tv Americas Newsroom FOX News August 12, 2013 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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>> gretchen: it's been a pleasure to have tucker and eric with me this morning. and of course clint black who will stick around for the after the show show. join us. have a great day. bill: good morning, everybody, that 16-year-old girl at the center of this massive man hunt reuniting with her father. hannah anderson was rescues after some ordinary people did an extraordinary thing. martha: it's great to be book. thanks for holding down the fort. good morning, everybody. what a dramatic end all of that came to after that harrowing ordeal. horseback riders in the idaho
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wilderness spotted her. this man, the people who found them, said they knew something did not make sense. >> as we went to the lake, they showed up at the lake. they was just like a square peg going into a round hole. they didn't fit. they might have been an outdoorsman in california. but he was not an outdoorsman in idaho. he didn't fit. we went into the house and the news flashed on. the amber pea lert was on the television and i told my wife, that's that girl we saw on the mountain. bill: they hiked two hours to get to difficult imagine ohio and an der -- to dimaggio and then they made their move. >> reporter: without these
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witnesses picking up the phone and immediately calling 911, hannah could still be out there in the wilderness with dimaggio. they say hannah was wearing pajama pants and when she tried to make small stalk with her she would turn -- when they tried to make smalltalk with her she would turn her face and something abou -- something aboe entire situation didn't add up. >> she had a scared look on her face. i didn't know if it was from the horses or what. but when i turned and talked to him i had a gut feeling about him. >> how long was the interaction? >> just a few seconds. when we went up the trail a
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little ways i told these guys there was something wrong, this wasn't right. >> reporter: later in the day they said they had a second even encounter. they tell us hannah had her feet in the water. and john says his wife wanted to talk to hannah because she felt something wasn't right. but hannah didn't say much until they started walking away. >> she had her feet in the water. i said don't know there's fish in there, kind of joking. she didn't make any comment but when we turned to ride away she said "it loops like we are fall trouble now." >> reporter: when they went home they ended up seeing the amber alert. police went to the area. they ended up finding dimaggio's
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car. saturday five or sick miles away from where they found that car they found them and they shot and killed dimaggio and rescues hannah. bill: what else her condition? >> reporter: authorities are tight lipped about where she is. she was being reunited with her father yesterday. he has been meade why friendly until yesterday. we tried to reach out to him. we haven't heard back from him. martha: you can imagine just a range of emotions right now for hannah's father, bret anderson. he spoke with geraldo hours
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after she was rescued. >> it's a great feeling we are going to get my daughter home. love these guys to law enforcement. they did their job great. i'm still saddened for my son and wife, mourning them. but mixed emotions. i almost collapsed. it was present. there was something good came out of such evil that it was -- it's unexplainable. martha: i wonder how he's procession all of this. this could have been a completely different end to this story. all these pictures and so many questions. bill: bizarre twist on this story. reports outo on this story say
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dimaggio's father involved in a similar a situation. his father broke into his girlfriend's home and held his 16-year-old girl. dimaggio's father committed suicide object the same day his son would be killed in that shootout. martha: could violent behavior possibly be passed from one generation to the next and the long road that lies ahead for her. how do they deal with that. keith ablow is coming up with that. a fox news alert. attorney general eric holder is set to announce a change in policy that will basically eliminate mandatory prison sentences for certain drug
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offenders. each kre>> reporter: it's treatt instead of prison for many non-violent drug offenders. in remarks at the american par association holder says we cannot incarcerate our way to becoming a safer nation. he points to the high copps of keeping people in prison and says the federal prison sentence has grown by 800% since 1980 while the overall population has grown by one-third. he says as long as they have no ties to drug cartels or drug gangs. he says too many americans go to prison for too too long for no good reason.
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he will announce a plan for releasing nothing violent elderly inmates who already served most of their sentence. martha: what is congress doing along these same lines? >> reporter: this dovetail with a bipartisan effort in congress that will do something similar. wild holder's initialive -- while holder's initiative keeps them out of jail, the congressional effort would allow judges to have more discretion in their sentencing away from the draconian laws enacted in the 1980s and 1990s. it will deal with a prison system that's 40% over capacity. bill: time for an he can real weather alert. a massive cleanup operation in
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the state of colorado. sudden downpours triggered mudslides in air area hitly fire last year. a woman swept away. two others reported miss having been found safe. six homes taken down with the water and maria molina is all over this story. what do you see, maria? >> reporter: i don't have much good news in the colorado area. it doesn't take much plain these areas. you are just talking about a half inch to an inch or two inches. that could be enough to trigger mudslides across the area and flash flooding in some spot. that location where we saw that he can real flooding is to the west of colorado strings. that's a popular location out in colorado. take a look at the extended
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forecast. monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday, we are looking at thunderstorms. it's not just in colorado that we are talking potential flooding. but if you remember last week across parts of kansas, missouri and oklahoma, we are dealing with extreme flooding. more showers and thunderstorms will be possible through a number of flood watches are in effect. we can see kansas, parts. how, also sections of oklahoma, all this region is looking at the potential for flooding. the ground already saturated from all the heavy rain we have seen. some spots picked up over a foot rain and several inches possible as well. two areas we are concerned with with as far as flooding. bill: you had tremendous weather.
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the summer has been dreadful drl null weren't away. martha: it's beautiful, i hope it will stay that way for your vacation and everyone else's until school starts. there is controversy over ted koppel who says the white house is overreacting to al qaeda. bill: you as an american have to deal with obama-care, so shouldn't they. this outrage after lawmakers on the hill get a pass on obama-care. martha: look at this sinkhole. it swallowed an entire resort hotel near disney world. >> she knew something was wrong. she said jump in the car. we jumped in the car and went to the security gate, and we
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martha: police in virginia are investigating a massive pileup that happened over the weekend. 40 vehicles, six tractor-trailers. no word so far on how out got started. bill: it's beginning to look a lot like 2015. we are 9 months since the last presidential election. tom cruz speaking over the weekend. and several oper high-profile republicans visiting iowa. and they are mandatory for presidential hopefuls. but we are 3 1/2 years away. karl rove, the former chief of
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staff for president bush and fox news contributor. you have a white board that show us how these visits match up with recent presidential politics. >> you have got to get the fried twinkie on the board walk. but the question is how much earlier is this than normal? this was today. today we are 8 months before the time that mitt romney showed up in iowa before the 2012 presidential sweepstakes. we are 13 months earlier than barack obama's first appearance in the state before the 2008 sweepstakes. we are 23 months earlier than george w. bush's first visit in june of 1999. bill: why is it this early? >> i have a theory. the political system makes a
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judgment as to when you are going to turn a page on the pathr president in his second term. the sooner i start to turn that page the more that activity ramps up. we have joe biden who will focus on his 2016 hopes. the senator from minnesota is going to make an appearance in the state. i'm thinking the political system is starting to say, president obama, you are in our second term and you are going to become a lame duck and it looks like it will be sooner than later. president bush's approval ratings in 2005 were slightly above were president obama's are today. but he was engaged in the system and the system was moving. the congress had passed thus far in 2005, a trade agreement with central america, the first energy policy bill in decade, a
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multi-year highway bill. it was the last time the president and the congress had a multi-year funding bill. bill: you are argue he was active and relevant. >> you mentioned the approval rating. he's down 5 point in a month from july it was 47 percent. now it's up to 52. that's a jump of 5 points. >> president bush's approval ratings were low because of an unpopular war in iraq. president obama is supposedly winning the war against terrorism and the economy is recover and he's in his second term and there ought to be a brief moment of below but there hasn't been. bill: if that is the case, what is the calculation between joe
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biden and hillary clinton? dose wait to see what she does or does he get in regardless? >> i think he gets in regardless. there is nothing to be lost by anybody. o'malley, the governor of maryland. there is no disadvantage to them going to iowa in this early stage and start to poke around and build relationships and flesh out their messages. there they don't know if she is going to run or not. at this point in 2011, 2005, everybody thought that she was going to be a strong nominee for the democratic party in 2008. she was expected to win the iowa caucasus on the democratic side. she was the front runner. she wee know what happened there. she was a freshman senator from the state of il -- the state of
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illinois. bill: rand fall and others seeping to step out. >> bobby jindal, scott walker. for ted cruz who was sworn into the united states senate in january, this is his second trip to iowa. we have a very aggressive schedule for iowa. bill: he says he's going to iowa because it's hot in texas this time of year. martha: the feds say he gave chemotherapy who patient who did not need it and he diagnosed people with canter who didn't have it. this doctor is facing serious jail time. bill: the emotional court appearance for a pop star who fights for custody of his son, a son who almost drown in the backyard family pool last week. >> he's in the pool.
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>> does he have any injuries. the postal service is critical to our economy. delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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bill: you a wounded veteran getting a new lease on life. gerald hancock is taking his first spin thanks to operation all the way home. he says the first place he wants to go is the beach. >> it chained my quality of life big time. bill: bill o'reilly has called on viewers to help. so far they have raised $8
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million. martha: one detroit area doctor is facing serious charges today. here is a picture of him. he's accused of bilking the government out of tens of millions of dollars by deliberately misdiagnosing patients with cancer, then giving them chemotherapy they did not need, then illegally billing immediate care for that treatment. you're mind cannot wrap around what this man is accused of doing. laura ingle is live in our newsroom in new york city. >> reporter: there is a staggering list of accusations against the doctor. he got rich by mistreating patients. by administering chemotherapy when his patients didn't need
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it. the government claims that he billed $35 million to medicare over 2 years, raking in $24 million in drug infiewks building. the drug complaint says co-workers dozens of people pass through the offices each day with the doctor only spending minutes with each patient, then hiring dtors who may not have been properly licensed. one nurse said she saw chemotherapy given at inappropriate times and treat the that should have taken minutes dragged on for hours. she filed a complaint with the state but nothing was done. >> that was three years ago. in that time how many team would have been saved and how many people could have been spared. >> reporter: patients or family members concerned about being treated by dr. fattah are
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encouraged to call. his attorney says the doctor is in shock. he says these have general accusations that may be coming from disgruntled employees. he was born in lebanon and completed a fellowship sat sloan kettering. bill: did the administration overreact to a terror alert? ted koppel says yes. martha: this is a 45-food wide sinkhole that swallowed up resort in florida. witnesses tell what happened. >> we got in the car -- we
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is it still shaking in. bill: the sinkhole is getting bigger. so far one three-story building is totally destroyed. about 40 tourists are evacuated. they first noticed something was very, very wrong wrong when windows started exploding in the villas. the sinkhole is 50-60 feet across and it's still getting deeper. a witness says one couple and their infant escaped through a window after the door frame collapsed. >> the most important thing is all the our guests, considering the magnitude of this ink hole are okay. we don't have no injuries at this point.
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>> reporter: another witness described being in the bathtub when it started leaf stating. she was able to escape naked but alive. it's all about the geology of the state of florida. most of the sinkholes in florida since 1950 occur around the i-4 corridor on the tampa side and north of that it's on hourous limestone above massive aquifers. you may web a man's bedroom sank into a sinkhole and his body was never recovered. there is a grant to study the risk and threat of sinkholes in florida. bill: sinkholes in common in
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florida. it sams depression that forms on rock that's easily dissolved like limestone or salt. it's part of the natural process of erosion in florida. it's been happening for thousands of gleerts sunshine state -- thousands of years in the sunshine state. martha: ted koppel says the obama administration overreacted to the terrorism threat. >> with a conference call, al qaeda has effectively shut down 20 u.s. embassies around north africa and the middle east. there will continue to be terrorism as it has been since history exist. terrorism is the weapon by which the weak engage the strong.
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and they cause us the strong to overreact. martha: what do you think about what he said? >> he's got a point. we were not prepared for benghazi a year ago. that's incompetence. that's not under reaction or reaction. i think we justifiably shut down those embassies in an abundance of caution? but writes the incompetency in we blew all our methods. afghanistan we had the right to go in and kill the people who killed our people. but instead of the last 10 off them. we should have followed them over the mountains into pakistan and killed them. what did we do instead. we told the pakistanis, here is $2 billion a year you take care of them and we stuck around for nation building in afghanistan.
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martha: people in the clinton administration were told to pull back. this whole question koppel raises in the body of the editorial he wrote. he talks about this excessive network we built. we have the nsa surveillance and tsa crawling around every airport and swabbing the corner of my bag when we go through. it's whether it's working. you look at these examples. you look at the afte -- look ate tsarnaev brothers. it feels like we don't learn the lessons from those experiences. >> we built up this huge bureaucratic infrastructures. we are still greeting granny who is taking her grandchildren to
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disney world. we are treating her the same way as we are treating the tsarnaev brothers who made multiple trips to afghanistan and pakistan. where is common sense? i think that what's we threw out the window. martha: they hissen in on our conference call. they scrambled and shut down many embassies. nobody wants to see a benghazi. there were reasons to have given them more security. so it just feels like smart power. let's have smart power in our intelligence and the way we carry it out. it feels like it is overbroad. >> look what we have just done. we told al qaeda. they will have a new method of communicating with each other. they have seen how we have
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responded. we have shut down embassies and told americans worldwide. don't go anywhere. stay home and coul cower under e bed. this is a threat that will be with us for a long time. we have to figure out a way to deal with it on a regular basis. martha: it shows we don't know. what i would love to hear is something almost happened at an embassy. before putting everybody in the entire country on the error alert. better to substitute them down after the fact, say we are ready. what i'm watching for is what happens this september 11. martha: good yes. let's hope nothing. you and i will be sitting here talking about it no doubt. >> welcome back.
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martha: thank you, good to be back. bill: a federal judge appointed an independent monitor to oversee the changes in the new york city stop and call policy. the judge ruled after a 10-week trial that included a lot of testimony from people who said they were wrongly stopped by police. an outside monitor will pick up this case in new york. if congress thought voters would not notice their free pass on obama-care. think again. so many of you are asking why congress doesn't have to follow the new law but congress does. martha: the flood of immigrants floodinged the booshed border getting asylum and they are using the same key phrase and it
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seems to be a loophole that gets them across the border and gets them a free stay at a hotel with the american taxpayer picking up the story. . . love, warmth. here, try this. mm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts
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martha: r & b singer usher will keep custody of his two sons. the custody fight came after his son almost drown after getting his arm stuck in a pool drain. that was a scary issue for his family. the contract pulled the boy out. performed cpr. usher described what happened in the moment after the boy was rescued. >> they put a band-aid on it and he went to the hospital. >> reporter: ta hurricanes ka
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wanted custody of both boys ages 4 and 5. she complained that the singer leaves the boys in the care of her aunt and family members too often. he's capable caregiver. i think your caregivers -- i think most people in this courtroom have been cared for by a grandmother or aunt. martha: he was awarded primary custody of those children last year. bill: many are not happy that congress is getting a free pass on obama-care. while you have to follow it to the letter. many of you writing on twitter questions like these. how is it that the affordable care act is good for americans
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but not good for congressional staffers who are exempted. i did not hear that question friday afternoon. steve, good morning to you. i think it's crazy. what do you think? >> i talked to people giving me the same reaction. this is couple con starred. fit weren't or double standards in congress there would be no standards at all. when i first worked in congress back in 1994 and '5. the contract with america. one of the first laws that was passed is congress shall live by the water vapor imagery rules and regulations and laws it imposed on the rest of us. that's basic common sense. congress is saying we are not so sure we'll come under obama-care. but everyone else will. bill: that was 18 years ago. chuck grassley had an amendment with obama-care that says you
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have to do the same thing now. we have lawmakers come on tv to talk about whether they are going to take it exemption. 57% think it's a joke. >> i can't wait for you to have harry reid on this show to explain to your viewers why the united states senate wants to exempt itself from a law that it says is so good for the rest of us. this is a double ca -- a double standard. they said if you like the healthcare you have right now, you won't lose it under obama-care. but what members of congress are saying they are afraid they will lose the coverage they like. why not give that right to opt out. bill: if a law is so good why are you worried about a brain drain people leaving their jobs on the hill? >> there are 10,000 people who
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work on cap him in addition to the members of the house and senate. it's a separate issue. but congress has one of the best healthcare plans anywhere in the country. wouldn't it be wonderful if they gave it same healthcare plan they have to us. bill: which means they will get subsidies to subsidize their healthcare. >> the other part of this story that's emerging. not only does congress want to stay with the plan they have right now, but so do the major unions like the teamsters. the people who gave us this law are saying they don't want to be part of it. bill: you wonder why the next number on our screen is so surprising. 74% disapprove of the job congress is doing. that's an equal opportunity offensive poll for both parties.
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>> it was 18 years ago they passed that resolution in congress that they should live by the same rules and laws as the rest of us. i don't understand why they are and pro getting wehat it for this purpose. >> we had a editorial for this last week. take a look at the weiss we had august 5. i guarantee you we'll be writing more about this. it's something everybody in the country is talking about. they don't understand why congress should be exempting itself from a law they say is so wonderful for the rest of us. bill: we'll look for your article soon. we are reaching out to law makers to come and talk about this with us. we had one on from florida last week and more to come. shoot me an em -- an e-mail.
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martha: in california, an amazing display overnight. we are talking about th talkingd meteor shower. welcome back to the show. >> reporter: it's one of the most brilliant meteor showers earth gets to see. they are ice and rock fragments like shards from a comet. when the little bits hit our atmosphere they flare up into
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brilliant fire balls that we goat see for several nights. martha: i could have sworn i saw two different shooting stars over last weekend. is it just that area that sees them or did i see something that's unrelated? >> we have gone the pictures from croatia and china and maine and across the united states. basically if you have a dark sky and you are relatively away from city lights, you can see these things. they come out a constellation perseus, that's where they get their name. late at night you can see them. martha: we encourage people to keep sending us pictures they have of this. but the comet swiss tuttle that surfaces once every 130 years or so. >> that's the source as it goes
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through the solar system and leaves this trail of debris. the last time it was near earth was in 1992. at that time the perseid meteor sure was brilliant. so the moon is setting before the peak. so the sun is not interfering, that's why this show is so spectacular. martha: this one is from the u.k., the one you are looking at on our screen. bill: looking up. a flood of immigrants pouring into the u.s. from mexico and they are using one key phrase to get asylum to stay here. the loophole that's cost you a hefty price. >> we have new details on the daring rescue of 16-year-old
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martha: exclusive information about a massive loophole that's prompting a flood of i am grants at the u.s.-mexico bearder and they all used the same key words to get asee you number this country. well come our second hour of "america's newsroom." i'm martha maccallum. bill: hundreds of immigrants are crossing into the u.s. saying they have a credible fear of the mexican drug cartels. the numbers are so great border
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officials can't keep up with demand. so they are putting them up in hotels and you are paying for it. martha: william lajeunesse is there in mesa, near the border. >> reporter: these asylum claims. immigration agents have had to take over parts of this hotel and they are being released to other parts of the country. last week 200 immigrants showed up claiming asylum in fear of persecution. when that number hit 550 immigration started putting people into the hotel. ice vans were putting women and juveniles into the second floor. border patrol.
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i.c.e. agents were inside the room making sure people weren't using the telephone. critics say this an orchestrated demand. it's about overwhelming the system. getting released. and getting a court date for which no one shows. you. >> hundreds of thousands of people have never returned. we have a long history of people absconding from immigration hearings much one sort or another. they blend back into the community. >> reporter: this document shows one day last week 30 illegal immigrants are transferred to this hotel. others were released to floor and texas and even new york. 800,000 per year do not show up for their court date. martha: it seems like a rhetorical question. is there any investigation
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that's done when someone comes across the border and says i have reason to fear for my life because of the cartels. any questions asked about why they would have that fear? if they can substantiate a good reason based on that fear? >> reporter: you are right. there is a system. there is an asylum for who will hear your claim of credible fear of prosecution. it's not supposed to work the way it's working. but last week the obama administration aproved an asylum claim for nine so-called dreamers. 7 of those dreamers were living in mexico at the time. people people believe they are using these trick words to get into this country partially because of that precedence. the legal threshold is broad and low to insure that individuals
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who may face a significant possibility of persecution have the opportunity to have their case heard before an immigration judge. there is a process of hearings. as well as interviews that start the cogs in the wheel, clog the system. dhs says this is a long standing policy. martha: there is no doubt some individuals have a legitimate fear but now you have that clogging people saying that's their concern. quite a story. bill: to put the illegal immigration issue into perspective. 2 million illegals were picked up crossing the border in the past 6 years. 67 in 10 were born in mexico -- 6 in 10 immigrants in the
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country were born in mexico. i want to get you down to the post in forward hood, texas. a dramatic week of emotional witness testimony there. casey seeingle back at his position in fort hood. where does this case pick up? >> reporter: legal analysts say if they continue to go through witnesses as quickly as they did last week we could see closing arguments beginning sometime at the end of this week and a court-martial that was initially expected to last about a month or so. the prosecution or the government has 81 total witnesses on the list. last week they got through 44. so we are more than halfway through. major hassan representing himself will call 2. last week we heard from dozen of soldiers who witnesses the crime. folks who are shot. more than 30 were injured in
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addition to the 13 who de who we killed in 2009. soldiers breaking down on the stand saying how they first thought it was a training exercise and they were being shot with paintballs. crime scene and medical examiners we'll hear from this week. bill: the court is waiting on an appeal on behalf of one of hassan's stand by attorneys. >> reporter: hassan is representing himself. but because it's not a lawyer the court assigned his defense team to be on standby counsel role to help hem with the letter of the law. filing paper w. -- paperwork. those lawyers filed a motion to
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be taken off this case because it appears he wants to be executed. and they can't ethically stand by and allow him to achieve that. the judge overruled their request. that's emergency filing that is being processed and we could see something move on that. we'll keep you posted all week. martha: the sentencing phase in the court-martial of bradley manning. he faces 90 years behind bars for disclosing cables to wikileaks. man is is expected to address the court before that hearing wraps up on wednesday. bill: al qaeda is claiming
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responsibility for a deadly wave of attacks in iraq. they targeted mostly cafes and busy markets. these are soft targets for the terrorists where hundreds of people were gathering to celebrate the end of the holy month of ramadan. authorities have postponed a police crackdown on two sitins about it ousted supporter mohammed morsi. why the change? >> reporter: the army and the muslim brotherhood were eye to eye and the army has blinked. that's the first time they have since the coup that brought them to power a month ago. the muscle * has been camped out. 10s -- the muslim brotherhood has been camped out demanding
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that morsi who was democratically elected be put back into office. the military said fat chance that will happen. the international community says the army will lose its credibility if that happens. the argumenty is willing to put up with the embarrassment of this challenge to power rather than the bad p.r. that would come from the violence we have seen since the coup. 300 people have died in that violence. martha: where do we go from here? >> reporter: any negotiated settlement is off the table. the army sells you have got to leave. and they say they won't leave until their guise president again and the army says fat chance. we have seen water cannons and
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those types of things. if the word we are getting is there may become a siege mentality. things like turning off the water and electricity to these large cams, maybe something like blaring rock music as the army tries to walk this line between the embarrassment to their image and at the same time not have more violence going forward. bill: she is 16 years young. she spent a week on the run with an alleged kidnapper. hannah anderson has four horseback riders to thank for bringing her back to her father. >> this guy just didn't fit. he had the wrong kind of clothing on. everything was out of order with him. and kind of like a round peg going in a square hole. bill: how is hannah doing this morning? a look at the violent history
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that may have led to this point. martha: attorney general eric holder blaming the system instead of the criminals. bill: a deadly house explosion rocks a small midwestern town. >> i heard the explosion and it was horrendous. my husband thought it was a book. he said the terrorists are here. ? ow! that hurt! no, no, no, no. you can't go to school like this, c'mon. don't do it! no! (mom vo) you never know what life's gonna throw at you. if i gotta wear clothes, you gotta wear clothes. (mom vo) that's why i got a subaru. i just pulled up. he did what now? no he's never done that before! oh really? i might have some clothes in the car. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru.
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still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. bill: one person is dead and more than a dozen homes damaged after an explosion that killed a man inside and a second person was injured. >> the trash and stuff at the top of the trees. i said i had never seen anything
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like this in my life. bill: no word what caused that blast. but maybes say they smelled gas in the area saturday flight. so that might be the best clue. martha: the missing california teen at the center of the massive manhunt is recovering in a hospital. her kidnapper is dead after a tip led a s.w.a.t. team to an idaho campsite where james dimaggio was keeping 16-year-old hannah anderson. the horseback riders describe how they knew something was just not right when they saw them in the woods. he was kind of -- she had a kind of scared look on her face when i first came up the trail. we didn't know if it was from the horses. when i turned and talked to him i just had a gut feel being him. >> we went in the house and the
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news flashed on. the amber alert was on the television, and i told my wife, i said that's that girl we seen on the mountain. martha: those citizens did an amazing thing. they are heroes, all four of them. marc this is an extraordinary example of the amber alert in action very effective in this case. >> absolutely, martha. it's funny that it was headed to another wilderness area in idaho to go fly fishing at the same time. i picked up the amber alert. i noted the vehicle plate numerals and the color of the vehicle it's something i picked from you work on the streets. but what's interest being this whole thing is in the middle of nowhere a couple of good old
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boys on horseback said this stuff doesn't fit. they don't have clothes to be out here. what they do have is brand-new and they didn't even know which direction they were going or where they were going. so they put two and two together. girl's home. martha: thank goodness. we all know what happened so sadly to her mom and her little brother could easily have happened to her as well. all of those forces worked together went law enforcement and amber alert and the smaforts these folks. but hannah anderson is in the hospital and she has a lot to process here. what do you think? >> these gut feelings, we wish they would alert to us our fears and make us act on them early on. this man apparently communicated to hannah anderson he had a crush on her. maybe more after response is necessary in those cases where
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you get a bad feeling about somebody even someone you call uncle. but for her now the road is really a tough one. people want to jump top say she is safe now. well, she is not safe now. she is not safe from the prospect of major depression, of post traumatic stress disorder. of deep feelings about who can you trust. are you ever safe. so i know that somebody like me, my work would just be beginning with hannah anderson once the medical folks, the surgeons or internal medicine doctors finish theirs and that could be work that stretches on for years. martha: an interesting story has surfaced about dimaggio's father who did a similar thing in attempting to abduct a 16-year-old girl who was also the daughter of his ex-girlfriend. have you ever seen something like that where somebody carries out the same crime it appears
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their father tried to carry out? >> absolutely. it happens all the time. when you see a family that's basically a crime family. the child is taught to build something to go fishing to go hunting. and in a crime family they are taught how to cite crimes and -- they are taught how to commit crimes. and they are also taught there is no guilt. dr. ablow can address this. but that's not a surprise in that condition where somebody grows up in a crime family they will commit the same type crime. martha: dimaggio's father committed suicide after that on the same day when that his son was killed in a shootout. >> mark and i have had these discussion after camera. whether it's a crime family where kids are taught to be criminals or whether this fellow
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raised by a man with no empathy who is willing to cross any boundaries, hurt anyone, also hurt his son. i'm more intrigued by what extinguished this compassion and empathy. i would contend growing up in the household he grew up in is where you would look for evidence of that rather than saying it's like the mafia, it's a crime family. but mark and i debated this for a long time and we'll for a long time. martha: we lay it out for the folks at home and they can make of it what they will. we wish hannah well. that family has so much healing to do and we wish her well today. thank you so much. mark and keith. we'll see you soon. bill: hannah's father was out there every day to keep her story alive. he was one of the 19 members
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with an elite firefighting team and gave his life battling a massive blaze in arizona. now his grieving widow says she is left behind fighting for the benefits they were promised'. >> it's sad that i'm having to fight for what my husband earned. it's sad that other families aren't being given what their husband or brother or spouse earned. bill: only some of the families are entitled to lifetime benefits. martha: medal of honor recipient -- why is the obama administration delaying that visa application. >> these guys have done so much. i can't tell you how many times an interpreter has kept me out
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of a bad situation. you see this and people will stop helping you. what makes your family smile? backflips and cartwheels. love, warmth. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s. ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching.
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[ man ] you cannot make a bad choice. [ male announcer ] red lobster's endless shrimp! as ch as you like, y way you like! you can have your shrimp. and you can eat it, too. [ male announcer ] try our new soy wasabi grilled shrimp or classic garlic shmp scampi. all just $15.99 for a limited time. it's gonna be a hit this year. [ male announcer ] red lobster's endless shri is now! we would neveriss endless shrimp. [ male announcer ] but it won't last forever. so come and sea food differently.
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martha: asiana airlines now expected to pay at least $10,000 to each one of the survivors from last month's deadly plane crash. three people were killed in that crash. dozens were injured. when a flight from seoul, south korea yaw, crashed upon landing at san francisco's international airport. according to the airlines survivors will still be allowed to sue the carrier and could get a even bigger payout, once the ntsb is done with their investigation. bill: afghan translator who help ad medal of honor recipient save american lives is stuck in bureaucratic red tape that delay
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lasting more than three years now. leaving him under constant threated from the taliban in afghanistan. jennifer griffin is on the story in the pentagon. that is unusual case. what makes it so unusual, jennifer? >> reporter: because this afghan served not only as translator for medal of honor recipient, dakota meyer but the afghan fought alongside meyer who without him would not be able to rescue the four americans in the valley in 2009. >> i need you, i need you to go with me. he said, you know what? it is very dangerous. he just had a new kid. and he said, but you know what? he said, he said, if it is my day-to-day die, it is my day to die. at that point he never looked back. >> he killed many taliban and he was yelling at them over the radio. and so the taliban know who he is and for four years he has
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been left out on the battlefield and gradually they are going to get him. >> reporter: here's the email the translator whose real name we're not using wrote to dakota meyer last monday, quote, the reason i'm bothering you the security situation where i'm living is getting worse. every need i am guarding to protect myself and family. if you are getting upset it is okay. i will not bother you anymore. meyer says he will not rest until his translator is given a visa to come to the united states. he feels his life is in danger. bill: what does the state department say about this, the reason for the holdup? >> reporter: they won't talk about this case in particular but there are about 4,000 applications that we found out are backlogged. seems the state department bureaucracy is approving about 100 requests a year. >> across the u.s. government every effort is being made to ensure qualified applicants are processed in a timely fashion. we have redirected increased resources to improve efficiency at all stages of the process
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without compromising national security. >> reporter: the rest are held up in bureaucratic limbo because no one wants anyone who could sneak into the country and carry out a terrorist attack but this case seems more cut android than most. bill? bill: jennifer griffin, thank you from the pentagon. we'll see how long this takes. martha. martha: attorney general eric holder is set to make a major announcement this afternoon. a change in policy that would reduce the sentences for certain criminals. is he blaming the system instead of people who actually broke the law? a fair and balanced debate on that coming up but first -- >> handle the rest of this. bill: jason was no duffer. pga championship, rochester, new york, jason dufner beat out jim furyk by two strokes. martha: good for him.
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bill: here's a fox news alert for you. this will be a headline today. attorney general eric holder set to make a major policy change that will basically do away with mandatory sentences for some low-level non-violent drug offenders. is holder blaming the system instead of people that actually broke the law. we have the host of roper and windy city live.
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leslie marshall, radio talk show host and fox news contributor. we welcome both of you here. this sort past argument the ag will make on the screen for viewers. incarceration, crimety traps too many americans and weakens many communities, however many aspects of our criminal justice system may actually exacerbate the problem rather than alleviate. start,. >> this is why he is the wrong messenger for this. he is making this rather political. it is really practical reality. can we afford our morality any longer? face it, we can't send out carrier groups into the mediterranean, right, we can't afford that yet we will throw a guy in jail for 20 years, carried 30-pound of pot astate line which the state, pot may be legal. doesn't make a lot of sense. he is right on the idea. bill: you seem to be okay what holder is proposeing? >> proposition is okay. we have to have this conversation now. i think he will couch it in such a way that will make it very
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hard to sell to congress. bill: what do you think, leslie. >> i'm in shock that i came here already to argue with roe and which agree on some things. mandatory minimums have been a problem in our country for a very long time. we have overcrowding in our prisons. putting somebody who is dealing or buying or smoking a lot of pot with murderers and rapists when you look at recidivism rate, you can't ignore the fact that the system is making perhaps a more hardened violent criminal out of somebody who was originally a non-violent offender. bill: do you blame the system or hold citizens more accountable. >> i don't feel that the attorney general is blaming the system. i think it is, and i do think he is the right messenger. as attorney general you need to look at flaws in our system. we have a lot of flaws. if you want to take care of problems, we have a problem with violence in a society of violence within our prisons. and, you need to say, okay, what are many so of the contributing
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factors? one of the contributing factors is overcrowding. another thing we can't afford to have the overcrowding. you say, can rehabilitation work for a non-violent offender who has some bags of pot and it will not work certainly for a rape it or a murderer most likely, that is something that he needs to do and rightly some he is not blaming the system. he is looking what doesn't work to improve it. bill: understood. you take issue with that? >> i do. actually what he is doing is only talking about a very small percentage of the prison population here. we're talking about older people he wants to let out. now that is interesting, just as federal government is about to get in the health care business, they're saying people they are charged to take with for rest of their life they want them out because they don't want to pay for older parity who is are prisoners. now the other side of this though, look what he is doing here. the number of people actually up cars rated for 20 years for these small offenses, non-violent offenses is a pretty small number. what he is trying to do is be
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political about this. this isn't really about overcrowding. we're 40% of overcrowded at this point. maybe he will reduce it by 10%? this is not enough. bill: here is what he says. it is clear, too many americans go to many prisons for far too long and for no good law enforcement reason. >> that he is wrong birks in addition to that, we can not simply prosecute or incarcerate our way to becoming a safer nation. leslie? >> no, agree with that. i live in california where we have a three-strikes law. so i don't agree with roe's numbers at least here in the state of california. there are many people in the system with mandatory systems, caught with a dime bag their third time around for example. that is street lingo, guys, for marijuana. i know knowing about this personally. bill: calls for incarceration in 2010. cost was $80 billion. justice department says federal prison population has grown 800% since 1980 he will make a case
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this is a burden financially as well. is that an argument you can buy. >> it is. we're broke and we all know he is broke. if you can't want incarcerate more people you have to build more prisons and hire more federal employees to man the prisons. that is compelling economic argument. bill: as you were talking, leslie shaking her head. we'll leave it there on note of agreement. roeconn, leslie marshal. the nice to he sue too. martha: president obama is vacationing in martha's vineyard, mulling over potential nominees. that was a golf shot you saw yesterday. he is also thinking about who he will put in one of the most powerful positions in the country and get as little governor at same time. senior white house foreign affairs correspondent, wendell goler joins us live with more. he is in beautiful martha's vineyard, a nice assignment. what is going on there? what position is he looking to
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fill? >> reporter: well he is looking to the fill the chairman of the federal reserve. he says he is considering a number about qualified candidates. probably four or five. by most accounts the choice is between the former head of his national economic council, larry summers, who was also an economic advisor to president clinton and janet yellen, the current vice-chair of the federal research system board of governors. she also served in the clinton's administration. president obama gave a huge defense of summers in private meeting with house democrats. publicly he denies summers has an inside track. the defense was because people were trying to push him away from the former advisor. >> when somebody worked hard for me and worked hard on behalf of the american people, and i know the quality of those people, and i see him sweating slapped around in the press for no reason before they have even been nominated for anything, then, i want to make sure that somebody is standing up for him.
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>> reporter: the president insists he has not yet made up his mind. he won't have to before the fall. ben bernanke's term expires in january, martha. martha: so he is doing a little work obviously. presidents can never get 100% away from the job but he is on vacation, right, wendell? >> reporter: no question. he is getting the daily national security briefings from his new national security advisor susan rice. he is also reed relaxing. he went to the golf course yesterday morning. bill clinton used to play here called farm neck. they let the press pool watch first hole. he chipped 15 feet past the hole. his body english didn't make it coming back. three putt from 15 feet on first hole. not a good start. martha: you're watching very closely, wendy. thank you very much, wendell. we'll see you later. bill: been there. you have my sympathy. can a judge now decide what parents are allowed to name their kids? it happened to one woman who
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wanted to name her son messiah. the judge weighed in. we'll tell you what happened there in a moment. martha: the widow of a fallen firefighter saying that the city is denying the health and pension benefits that they were promised. coming up we'll speak with councilman about why some of them, the firefighters, may not be entitled to those benefits. that's coming up. >> certain city officials that are making it difficult, at the beginning made it sound we will be there we will do whatever we can. they started to say you will be taken care of. now they only stopped saying those things. they have made it very contentious. they have been rude. they made nasty comments and they have been uncompassionate and unprofessional. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to (nice bear!) ooo! that one! nice!
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and experience the connectivity of the available lexus enform, including the es and rx. ♪ this is the pursuit of perfection. bill: a bit of a strange twist to a case in tennessee where a judge changed a baby's name from me sigh yaw to martin. me sigh yaw is coupler in four of the fastest rising baby names t could cause problems for a
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child that bros up in the area which has a large christian population. quote, the word messiah, and a title only earned by one person and that one person is jesus christ. -- messiah. martha: there is a lot of little jesus's around. bill: a little bit of that. martha: why is it okay for a child to be named jesus but not messiah. bill: there is always william. >> that is very good solid name. or martha. also. bill: that too. >> okay. to this story now. the widow of an elite firefighter is now battling to receive health and pension benefits after her husband died in a massive arizona wildfire this summer. who could forget that. there are the faces of the 19 members of 9 granite mountain hotshot crew. andrew ashcraft was one of them. he died in june. the city of prescott, says 13 of
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those families actually do not qualify for benefits since the men were considered part-time workers. andrew's wife says the city should be sending in to help. >> fact that i have four small children now i have to find a way to provide for them because my husband giving the ultimate sacrifice in the city's eyes wasn't enough to seal the deal that we'll be given health benefits. that we will be given his salary moving forward to create the life for our kid that we put together for them. it's, sad that i have to even stand here today and fight for what my husband already earned. it is sad that there are 12 other families that aren't being given what their, their brother or their husband or their spouse earned. it is a terrible tragedy and the bigger tragedy is in the fact that the people that can make it right aren't making it right. martha: very upset. julianne ashcraft, really one of the faces of this tragedy. i'm joined by charles arnold, who is prescott arizona city councilman. certainly you can, you can feel
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for her and her situation. she has four young children. and she says that her husband was working 40-hour weeks. he was working full-time there. he had been promised permanent status and he should get the benefits that go along with that. what do you say, sir. >> good morning, martha. thank you very much. it was only 40 days or so ago that our community face ad terrible tragedy and in the weighing of that we have gone through and learned many lessons, specifically in this situation. we have a difference between a permanent employee and a temporary or seasonal employee. and that's really what the discussion comes down to. what is the difference between a permanent and temporary. and with six permanent employees who are members the state public safety retirement system, they received that long-time permanent death benefit. the state system does not allow for part-time or seasonal employees to participate in the public safety retirement system. and that's really where the issues comes down to today.
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it is not the choice of our city council whether or not these benefits are given. it's the state statute and it's the state laws as it relates to the retirement system that dictate whether or not that permanent death benefit will go into effect. martha: you know, is it possible for the council to get together and say that this is an extraordinary circumstance and that we need to change the rule or we need to write a new rule that would allow for these people to be included or is that an impossibility? >> we're working with the speaker of the house here in the state of arizona which is andy tobin, who has drafted two different bills that will address this issue. one of those bills would be retroactive. and the other one would be moving forward. this impact is significant, not only to the families but to the community and to the state and i don't believe there is anybody on the council and anybody in the state legislature that feels there isn't something that should be done. the real question what can be done within the confines of the law and it's our opinion, it is
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the state's opinion it will take a state action to do this properly and to fix the problem. the state retirement system specifically prohibits non-full-time permanent employees from participating. the benefits are significantly different between a permanent employee and a temporary employee. if you look -- martha: but in terms how that might be changed and if it could be retroactive, when you have a case of these, heroes who died in the line of duty, trying to protect the people of arizona, is there a way to craft something that would allow these people to share in that benefit and is that something you would like to see? would you like to see julianne ashcraft get that permanent benefit for her family. >> as far as the 13 part-time seasonal employees. martha: they are saying they weren't part-time and not seasonal, sir. she is saying my husband was not part-time, he worked 40 hours a week. that he had been promised and it was promised by a supervisor i
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understand, i don't know if that person is still, you know an employee and can confirm yes, he did promise that status to this family. is that a possibility? >> as far as the promise, whether that took place or not, we specifically asked our management staff and did an inquiry whom promised it if it was promised and when because we need to understand and know if that happened. as it relates to the seasonal or temporary employees, the state law prohibits them from being able to participate in the retirement system. the bills that the speaker of the house is proposing will allow for that to change and, we are in support of that. i will be meeting with him today in person to further discuss this. and look forward to meeting additionally with the families to address concerns that they have moving forward. martha: you know, i'm sure that's very good news to julianne and to the other who is are involved that you're supportive of changing the law so that it would include them and would include their families. one thing i think tugs at
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everyone's heartstrings, obviously the whole story does, she said right after this happen, everybody came to us and said, you will be taken care of, you know. we will take care of you. as a community and as a state. and she said some of those same people, now have reneged on that promise? >> unfortunately i think through tragedy at times people come up and say just as the president did we'll be there for arizona, we'll be there for yarnell, and that has not what has taken place. we're investigating and looking into through inquiry what promises were made, and what promises need to be kept and what needs to be done on behalf of the city. martha: mr. arnold, thank you. we'll be following this story. thanks so much for talking with us today. >> thank you. bill: jenna lee is standing by. "happening now" rolls your way in 11 minutes. hi, there, jenna. >> good morning, bill. we have a "fox news watch" how the mainstream media is covering obamacare. apparently it is getting criticism from both the left and
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the right. we'll look at that. a new book says america's police departments are becoming more like the military and consequently trampling on civil liberties. the author of the new book, the rise of warrior cop. a former member of an elite s.w.a.t. team for a fair and balanced book. bill: we'll see you then, jenna. doing your nails got harder. why in one store you have to show i.d. to buy nail polish remover. why would that be? we'll explain.
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martha: how about this? cvs pharmacy customers are now being asked to show i.d. when they buy nail polish remover. the drugstore chain said the rule is to prevent people from making illegal methaphetamine. a chemical in the remover that can be used to make the drug. the new policy applies to stores across southern new england.
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cvs is limiting number of bottles customers can buy at one time. bill: like sudafed. jobs are on the line in an area that needs a lot of them. protesters in northern wisconsin, doing all they can to prethe opening of a new mine. why would that be? mike tobin with the story out of chicago. good morning to you. what is happening? >> reporter: this fight in wisconsin is shaping up as a classic battle of jobs versus environment. they are looking to open an iron ore mine in wisconsin. before the mine opens they're sampling the soil to determine if it is harmful to the environment. protesters are convinced it will be harmful and they showed up and dug with passion. armed guards on the ground in wisconsin. a response to this. >> you get out of here. [bleep] >> reporter: right-wing bloggers call them ecoterrorists. mass protesters intent of thing work of the company. >> do not take my camera.
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>> get out of our hole right now! >> reporter: that act resulted in a felony charge and three misdemeanors. and mining hasn't started. all the protesters disrupted was sampling for environmental impact studies. >> if they have courage of their convictions and they believe what they have been saying, they should want us to be out there finding this information out because they will be able to use these facts to kill a mine. >> reporter: they say that the iron ore mine will not introduce chemicals. dirt will be removed. pulverized, run overing a nets to remove the iron ore and replaces. bulk of protesters shun the term radical, but they want work at the site to stop. >> not that i don't trust the dnr. i don't trust the governor and i don't trust the people supporting governor in our statehouse. >> reporter: native-american tribes are opposed to mine. saying that it will violate their treaty, hunting and fishing rights. bill? bill: we'll see how that goes.
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mike watching that out of the chicago in the midwest bureau. martha. martha: the earth opened up a bit near disney world. it cause ad section of a resort to start sinking. look at pictures. details on the massive holcombing up in a live report when we come back on "america's newsroom." >> we're all thankful we made it out alive.
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>> getting back here. bill: how did that go for you? >> great to be back. yep. bill: told everybody. break her back in slowly, okay? we'll take it easy on day number one. you're doing double duty today, right? >> yes i'm on "america live" at 1:00. thanks for reminding me. bill: big fat long day on number one. we got to run, everybody. >> see you tomorrow. the see you at 1:00, bye, everybody. >> right now, brand new stories and breaking news. jenna: dramatic
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