tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News August 28, 2012 11:30pm-1:00am EDT
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this is a fox news alert, greatest danger from storm surge coming on the eve of the seventh anniversary of hurricane katrina. shep smith joins frus new orleans. >> good evening, we're in the middle of bourbon street. the rain coming down but the worst of it from new orleans at least is still many hours away. and take a look down the street in the other direction. turb turn around ask show the
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other direction. this street as empty as i've ever seen it. in hours before hurricane katrina, this street was teaming with people. tonight it's almost completely shut down. there is an occasional here and there. but bourbon street is empty. reports from around the area there are some changes in the storms when many of you have heard last. and the last minute after it made land fall in the southern tip of louisiana storm made a sqg for the west. instead of heading up and for new orleans it's heading towards baton rouge. thinking is that that is going bring more rain and water to city proper will you it's hours away. the eye will pass by the new orleans hear until at least sometime after sun rise, probably closer to the middle of the day tomorrow. there have been wind gusts 105 miles per hour and 71-75 miles per hour gusts at airport here in new orleans. big picture a levy topped a
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bit according to the parish president there, the water went over the levy but didn't break and there has been no damage. all levies are holding. local representatives are saying they believe all of the levies will hold and they're ready for whatever the storm brings. that said they're expecting wide spread power outages. 100,000 homes and businesses were without power and there are many more hours to go, 36 hours of solid rain is projected so there is all night tonight and next night and into the next day it's going to be a long, wet storm with a storm surge. wind is not the major concern in this case. >> and you know shep i remember as eve of hurricane katrina when levies broke, and we all thought everything was fine and clear. as i look at pictures now it looks like getting wet, you
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say levies are going to hold, everyone says everything is fine. i can't help but have apprehension because of last time. we thought seven years ago everything at this time is just fine and all hell broke loose and something different when the sun came up. >> you're right. it was fine. the storm missed new orleans and hit mississippi then the water came back and levies broke and that is that. history is written, they've had a $14 billion budget spending $10 billion of it and shored up levies saying they believe they've done what is necessary. and that was a category three ashore. it had a 32 foot storm surge in mississippi but it did break the levy. in this case there is a storm going to hit in the new orleans area. they expect 10-20 inches of rain. will pumps be able to handle that? these are items for the future,
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we have to deal with 36 solid hours of rain. as of this hour, everything is holding well according to all representatives around the area. >> and we're going to get to rick in just a moment. is the storm moving quickly? that is what is particularly dangerous about hurricane katrina is that it just didn't move, pounding new orleans, pounding the levy autos this is slower than hurricane katrina. motion at seven miles per hour. local immediateologists owe projecting it's going to slow down more that, could be up to 40 straight hours of rain. this story is not yet written. >> shep, thank you. now to fox news chief meteorologist in our extreme weather center. >> the story hasn't begun across areas of new orleans. they're just starting to get it. there is a long way ahead. this made a first land fall just at this tip here. this is where mississippi
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river exits into the gulf. this cut across a piece of land. now it's going to cut back in here around grand aisle and this is going to continue in this direction. it puts new orleans on the bad side of the storm. winds are going to be stronger, this is a future radar to get an idea at around 3:00 in the morning when you see reds and yellows that is heavy rain and winds. there is winds gusting to 64 in new orleans. reds andel yoz continue here, mid day still going on. winds in 60s still this, continues tomorrow night this time and we're talking winds around 60 miles in new orleans still heavy rain showers going through. and we haven't had a storm like this winds over 60 miles per hour along with possibly up to 20 inches of rain.
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so it remains to be seen and that is just the city. all other areas are going to be there as well. >> is this going faster or slower than katrina? stronger or weaker than katrina? we assume levies are built up but only fwoilt a cot gorey three if it sits on the city it's going to feel like a category five. >> it's a far weaker storm than katrina was. this is a category one. katrina had been a category five. so this -- katrina was moving much faster, this is a slower moving storm and going see 10 dash 15 inches of rain and that did not happen with a storm before. new orleans didn't feel direct impact from ka treena. let's hope that that big effort they
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put in on the levy in this area are going to work. they believe it will. it's going to be a big test. >> throughout the hour we're go tolling toin to update you on hurricane isaac. right now we're coming to you live from tampa, florida on this opening night of the republican national convention, tonight we is a line up of guests you cannot miss. nikki hailey, new hampshire senator, and texas senate candidate ted cruz and texas senate governor rick perry. first two biggest speeches of the night, governor romney's wife, ann romney and new jersey governor chris christie. first here is part of governor christie's key note address. >> greatest lesson many ever taught me is that she told me there would be times have you to choose. between being loved and being
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respected. she said to always be -- pick being respected told me love without respect was fleeting but respect could grow into real, lasting love. of course she was talking about women. but... i've learned over time is that it applies just as much to leadership. in fact i think that applies to america more than ever today. you see i believe we have become paralyzed by our desire to be loved. to our founding fathers had the wisdom to know social acceptance and popularity were fleeting and this country's principal pells needed to be rooted in strengths greater than passions of the times. our leaders today have decided it's more important to be
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popular, say and do what is easy and say yes rather than say no. when no is what is required. in recent years we, as a country have too often chosen the same path. easy for leaders to say not us, not now in taking on tough issues. ask unfortunately we've stood by and let them get away with it. tonight i say enough. tonight... i say together let's take it much different choice. tonight we're speaking up for ourselves and stepping up. tonight we're beginning to do what is right and necessary to make america great again. >> and ann romney taking to the stage to convey a personal side of her husband, governor mitt romney.
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>> this is important. i want to you hear what i'm going to say mitt doesn't like to talk about how he's helped others because he sees it as a privilege. not a political talking point. >> we are no different than a millions of american who's quietly help their neighbors. their church asks their communities. they don't do it so others will think more of them. they do it because there is no greater joy. give and it will be given unto you.
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but because this is america that small company which grew helped many other lead better lives. jobs that grew from the risks they took became college educations and first home and helped fund scholarships, pensions and retirement funds. this is the genius of america. dreams fulfilled, helps others launch new dreams. at every turn this man i met in a high school dance helped lift up others. he did it with olympics when many wanted to give up. he did it in massachusetts and guiding the state to crisis to unemplimt of 4.7%. massachusetts schools are the best in the nation. the best.
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he started john and abigail yamds scholarship giving top 25% of high school graduates a four year, tuition free scholarship. this is the man america needs. this is the man who will wake up every day with determination to solve the problems others say can't be solved. to fix what others say is beyond repair this, is the man who will work harder than anyone so we can work less hard. i can't tell you what will happen over the next four years but i can only stand here tonight as a wife ask a mother and a grandmother, an american and make you this solemn commitment. this man will not fail. >> and up next south carolina governor nikki hailey, new
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hampshire senator and texas governor, rick perry are all here, and hurricane isaac so wicked and right now has made land fall and is slamming the gulf coast. our team sont ground and tracking isaac's every move. we've got it covered. on the record coming to you from tampa bay all week. we continue our coverage from the republican national convention. dad vo: ok, time for bed, kiddo. lights out. ♪ (sirens)
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(train horn) ♪ vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. to meet the needs of my growing business. but how am i going to fund it? and i have to find a way to manage my cash flow better. [ female announcer ] our wells fargo bankers are here to listen, offer guidance and provide you with options tailored to your business. we've loaned more money to small businesses than any other bank for nine years running. so come talk to us to see how we can help. wells fargo. together we'll go far. there's natural gas under my town.
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it's a game changer. ♪ it means cleaner, cheaper american-made energy. but we've got to be careful how we get it. design the wells to be safe. thousands of jobs. use the most advanced technology to protect our water. billions in the economy. at chevron, if we can't do it right, we won't do it at all. we've got to think long term. we've got to think long term. ♪ american businesses deserve a federal government that doesn't stand in their way. not one that tries to chase them overseas. fighting american innovation, that is what this president meant to south carolina and meant to the governor. and that is why this governor will not stop fighting until we send him home, back to chicago and send mitt and ann romney to 1600 pennsylvania avenue.
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>> now that is south carolina governor nikki heally speaking tonight. we're back live, governor haley joins us. you knew that was governor haley speaking. here is -- something people don't know. you're one of the first to get on governor romney band wagon way back. >> i supported him in 2008. i thought we needed a business person in the white house. and then, this time around, i veted all of them all over again because as governor you think of things differently. and i knew we had had fights with voter id and illegal immigration so i needed someone going to have my back and have every governor in this country's back. and the right person was mitt romney. >> i was surprised you came out early and and we never knew who the republican nominee was. >> this country about courage.
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you have to lead with courage and not think about what is politically correct and and i stand by that, i stand by it now. i he's going to be in november. >> and you mentioned illegal immigration, voter id but i'm curious. you're standing up there what did it feel like looking at the audience? >> do you know what i loved? the energy and what i felt like is that we're going to do this in november. because those people understood and i believe people across america know we deserve better, you look at records and governor romney this, is a man that went into a democratic state, increased jobs and look at president obama we lost our credit rating. unemployment is still high. he can't get a democrat senator to balance the budget. governor romney made olympics a successful source of pride when it's failing. president obama can't even get
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something across to get done. i mean it's, i think he is trying hard but we need a person going to go show courage. that is what governor christie talked about. >> before you give a speech and you're back stage did you see governor christie or ann romney? are you kept separate? >> governor romney did come out and thank me and was just thrilled and happy. i told him i couldn't wait to hear ann. i did see chris's family and wished them good luck and it's just a big group of us believe in mitt romney. we believe in ann romney. it's a good crowd. >> south carolina expected to be a republican state. we don't have current polls and also other states like michigan, michigan is not, i mean that is a tougher state for the republican party. >> excitement was tlchl haid two ind inn depds say we don't know everything we need to know about governor romney yet what did he do know is that we deserve better than what we
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have today that. is too two independents in michigan. in chicago we got the same response. noits that people have a party style now. they know this is a time of courage them need to pick someone they know is going to fight for them. they know president obama is not it. >> greta: gone kon vengs is thursday night. are you hitting the road friday, saturday, sunday? >> as soon as they need me. you'll see is that it's important for the people of south carolina we have a new president. it's important to this governor to make sure that i've got someone going to have our back in south carolina i'll do whatever they need us to do. >> greta: governor great to see you coming up more, new hampshire senator is here next and iowa senator chuck grassly. and texas governor rick perry and hurricane isaac pummeling the gulf coast. live reports from across the gulf coast coming up. humans -- even when we cross our t's and dot our i's,
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in both private sector and as governor of massachusetts mitt romney always asks, how did i help small businesses grow, and innovate and compete? it's the right question. and it's the question that this administration never thinks to ask. but why should we be surprised? president obama has never even run a lemonade stand. and you know what? it shows. >> greta: new hampshire senator kelly ayotte speaking tonight joins us, nice to see,
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senator. >> nice to see you. >> did you enjoy the evening tonight? >> i did and enjoying to talk about my own small business experience with my husband who start aid small business. >> he was in iraq and came home, didn't have a job and started a family business. >> why did you become a senator? >> i love being attorney general but i just became worried about our country. and my husband spent time yelling at our television in 2009. and stimulus, health care of i've got a 7-year-old ask z.-year-old and thought i can't sit on the side lines i thought we're going to do this. it's wanting to turn our country around. >> greta: if you look at the polls, gender gap there are more women voting than men since 19806789 it's governor romney behind president obama. why do you think that is?
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>> this is going to close up, think. the bred and butter issues, the debt, you know as a mother i think women are worried about what are we passing on to the next generation is in the jobs you know? many have children graduating from college now that are unemployed or under employed so right now there is a lot of folks out there that haven't made up their minds. it's a real opportunity. do you know who closed this? ann romney talking about the personal side. you know you? think about how they started it's like how a couple starts. you -- you're borrowing someone else's kitchen table, you work hard. what it's like to be in a real marriage. that is compelling. >> greta: it's interesting and cure dwrois meechl we got see the speech and it's fascinating. i'm curious behind the scenes. anything who you meet, anything interesting happen afterwards? did governor romney thank you?
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>> it was exciting. you had governor haley on, i was meeting governor martinez earlier in the day. some people i admire who are leaders i got a chance to meet today. which was great. >> greta: your stage is close president obama up by three points over governor romney. four points undecided. >> yes. >> greta: thoughts on that one? >> it's a neck and neck race in new hampshire. four electoral votes in new hampshire matter, mitt romney has a mess yoj going to resonate in new hampshire. we've seen him in action. look at the type of leadership you have to have to serve where your legislature is a super majority of the other party and still get things done that. is the leadership we need right now. to new hampshire voters debt and economy resonates with them. >> greta: senator, nice to see you.
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you've got work cut out in new hampshire. >> yes. thank you. >> greta: we have new information on hurricane isaac in just a moment. we're going take you there live and more live courage from the republican national convention. chuck grassly is here, first convention with ronald reagan in 1980. how have conventions changed since then? >> can anyone look at the record of this administration and say well done? can anyone compare the state of the economy when the carter administration took office and say keep up the good work? can anyone look at our reduced spending in the world today and say let's have four more years of this? i believe the american people are going to answer these questions as answered them in the first week in november. their answer will be no. we've had enough. beyo the call f deliciousness.
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you can see a little bit of the bay just churning now. and we're about an hour past will he tide, high tide going to be around 11:00 a.m. tomorrow that, is when the biggest storm surge is anticipated here on the coastline or near the coastline. and we're halfway between the city of mobile and now, it's a bridge so there is no power no, services and no way out until after this hurricane isaac still packing 80 miles per hour winds at the center about here, much less. and there are seven to 14 inches of rain projected for the coastal. >> region. a lot of communities under curfew now. we're in states of emergency in alabama, mississippi and louisiana. where we are here, the major threat here is going to be a
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storm surge of four to eight feet and lots of rain. we're covering the center of the storm over the weekend in key west, florida yet, far away, all of the way up the coastline there is miami, palm beach there is wind and rain. this is a slow moving storm. and so there is a big threat going to be lots of rain and a lot of flooding. there is a tornado watch in effect for much of the area well into the morning. >> greta: thank you z casey segal live in new orleans. casey? >> yes. isaac has done what forecasters were afraid it would do once making land fall it's stalled out. it's only moving about eight miles per hour or so. ta is the latest projections for national hurricane center. i want to show you behind me. this has been mostly a rain event at this point. not so much the wind, up 80
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miles per hour there have been reported in areas. you can see palm trees here in the background not moving around a lot. but boy, rain coming down. and i want to you video. we were live with shepherd smith during the fox report on eastern shore of lake and when you see this video you can understand why we're in this new location. the water coming up quickly and the waves lapping ashore. get was getting dicey and we clocked speeds up to 45 miles per hour and we're spending our day there. and we want to show you some other individual yes on the way out of the lake pontchartrain area. and it's one of the low-lying parishes and water starting to come across the roadway and rush across. that is only about two hours or so of heavy rain. so with isaac sort of moving
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slowly and the rains continuing to fall into the overnight and morning hours, you can imagine what many folks are going to be waking up to that decided to stay and ride the storm out. most of the evacuation in and around this region were voluntary at this point. >> greta: thank you. we know now go back to shepherd smith in new orleans. shep? >> we're in the french quarter on bourbon street. so rain started here with a first band to make it through central business district and french quarter ban hour ago. we're told there are 34 more hours of rain still to come this, is the first, not much i'm aware of that. but this is the first time there is water running off like this. and the rain is pretty intricate. water goes into the street they have to pump it out of
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here, and they're standing water in areas and you can see palm trees blowing. the sort of things you'd expect but it's going to get much worse throughout the night. and you can expect the wind and rain with gusts into the hurricane force and then, see the skyscrapers down there? that is the central business district. locals telling we can expect category two force winds so higher than 100 miles per hour and 30 stories up and beyond so they can expect significant damages to buildings down near here. you can see there is power but as mentioned the first band came through about 45 minutes ago. we expected it this time tomorrow night, winds will be as strong as now and next day at noon we're still with tropical storm-force winds. so it's not about a big crash or a boom but more of a long,
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slow drenching. new orleans and whole gulf south in for a drenching over next two, three days greta. >> greta: shep, thanks it's going to be a long painful night on the gulf coast. we're going bring you latest news on hurricane isaac but now we're live in tampa, florida on this opening night of the republican national convention. tonight two headliners ann rom me and new jersey governor chris christie. >> mitt will tell you he's the most fortunate man in the world. two strong nairnts taught him value of work. had a chance to get the ed being his father never had bu but... as his partner on this mazing journey, i can tell you mitt romney was not handed success. he built it. >> it's time to stand up. let's stand up, everybody stand up. stand up. because there is no time left to waste. if you're willing to stand up with me for america's future,
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i will stand up with you. if you're willing to fight with me for mitt romney, i will fight if with you. if you're willing to hear the truth about the hard road ahead and rewards for america the truth will bear, i am here to begin with you this new era of truth telling. tonight we choose the path that defined our nation's history. tonight we answer the call so many generations have had courage to answer before us. tonight we stand up for mitt romney as the next president of the united states. and together... >> greta: iowa senator joins us, nice to see you. >> glad to be with you. >> greta: governor christie was reved up. >> he was ask i think we're in good shape. i think we have a good team and people of the country realized we haven't had leadership and the economy is in bad shape p not creating
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jobs enough. that is a good omen for us and i think this convention is helping bring attention to it. >> greta: you've been to a number of conventions going back to 1980, ronald reagan. have they changed?. >> they're shorter now. they don't seem to have the long speeches that you have on television previously. you know? major networks only cover an hour. i don't think it's the attention it gets. >> greta: 1996 you pushed elizabeth dole off the couch tont floor? >> the newspaper showed her kneeling beside her husband he insisted on being on the couch. he was squeezed someone else and i shouldn't have been there. bob dole says i want him there. keep him there you didn't push her on the floor? >> no. i didn't. >> that is a false story? >> dinot. that is where she ended up. >> i was just teasing you and state of iowa, in 2008, iowa
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was very soundly for president obama by 10 points. now it's tied up by two points. governor romney down by two points what is the difference in iowa? >> this president inherited a very bad situation. by every major in the economy it's worse now than it was january 2009. second thing is that we had 120,000 more democrats registered in iowa and in 2008 now, republicans had gained 21,000 over democrats so i think we have a trend of changing registration. and we have a devoted electorate in our state based on the bad economy and country as a whole. and it isn't so bad in iowa. country as a whole. i think people are ready for a change. >> what do you think of
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mrs. romney's speech snoont. >> i loved it. i think that she projected as spits of her husband a lot of people don't see. i think this is a caring person. i think the way that the democrats ads have been the owe opposite. i think she brings out true person he is. >> greta: what happens if we find out there is a huge number of viewers watching this and didn't have level of enthusiasm in terms of watching it? >> there still 75 days you're going to find the teamworking hard getting to bat kbrel ground stai.s i think you're going to be able to tell sel their message. >> greta: what do you think of representative ryan? he has brought something very important. not only personality and
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leadership but importantly, the discussion of issues that maybe won't otherwise have been discussed. eastbound entitlements. 44% of the budget if that is not tackled we're never going to get out of the hole we're in. >> greta: senator, nice to see you. you didn't push elizabeth dole on the floor. i was just teasing you. >> straight ahead there is the important role call vote and lots of big speeches but conventions are still grand old parties what is like the for hundreds of pumped up delegates? shannon green is here with that, next and it's what you have been waiting for. our panel joins us here in tampa. how do they think mrs. romney did tonight or governor chris christie? don't go away. >> romney embodies the same vision for america my kblornt had for meechl he believes the path forward is more important than the place where we gab.
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-- began z let me close by giving president obama a heart felt message from the good people of south carolina. hit the road, jack! and don't you come back no more, no more! thank you. this country was built by working people. the economy needs manufacturing. mhines, tools, people making stuff. companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's puttg more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy his year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real thin... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪ for real. ...that make a real difference. you know how hard if yit can be to breathedo, and what that feels like. copd iludes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiva helps corol my copd symptoms
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>> greta: we're back live in tampa. republicans hoping this week's convention will energize the party z you don't have to look far to see excitement of on the convention floor. >> this is a simple choice between one candidate putting a faith in governor and the other puts faith in the american people. i think it's an easy choice. >> paul ryan talking about fiscal responsibility for years. we're go tok -- going to take that across wisconsin and the middle of it all shannon has the interview we watched and tried to get every network in. and shannon got the interview. tell us who you're interviewing tomorrow. >> i'm going to interview ann romney to see how she feels
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like it went. and a few other questions and tomorrow, mid day we're going do that and then, roll it out on fox nuts -- news. >> and we look forward to seeing it. >> and you beat out everybody else for it. and and folks are super excited and they were reved up and ready to go. you know how it s people have hats and banners and ready to go. tonight there is a lot of electricity in there and there is yesterday thanking you know, at the arena it was postponed and we've got this hanging over this there is isaac. >> yes. now it's full of life people are ready to go. we just got to see people working through rehearsals yesterday. today governor christie said that he felt like he's going
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to be the kentucky derby horse waiting at the gate jingling to get out. >> greta: i said he was watching mrs. romney i thought i'd hate to be the one to follow mrs. romney. i thought i was wanting to follow someone who doesn't do a good job. i felt she did very well. he came out swinging. >> he did. he started with a fist pump and they had new jersey blairing behind him on the screen. he seemed emotional to me at the beginning of the speech. >> greta: what are you going to ask mrs. romney first? >> i want to ask what it's like seeing her husk attacked for being successful here in the ads and asking about the ads implying a connection between her husband and a woman's death. is it tough to bite your tongue? and sort of what her plans are if she becomes first lady. >> greta: you'll get to answer
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questions because you got the interview everybody wanted. tomorrow we'll watch the interview. thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: coming up hurricane isaac going to be a long painful night. we're going to track this powerful hurricane and republican texas senate candidate ted cruise here next. he won the race no one thought he could win, but he did. >> can we restore the constitution? yes. we can. can we retake the senate? can we repeal obama care? and can we defeat president barack obama?
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>> unfortunately the president's campaign is traying to divide america to, separate us into groups. telling seniors medicare will be taken way and telling hispanics we're not welcome here and sending the vice president to preach a message of division. this is tragic how far we've come from hope and change. >> greta: that is texas senate
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candidate ted cruz saying democrats are going to try to frighten the hispanic community you've also reported saying the hispanic community is conservative. >> i think that is right. >> greta: there has been a divide, i think hispanic vote has been a democratic vote. >> i think values that resonate in the hispanic community are faith, family, patriotism and people don't know the rate of military enlistment is higher than any demographic in the country. hard work ask providing for the family are conservative values. i think the problem is that republicans haven't done an effective job conveying those values that we're one and the same. >> greta: there is a problem with elephant in the room and is illegal immigration.
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and that saying they've been happier with than the approach. >> i think democrats want people to believe that. in hispanic community most hispanics aren't for open borders. what most americans want and most hispanics want is for us to secure borders and stop illegal immigration and remain a nation that celebrates legal immigrants. americans by choice is what ronald reagan called legal immigrants. >> are you going to be hitting the catch yain trail hard because of the issue? >> we're hitting the campaign trail hard every single day. and i'll tell what you i think is a major issue. it's this election in november
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is about continuing down the road of the obama democrats more spending and debt and more government control of the economy in our lives and getting back to founding principles, free markets, individual responsibility and individual liberties. >> greta: how do you communicate that? there is all of the speeches so you've got to get it and communicated to families back home to feel it. >> and you can communicate by carrying a message and i tried tonight talking about what matters. my dad was an immigrant from cuba. he showed up with $100 in his under wear not speaking english, washed dishes to pay through college. and start a small business. that is the american dream. and it's the story of all of us. >> greta: how come you won? odds were against you. no one thought you're going to win the primary.
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why do you think you won? >> message and grass roots. message is simple. it's we're going broke and voters are fed up with career politicians in both parties have gotten us in this mess and they're looking for new leaders and turn around the debt and get back to the constitution. and that is secondary, grass roots this, is a victory all of whom united and all won our victory in the primary. >> how are the polls there? >> there have not been polls yet. in primary we won by 14 points. conventional wisdom puts us in a strong place but there are two ways to run, scared and unopposed. we're going to run 18 hours per day carries the message. >> one more message you said their message is trying to
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scare people. >> i that i is right and i think there is a sharp divide. if you look at tea party and message of the campaign it's focused on values that unite us and liberty and phone shall of free men, women and small businesses to work to achieve american dream. obama campaign doesn't want to talk about 23 million americans out of work. what are they doing? they're trying to scare and divide us and it's sad from a campaign so aspirational. they're going unfortunately to a way that is not good for the country. it's not what americans are looking for. >> thanks for joining us. nice see you great to see. thank you. >> up next texas governor rick perry. and wind and rain pounding the coast. new orleans bracing for the worst and another update coming up on the record is coming do you from -- to you
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cause potential flooding which is a big problem. the scene now in new orleans, well, many heeding advice to get out of the city. the mayor of new orleans saying they're staying there. and we're going to have the latest at the top of the hour, 1:00 a.m. eastern. >> when you go out there and campaign, what does it feel like the single important issue to middle america? they sit down at night and say, well,. >> i don't think it gets enough response from where we are is that immigration now. >> i'd like a fence and to make sure there is an employment verification system so we know who is able to work, who is not. and then say to employers here is a system. you have a card to look at. put knit a computer data base.
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tells you if they can work. if you hire them when they're not supposed to be working the employer is at fau. gou after them just like if they weren't paying their taxes. >> and there is mitt romney in 2007. rick perry joins use good to be with you. thank you. >> and saying immigration is important in 2008. how about this time around? >> absolutely this is an important part of the republican debate we've had. and with the american people is that the failure to secure the border is the big issue. this has has been there and made issue worse by some programs he's put into place. and there is moving immigration officers off of the border. we know how to secure the
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border. and you put boots on the ground ask have fencing in place which is what governor romney is talking about he talks about a wall, he's talking about strategic fencing. and secure the border first then you can have a conversation with congress about immigration reform z not until. >> and the conversation has been with, jobs have been important in this campaign. immigration issue is such a hut hoth issue now falling a little bit off the radar screens in terms of discussion. and i'm curious whether you think it will get better promise. >> americans are worried about jobs. this president overseeing this bad economy for three and a half years, americans are concerned about am i going to have a job after? can i find a job?
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how am i going to be able to take care of my family? what governor romney and congressman ryan are talking about is a vision for getting americans back to work. so this is the report years ago, the immigration issue may have been a hotter political issue this is a concern for those of us with border states but who is going to get america back to work and being able to take care of our family autos explain to me. there is fierce primaries and you say horrible things back and forth and run ads back and forth. and there is coming to now, everybody is great friends. how does that snap. >> i don't think it's any different than person relationships. probably say something to a
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dear friend or an acquaintance or god for bid my wife i have to apologize for. and so you know we all -- we're all competitors and wanted to be president of the united states. and we're also part of a team. can everybody be the quarterback? someone has got to be blocking and running pass route. and that is what i consider my job to be. i'm not going to be the quarterback but i'm going to be part of a team. i love american values and putting them back into place. and mitt romney is going to take the ball. we're going to go try to make sure we win for the team. >> what is the important thing at the convention. >> people who helped us. there are folks from new hampshire and iowa and we were talking about helping his
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grandson up there. this is an incredible country. we may have different accents and different cultures and may have different areas we represent. america is a fabulous country. getting to see people passionate about this country is the highlight of the campaign. >> greta: is congressman ryan going make a difference? is there going to be a different this time? >> the vice presidential candidates make that difference. i think it does this time. sometimes, a few times back through history, it has. this is one of them. because he's one of the most articulate and brightest and he's going to be able to catch that lightning a bottle with yupger voters. here how we get america back
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working and make sure there is a program. and a social security program in place when you get ready to retire rmt joe biden know what's they have in place is going to bankrupt america and those programs won't be ear in 20 or 30 year autos how do you get those undecided? there is in texas there is a good bit of undecided at this point. >> i'm in the much concerned about how texas is going to vote. >> it's sort of indictive of the country. there is a good group of undecided still at this point that. is the game. >> it's about the economy. this is the election democrats trying to talk about everything but job and in this country i hope governor romney and congressman ryan will spend time talking about here is how to get country back to work and governor out of the way. >> thank you. nice to see you. >> thank you.
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>> up next hurricane isaac, what it's doing now and where it's headed. new information on the track next and ann romney, new jersey governor chris christie. republican national convention kicking off with heavy hitters. our political panel is here. and meet be the son of reinsch cleavage. >> how old are you? >> seven. are you going to be a republican when you grow snup. >> yes. definitely and i'm going to b be... maybe the president. >> the president of the united states? >> definitely. >> good luck with that. i want you to maiblg me a promise. can i have the first interview whit happens? >> of course. i've worked hard to build my family. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare.
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this is a fox news alert. hurricane isaac makes land fall in louisiana. we have the latest from the extreme weather center. >> too little land falls. one across this area here where the mississippi river drains into the gulf then another land fall now around grand isle. winds gusting now to 67 miles per hour and this is right in new orleans. that is at airport latest observation. take a look at this. this is the center of the storm off shore, it's not going move very much about the next 24 hours likely moving around 50-75 miles off to the northwest this, area will continue to get pummeled and there is a wind that is 60 miles per hour to 80 miles per hour. and there is one wind gust over 105 miles per hour. there is a problem, that is
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the storm track. right side wins -- will continue to pummel piles into the northern gulf. this is the mississippi river. there is a storm surge pushing up into the river. the water tries to drain down. that has been causing big concerns. going to be a long duration storm, wind and rain 36 ours, storm surge at 11 feet here and likely going up and that is this future radar here, we're going to be seeing winds towards mid 60s in new orleans. by 4:00 in the morning yellows and reds are heavy rainfall and that continues throughout the morning and afternoon. and look at this time frame here. 11 p.m. tomorrow night before we're seeing winds back to 60 miles
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per hour in new orleans. rainfall totals are gooding to be pushing 20 inches some spots around new orleans so. major flooding concern and winds a big problem because of the storm. >> rick, thank you. >> be sthour stay with fox news channel throughout the night for latest on hurricane isaac. >> our history shows we stand whup it counts. thits quality defining america's character and our significance in the world. i know the simple truth. our ideas are right for america. their ideas have failed america. >> it's true mitt is success envelope each challenge he's taken on. ate mazes me to see his history of success being attacked. are those really values that made our community tri great? -- country great?
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as a mom of five boys do we want to raise our children to be afraid of success? do we send our children in the world with advice try to do okay? and let's be honest. if the last four years have been more successful do we think there would be this attack on mitt romney's success? of course not. >> and opening now, did it get off to a successful start? and importantly will the will the convention sway undecided voters? and joining us now byron york and deputy washington bureau chief michael krouly. let's start with ann romney. did she achieve that tonight? >> this is about finding deskmaind think she gave a terrific speech given the fact she hasn't done this after the nonbefore. she can talk about
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mitt romney on a personal level. i thought the room would be chris christie it and ended up being ann romney. she hit where weak spots are saying women, of course, go out, love mitt romney. there is no subtle ti in that speech. and this is something telling you a little bit about mitt romney. i thought she looked great and sounded like. there was a human element, i think still missing. >> her job was to convey confidence she feels in her husband and this man will not fail. if she were in an airplane and the pilot died of a heart attack her husband would find a way to land safely. i think chris christie did not live up to billing and it dawn ond me great chris christie moments are usually him in a
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spontaneous encounter with a jerk who is hassling him. and christie just destroys him. so i think that he did d.not shine in this format. >> i agree with what these guys are saying. she's radiant and confident and likeable. and i agree with positives i say what struck me most is the way demonstrating two negatives worried about. so rick mentioned women. there is a gender gap she was just pushing hard on that theme of connecting with women, speaking to women. there is a natural gender kinship but it shows me how concerned they are about trying to connect this candidate to women. and another point is that question of trust. you can trust mitt shows also he hasn't broken through. his likibility numbers are low. negatives, high. i think a lot of voters are pretty ready to fire barack
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obama from the job but not quite ready to hire mitt rom nee. i don't think they entirely trust him. there have been a lot of negative attacks and i thought she did a good job. there is an interesting window into two things. >> and there is a big thing is the undecided. here is a whok has been a home maker. she's lived a privilege environment in terms of money. she had health issues that many women go through. and you know this is interesting we hear from governors and lawyers and we hear from senators. i thought it's interesting is that this is a home maker. i wondered, you know sh i thought she probably reached a lot of women in america owe have elected to stay home. >> sheegs trying to say one, romney earned his success. >> greta: there is no crime to that. >> his father was a big,
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successful rich executive but he earned his own success and the notion they're children are perfect and lives are perfect, everything is great. says well storybook never had a chapter on breast cancer on and on ms. she's trying to say we suffered in the ways that everybody else suffers so trying to humanize him in that. there is this sense of the romneys being too perfect and trying to connect with voters saying not the case. ook oog rick, governor christie for a second i thought he's running for office but he was -- he got everybody reved up. >> there is a good parallel to barack obama in 2004. he got that convention going for the candidate who is john kerry. and in that case and in this case this is more about the person delivering the speech. so no question that reflected glow can work well for mitt
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romney but that speech was not about mitt romney. highlight something of the weaknesses mitt romney has. we're told he's passionate about the fact that doesn't inspire passion. it took a while to mention mitt romney. it didn't sound like he's endorsing mitt romney's ownership of the country. >> he never mentioned obama. he mentionedded the president just one time. >> that is interesting. >> so it's well, going to change. you're going see speakers hit obama hard. interesting they made a decision tonight was not a night to really hit the president and. >> as far as chris christie is concerned they didn't even talk about their own candidate. >> this moment in the lives of our country will be remembered generations will know who kept
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now? not so much. i got lotrimin ultra. it penetrates to soothe symptoms while it cures athlete's foot at its core. prescription strength lotrimin ultra. put your best foot forward. >> i hear all the time they want to focus on their business, the obama administration wants to bury them with rules, regulations and red tape. >> this summer, he showed us once again he believes in government handouts and dependency by waiving work requirement for welfare. i helped write the welfare reform bill. we made the law crystal clear.
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no president can waive the work requirement. but as with his refusal to enforce our immigration laws, president obama rules like he's above the law. >> president obama's version of america is a divided one, pitting us against each other based on income level, gender and social status, his policies have failed us and no bumper sticker or hollywood campaign ad can change that. >> greta: president obama was not here in tampa tonight but his name came up a lot. and we're back live with our political panel. in the beginning of the night we did hear about the president and heard the sound bytes and then later in the night with governor christie, we didn't hear bit. >> no. it was striking and i think that you do have to -- it's a typical practice that you lay positive ground
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work and this is a fundamental basis. and there is a decision between what the basis seeing and what people are committed and tuned in and maybe watch brg the audiences there, that is the red meat for that crowd. you get national audience chi think is less receptive to negative politics likely to be undecided independent voters want to see a more positive vision. so in that sense, it's following a standard trip. >> this is so much enthusiasm on the right and left and among republicans and democrats waking up and no independent watched tonight. there is no undecided. >> i was just throughout the night it didn't feel like mitt romney's convention. and ann romney begins to flex that out.
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>> what are you looking for? >> for the other speakers, rick santorum to talk about why mitt romney is the right guy here. they spent a little time breaking down barack obama. he didn't get a chance he was taking ownership. and i felt like when mitt romney came on to the stage people were excited to see him but it didn't have a feel that we're ready to fight for this guy. >> a lot of the republican party's new class of stars like nikki haley and ted cruz were on display when probably no one was watching. the biggest applause was scott walker of wisconsin who had some heavy support. >> greta: why? why do you think he got big yaeft plaus? >> he fought a huge battle of wisconsin ask won, taking on the left in all of the power and richness and prevailed so
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he's a major hero ask won a battle recently. rick put a finger on a fundamental thing. romney is almost an uncandidate. it's about the economy and barack obama failures and tonight they made some progress with ann's speech in making it more about mitt, humanizing him but i think there is a lot of work to be done. i think stakes are high for romney's speech now. i think voters are open to kicking barack obama out of a job but not sold on mitt romney. >> and he's given good speeches in the past. i think there is a remember taigs -- romney has given terrific speeches. i feel like he had a lot of time to work on it and will be ready to go on this one and i think he'll impress a lot of people with a different message. >> the name we haven't mentioned is paul ryan. like everybody else, only representing one district so he's not a national figure and
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rolling him out not just for the conservative delegates in the room but for the whole national audience going to be important. >> greta: does representative ryan talk about governor romney? has he talked about his policies? >> well, he does introduce himself and he is a very different life than mitt romney coming from a different set of circumstances. then, i think portraying himself someone trying to take on the nation's tough problems and mitt romney is determined to do the same thing. >> you'll see a lot of continue waigs in themes chris christie laid out. >> greta: gentlemen. thank you. thank you for being with us tonight. we'll be back live from the republican national conskrengs our special time, 11:30 to 1:00 a.m. get your coffee house. condoleezza rice and new mexico governor will join us. so you don't want to miss tomorrow night on the r
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