivered. >> thanks. >> republicans have not won the state of wisconsin since 1984 but does the vp pick of paul ryan put the state in play, lieutenant governor rebecca
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kleefisch joins us live. and granny strikes again after mitt romney's vp announcement, democratic operatives are already throwing grabbed ma off the... whoa! there she goes again, off the cliff!
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>> for the last 14 years i have proudly represented wisconsin in congress. there... there i have focused on solving the problems that confront our country. turning ideas into action. and action into solutions. i am committed in heart and mind to putting that experience to work in a romney administration. [cheers and applause].
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>> dave: that of course, wisconsin congressman paul ryan talking about what he brings to the g.o.p. ticket. can he help republicans win his home state for the first time, since 1984? joining us now to comment is wisconsin's lieutenant governor, rebecca kleefisch. good to see you, lieutenant governor. >> good morning, how are you? >> dave: doing great. it is interesting when we look back on 2008, obama carried your state by 14 points, today, the latest polls have it around a 5-point margin. what has changed so drastically in these couple of years in your state? >> well, i would argue that wisconsin is not a blue state. in fact we are very purple, because you will recall what happened in 2010, the governor and i were elected along with senator ron johnson and our whole legislature turned completely red. we had republican majorities in both of our houses. and, so, we have a very purple state atmosphere going on now and i think paul ryan, stepping
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up to the ticket puts wis wins pl -- wisconsin in play and i am so excited about that. >> dave: people forget, 2000 and 2004, it was a narrow, narrow margin and i think it was less than 1% that went to democrats and, it is not as you said, as blue as some make it out to be. when we look at the country, though, most people don't have anticipate opinion of paul ryan, in fact 35% have no opinion of him. you know this, representative, what do you think the country needs to know about paul ryan? >> well, you know, it is funny, we talked before this live shot and we talked about the fact that he is a really relaxed guy and what america will discover about wisconsin's own paul ryan, is that he's a very casual guy, tremendously humble yet he has the wherewithal and the brains to take on the very big issues that have potential to hurt our kids, the next generation of the united states of america. and, that is what i respect so
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tremendously about paul. here he is, this midwestern dad, in the people's house, who is willing to take on the president. do you remember the six-minute video where he just did a take-down of the president on fiscal responsibility, and, responsible governance. the president so felt the threat, that right after that, he did a speech where from the podium took a swipe at paul ryan and i think the president understood then, something america understands now, and that is paul ryan is incredibly bright man who is willing and able to bring reform to the budget of the united states of america. he's going to protect our kids. >> dave: and reforming the budget, what you and governor scott walker did there, you both survived a contentious recall election, millions of dollars put into the election. is there something that governor romney and paul ryan can learn from what you both went through in -- and the message you both tried to convey, that will help
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them in november? >> well, i think in some small way governor romney is showing that he learned the lesson from that election and that is, that there is an affirmation. there is a willingness in taxpayers and hard working families of people who care about their country and their state, to stand up with the leaders who stand with them. that is what the governor and i did. we saw problems coming at us from the past, problems coming at us from the future, and, we tackled them head on, that is what paul ryan is willing to do and why this is a bold choice, but, it's a good choice, because, the time is now for bold leadership. in america. because we have a pivotal election. one that will change the course of this country and paul ryan is going to be the right person. >> dave: bold leadership, bold leadership, lieutenant governor is not always that popular and paul ryan, in wisconsin, only has a favorability about 36%, which is not overwhelming.
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so, is that still a controversial message, there in wisconsin, telling people the cuts they need to make though they don't want to make them? >> i don't know that it necessarily is controversial and i think that that is something that was affirmed on the june 5th recall election. the people of wisconsin stood behind bold leadership and they stood behind fiscal responsibility and spending within your means, the same way families and small businesses have to do every, single day. that is how paul ryan and -- all paul ryan and governor romney are saying is our government needs to function the way its people do. we need to spend within our means and we need to look out for the next generation of americans. our children don't have a vote. they don't have a voice and that is why it is so important to have responsible parents at the top, who are looking out for the children of this country. >> dave: indeed, well, wisconsin has become the center of the political universe lately. lieutenant governor rebecca kleefisch thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> dave: up next it is one of
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the nation's busiest airports, how did a man manage to slip through security? and a family is facing a $5,000 fine for throwing a kids birthday party on their own property, hear their story, next.
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>> dave: welcome back, dave briggs, peter johnson, jr. in for clayton, alisyn camerota why are we stamping regulation nation. >> alisyn: there was an incident in virginia, where a woman who owns a 70-acre farm wanted to throw a birthday party for a young neighbor of hers and she did that and then she got slapped with a $5,000 fine from the town for not having the proper permit for throwing a birthday party. >> dave: let's tell you exactly what the fine stipulated. this is from the zoning administrator there, quote there were a multitude of violation, issuing a warning is standard practice in the county for such violation, she can get an administrative permit for 90% of the events being held, like pumpkin carving.
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how dare you do that on your own property. >> and we spoke to her earlier about that fine. let's hear what happened. >> she violated county, state an constitutional law, and, enforcing the ordinance on martha, and trying to impose fines for having birthday parties, and pumpkin carvings on her property. >> the pitch fork. how does it fit in here? i think of franken type. >> dave: mark and his fellow farmers, they are having a pitch fork protest and i don't know if you picked up on it, mark said the local government is actually breaking the law and trying to impose the $5,000 fine, on their friend, martha, for having said birthday party. >> alisyn: is there a pumpkin carving contingent in the constitution, peter, you are a lawyer. >> not even the dynamic evolving constitution. >> alisyn: is not an amendment. >> not under the literal
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constitution or under the expansive constitution. no, it's not. but i'm for them, for the pitch fork people. >> dave: you have your pitch fork. >> $5,000? $5,000? ridiculous. >> alisyn: they want her to get a license for a retail farm shop as opposed to her farm. >> give it a break. >> alisyn: you heard from the lawyer, legalese. >> give it a break. >> alisyn: your headlines, tell you what else is happening, because a pilot is being held as a -- hailed as a hero for saving the passenger before his plane crashed in central, illinois, though, sadly he was not able to save himself, the plane carried 12 sky divers and had problems and all the passengers parachuted out before the plane went down and the pilot, a 30-year-old brandon ferrell guided the plane away from home and people before crashing into
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a backyard. >> i looked up and there is a plane, come down... >> probably cleared, guessing my house by ten feet. >> alisyn: debris from the crash spanned two blocks. no one on the ground was hurt and the ntsb is investigating. here's a great story, a new york man, effortlessly bypassing security at one of the nation's busiest airports. the 31-year-old was jet skiing in nearby jamaica bay next to j.f.k. airport friday night and his jet key apparently broke down and unable to see anything else, he says he swam three miles towards the airport's bright lights. and then climbed an 8 foot fence and walked across two runways before being stopped inside the terminal. he was charged with criminal trespass and the port authority is trying to figure out how j.f.k.'s $100 million security system could so easily be bypassed. >> dave: there is a glitch in there, somewhere, isn't there,
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ali. >> alisyn: you scale a fence in your bathing suit? yes, this is a glitch. a major music legend is ready to make a come back. ♪ ♪ if i could turn back time ♪ if i could find a way... >> alisyn: sher is back and tweeted these photos of herself in the recording studio. it will be her first new album in the 11 years. she has been working with big names including lady gaga and pink. sher, where have you been for 11 years. >> tweeting, lately. >> dave: and maria molina in for rick reichmuth. outside on the plaza. how is it out there? you have been outside all morning. >> yes. and it is beautiful out here. right now, we do have sunshine here in new york city, starting to come out and most of the clouds here and around the new york city area and the rest of the northeast have pushed offshore along with the showers and storms we had to deal with the last couple of days, but, again, looking nicer for now and new england you have a little
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bit of showers, you have to deal with the first half of the day and high temperatures, pleasant across the great lakes, 80° for your high in chicago and 79° in cleveland and almost starting to feel like a little bit of fall weather creeping in, and, 66° for your high temperature in minneapolis, a little bit on the cooler side and the desert southwest, you have to deal with more heat today. 115 in the city of phoenix and as we take a closer look at the rest of the southwest you will notice, tucson, arizona, also dealing with hot temperatures, 107°, 108 in las vegas and of course we hope everyone out here, is staying safe and hydrated and during the peak afternoon hours, stay indoors and, as far as rainfall goes we had that across parts of the northeast over the weekend, looking much better for the second half of it, across places like new york city and the rest of pennsylvania and, upstate new york, but into parts of new england you can see the showers moving through parts of maine and new hampshire and vermont
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and the west, minnesota down into parts of oklahoma and kansas, we actually have some rainfall. we really need the rain out there, across parts of the plains. so that it is the welcome news we have talked about, a drought ongoing across parts of the central plains and so, of course, welcome rain out there and parts of the four corners region will also get showers and storms. light stuff now, most of the areas staying dry, the afternoon hours, you get the sunshine that will fire up more showers and storms and you have to get the umbrellas as you head outdoors across that part of the country later on today. let's head indoors. >> alisyn: thanks, we'll visit you soon. if you liked "throw granny off the cliff", if you recall that political attack ad after the paul -- paul ryan came out with his medicare plan you will love the latest hit by the same group, the agenda project action fund, has released a new video. >> put out in response to the pick of paul ryan as the vice presidential pick for mitt romney. and, it is recycling the long
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discredited attack on his plan that it somehow destroys medicare. but, let's take a look at it: ♪ ♪ >> dave: that ad will run in ohio, wisconsin, florida, a couple of other states and they didn't that he have decency to find a new granny to push off the cliff. let's push back on the accusation there. paul ryan's medicare changes
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would not affect anyone, not a single person under 55. they are for future recipients of medicare and his intention, and i hate to be saying things for the congressman but are to save medicare. not to end it as we know it. but to save it. >> it is a matter of fact and if you look at the widened ryan plan, they say, listen, if you want to keep the medicare that exist you can have it but you have a choice in terms of private options that will be subsidized if you need it but it is important to talk about it and i'll be talking about it this week, what is fact and what is fiction on these medicare plans. >> alisyn: that will be great. a year ago when the plan came out, when all sorts of polls were done, americans were not crazy about it, particularly senior americans, maybe they didn't know enough about it but it made them nervous. >> you see commercials like this. >> dave: those ads help democrats win, in upstate new york and in arizona, as well, and it is the untruth they -- that is why it will be tough for romney-ryan, they have to get out there and define who paul ryan is, before, to your point,
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often someone is defined by negative ads and have to find out who paul ryan is, before the nasty ads do. >> alisyn: frank luntz talks about the same thing, with granny being pushed off the cliff, how can paul ryan begi convince people his plan will work. he'll join us. >> and michael reagan, will join us live and why mitt romney's vice presidential pick is exactly what his father would have advised mitt to do. ♪ it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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>> alisyn: the left has come out swinging against paul ryan for his medicare stance, they claim that he wants to abolish the program for seniors. or at least change it radically but will voters buy that message? joining us now to discuss this is pollster frank luntz. hi, frank. >> you know, it is interesting,
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it is going to be here this morning, what is interesting is you showed that ad, of ryan pushing granny off the cliff and we tested it all across the country. it was probably the most dramatic ad i personally have seen in all my years of studying politics. and what surprised me is that seniors looked at this and said, not only is it ridiculous, they were offended. about a third of the group laughed, because it was so ridiculous. and a third of the group was so angry, that someone would try to scare people that way, it is one of the most controversial ads but, alisyn, it is one of the least effective because everyone knows that trying to play on someone's emotions that way, just doesn't work in politics, in 2012. >> alisyn: and yet, frank, as we talked about, on the sofa, polls from a year ago, when paul ryan's plan first came out, showed that a majority of americans were wary of his plan for medicare. it did make them a little nervous, so what does his
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message now need to be? >> well, it is over -- i'll show you the ad in one second but i want to give you three points, number one the public didn't know the details and as they started to learn more about it they believed him and his approach, number 2, as americans realized, so many are turning age 65, every, single day. thanks to our health care system, we are living longer than we have before, but, health care prices are going up and, all three of those, we know that medicare will go bankrupt if you don't make a change and, number 3, as paul ryan said yesterday, we want the facts. we want the truth. so, here's an ad from the ryan campaign of 2010, you have already seen, viewers have already seen as bad as it gets. this is as good as it gets. a paul ryan ad about health care that absolutely dialed through the roof because it talked straight about an issue we care about a lot. let's take a look. >> suppose you buy a lawnmower and there is no price tag and you pay $400 and the guy behind you paid $200, you'd be furious
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but that is how it works in health care, you don't know the price of anything, colon0s anticipate, escape -- colonoscopy, $2,000, another hospital, $5,000. because of price competition, prices soar, i'm paul ryan and i approve this message, because i want affordable health care for everyone. >> alisyn: interesting, you see the dials going through the roof and people like the straight talking, explaining what is going on, for them? >> and, they are talking about health care and want to know what it costs and want to know honesty and want to know the truth about the numbers behind the legislation. and about how it is going to impact them personally and those were swing voters, weak republicans and weak democrats and you noticed, alisyn, both of them responded favorably to that, it is that kind of straight talk. looking into the camera and telling it the way it is, that i think makes paul ryan such an amazing choice for 2012. not just for the politics of it but also for the fact that we are so angry and cynical about
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washington, we desperately want someone who looks us straight in the eye and tells us the truth. >> alisyn: there was an interesting rasmussen poll we talked about, right now, how do voters see paul ryan, 39% favorable, and 25%, unfavorable and the rest didn't know how they felt how paul ryan and were completely unleaded decided and didn't even know him. if you were crafting a message for him, or a catch phrase or some words, how should he introduce himself to those people who don't know him? >> well, he certainly doesn't need a catch phrase. he's one of the most substantive elected officials of our generation. one of the reasons why he is so popular. you need to do the -- he needs to do the speeches he did in virginia and long forms and don't sound bite someone who knows the details behind the legislation and i'll tell you what, alisyn, as great as these presidential debates are going to be, i can't wait to do the dials and go to you may get a chance to participate. the vice presidential debate
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between paul ryan and joe biden, is going to be explosive. >> alisyn: october 11th, i'm already excited and popping the popcorn. frank luntz, thanks, so much, for coming in. >> it is great to be here. >> alisyn: great to see you. up next this son of ronald reagan tells us why he thinks his dad would have put the stamp of approval on this choice, we'll talk to michael, next.
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>> it was see and heard as a rallying cry back in 1975. ronald reagan delivering a strong message to republicans: >> i believe the republican party has a platform that is a banner of bold, unmistakable colors with no pale pastel shades.
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[cheers and applause]. >> now, mitt romney's vice presidential pick pick is called a bold choice on the republican ticket. so would ronald reagan approve? >> dave: joining us now is his son, michael reagan, founder of and, author of "the new reagan revolution". >> yes, he'd approve very much so of mitt romney's pick. as i said yesterday it is the first thing in fact mitt romney has done, is really shown outside-the-box, a great choice in paul ryan, and, really tells you where the republican party is, and makes the divide for this election, coming up in november. >> alisyn: and let me read to you what newt gingrich said about the pick. he tweeted, paul ryan carries on the solutions oriented tradition of reagan, kemp and the contract with america, a great choice by romney. obviously, he's referring there to jack kemp, who paul ryan says is his mentor. >> jack kemp, listen, when he
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mentors he gets the job done and did a great job with my father, they were friends for years and a lot of people don't know he worked for my father when he was governor of the state of california and jack kemp was playing football. he was the architect of so much of what my father did as president of the united states of america and paul ryan, to have the connection, to jack kemp, is nothing but a plus for the republican party, but, even more so, a plus for the united states of america. we need to get this campaign onto an issue that is so important to all of us, and that is about the budget and about jobs. >> when you hear ryan yesterday say we won't duck the tough issues, we'll lead and won't blame others, we'll take responsibility and will replace our founding principles and reapply them. do you hear echos of your father in those words, and do you see a directness and a lack of fear in terms of embracing a philosophy in ryan that is reminiscent of your father? >> it is a great thing to
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embrace, the philosophy of ronald reagan. moving forward. ronald reagan didn't take office in 1981 and look back and blame jimmy carter for everything on the planet. he looked forward. he was a forward thinker and paul ryan is a forward thinker. that is what he is. that is why he is trying to fix america, he has a great plan, got a great budget, moving forward and people need to learn exactly what is in it. we have a choice. we have a choice to let barack obama keep spending our money, we know how he is doing or, in fact, look at mitt romney and paul ryan and say, hey, how are they doing? you know, mitt romney is a success in spending money and getting jobs. barack obama is an absolute failure at what he does with my and your money. >> dave: paul ryan is quoted as saying i was motivated by ronald reagan but inspired by jack kemp. does paul ryan need to be for mitt romney? what jack kemp was to your father. >> no, well, in this case, you
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have to understand, mitt romney chose paul ryan to be a vice president. you have the situation where jack kemp was on the floor with the congress of the united states writing budget bills and working on tax relief for the american people. you have ryan, who is going to be in a different position but will be able to control that area of it as the vice president of the united states. what is nice about this is you will really have a working vice president. and what you have is this joining of mitt romney and paul ryan, working together, to help america, not working apart, and separate from each other, that is what is going to be great about the ticket and about the president and vice president going forward next year. >> alisyn: and michael, as one of the byproducts of the pick it somehow makes mitt romney seem like more of' risk-taker and somehow more exciting or somehow more bold that he was willing to make the pick. >> thank god. i mean, we have been waiting, mitt. and he did it. he went outside the box. he didn't go with someone who
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was just going to be milquetoast, along with him. he went with someone who can take it to barack obama, and, take it to the vice president of the united states. somebody who can go to the american public and, in fact, explain to them exactly what they are doing. you know what is interesting, you played an ad earlier, the ad he ran in wisconsin. what ryan does very much like what ronald reagan did, is he tells stories and ronald reagan spoke to us in parables and most politicians speak to us in sound bites and paul ryan is a story teller and he explains it through all of that. >> alisyn: michael reagan, thanks for coming in with your personal in sight. always great to get it. >> dave: more "fox & friends" in two minutes, stick around. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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>> dave: welcome back, folks. we're just about out of time. we told you earlier about a story that said basically our friendships, they don't come because you have a lot of tremendous things in common with people, it is simply proximity, those people who share a cubicle
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with you and forbes comes out with an article and it says three reasons you cannot be friends with coworkers. and number one is you can't be friends with someone you see as competition. or vice-versa. do you agree with that? >> i do agree -- >> alisyn: no, i think you can be friends. >> you can be friends with your competition, ball players do it all the time. absolutely, yes. >> dave: we want to thank peter johnson, jr. filling in for clayton morris, we hope he's better. >> alisyn: one of our viewers said, i thought you had a wife, alisyn, isn't clayton morris your wife. >> dave: husband? >> alisyn: spouse. okay. >> dave: bye! >> take care. ♪ >> eric: start with a "fox news alert." the republican bid for the white house moving full forward, steam ahead, and, presidential hopeful, mitt romney, hitting the campaign trail with his newly tapped running mate, wisconsin congressman paul ryan and the pair branding the ticket aquote, america's come back
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team, and they begin their day, this morning in north carolina, and we are taking a live look at a rally, at the nascar technical institute in morrisville, north carolina. good morning, i'm eric sean. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby, if you were looking for enthusiasm, it is with nascar without a doubt. welcome, everybody to a brand new hour, inside america's news headquarters. it was around this time yesterday that our nation was first learning of governor romney's choice for vice president. ryan coming out swinging when it comes to president obama's track record. listen: >> president obama cannot run on this record. it is a terrible record to run on. and he didn't change. i served in congress, this whole time. he didn't tack to the middle. didn't do things that were sent tryst. he stayed hard left. so, if he can't run on his record, if he didn't moderate, what has he got left? he's going to divide and distract this country to win an election by default and, you know what? we will not fall for that.
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>> jamie: powerful words already. chief washington correspondent james rosen is joining us live in north carolina. first of all, james, welcome. we enjoyed talking to you yesterday, about what is going on and there seems to be already so much excitement. what is happening there? >> well, it is a very excited audience here, jamie. and, eric, at the nascar technical institute. just outside of charlotte, north carolina. it is a vocational training school for automotive skills, i would say we have an overflow crowd here of several thousand and they are pumped up and just heard from darrell waltrip, who is a nascar hall-of-famer. and, they have heard from local politicians, and, aspiring congressional members, and, this is and excited crowd but north carolina is a very critical state come november and the republicans have high hopes for it, because george w. bush captured north carolina, in 2004, and, barack obama's margin of victory in this state just four years ago was only .4%. so, north carolina very much in


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