tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News August 17, 2012 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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>> thanks, sherrod. special thanks to rebecca rose woodland. that does it for me. i'm andy levy, see you next time. made the comment that they are going to put y'all back in chains. when you heard it was phrased that way, what was your reaction? >> his phrase something a distraction from what is at stake. >> bill: did president obama just throw his vice president under the proverbial bus? we'll analyze that statement and some new polling numbers that are good news for mitt romney. >> as far as i'm concerned, bill o'reilly calling dr. tiller, killer the tiller is hate speech. >> bill: back in 2009 the far left accused me of provoking the death of late term abortionist james tiller. what do the loons say now that the conservative family research council has been violent aattacked? we have a special report. >> so feeding poor children.
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>> yeah. >> cleaning up the atmosphere. putting out fires in older cities, those were things for which they would deny funding. >> bill: lou dobbs will take on the barney frank propaganda tonight giving me a deserved rest. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. bad week for the obama re-election effort. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as we reported last night. the bad news began with the pro-obama group putting out an ad saying that mitt romney was partially responsible for a woman dying of cancer. it was bull, everybody knows it. then the left-wing media began calling congressman paul ryan an extremist because he wants to cut government spending and reform medicare. then, vice president bide den told a group african-americans
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that mitt romney and the g.o.p. want to enslave them. >> when you first heard that bide den had made the comment that they're gonna put y'all back in chains. when you heard it was phrased that way, what was your reaction? >> what joe bide den was talking about, again, is an example of a substantive argument, a substantive issue that the american people should be concerned about and his phrasing is a distraction from what is at stake. >> bill: oh, an honest assessment by the president and a subtle scolding of mr.ed by den. by the way nancy o'dell did a nice job with that on entertainment tonight. all the chaos is showing up in the polls. a group called purple strategy co-founded by a republic and a democrat sampled 600 likely voters in four crucial swing states. in ohio, the poll has romney up by 2 points in virginia the governor is ahead by 3 points. in florida, romney is up 1 point over obama.
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and in colorado, the president leads by 3 points. to be consistent, i believe polls in august don't really matter. but the entry of paul ryan into the race seems to be a plus for romney, at least in the polls so far. we have just one more week until the presidential race kicks into high gear with the conventions. and then the debates in october. right now, this much is clear. the economy continues to scare many americans. ideology will not be as important as it was for mr. obama back in 2008. finances will dominate the vote. mitt romney is holding his own despite sharp and insays sent attacks from the liberal media and the president looks tired. it's been a long four years for him. if the election were held tomorrow, i believe romney would win. when a challenger is as close as the governor is in the polling, he usually sweeps to victory. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight, reaction, joining us from washington, republic pollster
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kristen soltis, also democratic pollster margie omero, am i making any mistakes ms. omero. >> i think there are a few things to look at this poll. the poll as you mentioned bipartisan, great shot, folks over there do a great job. i think it's important to look at the differences between how the president -- how to view the president and romney on medicare. one of the things in the poll that has the largest differences was on medicare. everything else is really -- >> bill: why does that matter? i mean, look, the key thing in the poll is the independents breaking for romney in all the states. >> that's true. they behave more like republicans in that poll. >> bill: yeah. if that holds and then we'll have a new president. but, when you get into medicare, taxing, whatever the issue may be, ms. soltis, it doesn't really matter in the polls. what matters is the bottom line. right now you have these swing states going over to romney, very close, in the margin of error, most of them, very close. romney has got to be happy
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about this. right? >> oh, yeah. when you are picking up ground and got independents by double digit margins in swing states that's enormous. to put it in a little context. obama won independent voters by will points in the exit polls in 2008. if romney has got 11 points in independents then that's huge. >> bill: 19 point swing. that's a big big swing. >> it's a huge swing. you know what? these voters are going to decide, you know, later on, i think, the independent voters are the ones that will make up their minds toward the end. they are waiting to see who is going to have a plan to create jobs and grow the economy. that's the one question in that poll that i think romney should be a little nervous about. even though they give obama really bad marks on the economy. only 29 percent said they thought things were getting better. but when you ask who has a better plan to fix the economy, romney only has a 3 point advantage. >> bill: nobody know what is his plan is i said that earlier this week in talking points metropolitan mow. nobody knows what his plan is. >> yeah. it's really complex but now that he has got ryan on the
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ticket, i think they are newly focused on. >> they may like that ryan has a plan. >> bill: they have to be specific and keep it simple. ms. omero, you know this guy dick morris do you know who he is. >> yeah. >> bill: little guy, he has a web site that he runs around telling everybody door to door. dick morris, he says that if it's close, the challenger always wins. always. because there is one ebb at this time that is well known, the president -- entity that is well known, the president. the challenger is not well known. i will put forth that most challengers do not know who mitt romney is. know the name. certainly don't know paul ryan. yet it's so close. doesn't that worry people in the democratic precincts? >> well, i think everyone expected this race to be close. and i'm not surprised that it's close in this poll and in other polls. >> bill: why aren't you surprised? look, if he -- >> -- divided. >> bill: if president obama is as good as you and other democratic stall stall worths say he is. why are you surprised it's close? >> we are in a very divided,
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political environment right now. i do want to address the issue of undecides challenger there has been research i know nate silver wrote about this recently at his blog. >> bill: who are you citing now. >> nate silver. >> bill: nate silver. i don't know nate. does he have a web site like morris? i don't know. you could say rudy kazudi. >> he writes for the "new york times." >> bill: well if he writes for the "new york times" you know is he a romney guy. all right. we don't want to get too far adrift here. this week, how bad, ms. soltis, and i don't want partisan nonsense, please, with all due respect to both of you. how bad do you believe the bide den gaffe is or is that dissolved and next week everybody will forget it pushing granny off the cliff greedy paul ryan and the romney caused the woman to have cancer. how bad is that or is that just a blip? >> you know, i think it's just
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a blip, unfortunately. you know, i think that voters are going to be deciding on the economy. period. and so all of this stuff. >> bill: all of this is cable news bloviation? it's not going to mean anything. >> i don't think on election day anybody is going to break one way or the other because of something silly joe bide den said. >> will he they compare vice president biden to romney selection's for vice president? is that going to be in play? >> i think that could definitely be in play. i think that if ryan is able to bring a lot of substance to the table. if he performs really well in that vice presidential debate i think it can play a role overall it's about the economic plan. >> bill: vice president biden is now getting a reputation as being this bomb-throwing guy that says this stuff and he even got scolded. when you get scolded on entertainment tonight, man, that's not good. that's like being scolded by oprah. i mean, that's not good the
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president scold him on entertainment tonight. i don't think i agree with kristen. when it comes to paul ryan, think voters may like he has a plan. that stunt mean they are going to like the ryan plan. we can't sort that out right now how that is going to effect the race. but we're going to know really soon and also polling shows a lot of the specifics of ryan's plan are very unpopular. as we have this debate over the next few months, i think voters are going to. >> bill: you are hoping. that could turn out. obviously going to be a cliff hanger. ladies, thanks very much. we have a brand new bill o' poll question for you. we are asking, would it be better for the country if a third political party rises up? yes or no. please go to bill o' and vote. we will give you the results on monday. next on the run down, gunman opens fire on the family research council's office in d.c. it looks like it was a political crime. and then megyn kelly on the l.a. police shooting a young muslim man dead 100 times.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight. police in d.c. have arrested corkin for shooting up family research council building. a man was wounded but still managed to wrestle him to the ground. the subject was carrying sandwiches from chick-fil-a. frc is a conservative organization that opposes gay marriage. do the math. you may remember back in 2009 somed in the liberal left accused me of george tiller in kansas. >> bill o'reilly calling dr. tiller, tiller the killer is hate speech. it's offensive. it's vulgar, it's grotesque, it's fascist speech that is designed to get doctor tiller
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killed and it worked. >> bill: well, i never called him a killer. i said that he was nicknamed tiller the baby killer. that man is obviously not an honest person. is he also a late term abortionist himself. i simply reported what tiller was doing in detail and the press hammered me for it now, it seems we might have a reverse situation, does it not? there is largely silent from the left wing press about this incident in d.c. yesterday. joining us is tony perkins president of the family research council. how is your security guy. >> he is doing well. i was with him last night when he came out of surgery about midnight. and he is going to have a pretty long road to recovery. it's going to it take him a while. his wounds were not life threatening. but they were substantial. >> howms times was he shot. >> he was shot one time. let me say. this he actually is our building operation manager and kind of a side duty of
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security guard. he was not in uniform. was not armed. he disarmed this man who came at him with a gun and in the process was shot and then still managed to subdue him until other members of the staff could come to his assistance. as i was with him last night as he came out of recovery. i told him, i said, leo, not only does the frc team consider you a hero but most people in america for what you did an absolutely. it's a brave thing he did. do you see this as a politically motivated crime. >> the fbi is treating this as -- investigating it as an act of domestic terrorism. terrorism is is intended to strike fear and terror in the hearts of people for political purposes. so, i will leave that to the officials to decide. but there is clearly, based on what took place there, a motive. now, bill, let me say. this the gunman, floyd corkins pulled the trigger yesterday. is he responsible for shooting my colleague and my friend.
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but, let me say, i believe that the southern poverty law center is responsible for creating the environment that led to this. the same thing that you referred to just a few minutes ago. this calling, saying you are -- you were using hate speech. the southern poverty law center because they disagree with our positions on marriage and certain religious issues have labeled us a hate group. and that gives license to lunatics like this to come in with a gun and shoot innocent people. >> so you are not surprised this happened. i guess you guys get threats all the time there, correct? >> we do get some threats. but, you know, look. bill, i have been in the political realm as you have for quite some time and people use overcharged rhetoric. we do get threats. we take doo take precautions we never thought it would come to a point where people we disagree with on issues of marriage religious freedom would come in with a gun. >> bill: it's a shocking situation as we said in the tiller situation there is no excuse for it i didn't exacerbate that situation.
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i don't know about the southern poverty law center we will check that out absolutely the media coverage on this scant. this morning when i got up, i'm looking around to see who is going to report. this i hardly saw anything about it. i didn't see anything about it in the new york papers. were you surprised that you didn't get a lot of coverage on it? >> well, i mean, to be quite frank, i wasn't paying allot of attention to the media yesterday. >> you will get a clip file. you will see there is not a lot. and as you said, and i think the fbi will assume because we understand that this guy who they have under arrest in custody, he volunteered at a gay clinic. he was an activist in that area. the chick-fil-a thing, is that true? did he bring chick-fil-a in with him. >> this is where the issue comes in with the southern poverty law center is that he came, in not just with a gun but over 50 rounds of ammunition and 15 chick-fil-a sandwiches. as you know the controversy over chick-fil-a over the last
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couple of weeks in papers all across america and media reports, it was reported, you know, chick-fil-a in their statements about being antigay, and they supported the family research council. that's what reports have said. they gave us $1,000 a few years ago. far from being a big supporter of ours. we wouldn't mind having their support but they haven't been that way. in those reports, they say the family research council, which is a hate group, a certified hate group from the law center. when you you marginalize people like that or institutions it gives license to people like this to take actions and the authorities, they haven't released all the information but i have been told by the investigators that what took -- what could have taken place yesterday had leo and others not stepped in could have been a serious loss of life. >> bill: if he had 50 rounds and this guy was going to use that gun and he obviously pulled the trigger on your guy, johnson, that could have been a catastrophe, almost like colorado. well, mr. perkins, we're glad that everybody is okay, including mr. johnson, who as
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you pointed out is a hero. we will follow up with the southern poverty law center. they usually come on this program. we will follow up on that report. >> thank you, bill. >> bill: directly ahead, megyn kelly on a massive lawsuit involving los angeles police for shooting a muslim 100 times. later, kelsey grammar plays a politician on tv. what does he think of the real guys in power? we're coming right back.
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>> bill: kelly file segment tonight, massive lawsuit l.a. police department over the shooting of a young muslim man and that weasel julian assange, the head of weeks, granted asylum by ecuador, of all places. here now attorney and fox news anchor megyn kelly. all right. let's talk about this weasel, and i say that because he puts so many u.s. servicemen in danger by printing all of this stuff that he got on wikileaks
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is he is in london and they're holding him extradition sweden on some kind of sex beef, all right? >> um-huh. then he finally gets over to the ecuadorian. >> he didn't want -- he just lost in a court ruling. when he lost and realized they were going to boot him out to sweden. he ran to the ecuadorian embassy. they said i don't come on. in you are safe to us. we love to give asylum to everybody. >> bill: why would ecuador which is not exactly a metropolitan, why would they get involved. >> apparently this is one of their things. they pride themselves on being haven for refugees whether you are julian assange or not. they welcomed him with open arms. and now the problem for mr. assange is he is in there, apparently, reportedly in a windowless room eating takeout sleeping on air that mattress and that is life forever for him right now. >> bill: doesn't he have to go to ecuador. >> no, can he stay in the
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embassy. if he steps outside on british soil, is he done. so the embassy, and most people know, this is ecuador? >> yes. that's ecuador territory. >> the car that comes to pick him up is ecuador. the problem is you have to walk on ground to get from the embassy into the car. once you get out of the car to get into the airplane, you have to walk on ground then, too. that ground does not belong to ecuador. it belongs to the u.k. >> bill: assange is in the embassy for the time being and then they will try to smuggle him out somehow. i would imagine -- >> -- the u.k. says you have got to go back to sweden to face these rape charges. >> he said it's all a reuse. foundation get back to the united states answer the charges on wikileaks. >> bill: a muslim man went through a red light. muslim man afghan heritage and the police start to chase him. roll the tape. what makes this so unusual is
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this guy is actually on the phone with a 911 operator talking to police. oh, there he goes. going to stop this guy right here. he has been acting erratic this entire time. can you see officers getting ahold of him. they are coming out. is he running from them. hang on, this is all happening here on the 101 freeway. i don't know if -- looks like they are shooting at this guy as he is running. and you can see this all -- i'm sorry, i'm kind of shocked. >> they got him. >> they have him. >> it's all coming to an end here. >> wow. >> bill: so the l.a.p.d. fired more than a hundred shots at the man now his family is suing for an astronomical amount of money. >> 120 million. >> bill: it's in federal court. >> yeah. >> bill: why in federal court. >> because they think it's a civil rights claim. that's a federal claim and you can file it in federal court. the problem here is the guy was 19. no priors no, criminal history, no drugs in his
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system. no alcohol in his system. now, he clearly, something went wrong on the night in question because he ran this red light and then wouldn't stop. if you watch the videotape of the police chase, he was endangering a lot of people. there is no question but that there was a high speed pursuit with the police for whatever reason. the cops say the guy called 911 while he is leading them on the chase and says to the 911 operator i have a gun. i have been arrested before for possession of destruction devices. i'm not afraid of the cops. if they pull their guns, i'm going to pull my gun on them. these police, they are going to get hurt. their position is once they got out of car they knew that he had cell phone which in the dark of night they believed looked like a gun. >> that's the police's side. they wouldn't release the 911 tape. >> that's right. that's the family's question. if that's all true. give us the 911 tape and they believe that there may be a videotape that the guy may have been using that cell phone to videotape what was happening to him. they say the cops aren't releasing that either.
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they say if the cops are so innocent, why wouldn't they want to make that available? >> bill: it's a legitimate question, obviously it will come out in discovery on the lawsuit. correct? >> yes. and there is going to be a hearing in october on that. so we may learn more. but, the police say that they offered to the family to let them hear the entire 911 call. the family allegedly declined then the police revoked that offer. i don't know what the truth is. >> bill: it's a very strange case. >> wasn't on drugs. what made him do that. >> bill: why would you put yourself in jeopardy? but more than 100 shots were fired at this guy. >> yeah. he was hit by 15 of them. >> yeah. megyn kelly, everyone. thank you. we will follow the story for you guys. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. lou dobbs takes on barney frank's latest provocative comments. i'm exhausted from doing that i'm handing it off to dobbs. and kelsey grammer will be
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>> well, you know, it's funny the show itself is not really about politicians. it's about human behavior and a guy who wants to hang on to power. now, do i think it's possible this is something we would see in washington, d.c., for instance? yes, i do. are they as ruthless as i am probably not. i certainly hope not. >> bill: chicago politicians are for years. >> the author of the show calls it corrupt. >> bill: did you research daley and his father and all these guys to get an idea of how they conducted themselves on a day-to-day basis. >> we did do a whole research about the history of mayors in chicago. that's really the life's blood of this guy. we know something about mayor daley, of course i had dinner with his son who was also mayor daley for a time. and dinner with mayor emanuel. >> yeah. >> bill: had you dinner with
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polar opposite from you. did you discuss politics. >> just a little bit. at that time he was getting heat for racial profiling. >> bill: he was? >> which was really interesting. he said i'm not profiling race, i'm profiling behavior. >> bill: did he object to anything that you said in political realms? did he call you obscene name? because the language he use recommendation i don't know if i can say it. >> bill: we've bleep in. >> hi how are you go and [bleep] myself now. >> bill: get it out of the way. you had a pleasant dinner. >> lovely dinner and talk. all concerned if i was out to do a hit piece on either one of them mayor daley and mayor emanuel. the scope of the show is actually all about more than that it's more about a man who is struggling to keep power. >> bill: now, does anybody give you any jazz when you go home to l.a.? i saw mr. grammar in chicago a few weeks ago when miller and i were there.
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we were almost arrested. we escaped do you get any heat when you go back because you are a a republic conservative guy. >> it's not really heat i have lively speculation. i have read things about how pathetic it is to be a republic in hollywood. there is this little group called friends of abe. >> bill: you are a member of that group. >> i'm a member of that group. there have been some derisive comments about that. >> bill: nothing personal to you? >> not that i know about. >> bill: i would have loved to have been on a set with you, ted danson and harrelson: you can't get more left wing than those guys. >> pretty left wing. >> bill: here you go the on the other side. >> it's funny, ratten burger used to be on the other side he made the transition. >> as soon as he came on the factor he made the transition. >> bill: did you guys talk politics back in the day. >> once in a while. i have always been a small government guy. that's wife i just think that
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the private sector and society can take better care of itself than the government can. >> bill: did they get heated because another left wing woman did they get heated when you came in and said i like the conservative guys a little bit. throw a beer stein at you. >> they would say things this is actually our phrase, say if he runs, -- remember when they were having the recall in the governorship. somebody said maybe kelsey is going to run. i said i hope he does declare that he is running because i'm going to contribute a million dollars tomorrow to defeat him. [ laughter ] who said that? >> one of the producers of the show. >> bill: you were outnourished. >> i'm always outnurebbed. >> the star is boss on the stars network. lou dobbs vs. barney frank the main event. vice presidential gaffe edition of the great american news quiz. this one is very funny ahead.
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>> the o'reilly factor. the number one cable news show for 12 years running. >> thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the lou's the boss segment tonight. barney frank and left wing propaganda. as you may know i have boxed with barney over the years. frankly, i am worn-out. the guy is the energizer bunny. so i turned to my pal lou dobbs to deal with barny's latest. >> what is this? these are right wingers who have this philosophy going back to iran that says we
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should not come together to do things for the common good. that individualism is the answer and everybody should be on his or her own so feeding poor children, cleaning up the atmosphere putting out fires in older cities. those are things for which they would deny funding. >> bill: here now fox business anchor lou dobbs. okay. so i'm going to be devil's advocate. i'm going to be barney tonight. >> oh my goodness. >> bill: i don't know. >> that's going to take a real leap of faith. >> bill: don't get mad and write me letters. i'm the devil's advocate. okay? i am barney tonight. i'm not going to make any cheap shots about barny. i'm just going to be playing him. his point is because the romney ryan ticket. wants smaller government as kelsey grammer just talked about. they want to starve poor children and let fires engulf
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major cities, okay? that's his point. and you say? >> i say where does he think all of the money that has fed poor children. that has put bread on the tables of americans for 200 years has come from? does he truly believe it's the government and sudden affection of iran and the right wing barney is an interesting fell will he. >> bill: he always does this. and not just him but the liberal media juggernaut because you want to cut back, all right? i believe we have a 16 trillion-dollar debt in this country. saw say we can't continue this with 35% of the population on means tested welfare with food stamps cost ago trillion dollars a year. we have to stop it and cut back. oh, no, the children.
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the little children are going to be starving. >> you are doing that too well. >> bill: how do you answer knicks time he comes in he will put a starving child on this deck. >> i would remind the former congressman. >> still in congress. retiring after november. >> i have moved on. the fact of the matter is he has no idea what he is talking about. >> bill: is he a harvard graduate. >> there are more than a few of those from that great institution iran on tism, this is all nonsense. the philosophy that guides our country can be found in the bible. it can be found in john lock. you know, thomas pain. you want to go through the list of flofers. what his deal with iran?
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>> every page electorate. >> bill: okay. but i think that romney and ryan are going to have to find a way to look the barney franks of the world in the eye and say, you know what? you are lying we don't want to hurt children and fires ranging out of control and we don't want a blanket of soot over our house. they are going to have to call them on this kind of rhetoric. >> i think by the way these are two uniquely suited individuals to do precisely that. >> i don't know they haven't done it yet. >> got to say. governor romney is talking straight and tough right no. >> he is getting five-day forecasty. christie will do it at the convention wouldn't you love to see barney and christie? >> can i get that, please? pay per view? can i get barney and christie. >> your bookers right now. >> i think barney might.
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christie won't come on 00 program. he. >> he is sensitive. >> is he sensitive? >> he must be. >> i'm sensitive, too. we must have something in common. there has been a report on some of the right wing rags that you read. employees from major u.s. companies that once supported barack obama with money, okay? business geeks, who are now changing and giving romney. who is that? >> for example, goldman sachs has completely flipped. >> they are gangsters at goldman sachs, are they not. >> you can call them all sorts of other things, too. they are basically investment bankers. they have flipped their contributions to the republicans by the same ratio. >> bill: they were big obama guys. >> the biggest. >> bill: why did they change? >> they changed because of barney frank is one of the reasons they changed and the other is christopher dodd. dodd frank regulation. even they can take a joke so long. >> bill: because the democrats have constrained their business operation, they want
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them out? >> and because obama has been saying things like you're gang centers, goldman sachs. >> bill: i just said that. >> i know. i think he said it maybe second. >> bill: i don't know if they're gang centers or not but it sounds so good. >> it does sound good unless you happen to work for goldman sachs. >> then it would be a little offensive. lou dobbs, everybody. thanks for cadding with me. i can't take him on anymore. >> i said foil. >> bill: if i have to do it again it will be a manslaughter beef. in the zone tonight. vice presidential gaffes and then the factor tip of the day will make the end of summer more fun for you coming right
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per perper perspicacious steve doocy. i heard you were attacked by a shark in cape cod. >> i was chased by several great whites but i fought them off. >> was this in the bar or in the beach. >> details, details. >> here is question number one, as we saw this week. vice president biden's mouth has been known to get him in trouble from time to time. 2008 campaign event biden made news when he said another politician might have been a better pick for vfnt. who was that politician? the answer is, roll the tape. >> hillary clinton is as qualified or more qualified than i am to be vice president of the united states of america. [cheers] >> let's get that straight.
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she is a truly close personal friend. she is qualified to be president of the united states of america. she is easily qualified to be vice president of the united states of america. >> bill: that was great. that was deep for those of you listening on serious. the answer is d. got it right. off to a good start tonight. 20002000. 2006 vice president cheney shot and wounded a campaign contributor during a hunting trip. y'all remember that. the press had a field day with it it comparing to another vice president who won a duel in who was the vice president in 1804 also involved in shooting incident and the answer is roll the tape. >> vice president dick cheney accidently shot a man during a quail hunt at a political supporter's ranch. making 78-year-old harry whitteddington the first person shot by a sitting veep since alexander hamilton. alexander hamilton, of course, was shot in a duel with aaron
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over issues of honor, integrity and political maneuvering. whitington was mistaken for a bird. >> bill: the answer is c. for those listening on the radio. you both got it right. aaronburg where did he shoot him. >> hoboken. >> right across the river. question number three, 1927 vice presidential candidate thomas eagleton had to withdraw from the ticket with george mcgovern following disclosures that he once had electroshock treatment. >> almost certainly require his cooperation. as one mcgovern lt. put it george mcgovern must not appear to be ruthless. if it comes to that eagleton must announce a a withdrawal and mcgovern must accept it with deep regret. >> bill: he went on to it lose the election with another vice presidential candidate. who was it
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who replaced eagleton? cards up. the answer is c sergeant shriver, you both got it wrong. >> going slow for the radio folks. >> bill: so it's a tie. with two questions to go. richard nixon's vice president spiro agnew resigned from his position disgraced by legal sandals. >> vice president spiro agnew resigned today the first man holding high office to do so under fire. agnew pleaded no contest, in effect guilty to income tax evasion. the court placed him on probation for three years and imposed a maximum fine of $10,000. >> bill: agnew was known for a sharp tongue it. he once referred to a group as, quote, nattering nabobs of negativism it. who was he talking about? fox news was not invented.
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and that's it, tv commentators. very good. >> the answer is b. there is a tie with one question left to governmental it's thrilling. >> it is thrilling. 1992 dan quayle set his sights on tv program murphy brown. he said it contributed to the poverty of values in the nation. the show glorified, what? cards up, please. and the answer is, roll the tape. a character who supposedly epitomizes today's intelligent, highly paid professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers. by bearing a child alone and calling just another lifestyle choice. >> bill: hollywood loved that all right. got it right. so it was a tie. here is the tie breaking question. murphy brown. who played murphy's boss on the show? what actor?
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hard question. okay. there they are, ladies and gentlemen. >> grant shaw. >> miles silverman. do i get partial credit. >> no, you don't. okay. >> are we having a duel right now like they had in weehawken ken? >> bill: i'm going to say it's a tie because he want to give barbara and bob prizes. >> everybody gets a trophy. >> bill: i'm really glad you got away from that great white. the shark was chasing her bmw down the street. it was terrible. >> yeah yeah yeah. >> authorities had to get involved. >> back to tip of the day in a movement entertainment that will amuse you in the last days of summer. the tip 60 seconds away. [ male announcer ] if it wasn't for a little thing called the computer, we might still be making mix tapes. find this. pause this. play this. eject this. write this. it's like the days before esurance express lane™.
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