tv Geraldo at Large FOX News November 4, 2012 4:00am-6:00am EST
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all right that is governor mitt romney in engle wood, colorado having an incredible rally and a strong finish me iso senator rob portman. senator, i don't know of anybody other than ann romney who spent time on the campaign trail other than you. he was in the top of his game tonight. >> it was a uplift vision for the future and the way to close in colorado, and ohio. >> i have noticed he's not attacked the president or what is wrong with barack obama. he brings up the contrast. like the close with the boy scouts. you are with him almost every day. have the moods that you have seen in the crowds change in
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the last couple of weeks? >> they have partly because of the debates. our side got more energize i have been around to many rallies and never seen crowds or enthusiasm on our side. last night we had a rollie outside of cincinnati. 30, kipeople showed up and they were boisterous as the crowd in colorado. they are excited about a fresh sta and what he was talking about. >> i was amazed at his energy level. we are more tired than he seems to be and he's out there campaigning every day. >> he has a passion for it and he has the adrenalin in the last two or half day,. he believes america is on the wrong track and he can turn it around. he has a strong following in ohio. >> ohio is critical. you know the state as well as
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anybody. and you have been a congressman and united states senator and this is your home state, how do you see this coming down tuesday? >> ohio is a purple state, and neither red or blue . bum barack won it by five points and george bush twice. and this year we are close to a dead heat. we have the energy and enthusiasm that we see on the campaign trail. ultimately it is the passion and heart of the volunteers. i spent time where i made calls. i think we are going to win this. and it is going to be close and there will be victory in ohio and so goes ohio and so goes the country. >> when you talk about it is tight, and tipping one way or the other. is it the issue or emotion of the voterss and intensity that you think will put ohio in the romney column.
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>> it is a top issue. jobs and the economy . the concern in ohio, although we are doing better than the national average thanks to mare yejohn cusack. we are still on the wrong track and we have more potential we can achieve with leadership from washington. i was with voters who are not republicans or democrats and first time going to a victory center. and they say we can't afford another four years like the last four. they are looking for opportunity for themselves and the kids. that's what i see out there. mitt romney offered a positive plan for the future and the president offered more of the same. these voters are in ohio and undecide independent voters, they see mitt romney offing a fresh approach with getting ohio back on track. and barack obama offers what
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got us in this mess in the last four years. >> senator, so much controverse nebenghazi. it changes every day. you and your colleagues are not getting many answers. it hasn't camentured the attention. news media as far as the election is concerned, are you troubled that we don't know what happened in benghazi and we are not getting clear and concise and consistent answers from the state department and white house and other elements of the administration. >> very troubled and a shocking operational break down not to have the security in place after we found explicit requests for more security . during the 7-hour firefighter that terrible night in benghazi, not to come to the aid of fellow americans including the ambassador, first one to be assassinated since 1979.
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i senate a later to secretary panetta and i sent another one with john mccain more recently . the american people have a right to know. we'll see what happens. i think in the last couple of days, there is more about among the media in looking at the issue it is truly a shocking break down and also after the fact misleading the american people about what happened. i think you will see more interest in this and i hope we can get to the bottom quickly. >> is there a reason governor romney has not made that a bigger issue. >> he's talked about it some and allowed surrogates like you and me to talk about it more. senator mccain and lindsay graham who did a terrific job raising the issue and being explicit of what thes are we are looking for. i think the american people
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know there is something amiss and very wrong when you have americans in harm's way and folks not responding coming to their aid despite the pleas. i think what happened in benghazi, unfortunately is the spread of islamic extremism in horn much africa and middle east running contrary to what the president is saying. he said al-qaida is on the run and ropes. and that we have taken care of the problem, unfortunately that is not true. the reality is we face a lot of dangers in the world and that's why we need a military second to none and one of the issues governor romney talks about. if lected he will not cut the military. president obama wants to cut the military half trillion and sequestation another half million. that is a big distinction in the race. >> because you have spent more
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time with him on the campaign trail other than ann. was there a moment that you saw the switch go on and mitt romney become the candidate we are seeing tonight and all cylinders are firing? >> he loved the debates because it was an opportunity for him to go around the attack ads and tell the american people who he is and what he stands for. that was the moment and he did well. it more confidence on his part because he had the opportunity, mostly going around the media and what people were hearing what he was. here in ohio, we were out spent all summer and fall three-one on the campaign ads and the obama cam 59ib ads are negative. and the image of governor mitt romney was not accurate. he was able to get around the misperceptions and do it democraticly and that made a
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difference. >> senator, it is a delight to have you here . for you to be here tonight. >> i know the fans appreciate what you do with this show and what you are doing for so many cand dates. >> if i have fans, may their tribe increase. >> less than two months after four americans were killed. president obama is telling supporters that al-qaida was decimated. my reaction to the president's claims and notable quotables when we return.
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people as possible. you can expect them to repeat the talking points. but one of the president's favorite lines kicks off the favorite of the week. war in stab stan afghanistan winding down. al-qaida has been dismated. al-qaida is decimated. >> we have been hearing that a lot. the president and vice-president joe biden told us that osama bin laden is alive and gm is alive. maybe they real theme is alive. al-qaida slive. and a u.s. ambassador is dead. this narrative that al-qaida has been despated is obviously a little premature for the president to announce. it is evident that al-qaida was attack the in benghazi, lib yampt we know it was not just one person . we salute the president for calling the order to get rid
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of osama bin laden. and we give him credit for that. but the idea that somehow we no longer have an issue with islamic jihadism is naive . they will be alive as long as someone can carry the torch and there are many to do it. earlier this week the president took time out to address how the government is guessing to address the devination of hurricane sandy. >> we'll not tolerate red tape or bureaucracy. we go through tough times and we bounce back. the reason we bounce back is because we look out for one another and don't leave anybody behind. >> that's the way it is supposed to be. you might have hard time convincing folks in staten island and folks on it is new jersey shore no one is left behind. some of them haven't seen food, water or electricity or
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gasoline or fuel for the home in freezing conditions since the initial hit of hurricane sandy. they are not the only ones that feel left behind. some of those folks in the consulate in benghazi on the night of the september 11th felt left behind for nine hours as a heavy assault happened. carefully orchesterated and planned . felt left behind 15 days afterwards when the only explanation that the administration had that someone offended because they watched something on youtube. we should never leave an american behind whether they are on our shores struggling from the aftermath of a hurricane or trying to get out from under the guns was terrorist determined to kill every last one of us. >> finally this is how the president trying to get people motivated to vote.
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>> the republican congress and a senate candidate by the name of mitt romney. no, no, no. don't boo, vote. vote. vote is the best revenge. i understand he may have used it as a rhetorical. this is not about revenge. it is what is wrong with american politicings. when can it not be every american winnig because we are a country that recognizes we may have sharp, sharp differences. but we are americans and each of us have to respect the other and give a little and take a little and learn to live as one nation under god, not a nation looking to get revenge at the other side. we have a remarkable story when we come back. we'll continue our show with a closing and powerful story of a couple who know mitt romney
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ever one of the criticisms that has been leveled at governor mitt romney is that he is just is ruthless cold businessman. he has a passion for people. the story got exploded duringng the republican national convention.f >> the through maine sure of as man is revealed in his times o. the quiet hospital room of a dying boy with no cameras and
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no >> mike: joining me from burlington, vermont, ted and patricia oprakowski. u story was powerful. t i'm not sure there was a dry eye in the house. that is a pretty big house and no dry eyes. how did you first meet governor romney? what was the reason for your encounter with him? >> well, the governor was church oriented. we met him at church the firstn time, him and his wife. and then from there we interacted a little and that was -- i was involved with the republican party in the citye that i lived in and i asked hih to speak. that was years ago when his father was still a person of note. and then he spoke. spoke and he about -- the is subject he
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spoke was his father ho who hed a high regard for and -- >> and patricia -- go ahead, ted. patricia, i wanted to ask about your son. he was 14, diagnosed with hodgkins disease. terminally ill. >> nonhodgkins. >> mike: nonhodgkins. >> during that time that is when mitt romney ministered to your family in a personal way. tell us about that. >> well, he used to come and visit us at our home and david ended up in and out of the hospital a lot because of treatments and infections and we discovered that mit would go to the hospital and visit david. we didn't really know that for awhile. but he did. and i think he must have done that early in the morning because we never saw him. ted bumped into him one time but i never saw him there and i was with david at the hospital
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most of the time. >> mike: and there was a remarkable story about david who knew that mitt romney was a harvard law graduate and asked him about making a will which is stuning that a 14-year-old boy would even think of such a thing. what did mitt romney do when david asked him to help him? >> well, that is -- his mother knows more about that. but really what happened is knowing mitt that -- was a -- went to law school and he was a lawyer even though not practicing, david asked him because david at that time knew he was dying. he knew that a few weeks before and he was preparing as a 14-year-old boy in his way which is makes him a bigger man than many other people i know. >> mike: we have lost them.
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and, you know, patricia and ted, i want to say thank you. you know, your story, how mitt romney came and helped them put together a will so that he could give away some of his possessions to his friends. it does show a different side of him than we have ever heard before and patricia and ted, thank you for coming. i know it has been a long evening for you. we appreciate your being here tonight from vermont. >> well, it is our pleasure, governor. >> thank you so very much. >> mike: i want to thank all of you for joining us here tonight on this special edition of huckabee. and with the romney speech we have extended a little bit. but more importantly, we want to close tonight by asking you to consider not only praying for those folks along our northeastern shore are who have been devastated by hurricane sandy, but do something more than just think about them or pray for them. make a contribution to a charity that will reach out and help them and there are a number of people who have lost
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everything. everything. and they just need something from each of us. certainly we can give them our prayers but something tangible in the way of a contribution is most appropriate. that is what americans do. it is who we are. now, that we are approaching an election and we think the most important thing in the world is the next president, for some people the most important thing in their world is the next meal or being able to get new the next night without heat or a way to get to work. for all of those folks, we say may god be with you and thanks for joining us tonight. from columbus, ohio, this is mike huckabee. until next week, good night and captioned by closed captioning services, inc.
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this week our commander in chief reaffirmed his pledge to support and protect all americans. >> we are here for you. and we will not forget. we will follow up to make sure that you get all of the help that you need. >> judge jeanine: unless, of course, you are in benghazi. hello and welcome to "justice." i'm judge jeanine pirro. this week cables continue to prove that the obama administration lied, denied, and people died. those cables reveal more of what the white house knew and when they knew it. it wasn't 48 hours after the attack when the white house knew that ansar al-sharia attacked the consulate but less than four hours that they knew who was responsible and yet mr. president you continued to say "the view" and letterman that you were investigating and you talked about the video and you continued to apologize to
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the arab world. not only do we know that ambassador stevens was afraid for his safety and he wasn't sure that he would even live through 9/11, but he sent a cable at 6:43 a.m. on september 11th that morning saying that libyans who were part of the police mission were photographing the mission inside. and hillary even before that cables notified you on august 16 that security was trending negatively and that there was a concern that the libyan militia, charged with protecting the consulate, had been compromised. even infiltrated by extremists and that approximately 10 islamist militias and al-qaeda training camps were known to operate around benghazi. and yet you, hillary, continued to talk about a video that no
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one besides you ever heard of. >> the united states government had absolutely nothing to do with this video. we absolutely reject its content and message. >> judge jeanine: and now we know that you yo not only had notice, warnings and individual pleas for help from the ambassador, which you refused, but that you watched the savegeing of four american -- savegeing of four americans in real time. those in the white house situation room watched it as it happened. but i guess pictures of the white house situation room are only released when they benefit you. but oh, i foregot, what is to watch? al-qaeda is on its heels. it has been destroyed. in fact, the president told us that this very week.
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>> al-qaeda has been decimated. osama bin laden is dead. >> now, i know the old geiser who watched porno films in that hut is dead but i'm not so sure al-qaeda is. let's not politicize this. >> this is something that the american people can take to the bank is that my administration plays this stuff straight. we don't play politics when it comes to american national security. >> judge jeanine: take it to the bank? mr. president, your check just bounced. here is one person determined to find the truth about benghazi. senator john mccain joins me now on the phone. good evening, senator. >> good evening, judge. i'm sorry that i'm not there to be looked at. we are in virginia and we are campaigning for mitt romney and so i'm glad to talk to you on
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the phone. by the way, i think your depiction of events as they have transpired everything i know is totally accurate and i want to mention to you that in traveling around virginia today i was in ohio yesterday, i was in montana before that, north dakota, i can tell you our veterans and our active duty military are angry. they have lost any trust in this commander in chief that they might have once had and i'm telling you i have never seen them so angry as they are and with good reason. >> judge jeanine: and, of course, senator, none of us can blame them. but senator, you are asking for a new committee to be created an immediate creation of a temporary select committee possibly encompassing members of both the senate and the house to conduct an investigation into the death of these four americans. we know darrell issa has his government reform and oversight
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committee looking at it and we have other committees. thing of the greatest interest is that hillary clinton is investigating her own state department. are you requesting this select committee not trusting the findings of the state department? >> you can't trust their findings. you can't trust the timeline that was just put out by the cia. fox already reported in the last few hours that there are people on the ground in libya that will directly refute their sequence of events. it is a coverup, judge. let's call it what it is, it is a coverup. and one of our veterans by the way pointed out to me that in watergate nobody died. and the fact is that we -- in order for the american people to get the full story they would have to be a bipartisan select committee like watergate and like severaller whos that we have had like iran contra and the facts need to be known and the facts can only come out
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that way. and any conclusions that the state department or any other government organization might have have to be discounted completely. and finally, you cannot have a situation like this continue to fester, it now turned into a centipede. another shoe just dropped a couple of hours ago and believe me, there are more. >> judge jeanine: senator, a lot of people are saying that the august 16 cable that serves as basically a smoking gun that al-qaeda had training camps and they were worried about them in benghazi. do you think it was a smoking gun? >> i think it is one of the smoking guns. i think that one of the other smoking guns is, of course, the attacks on the consulate that took place in april and june. the fact that the british ambassador -- there was an assassination attempt and the fact that they closed their
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consulate. the red cross left. there were many repeated warnings. you just talked about ambassador chris stevens. he sent a mul multitude of cabs back demanding that there be a better security or warning of the deterioration. you know, foreign policy magazine people went in to the consulate there and found some other messages. i mean isn't that stunning that months later that they should be coming in? where was the fbi? but i think the major point is that the president of the united states wanted to say that osama bin laden is gone and al-qaeda is on the run. al-qaeda is not on the run. they are all over iraq. they are pouring in to syria. they have taken over northern mali. i'm telling you it is because the weak and feckless leadership by this president that al-qaeda is not only not on the run or decimated they
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are far, far stronger than they were four years ago. >> judge jeanine: and senator, i think events of of the past month or so have made that clear. senator, you been in politics for many years around all of us believe you our government. we want to believe our government leaders. have you lost faith, have you lost faith like so many people have in the word of the white house and what clearly are lies? they knew they were lies at the time? how does it make you feel? >> makes me feel terrible. makes me even feel worse that i lost. but when the president of the united states says things that are patently false, when goes to the united nations even and says that it was still a spontaneous demonstration caused by a hateful video, when -- i was on "face the nation" the sunday that susan rice was out there and immediately after susan rice gave that message, the hateful
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video they had the president of the libyan national assembly come on right after that and said no, this is an al-qaeda operation. an al-qaeda operation. he said it unequivocally. let for days and weeks afterwards they kept up this facade. i guess they think they are running out the clock. just yesterday the state department had a news conference and their spokesperson refused to answer a single question about benghazi. somehow that? >> judge jeanine: and you know what, senator, i think when you can say you are investigating and it is all about beat the clock. >> absolutely. >> judge jeanine: the election is three days away and the biggest concern i think of some especially the military is will we ever get to the bottom of this. will we ever know or get the administration to admit what they knew. >> the only way we are going to know is a bipartisan committee. a select committee such as we had with iran contra and water
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gate and others that has credibility with the american people. by the way, i wonder when the mainstream moodia is going to -- media is going start carrying this story? >> judge jeanine: certainly a disappointment to all of us. senator, we very much appreciate your time and we will take a rain check on your being here this evening. thank you so much, senator john mccain. >> and could i just finally say thank you you for your staying on this store arery, judge. i appreciate it. >> judge jeanine: my pleasure. >> and so do the families of the people who died. thank you. >> judge jeanine: thank you, senator. coming up, did the obama administration sit on its hands and watch as four americans were killed when help was just minutes away? de and ♪
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>> retired u.s. army colonel and fox military analyst, and former cia operative mike baker in new york city. thanks for being with us this evening. the first thing i want to talk about, now that we know there was this cabling on august august 16th, basically saying al qaeda is in the region, we're squared scared, we need more security. we now no the white house situation room was watching real time as this unfolded. i want to look at who was in the
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white house situation, who would have been able to see what was going on in benghazi. >> you have department of state security office on the phone, to the department of state operations there. that goes directly to the situation room. he had a drone up. ran out of gas. another drone up. you had cia operations guys in benghazi talking, and then guys -- >> so we have audio, visual, and calls at that point in real-time and satellite and the drones, so who is watching. >> this is unfolding before their eyes and as the colonel said, as soon as this balloon goes up, you've got langly, for the cia, state department, the white house situation room. they're all screaming for information. and so you have the chief of base in benghazi, to the degree he can, the chief of station in tripoli. they're all sending information back. they positioned a drone overhead to provide -- the clarity is
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quite good -- to provide information on their terminal so they can watch. >> so anyone who had access to that computer could see this real-time. >> the third embassy in 24 hours going up in smoke. a lot of trouble in the middle east. everybody is watching and listening. >> let's talk about, the question should be, who didn't know? what was going on? everybody knew. let's talk about the military assets in the area that could have gotten to benghazi. >> there's an important point to lead this off with. as we talk about this. which is that in very short order the white house knew that we were not getting a counterassault support from the libyans themselves. so we knew, as this thing was beginning to unfold, the libyans, our friends, were doing nothing to provide support. >> because we knew at 6:43 in the morning that -- and from the cable a month before, that it was being infiltrated.
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so, this libyan militia, they said they called for him, they're almost the enemy. >> we have been at war for 11 years. what the united states military and intelligence community know how to do is react to a fire fight in another country. we had jets, and ability on the ground from the cia to call them in, and to pinpoint -- >> all right. what's an f-16. >> a very fast moving jet. >> what's on it? >> guns, bombs, very -- and they can go very specific targeted if they have somebody pointing at it. the point is it's very fast and very available. within 25 minutes. >> you have the resources. you have seen on the graphic in the region. the important thing is we've got -- this attack is unfolding, this agency, the cia has personnel on the ground, global response guys, they are not there to provide long-term
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defensive capability. they there are to hold off the hostiles until the cavalry shows up, and the covenant is that the cavalry will show up. >> it didn't. the cia guys did a phenomenal job. >> they're heroes. >> they reacted with side arms against 125 guys, and actually rescued some people. the problem is the military is supposed to back them up. >> let's talk about the f-16. with the bomber capability we know there were some in northern italy and we say it would take 25 minutes, from the base or -- >> if they move the aircraft, which they did, down to siganala, they're 25 minutes from the target. >> the first attack its 9:40. they know about it immediately. yes in. >> yes. >> 25 minutes later, the fight goes on how late? >> the fight goes on for -- >> for nine hours. but there's two waves. the first wave is when you lose stevens, and the other -- and smith. the second wave, seven hours
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later -- >> doesn't matter. we know that once the attack starts, we know that we've got a very short period of time for the -- on the ground 0, cia people to have some type of counterassault effort to try to hold off until the military shows, and we know again the libyans aren't providing support. so at that point immediately you have to try. >> but we had the f-16s and could have gotten 0 to benghazi long before the second wave, if not the first wave. >> yeah. all they needed was the order to go, and they weren't given it. >> they kept asking for it. let's go to an ac-130. what its that? >> ac-130 is a c-130 with a 105-millimeter canyon, a good gn x and we had agencies on the group that could have called it. i.
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>> that's is what woods kept calling for. >> yes, we had two of our guys the ron rooftop. identified hostile positions, they were anticipating, hoping -- it's not just the two guys on the rooftop we're talk about trying to save. it's the 30 plus from the consulate that our guys rescued, all those people that apparently the white house said, i don't know, maybe you'll be taken hostage or you'll die in the attack but we're not going to try. >> moving people under fire to their face and need this military cover, which is available. it was moved to help them and didn't get the order to go. >> let's give some of the benefit of the doubt. i don't like giving liars the benefit of the doubt. let's assume they were worried about collateral damage. they could have lowered the f-16s to make a lot of noise and disburse the crowd? >> they could a have done a flyover, and again, this is the part that is so frustrating and disingenuous, and honestly i don't know how anybody who has been in the military or intel community, how they can
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understand or process what the white house is saying. we didn't have enough information. >> we had visual and audio information. again, we've been fighting for 11 years in iraq and afghan. we know how to do this. >> let's pull up the next screen we heard about delta force being moved from central europe to ciganela. >> special force operations, they're the best we have in the army. again, people would recognize it because of the seal team 6. same type of organization, counterterrorism. they were training in europe in -- and they got the call with two and a half hours to get to benghazi, and the special forces group, a marine forward area support team. these are trained marines to do exactly what they were not allowed to do. >> they could have made it but no one gave them permission to
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go. >> piniella said, who i have a great deal of respect for, very good at the agency, about he has come out and is carrying water for the administration and is saying that we didn't have enough information, we can't deploy the troops into harm's way. that's what they train for. that what they expect to be dropped into harm's way. >> they don't need to pack a bag for 24 hours later. they just hit. >> they're ready to go. >> if you wait for all the information, bad things happen. >> of course, of course, and what senator mccain just said, the military is worried now. while the cavalry come? thank you so much for being with us explain this. we're going to do more of this in the future. coming up, the president says, al qaeda is decimated and on its heels. is he even telling the truth and later, will we ever see justice for the four americans killed in benghazi?
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president obama is repeatedly claimed that al qaeda is on the run. on its heels, and keeps bringing up that osama bin laden's death has occurred. but is he telling the truth? is al qaeda really desdecimated? with me is former reagan defense official and frank gaffney, a pleasure to have you with us this evening. >> good evening. good to be with you. >> let's talk about al qaeda, is it decimateed, on the run, on its heels? >> i believe the president is knowingly misleading the american people, putting it
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gently. lying to them about this -- there's every reason to believe that al qaeda is stronger today than it was when he took office. it certainly is operating with impunity in more places, and is more aggressive as a result, i believe, of his policies. so far from them being on the path to defeat or decimated, as he likes to say, apart from some people in the leadership who clearly have been taken out, the organization and particularly the franchises of the organization, the wanna-bes, those affiliated with it that are now rung, in some cases effectively, countries. for example, the size of france. >> frank, let me ask you this. where are they getting their arms from? >> it's some of it, i believe, they're getting from places that are -- happy to supply them. i think the saudis, the turks
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are providing some of the arms. some of the arms i think almost certainly have emanated from the caches of moammar gadhafi, and some reason to believe those were made available through a pipeline from our own efforts to gather up those weapons in libarch sent on to turkey, by shipment, as fox news reported, and sent across the border to syria. unfortunately the people getting the weapons in syria are the muslim brotherhood. >> i'm coming up against a hard break. frank, muslim brotherhood, are we in a better position with them? charge? who are they? very quickly, frank. >> the muslim brotherhood is an organization that is it -- islamist to its core.
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>> our thoughts and prayers are with those on the east coast. our first impulse is to come to the aid of those in need. this time will be no different and we'll help our fellow americans recover from this trajectory storm. >> this weekend enemies of our fellow americans are still picking up the pieces from one of our worst storms in history. it has heart breaking, families have laos loved one, entires communities have been wiped away. today i ask everyone to keep them in your prayers. >> this was truly a crisis, and this is one of the worst storms that has hit this metropolitan area in generations. so, it really is a situation
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that requires patience and requires the spring the resilience that new yorkers are famous for. >> i want the people of new jersey to know that we have a long road ahead of us to get over the storm. and -- but it doesn't mean that we have to do it alone. we work on it together. >> this is a fox news alert, i'm her -- geraldo rivera recording. the northeast, storm of the century, hurricane sandy, and the savage weather systems that conspired with sandy to create the monster frankenstorm that killed well over 100 americans, 40 of them in new york city. and while an army of federal, state, and local workers, and many volunteers, have joined the massive relief and recovery effort, 2-1/2 million remain without power, four days after losing it monday evening. tens of thousands are displaced. their homes broken or destroyed.
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5500 remain in new york city shelters. gaslines stretch for hours and tempers flair. and as life returns to normal for many millions, from north carolina to maine, with folks living in the most severely area, on the new jersey shore, or the new york city burrows of brooklyn, queens and stat ten island, it's doubtful the scars will ever fully heal. the shocking loss of life in and around the nation's largest and commercially most important city. the epic extent and depth of the damage. and the struggle to find essentials like food, water, power, shelter, continue to preoccupy and stress out millions who thought that katrina could never happen here. but it has happened. and as they pump the tunnels and open the subways, iconic landmarks are twisted and broken, and still we find bodies, and revise upward the count of the dead.
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and now frustration and fear of the future haunt many, as homeowners scramble to salvage whatever is left and ask when the pain and suffering will stop. and to the long gaslines and impassable roads, broken infrastructure, and lost hours of work and schools, add this weather alert. to those living without power in those houses comes word that the temperatures are cooling. down to the low 30s for tonight, and for the next several nights. and much worse than the cold. another nor easter, another wet and windy storm this way comes. >> and bad weather, ladies and gentlemen, the last thing the battered burrough of stat ten eileen need. let's fine out what else mother now has in store. meteorologist justin poric, what's going on?
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>> well, geraldo, this is the last thing that residents of in the northeast want to think about, a potential storm. this will not be sandy. will not be a big ball of wind encompassing hundreds and thousands of miles in span. but it is a storm system. if sandy was not on the plate last week, this would be your typical nor'easter but the circumstances for the northeast have changed. we have seen huge impacts as the storm system initiates, it will be off the coast. some change in track. we could see variation. all the parameters have not come together and we still have energy that has yet to come into the united states of america. so we're still looking at 72 to 96 hours' worth of time before we get into the meat of the storm situation. as we go ahead into tuesday and wednesday, worst-case scenario, the storm system hugs the coast and we see a storm surge of two to four feet along the jersey coastline. with the inundation of storm
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surge and we have lost a lot of our sand dunes and this will be a huge threat. winds on the order of 40-50 miles-per-hour possible, and gusts -- the storm system will not come from the southeast, so a huge threat here as we go into wednesday and thursday, election day we'll be clear. over the southeast, showers and thunderstorms. geraldo? >> justin poe ovic, thank you very much. just the news we needed. with the dead still being discovered here and the living really joust coming to grips with all they lost, the outside world is trying to alleviate the pain and ease some of the suffering. this is a heartwarming scene on this frigid night behind me here, volunteers who have come together, really, these aren't fema people.
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these aren't state or local people. these are volunteers, people from stat ten -- staten island and the surrounding boroughs. this is michael grille. >> if there's enough back-slapping and glad-handing to do it's these volunteers. they're unbelievable. in spite of everything. i do mean that. unfortunately, in spite of the government, this community has come together like you can never imagine. 250 volunteers in tottenville went basement to basement, cleaned people's stuff out and just unbelievable things. organizing crews to take elderly people's sheet rock out so they don't get mold. all citizen volunteers. i'm so proud of my community. it's just amazing. >> is it true they're still finding bodies? >> unfortunately, yes.
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and this is what i was afraid of. self days ago i said, based on my experience, you're going to have those that neighbors thought they evacuated, neighbors thought they were rescued, and you get that elderly couple that doesn't make it out, and no one knows it until, unfortunately, you start going door-to-door. the waters have subsided, and whether it's the fire department or building department, someone has to get in to certify whether the house is structurally sound or not and you find bodies, and the number is going to go up. >> tell me what you think. we have seen this heart-warming scene. keny, they're giving out food. they're sorting it. donations of food and clothing items coming in from really everywhere. how do you think -- like people marks how have they done? how have these other agencies -- fema, mention their name and people wrinkle their nose. >> i think everyone here has the greatest of intentions, but organization has been lacking from the beginning, and there is
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support. fema comes in to support. unfortunately i think expectations of what fema does put them at an unfair advantage. they say, fema is here, we're safe. we're going to be able to deal with this. then they come give you an 8 hundred number. they want to do the most they can but community relations people can't too much for you other than answer questions and give you an 800 number. >> it's amazing. i get that. there are a lot of people who can't get out or their homes hod these volunteers, these citizen volunteers, whatever the failing of the government agencies, fema or the rest, these are people who are really doing the lord's work and knocking on the door, grandma, are you okay? grandma, are you hungry? i've seep it with my own eyes. >> it's unbelievable. that's why the local official comes in. a local councilman organized volunteers. i was in several different areas
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organizing small groups, going door-to-door, making sure people have food. if they need medical attention, their medication, whatever they need, we make sure they're going to get. >> now, who are you and tell me your story. >> my name is de s-h-h-h a and this is my mother. we come down here from midland, and we got hit really, really bad. my house is flooded with over nine, ten feet of water, and everything that we had, all our belongings are gone. and right now my siblings and i and my father are -- mother and i are separated. so we're struggling to find a place to be to be together and to have clothes and have all this food and all this stuff given to us is -- it means a lot to us. means a lot to our community. so many people on our block, down the block from us, who are devastated. lived there for 30 years. don't know what to make of it. it's horrendous. >> what are you going to do, mom? >> i don't know.
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>> so sorry. >> that's a big part of what my team was doing today. we're going to help find -- that's where fema is very help. we appreciate all they're trying to do. someone like this, displaced, we need to get them into an apartment as soon as possible. we d. >> get the children in. let's take a break and talk much more. this will be our focus. coming up in this hard, colored night, more on the ongoing effort to stem the suffering here and also all up and down the new jersey shore. don't go away. we'll be next. where others fail, droid powers through.
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>> it's over four feet deep. we're lucky to make it out. >> the first time we have been able to walk through the streets, and it is just -- this is my home. this is my home. and i see things like this and walk by people's houses and they're filled with mud and diesel and everything else imaginable. this is our home. >> my dad was laying on the couch. >> what happened with your brother and sister? >> i saw everything go away, and i saw my sister and my brother cry and my mom cry, and when i saw the tears in my dad's eyes, i knew there was a problem. >> what do you remember? what's your name? >> joseph. >> how old are you? >> seven. >> i have a seven-year-old, too.
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she was squared, too. what happened in your house? >> well, we were just sitting down, watching tv, when my mom went outside and there was a big wave coming. we didn't know what to do. so we were looking, and then they got so high, it went in and out of our house. we were in our attic for 13 hours. they had -- the water was so high, they had to come and rescue us on a boat. i didn't know what has happening, so i was really scared. >> how do you feel now? do you need stuff? what do you need? do you have anything left? >> a house. >> what? >> we need a house. there's nothing left of it. >> three cars floated away. >> so sorry. i really am so sorry. you know, we'll tell more of these sad stories and also tell about -- are you getting help? >> yeah, we are. my parents are doing their best to find shelter.
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we're staying with me grandma right now? >> thank god for that. >> we were going shopping for fruit -- >> family food. >> they saw us -- they're giving us food and stuff. this guy came up to us, and wants to give us money. he wants to give money to my mom. and my mom started crying because -- hysterically. >> okay. what a brave young man, and his sister. really. >> thanks to -- we're on the battered bur borough. to stars like bruce springsteen and jon bon jovi we have a better idea of the absolute enorm of losses of the jersey shoreslandmarks, and that's
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where what's left of hold board walk, and asbury park, new jersey, and congressmann palone, thank you for being with us. can you -- i don't know. can you in a -- >> thank you. >> can you give us an idea how bad it is? >> it's very bad. i mean, you know the bay shore area, union beach, highland, those towns along the bay shore are really hit hard. and so many people are displaced. we're trying to get as much as we can into them, though. i think in the last couple days, fema and the red cross and the other agencies have come through and there's been a lot of volunteer donations as well. so, a lot is coming to the people now. but there's just so many scenes of destruction. we're here in asbury park now, and as you can see, the convention hall behind us is still pretty good. but a lot of the boardwalk is damaged and the pavilions, but
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i've been focusing on the people that have been displaced, and trying to get them food and clothing and shelter. >> and that is -- in terms of dealing with that emergency, congressman, how are you fairing? >> well, it's been good. i mean, just -- i was listening to what you were saying to my colleague, and the fact is that the community has really come together. today in a place across from staten island we had a community cleanup that went really well. hundreds of students doing the cleanup. i went to keensburg tonight, and i never saw such an outpouring. clothes and toad being donated. so people are getting food and clothing and temporary shelter, but the next phase, of course, a
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lot of people need temporary housing. in other words they can't go back to their homes. in a place like highland, probably the majority of the homes have been undermined in some way and people just can't go back, and we have towns where the people aren't allowed to go back for at least another week. so there's a humanitarian crisis but we're addressing it right now. over the next few weeks we'll need a lot of things from people half. for example, we need building inspectors -- >> congressman, let me put that as pause and take a break. i have to take a break. and we have that satellite delay, but i'll take the break. i want to talk more with congressman frank pallone, and michael grimm here on staten island, and talk about the other bur -- boroughs. many of the lights are on up and down broadway, but out here in staten island, the stricken
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areas in queens, and then much of jersey, many people's lives are really being hurt, really badly. and we'll talk about the relief on the way and what you can do after this. i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad. the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little more sore. and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: ® 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. ® 90% reported reduced aches and pains. ® 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep.
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for study summaries, call this number now. we'll include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free $50 savings card. and how about this? steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points. but the sleep number bed contours to your body. imagine how good you'll feel when your muscles relax and you fall into a deep sleep! i'm not just a back surgeon, i'm also a back patient. i sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. need another reason to call? the sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. call right now and you'll also receive a $50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed.
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>> 22 years i'm at my home, and i lost it. >> i don't have anything -- anywhere to go. i adopt have no clothes, all the clothes i have on, they gave to me at the evacuation center. >> we feel lucky we left monday. we feel so lucky. and my friends convinced me. we were actually going to stay, and now knowing how bad it was and how high the water was and there was a fire next door, it would have been crazy. we feel very lucky, actually. >> on a cold and wind night in staten island, there's an army
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of volunteers trying to get the generosity of millions of you al into the hands of the tens of thousands who have literally lost everything. speaking with congressman frank pallon in asbury park. you're saying the next phase of this recovery and relief effort has to be getting people in temporary housing. what else do we need? >> well, one of the things we have to find out is whether or not the houses they live in are habitable, for example, when i was in keensburg tonight they need building inspectors because they have to find out if the foundations and the as of the homes are safe enough for people to go back. there's so many things like that. of course residents still have no power, and that's the immediate problem, lack of power. if power came back, a lot of people would be able to stay and feel more comfortable, but we need temporary housing.
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over the next few months, and the people that can't go back to their homes, and i've been trying to see if we can get trailers, if we can find, for example, what monmouth baracks can be used. we're looking at these different possibilities because there are thousands of people with no place to go. >> congressman frank pallone. congressman grimm you have a ware shouse you want to mention. >> absolutely. we're realizing things are coming from all over the country and we can't leave it outdoors. it's not sorted so at 300 western avenue, new york container terminal, 12:00 tomorrow afternoon, we'll be opening up the warehouse. it will be fully staffed and be able to keep everything dry, organized, sorted out, and be able to distribute from there as well. >> you're a combat veteran and this is war. >> no doubt. and let me tell you something.
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we have to not only get people in their homes we got to get power on. still areas don't have power and he definitely, definitely, definitely, have to remember we did lose lives here. we have to keep the families that are grieving in our prayers because we lost 22 and probably more, and they're going through hell. they really are. >> 22 just on staten island. >> just on staten island. >> 42 citywide, well over 100 nationwide, coming up, j.r. martinez, you remember him from "dancing with the stars." he was going to run in the marathon. after this. [ male announcer ] free windows 8 training from your son. can you help me with something? nope! good talk. [ male announcer ] or free windows training when you buy a computer at staples. anotheway staples makes it easier to upgrade.
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>> explain what happened between early friday when the marathon was on and later friday when it was cancelled. >> what simply happened was that it became a source of dissense and we don't need that right now. and hopefully next year we'll have a great event where people can come to the city and enjoy what the city has to offer and compete and participate, and the spirit of the race is to bring people together. when it became a divisive issue, i just made the decision that it should not go on. >> thank god he cancelled the marathon. you know why? it's not fair. you have people in staten island whose homes are flooded out. >> if the bridge is cleared and the streets are clear, i don't
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think it will wreak anymore havoc. >> part of me is very disappoint but totally understand what and why. it was really kind of a -- wondering if we should be here to begin with. now that we're here, would have loved to have this announcement happen a couple days ago when it would have made more sense. >> do you think that the marathon should have been run or was it good it was cancelled? the marathon? >> cancel, cancel. >> tell us why. >> because new yorkers need it. and the people who come here for one week, for the marathon? let them stay an extra week. put their money into new york city and let new york city take care of its own. >> want to talk to all of you al. but let me first -- craig, spoke to j.r. martinez, the guy who won "dancing with the stars" last year. well, he was going to run in that marathon, and he talked now
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to j.-martinez, and about the mayor who marrily makes a misstep. mayor bloomberg but got plenty of heat. here's craig. >> some people said you shouldn't run the marathon. there's an awful lot of small businesses that depend on these people. >> as thousands suffered without heat and electricity, new york city mayor michael bloomberg defied criticism to allow the 434th new york city marathon to go on, despite a backdrop of devastation. >> bloomberg is pulling the cops off for the marathon which the rest of us don't understand why. >> we have communities in need, and to turn around and show disrespect, like running a marathon, this is the reality of what's going on in new york city right now. >> the mayor finally releapt but not before the new york post-published pictures of
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marathon generators with the power to run 400 homes sitting idle as storm victims went without. the mayor said, quote, we cannot allow a controversy over an athletic event even one as meaningful as this to distract attention from the critically important work being done to recover from the storm and get our city back on track. and well he should have. >> what you guys looking for? >> anything. anything. she wants anything. that's our daughter and her husband. >> digging through the trash and debris, trying to find any remnant, jewelry, anything piled up like trash, people say this is new york's katrina. they really weren't kidding. >> nearly half the fatilities from hurricane sandy happened on staten island. with near total devastation in some neighborhoods, residents could not begin to understand
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how the 43rd running of the marathon would still go on. >> found our dad's wallet. >> you dad passed away? >> yeah, he perished in the home with my sister. >> that's pretty devastating. >> new york city councilman. >> i appreciate the resiliency and new york city, but people can run 26 miles on another day. right now we're on bended knee. >> the decision was not easy. with 330 million viewers, the race brings in hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue to new york city. >> after the 9/11 attack in 2001, then new york city mayor rudy giuliani went ahead with the race, despite criticism. for the first anytime 43 years, runners will not be making their way through new york's five boroughs. wounded warrior j.r. martinez would have been one of the runners. >> i looked at new york city are. this is a city that picks it up and says we have to move forward
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and we have to continue to remind people that this is one of the greatest cities on the earth. >> but having gone through hell and high water, residents near staten island are thinking survival rather than triumph of spirit. >> i know there's a lot of plans and a lot of things involved, but there's people here that lost their lives. >> we are in desperate need. these are people's lives. everything we're picking up here, it's not debris. it's remnants of people's lives. >> you think those 47,000 people who came for the marathon can turn it around or come here to help you? >> that would be the ideal. not only me but so many people in need. >> while some runners pledged to help. j.r. martinez feels new yorkers will also come out stronger as they overcome yet another difficult challenge. >> is there a parallel between -- you have your obvious scars, your personality shines through. you're an incredible person and an inspiration. how does that transfer into this situation? >> challenges are a good thing.
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make a choice for yourself. make a choice and commit yourself to saying i'm going to try to believe. i'm not going to quit and try to be as positive as i can can be and if you implement those things into your life you can do the two things i learned how to do adapt and overcome. >> all right. craig, j.r. was inspiring. also disappointed. you've been here, though, -- enough about the marathon. everybody agrees -- i was tremendously relieved. i was very angry when it was scheduled. i was tremendously relieved as these ladies were. what of all the vignette you have seen, what touched you the most? >> the area in tottenville, one family was completely wiped out. they decided to ride out the storm because during hurricane irene they left their home and their home was looted when they came back. so decided to ride it out. a 13-year-old girl was washed away with her dad and her mom,
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mom's critically injured, the father -- his body was just recently found so awful, awful scene. terrible. >> that's awful. that's awful. i don't know what his problem is. >> all right. really, that was very rude. very, very rude. let me take a break. we'll be right back. i was having trouble getting out of bed in the morning because my back hurt so bad.
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the sleep number bed conforms to you. i wake up in the morning with no back pain. i can adjust it if i need to...if my back's a little more sore. and by the time i get up in the morning, i feel great! if you have back pain, toss and turn at night or wake up tired with no energy, the sleep number bed could be your solution. the sleep number bed's secret is it's air chambers which provide ideal support and put you in control of the firmness. and the bed is perfect for couples because each side adjusts independently to their unique sleep number. here's what clinical research has found: ® 93% of participants experienced back-pain relief. ® 90% reported reduced aches and pains. ® 87% fell asleep faster and enjoyed more deep sleep. for study summaries, call this number now. we'll include a free dvd and brochure about the sleep number bed including prices, and models plus a free $50 savings card. and how about this? steel springs can cause uncomfortable pressure points.
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but the sleep number bed contours to your body. imagine how good you'll feel when your muscles relax and you fall into a deep sleep! i'm not just a back surgeon, i'm also a back patient. i sleep on the sleep number bed myself and i highly recommend it to all of my patients. need another reason to call? the sleep number bed costs about the same as an innerspring but lasts twice as long. so if you want to sleep better or find relief for your bad back, call now. call the number on your screen for your free information kit with dvd, brochure and price list. call right now and you'll also receive a $50 savings card just for inquiring about the sleep number bed. ask about our risk-free 30-night in-home trial. call now for your free information kit and a free $50 savings card. call now!
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>> people's lives and homes are done and it's going to take a long time to bring them back. >> i have over 43 years on the job and never seen this amount of devastation. we always think back to tried center. -- the trade center. that was different. this is a good chunk of the neighborhood just gone. >> the only city official here? >> there's many city officials. >> what's your name and your -- >> my name is ronny cohn, i work for the office of the mayor and the site manager for the site. >> hoy -- how did you gather this amazing team of volunteers? >> the amazing team of volunteers gathered themselves as a result of anthony and all of these people. the community of staten island, they're an amazing group of people, and no weather condition, no hardship could ever keep them down. >> where did you come from? >> from queens. >> from queens.
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why on a cold night? >> we thought since this morning we prepared hot food and went to rockaway and came here and found this. it's like god brought us here. >> all from queens? >> brooklyn. >> where are you from? >> staten island. >> who are you. >> anthony. >> what role? you're kind of a supervisor here. >> me, ron and nick put everything together. we shipped out over 300 cars with food, water, and everything, and all the people got everything down into the -- >> kenny, show that stuff there. where did this stuff come from? >> donations all day long. donations all day. we got skids of water on the other side. we've been getting clothes. the whole tank over there filled with clothes from donations. and we got two buses filled on the opposite side of us that are ready to go to the rockaways in the morning. so we got a lot of stuff here, and we're just trying to get it down to the people. >> this is an american red
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cross -- i'm sorry, your name? >> patricia ballinger. >> you're work with the red cross. >> just in town from denver just visiting, visiting on deployment. we have lots of people from out of up to helping out. >> what's the red cross doing big picture, regionwide? >> well, disaster this size requires more than any one agency can handle. citizens like this have to come together and help out. and he red cross, our role is we're focusing on feeding and outside new york city we're focusing on sheltering. since this disaster started we have had over 72,000 overnight stays at red cross and community shelters, and we served 398,000 meals up and down the eastern seaboard. today we were driving up and down the communities and all the five boroughs in new york.
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there was a woman i talked to who -- she burst into tears because she didn't think she could eat that day because she was out of gas, out of food, and couldn't get out to food. so just that hot meal was a nice little thing. so we're driving up and down to deliver the food. >> people want to donate cash to the red cross, how do they do that? >> you can go to red or call 1-800-red cross and we sure do appreciate it. all these efforts are made possible by the volunteer spirit of everyday people. over 4,000 people volunteering their time and the donations and generosity of everyday people. >> 1-800-red cross. >> or >> congratulations on all you do. so, as a city man, how do you feel about this citizen outpouring of compassion and concern? >> this is what makes the city, and by them coming out here tonight, families -- some of them lost their homes, and
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they're here to help others. that shows you the spirit of new york city. that ex-emme identifies what -- exemplifies what this city is about and what these people are about. >> i noticed there was a girl here before that lost her home, and she is here. she is in her car getting warm. my goodness. where is she going to stay tonight? >> staying at her mother's house and she's going through a lot. all her kids are staying with different people, and just -- i'm glad i have helped out. my husband is a detective. been working every day for 14 to 16 hours and he is right here helping the community. >> let's run the anna coyman did a piece. one of the most wide spread -- the shortage of gasoline. here's a report. >> in new york and new jersey,
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lines for gas are absolutely insane. the crisis is crippling. many stations have run out of fuel and those that do have gas, many of those don't have the power in order to pump it. during the height of the storm, the pipeline, refinery, shut down so production is low. now in new jersey, governor chris christie has imposed an odd-even. if you're license plate ends in an odd number you can get gas on an odd day. if it ends in an even number, you get gas on an even day. we reported tempers flairing at the pump. fights breaking out over folks trying to cut in line. here in new york, the governor, andrew cuomo, but together five emergency mobile fueling stations. this is one of them. folks can come out here and get ten gallons of gas for free, but if you see behind me, it's miles and miles. it doesn't matter if you're walking, with a can, or if you rearview mirror got your car. we ran into one guy who has to push his car. he has been in line for four
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hours. >> what's going on, out of gas already? >> yeah. i've been here since quarter to ten this morning. they said the truck was at 1:00. i decided to wait on line. i don't know what time it is now. but i've been here ever since. >> this is the light at the end of the tunnel. the oasis in the sun, the armory where national guardsmen are filling tanks. the man in charge, captain ryan abbott. how is everybody behaving? this liven is two and a half miles long? >> they're quite civil today. actually. we're quite happy to help everybody out. >> ten goal -- ten gals of gas is not joust for vehicles, it's generators. >> people are coming in with jerry cans, gas cans, anything thatting can hold fuel in. i turn those away without the right container, and depending on the type of generator they
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have, should run the night if not two. >> lounge -- how long do you plan to be here. >> we were cast seven to ten days. the current force, from syracuse, new york, we're looking to be here until the job is done-honestly. so that or else somebody comes to relieve us. >> thank you so much and you're helping the people out so much. we tip our hats to you, captain abbott. thank you. back to you. >> thank you very much. crazy lines, though, later in the day formed. people wanting to take advantage of the free ten gallons of gas. the governor's office announced the ten gallons is going to the first responders first, but gas we're told by everybody is on the way. so, hopefully by tomorrow, the day after, at the latest, they can alleve yet that's very, very long line. we'll be right back here in this spectacular display of volunteerism after this.
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volunteering makes you feel good. >> you made me feel good already. we know how the storm is affecting those who lived and died in its wake. there's . >> u we know the storm of the century and the financials, let me go right to peter maurice, professor at the university of maryland, well-known economics blogger. professor, what's the total bill they figure right now -- i mean obviously you can't be precise -- in terms of what super storm sandy is going to cost the u.s. economy. >> in the beginning $20 billion,
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now i'd say it's closer to 40 and probably looking at another $30 billion in lost commerce. the new york city economy is not functioning, nor is the broader away, people aren't earning a living so at it quite a big toll. >> probably talking about something close to 70, $80 billion, not as big as katrina but getting in that league. >> so, if it's in that range, professor, you're suggesting this is one of the most expensive storms in american history? >> yeah. it's note the biggest. however, look at where it hit. right smack into the financial center, and then i'm a native new yorker, well familiar with long beach, rockaway beach, long island, the shoreline of new jersey, spending summers there, and those places are vulnerable to this kind of storm, and they're not built for it, and we're seeing communities completely devastated and it's going to be a long process of
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rebuilding. >> is there an economic stimulus impact, dr., from that activity? the rebuilding. >> absolutely. it's kind of paradoxical. although we're poor because we lost this property, we are going to get a boost to gdp because people will start spending money again they didn't spend this week, but all the rebuilding, we use lots of folks that are unemployed in the construction sector, and we'll use industrial capacity to make generators and what have you. manufacturing capacity that is not adequately utilized right now. so it will be a stimulus. it's just like putting up a bridge. i it's not say we should knock down buildings in a hurricane to stimulate the economy. there are more constructive ways, but that will happen over the next two years. >> so as new york rebuilds, as new jersey rebuilds, perhaps a
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meager silver lining, dr., thank you very much. ladies and gentlemen, that's all we have time for on this cold and mel mel mel lan kole -- meln collie but in a way inspiring night. the compassion and commitment of the volunteers should warm every heart. these folks are not republicans and democrats, not government employee, not first responders. they're americans and i thank you. i thank them and i thank you all for watching. thank you for caring. i'm geraldo, good night captioned by closed captioning services inc. [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex.
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