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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  August 12, 2013 11:00am-1:00pm EDT

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week-long manhunt. the fbi rescuing a california teenager, fatally shooting the man suspected of killing her mother and her brother. we'll bring you the latest on that. check this out a sinkhole minutes away from disney world. swallows up a vacation home and a vacation resort. dozens guests flee to safety. quite a scene there. the latest on that. attorney general eric holder telling prosecutors to go easier on some drug offenders by avoiding chars that require mandatory minimum sentences. it is all "happening now." go back to our top story now. a massive multi-state manhunt leading the fbi to a remote wilderness in idaho and the daring rescue of a 16-year-old girl. quite a story. great to have you with us. i'm jenna lee. welcome to "happening now." >> i'm gregg jarrett in for jon scott. the man suspected of kidnapping 16-year-old hannah anderson, james lee dimaggio, shot dead
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after a highly specialized fbi team tracks them down in very remote wilderness preserve. they were first spotted last week by a pair of horse riders saying the pair seemed out of place. instinctively they knew something wasn't right. >> she was kind of had a scared look on her face when i first come up the trail. we didn't know if it was from the horses or what. but then when i turned and talked to him a little bit, i just, just had a gut feeling about him. jenna: thank fully for that gut feeling. something changed. they didn't make the connection until they returned home and saw the girl's photos on the news. our will carr is live in boise, idaho, with the very latest on this. so, will, exactly where did those witnesses run into dimaggio and hannah? >> reporter: well, good morning, jenna. they tell us that they ran into them in a very isolated area that had very rough terrain. in fact they say there are no
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roads in that area at all. these witnesses say it is about a one in a trillion chance they would run into anybody in that area. now at the time they were not aware there was an amber alert out for dimaggio after authorities believe he killed hannah's mom and brother and burned his own house down and kidnapped hannah in san diego. four days later they ran into dimaggio and hannah in the wilderness. they neither said very much. at times hannah appeared scared and red flags went up immediately. >> i talked to him and asked him what possessed him to come clear out here? and he said, that last year she got the pick where they were going. she wanted to go to los angeles and hollywood. so this year was his turn. so that was a plausible explanation, why they were out here. >> reporter: the witnesses then went home. they saw that amber alert on the local news. so they picked up the phone and
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called 911. authorities then swarmed the area. they quickly found dimaggio's car. it was covered in brush. that the license plates had been taken off. apparently he had been trying to hide the car. saturday, u.s. marshals spotted dimaggio and hannah from the air. they were in a campsite nearby. the fbi moved in and ended up moving in and killing dimaggio and rescuing hannah. jenna: thankfully for the couples that saw dimaggio and said something later on. how is hannah doing? >> reporter: authorities are tight-lipped where she is. we know she is in good condition. she is being evaluated by authorities last couple of days. the witnesses say they are just thrilled that she is safe. >> i was on watching the news and he was coming up on the full -- i was jumping up and going like this. he was looking at me. you know. so we were, relieved that she is
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okay. >> reporter: witnesses tell us they would love to sit down and meet hannah's father to express their greef for his loss and tell them about this unbelievable experience that they experienced last wednesday. jenna. >> more of the story as we get it. will, thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. jon: fox news alert now. live pictures out of central florida as a massive sinkhole is causing part of a vacation report to suddenly collapse. another portion of the building is also sinking. this is happening just miles from walt disney world in orlando and people inside that resort building describes the moments, the ground beneath them started moving. >> we went to the security gate here and we told them that something is boeing on and said the building is collapsing. and yeah we were in shock.
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and maybe like, an hour the building collapsed. and everybody left all their stuff. we're all thankful we made it out alive. jon: can you imagine that? they're like can i they didn't get swallowed up. phil keating following the story for us live. hi, phil. >> reporter: hi, gregg. people on vacation had 10 or 15 minutes to escape. this latest florida sinkhole has been dropping deeper into the earth since about 10:00 last night the helicopter aerials of the scene are actually just amazing. so far, one three-story building is destroyed. another is still slowly sinking. 40 tourists are all evacuated. they first noticed something was very, very wrong, when suddenly windows last night started exploding in the two-bedroom villas the diameter of the sinkhole is about 50 feet across right now and it is still getting deeper. the summer bay resort in
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clermont, florida, is 10 minute drive from disney world. one couple and their infant escaped through a window after the door frame collapsed. a witness was taking a bath and suddenly if the tub started levitating, forcing her to run outside naked. the most important thing that all our guests, considering the magnitude of this sinkhole, are okay. we don't have no injuries at this point. >> reporter: take a look at this map of all reported sinkholes in the state of florida since the 1950s. it is all about the state's geology. florida sits on porous limestone, above massive aquifers. that creates caves, springs and sinkholes. five months ago a sinkhole swallowed 36-year-old jeffrey bush's bedroom near tampa. he, his bed and much of the bedroom disappeared from the rest of his house one night as he slept of the his body was never recovered. just last week the federal emergency management agency award ad one million dollar grant for a three-year study
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down here in florida to study the future potential risk of sinkholes. gregg? >> a lot of worried folks living down in florida. the visitors there too. phil keating live in florida. , phil, thanks very much. jenna. jenna: the decades-long war on drugs may be getting a little weaker. we'll see today. attorney general eric holder is expected to address the american bar association in san francisco and he's also expected to unveil a new mandate on drug busts. first time offenders including dealers and users who have no ties to drug cartels and gangs will face reduced penalties. that is what we're hearing now. chief washington correspondent james rosen is live in d.c. with more. james? >> reporter: jenna, good morning. the starting point for attorney general holder's prison reform program is statistic. mainly since 1908 the u.s. population has grown 33% but the prison inmaim population in that same time has growny almost 800% n his speech to the
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american bar association in san francisco this afternoon the attorney general will announce new policies at department of justice designed to prevent, low level, non-violent drug offenders from facing stiff mandatory sentences. holder will announce a plan to release elderly non-violent prisoners who have served, quote, significant portions of their sentences. attorney general will say the u.s. must never stop being tough on crime but be quote, smarter on crime. spending on federal, state and local incarceration reached 08 billion in 2010 alone. the ag sketched out his thoughts on reform in a senate appropriation subcommittee two months ago. >> we want to work on prevention activities and work on rehabilitation while people are still in prison and deal with reentry. we need to ask some tough questions about the enforcement priorities we have in the department and the way which we enforced our laws and collateral consequences of some of those enforcement activities. >> reporter: a bipartisan group of lawmakers including liberal
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democratic senators dick durbin of illinois and pat leahy of vermont and tea party conservative republicans like mike lee of utah and rand paul in kentucky introduced so-called smarter sentencing legislation which holder will say the obama administration wants to refine and advance. the attorney general undertakes these reforms in the fifth year of his tenure fresh off a recent string of high-profile controversies. jenna. jenna: james rosen live in d.c. thank you. >> reporter: thank you. jon: anthony weiner launching his first television commercial today for run for new york city mayor but something's kind of missing from the ad. yes, the infamous sexting scandal, nowhere to be seen or heard in it. it, toppled his poll numbers avenues of the latest scandal broke. the 30-second spot does however allude to powerful voices trying to stop him from running. >> the powerful voices have made it clear from the very beginning
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they didn't want me to win but this isn't about what they want. they have gotten their way for far too long. if you give me chance i will fight for you and your family every single day. >> also today, a new sienna college poll was released saying that 80% of new york voters find anthony weiner, unfavorable compared to comptroller candidate and client number nine infamously, eliot spitzer, who 59%, almost 60% found you ever favorable. notwithstanding his waning popularity, weiner's campaign reportedly spent half a million dollars to make that commercial. powerful voices trying to stop him. jenna: carlos danger's voice or maybe it was a different voice? i don't know? >> carlos danker. >> we'll try to get more specifics from the campaign to find out exactly who he is talking about. in the meantime one of the most outspoken businessmen into america might try to pay his way into the white house, so he says. donald trump is willing to shell
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out big bucks for presidential bid in 2016. he had a short run campaign in the republican primaries but dropped out to back former governor mitt romney. "the donald" explaining just how far he is willing to dig into his wallet. >> if you were to run for president, how much would you be will to spend on your campaign? >> if i made a decision i would spend a lot. >> a modern presidential campaign can be half a billion dollars. >> can be or more. no, i would be willing to spend, if i did it i would spend whatever it took. jenna: if, if he did it. claiming a fortune more than $10 billion, trump said voters would see a man who built a company with tremendous net worth. he hasn't been totally forthcoming about how much money is actually in his companies which has been controversial over the last self years but that's what he says his company is worth. we'll take him at his word. >> he has been accused in the past overstating his net worth. you may recall, he was on the precipice at one point in time, a long time ago, and made quite
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a comeback. jenna: imagine people overstating their worth. that just never happens, right, gregg? >> certainly not me. there is zero worth. we're not even a year into president obama's second term and we're already seeing signs of jockeying for position for 2016. some big names that could already be making a push for the white house. plus a massive volcano, look at this, erupting and it turned deadly. we're going to show you where thinks happening coming up next. [ male announcer ] imagine this cute blob is metamucil. and this rk is the inside of your dy. see, the special psyllium fiber in metamucil actually gels. and that gelling helps to lower some cholesterol. metamucil. 3 amazing benefits in 1 super fiber. metamucil. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. metamucil. here, try this. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. some international headlines we're watching right now including this one. at least three people killed in weekend riots near the indian-pakistan border. hindus and muslim clashing after last week's killing of indian soldiers. india blames the attack on pakistan army. the pakistan army denies any
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involvement. always an intense area in the world. we'll keep an eye on that. 23 fishermen are missing after a powerful typhoon slams into the philippines, toppling power lines and dumping lots of heavy rain. as you can see, a lot of flooding. six people were killed in an volume cantic eruption into indonesia. lava flowed into a village. thousands were evacuated from the area. some refusing to leave. we'll keep you posted on any developments there. gregg: president bam's tech term less than a-year-old but already of course speculation around some names and some possible presidential contenders in 2016. many experts already consider former secretary of state hillary clinton a democratic front-runner. she has hinted about a possible run. she hasn't really made anything official. she is playing it coy. vice president joe biden not at all coy. that is not his personality. he is making waves of his own. announcing he will travel to the key state of iowa next month.
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bob cusack joins us, managing editor of "the hill." bob, good to see you. clinton has 51-point lead in the latest poll over other contenders. whereas voters consistently are pretty divided in their opinion over joe biden. so i mean is he running in event she doesn't? and, you know, even if that's the case it is going to be a struggle for him, isn't it? >> it is. every vice president, unless you're dick cheney wants to the president. biden is doing the things to prepare for a run. i think it is highly unlikely he would run against hillary clinton. the narrative for joe biden he has been getting deals done in washington. in very partisan time he was the key player in getting the fiscal cliff deal done but he does not have the fund-raising ability or the persona that hillary clinton does. but, clearly, hillary clinton is aiming to run. she recently joined twitter. it is going to happen unless there's a health issue. gregg: does biden have image
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problems? he has the old dan quayle, foot-in-mouth disease and constant gaffe loop the rnc runs on their website. >> right. that got him in trouble when he ran in 2008. also ran once before in 198. but he is likeable. that is the one thing voter do like. if you go back to iowa, hillary clinton finished third in iowa but joe biden got less than 1% in 2008. so the chances of abiden candidacy i think are slim unless hillary decides she is not going to run. >> she may be the favorite but she is also the leading unfavorite if you will. and let's put it up on the screen. she is number one when voters are asked which candidate they would least like to see win the nomination. and in fact, joe biden does better. why is that? is that because fundamentally she tend to be a polarizing figure? >> yes. absolutely. i mean everyone has an opinion on: clint. and she has been over the years
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a polarizing figure. the left loves her but the right does not. i think her numbers are stronger than they were in 2008 but at the same time, republicans are already going after her. always mentioning benghazi. that will come up in the 2016 if hillary clinton sides to run. gregg: especially up famous testimony, what difference does it make how and why the americans were killed. she was the favorite in august of 2005. >> yes. gregg: same time right about now. but she lost, a lot of people said, mostly for tactical reasons but also, you know, a buy i about the name of barack obama came forward and i was a very compelling and charismatic figure. in a way, is that kind of her problem. >> she's a bit bland and arguably she's thin on accomplishments except holding high office? >> i think one of the major mistakes that the clinton
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campaign made in 2008 was to post-traumatic stress disorder experience. there was some bush fatigue. and people didn't want experience. they wanted someone fresh and new like barack obama, who was more likeable than hillary clinton. that came up in the debates back then. so i think: clint learned from that. she will run a very different campaign. she will have a very different campaign team. a lot of veterans on the 2008 team have said they're not going to sign up in 2016. gregg: well, maybe the miniseries on nbc will burnish her image which may underscore the media is in the tank for her. we'll leave that for another day. bob, good to see you. >> thanks, gregg. jenna: may be safe in russia, maybe, but if he ever comes home he faces serious charges. should future whistle-blowers stay silent? is this the message being sent to them? a former cia analyst tells us how we can protect informers and our information at the same time. also big brother watching?
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black boxes help in accident investigations but could they be recording your daily commute? dougeg mckelway on the story straight ahead it's made with delicious ingredients, then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita.teady energy. all morninlong. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains, they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. grrrrreat outdoors,ixed berry and a great deal. ahhh let's leave the deals to perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 30% off. only at
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jenna: death sentence or safe haven? a new article questioning what to do with whistle-blowers who leak information. the column in the "national review" raising questions about protection for these intelligence gatherers, suggesting people like snowden, the person on your screen, edward snowden, are traitors when they leak information and run. but also suggesting we should do more, quote, encourage would-be intelligence whistle-blowers to raise their concerns through legal channels and thus protect u.s. national security. we have a former cia senior analyst, managing editor with
11:25 am you have quite a background and. you worked for ci and congress as well. you say clearly edward snowden is a traitor. do you think there would be an opportunity we would be talking more about him as a whistle-blower and less as a traitor? >> jenna, thanks for inviting me here today. there were channels ed snowden could have used. he could have went to the inspector general or the intelligence oversight committees. instead he violated his oath to protect national security. he broke his word. he apparently sought a job to find classified material to leak. most importantly why i don't think he is legitimate whistle-blower, sought refuge in china, russia, nicaragua, venezuela and cuba. if he tried to go to the intelligence oversight committees there was a way he could have had his concerns addressed. >> despite all that you still believe we can really improve on the way that we encourage whistle-blowers to come forward. how? >> well, intelligence officers
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can go to the oversight committees but there are some impediments and i think these have to be dealt with. right now under the whistle-blower protection act, the intelligence whistle-blower protection act of 1998 they have to go to their management and only limited circumstances they can go to committees. i think we need to create an avenue where intelligence officers that have concerns will not go to the press. they instead will be able to go to congress if we designate the oversight committees as a safe haven where they can bring their concerns knowing they will be fully vetted and they won't be hurt professionally. jenna: why do you think that is not the case now? why do you think there may be the wrong feeling for would-be whistle-blowers or wrong system is in place somehow in the process to raise concerns about america, civil liberties or constitution, some really big topics? >> well this classification reasons. there are concerns, legitimate concerns by the president and intelligence agencies that intelligence information has to be carefully controlled,
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transport has to be controlled. who it is shown to on the hill has to be controlled. i think those can be addressed. the major reason deals with the separation of powers. the president controls intelligence and he decides what intelligence will be shared with congress. congress says it's a coequal branch of government and it has a need to know anything, it has to have in order to perform its oversight responsibilities. it's high time, if we have robust intelligence oversight committees to give these committees unfettered access to whistle-blowers and these whistle-blowers should not be in fear of their careers if they go to the committees. jenna: quick final thought. you spent five years working with intelligence committees on capitol hill. how concerned are you with more people with access to intelligence there will be consequently more leaks? >> i think there will always be people who look for personal reasons because they have grudges. i'm sort of worried that may have been what motivated snowden but i think we candies courage
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many potential intelligence whistle-blowers if we created this avenue, if we designate the intelligence committees as a safe haven and made sure their careers would not be in danger if they spoke to the committees. jenna: something interesting for us to be considered. as we sometimes need to be reminded, fred, those on capitol hill are our elected representatives and we elected them for a reason. interesting to see if something would change as far as access of intelligence that could protect the american people and our rights. fred, great to have you on the program. look forward to having you again, thank you. >> thank you. gregg: democrats are now saying that the new health care law was timed to help them in 2004 elections but republicans say the timing could end up helping the gop. we'll tell you about it. plus growing concerns about government snooping, convincing two email providers to pull the plug and shut it all down. who was using these services? who did they help?
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jon: at the beginning of the 2014 campaign choosing new health care law, certainly turning into a hot political issue. democrats plan to run on a platform embracing key provisions republican see a big chance to use the programs low approval to their advantage.
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it does sound like some democrat party making 2014 campaign issues. >> when they get that from august, they will have to deal with the budget and a lot of republicans say that the only way they will fund the government is defunded. a lot of republicans think that that could backfire, so democrats are trying to take advantage of it. james clyburn is one of the senior republicans who boasted presidential politics. thing the democrats are gearing up. watch this. >> we will be running on obamacare in 2014. in fact, we set it up to run in 2014. the american people will be winners and that is what my republican colleagues are
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getting for town hall meetings in the month of august. reporter: it's a pretty interesting calculation. most people say they don't like obamacare. they think it will raise the cost of health care and the premiums are going to go up and the quality of health care, frankly only about a quarter of the people polled say that it will make a difference. they are demanding that obamacare be defunded. but no one is angry at the 2010 townhouse that happen when the tea party came forward. the president's permanent campaign had promised that they were really going to use this month to disrupt the gop meetings. but frankly they had been very feisty. jon: are we really looking at a shut down here or is that far-fetched as a threat? >> it really is always a threat, it but it hasn't happened in 20 years. the main thing is to defend obamacare or shut down the government if you talk to mike
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leigh. texas senator 10 crews as well as marco rubio from florida, he he was in iowa this weekend, he was just elected to the senate last year. talking about defunding obamacare. marco rubio is going to kick out the two were in florida today. the republicans think that they have the right side of this. democrats are accusing them of trying to rob health care from people. jon: i read that ted cruz was a rock star out there. a lot of cheers, a lot more than some of the other candidates out there. thank you so much. jenna: dramatic new fallout from
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the government surveillance scandal. two major security e-mail providers taking the extraordinary step of shutting down service. one was reportedly used by edwards noted. shutdown last week and its owner alluding to concerns over secret government court orders, saying that he would rather take flak from customers than be forced to hand over information. silent circle is the name of the other one. and we spoke with morgan right a couple of weeks ago on what is the right way to do it. morgan is back with us today. we have these two companies that say that rather than complying with the company or having the possibility of having to comply, they would rather shut down. the two companies, silent circle and lavabit. reporter:
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>> lavabit looks like they were served with a letter, either a national security letter from the fisa quarter, they were told that they cannot change anything. they are under legal obligation. on the other hand, silent circle does not appear that they had a court order and it was a business decision for them. they are doing that out of an abundance of caution. jenna: said ahead of the company does not want to be complicit in crimes against the american people. there are a few different narratives. there is the big bad government anyou also have to raise the question of who was actually using these e-mail services. are these bad guys using e-mail services and that our government have every right with this technology? how we ever know it's true?
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>> whether it is skype, twitter, facebook, all the social media platforms, downloading pirating software or sending messages back and forth. in the case with edwards noted, it is a legal issue now. he is charged with this. it's not the governments fault. it's like we're not going to solve the problem on the side of the road. it is up to the court and it's going to be the court that decided whether or not he violated the law. but he does not get that privilege to decide for himself if he didn't violate the law. everybody gets their 15 minutes of fame, they are obviously exceeding not. they get to put out their political philosophy. at the end of the day the court order trumps the philosophy. jenna: civil liberties are something that we are talking
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about today. talking about communication a few weeks ago, i'm curious at this point what do you think is the safest way for us to communicate. not just you and me, but all is in general. what do you think? what is this remark. >> they use the etch-a-sketch to communicate back in the day. [laughter] probably the safest way, it doesn't mean 100%, but it's the distributor peer-to-peer services, the way that skype used to be before microsoft bought it. going through thousands of computers around the world where you and i can communicate. it caused the russians to follow it up and they could not crack it. so 99.9% of us are all good abiding citizens and we have a reason to protect our privacy. but the bad guys used the same thing and that is when the government gets involved.
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it's because of the unlawful use of the technology. jenna: we have also talked about pakistan and yemen and all of that communication between the bad guys. it's one of the reasons were paying attention to this story. thank you so much. >> you bad. jon: the whitey bulger jury asking for more clarifications on finer points of law. day five of the deliberations. what does it mean for the notorious gangster. plus testimony in the fort hood shooting rampage. victims and witnesses described the massacre. we will have that next. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain.
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jon: brand-new stories coming up in the next hour. political asylum is being used to enter the united states, how this is happening along our borders. and a notorious drug war walking
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free in the middle of the night from a mexican prison. why does u.s. border patrol agent is being set free. and a company wants to build a mind that they say would bring much-needed jobs. activists saying that they will damage the environment if it goes through. jenna: data recorders often known as black boxes are seen as valuable tools in investigating car accidents. already in more than 90% of all new cars today, but there are some growing concerns that these black boxes could be the government or could get companies to have too much access. doug has more in washington on this story. >> that is right, 96% of new cars right now, the national highway traffic safety administration has issued a proposed rule that they have all light passenger vehicles of these cars by september 21,
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2014, just about a year from now. they may provide accident data and it would provide more information than a year's worth of insurance car crash testing. but when it mandated black boxes, they made no determination who owns that data and that data can be manipulated. someone with the right tool and wrong reasons could turn back the odometer readings or change the vehicle id or that the number, the speed you are traveling when you had an accident goes on. >> if you went to the internet and just look that up, crash data or the number of people who are doing these things, you will find hundreds of thousands of people who are already clicking onto these websites and must be doing now for some purpose.
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jenna: they are automating private data recorders. >> we just want the data to be there for the vehicle owner. the consent must be given by insurance companies or law enforcement or others. >> there are other privacy concerns. your insurance company could download data at to charge you more based upon your compliance. if black boxes were to be overlaid with gps information, authorities could potentially have a gold mine of information about you, where you been, what you been up to. this at a time when americans are increasingly concerned about the intrusion of government. jon: right now the jury is considering a set of questions in the whitey bulger racketeering trial. a fifth day of deliberations. the 83-year-old is charged in a
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32 count racketeering indictment that includes 19 killings. eric schwartz is a criminal defense attorney. gentlemen, good to see you. if someone else is guilty, do we automatically find whitey bulger guilty because he is associated? outward associated is so trekker. it can mean that he was involved in a conspiracy acting. >> that's right, if he is part of an ongoing criminal investigation, he encourages a criminal act, the creek and turnkey answer is that he is not automatically guilty, but there's a lot of things he could have done that would make him guilty for some of these crimes. jon: we don't convict people
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based on guilt by association, but rather there has to be an overt act so that they are acting together. in that case, yes, the answer would be yes, would it not? sumac absolutely it is very specific. the word they used was automatic. they can't necessarily find an inference of guilt. they have to find that he was aiding and abetting and they believe the you are the bank robber, not automatically will they find me guilty. there would have to be a nexus and the correlation. each side wants their point. but it's not automatic and the judge should construct that it is definitely not automatic. jon: one more worry is that the jurors get confused by that
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instruction. moving on to the other case where following, the fort hood shooting. thirteen people died. on trial is nidal hasan. he is defending himself. the jury has had 40 witnesses so far. for the most part he just kind of sits there, he doesn't challenge them. but when you think about it, what is he going to do? it would be absurd for him to deny that he did this. >> that's right coming of all of these witnesses testify when so many people were killed and others were shot and injured and he is not doing any meaningful cross-examination if at all. so his standby attorneys are there to advise him while he represents himself. they want out of the case because they say how can we be a part of the defense that is not a meaningful defense. but the judge is ordering these lawyers to stay on the case. their job is to be there if we
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have questions. and it will help to prevent the reversal on appeal. jon: otherwise it would be called a necessity defense. but they are essentially saying i had to kill americans to save them, but they are saying no, that's too speculative, so what is the defendant were to argue? >> the old saying that you heard it, we've all heard it, he represents himself. it really appeared that nidal hasan might be on a mission of his own. and dan is right, it is so bizarre when you are accused of a heinous crime, for him to confront, which he has a right to, the alleged victim in this case. but he's not really doing anything. i mean, it looks like they're on
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a mission to maybe set up an appeal. jon: we are out of time, but don't go away. we will be right back congratulations you are our one millionth customer. nobody likes to miss out. that's why ally treats all their customers the same. whether you're the first or the millionth. if your bank doesn't think you're special anymore, you need an ally. ally bank. your money needs an ally. it fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convennt two bar pack.
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this is nature valley. nature at its most delicious.
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jenna: a michigan doctor sitting behind bars facing the medicare scam. he is accused of misdiagnosing patients with cancer and billing medicare for $35 billion. reporter: the doctor made millions treating patients first by diagnosing cancer and then allegedly using chemotherapy on people when their patients that need it. the government claims that they built $35 million to medicare over two years, raking in about
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$24 million. the criminal complaint was that thousands of people pastored offices each day with the doctor only spending minutes with each patient. then hiring doctors who may not have been properly licensed. wonders who visited the offices to apply for work years ago said that she saw chemotherapy given at inappropriate times and treatment that dragged on for hours. the nurse said that she filed a complaint with the state, but nothing was done. >> why didn't he did they do anything? that was three years ago. in that time, how many people could have been saved and how many families could have been spared? reporter: the doctor was born in lebanon where he completed medical school. the defense attorney told us that clients are in shock over these charges and insisted he has committed a crime. key on the other hand says that
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he is innocent and not missed diagnosis of patients, these are general allegations from disgruntled employees. the patients that are concerned are urged to contact the u.s. department of justice. jenna: what a story. thank you, lawyer. jon: major-league comity on the baseball field. adrian beltran. >> dominguez takes a look and he's got him in a rundown. and he throws over there. jon: oh, man. jenna: i used to do that in little league. just keep on running come out the stadium and the whole 10 yards. the rangers are taught in their division, so i guess they can afford such things.
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jenna: a lighthearted moment in baseball. we will take it. local law enforcement gearing up with more firepower. is this the right move for our country? we will report and you decide. coming up next.
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jenna: right now brand new stories and breaking news this hour. a notorious drug lord convicted of killing this u.s. drug enforcement agent, set free by mexico despite billions of dollars washington send south of the border to deal with crime. this is becoming a big point of disagreement between our two countries. more on that. the fort hood military trial is now back in session. we'll get a live report from outside the courtroom and share some drastic 911 calls for you. our casey stiegel is on that. a federal judge said new york city deliberately violated of civil rights for 10 of thousands through its stop and frisk policy. a big report on that coming up this hour. gregg: well a new wrinkle in the battle for immigration reform.
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with word after major loophole in the current law and taxpayers left footing the bill. gregg jarrett in for jon scott. jenna: we are stuck with those things, the taxpayer bill. gregg: always. jenna: welcome to the second of "happening now." i'm jenna lee. folks coming into the united states have a new tactic. they're so successful they're overrunning parts of the mexican border because of this they're claiming political asylum saying they have a credible fear of personal safety because they're under threat of mexican drug cartels. the influx is so great, the feds are stashing some families at a private hotel and you the taxpayers, are picking up the tab. william la jeunesse is life near the border with mexico with more william? >> reporter: well, jenna some calculate loophole. others call it a sham. will legal immigrants making bogus claims of having fear of percent suings meant to overwell
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the system and existing bed space to get a date in court they never show up. the hotel is right here. this is video over the weekend with i.c.e. vans arriving well into the night will legal immigrants. mostly, women, juveniles and children, escorted to the second floor. agents inside the rooms making sure they don't use telephones. two border agents providing round-the-clock security outside. this comes after sources tell us that 550 illegal immigrants overwhelmed san diego processing centers last week claiming they had a credible fear of persecution if returned to mexico. those rot magic words that automatically trigger a series of interviews and hearings, appeals that can drag on for years. earning the immigrant freedom to live and work in the u.s. >> this clearly has to have been orchestrated by somebody. i mean you can't, it is beyond belief that dozens and dozens or hundreds or thousands of people would simultaneously decide that
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they should go to the united states and make this claim. >> reporter: now this is a document that we obtained that shows 30 illegal immigrants transferred to hotels, and 70 others were released in a single day to addresses in california, texas, florida, even brooklyn, new new york, to await their immigration hearing. the administration says it is simply following the law, that credible fear determinations are dictated by statute, not discretion. during the initial asylum interview process a spokesman said, i'm quoting the legal threshold for credible fear is broad and low to insure that individuals who may face a significant possibility of persecution, have an opportunity to have their case heard before an immigration judge. now critics believe that the administration brought this partially upon themselves when they approved asylum claims last week for nine so-called dreamers, and now that, rationale, if you will, jenna is being used by other lawyers to support claims for individuals coming over the border right
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now. that's why we're seeing the influx. back to you. jenna: wow, what an interesting story, william. thank you very much. we'll continue to watch it. in that particular region as william points out there people legitimately seeking a slowly lump. we don't know what is the case in particular scenario but it certainly raised our antenna on it if you will because some people started to use it. here is a little bit of context. last year there were nearly 30,000 asylum requests, with folks from china granted asylum. 34% were granted from that country alone. egypt a distant second. followed by ethiopia, venezuela, rounding off the top five there is nepal. those is where a lot of asylum requests are many coulding from. we'll see what happens when it comes to mexico. apparently a new technique potentially being used. gregg? gregg: a new controversy involving mexico as that country release as notorious drug lord. here he is on the left.
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allowing rafael cantero to walk away free on technicality of all things, instead of turning him over to the united states to face justice where he is wanted for the role of killing u.s. drug enforcement agent, enrique camerana in 1985. he was kidnapped, he was tortured and murdered. and mark ad low point then back for u.s. mexican relations. while things have gotten better cantero' release could change all that. joining us to talk about i, christian white, former advisors at d.c. national advisory. this guy is despicable human being. mexicans knew we wanted him. we have charges pending still. statute of limit takes never runs on murder. two-part question. did they do it deliberately, releasing him in the mid different night last friday knowing we didn't know anything about it without a courtesy noteification to the united states? second of all, could the mexicans have been any
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deliberately insulting to the united states by doing this? >> well, i think the judge who probably, or who did do this was acting intentionally. he is thought to be a from the central left party of mexico. this is back in power now although frankly it's new president is much more centrist and much less anti-american than his predecessors. he seems to have acted in mall intent, releasing the gentleman into the middle. night, 28 years into a 40-year sentence, not allowing us ability to try him here. the mexican federal government seems to be caught surprise. mexico's attorney general seemingly genuinely shocked this happened. gregg: look, corruption is rampant and rife in mexico, especially in the justice system and law enforcement. i mean this smacks of a, payoff, right? the judiciary got some money. >> right. there is this lingering problem
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with corruption in mexico, especially involving their penal civil. we're not really not that far away from the episode where a u.s. marine, john hammer was held on a ridiculous trumped up firearms charge. he entered mexico, declared with firearm was told would be legal. ended up in prison for more than a year. and only released the at the highest levels of mexican and u.s. government. this is important to view it against the backdrop of generally improving political and economic conditions in mexico. gregg: under nafta the united states-mexican trade is more than a billion dollars a day. so arguably, we have some leverage. what should we do? back in '85 when this happened, ronald reagan was president. he shut down the border. he ended trade, which crippled the mexican economy until they capitulated and nabbed this guy, cantero, and brought him to justice. do we need to get tough? what should we do? >> well, back in 1985 it was
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thought that mexican federal government at the highest levels was complicit in this. so it was, you know, an official act. so we responded properly. considering that the high levels of the mexican government their attorney general, possibly their president, nieto, who casts himself as reformer says this is, not something he wanted, perhaps we ought to call him on the mat, say, okay, let's work together to have this person extradited. we should avoided what has happened between the united states and russia, for example, where we have very high levels of the government, secretary state kerry, president obama, basically backing the foreign leader into a corner. making it so they will lose face if they cooperate. hopefully this can be handled quietly and this person can be detained again and turned over to the u.s. or tried at federal level in mexico. gregg: i'm not sure the new president is incentivized sufficiently. what is tragic, christian, not much really changed since 1985. these drug lords still operate
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with impunity and the mexican government appears to be impotent. >> right. you know, we have a program with the mexican government. it was begun under the bush administration. the merid initiative, which provides mexico with police helicopters, technology to inspect exports and imports without actually physically searching them. this is something that could be scaled back. and knee the to is taking a different approach to the drug cartels than his predecessor, the center-right calderon. i think it is worth giving mexico a little bit of the benefit of the doubt or at least a little bit of wiggle room here to do the right thing, to signal that they are serious about this. that they're not trying to stick it to the gringos. they're not boeing back to the bad ol' days. even though we have a troubling relationship, it is much better to trade with mexico and buy things from mexico than, for example, china which is an outright enemy. gregg: we do send them billions of dollars for their training
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and equipment to go after these cartels. maybe that's the leverage we should exercise. christian white, thanks very much. >> thanks, gregg. >> big headline out of new york city today, potentially major setback for the n.y.p.d. after a federal judge rules against the department's controversial stop and frisk policy, saying it violates the civil rights of 10 of thousands of new yorkers. rick leventhal live in the new york city newsroom. with the developments on this jenna? >> reporter: nypd says the stop and frisk policy has been keeping rork new yorkers safe. a federal judge profoundly disagreed ruling the practice must stop and ordering an independent monitor to oversee changes to the policy. this follows a 10-week class-action lawsuit followed by opponents of nation's largest police department which has a stop and frisk policy, allowing he officers to detain, search, question people who hadn't committed any crimes. according to the lawsuit, 4.4 million people were stopped by cops between 2004 and mid 2012 and 80% of them were black
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or hispanic. the u.s. district court judge, shira scheindlin, in each case a person's life was interrupt and minorities were treated differently than whites. suggesting that blacks and hispanics were subject to the with force even though whites were found with more weapons and contraband. she wrote the city acted with deliberate indifference with the nyc making unconstitutional stops and unconstitutional frisks. new york city mayor supported nypd. he said he thought whites were too often and minorities too little, reverse what critics claim. most of the candidates running for his job joined the chorus against stop and frisk. it appears the nypd will have to stop the practice. a third party must be brought in to oversee changes. we haven't gotten reaction from police commissioner ray kelley. he has a news conference planned at 1:00 this afternoon. we'll bring you the results of that news conference. jenna: very interesting to see
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what's next. rick, thank you. >> reporter: sure. gregg: brand knew word on the health after u.s. missionary held prisoner in north korea. cleaning up after deadly western floods. the latest on the weather situation from the fox extreme weather censor. one author says police are increasingly morphing into military-style warriors. fair and balanced debate. we'll get a former s.w.a.t. team member's take on what he is saying. >> there is a downed officer at? >> be advised shots are fired out into the area. all officers take cover. don't come on the scene. [gunfire] [dog barking] [ male announcer ] this is george.
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better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- res. what's your policy? gregg: sister of an american mad held prisoner in north korea saying his hospitalization shows the urgent need to bring him home. his name is kenneth bey. he is a tour operator and christian missionary.
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he has been held in north korea for the last nine months. he has been now hospitalized after losing more than 50-pound. a swedish delegation confirming his condition. bey was sentenced to 15 years in a north korean labor camp for so-called subversive activities against the government. jenna: wow, we'll stay on that story. meantime we'll move over to egypt now. some major developments in the crisis that continues to unfold with the country trying to break up two sit-ins by supporters of egypt's ousted president. leland individual certificate live with more as we take in live pictures from cairo today. leland? >> reporter: jenna, fair to say the army and muslim brotherhood who you see protesting in these live pictures were eye-to-eye and the army has blinked. the army had said today, that the government would move in and move these folks out. they are said, to avoided further bloodshed they are not going to do it. the muslim brotherhood set up
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two major protest camps inside cairo. they say they are not leaving until mohammed morsi, the democratically elected president of egypt is brought back in. he was kicked out in a coup six or seven weeks ago. this is the first time the army has backed down. it comes amidst at love international pressure to avoided any kind of bloodshed. inside 10 of thousands of muslim brotherhood supporters. you have a lot of fam miss and children there and there is a big history of the violence. we have a pictures from a couple weeks ago when 70 people were killed during these kinds of clashes. police tried to move the brothered hood protesters out. very heavy-handed tactics. we saw tear gas, water cannons, live ammunition. those kinds of things going on. the army said there is no more negotiation with the muslim brotherhood. the army and the brotherhood seem ad a standoff. question is, how will this go forward? how does the army balance this with the humiliation backing down and on the other side, bad
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pr trying to have more people killed in the process of moving these folks out? looks like what we'll have over next week or so, a soft siege. things like turning off the water and turning off the power, those kinds of things as the military is trying to walk a fine line between a real threat to their power there and to their authority inside egypt by telling folks to leave and they haven't. on the other side trying to walk the line of not having anymore debts they have to account to the worldwide international community that already condemned the amount of violence that has happened since the coup. jenna. jenna: worth pointing out, senator graham, senator mccain, just in egypt talking to the military trying to work out a way forward. part of the world we continue to pay close attention to. leland, thank you. gregg: left behind. medal of honor recipient dakota meyer fighting for the life of the afghan translator who he said helped him save countless american lives. what is the holdup in a hero's visa application?
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first fire, then rain. a year after a devastating wildfire, a town with stands a harrowing mudslide and flooding. when folks can expect relief. >> our hearts go out. we can say some folks lost their homes there is total destruction on a few homes and significant damage to others. the postal service is critical to our economy. delivering mail, medicine and packages, yet they're closing thousands of offices, slashing service and want to layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses, but not for reasons you might think. the problem? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. congress created this problem, and congress can fix it.
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gregg: fox news extreme weather alert. at least one person is now dead in colorado, one other is believed missing this hour after a flash flood triggers a fast-moving mudslide, destroying half a dozen hopes, damaging scores more the same area in colorado left vulnerable, you may recall, by a devastating and deadly wildfire last year. >> it is still a scary time to
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be honest. we know that anytime an inch much of rainfalls on the burn scar, this could happen all over again. >> when you get in here and see the damage to these beautiful buildings it is really heartbreaking. gregg: meteorologist janice dean following it all. hey, jd. >> hi, gregg. unfortunately we still have a flash flood watch in effect for the burn areas. waldo canyon and black forest area where we had the large wildfire last year, this time last year. so all of the water that falls from these thunderstorms just acts as runoff because it can't be absorbed in the ground. and any unstable ground gets swept away. that is why you have the potential for debris flows or mud slides. this will be ongoing. they have flash flood watch through tonight. as you can see the forecast as we go ahead, we'll have the potential for severe thunderstorms. with that the potential for heavy downpours in these areas, these very vulnerable spots. colorado springs in and around this area where we had the waldo
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canyon fire last year. we're looking for potential of showers and thunderstorms the next several days with the potential of flash flooding. we'll keep you up-to-date. also want to mention we have the flooding across the midwest and ohio central valley because we've seen flooding for weeks in this area. incredible amounts of rain over a very short period of time. flash flood watches and warnings are posted where you could see an additional one to two inches. this area has seen over a foot in some cases just a martie of days. several more inches of more rainfall in this section of the u.s. where we potentially could be see more flash flooding a quick look at temperatures across the map. very warm across the central u.s. cool across the upper midwest and across the northeast. back to you, gregg. gregg: 74 in new york. hard to believe. janice, thank you very much. >> thank you, gregg. jenna: the afghan translator who fought on his side and saved
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countless american lives is in need of help. marine dakota meyer says the translator's visa application to the united states has been stuck in limbo more than three years, putting his life in danger where he is most definitely a marked man. national security correspondent, jennifer griffin is live from the pentagon with this story. jen? >> reporter: what makes this case unusual this afghan translator served along medal of honor recipient marine sergeant dakota meyer. in fact meyer said he would never have been able to rescue the four americans in afghanistan in 2009 without this translator whose life is now threatened in afghanistan. >> i said, i looked at him i need you to go with me. he said it is very dangerous. he just had a new kid. you know what he said, he said, if it is my day-to-day, it is my day to die and at that point he
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never looked back. >> he killed many taliban and yelling at them over the radio of the so the taliban know who he is. four four years he has been left out in the battlefield. gradually they are going to get him. >> reporter: here is the e-mail the translator wrote to dakota meyer last monday. quote, the reason i'm bothering you the security situation where i am living getting worse. and every night i am guarding to protect myself and my family. if you are getting upset, it is okay. i will not bother you anymore. the state department has given asylum to nearly 2700 translators who served u.s. forces in iraq and afghanistan but the system remains back locked. since 2008 it has only approved special immigrant visas on average 130 translators per year. >> across the u.s. government every effort is being made to insure qualified applicants are processed in a timely fashion. we redirected increased resources to improve efficiency
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at all stages of the sid process without compromising national security. >> reporter: the rest are held up in bureaucratic limbo because no one wants anyone who could sneak in and carry out a terrorist attack. this case, however, seems more cut and dried than most, according to dakota meyer. jenna: sounds like one to fast track as it has been presented. jennifer, thank you. gregg: well the fight against obamacare as the president pushes the launch of his signature piece of domestic legislation. conservatives are pushing back. is the media really covering this? our "fox news watch" panel is here to weigh in. dramatic testimony at the court-martial trial of nidal hasan. casey stiegel live at fort hood. casey? >> reporter: a chilling 911 call played not long ago in the courtroom. we'll have the latest developments from the texas military post when "happening now" continues next.
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jenna: new developments in the court-martial case of trend here. more survivors of the 2009 shooting rampage take the stand and give harrowing account of what happened that day. he is representing himself. watching mostly in silence. casey, this court-martial is moving much faster than
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expected. please tell us about the timeline here. reporter: the judge had initially said that this process would take about a month or so. but some legal analysts are saying at the rated is currently going, we could see closing arguments by the end of this week. that is assuming that there are no snafus and that nidal hasan continues to do what he has been doing, which is participating very little. not cross examining any but two witnesses. the prosecution has 81 witnesses slated to take the stand right now as we speak. getting off to an promotional star. we heard a 911 call made by a woman who was working in that building and on the recording you could hear her calling for help. you could hear what sounded like gunshots and loud bangs, the dispatcher telling the caller to get on the ground and stay on the ground.
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the woman who made it was weeping on the stand today. the prosecution bringing her tissue at one time. reliving that moment in time. i got chills when they played this call. we could hear the pandemonium as this attack was happening back in november of 2009. jenna: no matter how much time passes, these are the facts. >> it is kind of like two faces. right now we are in the guilty or innocent stage. even though he admits to being the gunman, the prosecution is trying to prove that in that is why they are focusing on testimony from the witnesses who were present. people who were shot on that day. once the closing arguments happen, the jury in the panel will deliberate.
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and that is essentially like a whole new trial, we understand. you witnesses will be called, family members of those who were killed. the idea is to pull at the heartstrings of the panel and show how the gunman change people's lives forever. this panel will have to unanimously give him the death penalty if that is what the sentence is if he is convicted. jenna: we will continue to watch. thank you. jenna: time now for the fox news watch. republican senator ted cruz is in iowa repeating his threat to support government shutdown. he says to stop the new health care law. that is the mainstream media really paying attention? we will also put the question
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out there to alan combs. author of think the liberals for saving america. both are fox news contributors. >> we are getting plenty of coverage as far as we can see. explaining the parts of the affordable care act that are actually favored by the american people like pre-existing conditions, it happened roughly two years ago. when you ask questions, most people favor when you break it down. whether he had a very good rundown. so what comes one? and how things are going to change. >> wouldn't be the administration's fault? i mean, look at the latest fox news polls on us. we will put it up on the screen.
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57% think that the implementation is a joke. only 31% say it's going fine. 63% and the number keeps going up. they want congress to change the law. >> well, i think that the media is focusing almost entirely of a possible shutdown. they liked that story because they want to think the republicans in the tea party. there are at least five other stories as well that are not getting much attention. one is the rising cost. number two is the polls but obama himself as well. and three is the cronyism of the way the law has been implemented in terms of businesses getting off for a year by fiat. fourth is the ever by various democrats including senator
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klobuchar and fifth and maybe most common is harry reid saying that this is just a way station. >> quite a radical statement. jon: i hope harry reid is right, by the way. you have a president that has yet to talk about it in the context of the fact that congress only has a 10% approval rating. approving this 40 times, remember that you want to do the same thing over and over again. >> their ratings are completely different they are. >> how about this. maybe the president doesn't even understand his own health care law. here he is last friday. take a listen. >> the one unifying principle in
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the republican party at the moment is making sure that 30 million people do not have health care. reporter: 38 million. you think that they would understand a fundamental and important fact. he was referring to the 30 million that would get this under the affordable health care act. there will still be 30 million that are uninsured. the 30 million of the president mentioned in that clip is about 30 million who will be covered. >> it is impossible. you are still going to have 30 million uninsured. >> guys, thanks very much.
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jim pinkerton, alan combs, good to see you. jenna: with that, let's move onto another story. during major national security issues, sometimes during routine arrest like on our show, police department saying what looks like military tactics. s.w.a.t. teats, police helicopters, heavy weapons, does the force match the crime. our local police forces becoming too militarized. our next guest raises his question including this one out of utah. twelve officers raided the home there and here has what occurred. [inaudible] >> get your hands out where i can see them right now
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[inaudible] >> let me see your hands [inaudible] jenna: over allegations that a police officer ended up dead. the suspect later hanged himself in jail. one of the topics in this new book, radley balko is the author and he joins me now. that is the example that you use from "the wall street journal" when you wrote a little bit about the book and some of your research and this is when you look at civil liberties. i'm curious if you have written in this book. i'm curious if you have written in this book. what do you walk away from? what is the big point that he or she knows? >> i think that we have seen a dramatic shift in a way that policing is done in america. used to be that the tactics that you saw in these videos were
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reserved for situations where you had an active shooter or bank robbery or terrorist incident where you are using violence to diffuse an already violent situation. that is how s.w.a.t. teams were used throughout the 1970s. starting in the 1970s brought today, we are seeing these not as a last resort, but as a first resort and as an investigative tool. you are using the vast majority of these in america are about 100 to about 150 per day to serve warrants on people suspected of nonviolent consensual crimes. in this case you are not using violence to diffuse an already violent situation. you are actually creating violence and confrontation where there was none before. and that really beats to the objection of what has happened. >> can we measure that we are safer now than we were 10 or 10 years ago? >> well the crime rate has dropped since 1994.
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this trend started in the early '80s. so i'm not sure you can attribute it to police militarization. but the vast majority of these raids are people suspected of drug crimes. the drug supply has not gone down at all. it is just easy to get legal drugs today is either. but they are not being used to fight this rate. these tactics are used in the drug war. jenna: those examples that you point out, one wonders why that local law enforcement choose to use those tactics when they could use others. through your research, what did you find? why did they decide to do that? >> one is the classic when you have a hammer every problem looks like a nail.
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but the federal government has been making these anti-drug rams available for a few decades now. this provides a really strong incentive. to keep your s.w.a.t. team in one of these real emergency situations or you can start sending them out on regular drug raids a few times a week. start generating revenue for the police department. so there is aue for the police department. so there is a strong incentive for the federal government use these kinds of tactics more often. jenna: i will have to have you come back after the commercial, but a lot of our viewers are watching our big stories. aurora, boston, and even anecdotally, some might raise the question why can't our police force be that way as well. answer that question after the break and we will talk to a former member of the s.w.a.t. team with his take as well. we will be back right after this
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quick break.
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jenna: we have proudly back with us. he is an author and we were having a conversation about the great about the feeling that maybe the enemy or whoever is out there that could do us harm is getting bigger and better and stronger. a lot felt that police are becoming too aggressive. but one viewer says that this has become necessary. they become unprepared and cannot offer the protection we need. >> a couple of responses to that. this is the same argument that you hear from the gun control people that criminals are getting better armed at using these high-power weapons. the department of justice has done to studies and found that the vast majority of homicides
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are committed with small caliber weapons, usually a handgun. you mentioned newtown and some of these other mass shootings before the break. i don't object to this in general. i don't think most critics do. i think that there are situations where s.w.a.t. teams are an appropriate response and newtown would be an example. there is pretty good indication that they prevented with further loss of life there. the objection is that they are being used primarily to break into peoples people's homes at night to serve warrants supported crimes that are not violent to begin with. jenna: it is great to have you, thank you so much. now, foreign accents, what you have to say? it is too much for the wrong reason and because of that, our
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civil liberties are at risk. >> law enforcement, like in the medical field, you would not want a podiatrist to embrace a surgery on you. neither would you want a s.w.a.t. call. the department has so many different units that the s.w.a.t. team is so important. the list goes on and on. so the viewers feel all of that and they have the everyday police work and it's not always true. when he said it is a victimless crime on narcotics, that is where we have had so many officers shot and killed on drug related crimes.
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so you use the s.w.a.t. team and i have never heard of a s.w.a.t. team being used for underage drinking. what you have is a unit that controls under age drinking and has a different uniform, -- jenna: you brought up protection and looking at a more militarized part of trying to add some protection to the police forces that are out there coming face-to-face with drug dealers and the like. if you will stand by, i will have more time for you to answer this after this quick break. we will be right back. announcer: where can an investor be a name and not a number? scottrade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions,
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jenna: we just spoke briefly with the author of the new book, rise of the warrior cop. we are talking about the trends in our local law enforcement that are becoming more militarized. we are looking at the differing examples. but in general, you take a step back and look at your career. are we becoming more militarized? should the public be concerned? how concerned should we be that the people in positions have the necessary training that they need to make the right decisions >> i do not believe that we become more militarized. i was wondering when we saw the video, what did i miss on our? you had a policeman who was shot and killed and you had a suspect who obviously was unstable and committed suicide beyond this is in utah. there was a tip given to the
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police by a former girlfriend of a veteran who set my ex-boyfriend is growing marijuana. and the neighbor and the suspect never even heard an announcement that there was anyone outside. so incomes the s.w.a.t. team he opened fire because he said he didn't know who is coming in his front door. that was his one example that was pointed here. in a way that the s.w.a.t. teams were being misused and that type of situation. he said it happens more often than not. >> i read articles about that case. he is talking about how the government said there was no doubt.
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obviously they have to give a sort torrent to it and it has to be signed by a judge. so wouldn't you be willing to put on this uniform? i don't think so. to protect the community and the police officer. jon: jenna: maybe if not more militarized, maybe more important. we will be talking about this online. thank you for the time today. >> thank you. we will be right back with more we will be right back with more "happening now" [ female announcer ] it's simple physics...
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a lot of interesting responses to ha topic, militarization may be america's police force. we have a write in by josh. people are unpredictable. we have to keep people safe. rick doesn't like what he sees in the police force and doesn't like the direction. there is a reason why they are


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