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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  August 24, 2013 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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♪ >> the o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> i made this argument to my republican friends privately and by the way sometimes they say to me privately i agree with but i'm worried about a primary for somebody in the tea party. >> scott: president obama at it again, blaming the tea party for the troubles in d.c. but can he still sell that tired tally to the tale to the american people the factor will investigate. >> don't get confused about my way of life. it's gangster militant. i leave a federal building bent. >> scott: who is behind this vial web site in the armed revolution in the killing of white people. would you believe an employee of homeland security? we'll have the shocking
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details. >> [inaudible] everyone says your the man [inaudible] i have no idea. >> and is jane fonda still boasting about her life as a viacon sympathizer? we have an answer that might surprise you you. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. >> scott: hello, i'm scott brown in for bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. the state of the republican party, that's the subject of this evening's talking points memo. who remembers the famous stories about president reagan and house speaker tipp o'neal? i know i doovmentd in the public eye, they would battle each other tooth and nail. in private, however, they would grab a drink, play cards and negotiate a settlement or come up with an answer to a serious problem facing our country. now, let's move ahead about
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30 years. and how would president reagan's actions be looked at by the more conservative base of our party? for the record, president reagan was one of my heros. but today would president reagan be called a rino republican in name only? i'm not sure. but i can tell it you that when members of the republican party and others looking from the outside in see the personal and attacks between the factions of the party. they're left scratching their heads and questioning whether they want to be involved at all. listen, i have been a republican in my whole adult life. a known fiscal conservative and national security hawk. new jersey governor chris christie is not a darling to our conservative base. why? because he hugged the president. well, maybe that was a little bit much. i will give him a pass on that. but he was not even invited to c pack this year. he has a 70% approval rating in a very blue state doing the things that matter most to the people in his state. how do the personal and at times paid political attacks of groups
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throughout the country to oust or worker against good republicans like christie and others move the party forward? are we not all concerned with the same core principles of lower taxes, smaller government, liberty, freedom, strong defense, fiscal and military strength to name a few? is there not room for good republicans that don't all think, act, and vote the same way? i would argue that the g.o.p. needs to be a larger tent party. more inclusive to respect the republicans of all types. when the presidency of president obama is over, we will have had 8 years of division. the us vs. them, the haves vs. the have notes. rich vs. poor, young vs. old. i believe the people are fed up. they are tired of the divisiveness. tired of our elected officials putting their personal, political interests ahead of our country's interest. people are looking for us to band together and looking for us to bring us all forward as americans
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first. we can't do it if we stay divided. listen, to quote president reagan, i would rather have a 60% friend than 100% enemy. how about you? and that's the memo. now for the top story. president obama out there for the problems in washington. >> i'm willing to do whatever it takes to get congress and republicans in congress in particular it, to think less about politics and party and think more about what's good for the country. i have made this argument to my republican friends privately. and by the way sometimes they say to me privately i agree with you. but i'm worried about a primary from somebody in the tea party back in my district. >> with us now to react, cathy aru. the founder of catalina magazine and contributing editor to the "the washington post." so after five years, don't you think the blame game is getting a little old?
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>> well, actually, it's not a blame game. it it's a branding game. and he is branding the republican party, what they really are right now is almost the tea party. the rush limbaugh party. the fringe party. the no party. so it's not really a blame game. it's real little a branding game. and it's true. >> you think it's working? because can i tell you i was there for three years. >> right. >> scott: i know the president. obviously i have met the president. until recently he really hadn't bothered to check in with the senate in particular. members of the senate. vice president biden did a lot of the checking in for us and a lot of those very important issues. but if you check the voting record of the democrats in the united states senate, virtually every single one of them has 100% voting record. they vote with their party each and every time to. blame a particular group i have always said there is plenty of blame to go around in washington. >> right. >> so to blame the tea party for holding up this bill and that bill i think is rhetoric. >> but they are. i mean, they are holding it
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up. the tea party, they think they're being patriots, they are trying to take our country back. >> you have got three or four people who consider themselves tea party members in the senate, for example. >> right. >> i can tell you firsthand once again that harry reid and chuck schumer control the senate. they dr. k. bring up whatever they want whenever they want. i just did a little homework thinking back we passed the star treaty, dodd frank, hire a hero, crowd funding, don't ask, don't tell. 3% withholding. the senate it took them three to four years to come up with a budget to even move forward with a budget and that budget in fact didn't even pay -- it wasn't balanced. it put us in larger deficit. so, i find it fascinating when you and others, the president included try to blame one particular party. >> well, republicans. >> there is a blame for everybody. everybody is at fault. >> well, i think, yeah, everyone in d.c. right now can be at fault. >> washington is dysfunctional. >> it is dysfunctional. it is very dysfunctional. it is not working right
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now. >> it isn't working. >> everyone should leave. everyone just quit and go home. get brand new people. in yes, i agree with that. >> it doesn't happen. >> it's not happening. i wish that these tea party fanatics would step aside. just go away and let the adults in the room handle the situation. >> once again with all due respect you are singling out three or four people in the senate, for example yet you have people on the other side of the aisle looking out for personal partisan interest and not putting our country's interest at verse represented by voting records. you can't tell me everybody in a particular party votes 100% of the time of their party canned tell me the republican party is a party of yes right now, they are a party of no. >> both sides, with all due respect. >> nothing is passing. we should have comprehensive immigration reform. we don't even have that. that should have been a no-brainer. >> it's interesting. i know your contracts on paycheck fairness, on the dream act, saying they nor brainers and should pass. all due respect, the
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"boston globe." telegraph in my state saying right idea but wrong bill. early christmas present for blf's lawyers going to go in and bring lawsuits against not only women owned businesses but every business in our state and throughout the country. >> i so women should continue to get paid 70 cents for every dollar a white man makes? that's all the bill is asking. >> husband who has a house full of women wholeheartedly in allowing and providing for women to have equal pay. however, there are ways to do it. that bill, in particular, was not the way to do it. to try to take a bill, give it -- this is what i love about washington. you know it because you report there. >> i know. >> washington will gave a great title to the bill. hi this is a save the world bill. save the world today. if you don't vote for the save the world bill. you read the bill and find out it raises taxes and puts more regulations on businesses. eunited states the flexibility that women want to have at the work place not only work but actually raise families. so many things by just giving it a title that they try to ram it through with
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no debate and basically obligate our country for millions. >> but then we have a do nothing government? is that what we have come. >> to is that what our forefathers have come to a do nothing government. >> i don't disagreed with you. >> every bill is going to have its fault. >> not every fault. >> the new deal passed today. social security is is one of the best programs we have in our country. >> i just listed 8 or 9 bills that we passed. >> there are so many that. the women's movement has been taken back some years. people predicted when bush was in office that our movement was go to go back and it has. >> so it's president bush's fault. >> well, when bush was in office it was always clinton's fault. i don't know how many people remember that in the 8th year that man was still blaming clinton. >> i remember before i got elected that they had 60-40 they could do almost everything they wanted for two years they did nothing. when i got there the first thing we did when i got there jobs bill. 19 billion-dollar that didn't raise taxes got people back to work. great to is he sue.
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do this again. thank you very much. >> i will agree to disagree. >> always. >> and we will still go out and have a beer after. this wonderful. >> when we come right back, why is president obama sitting on his hands while the carnage continues in syria? we'll have a debate. and, later, why did three teens murder an innocent australian baseball player in oklahoma? we'll have a
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>> impact segment tonight, two hot tom picks, fort hood shooting. we start with president obama this morning addressing the violence in syria. >> the situation in syria is very difficult and the notion that the u.s. can somehow solve what is a sectarian, complexed problem inside of syria, sometimes is overstated. there is no doubt that when you start seeing chemical weapons used on a large
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scale and, again, we're still gathering information about this particular event, but it is very troublesome. >> joining us now to react from washington, d.c. is democratic strategist richard fowler and from los angeles, fox news contributor rick grenell. both of you, i want it thank you, obviously for coming and participating. rick why don't we start out with you. what are your thoughts on what the president had to say? >> well, i thought a cnn interview today was very interesting. he really said that our u.s. policy needs to be approved by the united nations. you know, he makes this argument that we have to have multi-lateral support. i think that's really problematic when you think about having the u.n. approving u.s. policy. the other thing that the president made very clear is if he views the situation as two fold. one war or two no war. and that's really troublesome to hear a commander and chief not be able to use the full depth
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of the united states government and all of the smart power ways that we can have diplomacy or other things. >> and, grenell what do you have to say on the issue. >> you know, i don't know. i don't know if i heard. >> i'm sorry, richard fowler. i'm sorry, richard. >> thanks for having me, scott. >> sure. >> i have got to tell you i don't know if i feel the same way. i heard the same speech what rick heard. what i heard from this president was a commitment to having all of our allies work together to solve this issue and beyond that, i think this is, you know, i think the very clear on this saying there is a gray area here. sectarian violence situation. there is multiple sides. there is multiple stories and as the president gets more and more information, we have to make sure that we have a calculated response making sure we don't want to put ourselves and afghanistan another iraq or situation we can't get out of. let me just add. this obviously this has been going on now for some time. i remember when we -- we were just touching 10,000 deaths in syria. there was an outcry as to
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what is the administration going to do. it was quite frankly, i felt, not a strong enough response. we kept kind of waffling back and for the. there was no direct response. no intimidation factor so to speak. and there was a question should we establish a no-fly zone. should we start to obviously impose draconian sanctions. and, quite honestly, there was nothing done. here we are at 100,000 plus and with no end in sight in this travesty, we are as a country, we are a country of good. we do try to obviously do good things throughout the world and quite frankly, when there is killing of women and children, gassing allegedly gassing of women and children, at what point does this suppose supposed red line you heard it before is a semi red line? are we playing hopscotch with the line? what are we doing here? there has been no response. i have got to be honest with you i'm disappointed and a little surprised. at this point i feel it's a little late to be kind of
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the genie back in the bottle. either one of you jump on in. >> very clear, senator, the simple fact is in 2006, we were successful in pushing the syrians out of lebanon. we had them on the run. that is simple fact. but, what happened when president obama came in is that he sent back ambassador ford to damascus, our u.s. ambassador. he pulled them back to washington and sent him back to damascus and sent him back to washington again. he really was very clear about having an unclear policy. and since then, we have seen this situation spiral out of control. and then we saw candidate obama give that terrible red line speech. >> scott: let me jump, in mr. fowler. what are your thoughts on that? i just can't believe that we can't do more. >> well, you know, i agree with you, scott. we are city on the hill and protecter of the world and democracy. that being said, we have to take this conflict into consideration, one, we have a lot going on in the homeland. we need to regrow our economy and create jobs here and putting us into another frivolous war or
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another quagmire is not just the answer. and i think the president is saying here is let's work where you oointernational partners. let's work with nato. let's work with the u.n. get to the bottom of it and investigate if they are really using chemicals weapons and after that make a conclusion. >> good points. let me jump over and talk about fort hood for a moment. obviously you had the conviction guilty on all charges. i'm in the military. i'm a jag. 34 years. i understand the law. i guess the question now is death penalty snornght do we make him a martyr or just stay in prison and kind of, you know, fade out of the limelight? what do you think, mr. fowler? >> i think he stays in jail. if we allow him to get the death penalty we would have let terrorism win. let him rot in jail and let the world understand america will never bow down or counter to terrorism. if you decide to do this action have the full force of the united states government to punish you say you say that look what is happening in syria right now no punishment. deploying back and forth.
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no activity. >> i don't know about that. >> let me jump, in mr. grenell, what do you have to say about fort hood and what should happen to him? >> well, i think the fact that he wants the death penalty means that we shouldn't give him the death penalty. i would be for interrogating him to try to figure out is there something larger going on here? did he have help? did he have help planning this? is there more to discover and so i would agree that putting him in prison for a very long time, if not forever and trying to figure out is there more information to get is the best way. shep. >> scott: a good conversation. we have to learn more. gentlemen, i want to thank you. up next, a factor investigation into the brutal murder of the australian baseball player in oklahoma. is this just a case of out-of-control thugs sore race a factor in this horrific crime? we'll be right back.
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>> scott: in the factor follow up segment tonight, as many of you know, three oklahoma teenagers are charged with murdering 22-year-old australian chris lane who was here in the united states to play baseball. all three of the teens charged came from chaotic family situation and had been in trouble before. one of them, 15-year-old james edwards charged with first degree murder. even tweeted some racist stuff on the internet. joining us now from philadelphia is dr. chuck williams, a psychology professor at drexel university. doctor. >> thanks for having me, senator. >> scott: doctor, great to have you on. what motivated these teens to allegedly commit this heinous crime? >> you know, senator, i think there a number of things happening in our society that we need to be aware of as it relates to its impact on our youth. the first thing is it' as
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that there is an uptick in thrill-seeking behavior especially in broadcasting these unconscionable acts which include murder, selling drugs, being involved in gun play. on social media sites on twitter, facebook and instagram sort of bragging and boasting about it that's something that we really need to look at. i personally feel that that's a part of this whole culture, i call it reality tv syndrome where people need to have these exciting lives and every second needs to be sort of thrilling and exceptional and extraordinary. the second point is, you know, folks like me, psychologists, mental health experts are studying whether or not we sense a decrease in empathy in the society. that means that people are not carrying as much as they used to about the pain and the feelings of others. so, if adults are experiencing that then you can imagine that those sorts of things are really really a problem and fan thessalonians themselves in significant ways in our children. >> let me jump in for main. when you are looking at these issues, i mean, what's the answer? i reflected with with you
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earlier we were talking off camera that, you know, my mom and dad married and divorced four times each. 17 houses. my mom on welfare. i was in trouble and got arrested at 12 years old. i was drinking and stealing my mom's car. i was doing stupid things. i had a couple of coaches who took me under their wing and a judge who gave me a second chance. why do not some of these kids have that same chance? is it just -- is it an environmental thing or complete breakdown of their society seattle norms in their homestead and the like? >> by the way, senator, i'm glad you were able to fight your way through that i'm sure education and your faith and adult termination allowed you to progress to the point that you are hosting this show for bill o'reilly. congratulations. i too have a same story i am wearing this pin on mila pell for foster care youth. we have foster youth who don't have families. you moved around but at least you stayed with your family.
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not that that is necessarily ideal. what happens is we are having a challenge with being able it support and get families and parents to do the appropriate thing. so much so that we have to take tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of kids out of their home. black, white, everything in between. as i went through that experience, one of the things that guided me. had you a coach, i had a mentor. that's why i'm working with a number of organizations in philadelphia to start a movement to get moore mentors involved in the lives of kids. i would imagine that if mentors were involved in the lives of someone like a james edwards he wouldn't be playing with guns and bragging about. >> scott: i agree with you. not to cut you off. listen, thank you for that reenergizing through the mentorship program, boys and girls clubs. all those organizations are wonderful. let me ask you a question. do you think race played any role here? you have a teen who obviously has been tweeting racist statements antiwhite statements add voyeur calgt violence and the like. they were board. they wanted to just shoot
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somebody. do you think race played a role here? >> no, i don't think that james edwards is a racist. i just think that he was young, misguided and did a very stupid thing and he is he going to have to be held accountable for it what i will say is my senior colleague cornell west always minds us is that race matters in america. here is the connection. what you have a s. a young man leaving up to a stereotype of a thug. he is he not surrounded by carrying folks, men who can be mentoring and roll models who can teach him the right way. character education could be passed on through mentoring. the lack of that and far too many black communities can lead kids to develop these kinds of tendencies that at times can appear sociopathic. i'm not saying that james edwards is, but when you display a marked lack of empathy for the life of another human being, i'm concerned about that. >> sure, listen,. >> race is involved. >> scott: i have to disagree a little bit with you. i think race did play a role here but probably not to the extent that others
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believe it did. i think that's evidenced by the tweets and other comments that he made. but, put that aside for a minute. i just find what's happening with young kids these days, not all, listen, i don't want to -- i'm not going to do one of those broad brush statements. but there is a lack of parental involvement in many kids' lives. there is a lack of opportunity for them to go out and participate in music or sports or boys and girls clubs. ymcas. they are there but they need someone like you and others to get them in the door and then have someone wrap their hands around them and say listen, we can do better. i just want to say, you know, we only have 30 seconds left. what can the average citizen do to try to make a difference? >> become a mentor today. big brothers, big sisters, the boys and girls club. the police athletic league, 100 black men. they are seeking mentors, adults who want to turn this around. if you want to help, become a mentor. >> scott: not just about black men but it's around all men. play a roll in your kids' lives. >> thank you, senators.
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>> amen, thank you. we would like to you vote in the bill o' poll. was bill con descending to will he car burton in his event interview with him yes or no. we'll give you the results on monday. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. a homeland security employee has web site that advocates armed militia of killing of white people. why is he still getting paid by u.s. taxpayers? we have a special report. later why anew study shows it pays to be on welfare rather than work a study job is this what the bhern dream has become? we hope you stay tuned to those reports. there's a new way to buy a car. it's called truecar. and truecar users...
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taxpayer dollars to be participating in? >> look, i went think it's what we want our employees to be doing. this is an issue, potentially involving the first amendment. so the government is treading lightly, but this is an example of where an individual may have crossed the line in advocating violence against the races and essentially advocating a race war. the supreme court allows the government a decent amount of leeway when it comes to terminating employees based on private activity including web sight activity. if that activity negatively impacts the employer. and this may be a case where some sort of adverse determination is appropriate. >> scott: i have to take exception.
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i think it's a no-brainer. this is the type of activity that not only we just saw the story about the australian baseball player being killed by three young teenagers, seconds -- sends a bad message that we in the united states need to be more tolerant of others. more importantly is he a representative of homeland security. is he out there advocating obviously for homeland, representing our interests. he is out there also advocating for the killing of white people in a race war. to me, it's a no-brainer. i am quite frankly shocked number one that the homeland security didn't know. he they didn't obviously, you know, figure out what was going on through people in the workplace. because not only is he doing that he is giving speeches. he has his own clothing line. selling things online. he has videos. is he out there in a public way. yet homeland has done nothing. i don't get it. apparently there was some misrepresentation and
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didn't describe it fully to homeland security. minimally a investigation undertaken. easily this person involved in advocating violence which is not protected under the first amendment and i frankly think that his days as dhs employee are number beard. >> scott: will we see you representing him any time soon because i think his days are numbered. i would hope so. >> you won't find any stronger defender. i have devoted defending free speech rights. this an s. an instance where the speech has crossed the line into incitement of violence and clearly calls for a race war. no, i will decline that case. >> scott: again. i'm hopeful we can kind of get along he does his job, you know, he is obviously you know moving forward. and we can get other things done. do his job at homeland security and not be out advocating a race war and the like. thank you for your time and it's been a pleasure talking to you. >> my pleasure, thank you
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for having me. >> scott: next on the rundown. has the welfare state grown so much under president obama that it pays more than a steady job? that report moments away.
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>> scott: thanks for
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staying with us, i'm scott brown in for bill o'reilly. in the unresolved problem segment tonight, president obama has been pounding the pavement this summer making the case for economic reform in order to strengthen the middle class. >> because for decades a growing middle class was the engine of our prosperity. it's what made us great. if you worked hard. you knew your work was going to be rewarding. with fair wages, good benefits. the chance to buy a home save for retirement. most of all the chance to pass down a better life to your kids. that's the american dream. >> however, a new study shows that welfare benefits, which have increased dramatically since the president took office, may be holding back americans from a aachieving the american dream. according to the cato institute. in 35 states, welfare pays more than a minimum wage job. and in 13 states, it pays more than $15 an hour. joining us now from
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washington is the author of that study, michael tanner. michael, welcome, it's good to have you on. i read your article. i was quite frankly not shocked in some respects, a little interested on the other hand. wondering, you know, how do we get out of this quite of quick sand mess we are in when it comes it to people who legitimately need some help but also incentivizing them to go out and get jobs. >> the big problem is simply that the welfare state has grown so big that there is very little accountability. most people when they think of welfare think of tannif the cash benefit program that replaced -- back in the 1990s. the federal government actually has 12 separate antipoverty programs. 72 of these give cash or other benefits directly to individuals. and this wide array of overlapping programs means that the benefit could simply add up and become a better way of life in many cases than a low wage, low skilled job. >> you know, it's interesting, i said earlier
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on the show my mom was on welfare for a short period of time. single mom trying to raise two kids, trying to work to obviously put a roof over our head. there is, i believe, a need, there is a safety net value. it's meant to be a safety net. it's not to be a lifelong entitlement. number one, number two, we have to find a way to pay for it that top-to-bottom review to eliminate a lot of the fraud waste abuse and overlap that you are referring to. what did you note in your report about that? we noticed that the federal government spends $668 billion a year on 126 antipoverty programs. the federal -- local and state government throw in another 260 to $280 billion a year. that's nearly a trillion dollars we're spending fighting povertier year, the poverty rate today was almost what it was in 1965 when linden johnson declared war on property. >> i it tell you firsthand once again in massachusetts we're having an ebt card
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scandal so to speak where there is just terrible lack of accountability. you find some people that actually have tens of thousands of dollars on their ebt card or 5, 6, 15 individual cards. no check and balance. a complete breakdown. and people that i speak with, they say listen, we want to help. we are philanthropic, we are americans, we want to help people in need. when they see people showing up at the grocery store buying lobsters and using all the different cards, how do we get a handle on that? how do we get that back? is it a leadership issue? what would you suggest? >> in many ways it a leadership issue both the federal and state level. state not enforcing many of the regulations or at least taking a very liberal attitude. loose attitude when it comes to many of the regulations. for example, remember as part of welfare reform we were told we were moving people from welfare to work and that you wanted to get welfare benefits you were going to have to work. nationwide today only 42% of welfare recipients are
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actually working. only one in five in an unsubsidized job. the others are in job training, job search. in a state like your state of massachusetts, only 18% of welfare recipients are working in education and tramg training programs or job programs. that's simply the fault of the massachusetts legislature and massachusetts governor. >> scott: listen, i don't disagree. any time i can take a crack at governor patrick i'm certainly happy to do it. i agree it's a mess we need to get a handle on it it what about the fact when you have somebody on welfare they are hard worked they are motivated and energized they want to go out and work but they hear from the agency that they're talking to oh, hey, listen, you can't work thatch because if you do you will lose your benefits there is disi object incentive for that person to gout and work if they hurt a certain threshold. transition period they can't afford to do it. stay home and make my $20 an hour and by the way go
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out and work under the table. how do we get a handle on that? >> really varies with the benefits. some benefits like medicaid will continue for quite a ways up the income ladder, others will kick out very soon like tannif you lose very quickly. others you lose a portion for each dollar you make. these phase out problems with all federal benefits are a real problem. even the earned income tax credit which has done a great deal of good has a phase out problem and a marriage penalty that can act to discourage people from responsible behavior. >> scott: i will tell you what. we are kind of running out of time here. i wanted to point out, what's the response been from some the elected officials the leaders in the states the top ten so to speak? you have gotten any word back from them? >> generally, they have been in denial. i have to say their general complaint is while everybody doesn't get every benefit. scott cot well, listen, mr. tanner, thank you very much. i'm looking forward to going through it top to bottom. >> thank you. >> scott: thank you. two mothers who lost children due to drug
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overdoses. we will talk about whether dealers should be treated as violent criminals. right back with that.
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in the factor flashback segment, there are a number of people who consider the selling of hard drugs to be a nonviolent crime and don't want prison crime for offenders. phil recently spoke with denise collins whose son jeff died of a drug overdose in 2008 and with
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ging ginger katz who son died of an overdose. you agree with me that it is a violent crime to sell heroin and that's what killed your son to another human being, is that correct? >> that's correct. >> and say we couldn't be concentrating on the drug sellers or the dealers. >> i say listening to drug laws would create more drug use, and that means more crime, more overdoses, it wreaks havoc on our country. >> what about giving them the harsh mandatory 10 to 20, they're putting a lot of these guys away for a long period of time. does the crime fit the punishment? >> i believe it does. i have a support group for
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families who have lost children and i get calls from moms and you can't believe the cries. i never heard sounds like this. >> are they angry about the pushers? >> the first thing they want to do is get their hands on their son's or daughter's drug dealers. >> you disagree with me and ms. katz and there are others that feel the way you do that you shouldn't put these drug pushers in jail and why do you feel that way? >> i hadamanl kwark lrkl y disa. >> ones that are in the state and local prisons, they have a long rap sheet, these dealers go in, five, six, eight times. but let's stay with you for a ming. your son was killed from a mix
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of xanax and morphine, very, very tough drugs and you don't blame the person who gave him the drugs or sold him the drugs? you don't think that person has any culpability at all? >> i don't forgive him for allowing him to purchase the drugs from him, i blame him for allowing him for leaving my son alone in the state he was in. >> this guy was selling poison. >> he called the drug dealer. >> okay. and your son is responsible for his actions as well, in my opinion, and your son paid a price, he's dead. but you're giving the guy who made the drug accessible not only your son, but to other people as well, a total pass. why would you do that? >> mr. o'reilly, we have been doing this for 40 years. we have been doing this for 40 years. it doesn't work.
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>> it works. the tough mandatory dropped cocaine use 71%. >> i think some of your numbers are skewed. >> these are numbers that come from the white house. go ahead. >> what i would like to focus on, mr. o'reilly is prevention now and decent education in the beginning. we have a bill in the assembly right now that hr bill 871. our -- we have nothing in place. >> agree that prevention and just say no, what nancy reagan did is necessary. but i think you got to punish the poison dealer. let me get back to ms. katz, she isn't blaming the pusher. >> denise, i'm sorry about your loss, but if you think about it, your children may still be alive today if that drug dealer didn't give the drug to our children. yes it was my son ian's choice
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to do the drugs, but i wanted to get him off the streets. i don't want us to be a nation of enablers. it perpetuates the addiction. >> i have to tell you, ms. cullen, i know people who have been killed by drugs and i know drug dealers and the drug dealers are evil in my opinion. >> mr. o'reilly, that's not where we should focus our attention. we should focus on education, quality education, don't scare kids. that's been going on for 40 years. >> i think we have to do both, we have to do prevention, education is key and so is talking -- the parent talking to the children about abstaining from drugs, absolutely. but we cannot enable this situation. >> ladies, thanks very much, we really appreciate it. >> up next, is jane fonda who
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plays the role of nancy reagan? "the butler" still
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and in the back of the book segment tonight, 40 years ago, jane fonda opposed the war in vietnam, and not only opposed the war, she actively took the side of the vietnamese. she took this picture aboard an anti-aircraft battery. now with her appearance as nancy reagan in "the butler" has opened old wounds. >> she put soldiers in danger, having said that, i don't think she really is sorry. she wore the hanoi jane t-shirt for the promotion of this movie. >> how do you know that? >> i saw a picture.
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maybe i dreamt it. >> you saw a picture of hanoi jane? >> she wore a picture of her as hanoi jane. >> all right, let's try to find that picture, because if that's true, that changes things a little. >> we checked into it and sure enough, in her appearances promoting the movie, jane fonda can be seen with a t-shirt of her with a raised fist. she may not be hanoi jane anymore, but it doesn't look like she's changed her tune. before we go, a quick reminder to check out the insane bill o'reilly summer sale which has been a huge success. everything is marked down big-time. it's a great place to stock up on gifts and you'll save a lot of money. also don't forget to check out my website scott and follow me on twitter at scott brown ma. again, thanks for watching tonight, i'm scott brown, in for


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