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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 17, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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[ le announcer ] one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn. martha: thanks for coming today, and we'll be back here tomorrow. bill: rocking day. see you tuesday. martha: bye, everybody. jenna: right now brand new stories and be breaking news. jon: well, the nsa could release new details on its surveillance program very soon. will that be enough to convince skeptical americans the reasons for snooping are worth it? and this is the most destructive wildfire in colorado's history. one sheriff there comparing the damage to a nuclear bomb explosion. now a new set of investigators on the scene, how their involvement could give us clues as to how this fire started. and no defense, a pitcher takes a direct hit. the baseball traveling more than a hundred miles an hour. how he's doing today. it's all "happening now." ♪ ♪
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jon: whoa, that's tough to watch, that baseball pitch. jenna: it is. jon: but we have some good news on that coming up. we are awaiting new information on the government's snooping programs, specifically more details about how it has kept americans and others safe. good morning to you, i'm jon scott. jenna: hi, everybody, i'm jenna lee. thanks for starting off your week with us. as early as today, we expect the head of the nsa to publicly release a list of suspected terror plots disrupted by the phone number surveillance program. this comes as calls grow for more transparency about how the collection of the data has strengthened national security. people want evidence of this, that it's actually working. the government has revealed how the program thwarted two attacks, one was this man's plan to target a new york city subway system in 2009. that got a whole lot of publicity, and this man's intention to ban a newspaper building. national security correspondent jennifer griffin is live with
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more on this story from the pentagon. what can you tell us about some of the plots that the nsa says are evidence that these programs are helping us and keeping us safe? >> reporter: well, jenna, we expect more details about these programs to be declassified today, but we're still waiting for those deillals from the -- details from the nsa. one includes the new york subway bomber, najibullah saz si. the nsa used the prison program to monitor al-qaeda-linked terrorists online in pakistan. they discovered one was calling a number in the u.s. in colorado. they then used the surveillance program to pass the phone number of zazi on to the fbi who discovered the new york subway plot and stopped it. zazi's co-conspirator was sentenced to life in prison last november. the intention community right now is -- intelligence community right now is deciding which plot toss declassify. >> we can't just throw it out and then wish later we had
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protected it. we've got to do this right, and that means being deliberate. what -- but we also want to be transparent. i think the president made those statements, and it makes sense. the american people know that what we're doing is right. >> reporter: in 2012 less than 300 phone numbers were checked by the nsa according to their records, and the data that they collect has to be destroyed within five years, jenna. jenna: interesting. more details about the actual program. you have the program, jennifer, and then, of course, the politics as well. so what has the reaction been from those republicans who created the program after 9/11 and now still in office and are weighing in on it at this time? >> reporter: well, it was very interesting this weekend on fox news sunday to hear former vice president dick cheney talk about the program and how the program was, in essence, set up in his office in the white house in con con -- conjunction with the cia and the nsa at the time.
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he explained how the phone surveillance and metadata helped them after they caught khalid sheikh mohammed in pakistan. cheney helped set up this program with the former head of the cia george tenet and former cia director mike hayden in 2001. >> what this program allows us to do and the way it was set up and the way it's been operated is when we went to karachi and captured khalid sheikh mohammed, we could get his rolodex and see who he was talking to in the united states. >> reporter: the low-level nsa employee who leaked these programs to "the guardian" newspaper is holding a live online chat to answer questions about these programs. you can follow it on twitter at hash tag asksnowden. meanwhile, we await the nsa and information from the intel community about the other plots that these programs helped to disrupt. jenna? jenna: all right. we'll stay on that and watch for developments. jennifer, thank you. jon: the newspaper that first
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broke the nsa leak story now releasing new information. britain's "guardian" newspaper reports the british intelligence agency essentially spied on foreign diplomats during a pair of g20 meetings back in 2009. greg talcott is live in london with more on that. what other revelations are emerging here, greg? >> reporter: interesting stuff, jon. the timing might not be the best, but it's arguably not a coincidence. these latest revelations coming from nsa leaker edward snowden coming on the first day that the u.k. is hosting the g8 summit up in northern ireland. these new documents indicate that agents for the nsa equivalent here, the gchq, eavesdropped on various delegations at the g20 summits back in 2009. now, this followed the global economic collapse, so these were high stakes talks and, apparently, approved by the government of then-.gordon brown. -- then-prime minister
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gordon brown. a team of 45 agents were working around the clock realtime following both phone calls and messages from various officials involved with this summit. also included in this latest document dump of information u.s. agents working for the nsa over here in the u.k. were also listening in on communications with then-russian president dmitri dmitry medvedev. he was at those summits as well. as you recall at that time, the obama administration was trying to reset relations with russia, jon. jon: we have the g8 now be, what's the mood among the delegates there as this information is breaking? >> reporter: well, the suspicion is, jon, at least some of the officials there might be a little more circumspect with their communications at this summit. current u.k. prime minister david cameron, in fact, was asked today if there's any kind of surveillance going on like this right now at the summit. he said he never comments on security and intelligence matters.
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now, some of the delegations that were specifically targeted back in 2009 including key u.s. ally turkey is actually asking questions as is russia. some officials there quite upset about these revelations. but, you know, it is widely suspected that there is a fair amount of surveillance at these summits, and it's widely known that both u.s. and russia even in the post-cold war era are listening to each other. but it's rare that you get this kind of detail. in a couple of hours, there is set a meeting between president obama and now-russian president putin. it's expected that it'll be semi-private anyway, jon. jon: a lot of whispered conversations at that meeting, that's for sure. greg talcott in london, thank you. jenna: back to washington now, a brand new plan today on capitol hill to repeal the health care law known as obamacare frequently and replace it with a system of tax credits. the latest fox news poll shows a majority of americans oppose the law, so we'll see where this
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plan goes. our chief national correspondent jim angle is live in washington with more. hi, jim. >> reporter: hello, jenna. a new fox poll finds that americans oppose it by a 55-40% be margin, a 6% increase from last year at this time. meanwhile, president obama is bragging about how well implementation is going even while acknowledging some problems. >> now, that's not to say that everything's going to go perfectly right away. when you're implementing a program in this large, there will be some glitches. there are going to be some hiccups. >> reporter: now, georgia republican dr. tom pryce also sees problems in the health care system but thinks obamacare is the wrong approach and wants to repeal and replace it. his plan would let doctors and patients decide what kind of care they want while obamacare dictates the details of coverage, then gives government subsidies, taxpayer subsidies to some but not automatic dr. pryce
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would use the kinds of tax breaks that large companies enjoy and expand tax breaks to everyone. >> allows for every single american to have the financial feasibility and wherewithal to be able to purchase coverage that they want for themselves, not that the government wants for them. >> reporter: now, he says no one should lose insurance if they change or lose their jobs and should not be priced out of the market if they get a bad diagnosis. president obama's recent trip to california was to highlight low rate increases from 13 companies under something called covered california. but analysts say that's misleading because it's not the same insurance others get. >> there's a blue shield plan now in california that will be sold under the exchange that only has a third of the doctors that the normal blue shield plan covers. >> reporter: nor would those plans cover the best hospitals. goodman argues most plans will cost some 60% more than people
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pay now, especially young people. jenna in. jenna: more on this story as it develops. jim, thank you. >> reporter: yes, ma'am. jon: remember the early claim in the irs scandal that the targeting of conservative groups did not go beyond rogue agents in the cincinnati office? one former employee based in washington says that is not the case. what she is revealing now. and the self-confessed mastermind of 9/11 heads to court at gitmo today as the obama administration makes a new push to close that detention facility. what it means for the more than 100 suspected terrorists now held at gitmo. ♪ ♪ everybody has different investment objectives, ideas, goals, appetite for risk. you can't say 'one size fits all'. it doesn't. that's crazy. we're all totally different. ishares core. etf building blocks for your personalized portfolio.
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. right now we're following headlines from overseas, and we're going to start off with iran. iran's new president-elect says the u.s. must recognize his
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country's nuclear rights if it wants direct talks, if we're willing to go back to diplomacy here. the office says tehran will not suspend its uranium enrichment program. iran denies it's trying to build nuclear weapons. a new report says saudi arabia is supplying syria with aircraft missiles. quote, it's on a small scale. again, this is just one report, but saudi arabia's a strong opponent of syrian president assad, so we'll keep you posted on that. and britain's prince phillip is leaving the hospital today ten days after having exploratory surgery on his abdomen. the palace says he will spend the next few months recovering. jenna: well, some new information now on the irs targeting of conservative groups. congressional sources confirm to fox news this former irs supervise scrutinized tea party group requests for tax-exempt status. holly paz is based in
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washington. she told congressional investigators she reviewed 20-30 applications going back as far as 2010 and says some of those requests went unanswered for more than a year. we're told paz provided no evidence that senior irs officials ordered agents to target the groups or that anyone in the obama administration outside the agency was involved. still, the admission complicates the earlier claim that is the targeting was limited to a handful of rogue employees in the cincinnati irs office. let's talk about it with jamie weinstein, senior editor of "the daily caller." as this story goes along, we learn more and more new information, and we're finding out that, apparently, it wasn't just these rogue agents in cincinnati, jamie. >> well, honestly, i think this story raises more questions than it answers. certainly, we learn again that it contradicts the narrative that from the beginning this was just, you know, some rogue agents in the cincinnati office. but now we're supposed to believe this bizarre tale that
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holly paz tells us that she was the understanding that tea party was just a catch word for liberal and conservative groups and that while the irs wasn't handling applications for 12 months, that was because she thought the cincinnati office was handling these applications while the sis natty -- cincinnati office thought the washington office was coming up with some basis to handle the applications. apparently, there was no communication between the two. so this just raises, i think, more questions than it answers. jon: well, and it also suggests a whole lot of government incompetence if these applications can just sit on somebody's desk for a year, and nobody notices. >> exactly. and it doesn't answer many other questions that are still out there. why were inappropriate questions asked to the tea party groups that were audited like what books are they reading? why was a group's info leaked, the family research center which is a conservative group -- jon: right.
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family research council. >> right. sorry about that. leaked to their political enemies. why was someone like frank van der sloot, a romney donor, audited two with times by the irs and one time by the justice department four months after being attacked by the obama campaign? there's just still so many questions that this only begins to touch the surface of. jon: right. and the irs, maybe not surprisingly, is not commenting on these new developments despite the protestations of lois lerner who, again, blamed it all on these rogue agents in cincinnati. >> exactly. and she's taken, of course, the fifth amendment. and holly paz's testimony, it just doesn't add up to me, this idea that she thought tea party was a catch word for both conservative and liberal groups. maybe that's the case, but that would be a fairly bizarre interpretation. jon: so what do you think is the answer here? congress has been holding hearings. lois lerner, as you said, is taking the fifth. where do we go from here? >> well, i would like to see a
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special prosecutor. i think we need to have a thorough investigation to see if there was any wrongdoing, criminal wrongdoing here. we know that the irs commissioner visited the white house many, many times, certainly many more times than his predecessor. that could be completely innocent, or there could be conversations there that led to some of these things. we don't know. and i think we need an investigation to find out, to, you know, comfort the american people to show them exactly what was going on here. maybe it was completely innocent, but why don't we have a thorough investigation by a special prosecutor to find out. jon: jamie weinstein is senior editor at "the daily caller," and i'm sure you'll be keeping an eye on this as we will here at fox news. thank you. >> thank you. jenna: nsa leaker edward snowden has harmed national security, but that's not all he had to say. and fire fighters make progress against this deadly wildfire, the most destructive in the history of the state of
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colorado. federal agents are getting involved looking into a new possible cause of this huge fire. we're going to speak to the sheriff coming up on what's prompting this and what's next.
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jenna: right now the site of the colorado wildfire is an active crime scene. atf agents are helping local authorities investigate the cause of this fire. the atf is usually called in the when arson is suspected. >> this is a crime scene until proven otherwise. and i am not going to compromise the investigation or any evidence at the risk of letting people in too soon. it has far expanded beyond my arson investigator. we have brought experts in to give us the greatest possible chance to not only determine the cause, but whether there was criminal intent or not. jenna: the fire is now more than
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60% contained. people there are eager to return home to see what's left. >> we want to know information. we want to know when we can get back in, you know? what's burnt, what isn't, you know? real things. >> we just want one thing to go home with that we didn't know when we came in here, and we're not getting that. jenna: surely frustrating, even heartbreaking really. so far the black forest fire has burned more than 15,000 acre, roughly the same size as manhattan. it is the most destructive wildfire in colorado state history, so think about that. it's a big one. it's early in the season. joining me now by phone is el paso county, colorado county sheriff terry maketa, and we've seen you on the air talking about this fire. why now are we hearing more about arson? why do you have -- do you have any reason to believe this fire was set intentionally? >> no, we have no reason to belief -- believe that. it's just part of the process of
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identifying the point of origin and really trying to determine whether it was arson or intentionally or accidentally set. jenna: do you have any persons of interest? >> no, not at this point. i mean, we've gotten a lot of real positive tips we're following up on. we've got eyewitness accounts, but it really comes down to a combination of what people saw and the scientific evidence we can collect that tells the story. jenna: what did people see? >> just different activity in the area. witnesses from the start of the smoke plume and the information they're providing there that can indicate what type of fuels, where it was, what time and combine that with what people in the area witnessed and then start tracking those leads down and talking to those people. jenna: how do you even go about? i mean, we mentioned that fact, the most destructive wildfire in the state's history, how do you even go about starting that information -- that investigation while the fire's still burning? >> well, i'll tell you, we tried
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starting it, at least locating the point of origin, but it was still too hot for for the first two days. we were finally able to get it cooled down, so we moved our investigators in, and they're just combing for every needle in a hay stack for lack of a better turn to really pin down where the initial flame took off. jenna: what would be the motivation? i mean, has there been anything that's come up among the conversations so far that have suggested a motivation for starting a forest fire like this? >> no. there hasn't been any evidence to suggest that there was animosity, anger, there's, you know, nothing like that that we've come across. so we're just going to continue moving forward. the evidence and the witnesses, it'll speak for itself then, paint us a picture, and that'll dictate which direction we go. jenna: all right. in the meantime, we said that the fire is more than 60% contained. can you give us an update about where the fire stands now?
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what about homes being threatened? kind of how are you seeing this fire as you start off another week? >> i think we're starting off this week much better than we did last week with. i expect the containment to jump up. again, the firefighters had a good night. we had a little moisture. we feel very safe that the homes we've been able to save we're able to protect, and we've been able to hold the line. so we're closing in very quickly on containment, but it's a large area, a lot of homes built within the area. so there's a lot of structure protection efforts as well as what they refer to as mopping up. and that is really stomping out the hot spots. jenna: i know you've been working around the clock, you and your team, sheriff. we wish you the best of luck, and we'll continue to watch this story out of colorado. thank you so much for the time today. >> thank you for having me, and we appreciate all the support we've gotten from around the country. jenna: yes, sir. thank you so much. jon: there's a new push to keep one of president obama's campaign promises. how the administration is reviving its effort to shut down
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the terrorist detention center at guantanamo bay. plus, a pretrial hearing gets underway at gitmo for the alleged mastermind of 9/11. we'll tell you about the secret papers his lawyers say they want to see as they prepare his defense. vo: traveling you definitely end up meeting a lot more people but a friend under water is something completely different. i met a turtle friend today so, you don't get that very often. it seemed like it was more than happy to have us in his home. so beautiful. avo: more travel. more options. more personal. whatever you're looking for expedia has more ways to help you find yours.
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jon: former vice president dick cheney was a key player behind the expansion of government surveillance programs after 9/11.
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now he's sounding off about nsa leaker edward snowden telling fox news sunday that snowden's discsures have done tremendous harm to national security. >> i think he's a traitor. i think he has committed crimes in effect by violating agreements given the position he had. he was a contractor employee, but he obviously had been granted top secret clearance. and i think it's one of the worst occasions in my memory of somebody with access to classified information doing enormous damage to the national security interests of the united states. jon: chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live in washington for us. the former vice president, mike, made it pretty clear he does not see the war on terror winding down. >> reporter: that's right, jon. he strongly disagrees with president obama on that. dick cheney mentioned some of the newer safe havens for terrorists to plan and operate across north africa. the former vice president says we are still at war. >> that puts you over into the
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category of being able to use all of your military assets, your intelligence assets and so forth in order to protect the country against another attack. and when you consider the possibility of somebody smuggling something like a nuclear device into the united states, it becomes very, very important to gather intelligence on your enemies and stop that attack before with it ever gets launched. >> reporter: everybody remembers the feeling of what it was like after the 9/11 attacks. that is is a reminder the next strike could be worse. jon? jon: among the questions still to be answered here is did snowden have any help. >> reporter: right. did somebody inside the nsa or inside the intelligence community help him, or was he a spy on beijing's payroll? >> i'm deeply suspicious, obviously, because he went to china. that's not a place where you ordinarily want to go if you're interested in freedom and liberty, so forth. so it raises questions whether or not he had that kind of connection before he did this. the other concern i have is whether or not he had help from
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inside the agency; that is to say was there somebody else in nsa who had access to a lot of this stuff and passed it to him? >> reporter: and mr. cheney's critical of the president saying mr. obama should stand up and say these intelligence efforts are good programs, have saved american lives and be he supports them. jon? jon: mike emanuel in washington. interestingly enough, edward snowden is holding a live chat right now. we're going to be talking about that a little later on in the program. mike, thank you. >> reporter: thank you, jon. >> we're going to provide the -- [inaudible] whereby guantanamo will be closed no later than one year from now. but make no mistake, we will close guantanamo prison which has damaged our national security interests and become a tremendous recruiting tool for al-qaeda. we have succeeded on delivering a lot of campaign promises that we made. one where we've fallen short is
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closing guantanamo. i wanted to close it sooner. we have missed that deadline. it's not for lack of trying. it's because the politics of it are difficult. jenna: well, they're trying again. the president is starting out with promises to shut gitmo, and now there's a new move to close the terrorist detention camp. of course, this camp is located in guantanamo bay naval base in cuba, naming a new state department envoy to revive the project. his nave is cliff sloan, he's a high-powered lawyer and informal adviser to secretary of state john kerry. he has served for both republicans and democrats. today's announcement comes as the pretrial hearing gets underway in the case against the alleged mastermind of 9/11 and four co-defendants, the worst of the worse, if you will, all being held at gitmo. joining us now is defense attorney jonna -- [inaudible] and former federal prosecutor fred tecce. these are two interesting things
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happening on one day. jonna, how do they impact each other? we're having this national debate about closing gitmo while a pretrial hearing is beginning. what's the potential impact? >> the most important thing right now is to have that trial for the 9/11 mastermind without it being unfettered by anything else that's going on. so why we are resurrecting the argument to close guantanamo bay this week, to me, is a little bit astonishing. it probably will not have an impact on the actual trial itself unless they start moving with lightning speed, and as we know so far, obama hasn't moved -- jenna: government in general, fred, is not known for lightning speed of any kind, right? [laughter] >> moves at a glacier's pace. jenna: could it possibly happen where we could be mid trial and be moving these guys and shutting down the prison? i mean, is that a possibility? what if that happened? >> well, i mean, obviously, technically it's a possibility, but i agree, it's not going to happen overnight. and even if it did, even if lightning struck and this somehow happened very, very
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quickly, i mean, obviously, in the middle of a trial it's not going to get shut down and moved. so the trial will continue. if it gets started. again, this trial has been, you know, hasn't been quick in happening either. so this is kind of a tortoise race to the finish line. i'm hoping that the trial wins. jenna: one of the things that's happening today, jonna, is this prebe trial hearing about evidence. the attorneys for the alleged mastermind of 9/11 and some of his buddies want access to what is, essentially, a special committee put out by the red cross to take a look at how prisoners are being held around the world. and they've had reports about how these prisoners are being held. the defense attorneys want this information. can they get it, should they get it, and what impacts would it have on the trial? >> i don't think they should get it. whether they can get it or not, i guess we're going to have to wait for the judge to decide. to me, this is a red herring. the icrc is there to make sure that prisoners of war are kept humanely.
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okay, we get that. how those records whether they are or whether they aren't, how those records would affect the outcome of this kind of trial, to me, is a complete disconnect. one of the lawyers was quoted saying that they want to know whether the prisoners were kept humanely because if they weren't, maybe that will mitigate the fact that their punishment at the end of the day if they are found guilty. what? i don't think so. jenna: that's actually what reuters said, fred, if i could. reports about their clients' treatment could also yield mitigating information that might spare, might spare these men from execution if they're convicted. >> no. jenna: innocent until proven guilty, right? this is a court of law, right, fred? so could it, could this information change that? >> highly unlikely, jenna, because there are mitigating factors with respect to whether or not someone gets a death penalty, and the law sets them down. i've never seen a case where the mitigating factor is whether or not you've been kept in a comfortable jail cell and been given access to cable tv. so i don't see them getting it.
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i agree, they're not going to get it. the only way, the only way the conditions under which these men were held could ever be relevant was if there was a confession or statement that someone wanted to use that they made, then arguably a case could be made that the conditions would be relevant as to whether or not the statement was made freely or voluntarily or made as a result of duress or coercion. but we've seen nothing like that. so guess what? they're not getting them. jenna: we have seen, fred, right, the outbursts in court from some of these men. >> correct. jenna: we also now know of this hunger strike that's happening inside gitmo and, i mean, dozens and dozens of prisoners are being force fed because they're protesting being held there. so this is becoming even more of a political issue. i guess one of the questions our audience might have is what should be our expectations here? we've waited so long for justice. will justice ever be found truly in this situation? >> well, you know what, jenna? i have no, i don't have the luxury of not believing in our justice system. it's what i do for a living. and so the answer to your
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viewers' question is you have to be patient. like i said, this moves at a glacier's pace. and even though it's delayed, it will not be denied. this is a big case, and i'm optimistic and confident these guys will get convicted. jenna: jonna, your thoughts on that? >> i agree. the u.s. isn't going to lose on a technicality, i promise you that. >> exactly. jenna: what should we be watching for, jonna? this is one issue about this committee, the other is about any sort of classified information that might be share inside court that these men that are on trial would hear and how to-and-a-half gate that issue -- navigate that issue because, allegedly, they're the ones that planned and funded the 9/11 attacks. so what about those issues? how do we figure those issues out? >> and that is one of the issues in this pretrial hearing, whether these prisoners will be allowed to hear that type of evidence. i think national security trumps everything -- >> correct. >> and if the judge is smart, he'll agree, and they won't be
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allowed to hear that. it's a matter of national security. >> this is not a fishing expedition for them to gather information so they can somehow -- jenna: what about appeals, fred? i'm not as familiar, you know, the gitmo trials are all new to us. would they be able to appeal on any of those grounds? >> well, they can, but the question is whether or not, jenna, that the decision rendered made a difference. quite frankly, they can appeal, but at the end of the day, i'll bet you lunch at my favorite restaurant and you can supersize your extra value meal it ain't gone that happen. jenna: are you supersizing a lot, fred? >> i've been losing weight, jenna, you're killing me. jenna: you look great, fred. [laughter] we were waiting so long here, and just wondering are we really going to get now this trial? is it really going to happen? >> you will get it. >> i agree. jenna: jonna, fred, great to see you, thank you. >> thanks for having me. jon: a new effort that could finally solve one of america's most enduring crime mysteries.
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an aging mobster giving the fbi a tip on where to dig for the body of former teamster boss jimmy hoffa. we'll look into that. plus, how the mainstream news media view government snooping under president obama compared to surveillance efforts during the bush years. our news watch panel weighs in on that. all business purchases. so you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can.
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jon: new next hour, jury selection in the george zimmerman murder trial enters a second week. will lawyers be able to pick a
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jury in the same florida county where this neighborhood watch volunteer is accused of shooting and killing an unarmed 17-year-old, trayvon martin? president obama set to meet with russia's president putin at the g8 summit in northern ireland, but the u.s. and russia still on opposite sides of syria's brutal civil war. a live report on what's at stake as the u.s. weighs taking more aggressive steps in that conflict. and the stork arrived for kim kardashian and kanye this father's day weekend. details on the newest edition to a reality tv family. jenna: did you send a gift? jon: i did not yet. i think kanye's doing all right -- jenna: we don't know the name yet. in the meantime, this other breaking story. there's a growing health crisis that really has gained a lot of attention worldwide. saudi arabia's reporting four more deaths from this new respiratory virus, the symptoms are very similar to sars. that virus killed some 800 people in a global epidemic back
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in 2003. there are three other cases of this new virus that are being treated right now, and health experts are worried. they're worried about this virus being spread from person to person. heather -- [inaudible] has more on what's going on here. >> reporter: hi there, jenna, and the concern is this virus could make its way over here to the united states. it is known as the corona virus, and it's similar to sars. it's now claimed the lives of nearly 40 patients. world health officials say it started in saudi arabia before it spread to france, britain and germany, but most of the victims are in the saudi kingdom. now, the number of cases -- and this is the good news -- is limited so far. but the number of people who die from it is considered alarming according to the cdc. the mortality rate of the corona virus is 60%, and that's why the medical community so worried about this. this virus affects the respiratory system, and it causes coughing, five and also pneumonia, and they say that the strain appears to spread only between people when there's
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close contact for quite a period of time. now, health officials say that they don't know the origin of the virus, but they say it is a distant relative to the sars virus that, as you mentioned, killed nearly 800 people back in 2003. now, cases have not been reported in the u.s., but the cdc is really keeping a close eye on that, very concerned about the mortality rate of this. jenna? jenna: heather, thank you. jon: we have an update for you now on the condition of alex cobb. he is out of the hospital after taking a 102 mile-an-hour line drive to the head. ouch. this scary scene playing out in a game geans the royals saturday. many people initially feared the worst when he was hit. he was carted off the field in a neck brace, but cobb says he's doing okay, taking to twitter to thank doctors saying he only has a headache. the team has placed him on the seven-day disabled list, they're unsure about whether he'll be back on the mound anytime soon.
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jenna: everyone once in a while the discussion about aluminum bats come up. you see something like that, and you wonder how can we even have that debate? jon: well, yeah. talking about whether to use them in major leagues? jenna: right. jon: yeah. i don't think that'll ever happen. jenna: with a wooden bat like that and that type of danger, pitchers are already in some risk simply by standing there at that distance. so we'll keep you posted as we hear more from him. he's on twitter, seems to be doing okay. jon: good news is he's doing well. jenna: new details about the nsa's surveillance program. our next guest will tell us what he thinks president george washington would have done. what would have happened if this had happened under george washington's rule? jon's going to get into it with our guest coming up. plus, how the u.s. should respond to iran's new president. all of that coming up just after the commercial break. ready? happy birthday! it's a painting easel!
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the tide's coming in! this is my favorite one. it's upside down. oh, sorry. (woman vo) it takes him places he's always wanted to go. that's why we bought a subaru. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.
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jon: well, right now the nsa leaker edward snowden is defending his decision to reveal government secrets. now, some are calling him a hero. others see him as a traitor. so here's an interesting question: what would george washington have done with edward snowden or somebody like him? logan burn is the author of "blood of tyrants, it's a new book about george washington, the military leader who became president. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. jon: obviously, no internet in washington's day, therefore, no metadata, no national security agency. some people think the constitution couldn't have possibly anticipated the kinds of questions we're dealing with today. so you tell me, what would george washington have done with edward snowden?
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>> george washington faced men just like edward snowden, and he sentenced them to death. so the founding fathers, they would be wary of nsa surveillance program because we did fight a revolution to rid ourselves of government intrusion, after all. but at the same time, once we'd won and we'd established a representative republic that we have now, they demanded that the people follow their own laws. jon: so you think washington would not much have cared for the nsa surveillance, but he really would not have liked hearing edward snowden leaking all these secrets. >> that's absolutely right. washington was the master of espionage. he was collecting information whether it was intercepting letters, but what was important to him was transparency and oversight, and i think that would trouble him with the issue before us now. even more troubling would be the fact that someone like snowden went around the lawful means that he had to expose this sort of thing without spreading secrets to our enemies and endangering us. jon: some fascinating stories in this book including the fact that he defended even, i guess
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to the death you could say, his political enemies. george washington's political opposites. he defended them. >> he absolutely did, yes. he was a man who put principles above his own personal gain. jon: and when it comes to some of the big issues of our time like we're about to get underway with the military tribunal for khalid sheikh mohammed, george washington's approach? >> george washington would have had him hanged days after capture. for him there was a strong divide between american citizens over which he was very careful to defend their liberties versus foreign nationals in which he could be quite ruthless, and he needed to be strong and defend us from them. jon: and it should be pointed out that in that day not all of the military opponents were wearing group forms, right? >> that's absolutely right. so he dealt with spies, he dealt with his own people rising up against him, and he was able to parse through that and maintain a balance between liberty. jon: we've just come through the big argument over waterboarding. what would george washington do
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when it came to employing rough interrogation techniques if it meant saving lives? >> for washington, he was morally opposed to torture but even more morally opposed to letting americans die. so he wanted to raise our behavior above the bar bare inwars of the past. but as he sees that torture might be a necessary evil, he starts speaking about how it could be justified. jon: interesting. so the book is "blood of tyrants," it's a fascinating read about george washington really up to the time he becomes president. >> that's absolutely right. what they were thinking when they wrote the constitution. jon: really interesting. logan beirne, thanks for sharing those thoughts with us. >> thank you. jenna: new developments in the government snooping controversy, the details we could soon learn from the head of the nsa as the man who leaked information about the programs reveals another shocking claim. he's doing this as we speak on a live chat right now. we're monitoring that chat. we're going to bring you some of
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the headlines. bret baier is here on the possible political fallout of all of this. also new questions about one controversial aspect of immigration reform. how should the government handle cases where illegal immigrants here in this country have criminal records? we're going to dig deeper into that coming up. the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard
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jon: brand-new stories and breaking news. president obama meeting with world leaders in northern ireland, about to hold a key meeting with russia's vladimir
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putin with syria at the top of the agenda. a live report from the g-8 summit. new worries about illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes in the u.s. and what will happen to them if congress passes immigration reform. and at this hour, live pictures of a grand new search for the remains of jimmy hoffa, this taking place in oakland, michigan, decades after hoffa mysteriously disappeared. jenna: the man behind the biggest intelligence leak in nsa history speaks out again. we are glad you're with us, i'm jenna lee. jon: edward snowden is talking. i'm jon scott, welcome to the second hour of "happening now." snowden said he did not reveal any u.s. operations against legitimate targets when he
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leaked classified information about the government's sweeping surveillance program. ef says thhe says the government has destroyed any possibility he would get a fair trial at home. this is amid revelations that the scandal may be more widespread than originally thought with wouldrd that britain repeatedly hacked into the phones and emails of foreign diplomates at international conferences to try to get an edge on negotiations. we are awaiting new details about the terror attacks thwarted by the nsa. bret baier is the host of special report and joins us now. snowden has been conducting an online chat through the offices of the guardian and we are learning a little bit more about his trout process, bret. >> reporter: he's getting questions, answering them back and forth, jon it's pretty surreal when you hear all of the officials in washington talking about edward snowden as a traitor, and we need to go after him, here he is essentially live
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blogging from what i guess is hong kong. he is saying -- answering questions about why he chose there. he says he did not reveal any us operations against legitimate military targets. he's saying that this all needs to come to the forefront because the american people need to know about it e it. he also says the u.s. government will not be able to cover this up by jailing or murdering me, truth is coming and it cannot be stopped. as i said it's pretty surreal when you think about all the things ha kw-r said about snowden over the weekend by various officials and what is happening right now. jon: the interesting thing about his position is that, i mean, here he is a 29-year-old guy. yes he had a lot of access to information but he certainly doesn't know the breadth and scope of what the u.s. government or the national security agency is up to so he's taken it upon himself to reveal
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the things that he himself believes should be revealed. >> it's interesting that numerous u.s. officials, lawmakers, and intelligence officials say that snowden was in places in the system where he should not have been. he was in an unauthorized location. of it wasn't as if he had access, usually to this material, and judging by his computer trace and where he was in the system they are convinced he has more documents that could be very detriment alto the u.s. there is also the question of whether he's working with china. that's not just been floated out there, that is actually being looked into pretty closely. jon: one of the things, one of of the questions being asked of him in this chat involves his claim that he was able to, if he wanted to, or if he had an email address, he was able to hack into, you know, personal emails and so forth. here is another one, it says, obama deep end an expanded
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several abusive programs and refused to spend the political capital to end the kind of human rights violations. but we've seen guantanamo where men still sit without charge. he came into this as an obama supporter he said, he thought that the president was going to end some of these programs that he now find so offensive. >> yeah, jon i think the interesting thing about it is you have this back and forth, he's answering questions, glen greenwald, the reporter with the guardian is following up on some of these things, and in one of those exchanges greenwald said when you say someone at the nsa has the contents of your communications, what do you mean? do they have a r0rd of it o record of it or the actual content. >> both. if i target an email address, for example under f arks a702 the program that email address
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are sends something to you joe america, the analyst gets it all of it, ip's, raw data, content, header, attachments and everything and it gets skaeufd for saved for a very longtime and can be extended with waivers rather than warrants. this is what the nsa and other lawmakers are pushing back gains saying there are real safeguards on the program to prevent just that from happening. we'll see where this goes. jon: yeah, again, as you point out we don't absolutely know that this is edward snowden conducting this chat. glen greenwald from "the guardian" newspaper says it's him. one of the things he does is path himself on the back and he says we are finally beginning to see more transparency and better details about the programs for the first time since their inception. he's quite proud of what he's done, bret. >> yeah, and i think this week, maybe as soon as today you may see the nsa push back even
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further and detail some more of these safeguards and maybe even detail specifics about terrorist attacks or plots that were thwarted. we've heard it kind of generically, but with specifics, when, where, how, to push back against the skepticism of these programs. again, it's important to point out, we don't know the other side of this. we don't know that this is actually him, we don't know that he's in hong kong typing this. we are taking the guardian's reporting and glen greenwald saying it is him to be accurate. jon: he was asked about his possibly spilling secrets to the chinese, there is a fairly recent exchange with him about whether he would exchange asylum in china for more information. one part of his answer is, ask yourself if i were a chinese spy why wouldn't i have flown directly into beijing? i could be living in a palace petting a phoenix by now.
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he's trying to throw cold water on the speculation that he's going to take his secrets and go to the chinese government. we'll see. >> yeah, you know, listen, he could also turn himself over to u.s. authorities if he wanted to, i suppose. he's not doing that either. jon: well, he's giving you plenty to talk about on special report, and certainly us as well. bret baier thank you. you can catch bret on special report tonight at 6:00pm eastern and we will be also be talking in a little while on this program, our news watch panel takes a look at how the media treated nsa spy revelations back in 2005, 2006 versus how they are treating the newest revelations today. jenna: that will be interesting to take a look at. in a palace, huh? he would be in a palace. jon: with a phoenix. who knew the phoenix actually exists. jenna: now we have a fox news exclusive for you the father of the nsa leaker speaks out to our very owner i can bowling. his name is lonnie snowden and he has a message for his son as
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he pleads with him not to release any more information. >> assume thatted is watching right now because it's very likely he'll see this interview, tell him what you want him to know -- tell him -- give h-pl him some tpalt earl father lee advice. >> ed i love you, your family loves you and we want you to come home, we want you to be safe, we want you to be happy. but i know you're your own man and you're going to do what you feel that you have to do. i believe firmly that you are a man of principle. i believe in your character, i don't know what you've seen, but i just ask that you measure what you're going to do and not release any more information. jenna: his family certainly affected by this. we have to think about the
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millions of other families that are potentially affected by the release of this information and how it impacts our national security. you can watch the full interview with snowden's dad on the five tonight on the fox news channel. jon: an advocacy group that supports the president's agenda is hitting the air waves announcing a new ad for obama care. >> what is the impact of obama care? the truth is americans are already seeing the benefits. she's seeing more seniors for wellness visits. next year she can expand her small business thanks to tax credits that cover up to half of the worker's health insurance. jon: the group running these ads is caused organizing for action. it is the successor to organizing for america, the president's re-election campaign from last year. jenna: speaking of the president he's meeting with world leaders at the g-8 summit in northern
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ireland right now. in a speech earlier today the president says that peace in that country is a great example for those living amid conflict around the world. but the mood of conciliation may be harder to find a little later when the president meets with the russian president vladimir putin to discuss the civil war in syria. they are very much on different sides of this conversation. our senior white house and foreign affairs correspondent wendell goler is live in ireland with more. >> reporter: jenna, the president, president obama would very much like to persuade russian president vladimir putin to get serious leaders to attend a peace conference in geneva but the talk has been pretty tough in advance of that conference. vladimir putin accused syrian rebels of eating human body parts. britain's prime minister condems syria's rulers and one of vladimir putin's aide ruled out the idea of a no-fly stone. all the talk here has been a transplant trade and investment agreement that could add hundreds of billions of dollars
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to the global economy. behind the scenes the syrian civil war is thought to be dominating much of the conversation with bolt the u.s. and europe threatening to provide more weapons to the rebels though no country has agreed to provide them yet and russian sh russia threatening so fist kicould he fist indicated weapons. >> you set an example for those who seek peace of their own. beyond the shores in scattered ownrers of the world there are people living in the grip of conflict, ethic conflict, religious conflict. tribal conflicts. and they know something better is out there. >> reporter: president obama and vladimir putin meet one-on-one about an hour and a half from now. we'll be looking for them to make mention at least of the prospect of a peace conference in geneva. jenna: we'll see about any prospects of that. my coworker has a question.
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jon: i happen to know wendell is an avid golfer and they do play that game in ireland. i wonder if you happened to sneak your clubs on board. >> reporter: awe, jon, you hurt me. jenna: don't admit to it. >> reporter: i did get to watch the end of the great pga tournament yesterday. jon: oh, okay, so he's not actively taking part, he's watching it on tv, good for you wendel, i guess. all right i had to cut him off there. jenna: all work, no play for wendell goler. jon: that's right. wendel is a serious guy. lawyers in the george zimmerman murder trial back in court. we will have the latest as jury selection enters its second week. jenna: plus new concerns about illegal immigrants that commit serious crimes, as progress in congress is happening over this immigration reform. what that all means coming up. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced.
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i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance.
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jenna: new concerns over what will happen to illegal immigrants in this country with criminal records as we are taking a look at the senate debating this landmark overhaul of the nation's immigration system. critics say the bill will let some of these criminals stay in the united states. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles taking a look at this particular issue and the bill. william? >> reporter: well, jenna the senate streets every criminal alien on a case-by-case basis. it provide each with a lawyer to fight deportation and those that are parents or caregivers special protections. others argue that criminal aliens should not get special treatment no matter how many children they have in the u.s. >> you've had a previous history of illegal entry into the country so i'm therefore going to leave your bond at no bond >> in houston and phoenix police believe illegal immigrant drunk drivers kill cops. >> i'm finding probable cause that you're not legally in the united states.
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>> reporter: phoenix police say jesus molina killed an officer in a hit-and-run despite two previous arrests for dui and burglary he was not deported. >> that was a death that should have been prevented, it did not have to happen. >> reporter: a similar story in houston where police say accused drink driver andre munoz killed a harris county sheriff. >> it appears that you are here illegally and immigration has a hold on you. >> reporter: under the obama administration prosecutorial discretion policy critics say too many criminals get a date in court instead of deportation. >> this is outrageous. people are dying because i.c.e. is not being allowed to enforce the law by this administration. >> drunk driving needs to be treated as the crime that it is, an alcohol-related, a substance-abuse related crime and not something related to immigration. the two are wholly unrelated. >> reporter: the proposed epl congratulations bill allows for that discretion. illegal immigrants with lengthy criminal records may be allowed to stay if they have a spouse or
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child already in th the the u.s. >> the bill gives all kind of discretion to an administration who has terror lea becaused that discretion. >> reporter: about 10% of those deported each year are drunk drivers, about a hundred every day, jenna. the house -- both these guys had prior convictions and you will puland expulsions from the united states. jon: the crisis in syria topping the agenda at the g-8 summit with some fearing the civil carr could opinion even further out of control. as the u.s. prepares to get more involved, can russia help stop the violence? >> if the only reason you're going is because now you have evidence that they used chemical weapons and killed 150 people with chemical weapons is that our national interest? i'm not sure that they've got it
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jon: right now the second week of jury selection getting underway in the george zimmerman murder trial. heather nauert is following this. >> reporter: it appears they are on some sort of a lunch hour right now. nearly two dozen potential jurors are returning to the courthouse today for more questioning from both the prosecution and defense. this is the 6th day of jury selection in that case that has captured so much national attention. already 40 possible jurors have been interviewed about how much they've learned about this case through the media and at least 75 have been dismissed already. the next line of questioning expected today will revolve around the thorny issues of guns and also race. in the end four jurors -- excuse
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me six jurors and four alternates will hear that case. the attorney for george zimmerman, mark omeara says the jury could be seated by the middle of the week. the father of the victim of trayvon martin says they are kneeling good so far about the jury selection process. also today lawyers will focus on the 911 call we've heard about and the scream heard in the backgrounds. the defense and the prosecution are both bringing in experts to testify about technology that could be used to try to identify that voice, but that is very controversial. the judge then has to decide whether or not to allow that voice analysis during the trial. zimmerman of course pleading not guilty to second-degree murder. he's claiming self-defense in the february, 2012 fatal shooting of 17-year-old trayvon martin. lawyers for pwo*ef both sides estimate the case could last between two to four weeks. we'll keep you posted. jon: i thought that would be a lot longer than that frankly. >> reporter: yeah you never know. jon: thank you. jenna: the civil war in syria is
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set to dominate the g8 meeting of world leaders in northern ireland which is our big news item of the day. russia is facing growing pressure to back away from it's support for the syrian president, president bashar al-assad. the summit is setting the stage for what could be a difficult meeting between these two men, you have the president and the russian president vladimir putin having a meeting a little over an hour from now. too bad we aren't listening in, maybe others are based upon the information we have. we have the director of international affairs with us. there ways an editorial written over the weekend critical of the president's move in syria to say we are going to arm the rebels. what this said is what we're signaling is simply an open pox see war with russia. is that what is happening in syria? is it really russia against the united states, not bashar al-assad versus the rebels? >> i think that is a real oversimplification. obviously you have a civil war in syrian between bashar
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al-assad and the opposition on the one hand and various external countries that have been involved. iran has been involved, russia has been involved, many many u.s. allies in the arab world have been involved. its the united states which has been uninvolved and passive. they are finally putting some skin in the game, they are finally trying to show that look the united states has interests here and is with i will to do something. i think unfortunately they are taking kind of one step and it's again not clear if this is just meant to show that we are doing something for the sake of doing something or whether there is actually a strategy to achieve an outcome here, that will be the question. jenna: why don't you think we have a clear understanding of what the goal is? we hear that that's what the president and the united states wants, for bashar al-assad to step down. why haven't we heard the goal for syria overall or what we exactly want from the region? >> well, i think there is a lot of disagreement probably within the administration, within also more broadly in washington about
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what is an acceptable outcome, what is a possible outcome here, obviously those are things you need to decide before you take steps like arming the rebels and so forth, because just providing small arms to the syrian opposition, it may help the opposition, it may help them resist the regime or make some gains but it's unlikely to really tip the balance in syria. you need a more comprehensive strategy and for that you need to know what you're trying to accomplish. jenna: there are all sorts of reports and we should warn our viewers that's what we're getting at this time, simply reports, you have reports of the studies getting more involved, reports that we're leaving hipped after some military exercises to additional planes, antiaircraft missiles in jordan, one of our allies in the region as well. we have a new president-elected in iran. all this weekend i'm sure viewers have heard this that this new president in iran is moderate. who is this guy, is he moderate? how can iran or his new leadership change anything in syria or the region overall? >> jenna there is a lot we don't
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know about iran but we do know something about this fellow rowhani the new iranian president-elect. he's really a regime insider, close to the supreme leader. he's iran's former nuclear negotiator and a strong sort of advocate of iran's nuclear program. he's been involved in the regime's domestic respecial activities in the region. he's not a moderate per se. you could say he's more of a practicing matisse, someone who has used diplomacy and believes in that to achieve iran's ends. exactly what to expect of him is another question. we won't really know what to expect of him until we she how the kind of internal power dynamics play out. how much authority is he given over the key issues over which iran's president typically hasn't had authority in the past. jenna: it's interesting to see his election. they wrote a really interesting article about the myth of moderation. they said one of the things that this new president has written about in iran is dividing
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european the united states, to split that power when it comes to the nuclear program and maintain more power, get more power into the iranian government. it's interesting to see the election, the g8 meeting happening at this time. one of the things you touched on michael overall whether wii are talking about syria, iran, egypt, any of these countries is that the united states lacks credibility in the region. how do we get that back and how crucial is it that we have it? >> are jenna i think you make a very important point. we want to be sure that we are not hoodwinked here. we don't want to start softening our nuclear negotiating staff out of over enthusiasm about the election reports. at the same time you don't want to miss an opportunity. if in fact your sanctions succeeds, your policy succeeds you don't want to miss that success. i think the question for the pam strayings will be are how do you do this. how do you probe to see if there is really an opening here without softening your position? the way that you do that is you've got to tough even up your
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policy on things like syria, on iran's regional activities and make clear that the united states is not backing off here, that we don't want necessarily a military conflict with iran, but neither are we going to start sort of making concessions just because this guy has been elected. jenna: syria might be an example of where we can gain credibility and that credibility may or may not effect what happens with iran's nuclear program as we know that iran is very active in syria. great to see you as always. thank you. jon: hundreds of homes are gone now, the result of the worst wild fire in colorado's history. as evacuees return to see what is left of their houses if anything, can crews stop the flames from spreading farther? plus, some of the leaks from the edward snowden affair suggests that current surveillance programs go further than they did in the bush administration. so why aren't more in the media up in arms? is there a double standard? our fox news watch panel weigh weighs next. >> i don't think collecting millions and millions of
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americans' phone calls -- now this is the metadata, this is time, place, to whom you direct the calls, is making us any safer, and i think it's ultimately perhaps a violation of the fourth amendment. families are coming together to play, stay active, and enjoy the outdoors. and for the last four summers, coca-cola has asked america to choose its favorite park through our coca-cola parks contest. winning parks can receive a grant of up to $100,000. part of our goal to inspire more than three million people to rediscover the joy of being active this summer. see the difference all of us can make... together.
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jenna: developments nap the race to stop the most destructive wildfire in colorado's history. the flames have burned 500 homes. luckily this was rainy weather over the weekend that provided a
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major assist helping crews gain control with 65% containment. we are expecting an update shortly. they are struggling against hotspots. will carr is following the story live from los angeles with more. >> reporter: there is definitely good news and some bad news here. the good news is the fire isn't really growing. the crews on the ground seem to be doing a pretty good job. the bad news is there are still thousands of residents who can't get back into thaeurp neighborhoods, that is for a couple of reasons. crews are still working to mop up hotspots. they didn't want to risk letting people back in to see the fire flare-up again. they say they are conducting a criminal investigation to find out how the fire started. the sheriff says there is no evidence to suggest it's arson related but he does add they are not taking any chances. alternate the same time they are seeing criminal activity in the area, in fact a handful of looters have already been arrested. >> we have a tremendous amount of resources put in there to patrol and protect those
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properties that are vacant from vandals and those trying to revictimize the victims of this fire. >> reporter: certainly a shame while so many people are pulling together to help their community, a small number of people are trying to take advantage of the situation, and you can only imagine that that is adding to the homeowners' anxiety. at the same time authorities are continuing to plead for their patience. jenna. jenna: we'll continue to watch the story. thank you so much. jon: the media under fire in 4 the nsa spying controversy with the man who broke the story slamming liberal news reporters specifically. he says they are defending an even more intrusive surveillance program than the one they opposed under george w. bush. glen green walled from the guard yan saying, i'm not surprise ped by their reaction. i've been amazed and disappointed for a longtime that
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the most lavish lee partisan democrats who helped undermine george bush are now the largest apologists and cheerleaders for the same very policies. let's bring in the news watch panel. jim pinkerton a conservative and writer for a magazine. alan colmes is author of "thank the liberals for saving america. jim i guess there are not many occasions you would agree with glen green walled, but this might be one of them. >> i think so. he makes a good case that the media were totally against the surveillance program when it was tpwoerpbl george bush's and now they are defending it when it's barack obamas. they point out that the two new york times reporters that broke the story back in 2005 won pulitzer prizes. i think there is zero chance that glen green walled will win a pulitzer prize. it is effectively pointed at the
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obama administration, a huge difference in the minds of the media. jon: by all accounts, alan the kind of surveillance they are doing these days goes far deeper than what president george w. bush's was doing. >> this is going to be a rare moment, i agree with mr. pinkerton. according to a pew study republicans have shifted as well. maybe not necessarily media republicans in every case but according to pew 75% were okay with the nsa's warrantless wiretapping in 2006, and just 52% of republicans are okay with it now. so, you know what is good for the goose is good for the gander, i just coined that phrase. it looks like republicans have switched as well on this issue, less supportive because obama is president. jon: why is it, jim, that so many liberals and gen green wallegreenwald counts himself as a journalist, that it seems
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to be okay to go farther these days? >> i think there is a distinction to be made between ideology and partisan. greenwald would call himself more than a liberal and that gives him a perspective on the democrats and republicans back here in america and he realizes that the reporters, the big foot reporters who have been slamming snowden really hard. tom brokaw, jeffery tubin on all the other networks have been clobbering the guy, where as they were treating seven or eight years ago "the new york times" leaks as a positive adventure. meanwhile the further point is how the media are not even paying attention to the details on this. who gave orders, who knew the stuff, why can't the national security administration agency keep its own secrets. how can they surveil the country and not even keep track of snowden? those questions are getting lost because those would be extremely embarrassing to the obama administration.
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jon: let me ask that question with alan colmes would you agree with jim on that issue that the media should be doing more follow-up stories on the surveillance? >> absolutely. i think we need to know how it happened, why it happened. this whole issue of is edward snowden a traitor or her or, the truth is probably somewhere in between. he clearly may have broken the line based on what he signed when he went to work for booz, but as a civil libertarian i am happy to know that this information has come out. and i decried the lack of transparency that we have in our government. i dew point like ii didn't like it in the bush administration and i don't like it now. jon: is that going to change at all, alan? are the media suddenly going to wake up and look into some of these questions. >> 4 i don't remember bob schieffer weighing in during the bush years. he don't know what tom brokaw said during the bush years about this. i don't know for sure that they have different opinions now than
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they had then. >> alan you know that tom brokaw and bob schieffer did not condemn "the new york times." you know that. if they had done that at the time you would have remembered. that would have been headlines news if the media turned on itself. there we love to talk about the main screen media, is the guardian the mainstream media who broke the story. what does mainstream media mean in this digital age any more? i'm not sure it has the same meaning it had five or ten years ago. >> it's a difference -- again it's a difference between ideology and partisanship. if you're on the right that's one thing, if you're partisan you go with who is in charge, they are anti-bush now and pro obama. jon: alberto gonzales was threatening to go after "the new york times" of publishing the
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details of the nsa surveillance back then and we know how most liberal commentators felt about alberto gonzales. >> the pew study looked at both side of this and showed there was a greater shift among republicans than democrats in terms of who shifted during the obama administration from what they believed during the bush administration. republicans have changed more than democrats on their sudden lack of support for what is going on now. so, let's look at it that way. we have to look at it that as well. jon: we will do that and see if we can invite you by the back to disagree on something. >> look forward to it. jon: thank you. jenna: new clues in the search for jimmy hoffa's remains. it's been more than 30 years after the teamster's boss was last seen. where f.b.i. investigators are now digging right now as we speak and why they believe hoffa may be buried there. also after months and months of tabloid insanity that has kept jon scott on edge, reality tv
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star kim kardashian gives birth to a baby girl. what led to the early delivery. we have the fox 411 ahead. i'm in my work van, having lunch,
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next minute i'm in the back of an ambulance having a heart attack. i was in shape, fit. i did not see it coming. i take bayer aspirin. [ male announcer ] so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. see your doctor and get checked out.
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jenna: more on the nsa surveillance perhaps. apparently there was another big company that was targeted by the
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surveillance requests, and that company is now coming forward. apple says it received thousands of requests for customer data. elizabeth mcdonald is with the fox business network and joins us with more details. we've heard a lot from google and facebook, what is apple saying today? >> reporter: they are saying it's a very limited amount of information that they've given over to federal, state and local officials over about a half year's period of time, and lumped in there -- we don't know if the fisa requests are even in there or not. here is what apple is saying along with facebook and microsoft. they want to be able to offer a break down to its customers to show exactly what number of fisa requests careful into apple, and microsoft -- google is saying the same thing, so is facebook. let's take a look at what microsoft is saying. they are saying what is happening here continues to fall short of what is kneed to help the community understand the national security issues and the data information requests. google is saying our requests to
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the government is clear, to publish agro gat numbers of national security requests. what they want to do is be able to disclose to customers the fisa requests, the warrantless domestic surveillance requests. jenna: we've seen them come out and say, oh, we don't give automatic access to the government, but there is a big question about how much the companies are agreeing with, and for what reason, whether it's a fisa request, a warrant or what have you. >> reporter: that is exactly right. here is what apple is saying, they are trying to calm the waters with their customers. they are saying that basically they are giving information out to federal, state and local officials to solve things like crimes, like robberies, or even to find missing children, and also they are saying no access to apple servers are allowed with these government requests and they do not store customer location data, things like map searches or siri requests in any identifiable form. they are also telling their customers that the i message and
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the face time applications are protected and encrypted at apple. back to you, jenna. jenna: i guess the criminals will be using those now. we now know it. elizabeth thank you. >> reporter: sure. jon: right now investigators are digging up a field in michigan in hopes of discovering the remains of long lost jimmy hoffa. the labor leader was last seen in 1975, his disappearance has baffled authorities for decades, and given rise to many legends. eric shawn live in our new york city newsroom with that. >> reporter: as you said it is the enduring american murder mystery. at this moment the fbi and local authorities digging in that field in oakland township, michigan for jimmy hoffa's possible remains. the former teamsters leader and labor icon disappeared from the parking lot of a restaurant back on july 30th, 1975, and he hasn't been seen since. this time investigators are acting on a tip from former
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reputed detroit mob underboss tony zerilli. he is now 85 years old and he told a local detroit television station in january that he thinks hoffa was buried in that kneeled but admits that he was away in prison at the time in 1975. but despite that authorities are taking him seriously. >> it's my finest hope that we can give that closure not only to the hoffa family but also to the community, stop tearing that scab off with every new lead. >> it's believed hoff in a was rubbed by the mafia by trying to take back the teamster's presidency. there are so many theories about what happened to him the most plausible came in 2004 from one of the original suspects. it was this man, frank sheeran. a delaware teamsters president and hitman and close hoffa friend who took the fifth before a jury in 1975. he admitted to me and his former lawyer, charles brandt who wrote a biography about him that he shot hoffa in this house near
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the discount are stroupbt where he vanished. we took up the floor and looked for possible blood evidence. they sprayed luminol on the floor which detects evidence of blood, and we found it a blood pattern on that floor that in it sheeran's story precisely. he said he shot hoffa point-blank in the head in the fowyer. he says the body was taken out the back and taken to a funeral home to be cremated. the fbi was not able to match hoffa's dna to any of the evidence we found. it is possible hoffa accompany have been shot in the house and buried in the field you are looking at right now, i'm told that this new dig could still take a few more days if indeed they find anything. back to you. jon: all right, eric shawn the mystery persists for now. eric, thank you. jenna: is it a dangerous flaw in the new movie man of steel? why some say the movie could have some deadly consequences. we'll tell you about it and let
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you decide. plus you do not want to mess with this mom. there is a cute little baby. how one woman turns the tables on a would be carjacker, next. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced. i don't always have time to eat like i should. that's why i like glucerna shakes. they have slowly digestible carbs to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] glucerna. helping people with diabetes find balance. with delicious pringles stix. ♪ . everything pops with pringles stix. [ crunch ]
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jenna: a little 411 here. reality tv star kim kardashian and her rapper boyfriend kanye west are the parents of a new little girl. and this little girl came early. >> reporter: that is one of the ropes she was scrutinized so much by the media, everybody was watching her ward rope change. i think they were more interested in the clothes than the fact she was pregnant. born one month premature they are keeping quiet on why. her sister tweeted i cannot even begin to describe the miracle
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that is part of our family. mommy and baby are healthy and resting. we appreciate awful the love. the reality tv star's pregnancy was captured by the media mostly for its scrutiny onward rope. it kept the baby's gender secret until it refield it was indeed a girl. the baby's name will start with the letter k as all the girls, or at least all the sisters in the family are named as you know. here is no secret, man of steel stole the box office this weekend. the warner bros. superhero film starring henry cavel as superman and amy adams as lois lane earned 113 mail dollars in its opening weekend. don't look to the blockbuster for tips on what to do in a tornado. that part is not scoring high with meteorologists, including our own janice dean who points out if you live in tornado country, and you're faced with a
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twister do not do this. hide under an under pass. in the scene clark kent's dad played by kevin costner tells his family and others to get to the highway under pass for shelter. that in fact is the opposite of what you should do, since the under pass creates a wind tunnel effect. warner bros. releasing a statement saying, man of steel is a work of fiction and events depicted in the movie are not intended nor should they be seen to offer any emergency preparedness advice. we remain mindful of the recent tornado tragedy in oklahoma and extend our sympathies to the families involved. of course it is a movie so we can't believe everything we see in the movies. jenna: good to point it out, julie thank you for that. we'll be right back with more "happening now." [ female announcer ] doctors trust calcium plus vitamin d
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