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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  July 15, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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prosecution's case, give it to the jury. the outcome would have been the same. >> guys, thank you so much. rob, sorry i didn't get you in here. let not your heart continue. greta is next with "on the record." we'll see you back here tomorrow night. this is fox news alert. a jogger violently attacked. it is feared it is retaliation for the george zimmerman verdict. the jogger, telling the media three black men in a chevy mali due drove up to him in senatobia, mississippi. he said the men told him, this is for trayvon, then began beating him. after they finished they said they shoved him out of the car, bloodied and bruised and throwing him right on the street. he's being treated in the hospital. you will have a live report straight ahead. and right now, george zimmerman's brother, robert zimmerman jr., is here to go on the record.
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the past 48 hours, a total whirlwind. verdict, we the jury find george zimmerman not guilty. >> are you kidding me? how the hell can they say not guilty for anything? >> the justice department shares your concern. i share your concern. as we first acknowledged last spring, we have opened an investigation into this matter. >> i think the prosecution of george zimmerman was disgraceful. as happy as i am for george zimmerman, i'm thrilled that this jury kept this tragedy from becoming a travesty. >> if you commit a crime, then you supposed to be held accountable for that crime. that's not what happened in this case. >> as the justice department said yesterday, they first acknowledged yesterday that they
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have an open investigation into trayvon martin's death and they are continuing to evaluate that evidence. >> george zimmerman was never guilty of anything. >> it boils down to you had a 17-year-old kid minding his own business wearing a hoodie and gets accosted, gets followed by an individual who wants to be a cop. >> cases r brought on the merits and the merits are evaluated by professionals at the department of justice and we expect in every case that the process will be handled as it should be, at the department of justice, certainly not here. >> we are very, very, very saddened. we accept the jury's verdict in this case. >> the evidence didn't support prosecution. the justice department engaged in this and they turned it into a political issue. it should have been handled with law and order.
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>> no one knows george zimmerman better than his brother. robert zimmerman jr. is joining us. >> thanks for having me, greta. >> how's your brother tonight? >> his entire life changed. it changed for him, it changed for all of us. we were waiting for the exxon ger rags for a long time. >> what if it was the other way, were you prepared for that? >> i prepared myself for that. we always had faith in mr. o'mara and mr. west. we knew the facts of the case. we really didn't need a court to tell us what happened that night and who was screaming but we definitely prepared for some of that last-minute maneuvering to try to get child abuse included, that there can be some confusion that the jury made the right call. >> how do you prepare yourself? >> i don't know that he --
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greta, i can't speak to what he was thinking because it changes. he was the only one who had to be there every single day. he encountered every single day. we did not because we were excluded from the courtroom. george is a spiritual person. i'm sure he made amends with whatever he had to. he feels he is innocent and he felt well represented. >> we oftentimes as lawyers, rather clinical, we work hard during the day. we say good-bye to our client and work and prepare for the next day. and we never really have time to find out how the client is doing. we know there are moments of great sorrow, and that george cried doourg this time? our parents were in the courtroom. he didn't get emotional and, mom, i want to go home, and then
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started to get very relieved and emotional at that time. i think that george here, he had a lot of participation in his defense in terms of working with mr. west and mr. o'mara, he did go home at the end of the day. he had that curfew. he had an active hand in that. >> what was the first thing he said to you? >> i will tell you what i said. i said it in spanish. that was the last thing i said to him before his bond was revoked which is god bless you, little brother. i think that's exactly what he needed to hear. i think that's exactly what i needed to say. you. >> you mentioned the spanish. it's no secret that this has a racial overtone. people have been saying things all along. your brother is hispanic. what's your thought about it? >> many people -- not everyone, pitting white against black and
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here it is your family is hispanic. >> right. greta, it's unfortunate role has any situation did have no role in this case whatsoever. as a family we were deliberate to keep our heritage and hispanic identity off the table because it was becoming white versus black. if we're hispanic, we can't be racist. only white people will be racist. i think if everybody was careful, she insisted on it early and often. >> these trials were so difficult. people sort of concentrate on their one side, whatever their mission is. did you ever think of the martin family, the trayvon martin family? >> absolutely.
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we expressed our services. if i ran into sabrina, tracy, i would express my condolence lass. these things that surround sabrina and tracy, mr. crump, those who i think really exploited the naacp i'll sharpen it. sabrina and tracy lost their son. now that we have this verdict of not guilty, what i always will remember is the rawness of emotion. you hear that your brother took someone's name in self-defense. the tension of having him on trial is gone. >> we know that the jury may not
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have made the right call. they have to carry that burden around for the rest of their life. >> when the shooting occurred back in february 2012, how did you first hear about it? my dad and grandmother said that someone died. it involves george, which was kind of mysterious. i said, what happens, gracie. he was involved in an altercation and he used a gun to defend himself but george is going to call you and fill you in himself. he wants to tell you the truth and every member of his family the truth that he did from his own home. he called and basically said what we know to be the murder. >> there are so many killings, shootings, zwenlts. people say, why this case? i've never known. we pick and choose for whatever
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reason. why was this too much focus on it, they have a business script, the crumps jesse jackson, they have to promote racism to see if they were asleep. they spun george's race. as a white man. later when he became hispanic. they sent -- nbc has sent a profile. >> nbc has fired people for doing that. they took out a huge chunk of audio to convey a different point. repeatedly and now to put him in
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to go forth. >> mr. beasley is co counsel for gzblzb. is there anything from the line of questioning is not going to be bizarre. you continue to hear she insists only to get george zimmerman right in the front. that was kind of bizarre. i've never seen it happen that way. lawyers, judges have always told me they wait until the defense rests to ask questions like that. that's the where i had seen it before. i thought that line of questioning was bizarre. >> one thing that i sort of later -- i thought it was wrong. frankly, i thought it was stupid on her part. it was not done in front of the injury. which is important. you look at the whole universe
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of rulings. i may have disagreed with the rulings if i was a lawyer, but overall i thought that was bizarre. maybe it was the judge. everyone was exhausted. >> i don't think she liked west at all. i didn't see much of that in front of the jury? >> no. thank you because if that kind of exchange happens, you might be intenting on hiding something, the judge moved the case along pretty quickly. gun problems the gun back. >> george is an innocent man. the presumption of nnlt that he is titled to proceedings the other charges.
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>> that gun, i would hope he would consider destroying that begun, t gun too. you can't be wrong with a threat like that. i think he's learned from this experience. >> what are his plans? >> hard to tell, greta. hard to tell what my plans are, my parents plans. this is 48 hours after this sigh of relief. we all plan on healing. we all plan on reconstructing i guess is a good word. buy can't go on with the way it was like before this but we can pick up the aspects of our lives that we left beside the way side because we all had a laser beam focus on that. we ate, slept and breathed this case and this acquittal. >> people often forget, it's like people look at trials like
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sporting events, who won, who lost. both families took a terrible beating. trayvon martin lost his life. this is horrible. >> every loss of life is tragic and nobody wins when anybody dies. that should go without saying. there was no winner then. george when he recounted what had happened, i've said it before, he just was never again the same person. it was like i had seen him three days before and then this happened and he was not the same. i think he was very remorseful and sorrowful for what happened and felt that he had lost then. we didn't know what it would become later. there's a legal victory in one sense but there are no winners. >> i don't know your brother. he looks so unemotional. sort of flat. >> he was innocent. >> i know, but if you falsely
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accuse me, i get mad. >> that's how george is, first of all. we're brothers but we're kind of different in our personalities. i'm a little bit more animated and he's very steady as you go, very warm hearted. i think that anybody in that situation has to be very careful how they express themselves in front of people who will decide your fate. >> the word to describe your brother, she says murder. >> outrageous. it seems that that woman will not stop at any end and then george was presumed innocent and was found to be not guilty. i really can't get inside her head. she's lashed out at the professor, at mr. lloyd.
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the whistle-blower. god bless her. i'll keep her in my prayers. >> there's legal problems on the horizon. you have the civil suit and department of justice. any thoughts on the attorney general, what you'd like to say to him? >> if i had the opportunity to say to mr. holder, i'd say, mr. holder, at some point we have to stop moving the goalposts. then they asked that the verdict be respected. we're back where we were in february of 2012 and insisting george has to pay for defending his life. i'm very disappointed that he described what transpired as a death that didn't have to happen. i think that flights in the name of self-defense.
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describing it that way fans the sclams of the people who are possibly seeing that emotionally. >> thank you for joining us. trayvon martin's family hardly missed a minute of the trial. trayvon martin's father, tracy, tweeted god blessed me and sybrina with tray and even in his death i know my baby proud. >> one of the martin family attorneys, jasmine rand joins us. how are you doing? >> i'm doing pretty well this evening. we're still obviously disappointed at the outcome of not guilty. i'd like to point out that doesn't mean innocent. this has been disheartening from tracy and sybrina. we've had statements from
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president obama, from attorney general eric holder. we are hopeful that we may still get some justice for trayvon. >> let me ask you. get justice for trayvon. i think it's terrible when someone losses a life. 9 prosecution picked that jurp for the defense. the prosecution agreed to that. the prosecution didn't get shut down from presenting any evidence as far as i know and the jury then decided the case and everybody was happy with that jury and then suddenly after the jury renders its verdict. some are dissatisfied. so they did a incompetent loudsy job. what happened, you liked the jury in the beginning. >> our legal team never said they liked the jury. >> the prosecution most certainly did. they helped pick it. they were right there in the
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courtroom. >> i'm not the prosecution, i'm the family attorney, and from the family attorney's perspective, we never endorsed that jury. we respect -- >> are you saying it was a bad jury? >> that was a bad jury. >> are you saying it was a bad jury? >> i do not believe that trayvon got equal justice in this instance? >> specifically how. tell me the evidence that the jury didn't hear. >> the evidence that the jury didn't hear? >> i don't think that they properly considered the evidence. if they had listened to the evidence and followed the law, george zimmerman would have been convicted of murder. he got out of the car with a loaded gun. he followed -- >> you're a lawyer, right? >> yes. nkts the whole part is that we assign them law. we then present the evidence and the judge then says, here's the evidence, here's the law, instructs them of the law and it's your duty, not mine, yours, not anybody else's in the
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community. it's the jury's duty to weigh them. afterwards you say they can't do their job? >> i have a greater job and that's to be a social engineer. we have to object to the decision of the jury. we don't believe that it will be overturned or that it will. there are millions of people out there who don't agree with that decision. >> you know what the problem is -- >> it's from all over the world. >> that's deeply disturbing from around the world. you know and i who he that may not like this verdict, didn't watch the case. didn't weigh the evidence. didn't listen to the jury instructions. so that both sides have an opportunity to be heard. social engineering is social
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engineering. justice is presented in the courtroom with a jury deciding it. both sides have an opportunity. that's justice and the jury deciding it. >> courtrooms do not always deliver justice as i'm sure you well know. you're aware of the civil rights movement. >> i bet if we put my career up against yours any day, jasmine. i don't criticize jurors. >> i haven't been practicing law as long as you have, but i would also like an opportunity to finish my answers and explain my answers to you. >> go ahead. you have a quick. i'll let you. >> i think that when i'm talking about being a social engineer, george zimmerman never would have been arrested if it wasn't for the outcry that he has this year in this nation who demanded his arrest. he was arrested and tried by a jury of hifs peers.
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i don't think the federal government has a right to bring the climb. that's why we have federal preejtss. >> jasmine, thank you for joining us. sorry i gave you a hard time. >> thank you job straight ahead, what is attorney general eric holder joins us. plus, new jersey governor chris christie going primetime. when will the governor be taking over your tv? stay tuned. >> reporter: this program engineered by ram. guts, glory, ram. and some... even have the audacity to question improbability. with best-in-class towing and best-in-class torque these are some of the bold, new ram commercial trucks -- built to blow your imagination. guts. glory. ram. every day we're working to band to keep our commitments.n. and we've made a big commitment to america.
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are george zimmerman's legal troubles behind him? not exactly. the feds might be after him. former attorney general alberto gonzalez joins us. he's with nashville based law firm, waller. nice to see you, sir. >> good to be with you. >> judge, tell me, what is it that the justice department can do or is considering? >> well, obviously they're going
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to talk to the fbi investigators. they're going to look at the trial record. they're going to complete their investigations on the ground and they'll make a calculation sitting down with prosecutors, not only the u.s. attorney's office in florida, but also of course in the civil rights division and decide whether or not they can overcome the very significant hurdles that they will have to overcome in order to successfully prosecute george zimmerman for civil rights violations to prove that, in fact, he had a specific intent to take action based upon animus, based upon trayvon martin's race. that's a high hurdle. >> that's typically a high hurdle. it seems particularly a high hurdle because the miami herald reported that they have found no indication at all that this-that george zimmerman is a racist.
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if the miami herald found this, what are they doing? >> that remains to be seen. i don't know if they've completed their investigation. maybe they want to go back and review the transcript of the trial, but you're right. when i look at what happened in this trial, there seemed to be no evidence of racial animosity by george zimmerman. i think the prosecutors, defense team, witnesses have said race wasn't a an issue. george zimmerman, according to his brother and his family, they're hispanic. one reporter checked on his voter registration, hispanic. was this racially driven and also that he's a white man. white on black. does the justice department
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investigate this as white on black or hispanic on black? >> i have no idea how they're going to approach this but from my perspective, george zimmerman is as hispanic as the president is african-american. my sons are hispanic. how the department of justice is going to deal with that, is this a potential crime of an hispanic on a black, i have no idea how they're going to deliver with that. >> how long does someone labor under this to find out had is going to get this clean. >> this is a racially charged case at this point. >> my suspicions are is that i think if they're going to be nationwide marches this weekend, i think this may play out for a while.
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one friday afternoon they'll issue a statement they're not going to move forward. they may want to wait a while to let the emotions cool down. it will take as long as it takes is the short answer. >> this is tough. this is a tough one but if i had my investigative team coming to me and saying there was no race involved, is that the conclusion of the fbi? we'll find out if they concluded it. they should put the end to it. shunned the inthernl observation, put the lid on it when he can? >> again, he's got to wait to see what the recommendation is going to be for the investigators. particularly within the civil rights division. tom perez, get his recommendation, and then the attorney general will make a decision whether or not to accept that recommendation. i presume that he will accept
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that recommendation but we'll have to wait and see. again, we don't know if the fbi has conducted their investigation. if they have, they need to complete that and work on it. >> i agree with you. i was going on the assumption that the miami herald is correct in its report. it's still an ongoing investigation. judge, thank you. >> good to be with you. coming up, the story no one told you during the trial. go behind the scenes with the lawyers. turns out they actually hated each other. that inside story, breaking news. an attack. police say it should be happening off the border in mississippi. peace of mind is important when you're running a business.
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the prosecution and the defense didn't like each other. >> i would offer him the opportunity to apologizing to me to say that i showed up with big information. >> did not mr. zimmerman have the right to have this. >> this was a trick. doesn't the court realize this was a trick? it's simply unfair for mr. zimmerman not to put on the defense because of the state's tactics? >> i think it was quite defense i believe. >> hello. >> you're the orlando lawyer, sanford lawyer. you know the behind the scenes story. how much do they hate each other? >> you have to keep in mind, local law enforcement and local prosecutors are like they're relatives we don't get along with, whatever they just local
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news, they did everything wrong and then take over a case and really started doing things wrong. that's very upsetting to those of us locally. i know you've said on the show you guys are used to tactics, trends, it's not how he's use to. they are okay in angela's quarry's auction. >> i was surprised, the defense lawyers, this was into the that much sort of sorrow either. for either family lat of 18 dd ext extra. the prosecutors are calling george zimmerman a murderer. >> no, i agree with you. on one hand, the defense it's
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reason that their wake isn't $1500. their client has been exonerated. that was not the first thing they thought to do. maybe it should have been. maybe it shouldn't have been. i can't sinai blame them. i've never seen a prosecution -- prosecutor come out after a law and bash the system. they're saying that the jury got it wrong. i think that is, in some ways self-protective. but to me that seems more unseemly because i'm all about the system and protecting the process. >> i think today they thought about it. diana, stay with us. george zimmerman is a freeman. his legal whoas are not over.
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the estate will not work. joining us, our legal panel. we have diana tennis in orlando. ted, civil trial, is the state going to sue him? >> hi, greta. let me give you a ted which had yams jury brought by the 16th. zwr let me stop you there for a second. if you're so certain of that tonight, why is attorney general eric holder, although we're here that they found a side that's not racially motivated. >> okay. the bottom line is i've done a lot of these 1983 cases. i have dealt with the fbi in these cases and i can honestly
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say the state is in an up heave val. i think they're trying to -- they're bury it in your gonzales. they're trying to let things cool off. >> bernie, civil rights case, no civil rights case? >> obviously anybody can so many. >> you're losing to me, too. go ahead. >> the difficulty is if you get to trial and ted does a lot of those. there's no many there. to get to beach rib, i've poured my heart and soul into it. when you get done and lose, you con 2k3wr59 two late the other
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party. why? because you have nother plant rerieg on you tomorrow. is that a jus tus department, even swingover there. >> you know, i haven't to disagree with a bichb of 30 days. it doesn't stand legally. there isn't a state actor. and the evidence jugts isn't there. i wish zimmerman had been convicted of everything in. >> do you want to put yourself through this? that's the question i'd ask. >> the whole idea of this justice part, i wonder there's no state actor, that's required, right, jim, under color of law?
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>> state actor based on personal animus, based on the race. >> diana, so why in the world are we even discussing this? he wasn't a cop and -- >> go ahead. >> it's not rugby king. they couldn't prove ill-will, you'll never get through that. the only person in the case with a 1983 reaction was wrongful prosecution. you have cops who were fired for no good reason, you have cops demoted for no good reason. the defense may be viable. wait until you hear the florida state attorney fired on the eve of the zimmerman verdict. why she did it and how she did it, you may be flabbergasted. >> that was quick. a juror is telling her story.
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you're going to have to pay her. that's two minutes away.
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she's ready to cash in but are you ready to pay up? one juror is ready to tell all. juror b-37 and her husband have signed a deal with her agent and she's willing to tell everything. everything from being sequestered to how jurors reached a not guilty verdict. one thing that could be left out is the juror's name. a few facts about juror b-37, she's a woman in her 50s, has been married for the last 50 yoorgs. she regularly volunteers for animal rescue groups. you tell us what you think. do you think it's okay to sign with the woman. a, yes, b, no. go to greta and tell us what you think. plus, it's a brand new it's brand new. go vote in our pole.
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the i. 26789 diret. directo florida state's attorney's office fired. the evidence includes photos on trayvon martin's phone and deleted text messages. on friday morning at 7:30 a.m. he was hand delivered a letter. he was fired. why did the state attorney general and angela murray fire ben crydos? joining us is david florida times newspaper. why was he fired? why did the state's attorney say she fired him? >> essentially she alleged that he violated a lot of procedures. in a nutshell, she felt he was going behind their back and providing confidential daze case
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information to the worries. >> now at least as i understand it, the reason he said he needed to go somewhere is the state did not turn it over to the defense lawyers. they had an obligation to turn it over. >> he had concerns whether he would face any legal implications watt not turned over to the defense team. and because he had those concerns, he hired his own attorney to find out what kind of legal exposure he would have in that case. >> two quick pieces of fact. the lawyer you fired used to be in the state's attorney's office? i don't know. the evidence was turned other to the defense and wanted to introduce at the trial and the judge said that they couldn't authenticate it that trayvon martin had sent, is that correct. >> the background information was a report, evidence that was
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created by ben crypos. it was never given to the defense. the defense had a take a look at the source code in the cell phone and was able to extract data from that as well. in some cases, even more than what the state attorney's office had been able to generate in this report. >> david, thank you. it's going to be no doubt an interesting matter to watch. now we want to know what you viewers think. fire up do you think the firing of the i.t. guy was vindictive or justified? straight ahead, chris christie making a big move. no, not on the dance floor. he might be eyeing a star. breaking news, new information from police plus a live report next.
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>> greta: this is a fox news alert a jogger attacked and there is fear it is retaliation for the george zimmerman verdict. the jogger telling local media three men shoved him into a car in mississippi shouted this is for trayvon and started beating him, tonight police are on the case. >> car came up behind there in every direction. and he took two steps towards the car and then, he said excuse me?
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they asked him get in the car. he refused to get into the car. they made another statement to him i'm going to withhold the statement they made right now. >> greta: mattgeran is following this. any witnesses? and he was treated at the hospital what were injuries? >> no witnesses to this incident that. is one of the problems they don't have information to go on. the man was brought to the hospital last night. police aren't releasing the railroad injuries. this happened late last night jogging on a road in highway 51. it's a small town. a car approached him. the chief told me the comment was do you know who trayvon martin s the jogger was white. the three men in the car the only description that they are black. the man says he was pulled into the car, beaten and abandoned on a country road. a sheriff's deputy brought him
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to the hospital. he was released this morning. greta? >> greta: are the police taking this seriously? are there thoughts this might be a hoax? do they believe this is a possibility that this happened?. >> they're taking this seriously. it's a small department, with two detectives and they're working it now. i asked the chief if evidence supports what the victim is saying at this point he said that is what they're looking into. and they know the national spotlight is potentially on this right now. with us talking about it with all of the stuff happening around country they know this could be a serious situation. the small town is taking it serious lism i talked to people around town. they don't necessarily buy this story yet. they're waiting to hear more. >> greta: matt, thank you. this is a fox news alert protestors on the streets of los angeles mad about saturday's george zimmerman verdict they're throwing items on to cars and jumping on to cars. take a look at this video this, is live pictures. and of course we're monitoring
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>> greta: this is a fox news alert angry protestors upset are on the streets of los angeles right now. they're throwing something at cars and jumping on vehicles. now, during the break what you didn't see we appeared to be they're pulling down a part of the structure this, picture looks calmer with about 40, 50 people but this is what he saw a moment ago. i can't tell what it is. you're seeing it as we are. you can make a decision about what that is as we can. this is well, looks like about 30 people at most but there it s los angeles, all right, everyone.


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