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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  September 15, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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this is south carolinian south . people are doing flash mobs in central park doing the dance. britney spears is crazy for him. wanted to learn how to do it. there you i'm greg gutfeld, or as i am known in hong kong, caw rare raw. now to andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what's coming up tonight? >> another quiet day in the middle east with nobody rioting and burning stuff and killing people. i'm kidding, of course. and is general motors losing money on every chevy volt it sells? the shocking story in the run down, and if we don't get to it tonight, it is dead. and what happens if we send bill schulz to walk the runway during fashion week? hopeful leahy trips and falls on his stupid face and he runs outcrying and then gets hit by a bus. >> thank you.
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>> welcome. >> i will get my jacket back on monday. >> i will take care of that. >> you are sure it will get out? >> not entirely sure, but the steam cleaning may be the lucky charm. >> all right. >> bye. >> let's welcome our guest. >> she is so hot she is mistaken for a baked potato. she is the reporter for kttv. she is on fox 11 l.a. she caning of hot, he is so good looking that tourists ask for direction to him. and then they take him to the top floor. the metaphor didn't work. it is sean canin. damn he is hot. and there is a book called "the modern gentleman" which is a fantastic read. and my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and if comedic genius was a lottery blowing i would blow him on a subway. and the co-host of the "opi expe anthony show." >> a-block, the lede, that's
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the first story. >> thanks for the clarification, graphics man. their an arcky has spread to kfc. their screams target krispy kremes. anti-american protesters are now attacking our beloved fast-food chain. on friday agitators in lebenon expressed their anger at the obscure youtube video about the video by setting fire to a combination of kfc and hardy's and the krispy kreme next door. their loss, truly. and more standard american flag burning, and in egypt crowds in tahrir square hold a poster of osama bin laden and graffiti on the u.s. embassy said, quote, take care, america. we have 1.5 billion bin ladens. that's a lot of bin ladens, actually. actually the riots riots are not about 9/11, america or support for terrorism as the white house press secretary jay carney informed us. >> the unrest we have seen around the region has been in
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reaction to a video that muslims, many muslims find offensive. what i am telling you is this is under investigation. the unrest around the region has been in response to this video. again, what we have seen is unrest around the region in response to a video. >> that's the kind of confidence america is looking for. ananthony, is there rage just about the film? as he is saying? or is it more than that? >> well, you can say that all this violence is because of a film, but then you have to say they are idiots forgetting so violent over a film. what are you implying then are these protesters and the people who are rioting. they are idiots. >> yes, that is exactly what he just said. >> what do you call it? the tierney of low expectations? i think i mutilated that phrase. the fact is if you assume these people -- if you hurt their feelings they will riot, you assume they are morons. we are accepting entire
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regions as stupidos. >> and he pretty much said that with that statement. >> how do you blame the video and then say that's not a dumb thing to cause so much violence. >> they destroyed a kfc and a krispy kreme. you know they will regret that in the morning. after a long night of rioting -- >> it is fast-food. >> exactly. >> i don't think the behavior is that surprising. they heard sanders, the colonel. they thought he was pros blee a senior officer in the new -- possibly he was a senior officer in the new ground force. >> and what about the secret recipe thing? >> he does look like the pope. i knew that joke wouldn't work. >> here is the thing. this is going on before we were born, and it will go on after. shouldn't we just turn off the cameras and say be done with your tantrum, we will see you in a week? that's what it is. what we have to do is preserve the safety of our people over there before we do that.
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get him out of there and have at it. >> when are they going to realize that this is so oxymoronic that one of the great religions in the world that reportedly is about love and peace and everything is so sensitive to any kind of criticism that is results in rampant violence and killing. it is ridiculous. >> are you talking about the movies movies ? >> i am talking about the kfc. >> i love the moonies. >> are they like the goonies? >> let's not defend the uni location church. >> going after kfc, does this prove there are certain parts of the world that can't have nice things? >> you know, i don't know that it is the movie. i got a sneaking suspicion that mayor bloomburg is behind this. the enemy of your enemy is your friend. i know he is sitting around going, i know, the radical islamic group has been our enemy in the past. but we hate diabetes. they hate america.
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maybe we can team up and de -- destroy fast-food. >> i have to get a word a day calendar. is kfc's connection to the anti-islam video tenuous at best? >> i don't know what the word tenuous means, greg. and i would thank you to limit sill labelles to one or two. -- sill bells to one or two. they came for the chicken strips and i said nothing. >> not this again. >> i think it is apropos -- it is not prophetic right now. i would also say -- now i am no expert when it comes to all things infidel. but i would say that if you have seen a video or are aware of a video that you would rather the rest of the world, particularly practicing muslims see the last thing you want to do is provide international coverage via a whole lot of violence. i don't think they thought this through. it is a bold statement, i know. >> the thing that i find interesting too is where are the celebrity film makers coming out in defense of this film. you can argue that this is a
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form of art control like gun control. they find art in the hands of bad people is bad just the way guns are. >> still, they took a crew saw fix and put it in urine and that was defended as art. and then silent about this. i am not saying either are beacons of brilliance. it is quite the contrary. but the huh poke craw see you can smell it. >> the proof is in the fact that not many use agencies have even shown a clip of this video for fear of violent retribution. you are admitting the fact that you will get hurt if you even show this. >> you know what, it goes back to the -- remember the cartoonist in oregon, it was dramahama day. she had to change her day. she had to move. she had to do -- to uh blight rate her life.
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we had them looking for people, and we know their names. >> i don't know. i didn't have a question there. and i love the fact that these rioters are now wearing anonymous masks. we are actually seeing finally come full circle with occupy wall street who thought they were the arab spring. and now you have the arab spring seeking they have occupy wall street. let's turn on the outrage spic cet. >> i want more outrage. >> i am saying it over and over and over again. we don't need to show babies at wal-mart crying. if you turn off the camera, the kids stop crying. does that make sense? i am just saying, they know they are on camera, and that's why they do a lot of this stuff. from agitator to actors. are you sleek if you are not a sheep. samuel l jackson is about to
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film an ad in which he tells voters to, quote, wake the f up. vote for obama. i am saying f because i can't say the actual word. the viral video go the f to sleep -- >> farrell? >> it is a play on jackson's viral video go the f to sleep in which he reads the children's book by adams mansbach. it will be released by the jewish council for education and research for -- you may remember their ad with sara silverman offering free lesbian sex if he stopped giving money to mitt romney. or he may not. i know why he didn't. i never saw it. he says, quote, it is definitely going to get attention, unquote. for more let's go live to "red eye"'s political correspondent. love him.
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>> it is a metaphor. the turtle is the foreign policy and lettuce is america. lauren, you work in l.a. so say great things to enhance your career. >> wait, so just back up for a moment. >> yes. >> are we that stupid as a society? it has that much impact and it will start paying attention? that's all it talks to be irreverent and edgy? >> what is this the 1950s? >> thank you, bill for answering that question. >> andy was going get it either way. >> exactly.
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>> i don't care about the cursing. i curse when i am alone and crying. what i care about is being told i am asleep. i don't think i am asleep. >> i think a lot of the people that don't see a lot of what is going on is asleep. and i think that's on the other side than what i am spouting. when samuel l jackson throws out an f-bomb, i think they should bring in the wolf to clean up the mess obama has made. it is messier than the backseat. >> i use that metaphor on "the five." >> they never saw "pulp fiction." >> you have to clean this up, gentlemen. >> he may be enlisting the help of the gimp. >> it is another interesting point. >> the relationship that
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hollywood has with politics, the left is a formidable tool that the obama administration is using to bring actors on who are trained communicators and charizmatic and support him wildly. >> it is the pr arm and that is propaganda, it is public relations. >> what does samuel l jackson have against sleep? >> good point. >> i have no idea. i always thought those were hats and indeed buried. >> people often tell you to wake the f up because you are on a sidewalk. please answer the questions i didn't ask. >> secondly, i think he is on to something. if you really want to get the independent voters into the voting booth you have to scare
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them. you scare them with the monologue from "pulp fiction." >> those lily white butts will run over to the booth and mark one for obama for fear of their life. >> and there is another example you will read in "the joy of hate" coming ut on in a few months. it is the cool versus the uncool. if you get samuel l jackson out there and everybody thinks he is cool. if you disagree with him and don't wake the f up, you are a stupid idiot like me. i want to run things by sam. high deficits, high unemployment. warfare, entitlement, syria, iran in mobs. somebody has to wake the f up and samuel, it is the person in your mirror. >> say high unemployment again! say high unemployment again. >> but you can say this is their clint eastwood. this is their answer to clint eastwood. both are playing the game.
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but they play it better than we do, i guess. i don't know. >> the empty chair was pretty good. >> the empty chair was pretty funny. >> from ads fads, the story we never got to. will a sales rise profit dry? this week routers who ever he is, i think he is a german fellow reported that general motors loses up to $49,000 on every plug in hybrid it makes. i was a plug in hybrid in the 80s with some people taking advantage of special lease offers to pay $5,000 for a car that can cost $89,000 to build. the president of routers said it is overren jaw neared and overpriced. it is keeping buyer usa way. gm says research is grossly wrong. it accuses the news agency of bad math. it all raises the question, what is the latest with bunny and the balloon?
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>> if i had known this video was in the story we would have done this story. i don't want to talk about the volt. we all know it is a failure. it is a metaphor for a government intervention. and here we go missing a great video. sean, thoughts on the volt? >> well, it is ugly, but at least it costs a lot. so there is that. this is the same that had us investing in saw linda. in sylindra. i think it was 89,000 to make? and people are leasing them for like $5,000 for two years, and then they get a $7500
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rebate for the green launch. maybe they are indoctrinating people. >> it is an indock trough nation. >> you live in l.a. where this should catch on, but it is not. i could see you in a volt. >> let me tell you what has caught on. the media is ruining this for everyone. let them give us a volt for $5,000, and then i can park in those amazing parking spaces with the plug ins which are always empty because no one apparently has the car to plug in. shut up. let us drive around in a volt for awhile. if they are losing money they will deal with it later. >> you know what a volt is? a segue with a helmet. >> it has a lid. >> no one cares about saving when it is inconvenient.
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>> if you went to the gas station and the last bit of fossil fuel came out, the next day they would have an alternative to fuel. we are clever when we have to be. >> we find the next best thing, phil. it is what we are trying to do with you for years. >> and yet i remain. >> i want a carbon footprint. >> we have to go. you have 10 seconds. >> you were complaining about the middle east a little earlier. the maury start relying on alternative energy, the more we can worry about oil. i think we should drill more and frack more. get the frack out. somebody probably said that before i did. i feel stupid. get the frack in. coming up, what is the secret to hair that really shines. lauren sivan with more on why she uses condor blood. it is rare, but worth it. look at her. she is a delight.
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what has this frequently freak -- freckly freak done now? we pick up where special report left off.
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well, lyndsay lohan has a message for her fans. even for her that seems crazy. the actress/train wreck tweeted this picture, quote, chanel and a jet. never quit fighting to live your dreams. god bless. a burkin is a $30,000 bag i use to collect my doll heads. i believe scary movie 5 is a sequel after she missed every meeting for the film. meanwhile, amanda bines was in yet another car accident hours after a judge ordered her to
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quit driving with a suspended license. she was seen earlier in the week driving around aimless he for hours while smoking something from a drug pipe. >> what is happening to our nation's star lets? it is something. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning round. lightning round. >> lauren, technically you are a young star let. these women of l.a. seem like all they do is drive around erratically and get high. >> you have to catch a jet. you have your mac book on you and your chanel bag. it is stressful. you amanda bines was on her way to home depot to get pretty lights for her house, and she was completely stoned. it is so stressful. spa appointments. you have to take the edge off somehow. give them a break. >> you know what kind of lights she was getting? the plastic -- what do you call those? red pepper lights.
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they are the red pepper lights around the window. oh, i have outdoor lights indoors. i have outdoor lights indoors. shut up! i hate when you see outdoor lights indoors. >> it is lights out. >> is hollywood irresponsible for bringing these women in and making them famous and then discarding them like used objects? >> no, it is the fault of the starlet to tell you the truth. she has to know some form of right from wrong. she has to know it is wrong to make that hair the color of edgar winters. we are going to start talking about prevention. you need to slap an ankle bracelet on i carly and start monitoring her now. >> this is your turf. this is where you live. what is going on? every time there is a famous young woman in a matter of two years she becomes something dangerous. i blame you.
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>> i am largely to blame for that. this thing with dina lohan. i keep thinking about this. she was on "dr. phil." >> she was on the show. she was not actually on him. >> she was actually on him, strad lig him. you say, wow, that's what this poor girl grew up with, what chance does she have coming out of the box? >> that's a very sympathetic way of looking at it. >> i am a giver. >> that's not a way i would look at it because i am not sympathetic. what are you doing when you are not at work? >> research. i wanted to get into the mind of this sensitive artist that is amanda bines. i listened to her twitter account, and i really feel i scratched the surface of who this artist is. i will give you some examples if i may. it is weird when someone acts busy just to be busy. stop me if you sense a theme on these. i like black men. i am very very attracted to them. just an fyi. >> love her. >> these are direct quotes.
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quit hating on me because i am vanilla, all caps and i like chocolate. it just makes you look like a hater. smiley face. thanks so much, another smiley face. and finally, fyi, if any girls are mad that i like chocolate, they need to seriously get over, all caps, it. sorry, you can't have all of the chocolate yourself. smilely face. >> i love that. that is shakespear with a smiley face. >> can i bring up a point here? lyndsay lohan is employed and staring in a move vee right now. >> -- in a movie right now. >> yes. >> let's put that on the record. >> but she is playing -- >> liz taylor. >> no, linda love lace. >> no that was somebody else. >> wait, no, no, no, no, no. she is playing linda love lace, i swear. i will drag this out so andy has time to google it. >> she is playing lincoln. it looks good.
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wasn't he known for a certain thing he did. >> he liked black people too. he was a republican. republicans ended slavery. let's not forget that. >> she was in "my left nostril" and decided she would be great for lincoln. >> my producer put in my ear, she was fired from linda love lace. >> see, i told you! >> was it before production started or during production? >> i have no idea. do you think i read this stuff? >> she was fired from a movie about deep throat. wow. wow, wow, wow. >> you know, she was probably thinking it was about watergate. then she found out it was president. it is about something else which i won't get into because it is a family show. it is a family show in hawaii. it is a family show somewhere around the world. kids get up with their big bowl of cereal and watch "red eye." not gonna happen in this lifetime. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox
3:27 am do you have a video of your animal doing something not funny like that rabbit and the violated balloon? go to fox i don't want you to set it up though. don't force your animal to attack balloons. that's not right. go to fox eye and click on submit a video. we might use it. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. he always has balloons. >> filled with heroin. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by things, the unname items to be owned and carried. thanks, things.
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let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. let's go to andy levy. >> hi, greg. let's get right to it. >> it is your segment. no use having small talk. >> here we go. >> you said let's get to. it. >> is this how it is going to be tonight? >> really, you are going to keep doing this, keep doing this? >> i am not talking. >> how are you? >> mideast turmoil.
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>> what did i say? i i can't remember. soft bigotry. >> that will be the title of my next book. >> we will bleep that. sean, you said you can understand the protestors in lebenon burning a kfc, but they thought he was the leader of the ground forces. i can understand them doing that in libya. they were ruled by a nayser colonel -- they were ruled by a nasty colonel. >> thanks for sincerely asking. >> bill, i want to make sure i have this straight. you don't think the muslims who are committing acts of violence because a film that portrays muslims in a bad light have looked this thing through? >> that was my convention. >> i wanted to check on that. >> i am glad you checked on it and you want things. >> you brought up the fact
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that the news organizations won't sew clips of the stupid film because they are afraid of violence from muslims. i am a little confused though. he wrote on friday -- he wrote an open letter which i always enjoy. it is dear muslims, christians, hindus and jews. you are living in the age of the internet. your religion will be mocked and the mockery will find a way to you. get over it. it is not just muslims. hindus, christians and jews do the same thing all the time. >> i noticed that, absolutely. >> especially hindus. the worst are the buddhists. the absolute worsts. sam jackson's wake the f up. how do you know that was sam jackson's is viral? >> how do i know? >> are you taking his word for it? >> i don't have personal experience. >> actually, you know what -- >> amanda bines might know.
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>> greg, you said what bothers you is if you don't vote for obama you sleep. >> you need to wake up if you are going to vote for obama because clearly you have been sleeping for the past four years, am i right, people? >> yes because we haven't had jobs and we are sleeping all day. >> i wasn't paying attention because you didn't use the f-word. >> this is why samuel l jackson is a lot more successful than i am. >> were you trying to do something there? >> no, i am just saying, i wasn't trying to do anything. >> i was making an excellent point that you didn't get. >> sean, i talked to the romney campaign and they deny they are listing help from the gimp from pulp fiction. >> or they could be lying. >> as a real, actual ambudsman you would find out who the gimp was played by. and you didn't, did you? >> no.
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>> if i was ambudsing, i would be googling right now. oh, played by -- >> here is an idea. >> i know who it was. i think it was the offender who was tarn tino's producing -- it may have been lawrence bender. >> it wassed in beatty. he found himself a niche. look at the body type. >> i kind of have a good gig and people see me do that. >> wise move. >> gm using a butt load of money. we really did this story? i can't believe that. >> you know what saved it? >> what's that. >> you know what saved it? >> what. >> the bunny and the balloon. >> always. you can't go wrong with the bunny and the balloon. >> well, the balloon did. i hear it is down in west hollywood turning tricks with squirrels and rats. the bunny was fun.
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the bunny was great. but you don't always get bunnies, andy. >> you don't have to tell me. i have been to your parties and walked away sorely disappointed. that is -- well i will say it anyway. greg, you said gm said routers figures are wrong about losing 40 grand on a car. what gm is saying that routers has taken the production cost of the volt which is like $1.2 billion and dividing it among the number of volts sold. what gm is saying is that is not fair to do right now. you can't do that until the company eventually stops making the volt. you have to look at the lifetime of the product to see what the production cost per item is. >> right. >> now i see why you had second thoughts. >> but it was important. it needed to be known. people gots to know, greg. >> that's a good way to know if you are losing money during the production. wait until you are done with the production.
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>> that is the dumbest thing i ever heard. >> why wouldn't you want to know immediately if you are making money or losing money? >> their argument is a company can spend a ton of mime developing something and you don't look after six months and say we are losing all of this money. we shouldn't have done it. you have to wait years and yeerts to see -- by the end of the years and years, you could actually turn a profit. >> you lost me at a company could -- i don't know what happened there. >> sean, you said this whole volt there is a boondoggle. ii am not sure. hasn't gm learned a lot about vehicles? >> that is not a bad point, but look where we #r* economically. is now the time to be going to the laboratory and -- >> it is always time to go to the laboratory. in elementary school when we would take field trips, it is fun. >> it raises an interesting
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point. it is time to replace the word boondoggle with volt. >> this is a volt. this is a big volt. >> by the way, you know who would solve this problem? the guy -- the german guy in the vacuum cleaner commercials. >> dyson. >> yes, dyson. that guy could build -- all he would have to do is take the vacuum cleaner and the ball that moves and put a helmet on it. >> do you really think anyone would let a german get anywhere near a vacuum cleaner? >> it is a dyson. it sucks. >> thought i would squeeze that in. >> lauren, you are mad at the media for ruining the whole buy a volt really cheap thing. you don't drive one. what do you care? >> i didn't know how cheap they were. >> you can't be mad at the media, they are the ones who
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told you how cheap it is. >> i don't want gm to now get smart and start. >> there is little evidence that gm will get smart. >> andrew. >> i came up with an anna gram for -- an anagram for volt. >> yes. >> piece of crap. >> i don't think that works as an anna gram. >> >> i don't even know what an anagram is. >> that's obvious. thank you for defending the tough lives of hollywood star lets. it is nice to see l.a. hasn't changed you at all. >> by the way, andy, as you know, i love beak snarky about celebrity tweets. these two, it is a lay up. i don't even have to write anything. i just retweet what they put out there. >> anthony, i am guess august lot of people had to google edgar winter. >> we referenced 20-year-old movies and 40-year-old musicians. whatever. >> he did franken stein.
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great song. >> greg, lindh see -- lyndsay did just get fired and shot it with james dean. so there is that. by the way, this is how bad things are for lyndsay lohan right now. the new york post quotes a source on the movie as saying, quote, even charlie sheen worries she might know be able to do the scene. >> the scene is what he calls his -- >> well, charlie sheen is the -- charlie sheen is the star. >> anybody see "scary movie 4". it is the scary move -- movie of scary movies. >> i am done. >> are you really? sure you don't want to stick around and stair at me, pretending i am not noticing you are staring at me like this.
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i have had enough. coming up, will there ever be a gilmore girls movie? not a story, just something john gibson texted me today. what sort of injuries did bill schulz accrue during his fashion week report? if it was not fabulously fatal. i don't want to know about it. >> so we are going to do hair, and what will we do as far as facial hair? >> tighten this up a little bit so we have a cheek bone and jaw line. >> so sorted of captain luno bono esque.
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can you still sell the dress if your model is a hot mess? of course the answer is a resounding no. that's why "red eye" decided to insert itself into the bowels of " elle magazine" and direct the spotlight on to the unsung hero of fashion week. namely the hair and make up people. the following package will not
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get us a runway and i will pee on somebody. >> makeovers are a dime a dozen. but a makeover off, i have never seen that before. basically i will be competing to see who looks the most fabulous with our own production assistants. what is your name? >> that was good. now listen, rookie, how these things work is we will possible for a before, and then an after. so i will pose in front of the camera so they get what i look like before i get the makeover on. your turn right in front of the camera. >> you are going down. >> i will get a shave while this thing gets his hair did. >> my facial hair has often been described as pubic. how would you describe it?
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>> i guess i will agree with you. >> my face looks awesome, and now it is time to work on the hair. looking over at mike, he decided to go for a future look. you know what is in the past? any chance of him winning. >> i don't have any real requests aside from the fact that i want to look sexy and powerful. basically i want the full john gibson. >> greed for lack of a better word is good. >> james, are you a make up artist? >> i am a make up artist. >> i would be interested to see how you do what you do. obviously i am a guy and you are used to girls. just do a little foundation and maybe fill in the weak eyebrows. maybe a little men's grooming. >> exactly. >> hd ready we call it.
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>> if anything, make me look more mass skew 11 than i already am. >> perfect. >> i went from gordon gecco to an extra in a robert palmer video. >> you look good, rookie, but there is only one way to end this. walkoff. >> all right, she is the designer for the show and she will be our judge. what do you think? >> let's see. it is really close call. it is really tough, but i think i am going to have to go with it. mike is the winner. yea, mike. >> congratulations, mike.
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>> i am the winner. >> ho -- how do you pronounce his name? it is the "vanity fair curse." >> i suppose he went to after parties and was wasted and slept with like six different types of sexualities. >> he did get wasted and did not go to any parties and he is still missing. >> greg, you haven't been in the office all week. >> how were you treated back stage? >> i will tell you the one good thing about this. i don't know if you could see it, but when we were doing the
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makeover. they were doing the shows in front of us and just naked models and here, there, everywhere. i was seen watching it the whole time, but the weird, weird pa kept looking at the floor. it disturbed me. >> he was counting tiles. >> 437. 438. >> he was a good counter. >> he has been known to count very well. >> i have to give him credit though. to tell you the truth. models look great with their clothes on. i know with their clothes off they look like a sack of antlers. i am just saying. >> zing. i happen to like antlers. we have to take a break.
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♪ i'm going to the customer with so much delight. >> i can help you find anything you could possibly want ♪ ♪ often goodies i can flaunt ♪
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♪ selling is service and service is selling ♪ ♪ service is selling and selling is service ♪ >> ♪ hell owe there nicky how are you doing today? ♪ >> i am in a good mood and it is here to stay ♪ >> this is a video some company made to teachers and you how to tell. what is it about people who don't rap have to do the same thing. hello people, my name is jay. and i am here to say. >> you are always here to say. >> and i am here to say. >> and do you have to be here to say it? we know you are here. >> every company has done a video like that. every company. >> except "red eye." or should we? >> that's the type of video
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that turns into a porno at some point. isn't that what you get? >> that's a great idea too. we should do that with a "red eye" video. and turn it into a porn. >> tv gold. >> "vanity fair" at the end. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up. go to fox eye.
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time to go back to andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> lauren, what is going on? >> you tell me, andy. >> you didn't give me a question so ask me what is going on. >> have i to give you the questions? >> i totally forgot this was your first time on the show. my bad. >> how is l.a.? >> ask her how her mother is. >> go to on this show.
3:59 am
how is my mother? she is fine. she is fine. she is in long island. she misses you. >> what is she doing tonight? >> watching. tell greg he liens on the table too much. if he stood up a little straighter he wouldn't seem so short. he does it to himself. it is a good tip. >> he is standing up straight, by the way. not the problem. >> sean, what is going on with you? >> i don't know. i think i will try to milk the last little bit of life out of my book for awhile, and then probably do the comic-con circuit. i am going to be starting airing on "the bold and the beautiful" again on september 18th. >> you are the beautiful. >> a lot of eyebrow acting. >> he is bold and beautiful. >> what is going on? >> i will start organizing a protest against the 70s


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