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tv   FOX News Watch  FOX News  September 16, 2012 3:30pm-3:47pm EDT

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>> they didn't touch it. look, ericer rick son said first the media had to be clowned. he said this most traffic spees in years. people understand what the media are doing and look to other sources. >> it was stun that go cbs did not cover it at all but the would other clips where you have two other major broadcasts and hanging the rights on the film when the film had nothing to do with it. this happened with september 11th. this is well planned in advance. there have been reports that libyan attack was retribution retaliation for the drone strike that took out the number two al-qaeda leader who is libyan descent. so to hang this on the film was grossly irrespons well, i had all the classic symptoms...
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like the elephant on my chest... he thought he was having a heart attack. she said, "take an aspirin, we need to go to the hospital." i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. i'm very grateful to be alive. aspirin really made a difference.
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>>. live from america's election headquarters, i'm gregg jarrett. libya's president reportedly saying 50 people have been arrested with last week's assault on the consulate. chris stevens among four americans killed when protestors stormed the compound allegedly angry over an anti-muslim film produced in the united states. we could soon learn whether chicago school teachers will be back on the job tomorrow. they are expected to voted to approve a proposed contract deal. union leaders and school officials are trying to finalize that agreement. it would give teachers a raise but require tougher evaluations. teachers walked off the job leaving 350,000 students in limbo. i'm gregg jarrett. now back to fox news watch. we'll see you at the top of the hour on american election
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headquarters. wait there is still time. i say wait for what? >> wait until when? those international community that refuse to put red lines before iran don't have a moral right to place a red light before islam. >> jon: israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu striking back against the white house and those unwilling to issue an ultimatum to iran. once again, judy miller. monica crowley. jim pinkerton, contributing editor of the american conservative magazine. kirsten powers and richard grenell that served as press spokesman to the last four ambassadors to the u.n. rick to you first, that
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netanyahu story would have been the big story of the week had the embassy attacks had not occurred. what do you think about what coverage the media gave his point? >> i think it was a direct assault at president obama. you can't blame the israelis for being frustrated. here, you know the white house was scrambling before all of this mess in the middle east started with the violence and the killing of our ambassador. what was really happening is the white house was trying to say the israelis didn't really ask for a meeting in washington with president. when the president goes to the u.n. general assembly he doesn't have a lot of time to meet with the israelis. i've been involved in 8 of the last previous plannings for the president coming to the u.n. under president bush. the simple fact is united states gets to meet with whomever they want to meet with.
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everybody is requesting to meet you. it's a silly argument we didn't get a formal request to meet in new york and we're going miss each other in washington. if you want the to meet with the israelis, you want to meet with the pakistanis you get to meet with them. >> jon: is the media defending the president on this, kirsten? >> it depends on who you talk to. i think the administration is maintaining they didn't get a request. you know, it's i defer to judy on this who told me they didn't but the question has to be raised what exactly is the obama administration supposed to do. are they supposed to agree to go to war with iran. that is conversation that needs to be had but it's a tit-for-tat what are we talking about here. >> i think the subject is pretty clear, joe cline indicated one view, he called netanyahu's
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statement outrageous and disgusting. there is lot of disgust going around the capitol because he dared to interject himself into american politics. the obama line is going to be and trying to draw news a war. that is a powerful narrative. the israelis are not happy about it. they are countering with people to their understandable desire to settle that line. >> the elite media use words disgusting that like terrorist regimes rather than israel. the white house acknowledged that using that netanyahu put in a request because they claimed scheduling conflicts. so the president of united states will meet with david letterman but not with benjamin netanyahu. the other thing that the press should be investigating. they shouldn't be trying to connect the dots.
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the democratic platform had a huge controversy and slur fight. what they ended up doing, yes, they inserted the jerusalem is the capital of israel language but they stripped out language from the previous platform, strong loonz against hamas. don't think for one second that the enemies of the united states and israel weren't paying close attention to that. i'm not saying that we saw that this week, but there is certainly a story to tell that has as parted. broader part of the narrative. >> we know the president has time a radio talk show host. again. the u.s. relations and israeli-iranian or whatever happens with them are probably more important than what we talked about the first half-hour of this show. there may be a war in a week or month. >> jon: next, how will this
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week's events affect the presidential polls? will the media react? >> the polls have them up. the polls have them down. which polls do the media believe? which do they reported and why? details next on news watch. es. [ clock ticking ] [ male announcer ] there's a better way... v8 v-fusion. vegetable nutrition they need, fruit taste they love. could've had a v8... your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too.
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>>. >> jon: here a rasmussen poll tracking the presidential race. mitt romney has a one-point lead a statistical tie within the margin of error and team obama with a five-point lead. media tend to make a big deal in any poll not so much when mitt romney is on top. a pollster for team romney had this advice for the press. he said, don't get too worked up about the latest polling. while some will feel a sugar high after the convention the basic structure hasn't changed significantly. reality of the obama economy
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will reassert itself as the downfall of the obama presidency and mitt romney will win this race. so, jim, what about the reaction to the media on poll numbers? >> i think the media has john nulty was saying, they have been trying to turn the polls, any poll shows obama up a point, it's unmistakable that obama will win reelection. however, it does seem like the polls are drifting down on romney. if neil says the number one issue is economy and last days of the week is consumed with foreign policy. as we have seen in past presidencies it helps the incumbent. >> jon: don't the polls lean to the democratic side? >> polling is not my strength, but i do notice that jennifer rubin of the washington post blogged that why do we not focus
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on the 11-point lead that governor romney has among independents over the president? why are some polls more important than other polls? i think too much is made of this and there is clearly a self-fulfilling prophesy desire here. the polling i've seen in the three states that matter according to chuck todd who was talking about this on friday morning suggested it's going to be neck and neck. very close too close so we'll see. >> it's interesting when you looking on the report understanding get a new poll out. it's creating a perception the president has sort of a land slide victory on the way. no, the convention bounces over and mitt romney has the lead and among independents it's a perception. but you are right because there are more registered republicans and democrats nationwide and
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it's how many. a lot of the polls where you see the president with a five or six-point lead you go into the internals and they have been oversampling democrats by 13 points. you have to take it as a grain of salt. you take a look at the polls two weeks before the election because a lot of polls realize their reputation is on the line. likely voters getting a quick and accurate view who might come out on election day. two weeks before the election that is when you should start paying attention to the polls. >> jon: kirsten you worked in media relations? >> in the white house. >> jon: did you have a finger in trying on spin polls? >> not where i worked. it wasn't necessarily, we were much more focused on international affairs. i think the thing is, i think jim hit on most likely what will happen is americans will rally
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around the president in this situation because whenever we're under attack, americans tend to come together and tend to come around the president. the fact that it also hasn't gotten any coverage of the negative aspects is going to make it greater. >> jon: rick, bring your thoughts from the west coast? >> it depends on whether they are getting registered voters or likely voters. i don't put a lot of stake in polls. if polls were accurate we would have president john kerry. no pollster has ever called me. i find it silly on to be putting a lot of confidence in polls in early september. >> jon: coming up a new film about president does well at the box office but not so much with the media. with the spark miles card from capital one, thor's couture gets the most rewards of any small business credit card. your boa! [ garth ] thor's small business earns double miles on every purchase, every day!


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