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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 22, 2013 2:00am-3:00am EDT

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>> greta: if you don't follow shannon breem on twitter you should start right now. we'll see you again tomorrow, i just put a special question on gretawire for you. the world's most dangerous neighborhood plunges further into crisis. chemical weapons attack in syria, imminent release from prison for egypt's former dictator. this is "special report." good evening, i'm bret baier. the powder keg that is the middle east is growing even more explosive tonight. there is new and potential conflict in two of the region's most sensitive pressure points. syrian rebels say hundreds of people have been massacred in new chemical weapons attacks, while the egyptian leader whose
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overthrow energized the arab spring may soon be out of jail. that could spark more action on the streets. we have fox team coverage. james rosen looks at how christians are being persecuted by an enraged muslim brotherhood, not only in egypt but elsewhere. ed henry at the white house with an obama administration foreign policy in turmoil. we begin with leland vittert with the latest from egypt and syria. hello. >> reporter: there are claims about the chemical weapons attacks, it is too dangerous for journalists to be inside syria. the rebels claim upwards of 1,000 people died in the attacks. some video they provided as proof we can show you, although it is graphic, some of it. room after room, the bodies of children lay still. if unblurred, you would see their faces look like they're sleeping. they are not, says this doctor.
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i tried to treat 50 kids, he said. they all died. streets turned into morgues. this sheet covering this little girl's body reads unknown number 27. witnesses say injured began to arrive at hospitals shortly after 4:00 a.m. with classic symptoms of nerve gas, foaming at the mouth, shaking limbs and dilated pupils. we ran out of atropine, says the doctor. we had to choose. daylight showed those they couldn't save and those wrapped for burial, it is impossible to count the victims. no sooner has video surfaced of children begging for their parents between gasping breath. then they took to tv denying they used chemical weapons. general leadership of the army confirm these allegations are completely false, he said. today's attack comes as u.n. weapons inspectors arrive to investigate other alleged
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chemical attacks by both sides in march, when ill equipped rebels were gaining the upper hand in a serious civil war. in fighting in rebel groups, especially those linked to al qaeda meant painful losses on the battlefield, while they fight from the back of pickup trucks, badly outgunned by the syrian army and air force. the obvious way to find out if chemical weapons were used and who fired them would be to have the weapons inspectors in syria drive over and find out for themselves, however, that requires consent of the syrian government. their decision, bret, will tell us about the syrian government guilt or if the rebels did this to try to rally support of the international community. >> leland, we hear reports that hosni mubarak, former president of egypt will be released. some reports say various courts ordered him out of jail. will mubarak actually be released? >> reporter: it looks like he is
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going to be released to house arrest sometime over the next couple days. american equivalent of free on bond, awaiting retrial. this is video from the trial for ordering killing of protesters during the 2011 revolution. he was convicted. it was appealed. it was overturned. the army now is taking quite a gamble by doing this. the calm in cairo is tenuous at best. already two groups are calling for protest of the mubarak release, and the muslim brotherhood has a major protest planned for friday. bret? >> leland vittert, thank you. to american reaction. ed henry tells us how president obama is handling or not handling the latest pandora's box of problems. >> reporter: aides to president obama were pressed today on whether he looks weak, from egypt where the military has ignored u.s. calls to end the violence, to syria, where reports on the red line of chemical weapons has been crossed again, sparking all too
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familiar refrain. >> totally deplorable, completely unacceptable. >> reporter: the problem is tough talk on syria began one year ago yesterday. >> we have communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that's a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of chemical weapons. >> reporter: as for the enormous consequences, white house spokesman josh earnest groped for answers. >> so you're saying they'll be accountable. it has been a year. >> well, it has been, and we are in a circumstance where the assad regime is still in power. you have a large segment of the international community against them. >> reporter: in june, they believed assad's forces already used chemical weapons several times. today's revelations put the president's team back on defense. >> the president made clear the
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line was crossed, we expanded the scope and scale of aid, that's on-going. we continued to consider all options. all options remain on the table. >> reporter: john mccain complained about there being no stick behind the rhetoric, tweeting no consequence for assad using chemical weapons and crossing red line. we shouldn't be surprised he's using them again. going back to the start of the crisis in egypt, key players like secretary of state john kerry struggled to get a handle on it. on august 1st, after the egyptian military had already started killing islamist protesters, kerry told go news in pakistan the egyptian military was restoring democracy. >> the military did not take over to the best of our judgment so far, so far, to run the country. there's a civilian government. in effect, they were restoring democracy. >> reporter: on syria, the u.n.
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security council was in emergency meeting several hours today, basically came up with no action. agreed on the need for clarity about the chemical weapons attack, in the end didn't agree on a specific u.n. probe to get to the bottom of it. >> ed henry on the north lawn. thank you. one of the stories that sometimes gets buried is the persecution of coptic christians in egypt. it has been going on for awhile now. chief washington correspondent james rosen tells us tonight it is far worse as egypt drifts towards civil war, but it is not just coptic christians and it is not just egypt. christians across the middle east have been targeted in recent months with incidents, including church burnings and killings across the entire region. a warning, some images in this report may be disturbing. >> reporter: dating become almost two millennia, coptic christians are the oldest christian community in the middle east. but the cop particulars are
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under attack as never before. destruction of 38 churches across the country, attacks on another 23 on top of that, set by advocacy groups indifference of the military and police forces and vengeful furies of muslim brotherhood supporters following the ouster of president morsi. >> it is ethnic cleansing against the christian community in egypt. yes, they are a minority in egypt, but there are 12 million. there are more cops living in cairo than in gaza. >> reporter: he was one of the figures that appeared next to the de facto ruler at the time of the overthrow. condemning the post morsi persecution of christians, obama administration spokesman appeared to carefully balance it with display of concern for muslims. >> we have been concerned and condemned the violent against peaceful protesters and we're just as outraged and concerned
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about reports that christian churches have been targeted. >> we deplore in the strongest terms the reprehensible attacks against over 40 coptic christian churches and institutions. we are troubled by suspicious death of muslim brotherhood prisoners and prison escape attempts near cairo. >> reporter: not just egypt, not just cops. they showed islamist -- >> wherever we see radical islam, you see persecution of christians. because of that we see more persecution today of christians around the world than any other type of religion. i think it is one of the largest underreported human rights issues in the world today. >> reporter: in cairo, a group of nuns was paraded through the streets like prisoners of war, and at the orthodox monestary of virgin mary, a bit further
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south, sunday prayers were cancelled due to torching of churches the first time in 1600 years. bret? >> story we'll follow, james, thank you. up next, you'll be amazed to learn how much of your life the nsa knows about. here is a quick look what the fox affiliates are covering. fox 5 in atlanta, has the secretary that convinced yesterday's school shooting suspect to turn himself in. kcpq in washington has emotional testimony from afghan villagers, in the sentencing for the army soldier that murdered 16 civilians in afghanistan. and this is a live look from kttv in los angeles. big story, paparazzi lawsuit against musician kanye west for an alleged attack at lax. that's a live look from outside the belt for "special report." we will be right back.
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nsa surveillance on americans is a lot more extensive than first thought. that was the lead line to a couple of stories in recent weeks. tonight it fits again.
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two reports tonight. first, chief intelligence correspondent catherine herridge with some history. good evening. >> two years ago, national security court known as fisa court determined nsa collection violated statutes and constitutional protections. in a half dozen documents declassified by the intelligence community today, judge john bates wrote for the first time the government has now advised the court that the volume and nature of the information it has been collecting is fundamentally different from what the court had been led to believe. it was technical, involved the collection of bundled communications under section 702, which focuses on foreign e-mail. as one example, a bundled communication can be as simple as opening your personal e-mail account. the screen shows multiple messages. if one of those messages was from a target the nsa was tracking, all your messages would be captured because the nsa didn't have the technical ability to separate the suspect e-mails from e-mails belonging
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to u.s. citizens. after notifying congress, senior intelligence officials say the nsa tried to salvage data, but in the end took a conservative approach, purged three years of collection, upwards of 75 million communications. corrective action breaks down. new technology including filters to exclude data belonging to u.s. citizens, data that can be filtered subject to new restrictions, and nsa can only hold data for two years, no longer five. seer yor intelligence officials answer criticism that nsa oversight and by its own internal checks is inadequate. bret? >> thank you. something else new tonight, a jaw dropping number of how much of your communications can be intercepted. here is correspondent doug mcelway. >> reporter: the administration was forced yet again to defend nsa surveillance after today's "the wall street journal" report that found the agency monitors
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75% of all internet traffic in the u.s. >> the report in "the wall street journal" was clear about the fact what we're talking about is a narrowly focused program aimed specifically at foreign intelligence. >> reporter: but the journal found in some cases nsa quote, retains written content of e-mails sent between citizens within the u.s., a finding that fuels fear that they're not being forthright. >> the constitution doesn't allow a single warrant to get a billion phone records. >> reporter: the administration has petitioned the supreme court to allow police to search cell phone records without a warrant. today's smart phones are an encyclopedia of private information and a tracking device. >> the phone company at any given time knows where you are as a result of a technical function of the network. >> reporter: that capability demonstrated by two computer scientists in 2011. they discovered the apple iphone and ipad were recording user locations in a hidden file,
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detailing every step of their whereabouts, keeping a history of it for nearly a year. >> why do you need the history? >> the fact it is storing this history in a plain file sitting on everybody's hard drive. >> reporter: apple since changed that policy, but the electronic communication privacy act that governs police access to cell phone records was written in 1986, when cell phones looked more like this. courts are recently split over collection of cell phone data. they ruled earlier this year it is protected under new jersey equivalent of the fourth amendment. >> federal court in new orleans in the fifth circuit ruled last month these records are not protected because they are records of the phone company and not records of the individual. >> reporter: until the supreme court rules or congress updates the law, privacy advocates suggest power down the cell phone when not in use. bret? >> doug, thank you. more than 40 uncontained,
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active, large wildfires dot the western landscape from arizona to washington state to alaska. resources are being stretched thin. more than a billion dollars, one billion dollars spent this year to fight the blazes. a blaze in the remote, terrain near yosemite national park is threatening more than 2,000 homes there, covers more than 25 miles, and is only 5% contained. next, an incredibly brutal and senseless crime in the heartland has shocked two
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the army private that gave hundreds of thousands of classified documents to wikileaks website learned his fate today. bradley manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison. he could have received as much as 90. prosecutors wanted 60. he will have to serve a third of
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that 35 year term before being eligible for parole. closing arguments set for tomorrow in the court martial of the psychiatrist that admits killing 13 people almost four years ago, at fort hood, texas. he refused to present a defense today. the judge dismissed court until thursday morning and closing arguments. they happen in rare cases, but when they do, police have a name for the truly horrific types of cases, thrill killings. oklahoma officials say three bored teenagers, two black, one white, came upon a lone white jogger last week and shot him in the back. chief political correspondent carl cameron has details on a devastating story with political overtones. >> reporter: christopher lane, a 22-year-old australian student on a baseball scholarship to eastern central university in oklahoma was gunned down out for a run in broad daylight last
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week. makeshift memorials mark the crime scene. officials say three teens admitted out of boredom they decided to randomly kill someone, and chose lane when he jogged by. >> i am going to do everything i can to ensure these three thugs pay for what they did to christopher lane. >> reporter: chancey luna and james edwards. and michael jones for driving the get away car. among grief and outrage, they caught up with the alleged shooter's mother. >> he needs to be punished, anybody that does that needs to be punished. >> reporter: in australia, a nation with strict gun control laws, some are urging boycott travel to the u.s. to what they call murder and mayhem on main street. >> we respect the right of all australians to express their views on any issue, including this one. obviously it is a tragedy.
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the loss of a child, loss of a loved one, that's always a tragedy. >> reporter: in the wake of acquittal of george zimmerman, president obama weighed in, the white house seemed caught off guard about the oklahoma killing. >> i am not familiar with that. >> reporter: spokesman josh earnest dntd say why he hasn't addressed the christopher lane murder, but says his remarks after zimmerman verdict still aplay. >> a few weeks ago he talked about the impact violence is having on in particular young people in this country. >> reporter: and jesse jackson senior tweeted the senseless violence is, quote, frowned upon, and the justice system must prevail. former congressman allen west tweeted who will the president identify with this time? bret? >> okay, carl. more on this with the panel. what's your take on this story? let me know on twitter. follow me @bretbaier.
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you believe the men and women that will rule on the most important high tech issues in the 20th century don't use e-mail. and why welfare as we know it now encourages people not to
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now fresh pickings from the political grapevine, to work or not to work. for many receiving welfare benefits, that is the question, because it turns out many times staying unemployed pays more than getting a job. a new study by kato institute finds in 35 states it is more cost efficient to live off the taxpayers than accept an entry level job. in 12 states and district of columbia, a welfare recipient can get more than $15 an hour from a variety of programs. in hawaii, an unemployed person's welfare income is equivalent to more than $60,000
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a year pretax. michael tanner says it is a broken system. >> first of all, we need to strengthen the work requirements that are in welfare. second, maybe we need to look at capping the total level of welfare benefits. >> the study says the federal government has 126 programs to help the poor, 72 of those provide cash or benefits to those eligible. the supreme court is living in the dark ages, at least when it comes to technology. justice alina kagan says the justices are not the most technologically sophisticated people, the court hasn't really gotten to e-mail. instead, their memos are on paper, carried up and down the halls of the court by an aide. kagan at 53 is the youngest justice, says the communication system at the court is the exact same as it was when she clerked for thur good marshall in 1987 this could be problematic with more and more technology and online privacy cases heading
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toward the supreme court. kagan says justices often get tutorials from young clerks to understand emerging technology. and finally, one candidate's run for senate gets off on the wrong foot when something as simple as releasing his campaign logo draws jeers. tennessee state representative joe carr who planned to challenge a republican congressman for his seat, announced he will run for senate against lamar alexander. the tennessee and says someone forgot to spell check before rolling out the website. senate has only one t. it has since been fixed. detroit could soon have company in bankruptcy court and if other municipalities or states wind up there, it could become the cause of a common affliction. chief national correspondent jim angle tonight on the unfunded
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pension peril. >> reporter: many state and city workers around the country are worried what happened in detroit may happen to them. abru bankrupt city that starts cut pension benefits. >> there's a tendency to overpromise, underfund them, and when a problem comes up, the actuary says put in so much, they're very ready to just defer that cost onto the next generation. >> reporter: some pensions have been improving, but a study found eight states have less than 60% of funds. illinois the worst at 45%. $138 billion short. >> every year lost is a much bigger challenge as one rolls forward. so they have to make either significant tax changes or they need to make significant benefit changes. >> reporter: politicians have nothing but unpopular choices, cut benefits, raise taxes, cut other programs to get the money. in chicago, that dilemma falls
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to democratic operative mayor rahm emanuel from whom unions are more likely to accept bad news. >> they're looking at a democratic office holder and saying i know you wouldn't be doing this to me if it wasn't absolutely necessary. >> reporter: not that that makes it any easier, and longer life spans means the problem will only get bigger. >> numbers get exponentially large and it exceeds the ability to pay. >> reporter: whatever happens in chicago and other states, there's a debate about how serious the problem is nationally. one analyst argues pensions are getting healthier, funds having grown by a trillion dollars since 2008. >> most importantly in terms of sustainability, 47 states since 2009 have made reforms, changes to their pension plans to ensure their sustainability. >> reporter: he argues pensions should be seen like home mortgages. >> if you buy a $300,000 home and put 20% down, effectively
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you're 80% underfunded. but we don't freak out about that number because what is more important, can we make that monthly payment. >> reporter: others know places like illinois don't have 30 years before all of the payments come due, and retiree health benefits that cost twice as much aren't even included, so something has to be done soon. bret? >> jim, thank you. sales of previously occupied homes surged 6.5% last month to the highest level in more than three years, but that was not enough to reverse the dow current slide which is now at six straight days. industrial average lost 105, s&p 500 down 10. nasdaq lost 14. reminder, sign up for fox news first, the free daily politics newsletter. go to, and we will put it in your e-mail box tomorrow. reports of chemical weapons attacks in syria and the
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imminent release of egypt's long time dictator. a lot is going on in the middle east. we will ta how do you do a summer clearance event the dodge way? first wait till summer. then get the cars ready. now add the dodge part. ♪ the dodge summer clearance event.
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we have communicated in no
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uncertain terms with every player in the region that that's a red line for us and that there would be enormous consequences if we start seeing movement on the chemical weapons front or the use of chemical weapons. >> i'm not talking about red lines, i'm not having a debate or conversation about red lines, i am not setting red lines. let's not talk about red today. >> so you said they would be held accountable, it has been a year. >> well, it has been, and we are in a circumstance where the assad regime is still in power, but you have a large segment of the international community aligned against them, you have the united states of america providing assistance to the opposition. this is a situation that is on-going. >> there was a lot going on in the middle east. let's start in syria where there are allegations by rebels on the ground that chemical weapons have been used to kill more than a thousand people.
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they're allegations it is impossible to verify, to dangerous to get in there for journalists, but those are the allegations right now, and this is the second time these allegations have been coming forward with video to follow them. we'll start there. before we get to the panel and introduce them, here is what the president said before going into libya in 2011. >> to brush aside america's responsibility as a leader and more profoundly, our responsibilities to our fellow human beings under such circumstances would have been a betrayal of who we are. some nations may be able to turn a blind eye to atrocities in other countries. the united states of america is different. and as president, i refuse to wait for the images of slaughter and mass graves before taking action. >> so what about this in that context. let's bring in the panel. steve hayes, writer for the
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weekly standard. juan williams with the hill and syndicated columnist, charles krauthammer. there's no appetite for the u.s. getting involved in syria? >> i think that's right. part of the reason the president hasn't felt pressure to actually do in syria what he did in libya. when he made comments about libya, estimates by amnesty international and others of the death toll were around a thousand and the president gave what was i think impassioned moral case for leadership. he went on to say when leaders like the united nations and united states speak out and say things that aren't followed up, they're empty words and their words lose credibility. that's exactly what we're seeing here as you suggested, a year after the president declared red lines, we haven't done anything. we have proof that the syrians used chemical weapons, the administration has acknowledged as much. this may be another instance of
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that, even a bigger instance of that. yet there has been no real consequence. the president warned of enormous consequences. there have been no consequences whatsoever. >> juan, they're saying today in it's all true, understand they've confirmed one incident, now there are at least two more alleged, and the video is really graphic if you look at it all, they're saying they'll be held accountable. if you're in syria and you look at this administration and hear that, what do you think? >> well, you think it is an empty threat at this point. the problem for the united states, for obama administration, but for anybody who's involved with this as we heard from the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, martin dempsey, if you get involved, say i am arming the rebels, down the line you could be arming al qaeda, you don't know who you're helping and hurting. clearly that leaves you with the option of direct american
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intervention, saying we're going to intervene, not necessarily put boots on the ground, we're going to go, provide air cover, bomb where we believe the chemicals are being stored, we can make interventions in terms of cutting off highways that could deliver the weapons. that's what would have to be done. seems to me when you hear that from general dempsey, you are hearing this is a bad situation and no easy, clear answers. >> there have been many bad situations, but the u.s. decided we had to act. whether this is one of them, to juan's point, chairman of the joint chiefs writes in a letter to elliott angle, syria is not about choosing between two sides rather choosing among many sides. it is my belief the side we choose must be ready to promote their interests and ours when the balance shifts in their favor, today they are not. congressman engel said i rejects
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that that constitutes choosing sides between one group or another. rather our involvement is a choice between hastening the end of the assad regime or allow the cycle of violence, displacement and terror to continue unabated. >> they're both right. engel is right, particularly had we early in the civil war put our efforts on behalf of the rebels, before the jihadists flooded in from iraq and from afghanistan and elsewhere, and when the bulk of the rebellion was spontaneous, secular nationals from every segment of the population, we would have had a decisive influence and assad would be gone. right now, the situation where the jihadists are in, where there are more than two sides and any aid would be problematic, i think dempsey is right. the irony, second irony, that in egypt where there are only two sides, there's only the
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brotherhood and only the military, with wide popular support. we're not choosing either and i think the administration's incoherence on policy is astounding. the tape you showed of obama speaking about the intervention in libya and using a humanitarian explanation and justification shows how completely incoherent the policy is. the only constant in all of this is obama as a candidate, as a senator, decided we should be out of these wars, we should be out of the middle east, the tide of war is receding, he repeats it, and pretends it is true. that's the constant. we're not in iraq, not in syria, not in libya. we're getting killed in libya as we did. we're not in egypt. we are doing nothing. all the other actors are in play. jihadists, russians, hezbollah, not the united states. we are irrelevant. >> you were gone monday, juan sat in that seat and said support the military in egypt. >> absolutely.
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>> you try to act like me on the right and i am utterly sta lly scandalized. you're not getting the seat. >> i am not after it. >> of all the incidents that happened in the past two years really targeting christians, all of these countries there have been many incidents of killings and church burnings, not only coptic christians but different christians in all these countries. steve, is this becoming something where islamic extremism is looking for sort of an ethnic cleansing of some of the communities? >> yes, i think that's exactly right. i thought james rosen's piece made that point quite well. one of the reasons that weighs on the side of people like charles that say support the military in egypt is that the muslim brotherhood and others are targeting coptic christians and others, and the military may be the last line of defense, so
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there's not a real ethnic cleansing or religious based cleansing of christians in those countries. next up, an incredibly brutal, senseless crime, and how it is being covered.
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do you have reaction to the christopher lane case? >> i am not familiar with that.
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>> in oklahoma, 22-year-old australian out on a jog, and young men apparently told the police they were bored and thought it would be fun to kill him. any reaction to that? >> just that it sounds like a tragic case. i wouldn't want to get ahead of the legal process here. the president i think has spoken eloquently about violence in the community. >> why hasn't he spoken out on this in this case? in the trayvon martin case, he spoke out extensively on that. >> in the rose garden? >> yes. >> yes. legal process and shared some thoughts. >> several minutes. >> that are, i think, where he expressed his concerns about the impact of violence in communities all across the country. >> bret: the white house briefing today about the christopher lane killing, 22-year-old australian student on a baseball scholarship to east central university in oklahoma, gunned down and killed
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while out for a jog. the three young men who were charged in this killing two black teenagers, one white teenager, according to court documents that's how they're listed who said they were bored. that's why they did it it we're back with the panel. juan, what do you think of this? >> well, the key here for me is that there was race as a primary focus in the trayvon martin case, the racial profiling suspicion, that zimmerman had profiled martin and all that. here, race has not been proven as a reason. it's not suggested that that was the rationale for why these boys acted. in fact, it's it even scarier because the suggestion is they are bored they pick randomly this man and pursue him and hunt him down like. >> anna: mall it is savage and beyond words. the second part of it is, bret, i think that people want to to see coverage, media coverage, media attention to this case and they want, i think that's why we saw ed henry do an
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excellent job of questioning josh say where is the president to speak out against this kind of violence. we have this kind of violence in minority communities on a regular basis. we have these, you know, lots of people who are on the president's side in terms of gun control would argue this is about guns. we heard that that from the australians who say there is too much gun violence in the united states. the idea this is the concerted effort. this is the larger problem. trayvon martin and whatever happened between martin and zimmerman really do not hold a candle to the ongoing level of violence and this kind of horror. this is a horror story that you are going for the run and they shoot you for no reason? they don't even know this guy. >> bret: here is what the president said. they were talking about trying to let the justice run its course as this case goes on. here is what the president said before the trayvon marpt case. >> >> i'm glad that not only is the justice department looking into it, i understand now that the governor of the state of florida has formed a task
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force to investigate what's taking place. i think all of us have to do some soul searching to figure out how does something like this happen. you know, if i had a son he would look like trayvon. and, you know, i think they are right to expect that all of us as americans are going to take this with the seriousness that it deserves and that we are going to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. >> bret: australia has obviously weighed in and they are urging citizens not to go to the u.s. >> i think that's one reason we should look at this because when you do have an innocent, lovely young man who is a student here, he is a ball player here. and he he is has destroyed his life, literally destroyed for no reason at all. and you have and it does effect another country, i think that's something that ought to be addressed. the world looks at that and says is it safe to come to america. but i think the worst part
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about this most disturbing part is the sort of the murder from the boredom. this is absolute evil when you kill for no reason killing for reasons goes all the way back to the bible. it's as old as humanity. and it's obviously evil that we deal with at some level and we try to find extenuating circumstance. there can be none here. they had no idea hot guy was. he they simply wanted, apparently, from what they said to kill for the sake of killing. and that is extremely chilling. i don't know anything a president would say would make a difference. but that's what i find most disturbing of all. >> bret: reverend jesse jackson tweeted this: praying for the family of chris lane, this senseless violence is frowned upon and the justice system must prevail. >> yeah. just to go back to something that juan said. i'm not sure it was clear ever that trayvon martin
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was primarily a case about race. i think certainly there were many people who made that argument. remember, trayvon martin's family attorney said that the reason that they didn't use that in a court was because they were going to have a difficult time making that case. so, while, you know, that may have been one of the reasons that the president weighed in and it certainly sounds like it was because of the way that he described trayvon martin as having looked like him, you know, was it apparent that that was the motivating factor. i agree with everything that charles said. what makes this so disturbing is that it was so random and was apparently boredom that you can't even say that triggered this. and one of these young men was laughing when he was arrested, according to the prosecutors. it is pure undistilled evil. >> bret: we will follow it that's it for the panel. stay tuned for a great way to get free schooling.
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