tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News August 7, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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>> good for them. as always, thanks for being with us. let not your heart be troubled. the news continues. g greta, take it away. tonight, the irs targeting investigation just got bigger and just got worse. now the federal election commission caught in the web of scandal, too. the house oversight committee demanding the fcc turn over records of its communications with the irs and setting a deadline of august 21. congressman jim jordan co-signed the letter to the fec and joins us now. good evening, sir. >> good to be with you. >> this letter today to the chairman of the fec, why did you send it? to ellen weintraub. >> you have to remember. lois lerner who broke the story about the targeting of conservative groups then started
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the false narrative about being two rogue agents, then took the fifth amendment. wouldn't answer questions, wouldn't answer to the american people. now we know she was communicating with someone in the counsel's office at the federal election commission about the status of group ohs seeking tax exempt status. this is the same lois lerner who worked at the federal elections commission prior to the irs. we want all this information. we want every e-mail she's sent to get to the bottom of the story. >> okay. in your letter dated today, it says that william powers, an fe c official e-mailed lerne r, february 3, 2009. do you know what he h he-mailedr about? >> we seem to think it's talking about american issues project. a conservative organization, again, looking at their ability to get tax exempt status.
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just the fact that she's communicating as one of the other fec commissioners said. this is highly unusual, out of the ordinary that she's communicating with someone in the chief counsel's office about someone seeking tax exempt status. it's an irs question. we now believe there is evidence that suggests that as we are talking about tonight, this is broader and deeper than just the irs. we have p securities and exchange commission. now we have the federal elections commission. last week when i had the privilege of being on your show we talked about catherine englebrecht who faced the full weight of the government. she was visited by osha, epa, the full weight of the government. this is chilling. more evidence suggests it is not just isolated to the irs but may include the securities and exchange commission and federal
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elections commission. >> do you read in this letter -- what i think is notable about the letter is it talks about this february 3, 2009 e-mail from the fec to lois learn, then at the irs. it references back to the preceding july, 2008. some communication that the irs and fec are having. this predates president obama's november 2008 election. does that signal to you that at least it doesn't go as high as the white house? he wasn't even president then. >> it may. what we do know is there is communication going on that's not appropriate. it's about a question that should be totally dealt with in the internal re new service. that's what most concerns us. if it is referencing something before then, lois lerner worked at the federal elections commission before the irs. maybe she goes -- she's concerned about this. but the point is there is coordination. at least what appears to be
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coordination between two federal agencies. >> in terms of the response you want, you want the response back by august 21? >> last week, i had a chance in committee to question acting commissioner dan warfall and i said why don't we have all of learn er's e-mails today? it seems the first thing you would have done as commissioner is send us all her e-mails. who's she been talking to? she took the 5th. if you want to, as the president said, get to the bottom of this and work hand in happened with congress you would think it would be the first thing you would send us uh. they have yet to send all the e-mails. there is no excuse for us not having that information. >> i'm with you on the this transparency stuff. i have had it up to my -- over my head. it just doesn't happen. you're not getting information. i'm with you on it. you're not getting information.
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let me give you a hard time. in this letter to the chairwoman, the fec you say she has until august 21 to respond. nobody will be there. >> we'd like it sooner. that's the date the committee picked to get information to us. but the staff is still in washington. we're still working on this. >> that's my side jab to everybody not working and taking a vacation. i fear that the capitol guards will be looking at it. they ought to comply. >> our staff will be looking at it. >> good luck and let us know when the fe c does comply so we can figure it out. maybe we'll get answers. >> we will. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. it's not just the irs. and the fec.
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tonight there is growing suspicion that the securities and ex change commission, the s.e.c., may also be targeting conservative groups. the house oversight committee demanding document thes from the s.e.c., too. ron desantos joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> i have seen the july 22 letter where you make a demand of the s.e.c., the honorable mary jo white, chairperson, to comply with documents by july 29. i take it that didn't happen. right? >> no. it hasn't happened yet. we do anticipate getting those documents because we are entitled to those documents. you had all these career people in the s.e.c. being asked to push this political speech angle. they were like, look. this is not what we do. go to the fec, go to congress. when activists weren't having success for that they were trying to go through the s.e.c. the s.e.c., mind you, were being
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tasked with implementing dodd frank which is thousands of pages. yet they were being pushed to put it aside and take up this issue of corporate political donations. it's strange and we think it is part of a broader effort. >> i want you to get to the bottom of it. but as the sec kpcomplied with e letter or not? i take it the answer is no. >> i don't know. to my knowledge they have not complied fully with the letter. i haven't been in washington since friday. i did brief -- i received a briefing today with the staff. it covered the broad issues of all three organizations. >> i suspect -- if i may be so bold to speak for the american people -- as today listen to this they feel gamed a little bit. like congressman jordan trying to get information on the irs. this is going on for months and you are not getting the
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information. it's bizarre. these are important issues. i don't know what will happen whether you are right or oh wrong. this whole pulling teeth to get information is an incredible waste of time. you ought to get the information if we ask for it. >> o absolutely. we had danny werfe l take 30 days to look at the irs and he said, oh, well, no intentional misconduct. really? this is something that happened over years and years. you had a lengthy i.g. investigation. there has been a lot of push-back from the bureaucracy and from the administration. they are trying to protect their own interests. we have to be dell geiligent. it's like pulling teeth. we do get the run around. we have the subpoena power. it's difficult to enforce that. we have to be diligent and we are going to be diligent. we have patience and the american people deserve the truth. >> i don't think the american people have much patience left. maybe they do. the message these agencies are
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getting from the president down is that this is, quote, a phony investigation, phony scandal. i don't think they are giving you the respect of the investigation that's due as an oversight of the agency. but you have this old fashioned thing called subpoena. everybody could be here in washington today. you can issue a subpoena and that information would arrive by tomorrow morn iing. if you can put the pedal to the metal you have to use subpoenas. >> lerner hasn't provided information. she waived her fifth amendment right. i would be in favor of calling her back. if she continues to re fuse to answer questions, holding her in contempt of the congress. i think that would be appropriate because of lack of information. >> what takes so long? this has been going on and on and on. why does it go weeks, months? what's up with this?
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>> when we do the hearings, we have a lot of staffers on the committee who are getting documents, conducting interviews. so the idea is to kind of build a lot of evidence and then being able to bring it to the american people. i'm with you on the lois lerner thing. her name keeps popping up. i would love to see some resolution there. it's not my call. i'm just a member of the committee. i think her hands have been in so many different things that she really needs to be held accountable. >> if the president said to the fec, s.e.c. or irs the to cooperate now and right away that it wouldn't be like an uphill battle for something you are obligated to do as providing oversight to the agencies. the president could help on this. >> he could. he's made his position clear. he doesn't think this is something he should have to deal
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with. his attorney general, mr. holder, has not been zealous with the irs. that's the position we find ourselves in. it has the american people asking for answers. that puts pressure on folks in power. >> thank you. i hope the american people demand answers to move this and find out what did or didn't happen and move on. we need cooperation from the administration on the this. thank you, sir. >> absolutely. >> not all members of congress are using the full five-week vacation for golf or the beach. a small number are holding a town hall meeting. some are getting an earful from a disgruntled electorate. voters are angry about everything from obamacare to benghazi to the nsa. here's more from the town hall meeting in maryland. >> if it's august it's town town hall season and some brave members of congress actually held them in 2013. >> when is this government going to come clean with the american
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people and tell us what this secret law says, how it's being secretly implemented and what it means to every person in this room? >> i am very, very worried about what the nsa is doing. >> we are going to find out the nsa was not complying with the law. i don't know about you, but i'm offended by the government knowing the record -- of having access to every person i have called. >> now they have all these embassies closed and they don't know what happened there. >> you haven't seen the end of benghazi or the irs investigation. no question. >> innocent people, if you will are getting slammed bi-partisan politics. >> let me ask you a question -- >> people will be losing their house. >> we heard discontent with what's going on with not taking care of the problems in this
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country. i think you heard a lot of criticism of the president tonight. you heard criticism of congress. you heard about the issues. people are frustrated. they are seeing an economy not recovering. either seeing a president sitting on the sidelines literally playing golf. little rally fiddling while rome is burning. >> we don't feel boehner represents us effectively. as the voice of the house of representatives i think john boehner could do a better job. >> i want john boehner up there defying this guy saying we are going to impeachment if you don't start obeying the laws. >> listen, we're dying out here because you guys are being nice. this is not a boy scout meeting. >> it's not. you're acting like boy scouts. you have to fight. >> i want to see more defiance. >> we have seen it dozens of times where boehner won't fight, mcconnell won't fight, paul ryan and the debate with joe biden sit the there and took it from him. the american people are putting
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our hopes on these people to defend us and we get nothing. >> those americans clearly aren't laughing. is president obama taking the nation's problems seriously. >> please welcome my first guest, my only guest barack obama. [ applause ] >> president of the united states went to a late night comedy show. for his first ever statement about this increased terror threat. a late night comedy show. >> it's significant enough that we are taking every precaution. we had already done a lot to bolster embassy security around the world. but especially in the middle east, north africa where the threat tends to be highest. >> we're dealing with obama. he love this is stuff. he loves going on this show. sits down on jay leno. he's comfortable there. far more comfortable than he would be in the east room
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standing up answering questions about what's going on. >> it's a diminishing thing that happened last night. the presidency was diminished. last night the country, talk about being respected or loved. people around the world. this is a small thing that happened last night. made the country look small. made the presidency look small. >> dana, nice to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> a lot of attention on the president's 15 or 20 minutes or half hour of time he spent on "the tonight show." today he was at camp pendleton. but last night gets the attention. do you have the sense that the people you speak to on your radio show are satisfied that his attention is full speed ahead on the american people? >> people aren't satisfied. it was actually smart of him to go on jay leno. then he can say he answered
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questions without really having to answer questions concerning all of the scandals, questions about benghazi. it was softball. that's for the low information voter, the people who don't watch the headlines. they will get it from a couple of 30 second s on the local news and that's it. but they stay up to watch late night television. he was able to answer things without really having to answer them. unfortunately the people who are really most active, the ones who go out and register the voters, go door to door, the people who energized the base and energize elections, they are unsatisfied. they feel no questions are being answered. people are disgruntled. there is no transparency in what was described by this administrations as the most transparent administration ever. >> where are the white house press corps then? they should be raising hell, jumping up and down, getting together today and demanding that the president take their questions. they are the ones who are steeped in the issues.
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where are they? >> that's the million dollar question. we were all watching the last press conference with jay carney and there were almost zero. i don't recall a question about why there were 19 embassies and consulates shuttered -- 19 different ones for a week. i would have loved to hear the question, how is that going to make folks working oversees in the em ba sis and consulates to wait a week? the terrorist problem doesn't go away. the closest we got was jay leno asking. >> i give members of congress and the president hell for taking vacations without completing the work. the resolution at the end of september isn't done. the debt ceiling isn't done. they took care of themselves though with the opm exemptions for health care. that was signed. everyone knows where i stand. there are some working. some are holding town halls. i give them credit for that. do you have a problem with the president's vacation schedule and congress's vacation schedule? >> i don't begrudge anyone taking a vacation.
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we all need one. sometimes we do better after having taken one. it's tradition for every president when they go on vacation to get heat. john adams took heat for going on vacation. he was away for eight months, so that might be different. the difference is mess sajing, timing and expense. when bush went on vacation he went back to his texas ranch. he didn't spend $20 million on repeated vacations to hawaii. he went to the estate in maine or back to texas. clinton rarely went on vacation. >> i wouldn't care if they all took six months off, seven months off if they completed their work. the problem is -- >> true. >> with all sincerity with the continuing resolution unsettled, the debt ceiling unsettled, business people oh are sitting on the sidelines, not making business decisions. >> right. >> as a consequence, they are not expanding, not hiring.
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they can't plan. this five-week vacation does have a consequence for american people. >> right. >> it's not just whether they are entitled to vacation. i don't care if they take all the vacation if they do the work first so we can get on with our lives. >> the timing is weird. i agree with you. get your work done. then go on vacation. get it done first. like you said, my husband is a small business owner. i have so many people that listen to my show who watch your show, on twitter, on facebook. they are small business owners. their hands are tied. they don't know what's coming up. these people plan ahead. congress isn't doing their job. certainly not doing what we sent them to do. we didn't send them there to go off for five weeks before they get the job done. they wanted the b jo. they need to do it. >> thank you. dana did a google hangout on greta wire. you can see it at any time. it's posted there. thank you. >> thanks, greta. >> a new fox news poll showing
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most merps don't think congress earned its vacation. when asked if lawmakers worked hard enough to deserve a break 82% of voters said no. that brings us to tonight's hot button issue. yes or no. go to and vote in the poll. this is a fox news alert. a wildfire burning out of control in southern california. you are looking at live pictures from banning, california. a wildfire scorching 5,000 the acres, destroying many homes. three mountain homes are now under mandatory evacuation. one firefighter is reported injured. tonight air quality warnings are going out to most of riverside county. we'll continue bringing you an update later in the program. straight ahead, news tonight that obamacare just hit another hurdle. you won't like this one. this time it is your personal
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information at risk. that's next. also a deadly secret uncovered. a college professor's past comes back to haunt him and strikes fear into a college campus. the latest on the bizarre story coming up. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection
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uh-oh. the obama administration misses another and critical obamacare deadline. this busted deadline could spell big problems for you and your very, very, very private and very, very personal information. >> obamacare is very, very destructive. what it's doing to the country is very, very, very bad. we have just seen the beginning. >> a newly released report says the government is behind in testing its computer systems to ensure the obamacare is secured.
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>> an inspector general report says if there are additional delays in completing the security authorization package cmscio may not have a full assessment of the risks and security controls needed for the security authorization decision by the initial open enrollment period expected to begin on october 1, 2013. >> we need to look at any way possible making sure that we get the president's health care plan out of the way. we have to get the economy moving again. >> a former hshs h hs general counsel and former social security commissioner. nice to see you, sir. >> nice to see you. >> the roll-out date is october 1 for obamacare where the exchanges open up. we are supposed to have security. our personal information is safe. where do we stand? >> it's chaos oh. it's been chaos for years. administrator burrwick deliberately went very slowly in
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designing the systems. then they played catch-up and didn't have the time and money to do it right. they started doing shortcuts on privacy. social security and irs appealed to the white house. they waited until the two commissioners left to make a decision. then they made a very political decision to abuse the privacy act and ram this right down the agency's throat. >> why did they wait? it's not like it was passed last week. everybody knew about it, warts or not. why wait? this is a big job. >> yeah. it was really -- i think, personal incompetence. administrator burrwick didn't want to make cuts at cms. secretary sebelius wouldn't give him money from the large slush fund she had. so he went to other agencies
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like the social security administration. he tried to bully me into paying for the whole system which was nuts. that was critical time. these systems -- and i have had experience building a lot of systems like this. we overhauled our electronics services when i was commissioner of social security. they take a long time to do right. you can't make up and do it at the end. they are in that position. the people trying to the run it now are stuck by mistakes made in 2010, 2011 and 2012. >> they missed the may 13 deadline when the program was to be presented and beta testing after that. we are way behind schedule. october 1 is rapidly approaching. what happens if there is no guarantee on security and we provide the personal information? will they force people to enroll and put their information at risk? >> well, it's not clear exactly
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what will happen. there is a hint they are resigned to the fact that no matter what the prooifry problems are it will be approved by the information officer on the theory it can be fixed later. i find that to be one of several extremely depressing examples of the report. it puts americans in a difficult position. if you don't get health insurance on the affordable care act you can be fined. if you have to get health insurance through the health exchange and the health exchanges aren't working are you really going to be fined? they know this is a problem. this is not a secret within hhs or the white house. they are not being straight with the american people that there is a problem with the system. they are embarrassed. they do not want to take the time to do it right. that's what leaders should do in this country. >> that's what makes me so -- i don't know.
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just at wit's end. i'm lucky. i have insurance, i have a job. i have things americans want. to have people whose job the it is to take care of this not doing their jobs, not being here. or after saying they could or promising they could, whether it's an agency job, white house or capitol hill. it's beyond me almost to the point of cruelty. do your job. i don't get it. >> they took options from the state by not being candid. states had to make the choice whether to have citizens use the federal system or their own. many states created their own. we had the first one here in massachusetts. maryland has one. but a lot of the states opted to go into the federal exchange. i think if the administration had been straight this was a problem plagued system. we have issues on privacy, on timing. i think a lot of states would
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have made a different decision than the one they made. >> would delaying the mandate on -- the individual mandate, would that be a possible band-aid to the problem to at least buy time? >> i think so. it's what they did for businesses. they had parallel mishaps on the regulations and systems needed for business. there was a fierce lobbying campaign. the administration painted it as a favor to business. they are being pro business. the truth is that hhs wasn't reddred -- ready. however this is mostly lower income americans who are uninsured. they don't have the same organized lobbying group that other constituents have. they are getting the short end of the stick. no one is standing up for largely lower income americans who are going to be forced to use this system where it might
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not work at all. if it does their privacy will be put at risk. >> thank you. of course we'll watch this closely. thank you, mike. >> thank you. >> coming up, what bombshell did president obama just drop on russia? ambassador john bolden is here to talk about it next. also, it is more explosive than an action movie. sylvester stallone, bruce willis and harrison ford in a twitter war. that's coming up. humans. even when we cross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why at liberty mutual insurance, to policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what ee comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? like carpools...
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quality warnings are going out to riverside county. one firefighter has been hurt, battling the wildfire. stay with fox news channel for the latest on the this breaking news. president obama snubbing russian president vladimir putin, cancelling the upcoming one on one meeting in moscow because president obama doesn't like that putin snubbed him by granting edward snowden temporary asylum but obama will go to the g 20 meeting. former ambassador john bolden joins us. good evening. >> glad to be with you. >> would you meet with putin if you were president obama? >> not at this point because of snowden. let's be clear. cancelling this meeting has all the impact on putin of obama fluttering his eyelids. it's symbolic. what snowden has done to us and what the russians are doing or trying to do by getting ahold of the information snowden has is
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cause uhhing us real damage. in order to focus putin's thinking, we need to do things that cause him pain as well. while not having a chance to have a bilateral meeting with his buddy barack obama will cause putin to lose sleep it's not damaging russian interests. >> we have an enormous interest with russia, reduction of the ballistic missile inventories. we have the problems in syria. we have iran with nuclear weapons as the third thing. we've got serious matters that we would like to have a dialogue with russia. on the other hand, this snowden thing is terrible. sort it out for me. what would you do if you were president? >> the russian are interests or the way they are carrying out the policy is adverse to us on every one of those grounds. we ha they have blown political cover for the iranian nuclear program
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though it's not in their interest. they have stiffed us on sanctions. paramediced the assad regime in syria. they outnegotiated the obama administration in an embarrassinging way on the new start treaty on strategic nuk the lar weapons. they have consistently outmanoeuvred us, embarrassed the president on his reset button. the fact is every time we talk to the russians, they outmaneuver us. i'm just as happy. one less chance for the president to make concessions. >> this isn't just president obama. going back to bush 43 when he said he thought president putin was someone with whom he could deal. this seems to be a chronic issue with russia. >> i think bush said i can see into his sl. that turned out maybe not to be accurate. the real question here is i don't think president obama yet understands what it means to negotiate or deal with or how to
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handle a great power that's also an adversary. obama said the other night complaining about putin that he was behaving in a cold war fashion. in fact, that's not what putin is doing. he's carrying out policies that he he thinks are consistent with russia's national interests. those policies happen, at least in my view, to be directly contrary to american national interests. i don't think president obama understands the concept of clashing national interests or what to do about them. >> it seems we are in a particularly perilous time in history. with all that's going on in egypt and syria we have almost a cold war relationship where we are sliding back in that relationship with russia. things aren't advancing in a direction that i feel particularly optimistic. >> no. i think in large part that's because of the policies of weakness that obama pursued. one way to make putin feel pain would be to reverse the geopolitical strategy our president has followed.
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so i would get out of the new start arms control treaty with russia. return to building a robust national missile defense capability, trying to get those bases for radars and missiles in poland and the czech republic again. i would reject any idea of negotiating with russia about missile defense. i would build what we need to build and not worry about them. i don't think we should forget. we should make china feel pain here for giving snowden asylum for a couple of days and allowing him to escape to moscow. the lesson putin learned watching what we did not do to china is putin could get away with it, the too. so far, they are both right. >> ambassador, thank you. this is complicated and dangerous as well. thank you, sir. >> thank you. this is a fox news alert. amber alerts going out across oregon and washington state for two children who may have been
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kidnapped by their mother's killer. the nationwide man hunt is on for james dimaggio. police say he murder ed a woman and took off with one or both of her children. the body of christina henderson wu found in his burned down home. the remains of a child were found as well but weren't identified. police believe he kidnapped 16-year-old hannah and 8-year-old ethan. they have not been seen since saturday. police say he 's driving a blue, 2013 nissan versa license plate 6wcu986. if you see it call 911 immediately. coming up, a chilling secret uncovered. a popular college professor turns out to be a multiple killer. a live report is next. in two minutes, you have never seen a fantasy camp like this one. movie fans flocking to the hunger games camp. why do critics say the camps go too far -- way too far. an) thist really good chocolate shakes.
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the house caught fire and we were out on the streets. [ whispering ] shhh. it's only a dream. and we have home insurance. but if we made a claim, our rate would go up... [ whispering ] shhh. you did it right. you have allstate claim rate guard so your rates won't go up just because of a claim. [ whispering ] are we still in a dream? no, you're in an allstate commercial. so get allstate home insurance with claim rate guard... [ whispering ] goodnight. there are so many people in our bedroom. [ dennis ] talk to an allstate agent... [ doorbell rings ] ...and let the good life in.
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forget swimming and tennis. kids at a controversial new summer camp are fighting to the death. that's right. "the hunger games" summer camp inspired by the popular, controversial book turned movie trilogy. ♪ "the hunger games" is about teenaged killers. and just like in the movie they hunt each other down. they collect flags to signify a killing but there is no actual killing. still critics say it is too violent. some kids kicking and stepping on each other. is it too violent or all in good fun? vote in our poll. we are back in two. from capital one,
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bjorn earns unlimited rewas for his small business take theseags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjors small busiss earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve limited reward here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button? >> announcer: introducing the redesigned jitterbug plus, our smartest, easiest cell phone yet. >> when i heard about the jitterbug, i went online and ordered one for my mom. now my mom has a cell phone she actually enjoys using. >> announcer: the jitterbug plus is easy to use, easy to see, and it has the longest-lasting battery on the market. for a limited time, get a free car charger with purchase. to locate a store near you, visit greatcall-- people you can count on.
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this is very weird. a popular college professor's really dark past comes to light. a campus stunned to learn the professor executed his family 46 years ago. dave mckinny of the chicago sun times joins us. good evening, sir. >> hey, greta. how are you? >> good. what happened 46 years ago? >> the night before a vietnam war protest rally that the 15-year-old jim walcott planned to attend but his father wouldn't let him go to. he came home from a movie with his sister and two hours later he proceeded to gun down his family. he shot his father, his sister including in the face, and his mother. this appears to have been a premeditated crime. basically he wound up going to trial for the murder of his father but a jury exonerated him on the basis that he was insane.
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doctors determined that he was a paranoid schizophrenic. he went to a psychiatric hospital for six or seven years and then was released. he went on to change his name legally. that's where the story leading to milliken university in central illinois went. h he studied psychology. here we are. >> now it's come out and the university is learning for the first time his original name and his past. is the university community standing behind him or not? >> there is a big segment of former students and faculty who are standing behind him. they are following the lead of the university itself which described his academic career as remarkable. they expect him to be teaching classes in the fall. there has not been a ton of protest. but i spoke with congressman davis who represents the area. he's an alumnus of milliken. he's surprised. he said he wouldn't send his
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daughter to this school to study psychology so long as professor st. james is on the faculty. >> we eel watch t'll be watchin. thank you, dave. >> thank you. >> get out your popcorn and maybe a crash helmet. three mega movie stars are at each other's throats in an action-packed twitter war. that's next. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. first wait till summer. then get the cars ready. now add the dodge part. ♪
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>> greta: it's time to hash it out. oh, no. fox's own geraldo rivera making headlines again on twitter. easy now. it's not a new selfy. tweeting honored to be asked to do "dancing with the stars". it's a great show. i can't for lots of reasons including a bad foot. declining an invite to compete on "dancing with the stars". it's too bad we were hoping for another wardrobe malfunction from geraldo. more like a tom delay wardrobe faus paus. do you remember those pants? we don't think they're going to get a christmas card soon. they're going at it. stallone tweeting out willis
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out, harry onare ford in, great news, been waiting years for this, stallone talking about the third installment of the expendables franchise in which willis was supposed to star. >> you made me deal. i could have put new the deepest darkest hole, but i kept you out because i knew one day would come when you were going to pay me back. today is that day. >> seems like there was a tiff between stallone and illis. now, willis is out and harrison ford is n what is this about? we don't know details but moments after the tweet stallone sent out this tweet. greedy and lazy a sure formula for career failure, ouch. and look, mom, no hands. trust me you've never seen a delivery service like this. tweeting video chinese man carries mattress home with two hands, also riding a bike.
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check it out. have you ever seen that? and are you looking to play hooky from sool and looking for a place to crash? gq magazine reporting you can own cameron fry's house from "ferris bueller's day off" for $1.5 million. any buyers out there? anyone? anyone? anyone? hash it out with us. just use hash tag greta on tweets and posts. coming up a lawn mower what won't disturb your neighbors but will get your goat, next. ♪ the middle of this special moment and i need to run off to the bathroom. ♪ i'm fed up with always having to put my bladder's needs ahead of my daughter. ♪ so today, i'm finally talking to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz.
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