tv Hannity FOX News September 24, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm EDT
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factor." one of the worst things you can do is to be redundant. thank you for watching us tonight. i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops right here, as we're definitely looking out for you. >> sean: tonight the diary of our fallen ambassador christopher stevens has been uncovered and raising serious questions about what the obama administration knew about the volatile security situation that was going on in banghazi. the ambassador's writings were uncovered by cnn inside the u.s. consulate four days after he and three americans were killed in an orchestrated attack. cnn reports that the journal specifically mentions the rise in islamic extremism and
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al-qaeda's growing presence in libya. also that stevens believed he was on an al-qaeda hit list. tragically now we know that he was on that hit list, but don't what we don't know is who else the ambassador told about his concerns and why nothing was done to ensure his protection, because one thing is certain, if an american ambassador took the time to sit down and put into writing that he's in fear of his life, well, then he more than likely expressed the same concerns to his superiors and colleagues, both at the state department and throughout the administration. so where are those letters? where are those cables? where are those emails? in other words, what is the administration trying to hide? now secretary of state hillary clinton was asked about this report as it began to develop late last week. let's take a look at this. >> there's at least one report suggesting that ambassador stevens felt that he was on a, quote, al-qaeda hit list. is this a scurilleyous rumor?
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>> i have absolutely no information or reason to believe that there's any basis for that. >> sean: there you have secretary clinton on record claiming she had no knowledge of ambassador stevens' security concerns, but also keep in mind she wanted you to believe that this assassination was not premeditated and was the result of a spontaneous mob protesting a youtube video which, by the way, was released in july. forgive me, in light of the administration's handling of the situation, i am not ready to take secretary clinton at her word, and prove in fact does exist that the ambassador's warnings were ignored by washington leading up to the attack, his family deserves to know the truth. not only that, they deserve better from the president himself, because last night the commander in chief had the nerve to liken this terrorist attack and the vicious murder of four americans, what he calls it, just a bump in the road. watch this.
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>> recent events in the middle east, have they given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the arab spring? >> well, i said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. i was pretty certain, and continue to be pretty certain, that there are going to be bumps in the road. >> sean: now u.s. ambassador, two navy seals, and another american are assassinated, and he calls it's a bump in the road? that insensitive comment was made the day after the terrorist attack on september 12th. we'll have much more on that outrageous interview with dick morris, but first we're joined in studio by the author of a brand-new book out today, "mugged" available in bookstores everywhere. ann coulter is with you. they lied. this is the bottom line here. they said the youtube video, two ways of attack. this is not spontaneous. i have a missile-fired grenade
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i'm about to shoot into a u.s. consulate and kill a u.s. ambassador. >> you don't think it's a youtube video? >> sean: the one released in july? >> i consider the whole administration a bump in the road. his presidency a bump in the road. >> sean: that's a good point. >> sean: look, we have two navy seals. we've got an ambassador. the ambassador is saying, i'm afraid, i'm on a terror hit list. he writes it in his diary. >> right. >> sean: he wrote it in his dire, and ardiary, but he didn'l anybody about it? >> as i told you two weeks ago, i was a little suspicious since it all started on 9/11, something the white house didn't seem to notice. all of that, that goes back to my last book, not the one out tomorrow. >> sean: right. >> about mobs. we could all see this arab spring was going to be a disaster. mob movements have never led to anything good. and also, i mean this diary,
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everything else, the initial reaction when romney said, which was absolutely true, that the administration was sympathizing with the people out there murdering our ambassador by blaming on this youtube video about muhammad was that romney had his facts wrong, and that sympathetic statement went out from the cairo embassy before the violence started. then, what were they responding to? they must have been responding to something. >> sean: yeah. >> if they had information they were responding to, this little trailer on youtube, why weren't the embassies fortified? >> sean: by the way, jay carney, this isn't about america, but americans flagged ripped down and burned, al-qaeda flags raised, chanting "death to america." it's a good indication that it might be about america, and that the president apologizing for "torture" and he's going to close gitmo didn't exactly pan out. i have one more president about this.
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that is the president's entire handling of the rises of radical islamists. >> big problem. >> we've got muhamma mohamed mo, associates with terrorists. >> you've been right all along, and the president has been wrong. >> sean: watch this ad. >> there's a muslim brotherhood rally for their new egyptian president, mohamed morsi. they want to conquer israel and renew long severed ties with iran, a country building nuclear weapons to slaughter the israeli people. death to israel. the muslim brotherhood's top leaders even write about taking over america. president obama, you invited the muslim brotherhood to the white
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house legitimizing a group that wants to undermine america and destroy israel? you sent them $1.5 billion of our taxpayer dollars? why, mr. president? why? >> sean: it's actually $2 billion. he just canceled quietly the meeting with morsi, because he had more time for the letterman, "the view," and more. >> his foreign policy is a mess. the arab world is exploding. it wouldn't be exploding in libya if, though he's a monster, this libyan strongman gadhafi had already given up his weapons of mass destruction, had paid off the families of the lockerbie bombing, which he admitted responsibility for,
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after bush invaded iraq. we got a lot out of the iraq war, but they're not talking about it on the other stations, because all they can do is accuse republicans of racism. >> sean: conservatives rarely want to bring up the issue of race. it's become a -- if you mention the word "chicago," it's now a -- >> a new one tonight on "chris matthews." apartment is racist. >> sean: everything is racist. >> i do nothing but watch msnbc. >> sean: this is a short montage of things that have been -- you know, al gore, they don't want to count you in the census, republicans have the wrong policy about black america. watch a snippet, because it goes on every election cycle. look at this. >> i think they played the race card on me. we now know from mobil memos ofe campaign that they planned to do it all along. >> the demonstrated animosity
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toward president barack obama is based on the fact that he is a black man. >> the republicans hate black people. >> they are in favor of affirmative action if you can dunk the basketball or sink a three-point shot. but they're not in favor of it if you merely have the potential to be a leader in your community. >> you know, he doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills, you know. >> they'll put y'all back in chains. >> when you don't vote, you allow another cross to burn. >> he's speaking to that friend out there who do not want to see anybody other than a white person in a leadership position. >> in texas, my father was killed, beaten, chained, and dragged three miles all because he was black. so when governor george w. bush refused to support hate crimes
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legislation, it was like my father was killed all over again. >> sean: every election, you decided to go after the issue of democrats playing the issue hard. >> and their racism, and take the first three from your beautiful montage there. we start with bill clinton, champion to black people. >> sean: first black president. >> when he was inaugurated, first elected governor, he embraced the man who blocked the little rock schoolhouse door, and the president had to send federal troops. when clinton was president, he invited his mentor, j. william fulbright to give him the presidential medal of honor. >> sean: fulbright was a segregationist. >> and he sign the southern manifesto, .
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ronald reagan opened his campaign in new jersey, then detroit, and when he was in detroit he made fun of jimmy carter for actually giving his opening speech in the home of the kkk that time. i would add that jimmy carter also endorsed maddox for governor, the segregationist restaurant owner who chased blacks from his restaurant. al gore, well, of course his father, al gore sr., voted against the '64 civil rights act, an unrepentant segregationist. all the segregationists in the senate were all democrats, remained liberal.
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strom thurman, 18 years after running as a dixie-crat, not a dixie-can, because the segregation wing, the racial wing, always part of the democratic party, the same way the abortion ladies are part of the democratic party now, and they've tried to make up for this awful history by, first of all, reversing the parties they call the democrat segregationist southerners, again not all southerners -- >> sean: when you look at demographics, in a sense these tactics, class warfare, scaring granny, and the race card has been -- you have to acknowledge a truth. the truth is to a certain extent it's been successful. >> yes. because democrats are demagogues, always appealing to a mob, ginning people up with lies and anger. the clan was an outgrowth of the democratic party, they spent the next several decades fighting
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imaginary racist, generally irish cops who lived in queens. that's what i go through at the beginning of the book. we had decades of hate crimes, alleged racial shootings. i mean, according to "the new york times" the clan was running the police force in new york. it was only when the o.j. verdict -- i mean, that's the arc of the book. that set america free. >> sean: before we get to revisiting all of this, i want to stay with the campaign. >> i'd be very happy to. >> sean: if you don't vote for president obama, the instudent situationinsinuation isyou're a. they don't want to count you in the census, which leads to voter id laws. that's racist. can't get into the dnc unless you have a voter id. >> whites being bullied by racism, by white liberals, by the way, who ought to be guilty
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about something, has never led to anything good, led to the john lindsay administration in this city, finally because of the o.j. verdict we got there,by got giuliani by enforcing criminal laws, despite being called a racist throughout his tenure. white guilt has produced mistake after mistake including the 2008 election when more whites voted for obama than voted for a democrat for a decade. >> sean: under rudy giuliani, 600,000 fewer people -- by the way, there are more -- in terms of actual numbers there are more whites than blacks on food stamps, etc., but we have 15 million unde. under giuliani and republicans, opportunity increases for everybody. >> and they're less likely to be killed. it's a lie by liberals, not black people. they're up to their old tricks again. they've been doing this from the philadelphia speech to the
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southern strategy. southern strategy was a landslide strategy. an important chapter in the book i point out we never did win the goldwater states. we won the south once the dixiecrats died out. >> sean: remember hillary clinton, we got a right to disagree, screaming. >> yes. >> sean: now you point out that it was patriotic then, but now dissent is racist in this election, which has become a mantra. >> oh, yeah. >> sean: it's being repeated. there's a tactical strategy we have to deal with here. >> yes! >> sean: how does al gore have the audacity to say this? >> willie horton an ad that never showed a picture of willie horton. it nailed michael di dukakis.
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>> a convicted murderer gets a weekend pass. >> furloughing, exclusively michael dukakis' vote. weekend furloughs to first-degree murderers never supposed to be let out of prison. but no, no, no, michael did you dukakis with the admiration of the aclu vetoed it. first liberals lie about furlough policy. when that doesn't work, they call it racist. >> sean: in many ways we've allowed this narrative to build and build. whenever there's a high-profile case, you go back to o.j., rodney king. you mentioned the more recent one, trayvon martin, the duke lacrosse case. in every single case a narrative gets advanced and moved into the political arena. >> right. >> sean: what have we learned from all of these cases? there's step by step, what is happening? >> what we've learned is
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everyone, blacks especially, are better off when the white guilt bank is shut down, as it was for more than a decade after the o.j. verdict, and liberals kept trying to push the racial narrative in their newspapers and tv. americans weren't buying it. they were done after october 3rd, 1995, when they saw that verdict and saw black law students at howard university cheering it, that was it. for a dozen years we had paradise. suddenly people weren't walking on eggshells. you could have giuliani enforcing sane criminal laws in new york and not caring that he wasn't called -- that he was constantly being called a racist by liberals and al sharpton and the clinton administration. look what it did. look what it did to new york. it transformed the city and saved -- because the policies were continued -- tens of thousands of black lives. >> sean: how about in terms of the political campaign? we now have -- i don't even really call them conservatives,
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but those that are out there suggesting romney is mismanaging the campaign. you've been an early -- you know, loud, vocal supporter, wanted romney, you got him. he picked a great vice presidential candidate. that's paul ryan. you see the polls. it's neck and neck. maybe a little different in some of the swing states. some people are writing the finger-pointing has begun among the inner elite republican circle as if election day's happened. >> don't worry. romney is going to win. the media is in war mode. that's why they're not talking about banghazi. all they're talking about racism. literally tonight because mitt romney gave a statement about healthcare in which he mentioned apartments that is being -- >> sean: how does that get put into the -- >> it's almost as crazy as lawrence o'donnell to saying obama's golfing reminds people of tiger woods. tiger woods is very popular, isn't he? anyway, that was supposed to be racist.
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it's like the whitest sport other than polo, golfing is racist. >> sean: the racial dom goingry from the '1970s to today. also up the president one-on-one with "60 minutes." voters should treat this like his exit interview and his answers to crucial questions are nothing short of shocking. we'll exam it with dick morris. by the way, did you know roseanne barr is running for president? she'll tell us why socialism is the answer. that and much more tonight on "hannity." how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. at red lobster. there's so many choices, the gues love it!
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oh, hey alex. just picking up some, brochures, posters copies of my acceptance speech. great! it's always good to have a backup plan, in case i get hit by a meteor. wow, your hair looks great. didn't realize they did photoshop here. hey, good call on those mugs. can't let 'em see what you're drinking. you know, i'm glad we're both running a nice, clean race.
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>> sean: there's only one conclusion that you the american people can draw from the president's interview on "60 minutes" last night. simply put, he's not fit to lead this country, or be your commander in chief. watch this. >> you're saying you don't feel any pressure from prime minister netanyahu in the middle of a campaign to try and get you to change your policy and draw a line in the sand? if you don't feel any pressure? >> when it comes to our national security decisions, any pressure that i feel is simply to do what's right for the american people. i am going to block out any
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noise that's out there. now, i feel an obligation, not pressure, but obligation to make sure that we're in close consultation with the israelis on these issues, because it affects them deeply. they're one of our closest allies in the region, and we've got an iranian regime that has said horrible things that directly threaten israel's existence. >> sean: that has to be a record, not one, but two insults in less than one minute. president obama would describe netanyahu's concern about the safety of his country as noise. if israel isn't our closest ally in the region, which country is? jay carney was grilled about the president's gaffes, and his answers weren't much better than his bosses. listen to this. >> there's obviously a lot of noise around this issue at times. his point was clearly that his
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objective is to take every step possible to enhance israel's security as part of our strong relationship with israel. you heard the president say numerous times that israel is our closest ally in the region. >> sean: here's the problem. that's not what the president said at all, and it underscores why this election may be the most important in our lifetime. joining me with reaction is the author of the soon-to-be released book "here come the black helicopters," former clinton advisor, dick morris, soon-to-be another bestseller. all right. so we have a dead ambassador, first time in 30 years. we have two dead navy seals. we have another dead person. we have all of these embassies breached, all of these flags replaced with al-qaeda flags, chanting "death to america." that's a bump in the road? >> yeah. >> and prime minister netanyahu is noise when iran is threatening to eliminate israel. >> the anti-israel 1 tenor is oe
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you can't miss. the real failure is to draw a line in the sand, or whatever, and say you mustn't step over this. if the united states isn't serious about saying you can't go to 90% enrichment, can't go critical, can't build a bomb, can't explode a bomb, it would draw those lines, but refusing to do that basically is a green light. it seems to me that iran understands that, they get it, and they really good in effect a wink and a nod, which is really what that does. >> sean: in other words the president is showing weakness. >> yeah. >> sean: a lot of weakness, emboldening the world's enemies as ahmadinejad is saying israel will be eliminated pursuing nuclear weapons, and, you know, basically doing what they want. >> well, the spectacle of the failure of this president's naive outreach to the muslim world, and his naivete to think
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they would stop bothering him is just apparent to the american people. you can't miss it. >> sean: you've been saying, there's no way romney is going to lose this election. and you have your own thoughts, methodology, and polls to back up what you're saying. look, i don't feel i can predict here right now. i can't tell you what's going to happen on november 6th. >> i can. >> sean: i would urge the romney campaign to act like it's the fourth quarter, you're down a touchdown, and they need no-huddle offense, need to bring it into the end zone. >> yeah. >> sean: you say what? >> obviously with six weeks to go, romney could mess it up, lose the debates. to lose the election it would be so obvious he messed it up. at the moment he's in a strong position. i believe if the election were held today, romney would win by
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four or five points. i believe he would carry florida, ohio, virginia. i believe he would carry nevada. i believe he would carry pennsylvania. >> sean: oh, come on. >> pennsylvania. and competitive in michigan. i saw a group in pennsylvania by a group i've hired in the past, two points behind, and rasmussen has him five points behind, four points. people need to understand that the polling this year is the worst it's ever been, because this is the first election where if i tell you who's going to vote i can tell you how they're going to vote. you tell me that you're black or latino or a college kid or a single mother, i'll tell you how you're going to vote. if you tell me you're over 65, you're a man or married white woman, i'll tell you how you'll vote and i'll be right 2-3 times. therefore it's who's going to vote. polling is say how you're going to vote, but it's very bad at saying who's going to vote.
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the models these folks are crazy. they assume a democratic edge of six or seven points. i'm assuming a three-point democratic edge, and even that is very likely an overstatement. i went through every swing state poll in august and in september of the top super pacs in the country and looked at their party skewing. between august and september, the democratic party lost two points over seven states, the republican party gained 14 points over seven states, two per state. what is happening in this country is the people are overwhelming concluding that this guy isn't up to being president, and the media is convincing us that romney is gaffing and -- >> sean: i'm not buying the media. >> it's not how americans are seeing the race. >> sean: look, i think they're trying to deplete the motivation of people. i think they're trying to influence it. the media are sellouts, they're done, finished. >> i sometimes feel i'm on radio
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free europe. look moscow all around me. >> sean: sometimes i feel like that, too. i guess the question i have, how important are the debates? in 30 seconds, what do you tell romney? my instinct is to punch hard. i don't think obama has ever been verbally stung in his life. there's so much material that rights itself. what do you think? yes, that's true. romney is likely to win the debates. first of all, he has more experience at debating. he had 20 at them during the primary. obama has never faced a serious debate except for hillary, and that was a cattle show of 15 candidates and wasn't a debate. he's never faced that. romney has. and i think that, you know, you take iran, for example. obama's comment on "60 minutes" is do you want to start another war? okay, that's his comment about iran. well, if you have to do that to stop iran from blowing up the united states with a nuclear weapon and attacking new york
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city, damn right i do. >> sean: my son was watching it with me last night, and he said, when romney was being interviewed, that guy doesn't like governor romney, does he? he picked up on the bias. dick, look forward to your book. >> picks up where "screwed" left off and talks about u.n. global governance and the end of freedom. >> sean: coming up, roseanne barr. did you know she's running for president? her platform, socialism. we'll see how the interview goes. then the president wants all successful americans to pay "their fair share." we did the math on this program. we'll tell you, even if they confiscated all the money of millionaires, would it help pay down the debt? that's next. citracal slow release continuously releases calcium plus d with efficient absorption in one daily dose. citracal slow release.
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schedule a meeting with any world leaders this trip, the president was able to find time to sit down with the ladies "the view." the interview will air tomorrow exactly two weeks after a terrorist attack claimed the lives of our ambassador to libya and three other americans. perhaps president obama should revisit his priorities. joining me now to talk about that and mvp more i much more ir of "dispatches from the nut farm," the always outspoken and entertainer roseanne barr. how are you? >> hi. i'm good. thank you for having me on your show. >> sean: i watched you years ago when you did standup. this major hit television program. should i take -- is this to be taken seriously or do you really want to be elected president of the united states? >> yes. i'm very, very serious. i say i'm the only serious comedian in the presidential race. and i'd like to take this
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opportunity to ask both romney and obama to debate me because i think that both of those guys -- i think that the american people are being given a false choice, because the choice between the lesser of two evils is a false choice. it's not an actual choice. i think that peace and freedom and solutions, economic solutions, that -- that involve investment in our own country first are the things that i offer and that i want to talk about. so i think, yes, i'm very, very serious. and, you know, i would like people to incorporate these ideas in this election cycle, such as -- >> sean: you're running as a socialist? >> well, i'm running on the peace and freedom party, and part of -- i do think we do need more socialism in this country this time. we need to move stuff from the top to the middle and the bottom, because it keeps on
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staying at the top. how you build a middle class is bring stuff from the top down to the middle. and people deserve something back for the tax they pay. >> sean: all right. so, for example, we now have a tax system. these are just facts. 10% pays almost 70% of the federal income tax bill. is there a limit in terms of the wealth that you would put on people? in other words, would you say after x number of dollars, you've got to -- the government's going to confiscate your wealth? how much out of every dollar should the highest tax individuals should be able to keep? 60 cents of every dollar, 20? >> well, i think we should have a fair tax. i think that all of this stuff is a big dialog that we need to have. i know that i pay 48% of my income to taxes. you know, i wouldn't mind so much if it wasn't going just to export war. if it was actually going to help the people of the united states,
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i would gladly pay more. >> sean: would you disarm america? would you uniliterally disarm? >> absolutely not. i'm not a passivist. with the privatizing of prisons, privatizing of military, i don't think that's a good idea. i think most americans agree with me, that the people themselves, you know, the taxpayers and the people of this -- of this country, the citizens, we need to have our government back so that it's not just a government of lobbyists and special interests. >> sean: i wasn't sure who to expect tonight, because i know you're very funny, you're a comedian, an actress. and i've been following your campaign on the periphery, preparing for this interview with you tonight. i wasn't sure who was going to show up. you say you want to be taken
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seriously. you've thought about these issues, laying out your ideas. how can people do that, though -- i'll put up on the screen three of your tweets. they're very hard hitting. >> oh-oh. >> sean: one says most billionaires are violent pedophiles and consumers of violent pedoporn, that they're empty cocaine addicts. others growing off the government all their life, use entitlements. anybody who eats, blank, fillet, is sure to get cancer. how do you get taken seriously when you call billionaires pedophiles and -- mitt romney hasn't worked for the government his whole life. >> yes. he's always worked for the government. he's always been on the government dole. he's been a politician for 150
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years. >> sean: he worked for bain capital? >> what? >> sean: bain capital. >> exporting our jobs, taking our jobs from our country. >> sean: that didn't happen when he was there, roseanne. >> it most certainly did. >> sean: no. look what he did with staples, with sports authority. >> let me answer what you said before. >> sean: okay. >> yeah. i like to get people talking. i am a provocateur, and i do like getting on twitter and riling people up. you know what, after a while some sane dialog and sane conclusions come of that kind of thing. you know, i think it's a good thing. a lot of people have also said that i'm letting the billionaires off easy. >> sean: letting the billionaires off easy by -- >> yeah, because they are responsible for all the problems on our planet. >> sean: look, you're too
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intelligent to say that. let me be honest with you. >> okay. >> sean: you're too smart to be saying some of these things, if you're serious, that you want to be taken seriously and want to run for the presidency. billionaires are not the problem. i never got a job in my whole life, and i started washing dishes at 12 from a poor person. i nerve looked at rich people and said, i have a right to your house, your car. it seems you're playing this game, throwing out these broad sweeping generalizations, i think if you do that, my humble opinion, you won't be taken seriously. >> well, there is a serious class war going on in our country, and i'm trying to underline it and bring it to the mainstream media who all but ignores it. there is a war on poor people by rich people in this country, and it really should be looked at. it should be analyzed and taken part and really, really looked at. all this redistribution of
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wealth went up, there was a huge redistribution of wealth, which you say you're against, but it went off and on -- >> sean: the bottom 49% don't pay federal income tax. >> well, that's why we need to look at our income tax laws and get fair tax and redo our system from the bottom up. >> sean: all right. roseanne for president, thank you for being with us. >> thank you. >> sean: coming up -- >> everybody does a fair share. and everybody plays by the same set of rules. >> sean: now it's the president's go-to phrase so anyway, i've been to a lot of places.
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>> sean: president obama says you, the american people, you have to pay your fair share, but while nearly half the country pays no federal income tax according to anointed one it's millionaires who aren't paying enough. mr. president, how much is fair? 50 cents of every dollar? 60 cents. 100%? we put the fair share notion to the test. according to our analysis of the irs and treasury department data, even if millionaires were tacked at 100%, well, the money, how long do you think it would fund the government for? 2 1/2 to 3 months. now, in 2009 millionaires would have covered federal spending for a whopping 75 1/2 days in 2010 that number increased to a total of 88 days. that's less than 12 weeks. we're in debt to the tune of $16 trillion. does that really seem like the answer in the end to the problem or is it just hyperbole by a president that desperately wants to divide the country to get
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re-elected? joining us the cohost of "the five," mr. beckle, and from fox news, mr. cal thomas. how much of every dollar should the rich pay? >> they should pay more than 14% mitt romney pays. >> sean: this was paid corporate tax, income tax, and so it was probably at the 35% rate, then he puts that money at risk, invests, so businesses can hire people, and then they tax it again if he makes a profit. so this is the second bite of the government apple, correct, cal? >> the average american pays 20%, he pays 14%. that's all you need to know. >> what we ought to be talking about how much the government wastes our money. those of us who go to church, we put money in the plate. we expect the church to spend it responsibly, to be good stewards of the money we donate. we're donating money to government. we got a $16 trillion debt. as ronald reagan said, we have a
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debt, not because the american people are taxed too little, it's because their government spends too much. >> sean: i'm analyzing mr. common ground, your partner over here. >> yes. >> sean: what he's really saying, cal, we've got a false narrative, it's 14%, it doesn't tell the whole story, doesn't say this is the government's second bite at romney's apple, so he's going to run with it because demagoguing an issue work. >> with we the people, we are the government. >> sean: so romney pays taxes one time, 35%, whatever it is. >> he didn't pay it, but that's all right. >> sean: bob, he should be in jail. >> i want to know where harry reid's source is. he's proven he's paid taxes. where is harry reid apologizing? >> if both parties had the courage, democrats and republicans alike to deal with the one thing that matters, which is entitlements. >> i agree.
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>> i'll give ryan credit. i don't agree with his proposals, but at least he came out with something. romney campaign told him to shut up. in the end, all these government programs, all the rest of it, don't add up anything compared to entitlements. >> it's true. >> sean: but obama raided medicare to give us a new entitlement, you know, $716 billion he pulled out of medicare, gutted it, cut it, and yesterday the demagoguing on the left is paul ryan wants to throw granny over the cliff. >> you know, sean, they've created a dependency culture. it's like drug addiction. if the drug dealer gets enough people buying drugs, he'll come back for more. they feel they're entitled to other people's money, they can't make it in life, and you have large numbers of people believing this. in florida, if you don't vote for democrats, little lady will
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cut off. >> my mother used to say, i understand social security is going away. i'd say, get your friends on tuesday, vote democratic, and you'll have it back. before we started this segment, do we want to do analysis? i'd love to do analysis. it turned into a full-throated -- >> sean: no, it hasn't. >> yes, it has. >> sean: i want the truth. the truth is that romney -- by the way, he's a lot more generous than joe biden who gives 1% to charity. liberals are only charitable with other people's money. >> kid goes off with an allowance to college. first weekend he blows it off on wild partying. calls up mom and dad, send me another check. you're crazy to do it. >> sean: when we come back, i have a question for both of you. neither one of you know what it is. more with cal and bob after the break. >> announcer: this is the day. the day that we say to the world
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fox news projects. >> about 11:30, that barack obama carries ohio and that's the end of the race. >> it depends, how many registered voters the democrats can turn out, but also depends on how well romney does in the first debate. i think he's got one shot. i think he'll do well. i hope that he will show us a side of himself that we haven't seen before. mostly he has to go after the president's record, and ask do you want four more years of unrestrained debt, regulation, czars bypassing congress and basically be a law unto yourself. >> why you ever wondered why the people aren't willing to turn the reins over to romney? he's given them no reason to do it. >> sean: in fairness, the american people were skeptical of ronald reagan with jimmy carter. >> that's true. there's something people need to keep in mind. that is starting next monday --
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already started in idaho and wyoming. >> sean: and ohio. >> 30 states will be voting starting monday in some of the most key and important states in the country. and those votes will be counted a lot of them well before the first debate. >> i don't like that. i don't like that early voting. i think absentee is the best way to go. that's early voting, but there's so many things that can happen. if people start voting next week, they haven't even seen the first debate. there's other issues that could come out. war could break out god forbid in the middle east. >> sean: how did we get to this point? not only does it open the door for a lot of corruption -- >> to the contrary, oregon probably prove it doesn't. if you take out the third-party candidates, it's going to be a 50.5/49.5 race. it's possible in a decade somebody will win the popular vote and lose the white house.
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>> sean: you think it's possible in this election? >> it's possible in this election, because the red states are performing much higher. >> sean: do you support the electoral college? >> to an extent. >> sean: it gives states a say. let california and new york decide every election? >> that's right. on the other hand, people aren't counting idaho and wyoming. there's another state that's looming bigger and bigger every day, and that's colorado. colorado is becoming in my view the most important swing state. >> virginia. >> virginia is close, although obama is ahead. ohio is romney's biggest problem. the reason for that is the economy is working in ohio. >> sean: thanks to john kasich. >> and romney is spending a lot of time in florida. he's shown improvements there for the republicans. we'll see. again, it's going to be very close. if the republicans don't win the senate, basically you'll have a repeat for the next four years
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