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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 17, 2012 6:00am-9:00am EDT

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>> it is all there. elephant. >> if you had a drink you would have gotten it. >> gretchen have a great show. "fox and friends" starts right now. >> gretchen: it is friday, everyone. tgif. i am gretchen carlson thanks for sharing your time . vice-president biden will stay on the ticket. we know why. hillary turned down the offer. >> steve: problems for janet napolitano. just days after being accused of running a sorority house. congress comes knocking and they want an investigation. >> brian: our hero navy seals took down bin laden are called gutless. "fox and friends" starts right now. ♪
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"fox and friends". ♪ >> steve: this is 10 minutes ago live outside. >> brian: that's true? >> steve: this is a sound check when leonard skinner was on our sound stage. they are the act during our all american concert series. >> allyson: does that mean the last one? >> steve: next to the last one. >> brian: we have to take the screw gun out and take apart the stage and then put it back together. it is it arguably the biggest concert of the year. >> steve: a real crowd pleasure. >> brian: this is a surprise. i am surprised we haven't hung out with the band outside of the show. >> gretchen: you are looking for your celebrity friend?
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>> brian: select band. >> steve: brian, it has a lot to do with the clock. they go on stage about the time we go to bed. >> allyson: we would only last two days with them before we keeled over. we are looking forward to that. you will meet hem at 7:30. and we have a folks news alert. overnight in afghanistan officers killed by afghanistan. this comes a day after a blackhawk crashed. everyone died 7 american soldiers, two of them navy seals. and an explosive expert. taliban claimed they shot it down. a tourist died after contributing a virus in yosemite national park .
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he was staying in the lodge when he got hanta virus. that is passed on by rodents. a woman who stayed close by him is seriously ill. they will start trapping and testing deer mice. scandal rocking homeland security has janet napolitano to consider teping down. she said the idea is certainly in my mind. the head of custom and enforcement office claimed he was passed over for a promotion by a woman who knew napolitano. ice complained allegations of having a frat-life culture. and republican congressman is leading the investigation in the allegations of that conduct. red carpet vets making a
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appearance on the red carpet. stallone was there. swats - schwarzenegger was there. it is perfect for the '80's action stars. >> each one of us is competitive . we have huge egoes and we have competed against each other in the '80s '90s and in the last 10 years. and doing the governorship, while i was serving the people, it was still a competition. >> gretchen: it is mr. schwarzenegger's return to the big screen since being governor. >> brian: it is going to be interesting to see schwarzenegger out again. and he will answer the questions about his
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relationship and the fact he was offered a job by the obama administration. >> gretchen: we heard about that. >> brian: can you write the questions down in case we see schwarzenegger. >> gretchen: you have a direct connection. >> brian: when he was governor. >> steve: brian had a long face. >> brian: i was weeping. >> steve: joe biden has had a rough week. he got the century wrong, he got the state wrong and paul ryan was the governor and in front of a crowd he said mitt romney will put y'all back in chains. this guy is such an embarrassment and such a tight race, shouldn't they replace him with the woman on the screen hillary clinton. jay carny was asked that great question by fox news. >> the president has a vote of
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confidence and you defended is this the ticket obama-biden. >> yes, that was settled a long time ago . i have a long relationship with senator john mcclain and one place i would not go to vice-presidential candidate is senator mccain. >> gretchen: to me, the most important line was instead of just saying yes, that joe biden is remaining on the ticket. that was settled some time ago. was that settled sometime ago. was there a discussion that maybe he wouldn't be on the ticket and it was somehow settled he would be. >> brian: when they talked about a meeting they were having and the rivalry that existed between the clintons
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and obamas. he never denied it. and it was in the opening chapter, they talk about hillary joining the ticket. >> steve: it was settled some time ago. the explanation came on another channel. ed kline who wrote the book up until the couple of weeks ago this white house was talking to hillary clinton about replacing joe biden. it came up at lunch and she said no and she could change her mind and the ones that is pushing her her to do it is her husband. she feels according to sources inside of the clinton camp who talked to ed kline. if barack obama is relected and continues in the far left stuff she would have to defend that . if he loses she would be a
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loser, too. >> gretchen: joe biden has been benched and sent home to delaware. he will be in the home state of delaware and not out on the road. two weeks before this one where so many gaffes happened he was back at home. here the president of the united states you are watching your vice-president sit home in august and come out and not have a great week. when he had the meeting with president obama it was decided we'll put you back home a while. >> brian: remember mitt romney said if i'mly for the first time it is two on two instead of two on one. upon further review we rather have president obama double down on the full-time job and raising fund and they feel they are better off sending the vice-president back to del - delaware. he has an event in long island in the end of august. >> steve: he's on a short
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leash. they may be in a diner or private home. the report is, they can only send in one reporter or so. that one reporter will be the pooler and he writes up what happens in the event and the white house historically distributed it to all of the reporters. in the last couple of weeks, it sounds as if and in particular with mitt romney putting y'all back in chains . joe biden's staff took those comments out of the tran script. maybe we need to end the practice where the white house is in charga of forwarding the transscript if they are going to edit stuff out. >> gretchen: you wouldn't think you would be allowed to edit it out. >> steve: it is unethical. >> gretchen: it was a monumental line.
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>> brian: i don't think we will have to change the system. he went on to say, this is an outrage they do temperature joe tapper, who is hardly an enemy of the white house. the president has not answered questions for the press course. he sits down to entertainment tonight and you show up every day and hope to get a press conference. >> steve: last time he had a press conference. he said the private secor is doing just fine. >> gretchen: something else to find out outrageous. media matters is calling the navy seals gutless and now the seal firing back. what is this all about? there is a group made up of former navy seals called special operation's education fund and on their website they talk about the fact they want to stop politician and president obama and others
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from capitalizing on u.s. national secrets is about the leaks that many accused the administration of doing for political benefit. this navy seal organization wants to stop that. they have conservative and liberal people part of the organization. media matters called them gutless. >> brian: no one in the group was in authority to speak. really, the navy seal can't speak with authority? really? >> steve: and eric bowler had this particular tweet. he said former american seals don't have the guts to run they are running a gop, anti-obama campaign. it is interesting how the left is framing this as a partisan issue. i don't care what party people are from. this is about national security leaks. how many of this guy's close
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friends he's buried. great point. and the managing editor in the washington free beacon writes. dear god, all i ask before i die. let me eric bowler call a seal a coward to his face. >> brian: that won't happen. tweet us and let us know where you stand. media matters, is it true they are gutless. >> steve: has media matters ever had a great point? >> brian: e-mail us on folks and >> gretchen: and taughting the comback on the campaign trail. >> i have a bumper sticker for you. osama bin laden is dead and general motors is alive. what about the numbers. we might need another bailout. >> brian: stunning evidence on
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camera . gorillas are more like humans than we thought before. >> steve: are they texting now. >> brian: sure. hey, i love your cereal there -- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one.
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prescribed by rheumatologists. cry >> steve: the obama administration touting general motor's comback and making it the center piece of their campaign. >> i have a bummer sticker for you. osama bin laden is dead and general motor system alive. that's a bumper sticker. >> steve: yeah, put it on your gm car. is gm really a success story. charles said general motor may be headed for bankruptcy and could need another bailout. why did they pump it is a success so much.
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it goes beyond politicings. >> listen we know that the stock is done from the ipo and where it has to be before we the taxpayers break even. and there is a lot of other problems. they reported that they will lose a billion a year . they are losing market share in america in the rapid pace. the japanese car makers and volkswagon are taking market share. why did general motors go bankrupt the first time? they lost market share and paying their employees too much. they paid american taxpayers zero. and 200 million in bonuses and starting to do the same thing that got them in trouble in the first place. >> steve: charles you have talked about it for a while x. overnight they are backing up you said. gm could be head for
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bankruptcy again. because this is, joe biden put it well. that is it part of the bumper sticker for the reelection campaign. you need the main stream media to get the word out . they are not on board. >> word would get out and echo what joe biden said. nonot that general motors has almost 30 million and funky good will on the books and not saying they are losing a billion and the stock has to go up dramatically. they are not going to tell you those things and people are still not buying general motor's cars. >> steve: and with the economy getting squishier and tax maged yob, they are not going to make a purchase like the cars. >> the average car and truck is 111 years old. and by the way, anyone can get a car loan. you remember anyone can get a
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house loan? anyone. you talk about subprime . there is a subprime explosion in the automobile industry. when they do finally decide to turn in the 11 year old car. they are picking up toyotas and hondas and the dramatic sales is amazing. >> steve: to your point, i co-signed a loan from my daughter who starts school next week and they told her she could get it with her own credit. she doesn't have a job and she is a college student. that is crazy. >> it is that doocy name. i will use it next time. >> steve: wait a minute we just - on thank you charles. media matters called our navy seals gutless, our next guest is doing the exact opposite. he is doing something awesome to honor our heroes. it really lays to have friends in high places. joe biden's but buddy got 20
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>> gretchen: quick headlines for you now. carbon dioxide emissions lowest. power plants are switching from coal to cheaper natural gas. from tall girl to mommy. disgraced new york governor's escort announcing she is 7 months pregnant. the father is heir to new jersey asphalt company. brian? ♪
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>> brian: media matters calls our navy seals gutless our next guest is doing the opposite and we have jeff hudson. county manager in onslow, north carolina. jeff, welcome. what did you see in walmart that has the whole country buzzing? >> we saw wounded warrior signs and we followed a private sector lead and put those signs around our county. >> brian: that reserves parking spots for wounded warrior. >> that's right. we are home of the three major marine corp bases and has 185,000 persons and 45,000, of whom are active duty troops we go to the beach and town, we'll see soldiers and marines and department of defense
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personnel that have given a lot. >> brian: so you give them an opportunity whether to get their driver's license renewed or park in a premier location salute what they have been throughh and a lot of them are hurting. are you surprised that the gesture is now national news? >> i must admit i am. it seemed simplitous in onslow county, we live among the military that defended our freedoms and they are given so much for us. this is just a small gesture to help them as they take advantage of our government services. >> brian: i think it is great. everyone in the studio thinks it is great and throughout the buildings it is great. what about the military community? >> we have had e-mails and facebook and twitter and lots of comments from people around the country. i hope that people will remember those persons who gave so much in terms of years
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was theirr lives and service and then wounded in combat for us, deserve recognition and they deserve assistance from the rest of our country. >> brian: do you worry we focus on the economy and less on the wars people are forgetting the daily sacrifices? >> i believe in some communities it is the case. in onslow and eastern north carolina, we are around our military members and they are our friends, families and neighbors and we are reminded on a daily basis of what they d for us. as we move forward in the life span of this country, that we know how the country was create that was through the sacrifice of our forefathers. >> brian: i would love people to replicate what you did for your county can walmart did in your town. thank you. >> thank you. >> brian: coming up. airport targeted by terrorist. a major security breach was
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uncovered . the security memo you were not supposed to see and need to see. and the president supporting joe biden's controversial comment . both sides are not happy. will this hurt his chances of being reelected. juan williams will be here. and happy birthday to belinda carlyle. i couldn't get in the go-goes but i am not bitter. she turned 54. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] you can always measure the growth of your children by the way they clean themselves in the bathroom. try charmin ultra strong. with a new duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong helps you get clean. plus it's four times stronger than the leading value brand. and you can use up to four times less. good news for even the biggest kids in the family. we all go. why not enjoy the go
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>> time for your shot of the morning, it is a placmarking the spot where president obama and wife michele shared the first date and first kiss. that romantic spot happens to be at a baskin robin's ice cream shop that was bought in chicago that was bought up saved by mitt romney's old company bain capital. the president and first lady will celebrate their 20th anniversary in february. no word if they will send mitt romney a thank you card. >> gretchen: headlines for friday. major donor to president obama's campaign getting $20 million do build a luxury car dealership in ukraine. he is a close friend of
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vice-president joe biden who said this about him a couplev years ago. >> my friend, a prominent businessman from delaware is here i had breakfast with him the other day. >> gretchen: the deal areship will create significant number of job in ucane as 12.8 million americans are unemployed . >> brian: republican congressman frank wolf is blasting the f.b.i. for letting al-awlaki walk away in 2002. there was a warrant for passport fraud and he had contact with two of the 9/11 high jackers. the f.b.i. claims that the warrant was too weak. while there may have been a reasonable argument for
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allowing him in the u.s. at the time. the f.b.i. has thus far to publicly explain the role and good news is, al-awlaki is dead. >> steve: meanwhile dozens of wildfires burning out of control in the western part of the country. look at all of the devastation out there. there is a miraclous story. the house in washington state surrounded by fire. the fire is a few feet away. the house was still standing. it escaped all of the flames thanks to a metal room. it bounced off of the roof. >> bond of brotherhood can't be broken. the gorilla brothers embracing each other after being apart for three years. every second of their heart warming reunion was captured
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on camera. >> steve: i saw them in dublin. >> brian: you know how we change in three year hard for us to recognize each other. how do they recognize. >> steve: something up here. >> brian: can we put on the animal planet. >> gretchen: i this is why i read the story. >> steve: we have juan williams here. >> did you recognize me? i am all right. >> gretchen: you might not like the first question because it has to do with vice-president biden. jay carner spokesperson for the president if he is going to be replaced on the ticket. listen to this. >> the president has begin the vote of confidence and you defended the vice-president repeatedly. settle all of the speculation. this is the ticket obama-bide
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by. >> it was settled a long time ago. >> he's been on the ticket since 08. you know, again, i think this is people who are delighting in skewering vice-president biden first of all . people who are moving on biden because of all of the attention paid to paul ryan and all of the discussion of medicare . look, we are in a politicall season. there is no way to get away from it and part of the emphasis is move away from ryan and medicare. >> brian: i think you are 100 percent right. what are your context or why he's going home to delaware for the second time in three weeks. this is a sprint to the finish. why is he going home? >> remember biden's job is to appeal not only to pennsylvania which is a key state and delaware . portray himself as working
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class average guy that came up. that is part of his roots. he's got a strong base and he will play to the strength and play to the idea that he is one of the american people out there struggling in the american middle class. >> brian: by sitting by his pool. >> we have pictures of all of them on jet skis. he goes home. he has roots. >> gretchen: he should be in ohio and pennsylvania and west virginia. >> you are a task master miss gretchen. >> gretchen: you want to be a task master to remain vice-president. >> i don't understand why mitt romney is not aggressive. he's not having events this whole week. >> steve: romney is in the press every day although mr. biden has been in the press every day. >> brian: we can hardly wait for the debate to see biden
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facing. >> steve: mr. biden got the state wrong and call would romney governor and said mitt romney is putting y'all in chains. >> we are making a lot out of little. mitt romney said paul ryan is the next president. you can pick on any one of these guys. they are in public. and they have slips of the tong. and joe biden is a gaffe. >> steve: he's a heart beat away from the president. >> who knows more about foreign policy. there is no question. all four people on the stage. joe biden >> chris: but he told the president don't do the raid on bin laden. >> he was cautious. he didn't want a jimmie carter type ofuation where it fail president obama did it and it succeeded. >> brian: perfect secretary of state. >> steve: oh, why don't we
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switch. they thought of that. >> gretchen: do you believe that there was talk of ha? >> doing what? >> gretchen: switching hillary clinton with joe biden. >> it is all speculation in washington and political circles and fostered by the moment people are so intent on the vice-presidential ticket. the idea came about because hillary clinton is the most popular politician in america and women who will decide the election who are still upset that the nominee in 08 was not the woman breaking the ceiling, in that case it was the africa-american. >> steve: juan, i heard 40 percent of the people asked in a poll couldn't name the vice-president of the united states. clearly we need to fix the school. >> yes. we are going to move on . thank you, steve. >> steve: you have a special coming up. >> fox news reporting approximate we worked on for a
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here. clay rossen and all of the people in the documentary unit. we are going around the country and talking to people who is successful in turning around publiclyy funded schools . we hear the bad news. america is not number one in literacy and science and math. we know it. get to the positive and solution and we went to arizona . we found a school that is work test scores are going up. we went to a small school district in north carolina. this is morrisville . home much nascar. it goes from middling to tied for second. hey, look at that. it is the same idea. they are using technology and they gave kids lap stops. and talk to former governor bush and one of the ways he got teachers inspired, giving them more technology. >> steve: we have a clip from jeb bush.
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>> please. >> it is focused on accountability and the way we do that. we grade ab, cdor f. politicians don't know anything about education. most of the this is not dictating what teachers do, it is setting expectations of the results. >> gretchen: so much of the talk is about the unions. is that part of the focus of the special as well? >> no. in many cases unions are opposed to introducing the technology. why? because they see it undercutting teachers. budget constraints were in place and the decision is not increase the teaching force. but give every child here the laptop. some people are saying, you are not supporting teachers. to the cron contrary. you give the teacher technological way to track how brian is doing math today .
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we know he is learning or not learn steve is a extraordinary mathmetician and we need to challenge him and push him farther. the teachers are like they are learn i am not having discipline problems. we see it in a small school district and like new york school of one. it is an exciting thing for me to move away. oh, gosh. what is going on with american education . hey, look. here's something that works and we can feel good about and get our kids back to the number one position. >> steve: we'll be watching on sunday night 9:00. fixing our schools hosted by juan williams. we'll be tube side for it >> thank you. have a great morning >> chris: you have a great week. >> brian: coming up straight ahead on the show. take a look at this. the giant watering hole bermuda triangle just swallowed a boat.
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>> gretchen: remember this guy who was chased by a shark in his kyact. >> brian: ocean is too crowded. what is going on? [ female announcer ] caltrate's done even more to move us. because vitamin d3 helps bones absorb calcium, caltrate's double the d. it now has more than any other brand to help maximize calcium absorption. so caltrate women can move the world.
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♪ home of the brave. ♪ it's where fear goes unwelcomed... ♪ and certain men... find a way to rise above. this is the land of giants. ♪ guts. glory. ram.
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[ male announcer ] it started long ago. the joy of giving something everything you've got. it takes passion. and it's not letting up anytime soon. at unitedhealthcare insurance company, we understand that commitment. and always have. so does aarp, an organization serving the needs of americans 50 and over for generations. so it's no surprise millions have chosen
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an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they help cover some of the expenses medicare doesn't pay. and save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs. to find out more, request your free decision guide. call or go online today. after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long. >> brian: quick headlines. stunning report out fuel pipe line in jfk territory was left unprotected. the gate was not secured at all. and no camera was able to see the problem. the port authority denying the report and looks leak a modern day bermuda triang.
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a deep sink whole in louisiana swallowed up a boat. it expanded, i am sorry about putting a l in there. and it sucked up the treat. two people on the boat were rescued from the hole. and their boat is gone. gretch? >> gretchen: wow, thank you. remember the guy chased by a great white in the kyact. a lot of people are wondering has anything change what is going on joining me now is james ellis leading artist and ocean conservationist. it is there something that has changed? >> some places yes. there are more seals in the area of cape cod and that leads to a possibility of a shark attack. sharks follow the seals. they eat them and not people
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as a rule. this particular incident is predicated that there are more seals and probably more sharks in the vicinity. down in florida or somewhere else. nothing has changed as far as how charges are breeding. >> there is no change. people like to swim and sharks are in the water and there is contact. >> gretchen: people have a fascination and a fear are they after humans or after fish in the water. you have had the fascination and creating a exhibit. maybe i will come up with a couple of things in it. >> they called me and said we are thinking about doing sharks and art. there are only three shark painters that i think of.
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win so home yer john singleton and me. i am a shark painter. eventually i found out there was an enormous number of objects made by artist and photographers and film makers that we put in the exhibit in florida and turned out to be an enormous success. people are waiting in line to get in the exhibit in florida because it explains the reality of sharks. not that they are waiting to kill us. >> gretchen: is the unabout them? >> it is mythology basically. it is largely based on peter benchley's jaws. he wrote a novel that was fiction. a lot of people assumed it was fact and i will never go in the water again . there are giant sharks out there. it is the most influential novel in american history. it changed people's perception and attitudes.
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we still know people who will not go in the water. >> gretchen: i find it fascinating that you wouldn't have enough to put in the. >> i didn't know there was that much art. i knew photographs and shark attacks there is a lot of material. but not that people revered the sharks that may take scumentures and golf bags and rubber tires and washing machines it is a function of how interested people are in sharks and it doesn't have all of that much to do with shark attackings. >> allyson: very interesting. people can check out the exhibit open since may and it will go through january. >> thank you, gretchin. >> gretchen: - the government could be stealing jobs and giving them to prisoners.
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jennifer aniston may want to check what she supports. a group she supports putting dogs and cats on voters rolls. hey, i love your cereal there -- it's got that sweet honey taste. but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right? lady, i just drive the truck. right, there's no way right, right? have a nice day. [ male announcer ] 80 delicious calories. fiber one. ♪ don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet vital recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido seems they haven't been moving much lately. but things are starting to turn around because of business people like you. and regions is here to help.
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>> steve: welcome back. the american military factory has been making military union forms . they have been forced to shut down a plant because the government decided to let prisoners make uniforps as well >> brian: curt, how did you find this out.
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>> it is ongoing quite some time and what comes to bear is the demand for military uniforps decrease and budgets decrease and the percentage that federal prisons have remains the same and the problem gets bigger for us. >> brian: sure. >> work gets fewer and we have to lay people off. >> steve: sadlyy. and the interesting thing is, the graphic that shows the uniform and coat that you create cost $29 and the one that federal presoners cost $34. it is five bucks more . mandate, the law seems to steer business toward the prisoners. >> that is correct. unfortunately, the way the law is, federal prison industries get first dibs of contracts up to a certain percentage before
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they have to compete against us. army combat uniform is an item they take off the top. american taxpayers is paying more and each soldier is paying more for the uniform because of >> brian: you wouldn't think it is the the labor cost is not the same. >> the story is unbelievable and untrue. you would not be able to tell the story and actual prisoners are taking jobs away from law-abiding citizen. >> steve: prisoners need something to do. >> we all agree. >> steve: curt, what would you like to see done? >> immediately the lawmakers that are out there. congressman and senators, if you have an apparel plant in your district or state that is involved in government contracts, go see those people
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first hand and ask them what the impact that the prison industry is having on them and immediately get back to washington and eliminate, especially the apparel industry. they have lost more jobs in the last 10 years than any industry segment in the united states. so you would think that the prison industries would back off and stay away from the apparel and allow the industry to support its government. >> brian: i would think so. curt wilson. thank you for exposing the story and hopefully they will listen. thank you so much. >> thanks gentleman. >> brian: we reached out to unichor and did not get a response. >> steve: an explosion in the middle of a tv shoot. i wonder what they said. we'll tell you what happened on a popular show last night. >> brian: and then tell you
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what they said. brand new insider information painting a different information. that story next hour. is it done? [ john ] no. were you just... no. are you supposed to be driving that in here? no! did mom say we could eat all that? [ john ] yes. [ male announcer ] it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects. it's yes food. stidious librarianelects. emily skinner, each day was fueled by thorough preparation for events to come. well somewhere along the way, emily went right on living. but you see, with the help of her raymond james financial advisor, she had planned for every eventuality. ...which meant she continued to have the means to live on... ...even at the ripe old age of 187. life well planned. see what a raymond james advisor can do for you.
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let your doctor do her job. and you do yours. ask if nexium is right for you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. >> gretchen: tgif. it's friday, august 17, 2012. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for spending part of your day with us. the white house confirms it is going to still be biden-obama or obama-biden for the ticket. is biden back by default? word that hillary clinton just turned down the job? >> brian: my ex-girlfriend jennifer aniston back in the news. she may want to check the fine print. a group she supports is registering cats and dogs to vote. >> gretchen: what's wrong with that? >> brian: i'm not sure. i'm just putting it out there. >> steve: thanks very much. meanwhile, proving perseverance pays off, a walk on college football player gets the surprise of his life at the team meeting. >> so proud to let mark, he's
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got a full scholarship. >> steve: he didn't know about it 'til just then. the guy's coach joins us this hour. "fox & friends," hour two for friday, in the summer, starts right now. ♪ won't you give me three steps, give me three steps, mister ♪ ♪ give me three steps toward -- >> gretchen: who doesn't know this song? it's lynrd skynrd. they'll be here with "sweet home alabama." they'll be performing for us for our all american concert series. if you want to stop by, you can have barbecue from famous dave's. >> brian: people will be hanging from the rafters and across the
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street. this, i believe, i'll make this prediction now, will be the widest attended, the largest crowd that we have had all summer long. >> steve: they'll take the stage for an interview this hour. but in an hour, you'll be able to hear them do their signature song "sweet home alabama." if you're in the area and you're just passing through, you want to hear it? stop by 48th and 5th avenue. >> brian: i think "free bird" -- >> steve: the problem with that is it runs 12 minutes. >> brian: maybe we can cut off your panel. >> gretchen: okay. luckily i'm not the producer of the show to make that decision. >> steve: you never know what they're going to start singing. >> brian: maybe your weather, steve. >> gretchen: i notice you didn't say sports. >> brian: that's already been sacrificed. >> gretchen: that's usually the first thing. >> steve: we're delighted you would join us on in friday. we've got a busy friday left.
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>> gretchen: two u.s. special forces service members have been killed in afghanistan by an afghan police officer. we learned the new rerecruited officer used the same gun the u.s. troops gave him as a gift. it comes a at this after a u.s. -- day after a u.s. helicopter crashed. all 11 people died, including seven american soldiers, two were navy seals. taliban claims it shot it down. u.s. officials don't believe that's the case. homeland security scandal grows. janet napolitano making a shock admission she's considering stepping down now? she said the idea is, quote, certainly in my mind. ahead of immigration and customs enforcement office claims in a lawsuit that he was passed over for a promotion for a woman who knew napolitano and he was retaliated against for complaining. ice facing allegation of having a frat house-like culture.
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suzanne barr on leave amid allegations she made graphic comments toward male employees. michael mccall leading a probe into the allegations of lewd conduct and discrimination. tourist died after contracting a virus from inside yosemite national park. officials believe he was staying in the popular language, curry village, when he got what's known as the hanta virus. it's passed on by rodents. park officials say a woman who stayed by him now ill. beginning next week, they'll be testing and trapping deer mice. they believe that could be the culprit. the boardwalk is on fire. >> gretchen: no need to panic. it was a staged explosion on the set of the series "boardwalk empire" of the it was filmed in brooklyn. crews say it was easier to build a mock boardwalk than use a real one. those are your headlines.
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>> steve: coo boon. >> brian: timmy van patton actually is the director of that show. i wouldn't be surprised if i had a walk on appearance. >> steve: i'm surprised they didn't invite to you walk on the boardwalk last night. a little more to the left. boom. >> gretchen: speak of fireworks, there may have been some that went off at the white house yesterday when the president of the united states had a meeting with the vice president, joe biden, after the gaffe fastic week that he had. well, seems nothing is going to change. the white house confirming that it will still be a obama-biden ticket and there won't be a swap with hillary clinton because hillary turned down the job as recent as just a couple weeks ago? this that is a report out this morning. >> brian: ed klein's book they talk about that. he gave an interview saying as recently as two weekser she was offered it. valerie jarrett. she says no, i'm not interested. who knows if the door is really closed? >> steve: exactly right.
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let's find out. do you know he has had -- the vice president has had a rough week we came out with -- he had the kind of weird intonation and said mitt romney will put y'all back in chains in front of that largely african-american crowd. >> brian: he told the people of virginia he could win north carolina. >> steve: he got the century wrong of the some on the right say look, the guy is a walk embarrassment. he is a gaffe machine. and that's why there have been -- if you've been look at drudge, yesterday they had 20 more days that barak obama could drop joe biden. well, our own ed henry thought, some people want to know about. so he asked this question of jay carney yesterday. >> since the president has given the vote confidence and defended the vice president, this is the ticket, obama-biden. yes. that was settled a long, long time ago. while i appreciate, i have great admiration for and a long
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relationship with senator john mccain, but one place i would not go for advice on vice presidential running mates is senator mccain. >> steve: ouch. >> gretchen: that was a little bite at senator mccain who had kind of suggested it in an interview when asked about it and respondedo it. joe biden will not be out on the campaign trail. he has technically been benched. he's back home in delaware, saying some time off from the campaign. you might wonder why -- how will you explain that, because why would do you that when we're 80 days away from a really, really close election? wouldn't joe biden be a really good benefit for the president in some of these swing states, talking to working class voters, more of what his background is? you would think a he could be an asset to the president, but maybe not based on his last week. >> brian: so he is sitting home. he goes back to the pool where he was in the first week of august. he goes back to the delaware complex and he won't be doing much, even though for the first time, it's two on two, mitt romney and ryan against joe
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biden and president obama, you would think he would be needed now more than ever. >> steve: joe biden in washington is regarded as a great retail politician. when he goes up and talks to crowds one on one, he does a great, great job. but because everything is on tape these days and you start lining up the gaffes, there are a lot of them. although if you read one of the pool reports last week, you wouldn't have heard about that mitt romney wants to put y'all back in chains. that's because a long standing tradition has been if there is an event happening in a small area like somebody's house or diner or bakery or something like that, they'll send in one member of the white house press pool. then that person will write notes and then the white house then would distribute it to everybody else. but extraordinarily, apparently some of mr. biden's aides have been editing out some of the gaffes from the official transcripts distributed by the white house. and that has got at least two white house press corp. members up in arms and we really should
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stop doing this if they're going to be editing the official record. >> brian: one is chuck todd and the other question to come out of your statement was, when was the last time you were at a fund raise art a bakery? >> steve: we had the story yesterday about how the baker apparently declined having the vice president show up. >> brian: okay. i thought it was catered. >> gretchen: in the meantime, let's talk about brian's ex-girlfriend, jennifer aniston. >> steve: is she in contact at all? >> brian: i thought it was best we don't. >> steve: so does she. >> gretchen: you're not the kind of person who stays friends with people you broke up with? >> brian: i don't think it's good idea. do you? >> gretchen: yes. some of them. there is a voter fraud watch alert out that has to do with jennifer aniston. what's the connection? apparently she has supported a group that tried to register dogs and cats and some dead people in the past to vote possibly in the upcoming election which some people might have a problem with. >> steve: yeah. the voter participation center
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has sent out 5 million registration forms in the last couple of weeks. 5 million. on the envelope it looks very, very official. it says voter registration documents enclosed. some people who are in this country who are noncitizens, gathering them and thinking, this looks official, it looks like i can vote and been calling some of the local municipalities and they go, so i can vote now? and they say why do you think that? they say, i got this thing in the mail. a lot of this stuff has been directed at people who are not eligible to vote, like dead people and cats and dogs. >> brian: right. mugsy aniston should probably not be making his way to the poll, or rexy. i'm not really sure. >> steve: apparently this particular organization has been working with the liberal center for american progress, formally known as women's voices. they raised $5 million during 2010 and jennifer aniston i believe has done a public announcement on behalf of that organization. >> brian: let's see if she can
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overcome this. >> gretchen: maybe she didn't know about it. now she does. coming up on "fox & friends," he wants hospitals to hide the formula to make new moms breast-feed, but now mayor michael bloomberg has a big problem on his hands. some of those moms a bit angry and they're firing back. >> brian: it's one of the biggest -- president's biggest advantages. people like him, but brand-new information says not so fast. our political panel weighs in. they're on stage. or near the stage. >> i saw a commercial for duct tape the other day. they try to make these so timeless. take a look. >> what can do you with duck friend duct tape? you can leave a hammock, make a wallet. you can even repair a boat. with duct tape, you can do it all. duck tape. the official tape of the obama administration.
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#. >> gretchen: the obama campaign taking negative ads giving speeches that personally attack their republan rivals. >> that's what he said about wind power. you can't drive a car with a wind mill on it. i don't know if he's actually tried that. i know he's had other things on his car. >> he said in the first 100 days, he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. unchained wall street. they're gonna put y'all back in chains. >> gretchen: could this tactic backfire on the president who once ran on a slogan of hope and change? let's ask our political panel, angela is a fox news prettial analyst, erin is editor and chief of yahoo finance, and
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zerlina is a democratic strategist. good morning. is it the case that there is negative campaigning on both sides or is it the case that the obama administration has really ramped it up because they don't want to talk about their record? >> i think it's the case there is negative campaigning on both sides. we see this every cycle. this is not any different than any past election cycle. now we have super pac ads that are really flooding the air waves, particularly in swing states and so voters are like, what is going on? i think we're talking about favorability here and the most important issue is that the president is more likeable than mitt romney, consistently in polls. negative campaigning is hurting both, but mitt romney needs to be concerned much more with his favorability. >> i think we saw this rising star in 2004 in obama when he spoke about it's not red states or blue states. it's purple. we're the united states of america. and this back alley, gutter,
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chicago style politic social security beneath my president and vice president to say, they're gonna put y'all back in chains. >> i'm not here to defend joe biden's comments. i actually think it's not defensible. but i do think while in 2004 he was very hopeful and america was very hopeful, but the reality of the gridlock in washington has changed. >> i think the negative campaign something bad for awful us and the thing is voters say we don't like it, but it does work. that's the sad thing. >> gretchen: but why? because it drives me crazy, too. don't people just want to hear about the issues? >> i think people say that, but they want to see you say that i agree with me. it fires up the base, i think is what it does. >> gretchen: the independents are who decides the election. >> exactly. i don't think either campaign is speaking to them. >> gretchen: do the independents wants to hear the negative advertising? >> i don't think so. >> they want to hear solutions. i think today with the economy being the way it is and people living from paycheck to paycheck, i think they want to
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hear about the issues. they tonight want the metaphors anymore. >> i agrees. >> people want to hear about the issues. but mitt romney unfavorable is 52% among independent voters and that has to be very concerning. this week he came out and called obama angry and says he has a campaign full of hatred. that's not positive. >> when you look at the messages, when you see biden saying in essence to a crowd predominantly black folks that white republicans are going to put you back in chain, people are sick and tired of hearing all of this. >> like i said, i'm not defending that comment. >> but at the same time, you have the anglo saxon comment from the romney campaign and him saying he's going to fix medicare when the facts don't really back that up. >> democrats talked about change. -- >> gretchen: will it come down to the debates? will people really start to
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focus then and try to not look at the ads or will they continue to look at the ads and look at the debates? >> i think it's the thing that people won't pay attention 'til labor day to see how romney does on the same stage with the president. it will be heathed, but i hope civil. let's hope for that. i have think a lot of independents and undecide ready wait for that. >> i think they're looking for paul ryan against biden. >> that's very true. >> gretchen: october 11. mark your calendar. >> barak obama is very calm, too cool for school. >> he needs to talk about the issues. >> these guys are saying, i feel your anger. that's not good for the country. >> gretchen: stick around because we want to talk to the panel about this, police are investigating the shooting at the family research center in washington as a political crime and the main stream media is silent. we want to know why. then, bill clinton, meet bill clinton. the awesome story behind this
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photo ♪
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>> steve: if you want your news by the numbers, i have them now. first, herbalife%. -- 48%. the value of facebook stock plunging that much since its ipo. shares at 19.69. next, 20,000 customs agents at the l.a. sea port confiscated
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that number of fake christian tuesday with the red bottoms. it would have sold for 18 million. finally, 60%, that's how many women are against restricting baby formula in hospitals. mayor bloomberg said he wants to encourage new mothers to breast-feed by having hospitals hide the baby formula. great. gretch? >> gretchen: very gresssive. the man suspected of shooting a security guard at the family research council, a man you see there, the family research council, he was a local gay rights activist who reportedly brought along 15 chick-fil-a sandwiches in and a become pack full of bullets. but the white house won't call this a hate crime. it could be classified as domestic terrorism instead. we're back with our political panel to talk about this issue.
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aaron, should this be a hate crime and why are we not seeing more of this in the main stream media? >> it's shameful, because whenever there is a shooting in this country, there should be a discussion. this time they're not talking about it. we should be talking about it. i think president obama has an opportunity to rally his base, just like mitt romney rallied his base with pauline chiou, to come out and give a strong speech, but he's not doing it. i think it's unfortunate. >> i don't think it should be a hate crime because all life is precious. that's number one. one life is not more important than the o. i think the responsibility here is dealing with the main stream media and the hate speech that's coming from politicians. when you have three mayors saying, of chicago, washington, d.c., and san francisco saying boycott chick-fil-a because they don't want same sex marriages, that's a problem. >> gretchen: here is the thing, isn't dan kathy sort of being taken out of context to a certain extent? here was his quote that got this
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whole thing fired up. we are very much supportive of the family, the biblical definition of the family unit. he didn't say that he's antigay and yet, the way in which this has been documented in the media, has the media really pushed a different message than what he actually said? >> i think that the audience that he's speaking to knows what he means by the biblical definition, even though in reality, the biblical definition, there are a lot of definitions of marriage, if you actually read the bible. i think what he's talking about is that he's talking about the traditional definition, according to some, man, woman. regardless of the fact it really shouldn't matter who you love and who you want to be partnered with. majority of americans -- >> in the bible, it's ademeanor and eve. it's not adam and steve. >> there is a lot more definitions of marriage that go throughout the bible, polygamy being one example. but i'm just --
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>> and the wife as a slave. you own your wife. >> we can sit here and have a biblical debate. but the bottom line is the man said he supported the family unit. >> gretchen: my last question is, is it hypocritical to not focus on this particular shooting, but on the other shootings that maybe were not from somebody on the left, there was a loft focus? >> when you had chris matthew saying the gabby giffords shooting was connected to michelle bachmann and sarah palin and in colorado, someone said it was connected to the tea party. that's dangerous. when you have people out there that have a certain type of mental illness, they're going to take it to the extreme. >> i think that we should not be pinning the blame on any one political figure or political party without having all the facts. but i think that one of the things that is interesting to me is that this shooting of the sikh temple didn't get as much attention in the main stream media as the aurora shooting, for example.
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these shootings are happening way too often. >> gretchen: which comes back to the original point and all the politicians don't want to have a conversation. >> negative advertising, it filters down. people who have a mental illness hear this kind of hate and it gets in their brain. >> gretchen: we brought the panel full circle now. unfortunately, i got to go i that very much. have a great weekend. take a look at this, the latest barbie and she's being called the drag queen barbie? then when the police officer turns his back, the suspect bolts. the ending to this story more dramatic. then, lynrd skynrd, here live to rock out our summer concert series. there they are. ♪ alice the cat is about to explore.
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the world of new friskies plus. which is friskies plus more. more of the things alice desires. with all theutrition alice requires. it's a world of shiny furs. of sparkly eyes and happy purrs. it's a world unlike any alice has ever seen before. the world of new friskies plus. which is friskies plus more. well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at
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>> gretchen: time for your shot of the morning. touching reunion between former president bill clinton and the baby who was named after him in uganda 14 years ago. the younger bill clinton was born the same month the former president visited the country, so his mom decided to name him after the president. during his most recent visit, the two had lunch and the teen told clinton he wants to become a doctor some day. >> brian: that is fantastic.
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so obviously that was your shot of the day. but the biggest story today is for the first time in 18 months, an intern has decided to take weather over sports in her exit interview. for more on that story, let's go to meteorologist steve doocy. >> steve: i'm a meteorologist, but thanks for faking it. come on over. katy o'brien has done a fantastic job this particular summer. just like that last story, i have known you since you were a little, tiny girl, haven't i? >> yes. >> steve: now she wants to be a journal. why do you want to do the weather? >> i figured i'd do something different today. i'm mixing it up. >> steve: everybody does the sports! all right. katy, i know it's a little complicated here, but try to describe what's going on. >> right over here we have some storms brewing in the midwest. down here we have some more rain and up the northeast over here, we have a little bit more rain coming down in the middle. right down over in florida there
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is a big storm coming off the coast right over there. >> steve: very nice. what you folks at home don't understand is she points that way and it's actually that way 'cause everything is backwards. you want to try the current temperatures? >> it's looking pretty warm down in florida and the southwest. we have pretty cold in california over here. and up in the northeast, it's a pretty cool -- >> steve: pretty cool indeed. everybody wants to know since it is friday how hot today will be. >> 90 degrees in tampa. 91 in los angeles. 75 in cleveland. in new york, it's 89 degrees and sunny. >> steve: very nicely done! round of applause for katie o'brien. not only is it her last day, but today is her birthday! congratulations. >> thank you. >> steve: she's 19.
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>> brian: wow. >> gretchen: allall right. >> brian: good job. did a great job. >> gretchen: like your dress, too. >> steve: go get em. go print some scripts for us. >> i will. >> steve: mr. kilmeade needs his coffee. >> brian: it was also the right dress for sports, but she chose weather. >> gretchen: are you going to be upset now? >> brian: i am upset. i'm going to try to get through. >> gretchen: they don't choose anything that i do. so you never get upset. >> brian: that's true. >> gretchen: fox news learning republican congressman frank wolf is blasting the f.b.i. for letting al-awlaki walkway from an arrest warrant in 2002. the radical american muslim clack was detained at kennedy airport because there was an active warrant for passport fraud. he also had contact with two of the 9-11 hijackers. congressman wolf demanding answers. he says while there may have been a reasonable argument for
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allowing him in at the time, the argument was made that the f.b.i. had thus far failed to publicly explain its rationale and its role. >> brian: check this out. one reporter taking extreme measures to get the story on air. take a look at this devotion, taking a live shot during a typhoon. the reporter tied a rope around herself to help her stay standing. bret baier should have tried this in the day. a crew member used the rope to get close to her and pull her to safety. the typhoon hit the country's eastern coast earlier this week. that is dedication. great job. >> gretchen: husband leading police on a high-speed chase with his wife and four kids in the back. it all started when cops pulled him over. look what happened next. ever. >> put your hands on the hood and don't move! >> gretchen: robert hill high tailing it back to his mini van
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after being pulled over for suspicious of drunk driving. troops spiked his tires. his wife sobbing to police: hill took off because he has a criminal record. now that rap sheet a bit longer. >> brian: a lot longer. it's the brand-new drag queen barbie? you heard that right. the doll has extra heavy eye make-up, extended eye make-up and wear has very short crystal studded dress, designed by a new york fashion design who are is also a cross dresser. you can see the redem ambulance right now. it's only available to private collectors. for those who might want that. that's a quick look at what's happening in the news. >> gretchen: let's head outside because a lot of people have been fans of lynrd skynrd for years and years and they're here. >> steve: they are one of the most successful southern rock
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groups of all time and there are no signs of slowing down because lynrd skynrd is going to release their 13th studio album next tuesday called "last of the dying breed." johnny, gary and rickey join us live. how much you getting to hold up the anniversary sign? >> there you go. >> steve: happy anniversary. >> good to see you. >> steve: the new cd is called "last of a dying breed." you're not talking about you guys, are you? >> we hope not any time soon. >> steve: it comes out on tuesday? >> tuesday. the 21st. >> steve: and tomorrow night you're going to be in canada. you guys are showing absolutely no signs of slowing down. >> yeah. we were in pennsylvania last night, bethlehem, pennsylvania. tonight n wallingford, connecticut. >> steve: fantastic. i came out a little while ago and great looking crowd we've got here, right? >> thank you, guys!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: or it could be the fact that they are either here for you or the barbecue. >> that goes hand in hand. >> steve: it does 'cause you guys have a barbecue joint in vegas, oint? >> it's called lynrd skynrd barbecue. >> steve: which is more important, the barbecue or the beer is this. >> i think it's kind of even. >> steve: can you tell by just smelling barbecue if it's going to be good? >> this smells really well, too. we're looking forward to biting into a few of those ribs. >> we've always seen famous dave. i want to meet him. >> steve: he's been here a couple of times. listen, you will be busy in a couple of weeks. you're going to the rnc, the republican national convention. >> yeah, we sure are. >> we're playing for the wounded warriors. >> yeah. we're doing that. >> wounded warriors, that's right. >> we try do everything we can for our troops and their
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families. it's good to be an american, right? good to be an american. >> steve: now, if you're going to the republican national convention, does that mean you support one particular candidate? >> well, yes, we do. us three. we have democrats in the band. so it's a true fact that democrats and republicans can get along. so we all need to be united as americans no matter whoever wins in november, let's get it together, right, folks? >> steve: are you guys going to be playing -- i know you're supporting wounded warrior, but i think you'll be playing on ann romney's night, right? >> yeah, we'll be playing two songs and looking forward to meeting her. >> we'll play for the democrats if they ask us. [ laughter ] >> steve: it's an offer. you're also going to be there the day that fox friends friends kicks things off. >> great. >> we watch your show all the time, man. >> steve: in the bus?
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>> yeah, we do. when we're up on the bus. >> i love every morning. >> we're pretty early risers. >> steve: are you early risers or are you still up from the night before. >> well, last night we got in the city at i don't know what time of the we didn't get a whole lot of sleep. >> we're not allowed to stay up late anymore. >> steve: neither am i. we're very excited. you're the next to the last act and brian has predicted this will be the best attended show of the season. are you ready for them? [ cheers and applause ] they're going to start sing not guilty about 15 minutes. lynrd skynrd, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> steve: brian kilmeade, back to you. >> brian: we got to catch up with the rnc because we will be there live all week long. next on this rundown, proving perseverance does pay off, a walk on college football player gets the surprise of his life. >> so proud to let mark pattern
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know he's got a full scholarship. >> brian: that player, that coach here next. >> gretchen: then paul ryan's swinging through the sunshine state this weekend and bringing along his mom. why she might be a game changer for him. >> brian: aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1943, this actor won for his role as vito corleone. [ male announcer ] this is sheldo whose long day setting up the news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news.
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to provida better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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[ female announcer ] you can always measure the growth of your children by the way they clean themselves in the bathroom. try charmin ultra strong. with a new duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong helps you get clean. plus it's four times stronger than the leading value brand. and you can use up to four times less. good news for even the biggest kids in the family. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong? introducing share everything. unlimited talk. unlimited text. tap into a single pool of shareable data and add up to 10 different devices,
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including smartphones and tablets. the first plan of its kind. share everything. only from verizon. now add a tablet for only $10 monthly access. ♪ don't our dogs deserve better then chicken meal introducing freshpet made with real chicken that's so fresh you'll find it in the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido >> brian: for four years, mark patton, who has been trying to prove himself as a walk on member of the haven'ter built football team. this preseason, that all changed
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>> guy keeps his mouth shut and he loves being part of this team. i'm so proud to let mark patton know he's got a full scholarship. [ cheers and applause ] >> brian: so there it is. vanderbilt head coach, james franklin, awarding him a full football scholarship in front of the cameras, it has become a viral video. now it's time to meet the men that made it happen. we're joined by mark himself and coach franklin himself. coach, what is it about mark that made you say, i've seen enough. this guy deserves a full ride? >> it's about giving people opportunities and mark has done a tremendous job for us. perfect example of have a positive attitude, have tremendous work ethic and good things will happen for you. >> brian: i get chill, mark, seeing this, because it's everything that's good about sports. if you work hard, put in the
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time, put your head down and think team first, it will pay off. what were your thoughts when the coach points you out on film as a hustler and hard worker, when he was doing that can segwayed to that? when he was doing that, what was in your head? >> at first i had no idea what was going on of the i thought maybe he was trying to motivate the team to go hard. when he told me i had a scholarship, i was overwhelmed with two feelings. it was overwhelming with joy and shock at the same time. i really had no idea what to think. but i was immensely happy at the same time. >> brian: you played on an offline, full back over the last few years. you preceded the coach into the university. mark, did you ever ask yourself, i'm a chemical engineering major. i don't get any money to play football. i'm playing all year round. is it worth it? did you ever ask yourself that? >> yeah. definitely thought about that before, but i started and that's something i'm gog do.
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i'm not a quitter. i love the game. it's an unbelievable opportunity. millions of people love to play everywhere whether they're getting paid or not. so i will take advantage of the opportunity. >> brian: coach, you taped this moment. i think you wanted it. did you have any idea it would go as viewer as this and mean so much to so many people? >> i had no idea. i really didn't. i think it's like you mentioned before. it's showing what college football is all about. a great opportunity, great kid and a great story at a tremendous institution like vanderbilt. >> brian: i think it's beyond football. i think every sport, everybody who wants this at any level is sometimes hard work does pay off and coach, you showed everyone it does. >> thank you so much. we're really, really appreciative having mark on our team and what we're doing here. so thanks for having us. >> brian: mark, i'm going to tell everyone else not to tackle you. block everyone in your way. thanks so much.
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>> thank you. >> brian: coming up straight ahead, everyone wants to protect their kids, but not everyone knows how. our next guest does. her job is to get inside the minds of criminals and she's got some straight talk every parent needs to hear. first on this day in 1985, "shout "by tears for fierce was the number one song. life was simple then. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink? ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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>> gretchen: everyone wants to keep their children or child safe, but not everyone knows exactly how to do it. understanding the world of psychopaths and criminals is something that takes a lot of practice. here to explain the hard truths about what could keep your daughter from becoming a victim of a tragic crime is pat brown, criminal profile and author of "how to save your daughter's life." good morning to you. >> good morning.
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>> gretchen: the title gets right to it. >> absolutely. that's what i want to do is save people's daughters' lives because one of the things we're doing today is we tend to think oh, our kids will be okay. our kids are smart. well, our kids may be smart in certain ways, but they're quite frankly pretty dumb in other ways. if you look back when you were a teen-ager, are you going to tell me you were smart and everything you did was really wise? or did you come back like, ten years later and say, oh, mom, guess what i did when i was 16? >> steve: plus there is so many helicopter parents these days who do everything to insulate kids. you got tips. first, make sure you're fully aware of the dangers in our everyday world. >> yeah. that's something we've been sticking our heads into the sand. a lot of people aren't aware of what's on the internet or down the street or what's at your own school. like a girl getting into a relationship with a boyfriend at school can be very, very risky. we saw laura, murdered by her boyfriend. she just broke up with him, went to meet him one more time and
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ended up with her throat cut and thrown in a pond. how horrible is that? that was a sweet, nice girl. she tint realize that right in her own high school there were dangers. >> brian: also you got to know your kid. know your daughter's personality and weaknesses. she might be kind and open and caring and that could be detrital. >> she could be too nice. a lot of them get stalkers because a stalker will look around and say, who will let me into their world? who will not say no if i keep pushing them? who will let me get near them and not get in my face and say get away? >> gretchen: what's your advice for a child like that? >> teach them to stand you for themselves and not everybody is worth being nice to. if they tonight respect you, you don't have to respect them. you really have to work with your child on that. or you may have a different type of girl. you may have the girl who likes the wild side. don't pretend she doesn't. she does like the wild side, she may be lured into drugs, alcohol, and maybe the bad boys. >> steve: so it's not all one size fits all. don't allow negativetivity into your daughter's life because
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well-being is just as important as physical. >> yeah. we worry about what we feed our children. we have all kinds of ads about that. what you put into your child's body can make them fat, but we don't worry about what we put into the heads. some of the stuff is so negative these days. i mean, the videos, the television, the books they're reading, it's depressing. and they do this so much. i mean, they're too long like eight hours day in their room, hiding away, being in negative conversations or looking at negative stuff instead of getting positive stuff. you're the parent. you have to decide, this is unhealthy for my daughter. i'm cutting it out. >> gretchen: why now to write this book? do you think this kind of a problem is on the rise? >> i think we're seeing a lot of it on the rise. we have a lot of freedom in this country. as young women, we have a lot of freedom. that's a good thing, i like that. that also means our daughters are out there in a world that's pretty scary. we know date rape is on the rise. we hear about that all the time.
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people don't realize no date rape goes o court because it's he said, she said. they're drinking and ending up in these situations. the book talks about all kinds of situations. even in your own home, or just things your daughter might get drawn into, like prostitution, which has gotten worse. >> steve: that's a whole nother book. how to save your daughter's life. thank you very much. >> gretchen: media matters, the same group trying to take down fox news, calling our navy seals gutless? geraldo will join us when he comes back in and talk to us about that. >> brian: lynrd skynrd performing "sweet home alabama" and "free bird" will go into the hemmer-mccallum show. ne ♪ but no way it's 80 calories, right? no way, right?
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>> gretchen: it's friday, good morning. it's august 17, 2012. here is what's happening. i'm gretchen carlson. thanks for sharing your time. media matters, the same group trying to take down fox news calling the navy seals gutless. geraldo rivera has a few things to say about that. >> steve: and just days after one of her aides took a leave of absence, a new claim, janet napolitano may step down. details straight ahead. >> brian: he's gone from the dry humor of phrase tore the dark drama of "boss." kelsey grammar joins us live this morning. word is, he's in the make-up chair. i'm looking for confirmation. "fox & friends" starts now. >> turn it up new york!
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♪ big wheels keep on turning ♪ ♪ carry me home to my kin ♪ singing songs about the southland ♪ ♪ i miss alabama once again and i think it's a sin ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ well, i heard mr. young sing about us ♪ ♪ i heard o'neill put it down smote. ♪ well i hope neil young will remember ♪ ♪ what do you say new yorkers ♪ southern men don't need him
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around anyhow ♪ ♪ sing it, baby ♪ sweet home alabama ♪ where the skies are so blue ♪ sweet home alabama ♪ lord i'm coming home to you ♪ . >> steve: one of the greatest rock bands of all time, lynrd skynrd here today. brian, you could be right. this could wind up being our biggest crowd. there could be one thing that keeps them from that. notice they've got a caravan of their tour buses right there, which could keep some people from across the street who stand on one of the elevated plazas from taking a peek. >> brian: so i don't know if i would get a mulligan on my prediction earlier in the show. >> gretchen: they put me in a good mood when i came in 'cause they were rocking out in the 4:00 o'clock hour out there singing "sweet home alabama" warming it up and now we're
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hearing it live. >> steve: now everybody at home. you in your pajamas. >> gretchen: unfortunately, we have to wrap it up for a moment because we have geraldo waiting in the wings and we have some headlines. fox news alert. overnight, two u.s. special forces service members unfortunately killed in afghanistan by an afghan police officer. we've learned the newly recruited officer used the same gun the american troops gave him as a gift just moments before. this is the sixth attack on u.s. troops by afghan forces in just the last two weeks. it comes a day after a u.s. black helicopter crashed in kandahar province. all 11 people on board died, including seven american soldiers. two navy seals. taliban claims it shot the chopper down, but u.s. military officials don't believe that's the case. scandal rock the department of homeland security has secretary janet napolitano considering stepping down now? in an interview with the arizona republic newspaper, napolitano broached the topic of stepping
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down and returning to her home state, saying, quote, it's certainly in my mind. the head of immigration and customs enforcement office in new york claims that he was passed over for a promotion for a woman who knew napolitano. ice also facing allegations after having a frat house-like culture apparently. chief of staff suzanne barr on leave after accusations that she made graphic comments towards male employees. republican congressman michael mccall lead ago congressional probe into the allegations of lewd conduct and discrimination. talk about friends in high places, major donor to president obama's campaign getting $20 million in taxpayer money to build a luxury car dealership. the only thing is, it's in the ukraine. he is the ceo of winter automotive group and a close friend of joe biden who had this to say about him a few years ago. >> my very good friend, very prominent businessman from delaware, is here. i had breakfast with him the other day.
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>> gretchen: a new report shows his dealership will create a significant number of jobs in the ukraine. not here. this as 12.8 million american remain unemployed. the white house not commenting. evidence that the bond of brotherhood can't be broken. take a look at these gorilla brothers hugging one another after not seeing each other for three whole years. they grew up together at the dublin zoo. they were separated when one was sent to the london zoo for breeding. every second of their heart warming reunion was captured on camera and the two will spend the rest of their years together now. >> brian: swapping breeding stories. >> steve: that's why i hate you. >> it's been so long since i've seen you, gretchen. it's been a whole summer. i think this is the first time i've seen the trio reassembleed. >> gretchen: you can huddle and cuddle. >> i have a question, is the sub text of the department of homeland security scandal that
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there is some kind of lesbian kabal, that cease a same sex takeover? it seems everyone is talking around it. is that really what people are saying, that men are disadvantaged because women and specifically lesbians are ruling the roost there? >> gretchen: i don't know about that last part. >> it just seems that everyone is dancing around. they're kind of making these inferences. >> brian: we don't know for sure. but it's easy to come to that conclusion that there is some different type of glass ceiling separating the homeland security department in this case. >> no machos need apply? [ laughter ] >> gretchen: from that sensitive topic to this one. >> brian: no english leather cologne allowed. >> no old spice.
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>> brian: exactly. [ laughter ] >> gretchen: can we move on? >> steve: did you see joe biden this past week say this thing and what was he talking about? >> romney wants to let -- he said in the first 100 days he's going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. unchained wall street. they're gonna put y'all back in chains. >> i think that's one of the most outrageous remarks i've ever heard in public life. >> steve: the white house has no problem with it. >> well, it's not quite as bad as the meg do get guy accusing president obama of staging the mass killings in colorado and wisconsin to get gun control. but it is fairly outrageous to suggest that if the republicans are elected, they're going to reinstitute african slavery because it was a largely black crowd there and for him to use that language, you know, joe biden gets cut a lot of slack and probably rightfully so because he is kind of looney from time to time.
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>> steve: he's vice president. >> but he's acentric in many ways and he tends to say things and then he gets cut slack because it's like the crazy uncle you invite and he says kind of -- >> steve: he's a democrat in the main stream media, leans that way and you know that! >> regardless of why he gets cut slack, my main point is what he said was outrageous and the president was right to distance himself from it. >> gretchen: the president hasn't distanced himself from it. >> the way joe biden phrased those remarks, distracted from the main issue, the president was distancing himself as much as -- he's gracious man, the president,. >> gretchen: the president could have come out and said, i apologize for the comments of my vice president, joe biden. that would have been distancing himself. >> that's a bridge too far. i got the notion, i think most people watching the president got the notion that he was embarrassed by the vice president, but he decided that,
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okay. i note that. we score that for the other side. he made a mistake, joe biden did, now let's move on. >> brian: let's move to a different topic. navy seals put together an ad saying essentially that i cannot believe you outed steps taken. you saw the ad. are you shocked by the response from media matters, this character, comes forward and says navy seals don't have guts to admit they're actually running a gop anti-obama organization. >> i don't know anything about this specific person. i know that media matters doesn't like us. they have a hard left angle to everything they say. they tend to be don't3wñ?ñshmmwujg)uiák9ngop
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because they're seals and heros and we lost two more special forces yesterday. not seal, but two more special forces. these guys are the bravest of the brave. but that doesn't mean that they're a political. the media matters person. they could be as clumsy left wing, you know, everything else we can say, pinko about them, but he could be right, this fellow, that just because they are heros, doesn't mean they don't have a political opinion. >> brian: gutless? navy seal? >> well, you know, that language is intentionally inflammatory. he has to live with it. now the next time he see has seal at the bar, a seal is going to say what did you say? >> brian: you know more navy seals than anybody. aren't you offended by that? >> i think there is two things operating here.
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number one, i suggesteled my main point is it's naive to think people in the military don't have strong political opinions. to use terms like gutless in the context of a hero by a pacificist probably, is really a gutless thing. >> gretchen: don't you see the point of the entire thing, which was -- the point of this was both liberals and conservatives have been against the leaks that have come out that could kill some of these soldiers who are still actively serving. isn't that the point of this whole thing? >> all i can say to that, gretchen, yes, i understand the main point. i do not know of a single instance where a leak has led to a casualty. i personally don't know. it may have happened and i don't know about it. it may have happened and the authorities and the defense department don't know about it. but i don't know. it is dangerous to leak. it is inappropriate to brag on something that you didn't specifically accomplish yourself. it is grossly political to take
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credit for something that -- >> steve: which is what the had president has done. that's why they're angry. scott taylor, one of the guys behind it, says it's interesting how the left is trying to frame this as a partisan issue. i don't care what party people are from within our group. this issue is about national security leaks. i wonder how many of this guy's close he friends, referring to the media matters guy -- they're upset that they're putting their lives on the line and it looks to them as if the president -- all the leaks make the president look really good, just as he's going torre election. >> i think that the american people have enough of a bs filter that they know that when a politician takes credit for something the military accomplish, he's being a politician. >> steve: he says it's one of his greatest foreign affairs accomplishments. >> to ignore the fact that he pulled the trigger is also unfair. >> steve: had he listened to joe biden, he wouldn't. >> he would not have. >> gretchen: thank you for the line of the bs filter. have a fantastic show.
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>> was that the only line? >> gretchen: next up, a jet ski accident ends with a teen-ager dead and now her parents are suing. do they have a case or was this all just a terrible accident? judge jeanine pirro is on that case. >> brian: then, up, that's kelsey grammar hanging out with lynrd skynrd. we have brought the acting world and singing world together. will they end up touring together? we'll answer that question when we come back. bacon?! gotta get that bacon! bacon?! bacon? bacon! who wants a begginstrip? meee! i'd get it myself but i don't have thumbs! yum, yum, yum, yum, yum... it's bacon!!! mmmmm...i love you. i love bacon. i love you. [ male announcer ] there's no time like beggin' time.
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[ male announcer ] aggressive styling. a more fuel-efficient turbocharged engine. and a completely redesigned interior. the 2012 c-class with over 2,000 refinements. it's amazing...inside and out. ♪ join mercedes-benz usa on facebook for the best summer sweepstakes.
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tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, whilen enbrel, you experice persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. >> brian: answer to the aflac trivia question. robert deniro. the winner is daniel jones. now the situation at hand, a vacation of a lifetime turns deadly for a 16-year-old girl who was jet skiing in hawaii. kristen was struck by another jet skier and died from her injuries. the other jet skier was
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australian tourist as well, now facing criminal charges. listen. >> i pray every day. i pray everything will be okay. >> brian: so is this a tragic accident or is this a tragic crime? joining us now is the host of "justice," judge jeanine pirro. this is a tough one, isn't it? >> it is a tough one because people assume that if you're on vacation and you're having fun that how could you possibly be guilty of homicide if you're just in the water and you're jet skiing? here is the reality, it is a violation of the law. in hawaii for you to associate or engage in conduct where the risk is so great that you can cause the death of another human being. was he wreckless? did he know that this could
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possibly cause death? that doesn't matter. what matters is that he was on a jet ski. he was standing. he was speeding. wasn't looking. he hits the back of another jet ski. her head goes forward, the 16-year-old, then back and she dies the next day. so it's not as simple as oh, it's just an accident. it's had you been more responsible, this would not have happened. had you not been speeding, had you been looking, had you not been so wreckless. you were aware of the risks. you were 20 years old. >> brian: so could you say if you're the guy, could you say, what about her risk? how do we know she wasn't reckless? >> he hit her from behind! >> brian: but evidently there was a tape of the whole incident, but that was deleted. >> right. this defendant who is now charged with third degree negligent homicide, which is a misdemeanor for which he faces up to one year, his girlfriend was videotaping them. and then what she did was when she videotaped the crash where he's not looking, he crashes into the back of this other jet skier who is simply riding along
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and she then deletes the video. they have charged her with hindering prosecution. >> brian: no drugs or alcohol involved. >> no. >> brian: they just say he's looking at what, how long in prison? >> one year in prison and i believe that this is a charge that can be proven. but her family is saying, we want him charged with a felony. we want more than just a misdemeanor and the possibility of one year. by the way, they're suing the jet ski company also. >> brian: when we watch "justice"? >> saturday night, got a lot on drew peterson. i was in chicago last week. a lot of lunacy in that court. and drew peterson, still winking and having a good time. facing the death of his third wife, he doesn't really care. >> brian: he's out of his mind. thank you so much. we have a huge show. kelsey grammar is here and for some reason he's talking to steam first, more music from lynrd skynrd, this is "good teacher".
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♪ ♪
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>> brian: he survived an onslaught of back stabbing by a circle of political allies.
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kelsey grammar is ready for round two as chicago mayor tom king. here is a peek at tonight's return of "boss." >> perhaps now is a good time, but i received a copy of the introduction speech. >> kill it. >> sir? >> strangers. acquaintances. none of you have any idea who i am. no speech. no press for anyone. let them just sit there and listen. keep their damn mouths shut. >> steve: yeah, keep your damn mouth shut. >> gretchen: we're joined by the star and one of the executive producer, kelsey grammar. good to see you. >> thank you. >> gretchen: in this role, you really don't care what you say, right? you describe him as a fighter. >> he is a fighter. that's what he does. he shoots from the hip all the time. he's that kind of guy. but even though he's a little
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random, he's always six moves ahead of everybody else. it's a fascinating character to play. >> brian: he has a illness? >> he has dementia. a very underdiagnosed condition in our country. but we've done psa's for it. it's similar to alzheimer's. it has its own particular nuances, like hallucinations and stuff, which play really well into the dramatic fabric of the show. so he has to keep his secret. >> steve: you're very good at it. do you a very good job. >> thank you, steve. >> brian: surprised steve. >> steve: because we're so used to seeing you in funny stuff, lines, set up, laugh. >> yeah. >> steve: with the drama, it's really special and you play a politician and in real life, you are a bit political. you lean to the right. >> i do lean to the right. i was always a bit of a rebel. i live in l.a., what else would i be? >> brian: this is in chicago, who did you study in order to assume the role, because both of
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us came from acting backgrounds? >> i studied nobody. >> steve: you studied nobody? >> brian: no rahm emanuel, no daley? >> no. i had dinner with them, each trying to figure out if i was trying to do a hit piece on them. i assured them i was not. it's the idea of the size of the mayor of chicago. it's close to a kingdom as anything we can have in america. so that's what we were going for. it's really based on king lear. >> gretchen: did you a bit of research in having dinner with them. >> really i was saving my bacon, so to speak, because i wanted to make sure they were going to allow me to still do the part. >> gretchen: let's talk about something else that happened in your life. you're a new dad? >> five weeks old today. little faith. >> gretchen: look at this beautiful picture with your new wife. >> yeah. >> gretchen: tell us about the baby. >> she's a great person. you kind of know off the bat -- i've had some very interesting children throughout my life. some of them are more challenging than others.
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but they're all wonderful. this kid is very even tempered, except she's a little impatient. that's what we've identified so far. you just know. she's got about a ten-minute window where she can pay attention and you better get on with it. >> steve: i see traces of my children from that stage and now they're in college. >> yeah, i think it's great indicator of how you need to deal with them when they're older and remind yourself, right, right, ten minutes. >> brian: i know you'll be at the rnc out there. what to you think it will be like this year? >> gosh, i think it will just be energized and interesting and they got great ideas coming up. they're trying to demonize paul ryan for his, whatever -- for 30, 40 years i've been paying attention and that's what everybody said. of two fix medicare. so -- we have to fix medicare. it's not going to be easy. i believe he has some ideas. >> steve: at least he has some plans. i know you have some plans
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because you're going to go outside and watch lynrd skynrd who happens to be one of your favorite acts. >> it's actually my wife's favorite band. we had a great date night once two years ago at the casino up in connecticut, fox woods. we sang on stage with them. i think that might have sealed the deal with kate. it's not really my thing. >> brian: would you like to apply the triangle? >> i would love to. >> steve: he's the best. always a pleasure. >> brian: we're going to watch you and it returns tonight at 9:00 o'clock. correct? >> yes. 9 or 10 on starz. >> steve: watch for two hours. >> brian: 8:00 o'clock central. >> gretchen: good luck with it. coming up on "fox & friends," the white house confirms biden-obama ticket. but is biden back by default? word that hillary clinton just turned down the job. the host of fox news sunday chris wallace is here to weigh in. first, more music from lynrd lyd
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skynrd. ♪ can't you smell that smell ♪ ♪ ooo that smell ♪ the smell that's around you ♪ now they call you prince charming ♪ ♪ ooo that smell ♪ can't you smell that smell ♪ ooo that smell
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♪ the smell that's around you ♪ absorb calcium, were
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>> you can believe him! y'all be in chains! >> gretchen: alluding to joe biden, what he said earlier this week. we're joined by chris wall lakes host of fox news sunday. i'm interested in your thoughts on that, but also the word out today, that the white house confirming that biden still on the ticket, but that hillary turned down the job. do you actually believe that she was asked to join the ticket? >> no. i don't. and we ought to make it clear, the white house isn't saying she turned it down. that's a report that i don't believe, quite frankly. if they were going to do that, they would have done that months ago to even consider it this close to the democratic convention would just reek of panic and i don't believe it
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happened. >> brian: ed klein said it. he's going to join me on the radio in 20 minutes. he said that his source said that helped him with the book, told her two weeks ago and a meal with valerie jarrett, case chris wallis. >> i don't believe it for a second. good luck with your interview. >> steve: there has been the drum beat over the last week or is, biden had gigantic gaffes. he referred to paul ryan as a governor. got the state wrong, the century wrong. then the whole mitt romney wants to see y'all put back in chains. some are going, look, is this thank is embarrassing. now would be the perfect time. in fact, drudge had up in the corner 20 more days that they could make a switch. >> i think there is a certain amount of mischief making here. look, the other thing, saying 20th century, 21st century, those are little slips. the chains remark was over the line. he clearly meant to say it when he said it. got carried away.
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and that was embarrassing. no question about it. but i don't think anybody is seriously considering switching him. again, were they to do it, it's like the whole thing with romney and tax returns. it's an effort by the opponents to just make mischief, and look, it works. we're talking about it, like we were talking about the obama -- romney tax returns and now the obama campaign trying to get off biden has made an ungenuine effort to the romney campaign to say, well, if he just released five years of tax returns, we won't ask for anymore. yeah. >> gretchen: what do you make -- >> let me just say, to paraphrase the godfather, that's an offer that the romney campaign is going to find very easy to refuse. >> gretchen: but what do you think about the fact that the president in an interview yesterday seems to defend biden's comments about the chains and certainly his advisors continued to defend it even though many democrats and african-americans came out and
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were offended by it? >> well, maybe it would have been better for him to say he made a mistake, he goofed. we all mess up on the trail. and they all do mess up on the trail and if we were getting that kind of scrutiny. but gretchen, he's not going to go out and say he's a dope and i'm not going to keep him on the ticket. so this guy, it's an interesting idea and if he was going to consider it, he might have considered it a year ago. you can't do this kind of thing two weeks -- i'll tell you what, i bet awe quarter nothing happens. >> brian: right. i'm getting a report now that it will be biden is out and tim tebow is in. >> i would bet with you, brian, but you don't pay your bets, so i'm not going to do that. >> brian: one time in which i didn't pay. >> steve: tell us a little bit about -- we're getting a good show this sunday. who you got? >> between the biden story, the taxes story and then they got to a really important story,
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medicare, and what is so interesting is to see that the romney campaign and particularly paul ryan seems to be able to turn this around a little bit. i thought it was going to be a sure loser for the republicans, but they're beginning to turn around and make the point, which i think a lot of people didn't know, that obama would take $700 billion out of medicare and give it to help pay for obamacare and that's going to -- a good talking point. we're gog talk to one of the top strategists in the romney campaign, and robert gibbs, we just got, we don't have a picture of him up there. but he's going to be on. he was e white house spokesman. we'll ask him about the allegation or the report about biden. but i can assure you, he's going to say no way. >> brian: chris wallace, something else in common, we were on vacation at the same time. i was at the yacht club and you were with george clooney in italy. what a vacation that is! that is fantastic!
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congratulations. you and cloon. >> well, you make it sound like i'm a piece of chopped liver here. >> steve: where did you go? >> gretchen: we saw the picture of you on his boat, which is, wow, that's a great invitation. >> i love the italian music playing in the background. you spend no expenses for the production value. >> steve: chris, we'll be watching your big show on sunday. >> see you, guys. >> steve: name dropper. >> brian: maybe now i'm going to try to be nice to chris and i'll get invited and cooney will be in the kitchen chopping celery. now your headlines. a source of the department of homeland security confirming to fox news janet napolitano will not step down from her position as secretary of homeland security. napolitano is facing numerous allegations this week suggesting she treats her employees unfairly, promoting women ahead
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of men. republican congressman michael mccall now leading an official investigation into these allegations. >> steve: meanwhile, extreme weather, dozens of wildfires burning out of control in the person part of the united states. but out of all that devastation, look at this miraculous picture. a house in washington state surrounded by flames. you can see the fire, couple of feet away from the house in the back, in the front, on all sides. house didn't burn down. why? all thanks to a metal roof. the flames bounce right off the roof instead of burning the home to the ground. >> gretchen: smart move by the homeowners. they wanted his head, so he went after pot heads? up next, stunning accusations against attorney general eric holder and what he did to divert attention away from fast and furious. >> brian: first, here is dave. here is ali near the band. they're going to tell us us what on this weekend. what have you been working on? >> we are working. >> yeah. >> it's going to be a busy
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weekend. we're talking of the 4 billion still in this -- prescriptions filled. almost 40 million contain fake drugs. we'll tell what you you need to know and what's hiding in your medicine cabinet. >> talk about government red tape, wait until you hear what happened to one new mom who just wanted to invent a maternity pillow. wait until you hear what she had to go through. >> if that's not enough red tape, meet a mother-daughter who are participating in national lemonade day because of the thousands of lemonade stands that have been shut down across the country. they're taking their freedom message to capitol hill. >> you guys ready for more lynrd skynrd? you ready? let's hear "one day at a time." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you can put them together ♪
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♪ kingdoms fall and rivers lie ♪ it's all the same since the ♪ some are free but we're all to a tie ♪ ♪ one day at a time ♪ ♪ no time signs around ♪ ♪ that wheel keeps turning ♪ day and night ♪ ♪
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[ female announcer ] you can always measure the growth of your children by the way they clean themselves in the bathroom. try charmin ultra strong. with a new duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong helps you get clean. plus it's four times stronger than the leading value brand. and you can use up to four times less. good news for even the biggest kids in the family. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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>> steve: eric holder has been on the hot seat for months for refusing to turn over documents in the fast and furious gun running scandal. now word that he may have pulled
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a fast one on reporters trying to distract them from reporting on the fast and furious story. martin lee broke the story and he joins us live from seattle. good morning to you, martin. >> good morning. >> steve: so what you're suggesting is, and you've written an essay to that, by the way, you got the new book out -- you're suggesting that when the going was getting tough and eric holder was suddenly being barraged with a bunch of questions about fast and furious, he tried to change the subject by going after california pot dispenserries. >> i think the main thrust of what holder did in october 2011 was an effort to placate law enforcement, ranks were getting restless, were upset with what happened with fast and furious. there was mounting pressure on holder for several months since that scandal broke in december 2010, to explain what he knew about the scandal and when. and that pressure really reached a threshold in october 2011.
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there were calls for a special prosecutor to investigate whether he lied to congress. there was a major shakeup in the atf at that point and there was actually even within arizona among the sheriffs, all of them were calling holder's resignation. so he was losing support among law enforcement, but he had an ace up his sleeve. he played that ace on october 7, 2011. the very same day he wrote a letter providing detailed answers to the house judiciary subcommittee, detail response to their questions about fast and furious. and the very same day, four prosecutors in california, federal prosecutors held a press conference where they announced they were rolling up their sleeves, taking off the gloves and really going off the medical marijuana community and they did. >> steve: so that's your allegation, that to divert attention from the press from fast and furious, they're going after the pot guys. what kind of proof do you have other than you're trying to connect the dots here? >> well, first of all, my focus
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is not so much on diverting attention from the press about this scandal, but to placate law enforcement and shore up support within the law enforcement community. that was the main thrust of what holder did. that required diverting attention from law enforcement in particular from the fast and furious scandal. and focusing on medical marijuana community, which they were aching to go after in california for several years, you know, obama has been a lot tougher on the medical marijuana industry in california and else than bush and clinton before him. as for what proof -- >> steve: all right. martin, it's an interesting story and quite an allegation. martin lee, the author of "smoke signals, social history of marijuana, medical, recreational and scientific." thank you for joining us live from seattle. >> you're welcome. >> steve: that's interesting. meanwhile, lynrd skynrd performs the title track and lead single from their latest album, coming up next. first, let's check in with gregg
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jarrett who probably on his ipod has many lynrd skynrd tunes. >> i do deed. i was so impressed you knew the word pinultimate. >> steve: 75 points on scrabble. >> coming up, is the momentum shifting in the race for the white house? we're going to be talking with governor mike huckabee. and the fight over immigration is leading some to accuse the president of making it easier for focus terrorists to get driver's licenses the very same way the 9-11 hijackers did. we'll debate it, top of the hour. we'll see you then these fellas used capital one venture miles
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for a golf getaway. double miles you can actually use... but mr. single miles can't join his friends because he's getting hit with blackouts. shame on you. now he's stuck in a miniature nightmare. oh, thank you. but, with e capital one venture card... you can fly any airline, any flight, any time. double miles you can actually use. what's in your wallet? alec jr? it was a gift.
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>> brian: just as i thought, this is the biggest crowd! [ cheers and applause ] >> brian: across in the street, in the rafters and down the block. >> steve: ladies and gentlemen, lynrd skynrd! ♪ ♪ ♪ i got a pocket full of memories and my song ♪ ♪ got to keep on moving and rolling on ♪ ♪ when i'm playing for keeps i always win ♪ ♪ don't know where i'm going, but i notify where i've been ♪
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♪ yeah, new york city ♪ looking back when i was a boy ♪ ♪ a hand me down bike was my toy ♪ ♪ a barefoot brother who gave me hell ♪ ♪ i learned from the best who taught me well ♪ ♪ i hear that highway acalling ♪ come on ♪ oh, feel the breeze ♪ i've been around playing and gambling but lord i'm free ♪ ♪ sad up baby ♪ ride up close to me ♪ an open highway's all i'll ever need ♪ ♪ last of a dying breed ♪ yes, sir ♪ last of a dying breed ♪ one horse town and one night stands ♪ ♪ just like my daddy, i'm a traveling man ♪ ♪ i'm not the kind to settle down ♪
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♪ the roar of the engine i love that sound ♪ ♪ i hear that highway calling ♪ oh, feel the breeze ♪ i've been around playing and gambling but lord i'm free ♪ ♪ sad you will up baby ♪ ride up close to me ♪ an open highway's all i'll ever need ♪ ♪ last of a dying breed ♪ anybody free out there? ♪ let's make some noise ♪ last of the dying breed ♪ oh, feel the breeze
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♪ i've been around playing and gambling but lord i'm free ♪ ♪ saddle up baby ♪ ride up close to me ♪ an open highway's all i'll ever need ♪ ♪ a wide open highway's all i need ♪ ♪ last of a dying breed ♪ the last of a dying breed ♪ yes, sir ♪ of a dying breed ♪ last of a dying breed ♪ last of a dying breed yes, sir!w [ cheers and applause ]
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