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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  July 16, 2013 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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and then they charged me a dollar. >> a dollar? >> a dollar. >> a dollar. >> all right. welcome to "red eye." it is like that's so raven if by raven you mean great that you agreed to join me this weekend for the hot tub convention because i went last year and made so many new friends and you will too, mr. hemmer. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. what's coming up on tonight's show? >> edward snowden says he is seeking asylum in russia until the u.s. prevents him from getting tape passage to africa. and why didn't the rating for the movie shark nato equal the buzz it got on twitter? i don't know. but all of you who didn't watch it disgust me. and finally should president obama be impeached?
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our allstar panel debates straight ahead. >> thank you, andy. >> you becha. >> we are not doing a story on whether or not president obama should be impeached. >> we are not? >> no. >> we should be. >> you know what happened? they got to me. >> it was a matter of time. >> they got to me. >> this is just sad. >> if i don't see you again, i love you. >> if i don't see you again -- >> let's welcome our guest. she is so sharp that samurai swords call her a role model. i am here with ann coulter, political commentator and columnist. her latest book is called "mugged" an oral history of the juan valdez coffee empire. it is quite a biography. i wish i was read. and if commentary was a jelly donut men in aprons would fill him every morning. he is the co-host of real news on the blaze tv. and in switzerland he is a cheese plate. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. we are dressed alike today.
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don't let it happen again. and he bears more arms than a beach volleyball tournament. sitting next to me, the co-host of the opie and anthony show. the pod casts are available on itunes. not sure what that is. i think you need an i-pod for that. new episodes out every wednesday. >> a block. the lead. that's the first story. greg, my son wants to say something. you suck. >> at least for now he is in moscow. on friday edward snowden met with the human rights activist at the russian airport where he has been holed up for the last six years. and he told them he was renewing his request for asylum in russia until he can get to latin america. the geeky sneak. they put out a statement through wikileaks accusing america and some european countries of acting extra legally to prevent him from taking sank sue water in -- sanctuary in places like venezuela.
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he showed no regret saying i did what i believed right and began a campaign to correct the wrong wrongdoing. i did not seek to enrich myself or seek to sell u.s. secrets. in the tele prompter you need to put periods there. i did not partner with any foreign government to guarantee my safety. i have no regrets. it is like a mariah carey song. meanwhile, another standoff equally as important is under way. >> we are going to be following this closely throughout the show. we've got live cameramen there. i think greta is actually on scene. i'm sure we will go to her live. it may be an hour of greta. >> she has an exclusive with the terrier. >> the turtle is not talking.
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he has been in his shell for quite awhile. ladies and gentlemen, animal humor. anthony, if you can blink your eyes and had magical power and could create your desired outcome for snowden, what would it be? >> i don't know. i don't know if he is a good guy or bad guy at this point. all right, that sounds good. and then somebody else says something else and i try to get my opinion from other newschannels, but they are yelling at the top of their lungs about a trial, so i don't know what is going on. i can only take care of one catastrophe at a time. >> you are so right. the whole definition of the zimmerman trial is somebody reads an article in the morning and then yells about it. >> all day long. >> at least this snowden thing there are actually two sides that you can argue about, and then you can change the facts. but you can't change the facts if you don't know the facts. a lot of people claim this guy is a hero, the guy being snowden. what about you? i have not heard much from you about this. >> i'm with anthony, with amnesty in the zimmerman trial.
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i seriously don't know whose side i'm on in that. but if he has done something bad, i think spending the rest of his life in venezuela is punishment enough. >> that's true. all they can do is watch sean penn movies apparently because they are fans. >> it is like jerry lewis in france. >> he is like the jerry lewis of venezuela. that's so true. he is the david hasselhoff of germany. i was going to say of that smaller country down south. >> columbia? >> yes. i don't know anymore. what say you? you have been involved in intelligence for many years. our administration is leaning heavily on latin american countries not to give snowden asylum. >> it hurts his case. to leave the u.s. for russia for press freedom is like leaving your slightly rude boyfriend to join your ax murdering husband. it is like going to the whole next level. putin, journalists disappear there all the time routinely. there are problems with press freedom. we will know if he has gone
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native or not, as we say in my business if he is next to putin with a track suit that is wide open. thenal we will know -- then we will know whose side she on. >> he will be shirtless cuddling a bear cub. do you think he will end up staying in russia? >> i think he will end up in one of the warmer, but equally autocratic countries down south. and i don't think the u.s. will get -- this will be like in the old cold war days. there are a bunch of brits. they go live and russia and then were never heard from again. they live out their days. >> in a rare show of solidarity, every country on earth offered you asylum as long as you arrived in 13 pieces. >> how is that even possible unless i -- wait. that's no good. i love the phrase, i have no regrets. i have no regrets. he has been living under the russian equivalent in some nameless terminal for the past month.
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yes it is good if he is nursing an energy bar and sitting in his own fillet. that disgusts me. i will say that he is a pro. when you were talking about the relentless zimmerman coverage you said other networks. he'll be back. >> i just didn't want to have to name them all. >> there are so many of them. >> fox news has offered a fair and balanced approach to everything. we were covering all sorts of things. today i covered justin bieber for two minutes. it was fantastic. here is my solution. this is brilliant. i think we should encourage asylum for snowden. whatever country picks him you send a jumbo jet filled with the gitmo inmates with parachutes. so say it is venezuela or wherever and then you push all of the gitmo inmates out into that country. no country should have a choice of who they grant asylum to if the people they are granting asylum to is a threat to us. it should be everybody. >> did you follow all of that? >> i like it. >> and i would love for once
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one of your wacky ideas to come to fruition. they never do. that's a good one. >> we have snowden and then you have 250 guys that are terrorists and then you say, okay, this is what we have to worry about as a major power. we have to worry about these terrorists. you don't. that's why you can give asylum to this guy. you don't have to worry about this guy. >> russia had a lot of terrorism. >> from the islamic extremists. >> when you think about it snowden and his information is like the aggressive turtle. right now america is the terrier and the terrier is waging its tale and hoping -- tail and hoping it is over. they keep coming at him and the terrier is backing up like what? and he will be like, i have canine and i'm coming at you, turtle and guess where the asylum is. >> i also think putin is really enjoying this. he is even saying we will only give you amnesty if he stops hurting america.
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he loves hurting america. he is rubbing it in our faces. it is like a mofia guy going -- >> by the way it is like a smirnonf. >> i like how he completely ignored what bill said. >> he is learning because he is on the show. >> from leakers to looters. a new app asks users to reveal the home address of gun owners they consider potentially unsafe in order to arm the world with the important info. the gun geo marker app available now at google's app store -- all of these new phrases scare me. it encourages weapon wearing winies to mark the homes and businesses of, quote, suspected it unsafe gun owners to help others in the area learn about their geography of reask from gun accidents or violence. and like when a new york newspaper published addresses in january response has been universally positive.
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for example, this is dangerous because it allows criminals to determine where they might steal the firearms. and another, major violation of privacy could cause safety issue for nongun owners. so true. meanwhile, i understand there was a development in another story we have been following. >> i'm telling you, you know what this is. they are acting out the whole conflict of gay marriage. the turtle being the desire for gay marriage and the snauzer saying i am not ready for it. and the turtle is in his shell protected by the tolerance of liberal society and the snauzer is like, give me some time. i need to work through issues. >> you never get the subtle tees. >> you know how they have body experts on owe riley who make no sense at all?
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they come on and they go, oh that person is upset because the person is crying. bill, i think the frown means sad. >> judge napolitano is laughing right now because he heard something humorous. >> the best one i ever saw was actual. she asked the body expert why she was doing this with her hair and the body expert said i think her hair was in her eyes. let's get away from trashing the number one cable show in america. and anthony, i'm going to you for no particular reason. perhaps because you own 1700 guns. if your home was marked by the app user, would you care or embrace it? >> first of all i don't care. i actually use it as a system to my house. >> the biggest glowing red
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dot. >> no, i don't care. here is the deal. i know a lot of people are afraid. my guns are all locked up very secure except for the one i keep on my hip. if someone wants to break in and get to it, i will get to mine first. >> will you give them five seconds? >> yeah, one, two, three. >> see i thought when you said were you a fan of the head start program -- >> no. you know what, it is stupid and intrusive. it is spiteful. i think it is more dangerous to those people who don't show up on these things. >> nongun owners are more unsafe because criminals know the places to rob. that's the way it is going to work. that makes sense. the people that make this app, i think they believe all gun owners are unsafe whether they are criminals or not. >> i think it shows how much the left hates guns if they are willing to make an app
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they should call burglarize me. it is pointing out which houses and it is not just about stealing people's guns. it is which houses you can go into. and they will not have a gun in this house. you can find out easily who has weapons and who doesn't. >> and you would think criminals aren't that smart. you think they are going to break. if they know there is a gun in one house and not in another, they are not going to go. >> how many regular break in burglars know what an app is or a google app. >> i am so terrified. these computer nerds are breaking into my house. no, no. i just love that this is in the era of obama and we are now snitching on one another. who would even think of doing something like that? >> the whole big brother pair no i yaw, we -- paranoia we thought the government would come and put cameras up, but it is us. >> the people that made the 1984 movie rtz ones that --
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movies are the ones that want this. >> it is the transparency to see. >> i want to ask bill a question. this is an interesting fact. google has an app called where to find bill schulz and shoot him in the face. it is number one. it is number one bill. >> he is so mean to you. poor bill. >> thank you, anne. >> and much like the bullet i saw that one coming. >> you have a head start policy when they come in, and then you start tw -- you start with the head. with your scope it is over quickly. luckily he has a made. i don't see why anybody has a problem with that. it is not just gun owners. it is irresponsible gun owners. if you are not going to one place you are definitely not going to the person who is the irresponsible gun owner. >> or you know they will really slow down and make it
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last. >> and what is the criteria for irresponsible gun owner. they are going to judge what irresponsible is? >> if i was a nongun owner and i got robbed i would sue this app. i would sue the -- if they found out they had the app i would sue them. they found out i didn't have a gun by using this app i am suing google for that particular information. >> i would load up the terrorists and drop it on their building. >> i would report myself as an irresponsible gun owner. >> that sounds scare yes, sir. the responsible gun owner would give uh warning shot. he probably even has more than seven rounds in his magazine. >> very nervous. >> this is an important story from an app to crap. it had buzz on twitter, but ratings were in the toilet on thursday night, sci-fi channel aired shark nato, the purposely cheesy film about
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tornadoes filled with sharks, hence the name, with ian zering and tara reid. the initter net went nuts about the movie. people sending 5,000 tweets a minute. let's do the math. just kidding. it turns out shark nato may have been more talked about than seen with nielsen. reporting the overnight ratings for what may well be the best movie ever played -- ever made were blah. the film pulled around 1.4 million viewers and managed a 4.55 rating. that's a tv slogan for nah. the network has talks of a sequel underway and production continuing.
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>> i don't even know what to do after that. it has zapped me of all energy. >> it was less cute when the shark nato stopped by. >> that might have been the most adorable thing i have seen in my life and it is making my hands wrinkle arthritically. does twitter ultimately not matter? it has no affect on the ratings of such a great movie? >> there are not enough people tweeting. i don't know what the ratings were going to have to be. there were a million people watching it, but this is going to be a cult classic. that's what everybody has to understand. it is not like everybody has to watch this at once. they will continue to watch in the future. this is continuing the future of snakes on a plane. a fantastic movie. it is one of samuel l jackson's finest moments in my opinion. >> i miss, and anybody over 40 knows what i am talking about, movies like pray for the wild cats where andy griffin terrorized hippies or bad ronald, the guy who lives in the walls. his family dies and he lives in the walls.
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they were every monday night on abc, movie of the week. don't have a question, anne. there is a disconnect between twitter and mainstream media mean obama should be impeached? >> the lo question confirmed the point i wanted to make. i noticed in the story that the first tweet quoted was by our own greg gutfeld. so you are doing the bill o'reilly thing of covering all news about yourself. two, i think while it sounds like you have a very exciting life, i think you should have a drink with us tonight. >> you are trying to get me out and get drunk because i haven't been going out lately. >> she makes a mean shark nato. >> you were watching it because i was watching your tweets. >> i was doing -- actually i was tweeting two things. it was the zimmerman trial and that. at one point i tweeted justice for shark nato. it was confusing to a lot of
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people. >> bill, the ratings for shark nato make me ashamed to be an american which is how you feel every day. >> at least you called me an american. deal with it, other americans. i am here to stay. >> you know what i think, here is what i think. it is the godfather of short tornado films. it blew jaws out of the water. my fish had his aquarium on all night. >> ian zering's best work since 90210. >> and tara reid, fantastic. >> he besmirches the shark. >> no one is bringing up the fact that robbie risk who played oliver on "the brady bunch" was the bus driver. >> no! >> yes, he was. >> i am flipping this table over. >> now i think you are all dorks. >> do i have time? coming up, how can we fix america? ann coulter discusses her new
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book, i sleep on a bed of lies before i tear them limb from limb. it is important to get your rest. the running of the bulls. that's it. running of the bulls.
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should we be forlorn because they got the horn? a -- an american and two spaniards, human, not dogs, were gored during the running of the bulls event. they were running through the city streets while three others were strap pelled. the torso tossing was captured by tv crews while others attempted to distract the beast by cairn -- seranading
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them. >> you have to be bleeped. you bleeped me on that. >> the warning. i have to make a warning to these people. the following footage is graphic and sensitive viewers are encouraged to crawl up close to the screen to get a better look. >> you thought there was going to be a kitten video, didn't you? >> by the way, these people do this -- this is what they expect. 50 people have been killed since they started keeping records. speaking up, more important matters, the standoff.
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>> see that to me is so much more interesting than the running of the bulls. what you have got there is a real challenge. you have a turtle, slow, but with a shell. you have a dog, no shell, but faster and he has a bark. you can see who is winning that. the turtle is winning. it is because he is a turtle. why do the people do the running of the bulls? >> i completely agree with what you said. ii wanted you to come to me first. anyone who claims to have run with the bulls is a complete and i'm running through you it in my head the words i am allowed to say on the show. a coward who would stay home at nightwatching shark nato. i have been there and you stand there watching literally for half an hour. the whole run is five minutes. 19thine .9% of the people running with the bulls are out having a drink or their
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morning coffee before the bulls have been let go. >> it is like smoking a cigarette. >> and the last ones are complete, drunk imbeciles like we just saw. >> buck, you want something? >> i went riding donkeys in cairo. >> i saw the film. >> this is the only way you can ride an ass and have the epg. totally true and allowed to say that because it was one. but safer because there were no horns. >> anthony, you are always armed. would a gun make running with the bulls less scary? >> a gun makes everything less scary, greg. i think with the advent of the internet running of the bulls -- i can go to world star hip hop and see so much more brutal stuff than a bull goring. how do the big animals know that taking a guy's pants off makes it so much worse? it is so embarrassing. and they always know. >> they always know to take
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the pants off. do you think the guys loosen their pants to add a little flirtation with the bulls? >> wouldn't you wear shorts? isn't speed of the essence? why are you wearing jeans? >> when i watch this i think it is a cruel sport. you are tawpting an an -- taunting an animal and then when the animal gets you, then all of a sudden everybody starts bugging you more. it bothers me, bill. you like the chicago bulls and i tried to pay the team to trample you until you died. three were up for it -- they were up for it and then they said you know what? you don't have to pay it. >> the ball will belong to you. >> 15 people have died since they started keeping records in 1911. this is safest thing in the history of the world. more people die crossing park avenue drunk at 2:00 a.m. every night and spending the entire history. the reason we don't see a lot
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of this footage is most of the time the bulls are half drugged by whatever thing they give them. they have corked on both of their horns and nothing ever happens. this is much a do about something. >> see, you didn't think i was going to say that. >> you know, your word play never amazes me. >> sometimes i feel like it is word works. >> maybe you should take some time off. >> a word vacation. >> no, just leave. >> if i stop being mean to bill, our ratings plummet. we have noticed a trend. the meaner i am -- the nicer i am they just drop. >> you can see a blip every time he calls me d bag. >> coming up, standard and poors has upgraded the credit outlook. they argue the country's debt are falling faster than expected. not doing that story.
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the man who invented twister and a nation mourns, or not. they could just be drunk like me. oh look where he is going.
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>> i don't know. he is on a big colorful mass in the sky. the guy who got us on the floor is with us no more. the genius behind twister has died at the age of 82. in the mid60s he and a
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partner were hired by a manufacturing firm that wanted to expand into games and toys. he said, quote, dad wanted to make a game that could light up a party. they originally called it pretzel. a great name and a nice snack. they sold it to milton bradley who came up with a twister name. anyway. foley made little money because he sold it. then he went on to invent many other products including fire. discuss shall we in the -- >> lightning round. lightning round. >> it gets longer every time. >> it feels that way. i answered yes on different occasions. >> it kills air time. >> a, have you ever played twister? and if not what was your favorite board game or game growing up? >> i'm sure we played twister. >> i'm sure is not yes or no.
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>> it was mostly outside. the only thing i don't understand in the story is i don't see you mentioned in it. this is a really boring story. >> did you see the last quote? greg gutfeld tweeted. >> i think in next week's water's world they played twister with some strippers with his collar up. >> with funny movies. >> anthony, self-generations of awkward teen age boys including myself have this guy to thank for getting close to girls because of the game. >> that's why it is a story. >> that's the illusion and the fantasy. usually you are on a dumb mat with some of your friends and your own sister. it was never this oh we can get this girl and do this and -- it never ended up that way. mom comes in and wants to play.
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>> how much do you want to bet the twister was the game that made you find out you were gay. you were playing at camp and you go jeesh i never felt this way before about bob. >> a little trivia? that's where the rainbow came from, from the twister game. >> that's any pif knee -- that's an epiphany. the twister helped you decide what your orientation was. why am i on the show when i should be running a country or a college? i love twister. i had three older sisters who had their friends come over. i watched them play all the time. you can't play twister on an ipad. you can't play twister on a computer. >> you can, but it is only with your finger. >> and for a lonely man. >> i have always wondered when they pitched this game initially they were like, i have an idea. it is where a bunch of people stretch awkwardly over everybody's bodies. it is like, we have that
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game. it is called pro creation. >> this was a test for parents to see if their children went one way or the ear. one way or the other. it was a genius idea. >> creating human life was not game. if only some of our nation's teams didn't look at it that way. >> bill, thanks for the psa. >> you are welcome. >> bill, you still play twister nude for the amusement of older gentlemen. it is cd clubs where they pelt you with garbage and laugh as you cry. >> up until now i didn't realize they had a name. i didn't notice the pad on the floor. >> i still have the vision of your diser and her friend -- your sister and her friend playing twister and you are in the corner in your osh-kosh osh-kosh-bgosh going -- >> i was born in 1964 and there was no whatever you said. 1969, 1971 around that area.
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on my block there were about a thousand girls that lived on that block. they all played twister. >> that's why we are doing this story. >> twister was a great, great game. i should probably just move along to the next story. there were disappearances of certain neighbors afterwards. >> but we can't get into it now. next topic, the website list where i get all of my news released the 10 greatest syndicated comic strips of all time. topping the list was calvin and hobbs. it is about a six-year-old boy and his stuffed tiger which is based on a true story. rounding it out was pogo, far side, peanuts and the view. wow. i always thought barbara was hilarious. i go to you first because i can't think of a question. is there something missing from the list? >> i mean, it is not exactly a cartoon, but i hate to sound
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like i watched shark nato, but the best cartoons are from the new yorker. a lot are the same cartoonists. i strongly object to dunesbury being on a list of the top 1,000. >> dunesbury is the beneficiary of comic book welfare. not funny, but because he agreed with the assumptions of the newspaper editors he got a spot. there has never been a funny one. >> it is like nation magazine humor. >> you are just jealous because you don't get to have sex with jane pauly. >> i would read it and be mad. first of all i don't even understand it. and i don't think it was because i was stupid. i was stupid, but that wasn't the reason. >> is it the far side one where it says pull and he is pushing and it is for the school for the gifted? that made me feel bad every time i see that. >> that is the classic one. >> the show i don't like --
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the comic strip i didn't like was andy kapp. he was taking a nap or beating his wife. >> always drinking. >> he was always drinking and napping and scaring the crap out of his wife. and you love brenda star. >> i tried to be brenda star. that's how i got into journalism. the natural hair color is coming back. i was a red head. i hated when andy would break into the halfway house his wife was hiding out in. you know how he described himself? put so a different cap. >> wasn't he british? >> i think he was british. >> the stereo type of the brits being a drunk. >> and then you had to read his accent. it is archaic. >> people back then were not funny. you ever watch old funny stuff? not funny. >> it was a great cartoon though. running around the house. more stuff when we come
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back. "joy of hate" am autographed copy. if you buy one copy of "joy of hate" right now you can buy another one for the same exact price.
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>> oh stop it. should you escape or gesticulate? a guy had an encounter with a 300-pound bear. the reporter covering the story offered tips on what to do in a face down with a big beast that is big and brown. it may be the greatest thing on tv news since he almost killed that kid. >> according to experts you should avoid direct eye contact with the bear. don't run away. instead back off slowly. waive your arms to let the animal know you are human. don't yell and stay quiet unless the bear attacks and then if it does scream and throw things. curl up on a ball on your side
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or lay on your stomach and above all, stay calm. >> outstanding. sadly she got hit by a bus right after that. have you ever seen such informative reporting? >> it was fantastic. i would tiewltly use -- i would actually use those strategies if she came up to me in a bar. if she is just not the wing man of a bar. >> the eye movement is great. >> we have to leave. we have to go home. >> anne, thoughts? will she be working for "60 minutes"? >> in order to give you my thoughts i need to see it again. >> i love this woman. she is fantastic. come on. there you go. you can't make eye contact. >> it looks like she is watching us play ping-pong. >> she is going get away fruit flies. shut up, quiet.
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i am about to pass wind. >> the worst twerking video i have ever seen. >> taking a nap. >> i can watch that all night. >> i think she did a great job. >> i think she did a pretty good job. i love the conception that when the bear knows you are human it is like, whoa, my bad. you are a human? i saw you and totally thought you were some other mammal and now i know it is time to leave you alone. it is a public safety announcement and very important stuff. >> unlike her you welcome bears to ravage your rail thin body. >> waiting. we talked about this. it is only a question if there is an inflection. i like this girl. i thank her for this animated video, but you know she is a pain to work with. she is the one that remembers everyone's birthdays and super quick with the joke. everyone else is hung over in
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the office and she is a ray of sunshine and tells everybody about the amazing book club the year before. >> have you literally worked with her? >> i am her. >> what is her name? >> post game report, andy levy.
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tv's an disee levey with the post game report. >> i wanted to give a little thanks and they had their all time greatest issue. they put me on one of their lists. i came in seventh on the best late night fake ambudsman. >> seventh? >> yes. >> who beat you? >> the top six slots were blank. >> what? >> still a great honor. >> you have to shoot for something. you were shooting for blanks. >> greg, you mentioned that they accused the u.s. of acting extra legally. it is not just legally, it is extra legally. >> it is not like you are breaking the law. you are doing a lot of the law. >> you are really acting legally. you are acting extra legally. >> you see a cop go by and you
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are wasted. >> it is super normal. >> officer, great job. >> and you don't have an opinion on this on snowden. >> i didn't have an opinion on twister. >> and two equally important stories. >> on "red eye" one is more important. >> i am a little upset we didn't lead on twister. >> one man is bringing this country down to his knees and the game brings everybody to their knees. there is a trend here. >> you said it hurts snowden's case to leave the u.s. and go to russia for press freedom, but that's not why he went to russia and not why he will end up in venezuela is it? >> you are being rational about this.
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this is true of all of these guys that are like we are about radical trans paren see, except from countries that will bundle up into a ball and stick us into a dark hole, china, russia. when wikileaks and these guys start publishing for them, give them a high five. >> i completely agree about wikileaks. it is more anti-american than anything. >> they hate america. >> i agree. i think snowden was, look, he could have stayed and got a trial or he had to go to a country that we don't have great relations with which means it will be one of those countries. >> in the old days when you sold out your country you took your cyanide pill like a man. come on. you don't need an umbrella drink. this is nonsense. >> you don't seem to buy snowden's statement that he gives no regrets given he is stuck in an air port. you can't imagine the self-sacrifice for a larger good. greg you said today you covered justin bieber for two
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minutes. was that how long it took for his bodyguards to get you off of him. >> i am just trying to help him out. >> how does he smell by the way? >> he smells like summer dreams and honey suck kill. honeysuckle. >> and athletes expose the address of gun owners. i enjoy the o'reilly factor as i do all the segments. >> anthony, the maker of the app is now complaining that gun owners are spamming it. they are posting false markers for addresses where the sewners of the house don't have guns. that's the perfect response to this, isn't it? >> i guess so, but i hate the thought of people getting credit for having guns when they really don't. >> anne, did you say you would just put your address on it?
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>> as in the irresponsible gun owner if i were a person without a gun. >> this can become a competition. they said look if you are marking my house with a gun i want it to be really good. are they going to put revolvers on them? >> and each have a responsible use for it. >> shark nato ratings don't equal twitter excitement. you said this will be a cold classic. they are on their way. sci-fi announced they hillary air it next thursday. it is another chance for you, america. >> it is going to be fantastic. and we missed the possibility of bear plus hurricane equals barricane. >> i saw that on twitter like 800 times. >> you know what my idea was? dogs and left over rain. the poodle puddle. >> running of the bulls with a tornado, a gornado.
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that's fore play. you have to rhyme it. >> awful. >> all of these were done to death on twitter. stop. >> you don't see every tweet, andy. >> i do rchlt. tara reid tells the tv news she is up for doing the sequel. by the way, we drew 1.4 million. in 2010 the movie sharktapus drew 4.5 million. but that had the advantage of being a true story. >> that's true. you know what an andy nato is? he gets home from work and goes to his apartment and takes off his shirt and turns on the fans and grabs his hats and does cart wheels. >> sounds adorable. >> i thought i got all of the cameras out. three gored in running of the bulls. you started to say they deserve this and then backed
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off. you hospital have. gash -- you shouldn't have. >> i am a human and i feel bad for the bulls. if you are taking the risk, you are assuming the risk. >> as a knicks fan it is hard to say this, but go bulls. you have to know how it makes it funnier. if you watch closely though, you scan see he had his belt unbuckled and belt undone. no, look what the bull did. oh no! bill they do not put corks on the tips of the horns. >> you don't know that. >> in bugs bunny cartoons. >> the inventor of twitter died. foley invented fire? >> yes jie. oh, twister. that is untrue. and he made a grand total of $27,000 for twister. >> milton bradley ripped everybody off. >> hasbro did and then they sold to milton bradley jie. it
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was more like has-no. why am i trying at this point? it is almost the end of
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