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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 6, 2013 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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when writing the factor. i'm bill o'reilly. remember that the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out
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she is at onceg and preg matic. i think everybody understands she's a fierce champion for justice. and a patriot. puts the down the tri first, she's fearless and tough. as our ambassador to the un she's been a tireles advocate in our interests. >> a tireless advocate in advancing our interests? back
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in september, 2012 susan rice was sent on five separate sunday shows to down play al qaeda in the benghazi attack. she blamed the deaths of four americans on the you tube video said waits spontaneous. considering the fact miss rice is about to become the president's top advisor on matters of national security it's important to look back on things she said just days after the consulate was hit and our ambassador assassinated. let's watch this. >> this was not a preplan add tack. that what happened it was a spon tain wrus reaction to what just transpired in cairo. as a consequence of the video. what happened in benghazi was in fact a spontaneous reaction to what just transpired hours before in cairo. almost a copy cat of the demonstrations against the facility in cairo which were prompt bid the video.
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it began spontaneously in benghazi as a reaction to what transpired some hours earlier in cairo. >> sean: still, nine months later a number of important unanswered questions about ben gazy. one, who is responsible for editing those talking points? two, during eight hours what was the president doing? two, who orders our military stand down? one thing is certain. thanks to the announcement it's going to be difficult to answer questions why? well, because you won't know it but the new post does not require senate approval. as a member of the staff the president can prevent her from having to testify. joining me now with reaction is lindsay gram. we'll be right back. >> that is good lead in thank
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you. >> what is your reaction? >> let me tell what you greg hicks said about the sunday appearances. this is the number two time our second in charge. the last guy before he died. he said when he heard susan rice appearing on sunday television he was stunned, my jaw dropped and i was embarrassed. he gets demoted what is wrong with this story? >> what are the unanswered questions you have? what do you think the was -- she poured it through and she said this is not in the talking points the consulate was strongly and substantially secured and reminded american people bin laden was dead and al qaeda, decimated. she was selling the foreign
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poll shism was providing deceptive information about the true fact in benghazi. she hz a credibility problem. she is chosen by the president to be a national security advisor and unconfirmable as secretary of state. having said that i will work with her because the foreign policy is a failure and our friends are scared. but what i want to know i want to hear from survivors nine months after the attack we haven't heard from a person in benghazi. we don't know who, on that saturday, before she appeared on the sunday program changed the talking points. who was in the deputies meeting in the white house that went from truth to garbage and changed talking points? we don't know anything what our breatheren did. they made two movies about the bin laden raid. giving one interview after
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another and deserves credit. we don't know when he went to bed. >> i would like to know when i first heard thrk my reaction is this is the president, she doesn't need confimpl maigs what. was your first thought? >> i thought is this the kind of person that one nern a position of responsibility? name a person who lost their job because of benghazi. susan rice being promoted or chosen as national security advisor after her performance in benghazi is the president telling us i've got no problem with what my administration did misleading the american people. telling a narrative that didn't hold water, he's comfortable with the leadership and what she told him.
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and i call chasing rabbits. >> is the president coming through? he wants a meeting talking about other things. el=, everybody would talk aboutt(ñr0h do you think maybe there is a trap set here for republicans? kinld of hoping they're going to go out there and attack susan rice as samantha powers hoping they say something over the top? >> i don't know if they're that clever about it. i think the president has chosen someone he feels comfortable w i will work with susan rice. the middle east is on fire right now. the king of jordan kinging -- hanging by a thread. our friends in israel under siege. so i need to work with the administration when i can. >> quick answers rapid fire questions. do we know why or who denied the additional security?
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>> no. but i think he had to blame secretary clinton because it's her job to provide security. >> no. i want to know who told carl he couldn't go to the fight. >> do we know where the president was that night? after he had been told at 4:00 in the afternoon? >> do we know whook, after the original talking points for the troops involved into a web of lies? do we know where that came from? >> we knew it came from the meeting in the white house. and we haven't heard from one survivor in benghazi. i've cut a small force down for stone walling congress. we're going to find out the answers for all of the questions because the american
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people deserve it they do. especially family that's lost loved ones. >> especially families. thank you. >> yes, sir. >> still ahead breaking news eric holder vows he has no5+>gy intention of stepping down. but first coming up next the mother of sean smith one of the four killed in benghazi will join me live to react to susan rice's promotion, coming up next also, tonight... >> republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black mani] in the white house. >> michelle malkin going to scare off on the next attempt to defend the president. plus, you get to choose the video of the day tonight. log on and you can join us on twitter here is option one. a student shot in the head just two months ago surprises his fellow classmates on graduation night and brings down the house with a speech.
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check out family summer camp at bass pro shops.. where kids can try the catch and release pond, take in a workshop and earn a new pin. make a craft and more, all for free. plus, check out all the great gifts for dad during our father's day sale. but, dad, you've got... [ voice of dennis ] allstate. with accident forgiveness, they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. [ voice of dennis ] indeed. are you in good hands? >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." pass we continue to exam today's disturbing personal changes in the obama administration. juaone question we have is whao the family members of the four americans killed in benghazi think about the promotion?
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sean smith was one of the victims on that tragic september night. joining me is pat smith. again, we have spoken before, i'm sorry about the loss of your son. your rehe action to the promotion that she got today? >> it is kind of curious. i don't understand why obama would want a proven liar to be his security advisor. that makes no sense to me at all. >> sean: what would you say to the president if he was watching right now or if you were sitting in a room alone with the president what would you like to say to him? >> i would like to say please just listen to the american people. don't listen to whoever it is that is advising you. i don't know who is advising you. i don't know who you are listening to, but it is wrong. it is very wrong. and it won't help. >> sean: you told me as you were communicating your son before this september 11th attack that your son told you
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about the numerous requests for security that they had made. what can you tell the -- the american people i think need to hear this. what did your son tell you? >> he told me mom, i saw pictures -- i saw people taking pictures out here. he says i'm very worried. he says i asked for help. i asked for security and all they he have done is turned me he down. i don't know what else to say. i can't put words in his mouth but i know he was -- he was afraid. he was is worried about it. and i know he did not get the security that he asked for. and that other people have asked for. >> sean: you said in arc an interview nine months later here we are still waiting for answers to just about everything and you wished back mother'sllary a happy mother's day. she has her child and i don't have mine because of h her. why are you convinced it was is
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h her responsibility? >> i know it was h hers. i know it was hers. i can't prove anything but i know in the depth of my soul i know it was her's. it was her department. it was her area and she was in charge. i don't care if she doesn't admit it. she was in charge and she should have been in charge and that is who obama is listening to. >> sean: as we talked with nascar graham we don't know who denied security and gave the standdown orders and why the elaborate lie was built. your son got an award. >> yes, he did. >> sean: you weren't invited to it. tell everybody that story. what happened? >> that was really hilarious. i'm laughing as you can see. when i went to the the casket ceremony they told me there was going to be an award and they would send for me, that they would get me over there so i could witness the award. they didn't do it. and then not only did they not do that, they -- it is so hard
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for me to talk. every time i think about it i get all upset and my blood pressure goes really high so if i keel over here are you will know why. >> sean: no keeling over on the show. we want to take good care of you. >> the last time i saw obama on tv my blood pressure shot up so high i had to take extra pills because of it. he lies and everybody surrounding him. they are not the telling the truth and i don't know why and i don't know why they are telling the american people that. they are telling me this. >> sean: why didn't they he want you to go to the ceremony? >> because i was not a member of the immediate family and i have no that in writing. >> sean: the mother is not part of the immediate family. you are his mother. >> that is what they told me and i have that in writing from the state department that i was not going to be sent -- they were not going to pay my way
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for anything because i was -- i guess i was not entitled to know. >> sean: i'm glad you got to go. >> thanks to you. >> sean: i was glad to be able to help. i'm glad you did get to go and you deserved to be there. thanks for being with us and we appreciate you being here. >> thank you. >> sean: coming up next right here on "hannity." >> republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the white house. >> sean: the left wing media pulling out all of the punches to defend president obama. when we come back, james and michelle here for a heated "hannity" debate. that's next. and then breaking news about the dying 10-year-old girl sarah whose family was begging to have her name added to a lung transplant list and then kathleen sebelius said well, some people live and some people die. a court stepped in and her father and aunt will join us to learn how they may in fact get
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a happy ending to the story. log on to the special companion site. pick the video of the day. here is option number two. >> i don't care are what you believe in. we don't bush wait, wait, wait. -- wait, wait, wait. one of the the things that i don't do well is this. >> sean: cast your vote. the first lady interrupted by hecklers. things got a little nasty. uh-oh! guess what day it is??
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>> sean: welcome back to "hannity." tomorrow the house oversight committee will hold yeter in hearing about the irs. this time focus on the tax agency wes wasteful spending ad
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there is mo more questions about when the white house knew about the scandal. and the campaign manager publiclied a vited me was? some of the private meetings with the disgraced former irs commissioner shulman at the glows there was a number of times mr. shulman was cleared in white house. many of the meetings were for healthcare implementation. i was in there with him. that fairousing that fairou going on. this is a fabricated debate. >> watch this from nbc news. >> the irs is being used in the same way they tried to use the president's birth cert cal. for republicans like darrell issa the irs stands for something inflammatory. the three letters are now on fire with political corruption and malfeasance burning hot
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just like the suspicious fire that engulfed mr. issa's warehouse back in 1982. and despite the complete lack of any evidence linking the president to the targeting of tea party groups, republicans are using it as their latest weapon in the war against the black man in the white house. >> sean: according to a brand new bloomberg poll 47% believe the president is not being truthful when claims he didn't have prior knowledge about the irs scandal. joining us, author michelle malkin and democratic strategic james carville. two articulate people. james, are you concerned with the admission that people have been targeted in the country because of their political beliefs? does that bother you? >> yes. >> sean: tell me more. >> if it was a republican president and she the shoe is on the other foot i thought we
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should get to the bottom of it. i think it is a perfectly legitimate question to ask. the idea that the white house is directing it is really remote. i don't really blame you or republicans for asking questions about this. i would find any torting of anybody based on political when beliefs to be offensive. >> sean: i'm a registered -- michelle, i she shock. >> my shocked face. i'm glad to hear the admission. i would like to hear it more from the ilk and minuteons of the democratic party and among james carville's cohorts. and i think it is especially valuable that we get that admission because, of course, mr. carville himself works for the notorious witch hunter in chief bill clinton whose irs tactics really have now been perfected by the barack obama
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administration. you recall, billydale and jennifer flowers and paulaons and what happened to them. not only the scandals involved in the internal revenue service doing the document and dumpster diving of these political enemies of your boss, but also, of course, the ad homonym smears and personal destruction carried to a steroid level under the current administration. >> it's not funny. >> excuse me but i have been through this. at any rate, i think they want to ask questions i think that is fine. i don't think that the idea that the white house was directing this is i think pretty far out there but i don't blame them for -- why is that so far out? pardon me. you just heard stephanie cutter who is one of the biggest
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political beasts not the obama administration and top operative for the campaign admit that she was in these meetings with doug shulman. she thinks that is ex-culpa torre. i found that to be damning and indicting. >> doug shulman was a bush appointee that was a holdover. >> oh, we are back to that again. >> are we going to -- are you going to allow me to talk or just interrupt me the whole time. >> go ahead. >> sean: james, go ahead. >> secondly part of her job is according to a white house biowas implementation of affordable care act. and i think that is -- if thisth is a question then chairman issa or whatever should call her up there and ask her and put her under oath. i don't have any problem with that. >> sean: what is one thing that surprised me is that nobody in the administration has been put under oath to this time. i want to ask you both about susan rice and powers if i can for just a moment. >> sure. >> james, you know i was a
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staunch critic of the clinton administration. >> right. >> sean: i never called powers -- i never called hillary is monster. powers did. do you think susan rice appointment was just to poke people in the eye? that was is a good move 12346789. >> she is eminently qualified. an ambassador. i think that the president likes her. and he felt bad about having to pull down the secretary of state and i think he won the election and he will appoint her and if it irritates people i don't think it bothers people in the least bit. i was a friend of richard holbrook who she didn't get along with. >> sean: she doesn't have to be confirmed here. think he is kind of saying too bad what you think? >> yeah. i don't think he cares. i don't think he cares what you think or i think or anybody else does. i think he thinks that he is
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entitled to his appointment and he has a qualified person he likes a lot and he wants h her in that position. >> sean: michelle? >> it is not just a poke in the eye. it is a middler to all of the victims of the benghazi disaster and i underand it that in a previous statement that james carville himself said benghazi was "unquote nothing. tell that to the victims that died result of the income pa tense and lying of thissed a hen station. it is utmost defiance to you the here into any position of international security. you state her academic credentials and there are people on both sides of the aisle, foreign policy and the dailey caller that raised questions about her two decade long record of income p incompe as a state department official.
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i it is all so funny to you. it is not. >> what i think is she is totally exonerated. she was parroting cia talking points. everybody knows that. it has all been and the investigation is out there and i didn't say that wednesday itself is nothing. in fact, the secretary of state apologized for it. >> you said it was nothing. i saw it. >> excuse me? do i get to talk or just you. because. >> it is a conversation. >> all right. >> sean: we have to end it there. appreciate it. good to see you both. thank you for being can us. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> sean: coming up next, the family of a dying 10-year-old girl gained hope after a federal judge's ruling allows her to be named to the adult trax reaction little girl about's father ande aunt. and tonight, the attorney general says he has no intention of stepping down. here is option number three for the video of the day.
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>> sean: new developments regarding the growing scandal surrounding the top law enforcement officer. over four hours ago, attorney general holder missed the deadline to explain his questionable may 15 testimony. republicans were expecting a formal response from holder after they dismissed the letter sent to them by the justice department on monday saying it was inadequate in terms of its response and it did not come from the attorney general himself. the attorney general holder confirmed earlier tonight to nbc news that despite growing calls his resignation he has no intention of stepping down. >> there are things that i want to get i
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discussed with the president and i will sit down with him and he will determine when it is time to make a transition to a new attorney general. >> you are not stepping down now? >> no, i have no intention of doing so now. >> sean: here with reaction. former new york city mayor rudy giuliani. you were an attorney general. >> i was an associate and u.s. attorney general. i worked in the justice department for more years in my life and this anywhere else. i'm heart broken by the way this attorney general is handling it. he is putting the entire integrity of the justice department at stake. the answer that he gave to congress if you give him ever review board benefit of the doubt was ambiguous and misleading. some people will say it was false and perjurery hous. i will say it was ambiguous and mislead. now, you owe congress an explanation. what were you -- what did you mean when you said that you
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hadn't instigated any kind of prosecution. >> sean: wouldn't do it. >> wouldn't do it. i could see a possible answer that he has but he has to give it. the failure to give it creates enormous problems. i attribute that to the arrogance of this administration. no different than the president appointing susan rice today. they believe because they have gotten such unbelievably favorable coverage they are immune. they can take someone that went on national television and lied about benghazi. either lied or so woefully incompetent they he can't read a report and say this makes no sense. made her a national security advisor to side step congress. now this attorney general is telling congress i don't owe you an explanation of a statement that he made that was clearly misleading. >> sean: the two coming on the same day defiance.
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poke in the eye? >> complete defiance and complete reliance on the fact that a lot of the media will give them a pass and this and they can skate by. hopefully they keep building this up and they will really be held to account the way a president and attorney general and national security advisor and ambassador to the u.n. should be held to account. certainly if this was a republican president this would not be allowed to happen. >> sean: explain to me the out -- because when saided -- he was under oath and said i didn't do it, odd don' wouldn', it would be dumb to do it. but at the same time he signed an affidavit. >> he said i didn't instigate a prosecution. i'm not at the point yet where i'm prosecuting. here is where the ambiguity comes in.
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he announced the conduct was serious enough to be investigating him for committing a crime. so now you are splitting hairs. what is the difference between prosecution and investigation. >> sean: did that open a door that he might have lied to the judge? >> yes, of course. i think the most serious thing is that affidavit is totally inappropriate. and completely out-of-bounds. because i think the original affidavit was turned down. i think they tried to get permission from the judge. the judge turned them down and then they went ahead and basically accused mr. rosen of crimes to get what they wanted. i think that is far worse than what it going on right now. the simple fact is this man will not answer any questions about it. basically the attorney general not giving an answer today is tantamount to taking the fifth amendment. not going to answer. >> sean: he is not answering. a deadline by may 31 for the irs to turn over documents.
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still don't have e-mails from benghazi nine months later. >> this is a guy with a press corps that wows down to him. that is how he became president. willing to push hillary clinton aside. things other presidents get examined for they he basically ignored. they believe they can get away with this. h have a high level official take the fifth amendment. that is usually like a catastrophe. the attorney general can tell congress i gave a misleading possibly false answer i don't have to give you an lax nation. they can appoint someone as national security advisor who gave an explanation on television that is a disgrace. this is not just putting ther in the eyes of republicans or conservatives. how about totally disrespectful to the people who loss lives there and their families. >> sean: seems to be he a common thread in the three scandals. benghazi the truth became a web
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of lies. with eric holder and the i didn't do that yet he signed the affidavit. the irs they said it was rogue agents now we have the transcripts from the people in cincinnati that says washington told us to do it. >> when you get away with ob obfuscating for years, from the president to the irs, how about the guy i was there for the easter egg hunt. come on! >> sean: i guess the big question is how dangerous is this for them? about they are not telling the truth in each instance -- i would never lie under oath because i would feel i would get prosecuted. >> we don't know how you dangerous it is because we don't know will the media finally turn on them.
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will the rest of the media finally turn on them and start to treat them -- >> sean: i would bet no. >> start to treat them like government oh officials stepping all over our lines. i think that if competent decisions were made the four people in benghazi who died would still be alive. i believe that political necessities trumped sensible security decisions. there is no possible way if i had found out for six months that one of my police precincts was being attacked that i would deprive it of security and if i did there is no way the new york press corps would let me get away with it. >> sean: the american people in the bloomberg poll today they don't believe the president any more. >> if it continues in that direction he may be out of trump cards that he can play because the fact is so far he has been able to get away with
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it and that is what he is banking on. but the reality is this is an arrogance more excessive than i have seen before. more excessive than even seen in the nixon administration. >> sean: adjudge ruled hours agentleman her name could be added to the adult lung transplant list and we will talk about that next. don't forget we always want to hear your thoughts. pick the video of the day. log on to we will show you the video that we will show you the video that you choose in is this where we do that bundling thing? let's see what you got. rv, covered. -why would you pay for a hotel? -i never do. motorcycles, check. atv. i ride those. -do you? -no. boat. -house? -hello, dear. -hello. -hello.
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>> sean: a fox news alert. a federal judge ruled in favor of a temporary request for a dying ten-year-old girl named sarah murnahan. she is now eligible to have her name added to an adult lung transplant list. the ruling comes after her parents filed a lawsuit asking a federal judge to change organ donation rules for children which say that kids under the age of 12 must wait for pediatric lungs to become available. the doctors feel they could successfully perform a transplant with adult lungs. it could greatly improve the chances for sarah. when sarah heard the news she was thrilled. watch. >> wahoo! >> sean: tonight we were supposed to have her father and aunt on the program. they had to rush back to the hospital and her aunt may join us on the phone in a few minutes. joining me in the studio with reaction to today's developments, fox news legal
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analyst peter johnson, jr. he has been speaking with the family since the story began and helping a lot. >> we have been advocating and the people at fox news have been leading the charge for sarah and i just spoke to her aunt, sharon ruddic three minutes ago and she asked me not the to say specifically but sarah was facing a dire emergency tonight. so our prayers and a i know your prayers go out to the family really big time because they need it right at this moment. they need a circle of pairs. >> i got to tell you i want to play the comment of kathleen sebelius our health and human services secretary. just a simple comment and i found is so cold and so callous. led our audience decide. >> again, this is an incredibly agonizing situation where someone lives and someone dies. >> representative larletta of
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pennsylvania said i'm begging you the doctors think the adult lungs could work. change the rules. she doesn't have time. >> this is the immorality of big government regulation. they don't have science on their side. i spoke to dr. sweet who helped make the regulations and went through chapter and verse why are the children considered second-class americans. why are children dying at twice the rate of adults? why are you holding the lungs back from sarah. i couldn't get any answer. this under 12 rule means that you are not treated like a human being. >> but the doctors are confident that the adult lungs would work. they take a small piece of each lung and implant it in sarah and girls and boys that age and save their lives but here in this country we say we don't value the lives of children. we don't value those under 12 years old. you have to wait and die at
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twice the rate of the adults which is happening. and judge bal eson in appointeeia a reagan appoint said no, wait a second, come to the courtroom and explain and show he cause why sarah must die. >> sean: i tell you one has to wonder and i'm not the trying to politicize the case in any way. i'm hoping and praying for the family and this little girl. i read that she may only have three to five weeks to live. >> whey was hearing tonight doesn't sound good. >> made me pause. i met sarah last week and spent an hour with her. she said to me peter i want to tell you my life story. >> sean: ten years old. >> and talked about her cousins and one is a trickster and showed me magic tricks and played cards for me and sang and said i love my pigs i want to be a veterinarian. this is a great american as you say. we need to save her and save
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our constitution. >> sean: if kathleen sebelius had her way this opening wouldn't exist. let me show you an exchange between her and the congressman. >> first as a mother and grand mother i can't imagine anything more agonizing than what the family is going through and i talked to the mother of sarah about this case. what i have also done is looked very carefully at the history of the rules around lung transplanting and organ transplant. >> with all due respect i'm going to reclaim my time. simply takes your signature. a study you ordered and i appreciate that but a study will take oh over a year. this young lady will be dead. >> sean: she wouldn't give her signature. >> 9:53 and 30 seconds in new york city. by 9:54 if she said that sarah could get an opportunity to get the lungs she will get the
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lungs. the judge has given until june 14. a reprieve on her life at this point. >> sean: she is on the list as an adult. >> americans need to speak out and tell washington and the federal district court judge that we want equity and fairness for sarah and life for sarah. >> sean: great job. thanks for what you are doing here. >> sean: coming up next we will reveal the winner of the day, the video of the day that you chose. which one is it? the boys used double miles from their capital one venture card to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actuay use, you never miss the fun. beard growing conte and go! ♪
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have hail damage to both their cars. ted ted is trying to get a hold of his insurance agent. maxwell is not. he's on setting up an appointment with an adjuster. ted is now on hold with his insurance company. maxwell is not and just confirmed a 5:30 time for tuesday. ted, is still waiting. yes! maxwell is out and about... with ted's now ex-girlfriend. wheeeee! whoo! later ted! online claims appointments. just a click away on >> sean: welcome back to "hannity." time to reveal what you have selected as video of the day. tonight vote literally was really, really close. but the winner is the audio of michelle obama first time audio is one confronting a protester at a fundraiser. threatened to leave the event if the protester doesn't stop
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interrupting h her all important speech. listen up. >> we have an obligation to stand up for those kids and i don't care what you believe in we don't -- wait, wait. one of the things i -- one of the things that i don't do well is this. one of the things -- >> sean: that is not all according to the washington post a reporter who was in the room said that the first lady walked over to the protester and said "listen to me or you can take the mike but i'm leaving. you all decide you have one choice ." the protester was then reportedly escorted out of the room and said in an interview she was stunned by the first lady's response. she came right down in my face. i was taken aback. by the way, michelle obama's suggestion that she would leave the event that didn't actually make it into the official white house transcript. i wonder why? transparency. the most transparent ever. l


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