tv The Five FOX News August 30, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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often than not and i'm live this weekend in new york. live cost of freedom. in between the convention and where we stand because we figure you know what? when we say this is about your money, we are putting our money on it and our time on it to be here for you. >> eric: hello, everybody. i'm eric bolling with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, dana perino, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in tampa, florida. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> eric: all right. you're watching mitt romney moments ago with the final walk through. in a little over five hours from now he will take the podium and accept the presidential nomination for president of the united states. moment he has been waiting for, for eight years. we'll weight in on what we'd like to hear but listen to advice from the political world heavy hitters.
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>> american people see that heart in romney and they will conclude we trust him. once they conclude they can trust mitt romney, we're going to win this election. >> this is something that is going to be hard for mitt romney. where it matters is connecting with other people's concerns. i don't think he has to be like this new age kind of guy all of a sudden. he won't be that way. important to connection emotionally before then. that gives you a chance to allow people in. >> i think for someone like him who is perceived as stiff, robotic. a speech can help. but remember, speeches are prepared. you're reading off a prompter. and the environment is controlled. so if you want to overcome the image of lack of spontaneity and being robotic, that is not the best arena. >> eric: let's ask dana perino, our own heavy hitter. dins that is what they call -- >> dana: that's what they
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call me. charles is so right. the narrative about mitt romney is he has to connect with the people today. he has to be personable, say why you like him. then he is in a totally false environment where everyone is cheering for him, balloons are about to drop. it's a great moment. he doesn't build himself as the best orator of all-time but it's part of his strength. that is what people like. what i'm looking for tonight is will people watching at home watch the speech and think i could watch him for four years. >> eric: do we need specifics in a lot of generalities flying over the airport. does he need to land it now? >> greg: he does. the most important job interview in history of the world and down to two candidates. one who is unknown and one is mitt romney. interview you have to prove to people you are up to the job. say what is wrong a how to fix it. you don't ask about vacation or salary. maybe until the second interview. you should wear pants. if he hits all of these -- he
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also has to point out that the state of affairs in america right now are not a consequence but a goal. in obama's vision, america's slinking status is intended. it was essential for his success. testifies the president of opposite of america where our success is a problem and our problems are his achievements. >> eric: what are you looking for here? >> andrea: is that the opposite of what you tell yourself? >> greg: that's how i got the job. >> andrea: building on the advice of jeb bush, i do think he needs to be himself. that is all he has to do. so he can be empathetic, because he is empathetic. if you read about mitt romney and you know things he has done for bain employees over the year, there have been generous altruistic things. but the most important thing and the only real thing he needs to do is prove he can do the job. not just do the job but do the
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job better than barack obama. i think he can do that tonight. >> eric: low bar. >> andrea: right. the pressure is on and he always overperforms, romney always does. >> eric: bob, advise mitt romney for all the undecided, independents out there. what would they want to hear tonight? >> bob: listen, the sale needs to be made here. not being a oh moment. he is not the candidate that does that. put his heart on his sleeve. some people do it well and some people simply don't. what he needs to do is he needs to -- you know, i take a little bit of -- not a little. a lot of disagreement with my friend greg about obama fails. i don't believe that's true. but i believe that romney needs to say here is how i would do it better. here is my plan. it's enough generalities. he needs, i don't mean to get the specific white papers but goes one, two, three, four. >> eric: dana, romney, define the man a little bit.
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very suck self, right? is he embarrassed of the success? is he trying to relate to people who maybe aren't as successful as him and not being, show people he is proud of the achievements? >> dana: i'm sure he did do good at job interviews in the past because he has been successful. he the s the kind of guy that you think it's almost painful, because he is so modest. he doesn't want to talk about himself. so it makes him look stiff. look like he doesn't want, he doesn't relate to you. he is a lot more like people than others realize. he has been successful. made a lot of money. but he did that, if you listen to what ann romney said the other night, how they started out was a lot like other people started out. my parents when they were in evanton, wyoming, where i was born. i don't even know if they had a dining room table. but they succeeded. and i think what he has to do is say this is what i want for everybody else. i believe the expectations for the speech are lower than almost other speech at the convention, actually.
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like andrea said, he does tend to in the debates, people say wow! i didn't know he could do b that good. >> eric: can he get that specific, though? tonight the night for him to be specific about all of the economic -- >> dana: he'll lose people. >> andrea: he will lose people, too. i agree. where he can be detailed is in those personal stories. in those stories that mrs. romney told. that is what connects people to mitt romney. he needs to build on the theme of bain. 100% unapologetic about his success. explain how he got there. it's a great story but shouldn't run from it. >> bob: you can lay out the stories about your past. >> andrea: right. >> bob: one thing, i have known more politicians in small group settings are good and warm and do well. we tried to make them to take out of that and put it in front of a huge audience. inevitably it backfires. it's a terrible mistake. he has been successful and
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play to the strength. that's what you do. don't create something that is a weakness. expectations, dana is right. expectations for this guy giving a speech that is good is low. >> andrea: don't you think ryan raised the bar? last night, everybody is talking about him. >> andrea: he can get better. a different speaker. >> eric: take a listen to a piece of sound from paul ryan last night. >> we have had different careers. mine mainly in public service. his, mostly in the private sector. he helps start businesses and turn around failing ones. by the way, being successful in business, that is a good thing! [ applause ] >> eric: we were talking about that convention hall last night. when paul ryan started to talk, you could hear a pin drop. everyone was watching. everyone was listening. he did a fantastic job. what did you think? >> greg: he set the bar so high joe biden gets a nose bleed thinking about it. pulling about the remaining
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hair plugs thinking about the debate. how will he up against guy like that. different debate than four years ago. we're talking about ryan next segment? >> bob: want to talk about him now or wait. >> greg: i can talk aboutally all day. >> eric: here is what paul ryan did. he said it's okay to be successful. >> bob: romney needed to say that from the beginning. to suggest that romney should hide from being successful is bad idea. emphasize your strengths. they perceive it to be a strength. with expectations, politics is exceeding expectations. it it always has been. >> dana: one thing he has to do tonight after watching the ryan speech, mitt romney's challenge is i have to convince people that i'm rightfully the nominee and not condi or paul ryan. he has a way to do that, i have tried to hire the best. i surround myself with the best people. you can look at the people
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that led up to this speech. these are the ones to speak for me. >> that is a huge point. he burned a lot of votes pick -- earned a lot of votes picking paul ryan. the man can make a good decision. >> greg: he has to remind america you won't find an obama fingerprint on anything that is ever made a profit. he has dash is a huge contrast. it's time for mr. cunningham. fonzi failed. >> eric: will we hear barack obama's name mentioned? >> andrea: absolutely. absolutely. >> eric: you think so? >> andrea: one last point on what he should do, we heard all week long the theme that republicans have been fixing it. they have been doing it in the state houses. we heard virginia governor bob mcdonald turn around virginia. chris christie turned around new jersey and paul walker turn around wisconsin. mitt romney is a fixer. he has been in the undesirable situation in his life and he turned the situations around. he needs to talk about that. >> greg: this is like he is
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the harvey keitel earn in "pulp fiction." >> andrea: or "point of no return." cleaner. >> greg: when he is done nothing ever happened. in a weird way the obama administration a weird detour and america wants to forget that. >> bob: if you are going there, i can't take it anymore. >> eric: no, hold on. hold on. >> andrea: you were doing so well. >> eric: we're going to get there. coming up, may as well call him the mailman because paul ryan delivered last night with the speech that fired up the crowd and fired up bob beckel right now. >> so here is the question: without a change in leadership why would the next four years be any different from the last four years i yearn >> eric: later, can you guess what piece of equipment condoleezza rice didn't use last night? ♪
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my dad used to say to you "son, you have a choice. you can part of the problem or part of the solution." the present administration made its choices and mitt romney and i have made ours. before the math and the momentum overwhelm us all we are going to sol tv nation's economic problems. [ applause ] >> andrea: that was congressman paul ryan who officially accepted the republican nomination for vice president last night. part of the speech is harsh critique of president obama's first term. >> everyone who feels stuck in the obama economy is right to focus on the here and the now. i hope you understand this, too. if you are feeling left out and passed by, you have not failed. your leaders have failed you. none of us should have to settle for the best this
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administration offers. a dull adventureless journey from one entitlement to the next. government planned life. country where everything is free but us. >> andrea: greg, as soon as he said that line "everyone is free but us," the whole crowd just sort of stopped and went yes. i think it resonates, because conservatives feel like wait a minute, this administration, obama administration taken things away us from. maybe people on the left feel they're not free because they have been dependent on government. did that resonate? >> greg: that is the core argument. are you willing to give free will versus free pills. are you willing to hand yourself over to the government for the rest of your life. be there for you forever but you won't be a successful human being. that is what he needs to keep nailing. it is like ide log call gps. our country got lost in woods an he is trying to get us back to the right highway. >> dana: that was closed in
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the winter. >> andrea: the other line in the famous quote said that that is the best they have to offer. i think that is important. because the obama administration has either given us their best and it hasn't worked or they are not capable of giving us their best. >> dana: that line and others led you to a couple conclusions. the job at the rnc convention when you challenge an incumbent is say why would you continue on with four years, give us a shot because we'll do it better. i have known paul ryan for a long time. i didn't know he lost his dad when he was 16. when he said the quote "my dad said to me you have a choice. you be part of the problem or part of the solution." if you think about that -- bob you talk about the midwestern, rocky mountain west thing amount lot of people say i learned that from my dad, too. there was a connection there. i don't know if people thought that paul ryan could do. that delivered it more than anything i could say. reminded me of the year 2000 when i had so much joy after
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george w. bush's speech. i thought this is the future. we are going to win. >> andrea: he mentioned his father and in an extremely touching moment he mentioned his mother. take a listen. >> small business people say they made it on their own, all they're saying is nobody else worked seven days a week in their place. nobody showed up in their place to open the door at 5 verz in the morning. nobody did their thinking and worrying and sweating for them. after all that work and in a bad economy it doesn't hear from their president the government gets the credit. my mom started a small business. i have seen what it takes. her work gave her hope. it made our family proud. to this day, my mom is my role model. [ applause ] >> andrea: eric, we were on the floor together and i thought my mom started a small
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business with my dad passed away, seven days a week, every day in the 24-hour diner. i texted her after and said mom, you're my role model, too. >> eric: seeing the family together, the ryan family and the ryan family, a beautiful family. they're very tight-knit. if you lose your father at 16, mom takes over. she started the business and she did build that. that was the message that nailed by him all night. we can build it. i can build it. it's important. can i touch on something, paul ryan a gave people who are looking for it, a little red meat. he gave us the we'll repeal obamacare. first things first. obamacare is gone first. he talked about getting back to founding values. that was huge and important. >> dana: tea party lines in there. >> eric: right. founding values. last one is american exceptionalism needs to come back. that happens by getting rid of obamanomics. >> bob: we have less than a minute. he gave an extraordinarily
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good speech and did what he needed to do. it also was filled with the most inaccuracys of any presidential, vice presidential speech i've heard. it'd like to get the facts out. he accused president obama of being cause for closing a g.m. plant. it did close in obama's term. but the decision was made before that. it wasn't george w. bush's fault. the company made the decision. it's not a fair thing to say that about him. when he said this able crony capitalism. paul ryan ranked number one in requesting government funding for congressional district in wisconsin. he talked about the idea that obama cut $716 billion from his care, i grant you romney doesn't do that. but exactly what paul ryan did. more importantly, the senator that romney himself said the best of both -- the unbiased poll came out and the decision to take paul ryan was 46% negative and 40% positive. i think he helped himself last night. i think he may have come even. the idea that somehow many is a panacea for this ticket is
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just -- you don't make decisions -- >> eric: can i point something out. i'll make a prediction. it will bet you the obama administration will not play this g.m. thing up too long. you know why? every time you say g.m. you remember oh, that's right, president obama picked and choose the winners. he bailed out g.m. $50 billion went to g.m. they still owe us $0 billion. that story will go away. >> andrea: one more thought. we have to get to the sound. another piece of sound even you can agree with. greg, you react. it may have been the best of the speech with college grads. and faded posters. >> college graduates should not have to live out their 20s in their childhood bedrooms staring up at fading obama posters. and wondering when they can move out and get going with life! [ applause ] >> greg: this is the most devastating line that ryan delivered. i think president obama has a way to respond he should say he is the most pro-family
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president ever. and that he is bringing adult children home back to their parents by making financially impossible to live on their own. hell, i even put them on their insurance. >> eric: family guy. >> greg: yeah. family guy. >> bob: i admire your sense of humor. if i said something like that about romney i think it would have been seen different. let me say this, i think you have to look at the convention speeches from a distance. ask yourself if it matters and paul ryan will be a neutral on the ticket and maybe net-minus. >> andrea: hopefully psychology bills are covered to see shrink for parents dealing with the kids living at home. under obamacare. >> bob: how many kids live at home? >> greg: introduce a chore tax for young adults living at home mowing lawn and cleaning. $60 billion of uncollected taxes. >> don't give them any ideas. coming um, former secretary of state condoleezza rice touted
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romney foreign policy vision last night. >> mitt romney and paul ryan the integrity and the experience and the vision to lead us. they know who we are and who we want to be and who we are in the world and what we offer. >> andrea: what does she think about president obama's foreign policy? you will hear from her up next. also, marco rubio hits back at l.a. mayor antonio villaraigosa who launched race-base attack against the republican party. stay tuned. ♪ ♪
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the segregated city of the south where her parents can't take her to a movie theater, or to a restaurant. but they have her absolutely convinced that even if she can't have a hamburger at the woolworth lunch counter she could be president of the united states if she wanted to be and she becomes the secretary of state. [ applause ] >> dana: that was condoleezza rice last night at the rnc convention. i want to go to eric after this, listen to one other thing and tell me what was it like in the hall. i watched on tv. i want to hear what it's like in the hall. she is one of the favorite daughters of the republican party. listen to what else she had to say. >> we can only grow that there is no choice, because one of two things will happen if we don't leave. either no one will lead and there will be chaos. or someone will fill the vacuum who does not share our values. my fellow americans, we do not
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have a choice. we cannot be reluctant to lead. and you cannot lead from behind. >> dana: that got applause. >> eric: got applause. dana, it was amazing the pride. you could see the enthusiasm and the pride. when she was finished amazing round of applause. people were really excited. this is fantastic. they're doing a fantastic job, getting the message out. >> bob: i don't agree with what she said but when she talked about the woolworth lunch counters to understand how difficult it was for her to pull this through. my dad and i sat in woolworth in segregation and to try to segregate woolworth and got the hell beat out of us. this woman to get out of that and brought herself up, i don't care if you are a democrat, republican, liberal, conservative, extraordinary achievement. having sat the counter, not an
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easy thing. >> andrea: you do agree. >> bob: i agree how difficult is it. >> dana: you disagree with some politics but that is a good point. a lot of people don't realize she had that history. one thing that i loved about her in the bush administration is she could see i was going to have to explain something difficult, the talk. she would pull me aside in the hallway and say here is what you need to know. she gave me such confidence. i think she has an ambiance about her that draws people in. did you find that last night? >> andrea: absolutely. we talk about the war on women that democrats launched against women. a woman like you or me say there is no war. we're sitting here. but you don't have to prove it if you listen to rice tell stories about that. there couldn't a war on women for her to be prominent and well respected as she is.
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she became secretary of state without her husband's help, i'd like to note. we know who i'm talking about. she brought up another important point, the debt. she talked about national security and the threat. the most important issue, i think so few people connect the dots the that the debt is most important issue. >> dana: great transition to this sound bite and we'll get greg's take. >> my fellow americans, ours has never been a narrative of grievgrievance and entitlement. we never believe i am doing poorly because you are doing well. we have never been jealous or envious of each other's successes. >> dana: a sentiment a lot of americans listen to that and say i agree with it. but she was talking about what she thinks, she thinks is a bad decision by the administration on class warfare. >> greg: the republicans
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havhave to slay the dragon. this is scaring the he can out of the left wingers. identity politics is the intellectual equivalent of a personal. anybody doing it looks outdated and stupid. >> dana: since we only have a little time, let me get to rubio and you can comment on that. rubio was on hannity last night and talked about something i want to get to yesterday and i'm glad i didn't because he said it better than i did. take a listen. >> we have to earn things including people's vote and their support. we have an economic message that appeals minorities and americans with hispanic descent. i remind the mayor and others folks we feature in this election are elected. they're not manufacturered. they're real. these are folks that represent our partism it shows that our message appeals to broad spectrum of americans. >> dana: what senator marco
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rubio is talking about, that yesterday, the l.a. mayor, antonio villaraigosa the keynote at the democratic committee told reporters that republicans can't trot out a brown face and expect latinos to vote republican. do you think that is overreac overreaching? why can't we be gracious? >> bob: rubi villaraigosa in thy had a message for the republican party. the hispanic community is more aligned with republicans on many ways, value, faith and other things. why is that they continue to vote democrat nick huge numbers? not because of people like rubio or george bush who understood it. the republicans continue to believe they can make a case out of immigration -- >> dana: it hasn't been theme of the convention. >> eric: watch what happens tonight when he speaks. the place will go crazy. marco rubio speaks the place will go nuts.
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i watched him in speak in a private function a group of people. it brought the house down. the man has a way to deliver the message. he will deliver it in his home state across the street. watch. >> dana: andrea, i think that they are overreaching. when they say that the hispanics who are voting for romney, african-americans voting for romney, the vote is zero and it doesn't count. i think they are going down a dangerous road. >> andrea: they are. when you ask couldn't he be gracious? he is not here to be gracious, the l.a. mayor. he is here to disrupt and be desperate. it find it offensive a party that continues to roll out sandra fluke every day to talk about women uterus go after republicans for trying to pander to hispanics. i am so sick of this. i can't even believe it. it will backfire, bob. >> bob: don't blame sandra fluke. republican congressman, not all of them but those who sent hispanics and made juggernaut out of illegal immigration cost the republicans and they
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deserve everything they get. >> greg: all hispanics are illegal immigrants? >> eric: >> bob: rubio made his point. >> dana: coming up, mitt romney made history as the first mormon presidential candidate and expected to talk about his faith in tonight's speech. will it help or hurt him? we'll talk about it next. ♪ ♪ flu protection with a 90% smaller needle.
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i'm bret baier in tampa at the republican national convention. the bill story here this el's speech by mitt romney. tonight on "special report" we set the stage for the governor's biggest address of his life as he accepts the republican nomination for president. romney tested out the stage earlier today and we have new info on that speech.
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he will be introduced by florida senator marco rubio, who is one of the finalists in the vice presidential search. i talked to rubio earlier about the introduction and channels facing the g.o.p. ticket. last night's headliner was vice presidential nominee paul ryan. it caught up with him five minutes ago. we'll have his reaction to his speech and the way ahead. tropical storm isaac is losing strength and downgraded to a tropical depression an hour ago. hundreds of thousands are without power, thousands whatted to be evacuated near new orleans. we'll get a live update. "special report" from tampa starts 6:00 eastern. now back to "the five," 500 yards away. ♪ >> greg: apparently romney will talk religion tonight
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which the left will love. it plays in the anti-intellectual, antiscience stereotype the media dumps on the right with glee. i amadi am ambivalent about fai. i try to insert it in the hard drive my brain and it won't drive. no offense to those where it works. it's a mistake to assume that religion makes you dumb. no one call carl sagan stupid when he pondered ail yep life. religion is so no. no. different. putting faith aside, i'm keen on the clues that hint at the origins. it find proof. the first question a child asks after can you feed me is where did i come from? or if you're dana perino is can i buy shoes? the desire for food and water has an answer. 7-eleven. the where did i come from question informs where do we go next?
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chaos cannot explain a desire already installed. what is the point of existence? is there an afterlife? will bob pick up a check? laugh at mitt's attempt to make sense of the world. your laughter that makes you seem unbelievable. bonn, you wrote a column on religion? >> bob: there were many nights i did see aliens. more planets in more nights than i could manual. i talked to them for hours. this is the difficulty for mitt romney. the mormon faith is a complicateded faith. its tenets are not terribly different than the values and other things but judeo christian understanding is difficult. i would be careful about how
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far you go down the load. it's something that you need to take what you are talking about to make an issue on it. i have done this myself. i'll admit it. in the end, church of the latter day saints has christian value structure but tough to get to. i don't know who suggested this. >> eric: mentioning it? >> bob: talking about it risky thing. >> greg: i want to play a s.o.t. to address what bob is talking about. >> we go to different churchs but in any church the best preaching is done by example. the faiths come together in the same moral creed. we believe in every life there is goodness. for every person there is hope.
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each one of us was made for a reason. >> eric: the issue is done. it's touched on and addressed. move on. >> greg: i want andrea in this. mistake to bring it up? >> andrea: i don't think he should. people are saying should he, shouldn't he? i'm a little offended that people under hope and change would have to explain their faith. something that is protected by the first amendment. bob did pick up the tab the other night in the hotel bar. >> greg: don't the media see reverence and authority as passe? >> dana: if he doesn't all headlines are like he didn't bring it up. we talked about a different church.
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♪ ♪ >> bob: the republican national convention comes to a close tonight. but not before mystery guest addresses convention goers. fox news, yes, our network confirmed it will be dirty harry himself, clint eastwood. however, we determined it's a ruse. they brought in clint eastwood to cover the entrance tonight of dom trump. who will be coming in hair and all to address the convention. you heard it here first on the fox news channel.
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>> greg: are you making fun of trump's hair? >> bob: as a matter of fact -- is there something i should have picked up on? >> andrea: at least the hair is the same color. >> bob: i tried my very best. you take this. >> eric: there is a reason for clint eastwood. why clint eastwood? a year-and-a-half ago he was the ad. when he was an ad for chrysler? yeah. halftime in america. everybody is like why would he do this? we thought clint eastwood is a conservative, small government. but it was like he was an obama ad. it was the bowles this year. right. maybe the republicans are saying look, he is with dirty harry. >> dana: who knows? i thought all week long it would be, i thought it would be bit of an amazing to have nancy reagan, by video. a lot of people thought that was the case. i changed my mind. republican who would bring down the house if he came in tonight, jasper.
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take a look at this picture. don't you think? it would be amazing. you see how many people tell me they love my dog. >> greg: how do you know he is a republican? >> dana: i told him so. >> greg: you know who i thought it would be? bill clinton, obviously the girls are cuter here. >> dana: obviously. >> bob: that is not true. >> greg: he is mad at me. i heard what you called me under your breath. >> bob: i did not call you a witch. i did not call you a witch. you're wrong. >> andrea: whatever. sure. >> bob: go ahead. >> andrea: eastwood is good. i'd love bradley cooper to look at him for 45 minutes on a big screen. iconic actor and director. a lot of people, dana is upset by the halftime in america ad. he can buy a dodge challenger and still not vote for president obama. >> bob: don't get so excited. he is 80.
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>> eric: roll it. i'll talk over it. how able them apples? you wouldn't stand a chance. if rush were in here, brought the house down. >> bob: this is a classic case of good convention. why make trick at the end? >> greg: this is clint eastwood. the greatest actor ever. >> bob: let me ask you something. how many shots do i fire in this gun? 45 magnum today -- >> andrea: can you let us have our one celebrity? >> bob: one more thing is up next. there you go. ♪ ♪
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this is bizarre. look at this. i don't know if you can get a picture of this. this is a compressed ball of shottic butterflies she takes with her and provides her sustenance. she injects it in her blood. it keeps her going all day. she never sleeps. this is disgusting. >> dana: i didn't have a one more thing. because -- >> eric: can i weigh in on that? >> dana: he stole that from the hotel. >> eric: he stole it from the hotel, 3:00 in the morning in the bar. what are you going that? he said this is my one more thing tomorrow? what is it? i don't know. wasn't that the green energy sphere that keeps her alive. if it goes away she turns to 190-year-old lady. >> andrea: are you going to return that? >> dana: i didn't have one but i will say the sparkly back pack is retiring on labor day. it has had a wonderful season. but i think it's time to let it go. greg, you have to admit two
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things people act us is what is in the back pack and how's jasper? two things people know about me. >> greg: this is jasper. >> eric: quickly, walk over to the convention. my first convention. fantastic. loving every minute. run over there afterwards to watch the speeches. look at the swag going on here. dana, you like these. >> dana: what makes me mad is i bought stuff and now they're 50%. i expect fete the sale. >> bob: don't get it near me. >> eric: andrea you're next. >> andrea: we have had a fun week in tam pennsylvania i can share photos with y'all of the memories we've made here. kimberly, eric and i with governor walker. of wisconsin. what else do we got? >> bob: whoop-dee-do. >> andrea: hey! that is our dream there. >> bob: that is not a dream. that is the reality.
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>> andrea: jon voight. he is a big-time five fan, he does not miss a show. kimberly, eric and i with sean hannity. >> bob: how did you get that photo? >> andrea: there is my favorite picture. many of you, i don't know if you know. when i was little, little girls watched the smurfs. i watched wrestling. i said hulk i was at wrestle mania when you beat andre the giant. >> bob: when you use steroids like that. >> bob: i want to say this has been a difficult, difficult week for me to be here. but the republicans here have treated me very, very well. i want to thank you for that. with the exception of one woman it's been very nice. i appreciate it. you don't ever want to come back but you have been good people. i do appreciate it. i wish that -- never mind. really, thank you. you've been hos -- hospitable. e
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