tv Red Eye FOX News October 21, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT
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welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld on are as i am known in bermuda, the pier one peeper. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> our top story tonight, binders jeremy candy. somehow it sums up tuesday night's debate. and what happens when we sented bill schulz out on the street to find out what they thought of tuesday night's debate. hopefully they rip out his throat with a blunt, rusty knife. and 74 of our peabody series why president obama should be impeached. greg? >> andy, why does the knife have to be rusty? >> i think it adds to the delight. >> okay, just checking. >> why shouldn't it be rusty, greg? >> it may be a smoother incision with a clean, sir
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rated, new knife. >> exactly. >> i stand corrected. let's welcome our guest. i am here with fox business network anchor lori roth man. hopefully she will be on good behavior, but i doubt it. and if fierce commentary was a sunken treasure i would die for a look at his booty. he is fox news contributor and editor of "the daily caller." and in mexico he is considered beef jerky, my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and he is so bright that candles light him during a blackout. sitting next to me, gary johnson, former new mexico governor and the libertarian party nominee for president. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> thank you for that. well, he didn't suck. panic breathes a collective and smelly sigh of relief as they emerge from the worst debate performance in 700 years. this debate took place at
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hofster university. didn't know that. and no surprise the press declared captain perfect the winner. but another group was not as convinced. voters who watched the damn thing. at least when it came to the issues romney won on the economy, health care, taxes, the deficit and leadership. meanwhile other polls and focus groups showed obama winning the debate by not that much. one thing is for sure, both candidates were combative. stop laughing at me. like other shows "red eye cts convened its own group. let's see how it reacted to one of the comments. >> mr. president, have you looked at your pension? have you looked at your pension. >> have i to say. >> mr. president, have you looked at your pension. >> you know, i don't look at my pension. it is not as big as yours. >> let me give have you some advice. >> i don't check it that often. >> you also have investments in chinese p cs and investments outside of the united states. you have investments to a kay dense trust.
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>> you know what amazing is you don't see frank in the corner asking the cat what he thinks. oh, i'm sorry. are you close with him, frank? governor, did you like anything you heard? >> no, i didn't. i ran two campaigns for governor where i did not mention my opponent in print, radio or television. i think people are hungry to elect a leader. i thought it was ?ieping. it was not what i am going to do as president, but what this guy does and it is horrible. >> i think we found out why you will never be president. you will never mention the other candidate and will not snipe. >> it is fair enough debate. but 82,000 negative ads by romney against obama. obama is the same over the last month? come on. we are hoping gree to vote for somebody -- we are hungry to vote for somebody. >> i am hungry for snipes. >> tucker, try to ignore bill. did obama win or was it
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because he just came off delivering the worst performance in debate history? >> you know, he won among journalists on twitter. that is the whole world. by the way, twitter is the most distorting social medium. it is the most distorting fact of journalism. everybody in our business gets his opinion honed by everybody else by the time it ends, and then nobody has an original opinion. i watched at home, and i actually thought romney did well. i am not a huge romney guy. >> you have always been critical of him. i agree with you about the twitter thing. i watch the debate looking for moments to tweet on. i will be drinking and there is the binder comment. that's all you remember without getting the context of it because you are too busy to act funny or seem interesting like lori tries to do on this show. >> i have a tough time on twitter. it is so much pressure to be funny and quick and to have the quick reaction because everybody baits -- beats you
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to it. >> romney wins on the issues. obama wins on the debates. on the debate. how can that be? >> the democrats and the media even seems to give obama the win for the simple fact he improves from the last debate. i thought romney was quite consistent. >> he is a model of consistency. >> bill, america is dying to hear nothing from you. >> that's why i brought a poll rather rather than an opinion. the only poll that matters is what the undecided think. 37% of undecided said obama won compared with 30 who said romney won with 33% not sure what year this was. much less what the president gave or where his office was. please believe everything i say no matter what. >> how about the unbiased moderation? >> unbelievable. >> i wanted to roll the event
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involving the libya question and involving candy crowley, and then we will talk about it. roll it, please. >> want to make sure we got that for the record. it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in benghazi an act of terror. >> get the transcript. >> he did in fact, sir. >> can you say that a little louder, candy? >> he did call it an act of terror. it did as well take -- it did as well take two weeks or so for the whole idea of there being a riot out there about this tape to come out. you are correct about that. >> governor, so first off, she reminds me of every woman at the southwest airlines desk who is trying to explain to you -- like her hands up there and the flight is going -- it is not coming in. i felt bad for her. but what happened there? it seems to me she jumped the gun and then felt instant remorse and then both of them tried to move it along like nothing happened. like two teenagers caught kissing in class. >> it wasn't just that topic.
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it went throughout -- she came to obama -- i saw this today. she came to obama's aid 20 times and romney arguably less than half of that. >> but people who have a positive feeling about candy, it just seemed like maybe a moderator is a bad idea. you were growsing through the whole thing. >> it is pathetic. candy crowley said she would interject and ask follow-up questions. most candidate representatives took up issue with this. i think she inserted herself, and i think she became like a third debater in a lot of ways. she should have been more of a traffic cop. i think it was very clear you could see she was bias and in favor of the president. we know she chose the questions the town hall would ask. i personally thought a lot of the questions favored the president, ie governor romney, what is different about you versus president george w. bush? >> did you like candy more in "the goonies" or" throw mama
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from the train." >> don't make fun of her look. she should have been like a ball boy. tucker we are on -- -- lori, weo a show here. >> i'm sorry. i have been at work for 12 hours. >> you basically said this kind of kills the libya moment for romney. how can that be if next week is the foreign policy debate? >> no one will watch. it is the foreign policy debate and americans don't pay attention. we shouldn't have moderators in the two-man debate. when tv people moderate they draw attention to themselves because tv people only care about themselves. what your dog hears -- your dog only hears his own name. if a tv person doesn't hear his own name they are not paying attention. what would be the harm -- in fact, how many more instruct tiff if these two guys had to work it out themselves? >> exactly. it makes perfect sense. it has been reported that michelle obama applauded during this.
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should she be impeached? >> yes. how dare she? sorry. how dare she!? we willed dit out the first one and -- we will edit out the first one and keep that one. i hate the idea that twitter made it worse. i think it made it better. i will give you a perfect example. a friend of mine geraldo rivera tweeted congratulations, mr. president, balls are a beautiful thing. and of course he was talking about the upcoming nba season. >> i didn't know that. >> it is just around the corner. >> i thought he was coming out. >> he was coming out to say nba is fantastic. >> apparently president obama spoke to the gentleman who asked the question. >> is that his last name? >> i don't know. >> and he admitted he delayed chawlg it a terrorist -- calling it a terrorist act which means he lied at the debate. the explaination he gave to this fellow was -- he delayed
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to make sure he was acting on real intel that was a good answer. he could have used it in the debate. that makes no sense to me. >> why do that when you can demigog. >> give him a break when it comes to that issue. >> really? >> well, let's find out the facts before we move forward. >> i agree. he should have said that. he should have said that. >> that's exactly right. >> they pushed that story line so hard. that was one of the most annoying parts about candy's interruption. for two weeks they were really forcing it down your throat. this is about the youtube video, the youtube video. they wouldn't stop. they said, can that really be true? >> no, it is about the video. >> this the -- this is the thing he said it was a terrorist act on that date, and that meant the four weeks after didn't really happen. all of these discussions never happened. we never talked about the youtube video.
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how could that be? >> the whole thing is so confusing and candy just made it worse. mitt romney lost the opportunity to really nail the president on how he handled the aftermath of libya. that was a disappointment. but candy crowley intervening and fact checking. and by the way, not bothering to fact check the president who in the 24 hours they pointed out a lot of mistakes. >> i am tired of fact checking. >> a little frustration on my part. why did we have embassy personnel there in the first place? it is not a show of weakness to not be there. it would be a show of brains to not allow targets in an area that are looking for targets. >> i am like that when it comes to social events. it is stronger not to go to places because it makes you look stronger. but can you say that about -- i agree with you. it is like, why are we in places where they hate us? >> i am here. >> you guys make your living on this, but what are the vital american interests?
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the whole notion of military interventionism and the unintended consequences that in my opinion have hundreds of millions of enemies to this country that wouldn't exist but for these military interventions? >> fair point? >> i am caught up on your idea of not showing up at parties. i haven't been to the hamptons since 1995. i get cooler every year. >> i was lying. i don't get invited to anything. >> tragic. >> this was a twitter moment. this is mitt romney's binder full of women. >> we took a concerted effort to find women who had backgrounds who could be qualified to be members of our cabinet. i went to a number of women's groups and said can you help us find folks? i found binders full of women. >> he could have said it better, right. but what he was saying is he hires a lot of women. >> that's a lie. that's an absolute lie.
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he was trying to say that. the fact of the matter is the percentage of women during his tenure actually declined. he was trying to say massachusetts has a great history of always hiring women in these positions. romney just fell into it. the whole binder comment was a lie. they presented him with a bunch of stuff, resumes. he didn't ask for it and they weren't in a binder. it went from 30% to 20% and then up to 33 when he was out of office. >> who is counting? >> since when are we for affirmative action? he can brag about how he is a bean countser and putting people into categories based on their gender? >> this is what i said on "the five." >> no, you chastised beckle. >> this is so meta i can't stand it. >> it is normally the left that gelees metaphor cal binders.
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they are called quotas. they have binders full of blacks, hispanics and gays and that's how they run their political machine which is what they are supposed to be talking about, americans. i grimace, but not over the way he said it. >> gender equality is important. but what i got out of this was government. when they dictate you can add time and money to businesses having to come play with this kind of stuff. it is not going to make us -- it is not going to address the issue. >> all right. i want to go to this -- i want to go to one of the discuss moments. the people asking questions got a lot of attention. i want to play my favorite, lorain. >> lorain asario has a question for you. >> how are you doing? >> thanks.
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>> what do you plan on doing with immigrants without their green card that are currently living here as productive members of society? >> lorain, did i get that right? >> lorain. >> what is with the lorain gnaw, lorain thing? >> you know the answer. >> i know, i am just raising -- >> it is not really lorain. that's a white name. >> it is true. she says lorain like three times and they couldn't get it. >> i am so bad with names i would have called her herman. >> your name is not debbie. it can't be. >> what do you think, loraina. >> thank god that's not my real name. >> my parents were afraid i could not spell my name. do you put a heart above the i? >> i used to. i got over that. >> they should have it on your keyboard. >> i didn't think of that. >> it is so embarrassing.
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no matter how many times they heard. it. >> i thought you were going to show the woman who had the card. >> the questioners were nervous. >> i would be nervous too. >> you don't need a card. >> l is no question there was more than one sentence. >> can you say that a little louder? >> sincere. >> i thought it was cute. >> you know what the real winners are? they are the body language experts. this is a time when they get -- you know what i mean? >> and they like to use boxing metaphors in debate. >> that describes everyone in the media. >> 90% of twitter. who won? >> neither. >> obama when it came to social issues. >> i think the real winners are the american people. >> i was waiting for somebody to say that. >> bill, are you the loser. bill, winner, loser? >> jeremy.
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jeremy spoke. jeremy spoke in class today. >> you are old. >> it is called being retro. >> i don't think there should be a winner these things. i have to tell you i was impressed -- forget politics, but i was impressed on romney's consistency. he was tough on debt and the unemployment situation and owe bough -- and obama's handling. i thought the consistency holds up. >> and he had binders? >> the libertarian nominee for president, i mean, the earlier debate from biden and ryan where ryan says we will increase by 3% and they will increase by 4.5%. we are not that big a difference. that's what it boils down to. tweedle dee and tweedle dumb. that's from the guy that will probably take pird place in this race. >> you think probably? >> i have never been so close to somebody running for
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president. >> bill ran for president, but that was the my little pony fan club. >> and i was impeached. >> you were impeached. >> they thought you were there because you would like to pet the ponies, but apparently there was something sin sister going on. >> from you impeached they give you a little peach. >> coming up, what could possibly be more gripping than last night's debate? lori roth man -- rothman discusses her stay. >> what is wrong with you? >> but first. >> what does the future hold for the sport of cycling? who cares? that's next.
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last nights -- >> i am never coming back. i say that every time. >> are you like this on the business channel? >> what do the voters think about last night? red eye hit new york's time square and attempted to speak with actual americans. emphasis 0* attempted. >> information, if only it was as easy to get from the candidates as it is from this ky osk. let's see what america had to say about the debate. >> newsies, don't mind if i do. who do you think won in the debate last night? >> obama. did you see how red mitt romney's face was? >> no, my tv is black and white. >> obama. why is that? >> i just look more comfort ofable. >> who do you think won the debate? >> i don't know. >> we have one i don't know. you are one of those independent voters aren't
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you? i respect your independence, but most of people doesn't like you. >> i thought it was close. i thought obama was measured measured and poignant. i think romney went too far on several okayses without much substance. >> it was pretty close. romney looked more professional. >> what is your definition of close, like this close, this close, this close or this close? >> this close. >> i would say it was this close. >> are you ready to call the authorities? >> call the authorities ? >> i think the winner of the debate was me. >> was woman knee very good, good, poor or. there you have it. obama very good. romney a series of grunts. who do you think won in the debate last night? >> i don't know.
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i was [bleep] last night. >> that makes two of us. >> can i ask you a couple questions about the debate? >> no. >> real quick. >> i didn't watch it. >> i was watching other things. >> other things? >> "so you think you can dance" was that it? >> no. >> what were you doing? >> i was watching some show i taped earlier. >> which shows? which shows? i like watching tv if i had one. >> you know, what i didn't watch it. >> oh, what did you do? >> went to sleep. >> and before that? >> had dinner with friends. >> where did you have dinner? >> my next door neighbor. >> i don't know your friends and i don't think america cares. >> this was columbia. >> where is columbia and does he have connections if you know what i'm saying. >> no connection. >> okay does your friends in columbia have a number? >> dad, what are you doing in town? >> what are you doing?
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>> work. listen, who do you think won the debate last night? >> romney. >> did you watch it? >> no. >> debate. romney, obama, win, lose, middle? >> i think obama can be winning this time. >> obama can be winning this time? were you sad he lost last time? >> last time? >> no, no, no. >> we didn't understand. >> [speaking spanish] thumbs up for annie. thanks guys. >> annie is back on broadway, guys. >> that was embarrassing. >> that was so highly awesome. >> so what is your dad doing in town? >> he is doing work at a
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building near here. i am not going to mention the name because i feel like i am already out of the will. >> you chased that poor girl down the street. >> i think my father actually saw that and promptly ran away crying saying why didn't i have a son? >> did anybody physically try to attack you? >> no, no. you know what, i maintain that it is a weather thing. people hate me less in time square in the fall versus the summer. they are more likely to talk to me. they are not as angry. people are happier in the fall. >> i found when you go anywhere with a camera people talk to you. >> are you talking about parts of thailand? >> going down to occupy wall street. we went with a camera, and that just attracted all sorts of conversation. >> they wanted your camera and they were going to hawk it for heroin. we are going take a break. do you have a comment? e-mail us at red eye at fox, and if you have a video of your animal doing something not boring -- how did that get in here? go to fox fox
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let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. >> hi, greg. how the hell are you? >> doing great. >> good. >> lori is a handful again. >> is she? >> i am on my best behavior. >> in more ways than one. >> let me ask you a question, is the sitting a permanent thing now? >> i go back and forth. >> while you sit? >> yes, i rock. >> i thought you were looking taller. >> feel free to jump in anytime. just jump in. >> he looks a little tuler. i couldn't figure out what was different tonight. >> that he was sitting? >> you couldn't figure that out? >> you are so wasted. >> don't start rumors i am not wasted. >> if you had as many pre show martinis -- just go on. >> i shouldn't have said you are wasted. you have a high tolerance.
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>> i do have a high tolerance. >> moderately buzzed. debate. governor, you said you didn't hear anything in the debate you liked that it was all ?ieping. sniping. you said on wednesday and you addressed this on the show, but you said on the attacks in libya, the debate is mott over -- is not over. we need to debate why we were there at all. why we had an ambassador there? >> why we should have any personnel at all in an embassy that becomes a target for groups looking for a target. i don't think it shows weakness. it just shows brains to not be there. >> i think it is a little odd that we wouldn't have an ambassador there. >> maybe i will turn around on that. the interests not being addressed jie. maybe just beef up the security. >> maybe just not be there in
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the first place. >> you said obama won among journalists on twitter and you watched it at home and you thought romney did okay. did you think romney won? >> i thought he was winning until somebody put a crowbar in the spokes. and then it ground to a halt when candy made it about herself but twitter is an amazing hive of self-satisfacti. >> i agree. >> it is the most repulsive place. >> an f yi for those of you following at home i did surpass andy in twitter followers over the weekend. i am fairly certain nobody at home is following that. >> well, yes, because you lost. if you won you would feel differently. >> the high is behind me. >> that is true. >> can i get back to tucker please? can we talk about something
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important? i agree with you, tucker, about the twitter thing. i thought more to the point, everyone was pretty quick to say that obama lost the first debate, and i felt like for a lot of people they had a lot invested in him not losing this one. >> we had a pool in my office, who will be the first reporter to write obama got his groove back? i was amazed people wrote that. lacking any self-awareness at all? you are really writing obama got his groove back? i am not suggesting suicide, but go sell sinal siding -- vinyl siding. >> the biggest mood swing was andrew sullivan. >> well, he has medical reasons. >> you could say that about dinner. >> yes, but andrew has mental problems. >> owe obama got his groove back? what does that mean?
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steel law got her groove back. obama slept with a younger man? that's how stela got her groove back. >> what are you trying to say? >> obama slept with a younger man. >> stop that. you have no proof. >> you asked how romney can win on the issues, but obama can win the debate as the snap polls or whatever seem to show. i don't think it is that odd. i think you can think obama had a better performance even though you agree. >> you order this amazing meal and you love the steak and you like the mashed potatoes and the enjoy the peas, but then you had a meal at the other place where the steak wasn't as good and the mashed potatoes were not as good. but you thought the presentation was better. so you are going to eat there from now on. how do you like that for a metaphor, america? >> it was a bit con vow lewded. i think you are looking at how much it matters in a debate.
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>> i would like to have good tasting food and not a cool chef. >> but you like to think of yourself as better than other people. >> that is true. >> i thought obama won barely. i thought he edged him out on points. >> you thought candy crowley was pathetic. you said when tv people moderate they make themselves part of the story. the worst part is the next day why is she going on all of these tv shows to talk about why she is the moderator? >> it is not unique to candy. i should just say since i know her, very nice person. >> and a good journalist. >> i don't know about that, but she is a tweet person and i genuinely like her. >> that's all i want to talk about. >> she had her own area which she called candy land. >> not true.
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>> i didn't even know it was a joke. i totally bought that. >> why did you think obama won, andy. he wasn't fact checked at all. >> debates are generally unfortunately not about the facts. i think obama presented himself better. romney i thought was too snippy and i don't think he presented himself as obama did. >> that's a circular argument. >> i thought the knee jerk was , oh that's not really what he did. >> they make a big deal about setting up the debate rules and they set them up and then like in this debate one of the rules was the candidates are not supposed to address each other or ask direct questions. that was out the window in like 30 seconds. why do they bother? >> and the debate commission was republicans and democrats with no interest whatsoever in seeing mua, the third party
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candidate. >> at least you are are not bitter about this. >> do you have a lawsuit on that. >> yes, a couple going. >> how is that come ?g. >> i am not too optimistic. >> you might get in one of these debates. >> i could be president. treat me good. >> and you are also in a debate. you are in a debate moderated by larry king. >> debate moderated with other third party candidates. >> have you meat the green party chick? >> yes, i have. i debated her a couple times. i don't want to call them mock debates. >> how crazy is she? >> well, when she talks about full employment through green jobs and she talks about zero unemployment through green jobs and we should provide health care from cradle to grave to every single citizen and that's how we will move our economy forward. >> governor, is larry king going to take callers ?
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glia -- >> roup. >> don't you think we can provide care to -- from cradle to grip? >> no. we need to cut medicare spending dramatically. it is unaffordable. it is a benefit we pay $34. we get $100,000 of benefit. it is not as success sustainable as the other aspects of medicaid. >> are you one of the extremist whackos. >> lori, you said i have never been so close to somebody running for president. >> actually -- >> you can't pass the background checks, can you? >> i'm sorry? >> you can't pass the secret service background checks. >> as soon as i said that, i remembered in 1988 when president regan came back to
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southern california and landed at l.a.x., my little -- >> have you an office next to huck -- huckabee. >> me? >> are you on the same floor as governor huckabee. i have seen you on the 18th floor and i apologize. >> he was in the primary. >> he was a candidate by definition. >> why are you trying to throw me under the bus. >> i am going to get an angry, stern letter. but it will be in great caligraphy. >> is that so? >> do you believe everything i say? something is definitely wrong with that woman. andy? >> i like that you bring a little color to these discussions, and you have the inside info. that's good. >> i think you are good. >> yummy, yummy, i have love
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they are saying nope because of the dope. nike put out this statement saying due to the insur mountable evidence that lance armstrong took part this doping and misled nike for more than a decade it is with sadness we terminated our contract with him. that is poorly written if that is supposed to be good news. anheuser-busch joined the club saying we will renew when the current contract expires. and in a crushing blow, radioshack, the makers of the mechanical santa clauses no one buys says they are terminating the lycra lover. armstrong says he is stepping down as a chairman of the live
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strong foundation saying it is my top priority so to spare them negative affect surrounding my cycling career. you know who doesn't need steroids to compete? this adrenaline junky. >> who needs doping when you are dope? governor, -- lori, governor, you are a competitive cyclist. you participated. >> it is my passion. >> no question this guy cheated. did he cheat against you ever? >> at the leadville 100. i am convinced the second time he came to do it he was on the juice and he had just come off the tour de france taking third place.
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there is not a bigger man than me. but he cheated and he cheated in a way thatten maned his performance. there were clean riders within the margin of difference that his performance enhancement gave him. and then he spent a lot of time and money prosecuting people who came after him. they were pointing fingers saying it wasn't clean. >> is he going to sue you now? >> i think the advice for lance and of course he is not asking for it but telling the truth. you can never make things better than telling the truth immediately and go forward from there. i hope he would do that. >> i disagree gre. lie as much as -- lie as much as possible. >> is this is a crushing blow? an industry reeling from being boring?
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>> i think it has a bad affect on male fertility. i feel bad for people whose lives collapse. i only liked elliott spitzer when he was falling apart. i thought he was a pompous tool. this does not cause me much pain. >> you know what i think is the biggest tragedy? he raised a half billion dollars for cancer research for his live strong charity. he stepped down today. he actually used his fame and influence for a lot of good, and now that is done. >> he wasn't just a victim or participant. he was the leading edge of the spear. he was the head of the arms race. he got the special juice. what was it? >> i read a secret race and tyler hamilton said they were
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getting three blood transfusions and it made him feel like superman after they got 9 blood transfusion. >> it has a negative health consequence. you have to get up in the middle of the night because your blood turns to sludge. >> it is what he puts in his body. >> but how many blood transfusions was he taking? he was bankrolling all of this. he was the leader. did he have eight blood transfusions? only he will know the answer to that. >> they did a piece on how he was different from the rest. >> he was a guy who beats cancer and came back. the whole notion he weighs less and this is why he -- the sheryl crowe thing never gave you pause? >> his wife nurses him through and then takes up with cheryl crow he is a putz, no?
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should they say see ya to the cheetah? a spicy snack is under attack. some school districts in new mexico, california are banning flaming hot cheetoes claiming they lack nutritional value. one health teacher said they cause red fingerprints that create a mess for janitors, but mostly it is how unhealthy the hot cheetoes are. one small bag has over 12,000 calories. >> what? >> where is andy? >> this is why we do it. you served two terms in new mexico. if you were still running things, what would you do? >> the fact that this is being done at the local level, i have -- here is my prediction. with all of the bans of bad things that we can super, we will show statistics that what that leads to is then the government is passing laws that implement these programs. and then as they become more and more successful, then
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criminal penalties take affect. >> imagine only 50% are complying with the cheetoes ban. if we just implemented the criminal penalties, we could get everybody to conform, and now people are in jail for eating cheetoes. >> the janitors have to work over time for cleaning up the orange fingerprints and schools are broke and it comes down to the bottom line. >> and you are a mom. shouldn't it be your responsibility. >> my kids eat so much junk, but all things in moderation. you have to choose your battles, and the last thing i want is the school telling me what my kids should or should not eat. but really, they are -- they are a mess. i came in last night and my kids had chocolate. they are sloppy. >> i hope that was chocolate. >> that's why i am here. >> you do put the fit in unfit.
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tucker, what do you make of this? >> it is a drug issue. nobody has had flaming hot cheetoes who wasn't high. so if you are looking to eradicate -- i'm kidding where you find the flaming hot cheetoes you find marijuana. that connection is absolute and always. >> what makes the snack any different from cool ranch doritos? will they be next? >> cool ranch is my fave. >> and you don't get fingerprints. >> and this whole uh addicted thing. i decided to grind up some of the things and sthort them -- and snort them. >> it is gernalist. >> we will wrap things up. go
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you had to find a bunch of documents just to get a car insurance quote. now express lane finds your driving info with just one click, saving time to be nostalgic about the days before express lane. thank you, insurance for the modern world. esurance. now backed by allstate. click or call. >> i did hear correctly thraw
2:59 am
all for the use of drones over the united states? >> no, you did not. >> no, you did not. >> i think that is -- i think that is back to the drug conspiracy that that's all about what is grow growing this your backyard. >> interesting. >> who is smoking what in their backyard. >> i think it is about what you are growing in your backyard. >> i am president, andy. >> can you imagine the white house garden? wow. >> would not be a rose garden any longer. >> no. >> tucker, what is going on over at the daily caller. >> if you checked in recently you have seen our new dog and pumpkin slide show. it is new for the halloween season. i though this will appeal to those animal lovers. >> our viewers hate pumpkins. >> how do you know? >> answer the question. he deflected.
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