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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  August 21, 2013 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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>> a live look outside this building on this wednesday morning. good morning to you. you are watching "fox & friends first" on this wednesday. i am patti ann browne. >> i am heather childers. thank you so much for starting your day with us. right to the top storybrand new details in a georgia school shooting. >> all students are safe after a gunman opened fire tuesday. dramatic video shows the 800 students at ronald e mcnair discovery learning academy running for their lives. the suspect reportedly slipped through security and now we hear from the heroic school clerk who hunted the shooter down. >> he had a backpack full of ammunition here magazines in his
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backpack. some was in his pocket. i had him dump everything and everything told him to pllay on the floor. i talked him through it. >> this as we get a first look at the suspect. he is 20-year-old michael brandon hill. he fired at least half a dozen shots. eventually surrendering still carrying weapons. hill has had a troubled past friends said. he is charged with aggravated assault on a police officer terroristic threats and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. hundreds of parents who were eager to be reunited with their kids they waited at a nearby wal-mart as school buses pulled up tearings began to flow. >> me and my kids started crying other people started crying. nobody want to get hurt.
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>> those poor kids. the school superintendent says the gunman slipped through the front door unnoticed. they will review their security procedure. >> new details of a tragic death of an australia college student. captured a chilling account of the student's final moments. >> (indiscernible) he fell over in the ditch. >> turned the >> the three suspects all teenagers say they shot christopher lane to death because they were bored. investigators say they drove behind lane as he was jogging and shot him in the back. one of the kids later confessed saying we were bored and didn't have anything to do so we decided to kill somebody. two were charged with murder the
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other as an accessory. lost something that will never be replaced. it takes a village to raise a kid. he is a product of a fantastic village. >> all will be charged as adults. >> a road rage dual after taxi driver and bike messenger ending. they rushed a british tourist. it all happened in manhattan. dr. oz who has an office nearby and two other men a plumber and pizza truck owner helped the woman who lost her foot. they put together a torn cut. >> there was a dog leash and a belt mundane things but it saved her life. the two of them helped me stop the bleeding.
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she didn't have much time. >> doctors are still fighting to reattach the severed limb and save her other leg. taxi driver gave him a summons because he was unauthorized to saver the cab. he will not be criminally charged. an extreme weather alert a destructive wildfire rose to 15 square miles shutting down the main highway to the park. in three-days the fire has destroyed two residences an five out buildings. 200 senior citizens were evacuated from a nearby camp. the cause of the fire is under investigation. this as fire fighting costs around the country reach a billion dollars. heather? >> new overnight alex rodriguez may have a deal on the table to avoid his record 211 game suspension. usa today reporting that he has a standing offer of 150 games. major degree baseball denies
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that there is an offer. no comment from a rod. remember when this happened? well, it turns out now red sox pitcher suspended the next five days for that stunt but he may not miss any playing time because the pitching rotation schedule. >> almost every one made the nsa is watching. just how far the nsa's spying capabilities go on the internet. live from washington with the latest details. good morning elizabeth. >> in a report we are learning in the wall street journal it disemployees a much more expansive image we are talking the capacity to have access to three fourths of all u.s. internet traffic.
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its filters it in major junctions in the u.s. it does so in conjunction with the telecom company. it is designed to look at communications that originate or end abroad. officials say the broad reach will be incidentally interce intercepted. the programs do have code names such as brarn knee lithium storm brew and others. it defends the practices as legal and respectful of the privacy. if communications are represented during the lawful activities the agency follows minim minimalzation and designed to protect the privacy of united states persons. last week we learned the nsa preached privacy rules and over
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stepped the legal authority thousands of times over since 2008 when is when congress granted new powers. >> confusion over what the u.s. plans to do ore aid to egypt. they will suspend it on a temporary basis. no decision has been made. president obama convened a meeting of top officials to talk about it yesterday. the prime minister says it was a mistake but it would be okay without it. >> the attorney general is being evaluated at the anderson cancer center in houston. one of the nation's top cancer centers. he tweeted this photo and
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thanked them for his support. bill biden started feeling weak and disoriented during a family vacation. he suffer add mild stroke in 2010. bradley manning learns his fate. a judge will announce his sentence for leaking hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wikileaks. prosecution is pushing for a 60 year sentence. manning's lawyers say that's too harsh and the judge shouldn't quote rob him of his view. the soldier was convicted of 20 counts including 7 of the act. tracy seigel has been following the military trial in texas. >> we have heard 90 witnesses release stories of horror
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heroism and heartache. >> wefrom the prosecution standpoint there's an abundance of information. >> he is serving as his own lawyer. he asked him several times if he wishes to continue down the path even though she strongly advises against it. he has not budged. >> when you choose to represent yourself you don't have to be a good lawyer but you can't complain later that you got a bad lawyer at trial. that is what he will be stuck with. he has a choice of whether he will testify although he can't make statements rather ask himself questions and answer them. they heard testimony from a fort hood police sergeant credited with shooting hasan and ending the attack. it sounded like thousands of rounds of fire. he says i shot five rounds at the shooter the shooter went a
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couple of times and slid down the telephone pole which hassan was leaning up against. i left the shooter in handcuffs and in care of medics. >> we were told he would call two witnesses to the stand. if so closing arguments would begin and go to the jury for deliberations. wall street trying to figure out when it would change the stimulus program. lauren simonetti from the fox business network. >> stocks suddenly slumping the dow barely holding 15,000. it is edgy ahead of the policy
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and new fed sheet. this afternoon we learned what the fed was really thinking during the policy meeting last month. ups is telling employees they may not get health insurance next year. in a memo to 15,000 white collar workers ups writes the cost associated with the affordable care act has made it increasingly difficult to continue providing the same level of healthcare benefits to our employees at an affordable cost end quote. it has 60 million a year excl e excludeing working is part of a growing trend. this year 4 percent of large employers say they exclude them if they can. are you ready for a holiday traffic jam? 34.1 million americans will travel over labor day weekend.
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the reason is rising home values are making travelers feel more useful. >> it is 12 after the hour. still to come of the families are furious after the state department workers blamed for the benghazi attack are allowed back on the job. why my son is dead. >> did you wake up cravering junk food? it could be just as dangerous as craving drugs. as we go to break a look at the wake up weather around the country. so then the little tiny chipmunks go all the way up...
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♪ [ female announcer ] when your swapportunity comes, take it. ♪ what? what? what? [ female announcer ] yoplait. it is so good. no-charge scheduled maintenance. check. and here's the kicker... 0% apr for 60 months. and who got it? this guy.
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and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. that's right... [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 mohs, now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering.
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>>ous oversight committee chairman darrel issa vowing after secretary kerry reinstated the state department employees punished over the benghazi
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terror attacks. they were put on leave after the review board investigation. many are outraged. they think it was just a publicity stunt. >> i want to know what happened why my son is dead who ordered this and nobody cares. people in the united states, hillary doesn't give a damn about you. >> the state department says the employees did not deserve to be disciplined. >> we have to let the facts go where they may. we can't take action against them just to make us feel better. four beam dead including ambassador stevens. >> more trouble in paradise for
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celebrity cruise lines. their ship is back in do yue to another problem. it made an unscheduled return sunday. >> he was in the middle of a 7 night cruise that started in september. this was the third straight failing of the ship that has been affected by mechanical problems. we now know the kidnaper james dimaggio used a timer to set fire to his house where hannah anderson's mother and brother were found dead. police say he was spotted on a border patrol surveillance camera before it was put up in flames. he was seen inside with the nissan versa with the teenager. a scary warning about supplements. a top official says about 70 percent of u.s. supplement companies violate manufacturing regulations. he says the customers are being put at risk by poorly measured
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ingredients, equipment that isn't cleaned properly and c contaminated product. that led to an industry with repeated recalls and adverse reactions. about half of the country takes supplements. >> cravings for certain foods can be just as bad as those for drugs according to new research. the survey of more than 5,000 people found that a fat high can be like an addiction. the study also found that people used junk food in a similar way to drugs to make themselves feel better when they are depressed. 94 percent say they turned to fatty foods to boost their mood. >> spaghetti and meat balls makes me feel good. coming up next do you have a sneaking suspicion you may be turning into your mother or your father? it may be happening sooner than you think. we will tell you why. >> a warning for men this morning before you head outside to get son something you i want
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>> a 21-year-old bank of america intern drops dead. he reportedly worked around the clock shift for three state days. he was an undergraduate exchange student. he was found by his roommate in his shower of his apartment. interns regularly clock up to 110 hours a week. michael hastings had a mixture of drugs in his system
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when he was killed in a fiery car crash in june. that's according to the autopsy report which was released overnight. it indicates he took marijuana and methamphetamine within hours of the crash. officials do not believe that to played a role in the crash. hastings had been sober for 14 years but family members say he recently relapsed. his article on general mcchrystal led to the general's resignation. >> before crashing into a home in connecticut the aircraft in the deadly accident earlier this month was speeding. according to a new ntsb report witnesses saw the plane coming down at a 90 degree angle. the pilot, his 17-year-old son and two children on the ground were killed. >> it is time to brew on this, do you have a sneaking suspicion maybe you are turning into your mother or your father? a new home is out the age we
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become our parents is 32 years old. the reason? more than half said their own children changed them. when do you start turning into your parents? send us your comments. you can tweet them to@fox friends first or e-mail them to and we will read them later in the show. it will be interesting. still to come a horrifying scene at one of new york city's busiest areas. a cab jumps the curb and slams into a woman. >> there was a dog leash and a built amazingly two mundane things you wouldn't think of but they saved her life. >> that's doctor oz. we will have a live report on who is hailed as a hero this morning. >> show me the money. that's what uncle sam is saying in order to find out why you go to work every day. is this really the best use of your tax dollars? first on this day in history back in 1994 forrest gump
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starring tom hanks was the number one movie at the box office. it would win 6 academy awards including best picture. >> my mama always said shl life was like a box of chocolates. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. ♪ school's out [ male announcer ] from the last day school, back to the first. they're gonna write a lot. so make sure they've got somewhere to write it. this ek only get composition books for a dime. staples has it. staples. that was easy. but at least i can help keep their underwear clean. that's why there's charmin ultra strong. i'll take that. go get 'em, buddy! it cleans so well and you can use up to four times less than the leading bargain brand. [ female announcer ] charmin ultra strong has a duraclean texture that's soft and more durable to help your kids get clean while still using less.
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and its four times stronger than the leading bargain brand. wow, you cleaned up a lot! you did too, pal! [ laughs ] we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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>> a heavily armed gunman goes to a school and sends hundreds running for their lives.
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>> he put his gun on the table took his wallet off and everything told him to lay on the floor. how one woman convinced him to surrender. >> the shocking numbers on how much of your internet traffic is watched. >> he funded the 911 high backers and helped them learn how to fly a plane. wait until you hear his ridiculous demands.
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>> is sthe sun is coming up. well dom to "fox & friends first". i am heather childers. >> i am patti ann browne. a oo brand n a brand new details in the georgia school shooting. all are safe after a gunman opened fire yesterday. 800 students at the ronald e. mcnair learning center running for their lives. >> the suspect reportedly slipped through security. now we hear from the heroic school clerk who talked the shooter down. >> he had a backpack full of ammunition. he had all of the magazines in his backpack. some was in his pocket i had him empty everything put the gun on the table took his wallet off and told him to lay on the floor and i told police he is giving himself up. i talked him through it.
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he is 20-year-old michael brandon hill. he fired half a dozen shots at police. a friend says hill had a troubled past. he is charged with aggravated assault on a police officer terroristic threats and possession of a firearm. >> hundreds of parents eager to be reunited with their kids indicated at a nearby wal-mart. as the school buses showed up tears began to flow. this as police i am happy no kids were hurt and i am happy that he is off the streets. we don't know what happened. >> the school superintendent says the gunman slipped through the front door unnoticed. they are going to review their
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security pro. >> new details in the tragic death of an australia college student. a newly released 911 call captured the chilling amount of the final moments. >> my family as i come back he was discovered in the ditch. >> he was coming down the corner i had been shot. tell them to hurry. >> the three suspects all teenagers say that they shot christopher lane to death because they were bored. investigators report they drove behind lane as he was jogging then they shot him in the back. according to the police chief one of the kids later confessed saying quote, we were bored and didn't have anything to do so we decided to kill somebody. two of the teens were charged with murder the other as an
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accessory. >> lost something that will never be replaced. it takes a village to raise a kid. chris was a product of a fantastic village. >> all will be charged as adults. >> the accused shooter in the fort hood massacre may begin when court resumes. he cannot make any statements he can only ask himself questions and answer him. initially we were told he would call at least two witnesses to the stand. we are told that may not be the case. if not closing argue uchlts will begin almost every click you take the nsa is watching.
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the agency filters traffic at more than a dozen polices in conjunction with the telecom country. we learned the nsa preached privacy rules thousands of times each year. the nsa says the program is legal. >> well, do you remember this? the government spending more than 500,000 dollars in tax payer money? the study on a treadmill. we have even worse because the government is spending nearly 200,000 dollars to study what motivates workers more money or personal gain, company profits or causes that help the needy? the national science foundation is defending the grant. >> what they plan to oh over aids to egypt. they will suspend the $1.3 billion package on a temporary basis. they insist no decision has been
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made. doug luzader is live from washington to break it down for us to explain. >> the white house has been trying to avoid taking sides but that can't last forever. for now the decision is to not make a decision. the administration was circling the wagon denying any decision is made to cut off u.s. aid to ee egypted. >> why won't the administration at large be transparent with the world when they can see they came in. >> what i am saying is it is something available to anybody that seeks an answer to this question. we have made a determination that making a decision about whether or not it occurred is not in the best interest of the united states.
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critics say he is trying to skirt the law. aid will be cut off if there is a problem with the law. the white house feared it could lose influence with the egyptian military. >> but if the united states doesn't use that influence then it has no influence. so far the united states has sent very, very mixed message to the people who have caused mayhem in the streets of cairo and egypt. >> 51 percent of the majority of respond ants think military aid to egypt should be cut off in light of what has taken place.
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doug luzader live for us in washington thank you. this morning a british tourist is in critical condition her foot severed after a jab jumped a curb. robert moses is live in new york city with details. one of them is famous. as kathy was traveling northbound on 6th avenue tried to make a left turn but where the bare kiricades are that's w he careened and crashed. he was a tourist vuzitying from new york city. her left leg was severed below the knee. vendors in the area brought ice to the scene to help preserve
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this women's knee. dr. oz came out to see how he can help. then there is a plumber who used the most ordinary of on thbjects belt to help save her life. >> put my belt around her leg pulled it as tight as he could. >> there was a dog leash and a belt two money tan things you wouldn't think of but they saved her life. >> we have all heard of joe the plumber but here in new york this morning everybody is talking about dave the plumber. this victim remains hospitalized in critical condition at bellevue hospital on the ooe side here in manhattan. a cabbie was issued a summons. that is the latest live from mid town manhattan this morning robert moses fox news. robert, thank you. >> it is like a real live version of the hit show breaking bad. >> 50,000 dollars.
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(laughter) >> oh, 50 g's? >> 35 for the pound of methyou stole and another 15 for my partner's pain and suffering. >> bryan cranston played walter white a chemistry teacher who also sells meth. talk about life imitating art. police say a gym teacher in california was busted for selling crystal meth. authorities say they received a tip that she was going to be sending it out of state. she is now facing multiple drug charges. it could be the most important church verses state case to reach the supreme court in three decades. it will be heard this november. >> the issue whether they can have prayer before council.
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they sued saying the prayers only have christian language. they are sideining with the tow they shouldn't interpret what religion different terms might be long to. >> 41 years later the 1972 super bold champion miami dolphins finally make it trip to the white house. they were the only undefeated team in nfl history. but super bowl champs did not start making the dc visit until the 80s. the historic team gave president obama a signed miami dolphin jersey with the name undefeated on the back. >> 41 after the hour still to come he's on trial for his involvement in the 911 terror attacks. this accused terrorist is having a meal melt down in court. wait until you hear his demand. >> looking for a good paying job? lack no further. why it may pay more to be on welfare. but before we go to break here's
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a look at the forecast all across the country. we're new to town.ells. welcome to monroe. so you can move more effortlessly... we want to open a new account: checking and savings. well we can help with that. we tend to do a lot of banking online. you play? yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely... and feel at home more quickly.
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chase. so you can. .. ..
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>> did you ever hear the phrase once in a blue moon? that was last night. check out the incredible photos.
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the third moon of the foursomer seasons. better known as blue moon on full display. that's an amazing shot. how did they do that? here is one of the new york skyline as well. it will be the last blue moon since 20015. that note a high one. all of the days in the sun could be more costly more men. a w study shows skin cancer specifically malignant melanoma is more deadly in males. that is the same number of the men and women being diagnosed. the likelihood of getting the disease and being saved. experts think it could be because men are more likely to be diagnosed when melanoma is at a more advanced stage. >> the planner of 911 had a meltdown in court.
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evidences one of the only 5 terrorists to attend a hearing yesterday. he complained to the judge he is not getting olives and honey. he says that is psychological torture. he was going to hijack one of the planes on 911 but was denied a visa four times. looking for a good paying job? welfare benefits may pay more than a minimum wage job. good morning patti ann. >> welfare benefits pay more than a minimum wage job in 35 states and in 13 states they pay more than $15 an hour. the study by the libertarian kato institute found that they exceeded the poverty level and take home pay from an entry level job. despite efforts to curb welfare spending many programs continue the trend providing such a high
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level of benefits they serve as a disincentive to get a job. according to the study the federal government funds 27 programs designed to support low income workers on top of low income by state and local government. if you live in hawaii that works out to 29.13 per hour more than 60,000 annually. that's not only four times the state of minimum wage it is almost double the medianal sri in the state which is only 36,275 dollars. dc and massachusetts aren't far behind with benefits paying more than 24 dollars an hour. the list goes on. how do you motivate people to get back to work? cato recommends strengthening welfare work requirements removing exceptions and narrowing the definition of work. interesting. diane macedo fox business. the time now is about 10 minutes almost until the top of the hour. you have to stay tuned for this
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story. this little boy by his dad's side when he needed him the most. the amazing way he saved his father's life. >> plus oreo outraged this morning are the double stuffed oreos not all they are stuffed up to be? we will have the new numbers cooking up a frenzy. but first let's check in with brian kilmeade see what's coming up on fox and friends. >> get to the bottom of the oreo story or get in the middle. the hidden dangers lurking in your makeup. good thing anna doesn't wear any. a 9-year-old told not to enter the library reading contest because he won too many times. what do you do if you encounter a bear? some say play dead. some say that's stupid he lend up dead. we will steer ahead and toss to the break. just like i am about to do now. ♪
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now you can give yourself a kick in the rear! v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from green tea plus fruits and veggies. need a little kick? ooh! could've had a v8. in the juice aisle.
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a 5-year-old boy is being hailed as a hero for saving his dad's life. he did not panic when his dad started having a stroke behind the wheel. he grabbed the phone and called 911 and helped police to the location and they found them after he told them about a train. his dad is in stable condition. a convenience store in connecticut is in critical condition after he tried to stop some thieves stealing david hasslehoff's ad outside the store. he tried to stop the thieves and then they hit the car. police are using surveillance video to try to track them down. there's this story. are they not all they're stuffed
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up to be. a teacher in new york put his class to work and oreos to the test using math equations they compared regular oreos to double and mega stuffed cookies. turns out they don't live up to their name. double stuff only had 1.86 times the amount of cream and mega ones had 2.68 times the amount of regular orios. time now for the good, bad and ugly. first the good. a basketball shot that will make you flip. the amazing move pulled off by a member of the washington state cheer squad. it is now going viral. next is the bad. most animals don't like bath time. this dog takes the cake. he tries to avoid it by playing dead. when he realizes his owner isn't buying it he runs away. in the end he loses the battle to get clean. a man going to great depths literally to struggle drugs.
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he does get busted and scuba dive i diving with marijuana in the middle of the night. a new offer for a-rod. what major league baseball put on the table for the embattled slugger plus everything else you need to know before you leave the house. at what age do you turn into your parents? there's a new study with the exact year. we asked you when you realized you became your parents. your responses up next. right now, 7 years of music is being streamed. a quarter million tweeters are tweeting. and 900 million dollars are changing hands online. that's why hp built a new kind of server. one that's 80% smaller. uses 89% less energy.
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and costs 77% less. it's called hp moonshot. and it's giving the internet the room it needs to grow. this&is gonna be big. hp moonshot. it's time to build a better enterprise. together. even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here... [ chirp ] all good? [ chirp ] getty up. call me. seriously, this is really happening! [ cellphone rings ] hello? it's a giant helicopter ma'am. [ male announcer ] get it done [ chirp ] with the ultra-rugged kyocera torque, only from sprint direct connect. trble hearing on the phone? buy one get four free for your business. visit
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only from sprint direct connect. trble hearing on the phone? ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good around ♪ ♪ turn around barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪
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welcome back. here's what's happening today. private first class manning will be sentenced today. officials say he should be sentenced to 60 years for le leaking classified files to wikileaks. fires in yosemite has closed
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it down and in three days it destroyed three outbuildings. a-rod may have a deal on the table to avoid the 218 games suspension. he has a standing offer of 150 games. major league baseball deny this is an offer. time for your question of the day responses. earlier in the show we told you about a new survey that shows most people turn into their parents sort of at about age 32. we wanted to know when did you realize you were turning into your mom or your dad. here are some responses. i had kids later so it's over 32 for me but i can remember when i noticed myself speaking like my parents, i was shocked. >> tweeting 33 was around the time i realized i was just like my mom. >> whitney said, i've long had some of my dad's


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