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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  August 12, 2012 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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office, 71,000 jobs lost in north carolina. 435,000 people out of work in north carolina. you know what, north carolina, we can do better than this. >> now, for his part, governor romney in hashing back to president obama's now famous comment that if you own a small business you didn't build that told the audience here it, quote, runs counter to the american spirit. and while the presumptive gop nominee also faulted his fellow republicans for ballooning he didn't specify who and governor romney took a shot at public sector unions. >> our schools have to be the best in the world and not in the bottom quartile. we know how to do that. i won't go through all of the policy, but let me tell you
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this, it starts with a very clear recognition that we put our kids and their parents and the teachers first and the teacher's union and -- union they go behind. >> that was one of governor romney's biggest applause lines. he could utter it with relative impunity in north carolina. in this state in 2011 according to the bureau of labor statistics only 2.9% of the workforce belonged to a union, and that makes it 50th among the 50 states. they are headed for one last event before they head to a state that hasn't voted for a presidential candidate since 1984. that would be wisconsin. that is paul ryan's home state. shannon? >> very interesting. thank you, james. >> thank you. governor romney and congressman ryan will finish up eventually in wisconsin where the hole coming rally is set for to -- homecoming rally is set for tonight. it is the first trip back home
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since being named to the republican ticket. steve brown is live in wisconsin with a look at ryan's roots and record. hi, steve. >> hi, shannon. we are still picking up bits and pieces about the cloak and dagger kind of exit from wisconsin that ryan had on august 5th when he met face-to-face with mitt romney and accepted the job as being his vice presidential running mate. we are to understand when he boarded a plane after sneaking out of his house heading off from milwaukee to hartford, connecticut we are to understand he was dressed in a baseball cap, jeans and sunglasses. so a little disguise on top of everything else. the question about whether or not wisconsin with ryan's entry is a battleground state is one that rch goer scott walker -- that governor scott walker answered on air. whether or not it changes the face of the race in the badgeett state. here -- have a listen to his answer. >> this is a guy who because of the way he discusses big ideas and the way he is willing to make tough decisions, actually i find it appealing. he comes from a swing
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congressional district. he comes from a swing state and he will do well here and across america. >> a battery of different polls calculated by the real clear politics average suggests that president obama is five points ahead of the romney ryan team. there is no new data that the obama campaign points out suggesting that somehow ryan's entry has tightened up and five points has been consistent. the mar yin -- the margin is five points and mar. what the obama campaign points out specifically about the state of wisconsin is that the romney team is not up on the air here and that they have been at work building out their ground game. absent some new data suggesting ryan has made a difference in the state, the obama campaign believes this is still in their column, although narrowly. shannon? >> steve brown in wisconsin, thank you so much. there is no denying this campaign has got nasty in the new gop nominee is wasting no time jumping into the fray of the.
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>> and he didn't change tunes. he didn't moderate. he stayed hard left. so what does he have left? not only nothing, but he will divide the country to distract the country to try and win this election by default. >> the back and forth on the air waves has been harsh. my next guest even called the obama campaign a campaign of deceit. the campaign advisor to governor mitt romney and he joins us live. thank you for coming in today. >> glad to be with us. glad to be with you. >> it has gotten a lot of attention and it features a steelworker who lost his job and years later his wife died from cancer. they feel like the ad -- a lot of people feel like the ad, even on the left, is disingeneral us with. here is your reaction after the ad came out this week. >> it is a clear statement about the president himself. he refuses to take responsibility. he refuses to take any action to remove something that he
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knows well is a pack of lies against his opponent. it just suggests a character issue here in my personal opinion. a man will take no responsibility. you can't trust what his campaign says. you can't trust what they put on the air. then when the press asks them about it as you pointed out, they lie about it. this is a campaign of deceit. >> strong words, a campaign of deceit. they have had a few days. this is not an add from the owe boo you ma campaign, but -- this is not an ad from the obama campaign, but will they distance themselves? >> it is astounding they wouldn't have done it immediately. and the fact that it is clearly recognized by anybody who has taken a little bit of an examination of the ad it is a pack of lies. and then they had their own campaign workers, their own staff go on national television and defend the lies with more lies. so you have to wonder where are they going? in my personal opinion it is shameful you have the president of the united states
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, and this is the best you get from his campaign? tens of millions of dollars to destroy a man's reputation and do it by slander him in a pack of lies? and no the to take any responsibility for them? you have to wonder if that is -- if that's what we are at. if that's all we can do because they have no record, shannon. there is no record to run on. they are unwilling to debate the issues. what they want to do is make it so nobody would vote for the other guy. he has taken hope out of the american people. there are critical issues, and all the president can talk about is how his opponent is somebody who nobody should vote for. it is unbelievable to me. >> but an effective strategy for those supporting the president and his campaign. if it is a winning strategy for them, any chance you would expect them to back off a bit? >> if it is winning, that's what negative ads are about. if they are effective and they work you will see more of them. but more importantly here is
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this. you can also look and you can see the president's like ability numbers coming down. and this is one of his strengths. if you look at one issue after the other president struggles, but as a candidate he has this like ability issue that has been very positive. i see those numbers coming down. he is not offering us anything. it is a vicious attack on his opponent, and that is all he seems to have. iswhat is really pathetic -- it is more sad than pathetic even, but 23 million americans are unemployed or under employed and all of those people are out there struggling wondering how they will take care of their family and all the president can do is offer them a vicious assault on his opponent. that's the best he can do. that's his argument to keep his own job. >> there is continuing pressure on the white house to weigh in on this ad. we will see if that changes in the coming days. both sides are set. thank you for visiting us.
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>> you are welcome. the obama campaign wasted no time calling the new vp pick radical. and debbie wasserman schulz has hit the campaign trail. and now peter has the other side of the trial. >> oat bough ma campaign has had -- the obama campaign has had a full day to contemplate the full ticket romney-ryan. and axle rod thinks the congressman is a good person, but his ideas are very harsh. jay you know, it is a pick -- >> you know, it is a pick meant to thrill the most stria dent voices in the republican party, but one that should trouble the middle class, the seniors, students. because of ryan's record, he is a right wing ideolog. >> about four hours after ryan was revealed, we saw president obama on the south lawn of the white house heading to chicago, but he kept his opinion about the vice presidential candidate to himself. his campaign manager though wasn't so show saying "as a
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member of congress ryan rubber stamped the reckless bush economic policies that exploded our deficit and crashed our economy. now the romney-ryan ticket would take us back by repeating the same catastrophic mistakes." the obama campaign rolled out an ad as well saying ryan's budget plan would be brutal to the middle class. but mr. romney's running mate has shown since the big announcement he is ready to go on the offensive too. >> the president has shown us his as separations -- aspirations for a government-centered society with a government-run economy. it is not working. it has never worked before. and so president obama is not going to be able to run for re-election on his record. it is a terrible record. and he didn't change tune, he didn't moderate. he stayed hard left. >> and mitt romney said later on that it is now two on two instead of one on one for the rest of the campaign season.
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>> peatser, thank you. peter, thank you. since the announcement we have gotten a ton of tweets from you about the newest addition to the gop ticket. tweets like this one, "great accentance speech. can't wait for the debates. congrats." does romney's selection make it more likely, less likely or no change to vote for him? tweet your answers to at shannon breem, and we will read them throughout the show. on october 11th ryan will go ahead against biden in their one and only debate. there will be plenty of comparisons made, so how do they match up? congressman chris van holland is coming up. and senator john mccain knows a thing or two about picking vice presidential candidates. he will share his thoughts on the new vp pick. >> i think this is a pretty bold choice as well, and i think it is a good match up
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because of paul ryan's ability to carry a romney agenda through the congress of the united states.
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this is a fox news alert. evangelist billy graham has been hospitalized. he was admitted overnight and the hospital says it is monitoring a pulmonary infection. it could be bronchitis. he came in alert and in good spirits. he was hospitalized in november. by the way, he is busy on yet another book. they have not had a plan yet to save social security and medicare, and they have had nearly four years to do it. paul ryan has taken the courageous steps to bring this issue to the forefront and we will have to address it and under a romney ryan administration you will see it addressed. not like this administration who has done nothing. they haven't even passed a budget through the senate of the united states of america in three years. >> medicare and social
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security will face hard times in the next few years. they say the romney-ryan plan puts something on the table at least. now, hear what the last republican nominee thinks about paul ryan. you started off with the man who was in the position of mitt romney four years ago and running for the white house and having to make a pick for vp. senator john mccain, his reaction to paul ryan? >> he thought ryan was a terrific pick. he still says was the right choice for the time. but he says paul ryan has got big, bold ideas. it is the sort the romney campaign needs. and the fact that he unlike the democrats in the senate has not passed a budget resolution in days now. like it or not, he at least has a plan, and going forward as well. it was initially thought recently that medicare would
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go bankrupt in nine years. that has been stretched out to 12. 12 years from now 2024 medicare is going to be bank rupt. it is -- bankrupt. you have to do something about it, and he says at the very least paul ryan has put out a plan to do it. the plan a little modified from his original one, but one many people don't like and the democrats will attack incessantly. something for people to consider. >> we mention the democrats. romney knew them and they picked paul ryan. that budget was going to play and the democrats were going to have ads at the ready and criticism at the ready. you talked with the head of the d and c, congressman debbie wasserman schulz and she was ready to go and you knew the attacks were coming. they called his plan too radical and talked about it radical and taking away from college students. >> you know, the democrats are very well versed in attacking paul ryan. they have been doing it since he first started talking about
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his budget when it came out in 2011. all of those attacks are well honed. i don't know if they will be sharpened at all, but the volume will be turned up on them. i don't know if they will resurrect the granny off the cliff ad, taking her to the cliff and tossed her out of her wheelchair, but the tone of what we have seen in the past in testimonies of -- in terms of attack will continue and it may actually get a little bolder on that front as well. they now know that they have found something that means they don't have to talk about the economic record of the president anymore. and anything they can do to deflect from that is a good thing for them. so if you can turn up the volume on the attacks and perhaps even sharpen them to a greater degree they were before the less you have to talk about the economy. >> great panel as well. >> the panel was terrific today. they were really good. >> very fiesty, and it was a good mix. they had a lot to say so folks won't want to miss it. >> thank you. >> thank you.
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>> you can catch all of the interviews with senator mccain and debbie wasserman schulz on the fox fox newschannel at 2:00 and 6:00 eastern. keep it right here. later in the show, 2008 vice presidential candidate sarah palin will join us with her thoughts on the pick, paul ryan. governor palin loves to take questions from our viewers, so if you have something that you would like to ask her tweet us. maybe your question will go to the governor. america's self-proclaimed come back team is making the rounds across north carolina. governor romney didn't exactly lighten up nascar nation the last time he went to a race, so how did he do if nascar country today with his brand-new vp pick by his side? k billy hutchison weighs in on that and something else, the second amendment, next.
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the race for the white house is now in full swing with a choice of congressman paul ryan as governor mitt romney's running mate. it is the bought m to of the hour and peter ducey has more. >> romney and ryan have hit the road on a swing state bus tour, and today's first stop north carolina. romney introduced ryan to the crowd saying, quote, the contrast couldn't be more clean than romney and president obama. and keep it here, the republican duo has another event at the top of the hour, and we will bring that to you live. first lady michelle obama is remembering the victims of last month's shooting in a colorado theater. she met with victims and families at a hospital in aurora yesterday. later today she will attend campaign fundraisers in los angeles. a deadly standoff caught on camera in new york city's time square. police were trying to arrest a man for marijuana possession when he pulled out a 10-inch knife and took off running reportedly trying to slash peel along the way.
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slash people along the way. it ended when officers killed the man. no one else was injured. for the fifth straight summer olympics, american athletes will take home more medals than any other country. so far the u.s. claimed 103 medals. china is second with 87. and closing ceremonies are tonight. those are the top stories. back to you. >> are you going to watch, peter? >> i will watch. i just watched the u.s. men's basketball team win the gold medal. i have been waiting for that. but i will watch the closing ceremonies. >> what did you think of the opening? >> i thought it was great. mr. bean. >> i know, he was fabulous between him and the queen, we will see how they wrap it up. thanks, peter. by choosing paul ryan romney has made a strong statement on his campaign central issue, the economy. how does picking ryan affect things like legal immigration and the appeal to female voters? joining us is january brewer who is -- jan brewer who is with the women for mitt
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coalition and they are familiar with immigration issues. governor, welcome. >> thank you, janice, good to be with you. >> let's start with the issue of women voters. democrats said romney and his policies with i will take women back to the 1950s by blocking access to contraception and also by making sure they don't get equal pay. how dowry spawned? how do you respond? >> i think that is silly. i think the opposition campaign that is going on, they are just shooting at anything and everything they can come after the republicans for. actually the republican party has been a party of women for so long that they have been very, very supportive. we always had a majority of women legislators who were elected in arizona, and we have had a majority of very important elected and appointed officials among republican administration. it is just a red herring they are throwing out there. i believe they are smarter than that. we should talk about jobs and
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the economy. >> do you think ultimately that is what women will care about when it comes to issues and sway how they vote when it comes to make the decision? >> i think they are more concerned about what is taking place currently, what is going to take place in the future. they are concerned about whether they will be able to feed and clothe their children and whether their husbands and them have jobs and are they going to have a future? are their children going to have a future? this has been a woo-hoo weekend as far as i am concerned. it is a romney-ryan ticket. we will take our message out there and hopefully it will res son nate with the -- resonate with the people of america. four years of nothing but growing the deficit. it is unacceptable to women. >> let's talk about the other hot button issue which arizona is squarely in the middle of for the last couple years, the issue of illegal immigration. when you do the polling and look at the numbers it is
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clear hispanic voters are much more aligned with president obama and democrats. why do you think that is, and do you think that this romney-ryan ticket can do anything to bridge to that specific group of voters and to be more appealing to them? >> i think we are looking at a population of illegal immigrants that have come here for a better life and certainly i understand and appreciate that. the bottom line is we are a nation of laws. we believe in the rule of law. they are fearful they are not going to be able to remain in the state of arizona and other states which they have illegally imigrated to. we need our borders secured. we are the recipients of the drug cartels. you have two kinds of immigrants. you have those who are coming and bringing their children and their families to move here for a better life, and then you have the element of drug cartels and crime. and it is simply wrong. it is against the law. well, it was against the law.
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i guess president obama made an exclusion currently that will take affect probably on wednesday. that is pretty bizarre as far as i'm concerned that he can just come forward and say okay you all get to stay here as long as you came at a certain period of time in your life and you are under the age of 30. we need our borders secured. we need our borders secured, and then we can deal with all of these other issues. i know governor romney and vice president nominee ryan, they understand the issue, and they are willing to work at that issue. they too believe in the rule of law. >> how much attention do you think that issue is going to get during the debate, and who will benefit if it does? >> i think the american public is very concerned about illegal immigration and what is taking place in our great country, but i believe strongly that most people, the majority of the people the republicans and the democrats, they are concerned about the economy. they are concerned about the jobs, and they are concerned about the direction of --
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america has gone in the last few years. we can't sustain it. we simply can't sustain it. we need a breath of fresh air. we need the opportunity to choose a new administration that willied our country back to prosperity and focus on the jobs and the economy and getting our deficit under control. i am hoping we can spread that message across that country and i know it will res son nate -- resonate not only with the common, ordinary folks like myself and women, about young fathers. they want a future. they want a job. they want america the way we knew -- america the way knee know it. the way we know it. it is an absolute shame to know we have put our finest young men and women on the front line to fight for freedom. and it is going away. it is going away. it is not the america we all knew. >> governor jan brewer of arizona, thank you for your time today.
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>> thank you, shannon. who can forget when governor sarah palin hit the ?al -- the national stage. >> i love those hockey m months. you know the difference between a hockey mom and a pittbull? lipstick. >> we will ask the former vice presidential candidate in the next hour. and we will talk to texas senator and romney campaign surrogate, k billy hutchison about how the paul ryan pick will play in texas and the rest of the country.
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a bold choice for the gop ticket. that's what senator john mccain and several republicans are saying about paul ryan. the texas senator k bailey hutchison who hosts a show and skees -- and says he is serious about cutting. senator, thanks for being with us today. >> thank you, shannon.
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>> so he is being described as a bold choice, and of course a lot of that has to do with the fact that he rolls out the ryan budget in the house that was voted through there. but the other side is saying it is not bold, it is radical. how dowry spawned? >> they are clearly using that word, radical extreme. it says we are serious about getting the economic house in order. the president nominee romney has a plan, and it is to cut the corporate income tax so that jobs will come back that have gone overseas with the highest corporate rate in the world. we see lowering income taxes on everyone who could create jobs. there will be a focus with paul ryan and governer romney to make sure that we focus on this campaign on the economy and jobs. >> and paul ryan has said before and he said yesterday when he was officially rolled out as the vp pick that he is
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going to speak the truth to americans, and that it is going to be at times a difficult conversation. do you think americans are ready to talk about where they are going to make tough cuts and how you are going to change things? >> absolutely. i think americans know that what we have seen in the last three and a half years is wrong. we are going in the wrong direction. things are getting worse and worse and nothing is being done to create a bold initiative in this administration with this congress. and certainly congressman ryan has put forward the bold plan. you may not agree with it, but it is a bold plan. we will roll up our sleeves and tell the people what we will do. we do need a change, and it has to be maybe a tough conversation, but one americans are looking for.
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>> how much do you think they will come up with a hybrid of the plan and the budget he rolled out in the house? do you think it will be adopted wholesale or a conversation about putting their ideas together? >> oh certainly, most certainly. it will be governor romney's decision. i'm sure he doesn't agree with everything in the ryan plan. i voted for it, but i don't agree with everything in it. what i do agree with is we must cut spending. we must ease the market for palm to create jobs. and it is the job creators that need to have lower regulations and lower taxes and the ability to foresee that there is going to be a stable economic policy in our country. that's the point. i just think that what we are seeing in the white house is just more spending and that is a constant talk. we need more taxes from the people who the president says aren't paying their fair
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share. really these are people working seven days a week sometimes 12 and 14 hours a day to keep a business going, to do better for their families and, yes, we want to encourage them. we do. they have worked hard, and we want them to be able to do better. >> senator while i have you quickly, i want to ask you about an issue that was under the radar. this u.n arms treaty that you and dozens of others signed on t.o. a -- signed on to a letter and it is aimed at getting international illegal gun trafficking that in someway could affect second amendment rights in the u.s. what is your concern and what action do you hope the u.s. will or won't take with respect to this treaty? >> well, the obama administration reversed two previous administrations and saying that we would negotiate on this issue in the united nations. and 51 members of the senate
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including democrats and all of the republicans signed a letter to the president and the secretary clinton and setted -- and said we must have absolute control of our second amendment in the constitution, and we will not turn it over to the united nations. we want to be able to assure that hunting and self-protection which are in our constitution are protected and the sovereign rights are not in anyway infringed. and some of the language that was being proposed by the united nations group put that in question for 51 of us in the senate, and we just said here are the things that would be required for us to even look at a u.n resolution that would bind american law. thank you for weighing in. thank you for your time. >> thank you, shannon.
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this is a fox news alert. you are looking live at a fire blazing in the east section of london. it is of course where the olympics are wrapping up. we are told the fire is at a recycling center. firefighters say it is the biggest fire the city has seen in years. it is about seven miles away from the olympic park. olympic officials say it is not going to have any impact on events or the closing ceremonies. no word yet on the cause of the fire. this is tape just coming into us. it is being called the largest fire in years in london. we'll keep an eye on it and keep you updated. well, it is not just the gop happy about governor romney's vp pick, some democrats are smiling too. the top democrat on the budget committee joins us to explain.
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and america's so-called come back king is hitting the road claiming it can save america. with congressman -- was congressman paul ryan the right choice? we will get information from the 2008 game changer sarah palin.
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even as the choice of paul ryan is energizing republicans the romney campaign is working to put a little distance between romney and his running mate's controversial budget proposals. romney is the architect of the budge that would, among other things, overhaul medicare as we know it and aimed to cut trillions in federal spending. joining us is a man who has a lot of firsthand knowledge of that budget. he is the counterpart on the house budget committee. congressman, thank you for scomming in. >> great -- thank you for coming in. >> great to be with you. >> what do you see as the biggest points where you cannot compromise? >> the fundamental choice that the ryan budget makes and now the romney ryan budget is that it asks nothing of the folks at the top. like mitt romney. they have to deal with the deficit, and we do. but they don't ask for one penny of additional contribution for deficit reduction from folks at the top. and that means mathematically they will hit everybody else
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harder. they hit seniors on medicare. they reduce our investment in infrastructure, and we just think those are bad choices. i do think this pick will sharpen the choice in the election. it will sharpen it in a way that will help the president, but i do think we are in for a very good debate. >> do you think there is an appetite though for issues like tax reform spelled out in the ryan plan? it is changing from several different levels of taxation to a couple that will bring in more people so everybody has the game. is there an appetite for that? >> it all depends on what kind of tax reform. the plan romney asked for would come at the expense of the middle class taxpayers if you drop the top right from 35% to 25%, that is $4 trillion. now they say they will do it in deficit neutral ways. that means you have to remove a lot of the deductions.
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a lot of the deductions help middle income taxpayers, mortgage interest and the special treatment of health care costs. if you are dropping the top rate from 35 to 25%, great for folks at the high end of the income scale. but they are making up for it by increasing the burden on middle class taxpayers. >> what is the democratic alternative? that's always the response. if you don't like paul ryan's plan it does ask for a lot from a lot of americans and different classes of people. it is something that will be a painful conversation they have admitted to have. what is the counterpart? >> just to be clear though, i don't think it is bold to ask seniors whose median income is $23,000 and under to pay a lot more on medicare when you are asking nothing of folks at the very high end of the income scale, people like mitt romney. if they were really bold, they would take on grover norquist in a pledge that says they will not ask for one more penny from folks at the top. in terms of the overall approach -- >> let me stop you there.
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outside groups say it is not accurate to say it will ask a lot more of seniors. you can stay in the current medicare plan under this proposal or you could go for other options that will put you into the private insurance market. and in the end it is going to be about making sure the safety net for low income seniors and means testing some of the higher payouts. so is it accurate to say that seniors are going to pay thousands more when outside nonpartisan groups have said that is not actually the truth. >> actually, it is. and for this reason. it is important to understand that seniors will immediately pay more if they have hyper description drug costs. in other words they reopen what they call the prescription donut hole. they do that now for seniors with hyper description drug costs. they also will make it more expensive for seniors to get preventative care. one of the things we have done was toen urge courage seniors to move in that direction and reduce their co pays. they would increase those costs. now, the longer run plan that they propose is one that gives
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seniors a much worse deal than it gives to members of congress. and this gets to your fundamental question. under the plan that members of congress have, as health care costs rise, the percentage of support from the plan stays exactly the same. whereas in the ryan-romney medicare plan, as health care costs rise, seniors will actually not get support from medicare that keeps pace. that voucher is not going to ep could pace with the rising cost of health care. that's why they will have to eat it more. how much more they will have to eat will depend on what version of the ryan-romney plan they will take. under all of them, they are giving seniors a raw deal compared to what members of congress get. >> and just to be clear, these major changes to medicare, if they were ever -- and i don't see how they could currently get through the senate and the house, but were they to take affect, not yet taking affect for those 55 and older and those in the system. >> with the important exception of the prescription
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drug issue. they would immediately under the ryan budget reopen the donut hole. if you are a senior with hyper description drug costs, yes, next year under the ryan plan you will be paying more, a lot more. and if you are a senior that's getting a lot of preventative health care services those will cost you more next year under the ryan plan. >> i want to ask you about the tone of the campaign. there has been a lot made of the group not aligned with the obama campaign, but supportive of the president featuring a steelworker and talking about his lost job because of bane capital. and years later his wife died from cancer tragically. but connecting those two people felt, including democrats many of them, that it was inappropriate, and it took the campaign to a different place. your take on that, and where both sides are going with the negativity, and is it acceptable? >> well, i have not seen this ad. i have been reading a little about it. i was away. i haven't seen the ad. my understanding is what the ad does is show the consequences of some of the
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decisions that bane capital made under mitt romney's leadership and the impact it had on the life of the family. the family president whatted to tell the story. the family wanted to tell the story. i think it is fair to show what impact policies will have on the individual level. after all budgets we talk a lot about numbers and things, but it all comes down to people and the lives of people. and that's why i welcome this debate. i welcome this debate about the impact of the romney ryan plan on seniors on medicare. i welcome the discussion on impact on our investment in education. one segment of the population we know will not impact except in a very positive way is folks like mitt romney. people who are at the highest ends of the income scale because it doubles down on the idea that theirs should get another tax cut and somehow that will trickle down the benefits of giving the very wealthy attacks getting a trickle down and lift the rest
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of the economy. we all know that didn't work. we tried it for eight years under the bush administration. been there and done that and didn't work. millions of people lost their jobs. the only thing that went up was the deficit that went through the roof. and now they want to ask the rest of the country to pay for the deficit reduction, but not ask for one penny from folks at the top. >> well, it is a debate we will have very heated over the next three months. congressman, thank you for coming in. good to see you. >> more news after this.
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the republican bid for the white house is going forward full steam ahead. they are wasting no time hitting the campaign trail. the pair are branding the ticket as america's come back team. they are expected to speak at their second event today in the swing state of north carolina and in just moments we will bring it to you live. hour number two begins and we will bring it to you live. while we are waiting let's check in. with the digital politics editor. a man who knows everything about everything about political. good to see you. >> i got to deliver after that. >> shannon: i wouldn't build you up if i didn't think you could deliver. your reaction and what you think about this ticke ticket g
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forward? >> the goal right now for the republican party for the romney campaign is to get the band together. the unification movement. he picked an idea logical conservative. he picked somebody that will please and excite the republican base and what a they want to do it roll into tampa with the most enthusiasm possible because they want the people who get enthusiastic to get friends and neighbors enthusiastic. they are wasting no time. i think they already even have an ad out. >> i think we have that so people can check it out. the ticket is official now and we think this is their first ad. >> they know that america is is in trouble and these are the two guys that are going to save it. >> over the years i have seen and heard from a lot of families. from a lot of those who are are running small businesses and people in need. what i heard lately, that is what troubles me the most. there is something different in their voice. in their words. what i hear from them are diminished dreams.
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lowered expectations. uncertain futures. i hear some people say that this is just the new normal. higher unemployment. declining incomes. this is not the new normal. >> and it appears that ad is simply taking text from his speech yesterday and putting sound and music there and rushing it out as the first ad. he really paul ryan has laid out some clear things and romney knew that picking him was going to spark conversations about his house budget. >> oh, yeah. >> shannon: which as you saw we had the top democrat on of the house budget committee with us. they are ready, willing and able to go after it. >> if mitt romney has a choice between what he he has been getting since april which is murderrized about his personal wealth, his tax rates, what happened at companies that were managed by bain capital, a really intensely personal intensely negative attack. we saw on last week's fox news poll h his percental
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favorability is down, unfavorability is up. that is a trendline he can't sustain. given the choice between that and having a fight over medicare, mitt romney would rather have a fight over medicare because that is a serious big issue. not just barack obama and the democrats incinerating mitt romney's personal character in the most and i want to emphasize this the absolutely most neglect gentlemantive campaign ever conducted by an incumbent presiden president oe united states. >> we have been talking about the super pac ad that seems to say mitt romney was in control of bain and they shut down this it company and this guy got fired and the wording sounds like a short time later his life died because they didn't have life insurance. romney wasn't at bain when that happened. he lost his health insurance she still had hers and years later tragically she did pass away. parties usa, the super pac, not the campaign responsible for that. it created a certain tone in
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this campaign. debbie wasserman schultz was on "fox news sunday" and this is what she had to say about priorities usa and where they are coming from. >> we had nothing to do with it. >> do you deny they are democrats. >> i have no idea the affiliation. >> twitter is all abuzz with that. would you be confused about bill burton who used to work at the white house. >> bill burton may be a republican now, i don't know, i haven't checked. but i will say this. president obama has endorsed this super pac. he says -- >> they are certainly not republican. >> he says it is okay for his cabinet members to go to fundraisers. his campaign members and senior advisors have raised money for this organization. the president has given his blessing to this group. it he did that and these guys are stealth republicans this would be a big shock. >> shannon: that would be a serious switcharoo reverse
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psychology. >> the obama campaign said we didn't know anything about it and a had no eye di idea abouts add. then came out well, we did tell that story once before and then bill burton picked up the ball and ran with it to a place that got folks in trouble. the weirding world of super pacss, 527s and all these things, legal considerations to people get a little freaked out. but congress woman wasserman schultz i'm sure would like a do over on that one. >> shannon: until we get that -- i understand that you have something about twitter. a twitter index. >> well, now, look we do this on power play which is on the internet every day at 11:30 a.m. >> shannon: 11:30 a.m. eastern. >> i you like it best when shannon is hosting i know. but there is the twitter political index which is basically a gage of positive sentiment towards the candidates you yo see it there,
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towards the candidates across the spectrum of twitter. guess who usually doesn't lead there is mitt romney. this jump shows how picking ryan sent all of the conservatives and republicans to twin citieser to say good things about president obama. usually romney is way down. and then you see there how people feel about the running mates of these individuals and the red line i assume is ryan and the blue line is joe biden and you see it right there that you get this surge at the end. so i think one thing to take away from the ryan pick, at age 42, he is very young. >> i like to think of that as very, very young. >> very, very young. and guess who likes young is twitter. young voters are interest. there is is another calculation in the ryan pick which is for young people especially for young family folks that are concerned about their bottom line, that are concerned about the direction of the country, ryan who is himself a family man and speaks in these urgent terms maybe he says something to them and maybe that will
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help republicans mobilize on the internet. >> shannon: we will see. and we will see you tomorrow morning 11:30 a.m. eastern on fox news .com/live. we have been asking speaking of twitter, folks how the peck of ryan has impacted the way people will vote. we will read your tweets coming up. >> who is the vp nominee? steve brown has more answers for us from his home state in wisconsin. hi, steve. >> reporter: paul ryan, he is a 42-year-old roman catholic. has been in congress for seven terms and shannon there was some kind of misdirection campaigns love football terms so they had some misis direction going with just having the conversation between mitt romney and paul ryan about joining the ticket. we understand on august 5 ryan entered his house and walked
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through a google o gaggle of rs through the backdoor through another portion of the neighborhood and got back into the car are with the same staff who dropped him off who then drove him into the airport and he change inside a disguise with a baseball cap, sunglasses and jeans and then boarded the plane to go to hartford, connecticut,, picked up by son of a romney campaign staffer and then drove off to the hotel to have that meeting. here is what ryan said last night on a charter plane. you have to lesson a little closely, about just having that conversation with romney and agreeing to become part of that ticket. by the time we -- and it was the biggest honor i ever received in my life. and i love this country dearly and i feel like we have an opportunity to fix things once and for all. >> reporter: and the folks here in wisconsin would really,
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really like it if ryan as a hometown home state guy kind of reconfigured the race in a lot of different states not the least of which is in wisconsin. real clear politics average puts the obama-biden team up five points. no new polling since ryan was changed to the team so changes the race in a substantial way. still no new data on that. the obama campaign points out they have 18 field offices out here and operating out of a dozen more and have been at work for months and months with staff on the ground getting ready for november. while the republicans may be in terms of ground game playing a little bit of catchup in terms of the presidential race, they -- the republican ares do believe that there is an energy level brought by having paul ryan on the ticket that might change the configuration of at least this state contest. no new data on that and i'm sure pollsters is are at work right now. >> shannon: i'm sure they are.
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steve, thank you very much. strong on the economy perhaps not so strong on foreign policy. congressman paul ryan versus vice president joe biden. the white house reaction to the ryan pick and how they he plan to neutralize it. >> reporter: as he headed to chicago to raise money, president obama had nothing to say about the big news. >> what do you think about the ryan pick? >> letting his campaign do the talking. with tweets and text messages charging the republican pick is radical. and immediately rolling out a tough new ad that called paul ryan the mastermind of an extreme budget. top obama advisors can hardly contain their glee. the election is now what they wanted, a choice about the next four years instead of a referendum on the last four. though ryan quickly made clear with unemployment high and the debt soaring he will hammer the president on the future and the past. >> he didn't do things that were centrist. he stayed hard left. so if he can't run on his record, if he didn't moderate
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what has he got left? he is going to divide and distract this country to win an election by default. you know what? we are not the going to fall for that. >> ahead of the one face to face debate in kentucky on october 11, vice president biden placed a call of congratulations to ryan. while he previously laced his attacks with classic bidenesque caveats. >> he is a decent smart guy. a guy named congressman ryan. a republican in the house of representatives. i disagree fundamentally with him but this is a smart decent guy. >> biden allies now you suggest he will outshine ryan on everything from the economy to national security. >> paul ryan has laid out the very clear right wing blueprint about how to help rich people in this country. does anybody really think that paul ryan is more ready to be president of the united states than a world leader like joe biden? i think that distinction will
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be clear as well. >> ryan's fans scoff and say the american people are hungering for his kind of can candor. >> paul ryan is the real agent of hope and change. bz that was the campaign of barack obama and he is not running on hope and change now. he is running on fear. >> reporter: mr. obama himself is remaining above the fray. but starting monday when he is on a bus tour through iowa the gloves may come off. shannon? >> shannon: thank you very much. ed henry at the white house. well, as we have been telling you we are awaiting the second of two romney-ryan campaign events in north carolina for the day. we will bring you that live as soon as it starts. paul ryan is now feeling the glare of the media spot light like never before. we will talk to a woman familiar with being thrust into the national stage. former vice presidential candidate sarah palin, coming up live.
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>> shannon: time for a look at a few of the stories making headlines today. governor romney and his new running mate hit the road on a swing state with us tour.
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we are awaiting a stop in north carolina. at a stop a short time ago they painted the upcoming contest as a choice between painting visions for reviving the u.s. economy. rescuers end hing the search for survivors of twin earthquakes in western iran. 250 people killed and more than 2600 injured when quakes hit yesterday. at least 20 villages were completely leveled. and one of the usnea i have's guided missile detroyers suffered minor damage when it collided with an oil tanker this morning. no one onboard either vessel was injured. this november voters in florida will decide whether or not to remove a long standing ban on taxpayer funded religious groups what they are calling a war on religion in the sunshine state. as a rabbi, merrill believes in religious education. >> what you don't believe in is paying for someone else's
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religious education. >> nor is should any one be forced into paying for someone else's religious education. >> reporter: and that is what he says everyone here will be he forced to do if florida passes the so called religious freedom amendment. he claims the ballot measure is a smoke screen designed solely to skirt a ban on taxpayer funded religious education. it is called religious freedom but you say it will lead to government paying for religious services? >> and ultimately muslims will be paying for catholic education. catholics will be paying for hindu education. hen dues will be paying to educate buddhists. >> reporter: he says florida should play no role at all in religious education. steve precourt disagrees calling that discriminatory. >> it is discriminatory because those faith based organizations are not allowed to compete on a level playing field. >> reporter: he is a state rep and spokesman for the yes on 8 campaign. he says education is a
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marketplace and that religious schools need to be treated the same as nonreligious schools. >> they shouldn't be telling a group that just because you are a faith-based organization you cannot participate in the market. >> reporter: supporters of the amendment say you are discriminating against religious groups, barring them from doing what nonreligious groups can do. >> that is because we have separation of church and state in this country. >> reporter: he says secular groups can use tax dollars but religious groups need to be kept separate. in deltona, florida, fox news. >> shannon: she was the game changer in the 2008 presidential campaign. up next, former alaska governor sarah palin joint us live. we will find out how you she feels about the pick of paul ryan. and she is answering your viewer questions as well. stay with us. ♪ [ acoustic guitar: slow ]
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>> shannon: with governor romney's announcement yesterday the election spot light is focused on paul ryan. one person who knows all about that scrutiny is sarah palin. the former alaska governor joins us live from arizona. great to see you today. >> thank you so much. an honor to get to speak with you. >> shannon: talk about paul ryan. what do you make of the pick and what do you think it will do for the overall ticket? >> i'm excited that new we have is a team of romney-ryan that will offer an alternative to the vision that barack obama and joe biden have for america where the obama ticket believes that growing government and taking away about personal freedoms and the corresponding responsibility that comes with our freedoms, taking that away from americans. and this conflict of vision that we'll see on the other side is a sound and secure vision for america that understands the free market, that understands what it takes
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to get the economy roaring back to life. >> shannon: governor, do you think that this ticket will garner a little bit more support from folks like the tea party from very fiscal conservatives, maybe others who had not been completely sold on the idea of mitt romney? >> well, you know, i think a lot of maybe tea party patriots have understood wisely that they had no choice. of course, they are going to go with anybody but obama and now, yes, i believe that there will be a strengthening, more enthusiasm because this now, it ticket represents the message that the campaign is about the economy and with paul ryan who is known for his conscientious concern for our budget and forgetting america out of debt this makes it tougher for obama to do his continual distracting and dividing and pivoting off the economy because this ticket represents this campaign is about the economy.
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>> shannon: on a personal note, what is life going to be like now for paul ryan and for his family now that he has been thrust into the national spot light as you were four years ago? >> yeah, and as i was thrust into this, you know, going from wasilla to the national/international stage with four days preparation, i believe that paul ryan will certainly be scrutinized. he will be vetted but there is a lot of us who will have his back and we will call out the media for their lies and distortions as they try to thrash h his reputation and record. i felt as i was thrust into the spot light didn't have a lot of people in the mccain campaign who would correct, they didn't really defend what i really stood for and what my record was all about and my reputation
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was thrashed. i think paul ryan will be able to benefit from those who perhaps have lived it and who have said i'll be dark if the same thing happens to him. and with four years ago the campaign i don't want any poor reflex on senator john mccain whom i dearly love and respect when it comes to any of the mistakes that were made when it came to that -- the vp pick four years ago. >> shannon: and he said on "fox news sunday" this morning he stands by that and you were a great pick for him and you were great ticket together. you have his unwavering support as well. we will see a lot of different speeches from a lot of different folks but when they get ready to roll out the message what do you think governor romney needs to say. in how do you think he needs to coalesced e his message?
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>> we got him. romney has got him. we got to reach the independents and let them know there is an alternative to obama's failed policies and that what romney and ryan will represent and live out is this idea that they are out to solve, help solve america's problems, our economic problems. thomas soul said once the problem with politicians is they are not out to solve our problems they are out to solve their own and in barack obamas who case his problem is how in the world can he get reelected with the dismal numbers that he has helped make even worse when it comes to the economy, joblessness, mortgages that are under water. more and more people on food stamps, just teaing away the entrepreneurial spirit of america. what thomas soul was saying is let's find politicians truly out to solve problems. paul ryan has prove than he wants to solve problems.
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he doesn't just throw stones, he actually offers, proposes solutions and alternatives to the failed policies from the far left. >> shannon: we promised you some viewer questions and boy did they flood in. we are going to have those right after this h break. folks want to know a lot from you about your future plans, what you think about certain aspects of the ryan house budget plan and about you personally what you have been up to. so viewer questions if you will stick around, governor, right after this break. ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra.
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>> shannon: now, that paul ryan has been named at governor romney's number two attention will soon turn to the gop convention in tampa a few short weeks away. back live to phoenix, arizona where governor sarah palin who lived through this four years ago is answering questions now the viewers love to ask. when we sent out the tweet call the questions came pouring in. the first one, can you give any
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insight on to the biden ryan debate. how do you prep. in how do you get ready? >> well, unlike what we had foe he cussed on in -- focused on in our preparation for the debate and that was national security issues and the war there in iraq at the time, i think that paul ryan's preparation just inherently is already there because the debate this time will focus on the economy and paul ryan in his proposals for how to live within our means and cut the budget necessarily, he will have already done all his homework. he will have already known what many of the solutions are so he will be very well prepared just based on his background in congress over all these years. >> shannon: he has been fighting that battle. the next question from samuel rodriguez. would is sarah palin consider a cabinet position if asked? >> well, i think that is a
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hypothetical that is so far fetched i haven't spent any time thinking about such a thing. what i would like to continue to do it help reach out to independent americans. the vast majority of americans are not registered in either private political party the democrat or republican party. they are independents and they need to know there is an alternative to the failed ceo that is presently occupying the white house and i want to reach out to independents especially in these last few months of this campaign and let them know that living within our means and shellin shrinking governmee private sector can grow and thrive again will be a mission of mine. >> shannon: the majority of tweets, either they want you to be energy secretary or the attorney general. >> the next question from larry, would you defend ryan's plans when it comes to medicare
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are? >> well, ryan's plan to live within our means and allow more free choices for when it comes to healthcare and healthcare coverage has been so distorted by the lame stream media it is quite unfair and quite unfortunate. as paul ryan has continually explained though his explanation does get ignored by the media is his changes he proposes to medicare do not affect those who are 55 and older today and the changes that he proposes are some common sense austerity measures that are the only way if they are implemented they are the only way to save medicare and medicaid and social security, our other safety nets for many americans who will rely on them. we have to do things differently. we cannot keep repeating the same mistakes in the past and what the mistakes have been in the past that have been per set
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perpetuated by president obama and his leftist friends in congress have been just spending more money, more money, more money, not even have a budget or blueprint to get us back on the right track, not even telling americans what is the plan to allow us to live within our means. so paul ryan's solutions, his proposals, they are common sense and based on necessity. >> shannon: our next question is about endorsing it says will you give your wholehearted support to romney and ryan and would you go out and stump for them? that comes to us from sonny. >> a hundred percent in support. i'm all in for romney budget nye and ryan. you know what -- for romney and ryan. i think it is important that people remember that this is a time, though, for maybe some new voices, new faces, new energy out there so really engage with the base and with independents and my mission has been to help and not to hurt. and sometimes to help means you do step back, you step away and independently work for that
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enthusiasm that is needed for people to show up at the polls in november and elect a new president. and allow in the meantime some more i guess conventional measures in a campaign based on other people's voices being heard. >> shannon: and we got several along this line. this one says please ask governor palin how is trig. may god bless you all. >> oh, thank you so much for asking. makes me cry just thinking about my little boy who is just a few mills away from me right now. awesome. four years old and smart as a whip and beautiful and precious. the highlight of our lives and thank you so much for asking. that just made my day. >> shannon: it sounds like he is doing well. governor, thank you so much. as we await now the next romney ryan live event it has been nice to have your insights and give us a little picture of what the ryan family is probably going through now and what he is facing ahead.
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governor, thank you so much. always good to see you. >> if there are prayers out there, pray for the rea ryan fy and may they have the same prayer shield we have had that have allowed us to keep going and live this mantra. and that is may we always be happy and may our enemies know it. >> shannon: the political campaign is a tough place to be. governor, thank you. our online coverage is dominated with the latest news and reaction to representative paul ryan. peter doocy has a look now at our most clicked store areries of the day. hey, peter. >> governor romney made his choice on august 1 and until yesterday it was ten days of secret meetings, disguises and sneaking around. at one point representative ryan trekked through the wisconsin woods to avoid the media and to meet with romney he disguised himself in the airport with a baseball hat and sunglasses. also trending online analysis of how democrats will attack the gop ticket. log on to fox news .com for
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more. >> from wisconsin as mitt romney's vp selection. from ed henry this morning -- >> a clever parody and more than half a million hits later some college grads have gone viral. the spin on the popular somebody i used to know. the creators say they supported the president in 2008 but that he hasn't delivered on some of the promises. watch the rolling stops. some jurisdictions are rolling out stop sign cameras, the latest nuisance to drives since stop light cameras. but supporters say they will make roads safer. the first stop sign cameras are in california but maryland and d.c. may not be far behind. all those stories and more on fox news .com. >> shannon: the cameras are everywhere around here. have you gotten caught? >> around here, yeah. >> shannon: yeah. we'll leave it at that. thanks, peter. >> gas prices, well, they are rising again. and experts say this month alone was the biggest price
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jump since they started following in 2000. reporter doug mcelway a closer look into why is this happening now? >> reporter: the triple-a calls it the steepest one month climb in fuel prices sense they started keeping track in 2000. for trucker anthony bagley the $3.79 for diesel a income, profit and savings lost. >> kill me. killing my wallet! >> reporter: what is happening to you and your business? >> eventually it's going to fold. >> reporter: the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded today $3.67. diesel up almost as much. >> always goes back a lot of it to the price of crude oil and that has been ramping up quite a bit. from $78 a barrel up to $93 a barrel, $94 a barrel in the past month or so. >> reporter: drought across the u.s. is reducing corn yields spiking the cost the ethanol. two plants in the midwest offline and a third in california damaged by fire.
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tensions in the meet remain high and despite new technologies many of the areas remain off limits to drilling. >> what the president has control over and what he can do immediately is stop delaying permits and leases so that way our drillers can start drilling. stop this land grab for 70% of available oil shale in the country is underneath federal land and we can't get to it. >> the cost of fuel goes up and the cost of what we deliver goes up because we have to try to cover it and then the stores charge more and the people are the ones losing out. >> reporter: demand is up but there are other factors as well. for example the drought in the midwest has meant that the corn crop has been reduced and ethanol prices are going up. refining capacity is down. two refineries offline in the midwest. a third caught fire on the west coast. still tensions in the middle east and many critics of the obama administration say there is no political will to open up federal lands to more oil
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drill. shannon, back to you. >> shannon: boston tsa officers say a behavior detection program which is meant to help catch terrorists they say it led to racial profiling according to an article in the "new york times." it targets middle easterners, hispanics and african americans. tsa says if that story is true the agency will take immediate action. the department of homeland security is investigating a discrimination lawsuit after a long time agent says he was unfairly pushed out. he is alleging the secretary runs a "frat house style apartment that favors women. he claims male employees were hugh you milliated. dhs issued a statement saying these are unfounded claims and the matter will be resolve through the judicial system. >> bill: evangelist billy gram hospitalized.
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it might be bronchitis. he came in alert and in good spirits. he was hospitalized for pneumonia back in november. the economy will play a huge role in november's election. steve centanni will take a look at what paul ryan's budget could mean for the campaign. stay with us.
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>> shannon: you are looking now in north carolina. high point to be spiv tick we are awaiting mitt romney and paul ryan to appear in their second event through the day. they will wind up in wisconsin tonight where paul ryan will have a home coming of sorts. the percent time he will we back there sense being announced as number two, the vice presidential pick for mitt romney. we are monitoring the live event in north carolina. we will bring it to you you live. as soon as they get there and hit the stage we will take you back there. meantime, the economy will play a huge role in november's election. conservative voters could be drawn to paul ryan's strong stance on fiscal responsibility but his controversial house budget plan do be a problem for the romney campaign as democrats say they will portray it as outside the mainstream.
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steve centanni with the latest. hi, steve. >> romney's choice of paul ryan as a running mate paints a sharper contrast and puts a focus on the chi ehe specially fick matters in light of paul ryan's high profile budget plan which cuts government while making fundamental change foss medicare. mitt romney is running on his own 59 point economic plan or at least he was up until now. not on ryan's budget but he has embraced ryan's budget plan and in the past and now has the option of supporting or rejecting specific parts of that budget or accepting the entire frame work. because ryan supports changes in social security and medicare most important and most expensive entitlements, republicans expect a huge outcry from democrats. listen. >> you going to hear from the democrats push grandma over the cliff, all that, they have not had a plan yet to save social security and medicare and they have had nearly four years to
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do it. paul ryan has taken the courageous temperatures to bring this issue to -- steps to bring the issue to the forefront and we will have to address it and under a romney-ryan administration you will see it addressed. >> the president has not put a big focus on entitlement programs. his economic plan is to basically continue his current policies giving them more time to work to improve the economy while pushing congress to pass the jobs bill and invest in education, infrastructure and research to build america's future says the white house. the president's campaign and democrats in general believe the ryan plan would hurt the poor, the elderly and the unemployed while helping higher income americans. >> paul ryan has embraced an extremist proposal and goes not only too far but really according to every independent icon mist asked cuts so much that it would risk saling or -- slowing or even stalling our recovery. >> so the pick of paul ryan
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really does change the dynamic of this race and puts a sharper focus on the economy and fiscal matters. the campaigns now have three months to make their cases with the national party conventions just around the corner are at the end of this month followed by a series of presidential debates that are scheduled for october. shannon? >> shannon: steve centanni thank you very much. we have gotten word that mets and paul ryan have arrived at that event in high point, north carolina. they are expected on the stage in less than five minutes. we will take you there live as soon as they begin their speeches. by the way, we asked and you definitely answered. we have never had a response this big before. so end us in your two cents and we will share some tweets about how you feel about the ryan pick, next. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing begins with back pain and a choice. take advil, and maybe have to take up to four in a day. or take aleve, which can relieve pain all day with just two pills. good eye.
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>> shannon: and we are about to take you live as you can see this is high point, north carolina where mitt romney and paul ryan are about to begin speaking for their second live event together of the day in north carolina. they will ultimately end up in wisconsin tonight. paul ryan's home state, a bit of a home coming celebration and welcome for him there, not having been home since being selected as the vp pick for the gop ticket. we are told that the crowds have been a good turnout today in the two spots in north carolina. the first in moorsville, nascar country and now in high point an area really known as you can see there for furniture. looks like paul ryan is getting started. let's take a listen in to the
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event. >> wow. i can got -- >> it is great to see you here, howard. great to see you. we are here with your next governor pat mcflory and your great senator richard byrnes. we want to thank you so much. thank you for coming here and sitting in the heat. thank you for caring about your country. thank you for what you have is done. thank you for what you are are about to do because together we are going to get america back on the right track. it is our duty to offer you our fellow citizens a clear choice in this election. we have a clear choice of two futures. are we going to accept the
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status quo, accept the path that president obama has put us on with government taking over healthcare, government taking over all of these different aspects of our economy, washington picking winners and losers in our economy, putting us on a path of debt, putting us on a path of doubt and decline or get america back on track and put americans back to work and leave our children a better future? we can turn this around. we can do this. we can get this country back on track. we can get people back to work. we can get our debt paid off so our children inherit a better standard of living than what we got because that it what our parents did for us. but we are going need your help. we are going to need you -- this is all of us in it together. we are going to need you to talk to coworkers. we are going to need you to
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talk to friends and neighbors. this election is so important we need you to talk to your relatives even on this one. we are at an inflection point in this country where the very idea of what this country stands for is on the line. america is extremely unique because it is not just a place. it is not just north carolina or wisconsin or massachusetts or maine or california, america is an idea. and the idea of america was very clear. our founders made it really explicit. our rights come from nature and god and not from government. [ applause ]
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that is the idea of this country. that is the nature, the principles that build this country. liberty. freedom. free enterprise. self-determination. government by consent of the governed, those are the principles that made us great. those are the principles our founders put in place that our veterans fought for and secured. every generation faces is this test. this is our generation's test. and when a country is facing a test like this is when a country so desperately needs leadership. [ applause ] you know, the history books say that there are common characteristics of what makes a
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great leader. a person with a bed rock of principles. a person with a moral compass. a person with a vision. and a person who has the skills and the experience to put that vision into place. guess what? sounds like this guy, doesn't it? we know who we are are. we know what we believe. now, we just got to go do it! this man is the epitome of leadership. this man through everything he has done in his life raising his family, building successful businesses, saving troubling ones, helping create jobs, knowing first-hand experience that if you have a small business you did build that small business!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> that's right. he knows what it takes to create jobs, to increase take-home pay. he knows what entrepreneurs go through when suffocated with red tape, uncertain taxes, government regulations. you know what, remember when we had the olympics back when it it was? salt lake city? remember the chaos? remember the waste and the bloated spending and corruption that was plaguing the olympics at that time? waste. corruption. bloat. sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it? who did they turn to? who did they ask to drop everything in his life and save the olympics. that was this man right here. [ applause ]
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a imagine who as governor increased jobs, improved the credit rating of his state, be increased family income. all of the opposite of what policies havea's poll icies done. president obama came into office with hope and change. his policies have been put in place. they are not working. they are failing us. he can't run on that. he didn't moderate one at all. now, he turned hope and change into attack and blame and we are not going to fall for it. [ applause ] the person with the skill, the person with the integrity, the person with the vision, the person that is going to be the next president of the united states is this man standing next to me and his name is mitt romn!


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