tv America Live FOX News February 15, 2013 1:00pm-3:00pm EST
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>> it's friday. you're going to have a good weekend? >> knock on wood. let's not jinx ourselves with the meteor and asteroid, cruise ship, you know. >> same thing. thanks for joining us. >> "america live" starts right now. now. >> . >> fox news alert, a growing number of injured and new reports of damage after a scene straight out of the movie of armageddon as russia is hit by a meteor strike sparking an explosion with the power of an atomic bomb of. welcome to "america live," what a friday, everyone, i am h megyn kelly. a bright light scene racing across the sky as the ten-ton meteor enters earth's atmosphere travelling at least 33,000 miles per hour. imagine looking up and seeing this. this video of a roadway showing, look at the sky lighting up, bright white as a large fireball explodes. the sonic blast shattering
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windows, shards of glass and debris rain down on panicked local and that's how most of the injuries happened. up close to a thousand people injured. and some thinking the worst, thinking the world was coming to an end. (scream (screams) >> a flash of light and three minutes after a loud blast happened and people started to panic. and somebody screamed, the end of the earth! reminded me of action movies like terminator 4. the light was very bright, looked like a very bright sun and lasted for three seconds and three minutes later, the blast happened. >> megyn: can you imagine what would be going through your mind? greg palkot with the latest in london. >> reporter: megyn, we've been monitoring all day the spectacular amateur video coming in from that russian city. and that meteor slammed into
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it. it happened in the city about a thousand miles to the east of moscow, and as you noted it happened just after nine o'clock in the morning local time that's why a lot of people saw it and recorded it. a russian scientists says the meteor was about 20 feet side. about the size of a small bus and hit the atmosphere at hyper sonic speed. now, people saw the streaking meteor across the sky and a bright flash and a blast, and exploding into a fireball and three minutes later they heard an explosion, a sonic boom and that's what did the damage, what broke the windows, caved in roofs and damage to other building, again about a thousand hurt and a hundred hospitalized and some 20,000 rescue workers fanned out to see if anybody else was in trouble. and three impact sites for the immediator, now a meteorite. this is rather and unusual and spectacular and most burn up
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in the atmosphere when he they come down and some small ones hit the united states in the last few years and every five years you get a big one, rarely are there this many injuries associated with it. rarely does it hit a populated area like this and with so many cameras rolling. and megyn, a couple of other quotes from eyewitnesses, they said it was panic in the streets. they said for 20 or 30 minutes, the city felt like a war zone. it's nighttime now there and now they're all trying to get back down to earth after this strike from the sky. back to you. >> megyn: cannot imagine. i cannot imagine. you know what? we may need to imagine it sometime soon here, greg. thank you. more on that later. today's meteor strike comes more than a hundred years after the largest recorded explosion of a space object plunging to earth. it also hit russia. this keeps happening in russia and we'll talk about why later. that 1908 ball of fire flattened some, well, said about 843 square miles of siberian forest, destroying
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about 80 million trees, how big is that? how big is that? i'm told it's almost the size of rhode island. twice the size of new york city, l.a. imagine that getting flattened by a meteorite. it happened thankfully in the forest in 1908 in russia, even though that was far bigger than today's meteorite hit, it did not injury anybody, but by the way, the asteroid that is now headed towards earth on a separate event. it's going to happen in about an hour and 20 minutes, is bigger than the meteorite that hit russia and caused that damage. so that's just to give you the perspective on the weirdness that we're dealing with here as meager little earthlings today, reminded of the power of mother nature, and we'll talk about it. and this is the eerie cosmic coincidence or is it? this meteor strike comes 24 hours before an asteroid is due to have a very close
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encounter with planet earth. it's very confusing. the it's like the asteroid is out in the atmosphere and shed things and become meteors and hit earth they're meteorites, they're related and nobody knows whether these two are actually related and next guest will tell us whether they're related and maybe this was shed by the asteroid that's about to pass us. it's going to give us a buzz one in our from right now and this is coming uncomfortably close to earth. astronomers around the world are eagerly anticipating the chance to study this thing and we're tracking it, too, while this asteroid, which is a bit, no, the asteroid, yeah, it really big. it's expected to miss us by 17,000 miles, but that's closer than many of our communication and weather satellites. you know, when the tv station sends satellites up there. those are farther away than this asteroid is going to be. so we're waiting to see if this will affect our
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communication systems and will we be on the air in 2021. the and we'll see the asteroid and the meteor is the size of the bus. one shed off the other or totally unrelated. this is nasa and there's little ole earth and the asteroid you can see the distance away from us, courtesy of nasa. right now a mere 25,000 miles, six minutes ago before we went on the air, it was at 27,000 miles, going very fast. and so, that's how they have it calculated not going to hit us or graze us, but buzz us in about an hour and ten minutes right here. i hope we live. just kidding. they say it's not going to hit us. not totally true and, but they say there's no 'cause for concern, hello. you never know, do you? and in other news we're following another major story for you today as the president heads to the windy city, his
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hometown, to deliver what's been billed pass a purely economic address. but there's he a growing sense that the economy will not be the only topic of discussion. this 174 shootings and 44 murders, so far, reported in chicago. that's just by february 3rd alone, all right? so it's going to get worse and it was really bad last year. last year, the city saw 506 murders, and more than 2400 shootings. and what a mess! all this after this 15-year-old honor student was gunned down about a mile from the president's neighborhood. and just days after she performed at the inauguration the president may have many reasons to tie his gun control push into his remarks today as he did at the state of union the other night. and chris stirewalt power play on given the amount of gun control news we've had, chris, how did the president, who hales from chicago, go back to
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chicago? well, she's just facing an epidemic of gun violence there right now in the inner city in particular and not talk about this? well, certainly, unfortunately for the chicagoland area it's becoming increasingly synonymous with murder. it's the numbers are looking like they did once upon a time back in the early '90s during the crack wars and the cabrini green. >> megyn: a big housing project. >> they had to tear down it was so terrible. and cities are like los angeles, murder rates have dropped and chicago is up and up and up and this is not where they want to be and a half dozen murders just this month in the city and a very bad scene. for the president it's hard for him to be talking about gun control in his hometown, at the same time his same former chief of staff, rahm
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emanuel passing mike bloomberg in mayors trying to bring about gun control as he tries to get a grip on a city that's becoming increasingly lawless. >> megyn: by the way 506 murders in chicago last year, which they say is worse than new york city. so i did just look up. what was it in new york city? i wonder, how was it here? it was a mere 414 murders in new york city. like this is, i love that we're touting this, look how much better we're doing than new york, 414, but it's down from 471 the year before and in 1990, 2245. 2,245 people were murdered in new york city. here we're headed in the right direction and chicago not so much. and we've heard the debate that chicago has among the tightest, toughest gun laws in the country and tell that to the 506 people who died last year. >> look, they have the toughest gun laws in the country and this is not a maybe, they do. they've got tougher gun laws here in d.c. than anyplace and they put a woman in jail this
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week, a 55-year-old woman who had a licensed permitted gun that she took to her workplace with no ammunition in the case and didn't want to leave it at home. and they jailed her. and may lose her bond and everything else. that city has tough, tough, tough gun laws, but they say that unless there's a national gun ban that can keep other guns from coming in from states like indiana, wisconsin, nearby, that they'll never be able to get a grip on the crime situation there and meanwhile, conservatives and other law enforcement people say chicago has to do with what they did in other cities that had murder epidemics like richmond and l.a. and elsewhere, which is lock people up. they've got to deal with the criminals. >> megyn: they're on it. the researcher at university of illinois. she's getting locked up and $25,000 bail, but the problem is she's not the one who is causing the 506 murders. it's the inner city lawmakers in chicago. it's these gang members who
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don't really care much about the law, chris. i mean, i guess we could make it tougher for them to get the guns, from neighboring states, i suppose, but from the looks of it they already have a lot of guns. >> they've got a lot of guns, but look, they did it in virginia. richmond they built a lot of prisons and put a lot of people in prison for a long time and it wasn't researchers at universities who had gun permits and gun cases. it was people who committed crimes with guns, they locked up for a long time. and in time, what happened was the tide abated. it went away as these people were out of circulation. and this is the debate that is raging in the country right now. do you focus on the guns, or do you focus on the people who commit crimes with the guns and this split has never been more effort than in chicago and mayor emanuel is doing everything he can to go after the guns themselves and creating a rift, a split as
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they try to sort it out. >> a question whether the law abiding citizens who would like a firearm to protect themselves from the folks who are actually committing the murders are going be to be deprived of their weapons or at least their weapons of choice if rahm emanuel gets his way. chris, thanks for being here. >> you bet. >> hope we live. that's not about the gun violence, that's about the asteroid. well, one of the president's most famous phrases may soon go away as he faces a petition from some women asking to stop referring to them as wives, mothers and daughters. they're calling that mi mysogenous. and a man texting, a blond bombshell and now he has a bomb they will shell of his
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own. >> and a ten ton meteor explodes over the skies in russia, an asteroid more than 14,000 times larger is expected to fly by the earth at 2:20 today. we'll talk next to the scientists who has been warning about this threat from our skies. moving forward is moving backward. [ engine turns over, tires squeal ] and you'll find advanced safety technology like an available heads-up display on the 2013 lexus gs. there's no going back. five days later, i had a massive heart attack. bayer aspirin was the first thing the emts gave me. now, i'm on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. [ woman ] learn from my story.
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>> fox news alert. one eye on space, and the other on nasa. scientists are monitoring a 150 foot asteroid that's only about one hour away from an extremely close encounter with earth. the space rocks, what is it going to do? trace gallagher is monitoring it. >> before we think that that's going to handle it, no worries, the only reason that we know about this? pure luck. a dentist in spain spotted the asteroid on his high powered telescope and he told various space agencies around the world and nasa started following it. 2012 da 14.
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and 27 miles within the earth in about an hour and like seven minutes, like 2:24 eastern time and this here that you're seeing, this is it. this is from one of the high powered telescopes that nasa has and chartering it through radar like the santa claus coming through christmas. and that's it right there. 17,000 miles away travelling at 17,000 miles per hour. that's about 25 times the speed of sound. and it in space lingo is considered a near miss closest encounter ever with a spice object this size. half the size of a football field with tons of dynamite well enough to wipe out a major city and nasa promises that won't happen. >> we're confident our analysis is precise and no risk, like to reassure everyone, this is a wonderful mother nature science experiment for us to witness. >> reporter: wonderful if it doesn't hit us. we're not going to see it from
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north america, but high powered satellites in australia and in indonesia, so, at 2:24, megyn, if we're still here we'll he show you we hope very cool pictures of this thing flying by the earth if it doesn't hit the fox satellite. only 5,000 miles away from the satellite ring around and by the way, the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs millions of years ago was seven miles wide. >> megyn: all right, trace, one hour to go. as we told you at the top of the hour, the fly by on the same day that a meteor slammed into russia. how unusual is this? dr. jay malosh is an astro physicist and a preeminent-- and you're the person nasa calls, dr. jay, if the asteroid makes a turn and comes toward us in an unexpected way, what do we do?
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is there anything we can do? >> there are a number of things that we could do. the simplest thing to run a heavy spacecraft into it and deflect it we don't have to be bruce willis and use nuclear weapons although that might be effective, but all of these deflection techniques depending about knowing about asteroids ahead of time and that's to me what's encouraging about this asteroid we did know about it a year ahead of time. if it were going to hit the earth we might have been able to do something about it. even something as ordinary and down to earth as simple defense of evacuating the impact site. >> megyn: if it were going to hit we'd know exactly where or pretty close. >> we would know very well. we know the position is passing through the satellites to better than a mile or two so we would have had a pretty good idea where it was going to hit the earth if it were to
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hit, but it's not going to. not that one. >> megyn: that's good to hear. you and nasa are in agreement on that. looks likes we will survive this one. when you say it's going to pass within the ring of satellite, the media satellite, television, other satellites sent into outer space. any interference, do you expect in terms of television or other things that we rely on satellites for? >> well, the satellites are in a ring around the earth's equator and the asteroid and your video may have shown that, pass through the ring and it's possible it may interrupt some of the beams of information coming down from the satellites. i jokingly tell my neighbors, if somebody seems to hang up on you this afternoon, maybe it's the asteroid. not the person you're talking to. >> well, so good. if we suddenly go off the air in 60 minutes, odds are we're alive, but there's been some satellite interference. now, i want to ask you-- >> blame it on the rock. >> megyn: i want to ask you about what happened in russia today where this meteorite came down and a thousand people are so injured, but no
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one killed because it came down in a remote area, why does russia keep getting hit with these. the big one in 1908 in siberia and this one. what's the deal with russia and the meteorite? s. >> russia is a big continent and there's a lot of area and that's the best i can do. these kinds of impacts probably occurred somewhere around the earth over the ocean and even more remote areas a few times every decade and we wouldn't know about it in that case. >> megyn: do we need to worry about our friends in russia and radiation as a result of this meteorite that hit. >> no, there's no possibility that radiation is a problem with the meteor. >> megyn: nothing to worry about. yeah, go ahead. >> no, meteors are not radioactive. in space the cosmic rays produce a tiny amount of radioactivity and eagerly measure to find out how long they've been in space, but they do not have any significant radiation.
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>> megyn: and it's he so nice to hear your expertise, i don't know if you could stick around for 60 minutes, but nice to have you. just in case and we'll be back with the developments in the olympian runner who allegedly killed his girlfriend. target is in sight. yes, dad, i see him. now pour some chloroform into a white rag and.... no. hi. i understand you're looking for a hotel with a pool. with priceline express deals, you can save big and get exactly what you need. do i have to bid? use the stun gun. he's giving you lip. no! he's just asking a question. no bidding. awesome. get the grappling hook to... dad, i... no? ok. to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs
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>> a new twist in the relationship between a beautiful young bikini model and a 63-year-old congressman. steve cowan attracted unwanted attention at state of the union on tuesday after he appeared, some believed, to be sending a flirtatious message via twitter. then he deleted it, but not before online detectives tracked it to this woman, described as a 24-year-old blond bombshell and the story started to it spread. and said the woman was the
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duty of a long time friend of the congressman's, but it didn't end there. trace gallagher live in our west coast news room, trace. >> reporter: you've got to set the scene because you have the president giving the state of the union address, right, and this democratic congressman, steve cohen from tennessee sending out flirtatious tweets, right? to a woman named victoria brink and first tweet read victoria brink, please you are watching ilu, stands for i love you. followed by this tweet. victoria brink nice to know you are watching the state of the union, happy valentine's beautiful girl, again, i love you. of course the tweets were meant to be private and instead went public and representative cohen quickly delated them too late the media found out that victoria was a 24-year-old sometime bikini woman, and all the time
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good looking woman and weiner-gate revisited. but just as the great white media shark is getting ready to chomp down, representative cohen drops the bombshell that victoria brink is his long lost duth and found out three years ago when he googed his old girlfriend found out she had a baby and the timing is right and now he's trying to be a good dad and this twitt twitter mistress story was hard on her. >> i love my daughter and difficult, some of the tweets and comments made about her and suggestions, and also the fact i couldn't say anything. >> reporter: well, he said something now, and cohen is single and long time girlfriend and now over the past couple of years a lot of time catching up with his long lost daughter and she's visited in tennessee and he's
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taken her out at the capitol and so forth. so much for weiner-gate revisit snood there was a funny online article talking about it. one thing is sure, he's a very bad twitterer and they talked about one tweet that he sent out that says, miss you, will call later. give me a good time. which was sort of taken in the wrong way as it turns out. all a big confusing mistake. thanks, trace. >> reporter: sure. >> megyn: coming up, a group of women launches a new petition demanding that president obama stop using the phrase, wives, mothers and daughters, in his speeches. up next, we'll show you why they claim that those terms are misogynous and why they're so upset with that message. and a new effort by some democrats that could turn law abiding gun owners into criminals. we'll show you where and how they're doing it. ♪ if loving you is wrong
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>> well, the clock is ticking down and less than one hour from now. we expect to have a close encounter with a giant asteroid that would wipe out los angeles, new york city, rhode island, but it's not going to. nasa made that clear, no reason to fear. but it is interesting because this is the closest we've ever seen an asteroid come to earth in all the years they've been monitoring these asteroid. and it comes within hours
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after a meteorite hit russia, injuring a thousand people. and nasa is keeping very close tabs on this thing, as it soars past earth and comes closer to us as the satellite put out in space ap the big rock is expected to stay some 17,000 miles away, but it could do some serious damage, if it changed course, again, and nasa says it's not going to, potentially, releasing the energy equivalent of 2.4 million tons of tnt and wiping out over 800 square miles. for now, it's wait and see, whether this thing will have impact on our lives, our satellite, our communications and in our next hour we will have a live update as the history is made live here on the air. stay with us. well, the president facing a new backlash today over a freeze that seephrase that seeme a favorite when referring to women in america. >> let's be clear here, women
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are not an interest group. they're mothers, and daughters, and sisters, and wives. they're half of this country. >> we know our economy when our wives, our mothers,our daughters, can live their lives free from discrimination in the workplace and free from the fear of domestic violence. >> our journey is not complete until our wives, our mothers and our daughters can learn a living equal to their efforts. >> megyn: some women say using those terms in that manner is inappropriate and in a new petition, they're calling on the president to stop doing that, writing in the petition, quote, defining women by their relative to their relationships to other people is misogynous and women do not define ourselves exclusively by our relationships to others. and we reached out to the person who started the met tigs, but she's trying petition.
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>> this is one thing that i think the president has rights about gym. i think his policies hurt women in so many ways, but certainly women are not a-- this mother and wife and daughter, in fact, we're very proud of those roles, we embrace them. and we celebrate the differences between men and women. and so, i think it's just down right silly and really shows how far off track, the feminist movement is they would bother to make this point. they're irrelevant in today's world. apso it's down right silly. i don't know about you, megyn, but i find myself introducing to my kids' friends mother as so-and-so parent and i'm proud of that role and concerned ceo and president, that's not nearly as important to me as the title of mother. >> megyn: okay, but let me make a point that was made on
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a website, a left leaning website today where they said the reason to fight homophobia isn't because you've got a gay friend, it's because it's the right thing to do. the reason why a woman is valuable and deserves equal pay and so on isn't because she's somebody's sister or daughter or wife it's because she's the person unto herself. i get that point. like trying to say, stop trying to convince the world that women deserve equal rights in all areas because they're mothers and sisters and wives. they deserve it because they're equal. >> he well, i just don't think it's a valid point. i don't think that we are one thing or the other. i think that we are complicated people and we have different parts of our lives. i'm not just a worker. i'm he not just a mother, i'm not just a wife. i'm all of those things together and i'm not any one thing in spite of being a mother. i'm often moving forward and working on the causes i
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believe in because of those things. women are relational people and when you want to talk about women being daughters and wives, i think that's very inclusive, actually. we're all one of those things, either a daughter or a wife or a mother or all of those things combined. and this is an awkward position in which i'm actually defending the president which is odd. >> megyn: you're not usually doing that. >> no, i'm not. and i don't plan to make a habit of it and again, i disagree with him on so many levels, but this one is silly. and i would also say i'm disappointed that they'll take up space talking about such nonsense when they could join us on working on policies that help women, like the safer act. that gets rapists off the streets and test dna tests and issue on sex trafficking and-- >> one of the points they're trying to make is, you know, not all women are wives, for example. and sisters.
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all women are daughters, it's safe to say, but not-- not all of us are wives or sisters and so, it sounds like, when he keeps using that phrase over and over again, he's talking to the men. he's trying to convince the men that we deserve equality and why, why is this always framed just to the men? i mean, lots of people need to get on board if this agenda that he wants pushed through is going to get pushed through and they feel like it's exclusi exclusionary. >> and his book is my father, and talks about that all the time and i think the role of motherhood, the role of daughter, the role of sister and friend are all essential to us. in fact, they did a study on what makes people happy and the top three indicators of happiness were faith, family and community. it matters to us as human beings.
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and so, his speech writers hit on something and he keeps using the phrase. >> megyn: he's trying to use it to convince people because women in the abstract, maybe you want to support that agenda or don't, whatever it is. you know, equal pay or contraception, you know, reproductive rights as they refer to it, whatever, but he's trying to make it more personal so people can say it's not just the ab tract woman. this could be my sister we're talking about, could be my wife, could be my daughter we're talking about. it's an argument tool. >> well, it's probably an effective strategy because we all believe those things and all those people are important in their lives. i disagree with what he's trying to do using those words, but i would have to say it's effective because we do relate to those roles and women are relational, we are, and as people we are complex and we have different relationships and different things that make us us. so-- >> you do not feel it's misogynous for somebody to refer to you as a mother.
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>> no. >> megyn: that's great to know. >> i'm proud to be my children's mother and my husband's wife and my parents' daughter. >> megyn: i echo that sentiment. thanks, penny, see you soon. you can see the point. look, they had a couple thousand signatures on the white house website, but they need 100,000 if they're going to get the president to respond so we shall, we shall see where that goes. taking your thoughts on this, follow me on twitter@megyn kelly. video have surfaced from what we told was an expensive and confidential diversity training exercise in washington. raising questions how our federal workers are trained and how our tax dollars are being spent. wait until you see why. and as the president prepares to talk about the economy and maybe, perhaps, gun control during his remarks in chicago, michelle malkin joins us. her latest piece poses the question of you want to talk about chicago, she writes, who failed chicago, and talks a lot about the billions of
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taxpayer dollars that were spent to curb violence there and whether they've made any difference. also, as the nightmare scene finally end for thousands of cruise ship passengers, we'll talk whether any of them can pursue legal action for the troubles and why some say all that matters to them is coming home. >> and it's just really great. and to be back in america. >> i am exhausted and this land feels so good. it feels very good to be walking on this, where i'm not swaying all the time. [ whistle blows ]
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ed henry is travelling with the president. ed? >> megyn, good to see you, you're right. we're told by the white house officials that the president will address gun controlen he want the broader message to be about the economy. and he'll be here talking about the middle class and they acknowledge the elephant in the room. the hometown city and gun violence that's exploding. you'll remember the case of hadiya pendleton gunned down less than a mile from the president's house. her parents were at the state of the union with first lady michelle obama and up there in her box and they were saluted by the president by their courage in speaking out in the wake of her tragic murder and the president used her death as well as the deaths of others who have been gunned down with her, via newtown, connecticut, aurora, colorado to make a push for gun control. take a listen. >> hadiya's parents, are in
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the chamber along with two dozen americans whose lives have been torn apart by gun violence. they deserve a vote. >> they deserve a vote. he was pushing for a vote on gun control. if you look at the numbers in terms of homicides and the strong gun control in the year in the city of chicago, take a listen to this, 41 shooting related murders this year and 809 guns seized nine times the new york of new york city. and last year, over 900 shootings in the president's home towns and 7400 guns seized. and that's why he could be having an uphill climb in washington trying to get a ban on assault weapons although they're confident inside the white house that there's going to be bipartisan support for universal background checks, something we've been hearing a lot about. >> ed, thank you. as we wait for the president's arrival in chicago we're getting new information on a heart breaking story.
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putting another human face on reports of out of control violence in that city. this is 25-year-old indiana national guardsman willy cook, home from afghanistan for five months before he was gunned down in what appears to be a case of mistaken identity. his body was found slumped over his two-year-old son whom he was attempting to shield. her is cook's wounded son in the arms of his widow and the boy was lit in the left and right legs and the third bullet grazed the toddler's head. cook's widow says his last act, was to protect their baby. >> he made sure before he left the last thing he did was make sure his son was okay. and it's a two-year-old has to prete pretend-- and home not even five months later and for their life to be taken away like that, it's not
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fair. >> megyn: what a mess. survived afghanistan only to get gunned down in chicago. joining us now michelle malkin, a conservative columnist and fox news contributor who has looked into chicago's epidemic of violence and knows about this. michelle, what a nightmare. and that's the latest face on an epidemic of crime and violence in that city that they've tried in some ways to tackle, totally unsuccessfully according to the stats. >> it is, and it is tragic and you can run one of those stories every single day. i think it points to something very cynical and a lot of the news coverage of gun violence particularly over the last several months, the democrats, has always been an advantage to emphasize those tragedies where they demonize the second amendment. demonize the national n.r.a., and look to bigger government solutions as the answer. with chicago, the windy city,
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obama's hometown, it's ground zero for the massive failure of gun control policies and that is why over the last several decades, you haven't seen the massive death toll stories out of inner city chicago highlighted on the front pages of newspapers. >> they literally talked about this, and chris stirewalt have the strictest gun laws in the country and 506 murders last year and 2200 shooting incidents last year alone, actually 2460 shooting incidents last year. now, president obama's going to go there and he will use those same stats to say that gun laws need to change, but the gun laws there are already about as strict as they can be and still be consistent with the constitution, michelle. >> that's right. you know, it wasn't until a couple of years ago when the supreme court struck down the handgun ban that individuals, law abiding individuals couldn't even own those. you can't get a concealed
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carry license in illinois. i believe it's the only state in the country where that is true. and so there's this more sort of intellectual yoga they have to engage in to try and argue for greater gun control. and that of course, really raises and that's the point of the column this week, the failure of the social policies that replace the family with the gft.overnment. we've had democratic rule for a century in chicago and whether you're talking about the street, public housing or the failed chicago public school system. nothing they do to pour more money into the problem or more government regulation is working. >> well, i know you believe that it's politically risky for the president to go to chicago of all places and make this speech because he hales from chicago and his top lieutenants hail from chicago. valerie jarrett among them and i know you've done the research and a lot of
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criticism about what they have done or failed to do to get that city cleaned up. we're going to pick it up on that point right after the break. i'm a conservative investor. but that doesn't mean i don't want to make money. i love making money. i try to be smart with my investments. i also try to keep my costs down. what's your plan? ishares. low cost and tax efficient. find out why nine out of ten large professional investors choose ishares for their etfs. ishares by blackrock.
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ichlts. >> so michelle. you read in your column, michelle how valerie jarrett and president obama spent a lot of years in chicago and tried to have the social justice experiment to clean up the city with very mixed results to put it gently. >> yeah, they announced it unveiled, called it the plan for transformation. and it was a half billion dollars in state and federal money to try and rescue all of these bloody hell holes.
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the housing, everybody heard of cabrini green, and grove park, the slum that valley jarrett's real estate empire, habitant, inc. was in charge of. she was in charge of several of them and offense the years what happened after they dumped all the money in them. they remain racially segregated ghettos as violent as ever. the war zones and obama is going to waltz in and promise more money and government help in the so-called promise zones. when what you have is just such an abject record of failure and in the end, i think, what's happened with many of these things, they've ended up as crony deals that have benefitted the developers that helped obama into power and continued to line his pockets and done so little for the families and especially the children that were still relegated to the ghettos.
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>> and you say none of this is the subject for fatherless and even acknowledging those problems and michelle thank you thank you for being here. >> thank you. and congrats. >> megyn: thank you. and if you missed the show yesterday, i announced that my husband and i are expecting a third baby this summer. and the meteorite rained down in russia, and news of another rock hurdling through space toward earth right now. a football sized asteroid and expected to buzz our planet in, well, bigger than a football. a football field. thank you, even i can tell the difference between those two things. anyway, it's coming in 20 minutes, 25 minutes and so, we hope we live. we're told we will. it's not going to hit us, they say. what would happen to the satellites, the cell phones? we'll find out shortly
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(scream (screams). (screams). >> . >> imagine that. that was the scene in northern russia early this morning and this is a fox news alert on a day when meteorites are raining down on planet earth. well, one has and a big ole asteroid is about to pass us boy 20 minutes from now. it's going to be a close encounter. a historically close encounter and we'll experience it live. welcome to friday, i'm megyn kelly, in russia a massive
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meteor explodes overhead with the power of an atomic bomb. leaving nearly 1,000 people injured and shards of glass shattered aen how most people got hurt. officials in one southern city say 3,000 buildings were damaged by the shock waves. look at this thing firing into the sky and 20 minutes from now, an asteroid is expected to buzz planet earth in the closest fly by ever recorded. and nasa is monitoring this, said to be the size of a 12 story building, a football field. it's big. that's the point. it was the thing that hit russia was the size of a bus. this is much bigger. it's expected to come closer than even some of our communication satellites and trace gallagher live in los angeles with more, trace. >> reporter: and nasa says that the meteor that exploded over russia today and the satellite, the asteroids blazing by earth in about 20 minutes are completely unrelated and call it nothing more than a cosmic
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coincidence, one came from the north and the other one came from the south and yes, we are tracking that asteroid. you can he see kind ever the nasa satellite right there. it doesn't look like it's moving fast, but it is. this asteroid, nasa says, is moving at 17,000 miles per hour. and we're tracking this one, but they also point out there are 10,000 other of these big flying objects in earth's vicinity and we only know about like a thousand of them. that's a lot of potential catastrophes. at 2:24 eastern time. the asteroid about 30 times as fast as a 747. if it hit los angeles it would take out l.a., san diego, santa barbara and vegas. the experts say it's a good thing we're better at tracking these things. listen. >> so nasa and a number of other astronomical agencies have been doing an incredible job of being able to detect
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these objects at great distances and determine what their trajectories are very early on, so, we have an idea of what we need to be concerned about in the near future and in the not so near future. >> now, we should point out that this thing will be closer than our satellites. the satellites are about 22,000 miles away, so about 5,000 miles closer so there might be a little instruction, you know, in cell phone service, maybe with "america live," but we are planning to show you some very cool pictures of this from australia. it's not going to be visible to north america, but we have high powered telescopes in indonesia and awes as, could have very cool pictures and we hope to bring you those, megyn about 21 minutes from right now. unless it changes directions and then we'll reevaluate. >> megyn: the geniuses at nasa assure us that's not happening, trace, that we don't need to worry, we don't need to duck and cover. don't need to kiss our rear ends goodbye, we can sit and
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marvel in the miracle of space. let's hope they're right. thank you. for a little more context how close 17,000 miles is, how far away it is from us. take a look at the numbers. the asteroid will come about 5,000 miles closer to the earth than some communication satellites. it will be 1/14 of the distance of the earth and moon. the moon is farther away this thing will be, and travelling over 17,000 miles per hour. keep it here for the historic event and we'll have live coverage of the fly by, it's supposed to happen again 2:24 p.m. eastern time right here. we're also watching a developing story in chicago where the president is expected to make remarks in about hour from now. we expect to hear him comment on gun control. this comes as we're learning about a bill introduced by a group of democratic lawmakers in missouri that could
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potentially turn thousands of legal, lawful gun owners into felons. the bill would ban assault weapons and other semi automatic guns with what they call assault weapon features and give gun owners 90 days to either get rid of, disable, or surrender to the government their currently lawful firearms. if they don't do it the sheriff could come knocking at the door and confiscate them. it's a bill that's proposed and missouri is not the only state. minnesota is pursuing a similar measure. joining me now with reaction, syndicated host, you're a gun rights advocate. >> oh, yeah. >> this is the most sort of dramatic proposal we've heard where even under the bills being submitted by, you know, president obama and dianne feinstein, you wouldn't have to go surrender your weapons to the fed. this is something different in these states? >> well, it is and it isn't, megyn. you'll remember in your state of new york they passed a law
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that demands that people give up guns, certain guns, manufactured and held by citizens in the state of new york within 12 months, so, missouri is a little more outrageous than that, turning ordinary citizens into criminals if they don't either surrender their guns to the authorities. it sounds like something out of a communist country or totalitarian state by the end of 90 days and creates a problem given that kind of law. the people in missouri will say i have to take my gun and sell it to another state and you can't do that legally, you have to go through a gun store and get approval and complicated mess for new york state and missouri and outrageous, hey, taking away liberties and turning americans into criminals, isn't that what our democrat friends do best. >> megyn: but, if you accept that there is the legal right to curtail second amendment rights, not legally, i can tell you, the right is not
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absolute. the supreme court has held. you can pass gun control legislation. >> right. >> sure. >> if you assume they have the right to do that. the reason the 1994 ban was so uneffectual according to those who studied it in part. everybody stock piled on the weapons before the ban went into place and they were grandfathered in and if you had it you didn't have to turn it over. let's get rid of the ones out there. the weapons we lawmakers find problematic, we're not going to call into the same trap. that's what they would argue. >> well, the problem, megyn, is a couple of things, time, place and manner, you're the lawyer, not me, can be r regulated with most constitutional rights and this as well, lawmakers decided these are the problems and let's use a real number. last year in america, less than 300 people were murdered using rifles. this law is primarily aimed at rifles. i think it will affect pistols as well in missouri so the lawmakers decided the problem is rifles and the statistics
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say the real problem is pistols if you see it as a problem and the second thing is you're taking pistols away from law abiding citizens who will turn them in. presumably the criminals in missouri will hang on to the guns they're breaking the law by their activity and how ask going to change the situation and disagree with you the assault weapons ban would have been effective if it confiscated guns and not the right thing to do to americans and one other, the british banned importation of arms in this country and 1774 and tried confiscation in 1775 and guess what happened in 1776? >> yeah, well, that's the thing, you have to wonder how it's going to go if you have local law enforcement going door-to-door and demanding once lawful gun owners who now would be felons, turn over their firearms. i mean, it's one of those things, what could possibly go wrong? a lot could possibly go wrong and there's a question whether the bad guys who we really
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don't want to have the guns will comply at all if this it happens. >> you may have to wrap, but i want to ask you a legal concept. if the government is going to deprive me, a citizen, of property, it has to give me one, due process and two, compensation, can missouri constitutionally demand that people give up expensive property, guns, with no due process and no compensation? is that legal? ask constitutional? >> a good question one that will likely be litigated although they're saying right now the odds of this passing in missouri are not very good, lars. we'll continue to follow it. thanks for being here. >> congrats to the new mom. >> megyn: thank you so much. >> you bet. >> megyn: well, coming up, the nightmarish stories are still pouring in from those passengers trapped aboard that disabled cruise ships for five days and those stories, overflowing toilets, sewage in the showers and some food shortages, some disputed that last night. can the passengers sue, live
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another free trip on carnival? really, is that what they want? we'll talk to a top maritime lawyer coming up. we're awaiting an asteroid expected to buzz by planet earth in minutes. nasa is monitoring the situation which is expected to be the closest fly by ever recorded. what will happen? will we feel it? will anything happen to the communications? we'll have live coverage of the historic event. 2:24 eastern time. we're all over it until then. ♪ ♪ just one bite opens a world of delight... ♪ ♪ dreams of land meet sea, deliciously ♪ ♪ friskies surfin' and turfin' favorites. ♪
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nasa where scientists are monitoring a 150 foot asteroid that's only about moments away from an extremely close encounter with planet earth. the space rock moments from now is expected to buzz by earth in the closest fly by ever recorded. in fact, it's expected to come so close, it will be close to our communication satellites. keep it here and we're going to be watching it together and we want to get an update to phil keating who has been monitoring it. and ten minutes away. we've got the experts lined up for you, but in the meantime, we want to get up speed with our own phil keating. >> hi, megyn, you remember how fast this asteroid was coming at the top of the one o'clock hour? it's going much more slowly as it approaches the earth right now. that's because it's getting to the closest point it's going to get towards earth. 17,200 miles in roughly nine minutes from now. so the current distance from the earth is about 17,400
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miles and then at 2:24 eastern time, that's going to start greatly lengthening, widening that distance between the asteroid and the earth and then, from there on out we're still not out of the woods yet and that doesn't happen until 3:24 eastern time. and that's when this asteroid will then, for the second time today, exit the geosyncronous satellite plane that invisible ring around the planet earth 22,000 miles away where fox news tv communication satellites as well as untold numbers of other satellites orbit because they can basically stay in the same orbit, the gravity power of the earth allows them to stay that distance pretty much without any adjustments needed based on the ground communications with those satellites, but once it exits, the close encounter with the asteroid should pretty much be
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over. there have been no reports of any satellite damaged, any in-space collision with that asteroid at 1:24 when the asteroid broke that ring, geosyncronous ring and all of the scientists and astronomers predicted number one no way it's going to hit the earth and seems to be holding up as accurate and thought it was nearly impossible that the asteroid would complete with one of these asteroid. the asteroid itself is half a football field in size or if you look at a building, about a 12 story building, but that's a very big asteroid. the one in russia earlier this morning that lit up the skies, scientists, astronomers had been on the scene and they anticipate that their conclusion will be that that meteor was about a third of the size of what we are watching up above us right now, less than 17,400 miles
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away. this asteroid da 14 said to be the closest fly-by of any asteroid in recorded history. but it it has made impact before an asteroid of this magnitude and size, 50,000 years ago in arizona that massive meteor crater and scientists believe that was caused by a massive explosion, like a 20 megha ton nuclear bomb, based on an asteroid roughly the same of this size and of course, the 1908 event in russia where a forest was flattened for hundreds and hundreds of miles thanks to an explosion of a meteor before the earth that made impact and that's believed to have happened in russia this morning near the yurl mountains and why the shock waves broke the windows and injuring a thousand russians. >> megyn: phil keating, stand by, thank you. as we wait for the big moments we want to bring a senior
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editor for "" they're saying this isn't going to hit earth, but this is extremely rare and we should tell the viewers what is about to happen. you say it happens once every 40 years and hits us once over-- >> 1200 years. >> megyn: very, very good odds it's not going to hit us. >> it is a record setting fly-by for nasa, for everyone, basically, this asteroid is the biggest asteroid coming and making the closest fly by that astronomers have known in advance and there's a whole army of amateur astronomers, sky watchers and scientists waiting through the telescopes as it crosses the sky. >> megyn: back in 1908 an asteroid smaller than this one, about the area of the size of rhode island.
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it was all forest, which is good. and describe to me, the as i've been saying the size of a football field, i guess half the size of a football field. how did it wipe out the area the size of ride old. >> the asteroid didn't get all the way to the ground. he got through the atmosphere, which is a feat in itself and then just exploded like a bomb, an atomic bomb in the area and that sent a massive shock wave to the ground and when it hit the ground nowhere to go and everything gets flattened, pushed out and we saw that again in russia today. a much smaller version, but you saw the damage there. and all the-- that were injured. it was just that on a much more massive scale. >> megyn: but that one, sangusto in russia in 1908. is under the size of the asteroid. but this one isn't going to hit us again they say. and hopefully we have the
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point of impact in russia today, which is, you can see this huge crater in this watery area in the middle of the ice. and some are saying that this suggests that the meteorite over there did not explode in the air, but hit the ground and i guess that makes a difference in terms. damage and you know, just for scientists to study? >> that's what we're trying to figure out right now. we're looking at 50 feet across or 50 meters across a fairly sizable asteroid. how much of it didn't blow up in the air and how much of it survived to make the craters that they're finding, pieces of it all over. that's what and i think it's going to tell the story. that's exactly what this-- >> we're going to get that picture up for you in a moment. an and i can't see the screen very he well from here. this is better. this is more informative from nasa and they're telling us that this is to earth in 17,000 miles and change and apparently, is it going to
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travel 17,000 miles in the next four minutes? >> it's going at a good clip. it was coming at 17,000 miles an hour actually. >> megyn: there you go. i want to ask you whether, it's not going to hit us they say. are there any consequences to us of this happening, this asteroid. >> from this asteroid itself? >> yeah. >> they know for a tactful tactffact it's not going to hit, but what they're hoping to find out by studying this one closely they'll figure out how to deflect one in the future. >> megyn: this is an impact of the in russia where the meteorite hit and does it look like it didn't explode in the area, but on the ground. >> the shock wave that we saw would have required a sonic boom or explosion in the air. this could have been, if part of it did survive that and shatter, if a big churning did survive on the way down, it could create an impact of this size. >> megyn: our guest on an
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astro physicist with us the last hour, i dependent ask him on the air, but asked him off the pair whether the meteor that hit in russia, you have to admit that it's coincidental. and while many are saying they don't believe they're related because maybe they're coming in different directions, that astro fizzist who nasa looks to to tell them how to shoot down asteroids that are approaching us, potentially dangerous, he says you can't rule that out yet. they have to do more study. it is possible that the two things are related, that maybe the meteorite that hit russia was an off shoot of this and so on. is there any reason to fear once it buzzes us, debris could come off of it. another meteorite could hit even though the asteroid didn't hit. >> we know that they hit each other in space as they're going on their way, the hubble telescope has shown that in pictures and nasa is looking
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to show that. and the reason they've been tracking it closely the last few months and they don't believe. they're related because of the different direction, but if there was an interaction before, it was discovered last year, if something happens later on. >> reporter: what is it that we're seeing on our screen, is this nasa, and the speed has slowed way down and we're within a minute of the buzz-by. can we listen to this, nasa scientists we're listening to can i get guidance from the control room? >> yes, it is, let's listen. >> 46 it cannot hit. its orbit is known so accurately we can project through most of the 21st century and right now looking at the possibility, very tiny possibility that it could hit the earth in the year 2080. i expect that will go away and know we're safe from this asteroid for a long time. >> how would you use the information that matt was talking about. the information that the radar can give us.
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>> lance's information is helpful in computing the orbit. we will have essentially nailed the orbit of this, one of the best in our catalog, it's that accurate. >> all right. we are 50 seconds away, 49, the clock is counting down, and at that point in just a few seconds, that is the closest point that the da-14 will be to our planet. >> to our planet in centuries as far as we know. so it's a remarkable moment and then it will be headed out. >> i'm watching the counter on the left. the distance to earth. yes, it's going to go through about 17,200 some miles. that's as close as it will get and then it will start heading out. >> and that's the at the point where folks in europe and then finally north america, as it's heading out, is about the time that we'll be able to see it. >> yes, it's going from the far south and now over the equator and headed the straight north and going
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essentially near the north pole and now we will have the polar in the sky and a chance to see it from the northern hemisphere. the counter is zero and passed the closest approach and the asteroid is on its way. >> megyn: jim green the director of planetary science division at headquarters in washington. explain what just happened and where we stand now. >> well, this is one for the history books as we all know, it just passed by the closest approach about 17,200 miles off our cloud deck and it's headed out into space and as was discussed a little earlier we're going to hit it with radar as it goes by and kind a fabulous knowledge of the planetary sciences will be pouring over for years. >> megyn: like what? >> well, we'll understand much more about its shape. we'll understand a little bit about perhaps its competition, its top, its top reglus as
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it's called and we'll be able to nail its orbit. >> megyn: that helps us in redistricting future asteroids? and we heard them say 2080 he said although he didn't think that would hit us either? >> well, indeed. it's all about kempler's law and this particular one will be able to understand its orbit quite well be able to take advantages of looking at it the next time it may come around, although, it will be several decades before it will come anywhere near the earth-moon system and i believe it will at that particular time be further than the moon will be. >> megyn: wow, so this really was a historic moment that we all witnessed together. it doesn't seem like the at least as far as our experience goes anything happened we believe we're still on the air although our viewers will the let us know through twitter or
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other means. did you expect any disruption to planet earth as a result of this. >> no, not at all. the excitement really is in the planetary science community. because of this wonderful opportunity. we already had the initial orbit well, well calculated. we've been observing this particular object for about a year. and indeed, that becomes nowhere near any of our satellites and as i mentioned earlier, it's already passed by, well over 17,000 miles in its closest approach. >> jim, is there any which these two things are related, what happened in russia and what we just saw? >> well, we've taken a good look at the one that happened over russia about 12 or 13 hours ago and that particular one is coming into a completely different trajectory. da-14 game from south to north. it appears that this one was more north to south and because those orbits are so very different, we believe they're completely unrelated events.
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>> megyn: that's just incredible. for the average lay person sitting at home. it's hard to believe. you don't get this event every day and yet, apparently today, today we did. and last question for you. is, you know, it's sort of disconcerting that this asteroid that we just witnessed was discovered by a team of amateur scientists, i guess, in another country about a year ago. nasa studies this stuff. should people feel assured if another asteroid does decide to head toward planet earth, nasa is on it and there's a way of stopping it if it does want to make a direct hit? >> indeed. last year is when this was discovered by two spanish astronomers and we have a network of people all around the globe that are looking for these and then bringing back that information to our central receiving skwifacility. we call our minor planet center and we take a really good look at the asteroid and calculate the orbit and
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determine whether it's potentially hazardous or not. you're seeing that the network of planetary sciences are working well together to be able to exchange and share this kind of information. >> megyn: it's a pretty cool moment. jim, thank you for being here. thank you both. >> my pleasure. >> megyn: taking your thoughts on it. did you lose communication, cell phone go down, is it back up? send me a tweet@megyn kelly. an emotional day in court as oscar pistorius, the man we know as the blade runner, charged with his model girlfriend's shooting death. what we learn today the prosecution believes, they believe it was premeditated murder and we're learning more about why. that's in kelly's court. caught on tape, a diversity training session for government workers that was never supposed to go public. that story right after the break. >> i don't like the word
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minority. how about emerging majorities? [ anouncer ] ihop in time square to compare new griddle-melts to your usual breakfast sandwich. a lot more flavor. [ anouncer ] ihop's new griddle melts... made fresh and hot! hand crafted just for you. it's like a sexy sandwich. [ anouncer ] compare new griddle melts yourself. just $4. it's like a sexy sandwich. it's an epic breakfast sandwich.
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a couple of years ago provided by an outside firm with interesting exercises for the federal employees in attendance. attendance. >> i want you to say for any relationship-- pilgrims never gave their passports to the indians. by the way, i don't like the word minority. how about emerging majorities. all right, all right. easy, easy, easy, down, down. people label minorities. i'm more likely to fail in technical areas because they are less intelligence, true or false? it's false. >> megyn: joining me now ben shapiro, editor at large for breitbart news and bullies, intimidation silences--
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>> and marjorie, this came out because of judicial watch keeps an eye on these things, got a tip from someone in attendance from the training session found it offensive and we're not sure accord to go judicial watch was spent on this they say at least $200,000 was spent by the usda over the last two years on this particular training company. ben, is this appropriate? >> well, you know, we have democrats out there saying we don't have a spending problem at the he same time that you're watching this stupidity and it's sort of pressing and makes you wish the asteroid isn't missed a couple of minutes ago. >> megyn: i wouldn't go that far. we h'd be on that, i don't know about that. >> when you look at what they're actually teaching, what's disturbing about it obviously is the mentality, repeat after me, chant after me orwellion group thing before the organic paint ball
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fighting. you have to push the idea that certain races are moresist than others. the pilgrims were illegal aliens, last i checked there wasn't great border security in those days and it wasn't a governing government in those days. they're trying to push the idea that certain races are deserving of more scrutiny than other races and ties back into the usda consistent focus on the idea there's been focus inside the usda. there have been settles, but hiring somebody a couple hundred grand in the universe. i want on that gravy train. >> megyn: it sound like a lucrative position if he's getting $200,000 for all the sessions. it wasn't all that-- but repeat every federal agency has discriminated against african-americans,
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hispanics, native persons and other groups. it's strange when someone makes you repeat it. it feels a little like brainwash. >> well, i have to say i fuelly run training programs as a big part of the organization that i run. we do a lot of leadership communication and diversity is a big piece of what we do. >> megyn: do you make them repeat after you. >> every trainer has their own style. i do not, but i will say could criticize the merits of the way he trains. ill he' say in the training environment, the reason it's not a public video when you're doing any kind of training it evokes a lot of emotions to people and in this case to diversity. at usda a big part of the work they're doing is working with migrant workers and populations in fact broadly minority and i think that that's important that exists. there's a reason by the way, fortune 500 companies invest in this training because it does impact the way a workplace environment works, there's data to support that.
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spending in in area is important giving the work they do. we can question his training style and what worked and didn't for you, but i think the value of it is inherent in the data that does exist out there. >> the business we should make them say-- referring it pilgrims as illegal aliens, illegal immigrants, get some pushback and people want them referred to as undocumented workers. it's interesting to see that federal taxpayers effectively taking a side by saying, you if you use the term illegal alien, it's racist, it's got, you know, it's completely inappropriate and the message. >> well, again, it it goes back to the leftist idea every time you want border security, what it is you're against hispanic people and you don't like brown people and the notion of diversity training in general is very silly. i mean, we have penalties in most companies, certainly in the government for discrimination. the idea you're going to get a ku klux klan member in that room and speaking after you that the pilgrims were illegal
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aliens and suddenly see the light. people who are not racist are not going to be racist regardless of diversity training. people who are racist are going to be racist regardless of training and why we have penalty-- >> you can educate people who are not racist, but don't really know that certain terms are offensive. >> how many times do you think that people has come into the room and seen something like that and believed, okay, now what? now, now, discrimination is off the table because i had this guy force me to repeat things. >> megyn: they might know-- >> at least, okay, i've got an asterisk on this term? >> i think it's all about awareness. it's not about you're going 0 to change the mind of someone who has a deeply ingrained thinking about things. but how it impacts others. a lot of work i do is with women. referring to an opt-out, and
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instead of he, inclusive language, she. and may not mean anything to you, ben-- consciousness raising can be an expensive business, if we're having conversation and i would say something offensive i assume you'd say that's kind of offensive, that's a better solution than hundreds of thousands of dollars to have this moron in there. >> megyn: i have to leave it there and what happens when you're back together. we're glad they're back. >> thanks a lot. >> megyn: blade runner oscar pistorius breaks down in court as the olympian star and double amputee say he's guilty of premeditated murder. up next, why. just begin with america's favorite soups. bring out chicken broccoli alfredo. or best-ever meatloaf. go to for recipes, plus a valuable coupon. campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do.
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whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here. >> kelly's court shock being developments for blade runner oscar pistorius as he learns that prosecutors will charge him with premeditated murder
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in the valentine's day killing of his girlfriend. the double amputee from the olympic cried, he knew it was a murder charge and didn't know pre-meditated until today. that stepped it up. the prosecution believe they can make the case, they say he knew what he was doing and planned the entire thing he when he shot his girlfriend at least four times. early media reports describe the shooting as an accident claiming pistorius mistakenly thought his model girl friend reeva steenkamp was an intruder. and disputing the murder charge he faces, but police have described previous domestic incidents at the track star's home and that's not all. joining me jonna spilbor and david, also a defense attorney. premeditated murder believes they doesn't buy what he is saying at all. tell us, jonna, he's claiming
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that she just, she walked in and surprised him and bang, bang, bang, through a closed door he killed her. >> yes, that's the story. his original story is a little implausible. who sneaks into your boyfriend house and mistaken for an intruder. that i'm sure led the prosecutors to investigate deerp. it's a little odd, megyn, they haven't had a whole lot of time to investigate this, but to elevate to murder could have happened if he were surprised so to speak premeditated. there is no premeditated plus, that's the highest. and word is on the street he did shoot her through a closed door and may be in the bathroom-- >> said the bathroom door and i think that's a telling fact in favor of the prosecution. >> megyn: i don't know, david. we don't know who was behind the bathroom, was he in the bathroom, cowering afraid, because he thought it was an intruder? we don't know enough yet. >> exactly. megyn. and megyn, in 2011 in the
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province alone the pistorius' lived in. 7,000 home invasions and high murder rate. he's disabled amputated below the knees and guns to protect himself. he uses those guns and it's critical he uses them quickly because of his disability to take care of what he perceives is a threat of great bodily injury and shot apparently four rounds from a 9 millimeter handgun or heard what he thought was a home invader and they hit and obviously killed his girlfriend. to me, that indicates that he doesn't know who is there. he suspects whoever it is is up to no good and could do him great harm. so, i think he's set up for a great defense and as far as the domestic violence goes, yes, there's some indication there may have been some calls to his house, but certainly no indication of any arrest or prosecution. >> megyn: that's the thing.
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jan jonna, don't know what happens, but when the police tell there have been prior, quote domestic incidents at his home makes you lead to conclusions and okay, he's a wife beater and girlfriend beater and he did it. that's not fair. we don't know. what does that mean prior domestic incidents at his home. i haven't seen the string of ex-girlfriend coming forward to say he abused me or abused me or the police talking about the number of times this woman shall the model girl friend called and complained. >> any incidents of prior domestic violence is going to give the prosecution the element of motive. now, motive is not something that ever needs to be proven in a murder case or any case for that matter, but that's what i think the prosecution is looking at now because apparently, some neighbors heard some sort of dispute happening that very night and the mother of a prior girlfriend has come out and ins
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insin-- insinuated that he's so glad she's not with-- >> and that could be referring to something her daughter went through and the question, what they described why noises were heard. neighbors heard noises before the shots. that doesn't tell thaws they were fighting or what they heard, but you tell me, david the fact that they upgraded the charge as jonna points out. he they know a lot more than we do and it seems that the police believed based on the circumstances as they're seeing them this was no accident, it guy planned it and he has a history of explosive outbursts and threatening behavior toward men, too, not just towards the girlfriend, in the past. >> and megyn, the premeditation can take place in seconds. premeditation doesn't mean he planned it for days, weeks or even months and megyn, if he wanted to kill his girlfriend there certainly would have been much better ways to do it than this. >> what do you mean. >> he could have paid someone to do this. >> megyn: as you point out it's a dangerous community and
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everybody in south africa knows that, a lot of people have guns, it's not unusual to see-- >> presumably, but he presumably also knows that people know about the domestic violence history if there is one so he's going to be the target and going to be-- >> if he's a domestic abuser you can't credit him with anything straight and the way the rest of us think. the thing is jonna, he's a superstar in south africa, they love him. look at this beautiful woman who he did kill we don't know if it was murder. and she was a lawyer. she's a huge model. she was very extremely popular, a law student, i should say, and a forceful advocate against domestic violence, an advocate on behalf of battered women ap apparently another episode where she was on the receiving end of domestic violence and sadly, there are patterns for women matching up with men who don't treat them the right way. even though she ultimately became an advocate. >> and that's true. look, this is a loss all the
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way around. you have two beautiful people. one considered a hero and a beautiful woman now dead at age 30, we really don't know what happened, but we know enough listen the prosecution could easily, he they could have him on home arrest, they could easily do an investigation first and he's not going anymore because he's too popular take his passport. they have to know more than we know right now in order to charge him and elevated within 24 hours, number two. >> megyn: the guy, he walks on the blades, it's not like-- he's not going to get away he's a huge star in south africa, they're going to know. 's not going to slip away. >> that's huge for the defense that he's disabled. he has no legs, megyn, if he's got to take action, he's got to immediately, if he doesn't he's dead and knows it and i think that's a big part of the defense. we have to see. i think you and jonna are right, there must be more that we don't know about. >> megyn: and the case is just tragic, poor young woman everything going for her.
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she had everything, beauty, brains, poise, willingness to give back to the community. it's sad. panel, thank you both. >> thank you. >> megyn: up next horror stories pouring in from the passenger aboard that cruise ship. wait until you hear what the lawyers are now saying. designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve the military, veterans, and their families
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>> well, the cruise ship carnival triumph finally docked in mobile, alabama last night after passengers spent five days stranded at sea in dreadful conditions when the lawyers come in. and mike winkleman is a maritime lawyer and mike, can they sue. >> they certainly can, thanks for having me back, nice to see you. absolutely they can sue. carnival would like to think that their passenger ticket contract somehow makes them bullet-proof, but it certainly does not. >> megyn: why not? >> carnival tries--
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why not? they try to waive class action and an arbitrator chosen and paid for by carnival. ultimately we're going to file a class action, i've spoken to numerous passengers affected by this. >> megyn: what's their beef. some passengers say obviously we're not happy there was a fire in the engine room and lost power and this happened, but the carnival view on board the ship were great. so what's their beef. >> megyn, their beef is forced to be trapped on this floating toilet for five days when carnival could have turned the ship around and gone to mexico, and flown them back. they were 150 miles per hour away from mexico and 500 miles from alabama. and the reason we're not going to mexico, we can't afford it. and beef is intentionally forced and subject today five days of disgusting stuff that no one should be forced to do. the crew was great. always great, but it's not the crew that's responsible for
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this at carnival it's their policies, their procedures, their corporate office. >> why was it too expensive to go back to mexico. >> i believe it was too expensive to go back to mexico because they would have to fly back 3,000 people from mexico as opposed to a bus to galveston texas, i know flying from mexico is more expensive than a bus mobile to galveston. >> megyn: we're getting a news wire from reuters, one passenger officially sued over quote, horrifying conditions and gross, completely the toilets were overflowing and people had to walk through it. and down from there. does carnival have to settle? >> the design is to settle it. of the cases we've handled. and the vast majority settled and no reason to think differently and importantly with the concordia case they offered every single person on there 14,000 dollars even
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