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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  August 8, 2013 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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how many seconds? >> that's it. >> happy birthday, allison! >> it was a rabbit on a golf course. >> thanks for watching. >> thanks for watching. welcome to "red eye." it is like pimp my ride if by pimp you mean shave and my ride you mean my back. now to andy levy for a pre game report. andy, what is coming up on tonight's show, old sport? >> our top story tonight, san diego mayor bob filner accused of sexually harassing a nurse who asked for help with a disabled veteran. don't worry. he is a democrat. i'm sure he meant well. and a university stands behind a professor after it is revealed he shot and killed his entire family 46 years ago. it is probably safer than standing in front of him. thank you very much. and an american tourist accidentally snaps off the finger of a 600-year-old statue at an italian museum. our panel decides if he should
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be executed. grandpa? >> sounds like something mccurio would do. >> what is that? >> snap off the finger of the statue. >> but then he would use the finger in disgusting ways. >> it would be better than his routine. that's an act. >> i can't even improve on that. >> let's welcome our guests. she is so cute that babies send her hate male made of feces. i am here with michelle fields and she is so sharp she sneezes fishing hooks. sounds painful. she is amy holmes who is an anchor at the and in the continue mental united states he can tell you which drunk tanks have wi-fi. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and he is the guy who leaves long voicemails on your phone that trail off and depress you. and then he repeats the whole thing an hour later to make sure you got the previous message. next to me, writer and comedian paul mccurio.
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>> i am a comedian. >> he can check out his pod cast on itunes. it is called the paul mccurio show. >> a block, the lede. that's the first story. that means i love you, greg. >> just let me do the show. did he demean a marine? bob filner is a pile of [bleep]. a nurse has accused the san diego mayoof sexually harassing her as she tried to assist a marine severely injured in iraq. michelle tyler said she met with him on behalf of a veteran named catherine who needed help dealing with the department of veteran affairs. the nurse explained that filner was looking for a gross quid-pro-quo. >> it was disturbing to me that he made it very clear that his expectation was that
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his help for catherine depended on my willingness to go to dinner with him, spend personal time with him and be seen in public with him. >> it is just a dinner. meanwhile, filner targeted more vulnerable women. cnn said he attended an event that supports victims of military sexual assault and some say they had unwanted encounters with him. truly a sick man. i need something to take my mind off this ugliness. >> that almost worked. paul, i think we can finally say that we found someone maury -- more repugnant than you. i made fun of you every night and i'm thinking, no, maybe you are not so badment how can
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this guy come back as mayor? >> well, let me just say as i rub your back that you are a lovely woman. i don't know. it is not just him. the city set up a complaint line because it is nice to see that when the mayor of san diego gets creepy and puts his hands on women the sheriff puts a hotline in place. >> exactly. what he was doing was not just sexual harassment. it was sexual assault. he was touching women in their privates. to be committing sexual assault on military rape victims? does it get any lower than that? >> you are sitting next to paul mccurio. >> sexually assaulting the rape victims is disgusting. >> i don't know if he was assaulting them. >> he was touching their breasts and buttocks. >> he put a woman in a headlock. >> greg, i think that is assault. >> i can wonder figure he was doing it at the event.
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i thought he was hitting on them at the event and then pawing them at other times. it doesn't matter. i am slicing the bread way too thin here. michelle, this is day three of his rehab stint. do you think he can turn it around? >> maybe if the person leading his rehabilitation is hannibal lecter then i will take this seriously. two weeks and then you will come out as a new person? no. right? >> you have been part of a two-week therapy, haven't you? >> guys, hr does watch the show sometimes. >> that's ridiculous. it is two weeks. the first week he will get therapy and the second week they will tell him to stop calling the therapist the chick with the nice rack. >> by the third day he will be hitting on every woman in there. or every woman working there. bill, i want to -- when he ran for congress he had some support from a very famous democrat. let's roll that, shall we?
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>> hello. this is president bill clinton. i am asking you to join me in supporting bob filner for mayor. bob has the experience to move san diego forward. to create good paying 21st century jobs, support quality public education and put neighborhoods first not special interests. >> now, bill, because president clinton is no longer in power, shouldn't we instead impeach obama? >> can you do that? >> yes. it is called impeachment by proxy. >> isn't a proxy an ointment for hemorrhoids? >> it doesn't work though. >> clinton is a lot of things but sue say yes, sir is not one of them. yes he regrets it, but it won't hurt him adversely. when the allegations started to come out i thought of two words and two words only, gloria allred. then the last one and i said, gloria allred.
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and like beatle juice you say it three times and poof she appears. >> that is so true. >> to make this not about the predator or the victim, but about, the fourth time, gloria allred. and there she was. >> bill clinton also officiated anthony wiener's wedding. he is all over this stuff. >> he is the zelig of sexual weirdos. he is like forest gump. >> is there a harassment line i can use? >> he is 70 years old. >> he is 70 years old. first of all, you don't touch -- this is 2013 and this is 1950s harassment. doesn't he know you take a crotch shot and then tweet it out? and then you touch yourself later. you don't touch other people. go to a retirement home and be that old man where the nurses put laxatives in the -- stop thinking of the next thing you are going to say and listen to me. >> no, you are boring me.
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he cannot come back as mayor. >> why would he want to? he is 70. why not move on? >> he is consumed by power. these people do not know how to let go. this is why wiener is fighting and spitser is fighting and why a-rod is fighting. they just can't give up. they don't know what to do afterward. >> look in the mirror. >> why? do i have something on my face? >> you are that guy. >> i am a decent person. >> they know there is the odd chance that people will -- >> they don't forget because we like telling fun jokes, but they will forgive. look at sanford. he is back. >> but sanford didn't assault anyone and he confessed to being in love with the woman. >> and now they wren gauged to be -- they are engaged to be married. >> they are. they are actually staying at my place this weekend. from that guy to this guy. will the old and gray make anthony pay? it is a setback for wiener and just when things were looking up. on tuesday the serial sexter called the opponent grandpa at an aarp event no less.
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wiener later said he used grandpa because george mcdonald who con fronted him talks about his granddaughter on the campaign trail. arp called the comments regarding age unfortunate. the incident likely erased any goodwill wiener earned the previous night when he handed out cookies at a senior center. will voters take a leap of faith with wiener? we asked this cat. >> you can say he is toast. no, no, no. he is fine. he is in cat heaven. he is doing well.
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>> that cat molested a lot of his staffers. >> i think the cat is okay. michelle, after the grandpa comment has wiener now lost females and the people? >> he lost everyone. i guess it is better than him sexting pictures. >> that can be next. >> he has no one right now. no one is on his side, and he basically killed off all of these -- >> is this showing that he is not only a pervert, but a mean spirited pervert? >> and an idiot. he is asking us to ignore his personal private sexting behave because he is a political genius and he makes these remarks at an aarp meeting? what does qualify him. >> you can't ask for privacy when you are running for office. it shows your character and your judgment and we are electing somebody based on the character. >> he is supposed to be a genius campaigner and calls him the grandpa of the aarp? >> it is like calling somebody
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wheels at a handicapped convention. >> that is so expected from you. does it matter that wiener is still more successful than you and your giant lips? >> you are obsessed with his mouth. >> you haven't been watching the show, have you? his lips have a staring role. >> my lips have their own twitter account. i don't think calling somebody grandpa who is really a grandpa is insulting. >> i am actually buying his explanation. >> i just want to get an insult on greg. >> the explanation was fake. it was part of an on going feud, right? >> it was a complete lie. he should have said he reminded him of his grandpa and he wreaked of failure. that's what he should have said. >> i think he was hammering this too much. we get it that wiener did stuff -- and then he talked to his granddaughter about it multiple times which i'm sure is great for her at 10 years old. he is coming out with an
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r-rated children's book called all of the things are you not supposed to say to your child ever. i think mcdonald is going over board with this too. >> is the circus around wiener getting in the way of him communicating his bold vision for the future of new york? >> i am still waiting to hear what the vision is. and if he keeps doing what he is doing -- if he keeps doing what he is doing the vision will go blind. i have to say i agree with paul. where is it written that grandpa's derogatory term was at an aarp or aarp event and all of those people were grandpas and they didn't see anything bad after saying grandpa. i am a grandpa and one of my grandkids recently turned 30 because my i will legitimate -- ill legitimate daughters were getting preggers quickly. from mayors to murders he shot his mom, but they think he is the bomb. a professor will keep his job despite revelations he killed his family in 1967.
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i think you were 20 then, paul. 15-year-old james admitted to shooting his mom, dad and sister , but a texas jury found him not guilty by reason of insanity, and he spent six years in a mental hospital before being declared sane. after changing his name to james saint james, and he looks like will ford brinley. he got a phd in psychology and started teaching at mill law can university where he now chairs the department. he is in charge of the department. a few weeks ago a local texas newspaper revealed his past, but the university is standing by him saying, and i quote, given the traumatic experiences of his childhood, dr. saint james efforts to build his life and obtain a successful, professional career have been remarkable. yes, i imagine shooting your family in the face might be traumatic. possibly more so for them. you know what else is remarkable? this.
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>> that was you at the comissary. >> how does it know a guy who killed his family has a job and you can't find work anywhere. >> maybe that's the ticket. i have to start killing people. i want to know who is the person at milliken to tell him he is fired. his students must now completely obey him. >> what was the hiring process at this university? you want a job? hired. nobody even checked into this guy? >> that was a good bit you just did there. michelle, the mayor of the city thinks the school should get rid of him. was the school wrong for defending him? >> i actually think -- look, what he did was atrocious. nobody is arguing that. the entire purpose of our system is to rehabilitate people and get them from becoming criminals to law abiding citizens who are contributing to society. and that's what he did. this happened 50 years ago.
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we basically talking about him because he was successful. >> but it wasn't revealed. >> he was a schizophrenic and he over came that and they declared him sane. >> you don't get over schizophrenic. >> you have to talk about the actual crime. he planned on killing -- >> but that was 50 years ago. >> let me finish. he was diagnosed by a doctor. he said he was depressed. >> it said he was schizophrenic and they helped control his schizophrenia. >> he was never diagnosed with it before the crime. they blamed it on sniffing glue. >> he changed his name and did anyone notice he gave himself the title of saint? that is crazy. >> how do people not think something with the name. why not call yourself killer saint gunman? >> he planned it so he can blame it on somebody else. >> i understand, but i think it is unfair that we have people who get out of the
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system and then end up committing crimes. here is somebody who made something of himself. >> what do you think of the college saying this was a childhood trauma? like it is leukemia or something. >> that is wrong. this is somebody who murdered his family. >> i blame elmers. >> i think it was model airplane glue. >> oh, the good stuff. >> i think everybody in that era sniffed glue and almost nobody killed their family. he is giving sniffing glue a bad name. this a block is like dirt bag row. we started with filner and then went to weaner and have a guy who killed his family and then the whole hipy thing too. that is premeditated, the beard and so people will like him. can i ask bill a question? >> that's okay. i am thinking about what i am going to eat tonight. >> does a mass murder make you hungry? >> hungry for justice, greg. i don't care how long it takes. >> you know what they all have in common?
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they all give the impression that their behavior is passive, that it just happened to them. i just happened to text -- >> he did say that he sniffed glue. >> i just happened to grope women's breast at a military event. i just happened to shoot my parents and i am over it now. >> he won the 1997 teaching excellence and leadership award which he keeps next to his world's greatest family killer coffee mug. i just think it should have been disclosed in the hiring process. >> he never would have got a job. >> the point is you say fine, you rehabilitate yourself, then why are you hiding anything? >> no one will hire you. even if you really changed your life, if you have this on your record, no one will hire you. >> if you had a child that was being taught by him, would you have the same reaction? i wouldn't. >> if he is a great teacher and hasn't done anything wrong and rehabilitated himself and for 50 years on the right track that's not fair. >> it is their responsibility to tell me as a parent that my child is being exposed to a
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mass murderer. i do see how you want people rehabilitated. >> the quote at the time was i am glad he doesn't live here. >> i am glad he doesn't live in georgetown. >> anywhere but here. >> if you are going to do a fake name though, saint james? >> it is what chevy chase would use in "fletch." >> i would like to apply for the role as the assistant on fox news and it is billy vaughn billy belt. >> it means something. it means he got the system. >> he did. he gamed the system and that is a big problem. >> coming up, how can we fix america? paul mccurio discusses his thank you book, get rid of me. america applauds your candor. what is chris brown planning to do after his next album? if we are lucky, punch paul mccurio in the face.
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>> why is he talking? should we give them the bird for protecting our nerd? president obama has canceled an upcoming meeting with vladimir putin over russia's decision to give edward snowden temporary uh sigh limb -- asylum. they are talking about missal defense as the rub behind the snub. the fearless leader let his thoughts be known during a visit to "the tonight show." >> there were times they sliped back into the cold war thinking and a cold war mentality. what i consistently say to them and what i say to president putin is that is the
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past. we have to think about the future and there is no reason why we shouldn't be able to cooperate more effectively than we do. >> meanwhile, in russia. >> a whole other country there, people. the cat is still dead. amy, in the green room you said we should nuke the bough -- the bajesus out of russia? >> they are a big country. history to obama, we won the cold war. it seems like a good position, doesn't it? obviously his flexibility he wanted transmitted is not working. what i don't understand is president obama is going to the summit, but he is not going to meet one on one with vladimir putin. so will they have a staring contest around the table? >> they will snub each other. it will be uncomfortable.
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>> it will be like mean girls. >> when you were supposed to go to the prom with one girl and you break up and you take two different dates and walking around the prom looking at each other. michelle, you bet that happened, didn't it? it did. >> you were the revenge girl? >> honestly, i don't think putin even cares. i don't think he cares at all. >> i like that they said the administration is going to work on issues with common ground which is gravity and breathing air and how kris jenner got a show. the undoing are going to meet. >> you are used to people can selling on you and making up stories on how they are sick or working late. did putin find this insulting? >> i don't know why i am talking to you. matt, how are the red sox doing? i think putin wants this. the reason he is doing this is to play to the electorat in russia so he can be in good standing with them. so when he rigs the election they feel good about it. that's all this is.
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i don't think he cares about snowden or what snowden knows or the american people. >> i think he has what snowden knows. >> he is using it as a prop to show he is tough with the u.s. >> how can i convince you to take him up on it? >> what is the bar situation like there? they like vodka and they die young. sounds like my people. the interesting thing here is while obama is not meeting with him right now, he is planning on going to the g-20 summit in st. petersburg in september which raises interesting questions. namely, what is a g-20 summit? >> it is when there are 20 people and you say, gee, look at the twenty people. >> i can't believe you said that. if i said that you would be so up my -- you know. >> i would expect it from you. the thing about can selling and going to russia is you have like -- if putin happens to see that you are free that day, like seeing you doing
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other things, it is like -- >> you run into him at crate and barrel. >> you said you were busy. >> it is a different time. >> laughing, fighting tigers and catching whales. shirtless. >> after heavily air brushed. >> and why does no one remember putin was the head of the kgb. this is a person who knows where the bodies are buried because he probably put them there himself. >> and it is not just about him. obama won a nobel peace prize. what was it gandhi who said if your opponent offends you stay home and go on jay leno? is that how you deal with this? thanks for the fake laugh. >> i was just pleading to god the joke would end. >> when i do it it is an attempt at a joke. >> he better know show putin that nobel peace prize. it is like, oh, let's look at that.
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in the museum it goes. coming up, my home boys tried to warn me, but that butt you got makes me so horny. not a story, just a handwritten note steve wrote under my door. i am flattered, but i am also married. is this man a daredevil or a monster? the story that daredevil fancy doesn't want you to know.
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>> it is never funny. will he will quit over his biggest hit? chris brown announced he plans to retire from the music business after he slugs another woman, i mean the released of another album. he tweeted, quote, don't worry, mainstream, america. this next album will probably be my last album. tired of being famous for a mistake i made when i am 18. i am cool and over it. the mistake he is referring to of course is when he decided to get into music. we must discuss shall we in -- >> lightning rooooooouuuunnnnddd. lightning round. >> amy, does it bother you that celebrities always talk about retiring, but they never do? they never do. >> they never do and they do it to pump up sales of the album. people say this could be the last one. it is a collector. i don't think chris brown does need to worry he will be famous for the rest of his life. he will be a has been soon
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enough. >> i don't even know how old he is. paul, you never threaten to quit which is kind of sad. >> i quit. >> michelle, does it bother you that the music industry let him off the hook for his abuse on women. it seems like they didn't care as long as he sells records. >> if you look at his statement, he doesn't feel sorry for it. he calls it a mistake. when i refer to somebody by the wrong name that's a mistake. when you beat somebody in the face, that's not a mistake. that's a felony. >> let me write that down. that's not a mistake. >> he's cool and he's over it. >> michelle makes a very good point. as a woman on the receiving end of a lot of mistakes, mostly in the face area, sometimes in the gut, you don't forget that unless they hit you really, really hard. sometimes with a brick. what we were talking about, greg? i just blacked out. >> oh no.
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bill hasn't been beaten unconscious with a brick. >> i still think greg hired him. >> it might help if you didn't wear that jacket. >> believe me. i learned the hard way. >> chris brown could have had a great career. >> you feel bad for him? >> so many things are in his way -- >> get out of here. >> let me finish my sentence. if i wanted to be treated like my wife does i would have stayed home. what do you put air in and it is like [bleep] with paul every six minutes? seriously! >> you wanted to get to the joke. >> no, forget it. i'm done. so many things done and his great career got in the way of his great career like flying chairs and people's heads. >> i don't understand. >> go ahead, i'm sorry. you wanted to say something? >> should we move on? >> no, i have another thing. >> no, let's move on. >> i love how guests that just
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met you are -- >> every single show. they meet me and 20 minutes and hi, how are you? 20 minutes later you are not funny. >> except when they did it would be funnier than that. an american tourist has angered all of italy after he broke the finger off a 600-year-old statue at a museum in florence. the 55-year-old guy who hales from missouri, aka, the garden state says he was trying to measure the marble work of art and broke the finger off. the statue wasn't even an original. so whose fault was it really? thanks, obama. these statues are stupid and ugly, but we look at them because they are old, right? >> and they are quite beautiful, but what is the big deal? a lot are missing arms, right? >> that's true. >> it wasn't even the real finger in the first place. >> it is not a big deal. >> it was plaster. >> he apologized, but
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shouldn't the museum be uh poll -- apologizing for displaying fragile works of art. >> he was arrested in florence and we will never hear of him again. he is done. >> it is a wonderful walking city. it is the boston of italy. joy it is so much better than milan -- >> it is so much better than milan. that's where you were hit, bill. remember when i sent out story in florence. >> i had it translated what he said and it said gutfeld sent me. >> you worked as a human statue in time square. has anybody tried to take your finger? >> no, they tried to smell it. here is the thing, italy will be fine. italy will get over this. >> will they? will they move on? >> if they can forgive america for the olive garden they can get over this. it is a finger. i would taken the fenger and just taken it. >> you would have stolen it? >> i would have done something
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with it. >> what would you have done and something clean perhaps? >> i would have stirred my coffee with it. >> it was probably dusty. you are no the thinking this through. >> they were asking for it. they owed somebody money and they took the finger. come on! no? >> that is a stereo type and i don't find that funny. >> hey [bleep] i can say it. >> that's an edit. >> yes, we have to edit that out. can we go to a break now? bill, you often deficate behind statues. >> we could have gone to break. >> basically you are an expert. >> i think we are missing the point of the story here. what in the hell was the guy doing measuring a statue? really? of all of the things one does at a museum. oh, let's put the reading glasses on and see how big this bad boy is. it will be great for my newsletter on statue
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>> don't underestimate. it has some amazing things. >> the statue of the day, fantastic. today was 10 feet. >> don't get me started with the girth. >> they do it in american-type measuring and european. >> i am a girth hack. >> they use the metric system? >> metric and whatever we use. it escapes me. >> maybe the guy measuring was the korean suit maker. >> what? >> i don't even know. >> i'm sure it was racial. >> i just met you. you can't go after me. time to take a break. more stuff is on the way and probably terrible jokes. "the joy of hate" autographed copy. imagine mccurio, but smart and funny. >> the pages make great airplanes.
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the last story, on tuesday a daredevil parachuted to the ground after freeing himself
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from shackles and a locked coffin. anthony martin dropped from a play at 14,500 feet in the air. inside the box two other skydivers tried to steady it it. he broke free and completed his skydive, but he was promptly eaten by a shark. here is martin on the stunt that manically the falling coffin that could have killed somebody. >> i am glad no one was hurt. i am glad the box landed in an area where it didn't hit anything or damage anything. ultimately i was more worried about others than myself. >> michelle, shouldn't you factor that in before you do something? i will push a giant box ut out of a plane and i hope it doesn't hurt anybody? >> this guy is crazy. he needs to get a job or find a hobby. this is a waste of time. i don't understand. >> what else would one do with one's time. you can't just make blanket statements like that without back up, michelle.
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>> that's so true. i think you schooled her pretty hard, bill. paul, we just signed you up for this without a parachute. are you excited? >> now you are applauding? what happened to you? >> paul, meab you can slow your -- maybe you can slow your dissent by slapping your lip. >> i am done. at the end of every show now i walk out early. that's what i do. >> sit down and answer whatever question i have for you. >> all right. i think this guy did the impossible which is make david blaine look less annoying. >> it wasn't that bad. >> why don't we just give people cards with numbers on it and when i say something you can hold it up like this is the olympics. >> we only would need one, 0. >> paul, i am listening, do go on. >> she feels sorry for you. she feels sorry for you. >> she is into me. >> no, no, no.
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>> she digs it. chicks totally dig this, right, filner? come on. >> yes, she loves sad people. have i gone to you yet? >> no. >> so this coffin could have easily hit someone. >> he didn't choose to jump in a remote location? >> he probably did and i over looked that fact. >> he just said i am just glad i didn't land on anybody. >> that's what bothers me. >> then why don't you jump into a field. >> or why not just not do it? i watched this video and if you notice it is very edited. i have my suspicions that was a trick coffin. i am not even sure he was really cuffed. we never got in the coffin. there are no cameras in there. >> bill, you have turned tricks in coffin when you used to hang out at that bar for elderly male vampires. >> and be assured that my happened cuffs were -- handcuffs were real. they president could ease --
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they couldn't escape, but paid extra to make sure i couldn't. >> great way to ensure a burial plot. head toward the earth and then bang, you are in. i can't even look at you anymore. >> it is not really clear why he did it. he said maybe to sell books. >> it is called escape or die. he did it to sell a book. >> i think i am on board with you. >> it is splinters on the ground. there is a shot of it on the ground. >> was he really locked up in there? >> it wasn't until they gave out thed -- the edited version. >> need i remind you that there are shots of a guy on the moon as well. open your eyes. we have to take a break. do you have a comment on the show like why do we keep inviting paul mccurio? e-mail us at red eye at fox
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>> do you have a video of your animal doing something go to fox eye and click on the video. coming up, the post game report from tv's andy levy. even he hates paul. >> let me read one. >> no. >> tonight's report is sponsored by pastrami from a shoulder cut in hot and cold and thin slices. thanks, pastrami.
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>> hosting the o'reilly factor friday at 8:00 p.m. a new "red eye" returns tomorrow. guests include john bolton. >> john bolton is my buddy. >> now back to andy levy for the post game report. go ahead, andy. >> why do we do it, greg? >> i don't know. >> paul, how can you possibly be amazed at people who just met you 20 minutes ago don't think you are funny? they have had 20 minutes of your material to base judgment on which is 19 more than they need. >> we haven't had amy on in a longtime and the first thing out of the chute is you have to touch her?
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what is wrong with you? >> unbelievable. >> she is not wearing a bra. >> what? >> i'm lying. >> what is the number for hr? >> i apologize. i can't apologize for mccurio anymore. >> the technology exists to edit him completely out of the program. >> you wouldn't want to do that. you will have no fans. >> this is working out for me. >> bob is a wing man. >> you are getting away with the jacket because of him. >> i know. that's why i wore it. >> let's talk about filner. amy you said if it gets lower than assaulting military rape victims, and no it doesn't. all of these awful things happened, but everyone over looks the fact that in 11 days he will be cured. >> yes, two weeks of rehab and $10,000 and a lifetime of sexual assault. >> 11 days and he will be fined. he needs to be castrated. >> i read that even that
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doesn't work because they are still kooky in the head. >> thanks for stealing my idea. >> bill, you brought up gloria gloria allred. filner is so gross, even the fact she is representing some of the women can't make me like him. >> usually i am so annoyed by her, but in this case i want her to clean his clock. >> absolutely. let's see, also bill you said filner and wiener there are always people who will forgive them and look at sanford. you are right with certain things, bill clinton has been for given for every gross thing he did and sanford is back. wiener was leading in the polls or close to leading before the latest revelations. i think filner is a different story. >> filner is done. >> he is still mayor. >> but that's only -- well i don't know why they haven't initiated a recall yet. maybe you can't just do it like like -- groundwork you
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have to lay over whatever. >> i don't understand why he hasn't been arrested. once he gets out of rehab he should have cuffs on. >> california does one thing quickly and it is recalls. >> wiener calls older candidate grandpa. amy i am with you. it just shows how stupid wiener is. sexting stuff aside, what would make anyone think he is a good mayor? >> i have no idea. >> well, i shouldn't have asked you then. paul, you said calling an actual grandpa, grandpa is like calling me lonely. this is probably hard for you to understand. i will try to walk you through it. i am not in the least bit lonely. the problem is you can't understand how somebody can be happy by themselves because you are basically the neediest person in the world and you inflict yourself on others because your intense self-loathing which is well deserved makes it impossible for you to be alone. >> you read my book then
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because that's an exact quote of what i wrote of myself. >> i think the tide is turning. this is getting really bad. >> trust me, this is like filner. it can get a lot worse. >> and it will, but thank you. >> michelle, i agree with you. the justice system did its business and the jury rendered the verdict. the only thing i would say if i were the university is i would make him get evaluated. there have been a lot of changes in medical science and psychiatry between the 1960s and the 1970s and now. maybe i have watched "primal fear" too many times, but there is a chance he gained the system. >> he changed his name and that's the least of the university should do considering that they didn't do a background check obviously on this person, they should checkup and make sure everything is okay. it is great he is able to turn his life around. >> his parents agree -- oh, wait. no, they don't.
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they are dead. >> give yourself a 0. >> i would like to congratulate all of us for not saying too soon. we need to retire that. >> greg, you said he wasn't diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic before the crime, but i don't know what that proves. he was diagnosed by a dr. during the trial. -- by a doctor during the trial. >> but they judged miss mental illness by hisself reporting that -- by his self-reporting that he was board. >> he said the reason he -- well his mom bugged him because she chewed too loudly and his sister had a horribling -- horrible accent. >> this is every teenager. i had three older sister. you go through phases where you hate everybody in your family. >> females are full of -- teen males are full of rage. that's part of adolescents, but you don't kill your family. >> if saint james was rehabilitated, why would he hide what happened? i don't know maybe because he
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would be talked about on newschannels. >> i'm surprised they haven't cut him loose already. that's the second part of the story that bothers me. a they didn't do the background check. and now that they know some are standing behind him. >> i would bet if they cut him loose they are violating the americans with disabilities act or something. >> he lied on the application during the pros sews though. the process though. >> did they ask the question, did you kill your parents? >> you can lie by omission. >> you have to say whether you have committed a felony and you have to put your real name and social security number. >> he is not guilty of committing a felony. >> you can give all of the legal ease you want, but if you shoot people in the face and you will go work with people, if you are going to be in the middle of no where and working with nobody but yourself is one thing. you should tell people, by the way, i shot somebody in the face. >> and let's to not forget his
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chosen area of inquiry is psychology. he is not even shrinking himself. >> can we agree that people who major in psychology were always weird? >> the girls who studied psychology were those who needed a psychiatrist. >> by the way, regarding the name james saint james, saint james was the first of jesus' disciples to be martyred and maybe that's how he sees himself. but i am not an fbi profiler so that could be wrong. >> he is an orphan. >> you are a psychologist obviously since i am needy. >> obama canceled summit with putin. just a couple of things. amy, putin was not the head of the kgb. it was the fsb. >> i believe you. >> i don't think you said russia has everything snowden knows already which people think. i don't know about that. i would assume a guy with his expertise has ways of keeping his data secure. just a guess. >> good point.
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>> i'm done. >> let's end it there then, shall we, andy? >> let's keep going. this is fun. >> thank you, michelle, bill, amy, paul. poor paul. maybe just take a picture of him.
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