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tv   The Five  FOX News  September 19, 2013 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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no new law, no new regulation unless the new law is a new regulation to ban all new laws and regulations. what a billionaire is up to, mark zuckerberg and why he decided to wear pay tag in washington to pitch his case, tonight. >> hello everyone. i'm andrea along with bob, dana, greg. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five. well it looks like there could be a show down in washington d.c. over obama care and the possibility of shutting down the government. according to the latest polls, obama care is unpopular with the american people. if you listen to democrats, you'd think it was just the republicans that were crazy wants to defund the health care law. >> this is playing with fire. legislative arsonists are at
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work when they start using the debt limit for their own agenda. >> you have never seen in the history of the united states the debt ceiling or threat of not raising the debt ceiling being used to extort a president or a governing party. >> i only hope that the anarchist and house of representatives come to their senses before it's too late. >> greg, aren't these members of congress elected to do what the american people want? overwhelmingly they don't like the bill. they mentioned extortionists and crimes. what's the deal? >> i'm really tired of show downs. every month it's high noon. it's never a show down. it ends. it's like this argument over the debt ceiling. they treat it like it's a sunroof. first take it down.
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let's just decide, do you want a debt ceiling or not? it's one of the old stinking sweaters you had and afraid to throw it away. throw it away. enough of this. i'm so tired of stupid fake showdowns. we know it will be settled and we'll talk about something else. >> it's like convertible, top down and top up. >> exactly. >> dana, an article in the washington post outline had the even if they defund this, harry reed can strip the language from the bill. even if he couldn't, president barack obama could veto it. is this smart? >> republicans have admitted they want that to happen. >> mitch mcconnel is not in favor. >> it's the a false negative they're trying to prove. interestingly, it's probable as cold in the republican caucus now atsds it is in this studio. i'm so cold. i'm huddling over lukewarm water. it's freezing in here.
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that's how cold it is. >> american public doesn't care about your problems. >> they do. it's not so much high noon but like 11:47. i think people are pretty tired of it. it becomes noise. on the defund obama care side, the senate republicans, a few of them, not all, have been pushing this. now the house says finally we're going to have to vote on this. 30 minutes after the house announced that the, federal republicans came out and said we're not going to actually vote. reed is not going to call it up. we don't have to walk the plank. you guys charge forward, walk the plank. it's become a sparse. >> what do you think they're gaining eric, if anything? >> they're on record. >> who's on record? >> the people fighting it. >> only the house republicans are on record. >> they are on record. you're seeing pay divide too. some are saying go ahead and
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defund. we're going to take this to the limit if we have to shut down government. some say don't shut down government, still try to defund. some say shut down government. you see where everyone stands. i'll tell you 57% of the american public say not in favor of obama care. it's interesting to see who says we're willing to go the distance with it. i think you're seeing people -- you're letting them put their cards in. >> before you get to bob, obama has been amazingly successful creating the divide among add have i sar ris. he's done that immigration nsa -- he allows the republicans to cannibalize themselves like their doing now. you know they're not going to win. it's not going to get defunded. it's fun to watch as a democrat, to watch them eat themselves.
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>> i think there's a risk with republicans doing this. it's a great pr strategy, sounds good standing up to a bill they don't like. my fear is legislatively they can't defund it. president barack obama will veto the bill. he can find the funding on his own. my fear is republicans will get blamed. why not let you and your buddies own obama care. people will hate it and can run against it in the midterm, win the senate back and maybe the white house on it. >> this is the difference between reasonable republicans and wackos in the house. boehner would not like to have this. he's got a deal and has to go along with it. it makes the republicans look back. if they intended to shut down the government they'll take the blame. last time they took a terrible beating. republicans are divided. obama is smart enough to figure
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out how to do that. this is like playing with hydrogen bomb. they have no idea what they're doing. >> they do know what they're doing. republicans you're calling wacko probably realize they're not going to get what they want. they have to put up the fight because it's the right thing to do. >> wackos, bob? ones that care enough that they're willing to risk a bad re-election campaign, have negative stuff thrown at them. even from fellow republicans they're willing to risk because they believe in that, believe in smaller government. i don't call them wackos. >> i call them wackos. you do away with it -- by the way, if they refuse to fund it, you could take them to court because it's the law of the land they have to fund the law of the land -- >> anyone at this table think at the end of the day obama care is going to get defunded?
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we all know president barack obama was willing to go to syria with 80% of the public against him, half his caucus against him and all republicans against him. he's willing to do whatever it takes to make himself look good. he'll never sign -- >> you calling people wackos is jeffrey comer calling people meat eaters. the battle needs to be smart. i think the smart battle will always be to ex spend your energy, republicans, of the irs, enforcement of the obama care. they're the ones that targeted political add have i sar ris earlier this year illegally. you basically castrate them politically and force them to change. that's the only way to win this battle. >> dana, right now president barack obama and democrats own
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obama care. if republicans get in the way, and the president has the bully pulpit, he can use that. if republicans try to slow it down, any problem he can say it's their fault. then they own this partially. is that a risk with republicans doing that? >> it's possible. i think that this particular part will be forgotten in the soup. the interesting thing is by the end of last week, republicans working together on all sides had the delay portion of a possible vote really in their favor. you had the unions come out. they had the meeting with president barack obama last week. they did not get what they wanted. they were on the cusp of get tag delay. i don't know if they can do that. i have a question about the strategy. so you have mcconnel of kentucky, like him or not, he's in a tough fight.
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the defund obama care people spent $350,000 spent money against mcconnel on a vote they knew was not going to happen on an issue they know the president isn't going to ever turn back on them. $350,000 is a lot of money to spend for a state like kentucky. you think spending that money against a republican is -- >> calling out republicans not on board with the program of smaller government and standing up for it - -- >> they're admitting it's not going to happen. why spend money -- >> do you want people to call them out eric? how about eric bolling. what do you got? >> republicans are more like the tea party than mr. mcconnel? >> you're making a false argument. no.
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you're saying republicans don't like -- >> i'd rather hear what greg has to say. >> yesterday after the show or in the break you said do you think it's going to get defunded? i said no. i think the fight needs to be fought. >> that's not what you said. you said you thought it was a bad strategy and they shouldn't do it. yes, you did. >> i said i don't think they can win. >> which is why you said you think it's bad strategy. >> i said i can't believe you and i agree on this. >> can i defend -- >> from the get go -- >> eric, i'm going to jump in. you tried to clear up conflicting here. i don't think you're going to do that. i think republicans that aren't for the strategy, it doesn't mean republicans are in favor of obama care. that's a false argument. we've got john boehner talking about negotiations. makes a great point. president barack obama is
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sitting down with vladimir putin on this but not republicans. here's carney. >> this is something that is not new. i've been discussing this with president putin for some time now. >> we are serious as you are about engaging in meaningful negotiations. >> negotiations. >> we're prepared to negotiate in good faith and mutual respect. >> for decade, white house and congress have used the debt limit to find bipartisan solutions on deficit and debt. >> that's a john boehner video that features carney say he talked to russians. why would he talk to republicans on extending and delaying obama care to save everybody from this monster? >> he spent hundreds of hours
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literally talking to republicans about obama care. >> that's not true. >> he did. he had them at the white house. >> no, bob before the bill was passed. no he didn't. >> yes, he did. he did over and over again. i was in max's office before -- >> no. >> remember the time -- >> i think you were on a different planet. >> that was the whole point he didn't have to talk to them. he called the big meeting and called out paul ryan and ridiculed him in front of the nation. that was him talking to republicans on obama care. >> let's see. we'll go back and check the log. >> he outsourced so nancy pelosi.
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he outsourced obama care. he had nothing to do with it. >> the only time president barack obama compromises is when he waves you through. he never compromises ever. while you're talking and talking, i have stuff to say. i zone out. >> i'm keeping a second count on everybody talking to see who talks the most on the show. >> you know what you're going to find out? >> i'm going to show it to you. >> which week are you doing? >> starting next monday. >> you can't tell people beforehand. >> i'll wait and see. >> we've got to go. i think republicans should push to delay this all together instead of defunding it. when the house -- get more seats in the houlse and senate and wi the white house back. you've got to win elections to defeat obama care. >> the government collected more
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in tax than the history of the government. it's like a fat buy buying larger clothes and saying i've lost weight. it's never going to change. >> true. >> the leaders of syria and iran are making a pr push by doing interviews with american journalists in the last 24 hours. can they be trusted? we'll show you the interviews when we come back so you can decide. ♪ nice car. sure is. make a deal with me, kid, and you can have the car and everything that goes along with it. [ thunder crashes, tires squeal ] ♪ ♪ so, what do you say? thanks... but i think i got this. ♪
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hours. ♪ >> had that head in my head all day. we have to talk about the fact greg gave me his jacket during the break. we're now going to talk about iran in syria. syria because of chemical weapons, iran is because of nuclear ambitions. in the last 24 hours we've heard from leaders from both countries. last night fox news had the interview with bashar al-assad. first iranian president rouhani makes claims about his country's
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so called nuclear plans. >> we have never pursued or sought a nuclear bomb and not going to do so. we have time and again said under no circumstances would we seek weapons of mass destruction including nuclear weapons nor will we ever. >> the wall street journal is reporting white house is considering one on one talks with rouhani. that was an interview with anne yesterday. when you go over to interview them, he's granting you the interview. that's what you have to do. >> if you come to my house, you have to take your shoes off. >> that's disgusting. >> you're an awful man. >> last year president barack obama at this time during the election year, president barack obama held no bilateral meetings with any world meeting.
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now there's rumors that they're actually open to the idea of a meeting with iran. >> carney said -- remember when some of our allies wanted to meet with him but he didn't have the time to do it. to say he'll sit down with a known terrorist funding operation grouplike the iranians and rouhani is dispickable. this guy to sit down with him is a major mistake. there's a signal to the rest of the world you can be a terrorist organization, fly planes into the world trade senter and kill innocent people and sit down with the president of the united states. >> or you can fund chemical weapons to kill your own people e. is rouhani a wolf in sheep's clothing?
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>> his track record was much more than his predecessor. there's a possibility -- what's wrong with talking? i don't get this. okay so you fund terrorist and we're not going to talk to you. if you talk to him, maybe get working dealings and they won't fund terrorists. >> obama said he didn't have time to sit down with yahoo. >> there was a reason for that. >> you don't think there's a reason not to talk to rouhani? >> no. right before he was elected, rouhani filmed a youtube video where he says he takes credit for the nuclear program and claims credit for actually expanding it. he says we wanted to complete all of these and need time. before it was iran's nuclear negotiator. he sees an opportunity because putin embarrassed the president.
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he sayso you're willing to sit down with me. i'm going to use the american media to make a fool out of you. there's no way they're not trying to obtain a nuclear weapon, bob. can we talk about the other topic? i want to play a sound bite from secretary of state john kerry on syria. he was probably the strongest he's been and kpas rated. >> the rocket used in this attack contained the nerve agent. we know the regime possesses the gas. there's not a shred of evidence that the opposition down. >> your ideas on this? >> this is bizarre to me. i was against the syrian
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bombing. the big thing here is that chemical weapons work. they actually work. originally it wasn't about stopping chemical weapons. it was about punishing syria. now there's no punishment. assad was going to be hung out in a yard. now he's got a seat at tachblt it works. he got what he wanted. kerry is angrier now than ever. they have a peaceful solution when they have direct proof this guy killed his own people. they made a convincing argument. that means he won. >> there's a lot to be said about that. i think they should get these weapons, get them destroyed and them bomb him. >> they've got to get rid of assad. everybody agrees he's the guy that did this. >> did you hear this? >> we know assad has sarin and people were bombed with sarin.
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we know -- death is a leap -- >> he set a rocket. >> a guy got murdered on the corner. >> he said surface to surface missile that assad has and they don't have. >> are you kidding me? how many people have surface to surface? >> do you have one in your backyard? >> no. but i'm sure other terrorist groups could deliver. >> you're down to less than 1%. >> that's a huge leap for the american people. >> the one thing that makes me think he's guilty is that how syria happily complied to the disposal plan. if you're innocent you demand the rebels who had the missiles comply with you. he hasn't. he knows he's the only one that has them. that's logical. >> last night when dennis, fox news contributor were interviewing assad. he basically said i've got the
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weapons, come and get them. two weeks ago when assad had the interview with charlie rose, he said if the rebels have chemical weapons, why are we expected -- no one called him out at that point. >> i think there's a great point eric makes about al qaeda and other people likely having them and assad as well. isn't the real moral though, if you want the united states to be nice to you and have a meeting with the president, get a nuclear weapon? say you're trying to pursue a nuclear weapon arsenal and get president barack obama 's full attention and a face to face meeting. >> there were more than one attack. >> the front line troops say put on gas masks, we're about to bomb. then they bomb. >> that's not the attack that happened in the spring. >> ridiculous. >> you've got to check your evidence here. i see 99% of the people that follow this believe he did it. you don't. >> i'm not saying he didn't do
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it. i don't think they're mu ytuall exclusive. >> if you don't get out, you're not going to have time for your segment. >> if you could give obama a grade, what would it be? most give him a b minus. greg has the president's report card next. i'm kind of seeing a...
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that's bob waving. george mason university net work asked 200 american historians to rate president barack obama 's presidency. they gave him a b minus.
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he went after bradley manning, didn't close gitmo, used evil drones. they loved supreme court appointments. the exclusion, he wasn't wing enough. makes you wonder what he had to do to get an a from from them. classify being a straight, white male as a hate crime, make oliver stone secretary of state, arrest all fnc employees. disappointed left wing academics which obama is meaning he agrees with the gray he got. he like them wishes he had done more. we should be grateful he only earned a borks minus. this has to be bad for us. imagine the state of our lives if he had gotten an a. he has three more years. it's a shame he doesn't major in
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music appreciation r. >> he's had many concerts at white house with tax pay hpayer. >> i'm for that. the more fun he has, the less taxpayer money -- >> i provide evidence that proves me to be correct. >> this is 200 professors. i think they probably thought he was not liberal enough. in some cases, i don't think he was liberal enough. there wouldn't be obama care if up to me. there would be one fair plan for the united states. i don't like that. the idea about closing gitmo, i don't have a problem leaving it open. you can't make all liberals the same. >> you are. >> no, we're not. you wackos are all the same. >> how could we all be the same?
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>> i was going to say i excluded you. you're the same. wacko. >> he got a b minus. it's interesting where he got his c in transparency and accountability. i think wait, this is a liberal survey. that means he was transparent. i'm trying to figure out the reverse. does that mean he wasn't very transparent. he got an a in communication about and supreme court appointmen appointments. >> dana, you've never gotten lower than an a, right? >> not true. yes, in your eyes. >> they gave him c minus for relationship with congress but then blamed republicans zblrchlts that's not his fault. that's when the professor -- did you have an editor or teacher that had to find something wrong with your paper? this is what they can say even though it wasn't his fault.
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it was interesting they asked a few hundred. only 200 bothered to reply. what else are the professors doing? >> they're busy at the climbing walls at campuses or the latte bars at private universities. >> every one of them too. >> poetry readings and things like that. . he would have gotten straight a's if it wasn't for the pesky things called congress. if i did as poorly in diplomacy in foreign policy which even the less criticized him on -- he got a b. i wish i had these professors when i was in school. >> what drives me crazy. when editors need a expert quote, they always quote professors. >> you're right. anybody that's a conservative professor out there, can you rise and let pus know? we want to make sure there's a
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correction in everything i right. >> conservative professors are in a witness relocation program. they have to change their names zblchltd like conservative bureaucrats. they'll come up to you at the cocktail party and say to you -- >> have you been to the university -- >> are you sure of that? >> i did a speech and they gave me a lot of heat. >> directly ahead, grand theft auto 5 shattering records. are video games like this detrimental to the kids? our cultural decline debate is up next on the five. don't go away. [ male announcer ] the wind's constant force
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want to debate on the five. grand theft auto 5 put up amazing numbers on its opening night. worldwide sells topped $800 million in one night blowing away expectations and on its way to taking over the world's is highest grossing entertainment vooek ever. bigger than movies, sporting events and concerts. here's a look at gta 5. >> so bob, they lined up at midnight tuesday night waiting for the stroke of midnight to buy it. it's $60 a pop. they expect this to sell $2 billion in seales.
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>> i was at the back of the line. they were out when i got there. >> what line? >> back of the line. the thing about this, kids love them because they can shoot people up. i think they're horrible. it's a free country. you can put that crap together if you want. i want to know how they make it look so real. >> pretty darn real. >> kids -- what is it 18-year-olds? kids probably be looking at this stuff when they're like six. i can't watch this. i need escapist entertainment. that's too much like my life. >> thoughts? >> it is eerily real. i don't know how people find the time to sit and play hours worth of video games. i don't understand. maybe i don't have enough attention span to sit down hours on end.
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i sit for a little bit and try to play but then i get up and walk azblachlt opening weekend, highest grossing film iron man 3, put up $175 million on a weekend. one night on this on a tuesday night. >> i would turn into a pumpkin. it's a long way from asteroids and space invaders, two games i knew how to play. i think it is a telling thing about hollywood. big block buster movies continue not to do well. you can have something so realistic. i have a question. when you play that over and over for hour, do scenarios change? how do they do that? >> they have different levels. they can -- >> what time do you get up in the morning when you go to sleep at 8:00? >> way before you thought about getting up. >> have you heard this story. check out this picture.
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it's the home of the ex nfl star brian holloway's home moments after 300 or so drunken teens trashed the place. listen to holloway. >> damage can be replaced. what's stolen can be returned. the thing is what are we going to do about the 300 kids? how did they get this far? how did this make sense? how do we get back on the right track? >> holloway was in florida with his family when teens broke in. they used twitter to attract the mob. >> two things, a, don't tell people you're going on vacation on social net works. that's idiotic. i'll show up at your house and go through you're underwear drawer. punishment, force kids to clean up the most disgusting toilets on earth. if you're going to damage
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property, clean it up and the worst kind. >> these are pictures of the teens. parents after they put $20-30,000 worth of damage to this guy's house, they're mad their pictures were posted. >> they're probably worried in the future this could come back to haunt them. say if they applied for a job with you, if this thing comes up on a google search, you might think twice about hiring them. >> i'd shoot sarin gas on them. >> bob! >> they ought to be arrested, charged as adult and do jail time. >> they should be charged as adults so there's not a copy cap. you can say they followed the bling ring, string of kids breaking into hollywood homes. i have one question. greg, would you go through bob's
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underwear drawer? >> wouldn't go near it. that's not a super fun sight. >> we'll show you what happened on wheel of fortune with the guy that blew it big time, next on the five.
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who in the hell is that? do you know who that is? >> no, i don't. can you imagine going on wheel of fortune and blowing your way to a million? check out paul that gave the wheel a whirl tuesday. >> i'm going to solve. >> lewis, your turn. >> i'll solve. coroner curio cabinet. >> yeah, that's it. >> pretty big buzz kill right. ask greg. at kinson, what went wrong? >> i was so nervous.
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i've got pat to my immediate right, got lights and cameras in my face. i've never seen the word curio before. >> instead of millions, paul walks away with two grand. >> that was my biggest nightmare. i knew i messed up. i knew that something could have happened. i totally goofed it. >> i'm sure you're going to say product of public education. i say he was close enough. why didn't they give it to him? >> he didn't play by the rules. i'm sure they're told pronounce the word properly. he kind of screwed up corner too. >> why didn't he give him the million bucks? >> it was for a chance at
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million. >> i didn't think he pronounced it that bad. but he went by the rules. that was pretty impressive. >> you watch wheel of fortune every night? >> she loves pat. >> what about the woman. they change her a couple of years? >> no. i tell you, she had great cosmetic surgery. >> i think this is an outrage. wheel of fortune is about letters not pronunciation. i emailed pat before the show. we're close friends. he did not respond. he's running squacared from me. by not winning $1 million he saves $500,000 in taxes. >> you're from greek heritage. >> i was born here, bob. my father was not.
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>> the guy has an accent or something? >> he's from oregon. >> i felt badly for him. i have sympathy for people that mispronounce things. i talk hours a day. sometimes i make a goof and step on a phrase or mess something up. you people tar and faether mefe. you try it. >> some woman that used the word swimming lost $4,000 on another show. >> pat's son and daughter came on this show. >> they're no longer welcome here. >> one more thing is up next. ♪ if i had a million.
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all right. here's a sticky i mean stinky situation. watch him slide into second base into brandon phillips in a precarious way. take a look. >> that's a running mistake.
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>> not only bad base running because you're trying to make something out of nothing but you're sliding into a blind tag. >> let's hope phillips had used dial. >> that's disgusting. >> you've had your nose in more questionable places. >> i thought it was romantic you guys. people are so gross. >> that's guy is going to get stuff in the locker room the rest of his life. number one he was out. number two, wow. that's the worst way to have a put out with your whatever. >> he was out. let's hope he's not out of facial cleanser. that's disgusting. >> i thought it was beautiful. you people make me sick. >> i'm sorry what? >> your turn. >> the man to my left here
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constantly gets on the idea that we're paying too much for food stamps and lazy people don't go to work. here's a graphic that shows in 2010, 30% of food stamp recipients worked. the rest of them are old people, children and disabled. there you go. >> 13 million -- excuse me. >> more than double are on food stamps now. >> those numbers are accurate. they're accurate numbers. republicans are trying to defund food stamps. >> 34 million people don't work that get food stamps. >> elderly, disabled and children. >> that's a lot. >> we've got to go. >> the comedy central booth must have been busy. they were busy editing my comments made earlier in the
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week. >> take the host of the five eric bolling. >> it's violent. so are movies, so is television. who is the jackass that started pointing at video games? who is the jackass that blames violence on video games. he pulls old clips that were taken out of context. the bottom line i want to say thank you to stephen, our friend that clearly watches the show every night. we forgot to congratulate mark san ford for the congress seat. >> dana -- >> i've been wanting to do this one more thing all week. i think america need this is now. a reminder. look at these otters. they've learned to hold hands when they sleep so they don't float away from


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