tv The Five FOX News August 20, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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worried about the space industry and a host of others, including governor rick scott are worried about the future of the economy. as well as those who see a turn-around coming. we thought we'd go to the source. to tampa. we love florida. bottom line. beautiful. me in a bathing suit. think about it. >> greg: hello, everyone, i'm the talking tuber, greg gutfeld. joining me the cause of all global warming, kimberly guilfoyle. he is so sharp, scissors won't run with him. juan williams. our grecian urn, andrea tantaros. and the top lady bug is dana perino. it's 3:00 a.m. in joe biden's fort made of blankets. this show is packed tighter than paul ryan's abs. so let's do this, america. ♪ >> greg: so, obama
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re-election aid stephanie cutter asked if "entertainment tonight" or "peeks" magazine are more important to her boss than the national press. her reply? >> i don't think they are more important but i think they are equally important. that is where a lot of americans get their news. >> greg: despite this, and sensing a sad, national press, the president decided to pay them a visit. i bet jay told them you guys have been missing me. >> jay tells me you guys have been missing me. i thought i'd come by and just say hello. thank you, everybody. >> thank you. >> come back! >> greg: well, that was fast. the reason obama prefers to tinseltown rags to national press is simple. if hollywood is the propaganda arm of the democratic party, the press is the propaganda arm for the propaganda arm. another vehicle to make a political disaster tastier to a dismayed public.
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since entertainment hacks must kiss the star's behind to survive they must embrace the pet causes, too. before it was global warming. now it's obama, who is bigger than the globe. it's another obama first. u.s. president who finds the job too local for him. be honest, jasper knows more about politics than the hollywood act. look at him. the national press thinks it's different. you're not. every bit as shallow as the typical entertainment reporter fonding over ryan gosling's chiseled abs. there are two industries united by hero worship , protexting the president when they should challenge him. this feels like another summer repeat that needs canceling. in the real world, you can't turn turkey to a block boster know matter how many positive
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reviews you write. >> dana: welcome back. >> greg: new glasses. like them? they're real. so here is the deal. the national press has been, it was like neglected wife saying you never take me to move vies. you never take me to dinner. after three days, president obama shows up like he is taking them to dinner and just stands there. is that what it is like? >> dana: taking the metaphor a step further. the wife is best friends with the obama's wife, and they get together and they talk. oh, i hear that she is kind of unhappy. oh, i guess i better throw her a little something. if you are going to diss the press, just diss them altogether. instead of change on the first -- we want more access. if you call a news conference, have something newsy to say. just showing up like hit me with your best shot. the best shot wasn't great. so instead of worried about reporting, they are worried about access.
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the access chipped away in the last few years and they only complain once in a while. there is a reason they go to "entertainment tonight." it's easier. >> greg: it is. they ask if you like green or red chiles. >> there was real hard-hitting questions here. what is your favorite mexican food? i mean, really, how did he even answer that. corn tortillas, flourorty thes. how did he make a decision? also is the campaign bus comfortable? we found out the campaign bus comfortable. how are these not pressing questions the american people want to know. we went from the president saying things like give me liberty or give me death to i wear boxers, bill clinton, and now i'm good friends with george clooney. we have a special romance going on. really? to dana's point about caving so quickly. now the press can come out and when they want them, they whine and they know they'll get him. >> greg: i have to point out something? >> andrea: that my earring
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fell in my dress? >> greg: one of the greatest catches of all time. >> it's right here. near my stomach. >> juan: are you going to ask her to help her get it? i'd be delighted. >> andrea: we're very appropriate. >> kimberly: it's the chair you are sitting in. you and bob. >> dana: the other earring. you asked me earlier, the gold one or the studs. >> andrea: you picked them. i blame dana. >> juan: by the way, the president who said that? i didn't think a president said give me liberty or give me death? it's okay. >> andrea: patrick henry. political leaders. >> juan: all right. but anyway, back to your point. dana, wait a minute. what are you doing? yes, he hasn't had a press conference. he should haven't a press conference. take questions from people who actually follow national news. and give him a real good scolding. ask about syria and the likes. he goes out and does it. you come back and say oh, why did they fold so quickly?
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why did they show up so easy? >> dana: juan, you have covered washington for so long. i can't believe you wouldn't agree with me. for example, this is technica technical. a press office thing but i'll take you back. one thing when you have a world leader meeting, the president sits there, and leader sits there. chitchat for the camera and you take two questions aside. that's semily been done away with. >> juan: that is not what we're talking about. you have been pressing this guy to take some questions. >> dana: answer some questions. >> juan: i will say this. as someone -- i used to cover ronald reagan. i got to tell you something. reagan, mike siever and those guys said we can do regional stuff, local stuff, entertainment stuff. we get better coverage and we feel better about it. this national press corps all they do is come at you with the gotcha questions and like to embarrass you. >> dana: really? enchanting about being president? that was a tough question. >> juan: but i'm saying -- look, also you think about it,
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entertainment tonight has better ratings than all four of the nightly news programs. >> greg: yeah. that's because -- >> juan: the truth. >> greg: people aren't interested yet in the electio election. kimberly, i notice you dozing over there. it want to ask you about a guy that asked you out many times. george clooney. president obama praised george clooney for a not bothering him. we might have a s.o.t. >> call you on the cell phone? >> he doesn't. >> he could. >> he's protective about not bothering me. i think he is also sensitive to the fact if he is around a lot, then somehow, you know, it will be tagged as obama hanging out with hollywood stars. that's not who he is. >> greg: isn't that beautiful, kimberly? >> kimberly: not really. everyone has to brag about being buddies with george clooney? where does it even get him? george is a nice guy. >> greg: you know that
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personally. >> kimberly: he is. very nice guy. i don't love his politics but nevertheless, a good guy. it shows me, too, that the president came out in the press conference that he is feeling insecure. he is worried about the popularity with the main stream media. this tells me he is a little insecure about his positioning right now. on the defensive. it wasn't presidential to respond like that. gee-jerk reaction. >> juan: weren't you and dana were saying he should do it? >> dana: but he only does it for the point, why can't they do the right thing for the first time around. who do they wait to be pushed in something? he hasn't had a cabinet meeting since january at the "state of the union." cabinet meeting. you don't even take questions at cabinet meeting. not met with the jobs council. they haven't sat down with white house reporter since october 6, 2011. they have been campaigning on the taxpayers' dime since then. i don't think it's too much to ask for once in a while you give the rose garden statements to say i'll take two questions. besides, it's his strength.
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they weaken president obama not having him out there more, to talk about specifics. if you go to entertainment tonight, if you get pressed. you to talk about the $716 billion to cut from medicare. it's make sure in albuquerque that mexican food is important so love the chalupa and enchilada. >> juan: i remember you said we don't do the press conferences because of the liberal press. >> dana: i said that? tell me where i ever said that. we gave more press conferences under me than any of the others. >> juan: he was up for re-election in 2004. he, too, the same media strategy. anybody in the oval office these days doesn't do as they approach an election. >> andrea: he said to nancy o'dell he didn't want people thinking that's who he was, cavorting with celebrities. >> dana: on "entertainment tonight." >> andrea: duh. he does cavort with celebrities. from a political perspective, i get why he did "entertainment tonight." >> dana: sure! >> andrea: he is playing in
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the narrative he is a celebrity and likable. that is all he has. to keep being more likable. >> dana: a celebrity president. >> andrea: i get it. if i'm a voter and i don't a job and i'm concerned about the economy, it would infure rate -- infuriate me. >> greg: todd akin made bizarre comments regarding rape. should he is drop out of the race? >> kimberly: it was out of line. i don't think it's a go from here. >> greg: you are saying he'll stay in. what do you think? >> juan: i guess it's who he. is it's reprehensible. >> andrea: he needs to stop talking immediately. the other earring is about to fall off. >> dana: should have gotten out in the first news cycle, one because what he said was wrong. also, he could have at least allowed some shot for the republican, another republican to come. in i have a complaint about something, though. the other -- he just won a primary. two other people in the race. how bad are their opposition research team that neither of
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those two republicans found this before? >> juan: this is bad news for the republicans. that's why you saw romney-ryan try to distance themselves quickly. women, this is not good for republicans. >> andrea: it plays in the hand of democrat us on social issues. they are jumping up and down. it's important. >> kimberly: they don't want to give that up. >> andrea: i can't believe he said that. >> greg: what is dumber is the reporter didn't follow up -- when somebody says like that, you go what are you talking about? where do you get your medical information? >> dana: it may have been on "entertainment tonight" there would have been a followup. >> andrea: nancy o'dell would haven't let it go. >> greg: is the liberal media turning on obama? the latest "newsweek" says he should go. we'll interview the five people who subscribe. up next. ♪ ♪
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>> andrea: welcome back. look. [ laughter ] "newsweek" magazine cover is entitled "hit the road, barack, why we need a new president." scathing article written by former mccain advisor neil fergson details the president's broken promises in detail and why paul ryan has psyched the obama campaign out. this article is, it's really, i any devastating to the administration. not because it takes on an ide log call perspective or because it goes personal. or from a typical conservative. neil ferguson is a historian. he has all the facts about the president of the united states. >> dana: during the football game yesterday, go back looking and searching if internet while i hear football in background and i came across an article and i thought oh, boy this will get a lot of attention.
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"newsweek requests ha"news weekg attention every three weeks where everybody goes have you seen this? if you're pro obama you think it's unfair. if you are against obama and pro romney you read it and say that is exactly what i have been talking about. paul krugman, "new york times" columnist/writer. >> greg: not really. >> dana: i was being kind. he took this on and said here are the facts that you got wrong, neil. neil writes back there is nothing better than harvard on harvard violence. great thing to watch. got a lot of attention. >> there is another story here with the cover. "newsweek" are known for covers that are flattering to the president. they accuse people criticizing the president of being stupid. why are the critics so dumb. now they have a cover telling him to hit the road. is "newsweek" realizing maybe it doesn't pay to be a propaganda machine and between malibu and manhattan people aren't happy?
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>> kimberly: i think so. a little of that definitely. they can't give this away. we could put a pull together and buy "newsweek" at this point. they need to be sensationm. an article and cover like this will get attention, eyeballs, readers. >> andrea: they sell "newsweek" for a dollar. >> greg: thinner than high school program for musical. here is the thing. cover stories like this are the liberal magazine version of colonoscopy. they do it once every two years. that allows them to engage in liberal stance for the remaining two years. so people like us, who are not liberal, go how refreshing! how grateful to see it happen. then they're back on board. they did this in november -- because they won't do it in
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november. they got the conservative guy out of the way now to make us happy. just you are a conspiracy theorist. i love it. >> greg: who told you to say that? >> juan: around here, there is a conspiracy against you, greg. now it's extended to "newsweek." yeah! >> andrea: do you think this is hurtful? to the president. it does use the facts about his promises -- just what promises? it's a rant. it's free press. let them rant. but it is on part of "newsweek" to get attention. you get conservative readers who don't read "newsweek." it gets attention. that is what this is about. this is why -- when they have naked nude woman on cover of "time." >> dana: three weeks ago they did reprise the cover of the wimp factor when it came to romney. it was just -- we talked about it in the last month.
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>> greg: i don't think you can have a naked nude woman. it's clothed woman. >> juan: naked pregnant. >> greg: i don't think it's a rant. office cliff note version of tragedy. more blood it should be shakespearean. roadmap of what you expect of community organizer voted in to run something that required metric of success. community organizing has no metric of success. running country does. >> andrea: there is a new ebook out that is not favorable to president released by politico. in the ebook there are allegations that president obama doesn't have very fond feelings for mitt romney. here is an excerpt from the book. "obama really doesn't like, admire or grudgingly respect romney. it's a level of contempt, say aides. there was a baseline of respect for john mccain. that doesn't hold true for romney." >> dana: who says that?
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as a spokesman, communications strategist, who aide would throw their boss under the bus and say he doesn't even have respect for the candidate he is running against. >> andrea: kimberly, carney was asked about it today by ed henry. here is his response. >> i would say that this book is, you know, a collection of hearsay. random conversations. i never heard the president express anything like that. >> andrea: what is he supposed to say? two, every campaign has infighting. every campaign i worked on from presidential, senator, gubernatorial to congressional there is always drama like this. >> kimberly: anybody who is involved in politics ups and downs in it. this is aspire to campaign, the dream team. they could do no wrong. they had it all covered. fundraising. events.
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whether it was getting it out of the astroturf. direct mail. they had it done right. now to hear in fact there is discord. in this perfect house. suggests there might be problems with him getting re-elected. not favorable. >> dana: my favorite part is discord, infighting about who had how many tv appearances in the morning. this is the level of fighting they're having. >> andrea: you talk to the campaign regularly. my dad used to say the fish stinks from the head. is this a sign of weakness for president obama? his campaign in shambles. shouldn't he crack heads together. gawps didn't you say every cam pape you ever had contact with, they all had discontent and infighting? >> andrea: keep it qui. this is leaking to the press. >> juan: this is not leaking. it's hearsay as carney told you. it doesn't matter. nobody who is serious about politics can focus on this. >> juan: they can't talk to glen --
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>> dana: they can't talk to glen rush on monday on background and the next week say we didn't mean it. i manual the book was ally fact checked and he has really good sources. i bet it's all true. >> andrea: so do i. gawps why? >> andrea: there was a time before when there were leaks on a campaign i was on. it delegitimized me as a spokesperson. when everybody is anxious to talk to the press and tell their story it hurts the candidate. that is why the candidate has to say -- gawps this is not a one-sided discussion. [over talk ] >> juan: this is going on in boston as well, infighting among romney people. happens on all the campaign. >> andrea: we'll have infighting if i don't get out of the block between me a the control room. coming up, paul ryan hit the campaign trail this weekend in florida with his mom. she is this new face of the medicare war? that's up next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: over the weekend, paul ryan appeared at the retirement community the village in florida for the newest face in the medicare debate. his mother. 78-year-old betty ryan douglas. take a listen. >> medicare was there for our family, for my grandma when we needed it then, and medicare is there for my mom while she needs it now. we have to keep that guarante guarantee. medicare could shot be a piggy bank for obamacare. it should be the promise we
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make to the current seniors, period, end of story. >> dana: i love the villages. i went there a cup of to times. i want a weekend place there. more my speed. >> greg: it really. is you get up earlier than they do. honestly. you get up before you go to bed. >> dana: you probably have a lot of requested red eye" fans because people can't sleep. one reason they can't sleep, they worry about medicare. bring it back to the subject. you weren't hire last week, i'd love your thoughtpse on the ryan choice. now we are talking about medicare and $715 million no one thought they'd talk about. >> greg: i remember saying this is a horrible debate for republicans because they will lose. but that is not the case. you just say obama robbed gramps to pay off the stamps. he gave healthcare to people at the expense of people who needed it. based on the idea that the
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elderly are a burden and florida is air conditioned waiting room for the afterlife. it doesn't really matter if you take their medicare. it doesn't matter at all. that is why i just, what he is doing is, ryan doing is great. appealing to not just the grandmothers but to their kids. your grandmother is worth stating. >> juan: if you just repeat stuff like the over and over again you have to think the old folks at the early bird special -- let me finish. this is a terrible argument for republicans. there is no way they can win. guess what? the president wasn't taking from medicare. no he was not. he had savings. >> andrea: so now savings is synonym for cut. gawps it was never a cut. >> juan: it was savings.
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medicare for all. ryan budget and is the ryan budget doing away. no guarantee. yahoo democrats will lose this -- >> andrea: democrats will lose this one. gawps lie, lie, lie. >> juan: in the 1990s, clintons were effective to set a trap for republicans. hillary said we have to make cuts. bob dole and republicans fell in the trap. they said okay, we agree. they said you are trying to cut grandma's medicare. this time around, though, greg, i think republicans have an argument because obama has already cut medicare. seniors are savvy about this. >> juan: aarp -- >> dana: of course they do. going down to vil lanels to florida, to medicare, rahn
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talked strategy. >> kimberly: it was fantastic. double "z. "v." victory. his mom. this man is going to hurt his mother? >> dana: he talked about hit grandmother that moved in with his mom and him when she had miami and reliealzheimer's. it's bridge too far to say ryan will take away everybody's medicare. >> juan: imagine if you read what he passed. it's so upsetting. we are not going to admit reality. whatever happens. >> dana: he takes obama $716 million and put it in trust fund. just never happens. just make stuff up. >> dana: that did happen! >> juan: he wants to take away guarantee for seniors to have all of their medical care and take it away. that is a lie. >> juan: no one is taking
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the guarantee away is president obama with the reimbursement to doctors. i'm glad he brought this his mom out. and talked about his grandma. paul ryan, who better than to say this? g the democrats should look in to this. >> juan: conspiracy! >> dana: we are going to a tease. we have news from augusta nationals. home of the masters. they are going to admit the first two women ever in 80-year history. can you guess who the women are? ♪ ♪ you do what you do...
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the big story here today is president obama surprise aperience at the white house briefing room this afternoon. tonight on "special report," it was the first time the president has taken questions from the white house press corps in eight weeks. he defended negative campaign advertising against mitt romney and said he will continue to point out their sharp differences. romney reteamed with running mate paul ryan in new hampshire a they ripped the president for tax hikes and obamacare. the chairman of joint chief of staff, demp city is in afghanistan and talking with u.s. and afghan officials about the rash of green on blue killings, afghans turning on the american trainers. ten u.s. troops have been killed in such attacks. in just the past two weeks. what are both sides doing to draw the youth vote in november? "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. see you then. now back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> juan: cutest girl in the world is irritating me. [ laughter ] anyway, welcome back to "the five." for the first time, in the 80-year history, augusta national golf club announced today that it is going to admit its first two female members. women. former secretary of state condoleezza rice. and south carolina financier darla moore. wow! after all the pressure from the "new york times" and the liberal left and the feminist, today, after, guess what? there is a woman now running ibm, which is the biggest advertiser for the masters. they didn't let her in. jenny rometti. they couldn't let her in. okay. they didn't let her in. but i got to believe that 42% of the american executives who are now women finally got to the oh, boys down there in
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augusta and said it's time. the two people they chose could not be finer people. but if you stop and look at reality of darla moore -- darla moore by the way, incredible woman. incredible banker. one of the highest paid woman, the kind of person that you want in anybody's club, i don't care whose club it is. hats off to augusta. >> greg: i disagree completely. this is an outrage. if they won't let me work out in my leotard at curves, if i go in and they won't let me in. it's fun. i have to hang outside of curves and stare at them when you work out. when you are a kid, girls at slumber parties. guys build a fort with no girls allowed on the thing.
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that's what kids did. it's fun to have separate things. i understand why it includes business from women, that is wrong. but i understand guys like to be with their guys and girls like to be with their girls. why is that so wrong? i am for. this >> dana: i don't want to be a part of this. i was surprised that you were against it earlier today. they chose a republican and banker. i can't believe there is not more outrage. outrage >> juan: you want outrage? who should they choose? >> kimberly: it's great. choose whoever wants to apply. a great move. i love it. you have won't see me banging down the door. >> dana: conde can probably beat most of the men there on the course. just i don't know. get somebody who likes to play golf, right? >> andrea: most of the country can't join the club. women or men.
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you have to be really good. i didn't care when they conditional allow women. i'm not big on golf. what is period is when the president came out to weigh in on this issue. who is really going to oppose it? >> dana: doing interview with golf channel. >> greg: i oppose it because i thought nobody else would. am i the only one here that finds concept of golf nothing more than what you do to offset drinking? you don't want to drink until 11:00 a.m. so play golf until 4:00 so you can drink. >> juan: andrea thought yo have to be good. you don't. just rich. >> andrea: why isn't there outrage about that? >> juan: because if i say anything about that, you say class warfare. >> kimberly: good networking for business women and executives. 42% of them. i like it for that.
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>> kimberly: a lot of people think there may be bad blood at the "today show" after the abrupt departure of ann curry on friday. we showed you an awkward exchange between al roker and matt lauer. >> the ladies threw you in the water after winning the gold. >> which is different from our tradition which is to throw one of us under the bus. a different story. >> mr. roker. >> kimberly: my goodness. al being al. what can i tell you? nbc spokeswoman says the reference wasn't about app curry and pointed out that the "under the bus" statement has been said 27 on the show over
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the last two years. is anybody buying this? >> dana: who went back and counted 27 times. under the bus is a banned phrase. matt lauer thought it was taking a shot because of his reaction. we're not stupid. i think nbc should have let it go and not talk about it. >> kimberly: made it worse. >> greg: i want to throw up. what is next? bad blood on romper room. this is a group of people i don't care about. they are like furniture made out of oatmeal. bland and boring. al roker is one of the rare people that looks better plump. >> kimberly: i'm not sure what is wrong with you today. >> greg: i don't get it. i don't care about them. >> andrea: there is a huge population of women across the country who care about the morning show wars and have strong opinions about them.
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they always ask me what i think. i don't really follow the "today show." but i will say this, >> kimberly: nice plug. >> andrea: to me, al roker when i watch is the joe biden of the "today show." he is always saying dumb stuff. the response is so defensive. number of times used before, don't say anything. let it go. >> kimberly: that is my court from court tv over there. savannah. going to michael phelps. >> juan: dana is right. they should hire dana. they should never have spoken about it. >> kimberly: then she wouldn't work here! >> greg: i'm glad we concurred this story. the lead tomorrow. >> kimberly: this "a" block, i can feel it. right now i feel a need for controlled water and so does michael phelps. look at this ad. might get him in hot water with the olympic committee. what do you think? >> dana: hideous. he looks ridiculous.
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look how cute he is over there. that does not make me want to buy any -- >> greg: dana was so disgusted by the picture, she was in the green room for half an hour looking at it with a magnifying glass. >> dana: you think i need a magfynying glass? >> kimberly: you are not allowed to do that shot and or any marketing or advertising from july 18 to august 15. this was leaked. >> andrea: i'll say think. forgot what they were advertising. i started to get distracted. oh, right, louis vuitton. i see the purse. we always bring our purses to our bathtubs. >> juan: it's luggage. not a purse. >> andrea: the reason the economic committee did this is to prevent am burg marketing so sponsors wouldn't look like official sponsors of the olympics. i don't think michael phelps thought the pictures would get out. it's a way to get burned media is to leak them. i don't think he will lose his medals over this.
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but probably should have waited until after the 15th to shoot the ad. >> kimberly: annie lebowitz shot this. i didn't like the pattern clothes, thing. i don't know. i'm going to leave it at that. >> greg: you are lying. >> kimberly: i don't like it like that. >> greg: you don't? >> kimberly: no. >> juan: it's just selling sex. it's crass. >> dana: we can agree on that. >> kimberly: can't a mom get a break? really? "us weekly," andrea and i read it. >> dana: i get it, too. but i throw it away. >> kimberly: this is written by "u.s. weekly" cotom plain about the pressure of losing weight after being pregnant. it's a big problem. what is wrong with you? >> greg: laughing at the topics. go ahead. >> kimberly: dana pitched this. >> dana: i did. i thought it was ridiculous to write about it in the "new york times." >> kimberly: this is the mother bombshell. you have to be super skinny
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right after. >> greg: as a former magazine editors, they're the most vacuous empty headed chuckle heads you will find. they only do a story when they feel it's important for them 20. years they will talk about how skinny you have to be. then they get pregnant, oh, my gosh, how do you deal with this? only important when it enters their life. then they force to us listen to their opinion. >> dana: she writes in the "new york times," style section and says maybe i'm partly to blame for this because i talk about jessica simpson not being able to lose her 70 pounds of baby fat or whatever it was just -- you know, only get this amongst that group of women that talk about it. >> juan: i think it was nice. you know why? my daughter just had a baby. i got to tell you something. you have to be amazed -- >> kimberly: two babies. gawp >> juan: you have to be amazed what women go through. but they're supposed to look so smoking hot after that?
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>> andrea: women like giselle, not human, supermodels, they give birth afterwards and look amazing. celebrate it. >> kimberly: i ate salami. it worked for me. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ this is the plan that revolves around you. introducing share everything. unlimited talk. unlimited text. tap into a single pool of shareable data
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>> andrea: today we lost comedy legend phyllis diller passed away at the age of 95. you know her for her punching wit. comedians have come out and said a woman like her blazed the trail for us. interesting nugget about her, she didn't get on the comedy circuit until she was 37 years old. she had five kids. she did something late in life. but boy did she do it well. we will miss her. even my generation, i remember her. so funny. >> dana: okay, i have a cute story as well. >> er ---- >> greg: that wasn't cute. >> dana: phyllis diller was cute, cute lady. my story is about a reunion. two people separated as children and came back together late in life. unlike us who don't like that that happened, ed muer and his brother kenneth corkrin made in north dakota. what happened is when they were little kids, five of them and the mom died and father had to send three of them to an orphanage. they were apart all this time.
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one of the women that was the daughter, she tried to find them. she couldn't find them online. took a teenage son 15 minutes to find them. now they will see each other every day in north dakota. >> kimberly: i love the story. >> greg: finally dana as a good one more thing. >> dana: welcome back. just michelle obama had a -- >> juan: michelle obama had a kid state dinner. 54 winners from around the country, who had dinner at the white house because they came up with tremendous recipes-secret service super salad and kicking chicken salad. power pesto pasta. president obama stopped in and said he the first time he had to crash a state dinner because he didn't get an invitation. cute. >> andrea: smart. >> dana: good event. >> greg: kids are just annoying. >> kimberly: that is so -- >> greg: they are. let's have dinner with a bunch of kids. nobody gets mad when you have a dinner with a bunch of kids.
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all right. kimberly in >> kimberly: terrible. >> greg: i have to be cente centerrable. >> andrea: recipes for power pesto pasta? >> greg: i don't want to hear about that. >> kimberly: you are gem of the height of most -- jealous of the height of many children. happy birthday for mr. president. bill clinton turning 66. eric bolling took that picture. >> dana: is that the picture he praised paul ryan? >> kimberly: exactly. couple weeks ago. >> greg: what were you saying there? >> kimberly: can't tell you. you are ruining my one more thing. okay. i was going to say i wanted to commend them on his health. he has been doing really well in terms of getting back heart healthy. working out. great diet his wife helps him with. so happy birthday. >> greg: yea. real quick. banned phrase of the day. "out of pocket." us
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