tv The Five FOX News August 21, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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days ahead. we'll bring you the latest. back to you. >> neil: janice, thank you very much. janice dean. my crew is we'll move to tampa and we won't move. that means it's up to you. to invite us to your home to provide unlimited food. complete coverage in tampa next week. see you then. >> eric: hello. i'm eric bolling with kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, dana perino, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ >> eric: just a few days until the g.o.p. kicks off the convention in tampa. "the five" will be there ready to analyze, scrutinize. we are four topics now. 12 minutes. get to it now. number one, g.o.p. announced the opening team for tampa. it's nothing short of brilliant. we built it will be the focus of opening speeches.
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building off obama's game-changing gaffe last month. >> if you have a business, you didn't build that. somebody else made that happen. >> eric: first one. brilliant. >> dana: i thought it was great. ever since the ryan pick, the republicans are like maybe we're on the road to victory. they have a convention. we built that. you think that's good. you imagine in chicago that the campaign was like ahhh. grrr. they're mad, but they know that -- >> eric: they knew it was coming. had to know it was coming. >> dana: let the republicans have a good week, let the democrats have a good week. share. >> greg: if they tie it to the jefferson starship song, i'm voting for rosanne. if i hear it once, i'm out of there. the media is going to laugh at this. for the last 40 years they owned the narrative, which is the reverse of we built it. the triumph of the state over the individual. propagate, which is propagated by the liberal press. this to them is funny.
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why obama never had to work for mismessage. because it's in line with the media. this is why romney has to change the story and make people realize for another four years will make you wish you had three years to live. >> eric: the more the left fights back, they're going you built it. >> kimberly: somebody has momentum. it's the republicans, which is good going in the rnc. this is exactly what they need. they haven't been able to get the mojo going for a while. now finally obama being very generous has given them the wonderful opportunity to have a catch phrase. now they have to capitalize on it. >> eric: rebut this, robert. >> bob: what greg said. i have less than three years to live. at the rate i'm going. it sums up this. a big mistake. it says we built it. which is exactly what we think. it takes "we" to build
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anything. you didn't do it by yourself. >> greg: the central theme is man versus machine. it's about the individual verz the suffocating greedy state. that the democrats wish to enlarge greater and greater. president obama has become the main stream power base and romney is the rebel. who would have thought that? >> eric: it highlights the difference between president obama and romney. one wants bigger government. romney wants to show limited government. entrepreneurship. >> bob: he won't show his taxes. >> eric: president obama says we didn't build his own success. we heard it. look at what president obama did build. the gasoline prices up. 103% since he took the oath. 282,000 fewer jobs in america. our household, get this one,
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household net worth plummeting 35%. thanks to obamanomics. >> kimberly: it's not good. the republicans should be ahead by more. given numbers. testament to obama and his campaign which until recently is having disfunction. the brand they built, he has created a testifylop presidency, no matter what happens or how bad numbers are, everybody wants to forgive him. republicans have to shake that and say judge him on the numbers. >> eric: when president obama was elected gasoline was $1.1 -- i know you don't want to talk about it. but it's up 103%. >> bob: how much is it up from 1942? can i make a point? >> dana: i have the number right here. >> bob: said this is thanks to obama. no.
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the reason this is a close race, it's because of romney. he will go to labor day with higher negative than positive. no presidential challenger has done that. ever. why don't they like the guy? >> eric: more and more. >> dana: we know the administration is watching that closely. that's something that hits consumers in the wallet. in the last two months, consumer confidence has taken a 12-point negative hit. in addition to that, last week, the white house spokesperson said they are considering release of the strategic petroleum reserve for emergency purposes in gas prices. gore tried it in 2000. we know the releases don't make a dent in gas prices. they are already worried about it. way up there in the spring. >> eric: he raised his right hand in january 2009, it was a
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buck 83. >> greg: we saw it coming. hope and change is ego check on exceptionalism. president obama wanted a smaller country. by relation, he got larger. he sacrificed the greatness of the country for his stature. >> bob: do you buy in to this? the problems don't bother him. you buy in that the 30% of debt is obamacare? that's obama economics? >> eric: 35% slide -- [ overstalk ] listen. you may not like it but i don't make it up. >> dana: huge part of the number is housing. if you look at the "new york times" on sunday, devastating headline for the obama team says that is one thing they dropped the ball on the housing piece. net worth happened. >> bob: started before obama took office. >> eric: romney has been
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outraging the president largely because of this guy who will be on hannity tonight. take a listen. >> what are you talk about in terms of him asking you to be his running mate? >> one of the most moving conversations i had with anybody. he told me where he thought the country was headed. get back on track. his life story, what is in his heart. he said you share my values and you have experience i'm going to need to help fix this country's problems. our experiences come plement each other quite well. we apply the same principles. founding principles to the problem of the day. he said let's fix this country. >> greg: you know what i love when democrats talk about ryan they say he is a nice guy. then they say what they really think about him. i was watching cnn, i was at the gym. they were questioning paul ryan's view of the poor, which means if you believe in
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individual opportunities, that is an attack on the poor. that's an attack on every glass, because it assumes you'd rather get spoon fed in entitlement than work for your own success. >> bob: i can't say he is a nice guy. i don't know this. but he is a very good candidate. he's a very good candidate. he is a good candidate. people say he is a nice guy. he is a good candidate. he has proven himself to be that. i do notice, give romney credit for this, they told him to stop talking about medicare. and to start getting back out to talk about his family and roots. they are scare of medicare. >> eric: i'm not sure that is the case. talk act the family from get-go. >> dana: that is first time we heard about what the meeting was like. romney made the decision they think this is the best possible person to share views and work as a team to get the country back on track from their point of view.
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that was good. >> kimberly: they might say it but it's not sometimes believable. it's on sometimes. >> bob: you believe him. >> kimberly: i do. they're similar. they complement each other well. easy fit. walk in step together. ultimately what people criticize but i think an excellent choice. that romney feels comfortable with. >> bob: do you know romney's belief system? could you tell the rest of us. >> eric: kimberly has an opinion and puts out there and you make fun of it. >> bob: i didn't. >> eric: you did. you made a noise. you have want numbers, i'll give you numbers. president obama has 124 million on hand. romney has 18 # million -- $186 million on hand. a lot of money has come since mitt romney picked paul ryan. you don't need to make faces and noises about whether or not romney was smart -- >> bob: i'm sorry you're so sensitive about that.
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because this is such a fair table, fair and balanced. interest you get paid to be here. you have -- >> greg: you get paid to be here. you have can't use that same old line. >> bob: yes, i can. it's a free country. >> kimberly: dana got healthy snacks in the green room to keep you going. >> dana: on the fundraising team for the third month in a row, president obama spent more on his campaign than he brought in. they will go in to this with the spending deficit. one reason if you go to 2008, president obama made a good decision for him. to not taking the public financing. you had the citizens united decision. there will be a fundraising difference. it would have said four years ago i didn't think it was possible. now it looks like they will have more money. >> bob: you are right. it's strategic on his part. they made a decision to invest in the ground game. romney kept his money to invest in tv game. in september, the networks
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will be full. you have can't buy another ad. starting by third month out, they're spending money on the races. >> eric: if i were romney campaign or the super pac point out that obama has a tendency to spend more than he takes in, not only in campaign but in government. usually opposing campaign go dark in the other convention. this year, president obama is sending joe biden to tampa to hang out in parking lot while invited guests are inside. even you as a card carrying liberal says this is desperation. >> bob: it's an interesting tactic. this campaign is breaking all kind of new rules here. take attention away from republicans, you should be happy. you think biden makes mistakes all the time. >> greg: you are overlooking a simple explanation. they told biden it's the democratic national con vention. they told him that, that way he is out of d.c. for a week.
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when he comes back he misses the democratic convention. because he thought he was already here. >> dana: i think what it is. fodder. this is what is unfortunate. they are breaking tradition. dick cheney had done this, the democrats would have been up in arms. instead, the media is like that is fun. that's great. biden is going to tampa. if they could stay away. republicans let them have theirs in north carolina. everybody can go to the mat. >> eric: leave it there. i agree. someone's phone is on. the leftist media takes shot at the heros who killed bin laden. but someone here thinks the navy seals are out of line. kimberly defends the armed forces next. ♪ ♪
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navy seals released a video criticizing intelligence leak that may have come from the obama administration. they don't like how president obama politicized the bin laden raid. >> mr. president, you did not kill bin laden. america did. the work that the american military has done killed usama bin laden. you did not. it's my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy. >> kimberly: the president dismissed this yesterday saying, "i don't take the folks too seriously. one of them is a birther denying it born here, despite evidence to the contrary. another is a tea party candidate in a recent election. this kind of stuff springs up before election time." eric? >> eric: president obama and punc bloggers at media matters have no problem taking shot at the heros who put their lives on the line so obama can have his expense accounts and fly on air force one. punc bloggers at media matters
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can have laptop and spread hate. these people risk their lives. they should respect them more. if you don't like the message, don't shoot the messenger. >> dana: obama made a mistake not saying i heard about it. i am not commenting on it. instead of saying i don't take them seriously. that's inside voice. you don't have to say that. it's terrible he said you have another tea party candidate. they are trying to connect some craziness with somebody from the tea party. rise above it. >> greg: somebody from the tea party is perceived as more harmful as somebody in white house leaking information that could get you killed. that the s the take-home message. the administration is full of leaks but the only holes obama want to fill is on the golf course. >> kimberly: nice.
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>> bob: that is a strong accusation. for those of white house like to comment on this because every time we comment on a former navy seal, we're indicting the seals. we're not. i am strong supporter of the seals. but this is the commander-in-chief. there are a lot of generals up there on top of him. for these guys to go against the commander-in-chief like that, and the fact is they were birthers. one guy is a birther. he was! a birther. >> kimberly: one person. one person. >> bob: if you want to -- [over talk ] >> eric: this is nothing to do with the message. that he didn't take down bin laden -- >> bob: as bad as the idiot o'neil who did the vote -- >> eric: swift voting. you want to talk about swift voting, more accurate decision of a swift vote would be the cancer ad that priorities usa put up. mitt romney -- i'm simply
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saying they have an opinion. >> bob: obama has an opinion. commander-in-chie >> dana: chee's commander-in-chief and should have take an pass on it. >> kimberly: it's not presidential. he should show status of president and commander in chief. completely the wrong approach to do. they have done a great job making him look good in terms of how he has handled stuff. be grateful and respect the right to freedom of speech. >> bob: going back to the swift vote issue. it hurt kerry in the long run. it was a lie and created by unstable in some cases people. you don't want to let it get traction. obama wants to cut it off. it's done by anti-obama right
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wing want to see him gone. >> greg: it's not that they are anti-obama. the military is an organization that it's more diverse. it's opportunity that leads to success. you have to win, you have to kill. the military finds embracing of entitlement repulsive. when you tell them to stay home and take their benefit, they get pissed off as well they should. >> dana: major difference between 2004 and now. 2004, the economy was strong and talking about national security and war in iraq. kerry decided to run on that. 250 sworn affidavit. kerry didn't release his military record. that's his choice. that decision was made by a lot of people on a lot of different factors. one of them being a flip-flop of he voted for the war before against it.
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people didn't feel strongly about having him -- >> bob: he was a war hero. do you say there is no red tape in the military? >> bob: not on the battlefield. you have to kill people. >> eric: how many times you vu heard the reason for job loss early in obama administration is bush's fault? he inherited a bad job. >> bob: if you ask me, but look at the polls. look at the polls. the polls say -- >> eric: did he or did he not have the infrastructure that led to killing bin laden? is somewhere that something he didn't inherit? >> bob: no question at all that the work done in the bush administration led to the foundation of getting bin laden. >> eric: wouldn't it be nice for obama to say it once. >> bob: i can't speak for obama. >> kimberly: that's the point in the video. to say obviously the president of the country owes the navy seals and military great gratitude for what they have done. side note, the three navy seals lost their lives in the past week. so have some respect for their right and ability for freedom of speech as well. coming up, republican candidate todd akin wants to
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♪ ♪ >> dana: should missouri senator candidate todd akin who is a republican drop out of the race? earlier in week, he inexplicably said a woman's body has defense mechanisms to fend off pregnancy in a legitimate rape. mitt romney and several members of congress want him gone, as does sean hannity, rush limbaugh and ann coulter. it doesn't look like akin will budge. this is what he said to mike huckabee today. >> i want to make it clear, we are going to continue with this race for the u.s. senate.
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we have given it a lot of thought. the first thing we felt we had to do is we had offended some people. we tried to respond to that and let people know we didn't mean anybody. or take in any way, rape anything less than very, very seriously. dabs he is asking for forgiveness -- >> dana: he is asking for forgiveness in a new ad. >> rape is an evil act. i used the wrong words in the wrong way and for that i apologize. as the father of two daughters i want tough justice for predators. i have a compassionate heart for victims of sexual assault. i pray for them. rape can lead to pregnancy. the truth is rape has many victims. the mistake i made was in the words i said. not in the heart i hold. i ask for your forgiveness. >> dana: trying to distance himself from the words and not his heart. rarely has there been in much unanimity most conservatives in republicans that want him out. only people that want him in
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are the democratic candidate running against him and todd akin himself. >> greg: this was the democratic candidate. this was not a republican candidate. democrats spent millions of dollars making sure the weakest candidate won the primary. they should be tied to the democrats not the republicans. he makes a positive point. two points. one when you see a combover that bad you know it's a problem. number two, con seventives are generally better people. when we see the boil we go and lance it. when the democrats see it, they re-elect it. from petty to clinton they never send a guy packing. at least conservatives do that. have you ever sent a guy packing because of something like this? you have? >> bob: yeah. congressional race. where do you come up with the democrats spent millions of dollars for this guy? >> dana: primary they wanted him to win. >> greg: supporters from claire mccaskill looked up stuff on this. $2 million in republican primary running ads calling
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todd akin one of the three candidates, lamenting him that he hated debt. built him up as the conservative choice. >> bob: i haven't heard that. >> greg: you would like that. genius. >> bob: i want him to stay in. we have 31 minutes where he is the point he can't get off the ballot. >> bob: 5:00 central time. 31 minutes. >> dana: the call for him to leave. were you surprised it was it swift. >> eric: came from everywhere, krauthammer, mark levin but the one that matters is the crossroads, they pull $850,000 ad buy which is important. if the republicans pick up three seats. they have a shot at the seat, they can repeal obamacare if romney wins. tie breaker would go to the vice president. vice president would vote to repeal. repealing obamacare should be the big thing.
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it's important that if all the people including the people with the money say step aside, mr. akin, step aside. >> bob: they came together because they see stakes. >> dana: it's bigger than that. it's how repugnant. idiotic. we have soot stupid people in congress and we don't need another one. we're not with you. >> kimberly: i like the response. these be kick. otherwise why did you wait so long. be firm. something that shouldn't have been said. it was. is he fit to represent a the republican district? no. could someone else do a better job? yes. >> bob: you don't suggest politics have anything to do with it? >> kimberly: too tight with the polls. 44-43 mccaskill, that hasn't taken in the count of the tracking, the impact of this statement was. margin of error or not, that is not good numbers for him to take her down. a key congressional seat to take control. >> bob: he is not going to
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take her down. i haven't seen a gaffe this big in 30 years of politics. >> dana: is there a lonelyer man in politics than todd akin? >> greg: setting me up to say bob beckel. >> dana: he has no friends. >> kimberly: bob has friends. >> greg: joking. >> dana: imagine being the press secretary getting the call how do you respond to the fact your boss said that? >> eric: we are talking a senate seat. not a small town mayor or something who made a gaffe. senate seat. scary. if he could say this as someone as big -- that delusionm about something that important what other kind of things -- >> bob: cornyn said they would take $5 million from the senate campaign committee. if he is in, the money goes back. right? >> dana: i don't think so. >> kimberly: trying to ride it out so they have to come back. >> dana: everybody has to walk away and try to get the money somewhere else. >> kimberly: would they concede defeat? >> bob: they can put pressure on him to go to court
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and get him off. >> dana: there is question if it's a write-in candidate. that's hard. >> bob: only one was in arkansas. >> dana: or when greg ran for student court in elementary school. you did a great job. glad you remember. good times. coming up, a mother is in a heated custody battle after dressing her toddler up as dolly parton. complete with a padded bra for reality tv show. is this exploitation or entertain in the we'll discuss. ♪ ♪ questions. when you're caring for a loved one with alzheimer's, not a day goes by that you don't have them. questions about treatment
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the big story here is new line of attack against president obama against the republican ticket. tonight on "special report," the president goes after mitt romney and paul ryan on education. the president says the g.o.p. plan would spell massive cuts for college students aid. republicans getting good number from numbers people. latest gallop poll has governor romney ahead by two points. new fundraising figures indicate republicans continue to bring in more money than the democrats. just a few minutes away from the deadline for missouri senate candidate todd akin to withdraw and smooth transition toward replacement on the ballot. akin is under tremendous pressure to quit after comments about rape he made on sunday. republicans craft the party plank on abortion. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. see you then. right now, back to new york and "the five." ♪
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♪ >> greg: welcome back. someone found a use for solyndra. taking 1400 glass tubes to fashion it to an art exhibit at the berkeley botanical garden. solyndra went bankrupt. so now our loss is someone's hip pretentious art. that makes sense. most modern art and alternative energy is a lot alike. that's up to the believer to find value. for the rest ofs through is none. it's a platform for phony intellectualism. the only energy is from the goofy bureaucrats driven by need for acceptance. meanwhile, it comes to real stuff that works like nuclear power and fracking, they'd rather create panic than energy. you know what? we pay for that art. so we should all get a piece. we could take a sledgehammer to it and call it performance art and charge admit tan. i'm it canning, of course,
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that would be wrong. the exhibit is boring so i sketched an alternative. i added a unicorn for obvious reasons. contact me and give me the name of a relative who needs cheering up. i will mail it to him or her myself so solyndra will have done some good especially if unintentional. >> eric: that is not a unicorn. >> greg: it is. >> eric: unicorn head and man body. >> greg: that is the dream unicorn. that's me when i dream. i have a unicorn head and normal ripped body. >> kimberly: did you draw that? >> greg: question, i did. that you say that with skepticism. let's stick to the topic. by the way, what do you have against uncorp? >> eric: nothing. but half unicorn, half man. >> kimberly: what is that called? >> eric: hercules. >> greg: bob, you must be happy. solyndra has finally been put to some use. >> bob: i am happy to be talking about it again for the 443rd time on the show.
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>> greg: it's been two months. >> bob: if ever we need a fill, we can go to solyndra. i think it's beautiful art myself. i'm glad it's put to good use. no administration doesn't have a busted deal. there you go. >> dana: i remember when the e-mails came out and the white house found out that the company was going bankrupt and the company wrote back. "ugh." i would have been like honestly, can we get it behind us. i believe solyndra has some use. it poke ezed the corporate cronyism from -- exposed corporate cronyism that happens under republican and democrats alike. time for a generational shift and change, getting back to letting the market decide. i think there was some use. >> greg: it's beautiful, though. >> eric: aside from the corporate cronyism, you talk about people friends of obama. got a lot of department of energy loans. steven chu said when asked what grade do you give yourself? for the energy loans.
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how they are doing. he gave himself a-minus. $500 million -- right. he may like the art exhibit. >> dana: a lot of money for art exhibit. >> greg: this is an important part. isn't this our art? don't we own that? >> kimberly: you didn't build it. ve a value and right and pro priortary interest and i want our money back. >> bob: it amazes me you sit next to dana and yet you go back to a intelligent comment. i'm talking to you. >> i said steven chu gave a-minus. >> bob: you said corporate cronyism aside. don't say aside. it's much more important than steven chu whatever his name is grade. >> eric: i agree it's
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terrible. >> dana: let me get partisan. solyndra was rejected by the political appointees in the bush administration. a lot of pressure from nancy pelosi, speaker at the time. to get it done because it's in her district. she wanted that in the bill. part of the bill to get it done originally. nobody wanted to do it. the deal wasn't good enough. they said no. in 45 days, steven chu as soon as he got in there they gave the deal. seven years later, $500 million down the tubes. >> eric: can we not forget one of the gentlemen on the loan was a bundler for obama and his wife was the attorney who actually signed the papers. >> bob: one thing we will never know, what happens if romney is elected president, we don't know who his bundlers are because he hides them. like the money offshore. >> dana: how can you take an intelligent comment like eric and turn it back to romney's bundlers? >> bob: be careful. tell me romney's brotherrer or where they live?
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the cities they -- romney's bundlers and where they live? the cities they're in? >> eric: we know obama's have high-paying job. >> bob: they're in similar cities. gregg we should declare performance art exhibit for keystone pipeline. >> dana: the largest art exhibit ever. >> greg: that happens to transport oil. we have to move on. coming up, the bizarre world of child beauty p pageants. that's next. ♪ ♪ ely. but because of business people like you, things are beginning to get rolling.
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episode. >> it was made for me when i used to compete in pageants so it's special for matty because she knows it's mom's. >> it goes like that. >> when she wears the face boobs and face buttocks it's an added bonus. who are you? >> dolly. >> dolly who? >> lolldy parton. >> bob: what is happening is this woman is in a custody battle for that child. the father has been given joint custody by a judge. but the child stays with the father, which means they think that this is a pretty serious thing the mother has done. what do you think? >> kimberly: bottom line, it's in front of a kentucky, court-appointed psychologist, said, opineed that this was harm to feel the little girl. so the father is asking for sole custody. the child psychologist. court appointed saying they think that is the best place for the little girl. but did she really endanger
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the child? is this child abuse legally speaking? is it really sufficient enough to warrant taking away custody from the mother? that is difficult to do. i don't think ultimately it's going to happen. >> what do you think about the beauty pageants for little girls like this? >> dana: i'm of two minds. i've never watched the show. i don't know what channel it's on. i feel about this like shark week. >> greg: how dare you! 'canes is ridiculous. i would never do it. however, then i think it's a free country. it's their right. if people want to pay as advertisers to advertise on that show i guess fine. >> bob: what do you think? >> eric: this is awful. >> bob: okay. we have more sound. greg was in -- [ laughter ] >> bob: new reality show starring greg gutfeld coming up. this is honey boo-boo. >> i'm honey boo-boo. >> must be crazy. if they're going to me, honey
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boo-boo child. [ singing ] >> a lot of pageant moms and people know what the special juice is. ♪ ♪ >> i a dollar make me holler, honey boo-boo. >> bob: that reminds me of my house. greg, what do you think about the honey boo-boo? >> greg: parents are making a deal with the devil. they say take fame and money now. in 15 years this kid will be a miserable monster. very small percentage of young stars end up becoming successful. they end up with horrible lives. how do young. get in drug addiction. because they -- when you peak too high and too early in life, everything is down hill. >> bob: what do you think? >> eric: greg, i think it will happen sooner than 15. >> kimberly: you know what?
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it's also like dressing up kids for halloween. >> greg: it is like halloween but horrible halloween. >> eric: can i point out that they are giving the little girls pixie sticks because they call it pageant crack. go-go juice is high energy and the kids freak out on it. nothing else, when she said a dollar makes me holler, honey boo-boo. there are so many things that could turn in to later. >> bob: redneck city. i said, "redneck" again. you know it's a state of mind. one more thing is next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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>> eric: all right. one more thing. greg is kicking it off. >> greg: when you see a protesters at occupy wall street. they have a phone faux news live. it's a play on fox news. f-a-u-x. it doesn't make any sense. we decided to have a debate on this. featurinon "red eye." >> faux news live. you are saying fake news live. >> yeah. >> so they're fake lies so it's the truth. >> yeah, because it's lies. >> fake lies. so it's the truth.
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>> fake lies are true. fake lies are true. >> it's fake because it's lies. >> fake lies are true. >> greg: that wasgan playing his brother miles. >> kimberly: remember when he shaved himself on the show? >> greg: fantastic. >> kimberly: gross. >> eric: follow that one, dana. >> dana: if you love politics like i do and you look around at websites. started election heat map. they are taking all the different states and showing you what books are selling there, whether conservative or liberal books, state change depending what books are selling more. top 250 titles will power a heat map. >> greg: you are such a nerd. >> dana: this is so cool. >> greg: you're a nerd. heat map. you took two things, maps and books and put it together. >> dana: it was online. amazon, and when you're done you can go shopping. greg! [ laughter ]
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>> bob: are you done yet? >> kimberly: is it powered by solyndra heat? >> bob: my brother eric talks about how the obama situation of taxpayers dollars. let me tell you what you paid for last summer. you paid for a bunch of republican freshmen. the mensa society people, who went over to israel on a fact-finding trip. took the families and staffs. you know what they did? they got jumpe drunk and jumpedn the sea of galilee. one jumped in naked. who wants to see him naked? theyumph in the sea. it's not because we were drunk. we wanted to get holy water on us. give me a break! >> eric: cleansing, bob. >> bob: cleanse the republican -- >> dana: the tea party connection again. a big mistake. >> bob: they are tea party members. >> dana: the way you say it. supported by the tea party
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people. >> eric: telling me to go next. show the picture of an intern, the last two summers. julia, a fantastic intern. her family. see the corn stand there? her family grows the corn. they with putting two girls through college on this corn. i love agriculture. guess what? no federal subsidiaries. they did build that. >> kimberly: everybody knows how much i love dancing and one of my favorite movies was "dirty dancing." turns 25. make me feel old. >> greg: you were 6 when it came out. >> kimberly: am i dirty dancer? no. it's clean. clean dancing. i want to say congratulations on fantastic engagement to our line producer. there she is. donovan, vice president of development at fox news. executive producer for hannity. we're all very excited. we hope we get the time off to go to t
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