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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  February 10, 2013 6:00am-10:00am EST

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>> good morning, everyone, it's sunday, february 10th, i am he' alisyn camerota, thank you for joining us. the northeast is reeling from the deadly winter storm. hundreds of thousands of people remain without power and many are waking up to a frigid temperatures. when will they get some relief? >> and this former cop turned kill ser now getting a wave of support online. what happened to common sense and decency and why would anybody support a cop killer? >> and bibles and bullets, why one is offering that to its
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congregation. "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ >> good morning, everybody, thanks so much for joining us. mike jerrick is back again filling in for clayton. tucker carlson is here and we've all been tracking the city because we can't move with all the snow that's surrounded the tri state area. >> 40 inches, in all of my years of broadcasting, i don't think i've reported one pound in the lower 48, but 40 inches. >> alisyn: is that right? >> i think anna has those computations. >> tucker: and this is a time-lapsed video with the camera attached to the ruler. as the snow passes, the snow gets higher, higher, ultimately burying that clock. >> alisyn: and old school. look at that technology and
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roads are left undrivable and many people are without power as we mentioned. anna kooiman is live with an update. >> reporter: good morning, you guys and good morning to everybody at home. folks in the northeast are still dealing with a tremendous amount of snow and some folks trapped in their homes and getting neighbors and emergency crews to drig thdrig-- dig them out. we're in milford, connecticut as you can see at the sidewalk that's been plowed out it tells the story. 13 years, the snow is going be to be covering here for quite a while and folks are going to be dealing with t driving around, nearly nothing is open. if you take a look over here, america force winds clocked some places, nearby west port 82 miles per hour was reported and also, folks who did indeed died to venture out. having a hard time recognizing their snow covered cars.
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i could tell by the bike rack on the back which one is mine. the only thing sticking out of the snow. >> we've never seen it this bad. i think this is the worse. >> reporter: at least eight deaths are being blamed on the storm, including one little boy in boston, a 11-year-old who died of carbon monoxide poisoning while his dad was digging out a snowdrift. and travel fans in massachusetts and connecticut have been lifted, but the governors in those states are still urging caution. >> do not go on the roads, stay off the roads. first of all, they're not as safe and we would like them to be. and secondly, there's a lot of blowing he snow, thirdly, there are entrances and exits that are still not open. >> reporter: all the major airports are open. bradley is expected to open right about now, 6 a.m. after 6300 flights have been canceled in the last couple of days and guys, you know, some school districts have decided to cancel classes, obviously,
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tomorrow, and complicates things for parents as they head back to work and at least the kids will get to enjoy the white stuff for a while. >> rick, when is the relief? you were talking about another nor'easter. >> it looks like it's a little to the south, maybe d.c., the good news if it doesn't get up here and cause more problems. a couple of things going on. today's temperatures warming up above freeze, today is the day to dig out because tomorrow is the storm system coming in. it's going to be rain, maybe a little freezing rain, but rain at some point. tomorrow, the temps are low again, but tomorrow, it could be 40, which is great unless it's on this snow. and roofs potentially could get caved in. once the rain falls on it, it's going to icy mess. a good news it's warming up for a couple of days and this
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is tuesday not monday, but stays into the 40's for tuesday. there you go. and now we've got tuesday, all right. and so the temps are warmer, but the night tum temps, got to tell you guys, we've got blizzard warnings across the central plains and the next storm comes in, very windy conditions, maybe 12 to 18 inch snowfall totals that's the storm that's gone and this is the one we're watching across the plains and tornado concerns and watch box across central texas and moves off to the east today. a threat for tornados and more blizzards across the central plains and this is rain for the northeast tomorrow. >> alisyn: yuck. thanks, rick. >> rick: you bet. >> the manhunt for an ex-cop turned suspected murderer, they found weapons in christopher dorner's burned out truck in california and
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the search will stay there. >> alisyn: alicia acuna has more. >> reporter: the reopening of the proceedings that led to the firing of christopher dorner in 2008. that's firing is what dorner himself led him to seek a violent revenge on police and their families. cops say the killings of three people this past week are the result of that vengeance. you are looking at video obtained of dorner in 2005 when he was going through training at the police academy, here is lapd captain la smith, revisiting the firing. >> he's the not opening because of the accusations or musing of someone who is a multiple murder are now. he's doing it because he wants to ensure that the public knows that the los angeles police department is fair and transparent and wants to go through everything and have a fresh set of eyes look at the entire investigation now. >> and irvine police served a search warrant two nights ago at a storage locker used by
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dorner. no word exactly what was collected and because dorner has had flight training, the department of homeland security and tsa warning owners to look at their security and a touching district. a touching tribute to monica kwan, whose father defended dorner that ultimately led to his dismissal. they paid tribute to coach mo and players wore jerseys, motivation on the front and the courage to continue that counts on the back and a moment of silence before the game. back to you guys in the studio. >> alisyn: thanks so much. and let's talked about what's popped upjohn line for christopher dorner, the suspect that alicia was referring to in this murderous
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rampage, there's a fan base on facebook and twitter of people who say they support him, they pray for him. they like his cause. they are his fans. >> that's because of the manifesto, very long, about 4,000 words and he in the manifesto, i'm doing this because of the racism and corruption in the lapd. i lived out in los angeles in the '90s after the rodney king verdict and riots and all that, and probably was corruption and racism in the '90s, they've tried to stamp that out and had a pretty good relationship with the public the last five, ten years and now, all of this starts up again. >> tucker: it's hard to see this as anything other than completely irrational and crazy response. this is someone who shot people who had nothing to do with the lapd. we saw the picture of a woman the assistant coach of a basketball team.
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>> happens to be the daughter of a-- >> nobody is accusing her of racism in the lapd. i do this not to appease a murderer, but in effect he is appeasing the murderer. we didn't go through after the uni-bomber and-- >> having sympathy if you believe he was the recipient of the racial slurs and blowing the whistle on a officer you can have sympathy for that, but making the link between that and a murderous rampage, by the way, if he had a case, any news outlet, local news, in lapd would have loved to have seen evidence of some sort of racism that he could have gone to without resorting
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to violence. >> tucker: who cares? you saw it in 1992 during the l.a. riots and members of congress, maxine waters still in congress, the violence was justified because it was reaction against racism. it's not justified. i don't care what happened to this guy or rodney king, you don't have a right to shoot strangers. >> alisyn: before you become a homicidal maniac. >> tucker: we internallize, maybe he had a good point. no, he didn't it. the looters in the '90s didn't have a good point. >> you can't ignore there is corruption and racism in some organizations, but you talk about it. there's no excuse for killing another person. this thing has been festering in this guy since he joined the force in 2005, got fired in 2008 and now acting about
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it. >> tucker: that's the other thing later we're assuming, there's a causal relationship between the experience at the lapd and now. but normal noncrazy people don't shoot strangers. >> because of what he said in the manifesto. >> alisyn: there's a cause and effect, and obviously with homicidal maniac. >> anybody who has felt wronged by the lapd is somehow going online and showing support. >> tucker: i've got to say, i would love to air their names on television, i don't think we will because you should to be ashamed and people are doing it, and it's appalling. >> alisyn: and at this hour there's no oversight and the joseph dunburg has taken the place of john allen, nicknamed
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fighting joe for his leadership in iraq and he takes control and authority is handed over afghan authorities. one worker dead and one worker is in serious condition. one worker suffering burns to nearly 75% of his body. another worker was killed and the body not yet been identified, but 30-year-old javiar ortiz is the only one unaccounted for. >> he's a wonderful father of three and he's loved very much and we ask for prayers. >> alisyn: no word yet on the cause of the explosion. and it might be an unconventional place how to safely to use and carry a gun. a church in texas plans to hold handgun training to the congregation, the reverend of the calgary baptist church looked at it--
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>> you ever hear the song ding-dong daddy from dumas. >> no. >> alisyn: ding-dong daddy. >> from dumas. he's picked to be the next spy guy, john brennan's flip-flopping has some asking if he's the right man for the job. we look at his past decision joost the final seconds left in the game. one player makes a miraculous half court heave. >> ♪ but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands?
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afghanistan. the former head of cia's bin laden unit told staff that you convinced director tenet to cancel that operation. >> based on what i had known at the time i didn't think it was a worthwhile operation, didn't have a chance of success. >> alisyn: well, from his mixed responses on waterboarding to advising against what could have captured bin laden in 1998, cia john brennan's past decisions come under scrutiny. do they disqualify him to be our nation's next spy guy? michael, you were the head of the bin laden unit that the senators were referring to. you have a long history with john brennan. let's start with his take on osama bin laden and whether or not you think that he tried his hardest to find or capture ubl. >> alisyn, he's a spectacular liar in terms that have particular subject. when he was the chief in saudi
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arabia, we asked him repeatedly to acquire from the saudis information usama bin laden and al-qaeda and very, very basic things like birth certificates, bank records, medical records. we started to ask for those in february of 1995 and when i resigned in 2004 we still hadn't got them. >> alisyn: and why not, michael? what was the hesitation on john brennan's part? >> we were annoying the saudis, brennan said. the 9/11 commission has the documents. he says i 'm not going to ask the saudis for the information because the requests annoy them and convinced the same saudis who wouldn't give bin laden's bert certificate he convinced that they were going to buy bin laden for us from the taliban. we shouldn't get mired one in one issue, but usama bin laden
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lived from 1998-2011 largely because we refused as a government to try to kill him when we had the opportunity. >> alisyn: so it was your impression that john brennan was more concerned about somehow angering the saudis than actually finding usama bin laden? >> without a doubt, ma'am, without a doubt. the operation he's talking about, he's judging it not good enough. we took that operation to the special forces command in fort bragg, north carolina. they went over it minutely and said with the material we had to work with they could not do a better job than we had done in putting that together. >> alisyn: given your experience in the cia with john brennan. what do you think of him becoming the head of the cia. i think the bigger picture is more important, he's been deliberately deceitful in describing to the american people the kind of threat we're facing from the islamic
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world. he has said the term jihad should never be used for the people we're fighting because jihad is somehow a self-improvement program or kind of a community rotary club that tries to improve living conditions in a community. and of course, if you look at those documents of islam, of the koran and of the sayings and traditions of the prophet muhammad, far more than 90 references to the jihad are m martial, are military in nature. if you put a map up from 2001, just a simple political map and one of 2013, and colored in the areas where islamist power, al-qaeda power, the power of its allies has grown, in 2001 you would show afghanistan. >> alisyn: yeah. >> in 2013, it would show
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afghanistan, a large part of pakistan, yemen, iraq, north africa, somalia. >> alisyn: michael, we understand, we hear you. you're the former head of the bin laden unit. thank you. more "fox & friends." the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola.
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>> welcome back. some quick headline for you. pay your rent or spend 90 days in jail. that's the law in arkansas, but a new report finds the law encourages those who land in court to plead guilty, but removing old financial debt. making it more fair for renters in arkansas. and you are looking at the curiosity rover, drilling the first ever hole into a rock on mars. scientists think the rock will prove water was once on mars. a sample was taken and will be
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analyzed in the next few days and the plan it could sustain life at one point. tucker. >> well, the murder rate in chicago is on the rise in a big way, instead of we're hearing 911 calls going unanswered a cop is suing chicago because he feels he deserves overtime pay for answering work e-mails at home. what's going on here? and joining us is the inspector joe car daro. in 2011, 535 murders in chicago in 2012, the wrong trajectory. it would seem you'd want to be answering the phone calls. >> they're shifting high priority calls and not
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handling or dispatching police officers to low priority calls and the theory is that the resources you save you can dedicate to fighting crime and patrolling hot spots. that's not a new strategy. that's been in use. >> tucker: in chicago they're saying they're not sending police officers for car theft. that's had a major crime, isn't it? >> it is, but i think they qualify if the suspect is not at the scene. there's no emergency. certainly the police are going to respond and take a report and probably broadcast your plate number and those kinds of things. that will still be done using the phone system, what we call differential response. and again, they hope that they can shift these resources to combat the rising homicide rate. the problem, it's good if they're used to prevent homicides, if they're used to patrol hot spots. that doesn't work. and generally if you want to reach the rates in homicide,
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you have to redirect those to deal with low level crimes. >> tucker: as you did in new york city, one of the biggest cities and lowest crime rates because you take small crime seriously. we all want to believe the best of cops and i think they live up to that most of the time, but charging the city for replying to an e-mail from home, that's a little over the top, no? >> it is over the top and you think if you look at both the stories side by side, it seems they're gearing up and again, not responding to certain calls and getting cops behind the desks into the streets and reach something like this. it seems like they're gearing up to bottle homicides and the amount of crime battling each other. and the fact is, that story sends the wrong message almost like a corrosive sense of entitlement and i understand this officer as assigned to narcotics and we know there are certain responsibilities attached to that position. if you don't want to answer
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the e-mail, turn in your blackberry and go on patrol. >> tucker: go sell aluminum siding, or being a cop is all in be job. >> it's supposed to be service before self. unfortunate it sends the message itself. and we've all gone through and answered e-mails, i'm not too sure of the particulars of this case, but would imagine, again, it's a little over the top. it sends the wrong message. >> tucker: i just want to read the statement here from the attorney for the sergeant who is suing, he says quote, if they have a half hour phone call outside of work hours to a superior about a search warrant they're going to work on the next day that's something that needs to be paid for. that's the attitude right there. thank you for coming on. >> you're welcome. thank you for having me. >> mike: thanks, tucker. are you afraid to go to the eye doctor? one doctor is serving up booze before the exam. is that a good idea.
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>> welcome back, everyone. we're in the middle of some extreme weather and we've put
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rick reichmuth outside in the middle of the aftermath. >> rick: and i forgot my coat, surprise, surprise. >> alisyn: if only you knew a meteorologist. >> rick: i know, if only i had my mom who is here with me the entire time and follow along with me. >> alisyn: exactly. >> rick: guys, yesterday, we showed you this picture of all of the cars stranded in the middle of the storm because the snow was falling so quickly. here is that picture. there was some sound, somebody was able to talk with one of the women stuck in this car overnight. take a listen to what she had to say. >> the key in the car, is the car locked? >> ma'am, how are you feeling? are you okay? >> in the car from three o'clock yesterday. >> rick: can you imagine being in that car since three o'clock in the afternoon the following day and she was fine and that's the great news, i tell you what, the snow falling so quickly completely stranding these cars out here, 50 miles to the east of new york city out on long island and temperatures right now very, very cold and take a look the at the weather maps,
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it's 19 in new york and 15 in boston, minus 2 in poughkeepsie. it's breezy and the wind chill is obviously a promise and still over 300,000 people without power tonight and tomorrow temperatures in the 40's, but there's rain coming and we'll talk about that. another big storm that we're dealing with is in the central part of the country. as you move forward here, you're going to see the big storm bringing snow across the northern tier and severe weather into the south. you can see where the blizzard warnings are, across the northern plains and move forward one for me this and you can see, blizzard warnings from northeast colorado and stretched up to minnesota and north dakota and a few areas over a foot of snow and blowing some major problems and move one more for me down to the south and this is where the tornado threat is today. a ford watch across central texas that's in effect until 9 a.m. and that threat will increase throughout the day as the sun comes up and we'll see a special kind of a bulls eye
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for the tornado possibility across louisiana and mississippi and hail and wind and there's more of a tornado concern today. lots going on, guys. that entire system brings rain, maybe a little freezing rain though and a cool rain across areas of the northeast that have been dealing with this blizzard. so, at least it's not snow, but that rain is going to be uncomfortable for a lot of of people as well. guys. >> rick, thanks so much. r you ever nervous when you go to the doctor. most doctors. >> not the eye doctor? >> sometimes the eye doctor and they have that example where you put your face against the machine and it blows a burst of air into your eyeball, have you ever seen that, hate that. >> not in parts of brooklyn. no cause for nervousness there because an optometrist offers free alcohol, is that a good idea? would you want a beverage before getting in, and people say i would like a greyhound, an apple martini. >> mike: a rusty nail before you stick things in my eye.
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>> tucker: and he doesn't drink, he says. >> mike: that's good. >> alisyn: before examining patience, you should know, but he listens to the patients and they usually take just a beer and helps because as mike said, you're putting your head into that medieval torture device and makes everybody nervous. he's an optometrist and fitting you for glasses and checking your eyesight. speaking of medieval, this is a medieval practice, have some grog before the medical procedure. hit you on the head with a plank. >> mike: doesn't drinking affect your vision, maybe my overdrinking affects my vision sometimes because you have to look at the test. what is that? what letter is that? >> i don't know. people like it, apparently. the new york post interviewed a ton of people who go to this doctor in brooklyn and only find one who wouldn't give husband last name who complained about it, but predictbly the new york state liquor north to see if he's violating a liquor law.
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>> mike: i would have booze to go to the dennis,tisdentist, i - i'd ask the dentist. >> tucker: and why, they're putting a high speed drill in. >> alisyn: and chaos on bourbon streets after shots were fired during mardi gras celebrations in new orleans. and four victims, one of the victims is in critical condition and undergone surgery. they've not determined motive. >> a michigan lawyer is offering up a free divorce, how romantic. walter bentley is holding a contest on his website, the person with the most compelling story why they cannot afford a divorce win. a divorce typically costs around $3,000 and can go up there. and he got the idea while at a friend's divorce party.
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a miracle buzzer beater shocks the basketball world and puts another dent into a top-ranked college team. >> and lets it go! knocks it dow down! >> i happened to be watching this game when it happened. unbelievable half court heave. and van is his name. after third manked michigan hit a three to take the lead and looked like it was over. three seconds in the game left and amazing shot. took the game into overtime and the wolverines never recovered from it, end up getting upset by the badgers of wisconsin 65-62. >> alisyn: very cool. >> mike: impressive. >> alisyn: and let's talk with rick and the grammys. >> rick: do you have your paddle out. >> there we go. >> rick: we have a little quiz to see who can understand all of their pop culture. >> tucker: we put money on this.
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>> alisyn: play along at home. >> rick: and the after the show show, how much. our first question, who holds the record for most overall wins by a male. >> mike: hold on, are we talking-- oh, it's multiple choice. >> rick: multiple choice, michael jackson, a, bohn jovi b, and sir george c. >> mike: he wouldn't put him in if he wasn't the winner, i'll go with c. >> alisyn: i'll go michael jackson, the classic. >> tucker: i'm going with bon jovi. >> rick: perfect, it's c. sir george sulty. 31 wins. >> alisyn: what did he do? >> chicago symphony orchestra. >> alisyn: oh, trick question. >> rick: pop music. number two, who is the biggest winner for a female, if a, alis alis alis alisyn kraus, b, whitney houston, or c--
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>> c. >> alisyn: c. >> mike: i'm going with a, alisyn krause. >> rick: 27 grammies. >> tucker: who is alisyn. >> rick: a blue grass singerment be good at not a lot of people. the biggest loser, what artist holds the records most grammy nominations without actually winning one. number one, brian mcknight, two, katy perry, or three, murray tina mcbride. >> mike: katie has bent around long. >> tucker: on the principle that the people you don't know i'm going with a. >> mike: brian mcknight has been around. >> tucker: mr. jerrick has it. >> i understand what you're doing. >> alisyn: in other news, an extra credit one now. >> rick: we do. who is the youngest winner ever to win a grammy is it
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number one, luis miguel, two, leann rimes or beyonce. >> alisyn: it doesn't say christina aguilera. >> rick: like the mexican michael jackson. >> mike: leann rimes has been in the business since she was a fetus. >> alisyn: i'm going with a, too. >> rick: it's leann rimes, b. >> tucker: you're batting a thousand. >> you are give us one last chance. >> rick: conversely, who is the oldest winner. >> tucker: jones. >> rick: a betty whites, two george burns, three or cricket. i think i said-- >> can it be earnest boring line. >> mike: george burns lived to be 100 i'm going to ligo with
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him. >> rick: c, pine top. >> alisyn: fantastic, great. all right. thanks, rick, that's great. >> tucker: but not funny. >> somebody call me a-- >> thank you, that was great. >> tucker: fantastic. >> mike: we'll be right.... >> tucker: oh, that's pretty good. the bush family has all of their e-mails, addresses, exposed. if it could happen to them. chances are it could happen to you, ways to keep your e-mail safe. >> alisyn: plus being top dog takes a lot of hard work, behind the scenes at the hotel where the westminster dog show's v.i.p.'s are getting ready before strutting their stuff. ♪
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>> did you hear about this? the bush family e-mail accounts hacked. among the items stolen, e-mails, personal information, contact addresses and if two of our former presidents aren't safe from hackers, how about the rest of us. here is the way it keep your e-mail safe, and john, thanks for being here. i break one of your cardinals rules all the time. don't use the same user name and password for everything. >> yeah, a lot of us do that. the reason, when you use it for one place and gets hacked. of course, it allows you open to be hacked at other places at bank accounts or more important, financial accounts. >> mike: when you use the password, use a good password,
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something long, strong and unique, what do you mean? >> in my opinion it should be 13 characters or longer. >> mike: it's long. >> i know, it is, it, shouldn't be addictional word, it should use alphanumeric character, and symbols. and they will secure them for you, keep track of them and generate totally random password hard for criminals to crack. >> mike: don't use your children's names and stuff like that. people, things that people would know. >> yeah, exactly. if it's in the dictionary, ever be on your facebook page or on a post, do not use those items. don't use the 123456. >> abcde-- >> those are easy for computers to crack in a second. >> mike: what do you mean by create a two step log-in. >> two step log-in, factor
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verification, the technical term for it. instead of just having a password you need a second item. for example, in g-mail, it will text your phone or actually call you and give you a code that you can-- that you have to input. meaning nobody can get into that account unless they have both the password and that code. >> mike: yeah, you say become a skeptical clicker. stop sending money to my uncle in nigeria. >> yeah believe it or not, 6% of us click on those things. if it doesn't look like something somebody would normally send you, i realize it's from a trusted person that you get these links either on a facebook post or in your e-mail, if you don't know what it is, don't click on it. and that's what installs the malware in the first place. >> mike: you've got to put the anti-virus software in there and use it every now and then. in the bush family situation, don't you think, it had to be more than one person? >> yeah, you know, this was kind of like a digital fluid,
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it infected, i think, multiple e-mails in the family and it kind of shows that the bad guys are getting more sophisticated at infecting groups and the security software is not doing as good of a job. >> mike: john, my number one sip is going to, would you agree. >> i appreciate that. put up a video to see how to turn on the two factor verification on g-mail. >> mike: thanks a lot, good tips. >> my pleasure, thanks so much. >> mike: coming up on this sunday edition of "fox & friends," the hits came on coming. and being top dog takes a lot of hard work, up next we'll take you behind the scenes at the hotel across the street from the garden where the westminster dog show's v.i.p. get ready to strut their stuff. ♪ [ whispering ] i've always preferred the crème part of an oreo.
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[ whispering ] that's crazy, the cookie's the best part. crème. cookie. crème. cookie. [ whispering ] crème. [ whispering ] cookie. [ whispering ] crème. [ whispering ] cookie. [ whispering ] crème. [ whispering ] cookie. crème! [ fire alarm ringing ] [ whispering ] firrreeee!
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crème. cookie. crème. cookie. [ whispering ] i'm calling the cops. [ police siren wails, car horn blares ] crème. cookie. [ whispering ] you guys have to stop fighting. we're the cops. [ male announcer ] choose your side at
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>> oh, new york's going to the dogs this week, but that's a good thing. >> alisyn: the westminster kennel club dog show is in town. >> tucker: and fox news radio correspondent todd sterns got in on the dog action. >> good morning, guys, i'm here in the green room where they do lots of pampering, take good care, thank you, ladies and took a look at the green room at the westminster kennel club dog show. take a look.
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i'm just across the street from madison square garden hosting the 137th annual westminster kennel club dog show. here at the club they're not just hosting human beings, they're hosting v.i.p.'s very important pooches. >> i've been showing dogs for over 40 years when i came to the westminster dog show, i was really surprised there wasn't something for the dogs to keep them off the streets because it's very dangerous, particularly with 25,000 yellow cabs in this town. >> so judy created the green room the place where the discerning dog can nibble on organic treats white getting a wash and blowout and even have his and her fire hydrants. >> so we have area for the dogs to do natural functions, a bathing area, a grooming area. >> getting to the big show over madison square garden can be a stressful event.
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you don't want your dog on bacon and face it nobody likes a fatty. and here at hotel pennsylvania, the canine gym and i am he' hanging out with friends getting a workout. you haven't seen any cats around here, have you? stella is gearing up for the big day with her junior handler, becker reece, currently ranked fourth in the nation. >> this is stella, four years old. one of my best friends since she was four years old. a great companion and love to do stuff with her. >> giving her a workout in the green room. >> the boy and his dog away from the mountains of his home in asheville, north carolina. >> we do training and love to go on hikes and swim in the rivers and walk through the forest. >> the top prize at westminster is best in show, but becker may very well have the greatest prize of all. >> and i feel like a lot of kids don't have great dog
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companions these days and gotten to bond with her and spend a lot of time with her and just have a blast. >> the great american humorist erma bombbeck once wrote, every puppy should have a boy and stella has becker. >> mike: i hope they win. >> and good morning, by the way, stella and becker will be competing on tuesday at the garden and we wish them the very best of luck. >> mike:. >> tucker: so, who is-- if you're betting on this, not that you are. where would you put your money? >> well, i put my money on stella the dog, but a couple of those cute little -- the dogs that you put in your purses and see them over on the east side of town, yeah, yeah the little dogs and they were all fluffed up and ready to go and looking very bedazzled, i guess, is the word to use. >> mike: it's one of the best events. >> amazing, just amazing. and it's big business, too, guys. i mean, this is a big dogs and lots of people are going to be
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if town for the dogs. >> mike: cool. >> alisyn: thanks for showing us. more "fox & friends" in just two minutes. we'll be right back. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more pcessed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i kn is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. nope, i've got... [ voice of dennis ] the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. [ normal voice ] same agent and everything. it's like we're connected. no we're not. yeah, we are. no, we're not. ♪
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ask an allstate agent about the value plan. are you in good hands? i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola.
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nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ >> good morning, everyone, sunday, february 10th, i'm alisyn camerota. thank you for tuning in to dig out now. people across the northeast are trying to he recover after the monster blizzard dumped up to three feet of snow in some places and we're live on the ground in one of the hardest hit states. >> and president obama challenged by dick cheney, the former vp calling the president's pick for his national security team, quote, second rate. are his choices putting our safety at risk? we'll report you decide. >> mike: plus the regulation nation keeps getting bigger. and this month the obama administration is proposing even more to the, you know, of 60 billion dollars? but on what? "fox & friends" hour two on a sunday starts right now. ♪
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>> well, people across the northeast and new england still reeling from this weekend's massive snowstorm and today, they'll start digging out and dumped several inches to over three feet of snow in some areas. >> alisyn: three feet of snow. it broke records. one the of the hardest hit states is connecticut where we find our anna kooiman, live in milford with the latest. there she is against a snow bank. >> reporter: yeah, very chilly. it's 11 degrees here in milford and we can tell you that folks in the northeast, they're used to dealing with this wild winter weather, but even folks here say it's been a long time since they've seen this much snow. we have 38 inches here on the ground in milford and nearby in west port. hurricane winds clocked being recorded at 82 miles per hour. when you get this much snow. it's hard to recognize your own car and there have been reports of roof collapses and
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people stuck inside their homes, literally snowed in. connecticut governor dan malloy is urging folks to be wary of carbon monoxide poisoning. >> if you're without power and using a generator or other heating source, please make sure it is vented and vented isn't having is attached garage. it has to be outside, it has be to be vented outside. >> reporter: at least eight deaths are being blamed on this winter storm, including a 11-year-old boy in boston who died in the car and overcome by carbon monoxide while his father is digging out snow, we're told. in new york state, governor andrew cuomo was actually sending resources to connecticut and massachusetts because they were hit harder. in new york, pretty well, the exception of long island. and this are 400 national guardsmen on ground here in connecticut and some are even plowing the streets. >> it's terrible.
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they said the national guard is here, too, look. >> a couple of times walking over park benches and cars and couldn't be sure because they were so buried. >> reporter: the travel bans have been lifted in connecticut and massachusetts, but the governors are warning folks to stay off the roadways. as far as the airports go, flights are taking off and landing at all major airports in the region and guys, i can tell you about 400,000 people are still waking up in the dark this morning. back to you. >> alisyn: and anna, the story about the 11-year-old who died with the carbon monoxide is so tragic and serves as a reminder to all of us today, to be careful as we are digging out. >> mike: if you have a generator, outside, and the cars, snowing so heavily and fast they had to stop them and sit in the cars. >> tucker: frozen, like pompei. >> alisyn: yes, exactly. so, everyone, be careful out there today.
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rick, how is it looking? >> you know, a lot of people on facebook and twitter message me and why are you talking about the northeast so much we get the snowstorms across the plains as well. the big problem across the northeast, it's densely populated see the cars there and images, if you're shovelling out your car, and trying to put the snow, back onto the street or the other car or the sidewalk and nowhere to put it and it's so densely populated and impacting so many people and it's incredibly cold tonight, today, warm up above freezing finally, a lot of places in towards the 40's. the same goes for tomorrow, we're going to be into the 40's and seeing the rain though, unfortunately. so, things are going to be a little bit uncomfortable. let me show you what this rain is i'm talking about right now. across the central plains, that blizzard that i was mentioning and there, the severe weather down to the south and this is the future radar. by tonight, into tomorrow morning, all of this moisture heads towards the northeast and it's going to start off as
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freezing rain and snow on top of the snow already. and it warms up and turns into all rain. if you haven't shoveled off your cars or your roofs or your roads or your driveways, whatever it is, the rain is going to hit it and melt it some, but it's going to compact it and at night, a solid block of ice. today is the day you need to get out and do that work, get out and help your neighbors and the elderly and the community stuff. today is the day you've got to do that. temp-wise, very warm to the south and why we had that severe threat as well. thanks, guys. >> thank you, rick. >> dick cheney at a fundraiser the other day in wyoming for this, and the two senators. summed up his views on obama and the national security employment. and the handling of the national security association, here is what he said. the performance now of barack obama as he staffs up the national security team, the second term is dismal. frankly what he has appointed
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are second rate people. >> alisyn: yeah, dick cheney is talking about john brennan of course, nominated for the cia, chuck hagel for defense and even john kerry for secretary of state. dick cheney believes that these people will put our country at risk, and particularly, he singled out chuck hagel, he thinks, dick cheney thinks barack obama nominated because he wants to have g.o.p. street cred and look, i have a republican here in my cabinet or nominated a republican so everybody be quiet. >> mike: and he says the choices were dismal and kind of seems like the country agrees. look at the latest fox news poll when it comes to this point. is the country today weaker compared to five years ago? 48%, almost half of us say it's weaker, less powerful. >> alisyn: half of that say it's stronger and more powerful. 27% say the same as before. they're not quite sure. and no wonder, a rough five
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years. >> the remarkable thing in another poll in the same series of polls, people are asked is the government bigger and more powerful. and the overwhelming majority says yes. the irony, even as government is more powerful domestically on everything we do, and we become weaker internationally. are they connected. >> alisyn: and another thing disheartening, people think our best days are behind us. a pessimism creeping over us after the five years and we've seen our best days and think that there are still challenging and very hard days to come. that we're not out of the woods yet. >> mike: we ask them how we're going to get out of this malaise and most people said they didn't want to go to the government to get us out of that. and more stats on the poll. >> tucker: keep that in mind, and the state of the union is strong. >> alisyn: let's get to your headline, and the entense search for that ex-los angeles
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police officer now suspected of killing three people remains in effect today. in the big bear area where christopher dorner's burnt out truck was located. police say they found weapons inside and newly released video, check this out. this is christopher dorner's training at the police academy back in 2005. shows what police are up against. lapd is says they are reopening the investigation into his firing in 2009. policesy dorner is seeking revenge for officers he blames in the assault. a brand new video on the changing hands ceremony for native forces in afghanistan and taking over for-- >> today we're saying goodbye from a great commander changing command, but today is not about change, it's about continuity. >> alisyn: he's been ned fighting joe for fighting in
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iraq and dun ford is the commander in possibly the longest war in american history. and should they cross junk food, and they're trying for a bill to-- and of buying junk food with food stamps. is baby's big entrance. a woman went into labor and called 911 because of bad weather, emt couldn't get down her street. fortunate, the national guard were in the area and got them to the house as she was about to get birth. >> and look, you're a new years baby. well, mine is a blizzard baby. >> alisyn: both mom and baby noely are doing good at the
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hospital. >> mike: noel? no noeley. >> tucker: there's an e. >> alisyn: and a y. >> i would have named the baby frosty. >> alisyn: good thing it's not you. >> mike: and every one feels like you deal with regulations. 16 billion dollars worth of regulations in one month? that's happening right now. >> tucker: in fact, this administration is rolling out significant new regulations at the pace of one every three days. that's in the last year, 2012, 123 billion dollars worth of regulations. >> mike: stuff like what. >> tucker: oh, regulations of everything, in fact, regulations now of school lunches. >> mike: yeah. >> tucker: and there are regula
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regulations, calorie counts and this, that and the other thing and the problem is each one of these regulations costs businesses and then consumers a lot of money to comply with. >> alisyn: new mortgage servicing rules at dodd frank and new epa original requirement and new regulations come even when old regulations go away. they never die. >> tucker: they're like shoes, and accumulate late at the back of your closet. >> alisyn: we're under heavy regulation now and in fact, there's a fox news poll that says, do you think that the federal government has become too powerful and is restricting american freedoms or are you comfortable with the role of the federal government right now and the responde respondents say-- >> especially small business owners, the people who are responsible for creating an
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economy. and pass the costs to us anytime you buy anything and they believe their businesses are harmed by these regulations. >> mike: coming up on sunday, while we're gutting our military. other countries are ramping up their military. so are defense cuts putting us at risk. >> tucker: are you afraid to go to the eye doctor? well, one is serving up booze to loosen you up. sound like a good plan? details ahead. ♪ this is america. we don't let frequent heartburn
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>> massive looming potential defense cuts already taking a toll on our national defense. the pentagon now cutting the amount of persian gulf aircraft carriers from two to
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one and delaying the fueling to save money. >> and others are ramping up spending and senior fellow at the advanced studies, lt. colonel tony schaeffer joins us now. >> how are you. >> alisyn: doing well. three weeks from now, march 1st, if congress doesn't get its act together there are sweeping military cuts set to go in place and this, at the same time that we know that china and russia, in the face of two decades will outpace us with their military spending. what do you make of that? >> well, firstoff, we spend 40% of the world's budget on defense right now and i think what we have to do is fix our strategy first. one of the problems is, ali, we have had the same basic frame work since 1947 and 1947 with some adjustments in the 80's, we figure out the real threats. i always talk about the beginning with the end in mind and this is where we have an opportunity here, since we won the cold war, we're ending the
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wars in afghanistan and iraq, time to rethink how we focus what we do. we've noticed spending money on division, throwing money at education hasn't made our kids smarter. throwing money at defense without a focus is not going to make the american people any more secure so this is where we have to begin with what are the real threats. how do we go about setting up the strategy to deal with the threats and not continue with status quo. >> tucker: by anyone's measure, the persian gulf, not only the oil flow there, but the drama between israel and iran. >> right. >> tucker: this week it was announced the u.s.s. truman will not be deploying to the gulf because we cannot afford it. that would seem unwise cut. >> tucker, you and i both know that's theater. they don't have to cut that. they comes out of o and m funds and we have plenty of those and part of the problem with secretary of defense panetta, he's threatening to cut troop pay come on. and we have the off sets and limit building of defense
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bases and put that where else. and what we're looking at attempts to do-- i've been to the insides and budget games and give away the biggest things you don't want to give up and that's what they're doing here. we need to figure out a way to maintain everything we're doing in that area of the world and not jeopardize other things to develop. and one of the facts out here for the chinese, spending as much money right now on trying to find ways to have potable water for people as they are defense. so frankly, you have to look at things context. the spending in china, that much potable water they'll have a hard time doing expeditionary stuff, we have to look at everything, not just smaller cuts. >> alisyn: tony, it sounds like we can spend less, we have to spend smarter. is there waste in this day and age, and we hear about the $700 toilet seat. >> absolutely. two sources, big one, the
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joint ied defeat organization. billions spent and not one useful technology come out to prevent our troops from being injured by ied's and secondly a smaller scale. the marine corps bought boots, they can't do best practices and go with the manufacturer, they need to spread out the wealth and some of the boots fell apart in combat. we have to fix how we do contracting and hold people accountable for bad decisions and right now, it doesn't function like advised. >> the former vice-president dick cheney says he considers the policy team including the defense team, mediocre. >> i buy john brennan not being qualified for his position. he has a terrible record and
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tom bridgridge, and tony-- people on capitol hill like him, but we have got to get away from spending for spending's sake and be more effect. >> alisyn: tony schaeffer, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> alisyn: and valentine's day around the corner. what do you get someone who you just started dating. we have a perfect gift for love of all ages. >> tucker: and a warning, pay your rent or go to jail. that story coming up next. ♪ [ male announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance in sync?
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>> now your news by the numbers. first, 17 cents how much gas prices spiked last week, making it the largest weekly rise in prices in two years and experts say expect them to continue to go up. next, 39 million, that's the record number of people who visited las vegas last year. and the city plans to break that record again this year. and finally, $21,000, the price tag on the swag bag that grammy stars will take home tonight. and some include worldwide travel packages, designer sunglasses and iphone covers and of course, 24 carat gold nail polish. >> alisyn: i need that. >> tucker: me, too. >> mike: i'm wearing it. >> you're a dark man. >> mike: whether you've been romantically involved for years or started dating someone. valentine's day is the perfect time to show that special someone how you feel about them. >> alisyn: how do you go about plotting the perfect date.
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>> tucker: well, joining us now to explain is dating expert and wing girl method creator, marney, i am counting on you. >> valentine's day. >> tucker: the 14th, what should we do who are clueless. >> i would say if you have a significant other, think back to things that you've been mentioning over the past three weeks or even the past next week that she's talking about. >> alisyn: men can't remember what-- >> and may have annoyed you in the past top asking to go to that restaurant, whatever she says that has annoyed you and asking again or mentioning, that is probably something she really wants to do or wants to have for valentine's day so i would do it. >> we have to listen. >> keep your ears open. >> mike: what i have a tendency to do when i start to date somebody, go overboard. >> no, no. >> why? >> scares them? >> i work with thousands of
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men and coach men how to understand women. do not be one of the guys who ignores valentine's day, if you pretend is doesn't exist you're going be to be dumped shortly. >> tucker: not answer your phone. >> a lot of guys i don't know what to do on valentine's day, i should skip it and pretend is tonight exist. at the bare minimum. $25, chocolates and a card not lovy dovy. >> mike: you need to listen and you want to make it personal to you. >> if you just started dating it doesn't have to be personal. people in a longer term relationship. >> tucker: don't maybe it as generic as possible. >> alisyn: i always appreciated flowers, if you're he just dating someone and don't know them well, the flowers. >> and you recognize it's a holiday. doesn't mean anything, but something that's saying i'm acknowledging valentine's day and that i like you and like
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where it's going. >> tucker: for women it doesn't mean something. and women say oh, it's a hall mark holiday. >> alisyn: not at all. >> if you have something great on valentine's day and i don't, i'm going to hate you and hate the significant other. >> mike: so you're a woman-- >> i'm going to do that. >> alisyn: and for valentine's day change your appearance. >> and actually, gillet has amazing survey recently called the kiss and tell event, which is around the united states and couples come in and the experiment to see whether or not women preferred clean shaven men over stubble. so they had the couples come in and kissed with a shaven face and nonand i can't reveal the final results of this study, but overall women preferred men with a clean shaven made, nude shaven face and kissed them more intensely and on valentine's day. >> how do you volunteer?
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>> and they're nice to look at, but not practical to make out with, the worst walk of shame after. >> mike: where do they do the studies and can you get the number for me. >> alisyn: he's volunteering for the kissing study. >> and on valentine's day, they're going to have the biggest kiss and shave. 333 men shaving their face and i don't know how many people they're kissing, but-- >> we're sending a correspondent. >> alisyn: thanks so much. what is your website. >> winged girl >> tucker: up next on the rundown, would you leave your entire estate to somebody you never met before. maybe even a celebrity? and one man did just that and wait until you hear received the dough. >> mike: and call him dr. bartender. he's asking patience to pick
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their poison and giving patients alcohol before their eye exam. ♪ ç@2x@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@x@@
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends." there's still snow on the ground all across the northeastern united states. we'll go to rick reichmuth who i believe is out of doors. >> rick: there's going to be snow for a while. this is february, it's not going to melt quickly. there's some rain headed into the area. that will melt, but for the most part a slushy thing and then a very compact snow. so today is the day to shovel. not that bad of a day. yesterday, the night before, the snow happened so quickly, all of these cars were completely stranded and we assumed that everybody got out of the cars and that everybody were in there or got out safely. take a listen though, yesterday morning, some crews got to this woman and listen to what she had to say. >> in the car, is the car locked? >> ma'am, how are you feeling? are you okay? >> and i've been in the car from three o'clock yesterday.
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>> yeah, that's a long night to spend in your car out in the middle of that storm which was so intense. fortunately, a better day today. the sun out for almost everybody and the wind dying down, take a look at the weather maps, the temperatures cold across much of the northeast and warm down to the south and we've got a storm going in across the central part of the country and one blizzard in the northeast and take a look at the storm now that we're dealing with across much of the central part of the country and severe weather to the south and toward the north, blizzard warnings, so, move in there and you can see where the blizzard warnings are and extend for parts of northeastern, colorado and move forward for me. northeastern colorado towards the parts of north dakota and minnesota and that's going to be all day today. tonight, it will be in toward the far northern plains of north dakota and minnesota. go farther down to the south and the same storm as you move forward is going to be bringing severe weather today, including a tornado threat across parts louisiana and mississippi and this whole storm will bring to the
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southeast and rain to the northeast. starting off with freezing rain, but the rain. do all of your shovelling and cleaning up, that's today. tomorrow is too late because the next storm moves in. >> mike: thank you. gordy who watches every day, up in maine, auburn main 28 1/2 inches of snow. they're not afraid. >> tucker: in auburn, maine, they laugh at 28 inches. >>lisyn: speaking of laughing. would you like for your doctor to serve booze. >> tucker: yeah. >> alisyn: you know what, the hair dressers now serve booze, same philosophy, you're nervous going in. why not get you liquored up before your exam. that's what one optometrist, yes, is doing in brooklyn, new york. >> tucker: hoptometrist, who
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did that. >> mike: and they put that thing in your face and blow the air into your eyeball and he says he's not drinking at all, the doctor. >> alisyn: that's very good. you don't want somebody handling your eyes who is drunk. >> tucker: and keenan from big bear, a giant manhunt. if i were to have an alcoholic beverage, i would want a highball. >> oh. >> not bad. >> paul says, i would have apple cider or soda to be on the same side. mike to your point, you might see double. >> mike: which way is the "e" going. >> tucker: and i hate to add this to an amusing story, now the state of new york is looking into this doctor, this man, to see if there are liquor violations. >> mike: come on.
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>> alisyn: one thing our founders believed in, a opera optometrist giving booze to patients. >> mike: by the way, how well did you sleep last night. >> tucker: when you work at 4:30 a.m. >> mike: february apparently is the worst month of the year for sleeping. >> alisyn: that's surprising to me, because february is such a sort of dull, depressing month, i would think that people slept more. no, in fact, a huge study in britain of 21,000 people and turps out that everybody has a harder time sleeping in february. it takes them eight extra minutes to fall asleep compared to march and they said that extra ten minutes awake in the middle of the in night. >> i think that's right and why people-- in fact, one third of the people reported low energy levels, compared to spring, not surprising. they're not sleeping. >> one of the things they blame, the forced heat. it's hard to regulate your body temperature when the heat turns on and off in the middle of the night. one thing that disrupts it.
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>> buy a comforter, and open a window. that actually works you, but it's true, i believe the death rate actually goes up in february. and more people die in february than june, i don't think that anybody dies in june. >> turn off the central heat and crack open a window and cool yourself down. >> that's right. the good news is, we're almost done. it's february 10th and that means we have 18 days to go and then it's just a downhill, happy slope in the beautiful weather. >> and you're almost through it, hold on, america. >> alisyn: and one thing i know you guys do, a bad habit for sleeping, keep your ipod and your blackberry and your cell phone out of the bedroom and disrupts your sleep. >> mike: if i have to get up early, i put it on vibrate and lay it on my chest, that can't be good. >> alisyn: your pacemaker. >> tucker: and wind down an
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hour before you go to bed. don't get in arguments, settle down, get off the phone. >> mike: dr. siegel says don't drink coffee or caffeine in your system a couple hours before sleep? and in terms of winding down not supposed to have booze. and avoid meals and booze, and i'm like in the sahara. >> mike: get out a big bottle of water. and avoid napping. >> alisyn: i love the nap. >> tucker: i respectfully disagree with the scientists on that. >> alisyn: okay. [snoring p [snoring] >> was that you? >> and former mayor guiliani is speaking out about camp liberty. the iranian dissidents, the u.s. disarmed and promised to
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protect a promise that guiliani now says has been broken. >> where was the united states to vindicate its promise of protection? nowhere, nowhere in sight. the united states must stand by its promise. the president of the united states should lead from the front not from behind. >> alisyn: guiliani also spoke in support of a more democratic iran and pressed for u.s. officials to do more. an illinois man passes away and leaves his million dollar estate to two soap opera stars he never met. peter barton starred in the young and restless and kevin who starred in a show luken received notices that ray fauk left his estate to split. and folk's lawyer says quote,
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the men were friends and barton and gropy have not publicly responded, i'm going to leave them my money. and pay your rent or find yourself in jail, that's in arkansas. and according to the report the report is abused often for landlords and public officials and now there are changes to make things more fair for tenants. those are the headlines. >> mike: we're on tv and if you're thinking of leaving money to mike jerrick on twitter. >> tucker: could you bequeath it on twitter. >> mike: i don't know. >> tucker: i'm opposed to that. >> alisyn: this is shameless, i think it's going to work. mike is on to something. >> tucker: and the family gathers around with the attorney and reads the tweets. >> alisyn:@alisyn camerota. >> mike: the most stressed out people in the united states, who are they. >> alisyn: you? >> yes, and young adults.
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what's causing this, we'll talk about it or are they just lazy. >> tucker: and a gator goes head first stuck in a storm drain. how the crews were able to get them out. >> alisyn: why was he on the sidewalk? ♪ [ male announcer ] let's say you pay your guy around 2% to manage your money. that's not much, you think. except it's 2% every year. go to e-trade and find out
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how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert: it's low. it's guidance on your terms, not ours. e-trade. less for us. more for you.
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♪ many hot dogs are within you. try pepto-bismol to-go, it's the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. now tell the world daniel... of pepto-bismol to-go. so i used my citi thankyou card to pick up some accessories. a new belt.
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flacco was gracious, shaking hands with the guy and thanking him for the meal. mike. >> mike: always the millionaires get the free dinners, huh? young, broke, stressed out, a new survey shows 39% of folks in our country are between 18 and 33 years of age say they're dressed increas-- stress increased in the past year and our next guest says forget the numbers, these kids today are nothing, but lazy. fox news contributor steven crowder joins us now. welcome to the program. >> no place i'd rather be, mike. >> mike: what are those kids self-obsessed narcissists? >> we're raising a generation of people taught to basically hold in the highest value self-esteem above all else, not esteem in others or delayed gratification and people vote in the short-term for free cell phones and birth
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control over long-term basically financially solvent, social security or health care. the problem is this entitlement generation, there isn't a discussion as to the legitimacy of the entitlement to begin with. of course it's the government's job to buy my health care. of course it's the government's job to subsidize my promiscuous bedroom shenanigans and you can have kids my generation, never soared in a soccer game never having been corrected with a red pen, never speaking to adults with authority or hides tanned to correct them. and we send them out into the real word today and surprised they're stressed. wa, wa, wa. now, i don't want to sound like an old man even though i am an old man and used to have to walk to the school in the snow naked ten miles back. don't they have serious concerns though, they're worried about their jobs. they have money concerns, you
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know, and coming out of recession and all that. the job stability factor. don't they have legitimate things to be stressed about? >> regardless of your age, if you chose to walk to school naked in the snow, perhaps you should seek counseling. no, listen, never has a generation had so many useful tools at their disposal and so ungrateful. the tools of all generations before them combined to be more productive, efficient, communicative and instead they or and angry birds, and-- these people are going to be building your planes, your cars, running your government and you know, i think it's okay. i don't want to come down too hard on the kids. it's okay to tell a kid, listen, they're really good at math and when it comes to football, you suck. let's choose a life path accordingly. instead we tell them you're superstars and the world will love you, the cop doesn't love you, the judge doesn't love
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you, and if i said anything out there that's wrong and people disagree with me, i'm oh, so easy to find on twitter at s crowder, tweet me if you dare. >> mike: thank you, that was great and let's play words with friends later, okay? waste more time. >> sounds like fun. >> mike: you got it, brother. and president obama getting ready to give his state of the union address this week on tuesday, what can we expect him to say? chris wallace joins us after the break and then beat the winter cold by warming up with the cool gadget. i know, it sounds counter intuitive, beat the cold with cool things? ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you don't back down from a challenge. this is the age of knowing how to make things happen. sowhy let erectile dysfunction
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>> if you're waking up surrounded by snow and struggling to stay warm or fighting with yourself over the temperature. listen up. >> tucker: we have some gadgets, quite a few that will keep the peace and keep you warm. joining us now is a senior editor, hayden. >> we've got a lot of stuff to keep you warm during very cold times. and start out with the service desk. >> alisyn: what does that do? >> tracks every time you turn up and down the heat and learns your patterns and don't have to change the heat, you leave for the office and it'll adjust it automatically. >> alisyn: and saves you money. >> it has a smart phone app, and-- >> what is that? >> that's the hotrod mug. pretty cool. two things to do with it, one, you can plug it into your car so it keeps your joe warm on the way in and then also, it
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has a little thermometer looks like a speed dial. >> alisyn: what is that? >> it tells you the temperature of the drink. >> alisyn: you never burn your mouth. >> you should know better if you read it. >> alisyn: good point. what's the max drixle? >> it's the max dry. a typo. i have to keep one under my desk, a boot and glove warmer and take them off at the office and nice and toasty. >> alisyn: what do your co-workers think. >> that's why i'm bigger than most of the co-workers. >> alisyn: and you walk in and your feet are freezing and dry them like a ski resort in your office. >> tucker: now, okay, these look like, okay, why are they plugged into a computer. >> if you take your shoes off to warm them up and-- on the internet. >> not the internet, but ubs powered.
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marshmallow out slippers, and went to town with the puns here. >> alisyn: nice and toasty and speaking of toasty, look at these, look like toast. >> and i can see, your fingers are free and articulated and now you have soft pieces of warm toast on to your hands. >> tucker: plugged into your computer. who actually did that? >> well, you'd be warm. >> alisyn: thank you. you know what we're going to find out i'm going to wear these the rest of the show and see if they're distracting. >> tucker: i'm going to file a workplace complaint. >> and yeah, this, is basically the best heated throw you can buy. >> alisyn: why? >> first of all, it's made out of nice polyester material and a lot of throw pillows not made well and this is great because it disperses the heat evenly throughout the whole thing. about a .2 temperature
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difference. >> tucker: and how hot can you get it. >> depends what you're doing, but i would say 100 degrees. >> alisyn: wow, i love it and wear this the rest of the show and see if it's distracting. >> tucker: can i plug this into my laptop, too. >> no, a regular outlet with that. >> alisyn: great suggestions, where can you find them? . i'll tweet it out. >> people in the northeast are digging out at this hour, what can you see relief? rick reichmuth knows and i believe he'll tell us the top of the hour? >> instead of chocolates and flowers, how about a free divorce? how is that for grotesque? is that story is coming up. ♪ hi. hi. i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens.
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>> good morning, everyone, sunday february 10th, i'm alisyn camerota. here is what's happening at this hour, police are on the alert as a massive manhunt for a triple killer is in the fourth day. new details in the bizarre case, including a disturbing wave of online support for this rogue ex-cop. >> tucker: they're cleaning up and digging out across parts of the northeast corridor after a monster blizzard showered that area with snow. get ready another storm possibly is headed your way. the latest on the deep freeze. >> mike: you saw them first on "fox & friends," a waiter sticking up for a kid with downs syndrome and now the little boy and his friends are singing his praises. wait until you hear how the waiter turned the tables on them. "fox & friends" the third hour this morning starts now. ♪
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>> welcome back, everybody. great to have you with us this morning. great to be with tucker carlson and mike jerrick filling in for clayton. we do have valentine's day gifts for you if you have no idea what to get. and in the meantime start with one of the top stories, the extreme weather alert. while many in the northeast are digging out from the monster blizzard some airports are working overtime to get travel back on track and a look back at boston's logan international airport and things were at a stand still as you can imagine yesterday, but today they're trying to get flights in and out of there again. >> mike: rick, what is the latest now. >> rick: wind gusts of 77 miles per hour during the storm and now it's the cold air settled in at least for this morning and it does get better today. temps above freezing. tomorrow we're into the 40's and we have a little bit of rain and i'll show you in a second. tuesday, remained 40's and wednesday, upper 30's and 40's in the area. above freezing at least, but
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the main coming in is going to cause a big problem in the short-term. and this is the story we're dealing with, the future radar, what we think the radar will look like over time. and going towards tomorrow morning, a little bit of snow and freezing rain to start out with before it warms up and turns into all rain throughout the day. rain that's going to fall on top of your snow and compacts it down and makes it thick and tough and today is the day you've got to clean up the snow if you can. this is the storm i'm talking about. blizzards warnings in effect across areas of nebraska, colorado, south dakota, north dakota, minnesota. and maybe up to a foot of snow in a few spots and i think the heaviest, north dakota and minnesota. and the same storm that's bringing us a tornado threat. one across east texas and a tornado watch box, and this is a tornado threat all day long and this over the next few days, the front stalls out and we are going to be talking about a significant flood threat as well. four to six inches
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accumulating and across georgia, very significant drought going on there and unfortunately a little too much too quickly this week so we do have the flood threat we'll watch, all right, guys. >> mike: for sure. an update on the manhunt in california, the manhunt for the ex-cop suspected murderer, enters the fourth day now and police say they've found weapons in christopher dorner's burned out vehicle up in the mountains and the search will stay focused on that area today. and alicia is still on the story for us. >> good morning, the los angeles police chief charlie beck ordered the reopening of the proceedings that led to the firing of christopher dorner in 2008. that firing is what dorner himself says led him to seek a violent revenge on police and their families and cops say the killings of three people this past week are the result of that vengeance. you're looking at video obtained of dorner in 2005, when he was going through training at the police academy. here is lapd captain andrew
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smith why they are revisiting his firing. >> he's not opening it because of the accusations or because of the musings of someone who is a multiple murderer now. he's he doing it because he wants to ensure that the public knows that the los angeles police department is fair and transparent and he wants to go through everything and have a fresh set of eyes to look at the entire investigation now. and irvine police served a search warrants two nights ago at a storage locker used by dorner, no word exactly what was collected and because he had flight training, the department of transportation is warning aircraft and airport owners told to remain vigile vigilent. and a touching tribute to monica kwan, daughter of the
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person to defended him. and at the basketball game they paid tribute to coach mo. and motel evaluation on the front and courage to continue that counts on the back and then a moment of silence before the game. >> it's heart breaking to see the picture of her. she was obviously, just a victim and her father was somebody that this suspect had a beef with supposedly because he had represented him in this suit that dorner brought against the police force for using excessive force, he claimed. but the fact that he would go after their kids and that's what his manifesto says, your families will not be safe and warfare to-- >> and it's taking an ugly turn. >> tucker: shocking. apparently a great deal of support online for dorner and tributes to him and calling for him to run for president and the most troubling of all the response of the los
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angeles police department. >> mike: i thought it was a bad idea. >> tucker: you heard the spokesman say we're not bowing to the man, and manifesto. >> mike: they're opening up 2008 it legitimizes the manifest poe. >> tucker: it's allowing a crazy person apparently is a triple murder for their agenda. you don't want to do that. there are a lot of i remember irrational spokes and don't want them in control against the forces of civilization. >> alisyn: i think you can understand the lapd's desire to clear their name because he's making all sorts of claims against them that there are racial-- racist elements within them so they want to clear their name of course, tucker, you're right, this gives credence to his point and the idea that there are people online who support him and who are fans of his, who have started a fan page, we propose electing a man for president who could not sit idly by and watch as
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malicious tyrants abuse the innocent. it's so disgusting, you don't kill innocent people if you have a beef with your workplace, you take it up somehow with the media or-- >> it's power though, if you're walking down the street and someone accuses you of assassinating abraham lincoln. you don't mount a defense, i couldn't have done that, i wasn't alive. you ignore it, the rantings of a crazy person. the last thing you want to do is give legitimacy to those who used violence against innocents as this guy apparently did. >> mike: and this is no way to get it resolved snoot people who hik liked christopher dorner and went after a 28-year-old and her father was-- >> and hold him accountable. i would like to put up the
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names of every person who would sign an online petition on behalf of this murderer. i would like those people to be held accountable for that disgusting display. >> let's get your headlines. grand new changing for forces in afghanistan. and taking over for general john allen and as troops are being brought home and power is handed over to afghan authorities. >> today we're saying goodbye to a great commander from a changing command and today is not about change, it's about continuity. >> and nickname fighting joe as possibly the commander of the longest war in american history. and video taken after a shooting late last night during mardi gras celebration in new orleans of course. police say four people were injured and one of the victims is now in critical condition and has undergone surgery.
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shots were fired into the crowd after an argument broke out. there have been no arrests. a massive explosion at a texas gas plant.: one worker suffered burns to nearly 75% of his body and another worker was killed and the body has not yet been identified, but 30-year-old javier ortiz is still the only worker unaccounted for. >> he's a wonderful father of three and he's loved very much and we just ask for prayers. >> alisyn: no word on the cause of the explosion and tomorrow, an american hero will be honored. army sergeant ignored his wounds and rescued during a 13-hour fire fight. the living service member receiving the medal of honor in iraq or afghanistan and he
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retired and works for an oil and crux field in north dakota. those are the headlines. >> amazing. >> mike: president obama will give the state of the union address in two days. what can we expect to hear from him? chris wallace joins us after the break. >> tucker: an entire school stops and gives a rock star welcome to a waiter after he stands up for a child can with downs syndrome. this morning, he's back with an update to that story. so, stay tuned. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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>> welcome back. we're just two days away from president obama's state of the union address and the economy is expected to be the main focus of that speech. and will it also echo the president's inauguration speech? joining us now to weigh in is the host of fox news sunday, chris wallace, thanks for coming on and what do you
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expect to hear from the speech on tuesday? >> what i expect to hear is what the white house says we're going to here and where the president in his inaugural address talks a lot about social equality and social issues, gay rights and climate change. and talking more about the economy and the middle class, a lot of things you heard during the campaign and interestingly enough for the talks of the sequester and cuts that kick in on march 1st he'll talk about new spending on education and structure and energy and manufacturing, the idea that we've got to boost the economy and again this theme we've got to boost the middle class. >> alisyn: as you know, chris, some of his inaugural speech got some criticism from the right and they thought it was just a progressive dream, that he, you know, spelled out. do you think that-- what do you think about that? do you think it will have the same tone this speech coming out? >> oh, yeah, i mean, look, he won and elections have
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consequences. and he's going to propose a liberal agenda. he's going to say that's what i ran on, what the american people ratified and what he's going to go for and especially this idea of income inequality, boosting the middle class. now, there's a little bit of support for that because of the fact we had a contraction in the economy in the fourth quarter and contracted by 1/10 of 1%. now, republicans will say look, it's stimulus spending and government spending was the answer with the trillions of dollars in deficits the last four years we should have a roaring economy, but the president, i suspect, is going to stick to husband guis guns y hear about immigration he reform, climate change, but i think the public is most concerned about the economy. >> mike: and hey, chris, nancy pelosis and john mccain on the
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show today. >> and we sat down with nancy pelosi. and one thing we talked about gun control she's calling for a study and obviously they want bans on guns and things like that. she says let's have a study whether or not this violence out of hollywood creates any violence in the real world and i said do we really need another study? here is a clip. >> why don't you go to your friends in hollywood and challenge them, shame them and say, knock it off? >> i do think whenever we do when you tell them it's evidence-based we have that throughout our proposal. in other words, we don't want to just be anecdotally writing bills. >> so the bottom line was, she was saying, you know, we're going after the gun lobby, but i'm not going to put any pressure on hollywood. >> so she moved not at all on that question he ththen? >> not a bit. >> tucker: nice try, not a bit. chris, we'll be watching. >> thanks a lot. and i say pelosi and mccain.
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with pelosi, quickly, a lot of talk about sequestration and whether it should be spending cuts or whether it should be tax increases. you can kind of guess where nancy pelosi goes on that. >> alisyn: be very interesting, so check your local listings and we'll be watching fox news sunday, thanks, chris. >> thanks, guys. >> next, why our enemies build up their military. we're gutting ours, are we going to be safe. >> tucker: still don't have a gift for your sweetie for valentine's day? why not get your man the bacon of the month membership. >> alisyn: perfect. >> tucker: the unusual valentine gift guide next. ♪ look in my heart and let love keep us together, whatever ♪ ♪ award winning car. good. now find the most hard core driver in america.
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that guy, put him in it. what's this? [ male announcer ] tell him he's about to find out. you're about to find out. [ male announcer ] test it. highlight the european chassis, 6 speed manual, dual exhaust, wide stance, clean lines, have him floor it, spin it, punch it, drift it, put it through its paces, is he happy? oh ya, he's happy! [ male announcer ] and that's how you test your car for fun. easy.
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>> welcome back, quick headlines, forget the teddy bears or chocolate for valentine's day. a michigan lawyer is now offering up a free divorce. how is that for repullive. walter bentley is conducting a contest on his website, the person who says why he or she cannot afford a divorce wins. and a light weight film that sticks to your skin and gathers heat energy from your body. and meant to recharge medical devices it can recharge electronics, too. >> alisyn: and is if you haven't gotten anything for your sweetheart we have great ideas that could inspire your inner cupid. >> mike: she's back.
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chris schultz is back, our life style expert from young, married >> i'm here. >> alisyn: some of the best gifts around. >> not messing around. >> i'm the not messing around. not offering free divorces, but bringing you fun things. my favorite thing right now is "of the month" club. >> i got my husband cheese of the month club and that's his favorite. >> why give a gift for one day. why in the give it maybe all year round. jewel box will deliver a cocktail of the month every single month. how fun is that. specialty recipes, they send the liquor and everything you need for a special cocktail. >> mike: chris, i'm in love with you. >> i don't know how my husband would feel about that. >> mike: sorry. (laughter) >> and then moving on to cookie of the month club, keep it sweet desserts will deliver the delicious homemade
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cookies, i feel like one got stolen earlier and kind of messed up my display. >> alisyn: they're delicious, but he's a good reporter and has to prove it. >> tucker: fantastic, they are. >> alisyn: all men's favorite things. >> the bacon of the month club, everything is better with bacon. >> tucker: i put in cheesecake recently. >> and send a recipe book can it so you can have bacon all year round. >> alisyn: oh, my gosh, you are a dream woman. >> mike: chris, i love you. >> thank you. (laughter) now if you don't want to do the "of the month" how about a standard box of chocolates, does it exist? >> it does, ralph lauren and macy's, running a deal if you buy a full bottle of perfume, they will give you a box of dylan candy bar chocolates with it and which is great. starting on the 11th choose between a box of chocolates or a dozen roses. >> that's great.
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>> and that's ralph lauren's daughter. >> a great combo, if you have somebody who is not a massive fan of valentine's day. >> the sugar company has anti-valentine's day kick, stop kissing frogs, a cute candy company and this is a bacon candy. everything is better with bacon. >> alisyn: look at the fun candies, chocolate hearts and gummyish things. >> if you don't want to do the standard box of chocolates. godiva has chocolatesy cars and you can do the former, but they're cute maybe for a guy and blue smoke also has a grilled jalapeno salty peanut chocolate bar. >> and barbecued jalapeno chocolate. i think the cookie went to your brain and-- >> the bacon candy? intriguing. >> everything is better with
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bacon when all else fails just buy vodka. >> yes, just do it. sky vodka has great valentine's day cocktails to make with the new strawberry infusion, so, again, everything is better with bacon. >> if all else fails, go with vodka. >> you would like this for valentine's day, all of this stuff. >> yes, yes. >> and that's convincing. >> thank you. >> yes, i was, it's great. >> alisyn: young, married great ideas. >> thank you. >> tucker: a shot that shocked the basketball world. final seconds left in the game one player makes when it's a miracle half court heave. >> mike: and then there's a great guy. yes, the waiter, the hero that you learned about on "fox & friends" last month. he's back with us for an update. ♪ ♪ everything is beautiful in its own way ♪
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♪ like the starry summer nights and a snow-covered winter's day ♪ oh, sing it. ♪ tryin' to catch me ridin' dirty ♪ ♪ tryin' to -- [ woman ] hi there. why do we always have to take your mom's car? [ male announcer ] the security of an iihs top safety pick, the 2013 volkswagen tiguan. that's the power of german engineering. right now lease a 2013 tiguan for $219 a month. ♪ ♪ many hot dogs are within you. try pepto-bismol to-go, it's the power of pepto, but it fits in your pocket. now tell the world daniel... of pepto-bismol to-go.
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who emailed it to emily, who sent it to cindy, who wondered why her soup wasn't quite the same. the recipe's not the recipe... ohhh. [ female announcer ] ...without swanson. the broth cooks trust most when making soup. mmmm! [ female announcer ] the secret is swanson. >> welcome back. we start with an extreme weather alert. and here is perspective how much snow fell in connecticut with this week's blizzard. this is a time lapse video, take a look at the clock, attached to a ruler. as time passes the snow gets
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higher and higher and higher until it eventually buries that clock. >> mike: wow. well, as people are starting to dig out today many are still without power and anna is up in connecticut, how many inches on the ground where you are. >> reporter: we're in milford, connecticut, mike, there are 38 inches on the ground here and we can give you an update on the power outages, well, about 345,000 homes and businesses are waking up in the dark this morning. also, hurricane force winds were tracked in nearby west port. 82 miles per hour yesterday the mail was suspended and this gives you perspective as well as the sidewalk that's been plowed just how much snow is on the ground. some neighbors are having to go by and help other neighbors dig out from their homes and rescue crews, rather, are doing the exact same thing and some folks who are eventualing outside of their homes are having a hard time recognizing their own cars. >> i can tell by the bike rack on the back which one was mine, but that's about the only thing sticking out of the
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snow. >> we've never seen it this bad. i think this is the worst. >> at least five deaths have been blamed on the storm including a 11-year-old boy from boston who died in a car overcome by carbon monoxide, and while his father was digging out snow. and the travel bans have been lifted, but the governors are urging caution, asking people to stay off the roads. >> do not go on the roads. stay off the roads. first of all, they're not as safe as we would like them to be. s secondly, there's a lot of blowing snow and entrances and exits that are still not open. >> reporter: police in new york are bringing in road graders to at the point out the long island expressway and closed off portions yesterday. 150 cars were stranded and crews going car to car to help
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rescue people there and as well, new york's governor cuomo is giving resources to massachusetts and connecticut, for the most part with the exception of long island new york is not hit quite as bad so plows and power crews are coming in from new york and we can also tell you a lot of school systems obviously decided to cancel classes and complicates things for parents, but enjoy the white stuff. back to you. >> alisyn: there you go, that's the fringe benefits. let's get to rick how the rest of the country is. >> and 4 million people on long island and a lot of people impacted by this. and sent in from smithtown, new york, this is a bowling alley where the roof collapsed under the weight of the snow just from this one storm right here, that's incredibly impressive. nobody was inside. so nobody was injured which is great news and tells you how heavy that snow is and also get some rain on top of this
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storm and that's going to make all of that incredibly heavy and that snow will soak up the rain and won't run off the roofs and today you've got to get out there and get the snow off of your roofs and help your neighbors out and elderly and potentially it could be big problems with that. >> take a look at the weather conditions, the temps across the area, incredibly cold behind that storm and this will be the coldest morning, today, everybody will get up above freezing and tonight below freezing again and in the 40's, but we have the rain coming in tomorrow. so get ready today. >> in across the central plains, the other big storm that we're watching. as you move forward we've got a big snowstorm across the northern plains and severe weather to the south and blizzard warnings along with that in towards the northern plains as well. if you have any pictures, if you're out there and do it safely. make sure to send those to us. send them to us at and do the page and send them to me on my
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twitter paini tw twitter page. we have a new tornado watch outlined in red in effect until 2 p.m. and conditions favorable the next few hours for tornados and potentially will see that just a little further off to the east later on this afternoon. all right, back to you guys inside. >> alisyn: thanks. tell you what else is happening. and built a multi-billion dollar missile defense shield in europe may not keep the u.s. safe from iranian missiles. the word from the government accountability office and studies show the design is flawed and building the system in the north sea could cause diplomatic tension with russia who think it's meant to stop their weapons. military officials wouldn't comment on the gao report saying the studies are classified. well, tomorrow, a memorial service will be held at cowboy stadium at chris kyle. a former marine eddie ray roth
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has been charged with killing kyle and another man and remains jailed on 3 million dollars bond. police say raffle has a history of mental illness and suffers from ptsd. america's so-called toughest sheriff is teaming up with a famous actor to protect school children. arizona sheriff joe arpaio, actor and long time official steven segall joining us him and they're training volunteers. backlash, there are strong words criticizing the plan. >> anybody who criticized me or the sheriff for standing up for children in my opinion is an embarrassment. >> alisyn: arpaio's posse has 3500 members. and a buzzer beater shocks a
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college ranked team. >> lets it go, it's goes! >> unbelievable half court heave by wisconsin guard, and this after third ranked michigan just hit a three to take the lead with less than three seconds to go and the amazing shot sent the game into overtime where the badgers upset the wolverines, 65-62. those are your headlines. let's go to mike. >> mike: what? >> mike. (laughter) >> i was listening to every word. hey, hi. >> hi. >> mike: if you're having trouble sticking to your workout this year, we've got a fitness plan that's customized just for you. it's based on your blood type. the minute i heard about this i wanted to bring nicky in here. >> good to see you. >> is it called the blood type workout. >> yep, find it the blood type >> and it goes through the different blood types.
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>> it does, o, a, ab, and b. >> alisyn: so i'm a. what should i do for my workout. >> a we have over here and walk you through it. a's were farmers. >> alisyn: obviously. >> and the blood type through history-- we have rebecca protecting her joints, light cardio yoga tai chi. >> alisyn: and and checestors w farmers and slow movements. >> mind and body working together. >> how about the o's in the audience. the o's, we have the ply metrics going on. o's were these hunters, cave men, fight or flight so you need to get rid of your stress in big impact, explosives moves. >> i'm a b. >> you're a b and come over here and-- >> that's what you need to do. >> and they were nomads in
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history. so, mind and body balance from not too tense aerobics, a mental challenge with your workout. and light aerobics, swimming and cycling and tennis. >> and what's left? >> ab? >> yeah, he so ab is what i have in the workout, customized for you in the walking workout and use tubing and pushes here and open up for your upper back and walking workouts can be like leaning forward and back and get a nice movement about it, but not too hard. b's are a combination, the most modern blood type. >> mike: i don't understand why it works. what difference does it make what blood type. you might have heard of the book, eat right for your type. this is created from that and jb byrnes created urban rebounding and took the research be right for your type and combined it for an eating plan and a workout plan. >> alisyn: because the theory is since all of our bodies are difference, why are we doing a one size fits all workout.
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>> exactly. it's in your dna and customized for you and never been done before. almost like having your doctor and nutritionist and trainer talking to you together and creating something for you. >> alisyn: how is it looking, mike? >> do i look like atlas. >> alisyn: no. >> mike: no? >>. >> do you feel the burn? >> look at her, look at her abs. >> and the kit has 12 different workouts and you can customize them all throughout the week and you know exactly what to do. it comes with a ball, a band and this great kit for you. >> mike: so, blood type workout simply what it's called. >> blood type and find out the information what type you are and how to get your workout. >> alisyn: thank you so much. that was great. mike get back to work. tucker, what's coming up? >> thanks, ali. while our enemies build up their military forces, are we gutting ours? is this the best way to?
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so if you're one of them people who gets heartburn and then treats day afr day... block the acid with prilosec otc and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] e pill eachmorning. 24 hours. zero heartbur >> 43 minutes after the hour. time for quick headlines. pay your rent for 90 days in jail. that's the law in arkansas. the law encourages those who land in court to plead guilty by removing financial debt. the changes to the law to make it more fair for renters and two sisters say they're just like any other family only they had a very special grandfather. nelson mandela. his granddaughters are starring in a new reality show called "being mandela" about the family and how they're keeping his legacy going starts on cozy tv. . >> tucker: thanks, alisyn. leon panetta issued a dire
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warning about looming military cuts. here he is. >> frankly one. greatest security risks we're now facing as a nation, that this budget uncertainty could prompt the most significant readiness, military readiness crisis in more than a decade. >> tucker: so how would these cuts affect our national security? joining us now to respond is former cia operative and concerned veterans for america, gary burnson, thank you for joining us, you saw that doubtless, depending on the announcement. he will not be deploying a second aircraft to the persian gulf because we cannot afford it. does that concern you? >> i think we have to be smart about the way we manage our defense budget. i mean, we have a significant budget and needs to be reduced in a manner that is consistent with the best-- i'm getting a lot of feedback here. >> tucker: okay. i don't know if you can hear me and i'm sorry for the
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technical difficulty, it seems like for my position, just watching where the money is going, that we're going to be upping our spending on social programs and education, on green energy, so-called. on global warming and yet, we're going to be cutting our defense expenditures, does that seem like a wise allocation of our money to you? >> we need to have cuts across the board. the national security-- the national budget is a huge problem and we need to reduce domestic spending, we need to reduce military, across the board, the commander-in-chief has the power to do this on his own and it's disgraceful try to do this on the backs of the men and women in the armed forces. >> tucker: i want to apologize for the technical difficulties we're experiencing, but thank
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you very much. president obama channellllenged dick cheney, calling his picks second rate. are president obama's choices putting us at risk. we'll report, you decide. a remarkable story you heard on "fox & friends," a waiter who stuck up for a child with downs syndrome. that hero back with that amazing story. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's is ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪
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a >> welcome back, here are quick he headlines. take a look at the eight foot alligator that got stuck in a florida storm drain. it jumped in head first a few blocks from an elementary school. a conservation officeraped
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his jaw shut and he was sent off to literally an alligator farm. and the picture that came to world war ii. the statue near the midway museum was thanks fmeant to be temporary. and it's expected to be finished by valentine's day. alisyn. >> alisyn: this waiter risked his job after a customers made a rude remark to a boy who had down syndrome. ♪ >> after hearing what michael garcia the waiter did for five-year-old milo castillo,
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students put on a show for him and he had a special surprise for nthem. and we want to hear about it. michael, great to see you. >> good morning, how are you today? >> i understand they gave you a nice hat at the school. >> yes, sir. >> mike: put it on, brother, you're the king. >> absolutely, absolutely, sir. absolutely. there you go. >> alisyn: it fits perfectly. and that's wonderful. so, michael, just to recap. we remember when you were on our show, we got a great response and lots of e-mail about you. just to recap, you're a waiter at lorenzo's, a restaurant and you have a regular customer, five-year-old milo and he came in one day and a table seated next to him and made rude remarks about him. he has down syndrome. you refused to serve that table and didn't know if you'd be fire. it turns out your story got
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national and international acclaim and what was the response you started getting even from strangers. >> the response has been overwhelmingly amazing. thank you cards, letters, gifts in the mail, and contributions, and everything that's come in to the restaurant, either either people dining in or through the mail has gone to the school and people come in just to say thank you and shake my hand and it's been the most amazing experience ever. >> mike: so all of those contributions-- >> i can't describe it. >> mike: michael, you took the contributions over to the school when you visited them? >> absolutely. absolutely. people are making-- people have been actually overtipping me and/or giving me the gifts on behalf of or just giving them to me, but i can't accept them because that's just not what this is about. so every penny-- >> what was the family saying about milo that upset you so much? >> special needs children need to be special somewhere else,
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and in other words, don't bring them in here disturbing while i'm eating and that's just-- i can't, that's unacceptable. >> alisyn: so you went to milo's school and you took all of the contributions that people had made to you for your being a hero in in situation, and you donated it to the school. what was milo doing that day when you made the special appearance? >> he was -- the kids came in and sat in their little groups according to class and he was actually, he was having the time of his life. he was dancing around and singing with the kids and really having a good time. he was surprised to see me though. >> mike: i bet. boy, you wear that crown well, michael. (laughter) >> thank you, sir. >> mike: did you hesitate -- go back to the day it went down in the restaurant. did you hesitate at all. goodness if i make a stink here, i may lose my job? >> absolutely not, the thought never occurred to me. no, sir. >> mike: i think by that
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action, maybe you're setting a great example for the rest of the country when you run into a situation like this. are you surprised how much response you've received from not only the united states, but around the world? >> it's been incredible and i'm hoping that what will come out of this is awareness. awareness and tolerance and stand up for those who cannot defend themselves. the children though are the real heroes. i don't feel like a hero in any way, it's the children and it was the most emotional-- it was beautiful, so emotional, it was wonderful. >> alisyn: i bet. and you presented the check, the contributions you received and that's going towards a scholarship fund at the school to help these kids further and it's changed you, also. having done this and standing up for milo and his family. what do you plan to do now. >> i plan to volunteer my time and continue there cause through be contribution, whatever i can do through the
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school or any down syndrome organization and also volunteering my time once a week at a homeless outreach center in downtown houston. >> mike: i know this, because we've talked to milo's family, they consider you a member of their family now. >> we kind of felt that way about each other to begin with. a lot of our guests at lorenzo's, they come see us, as friends or family, i don't think of them as a guest. >> mike: if people want to donate the cause and start the ball rolling with the work you've done. >> donations. >> to the rides in houston and that would be beautiful, wonderful. that's what this is about. helping the children, again, they are the heroes. >> alisyn: i will tweet that out. michael garcia great to see you and congratulations on your royal crown and all of the accolades that you've received so well deserving.
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thank you so much. >> thank you. >> mike: see you soon, michael. coming up on the show, time magazine hailing marco rubio as the g.o.p. savior, so will the republicans respond to this at the state of the union address? dana perino is here to weigh in. >> alisyn: fantastic. pick your poison at the eye doctor? it apparently helps ease nerves, b nerves, but is the doctor serving patients booze asking for a serving of trouble? ♪ ♪ get ready for a lot more of that new-plane smell. .
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this case. we have the disturbing details ahead for you. very harsh words from former vice-president dick cheney for president obama. why cheney said the president's actions are putting national security, yours and mine, at risk. >> stealing the show, the doctor grabs the spotlight at the national prayer breakfast for kind of telling it like it is. >> our deficit is a big problem. >> what about our taxation system? >> that speech now stirring up some presidential buzz for the good doctor. we're going to talk to dr. benjamin carson and find out what he thinks about what happened to him in dc the other day. he joining us live on "fox & friends" as we start our fourth hour on this sunday right now. welcome back, everybody. thanks so much for joining us. it's great to talk to
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dr. carson. so many of you e-mailed in yesterday with responses to that speech that got so much attention. we want to talk to you about if it was awkward sitting next to the president as he was criticizing his policies. he has a great prescription for how he thinks we should fix our health care system. in the meantime, let's talk about the extreme weather. the people in the northeast are digging out after more than three feet of snow in some areas. thousands are in the dark waiting for the power to come back on. clears are waiting to clear the roads. >> i tell you this, 40 inches of snow, rick, in some places. >> have you ever heard of that before. >> it's a lot. so many people saw so much. it wasn't like one band that got heavy snow. a lot of people saw well over 30 inches. tomorrow your temps warm up. today is the day you've got to do the cleaning. you've got to shovel, you've got to get your car can you give # dug out. when it rains tomorrow on the
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snow, it will get incredibly heavy. tomorrow will be the chance to see roofs collapsing and you'll have a hard time. after it freezes, that much snow does not go anywhere quickly. do what you can today. tomorrow, warmer temperatures. tuesday it clears out a bit. wednesday, temps drop just a little bit. each of these days it stays above freezing. that's good news. another possible chance of a storm on thursday. today, we have a blizzard across parts of the plains and snow across parts of nebraska into the dakotas and minnesota. look at your temperatures and notice chicago, you're 41. you're going to stay on the warm side of this. all the snow will be just towards the northwest of you there. parts of in orde noakd north dad minnesota. the exact same storm is bringing us a tornado threat. we've had tornado warnings across texas, a tornado watch. it will transition this
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afternoon across parts of mississippi and alabama. that front stalls out for the next three to four days across areas of the south. we'll talk about a flooding threat across areas of mississippi in towards georgia. parts of georgia have some of the worst drought, a significant drought. they'll get good rain along with that, unfortunately a threat of flooding. >> last night dick cheney made remarks about the security for our country. talking about the new appointments for secretary of state, defense, cia, very, very important positions, and he talked about the president's choices. >> he sure did. >> at a fundraiser for the republican party in shy chen, he said this. the performance now of barack obama as he staffs up the national security team for the second term is dismal. frankly, what he has appointed are second-rate people. >> not mincing words there, he's
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talking about the nomination of chuck hagel for defense secretary, about john brennan for the cia, and even about john kerry who sailed through his nomination process for secretary of state. in particular, he zero rode in on chuck hagel who chain knee believes -- cheney believes he was nominated because he's a republican. he doesn't think chuck hagel is qualified. the choice of brennan to head cia has been particularly controversial. one employee spoke to us about his views on this. here's what he said. >> he was the chief in saudi arabia. we asked him repeatedly to acquire from the saudis information about osama bin laden and al-qaeda. the 9/11 commission has the documents. he said i'm not going to ask the saudis for this information because the questions annoy them. the bigger picture is important. he's been a deliberately deceitful in describing to the american people the kind of threat we're facing from the
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islamist world, from the islamic world. he said, for example, the term jihad should never be used for the people we're fighting. i really regret the senators don't seem to be more interested in the defense of america. >> it was an amazing interview. you did this this morning. our viewers should know this go ran the bin laden unit. he was at the center of the earth to get bin laden. you asked him point blank do you think brennan pulled back in order to get him, and he said equally directly yes. >> you're right. and he went on to say that he felt that political correctness was getting in the way of our national security. he thinks that john brennan is perpetrating that, and he didn't think that much would change. >> yeah. whawhat do you think of those comments? do you agree with him and dick chain knee's comments last night in wisconsin. let's look at one of our poll questions talking about the power of the united
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states. our security, etc. is the united states today stronger compared to five years ago? >> no. >> 48% of you, almost half of you believe we're weaker and less powerful. >> 24%, so half of that, thinks that we're actually more powerful today than we were five years ago. 27% think we're the same. obviously a lot has happened in five years. >> that's for sure. >> we've weathered a recession, banks have collapsed. i could go on and on. all sorts of things that have left people feeling more pessimistic. >> we've had trillions spent, many have died, more have been maed, thei their live destroyedn an effort to defend the country. that's a sad, sad number. >> any time you're not doing well financially i think that translates into feeling the country as whole is welcomer as well. >> if you have the u.s. ambassador to libya killed and the administration can't decide why it happened, pretending that
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it was a response to some stupid internet video, there's a sense that the people in charge don't have a clear vision of what the threat is. in the meantime, let's get to the headlines and tell you what's happening at this hour. the intense search for an exlos angeles cop is entering its fourth day. the manhunt remains focused on the big bear mountain area where dorner's burned out truck was located. police found weapons inside. newly-released video. take a look at this. this is christopher dorner training at the police academy in 2005. it shows what police are up against today. lapd said they're reopening the investigation into dorner's firing in 2 to yo 2009. they say dorner is seeking revenge on officers that he blames for his dismissal. there's new surveillance video taken moments after a shooting on bourbon street. this happened late last night during mardi gras celebrations in new orleans. four people were injured. one of the victims is now in
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critical condition. this video is in of outgoing general john allen handing over command of nato to gentleman josepgeneraljoseph du >> we're saying goodbye to a great comman commander but it'st about change, it's about continuity. >> nicknamed fighting joe for his leadership in iraq, dunford is possibly the last commander of the longest war in american history. it might be an unconventional place for a class on how to safely use and carry a gun, but next month a church in texas plans to host concealed hand gun training for members of its congregation. reverend brad foster hopes it
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will make people feel secure. marco rubio set to give the republican response after president obama's state of the union address on tuesday. will he be able to rally his party? day knedana perino joins us nex. up next, we'll take you behind the scenes at the hotel where the westminster dog show's vips train before their big debut.
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time magazine is haling marco rubio of florida as the republican party's savior, but the senator does not agree. he says, quote, there is only one savior and it's not me. he added on twitter the #jesus. >> in two days o rubio will give the republican response to the
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state of the union. what does he need to say to rally the party. joining us now is day kne dana . >> #dog lover. >> i love that, #jesus. father morrison will be here. you can ask him about that. >> we will. >> first you want to talk about the subject i'm here with. >> we want to ask you about marco aruba yoa. he's not the savior. big fan. let's just say the state of the union response, so whoever is not in power, that party has to give the response. >> that is not an enviable position. if you think about the pomp and circumstance of the state of the union. you have a huge crowd and the world is watching and everyone is hanging on your word. you go from a 45 minute amazing speech to eight minutes in a room by yours. >> with a plastic plant behind your head. >> that speech is forgotten in 10 minutes unless something goes drastically wrong. >> except a when it's not.
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louisiana governor bobby jindal gave a much heralded speech. it wasn't about the speech itself. it was about the look and feel of the studio and the optics. >> and his delivery. >> yes that's true. it's not an easy speech to give. however, while most people forget what the g.o.p. says, this is unique, an opportunity for the republicans to say we do have a lot of new faces in the republican party. he's one of them, and he can't go point by point to respond to everything that president obama is going to say in his speech. i think he'll give an othe over arching speech about there's an alternative way to help the middle class and we're committed to working here in washington to dtodo that. i know that senator rubio later in the week is going to introduce some tap type of educn reform in addition to the immigration piece. he and a democratic senator did
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an agree act. he's got a lot of things that are on his plate that doesn't have to do with immigration, but he might mention that as well. >> can you give us behind the scenes the state of the union address? when do they start writing that? what does it all -- what is it all about? >> the state of the union tracks the budget process. back in september all the cabinet officers are asked could you please send us your priorities and your ideas for reform, cuts, or new spending. it's usually new spending for what you want to accomplish, and then that goes through the budget process. it goes back and forth, and the office of management and budget usually says no, you can't have that, and then the members of the cabinet start to lobby other people in the white house. sometimes the president himself, and so that speech has been written for a little while because they're getting the components to be able to talk about the priorities. >> they're bombarding the speech writers. >> absolutely. the lobbying that goes on, well, in president bush's speech writing office, he locked down
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the speech like on saturday, yesterday, in the lead up to the speespheech and no more was goig in. he hated giving kitchen sink speeches. they were much shorter and much mortar getted. he woulclinton would get calls u get my program mentioned because it's a very coveted line. if your program or your cabinet secretary at department of energy, commercial, it means so much to you to be able to get that line in ha that speech bece it looks like it answer. >> clinton once fam famously ad libbed part of his speech. this suggests no overture at all to the republicans, putting his foot on the accelerator for spending and no talk about deficit reduction. do you think that is what the speech will look like in the end. >> i think it probably will.
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every year i think that possibly can't be the case. we followed the election very closely. i keep thinking about what you are you going to do about unemployment. all sorts of other things going on. the government has to do lot, but my biggest concern and anxiety has to do with the young people who can't find a job. that decade that they're losing, that very important decade where you get job experience so that you can have better jobs in the future. there's a report this morning from byron york who said they're hearing yes, the president will say job creation is my number one priority. in every speech he says that, and two days later they're not talking about any more. >> this is a more nuts and bolts speech than the inaugural pitch? >> it can be. >> historically people spell out more of their mission? >> yes. so the inaugural address would be much more philosophical. this will be much more okay, here's the plan, and here's the way that we're going to get there. that's not how ever president does a speech. we'll have to see. if the reports are true that
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this will be a much more progressive type speech that president obama gives. this is the vision i see for our country. this is why i think we need higher taxes, whatever he's going to say. he's going to have a pretty hard -- a pretty high bar to clear to convince people that you don't also have to do reductions in spending. not just trimming around the edges. we actually -- we really need to deal with the root of the problem, enentitlements which can be dealt with. >> you missed our big west min minster dog report. >> i was hoping you were changing topics. >> we are. stick around for that. a doctor is being praised for his straight talking speech at the national prayer breakfast. wait until you hear this. >> our natura national debt, 16a half trillion dollars, you think that's not a lot of money? tell you what. count one number per second, one
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number second. do you know how long it would take you to count to 16 trillion? meet the man some are saying should run for president himself. he joins us next. more than 46 million americans are on food stamps. should they be allowed to buy junk food and energy drinks. your chicken noodle soup but she loved it so much... i told her it was homemade. everyone tells a little white lie now and then. but now she wants my recipe [ clears his throat ] [ softly ] she's right behind me isn't she? [ male announcer ] progresso. you gotta taste this soup.
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quick headlines here. take a look at this massive explosion i'm g di about to shou at texas gas plant. one worker was taken to the hospital suffering burns over 75% of his body. another worker was killed. no word on the cause of the huge explosion. look at the hole it left. gas prices spike 17 cents in a week, making it the largest weekly spike in two years. experts say expect prices to continue to rise because prices
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bottomed out at the end of last year. well, this week the big apple has literally gone to the dogs. >> the westminster kennel club dog show is in town, and fox news -- it's hard for me to talk with my toasty hand warmers on. it's hard for me to listen, actually. todd got in on the action. >> good morning, guys. there's a lot of fun. i just noticed a few moments ago. i was back in the green room. we have a pretty swanky green room. they serve you pastries and coffee. it's pretty fancy. we notice the same thing is happening over at the westminster kennel club. they have a green room. you gotta check this out, folks. ♪ >> i'm just across the street from madison square garden where they'll be hosting the 137th annual westminster kennel club dog show. but here at the hotel pennsylvania, they're not just hostinhosting human beings, ner
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hosting vips. very important pooches. >> i've been showing dogs for over 40 years. when i came to the westminster dog show, i was really surprised that there wasn't something for the dogs to keep them off the streets because it's very dangerous, particularly with 25,000 yellow cabs in the town. >> so judy davis founded the green room, a is a lo salon andr the canine crowd, where they can nibble on organic treats while getting a wash and blowout. >> we have an area for dogs to do their natural functions, a bathing area, a grooming area. >> getting to the big show at madison square garden can be a really stressful event. you don't want your dog binging out on bacon. let's face it. nobody likes a fatty. here in the pavement of the hotel pad pennsylvania is a spectacular gym. it's called the dog tread.
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you haven't seen any cats around here, have you? stella is gearing up for the big day with her junior handler, becker, who is currently ranked fourth in the nation. this is stella. she's four years old. she's been my -- one of my best friends since she bas was born. she's a great companion. >> i love to do stuff with her. >> the boy and his dog a long way from the mountains of home in asheville, north carolina. >> we do training. we love to go on hikes. she loves to swim in the rivers and walk through the forest. >> the top prize at westminster is best in show, but becker may very well have the greatest prize of all. >> i feel like a lot of kids don't have great dog campaignons these days, and i have really gotten to bond with her and spend a lot of time with her and just have a blast. >> the great american humorist
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erhumoristerma bombeck wrote evg should have a fella. >> there's one things they have that we don't have in our green room. they have a dog psychic, someone who actually will read your paw? >> read your paw? >> read your paw. >> they literally have that. >> they literally have a dog sigh tick. i guess it h helps motivate the dog as they get ready for the big competition. >> come on, todd. >> i see a nap in your future. i see some biscuits in your feature. >> a if h a feline, rabbit chas. >> and i don't feel silly at all that i'm wearing toast on my hands. >> don't be embarrassed. stealing the show, a doctor is being praised for his straight talking speech at the national prayer breakfast the other day. meet the man some are now saying
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ought to run for president himself. he joins us next. and they're cleaning up and digging out all over the northeastern part of this country. 40 inches of snow in some states. but get ready. another storm is headed your way, folks. get out and clean off the driveways. it's going to start raining tomorrow. hi. hi. i'm here to pick up some cacti. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola. is bigger than we think ... sometimelike the flu.fer from with aches, fever and chills- the flu's a really big deal.
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his speech at the national
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prayer breakfast is generating lots of buzz. he's the doctor who upstaged the president by taking on the p.c. police. let's listen to some of this. >> the p.c. police are out in force at all times. we've reached a point where people are afraid to actually talk about what they want to say. our deficit is a big problem. >> what about our taxation system? when i pick up my bible, you know what i see? i see the fairest individual in the universe, god, and he's given us a system. it's called time. >> joining us now is pediatric neuro surgeon presidential medal of freedom and author of america the beautiful dr. benjamin carson. we just showed a split screen of you with the president watching. he looked non-plussed, maybe a little annoyed. what was his reaction to you. >> he came over to me afterwards and said thank you very much for your words, i really appreciate
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and admire you. >> uh-huh. and doctor, was it awkward? basically you were up there talking about -- well, create ce siding, i think, the way the country is headed and some of the policies. was it awkward to stabtd so close to him. >>him. >> actually, it wasn't. i'm a different person when i get on stage. i sort of go into a zone. i just asked the lord to give me wisdom to say what's right at that particular time and he always does. it wasn't so much a criticism of him or anybody in particular as it was so much the system where we're unable to work together, where we dig ourselves into a corners and we snipe at each other rather than solving the problems. we're at a point in time where if we don't solve the problems, we're going to all be destroyed. >> you made what i thought was a really deep and interesting point basically on behalf of the flat tax. you said a just system would tax people at the same rate across the board. can you elaborate on that a
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little bit? >> well, of course, i aincluded to god, and he said i want a tithe, and he didn't say if you don't have any money, don't give me any tithe. he didn't say if you're the richest man in the world, give me triple tithe. proportionality is what's fair. a percentage. by definition, if you're a billionaire, you're going to pay a whole lot more than somebody who is poor. that's fine. i think everybody should put into the pot and be part of the equation and have skin in the game. if god who that was a good idea. i don't know why we think we're smarter than he is. >> dr. carson, i was also interested to read what you think would be a logical solutions to our health care woes in this country. what do you think would help? >> well, you know, one of the key things here is you've got to bring personal responsibility into the equation. you know, physicians and patients should be working together, you know.
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what do you need for good health care? you need a picture and you need a physician. along came the middle man to facilitate the relationship, and now the middle man has become the primary entity with everybody else alt its beck and call. that's why the whole thing is so distorted. we he need to get the middle man out of it. by having health savings accounts to which people can contribute from the day you're born i in in the until the day u die. you accumulate the resources you need to be able to take care of your routine het care needs. >> you say cut out insurance and contribute to your own savings. pass it on to your kids. that way you have personal responsibility. >> exactly. and you know, you would have to create a system whereby people can have access to catastrophic health care, and one of the things that i tried to manufacturemphasizeis we have tt down and say what are the issues. what are the concerns of both sides? if we can talk about what the
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issues are, lay them out, i think we can come to solutionses. that's what intelligence people do. come, let us gather together and reason together. that's what the bible says. when we go off -- >> looks like we're having some technical difficulties. what a shame. that was one of the most interesting interviews i've seen in a while. that was, of course, dr. benjamin carson from baltimore. he's a world renowned pediatric neuro surgeon. he gave what has become a truly viral speech at the national prayer breakfast. >> i'm hoping that was a storm-related satellite hiccup. his own personal back story is fascinating. poverty stricken. >> he's going to be -- it looks like he's going to be drafted by force for higher office by his growing legion of fans on line. >> we'll try to get him back. in the meantime, we'll give you the headlines and talk about what's happening at this hour. former new york city mayor
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rudrudy giuliani is speaking out about the attack that has people dead and injured at liberty. >> where was the united states to vindicate its promise of protection? nowhere. nowhere in sight. the united states must stand by its promise. the president of the united states should lead from the front and not from behind. >> guiliani also spoke about a more democratic iran and pressed u.s. officials to do more. an illinois man passed away and left his million dollar estate to, well, two soap opera stars he never met. peter barton who starred in the young and the restless and kevin brophy received notices that ray fulk had left them his estate to
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split. his lawyer said he did not know his client had never met the actors. he told him the men were friends. the two have not publicly responded. i feel like my soap stars are my friends also. is there anything wrong with in that. >> it's a little poignant, to be honest. texas residentses could soon cross junk food off the menu. supporting lawmakers say tax dollars should not be spent on unhealthy food because they lead to disease which end up being paid for by more tax dollars. an estimated 4.1 million texans rely on food stamps. here's one of our favorite stories of the day. you'd think he was prescribing beer goggles. a new york eye doctor offering booze to customers to help them unwind before eye exams. would you want a beverage before? here's what some of you would have to say. >> rob from st. simon's island, georgia, one of the most beautiful places in america said, quote, bad idea. the last thing i want is a
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boozed up patient who needs to consent for surgery or have a procedure done. >> i think shots at the 10 activity would go over better with some people. i kind of agree. >> shoot me up all you want. >> jagermeister would improve the experience. people in the northeast still reeling from the storm. 40 inches in some states. they're digging out today. today is the day to do it. the sun has come out here in new york city. looks like we may get rain again tomorrow. three feet of snow. are you kidding me? it's one of the hardest hit of all states, the nutmeg state. anna is live from milford, connecticut with the latest. >> reporter: good morning to everybody. it's hard to believe, but this is a car here. folks in the northeast are used to dealing with wild winter weather, but a lot of folks here are saying this is the most snow they've seen in a very long time. we're in milford, connecticut. 38 inches of snow have fall yepn
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the ground. hurricane force winds. 82 mile an hour gusts were clocked there. and you know, when you get this much snow, you're dealing with all sorts of things. you capture even recognize your car. you have to shovel the sidewalk. we've had reports of roofs collapsing, and power outages. we're sitting at 345,000 right now, and connecticut's governor dan molloy is warning folks to be wary of carbon monoxide poisoning. >> if you're without power and using a generator or other heating source, please make sure it is vented and vented isn't having it in an attached garage. it has to be outside. it has to be vented outside. >> reporter: at least five defendants are plaimed on the storm including an 11-year-old boy in boston who was overcome by carbon monoxide while his father was shoveling snow outside of his car. in new york state, for the most part with the exception of long island receiving 30 inches of snow really being walloped, they
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had to do car rescues off the long island expressway. governor cuomo is giving resources, power crews, and also plows are being sent to massachusetts and connecticut since they were hit harder. neighbors are having to help neighbors dig out. take a listen. >> i'm here to dig out one of my friend's sisters. she's got asthma and capture get out of her drive. i'm going to dig her out in case an emergency vehicle needs to get in there. >> reporter: all major airports in the region are up and running after more than 5300 flights are cancelled. the travel bans in massachusetts and connecticut have both been lifted. the governors in those states are urging folks to stay off the roadways if at all possible. we can also tell you that 400 national guardsmen are here in the state of connecticut. back to you. >> anna, thanks so much. as you know, we just lost dr. carson. we're getting him back. more "fox & friends" in two minutes. 'm rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. when the doctor told me that i could smoke
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we want to apologize viewers for take cal hiccup -- for a technical hiccup a minute ago. we're back with dr. benjamin carson. glad to have you. dr. carson in response to your remarks at the national prayer breakfast has been pretty overwhelming. it would seem going forward you would have a more prominent voice in national affairs. do you anticipate that? >> well, you know, i will let the lord guide, you know. i am planning to retire from at least surgery on june the 30th, and you know, i'll continue to teach and be involved in research and things of that nature, so it we'll with will free he me up a little bit, although i have 10 international trips on the document already and multiple other things. >> are you interested in getting into politics? >> i don't have an inherent interest in doing it, but you know, i will go where god wants me to go.
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>> so where -- tell us, give us some context for this. your views are powerful, well articulated. where do they come from? >> well, i'm not a democrat and i'm not a republican. i'm an independent. if there was a party called the logic party, i would be a member of that because there's so many things that are i' idealogically driven, the fact that we've now started a fourth branch of government known as special interest, basically anything that doesn't make sense is because of a special interest group involved. we need to get back to a point where we're for, by, and of the people and doing things beneficial for the people. we've totally gotten away from that. it's going to require some brave people to stand up to a i system that's entrenched in corruption. every great nation before its fall has toll rated corruption. we have to deal with this. >> dr. carson, i'm fascinated by your back story. you were a poverty stricken kid
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growing up with a mom who was overworked in inner city detroit. you went on to be a renowned surgeon. how did that happen? >> well, you know, the key thing for me was my mother never gave up on me, and she never became a victim herself. she always felt that there was something that you could do, and she never accepted excuses. i think that's really the most important thing because if people won't accept your excuses, you stop making excuses and start looking for solutions. my blower an brother and i becae who looked for solutionses. i became a britain surgeon, he became the rocket scientist. >> what was important was the mindset. when you believe you can do something and you're willing to put the energy into it, we live in the best nation in the world to accomplish that. we need to abolish the victim
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mentality and get people revved up. this is the can-to nation. that's how we reached the pinnacle so fast. >> do you think the victim mentality is more prevalent today than when you were growing up? >> considerably more. people are steeped if i in it fm the time they're born. it's never been productive of a great society, and it never will be. the other thing that is always horrible is great division. a wiseman once said a house divided against itself cannot stand. we need leadership that unites people, not that divides people. it's not pointed at any particular individual, it's pointed at a system. we need to get away from it. >> how do recommend getting away from the victimization that's so prevalent, from poor kids, be it
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ra project in detroit or chicag? if they have no role models, where do they start? >> well, we have plenty of role models, you take something lake the horatio algier society where you have 10 or 12 people who came from nowhere and rise to the top. most people don't know about it. we have numerous people throughout our society who would serve i think as excellent role models. we need a emphasize those and alger was very important to our country many, many years ago. he wrote stories, rags to riches stories. people read those and they enculcated that into the sense of who they are. they began to have vision. if you don't have a vision, you're certainly not going to accomplish anything. the bible says without a vision, the people perish. we don't even know who we are any more. we don't know what our principles are. we're atrade to articulate them
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because if you say certain things, somebody is going to say look at you. i was speaking at a university last may, and people circulated a petition and said you can't have this guy or somebody like this speak because he believes that god created the world. no real intellectual would believe that. you know, i mean, this kind of mind boggling sensorship of intellectual freedom is destroying our nation. we should not tolerate it. >> yet, there's a big market for fearlessness as you've just proven, doctor. thanks a lot for joining us. we appreciate it. >> great talking to you. coming up, a new challenge for the mind, body, and soul from father jonathan. he's here to tell us all about it coming up.
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ash wednesday is just around the corner. many are thinking about what they will give up during lent this year. >> our next guest is here to share his own special challenge for 200013. >> hi, father. wednesday is ash wednesday. >> someone just called me rabbi. that's why we're laughing. >> are you giving anything up this year? >> i think so. >> okay. >> yeah. >> that's always a good idea. >> i hope so. >> what i'm proposing is no not just catholics or christians. i think a lot of people recognize that seasons in our lives, it's good to be a little more intense at what we're working at. what i've put on my website, father is what i'm calling lent challenge 2013. >> it involves three things, body, mind, and soul. let's start with the mind. >> absolutely. >> where do we recharge. >> what i'm suggesting is that in all three of these areas, i'll give you scripture verses i put on lent challenge 2013 as
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encouragement. in each of these areas. mind, body, and soul, give something up and add something to your life. so for example, let's talk about what we usually do, body. okay. in terms of lent. i'm going to give up alcohol. i'm going to give up sweets, but then add something to your life in that area. what can i do in the area of my body that's going to be a positive for me, not just making a sacrifice, maybe it's working out, maybe it's something like eating more healthy. what am i going to give up in the area of my mind. what am i putting in my mind that's not helpful, maybe it's too much reality tv. >> i know you're not going to give that up, but also what am i going to add. what type of spiritual reading am i going to do. what type of professional development am i going to do in the area of my mind? so mind, body, spirit. and i put examples again you can find it on i've explained what is lent.
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i've said why give something up. then i said why this type of a challenge. if you make a box in your own mind or write it down, mind, body, spirit, what am i going to give up and what am i going to add. >> i'm having trouble with my soul. what do i do? give me an example. >> are you allowed to listen into this part? >> we're having a nationally televised confession. >> bless me father, for i have sinned. >> one of thos what are the thiy soul that are not helpful. during these 46 days, 40 days plus six sundays. maybe it's bad habits or sinful habits. what am i going to add? bringing relationships that are broin into the right place. what am i going to give up, what am i going to add. >> i would work on holy thoughts iif i were you. >> i made a commitment for the next 46 days, sometimes on
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twitter i do it for a few days and then i stop. for the next 46 days who join in on the len challenge 2013, i'm going to do an inspirational or an encouragement for those 46 days. >> that is great. >> that's kind of the point. you want to put yourself out there and do something. >> we need to sacrifice but we need to add, mind, body and soul. >> father john, great to see you. >> we have more "fox & friends" in two minutes. some cacti. it should be under stephens. the verizon share everything plan for small business. get a shareable pool of data... got enough joshua trees? ... on up to 25 devices. so you can spend less time... yea, the golden barrels... managing wireless costs and technology and more time driving your business potential. looks like we're going to need to order more agaves... ah! oh! ow! ... and more bandages. that's powerful. sharble data plus unlimited talk and text. now save $50 on a droid razr maxx hd by motorola.
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welcome back, everybody. this is our shot of the day. you're about to meet jackson marshall. there is kenny, her husband and jackson's father. that is a good baby. i went to visit them the day after jackson was born in the middle of the snowstorm, and he didn't cry once. he is a very good baby and congratulations to them.


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