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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  September 30, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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>> thanks for pointing that out. it is like a grid. >> a good club. >> it is not 20th avenue is what you are saying. >> no. >> good to know. >> thank you, remi, schulz, robert, jesse, i'm greg. see you tomorrow.
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[ cheers and applause ] hello everybody. thank you. great to see the folks here. welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. last week on this show, i told you that your government had lied to you about the attacks in egypt and libya when they claimed they were acts of a spontaneous mob in reaction to a youtube video. i said then and i repeat now, i normally would not have used such strong language and made such a bold declaration but the continuing revelations confirm that my statement was not an exaggeration. our government has lied to us. they did it knowingly. our ambassador to libya isn't dead because of some film. he is dead because we failed to heed the warnings that an attack was imminent. it took the administration two weeks to acknowledge that this was a carefully planned
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terrorist attack. egyptian president new it and white house knew it but ours wasn't honest with it and tried to continue the official story about it that this was all about a film that insulted moe78d. real question why would the administration embarrass itself by hoisting such a whopper on us and then thinking we wouldn't find out the truth? why would they hold a memorial for the slain ambassador and not respect that his was not an accidental death from an overheated mob but was the work of cold-blooded islamic jihadists. did he wanted us to believe that the death of osama bin laden was the death of terrorism and al-qaeda? was it the same reason to this day the fort hood shooter has never been acknowledged as a terrorist? despite the fact he screamed a muslim slogan. was it the same reason to this day this administration refuses
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to label the assassination of a soldier in little rock and the wounding of another in a terrorist attack even though the shooter was radicalized muslim and is openly and publicly declared he carried out the shooting as an act of jihad and the shooter's own father on this show stated that his son had abandoned his christian faith, become a muslim. went to yemen and was radicalized and came back to kill people for islam. why the cover-up? it's time to demand that we in longer are not going to make xuitsz for jihadists. they are not the same as us. yes, there are moderate muslims and not all muslims wanted to kill us. they don't hate us and certainly not all of them are a threat, but there are those that use their religion as the basis for their hate and savagery. i would say no more lies. no more apologies, no more
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coverups. richard nixon resigned because of lies and coverups. bill clinton was impeached for lies. where is the accountability in this administration? own up to the fact we are at war with an evil force that will never be satisfied until we are all dead. this is not about political offices or expanded geopolitical borders. this is about the survival of our civilization. if this administration won't lead in the battle, then step aside and let someone do it who won't lie to us and endanger our children. [ applause ] on friday the director of national intelligence issued a statement. joining me is katherine hair aj. why this document on friday afternoon? >> you know when you've got bad
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news the place you put it, that is when we had with the statement. this is a person who is top intelligence officer in the united states government. i have the statement right here. what i believe it does it attempts to give the administration some cover for their initial comments and then concludes what we saw in libya wasn't terrorism. there is a problem here. when you read the statement is what you see is the administration assessments of libya went way beyond what is in the document specifically the statements of susan rice that spun the story that was hijacked by extremists and then launched an assault. we're going to look back on the period and original reporting as really changing the dialogue publicly about this attack. we reported a day after the assault based on an interview with the head of the house intelligence committee in was premeditated commando style attack.
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then with my colleagues pamela brown, on the 17th after the ambassador wrote his comments, we reported there was no demonstration at consulate when the attack happened. then my colleague bret baier was the first to report that a guantanamo detainees was suspected of having a role into that attack. you make a good point. we've had three terrorist attacks on the obama administration's watch yet they have failed to call them as such or delayed in their branding as such. fort hood where i've done an extensive investigation, how can they brand that as workplace violence. it's just dishonest to if i could take my reporter's hat on for a moment. >> that what some of us was saying. this is so obvious to someone. very quickly because i don't want run out of time but i have to ask about new information on some of the security flaws that
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parental were at the consulate in benghazi. you uncovered some of those security flaws. tell us what they were. >> i spoke yesterday who used to be regional security officer for the state department. this is a person who was s in charge of the security in that country for the state department personnel. this is someone who worked extensively in the middle east. he says you need to go back and look at those pictures as a consulate in benghazi. that would have been a location as a high risk of terrorist attack or high risk of civil unrest. from that classification very specific physical security standards follow by the state department. for example, when you look at those pictures you may see grating on windows, it's never acceptable for where official government is done. there are specific requirements for the windows to be reinforced and same thing with the doors. there are standards for how high the walls are around the
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compound. they have to three meters in height with hundred foot set back from the building. what you see in the pictures, these standards were not met there. that means someone here in washington at state department had to sign a waiver allowing the u.s. government personnel to do business at that location. this is very significant because this means we either had the secretary of state or individual who is in charge of the building operations saying, we understand this site did not meet our specified standards but we are waving that and -- waiving that and excepting a high risk. >> that is compelling information. thatening you so much for giving that insight. the catherine herridge, reporter from washington. >> president obama and republican challenger mitt romney is going to be facing off for their first presidential
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debate. for undecided voters style might matter over substance. how a candidate might say something may have more impact than what he says. what does mitt romney need to say to get an edge with some of the voters. he prepared john mccain four years and ago and also worked with mitt romney. brett welcome to the show. it's to have you here. [ applause ] what would you say mitt romney has to do more than anything else in order to go into that debate and come out the winner? >> at the top of the list has to be governor romney has to tie the poor economic conditions we find ourselves in right now to the failure of the president's policies. he has to be able to litigate and make the case that the policies the president has put forward have caused the economy to continue to go down.
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folks believe the economy is bad right now but what they don't actually believe is it is the president's fault. he has to make that case in the debate with the president standing on the stage with him that the president is the one to blame for the economy we've got right now. >> there is something going on. if he acts too much on the attack, it will look like he is showing disrespect to the president but if he doesn't, then he looks defer yen shl. coach me, tell me how to walk on that stage -- deferential. coach me without being deferential? >> it's a matter of tone and how you address the president. as long as governor romney addresses the president with mr. president, your policies have failed the american people. i think as long as he carries a
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respectful tone. he needs to be what i would say as passionately aggressive. he is respectful of the president yet he is passionate about making the case it's the president's policies that have failed americans and caused economy to be worse than what it was when he took office. >> i may be the only television host that debated romney. we will talk more right after the break. joyce myer will talk about the power of words. stay with us, we'll be right back.
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[ applause ] we're back with brett o'donald and we're talking about
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the first big debate that comes up on wednesday. in my experience, debating romney four years ago. it appeared to me there were times on the debate stage, i notice there was almost telegraphing some of his forbes and feelings, his facial expressions. that is an important thing that people watch for to see if you are pushing his buttons and getting through to him. i don't know if i noticed it this year's primaries. how important is it that mitt romney gets under the skin of barack obama barack obama get under the skin of mitt romney and it will show to the audience? >> audiences reported they take as much as 65% of the meaning from how something is said over what is said. so body language and how he appears on the stage is very important. normally when a candidate gets defensive that is when they started looking bad. that happens with barack obama.
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it happened when he told hillary she was like have likable enough. it happened with mitt romney when he did the $10,000 bet with governor perry. it's very important that governor romney keeps making the case about the economy and keep pushing an alternative vision that the american people can see as a better path and a better way forward to improving the economic conditions. if he does that he will put the president on the defensive. if he allows the president to sort divide the audience, talk about women and myth of the war on women and talk about the middle-class and divide the country and gets on the defensive or talk about issues that are irrelevant to the economy, then that is place where governor rom can look at defensive and may not look as good to the audience. >> is it possible to be too prepared for the debate and candidate appears to be reading off a card imprinted in the back
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of his head because people are pounding him with information? speak to how you go out and relax and have a good time. >> debate preparation is about three things. it's about making sure the candidate knows what they need to know for the debate. it's about making sure that they are prepared to execute a strategy in a debate, but it's also about making sure they are confident. it's like coaching a sports team. you want to make sure they are psychologically ready and you don't want to have them overscripted. that is what happened to ronald reagan in 1984 debate with walter mondale. it overran the persona of ronald reagan. next debate he was much more relaxed. roger ails did a great job preparing him and did much better job. same thing with governor romney.
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he has to know how to answer the questions but he has to be relaxed and rely on himself. one of the things i tell candidates it's very important that they have the good political judgment to make decisions and think on their feet rather than rely on script. >> give me one thing that you think we ought to look for out of mitt romney and one thing out of obama in this debate coming up on wednesday. i think one of the -- apart from the economy, i do think one thing we should be looking for is to see if the president is willing to talk about his record on the economy and defend it. the american people ought to be making a judgment whether or not the president can defend that record. he ought to be looking for governor romney how well he press the case against the president. it's been his failure to lead on the economy that has led us into the spot we are in right now.
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that is most important part of the entire debate. the debate this wednesday will focus on the economy and domestic issues. so that is what we ought to be looking for -- is the president responsible for the policies that have gotten the place we're at? if the american people decide he is, it will turn in governor romney's direction. >> brett, thank you for joining us. the other thing that is watching the evening news is kind of like being stuck in the cheering section of obama reelection team. pat buchanan on the media's
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>>. [ applause ] i wanted to show you how the cbs evening news started their
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show friday night. keep in mind this is hours after the office of director of national intelligence gave their reassessment of the attack in benghazi. >> good evening, mitt romney has 39 days to turn his presidential campaign into a winner but the support of a key voting group is in jeopardy. >> what? we're talking about why mitt romney is behind? you have one of the biggest stories going on in country's last four years of history. you are ignoring about what does mitt romney have to do in 39 days. joining me now is columnist and former presidential candidate pat buchanan. pat, i wanted to take you back because you were in the nixon administration, you saw what happened when watergated was going on. there was coverups and misstatements that cost him his
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presidency. bill clinton got impeached because he lied about some things to a grand jury and then covered them up. what i'm asking, isn't there something different going on here? if so, why? >> well, i think there is no doubt why. let me talk about the situation -- i'm getting feedback in the earpiece. let me talk about the situation with richard nixon in 1969. when the break-in occurred in 1972 he was accused of not telling the truth about what he learned when his campaign broke in and put a bug on the phone of the democratic national chairman. that is the issue which he was impeached. what has happened the truth has not been told to the american people about what happened in
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libya and murder of an american ambassador. cbs had the lead last night. take a look at the front page of "new york times" talked about f.b.i. agents into benghazi. you have a horrendous scandal and cover-up unfolding right now. >> it's inexplicable to me as i said yesterday in watergate it was a scandal but nobody died. we have a dead ambassador and three other brave americans who lost their lives. i think the american people deserve an answer. yet we're talking about why mitt romney's campaign is struggling whether it is or isn't. it seems like, is there in your mind an unprecedented level of attempt to influence the selection for barack obama? >> i have never seen the media that is more biased in any political campaign in my life. it's out of closet. mike, i worked over msnbc i
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discovered very late, i guess, there weren't that many conservatives over there. [ laughter ] >> not too many. >> i felt fairly lonely over there for a while. but people are coming right out the blue all out supporting barack obama. these almost the first responders to obama campaign. but this libya situation is much more important. look what has happened. four days after that event in libya the press secretary is sent out to say this was a spontaneous event out of a riot. two days after the six days after the event susan rice is programmed to say this was a spontaneous event, not premeditated or preplanned. those were utter falsehoods. i won't say they were lying but some briefed them and told them to say this when the intelligence agencies found out 24 hours later and fox news
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reported 24 hours after the event this was a preplanned terrorist attack. who programmed carney. who programmed susan rice? she only has one superior, that is secretary of state. carney has three superiors, chief of staff and head in sa and president of united states. i think you have a conspiracy to get by the administration and to make sure that no one says there has been attacks during barack obama's tenure. what gets me, the top intelligence committee comes out oh, yeah, this was a preplanned terrorist attack. we spent $60 million for these folks. are you telling me they just learned this? where it gets to the media, back in the nixon days, they would have been all over this from day
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one following it up. these folks, many of them, not all of them and not all on the left, they are in the tank for barack obama culturally, socially, politically, ideologically and they are part of the same community. as someone mentioned at white house correspondents dinner it's like a justin beiber rally. >> your clarity is repression. [ laughter ] >> i thank you so much. there are not many people. msnbc lost one of the few rationale voices they had over there. i'm glad you are able to be with us. thank you so much for joining us today. pat by can known. [ applause ] >> up next my reaction to mahmoud ahmadinejad's madness and some other notable quotables of the week. stay with us.
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i'm harris faulkner. let's get you back to huckabee.
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[ applause ] >> this week, dozens of leaders from all over the world in eastern manhattan to address the united nations assembly. mahmoud ahmadinejad made the most outrageous statements. here is one thing he said prior to his speech. god willing a new world order will come and do away with everything. that distances us and even elementary school kids throughout the world have understood that the united states government is following an international policy of bullying. i do believe the system of empires has reached the end of the road. i like to call him mahmoud nut job. he holds a position in government that says the holocaust didn't happen. this is person who publicly says that he wants to wipe israel off the map.
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if those statements are made by even a filmmaker or columnist you would think that is pretty outrageous but to be made by a head 6 state that its provocation and a declaration of intention of war. if you wonder why so many of us hold in contempt the united nations, it's because they would allow some absolute loon to be given a platform. why do we spend billions of dollars to support a forum to give a microphone that comes and insults the intelligence and sensibilities of all decent nations on earth by openingly saying he wants to destroy another country. israel's prime minister netanyahu knows what iran's diabolical leaders' intentions are about. he had a warning when he spoke
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on thursday. >> where should a red line be drawn? a red line should be drawn right here. before, before iran completes the second stage of nuclear enrichment. >> i do not hide my extraordinary respect for benjamin netanyahu. i have known him for a number of years before he was prime minister and i have known him in his capacity as prime minister. i find him to be one of the most intelligence intelligent and thoughtful heads of state in my lifetime. he has one of the toughest jobs in the world. israel is not a place where everybody thinks alike and they don't speak with one voice. it's a very divided country. it's like america in that its democracy so people are free to speak their minds and believe me in israel they do.
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but the biggest thing he has on his plate is not saflg political factions within his country, it's keeping his country from being obliterated by a nuclear device that is rapidly being prepared by iran while the rest of the world including the united nations sits back and says, we're not going to let them have it. by that, what they apparently mean they will send him a very strong letter. if they continue to build nuclear devices, then they'll send him a strongly worded letter. this no time for sending letters. it's obvious that the various sanctions in place, maybe having some impact is not stopping iran from their absolute determination to have a nuclear device. when the israeli prime minister says there must be a red line, i think he is absolutely right. president obama continues to say don't worry, we won't let iran have a nuclear device. my question is -- why don't you join with the israeli prime
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minister and stand shoulder and shoulder, not in the background, shoulder and shoulder and announce to the world that you join in establishing that red line and that it's really right there now? that is what i think a lot of americans would love to see and freedom loving people around the world. [ applause ] >> earlier this week, mitt romney's visit to nevada prior to that, harry reid academy the presidential nominee on his religion. this is what reid said. he coming to a state where there is a lot of members of the church. they understand that he is not the face of mormonism. my first thought would be, some do you think you are the face of mormonism? i'm sure many people in the church hope not. without being disrespectful, it's not the intent of mitt romney to bring his own faith into this presidential election other than to affirm it's very
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important to him. i think he evidences that by what he does. when he released tax information 30% of his income away, biggest part to his church, i admire people that back up their beliefs with what they actually do. his particular faith is not the same as mine but i want people who practice what they preach. i would love to see people in office and frankly people who wanted credibility with me to demonstrate that what they stand for on sunday is also what they stand for the rest of the week. one way we find that out is how they invest even their resources. now, if you are going to bring religion and the faith of candidates, particularly mitt romney into this whole presidential debate, fair enough. fair enough senator reid, let's bring everybody's faith and everyone's church and then maybe
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america will be reminded of this pastor under whom barack obama sat for 20 years. >> god bless america, no, no, no. not god bless america. god [ bleep ] america. >> yeah, so if you wanted to bring religion up, fine we're ready and we'll be more than happy to talk about the influences of faith on each of the candidates. coming up the filmmaker who says he is not surprised the united nations give mahmoud ahmadinejad platform to spew his message of hate this past week. he explains why. he explains why. that is next. the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and everyone, but her... likes 50% more cash. but, i have an idea. do you want a princess dress? yes how about some cupcakes? yes lollipop? yes! do you want an etch a sketch? yes! do you want 50% more cash? no you got talent. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card.
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>>. new do documentary called you and me takes a look at inner works of united nations and it exposes as a haven for chaos. it refuses to define or even fight terrorism. >> u.n. member states have not been able to agree on definition of terrorism. >> definition of terrorism is very difficult thing. >> my own view quite frankly, terrorism is like pornography, you know what you see it. >> we have a defending right here. >> you can take it to them and show the general assembly. >> i'm sure they know the
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webster defending and it appears in other dictionaries. >> problem is defending that can be agreed to by everyone. >> webster's can do it. >> i don't know, if that is webster's. joining me is the creator of you and me. i enjoyed the film but it was disturbing. you got the united nations that can't even define terrorism. our president goes to the u.n. and doesn't mention it but we got a dead ambassador to show for is be a undefineable cause. >> i tried to spoon feed it to the guy with dictionary. >> what was it that motivated to take on the united nations? >> it's interesting. there was a moment. i was sitting at home. i was watching a michael moore
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movie. i can't tell you why. i started thinking about the u.n. and bias against urz. failure to stop rwanda and sudan. i need to do something. i saw this michael moore engage ago medium. this is the need potassium i wanted to express my point of view. i started raising money and put the movie together. >> it was remarkable to see almost a sort of clueless attitude on the part of people at the u.n. that never could really define what it is they do because they don't do anything. they never condemn acts of genocide or even condemn their own corruption. what is going on? >> they don't have any backbone. when it comes down to it they are trying to protect their own back sides.
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why would you want to define terrorism if half your membership is terrorist states? they don't want to call out their own members. they are artful and never passing judgment. that is their thing. they never wanted to pass judgment. they don't want to have a standard. because of that, it's completely hopeless. >> mahmoud ahmadinejad complete nut job. they give him a forum at united nations. he goes in and talks openly to reporters and forums about wiping israel off the map and new world order to get rid of zionists. that incredible inflammatory speech under any circumstance. why does the u.n. give people like that a forum to express really provocative language and threaten another country? >> to them, there is a couple of
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ways you can look at it. a darker view, these are views that people don't agree with. it goes back to the idea if you are not going to set a standard and pass judgment, of course, you can speak. he is no different than anybody else. u.n. has an high bar for anti-semitism. i think they exceeded it with mahmoud ahmadinejad speaking on the holiest jewish day of the year, i was under whemd by his speech. you are have to lean back, he nailed it. i think he missed the mark. >> what was the most shocking thing in making the film "you and me." >> you are blown away and shocked at every turn. i knew it was bad. i didn't know how deep it went. one moment on a serious note
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really shook me to my core. during the rwanda genocide. people were wondering where is butress -- he was out on a vacation collecting his awards. it came to light afterwards, why wasn't the united states taking action? he had funded the rwandan genocide just prior. he is the guy that got the weapons was the u.n. finance. that was a moment that blew me away. >> i have to tell you in watching the film, it was the ah-ha moment and at that point it's a worthless organization and criminal enterprise. its wonderful documentary. if they have any dowels about whether or not the u.n. is an effective organization, i think this film will erase any of those doubts. this year's race for the white
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house has been more vicious than ever. political experts say negative ads do seem to work. joyce meyer [ male announcer ] if it wasn't for a little thing called the computer, we might still be making mix tapes. find this. pause this. play this. eject this. write this. it's like the days before esurance express lane™. you had to find a bunch of documents just to get a car insurance quote. now express lane finds your driving info with just one click, saving time to be nostalgic
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[ applause ] >> my next guest choice of words and how you use them can have a big impact not just on your life but others as well. she is considered the most influential evangelical in america and now has a new book, change your words, change your life. please welcome joyce meyer. you have had an extraordinary influence all over the country with so many people. i wanted your take on the mudslinging that we see going on in the political campaigns. is it counterproductive?
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>> i think it's terrible and causes more disrespect than they can imagine. i hear what the people say and people think it's ridiculous. it's just ridiculous beyond ridiculous. >> you talk about in your book, congratulations, "new york times" best-seller two weeks on the market. you talk about how words really do have an impact not only on how we communicate but how people perceive us as human beings. explain how important it is to choose our words. >> bible says the power of life and death is in the tongue, in the words we speak. if we remotely believe how powerful that everything i speak either ministers life or death and to me also. the words that we speak go in here and go back down in here. i can cheer myself with my own words or you can depress myself with my words. i like to think of words as
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container just like if i glass i can put anything in it. i can fill it full of mud or something nice and tasty. my words are the same. i can put in them what i want them. if i fill them with god things, what god would say and cheer people up, that ministers life to everyone than i can also fill them with downgrading things, murmur murmuring and complaining and fear. thank you for your program. all the fox news patrols are so wonderful. [ applause ] >> people, they don't want to read the paper or listen to the news because they are so beat down already. a lot of people are hopeless and i. glad i have the job of spreading hope everywhere i go. i want to hear people stop complaining and finding fault
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with everything. the other day for a minute, what did you think our society would be like if everywhere you turned there was hopeful positive things were being said? >> it would put washington out of business. [ laughter ] >> how do you deal with a workplace where you don't control what people are saying and particularly somebody who a believer and all around them there is negative words and as a rule gator. how does one deal with that where you can't choose someone else's words? >> you can only choose your own but what a great opportunity and be a witness not in an aggressive or obnoxious way but for example you are sitting around the lunch table. everybody is complaining about this, complaining that. then somebody speaks up, i know some things could change. we would like to see things change. i'm grateful i have a job
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because there are a lot of people that don't have one. what i try to do is come back with something positive without being positive, obnoxious state for someone who really doesn't want to hear it. just bringing in the hope and positive. i think this great time for christians to stand up and be who they say they are, live the life they say that they are living. act like they really believe what they say they believe. >> your book i understand why it's getting so much traction. by the way, everyone in our studio audience is getting a copy of her wonderful book. [ applause ] >> it's great having you here and get a copy of joyce's book, change your words and change your life. why don't you tray it this week. say good things and try to be a good person be edifying and build people up rather than tear
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them down. until next time. thanks so much for joining us and we'll see you next week. from new york, this is mike huckabee
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