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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  May 18, 2013 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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"special report" is next. >> fox news alert, reports of dozens of people injured after a car suddenly plows into a crowd at a small town parade. it happened in damascus, virginia. witness saying the car appeared to come from a side street. people said they were yelling for the driver to stop. but that it continued on and slammed into several bistanders, possibly injuring 50 to 60 people. one parade goer says everybody rallied around to lift the car off of victims who were pinned underneath. the driver may have suffered a medical emergency just before the crash. so we'll keep you updated. >> meanwhile a stunning new admission adding to the growing fallout over irs's admitted targeting of conservative groups. new congressional testimony revealing that members of the obama administration may have known about the inappropriate
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auditing as early as june of last year, which is during the 2012 election season. hello, everybody. i'm arthel neville. good to see you. welcome to a brand-new hour of inside america's news headquarters and glad to have you here. >> it is. i'm gregg jarrett in for rick folbaum. the new developments coming as we learn that an irs official in charge of the time responsible for the agency's implementation of the president's health care law. medical is live in washington with more. hi. molly. >> hi. republicans are raising questions about sarah hall ingram, who is now in charge of the irs's obamacare division. but she has been the head of the tax exempt office, while some of this targeting of conservative groups was going on. now that she'll lead the irs and monitoring everybody's health insurance and the new taxes and the new fines associated with obamacare, some on the gop are predicting more problems. >> she provided horrendous
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customer service under her watch and now she's going to do the same implementing obamacare. swell. this is the perfect example of why we need tax reform. >> democrats say ingram's successor didn't find out about the targeting until six months after ingram was reassigned to the obamacare division and say it's unfair to suggest she had anything to do with the targeting. >> you're satisfied with miss ingram being in charge of the irs responsibilities now? >> i have heard that -- i don't know her personally, but i've heard that she has a high degree of professionalism and that she was not in a position of responsibility over these actions. >> democratic congressman sandra levin says there is no evidence that ingram had, quote, any inkling of the problems in the tax exempt division that she used to head. gregg? >> molly henneberg live in washington. thanks. >> arthel: gregg, some alleged victims of irs targeting
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preparing to take their case to court. american center for law and justice executive director jordan sekulow is representing more than a dozen of these groups. >> they suffered damages. they lost membership and donations. they missed the election cycle. they missed key moments. they were not able to bring speakers in. so the irs, this is far from over. >> arthel: and coming up later in the hour, we're going to have a fair and balanced debate on the impact of this latest scandal and the broader political fallout for the obama administration. >> we are tracking new developments in yet another controversy. this one involves the white house as well. congress widening its investigation into the administration's response to the benghazi terrorist attacks that killed four americans. the chair of the oversight committee calling retired ambassador thomas pickering to submit to questioning in a closed door tape recorded interview. pickering led the internal
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review of the state department following the attack. elizabeth prann has more from washington. elizabeth. >> the back and forth about witnesses testifying in a series of benghazi hearings continues. the chairman of the house oversight committee issuing a subpoena to the co-chair of the independent review board known as the arb that investigated the september 11 terrorist attack. darrell issa is seek more transparency into what happened that day, writing in part to ambassador thomas pickering, the arb works behind closed doors. it did not record its interviews, even now months after the report was released, the process has remained opaque. darrell issa, with republican lawmakers, want the retired ambassador to appear on capitol hill thursday. >> there are people with firsthand knowledge. i don't mean congressmen and appear bass dors. there are people who were on the ground in benghazi who know exactly what happened with respect to all three things. >> the senior democrattishing his own statement. quote, the subpoena is a stark
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example of extreme republican overreach and the shameful politicalization of this tragedy. republicans remain focused on getting more information, explaining what happened. they want to review surveillance and fill in the gap between the consulate attack and the white house talking points e-mails which were released this week. john boehner is urging the administration to be completely transparent and reveal all communications in the hours immediately after the attack. gregg, back to you? >> elizabeth prann reporting from washington. thanks. >> arthel: federal investigators wrapping up a news conference on an awful commuter train crash in connecticut. two trains collided near fairfield, connecticut, about 50 miles northeast of new york city. it happened during last night's rush hour on the metro north line. dozens were hurt, at least three critically. responders say it's remarkable that no one was killed. here is one of the passengers. >> kind of in and out of
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consciousness. she kept asking the same question over and over again, what happened? where are we? i kept telling her we're on the train. it crashed. >> the national transportation safety board is looking at everything, the brakes, the tracks, the signaling system, and the crew to figure out what went wrong. boston's police department is going to conduct a full review of the city's response to last month's deadly marathon bombings. police commissioner ed davis saying the aim is to learn from the incident and prepare for the future. not clear when the investigation will begin. only that it could take a few months. three people were killed and more than 260 others injured when tamerlan tsarnaev and his brother, dzhokhar tsarnaev, set off a pair of makeshift bombs near the finish line of that race. >> arthel: severe weather threats stretching across much of the country. a tornado watch in effect for colorado, nebraska, and kansas.
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this coming just days after more than a dozen twisters ripped through northern texas, killing at least six people. the town of granbury was one of the hardest hit towns. today residents being allowed to return home to assess the damage. meteorologist janis dean is live. you can't help but to feel for those folks in granbury. >> those pictures are devastating. and we have a little bit of warning here. we know the storms are coming across the great plains states. so if you live anywhere from texas up toward northern plains, midwest, please, please pay close attention to your local weather authorities because we are in line for severe weather. severe weather outbreak looking more like a tornado outbreak within the next 24 to 48 hours. tornado watches in effect as arthel mentioned, from northern texas for oklahoma, all the way up toward nebraska until 11:00 p.m. local time. this system isn't going to move quickly. so we're going to see the watches overnight and into
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tomorrow. we don't have any warnings right now, but these are severe thunderstorm warnings and with these, we've already got reports of baseball-sized hail. so that's enough to do some damage. please, please take shelter if you've got watches or warnings in your area. current temperatures, i want to point out one of the main ingredients we need, unstable air mass. we have it. 81 in minneapolis. couple weeks ago, we were talking about snow. cold front moved through and with that, the potential for severe weather over a widespread area of the northern plains and the midwest today through tomorrow and even into monday. arthel, we're going to be watching this certainly from the fox news severe weather center into tomorrow and monday as well. back to you. >> arthel: janis dean, thank you very much for that important weather update. o. j. simpson's form attorney giving some pretty seriously damaging testimony at a court hearing as the nfl star is seeking a retrial. he was convicted of kidnapping
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and armed robbery in 2008. currently serving a sentence of nine to 33 years in prison. dom nick denatale has more. >> hey there. we all know o.j. appeared many times before in court. but this week was the very first time he's ever testified in his own defense. on wednesday he was allowed one hand to be unshackled so he could explain evidence presented to show how his former attorney had poorly represented him in his 2008 case. that case centers around charges of theft and taking hostages at gun point in a las vegas hotel room as o. j. simpson was trying to reclaim memory beihl i can't. he said gantter not advised him well enough on what to do in that attempt to claim his things back and that the attorney was too dominant a character that he dared question his judgment. take a listen. >> yale is in charge. he makes no bones so that everybody that works with him knows that he's the guy that's in charge and it goes through
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him. he would tell me often not to talk to them, just talk to him. >> in response to that on friday, we saw an infuriated galanter make a heated outburst about the accusation being insane. e pes watching the exchanges say actually things appear to be falling into o.j.'s favor. >> if you look at the way he was this week on the witness stand and just use the other people as comparison, unbelievable. he was charismatic, deliberate, articulate. he was definitive. and it wasn't rote. it wasn't like pretaped in his head. it wasn't that at all. it was very believable. >> we'll see if o.j. earns himself a retrial for that. judge's decision expected in the next couple of weeks. >> an uphill battle for simpson. all right. dominic, thanks. >> arthel: gregg, today is armed forces day and we celebrate by
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showing off a great opportunity for veterans. it's called the viper program at a community college in new jersey. vets can turn their military training into a college degree, bringing in now molly line to explain how it works. you and i were talking upstairs and you really, really like this program. >> yeah. it's a great program. it's such a great story. the men and women of our armed forces, they give so much and they learn so much in the service of this nation. now the warren county community college in washington, new jersey is giving back to these brave soldiers. they created a program that gives credits where credits are due. they call the program viper, which stands for veterans in pursuit of educational readiness. through viper, veterans are eligible to receive up to 45 credits for their military training that apply directly to their degree. and there are many schools across the country that offer similar benefits. but viper goes further than most. military service members may be able to graduate with an associate's degree in just one semester. >> at the end of the day, we owe a lot of gratitude to these
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veterans and we should be changing what we're doing to make it easier for them. it shouldn't be hard for them to come to college and get their degree. >> the first two graduates of the viper program received their degrees today, christina, a national guard combat medic and adam adams, who served in the marines, earned associate degrees in applied science and technical studies. burroughs is hoping to open her own wholistic center and adam wants to become a new jersey state trooper. both are very grateful for the opportunity this program has given them. >> i think every school should have a program like this, every school around, 'cause it's very hard to transition. >> viper program helped me feel like i was finally being recognized for all the service and sacrifice that i had to go through. >> warren county community college offers a lot of on-line course which is means active duty military can begin earning their degrees while stationed anywhere in the world. arthel? >> arthel: i see why you like
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this story. congratulations to those guys. thank you. >> thanks. >> we're following very closely the new tension on the korean peninsula today where north korea has reportedly test fired not one, but three short-range missiles. >> arthel: also a brand-new twist in the national gun debate as a group of sheriffs file a major lawsuit against new gun laws. >> the plus on the defensive. just how much did the administration know about the recent scandals, including the irs? we're going to debate the impact this may have on the president, his agenda, and washington. >> i can assure you that i certainly did not know anything about the i.g. report before the i.g. report had been leaked to press i'm so glad you called. thank you. we're not in london, are we? no. why?
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>> gregg: time for a quick check of the headlines. a group of colorado sheriffs suing over the new state gun laws. requiring target laws that limit the size of ammunition magazines and expand background checks. south korea reporting that north korea has test fired now three short-range missiles. south korean officials say the
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north's intent is unclear, but they are closely monitoring the situation. as many as 60 people may have been injured when a car suddenly slams into a crowd at a small town parade in virginia. not clear exactly what happened, but one official says the driver described as an older gentleman, may have actually suffered some sort of a medical problem before the crash. >> arthel: it's been a tough week for president obama and his administration is enveloped in not one, but three controversies. first benghazi. then a pair of scandals rock the irs and the justice department. congress is set to continue to dig for answers to all three over the next few weeks. what impact could these scandals have on the political landscape? alexis is the executive director of the american values institute. brad blakeman is the former deputy assistant president w. bush. and good to see both of you.
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thank you very much. alexis, so we're trying to break this down. irs and benghazi. so how much of this can be attributed to what many see as an aloof disposition, maybe the president is too hands off, maybe boils down to the president didn't know. do you think that argument is enough to satisfy the people? >> you know, i think that's a very good point. i think the challenge that this administration has is that it completely underestimated or did not really appreciate the lessons it should have been learning during the first four years, which is that the right has been very committed to finding scandals where none exists. and the president's administration communications response has been to think that these things will blow over once the facts come out and when in fact, the facts do come out with situations like benghazi or even the irs. it just feeds the beast as opposed to, you know, to creating opportunity for the
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president to move on with the business of his administration. so i wouldn't say he's aloof. i would say that i think he's underestimated the opposition. >> arthel: bret, how do you see it? >> i think the president's strength is derived from his credibility and leadership and the president has not exhibited either in the cases of the scandals that are swirling around him. he's aloof, condescending, dismisssive. and that's not what the american expect out of their president, especially one who promised us in 2008 that he'd have the most open, transparent and honest government our country has ever seen. and it's been quite the contrary. it's been the most secretive and oppressive to those people he perceives as enemies. i think the american people are saying, either our president is incompetent or he's a liar or maybe a combination of both. that's not a very good attribute for the american people to put to their president. >> arthel: brad, i'm going to give you a chance to go on to something else. alexis, brad said that people are looking at one of two ways. the president is -- what did you
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say in incompetent or a liar? >> or lying to the american people or combination of both. that's what they're thinking. >> arthel: what do you say? >> i think the president has been trying to text on getting immigration reform passed, getting his jobs bill, dealing with the sequester. and naively i think believing that congress would be there with him to try to at least for the secretary term, to try to get something on the table around these issues. >> arthel: you don't think the president has been lying to the american people? >> not at all, nott all. i don't think any one of these issues that the president has been facing this week actually rises to the level of president. i think there has absolutely been inefficients in our bureaucracy. i think there has been a number of examples where we have been cutting budgets where we need to have better oversight in some of these agencies. and i think that's more argument, the kind of what the president is trying to do. it's not an example of lack of leadership. >> arthel: all right. i'm going to move on and get back to you if we have time to circle back to that in a moment. brad, let me go to you. we know president george w. bush
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faced his share of political black eyes. is it possible for president obama to recover when history has written about this period, particularly of his presidency in. >> the chapter should just -- is just beginning on these scandals. it took eight months on benghazi for the president to release e-mails that he could have released when it happened. they were asked for and denied. now only when the president is forced to does he try and attempt to come clean with the american people. with regard to the irs, the irs admitted targeting people for their political beliefs. that's wrong. but does he fire them? no, he allows them to resign and puts the head of the nonprofit division of the irs in charge of obamacare. now he goes after the press. doesn't tell us why he's authorized leaks and his government authorized leaks investigation against ap. he said according to his attorney general, it's the worst leak in the history of the united states. then why didn't you know with it, mr. president? so these are all not manufactured scandals. these are self-created scandals
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bay president who doesn't seem to get to the bottom of it. he decides to cover them up. >> arthel: so bottom line, brad, you don't think -- you said these chapters are just being written. so it remains to be seen how mr. obama's legacy will go down? >> that's right. >> arthel: go ahead. >> i have got to tell you, if we're about comparing legacies here, we're still uncovering information about what happened with weapons of mass destruction and going to war which could have been seen in much the same light. so if we're talking about the impact that inefficient cities and bureaucracy and lack of leadership had, we'll be looking at george bush to set that standard. i think this president has rightfully been focused on issues facing this country -- n if it wasn't for bad news, obama wouldn't make news. you have to stop blaming george w. bush. he's not here anymore. you have to stand on your own. >> i'm actually blaming the current gop congress in terms of
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preventing -- >> it's always somebody else to blame. >> they're the ones who have decided that they've decided that it's much more important to focus on these distractions than focus on doing -- >> if you consider a political targeting by the irs a distraction -- >> arthel: thank you, brad, thank you both. >> thanks. >> arthel: see you next time. >> gregg: a life behind bars or death fort arizona woman who murdered her ex? jodi arias' fate is in the hands of a jury. our legal panel is here to weigh in. what can we expect. >> arthel: and a record breaking lottery jackpot up for grabs and the number keeps climbing every hour, minute by minute and people continue to buy tickets. >> 100 million not enough? you need 600 million? >> 100 million is perfect. >> i just use the birthdays. >> i want to let everybody know i got the winning ticket. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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>> gregg: just moments ago, the preakness was held in baltimore. jockey gary stevens won the race. it is the second of the triple crown, orb, which won the kentucky derby was favored to win, but didn't. oxba wins in one minute, 57 seconds. congratulations to veteran jockey gary stevens. breaking news out of virginia. brand-new images in a crash that happened there during a parade. reports of dozens of injuries in a small town after a car suddenly drives into a crowd at a parade. we assume that is the car. it happened in damascus. a witness saying the car appeared to come from a side street. people yelling for the driver to stop. didn't happen. the car slamming into several
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bystanders, possibly injuring dozens of folks. washington county director of emergency management joins us on the phone. miss harris, can you tell us how and why this happened? >> yes. i believe there was a medical condition with the driver that caused the incident. that is still being confirmed at this time. there is no reason to believe it was intentional. the driver was a participant in the parade. he proceeded to drive into were walking on foot in the parade. initial onset there was believed to be 50 to 60 injuries ranging from superficial to critical. however we have found that anyone considered critical has been in stable condition. we did transport five by ground ambulance and three by air ambulance. >> gregg: i heard a group of people literally converged on the car and lifted it up to free the people who were pinned underneath.
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is that true? >> that is one of the rumors that is circulating and we do believe that some folks did physically move the vehicle. we also have been told that a firefighter as well as some other individuals participating in the parade assisted in getting the car stopped. >> gregg: wow. amazing that nobody was killed. miss harris, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> arthel: the other story that people have been paying attention to, people are trying to get rich. the powerball jackpot. it's soaring to $600 million. it's the largest jackpot in powerball's history. many across the country lining up with a couple of bucks and a big fat dream. michelle is live in clovis, california. michelle, you're not far from fresno, right? >> right. we're in the town of clovis. in a few hours, your life might
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change forever if you purchase one of those powerball tickets. now, your chances of winning is incredibly small. about one in 175 million. but that sure hasn't stopped people here in california and across the country from scooping up those tickets in hopes of winning that 600 million jackpot prize. that would be the second largest jackpot in u.s. history. california joined the game last month and the state lottery official say california's participation is helping generate this giant jackpot. since april, the state sold more than $83 million worth of tickets. we talked to some people in fresno county about what they would do if they had the golden ticket. >> everybody around me will be so happy. there is so much you could do and give to people. endless. i can't even begin to think. my grand baby will be very happy. >> i don't know! i'm going to do so much stuff! i'm going to give my grandmother
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a new house, my mom a house. i'm going to do a lot of things. >> all you need is five lucky numbers and a lucky powerball number. it's $2 to play and most people here are using the quick pick or the computer randomly generates numbers. if there is no winner tonight, lottery officials say that that jackpot could grow to $1 billion. if you choose to cash out option, if you're one of those winners, it will be 375 million. arthel? >> arthel: a girl could dream, right? i'm just dreaming. just california dreaming about winning that powerball. all right. michelle, thank you very much. >> gregg: life in prison or death for jodi arias? that's the decision looming for the arizona jury that found her guilty of brutally murdering her ex-boyfriend. the sister of the victim, travis alexander, testifying earlier. she said she's now scared forever. >> i am a police officer and some of these photos are more
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gruesome than i've ever seen in my 11 years of law enforcement. permanently stained with the images of our poor brother's throat slit from ear to ear. our life is stained with the image of travis' body slumped dead in the shower. >> gregg: what's going to happen here? let's turn to our legal panel, david wool is a defense attorney, bob massi is our fox news legal analyst. bob, on the very day of her conviction, she gives this television interview in which she says she wants the jurors to put her to death. take a listen. >> i believe death is a field to freedom. i would rather have my freedom as soon as i can get it. >> gregg: i'm not sure you actually have to show that to the jurors. but does that seal her fate? >> well, obviously if they didn't see it, my question is going to be how are they going to put her on the witness stand
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because if she says the same thing on the witness stand, which is the reason that obviously precipitated these lawyers wanting to withdraw from the case. they've lost control of the client, who possibly goes into an interview right after a conviction like this and makes these kind of statements? it's really for the lawyers, it's crazy. >> gregg: her videotaped at the same time to police during the trial was add miss -- admissible. i don't see why this wouldn't be. >> that's true. >> gregg: arias, david, is notoriously manipulative. so if that was her attempt at reverse psychology to trick the jurors into giving her life because it's what she claims she doesn't want, if you can follow that, was that kind of a stupid attempt? >> you know, gregg, honestly her defense attorney also have to put her on the stand to have her explain that. that sort of takes the air out of the balloon for the prosecutors. but she's probably going to say it was an emotional outburst and emotional moment. she had just been convicted of capital murder. they are going to, though,
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preserve their bar ticket, have to put her on the stand and bring out some sort of mitigating factors sump as her youth, her lack of a criminal record, the fact that she may be able to help people while she's incarcerated. >> gregg: i'm not sure those really qualify as mitigating circumstances. bob, let me ask you about the aggravating factors. the jurors can put her to death if they find two aggravating factors. let's put them up on the screen. if it was especially cruel, that is inflicting pain and suffering in a wanton and insensitive or vindictive manner. here is the other one, heinous or deprived. put that up. hatefully or shockingly evil. relish the murderer inflicted gratuitous violence or needlessly mutilated the victim's body. bob, she stabbed him 27 times. shot him in the head and slit his throat. i mean, that qualifies as aggravating, right?
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>> when you look at this, if there has ever been a definition of the act of evil and the pain that evil brings, and let's connect that if you will, if we can to her interview again. remember in that interview, she said that the reason she wanted death, because it was the ultimate emancipation and freedom. exactly what she did to this victim. she freed him from life and so if there is ever, ever been a case that deserves death penalty, i can't imagine one so bad. >> gregg: and david, you know, the medical examiner testified in the first part of the trial and he said that the victim, travis alexander, was alive when he was stabbed in the heart, stabbed in the head, stabbed in the back, and had his throat slit. so there is your pain and suffering for the death penalty, right? >> yeah. and i agree, gregg, completely. the other thing is the jury knows that this young lady tried to deceive three different times when she was caught.
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and the jury may look at this as an attempt by jodi arias to deceive them throughout this month long trial. they may be offended by that as well. i went on the arizona death penalty web site this morning and i found one guy that had been there 25 years. so in the end, it may not matter life versus death. it may be like california where people get sentenced to death, but it never actually gets implemented. >> gregg: that's true. here is the thing, bob. she may, and her lawyers will argue mitigating circumstances, no criminal record. she tried to turn her life around, to the extent you can. but look, in the same tv interview, she said, quote, unquote, i don't have any mitigating factors. what? how does she now argue mitigating actors, look at my artwork. apparently she's going to show the jurors her art work? seriously? >> really, i'm not a psychiatrist and you want to believe that somebody that committed such a crime like this is completely out of their mind.
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but she's so off the wall, from her testimony to the statements. when you think about it, it's really predictable that she did what she did after this verdict because she's been so outside the box from the beginning of this case, from the alibi she gave that were lies, all the way through, this girl absolutely is out of her mind. >> gregg: evil, manipulative. that's what most people have said about her. bob massi, david wool, gentlemen, good to see you both. >> thanks. >> thank you. >> arthel: so a lot of people think retirement means travel and golf. the reality can too often be doctor bills and medical expenses. new information on what that could cost you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm...
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you've got our name on it. that's how we run. nothing runs like a deere. discover the full line of riding lawn equipment at or your local dealer. >> arthel: welcome back. a report warning you may need more money for retirement than planning for. according to a new research, a couple retiring this year both
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age 65, would probably need $220,000 to cover -- $220,000 to cover health care. that's if the husband lives to be 82 and the wife 85. those are the average life expectancies. so how should we prepare for this? joining us now, chief strategist of bell point asset management, david nelson is here. good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> arthel: first of all, give me your analysis on this study. >> well, like a lot of studies, they all point to the same thing. that we're going to need -- older people will need a couple hundred thousand dollars to get through their retirement with regards to their health care needs. there is one thing in the fidelity study that i took issue with. they talk about how the cost has gone down in the last three years. that's true, but it went down for the wrong reasons. the truth is, a lot of americans were hard hit by the financial crisis and they're just spending a lot less on a lot of things, including health care.
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>> arthel: you factored in obamacare. what's your analysis of that? >> obamacare adds another level of complexity. it's a political football obviously. but even if when i take the politics out of it, the fact that the irs, which is undergoing its own scandal, handle has lot of the mandates and the rules and regulations and enforces it, i have to believe that in the next coming weeks, months and perhaps over the next year, there is president-elect obama going to be changes and makes it more difficult to calculate the cost is. >> arthel: changes in what? >> they may change what the irs is actually responsible for. it's a big issue for a lot of americans because the truth is that a lot of us approaching retirement age will choose just not to retire. they'll simply keep work for as long as they can. >> arthel: that's a little two fold. i would love it if everybody could afford to retire at 62 or 65 and have a very, very
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comfortable lifestyle. unfortunately, that's not going to be the case, especially according to what we're talking about. two things, some of us are thinking, i want to keep working a little longer. we're still lively and young and moving at that point. >> that's the good side of it. >> arthel: that's the good side because americans are living longer. because of that, then you have the pension plan factor coming in to play. >> that's the biggest change. the last few decades, the days of the defined benefit plan where we could count on a specified retirement package, those days are gone. those plans bankrupted some of our largest corporations like general motors and now what we have is the defined contribution plan where you or i put into our retirement plan and the company matches, maybe, and maybe there is a health care benefit, maybe there isn't. and it's pretty clear that our health care benefits in our retirement plans will be significantly less. >> arthel: okay. so before we go, what can we do? are we just doomed? >> we're not doomed.
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there are a few things that we can do. they're not all that great, but for example, one thing that you should do if you're approaching retirement is get a handle on what your retirement income is going to look like. try to keep below some of the high income mandates. go to the social security web site. see what they are because if you keep under those levels, you'll reduce your medicare part b payment. health care savings plans, open one up, max it out as best you can. one thing to focus on is long-term care. very important issue because there is going to come a point when many much us will need help just to do some of the basic things. >> arthel: we're living longhorn, which is good. dave nelson, i thank you. hopefully we can have some better take away from all of this. a lot of people don't have the money to put extra money aside. but anyway, dave melson, good to see you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> arthel: we go over to mr. gregg now because apparently you're thinking about dinner? >> i'm getting hungy this next
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story, which is better for your waistline? a tasty denier in a casual restaurant, you know, your favorite joint around the corner, or fast food? burgers and fries at the drive through? you might be -- you do know the answer. you might be surprised. ♪ with the spark miles card from capital one, bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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♪ it is quiz time. okay here is a quiz about healthy eating. which are you better off doing. sitting down to a nice meal for a family restaurant or a cheap combo in a fast-food joint.
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>> the average plate at a sit- down restaurant has 1100. and the fast-food fewer than 900. doctor, nina, why is that, we are surprised. >> you are likely to get the wash board abs in fast-food than at the restaurants. the authors found a single meal has six percent more calorie than in the fast-food restaurant equivalent meal. it is super sizing the meals. they don't have the marketing budget that the larger restaurants and franchises have. and in order to lure the customers in, they put on lots of food on the plate. >> i love to go to different style restaurants and italian and indian. which has the highest calorie.
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>> italian restaurants have 1700 and the lowest is the japanese and vietnamese. >> it is a lot of sugar in the chinese food. >> lots of sugar, sodium and fat. >> i am having sushi tonight. i know no one asked. but the other thing of going to the sit down meals tis better for your pocketbook or waist line to eat at home. you go to the meal and sit down and they bring the bread and it knows your name and talks to you and you don't want to eat it and you do. >> right. >> explain to me. >> as a consumer, you can demand for change or order more intelligently. talk to the owner or manager and put on a healthy men u option
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and they post the calorrie don't. you don't have to feel rude if you don't clean your plate. >> obama care has regulations but there is nothing about the family style restaurants. >> the affordable restaurants said 20 or fewer have to have calorie postings. but not all restaurants are posted. >> i like calorie postings. and i pay attention to them. >> it influences my decision. >> most people are not. they don't change behavior. it is interesting, the stomach is more powerful than the brain. >> that's true. >> dr. nina, remember the old days when your eyes are bigger than your belly. >> that's it for us.
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