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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 17, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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that's all i can say. >> kimberly: bob! >> glenn: thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. thank you for joining us. >> kimberly: they're out welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levy filling in for greg gutfeld who is getting an early jump on his christmas shopping. he care usa lot about other. now to sherrod small for a look at what is coming up on tonight's show. >> good afternoon, america. fun. coming up, nonvoters say obama is who they would not vote for the least. does that make sense? and an airline policy doesn't trust men sitting next to minors on planes. they are probably right. and finally, would you give up your smart phone for cheaper food? i know i would. back to you, andy. >> see you a at the half. >> that's right, baby. let's welcome our guest. i am here with rebecca rose woodland. and it is jonathon hunt, chief
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correspondent for "studio b" and bill schulz. sitting next to me is jim norton who is performing live in irvine, california on september 13th through the 15th. and pinch is dead. we just move on to a story -- are you okay, jim? >> he is dead. >> that's been the general response. >> you are smiling. >> i have never been happier. >> this is amazing. >> how would he fare among those who don't care some. >> president obama's pling really well with americans who don't plan to go to the polls. 80 million americans or 40% of the possible eligible electorat won't vote in november with 60% saying there is no point since nothing gets done and politicians make empty promises. and of the nonvoters 43% are obama supporters while 20% like mitt. this poll is good news-bad news story for barack obama.
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you are a good news-bad news story, sir. i'm sorry. somebody had to say it. and all of this raises a question. do dogs like cabbage? question answered, i guess. is that cabbage or lettuce? i can't tell the difference. >> cabbage. >> bill says cabbage. >> the fun part is trying to figure out if it really is. 40% of the eligible electorat might be voting, and a lot because they are jaded by politicians. i feel like when you wrote your best selling book, our politicians are letting us
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down 10 ways to make america great again. this is what you had in mind? >> especially because there were ways to make america great. it stiption for obama that awful these people who love him won't vote. it reminds me of a dilemma in my favorite film, foot loose. kevin bacon lived in a town where there was so much music, and yet he was not permitted to dance. >> wow. >> that's exactly right. >> i am only familiar with the most recent version of foot loose which is a far superior one. >> i don't like remakes, but it was not uncomfortable to watch kevin bacon dancing in a warehouse. >> jonathon, is the fact that 80 million americans including me, i might add won't vote this year? is it disappointing or empowering? >> what is disappointing is who the heck thinks usa today
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and polling nonvoters is a smart thing to do. it is like asking a vegetarian, do you like chicken or beef? what the heck are they doing? we are going have dead people and santa clause voting. maybe just go ahead and ask them, but don't let the vegetarians vote. because -- >> they are filthy liars. >> yes. if you can't appreciate grilling a cow, you don't deserve to vote. >> i am being told there is a good chance that 70 million of the voters will actually be listed as having voted in chicago. >> wait a minute. that was a few years ago. >> obama is leading amoung these nonvoters. one of the people they talk to and they say it is good news-bad news. if he can get them to the polls, they will vote for him. but it is bad news because, well, they are not voting. >> they are not voting.
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they don't have enough faith in him to go out and vote for him. they say even if we vote for him, they don't believe what he is saying. 40 million people are saying, we are not going to vote for the person we probably would because he is a liar. not good for obama. he is the incumbent and he can't get 40 million votes? can't get the people off their couches ? that's pretty bad. that's not looking good. >> so if this is a good news-bad news story for obama, does that mean it is a bad news-good news story for romney? >> i am not exactly sure. i am not exactly sure what this means. probably. >> it is also entirely possible it is a stupid question i just asked. >> i don't think the question is stupid. you are asking nonvoters who would they vote for? well they are not voting. i think the premise of the poll is a bit off. >> theoretically it is easy to say anything if you are not voting. >> if a woman asked me it would be like, yes, i will take good care of you. teachers and you to lie when you are at home. >> starting to wonder maybe we
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shouldn't have lead with this tonight. >> bill, you are saying that there is no point in voting or to living. >> yes, i was saying that before we got this poll. i was mumbling to myself. >> i apologize about that. >> when did you get a desk? >> i think the troubling numbers were 74% of republicans for obama. 74% of republicans were thinking about the election, quote, quite a lot compared to only 61% of democrats. it is bad for obama if this is the case, but i also feel bad for republicans. what a boring thing to think about a lot. who the hell wants to think about -- who wants to sit by the window all day and just ponder the election? these poor people and their lack of lives. i want to give you some subjects. first of all, dinasaurs, way cooler than election.
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sharks, also super cool, particularly this week on the discovery channel. think about sharks and dye gnaw gnaw -- dinasaurs. think about a shark-a-saur and it is way better than anything having to do with romney. >> you realize you are telling our viewers to watch another channel. that's whraw doing. >> right now we are in the shark week rerun area and doing an infomercial about an old person pill. they will go back to here. >> a lot of people say that thinking about sharks would be thinking about the election. >> i don't get it. >> because romney has a dorsal fin? >> i didn't think of that. >> born with it. >> what does it say about our country? >> it says they are operate -- they are pretty small. >> every four years it is two guys that nobody really
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loves. >> it is always the least bad choice. the best people don't go into politics. have you heard the nonsense on the campaign trail? >> i agree. >> are you saying we should have a three-party system? >> i am saying we should just party. >> or a three-way system. >> a lot of good people -- you are right. their perm lives can become fodder for discussion. a lot of it would go to it if it wasn't for a lot of adam's apples that would shine in. >> she will be the one they are voting for. >> in a heartbeat. >> that was on the record. >> can we edit that out? >> i am going to put my serious blazer on here for a second. i think you are on to something, and i think this goes back to something zuckerberg said two years ago and everybody got mad at him.
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he said privacy is becoming extinct. as a result no one is caring anymore. half of the stuff celebrities do now would have gotten them killed. they are not -- they are even talking about wiener having a come back which is huge compared to what he did. i think your path will be insignificant and no one will care. >> bill clinton lowered the bar in terms of behavior. including us, thank you, bill. >> this show would not exist without bill clinton i think is fair to say. from votes to goats. so should biden go into hidin? there are calls for him to can will ham in the wake of the vp's ill advised change comment. they suggested swapping joe for hillary clinton and her lesser known running mate was asked about it and had this to say. >> i think it might be wise to do that, but it is not going to happen, obviously.
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it is for a whole variety of reasons including the fact that if i wasn't hillary clinton i don't know if i would want to be on that team. >> somebody cracks himself up. he was america's first elected black governor and his portrayal of willy wonka. it called for him to, quote, cool it back up, and admit he was not wrong. what about biden's smaller, unappreciated gaps. he said with your help we can win north carolina again? paul ryan hasn't forgotten. >> it is great to be here in north canton, or as joe biden might say, it is great to be here in nevada. >> nailed it. absolutely nailed it. joe, have you been known to enjoy a good zinger or two. what do you make of this mess? >> i love and hate biden. i love him because i am friends with tosh and tracy morgan. i am used to guys saying whatever they want. it was embarrassing to have
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the vice president say that. it was a reference to slavery. they can paint it if i way they want, and i am embarrassed when i see white politicians changing their voice inflections because they think black people won't relate to them if they speak the way they speak. they will put y'all back in chains again. very dignified, mr. vice president. they won't get it unless you talk like that. >> hillary clinton did that too. you would be swapping one for the other. >> she sapping mini the moocher. -- sang mini the moocher. >> nobody thought it would happen as john mccain said. but would swapping be a good move? >>- q. i it wouldn't be a bad move. hillary certainly takes -- >> it wouldn't be a bad move. >> biden is making way too many mistakes. somebody better sit him down and say, look, you have to figure this out. this is the vice president see. it is the biggest democracy in
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the world. what are you doing? who does these things? >> but maybe we should prep you a bit. come on. >> have i to say dsh dash i have to -- i have to say that when you said hillary took all of bill's power, you did this. you did not even know you were doing this. i will go to the tape if we need to, but that's exactly what you need to. but that's exactly what happened. >> what about all of those who are eager to give president obama political advice. >> i loved it when the white house press spokesman said, really? we are going to take advice on vice presidents from senator mccain? vice presidents, what are they there to do? somebody once said, it is a job that is worth a jugful of warm spit. they are there to entertain us. biden is doing his job.
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paul ryan is a dreadful pick because he is going to speak in full sentences and make some sense. that's awful as a vice president. it shouldn't happen. >> a jugful of warm spit would be a raise for you. what is your opinion on this. >> no wonder this is lukewarm. i am happy that the romney campaign is finally getting what they want which is to focus less on the tax returns and more about the real issues facing america right now. like namely whether or not biden is racist. that's what the voters care about, an -- andrew, nothing else. >> i will say this, is there something likable about biden. even though he came off like a boom, there is something honest about that. he flies off the cuff and when you speak off the cuff you say
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different things. he puts a big, dumb foot in his mouth all the time. >> you mention you are friends with daniel tosh and tracy morgan. >> who refuse to help my career. they are far more famous. >> why are you friends with them? >> i like to hang around. i like the supportive e-mail, we are right behind you. >> you have twitter and 24-hour news. gafs are huge stories. do we want politicians to stay on script? >> in a way we all say that we want them to be honest, but we punish them for being honest. nobody ever steps in and defends a guy for doing something dumb. we let them get strung up and we enjoy it. we are teaching them if you don't lie and get caught nobody will stick up for you. >> it was good babble. >> jay carney was asked if governor wilder had a point about biden. his response was, quote, he doesn't have a point.
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is this straight up racism? >> they think it is. >> is he saying he doesn't have a poimt because he is not black? >> let's not go there. >> is that what you are say ?g. >> who is saying what? >> i don't see color or places. >> no, we don't see anything like that. biden needs to be a little more aware how he is speaking and who he is speaking to. and i think he needs to get more with the program of not making distinctions. >> he will never do it. >> then maybe he shouldn't be running. >> maybe he should be chained in a small, darkroom. >> it is interesting to see if they put him on a tighter leash. can i say leash? i can say leash. they won't let him do as many events as he is doing. >> i think they are all going to say that's joe, and then they will switch him out for hillary. and hillary wants to run on a
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clean slate. she doesn't need the vice president see. >> i can't see why we can't put biden on a leash. he is already attached to plugs. >> and didn't biden give that amazing speech to his family? wasn't his ex-wife was killed? you get that too. it is off the cuff and it pays off, and it also -- we got it. we got the point. coming up, did kangaroos invent hoping? anyway, why is nike saying she is a gold digger? she ain't hanging with no broke person. that's a horrible rhyme. you are watching fnc. stick around.
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if a hacker is a hassle should they storm the castle? they not only will not allow julian assange safe passage outs of the country despite ecuador granting asylum, they even threatened to raid his home. the albino has avoided extradition over allegations over sexual misconduct. the foreign minister, quote, today we received from the united kingdom a threat expressing in writing they could storm our embassy in done done if they -- in london if they do not turnover julian assange. the brit fish government -- the brit fish government strips them of their status and thus paving the way for a kick in the door time. a new york times article reported and then scrubbed the reference completely that assange has not flushed his toilet once during his stay at the embassy.
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let's go to dog with waggable ears. >> that ain't right. >> that is inbreeding. >> i saw you earlier today on some lesser shows. >> there are only lesser shows. >> thank you very much. >> explain to me how the british government can say it is considering going into the embassy which is technically foreign soil. >> under the diplomatic act of 1987 they say they can do it. but it is complete nonsense. a young policewoman was shot dead by a gun fired from inside the libyan embassy. they didn't go in then when they shot a british police officer on a london street.
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absolutely ridiculous. >> they claimed they mentioned the raid as a way to encourage a quick decision. are you buying that? >> i think the point here is time is on their side. julian assange is in this small room and sleeping on an air mattress. worst of all, the only thing he is eating is british delivery food. now if that doesn't drive him out of there, i don't know what will. let me take issue with that. an air mattress and takeout food sounds like home to me. >> -- it was not a question, but i thought maybe you would have something to say. >> i am grateful for what i have. don't forget where i came from. they were saying they won't give him pass kenneling -- passage. when he leaves they grab him. what are they going to tell the trout? they are talking talking about raiding the embassy.
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we will block his car and take them. what are they supposed to say? you hospital have done that. you shouldn't have done that. well, we did. >> are the cars considered foreign soil? >> if he in an official embassy car it is considered territory. he has to get in the car and then get out of the plane at heathrow airport. >> they can use giant habit trails. >> -- dash habi-trail. >> what is that sph. >> if you had a hamster they had habi trails. >> moving on quickly, rebecca, assange hasn't been charged with a crime. the swedish government wants him for questioning. let alone convicted of any crimes. why are the brits doing this full court press? >> we all grant each other diplomatic immunity. many countries have agreements that if one country is harboring a criminal, we will
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extradite to the country that would like to question him, convict him eventually or prosecute him. there are allegations he raped and molested women. is that true? we don't know until he gets there to answer the questions. he said it was consensual sex. if it was so consensual, go back and answer the questions. >> my point is, if there is the treaty, but to go this far to now be saying even if he is in the embassy, we may come in and get him. he hasn't actually been charged even with anything. that seems a bit much. >> there are all sorts of diplomatic reasons why they want to honor extradition treaties. there may be a reason why they want to do other business and they are putting the full court press behind the scenes. if he is so clean go back and answer the questions, julian. >> but he is afraid sweden will give them to us. >> he is afraid we are going
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to kill him. i wasn't aware -- if he is going to the far east. >> we have drones. >> and they attack. >> enough is enough. >> it is only because he is assange. that's a terrible thing, but they would not threaten to raid the embassy over a rapist. it is because it is him. >> and they want to get him back to the u.s. >> of course they do. but they won't say that. >> i wish they would though. >> get him to scott land and then they can be talked to giving him to libia. >> i think half the reason people don't like him is not because of the leaks is because he is a computer nerd, but he doesn't act like a computer nerd. computer nerds are supposed to look and act a certain way. he carries himself like an affected whip it. he wears tailored suits. he looks like he could be a euro clubber. that blows america's mind. let him go to ecuador.
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>> that's how he got in trouble is euro clubbing. >> i think the british should arrest hill do swine ton. say it is julian assange, ship her off and everybody wins except poor tilda. but that is the price you pay for living in a free society. got a comment on the show? e-mail us. and do you have a video of your household pet doing something cute? if so we want it. wow that needs to be changed. go to fox eye. click on new video. it is that easy. and who know 1234*z we may feature it on "red eye." hold your phone sideways. not like this, like this. still to come, the half time report from sherrod small. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by baby elephant. the younger version of the large, gray animal with the long, flexible trunks. thick legs and pointed tusks.
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thanks, baby elephant.
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we are back. let's find out if we have gotten anything wrong. sherrod? >> you are rocking, man. "the five" ain't got nothing on this show. "the five" is for old people. this is for young, hip, with it people. let me go to jimmy. jim? >> yes, sir. >> first you said you wrote a
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book about 10 ways to make america great, right? >> yes jie. and you only came up with four? >> can we get a couple of those? >> chapter one, everyone should smile. >> chapter two, clap a lot. >> and if i give away the other two chapters -- it is intriguing. >> let's go to jonathon. that's good stuff. now jonathon, you said everybody in chicago -- not just chicago, but everybody in america will be voting in this next election, even dead people or santa clause. what is wrong with santa clause voting? he is american, right? >> she american. and i wholeheartedly applaud every time he calls it exist for voting. >> i know the north pole is part of america. we own that. >> we soon will. there is oil under that.
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>> let's go to rebecca. rebecca, you are looking hot tonight too, by the way. >> thank you. >> you are making it happen down there. >> do you talk about joe biden. he made a lot mistakes, but is he worse than quail? >> i didn't say he was the worse ever. >> added that part. >> you wanted me to go with it. i think he needs a little help. i think he needs a little publicist and a little sit down. he needs a sit down. >> but could it be that she an older dude and that's what they do? >> i think he is inconsiderate. >> she like the old barber you got and you know you shouldn't go there anymore, but you still go. they mess your hair up every time? >> he is attempting to run the country. if something happens to obama he is in. >> ain't nothing happening to obama. that man is in good shape.
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>> we don't want to talk about that. joe biden has been vice president for four years already. you know anything he has done? anything? who knows? >> i don't know anything about him. he makes a lot of mistakes speaking. >> i think he is making al gore look a lot better. we thought al gore was kooky. >> not anymore president now he seems smart -- not anymore. now he seems smart. >> jimmy, now let's go back to jim norton. >> are you talking about we both get massages? >> that was a segue there. >> speaking of big hand massages, what is your beef with kevin by con -- bacon? >> nothing. i was watching "foos --" foot loose" and believe it or not, escorts stand you up. i never thought that was possible, but low and behold -- it was humiliating. that's what happens when you
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pay in advance. i said i will do this on the honor system only once. she said i have to give this to the driver and she never came back. >> when you ask to be humiliated isn't that part of the service? >> that goes over board. maybe a spanking or lack -- or look at me naked. i was watching "foot loose" and he throws the bottle and then breaks into dance. i was like, who ever does that? >> you have never done random dancing? >> it is terrible. it would never be the same when they danced on the cans? >> that's how i like it. i like "fame" when they dance. those kids were drunk and high on stuff. leroy was blasted every time he jumped on a cab. >> he tried to read, washing machine. and he couldn't read. >> what are you doing with the air mattress by the way? what were you doing that air
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mattress? >> paint a face on it and hump it an grawly because -- angrily because i was alone. >> on that note, let's go back to jonathon. john n that, you think bill clinton thought of this whole like presidents being risque and out of line? >> i think he lowered the bar for everybody who has come since then. i use that word advisely. he put us all on a different moral footing. what he did was proved to the american people that you can do some things that aren't so good in your private life. it doesn't make you ineligible to be the president or a leading politician. and they have all thrown off their chains to quote joe biden and everybody is doing it. >> you are putting too much weight on bill. there are baby scandals and mistresses and the kennedys. >> but bill did it with a lot more style and a lot more
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publicly. it was great. >> and he did it in the oval office, come on. >> you are mad because he did it with a fat girl. that's what i am getting to. big girls need love too, jonathon. >> you are right, sherrod. ted kennedy, there has been a lot worse things than clinton. it did cost nixon the presidency. >> but even with kennedy everybody said marilyn monroe, and anytime somebody talk about it they want to high five about it because it is marilyn. >> you had to report because there was a body in the water. you had to report on nixon because it didn't involve sex and the media was okay with that. bill clinton was the first president where the media was like, gloves are off. kennedy everybody whispered. eisenhower everybody whispered. carter, there was nothing to whisper about.
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>> bill clinton, that spilled over to regular life. celebrities get followed because of that, and then we have oj after that. we want to see everything of everything. >> you draw any parallels between doing things with marilyn monroe and doing things with monica lewinski. >> if you get to finish, you get to finish. don't tell me you never went out hogging with your boys before. you never went out hogging? >> i don't even know what that means. >> i will explain off cam raw. you will laugh. >> and nobody talks anymore about what taft and the scandal he had. he was in a general store and commented on the buttocks of a woman. >> bill, shark week. have you been watching? >> i missed last night. i woo i was -- i was watching last night. i saw the dude who got his head bit. >> i saw that one. you know why i didn't like
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it -- i didn't like it because these are shark victims that are now trying to help sharks. >> they are advocates for sharks. >> i support that, but it is not exciting. i need more. >> there are so many endangered sharks. we need to help the sharks out. >> i fully agree and i i will donate, but i don't want to watch a half an hour sara mclaughlin commercial. i want to see 20 seconds of it, not my whole shark show. >> i turn the song down and it is face-to-face c agony. >> i turn the volume up and light my scented candles. >> sharks should shut their faces. >> mind your business. pop up, do your thing and swim away. why do you stick around? all day -- you don't see me dragging through the water all day and then you see a string on it and you get it anyway?
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you deserve what you get. >> thanks to over fishing there are plenty of fish in the sea. think about this. >> that's my time. >> thanks, sherrod. appreciate it. >> coming up. why is this l.a. restaurant offering to -- what is this l.a. restaurant offering to customers to cough up their cell phones? if it is not a bloomin onion i am not interested. i love olive garden.
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would you give up your phone to save a few bones? >> they are getting a discount for leaving their phones with the wait staff. it is more of an attempt to get diners to connect with each other. sounds awful. and half take advantage of the deal. let's discuss in the -- >> lightning round.
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>> jim, good idea? bad idea? you can't put your phone away while are you on a tv show. >> it is called being a sex addict. sure i have a picture of it. >> compared to last night when she just left. >> just like father said. >> would you give up your phone at a restaurant? >> i just get a fake phone. >> this is going to encourage that you get a dummy phone and you drop it off at the front, and you get your discount. >> they will be watching you. they will know. >> who is wasting time getting a dummy phone? >> you clearly haven't had a bloomin onion. >> are you surprised so many people take them up on the deal? >> no, it is l.a. they are all trying to save a buck. >> but even worse than new york i think as far as people just con constantly having to be on their phone to show how important they are.
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>> it is what the wait staff are doing with your phone. you would steel somebody's phones and drop your trassers and take your picture. then they would get it developed. >> first of all, he did do that. but we call them pants. >> oh, pants. you are mocking me again. >> no, we are separated by a common language. it is perfectly fine. >> you are racist. >> guilty as charged. >> do you think this will catch on across the country? >> not really. it is a cute idea. it is sweet. they are trying to encourage people to like each other and not just text each other. it is sweet. come on. i am the girl on the show. we like that stuff. >> this is like every guy on the date's first nightmare. >> she is like, honey, you should totally drop them off.
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>> what can you say? the guy has to say yes. >> it is the best way you get out of a bad date. oh no. i will get right down there. >> bill, you don't own a cell phone. what would you give up to get a 5% discount? >> i have a wooden one. it is much like a prisoner with a gun i have been widdling. i was like, this is a good way to get some prep until the guy said, well, it isn't for talking. it is so people can connect more. that was the part i had a problem with. anyone else would say, oh there is a family emergency. >> what exactly do you mean by oh herpes. i will get right down there. >> i thought they said i had it. what would you do when you got down there? thank you. >> i know you can't get rid of it, but just wanted to shake
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your hand in person. >> you talk about what you know. >> i should have said a shark was calling me. >> there is this olympic olympic-inspired t-shirt saying gold digging. it is only in certain sizes, but they say it uses the phrase, quote, in an ironic way and was released when they focused on the success of female athletes. what do you make of this? are people overreacting to this shirt? >> they are not overreacting. it is obnoxious. i am not outraged, but come on, nike, you can do better. gold digger? really? you can't find a better way to present olympian presentation than gold digger? i am not turned on. >> nothing associated with kanye west is tack key. you are wrong right there. exactly. >> rebecca raises a good p oi
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nt. nike came up with just do it a longtime ago. they haven't come up with a great slogan since then. >> i think that was enough. how many where's the beefs? i have no problem simply because gold diggers get -- i love -- many hate gold diggers. i love them. if life was fare every woman i sliest with would have a cleft pallet. the fact that there #r* gold diggers is how i meet women. god bless them. >> where i am disgusted is the sexism of it. they don't make one for me. i just married a woman is a lot younger and smarter and mortal lented and it is clearly my pension plan. i am the poster boy for gold digging. >> i'd buy that poster. >> bill, will you buy one of the shirts? >> i'm sure it will fit. >> if they have an extra small, it will be fine. >> i hate you. ji this is -- >> this is a generational divide though.
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it meant something completely different. when i was a kid it was the same person collecting garbage pale kids and they were buying that shirt because it meant picking your nose. and now it means something completely different. when you were a kid did it mean gold digging was picking your nose? >> i never heard of that. >> it is a midwest thing. >> do you remember gold digging jeans? >> i do remember those. >> gold digger, and she had blonde hair and i wanted to be at the dance so bad. true story. >> i believe you. do you still feel that way? >> i sure do. >> if i told you we had her outside right now -- >> age is never kind. >> what if we had her daughter? >> if she was in her 20s maybe. i am 44. i am getting up there. >> clearly you just called me bill. >> sorry. >> i didn't mean to mention
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bill . >> a musical performance of tonight's special guest, wild cherry.
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this is it. they recently said something really, really stupid. he uttered, quote, back in my country they were trying to pass a gun ban and they are staging all of these murders in aurora, colorado and all of the people killed there, and now the beautiful people at the sikh temple. i don't know where i am going to keep -- where i am going to live if america is going the way it is going. it looks like it is turning into nazi america. i thought he said something stupid. this story doesn't make sense. jim, you are a huge metal fan. what do you make of this? >> heartbreaking. i take my political cues from people who were booted out of metallica. >> and cried like babies about it. >> i don't care what he says. it is funny when he says it you can hear the audio and somebody says sing it for us. and somebody yells, we like obama. he is an idiot. i never thought i would be done listening to jesse ventura talks. >> you say it may be in danger
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for daring to speak the truth? >> no. >> i love the fact that he said i will move here to singapore where they throw you in jail or cut your hand off for throwing a cigarette butt on the floor. that's freedom to him? really? >> and it is like a song. they have thrown six journalists in jail for daring to criticize the president. now he will go to ecuador where there is less freedom. they are all stupid hipocrites. >> there isy eccentric and there is [bleep] crazy. he is not a lovable crank. he is crazy. >> this is idiotic. it is irresponsible. you don't speak like that. it is disrespectful to those people in colorado. come on. have some decency. if you don't like the president, if you don't like the country, then leave. we don't need you. fyi, you are not that famous and no one cares anyway.
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>> he used to be famous. >> whatever. we don't do that. >> bill, last question to you, we never do hold people accountable when they say if this then i will leave the country. no one ever does. shouldn't there be a law? >> it would be nice if we started it with him. i don't know why we were talking with this guy. when we looked at the video we looked at tawneycatain. and what a horrible mouth. i condemn everything you said, johnny. get back on that white corvette and shut up. i >>- q. i have -- >> i have to go. we will close things up with a post game wrap up. go to fox eye.
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back to sherrod small for the post game wrap up. >> it feels like deja vu. jimmy is do you want to --
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jimmy, do you want to mention your live show at the improve? >> i will be there the 13th, 14th and 15th. the tickets are going like hotcakes. the money goes to me having my breast liposuctions. >> i will be with you tomorrow morning. >> sherrod will be on tomorrow morning on sirius-xm. >> and then after that i bill go to "good afternoon america." jonathon, what are you reading now? >> i like weighty political tones. deep in the middle of tails from the land of pork scratching, by a little known author by the name of greg gutfeld. i am enjoying it so much he is waiting in my apartment right now to read me the final chapter. and he is naked. >> he has no pajama bottoms on. >> rebecca, where can our viewers see you next? >> she will


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