tv Americas Newsroom FOX News August 20, 2013 9:00am-11:00am EDT
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tall, funny. and janna kramer will be here. do you know her? >> i do, we're label mates. >> brian: you go to the same christmas party? >> that's right. >> brian: maria and anna, great job. you're going to handle the after the show show, right? >> anna: yeah. and go to radio. >> brian: right. see you tomorrow. martha: guys, thank you so much. and folks news alert this morning on breaking new developments right now out of egypt the u.s. is reportedly continue to evaluate is the word of the morning our aid to the middle east nation while conducting a broad review of what you're seeing into these pictures. unbelievable scenes of unrest in egypt. so many questions where all of this is headed. saudi arabia said they will step up and fill in any aid that is missing if the united states decides to pull back on it. so you've got that in the equation as well today. good morning, everybody. i'm martha maccallum here in "america's newsroom." gregg: i'm gregg jarrett in for
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bill hemmer. those reports come on the same date supreme leader of the muslim brotherhood was arrested. he was taken into custody at an apartment in cairo, one day after a court ordered the release of former dictator hosni mubarak. martha: leland vittert is live in the middle east this morning. leland, are the mass arrests doing the trick to get things under control? >> reporter: so far so good for the egyptian army, martha. the massive arrest of the muslim brotherhood and round-up of b-level supporters taken the brother's ability to put people out on the streets and create the chaos we saw last week away. so far so good for the brotherhood. no question the round-ups came as a big gamble for the army. it could have on flamed things much more. probably the fact it did not. we've not seen a lot of people out on the streets in the last couple days, that the support of the muslim brotherhood was not
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as widespread as a year ago when they won the election. the egyptian army has a lot of experience dealing with the brotherhood. it was outlawed as terrorist organization during the 1980s and 1990s. that point they could round up the leadership and hold them indefinitely without charge. right now the army is taking a play out of that playbook and so far it is working for them, martha. martha: what about the aid question? we know the united states government is evaluating. there is a lot of debate whether or not we should continue military aid to egypt. has that changed any of the actions of army. >> reporter: so far it hasn't. the u.s. army needs u.s. moral support more than it needs u.s. money. at the same time the united states needs the egyptian army. when it comes to money the us give as little more than a billion dollars a year. the saudis, other gulf countries have given the billions and they have offered $12 billion in aid. money is not the problem.
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they have an immediate problem. islamic insurgency is beginning in the sinai peninsula. the last night the bodies of 25 policemen, executed, killed by islamist jihaddists were brought back to cairo. many say the situation in the sinai peninsula is more desperate than ever. the islamic insurgents inside the sinai peninsula, supporters of the muslim brotherhood the army is dealing with, all the libyan weapons are in the sinai. they're in hands of extremists looking to cause problems at the very least and perhaps begin a insurgency war against the egyptian army who deposed their friends, the muslim brotherhood. martha. martha: that may be the hottest spot in terms where this is headed. leland, thank you very much. gregg: so how did we get here? back on june 29, 20 million egyptians sign ad petition for mohammed morsi to step down. next day large-scale
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demonstrations break out. millions take to the streets denouncing morsi's government. july third they kick morsi out of government, detaining him and moving him to an undisclosed location. last wednesday 525 people are killed, close to 4,000 injured in the army's violent crackdown on pro-morsi, pro-muslim brotherhood protesters, making it one of egypt's deadliest days ever. martha: all that is the backdrop as defense secretary chuck hagel says the united states is working with egyptian security forces to keep all americans who are still in egypt safe. >> protection of americans in egypt, not just only our diplomats but all americans is of the highest priority and and we all, all the american government officials including american military, have been working very closely with the egyptian military and police to assure the security and
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protection of americans in egypt. and we'll continue to do that. martha: obviously that is a big concern right now. so the united states has issued a travel alert warning to all americans who are still in egypt and they are being encouraged to leave the country as soon as possible. gregg: to another big story back here at home. a military judge will begin the deliberations in the sentencing of army private bradley manning. the 25-year-old was convicted of leaking huge amounts of classified information to the website, wikileaks. prosecutors have asked for a 60-year prison sentence claiming that manning endangered lives and cost the government a whole lot of money. the defense has suggested he serve no more than 25 years. there's a new report out showing just how college students more than ever before are turning to federal aid to help pay for school. the department of education says
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57% of all undergraduates receive some form of student aid. four out of 10 students take out loans to cover the growing cost of tuition. that is up 35% from just four years ago. kelly wright is live in washington with more on this story. kelly, what is the obama administration and congress doing to address the rising cost of going to college? >> reporter: very good question. the answer is they're dealing with it. the president recently sign ad law that restores lower interest rates for college students who need to get a loan to pay for college. 18 million students will benefit from the law that offers a new, something like $106 billion. a new study from the national center for education statistics shows 71% of all undergraduates received some type of financial aid. 59% received grants. 40% took out student loans. 6% received aid through work study jobs. 4% received veterans benefits
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and 5% have parents who took out federal direct plus loans. but this law is only temporary. it is linked to the financial markets. so as the economy improves, interest rates could rise which raises the cost for students. education secretary arne duncan said increasing federal student aid alone will not control the cost of college. gregg? gregg: so, kelly, what other proposals or plans will the president be offering here? >> reporter: we'll be hearing a lot of that this week towards the end of the week. the president will go on a two-day road trip to talk about the skyrocketing costs. education secretary arne duncan weighs in everyone shares responsibility making college affordable. data from the ncs shows average cost continues to skyrocket and middle class families are left to wonder what they can do? the white house says the president is planning to propose ideas, republican and democrat lawmakers can agree on in making
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sure that colleges is affordable and accessible to middle class families throughout the country. >> if we're going to make sure that middle class families continue to have access to economic opportunity, that means more students will need access to high quality college education. we need to make sure that more middle class families can get access to the college education and frankly families trying to get to the middle class, can also have the chance to afford a college education. >> reporter: so the key, what will the president and lawmakers agree upon. president barack obama taking that two-day road trip beginning thursday to show sympathy for those hit hard by rising university costs and the president is hoping that he can basically come with some sort of a plan that congress will agree with. gregg? gregg: we did our own study in a documentary on it. what we found the more money the federal government pumps into federal aid, more colleges and
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universities charge for tuition. it has little to do with costs. the problem may be government. we'll see what happens here. kelly wright, thanks very much. >> reporter: all right. martha: you know what? after mortgage debt student loans make the largest debt held by u.s. consumers right now. in 2008, student loans averaged $19,800 per person. compare that to last year. the loan balance averages more than $28,800. that is an increase in almost $5,000 in four years. the number of graduates with loans has risen a lot. 2008, 29 million students had outstanding loans. just four years later, that number is 38 million americans. that strains on everything from the economy when they graduate. unable to rent apartments and buy hopes and get started because they're straddled with so much debt. big problem. gregg: cato institute says the cost is actually $8,000 to educate a student. yet the average undergraduate tuition, including room and
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board for private, 37,000. so the cost has absolutely nothing to do with what colleges and universities are charging. martha: a lot of reasons for that as you and i well know. we'll get into that more later. gregg: we know it well unfortunately. a new showdown over detroit's request for bankruptcy protection. unions and retirees are challenging the math suggesting that the city's financial position is not as bad as claimed. detroit's emergency manager saying that the city has at least $18 billion in liabilities and doesn't have enough revenue to pay them off. retirees and unions fear they could lose their pensions or have to pay more for health care. if the bankruptcy goes through, the hearing is set for october. martha: well there are almost 50 unions in the city of detroit and detroit is said to have long-term liabilities and debt of at least $18 billion. that includes $3.5 billion of unfunded pensions in the city as
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well as $5.7 billion in unfunded health benefits. the rest is owed to bondholders and other unsecured creditors. detroit's population is plummeting. since 2000, the city has lost more than 55 residents every single day. all of that adds up to a huge amount of problem in bankruptcy that detroit is seeing and a lesson for many other american cities as well. we're just getting started. we have a busy morning on this tuesday. we're glad you're with us today. this is coming up. this young man served our country. then he was told he was not allowed to play college football when he got back from the marines. we have new developments in this american hero's effort to get on the gridiron. new claims sensitive information connected to the edward snowden leaks has been destroyed. who ordered that and why? state department workers placed on leave after the benghazi terror attack reportedly have now all been cleared and are going back to work. is there an investigation into what happened in benghazi?
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we're going to ask that question when we come back. >> why is my son dead when they were supposedly watching all this in real-time? my son is dead. then hours later the seals got it. i don't understand why the government is doing that to its people. we've completely redone the house. it's hard to find contractors with the passion and the skill, and that's why we use angie's list. online or on the phone, we help you hire right the first time with honest reviews on over 720 local services. i want it done right. i don't want to have to worry about it or have to come back and redo it. with angie's list, i was able to turn my home into the home of my dreams. for over 18 years, we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. we replaced people with a machine.r, what?
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gregg: the air force is now trying to figure out what cause ad b-1 bomber to crash yesterday in montana. one officer says the other bombers are now grounded until they make sure they are safe to fly. >> we stopped flying operations until further notice. so we will look at this to make sure there is no other safety concerns for the other aircraft that we have. as soon as we're able to do that, we'll be up an flying again. gregg: all four crewmembers on board did eject safely and suffered only minor injuries. martha: we'll get a lost
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attention today. four officials just cleared of all wrongdoing in the benghazi terror at act case and they have returned to their state department jobs this morning almost a year after that tragedy. former secretary of state hillary clinton had placed all of these officials on administrative leave after the assault on the u.s. consulate in libya that killed four americans, including our u.s. ambassador chris stevens and these three other men. this raise as lot of questions where all this is. byron york, chief political correspondent from "washington examiner" and fox news contributor. good morning, byron. i start with this simple question. is there a benghazi investigation? >> that's what republicans on capitol hill have been trying to find out for months and months and months and the answer is they don't really know. this new news will make republicans livid on capitol hill. remember they had the investigation after benghazi. state department said it had administrative review board. they have talked to everybody
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and they had decided that four midlevel employees were going to lose their jobs. turns out they didn't lose their jobs at all. they are back at work today. and the whole idea of accountability which republicans have been trying to pursue on capitol hill seems to be out the window as far as benghazi is concerned. martha: at the very least, it seems that somebody was responsible for the fact that there had been requests for more security at this embassy. they were very concerned about what was going on. the british diplomat had been recalled from the area. there was a lot happening on the ground. the fact that no one is held accountable for that, if i worked at any embassy across the world for the united states government i would be a little concerned about that. >> absolutely. this is something, just look to the events prior to the attack in benghazi. it happened of course on the anniversary of september 11th. on the day before, that september 10th, 2012, the white house released a same that it increased security at
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american facilities around the world. they knew there was likelihood a terrorist attack on september 11th. then benghazi happened. we found out they weren't really prepared at all that. prompted this investigation. who is to blame for this. it must have been somebody. the administrative review board didn't even talk to the secretary of state hillary clinton at the time. they decided it was these four level employees who should have passed information about the lack of security, they should have passed it up the ladder. now turns out even these employees were not accountable. it appears are as far as the state department is concerned, perhaps nothing wrong was done in the run-up to benghazi. martha: you know, tell that to the mother of sean smith. tell that to the family members tyrone woods and glen doherty and chris stevens who still no doubt want answers to what happened. it raises questions about politics as well, byron. there is no doubt in my mind when we get into the heat of the political season, republicans and folks on the other side of the aisle from hillary clinton
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will pull the sound bite of her at that the hearing what difference does it make why it happened at this point, what difference does it make? it almost feel as though the link of evidence there, john kerry says i came into office. i performed my own exhaustive review what happened. these people did nothing wrong. done, over, tie a bow on it, this thing is finished. >> republicans will want to ask secretary kerry, what did you find out in your review that this high level administrative review board missed in their review? does that tell us we don't have the whole story? remember one thing, kind of sounds like a broken record, we still have not heard publicly, congress has not heard from anybody who was on the ground in benghazi that night. there were 30 people on the ground. they have never told their stories publicly of i can tell you republicans will not rest until they hear from some of those people in public hearings. martha: byron, how is that possible? i mean we all know how these kinds of stories, nothing happens in the world without
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things percolating out. how is it possible that everybody was there, even if they were to speak out and say, nothing went wrong here. this is a crazy world. things happen. nobody wanted this to happen but it wasn't anyone's fault, why don't we hear that from those people? but nothing, nothing. >> that is incredibly unusual because you're right, we usually hear from survivors after anything. in this case we have not. one republican congressman awhile back accused the administration making the people sign non-disclosure agreements. the administration totally denied that. says it has not happened. for some reason congress has not been able to talk to any of these people. it is not one or two. it is 30 people who were on the ground that night. martha: we're in a little bit after quiet period before labor day. feels like a lot of stuff is percolating. no doubt we'll hear from very unhappy people when they come back in a couple of weeks. byron, think you're right on the mark about that. have a good day. >> thank you.
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gregg: after more than two weeks of testimony prosecutors may be set now to rest their case against accused fort hood shooter nidal hasan. but will he be able to defend himself in any way? plus, the obama administration has new plan for promoting obamacare. why texas governor rick perry says these gimmicks just prove the law is not sound. >> new, exciting, online video contest. so we've got $30,000 in prizes that are up for grabs and in a contest that showcases the law's benefits and importance of health insurance for young people. with diabetes, it's tough to keep life balanced.
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their case in the court-martial of accused fort hood shooter nidal hasan as early as today. hasan already admitted to killing 13 people in the 2009 massacre. he could face the death penalty if found guilty. casey stiegel, live in fort hood, texas. what do we expect today? >> reporter: gregg, good morning to you. the prosecution has only seven or more witnesses to get through. if they go through them relatively quickly according to the public affairs we could see the government resting its case possibly before lunchtime even. if they do it early enough in the day, then the floor goes to major hasan himself, acting as his own attorney in this case. he will call, we understand one or two witnesses which isn't expected to take a long time. the military will not tell us who the 42-year-old army psychiatrist plans to call to the stand. one thing is for sure, it will be the first time he has really participated in this entire court-martial process because up
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until now he has cross-examined very little. he really objected very little. and sat mostly quiet. once he is finished we move into closing arguments and then the panel or the jury will finally get this case. hard telling how long they will be in deliberations but, you know, it's going to be an interesting next few days and hours here at fort hood, gregg. gregg: the judge has tried to streamline or limit the scope of the evidence presented and indeed to that end, blocked some key evidence yesterday, right? >> reporter: yeah. a couple of different pieces along with a few key witnesses, all pertaining to hasan's alleged radicalization. specifically this power point presentation that he apparently did in 2007 at walter reed medical center that talked about suicide bombings and muslims fighting in muslim countries. judge osborne yesterday blocked that from being introduced saying it was too remote in time and could be interpreted in different ways. also blocked, alleged email
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exchanges between hasan and anwar al-awlaki, a recruiter for al qaeda. the judge said it was to avoid confusion between motive and defense of others. what she did allow testimony from an fbi computer expert that searched hasan's laptop hard drive and was able to pull information such as searches about taliban, even hours before the attacks here at fort hood in 2009, gregg. gregg: casey stiegel, we'll let you get back into the courtroom. thanks very much. martha: a stunning new twist in the nsa spying scandal. the controversial move that the british government has made. sound like something right out of a james bond movie in this one trying to prevent more leaks. gregg: a satellite launched just four years ago out of commission now. what forced it into retirement? martha: a big decision for a u.s. marine veteran who is ready for some football. >> told me everything.
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snowden's material, two security experts from the communication headquarters visited the london office and watched as they smashed all the computers with secret documents. it is a move the u.s. state department insists it had nothing to do with. >> this was a u.k. law enforcement operation. we do have a close law enforcement and intelligence relationship with the u.k. and we were informed in advance but we did not ask u.k. authorities to undertake this operation. gregg: well maybe they should have. john bolton, the former u.n. ambassador to the united nations. look, what they destroyed, ambassador, was top secret classified stolen information. it makes perfect sense the british authorities destroyed it. the americans should be applauding, shouldn't they? >> they should. the correct comment ad the state department and white house is we don't say anything about ongoing law enforcement matters. the brits were exactly right to do this. just as they were right to seize
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materials from edward, from the glen greenwald's partner at heathrow airport. britain doesn't have first amendment. it has a different system of regulations than we do on this sort of thing. in any event the information that the gardian had, that greenwald's partner may have had, if it is classified information, it isn't their property. it is the government's property. it is illegal in the both the u.k. and the u.s. to hold that kind of classified information. so good for the brits. gregg: in fact greenwald told "the new york times" in fact his domestic partner, david moran, was essentially a courier for that classified top secret information but greenwald claims miranda didn't individual anything to do with the information. if he is carrying classified intel that arguably figure out how the u.s. is catching him, it is important that he be questioned, is it not and material seized? >> yeah. the authority under which the
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brits stopped this fellow at heathrow airport is a broad statute. as i say, it is probably broader than we could have at this country but the information that he had, if i had some of greenwald's information, which it is pretty clear that he did, it's illegal for him to have it. so just as it is illegal for "the guardian" newspaper to have it. they're not talking about prosecuting anybody. they're talking about either retrieving or rendering beyond use information that these people shouldn't have had to begin with. gregg: that has not stopped glen greenwald from reacting with some are describing as a measure of hysteria. we'll put it up on the screen. here is what he told the globe tv, brazilian television network. i'm going to write my stories a lot more aggressively now. i will publish many more documents now. i will publish a lot about england too.
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greenwald's column includes veiled threats. real journalists, i'm not not sure he is one, don't resort to revenge and acts of retaliation. do you find greenwald's remarks and indeed some his conduct, disturbing? >> well, unfortunately there are a lot of reporters who act a lot like glen greenwald. i think this is of a piece weed ward snowden himself. the notion this is just a benign whistle-blower with no motives to harm the united states is false and i think greenwald's motive all along here has been to harm the united states. the left internationally has been trying to reduce america's intelligence-gathering capabilities for a long time and the snowden computer information just has been helping them do it. so, you know, the sad part about the seizure of the documents from "the guardian" and from this fellow at heathrow airport, the sat tng is they probably made copies of it before the information was destroyed but it
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was still worth the effort, absolutely. i'm glad the brits did it and we should have asked them for their help if we didn't. gregg: i read a piece in foreign policy that greenwald referred to terrorism as primarily propaganda for justifying one own's state's violence. he strikes people with a agenda, not necessarily as a journalist. last question. edward snowden, his asylum there, president will be heading over to russia, what do you see unfolding? >> well i think the president should not only have canceled his bilateral meeting with russian president putin, he should have canceled going to the g20 summit. beyond that he should have done something substantive to russia. these canceling meetings is kind of a protocol gesture. it is purely theatrical. the russians caused us harm by giving snowden asylum. they're still trying to get
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ahold whatever snowden has on his laptop computers that could be very damaging to the united states. i think russia needs to feel some pain. the president has done nothing to inflict any pain on him. i think china should feel pain for allowing snowden into hong kong in the first place and allowing him to get out to moskow. the lack of real reaction by the obama administration says both russia and china, i'm going through the motions here. gregg: ambassador bolton, good to see you. thank you. >> thank you. martha: from earth to space right now where a satellite that was launched just four years ago has already been forced into retirement. kepler space telescope was a bit of a short timer turns out. it was developed to look at earth-like planets among the stars. in may the pointing system broke down. that is not good. made it impossible to work through the solution. after working through a number about solutions the scientists at nasa said they were unable to fix it. that is it.
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a bit more space junk i guess will be out there in orbit. the voyager, 1 and 2 launched way back when we were little kids, gregg. gregg: right. martha: is still up there. still up there. gregg: some of these satellites last a whole lot longer than scientists ever expected which is tremendous. martha: it is further from the sun than pluto is from the sun of the so the whole length of the solar system, voyager 1 and 2 out there. that is great news. good try kepler. exactly. there is a lot of danger we've been covering out west. strong winds. dry heat out there that is just fueling these vicious wildfires that are raging now in 10 american states. have forced thousands of people out of their homes. gregg: outrage over a new plan to get young people excited about the president's health care law. we're going to tell you what the health and human services secretary announced, that has texas governor rick perry seeing
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gregg: hollywood legend dick van dyke pulled from his burning car on a highway in southern california. take a look at this. that is his jaguar, in flames. the 8-year-old veteran comedian was reportedly saved by a couple of good samaritans who saw the vehicle smoking on the side of the road. >> just started making a noise. and i thought it had a flat at first. then it started to smoke. then it burned to a crisp. there was a fireman, a nurse, and a cop just happened to be passing by. somebody is looking after me. gregg: famous laugh and smile. he still has it. rescuers found him disoriented at steering wheel. got him out of safe and sound. van dyke was not injured. he is even joking about telling selling the car now cheap. martha: what a great sense of humor. all right, on to this now. back in washington where health and human services secretary is
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now promoting the health care law and she has gone now to texas to do that. announcing new way to get young people excited about the law. watch. >> it's a new, exciting, online video contest. so we've got $30,000 in prizes that are up for grabs in a contest that showcases the law's benefits and importance of health insurance for young people. martha: excitement on that is infectious, isn't it? texas governor rick perry is blasting it. if obamacare was sound policy, secretary sebelius would have to have money to get people to sign up. let's get bob beckel and brad blakeman to sound off. she sounds fired up. >> i left the editing room to come here to be with you. martha: such young and
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invincible. >> that's exactly right. i got mine up working. i'm up for the 30,000. martha: they will dole it out in little prizes, $6700, something like that. brad, we're laughing about this. this is an effort, big pr effort. an expensive pr effort in fact. $684 million in outreach. $41 million goes to a pr firm in federal tax dollars to help get people signed up is this a problem? >> this is a huge problem. it is stupid. only government comes up with a plan to spend millions of dollars to give $30,000 a way. this sounds like a perfect government program. if the obamacare was as popular the president said it would be, no incentive and no reason to convince young people that is a good deal for them. the young people know it isn't by very reporting that fox did just an hour ago. you guys reported that over 71% of the youth who are being educated in america are on is some form of assistance. one in five americans, including youth are on food stamps.
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there is no money. there are no jobs. 30% of youth are unemployed. if you want to help the youth, give them a job. don't convince them to pay into a system where they're not going to be getting -- >> this is sour grapes on your part. because you can't make videos, you don't have to take it out on the rest of us, okay? martha: bob, when i look at the pitch from kathleen sebelius. she says we're encouraging folks to get out there, write a song, come up with graphics, write a video, as you point out. , i'm shocked there is 41 million-dollar campaign to do this, to raise this money. but things that she is telling to pitch to other young people to get them fired up to sign up for the program which is very important to make it work is that you can stay on your parents plan until you're 26. if you have a previous existing condition will be covered. neither one of those things would add up to incentive to sign up for the program. if i'm under 26 still on mom and dad's program. if i got something, i get sick later, i had it now, i doesn't
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matter, i could sign up way down the road. >> that's right. this is end product, price you pay, i guess you could say taxpayers pay for not selling this program when it was first developed. the white house and administration fell so far behind the curve on the trying to explain this and define it to the public and opponents did that first and catch-up is enormous. so it is things like this, and getting actors and actresses and others to pitch in, these are kinds of things you need to do when you're this far behind the public relations game. martha: let me ask you something, bob, then i want to go back to brad, do you think they're nervous about this? are they looking at white house saying we've got a problem on our hands? >> the fact that they put it beyond 2014 so it wouldn't get involved in elections is indication of that. sure they think they have a problem on the hands and it needs to be fixed and it is law of the land. that is something will not be reversed a the least not in the short term. yeah, they look at it as a political problem.
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i think at its core they're exactly right, it is something, has to be done to insure tease people but it was not a good sales job and they know it. martha: brad, we've got a full screen here that shows the whole slew of different delays that happened so far. rick perry is in texas saying who needs it, we're not going to do this mandate. they have a lot of people uninsured in texas so where are we going here? >> think where we're going, it is up to republicans in 2014 to make the case to repeal, replace, come up with a plan that the american people can weigh against what we have. the president knows the plan as it exists does not work. the unions who put hundreds of millions of dollars to pass it are now against it. afl-cio and others. the american people are, by an average of almost three to one against obamacare. so, it is not enough to be against something, martha. republican has to be for something. >> you just put your finger on that, because that is the problem with republicans brad, no, no, no we'll defeat this thing but they haven't given
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people a substitute for it and people know there has to be. >> you will hear the substitute in spring and summer next year. martha: five-point plan. this is what we want and what we would do. they have been talking about it forever. who knows if it will happen. brad, we'll see. bob, thank you. see you at 5:00. see you soon. gregg: a surprising decision after the obama administration weighs in on a landmark battle over the separation of church and state. we'll tell you about it. martha: football story for you this morning. he fought for our country and he wanted to play football in college after he got out of the service. the ncaa said no, no, you played too much recreational football in the marines. you don't qualify. the latest on the inspiring story of this young man. >> it is keeping positive and not getting into negativetive at this. walking by faith, not by sight.
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martha: big fire going on at a recycling plant and it is sending plumes of smoke files into the sky. it happened overnight in jersey city, new jersey, across the river from us here in new york. firefighters spent all night trying to does a four-story pile of scrap metal that started burning. boy, that's a mess. gregg: major about face by the ncaa after a marine veteran's story goes public in a pretty big way. steven rhodes is his name. he has been told or had been told he could not play football at middle tennessee state this year and would lose at least two years of eligibility, because, get this, he played in a military-only recreational league back in 2012. are you kidding? but when he made his story
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national headlines, suddenly the decision gets reversed. >> the rule that i was getting penalized under, it wasn't meant to penalize me, you know. it was meant for other reasons. i guess because of revision, they didn't revise the rule after so many years and i mean it kind of carried over. but they did the right thing now and, i all i can do is thank god for it. it has been a lot of frustration but keeping positive, not getting into the negativity how i feel. instead walking by faith and not by sight. >> did practice go a little better today? >> it sure did. sure did. gives you a whole different mind set. feels like you have new life. gregg: jim gray, a sportscaster and fox news contributor, and jim, i don't think the ncaa was trying to be malicious here but their rules are like trying to make your way through a maze or
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a lab by rent. it is really complicated stuff, right? >> that is the problem, they have so many rules and the rule book is so voluminous. you have to go to college for four years to get through the whole thing and have a degree. so you don't even know when you're out of compliance. who would have authoritied orders and compliance for the ncaa would have been different more difficult than the marines. fortunately in this instance the ncaa got it right. gregg: thankfully. probably because it only because it hit headlines everywhere. made national media attention. here's what the coach at middle tennessee had to say about it. take a listen to this. >> he had received money for playing in these games and, he was playing playing in championp games, against the navy and army and the air force and all that. if it was that organized, you know, i might be able to understand it a little bit better. gregg: i mean apparently they
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said no initially, because, get this, really hard to believe, they actually received uniforms in this, sort of intermural rec league, oh, that is a violation. it's a lot like college. so you can't really play. that is silly, isn't it? >> it's all nuts and this is why everybody comes down the ncaa so often, so many times because of rules and things of this nature. there is so little common sense involved in some of these things. are there some examples where the ncaa has interceded and intertwined in people's lives where absolutely no damage done to the institution, no damage done to the kids, no damage to the opponents of anybody and they have these rules and regulations that nobody can understand. they have taken it on the heels. they're trying to reform. we've seen a lawsuit that is going through right now through the courts, using guys names and likeness in perpetuity. that will come up. we've seen them back off just a couple of weeks ago now from
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selling guys jerseys and using their names on the back of stuff to profiteer. so the ncaa is trying to reform but it all seems too little too late. this is example where the able public got a hold of this fighting for our country and not able to play for the blue raiders of middle tennessee state? let's call it what it is, it is ridiculous. gregg: they have to have a real serious look how they treat veterans. real quick question, slightly different subject, john any manziel, allegedly in violation getting paid for some autographs. how will that turn out, jim? >> well it is being investigated now and they're looking into it. if he has taken the money that reportedly he signed so many autographs there is no record right now exactly that he has been paid or if cash was paid, it is all being investigated. this is not a good story but also goes further. if a guy can sign his name tore
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money and he can do it, i don't know why he shouldn't be allowed to. gregg: sure, i'm with you on that. and ncaa profits by his stuff too. jim gray, good to see you as always. martha: criticism about a director hired to produce a film about hillary clinton. communications are you flo? yes. is this the thing you gave my husband? well, yeah, yes. the "name your price" tool. you tell us the price you want to pay, and we give you a range of options to choose from. careful, though -- that kind of power can go to your head.
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too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. new creamy alfredo soup. every day we're working to and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations,
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we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger. martha: crews have been so hard at work out west, and now they have new wildfires to bat be l out there today. what a story this has been. massive and erratic fires still raging out of control near sun valley, idaho. the beaver creek fire one of boss dozens that is burning in ten states across the country in the west with. very hot, very dry conditions are fueling these flames, and, boy, they have a lot of work cut out for them. one official saying it's like a tippedder box out there, just ready to explode in place after place. welcome, everybody, brand new hour in america's "america's ne"
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we're so glad to have you with us on this tuesday. i'm martha maccallum. gregg: and i'm gregg jarrett in for bill. northern california, whipping winds are fanning a wildfire that threatens more than 300 homes. so far one home and four other buildings destroyed. the swedes fire be, as it's known, is about 64% contained, but looming storms could put that in jeopardy. >> we do have thunderstorms developing, and so that also poses a let to us and to -- a threat to us and to the progress. >> still very anxious, they're concerned about their animals. some of them couldn't get their horses out in time. >> we're just hoping that the thunderstorms are not bringing dry, dry lightning. martha: adam houseley's live in our west coast bureau. so what's the latest on this hassive fire we have been -- massive fire we have been watching all week in idaho? >> reporter: yeah. you heard about the dry thunderstorms, so across idaho and really down the west coast
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you're seeing these thunderstorms that have come through, we saw them on sunday night literally lighting up the sky in central california. as for the idaho fire, you're talking a little bit of good news for the beaver creek tire, about a hundred people have been allowed to go back to their homes, but still 2,000 other residents have been evacuated. a pretty significant fire over the weekend, it burned into yesterday. the winds have died down a bit, but still very tough conditions. also not far away there's the little queens fire, that's burning about 50 miles to the west. it's three square miles and threatening a smaller town there called atlantic, and that's in oregon as well. this area of the northwest really dry. i mean, the west in general is dry, but you're talking about a significant fire season in the northwest pretty be early on in the fire season. yourly you see these in august or september, but we're talking about the first part to middle of august now with these fires burning a lot of land. martha: where else are they
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having problems? because we talked about ten states, adam. >> reporter: yeah. we'll give you an idea where these fires are burning, and it shows you how dry the west is. the california fire season hasn't swung into full effect, parts of arizona because we haven't had those santa ana winds come through, but look up by the border of oregon by medford. talking about three fires burning there, one if in butte county north of sacramento, idaho really on fire all around the state and near a couple of areas in wyoming, up in helena, montana. fires burping in areas that have really caused the west to be stretched thin. firefighters have had a long fire season, and the fire season's almost year round because you have such dry conditions in southern areas like california and arizona. it used to be you'd get a break in the winter time, but now that really doesn't happen. as you're seeing these dramatic fire flames and these dramatic situations that men have to fly into and women have to go into to battle the flames, now
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imagine we haven't really had it in southern california. we haven't had those horrible wind conditions that are expected when we move into september. martha: we wish everybody well and always homes that are in harm's way. adam, thank you very much. >> reporter: all right. gregg: responding to the unrest in egypt, washington continuing to evaluate giving it more than a billion dollars in aid. hundreds of people killed following the egyptian military's crackdown on the muslim brother hood. doug mckelway live from the white house with more. doug, we understand that, you know, there are some middle eastern countries that have an enormous stake in this as well. tell us about that. >> reporter: yeah. most of those middle eastern countries, gregg, that have been tradition will western allies have a huge stake in limiting the spread of the muslim brotherhood and islamic fundamentalism, so they've been giving freely in donations to egypt and to the egyptian military. just look at the numbers from last year. saudi arabia handed over $5
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billion to egypt, united arab emirates, $3 billion. kuwait, $4 billion, and in 2011 the money flowed just as freely, totaling $18 billion from many of those middle eastern countries. those aid packages take a lot of pressure off the united states. but the administration nevertheless caught between a rock and a hard place. senator john mccain, as you know, has criticized the administration for failing to follow our own law that requires the suspension of foreign aid to a country that undergoes a military coup. yet the administration is not calling what is happening in egypt is military coup, nor is it suspending aid at least as of yesterday. here's josh earnest. >> that is something we're evaluating on an ongoing basis. that's the purpose of these reviews is to determine what impact it would have on our national security, whether it's in compliance with the law, and is it going to get us closer to see the outcome this egypt that we would like to see. >> reporter: the u.s., as you know, gregg, did earlier suspend
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a shipment of f-16 fighters to the egyptian military. gregg: yeah. and now allegedly they're going to turn to russia for that hardware. look, the daily beast is reporting today, doug, that the united states has decided to quietly suspend most military aid to egypt. any truth to that report? >> reporter: that report apparently comes, at least from the daily beast -- from u.s. senator patrick leahy's office. he says that the u.s. has decided to act as if a military coup has, indeed, taken place, and it is quietly suspending aid. asked about that today, a white house official said this, and i am quoting: >> r eporter: that question undoubtedly will come up again today at a press briefing. we'll eagerly await the answer. gregg: doug mckelway, thanks. martha: egypt, of course, is one of the biggest recipients of aid from uncle sam, in fact, egypt the fifth largest recipient this
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year. most of the there are 1.6 billion to egypt in 2013 came in the form of military aid. between world war ii and now, the u.s. provided egypt with more than $71 billion in total aid. of that aid to egypt over the years, more than half -- about 42 billion -- was directly in military aid to the country. america's military assistance paying for roughly a third of egypt's overall annual defense budget with. since 2010, the u.s. provided egypt with over $6 billion in just the last three years. gregg: so what should the white house do about egypt, and what options does the obama administration really have? former white house deputy chief of staff, senior adviser to president george w. bush karl rove will be joining us very shortly here on "america's newsroom." ♪ martha: well, a only out-of-court settlement is reportedly in the works in a civil lawsuit against the blade runner as he is known, otherwise known as oscar disto have yous.
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he was indicted yesterday, very dramatic video in court. he is there, of course, on charges of murdering his model girlfriend. her family says that they were financially dependent on her, and they've filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit. a local newspaper report says that attorneys for disto have yous want to settle that suit before the criminal trial begins in march. ♪ ♪ gregg: vice president joe biden admitted to a texas hospital after a dizzy spell. a spokesperson for bo biden saying that he got weak and disoriented while driving on a family vacation. his dad, joe biden, had accompanied him to a houston-area hospital. bo biden will undergo a series of tests there. martha: and a new twist in the edward snowden nsa leak case. what a former organization is accused of doing now with those
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very precious and important leaked documents. gregg: and the brand new photos of his royal highness, prince george. [cheers and applause] martha: and now some new controversy over who cnn has now hired to direct the documentary about hillary clinton. wait until you hear this. it says quite a bit. the rnc communications director, sean spicer, will be with us on this next. [cheers and applause] >> a network that spends millions of dollars to spotlight hillary clinton is a network with an obvious bias, and that's a network that won't be hosting a single republican primary debate. [cheers and applause] the great outdoors... ...and a great deal. thanks to dad. (gasp) nope. aw! guys! grrrr let's leave the deals to
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forward against bob filner. settlement talks coming as protesters and his supporters lined city hall in the afternoon yesterday. a recall effort has been launched, they need over 100,000 signatures to begin the process to remove him from office. we have not heard the last of that story. gregg: new controversy over a planned television documentary on former secretary of state hillary clinton. the rnc is slamming cnn for hiring director courtney sexton. she also directed al gore's "an inconvenient truth." the hire coming just days after an rnc vote to boycott the network's presidential primary debates. sean spicer is communications director for the republican national committee and joins us live. sean, good to see you again. it's not just, you know, the inconvenient truth which many have described as sort of pro- or anti-environmental scream,
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but she also directed this very flattering piece on jimmy carter, you know, banned from planes. so how do you view this for hillary? >> right. we were told, as you recall, to see how the movie went. as i mentioned earlier last week, we've kind of seen this movie before, if you will. conservatives never seem to come out doing well, and liberals always seem to. frankly, this announcement and more and more details as they come forward is putting the p in puff piece. we know how this is going to go. this is not the inconvenient truth that ynn would like to -- cnn would like to deny. this is going to be a completely flattering puff piece for hillary clinton to proper up and, frankly, as much as it's something we don't like, i think the most offensive parts of it are the other democratic candidates who are going to get put at a disadvantage because there's this free air time that
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senator clinton would get. gregg: i suppose to some extent the rnc could put together their own documentaries and air them on, try to air them on other networks. have you given some consideration to that? >> no. frankly, because part of what this, what these elections are supposed to be about is the people, the grassroots, going out there, hearing from the candidates, meeting with them one-on-one, reading about them on their web sites and then making the decision who they want to support in the respect of primaries or caucuses. the idea of washington or a party helping to determine who the nominee should be is not the way that we should pick our leaders and our presidents. so this is not something that we think is healthy for democracy as a whole. the candidate should decide their strategies, the videos and the way they want to present themselves and let those people decide who the nominees are, not get involved in the prosper say. gregg: yeah. at times do you feel as though, wait a minute, maybe it'll turn out to be a critical piece on
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hillary clinton, we should wait and at least get a sense of the script and the direction of it? >> no. gregg, i think the point in this is that someone is getting an advantage that other candidates aren't getting, and that's the point. it's not let's wait and let's see. again, it's not just about hillary. she's not the only one on the democratic side and, frankly, it's not about picking winners and losers on the republican side. every candidate should have an equal access to air time and opportunity to go out there and tell their story. like i said, piece after piece that's coming out about this documentary, the odds of it being anything but a massive puff piece that puts, tells the hillary clinton story, the challenges and tribulations that she has faced and overcome is somewhere between 0 and .1 because it's -- that's just the reality of everything that we've seen so far. gregg: look -- >> instead of waiting and seeing, we're taking the preemptive action. and what we've done is the first step. this is literally just the first step in the republican party reclaiming its proper role in
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the debate process so it's not just about this. it's about the moderators, the venues -- gregg: you and i have talked about this before, but -- and i'll put it to you againment i wonder if you're being myopic here because there are independents who religiously watch cnn as well as nbc which has its own miniseries with diane lane coming up portraying hillary clinton. and by barring gop debates on those two networks, aren't you not reaching out beyond your base to independents and, yes, some democrats that you need to attract? >> sure. well, there's a couple pieces of this, gregg. one, we're talking about the primary process here, how the pri hair voters in our party are going to choose our nominee. then a lot of what you're talking about is the general election. but we're not saying don't go on cnn, don't go on msnbc. we're saying as a party we cannot let moderators and networks -- for example,
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allowing a self-avowed democrat like chris matthews moderate two republican debates as he did in 2008 is akin to letting anthony weiner run our twitter feed. it would be political malpractice. [laughter] the party has a role to play in insuring that the grassroots of our party have the opportunity to meet, see and view the candidates that are looking for their vote. when we get to the general election, there's plenty of opportunity. and, frankly, as i mentioned to you last week, the idea that cnn and msnbc are the be all and end all of an opportunity to reach those demographics is ridiculous. there's conservative radio, internet, you name it of ways to reach all those voters. gregg: all right. sean spicer, thank you. appreciate it. >> thanks,.gregg. martha: so make sure to visit our brand new politics page and sign up for the daily political newsletter. i signed up for it yesterday, it's part of your must read every morning now. you've go got to go to news first is
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what it's called. ip stabilitily, you're going to start getting it. fox news first, get it on your phone, on your smartphone, on your e-mail, all that good stuff. and, by george, folks, brand new official photos of the future king of england are out. why they're another break really from the stodgy royal history that so many people remember. we're going to show you what's going on here when we come right back. gregg: i like the dog. martha: cute too. [laughter] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] running out of steam?
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has died at the age of 87. he suffered a stroke three weeks ago. many of his books turned into popular movies, get shorty, 310 to yuma, justified, the list goes on and on. a lot of short stories that led to the fx hit show "justified" starring actor timothy olyphant. elmore leonard dead at the age of 87. ♪ ♪ martha: all right, the first official photos of little prince george leaked to the press. about one month after he was born. here's a look at them. they look just like the photos that were taken of me and my family just days after i had a baby. pull 'em up, here we go. perfect in every way, this little family looks. this is the heir to the british throne, the little guy wrapped up in the swaddling white blanket. they came out three hours before their official release. you know, that's the way things
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happen. an entertainment reporter and author -- [inaudible] joins me now. no big surprise these things leaked out. >> absolutely. martha: do you think they were leaked on purpose? >> not in this day and age. the reason why we have the photos fairly quickly is that kate and william are trying to dampen the whole market for prince george. they are giving it a go, let's put it that way. martha: this picture, we were told we'll probably just get little twitter pics, and this picture was taken by her dad, michael middleton, not by, you know, some of the famous photographers who generally take pictures of royal families. >> this is a great big departure of transition. prince charles first photos by a hugely renowned photographer, prince williams, lord snowden, a very high society photographer. we thought it was going to to be
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the marriage photographer, but, oh, no, michael middleton. and this is a big statement. it's always about keeping it real. we'll see the keeping it royal part at the christening. martha: there's something i find very interesting about this. it's clear that the middletons are playing a very large role here, and most people might look at that and say, of course they are, they're the baby grandparents, but this is very different. you know, the role of the in-laws has been minimized in british history. they do not matter at all, okay? in this case she went right back there after the baby was born. these people will have as much say as the royal family, it appears. >> absolutely. william is rumored to call michael middleton dad sometimes, and he loves that stability -- martha: he didn't have that. >> so very much the blueprint to prince george's upbringing is quick to be kate's upbringing, that middle class lifestyle. martha: well, it's a nice
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picture, and they look very well groomed. she looks perfect. you said she was wearing a $70 dress, but this young lady seems to pull it off in a way that much of us cannot. but they look great. thanks for sharing that with us. good to see you, good to have you here. gregg? gregg: well, the newspaper that reported the story of nsa leaker edward snowden getting a visit from british intelligence agents. not 007 but, you know, similar. what they wanted when they knocked on their door. martha: and the obama administration is weighing in on a landmark first amendment battle that is shaping up. very interesting story here that could go to the supreme court. stay with us, we'll be be right back. >> in earlier cases the administration had, didn't have to confront this question squarely, but now they do, and they will certainly disappoint some liberals with this decision. [ bottle ] okay, listen up!
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is martha: we want to show you the latest video we just got in. this is government island in portland, oregon. it is burning at 7:30 a.m. pacific time. there was reports of a fire that popped up inned middle of a field in that area. it went from one alarm fire to three-alarm fire in quick succession. this is one of the states suffering. 10 states right now are dealing with these very tough out of control wildfires.
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gregg: the newspaper that broke the story of admitted nsa leaker edward snowden getting a visit from great britain's security agency. a column in today's "the guardian," detailing a quote bizarre account, that is their term. when british security experts showed up at their offices forcing them to give up the leaked documents and physically pulverizing them in front of employees. peter doocy is following the story live from washington. peter? >> reporter: gregg, british authorities reportedly made sure there was nothing left of the hard drives because they said at the time they didn't want the garbage to be useful to chinese agents. we're also now hearing that in the basement of "the guardian"'s headquarters as two british security experts swept up, tiny bits of a mac book pro they just smashed, they were joking that it was okay to call off the black helicopters. this is all according to an article by gardian editor who
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said two months ago someone from the british government called and told them to hand over the leaked snowden files or destroy them. he said no. that was that. but then, quote, the mood toughened just over a month ago when i received a call from the center of government telling me, you have had your fun. now we want the stuff back. that gardian editor said the british government threatened to come after the them in court if the snowden files were not destroyed. their hands were tied. alan says they will not stop reporting on the files snowden gave them. they will start publishing somewhere outside of london like new york. gregg? gregg: what are we learning about the british government's decision to detain glen greenwald's partner, david miranda this weekend? >> reporter: that the white house knew it was going to happen. >> there was a head's up that was provided by the british government. so this, again, this is something that we had an
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indication was likely to occur but it's not something that we requested and it's, it's something that was done specifically by the, by the british law enforcement officials there. >> reporter: the white house also says they are not in a position right now to comment about whether or not american authorities have seen the files confiscated at heathrow that belonged to greenwald's partner, david miranda. gregg. gregg: peter doocy in washington. peter, thanks. martha: the obama administration is now endorsing christian prayers at a public town meeting in a landmark case that is scheduled to head to the supreme court this fall. interesting case. back in 2008 two people sued in up state new york claiming that prayers at the beginning of the town council meetings were a violation of separation of church and state. listen. >> efforts this evening bring light to us and to the people
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whom we serve and all this through christ our lord, amen. martha: some have termed a surprising move, the obama administration is siding with the town. michelle malkin, columnist and fox news contributor and she joins me now. good to see you again. >> you too, martha. martha: are you surprised by that action by the administration? >> it certainly raises my eyebrows and i know a lost legal observers have commented on the cognitive disowe dense on the obama administration siding with the council here which long conducted these invocations, compared to their trampling of freedom of conscience of religious providers in the obamacare case. how do you square this circle? well the lack of consistency and lack of principle of course are hallmarks of this administration but it is really a fascinating case as it heads to the supreme court, possibly in october. because there are some core
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issues here of the establishment of religion, and also i think, of the previous jurisprudence on particularly on establishment when it comes to these kinds of public prayers involving local government bodies or schools, for example. martha: it is interesting. it was, the case was brought by one jewish person and one atheist, who claimed that there was, you know, sort of a rule that said that anybody who wanted to be part of this kind of prayer at the end of the council could but it never happened. so they claim that more than the majority of the time it ended up being a christian message. >> yeah. martha: i'm also interested in the fact that the solicitor general, donald verrilli, basically said the court of appeals approach would inevitably require the court to decide things such as whether a reference to holy spirit is uniquely christian or whether allah is only uniquely muslim. whether king of kings is jewish, christian or muslim. that's an interesting argument.
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>> yeah. there's another tidbit from the court of appeals ruling which hasn't been reported. the fact that this court of appeals had determined that the city council had not discriminated against anyone. what happened was the selection process for the people who delivered the prayers was just sort of informal local process. the people from, probably local chamber of commerce or friends of the city council recommended people and they never determined that there was any intent to discriminate against non-christians in this prayer. and in other words, they said if somebody had come to them and was buddhist or muslim and had volunteered to do a prayer, that there would have never been any problem with that. so how is it that the court system could then determine that this was illegal, unconstitutional behavior when there was never any finding that there was intentional discrimination? martha: there had been no acts, no moment of someone being discriminated against in order to put this forward. the larger context on this i
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know you have talked about and other people have noted is the big picture, health care fight that's going on where religious institutions are being forced to cover people for things like contraception when it goes against their religious beliefs, right? >> yes. that's right. and so make no mistake that even though in this particular case with the town of greece, the obama administration appears to be on the side of religious freedom of course the larger picture is that in that case, in obamacare, you're talking about a massive infringement on the freedom of conscience of thousands of religious health care providers and that administration hasn't budged one bit. don't believe it. martha: before i let you go, i want to get your thoughts on the common core. there, anybody who has kids in school has heard about the adopting in many states of the common core which is an attempt, it is a new testing attempt. in some cases, it has shown things to be worse off than we
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thought under the prior testing regimes and in that sense is it not a good thing that it has really put a very bright spotlight on places like new york where proficiency in reading and math is even worse than we thought? you have to know how bad things are before you can start to fix them. >> so, i've done a lot of reporting on common core and i would urge people to make their up their own minds. there is now a concerted effort on the part of common core supporters, be it jeb bush or "the new york times" op-ed page to attack people like me who have been very vocal about questions about the constitutionality, the cost, the quality, and privacy issues. all of these are serious concerns. and i think there's one basic point. it's something that you hear time and time again. i think it is one of the basic lies about common core, somehow it was state led and voluntary. when this is just the latest in
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a long line of federalized education efforts. unfortunately there's bipartisan support for massively increasing the encroachment and role of the federal government in what should be very local decisions. a lot of people have heard about some specific examples of these common core academic excesses. ridiculous examples of, for example, supporting the idea that four times three equals 11. there are videos out there. there are a lot more fundamental problems with pedigogy. a push away from computation and basics of drill and kill, to much more fuzzy cruxist thinking. i have a lot of personal experience with this, martha, as i've been reporting last 20 years. make up your own minds. martha: michelle, thank you very much. lots more to dig into there and talk about. we appreciate you squeezing that in at the end there as well. thanks, michelle. see you soon. >> thanks. gregg: a man is found dead at olivia newton-john's mansion.
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you need a girls' weekend and you need it now. ladies, let's goo vegas. cute! waiter! girls' weekend here! priceline savings without the bidding. a great cup of coffee should be easy as one, two... well, just one. new single serve cafe collections from maxwell house now available for use in the keurig k-cup brewer. always good to the last drop. now available for use in the keurig k-cup brewer. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. now available for use here, try this.g k-cup brewer. backflips and camm, ok!s.mile? ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats.
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martha: gruesome sane at a movie star's florida estate. jupiter police found a man dead from a gunshot wound inside olivia newton-john's home. she and her husband were not home. they were having it prepared for selling. they don't believe foul play was involved. but it is an open investigation. gregg: american western allies efforts to pressure egypt's new government could be a hopeless task, all things to saudi arabia and other gulf states. the oil-rich nations promising to make up for any aid cut by the united states or any other country. karl rove served as white house
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deputy chief of staff, senior advisor under president george w. bush. he's a fox news contributor. he joins us now live. karl, good to see you. look, maybe some of the gulf states like saudi arabia are right. it is not a perfect choice here but a choice between islamic fundamentalists who have a history of not just violence but terrorism, versus, an authoritarian military rule. don't you pick the latter? >> well, that's what i would do. there are two excellent pieces today. one by bret stevens in the pages of "wall street journal" and other online by jeffrey goldberg on bloomberg. both of them were excellently done. both come to the same conclusion. we have three sets of actors in egypt. the military which is in power in the government. we have the muslim brotherhood which has been thrown out of power and liberal secularists, as represented by former vice president elbaradei.
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they want a liberal, western oriented secular society that is not islamist. those are probably people instinct live the united states would like to see in power but they're out of power. the question is, we have two players, the military and the muslim brotherhood. we'll either have an outcome in which the military prevails and establishes some kind of calm in the country or we'll see return to power of the muslim brotherhood and which one does the west want to have? both stevens and goldberg make the point it is an easy answer. we want the military to prevail, establish some sort of calm in the country. we do not want to see return to the muslim brotherhood which if they were bad before, and they were bad before will be even worse if they get back into power. anybody who has supported their ouster from power, whether coptic christians or liberal secularists or the military will feel their anger. and it will be a bloody, bloody aftermath. gregg: yeah, but here is the
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problem brought up by other writers. yes i read stevens's piece and it is excellent. but, the muslim brotherhood for 60 years was banned. you could never get rid of it. islamists killed anwar sadat. so they go underground. it is a very nefarious organization. you could put it down for a while but won't it eventually raise its ugly head and create the same kind of chaos we're seeing on the right-hand side of the screen? >> both goldberg and stevens make, you know, frank admission. if you drive it underground and attempt to destroy it will create more acts of terrorism. on the other hand if we allow it to take power we'll have institutionalized terrorism and command of the egyptian government in the hands of an is laakic regime -- islamic regime and detrimental to our interests and our allies in the region and their neighbors. there is not an either ortho. there was recognition of the
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problems in the muslim brotherhood and there were attempts under both the administrations of reagan, 41 bush, clinton and bush 43 to encourage the expansion of a democratic opposition to mubarak in egypt that gave an outlet for another expression of opinion so you didn't get a choice you had to be with mubarak or your only other choice was to be with the muslim brotherhood. those efforts were cut back by president obama in early months. he cut basically in half aid to so-called democratic opposition inside the country. he paid no attention to pressuring the mubarak government to allow more democratic expression in parliamentary elections i believe it was in 2010. gregg: right. >> we could get back to the policy saying our object is not simply to tolerate authoritarian regime although western oriented. our objective is to democratic expression and strengthen liberal secularists inside the egyptian political society.
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gregg: as stevens wrote, we will have to hold our nose. >> hold our nose and back the military, yeah. gregg: karl rove. good to see you, karl. thanks very much. >> thank you, sir. martha: out west flames and smoke as a wildfire burns. the latest on the battles against 10 fires in 10 states. we'll be right back. too big.
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martha: they're called send 10 air rans. they reached milestone of 100 years in age. think of all the things that happened in last 100 years. imagine experiencing that time and living through all the historical events. 16 presidents over the course of that span. one man very close to our fox family is done just that. we are so blessed to celebrate that with him today. fox news's greg palkot is not
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100, but his father, oedipal cot, looks about 76. but he is, can you, are you really 100? >> i'm 100 years old. today. today is the day. martha: happy birthday to you. >> thank you. and thank you for coming to see us on your birthday. i'm honored, because you have, just a wonderful story. think back to the days in pittsburgh when you were a child. did you ever think you would live to be 100? what is your secret to your longevity? >> well people ask me all the time what is my secret. i grew up in a smokey city when the steel mills were pouring all of that smoke and drinking water out of ohio river that was highly polluted. i built up so much resistance i was able to fight everything off. martha: that is good news for me because i grew up in new jersey. that is good news. when you look back on everything you've seen, all the technological changes that have happened and cars and planes
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what do you make of all of that? >> oh, i'm delighted. things are so much better than when i was a child. everything has improved. we don't have to use a crank to start the car. everything's automatic these days. martha: we have pictures of you as a little boy growing up in pittsburgh. you're on a horse with your dad. what does your dad do? >> well my dad was a tailor. he came from lithuania. he start ad little shop. i was a little afraid of that horse to tell you the truth. but, my mother was very careful of with me and she would send me to the store. i remember coming from the store one day and there were these army trucks coming. this was world war i, you know. and the army trucks were loaded with soldiers on their way to france, to do everything they could for the, winning of the war. >> your dad diversified the two,
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didn't he in the '20s? >> got in the hotel business. >> and? >> it was during prohibition and we had a little bit of extracurricular activity. martha: i was told that he was involved in speakeasies? >> well, that's true. but remember, that was in mkeese rocks where they had all the steel mills and workers insisted on having their breather. and the police didn't care. they said, well, after all we have to take care of our men who are doing the work. >> until they started to raid the places. >> then they started to raid the places. martha: do you remember any of that? >> oh, yes, the federals came in. the local police didn't bother us but federals came in. that mate us a little unhappy. martha: a lot of wild times going on in the speakeasies? did they have one of the doors you had to say the password to? >> no. at that time you had only one door that opened up everybody came in. >> he sometimes watched it.
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martha: i bet it was a lot of fun. >> i helped occasionally. by that time i was 10 or 11. and i would listen to the stories of all the customers coming in and they would tell me about world travel and, they kept saying, you know, one city is no different from another. so if you've been in pittsburgh you've seen them all. martha: but you ended up seeing a lot more than that when you think about everything that's happened, a lot of people say the economy is in such bad shape now, that the work ethic isn't the same in this country. in world war ii you worked so many jobs. greatest generation, are we a different place now do you think? >> i think we're a better place, i really do. everything is on the improvement side. people are nice to each other. we have a retired mens club in our community and everyone pitches in and helps. martha: yeah. >> we two on the -- go on the
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golf course. we have the oldest foursome on the course. >> plays golfer week. >> goes through 107. let's bring in a little surprise. >> what is this? martha: ed, thank you. what a pleasure. you are such an inspiration. gregg: ed, happy birthday. >> happy birthday, dad. martha: make a wish for us, would you? >> yes, thank you. >> there he goes. martha: nicely done. gregg: got them all. [applause] martha: thank you so much for being here, ed. you gave as you wonderful son. >> martha: what do you want to say about your dad. >> he is a guy taught me to watch walter cronkite and papers and be aware and supporting me and the kids and our family. he has been incredible. martha: you've given us a gift in your son gregg, him being here. >> i'm very proud of him. martha: it is honor. we'll be right back.
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