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tv   The Five  FOX News  November 1, 2012 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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he has to say. that is tomorrow night at 10:00 p.m. eastern. good night, happy halloween! >> eric: this is a fox news alert. president obama just wrapped up a press conference in new jersey, alongside new jersey governor chris christie, after surveying the storm damage. we'll get to that in a minute. but first, hurricane sandy will go down as one of the most expensive natural disasters ever to hit america. but loss goes deeper than dollars. goes deeper than money. loss can be emotional and memories. loss comes in many forms. listen to this new jersey woman. [ crying ] >> i'm sorry. i know. i'm sorry. >> i want everybody to get help. >> yeah, we're going to do that. >> reach out. we don't deserve this.
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[ crying ] our house. everything is gone. >> eric: a lot of pain out there. her story is one of many. but we have seen acts of heroism, neighbors helping neighbors. the american people always come through in times of crisis. we have want to take it around the table and talk about the stories, some experiences we have had in the last few days. you have one for us? >> bob: yeah. i was totally taken away with the new york city hospital, that has babies in various states -- premature or babies that are sick on respirators. the generator went down and backup generator went down. they had to be moved down. the number of ambulances of people showed up to move the children is remarkable. they got them to other hospitals. as far as i know, none of them suffered from it. but remarkable response. >> eric: other states actually sending first responders from pennsylvania, from upstate new york as well. couple other states sending them to the area for help. >> dana: you saw from the
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woman with chris christie earlier, shock and grief. there are seven stages of it. they are going to get help. then that can turn angry later on. what you see from the governors like governor mitch daniels of indiana, sent 22 of their ambulances to the area so they can get some help. governors usually cooperate very well amongst one another. in coordination effort that are really good. one thing i want to point out, this might be the first natural disaster in america that really played itself out in social media. mostly in good ways. there was a woman named emily rahimi, the head of the twitter feed for the new york fire department. people couldn't get through on 911 they would send a tweet to her and she was helping them, passing on information. some tried to put out bad information, not true information. but actually, i think that that was one of the great success stories, it will only get better from here in terms of using technology to help
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one another, get good information, to share stories and videos we can find out what happened. to help people who need it. if they don't have cell phone they might have internet. >> greg: you got pictures of the dog out. >> dana: i didn't send one. >> eric: you make a good point. this storm seemed to have been well notified. noa did a good job to let us know it was coming and social media kept us informed of where it was, when it was happening and people out of the way not taking chances. >> dana: i think so. >> eric: one of the first big uses of social media. >> dana: government can use it well. she deserves recognition. emily rahimi. >> eric: fantastic. do you have a personal story? something close to home. >> andrea: yes. upper west side of manhattan was okay. the pictures don't do this justice. i have power. the family in pennsylvania no, power. jersey shore where i have a spot, summer place has just been destroyed.
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you talk to people on the ground there, and they say you wouldn't believe this. these are pictures, actually, from a friend and police officers in margate, new jersey, real pictures in real-time. again, social media was place. we pulled a lot of these from facebook. this is where i get coffee. you can't go anywhere. they won't let you get on parts of the island. it's really, really scary the destruction. i just, my heart goes out to the people of new jersey. >> eric: as time goes, we're getting more and more of the pictures. for a long time, the islands weren't accessible. >> andrea: that is the main street where there is traffic and sidewalk traffic. flooded. the picture before that was a boat that had come off the bay and crashed in someone's home. it's pretty gruesome. >> eric: throw numbers out here. number, the property damage keeps going up and up. i think it will really skyrocket. as we find out how much damage are in the towns and the homes
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that are multimillion dollar homes. shut down 70% of the east coast refineries. business loss could be as much as $30 billion. property damage, $20 million. i think it will double. 18,000 flights shut down. retailers could lose $25 billion in sales this week alone. this storm really packing a huge financial impact as well. gregory? >> greg: i, the one thing i was amazed by is the lack of looting. aside from a few isolated cases there has been almost nothing reported. which says something. either we're good citizens or lousy looters. dan ab tried to loot a pet shop for gourmet kibble and was arrested immediately. amazing how it covered a wide area and so little crime. amazing how fast the city is getting back to work. our country withstands calamity that says a lot about
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the economic structure and the success and stability born from it. if this hit a utopian, social utopian like venezuela or cuba goodbye. capitalism makes catastrophe surmountable. san sky wouldn't have been kind to occupy wall streeters. >> eric: or california. >> dana: i am worried about people who are not able to get to their jobs an they say they make an hourly wage. they are not on a salary. might not be full-time employees. they're part-time. i'm sure employers are being as understanding as they can be, but the economic damage will be felt by those people. >> eric: i want to make a point. mayor bloomberg came out and put a three-passenger minimum in cars. remember, there are no trains coming in the area. no subways coming in the area. you have to take a bus or get in a car. people who can't afford to hire car service, they have to
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do something. now he is going keep the people who may be three or four making $5 plus tips, they can't come to work. >> greg: if you know a new yorker, new yorkers don't know anybody. how am i going to find three people? >> andrea: that's just now, greg. >> greg: i don't know three people in my building. >> bob: the thing about the subway system, there is 50 feet of water in some of the subway system and salt water, that it will car corrode. the mayor announced they'll open a little subway system for psychological purposes but they thought the subway would be down for three days foul. they talk about a month or two before it's done. >> greg: where will the perverts flash people? >> andrea: a girl works in the cafe at fox. she could not afford a town
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car, so she took the bus. took four hours to get to work. it took me $30 cab and an hour if you see the traffic we keep showing out here on sixth after because of the crane that is hanging over the city. the city is totally gridlocked. you have can't get anywhere. shame if you can't afford -- >> eric: move it quickly. throw up some pictures. you can't get on some of the islands. it spent three years billing a place there. my memory is there. my son grew up here. long beach island. if you have the picture of lbi, throw them. coming up now. this is absolute devastation. the southern part of the island is wiped out. >> bob: is that your house? >> eric: i don't know if my house is in any of the aerial pictures but i tell you when the bay on one side, on the right, we see the ocean on the left side of screen. just about everything in between are lost. i know it sounds -- >> dana: my summer home is central park. >> eric: but the memories, the memories. miff son had been growing up there since he was this big.
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stuff in there. it's scary. >> greg: when are you getting back there? >> eric: no one is allowed on the island. >> greg: you can't do anything about it? >> eric: no. >> andrea: you are 30 minutes north of long port, new jersey. the whole coast has been devastated. houses on the coast, they say, have been completely leveled. but brings up a good point. when we do the topics on government waste and how they waste all the money on robotic squirrels and all the other things now is the time to look at your priorities. and say this is what we really need government to do. this is why government is there. >> bob: that's why governor christie gave great compliments to obama. governor romney called for end of fema in the campaign, primary. >> dana: you know what? bob, that is really -- it's absolutely grossly unfair. president obama's budget last year, $900 million is what he suggested cutting. nobody in washington could look at the program and say
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that it couldn't be improved upon. that is what governor romney said. governor, who knows a little something about the state/federal relationship. knows what it means to work with the federal government hind the red tape, which is what president obama called for cutting is a problem. not a program that couldn't be improved on. >> bob: that' romney said shuttr fema. >> dana: that doesn't mean he wouldn't help people. that's grossly unfair. >> eric: we'll take a fema victory lap? >> bob: sure. >> eric: want to do that? >> bob: sure. >> dana: wait four days when they don't have power. >> eric: put your money where your mouthsy. told the story earlier, the house down there probably going to be wiped out, she said what about insurance? only way to get flood insurance along the coast is if you go to the federal program. private insurance companies won't sell it to you. i never did it, because i'm against people using the fed
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to insure their homes. that shouldn't be insured. if it can't be done privately, don't do it. likely de stating loss. >> dana: a lot of people don't buy flood insurance. some people don't buy insurance and they are surprised when they have flood damage the insurance company says, maybe a hurricane, it's wind and they can't get their money. >> eric: leave it there. coming up we will get to president obama press conference with governor chris christie. we're six days away from the presidential election. where does the race stand? we'll break the poll down, the stat and the strategy down when we come back. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." talking about the hurricane aftermath and today was unprecedented coop race from governor chris christie and michael bloomberg to president obama. he held a press conference with governor christie as bob mentioned could not have more good things to say about president obama and how the cooperation is working right now.
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any thoughts on that, bob? >> bob: i have been a critic of christie for a lot of things but he showed, his force job is to be governor of a state. he has a lot of work to do. your point is well taken after the first week, there will be animosity and anger. >> dana: some people, some people on the right grumbling right before the election governor christie seemed to give so much praise to president obama. one thing about governor christie, he does not have the gift of understatement. one of the things we love about him. he is enthusiastic about everything. he needs the federal government help for new jersey. >> eric: he looks tired. i understand where he is coming from. my governor, fantastic governor. i'm just not sure so much of this lovefest going on between them. i mean president obama, all he is doing, he is signing a check with our money. he's just handing over money that would come to christie in new jersey anyway. the photo op and hugging.
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>> bob: a lot of people down and out to see the president and the governor being there. >> andrea: he learned a very important lesson, the president did after the b.p. oil spill. remember it was almost 50 days that the president didn't respond. handoff approach and was criticized james carville being lack daze gal and chris matthew said he looked like vatican observer. he took heat from that. i think six days out from an election what do you expect the president to do? of course he looks presidential. do i think it will ultimately have an impact on the race? probably not. he was going to win new jersey anyway. it worked on a campaign. big natural disaster came in. the candidate was able to look in charge of the situation. >> dana: we'll come back to politics in a second and your point is about early voting which we'll get to. governor christie said halloween is canceled. >> greg: yet they are
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keeping the new york marathon. blows my mind. >> dana: you think they will? >> greg: yes, they will. a new phrase after hearing this stuff, i call it political looting. use a catastrophe for political aim you were unable to push before. a couple of examples, maureen dowd talking aboutie's relationship with obama. the hurricane is fault of the climate change deniers. al gore using other people misery to advance his own profile. >> dana: there are very few people who look at this and think they shouldn't cooperate. i don't think it changes their mind on how they feel about the obamacare, keystone pipeline not going through, stimulus bill, foreign policy, leaning from behind stuff. if you felt other ways about romney. get to the political roundup here. because andrea, kick it off with you on early voting. big topic. a lot of people might not realize in many states there is early voting.
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both parties try to lock it up. give us your take. >> andrea: take a look here. this is early voting and now. 52% over obama 46% according to gallup. look at the numbers in 2008. if we could pull that up. a big difference. barack obama had 53% to john mccain's 43%. what does it tell you? for weeks we have been hearing the media paint a storyline while obama is ahead in early voting. now we know that isn't true. particularly in states like ohio, florida, ohio -- >> dana: nevada. >> andrea: same thing, nevada. ohio fewer dems voted in ohio compared to 2008. 30,000 more republicans have voted. if obama had that lead with mccain and long at 2008, but only led by three points with
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likely voters romney leads the likely voters by five points. he won bison overall. if you look at the same panorama, it's all over. >> bob: in reality, you talk about the final vote in 2008 versus a week left to go to vote. people who vote early. you have to separate absenteeism from early voting. two separate things. people who vote early are senior citizens and they normally do. >> andrea: who leads with senior citizens? mitt romney leads. >> bob: right. >> andrea: independent and women. 3-point turnout advantage this time around swayed ten points to -- >> bob: you are taking something on election day when they did the count and doing seven things out. >> andrea: same exact date. 'canes is a political roundup, can we get to eric? >> eric: obama campaign, my opinion is in shambles. look what david axelrod had to do this morning. >> i will come on morning jo and shave off my mustache for
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440 year if we lose any of the three states. with we lose michigan, minnesota, pennsylvania you shave it off? >> on the show? >> yes. >> eric: just to pointose stes d amatically. some were double dig leads forbama. now within 3 3 to 4 for obama. what statates just come throuou. i beg you. >> dana: it's amazing thing to think somebody hahad a mustache for 40 years. that is a long time. hiwife might notot have met him. greg: you know what is thereunder? >> dana: i donon't want to know. >> greg: t tattoo. >> andrerea: also had mustach for aong time. >> danana: joe trippi saide would ave his head foror the same reason. >> bob: thigh are nonot losing the three states. if they do it's a landslide. you talk abobout theallup number, today the cbs/"new york times" n numbers came out. three swing states, o obama leads byby one. in ohio, he leads by fe. in virgini he leads by two
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this momentum by romney is all concocted and the preress fell for it. dais i didn' call on you but you -- >> danana: i didn't call on you but y went anywayy so i'll t take the last wd. one pollhat came out yesterday ththat was interest, ththe national public rad teamed up resurgent republic to t talk about the independent voters. if wee go back eig months ago on the program to say what will matatter in the election, independent voters. democrats vote foremocrats. republics vote for republicans. we have a group. gallop said 40% ofhe people identify indndependents now. there is an 8-p-point swing for dependents in favor of romney. it happed right after the fifirst debate if denver. 51-39%. they wl have more dail out of the npr p public tomorrow. it canan tell you this. guess what? tomorrow in hiss column, kararl rove i in the "wall street journal" column, he w will make prediction o on the eleion turn-out. >> bob: i'll be awake all night waiting for that. >> dana: a lotf peel mightht be. > bob: they may. be surprprised if it's anything
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t romney. >> dana: but he wilill give hihis numbers, the prediction. >>ric: did you go yet? >> greg: no. > dana: you did. i thohought you gave your phrasese. >> grereg: no. >> dana: please gogo. >> greg:g: forget it. > dana: we have time. >> greg: i wt to make a point, agagain, i want to go to the hurricanene, the hurricane a lot of people onn the left are usinthe hurricane to mock libertarian values. they bieve somehow you cannot deal witith thi issue without big government. not j just atraw man. it's wicker man. i canan't put out four-alarmm fire but can make decisio about bibirth control and free speech ththe debate is not about big gogovernment versus no governrnment. 's bigger government versus smaller governme. theyey should help the people in times of need.d. they should n not help the government itimes of need. it's always in neeeed. >> bob: : a number of politicians risen and fallenn around the natatural disasters is rarkable. they have impac on electio. >> greg: that my point >> dana: i am glad you
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showed up. comingp, p prominent writerr for the "washingt post" now joing fox news andnd demanding aners about terrorist attack in bghazi. details ahead. ♪ ♪ hahahahahahahaha
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>>well, don't ask, don't tell is back. nofor gays in the military. itit's president obama new policy for queststions about lilibya. don't ask,, don't tell. > andrea: well, late night comi are cracking jokokes but the continuing coroversy over what reallyy happened the night terrororistsilled four americans inenghazi is not funny. the e white house may b forced to address the situation in the cing days if what newt gingrich say turns out to be true. >> there is a rumoror, i want to bebe clear -- it's a rumor --
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ththat two networks have e-mails from the natiol security advisor's office telling a counterterrorist groroup to stand down. that aroup in real-time trying to mobiliz the marines and the c-130s and t the fighter aircft. ththey were told explicitlyy the whe house stand dowownnd do notng. this is not terroristst action. ifif that's true,'ve been t told this by a a reliablee u.s. senator. if that is true and thahat comes ouout in the nextay or two.. i think it raises enormous questions s about the president's role. >> andrea: now as g gingrich said, this is a rumor. but, eric, if t this were to surfac this piles ono what i still think looks reay bad. thinink about this. leon panetetta on frida said you don't deplay forces in to harm's way withoutut knowing whwhat is going on. the presidedent of the unid states saidhe minute he knew, he orderered everything possibible.
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that could b true. if the president ordered personnel to be deployeyed did someone violate the cin of command and drop thehe ball ththere? could it be true?e? >>ric: put it thiss way john m mccain said is eitither a massive coverup or obama is incapabl of being commander-in-c-chief. if t e-mails or whateverr these, are this information is true, then yes not more imptantly, but equally as importantnt in my mind i there are two net woks sittg on this informatition and chose not t to go wit it, noto run withh it, we he a corrupt media. we have cled him out for being main stream andnd left-leaning. they will now be almosost, i don't know, cmunist likee in theieir corruption if thas true. >> bobob: are you kidding me? you are sitting here takin a rumor there newt gingrich? >> eric: if it's true. bob: if it's t true. if oz w was true you probably go back to kansas. but the point is this i is gingrich talking about a rumor. we n never should have run this ece. we decided toun it, i g guess. fact off the matter ts is gingrich talking about a a
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rumor. you thinkk network should sit on the cable? >> andrea: fenne if griffin -- jenniferr griffin's reporting said they tol the c.a. officials to stand down. david ignacious came out a said the campaign, they n need to put t the facts out there.. >> dana: a serious c columnist and dade has excellent sources throughout thehe middle east. throughout the governmt. i thought one -- he said two important thihings, that ty needed to ansr some of t the questions that had b been raise by fox news. also, he said the u.s.s. officials needed betteter intelligence.. that ishe toughghest problem to address, but the mostt important. that get it back up out of he said, she said fivive days bebefore the election. how come weidn't know? why did we say, blamet on a videdeo for two wee? those are two unananswered questions. theecordings might exist. it c could be that if they do exisist, the government asks them not to be revealed.d. ongoing invtigation. peperhaps media organizations are complying.. >> bob: the national security advisor is not anyone
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to give orders in chain of command. they he nothing to do with that.. the idea it camame from the national secity advisor's office is unsubstantive and unsubstaiated and flat wrong. >> andrea: what t about that point t on the media,reg? they haven been engaged until nonow. they are statarting to get engaged. who is att fault? media for not covovering the story, admintration for not reporting it or both?h? >> greg: t the media is so far in obama's p pockets they have bruises fr his quarters. ii agree withh bob. we don't need the rumors. there are enough facacts out there that arere so bad i wouldd wait on a rumor. itit's not the fog of w war to blame. fog of incompetence. i haveome up with a new rase. obama fog. ththat's when the alwayss articulate captain perfect es mute over stuff that reallyly matters. andrea: dana, the bush administration dealtlt are the ocber surprises.. and you handled messagiging in the white house. has s the president pasd the poinof coming clean onn this? >> dana: they did way back ththen on september 13.
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the pnt of no retur wasas the dayy susan rice, thembassador went onhe tv and said someththing demonstrably false. you haven't sn or heard fm hesense. >> greg: h many story frorom the filmmaker overhe chamon of expressssion? >> bob: how manyny rors is newt gingrich g going to have? >> andrea: whewe come baback -- we' see if it't's a rumor.r. >> bob: we'll see.e. >> a andrea: rich, whihite lirals iso anxious t that romney could win theyave troubl sleeping and can't exercise. greg has the ailments ailingg the left as we approach election day. coming up next. ♪ ♪ [ cheepi ] [ male annnnouncer ] yohear that?
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"special report" is at #:00. now back to "the five." ♪ ♪
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>> greg: the real devastation is too hard to comprehend. it speak for san francisco lives who suffer from the fear of obama loss. this is their sandy. yep, according to sfget a article, "frisco lives" are suffering so much they can't exercise in their home gyms. they suffer from panic attacks. sleepless for days. while east coasters face real danger, they tremble at a world without obama. whose fault is that? sandra fluke didn't work. big bird flounder. smearing romney failed. all they have left is fear. their own. this is what happens when you make politics personal to cut yourself off from the rest of the world. the folks only know hard line progressives so to them it's not an election. it's the war of the worlds. we're like aliens bent on eating their brains. light meal. which is why the obama campaign is courting the same votes over and over again.
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putting birth control before benghazi is trick-or-treating on skipped ror. continually hitting the same house after all the candy is gone. you preach to the choir without growing it. could there be a link? maybe obama should declare san francisco a disaster area, but i guess that is redundant. should we get red cross out there right now, eric? >> eric: while do that, i look over to bob. oh, such a good sport about some of this stuff sometimes. >> greg: i'm not talking about bob. bob knows as many conservatives as he knows liberals. >> eric: what is the difference between san francisco lib or new york lib or lib-lib? >> greg: all the same. >> andrea: bob has been so stressed because of the election he has started to go to the gym to blow off steam. >> eric: lost a lot of weight. >> andrea: looks great. glad he's going. >> greg: bob, you do hang out with a lot of conservativ conservatives. a lot of these people don't. they compartmentalize their
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lives so they think the other side is monsters. >> bob: picking on san francisco is a little extreme. that is a bubble within a bubble in a bubble. not like being here where you run across conservative, in my case, every day, every hour, every minute. but you know, i think it's, yeah, a lot of fear going out there. for good reason. this is going to be a close election. i still think obama will win. it will be close. these people are, i don't think they know what they will do without him. romney scares them. he does. he scares me. >> dana: article says they have romney derangement syndrome before he's elected. >> greg: exactly. >> dana: i wonder if we could ban a phrase. well, ban a thing. when liberals meet, they will say you know, i am a democrat. a life-long liberal. hate all conservatives. but you seem okay. they start every argument like that. every sentence, it doesn't have to be an argument. i hardly ever argue with them. >> greg: or do they say do you really believe in that stuff? i want to get on the ad, the
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new ad for obama. for celebrities backing planned parenthood. called yes, we plan. >> we've got to keep moving forward. >> we have to keep moving forward. >> we've got to keep moving forward. >> we have more work to do. >> yes. >> yes, we plan. >> i don't think your boss should decide what is best for your health and safety. i don't think your insurance company gets to decide what charities you get. i sure don't think any politician should decide. the only person who should decide about your healthcare, is you. >> you. >> you. >> greg: all right. andrea, here is the thing. so cels like one person and some like the other. there is something so eerily, scarily lock step, these are people who were supposed to be edgy when they were growing up and wanted to be cool. they are zombies. >> andrea: a lot of original thinkers in hollywood. how many ads has julian moore done? and scarlet johansn done? does president obama have real
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people he could put in an ad besides the article you cited earlier. that woman, picture of the woman who couldn't work out in her home gym. that is something, i can't drive my maserati. are these celebrities going to be able to eat arugula? >> dana: under obamacare they get free prozac. >> andrea: that is good. maybe they'll leaf the country. >> bob: this is about campaign. it's targeted media. targeting it for young people and minorities and women. at is what it's about. it wasn't for the general consumption. don't worry about it. it won't fee in your living room. >> greg: that is my point, gregalog -- monologue. it's how they hit, like going trick-or-treating to the same house. you got all the candy. no more. >> andrea: but they don't have the candy. they can't get the independence or the candy, get the pill. >> eric: dana's joke is great. >> dana: someone needs to turn out the light. when you are out of candy, turn out the porch light. >> greg: you do it at 5:00
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p.m. >> dana: trick-or-treating -- we talk about this in "e" block. if you are living in an apartment, let me tell you something. if you are from wyoming and colorado, you york for the candy. when you go door to door in an apartment it's not hard. >> andrea: are you calling new york city kids lazy? >> dana: little bit. >> greg: directly ahead it's halloween. you know what that means? dana picking out a costume for jasper. bob will tell us his favorite candy. she is a dancer that lives in the bronx. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is steve.
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♪ ♪ >> bob: happy halloween you pagans. first, let me say, who are the people that got thisly lack chocolate? >> andrea: not supposed to say that. >> bob: sorry. dade porter. >> bob: i wasn't supposed to say that. i'll talk about halloween, and what is your favorite costume?
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favorite candy? >> eric: it was supposed to be your favorite candy and our favorite story. >> bob: chocolate is my favorite. >> eric: listen, my son is 14 now. he doesn't trick-or-treat anymore. which is sad. i loved it when he was a little guy dressed up in costume. take him every halloween. my favorite video are the ones that they sit on the thing like a scare crow and you don't know they're human, they jump out and get smacked. i love those videos. that's all i got. >> dana: halloween has come really long way. because remember the plastic masks that you would put on and they have two holes in the nose so you could breathe? in colorado, thanks to global warming it doesn't happen as much anymore. >> bob: correct. >> dana: there would always be a blizzard. i had a wonder woman costume and big bird, but the plastic one from drugstore. but i had to wear a coat on top of it and ruined the whole thing. i don't dress up at all now.
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>> greg: i'm thinking of her in wonder woman costume with a coat over it. >> dana: white with burgundy stripes and ugliest coach. ruin s.t.d. whole effect. my mom is watching. >> greg: i can trick-or-treat. if i neem a costume they think i'm a kid. i love halloween. i make homemade, my favorite homemade halloween oatmeal. the kids love it when i scoop it in their sack. happy halloween and scoop it in. throw it in there. they're so happy. i worry about the trick-or-treaters who don't have i.d. i think you to be a certain age. it's true. if your hormones have kicked in no, more trick-or-treating. >> andrea: my favorite are the babies, when you see the little babies dressed up. in new york, they push them around in a stroller. really cute. i love dressing up. i was pocahontas in college. that was really fun. my favorite costume as a child, i was a crayola box.
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my mom made it and my head sticking out was a crayon. last year, a bunch of girls went as the an am girls -- pan am girls. >> bob: picture of that. >> andrea: my favorite -- there it is. there we are. and my favorite candy is a mini snickers. >> bob: did you dress up as a nurse? >> andrea: for halloween? no. >> bob: just curious. i hate halloween. it's pagan halloween. this started with the celts, 100 years ago. what they were doing is they said the people, coming out of the graves and they go after the living people. all the things and they had the costumes to scare them away. pagan ritual and shouldn't happen. too many people get hurt on halloween. >> dana: commercial enterprise. sometimes starting in august, you will see the retailers put up the halloween stuff. it's working for them because the natural retail federation
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said 170 million americans plan to celebrate halloween. it will reach $8 billion in sales. >> bob: capitalist thing now. big deal. >> eric: the halloween parties, they are the best parties. >> dana: oh. >> bob: i was told to stop playing with the -- >> dana: bob -- >> andrea: you have eat an pound of candy. >> bob: chocolate is my favorite thing. 365. what did you dress up as? c'mon. c'mon, man. i never got dressed up. never. i don't believe -- >> eric: i got dressed up at you. remember? >> dana: that's right. >> bob: right. this year -- never mind. one more thing on this hallow's eve? is it tonight? hope you celebrate. don't go to my house. one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪
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your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. call right now and you'll also receive a $50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. ask about our risk-free 30-night in-home trial. call now for your free information kit and a free $50 savings card. call now! >> eric: all right. time for one more thing. bob, kick it off. >> bob: i have criticized chris christie the governor of new jersey but he has done a phenomenal job so far and he talked his relationship with president obama on fox and friends. >> the president has been all over this and he deserves great credit. i have been on the phone with him three times and he gave me
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his number at white housed on told me to call him if i needed anything. he absolutely means it. it has been, it's been very good. it's been very good working with the president. and his administration have been coordinating with us great. it's been wonderful. >> bob: thank you, governor christie. >> andrea: now you like him? >> bob: i like what he said about obama. take that. go ahead. who's up? >> greg: i'm up. >> eric: i'll talk, earlier i said david axelrod the campaign is in shambles, he offered to shave his mustache if he lost. even worse, look at the ad put out by and good friend michael moore. a clip of it. it's disgusting. watch. >> i was born in 1915 during world war i. my first vote was in 1940 for franklin d. roosevelt. and i want the republican party to know if your voter suppression throughout this beautiful country enables romney to oust barack obama,
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we will burn this [bleep] down. >> eric: unbelievable. >> dana: it gets worse. >> eric: that is bottom of the barrel. >> bob: it's not obama ad. it's michael moore ad. >> eric: pro-obama. are you kidding me? >> greg: she was only 35, too. "red eye" tonight. we have it tonight and a great line-up. we have ann coulter. what? i'm pitching a fox news show that hasn't been on for two nights, bob. so people know. >> bob: i thought i watched it. >> greg: ann coulter and mcginni s. >> dana: you didn't invite me. >> eric: or me. >> greg: what? >> bob: but ann coulter will be there. >> eric: are you invited? no? >> greg: what do you mean? >> i'll bring the candy. >> eric: his other friends. >> dana: this is something i thought i would bring to greg's attention. bbc news reported this morning there is a wine shortage that could follow poor grape harvest this year.
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overall protucks expected to fall to just under 250 million hector liters. who says america is in decline? america output for wine expected to rise by 7%. so there is a hope. >> greg: thank you for that. >> andrea: okay. so i have an announcement. this month, i am in "playboy" magazine. yes, now that i have your attention it's for an article on politics in television. guarding this with my life. you're not getting it. >> bob: i want to look at the article. >> andrea: it gets interesting. it talks about the history of politics and television and my old boss pat buchanan is in it. and marooney did the article. fantastic. if you get caught with it, you say i am reading for the articles. >> bob: is your picture in there? >> andrea: no. just an article. >> eric: do not give it to be beckel. >> bob: why? wow you would don't anything with it? >> andrea: okay. >> greg: make it back to


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