tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News June 5, 2013 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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♪ >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> i'm a born-free american woman, wife, mother, and citizen. and i'm telling my government that youve forgotten your place. >> bill: thes into -- noose getting tighter around the neck of the irs. no question theyababused their power. we will hear from two senators who herd heard testimony again. >> girls attacking each other. >> bill: national media ignoring the epidemic of school violence in america. abc newscent had a shocking exposition. we'll show it to you.
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>> you are going to die tonight [bleep] >> bill: altonight the murder trial of george martin set to begin.avon is it legal with a preview. caution, you where it enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. >> bill: hi, i o'reilly. thanks for watching under the us tonight. things getting worse for theist. that the is sung of this evening's talking points memo. devastating testimony today by americans who say they were unfairly treated by the irs. those telling the house stories all members of conservative groups seeking tax exempt status. among the allegations the irs stalle their applications, asked them inappropriate questions about their beliefs. and gave their private information to liberal groups who opposed them. >> in march of 2012, the
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confidential portions of our 990 tax it returns, including schedule b, which is our list of major donors and their home addresses appeared on the web site of the human rights campaign. our principle political opponent in the nationwide fight overraditional marriage. >> in order to raise money, i filed an application with the irs in january of 2011. seeking to obtain 501 c 3 status. as an educational organization. as of today >7[3$(ruuuu9 the types of questions asked by the irs included asking me toidentify the political affiliation of my mentors. and that i advise the irs of my political position on virtually every issue of importance to me. >> i'm not here as a certain or a vessel. i'm not begging my lord for mercy. i'm a born-free americ woman, wife, mother, and citizen. and i'm telling my forgotten your place.e
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>> bill: off the chart disturbing. it was interesting to watch congressman try to defend the irs conduct. we have asked the congressman toppear with us tomorrow. we will let you know what happens. but many honest liberal people, liberal people clearly see the danger of having a powerful government agency treating americans unfairly based upon political beliefs. that's what fascists and economist -- communist governments do. my pal jon stewart said this last night. >> oh no. [ laughter ] >> poor babies. the irs facing scrutiny. people getting alln their business. >> there is disturbing information this man, former irs commissioner douglas shulman visited the white house, ready? 157 times. >> what the heck was mr. shulman doing at the white house with thatind of frequency? >> whoa, whoa! [ laughter ]
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clear the ladies from the room. irs, your fool lerry almost made bill o'reilly say h-e double toothpic >> bill: you must explain under oath what you were doing at the white house on separate occasions. >> yeah that is a lotshu shulman. especially since havi t destroy his political enemies on the right should only takebout one meeting, two tops. >> bill: as a satire guy stewart can say that as a fact guy i can't. what i can say is that the white house still has not told the nation what the hell, there you go, stewart, douglas shulman was doing in the white house all those times. what's the holdup, mr. president? how about that transparency deal? finally, here is a piece of information you should know. shulman's wife susan anderson big time left wing person.
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supporter of the occupy wall street movement. hen you hear democrats say that shulman is a nonideological guy, please keep that in mind and that's the memo. now for top story tonight. reaction, joining us from reaction charles krauthammer. what's the most important thing you heard from those hearings, charles? >> what it did today isut a on tha abstraction the 501 c 4 and c 3 which doesn't mean a lot to folks put a face on the abstraction of what it means when the government abuses you and you see these folks who look like ordinary americans who are trying to do the quintessential american thing. political speech to organize, to express themselves, and precisely because they were doing that, they are being harassed as we heard about the leakage of information about the donors, they're being illegally exposed in a way that you reay shouldn't. one of the reasons that you have the confidentiality
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here, remember, is that the classic 501 c 4 is the naacp. and in the 50s, in the 60's, it was not exactly civil rights was not a popular cause in the south the supreme court they didn't have t disclose the donors andembers because they would be subject to harassment. now traditional marriage is not a big cause in some precincts of the country and they have every right to the same kind of confidentiality as the naacp. so, what i think we really saw today is if you remember in 2009 to 2010, the teaparty aros remember, bill, out of nowhere. it w spontaneous. it was unled, it was unorganized. this was the classic expression of americans simply expressing themselve politically. classic first amendment and precisely because of the
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content, the content of their beliefs they were harassed and abused by the government. that is a powerful case. i think the committee does not have to do it again. you do it once, and the images and the words will stick. >> bill: here's the problem. we're going to be -- this network is going cover it the other networks probably won't cover it in great detail at all. it won't get out too much into the distracted population that's a problem. there is criminal charges going to have to come here. i don't know the federal statutes yet. we are researching that it looks to me like all of this was illegal. do you see it that way? >> well, some of it is very likely illegal. you are not allowed to leak confidential information. that clearly is a violation of the law. and i think those irs agents knew about it,
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abetted it, or evenas aware of it. >> bill: somebody had to do it it from inside the irs if it's true they had to do it. >> they are criminally liable. but look, bill, what's really important for the cotry is not that a lois lerner sits in jail for a year or two. that's not going to change anyng. i think what's really important for the country which is extremely upset about this scandal, above all others. everybody hates the irs and for good reason. intrusive and out-of-control agency in the government. you saw the arrogance in which lerner gets up there before committee and says i didn't violate any rules. i didn't break the law. i'm proud of what i did. and now i take the fifth amendment and won't sp anymore. try doing that when you are audited by the irs. >> bill: how about the shulman guy with 157 vi what were you doing there? i brought my kid on an
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easer egg hunt. you are right. arrogance is the right word. i know you don't put too much stock in shulman's wife being a lefty. i do. i agree with you on that. >> no, i don't. >> bill: let me make my stement and you can rip me to shah -- sledz. now we know he is married to a very very far left idealogue. now that says something. it's circumstantial but i think it's worth noting. go. >> lack, i don't think that we should do spousal associaons in this country. clarence thomas' wife who is a very admirable woman is a political activist and people have tried to attack him because of her. you don't do that in a. people who are adults have individual lives, even if they are married. and you don't taint one with the other. >> bill: no, but it's evidence, charles. evidence of what was
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probably -- >> -- that's the kind of evidence -- that's the kind of evidence that you would attack if it were used against conservatives. >> bill: no, i wouldn't. >> it's superfluous. >> >> bill: if a conservative individual was abused of abusing federal power and that person secretary of defense no i'm not an idealogue and i would never do that and was married to an unbelievably far right person, of course i would report it. it's worth reporng. and you can process it any way you want. but i think worth reporting. charles always a pleasure to see you, thank you. >> it's guilt by association and it's a place that we shouldn't go. and with this guy shulman, why do you need to go there? he has indicted himself. >> bill: all right. and we have brand new bill o' polquestion for you. make a prediction will attorney general eric holder be forced to resign yes or no? and we will give you the results on thursday. all right? next on the rundown, we will talk with the congressman who was present at the irs hearing today.
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bill: continuing now with lead story. hearings about the alleged irs abuse in washington today. joining us now from the capital building congressman tom price from georgia a member of the house ways and means committee. what's the most important thing, congressman that heard today. >> well, we had six witnesses before the committee today. i think a couple things stuck out. one is that three of them were tea party groups. patriot groups and their budgets, annually we like $2,000, one was in the hole, one was $18,000. these aren't large groups. no reason for anybody to be targeting them tore anything. the second thing which was reallyroubling. one of the groups the onors were not only leaked to an add adversarial political group but then donors were then harassed by folks. this is just chilling stuff.
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something that ought not occur certainly in this country that we know to be the land of the free and the home of the brave. >> bill: okay, now how does ito now? you heard the testimony. i mean, i think you kow and believe that there is something wrong in theist. how do we hold people accountable now? does your committee continue? do you issue subpoenas? do you ask the fbi to get involved? goes.the folks where it >> couple things. one the treasury inspector general is continuing now an investigation. before it was just an audit. now the investigation moves forward from a congressional standpoint we have got the oversight and governm reform committee and the ways and means committee both doing oversight committee we have heard from the folks top level at the irs. and then heardom the victims. then get the individuals who were on the ground those folks in cincinnati, the 48 individuals. >> bill: they are all going to take the what lois lerner did. >> i don't know if that's the case,ll.
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you certainly have to give them the opportunity to say who told you to do this? >> bill: they are going to take the fifth unless you give them immunity and your committee has the power to do that right? >> we can subpoena them and provide thatunity. and, again, at some point likely a special prosecutor because if there is criminal activity, i believe there liky was. if there is criminal activity congr can't prosecute that. >> bill: that's not your job. but, remember, they have toil the truth under oath or that's a crime as he will with. >> that's exactly right. >> bill: -- have to get involved with this. but, are yourised that the white house hasn't been more forthcoming here? as i said in the talking points memo. tell us what the 157 meetings were. you know what they were. they know why shulman was up there. shouldn't they just throw it out there? >> absolutely. why they are bleeding this out day after day day is beyond me. they ought to throw the whole amount of information. they need to come cl with the american people say who was in those meetings. what was discussed.
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why. >> bill: what was it? >> exactly. we will get to the bottom of this, i promise you. but the american people eserve the truth. and they need to have the uuth this administration. >> bill: now, do you think your colleague jim mcdermott the colleague from washington state wants the truth. do you really think he wants to know what happened there. >> his version of the truth may be different than what the american people's version of the truth might be. >> bill: running interference for the irs today. he was defending the irs. and the most vocal defender on the ways and means committee in the face of all this testimony. i knew -- you know he is a far left guy. >>e. >> bill: if it was reversed. if the bush administration had been going after media matters and these people, mcdermott woul been the first one out there with the flaming torch. >> absolutely amazing. what he was doing was saying that because the individuals came to the irs and asked for that status that it was their fawg faulted that these things happened. that really was phenomenal. >> bill: do you talk to h though? do you say what are you
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doing, jim? >> sure. >> bill: what does he say? >> absolutely. as you know he is a far leguy. he says, look, we y'all are interested in conspiracies and all this stuff. the fact of the matter this was wrong wha the irs did. i believe it to be illegal i believe we will prove that also important for people to concentrate and recognize that the irs is the enforcement arm for the affordable care act for obama c we can't allowhat toove forward. we hav introduced a bill that will preclude the irgs from either implementing or enforcing any aspect of the aca. got a lot of tractiith it and hope it moves >> bill: wwill never get it thro t the senate you know that all right, congressman. thank you very much. ahead, students attacking teachers in the public school system. is it out of control. show you shocking video. is it legal travon martin george zimmerman trial about to begin. those after these messages.
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight, we have been telling you that there is a shocking amount of violence against teachers by students in t nation's public schools. the national media pretty much ignoring the story, perhaps beuse the powerful teacher unions don't want americans to know about it. recently abc news exposed a terrible situation at the strawberry mansion high school iiladelphia. >> some kids coming to learn. others on -- this school year there have been 49 serious incidents like the ones we have filmed. one day boys fist fight. on another day girls attacking each other and the princial is caught in the middle. incidents include attacking teachers. settle fires. it's time for lunch, just before noon. this is the most serious
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part -- i know that they outnumber me. i don't know if i have another manpower to bring them back. >> watch another fight breaks out. one girl spit on the other. rues to break it up. >> take her out. >> restores order. >> calm down. >> take a deep breath. >> bill: philadelphia probably going to close that scol. with us now to analyze monica crowley and alan colmes. lmes, do you think this is a major problem. >> as a matter of fact i do. the nea does say it is as the psychological association. they all agree it is. good we are talking about it. >> bill: when i was in grammar schools they had movies like confidential and blackboard jungle. they were very very rare where the teachers would actually be assaulted by the children. 10% of america's public school teachers say they have eith been assaulted or threatened by their students. why the change? >> yeah, what we are seeing there, that is not a learning environment,. >> bill: bill no, chaos. >> that is total chaos. i think there are couple
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of things going on here. number one, breakdown of the family. you have got skyrocketing divorce rate. you have got fewer and fewe intact families with fewer and fewer fathers present. so you have families now that aren't instilling discipline and aren't instilling values and are not instilling respect for authority. >> bill: breakdown of the family is your primary cause. this is a primarily black school in philadelphia. is there a racial situation here? >> not necessarily. it could be because of poverty. it could have to do -- >> bill: there are no white schools that we know of in the country where this kind of a problem exists to that extent. >> i'm just saying before i'm going to jump and say it's a racial issue. i think we have to look at the research. sadly not a lot of research why thi happening. american psychological association and national cation association say we don't really have enough data to show exactly why this is happening. they surmise it has to it do with stress, economic stress, divorce, a parent who may be in the military, all kinds of things. >> bill: it is largely an
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african-american and hispanic american problem. that's where the violence are in those precincts. and let's expand the discussion. in new york city, 80% of all the shootings in the nation's largest town are blacks. if you add hispanic shooters, 98% of all the shootings in new york city are minority. less than 1% are white. so you are seeing not only violence in the schools, but then it translates out into the streets almost minorityprecincts.he >> yeah. >> bill: and you say? >> this is a politically inconvenient fact. >> bill: this is a hot button, boy. >> the overwhelming number of violent crimes are considered by minorities blacks and hispanics and they are not just the criminals, they are also the victims. >> bill: that's right. that's an important point. >> so it is gang activity and it's minority on minority violence.
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>> bill: so you, in new york, we have this thing stop and frisk where the police take the guns and they pat down people and the aclu doesn't like it and now there is is a judge who may throw it out. who is going to be harmed by that, colmes. >> you are right toint out that blacks are often the victims as much as the perpetrators. stop and frisk is not. the data shows it does not. >> bill: they have got about 800 guns and don't even know how many knives last year off the street on the stop and frisk. but, stats aside, stats aside, it's a fact that if you take stop and frisk away, more black americans and hispanic americans are gonna die. >> that's not a fact because the data shows. >> bill: do you believe that? >> no i do not believe that there has been a decrease in crime based on stop and frisk. >> bill: do you believe that? >> absolutely. the overwhelming majority of violent crime committed by blacks and hispanics in overwhelmingly minority communities. when you are trying to stop
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this violent crime you don't have to go into low crime areas you have to go into high crime areas to do it. they are going into these neighborhoods to do it. the minority communities in these neighborhoods where the stop and frisk policy is going on and we had enormous success in getting weapons off the streets out of the hands of gangs and criminals as been enormously successful. when you talk to minority parents they tell you they wanto continue to go on. most of them, not the politicians most of the parents do. >> bill: inconvenience. one more question, colmes. >> yes. >> bill: the statistics in school and in violent crime against african-americans are damni, they are damning, monica says it's the deterioration of the family that drives this kind of behavior. >> i think it's a ad statement. >> bill: do you believe that. >> i think that may be one factor. >> bill: give me another factor. >> another factor could be poverty. again, it's an issue of bringing people up. it's the economics of the country.
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the fact that things are getting better. crime is less when you have a better economic system. white communities they don't have this level of violence. >> bill: no. it's a fact thathe unemployment rate is much higher among african-americans particularly the youths doing all the disruption. >> that's tre. breakdown of the family and erosion of respect for family, schools, teachers, parents. >> bill: definitely happening. thank you, both. >> you bet. >> bill: republican party in trouble with young voters. a new study pinpoints why. then the trav martin murder case. george zimmerman charged trial next week. ist legal on the case. we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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>> bill: personal story seeing element tonight. 60% of voters under the age 30 cast their ballots for barack obama. only 37% voted for governor romney. that was a margin victory for the president. yesterday the college republican national committee released a report analyzing why younger voters are leaning democrat. joining us now from washington are the primary authors of that report alex smith and kristen soltis. les begin with you. what's the headline of your report. >> the headline is republi are in big trouble with young voters but there are a lot of opportunities for the g.o.p. to win them back. >> bill: that's a general headline. all right. what i want is a specific reason younger americans are voting democrat. >> one of the big reasons is there is a sense among young people that republicans don't have an
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answer to the robs that are facing them day to day that are aecting their pocketbooks and affecting their lives. >> bill: let me stop you. >> okay. >> bill: i want to be very precise on your study. how can that be possible when barack obama presides over an economy for four years that's dismal? how can it be possible that younger americans don't equate the president of the united states with the dismal economy? >> so we're finding that youeople give obama an a for effort. in data point after data point in our study we asked questions about the state of the econ and whether or not they thought that president obama's policies had made them better off. and the consistent answer was no, we don't actually think it's made anything better. we think th economy is pretty bad whe you ask them those who approve of president obama why they do, the number one word they come back with is trying is he trying. >> bill: that sounds pretty immature, ms. smith. doesn't sound like a very objective analytical
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opinion for want of a better word. so why should i care about this study or whyuld the republican party care about a bunch of kids who don't know anything and they like the guy just because he is he flashy. where -- what message does it send to the g.o.p.? >> well, to be quite frank, bill, if the republican rty ignores younger voters or continues to do so, we risk losing every national election in the future. >> bill: do you think the republican party and mitt romney ignored younger voters? do you believe they did that. >> i'm not saying there was institutional neglect of younger voters but certainly that's the way younger voters felt is that they weren't reached by the campaign or byhe republican party. >> bill: why did they feel that way? why? because when i covered the campaign certainly barack obama is younger and hipper than mitt romney. no doubt. but as far as substance was concerned, i didn't see a big difference in the two presentations. they both promised to do everything for everybody. ell, part of our report really focn the media through which the campaigns communicated with younger
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voters. and in the future we simply have to meet younger voters where they are. on yahoo news, on facebook, share shall content. >> bill: we have to have a epublica candidate who tweets? >> yes. but one of the most interesting parts of our study is it is not necessarily a coolness factor. in fact before any of the political questions were asked in the survey that kristen d we asked younger voters describe how they view themselves. coolness made it into the single digits. wanted to see themselves as cool. they want to be seen as hard working, intelligent and competent and responsible. >> bill: those are all hallmarks of the republican party earn it. work hard it seems like something is being lost. i know gay marriage is a big deal and younger americans think that's a good thing. >> when you group all the
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social issues together there is a big difference how outcome people view the issue of abortion vs. the issue of gay marriag on the issue of gay marriage there sun denialably a ga where young people are and sort of the official positi the republican party. on the issue of aboron, young voters are just as likely to say they are pro-life as pro-choice. there is not really a generation gap on that issue quite like you see on gay marriage. i don't think that the social issues make it impossible for republican candidates to win young voters. do i think that the economic issues th are the ones where they are going to have to win the battle in order to win more young voters. >> bill: i don't know how do you thatted when economic issues on the mmocratic side are dismal and the younger voters don't accept that when somebody is trying. >> think the democrats aren't doing well. if republicans can prove how we can solve problems like student loan debt and healthcare we have a chance. >ll: it comes down to cares matted particular candidate who can reach younger people and use words they understand it comes down to personality. that's what it comes dn
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. in the is it legal segment tonight, three very hot topics beginning with the travon murder trial in orida begins next week as you may know. 29-year-old george zimmerman charged with killing the 17-year-old martin in sanford, florida last year. here now fox news analysts kimberly gill foreign oil and lis wiehl. this racial undertones shrouds this whole trial, does it not. >> it does. it is irrelevant in the courtroom. >> bill: will the dgbe able to control that. >> i think so. the only issue in this courtroom is whether zimmerman actedn self-defense that night. whether he can -- he doest have to make the
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case but whether the prosecution can makehehe case. >> bill: the prosecution can prove that he didn >> that he didn't. >> bill: but it's going to ery, very intense on ry selection, guile, is not. >> the key to this whole case is going to be jury selection. regardless of where it is even tried. >> bill: and color is going to be the big thing on that. >> yeah. we can't be naive to say the race isn't going to play an issue beuse the case is about race when it comes right down to it. >> bill: it's perceived to be. >> in the public. >> bill: you have got 12 jurors, right? >> six jurors in florida. >> you only have six in florida. unidentified. >> bill: reason we had th ladies on. i did not know that. 6. maybe it should be, 2, and 2. two african-americans and two whites. >> you can't do that. >> bill: of course you can't do it. but they do it all the time. >> no. there is a whole case the supreme court case called -- >> bill: all right, little bo peep, i'm telling you attorneys do tll the time. >> they can make excuses
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and say i'm kickinghis guy off because he has curly hair or something. >> bill: would it be fair if it were two, two, would that be fair if you were an attney defending zimmerman? would you go for that. >> each of those individuals that i'm going to evaluate the evidence based upon the facts and the testimony. >> bill: if you felt they were honest human beings? >> i think there would be less criticism. >> bill: you can't have all jury and black community. u have a community where blacks make up 10% of the community. hispanics about 16. and whites about 66. do the math. >> bill: i understand that it's so explosive here. >> that would give more credibility, really in the public perception to the jury t and the outcome because of the mix. >> bill: it were based on population? if the jury was based on population. >> it could be a fair jury because the jury representing the population. >> i thinkou are making a horrible mistake here with just assuming that because one's person race that's how they are going to vote.
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i'm not assuming anything, wiehl. who is assuming thanks you are. you are saying 2, 2, and 2. >> bill: i wan the perception of fairness to be in the air. >> i think youn have that without 2, 2, and 2. >> bill: bradley manning an army private who leaks sensitive military documents to wikileaks. >> article 104 of the military code. >> is he being -- going be found guilty no doubt about it. he dismiss he did it. >> he did. >> why are we going thugh. this just put him in jail for 20 years. that'sair, right? >> they like to proce through this military trial despite the fact that he pled to a number of lesser charges. >> bill: they want him to get the max as an example. >> article 104 of the uniformode of justice aiding and abetting the enemy. >> bill: which did. >> present evidence from one of the 22 na seals that went in and raided abat bad for usama bin laden's place hard drives, materials, et cetera that connect directly back to wikileaks.
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and so theying going to be able to say. >> bill: al qaeda people do go on wikileaks. you both say guilty. >> guilty. >> bill: by the way this weasel assange, julian assange,. >> he is hiding out. >> still in the ecuadoan embassy in london. >> must be nice. unlimited room service. >> bill: it's not nice. this guy is in little room. he can't go out. >> i don't care. he is a criminal and he is avoiding charges. >> bill: he is he a criminal. >> sexual assault. >> bill: ft hood, the terrorist down there, the major is going to represent himself which is basically saying to the jury, i'm a loan,-- loon and please sentence me to death. >> horrible for the victims taking the stand that is going to croxamine the very people that he. >> bill: the judge is going to reign him in. he is not going to ask propriate questions. >> appointed lawyers that will be shadowing him for the whole trial. >> military judge taylor osborn. 12 members of the military, they all have a rank higher
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than major. >> bill: right. they are on the jury we are talking about. >> correct. they will decide. >> it begins monday. >> bill: we don't know how the travon martin case is going to come out. you say it's harder for the prosecution. >> really hard for the prosecution. >> bill: we will watch that trial and cover it in a very fair way here. number two, bradley manning is toast. >> guilty. >> 20 years. >> 20 years plus. >> that song na na na na, hay hay hay, goodbye. >> death penalty a loon. >> good. >> bill: i think we accomplished a lot here. >> i will give you b plus. >> i will give you a minus. >> ering in the valley of theory in the beginning which is a valley we never want to enter. stossel is going to tell us how to run our household finances. what nerve! stossel moments away.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, stossel matters. our pal john wants to do us all a big favor. is he going to tell us how to run our finances. >> think about this family budget. it's really ugly. income last year was $24,000. but they spent 35,000 incurring almost $11,000 in new debt. they already had lots of old debt. would say these people e highly irresponble. but this is actually the federal government's budget i just took off 8 zeros and people on the street eight zer. people on the street had an appropriate reaction to that. >> whoa, that is why. >> our future dismal if we continue in the spending pattern. >> you have to pay for
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this. is this all right for you? >> i'm broke. >> bill: you know the tragedy of this is a lot of families run their budget that way. there are families that are deep in debt. >> when you do this, you can't keep doing it. >> bill: you can declare bankruptcy, that is the fail safe position and they do. bankruptcy courts are unbelievable. >> it's nice to thk of a because you can get your brain how insane it is to spend every year, $10,000 more than you make, you already have this debt. >> bill: look, you me know i am a hawk in the deficit and debt. here is the difference, in this country are the democratic country and the liberal american cabal believe that the taxpayers are going to flow money in. so we're always going to have incoming.
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therefore, we can run a 16, $17 trillion debt because there be people investing in america because the money in the world. the paul krugmans of the world. it's krugman, he is a loon but the whole philosophy, we should spend, spend because we're not going to go bankrupt here. that is the mentality. >> because the country can print money, they can get away with it for a while but it postpones the reckoning, making makes it tougher and when our age group retires and wants medicaid and rudely refuses to die living longer than ever, it's going to be blow up in horrible ways. >> bill: how long do you it is going to be. do you have a a time frame on the blow up? >> at the current course, i
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would say 15 years. we'll see other countries go first, japan because so many old people. we're seeing greece and spain. people start to pay attention andhey start to make adjustment >> bill: so it will to have swing back to be conservative sometime. >> but conservatives haven't been about spending. >> the war on terror skewed all that out. >> there was lots of new regulators. >> bill: bush was a big spender but nothing like barack obama. >> i love the example you gave out. we are cut to the bon, we are studying why lesbians are overweight? nasa, a man to mars. irs spendg $50 million so they could go do the bugaloo.
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that but once you again get to 10 and 11, i don't ink it should be happening. >> bill: thanks for reading my book, bo. >> bill: i love those guys, i have seen them three times. >> bill: wow, and i read it so well. signed copy of killing kennedy on the way to you. factor tip of the day, keeping it personal.
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back to michael douglas told a british newspaper that throat cancer was caused by his sexual activity. of course the media ran wild with that. now he is getting heated on a number of fronts. i spoke to him and he seems like a responsible guy. i really like his father kirk who has an amazing spirit. keep it ithy it is unwise for you or anybody on this planet to talk about personal things. there is reason it is called a private life. unfortunately, there are few trustworthy people in this world. so please be discreet when speaking about yourself even to close friends and family. they may not always be close. factor tip of the day. that is it for us tonight. e check out the fox
4:58 am
news factor which is different from we would like you to spout off about the factor. we got a letter from tasmania. very nice island is. any time if you wish to opine, no flommer cr when writing to us. again, thanks for watching. i am bill o' -- flummery. we are definitely looking out for you. good morning to you.
4:59 am
. thanks for watching fox and friends first. overnight, we have shocking news to tell you about. it's really rocking the baseball world this morning. espn is now reporting that major league baseball is waiting in the on on deck circle to suspend nearly 20 players up to 100 games for using performance enhancing drugs and the list includes some of the biggest names in baseball, including alex rodriguez and 2011's mvp ryan braun. >> good morning. if what we're hearing is true, it would be the largest doping scandal in sports history. this is a guy it all centers around, tony bosch, founder of the now defunct biogenesis clinic. reportedly he's reached a deal to talk and name names and in exchange he won't face any charges. you're
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