tv Cashin In FOX News August 24, 2013 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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>> hatteras financial way underpriced at this point. >> gentlemen, i want to thank you all. rocket through that and just get going here because continues now on fox. boycotting over a thrill kill. >> 911, what is your emergency? >> he's been shot. >> tell them to hurry. >> a young australian college ballplayer gunned down allegedly for fun by thugs here in the u.s. now, some australian officials are calling for a boycott of the u.s. with violent crime on the rise, will our economy take the fall? plus, just when you thought the nsa scandal couldn't get any worse, now this. reports out the agency can snoop on three quarters of all internet traffic and those being watched not just terror suspects, but innocent americans like you and me. then, a rare moment, a hollywood heart throb making waves in a good way. what ashton kutcher told kids
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that has conservatives like ted cruz, rush limbaugh and sarah palin singing his praises. "cashin' in" starts right now. our crew this week, wain rogers, jonathan, katie and juan williams. welcome, everybody. australian chris lane was in oklahoma to have fun while playing baseball at college. they allegedly gunned him down for fun and now some australians are calling to boycott tourism to america and given the number of violent crimes that is on the rise in the u.s., wain, you say this is a very credible, real threat to our economy. >> oh, yes, eric. i mean, you have, for example, the ten most dangerous cities in the united states, you have poverty on the rise and unemployment on the rise and you have crime on the rise. now, when you have crime on the rise, you have to do something to counter that. the police tactics and things that the police have to do to bring the order back to it has to increase.
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now, not at the sacrifice of personal rights, but it has to increase in some way. one of the things, for example, juan who is on the show today said the other day that i think is very key that the civil rights workers in this country, i'm talking about the al sharptens and those kind of crazy people have to take responsibility to go in these neighborhoods and leave these neighborhoods and say something positive, not be negative all the time and i think, juan, you did a great job on that. i saw that and i think that's a terrific idea and that's what has to take place. >> juan, go ahead and respond to wayne there. weologist know, detroit, 41% poverty rate and st. louis 21%. the ten most dangerous cities in the country have the highest, most elevated poverty numbers in the country. >> yeah, poverty, unemployment, failure drops out from school and, guess what, a high percentage of minority. it hurts my heart. but, wayne, this is what you need. you need leadership that will
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come in and speak to kids who are not advancing and who are not making any progress and, instead, get involved with gang activity and with violence and this is how they can prove there is somebody in this world. that's a losing prescription. you have to believe in education. you have to believe in a job and building a resume. i don't think that this is a mystery if you want to make it in america. >> jonathan, there is -- >> even maybe a minimum wage job that would keep a young person out of trouble and focused on producing on the future. i mean, there's no question the gang has already pointed out. less likely to be this type of violent crime in a stronger economy. young people and, of course, we have a youth unemployment rate north of 18% and young people are less likely to see a future where they can achieve and achieve their goals and suck said. i tell you, it's not just here at home. look at spain, look at greece. terrible economies and a massive spike in not only sued, but violent crime, as well. >> let's keep it at home.
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one of the economic theory is the broken window theory. if you see broken windows in the area, crime will get elevated. if you fix the broken windows, there is a perception of it's safer, cleaner and businesses come back and jobs come back. >> we've seen this in washington, d.c., and when you turn it into a place that has business and people employed and has the jobs that can get people in the workplace and keep them busy, it's very important. going back to the arguments that juan has been making all week about the family and these communities, you, the statistics are there. when the family homes are broken, kids who come from single parent homes are more likely to live in poverty and more likely to commit crimes and that in return has an impact on our cities and has an impact on our prison systems and costs us money in lives and in dollars. >> go ahead, juan, if you apply to this horrific killing that happened in oklahoma, outside of oklahoma city where three young people shot someone for fun, how does that apply here?
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>> well, look, these are teenagers and in most cases, you know, no dad around, right? or parents who are not involved. i saw one father was in the courtroom and said, oh, my son couldn't have done it. wake up, dude, come on. what we have here are kids online and they're spewing hateful messages and they're not, there's no structure around it. i don't see this as much as a mystery, but these kids needed some direction and they're bored and they think it's okay to track somebody like an animal and, it's pretty sick. >> very important word juan used. they were bored because they weren't working. >> that's true. listen, you've got to get, you've got to get them involved, too. i don't care, you know, it could be community work. you could do anything. it requires some kind of leadership and some kind of responsibility if the parents are absent, we all know it's a parental problem. we all know the destruction of the family causes this. we know that. now, in the substitute of that. if the family is not going to be
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around, then you have to some kind of a leadership in that community that's going to take that. you can't have people, as i said, like jesse jackson going out and saying things like he says and not take some responsibility. he will not be responsible. that's the problem. >> eric, i mean, to that end, a crime isn't so much a real threat to the economy. i think it's a by-product of the economy. we look at these horrific crimes, this one in particular and say this is completely irrational and it's disgusting and it is. i think it happens in less strong economies where people, especially young people don't see a future where they can actually succeed, produce and achieve their goals. >> jonathan, i'm not sure. i agree with you on so many things, usually constitution, but i'm not sure crime is a by-product of a bad economy. katie pointed out, rudy giuliani came in here and cleaned up times square and the crime went down. katie, which is it? the dog chasing its tail. which one is the dog and which one is the tail? >> when you have a bad economy,
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people, obviously, aren't employed and therefore doing other things than working. i think you have to bolster areas so that people can come in and work. if you don't clean up in the areas, even in a good economy, people aren't going to want to be there. the bottom line in this case, since we're talking about teenagers here, we're not atalking about adults. teenagers under the age of 18. it starts at home. revamp areas of new york city all you want to and leaders from the civil rights era come in and talk to young people. but if you don't have parents at home, one of the young men charged with the murder in this case, the mother is in prison and the d.a. for duncan county said these kids are basically raising themselves. >> juan, just address -- let me get to juan. very quickly, the reverend al sharptons of the world, jesse jackson, they all take victory laps when things seem to be going well in the economy. how about this, shouldn't they weigh in on this type of crime? >> oh, yeah. i mean, to me, they should be saying, you know what, this is not the way to go. they should be out in front.
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they shouldn't be reacting defensively like, oh, somebody wants us to say something about this. what i say what you say, forget. they should understand that if they want credibility on larger issues with main stream america, they've got to speak out about this. and they should be speaking to these kids in real terms about here's how you can be a success in this country. here's how you can move ahead and they shouldn't be getting into this alternative. >> look at all the disincentives we put for young people like this to get hired whether it's more regulations in terms of hire young people and get them working. we make it very hard to get the opportunity -- >> we can go on and on and we have a little bit more on this later in the show. it's fantastic. coming up, just when you thought snooping couldn't get any worse. a three in four chance the nsa may be watching you on the internet. wait a minute, i thought they said this wouldn't happen. getting your vegetables every day?
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live from america's news headquarters. i'm arthel neville. a wildfire gaining strength and threatening thousands of homes and now the water and power supply to san francisco. california declaring a state of emergency as the growing fire forced the shut down of hydroelectric plants and threatens to contaminate the reservoir feeding the city. a california memorial held for the mother and son killed in a murder/kidnapping that gripped the nation this month. christina and ethan anderson were found in the rubble of the burned down home of james dimaggio. dimaggio allegedly killed the two and kidnapped teenager hannah anderson. fbi agents killed dimaggio after a six-day manhunt earlier this month. i'm arthel neville get you back in to "cashin' in."
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all the business news you need. well, logging on to the internet today, be careful because there's a very good chance the government may be watching you. a new report from the "wall street journal" says the nsa can snoop on up to 75% of our e-mail traffic. in addition, the nsa admits to intercepting 56,000 domestic communications per year, that's 56,000 annual assaults on the constitution. so, what's the government doing with all this intel? check out this massive spy building in bluffdale, utah. $1.5 billion to store our e-mails, our phone calls and even our clicks online. the enormous facility will burn 65 megawatts of energy and will require 1.7 million gallons of water per day to cool those massive computers. it will even have its own police force. all that adds up to taxpayer money snooping on taxpayers. the obama administration, while claiming to be transparent. >> there is no spying on
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americans. you know, we don't have a domestic spying program. >> has been anything but. let's go to jonathan first. lots of money. lots of taxpayer money, jonathan spent on snooping on the taxpayer. >> yeah, eric, this whole idea of either spying against national security, it's a false choice. despite all the monitoring going on, we missed ben gaghazi and boston bombing and iran grows and jihad around the world continues to grow. spying does not keep americans safe. it would have been like trying to win world war ii by monitoring who is going to sushi restaurants or binging on german sausages. how we win a war is by naming the enemy and taking military steps to actually defeat them. so, a proper war on state-sponsored islam would leave us free not to have to worry about government spying. >> you got the german sausage comment in,i i know you were working on that all morning. >> president obama promise aed
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this wasn't going on and to the tune of 56,000 occurrences, per year. >> i think it's an outrage because i'm big on civil liberties. i think we should be protected in terms of our privacy, but i must say, this is not so much directed at us, it's about keeping us safe. jonathan says that you can do it without it. but i'm not sure and i tell you, if there was a terrorist incident, boy, would we all be up in arms. remember, a lot of this takes place under the patriot act. >> there's been dozens'. >> you're playing both sides of that fence. either you're for this stuff or not. >> don't mistake me. if i was, you know, sorry, eric, i'm for it. you know, ultimately, i don't want to get blown up. >> okay, so, as long as you say terror in the sentence, it doesn't matter what you say. wayne, help us out here. >> no, there is no helping out, eric. a violation of the fourth amendment. by the way, this thing is called the foreign intelligence
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surveillance act. foreign intelligence surveillance. it starts with the word foreign. it doesn't say anything about domestic snooping. we've got domestic snooping going on all the time. by the way, this can happen because eric holder, you know whose veracity is comparable and eric holder can start this kind of stuff and they have a law that says special needs. you can take an exception to this and call it special needs and therefore start blanketing everybody. it is outrageous and it should stop. >> katie, i'm guessing, we're a couple months into this. there's more, we'll find out what goes on behind the scenes. >> the nsa looks like the tsa. looks like they're doing a whole lot of good, but they aren't doing a whole lot of good. we did not see a lot of results. we saw boston bombing and benghazi and what worked, which obama got rid of is waterboarding and taking prisoners and asking them questions. that's where we got our intelligence from. we're no longer doing that and
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now spying on americans, instead. the patriot act was written in a way. john sensen brenner came on and said, look, i wrote the patriot act and this is not what it is used for it has been corroborated and time to scrap it and start over. >> do we pull funding for the nsa or too important to keep in place? >> i think, what's important, eric, actually to win the war. i think politicians on both sides of the aisle have resigned that we're always going to be in this endless conflict against militant islam. by naming the enemy and taking steps to defeat them. we don't have to worry about not only them hurting us. >> wayne, you say defund it? >> i say defund it and i say do anything. but the first thing is, you have to do it legally. that is to say the supreme court who appoints these, the head of the supreme court appoints these new members of the other court. you've got to stop this because it's a violation of the fourth amendment. it's a constitutional issue and they're not paying, they're paying no attention to it. they're just saying for
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expediency sake, we'll get everybody. >> we'll leave it there. coming up, applause for ashton. not from hollywood, from conservatives. why his speech to young kids about work is getting a big thumbs up from ted cruz, sarah palin and rush limbaugh. >> i really am not familiar with ashton kutcher's politics. all i know is that what he said is right on. all i know is that what he said is exactly what young people in this country need to hear. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative,
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>> talk about a hollywood plot twist. conservatives like rush, sarah and ted cruz all praising actor ashton kucher this week for something he told kids aboutkids work ethic at the teen choice awards. take a listen. >> and i've never had a job in my life that i was better than. i was always justh lucky to have a job and every job i had was a stepping stone to my next job. i never quit my job until i hade my next job. and so opportunities look a lot like work. >> katy, you agree, this is thee exact message kids should be hearing. >> absolutely. kids these days, right. i think the attitude is that everyone wants the next fancy iphone. everyone wants the next fancyin. thing. they don't understand that takes work to obtain these things. i've seen a lot of young people turn their nose up at these entry level jobs that do get you to your next paycheck and your next job. so i'm glad to see someone with
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such a platform talk about how hard work gets you places and opportunities, not pretending like you're entitled. l >> you make a good point. at the teen choice awards. a lot of teens are tuning in.od wayne, hollywood gets a bad rap. you're from hollywood, spend a lot of time there. are you surprised to hear ashton kucher come out in favor of jobs? >> no, i'm not. i'll tell you why. the man is making $750,000 an episode, you know. he's been preeminently successful. it's pretty easy to talk about getting jobs when you're making that kind of money and i certainly don't need rush to limbaugh to explain it to me. but let me tell you something,ct he's absolutely right. he's right on and he's an example of it because he has produced. that's what's good about it. >> he almost makes as much as>>h you made per "mash" episode, if my research is right. >> we produce add whole episode on that. >> good message, right, john? >> it is a good message.ood my experience, young people want to work, they want to trade and produce.
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they make lemonade stands. they understand work is empowering not just for money, but self-esteem. then they get to the public schools and then they teach them life owes them freebie, thatget they're guilty for wanting to pursue money. so i'm happy to see ashton, any young person, standing up for capitalism and americanism and saying yes, your life matters and you've got to get out and headache it happen. >> juan, hard work, good work ethic, good conservative values, right? >> yeah. i think they're good liberal value, too. they're good values, period. what i really loved when he said, if you want to be sexy, the sexiest thing is to beho smart, to beug thoughtful, to be generous. that's like eric bolling. >> there it is. sexy, smart and cool. katy, we'll say thank you to katy and juan williams for joining us this week.or coming up, the cast of "duck dynasty." they're not walks like most"dthy reality stars. find out why so many americans
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time for what do i need to know for next week. eri wayne, kick it off. >> in these time of when the stock market is not necessarily what you would like it to be, i'd go back to some of the solid things that are in the drug are 'cause it takes a long time, but it's solid and i like ibb, which is an index for that. >> you like this? >> captain say that i'm into t drugs oro pharmaceutical companies right now, eric. but i am bullish on cocoa. i'm not talking about the character from fame. i'm talking about the commodity itself. cocoa prices are at eight-month high. i don't like gold or oil or any commodities. but cocoa is one i'm looking ata over at it's the hot weather in africah forcing prices up. also cold weather is cominger i here. buy before hot chocolate season and reap your profits later. >> buy the chocolate now so you
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don't have to pay a higher price later. we have to leave it there. >> don't own hershey stock, but look at cocoa. >> going to have to leave it. there. thank you very much for joining us. before f we go, "duck dynasty" n pace to become the most watcheda show in cable history. if you haven't seen it yet, you're missing a lot of fun. y a ton of fun. one liners, practical joking around. and something you don't see much on tv anymore. at the end ofth every show, the robertson family says a prayer as a proud bible clinger myself, i highly view it. you can weigh in on all the topics we discussed on twitter. let your voice be heard. i'll see you on "the five." s have a great weekend.
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