tv Geraldo at Large FOX News September 14, 2013 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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ask your doctor aut symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or cck to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you n't afrd your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. we'll see syria surrendering its stock file p pile to international control. but let's be real, this deal bails out president obama who
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was sometitymied by the majorit american people who protests his people with military force in itsd use of poison gas against is own people. today, many wornder what he'll do if the russians decide to mess with us. and the syrian dictator renigs on the deal. >> hope and let the russians fix it. >> you know whose birthday it is? evil syrian president, 48 years old today. 48 years old. yep. he got his present a day early. vladamir putin saved him. >> the president and the country breathed a kaushcautious side o relief. some were asking why the president never asked for authority to use military force.
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>> why is it that reporters seem to be able to find this guy who the government is charging for involvement of benghazi but our law enforcement can't find. >> we've been very clear that we will hold those people who kmited this crime gengs our people. >> we're talking about people being killed by gas and you want to talk about benghazi. we don't deserve to talk about this when the real issue is whether or not the congress is going to stand up for international norms with respect to dictators. >> one prominent member of congress deeply upset by the president's performance in the syrian cry siisis as the chairmf the homeland security committee is new york republican peter ken carson. welcome. why do you support the force
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where 90% of american people oppose? >> i believe military force is important because if syria is allowed to use the chemical weapons, that, plus their alliance with iran, is really going to change the power structure in the middle east. it's going to affect israel, jordan, our national security. i could see it getting out of control. having said that, it becomes harder and harder to support the president because his policy has become so e ratic on this. just when it appears he's about to attack, he says it's going to be up to congress. he's going to step back and let congress decide. suddenly, putin is back in this giving a major role which will go beyond syria and try to inject himself in israel. he's going to become a player. and, also, the president said two years ago, our policy was to have asaad out of power in syria. i don't see how that happens now that russia, in effect, is his safeguard, his bodyguard.
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>> we want the rebels to win in syria. isn't the problem is that well're dammed if we do and damned if we don't? >> well, that's a problem that the president has helped create. two years ago, when this first started, the rebels were primarily antiasaad. they were not al-qaida, they were not jihadist, they were basically seculars who wanted a new syria. u.s. is not giving them support that the president said he was going to give them. as a result, you have al-qaida fighters infiltrating and coming from europe and you do have al-qaida affiliates playing an increasingly important role. i still believe, though, and i've been in extechbsinsive mee on this with the c.i.a. that we can isolate out forces at this stage. so that -- and the longer this goes on, the more likely it is that al-qaida is going to get a
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prom innocent role. but right now, now that putin is in, now that he's accepted the offer, we have to let this play out. >> do you find it ironic? even bitterly ironic that you have a situation where the president is so welliilling to force to hurt to punish asaad in syria, but we didn't use military force to punish the militias who killed our ambassadors in libya? >> yeah. that's an on going investigation. that's an issue that the president tries to say is a phony scandal. i can't think of anything more important. if you're in congress or the senate or the white house and americans die defending their country or in the course of duty, for their country. and we don't do what we can, first of all, do all we can to prevent it, then, if we didn't prevent it, to go after those who did it.
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and while it was happening, why we didn't take more aggressive action. aga >> against some of the people who allegedly perpetrated this murderous act in benghazi, aren't you frus raited that we haven't done something about that? >> yeah, i am. i was ak km actually at a classify briefing on that the other day. and a number of other expressed our frustration. the administration should be much more forthcoming with the american people and with the families of those who were killed. now, in the end, it is so possible that we would be able to apprehend one way or the other the people involved in this. but, so far, it's been a very poor performance. also, as far as this reinforcing confidence in the american people and the families of those who died. we're willing to move heaven and earth to capture those or do whatever we have to do to get
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those who kill their loved ones. >> appreciate it thank you. >> thank you. >> another member of congress highly critical of the president to punish the asaad. congressman, so nice to see you. welcome to the program. >> good to see you, thank you. >> what do you think? were we just lucky that the russians also wanted a srksz aad aparntdly to surrender its boys and gal sns. >> you know, geraldo, i think what we have is a situation that has become totally confused. it's so interesting being home and talking with my constituents, many of them military retirees and some who are still active duty. irt's just the fumbling and the bumbling. and while it is so immoral for what asaad or the rebels carry this out, it is unfortunate that our president seemed to drop the ball.
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>> do you think it was all about putin? >> you know, i think that what he did was to try to move himself. with the loss and degrading of their economy, what he was trying to do was move himself. he's bragdo krirks ous, arrogant-type policy. he wanted to be back at the center of attention. >> what about the president's use about force? was he wrong? >> i think it was kind of too little, too late. his big problem was he was for one and then for another and then unsure.
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then it was let congress decide. the timing issue of coming out at far too late. >> and if the threat of force moved mountains in syria, do you wonder why we never threatened to use force in libya? >> would wonder that. i think that people look back at how there were so many mistarks with this administration. >> they're very concerned about this region and all the hot spots that are there.
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think about this. the the military is getting less and fewer resources, less money of the president even before he wanted to go into syria, took the time to reduce the pay raise the military was going to get from 1.6% to 1%. so it has been just such a confused and unfortunate situation. i hope that the administration and the president and his advisors will get on track and formulate less confusion for our allies around the globe. >> thank you, a pleasure, as always. i really appreciate it. all right, coming up, folks, we war game that scenario. what it would have looked like, what it should have looked like if we had threatened the use of force against the rebels in benghazi who killed our ambassador. that's next. i turned 65 last week.
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some members of congress have said there's no point in simply doing a pinprick strike in syria. let me make something clear. the united states military doesn't do pinpricks. even a limited strike will send a message to asaad that no other nation can deliver. >> with a combat nation ready task force still posed off the course of syria, there's no doubt that we can wreak serious havoc on the forces of the dictator. as the president just said, the u.s. military does not do pinpricks. the critics complain that if mr. obama is ready to attack syria for its crimes against its own people, why didn't we carry out a similar punitive strike in libya against the militias we believe carried out the
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benghazai attack a year ago. with us to discuss and maybe debate the feasibility of a punitive strike in lieb ya and what it could have or should have looked like are navy seals scott taylor. gentlemen, welcome. i'm delighted to have you both on the program. now, we know where two of the militias are head quartered. how hard would have it been to punish the perpetrators of last years attacks with say a drone or cruise missile strikes. >> well, if we know where they are, it wouldn't have been difficult. we've seen a year later, we still don't know where some of these people are. some of them are in urban areas. some are in camps. if the united states wanted to
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strike through the air or with a special operations approach, we could. >> that begs the question, why weren't our special operators in benghazi shortly after the attack to find this guy who's been giving interviews to cable news and to the new york times and others. why didn't we have people on the ground? why don't we put people on the ground. do you lament the fact that special operators were not aparentally put into libya. >> a hundred percent, unfortunately, think it's political. i don't think there is any other redline drawn in the sand with blood than the attack on our soil around the killing of our presidential surrogate to that country. i can tell you there's no doubt
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in my mind that they were chomping at the bit. it's almost painful to see that that didn't happen. we, a hundred percent have the capability to find them and whether we use a drone for a snatch and grab. that's all situation dependent. but we have the ability, we should have done it. we should be doing it and it's very frustrating to see this play out. >> let me flash back to syria. the president says the united states military does not do pinpricks. describe the kind of devastation that four destroyers off the coast of syria could have wreaked on that country. >> incredible devastation. with pinprick presigsz. they could put a tomahawk
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missile through a specific window or a on a specific building. america can bring the fire power to bear that no other nation can. so those four destroyers they send can send a very clear message. and whether it's those destroyers or special operators, if we want to get spg done, it pertains to libya. there's no doubt our retreat was both a signal and a degradation of capability that makes the job of someone like scott or navy seals more difficult when they have to go back in and establish connections with the populations again to go back on the trail with these guys. once reporters have no problem finding them, if we had the will, we certainly have the capacity. >> standby, ladies and gentlemen, we'll continue our
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plotting and planning for the punishment of the killers of our people in benghazi after this short break. her up. yeah, we can make room. yeah. [ male announcer ] space. yes, we're loving this communal seating. it's great. [ male announcer ] the best thing to share? a data plan. at&t mobile share for business. one bucket of data for everyone on the plan, unlimited talk and text on smart phones. now, everyone's in the spirit of sharing. hey, can i borrow your boat this weekend? no. [ male announcer ] share more. save more. at&t mobile share for business. ♪
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the administration has not been fully pursuing these people. i wish the president of the united states would take the situation in benghazi as serious as he does those in syria. guess what, we had four americans killed. >> continuing our diskugcussion why syria? why not libya when it comes to a punitive strike. >> how do the veterans generally feel? are veterans behind the
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president? they generally are but you have so much resistance. >> vets are hesitant because they don't see a plan leadership of this administration that has made us look weak throughout the world. you don't just do something for the sake of doing it. at the same time, when america says it will do something, our word has to matter because how other nations perceive us is really important. our adversaries smell the weakness. >> do you have a sense of frustration that the commander in chief has either overly criticized or is there true confusion. we just, in the syrian situation, we don't know quite what to do. in the libyan situation, the time to act is over. >> i think in syria, the president is over his head and doesn't know where to go after years of waiting and equivocating and not making a dgsz.
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as far as libya is concerned, that's political. covered up the fact that it was a decided terrorist attack and therefore dragged their feet in response that it would be critically important. the longer you wait, the more difficult it makes your options. we can still act there and send a strong signal. but, instead, we're looking at syria and punting to congress and handing sluxs to putin. . >> scott, in terms of the infiltration of special operators into benghazi or into militia head quarters, don't we have libya nationals that we could con tratract this operati too? but couldn't we get libyans or someone who looks like libyans to carry out an almost law
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enforcement snatch and grab or, indeed. >> i don't want to specialize so much on covert operations in so far as what we can and can't do. we certainly can support our libyan counter parts to bring folks to justice. we should have done so a long time ago. >> is retrobugs, scott, is that a valid military goal? is that a valid, you know, decisive military action,
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retrobugs, punitive action? may i hit you back? >> absolutely. i think it's extremely important that whether it's a nation state or a sub national group like in benghazi that attacks our sovereign soil that we have to act decisively. and whether you want to call that punitive or you want to call it retrobution, it's something that has to happen. the president would have had everybody behind him had he acted like the leader that we want him to be rather than go to a fundraiser in las vegas the next day. all right, gentlemen, i appreciate it very much. why top rezesearches and most americans still believe j.f.k.'s assassination. ♪ north american truck of the year. ♪ the truck of texas. ♪ better residual value than ford and chevy.
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visit to find one of our 425 sleep number stores nationwide. the colorado national guard putting more troops on the ground and helicopters in the air. it's all in the effort to aid in the search and rescue operation in the flood-ravaged towns of the rocky mountain foothills. among those air lifted, hours ago, dozens of school kids. another 800 residents have been evacuated. authorities are warning those who chose not to leave may not get another chance for a while. the social security administration dolled out more than a billion dollars in d disability who are capable of
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working. i'm maryann raferty. you're watching the most powerful name in news, fox news channel. >> it includes the know tnotori home movie of the assassination. as our hearts go out to the victims of the flooding in colorado, senator rand paul where yet another tragedy is being felt. a fire that destroyed some of the same boardwalk rebuilt after super torm sandy right here from governor chris christie. >> this is what this job is all about. you have to lend encouragement and deliver help.
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most people were saying thank you for being here. and what ifgs saying to them was -- a few of them told me i looked tired. i said we don't have time to be tired now. we have to get back to work. some people were telling me how sad it was. i said sfien. fine. time for sadness is over. it's legitimate a sad thing, but we've got work to do now. a couple days to mourn, and now we have to move on and get to work. >> during senator rand paul's visit, he had a chance to ask about gov forchris christie. here's craig. >> we will maintain our military poszture in the region to keep the pressure on the regime. if diplomacy fails, the united states and international community must remain prepared to act. >> as president obama seeks congressional approval to invade syria, senators like rand paul
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of kentucky say we haven't even taken care of the people who invaded our embassy in benghazi. >> we lost four americans last night. i want to assure you we will bring their killers to justice. >> president obama said a year ago on september 11th after the attack in syria, that we were going to get the people responsible. do you think it's ironic when we haven't brought the people responsible for those attacks on our ambassador? >> no, in fact, we have known for about a year. at least one of the people's been interviewed. so, no, i think we haven't done the job in benghazi. >> were any of these weapons being transferred? >> senator, you'll have to direct that question to the agency that ran the annex. >> the junior republican senator believes hillary clinton lied before congress about the c.i.a. operations arming islamic remember ems in syria.
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and once the former secretary of state specifically asked if she knew of the c.i.a. gun-running operation. >> but there's one thing they failed to address and i think you failed to address and it sets us up for another tragedy. they should never have been sent in there without a military guard. >> no one in our government who didn't provide adequate security when it was requested, hillary clinton on down. i think that's wrong and really a mistake for the president to get us involved in a new war when he really hasn't been brought to justice. >> we have a great leader in, senator rand paul. >> senator rand paul was visiting the garden state to campai against newark mayor corey booker. >> and i believe in the bill of rights. all of the bill of rights. >> i'm here to endorse steve lonnergan. we're excited about a candidate
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that i think can really grow the republican party. >> this suggest that is the planes will crash. >> rand's appearance is criticized senator paul's libertarian view of foreign policy. >> this strain of libertarianism that's going through both parties right now and making big headlines, i think is a very dangerous thought. >> i love all of these esoteric debates that people are getting in. you can name any number of people who have engaged in and he's one of them. >> paul fired wac in a tennessee fundraiser taped for his call for unfettered federal funding after superstorm sandy. >> they're precisely the same people who are unwilling to cut the spending and they're gimme, gimme, give me the sandy money now. >> i think we're on the same page with this.
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and i think the governor endorsed steve lonnergan a couple weeks ago. >> one thing that we can't ignore, you have these fires going on the new jersey board walk, devastating effect on the new jersey shore after the hurricane, after the storm. you and the governor have been in contention for funding over the storm. obviously, this is going to be another call for federal funding. what do you think? >> some of it has been a misunderstanding. people who have made comments on my comments having not understood the situation. there's different wayings you can spend the money. one is spend money borrowing it from china or one is spend the money but be responsible, take the money from money we're
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spending building bridges and boardwalks in pakistan and use it in new jersey. really, it's a matter of how you do it, not when you do it. >> i was just getting an understanding about how you feel about the intervention in syria. >> i think it's a mistake to get involved in that civil war. eating thehearted of a soldier? there's not a lot of good people in that war. and i just don't see a compelling american interest in the civil war in syria. >> i am honored and humbled by your being here today and having this senator rand paul come up from washington to endorse me and to ignite this kind of energy. >> like senator rand paul, i am adamantly opposed we do not
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belong in that war. >> like many republicans engaged on preventing another war, senator rand paul of kentucky refuses to endorse and invasion of syria with no clear allies in the rebel el fortss. >> craig, thanks. you know, i became a footnote in history 38 years ago when i first broadcast. i was the first to broadcast the disturbing home movie of the ken day assassination which has since fuelled decades of doubt about who killed president john f. kennedy 50 years ago and why. you'll see an excerpt from that o rinlal show including the z r zabrder film after this. [ tires screech ]
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>> before we meet our guests, caution, here it is, a very graphic excerpt from a half a century ago, good night america, march 6, 1975. >> now, jackie doesn't realize what's happened yet. she goes to his aid. and, now, it's the violent, backward motion. totally consistent with 80% of the witnesses. >> it's interesting to look how many people is running towards where most people thought the shots came from. >> the head goes backwards in the next film from the other side of the street. >> oh, god, that's awful.
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>> that's the most upsetting thing i've ever seen. >> 85% of americans do not agree with the warren commission's finding of the assassination of lee harvey oswald alone. both have been investigating for decades, literally. mark lane has written four books on the topic. most recently, last word, "my indictment of the c.i.a." welcome. and now, forensic pathologist select committee on assassinations, our friend, dr. ceril wick. why don't you agree that it was lee harvey oswald acting alone? >> well, there is a plethora of information. let me deal with it from a forensic science standpoint. the warren commission report as
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a sole assassination is predicated upon and absolutely requires a single bullet theory. that one bullet exited his back, appears the right lung, broke five inches of the fifth rib, exited from the front of his chest, shattered the distal end to the radius, exited from the front of the wrist. we answered the left thigh and that is the magic bullet that marked and then i later dubbed it the single bullet theory. if you don't have a sickle bullet theory, if you don't have one bullet accounting for those seven wounds, then you've got two shooters. beyond that,there's much to discuss. a great importance of significance to the world. and i'm fas nated by all of that. id want to make it clear. you either have a sickle bullet theory.
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you're pregnant or you're not pregnant. here we are dealing with this 50 years later. did the wound in the back break the transverse process of the first cervical? why did it move upward 11.5 degrees having been fired from the sixth floor window and on and on and on. it is absurd. if it were the jones or the smith or the brown murder case, it wouldn't go to court. it would be laughed at. and let me just end this comment with that's why lee harvey oswald was not going to be around. there was not going to be any trial. >> all right. that provocative cliff hanger there. i just want to restate very
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briefly. dr. wick, you say it is virtually impossible for one bullet to have killed the president of the united states, gone through his body, entered the governor of texas body and then ended up causing all of the injuries that you describe. you think physically, it could not be one bullet. >> in pristine condition with a total weight loss of 1.5 pnt. an experiment that the government it conducted back then with the warren commission which showed that they could not come up with a bullet after repeated, repeated shootings and that 6.5 military-type ammunition and the different targets. they were not able to come anywhere near to find one bullet that came out in pristine condition like the one that is alleged to have infected these seven wounds. when we come back, mark lane will tell us why he believes it was a krchlt i.a. plot. after this.
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jack ruby is the restaurantuar who killed lee harvey oswald on television. he said according to the warrant summation that he acted solely because of grief. this great man, john kennedy, had been assassinated and he thought to take revenge. >> it's a very good example of how the court has totally fabricated the truth. the statement he sates he can't tell the truth in dallas. he wants to be taken to washington. he says you'll never see me alive if you don't get me out of dallas. in this discussion he states that lee harvey oswald didn't shoot john kennedy.
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jack ruby did. his last words were i do not want to die. >> ruby, contracted a cold while in prison and approximately 24 hours later he died. >> of lung cancer. >> as we approach the 50th anniversary, we're continuing our probe of the jfk assassination. we're told why he believes it was physically impossible for one shot that hit the president to also wound the governor of it can. mark lain, you've suggested in your various writings it was the cia. a cia plot. tell us why you think that. >> first of all, let me say i agree and it's important to understand why it's been said that it required a bullet to do
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something which tno bullet coul ever do. it was the clock for the assassination. the time is important because from the first shot to the last, 5.6 seconds at the most elapsed and we can tell that by the film and other evidence which had been available for some time. the weapon that was used required too much time -- it was hand operated weapon, too much time to get a new round in there and fire without aiming. we know it was impossible with that weapon. then we get to who set this all up. well, we have david phillips who ran the united states for the cia from his office in mexico city. this was set up a long time before. they claim that lee harvey oswald was in mexico city meeting with the cuban embassy
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after meeting with them. after those meetings we then came back to the united states and killed president kennedy. that was their legend and terrified earl warren and the other members by saying if all that comes out americans will say that the russians and cubans were involved, and they were not millions of americans would die in war. he's admitted since that time at a public meeting at the university of southern california where i was present and later to me when we had conversations. he admitted that lee harvey oswald had never been to mexico city. all this information about him being there was invented. >> why would the president
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assassinate the president or have something to do with assassinating the president? >> whatever the reasons are, we can only speculate about that. i'd like to not speculate. it was clear that john kennedy was going to disband the central intelligence agency. he made that plain. i worked closely with his brother bobby in that campaign. close with bobby or regularly with bobby. it was bobby's position and john's position. bobby told me this on more than one occasion when kennedy had power, not just being president, but maybe reelected for certain he'd be okay, he was going to disband the central intelligence agency. he was going form a new intelligence agency which would do what harry truman wanted the cia to do when he formed it and that was not to be an
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operational organization but be an organization which examined the facts and made those facts available to the president, not to ever take position that was involved in an operation. >> your final word on whether or not you think 450 years la50 ye 100 years later we'll know what will happen. >> i think it will happen. i think another generation or two will have to deal with the progeny, great grand children of the people in charge and i agree with mark it was a cia related people. they weren't going to follow five more years of john kennedy and then bobby kennedy. 13 years is a lifetime. i think it's going to happen. i used to think it would happen in my lifetime. i know now that's not going to occur. i want to point out one final
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thing that we're part of an 85% m majority. it's about time the united states government realized that this case has to be dealt with. 50 years is not that long. we'll show who is responsible for the killing. >> i'm out of time. you'll see a ton of shows about the facts and circumstances surrounded the murder of the young and gracious 35th president. the reason we just can't believe that a low life drifter like lee harvey oswald could have taken the life of john kennedy on his
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own because he was a low life. i really do think when all is said and done like the warren commissioner and researchers as diverse as stephen king and mark furman. you'll find he committed the crime of the century pretty much by himself. that's it for us. stay tuned to fox news as investigators probe that fire on the jersey shore for a possible arson and first responders search for the missing in the colorado floods. i want to thank you for watching. i'll see you on the radio and social media. imagine in you told that guy about twitter. they're boring. 3 -- make a car from scratch the dodge way. steps 4 through 28 -- recall 100 years of know-how. start building, try things. yes. make it different. not that different. bring muscle -- technology muscle, efficiency muscle. get it racing. get it in a calendar.
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