tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News May 22, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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i couldn't understand what was going on. >> sean: do you think she feel threatened? >> i don't know. she made an opening state, then wouldn't talk about it. i couldn't understand what was going on. i thought the previous guy, miller, had information, it was clear. >> sean: it's easy to pull teeth and get a good answer out of you. >> that's a great answer. i was agreeing with you. >> sean: greta is next. see you tomorrow. >> greta: tonight, did top irs official lois lerner outmart the congress? she took the fifth, but only after getting out her own message. >> i have not done anything wrong. i have not broken laws, broken irs rules or regulations. i've been advised by my counsel to assert my constitutional right not to testify or answer questions related to the subject matter of this hearing. >> she just testified. she just waived her fifth amendment right to privilege. you don't get to tell your side of the story and then not be
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subjected to cross-examination. that's not the way it works. she waived her right to the fifth amendment privilege by issuing an opening statement. she ought to stand here and answer our questions. >> sir, you misled congress, misled congress. make no question about it. you told us one thing, when you learned that our suspicions were true, when you learned that there was a list, you did nothing. >> you sure you didn't talk to "ñ the white house about this issue, mr. shulman? >> about singling out conservative groups for special scrutiny? >> well, that's what we're talking about, isn't it? >> i'm absolutely sure i did not talk to -- >> 118 visits, it didn't come up in a casual conversation after 132 members of concocted about s contacted you about it? >> not to my memory. >> what would be some of the reasons you were at the white house? >> the easter egg roll with my kids. questions about the admability
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of tax policy they were thinking of. >> you never had any conversation with respect to this subject, the subject of this hearing, with anybody at the white house, though you were at the white house off and on win times. >> just so i'm clear, i have no memory. it would have been inappropriate. >> did you do anything to verify that the practice, as insidious as it was, was stopped? >> the inspector general was going to be looking into it. >> is it you can't say yes or no or you're choosing yes or no? can you answer the question? can you do anything personally to make sure this insidious discriminatory practice was stopped? yes or no. >> in all the scandals we hear the same thing from time after time by the government officials that are involved. benghazi, irs, ap reporters, fast and furious, time after time we're hearing people, it wasn't my job, i don't know, it
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was the other office, i was recused. i didn't find out about it until you found about it. where does the accountability begin? >> greta: congress trey gowdy is not holding back, saying top irs official lois lerner can't have it both ways. congressman trey gowdy joins us. she takes an oath, makes a statement, and asserts her fifth. you say it's a waiver, that she can't do it? >> i think you have a great argument under brown versus u.s. that it is a waiver. if you can do it the way she wants t to do it, every defendat would say, i didn't rob the bank and i'm not going to answer the prosecutor's questions. that's not the best way to get that's not t want toway to get do. we'd all like to get out our version without answering questions, and i don't think it's fair. that's why i raised it with
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chairman issa. >> greta: it occurred to me this is probably one of the dumbest things she could have done, and her lawyer, who i know, probably advised -- think about it. is it all she had to do was go in there, take the fifth, leave the building, and she could have said the same thing on the steps of the united states capitol, everyone in the media would have followed it, been replaying it, and she wouldn't be in this position where you guys are thinking about going to court to compel her to testify as a waiver. >> that or have her lawyer read her statement, post it on facebook, he had. she had a lot of options, but she didn't choose those. she came to our committee hearing, under subpoena, took the oath. she'd already warned us she might invoke, and she testified. what she did was testimony. so my question to chairman issa is, when do we get our chance? you say you didn't lie to congress, didn't break any irs rules. let us decide that, ask you some questions. you know, chairman issa has a
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couple of different options at his disposal, one of which is to bring her back tomorrow. i promise you, greta, if she comes back tomorrow, she will invoke, which will set up a contempt analysis -- >> greta: she's already taken the fifth, taken an oath, made a statement. what puts her at huge risk is when she says, i have not provided false information to this or any other congressional committee. this is very different. >> well, she was very clear about -- go back a couple weeks. jimmy jordan, a great congressman from ohio, said out that he thought she had mislead congress, and others thought she had misled or lied to congress, we would not trouble proving that. can we prove it beyond a
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reasonable doubt? i don't know. can we prove it in the court of public opinion? absolutely, way failure to keep us up to date. i want why she wants to get out there she didn't lie to congress -- >> i understand it, too, but what i don't get it that -- i mean, i don't know whether you're win or lose if you take this to court. what i don't get, maybe it's the lawyer in me, why her lawyer put her in such a position, where we're debating it, why a judge will have to decide it, where he could have done it without any risk at all. >> i was never a criminal defense lawyer, but i would never have let my client open her mouth. there are too many other names, you mentioned some. go on the steps, have your lawyer read your statement. she did the one act that most likely complicates her from a legal standpoint. one of the other questions today, give me a single name of
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a single person part of this conspiracy to target. i don't know a name. i don't think you know a name. if we're serious about finding out how this started, how it went for 18 months, then we're going to need to talk to her. >> greta: but, i mean, you need to accelerate this. i mean, with all due respect to congress, you have oversight, but don't look of oversight. you wait for something horrible to happen and then investigate. this has been going on, a lot of americans hurt, because they're terrified of the irs, conservative groups, you could put your foot to the pedal and accelerate this. either go after her, compel her testimony or give it a rest. >> i would also say in addition to public hearings, we do depositions. in fact we did depositions. they're not glamorous, not always known by the public, but oversight staff is pursuing this. mr. lynch also mentioned special prosecutor today. this might be one of those
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instances. this may be a case where you want to look at a special prosecutor. >> greta: mr. shulman, former commissioner, said that he was at the irs -- at the white house 118 times, mentioned even the easter egg roll. were you satisfied with his answers that he was, you know, giving you the best of his recollection, playing it straight, or do you think he was dodging? >> choice "d,"?lfóñ dodging. i can't tell you a single straight answer he gave. some of the questions weren't complicated. what did you do when you learned that targeting was going on? which may be is criminal. what did you do. i listened to him for 4 1/2 hours and he didn't give a straight answer once he identified who he was and what his title was. 118 times at the white house is more than some of the employees at the white house were there. that's a lot. >> greta: do you know he was talking to? he said the easter bunny. >> he said the office of budget management. we don't know. to be honest with you, after listening to him for 4 1/2
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hours, i'm not sure i would have believed the answer anyway. >> greta: one last question. did he know the targeting was going on? >> yes. >> greta: he did nothing? >> his defense, i told the inspector general about it, because he's incapable of doing anything -- >> greta: he couldn't do anything about it? >> he could have done a lot about it. all i heard today was, yes, i told the inspector general, and that's the rest of his duties. >> greta: and looked the other way. congressman, thank you, sir. >> yes, ma'am, thank you. >> greta: now to tonight's hot button issue on, was lois lerner trying to outsmart congress or stand on her constitutional rights? go to and vote in our poll. and we spoke with speaker boehner about the scandals, including the irs.
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today lois lerner from the internal revenue service, in charge of the exemptions division, said in taking the fifth amendment, she also said i did not do anything wrong, i did not break any law. your thoughts, sir. >> well, looks to me like the irs has got something to hide here. the white house has changed the story of what happened, what they knew, when they knew it about half a dozen times already. it's clear that this appears to be a pervasive problem. as i said last week, i'm not interested in who's going to resign, i'm interested in who's going to jail. there are specific laws that pertain to irs employees. the attorney general indicated as such earlier this week. there's a serious problem, and i think it's our job to get to the bottom of it. >> greta: department of justice has opened a criminal investigation. do you think instead there ashould be a special prosecutor looking at this separate from the department of justice or are
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you satisfied the department of justice can do this? >> at this point in time i think the department of justice company do this, but i think congress has its job to provide oversight, not only of the i, but to make snow flurr sure the investigation is thorough and complete. >> greta: a lot of complaints from tea party organizations, and they've asked members of congress, to write letters, but now we're to the point where this has been going on for a couple years, at least we know that much. so why so long to get the oversight, to get the irs to tell you what's going on? >> two committees have worked on this for over two years. the ways and means committee and government reform committee. dave kamw and darrell issa. they've written letters, written letters, had hearings about this. they could never, never pierce the veil. there's a lot of testimony over the last two years. a lot of mail we've gotten back
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from the irs, where they basically have stonewalled this. i'm not sure that we would have known had it not been for this audit that the inspector general at the irs performed. we have to remember, it was just an audit. that means a sampling of information. i'm glad that the inspector general at the irs has opened up his own investigation, which is a much more thorough look at the data than just what the audit was originally. >> greta: the president said he never heard about the irs investigation until about a week ago when it was in the press, and white house press secretary jay carney has said that the white house senior aides never told the president. do you believe that? >> it's pretty inconceivable to me that the president wouldn't know. i'm just putting myself in his shoes. i deal with my senior staff
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every day. and if the white house had known about, this which now it appears they've known about it for about a year, it's hard to imagine that it wouldn't have come up in some conversation. >> greta: why do you think they wouldn't tell the president? is there any good reason the president should not have known about this? >> silk attempted to insulate the president from this -- they could have attempted to insulate the from the this news, but with as many people were involved in the audit, in the investigation, somebody -- and the number of people in the white house that knew -- it really is inconceivable he wouldn't have known about it. >> greta: one of the versions we heard from white house press secretary jay carney is that on the 24th of april that the white house counsel was briefed that, a report was coming. there's no information about the findings, she told no one. the next information we received is that jay carney said that she met with senior aides at the white house and briefed them on the findings, she had the
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findings. now we're learning that there was actually a meeting with the general counsel, chief of staff, at treasury, and white house officials how to roll it out. do you have any problem with the sort of the way we're getting this information? >> this was why we have hearings. this is why the house is going to do its job in investigating just what happened and who knew about it, when did they know about it? it's also clear that the treasury secretary has known about, this the former treasury secretary, tim geithner, has known about this for some time as well. if he knew about it, well, why wouldn't he have passed it on to the president of the united states? >> greta: when you say someone should go to jail for this, at what level are you talking about? >> at some point somebody decided they were going to hold up these tax exempt status, and somebody made the decision. it wasn't some low-level employees in cincinnati. somebody made this decision. our job is to find out who and
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why and how many people were involved in this. >> greta: i assume you've seen the recent news, there's been a grab of documents, phone records, from the associated press as well as fox news channel, including our bureau in d.c., and our bureau in new york city. what is your thought on this investigation by the department of justice? >> well, when you look at all of this, you see an arrogance of power. i believe that those of us in public office have a responsibility to be humble, to make sure that we represent the will of the people who sent us there, that we're honest with it. and this arrogance of power that we're seeing out of this administration, whether it be benghazi, the irs scandal, the fact that -- the fact that the justice department is going after the news media, raises some very serious questions. when you look at going after the media, how the justice department has handled this, they better have some -- they
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better have some big answers for the congress and for the american people. >> greta: will there be hearings about that particular aspect, about going after the documents, the phone records of the ap and fox news? do you expect that? >> our judiciary committee headed by bob goulette will head it up. >> greta: shortly after we sat down with the speaker, his staff contacted us to clarify one point. they say speaker boehner meant to say the treasury department had known about the irs targeting investigation for about a year, not the white house. and when was the last time speaker boehner talked to president obama? he answers that question next. >> greta: also ahead, a gruesome attack on a london street. was it an act of terrorism?
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john boehner demanding to know more about benghazi, a lot more. ouour interview with the speaker continues. >> we've been asking for emails at least back as far as november. recently we got 100 emails. we understand there are more pages. are you satisfied that we have enough information out of the administration on benghazi or should the investigation be pursued further? >> oh, no. there's a lot more that we don't know. who ordered our rescue team in tripoli, who ordered them to stand down? you know, when did the president get briefed on the fact this was a terrorist attack? why did they continue to describe it in some other fashion? there's a lot more that we don't know. the administration doesn't like the fact that this is an ongoing investigation and this continues to go on for eight months, and it's been going on for eight months because the administration won't level with the american people, won't level
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with the united states congress. if they would come forward with the documents that we've been requesting for months, it would be helpful. they gave us some documents a week ago. it was helpful. but a lot more documents that we've asked for that they've refused to turn over. >> greta: would you be in favor of a select committee at this point to try to narrow it, so it's not several committees doing this investigation? >> four committees that are heavily involved in this. probably most significant committee involved would be the government reform and oversight committee headed by darrell issa. i think darrell issa, jason chaffetz, trey gowdy, the members of the committee, are doing a good job. i don't think at this point in time it's necessary. now we may get to a point where it is. but at this point i think our committees door a very good job, i'll be supportive of them. >> greta: when we first asked of these emails, we were told a couple things, one is it's the deliberative process in the executive branch. another thing was that these
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documents were classified for national security. in reading those documents, those emails, do you see any reason why those who are appropriately classified documents for national security? >> no, none whatsoever. a lot of the other documents that we've asked for are not classified documents. they have no reason to hold them back. we're going to continue to stay on this until we get to the truth. we have four americans who lost their lives. there were mistakes made. we need to learn from those mistakes so that we make sure that it doesn't happen again. >> greta: you know, we on the media side, we look at these documents and always think that things are grossly overclassified, you know, and it's not this administration, it's every administration. i mean, what can sort of the remedy be on this? there seems to be an appetite in every executive branch to classify everything for the media and american people? >> every administration does this. they want to classify every kind of a document.
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there are procedures, rules, regulations and laws that outline what should be classified and what shouldn't, but every administration seems to overreach in terms of what they want to keep from the public's eyes. our job here in the congress is to make sure that the procedures are followed, and to the extent that we can, get these documents unclassified so that the american people get to the truth. >> greta: have you determined why the whole youtube video thing was brought up in benghazi in the first place? whose idea it was, and why they seized upon it, held on to it for so long? >> don't know yet, but we'll find out. >> greta: you have no sort of conceivable theory about like -- >> our job is to get to the facts. but even while we're doing all of this, our big job here is to work on jobs. you know, the economy is just not producing jobs like the american people want. we've had in anemic economic growth for the last four years. so while we have a
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constitutional responsibility to provide oversight at the executive branch, understand, it's not the only thing we do here. this week we're working on the keystone pipeline, making sure that we can get this thing approved sooner rather than later. it's been going on now for i don't know, 1700 days. thousands and thousands of documents. it's time to just say yes and put americans to work. >> greta: to what extent do all these scandals, and you talk about jobs, and that should be on everyone's conscious, you know, first and foremost, but what extent do all these scandals, whether it's irs, benghazi, even the seizure of media records, impede or distract? >> it may be somewhat of a distraction, but most of our members don't sit on the committees that are involved in the investigations. and they're work on things that would actually help produce jobs. the president's policies are getting in the way of our economy performing the way we would want it to perform.
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but our focus is jobs, getting these policies straight so that we can get americans back to work. we can walk and chew gum at the same time. >> greta: when was the last time you talked to the president? >> i saw him last week at the peace officers memorial. >> did you talk about jobs? >> no. we said hello. >> greta: when was the last time you talked about jobs? >> probably been a few months. >> greta: mr. speaker, nice to talk to you. >> nice to see you. >> greta: next, the white house says senator lindsey graham owes ambassador susan rice an apology? what does senator graham say? here's here to tell you next. plus, is congressman paul ryan angling for a new glo job? that's coming up. hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn?
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and helping them discover how great a little balance can feel. through initiatives like these, our goal is to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make, together. >> greta: we're told the white house has 18 suspects in the benghazi terror attack, know who they are, but the president won't give the green light tsetses the 18 suspects. also a top white house advisor
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insisting republicans owe ambassador susan rice an apology. well, any chance of that happening? senator lindsey graham joins us. senator, nice to see you. >> hey, how you doing? >> greta: very well. we repeatedly see this on the sunday shows, asking republicans, i suppose they mean you, for an apology to susan rice. are you going to apologize? >> not only does she not deserve an apology from me, or anybody else, for the way she misled the american people, she deserves to be subpoenaed by the congress z to give answers to hard questions, something she's never had to do before. she should apologize to greg hicks, the number two in tripoli, the number two guy, second behind chris stevens, who said, i quote, when i heard her testimony my jaw dropped, my heart stopped, and i've never been more embarrassed. >> greta: what do you make of the white house suddenly raising this again? >> this guy went out on sunday
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is just on a different planet. i guess he thinks everybody in the country is stupid. was she an empty vessel that they could pour misinformation through? she was chosen because she was the most politically compliant person. she didn't just say this was caused by a video, a spontaneous event. she said, well, we obviously did have a strong security presence. she said there was a significant security presence defending our consulate and facility in benghazi. did anybody in any talking point suggest the embassy, consulate, was significantly secured? she was blowing political smoke, filling in for the president. she said, let me remind you, bin laden is decimated, osama bin laden is dead before the election, that the president was strong on terror.
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>> greta: she went before congress and -- >> she's completely misrepresenting the facts. if she looked at the classified information behind the talking points, she could have have suggested to anyone on the planet this was caused by video, spontaneous in nature. all the information coming from libya. there's 100 pounds of information suggesting a coordinated al-qaeda-password terrorist attack -- al-qaeda-sponsored terrorist attack. this was the best story they could tell seven weeks before the election. she could be apologizing to greg hicks, the families involved, should be subpoenaed. i'm going to do everything i can that the president has to account for what he did that night, where was he at months before the applicants was previously attacked, and why did he say for two weeks after the attack, well, we think this was a protest caused by hateful
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video. the president himself needs to account for what he told the american people. >> greta: i'll switch gears a little bit. the jennifer griffin reported yesterday that there are 18 people the white house is aware of, that are in libya, and they've not yet green lighted to go in and seize them with military action of any sort, or any action. i don't know what they should do. >> i've heard there are people we know were involved. we know where they're at. i've heard that the leader of this al-qaeda affiliate, we know where that person's at. and one of the arguments is, well, we don't have enough evidence to convict them in civilian court, but could hold them under military law. the idea that we're not in there today, asking libya to go in and help us pick these guys up, put them in prison to interrogate them what happened in benghazi, about future attacks may be coming our way, blows my mind. >> greta: is there a, quote, libya to talk to? >> sure, absolutely. >> greta: so why aren't we asking libya? these people killed our four americans.
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there are 18. we've identified them on tape. that's how they've been identified, on tape, apparently by the c.i.a. what's the back-off? >> i don't think this president is interested in finding out about the truth about benghazi. the truth is it was an attack the long time in the making. >> greta: but the election is over. >> this will affect his legacy. the american people deserve to applaud president obama when of went after bin laden. we've got photos of minute by minute scenario of what he did as our commander in chief to go after the number one terrorist in the world. when it comes to explaining his actions that night, before and after the attacks, when four americans were murdered by al-qaeda affiliates, we don't anything he did. we don't know where he was that night, when he went to bed what, he did months before when the consulate had been previously attacked, and i want to hear from him -- he doesn't have to tell me, but he needs to tell somebody, why did he say two weeks after the attack we, thought it was a protest caused
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by a video when there's really no evidence at all to suggest that two weeks later? >> greta: 20 seconds left. this whole idea of all these pages that we still haven't had released -- >> i want the survivors. i'm not stopping till the people in benghazi get a chance to come to congress to tell us what happened, i'm not stopping until the president answers as commandecommander in chief, andn rice won't get an apology, she'll get a subpoena. >> greta: thank you, senator. coming up, jodi arias is talking again. that's coming up. some of the mod driver systems ever made. stereoscopic vision... distronic plus braking... lane keeping and steering assist... eleven enhanced systems in all. ♪ twelve, counting your adrenaline system.
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the victim may have been a british soldier. authorities looking to an amateur video for a possible morph. it apparently shows one of the bloodied suspects spewing hate against the british government. >> we must fight them as they fight us, an eye for an eye, a foote too a tooth. i apologize that women have to see this, but in our land women see. remove your government. they don't care about it. >> greta: the suspects were wounded in a shootout with police, in custody tonight. british prime minister david cameron saying there are strong indications it is a terrorist incident. stay with fox news for the latest. ♪ don't our dogs deserve to eat fresher less processed foods introducing freshpet recipes so fresh the only preservative we use is the fridge freshpet fresh food for fido
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on the plaza towers elementary schooling, but teachers managed to keep many students safe. one sixth grade teacher shared her story with aggressive griff. >> where were you in this closet sitting? >> were the here, holding on to the doorknob, right here. >> just like that? >> one wanted to get under the desk, and i said if you feel comfortable you can do that. >> how many where with you? >> a boy and three girls. it was small, but i think that's why it stayed standing. and i'd like to thank the man -- i don't know his name -- lifted me out. couldn't get the door open to get to me because of the debris in the hall. it wouldn't open. so they lifted the kids up. they lifted them up and they pulled on their arms, through that corner, got out there. by then we were relieved, because we knew it was gone and needed to get out. >> what is it like to be back here now for the first time?
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>> i guess i'm not feeling. i'm just kind of numb. i'm thankful, grateful. one of the little boys with me wanted me to promise we weren't going to die. >> at any point during it, janice, did you think you guys might not survive it? >> yeah. it crossed my mind, because they were asking me if we were going to survive. i had to think about that. it was -- it was so loud and took so long. all the grit and grime was in our clothing. when i got home, pulled off the t-shirt, it all fell out, every student, teacher, embedded in our scalp. >> did some of the stuff crash down on you? >> this board right here is what protected us. >> is this, then, a pile of
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rubble, what was your classroom? >> right there was my bulletin board. it said rock stars, because that was our theme for testing, doing the best you can. looks like a window now. this was the hallway. here's the other bathroom. >> was that a billboard? >> no. that was up here. >> was that in your classroom? >> yeah. that's all my stuff, all our stuff. here's a language arts book. my desk was sitting right over there. they've bulldozed it since. for once, it didn't have papers on it. it was nice and clear when i walked away the other day. they've bulldozed a lot of things to look for people, i guess. >> you were one of the first on the scene. but the video that you're sharing with us never-before-seen video, tell me about what we're seeing in this video as it relates to right here. >> let me just say, i came in
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and we found janice, we found the kids in the bathrooms. other men were beginning to come in from the neighborhood. so we started clearing the other rooms, banging on doors. they were working frantically. we were forming lines out to -- if they had debris or they had people they found, and eventually they did. they found a little boy. they hauled him out. and then there was a little girl they found. four or five children. >> the little boy we're seeing in this video being raised out, those walls right there, tragically, are the seven children that died are underneath that wall at that moment. >> right. >> the guys are digging. you know, they're calling for gloves. the firemen have their gloves. they're just digging frantically with their hands, whatever they can find, to get under there. we got one that's -- you can see him trying to reach underneath. we had some crawling underneath. those guys worked so hard to try to save the kids.
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and one by one, as the survivors came out, the crowd would cheaper. there was, you know, applause. and excitement and then, you know, there was a time there where after one of the teachers came out, you know, she was barefoot and beat up. she got out. then it kind of stopped a little bit. they slowed down. >> greta: tonight we have new information about the extent of that tornado damage. the tornado destroyed as many as 13,000 homes and about $2 billion in damage overall. >> greta: another stunner in the jodi arias courtroom today. today jurors telling the judge they can reach a unanimous verdict on life or death for jody. the judge sending the jury back to keep deliberating, but they did not reach a decision before going home for the night. get this. well, the judge is deliberating her fate, arias is demanding makeup and doing hours of tv
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interviews. last night she spoke with anchor troy hayden. >> you had ample opportunities to apologize to travis alexander's family. doesn't seem like you did it today. why didn't you apologize to them? >> i did apologize to them in my allocation. >> i never heard you say, "i'm sorry." >> i don't think i used those two words, but i feel i conveyed my remorse. if i didn't adequately convey it, then i regreet it, but certainly -- >> do you want to do it now? >> there's nothing i can do to take back what i did. i really wish that i could. i really, really wish that i could. i can never make up for what happened. >> do you want to say i'm sorry right now to travis alexander's family? >> certainly. i'm definitely sorry. i'm -- >> go ahead. >> i'm sorry. it seems like saying, i'm sorry, quote, unquote, is so inadequate, because it doesn't
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encompass the scope of the remorse that i feel, what i wish i could change if i had the chance to do it. >> you talked a lot about lies today, the lies you told in the courtroom. you told me two weeks ago that you'd rather die than go to jail for life, go to prison for life. was that a lie? >> no. i meant that when i said it. >> you told the jury today you want to start a book club, a recycling program, you want to help with domestic violence education. are those good enough reasons for them to spare your life? >> well, i think that if you look at those isolated by themselves, maybe not, but -- i don't know, because everyone's different. each juror might feel differently about each cause. some of those might sound trivial, but i've never been to prison. i don't know what's available there, what needs to be done there, what i'm able to do there. how much change i can affect. >> what do you think the jury will decide for you? >> i don't know. i can't predict it.
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>> greta: the arizona jury will be back deliberating tomorrow morning. and straight ahead, the next chapter for congressman paul ryan. what his congressman ryan getting ready to do? start guessing. that answer next. you hurt my feelings, todd. i did? when visa signature asked everybody what upgraded experiences really mattered... you suggested luxury car service instd of "strength training with patrick willis." come on todd! flap them chicken wings. [ grunts ] well, i travel a lot and umm... [ male announcer ] at visa signature, every upgradedxperience comes from listening to our cardholders. visa signature. your idea of what a card should be.
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okay, time to hash it out. looks like hhs secretary kathleen sebelius is taking her show on the road. senator ted cruz tweeting, our hhs secretary is in europe touting obama care. is she asking them to send euros too? secretary sebelius promoting obama care at the world health assembly in geneva. one thing she did not mention, the republican criticism back home over her obama care fund-raising efforts.
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newt gingrich has something to say about what lois lerner did at the irs hearing. newt tweeting, if irs can take the fifth and apologize, shouldn't we extend those rules to taxpayers, put i plead the fifth on your tax form, then apologize. interesting idea. we'll be sure to ask speaker gingrich about it tomorrow night. and it is a sign of what is to come in 2016, the national review reporting paul ryan writing a book. you heard right. wisconsin congressman paul ryan adding author to his resume. he will reportedly release a new book next year. part autobiography and part political analysis. now, since presidential candidates all seem to write books before they run for president, we suspect this book is a hint about congressman ryan's political plans. just a suspicion. and finally, the divine miss m taking on apple. bette midler tweeting, apple shields $24 billion in taxes. i have to pay tax on every nickel i make overseas.
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i need the name of their irish accountants. apple disputes that and now here to hash it out with us, do not forget to follow me on twitter. and coming up, what everyone is going to be talking about tomorrow. the real motive behind the obama administration's news conferences. you have to see this next. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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