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tv   GBN Tonight Replay  GB News  November 10, 2023 3:00am-5:01am GMT

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a celeb legends for two. i'm a celeb legends for their unmissable reactions. former king of the jungle, christopher biggins and the political firebrand edwina currie . as always, we'll bring currie. as always, we'll bring you a first look at tomorrow's newspaper front pages, hot off the press and lady colin campbell tells us about the sussexes declaring war on the american cartoon series. family guy this is gb news tonight. my guy this is gb news tonight. my big opinion on britain's shameful surrender to religious extremism coming up. i'm not pulling my punches and yes, i'm dropping a through truth bombs. okay? because i've got some stings that you need to know. we're going to talk about it. lots to get through. first, the news and news headlines. and an old friend sophia wenzler. friend of mine, sophia wenzler. thank you, mark. >> i'm sophia wenzler in the gb
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newsroom. prime minister rishi sunakis newsroom. prime minister rishi sunak is facing calls to sack suella braverman after she defied suella braverman after she defied downing street with her met criticism comments in an article in the times today, the home secretary accuses the metropolitan police of playing favourites with pro—palestinian protests orders. labour's national campaign coordinator, pat mcfadden, says that she breached the code for failing to clear the editorial. editorial with number 10. london mayor sadiq khan says he's astonished by the article . by the article. >> i think her behaviour over the last few weeks has been behaviour that is irresponsible . behaviour that is irresponsible. her article in the times was incorrect and inflammatory at a time when senior politicians should be bringing communities together and uniting people who have differences. instead, she is stoking divisions and i worry as a consequence of her words and her behaviour. you'll see this saturday an armistice day . this saturday an armistice day. the far right edl and other like people turning up on saturday
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causing problems . causing problems. >> meanwhile, veterans minister johnny mercer says people shouldn't feel discouraged from joining in this weekend's remembrance events in london. >> they're not going to be anywhere near the cenotaph and the metropolitan police are bending over backwards to make sure that everybody who comes up into london, whether you're selling you're selling poppies, whether you're attending a reunion or you're going remembrance, going to remembrance, is completely unmolested and allowed is allowed to get on with what is a really important really special, important weekend. this weekend, we spent all week making sure that can happen. all week making sure that can happen . and encourage happen. and i really encourage people to come into london and remember in the way we always do this weekend, israel has agreed to a series of pauses in fighting in northern gaza. >> the white house says there will be daily four hour pauses starting from today. it comes after discussions between us and israeli officials in recent days, including talks us president joe biden had with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu . the us says it will netanyahu. the us says it will allow people to get out of harm's way and for deliveries of
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humanitarian aid . to joseph humanitarian aid. to joseph puscar has been found guilty of murdering a school teacher in county offaly . 23 year old county offaly. 23 year old aishling murphy was killed while exercising on a canal path in tullamore in january last year. judge mrjustice tony hunt told the jury, we have evil in this room. aisling's boyfriend, ryan casey, spoke outside court after the verdict . and the queen has the verdict. and the queen has commemorated the nation's war dead at a ceremony at westminster abbey's field of remembrance. and camilla paid tribute and recognised the sacrifices of those who fought and died for their country. in her first visit to the abbey since the coronation after placing the cross down, camilla and hundreds of veterans fell silent as the chimes of big bang rang out . this is gb news on tv, rang out. this is gb news on tv, onune rang out. this is gb news on tv, online on dab+ radio , and on online on dab+ radio, and on your smart speaker. now now it's back to . mark
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back to. mark >> good evening. it's been four weeks since those wonderful peaceful marches full of lovely, caring, sharing people all calling for a holy war began . calling for a holy war began. and today, poppies sellers a fixture at train stations and outside supermarkets at this time of year on nowhere to be seen, people raising money for injured servicemen and women , injured servicemen and women, terrified that they will be abused or attacked on the streets of this country . do you streets of this country. do you see the problem ? of course, not. see the problem? of course, not. everyone on the marches is preaching hate. like most decent people, they're worried about innocent lives in gaza, but they are marching alongside people who are has it not occurred to woke progressives the be kind crowd who are much better human beings than you and me that if they march alongside vocal terrorist sympathisers, they are how can i put it to terrorist sympathisers ? would you go on
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sympathisers? would you go on a march in which a good number of people were, god forbid, calling for the genocide of anyone of african heritage, for example? of course not. lock them up and throw away the key, but you will walk alongside those calling for the eradication of israel . hm. the eradication of israel. hm. that's an interesting take. another interesting take is the hilarious queers for palestine brigade, a bunch of woke lefties who don't realise that if hamas got hold of them, they'd be eliminated faster than, you can say vegan sausage roll history is repeating itself and calls for a second holocaust on the jewish people are being platformed in modern britain. why well, because in the name of political correctness and for fear of being called racist, the spineless authorities have turned a blind eye to this toxic, hateful ideology . that's toxic, hateful ideology. that's what suella braverman was rightly calling out when she wrote in the times this week that the police are, quote,
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playing favourites with protesters . and labour have protesters. and labour have condemned the straight talking home secretary saying that she's inflaming tensions. no, she isn't . but i think you'll find isn't. but i think you'll find thugs on the cenotaph calling for suicide bombings and mass murder are the ones inflaming tensions just look at this gathering of wonderfully peaceful people this afternoon outside london's king's college . outside london's king's college. holac . martin a&e charleton holac. martin a&e charleton doesn't sound very be kind to me chanting we will honour all our martyrs, their and i'll take no lectures on this issue from sir keir starmer , who astonishingly keir starmer, who astonishingly and mysteriously forgot to wear and mysteriously forgot to wear a poppy and mysteriously forgot to wear a poppy whilst addressing british muslims last week. an accident, according to labour hq. how convenient. and london mayor sadiq khan claims it's
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braverman who is stirring the pot. how ironic given it's something in which he specialises. here's what he had to say today. far right are now organising on armistice day . organising on armistice day. >> they do encourage violence. they are anti—islamic. we've seen a massive increase in anti—semitism, but also an increase in islamophobia . the increase in islamophobia. the job of the politicians , like the job of the politicians, like the home secretary, myself and the prime minister is to support the police in doing their jobs, but police in doing theirjobs, but also to , you know, address also to, you know, address people's fears rather than play on them. and i'm afraid the home secretary is playing on the fears of the jewish community rather than addressing them. yeah >> brownite all counter—protesters as far right people who simply want armistice day to remain sacred anti—islamic. it day to remain sacred anti—islamic . it doesn't day to remain sacred anti—islamic. it doesn't sound like the rhetoric of bringing communities together . the vast communities together. the vast majority of muslims in this country are peace loving and make a huge contribution to our society . but over the last four society. but over the last four weekends, we've seen unacceptable religious extremism
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from a vocal and influential minority over which the police and the wider authorities appear to have lost control . we've to have lost control. we've allowed this problem to fester and bubble up for years now . but and bubble up for years now. but these marches, whilst an affront to british values, are useful too, because they've shone a light on the extent of this problem in this country right. religious extremism is on our shores and it's extremely worrying . your reaction? mark worrying. your reaction? mark let's get the thoughts now of my brilliant panel thoughts now of my brilliant panel, political commentator suzanne evans, former bbc chief political correspondent john sergeant and author and broadcaster amy nicole turner. let me start with you, suzanne. your reaction to what you've seen in the last few weeks? >> i've been absolutely appalled i >>i -- >> i think suella braverman is right . these are hate marches. right. these are hate marches. i've been appalled, too, at the lack of action that the police have been taking . i can't have been taking. i can't imagine that i'm living in a society city where jews are now
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afraid to go on public transport, where they're afraid to be wearing their stars of david in public, where they they feel that, well, there has been an increase in anti—semitic attacks. it's not a feeling . attacks. it's not a feeling. this is a fact. this is what's happening , as you said this is a fact. this is what's happening, as you said in your monologue. mark, the history is repeating itself. and that is my worry. seems to be worry. and nobody seems to be doing anything about it. the authorities are not doing about it. you know, part armament suella saying suella braverman is saying something must be done about it. and instead of saying, of and instead of saying, yes, of course with course we must stand with our jewish people jewish citizens, people are saying, she's saying, oh, sack her. she's evil, get rid of her. i'll find it quite beyond belief . i think it quite beyond belief. i think we've given in to religious extremism. and as you say, it has been coming for quite a while, ostensibly in this country, we abolish blasphemy laws in 2008in england and wales, then more recently in wales, and then more recently in scotland , but they seem to me to scotland, but they seem to me to have replaced by another have been replaced by another form blasphemy that's form of blasphemy law that's come the of the equality come in the form of the equality act and public acts , which act and public order acts, which seem to suggest that that, you
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know, there's something called religiously motivated hate alarm and distress and what is what is the difference if you feel because of your religion, you're being persecuted and you can take the law to get redress take take the law to get redress for that. what really is the difference between that and a blasphemy law apart from semantics? john, these semantics? now john, these protests are are provably linked to hamas now , now. to hamas now, now. >> and given that the scenes we've seen even today there at king's college in london, the line that people are marching in peace is wearing a bit thin, isn't it? >> well, no. i mean, what you've got for is fact may got to allow for is the fact may seem strange. maybe it's strange to but someone of to young people, but someone of my age, we're used to demonstrate actions, particularly, oddly enough , when particularly, oddly enough, when we don't have much power in the region people very region. people are very frustrated. upset frustrated. they're very upset by what they they are by what they see. they they are responding to that . so it's not responding to that. so it's not a matter of, oh, this is a new development. what's happened that's new is what's happened in the east and people's the middle east and people's reaction to it. people were horrified by the terrorist attack in israel and people
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being extremely horrified with these endless pictures of children suffering in gaza . now, children suffering in gaza. now, what you can't do is say to people , right, we mustn't have people, right, we mustn't have any demonstrations . what's the any demonstrations. what's the point a demonstration ? the point of a demonstration? the point of a demonstration? the point as the point is, as far as the authorities concerned authorities are concerned and the british tradition is for people to let off steam, they're not in that sense. there are some people on it who may be people who are taking part in a hate march. most of the people are expressing their indignation and their horror. would you would you march with people who are calling for the extermination of israel? >> no, i personally wouldn't. >> no, i personally wouldn't. >> i used to march when i was a student. i was part of the famous demonstration against us policy in grosvenor square . now, policy in grosvenor square. now, what happened was it turned violent and people like me went home. were we right about american policy in vietnam? we turned to be right now. that turned out to be right now. that was a classic demonstration . the was a classic demonstration. the british government couldn't control what the americans were doing in vietnam . okay? but the doing in vietnam. okay? but the americans were in the wrong.
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>> and we demonstrated, amy, like protests like i've said, these protests are linked hamas. like i've said, these protests are linked hamas . and we've are linked to hamas. and we've had calls for an had we've had calls for an intifada, which means suicide bombs on and in bombs on trains and in restaurants and a holy war against israel. from london to the middle east. >> you know as well as i do that all protests have extreme factions , is minimal. it's factions, is minimal. it's organised by the palestine palestinian solidarity campaign, which has made a point of saying they're not politically aligned to anyone and these protests are also tied to hamas figures, including a former terror chief who now lives in a council house in london. i want to draw attention to the video. you should ignore these key facts . should ignore these key facts. i've said that there is i've just said that there is extreme elements within the march. hundreds of march. there are hundreds of thousands. are of thousands. there are hundreds of thousands. there are hundreds of thousands but want thousands of people. but i want to to hamas to draw attention to hamas because say because make your point. you say you want to talk about key facts. the clip you showed where they talking about martyrs. they are talking about martyrs. did know in palestine, in did you know in palestine, in occupied regions like the west bank, like in gaza , that bank, like in gaza, that children play a game called pass
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the martyr ? okay. because they the martyr? okay. because they are so used to seeing children around them dying that they have formed a game that we haven't seen the likes of since. we did ring a ring 0 roses around the time children are dying in the play time children are dying in the play because run the play because they are run by the murderous hamas. you've tried to prevent responsible for the deaths of civilians . that video deaths of civilians. that video as that it isn't. and as something that it isn't. and i think that this along with suella braverman's comments all this week have thrown petrol over what would have probably been a very peaceful and very peaceful protest, which which was i'm sorry, we've seen the marches. >> i've been caught up in the marches. you hear people chanting. i've spoken to protesters on that march who absolutely denied that hamas had murdered anybody on october the seventh. they deny it. these are not peaceful people. these are not peaceful people. these are not people who actually are just standing up for palestine. they are supporting the intifada against israel. there's no doubt about it. >> there are lots of different ways. the end to it. there are lots of different sorts of people on these that's
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people on these marches. that's all of all hundred, hundreds of thousands of people, a minority. >> let me ask john, do you condemn hamas? >> course well, then >> of course i can. well, then would do you think would you what do you think about going marches about people going on marches which linked to which are probably linked to assume many of them if i assume that many of them if i was the march, wouldn't go was on the march, i wouldn't go on the march. i've given up marching. no , the point marching. but no, the point about this is you've got to allow who are who are allow for people who are who are sympathetic to hundreds of thousands of people there, you're allowed to let off steam. >> why? why did the metropolitan police not allow people to let off steam about the anti—lockdown protest? never. no, they did not. i shall never forget that scene when charles walker mp was remonstrate with the police when they were bundung the police when they were bundling an elderly woman into the of a van because she the back of a van because she was protesting at the time breaking the law. the sarah everard protest on clapham common again completely cracked down on black lives matter. oh, different matter. palestinian process different . black process is different. black lives matter. >> a police horse charge through the exactly suella is right. >> there is a dual level of
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police. >> are you saying there should be no demonstrate nations? no, there should be no. who is upset and frustrated . and frustrated. >> very good for the home of free speech. >> you haven't. are you saying that's should be that's what they should be doing? should ban these demonstrations? >> are demonstrations >> no, these are demonstrations happening around the world. >> demonstrations should be >> the demonstrations should be held accountable for the fact that of thousands that they hundreds of thousands of people, most these of people, most of these demonstrators peaceful i >> -- >> we've had three demonstrations, peaceful and organised by hamas. we involving none of you. what about the what about a minute? >> what about there >> what about because there isn't gaza . isn't hamas members in gaza. >> they're not spending their time. that's true. their way time. that's not true. their way through revealed through london, it was revealed in the daily telegraph that a former chief was involved former terror chief was involved in organising of hamas and in the organising of hamas and the idea that that hamas are sitting around in their bombed out headquarters in gaza saying, but i just wonder whether we should go to whitehall or whether we should go across the river and then go outside embassy paris, hamas is a proscribed organisation , a proscribed organisation, a terror organisation in this country . country. >> and just days after they
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massacred, massacred more jews than at any time before the holocaust, millions , hundreds of thousands. >> but we can't protest. >> but we can't protest. >> what should they do? should they then say, should they arrest all these people? yeah. all right. no, no, you should arrest you, be arresting demonstrations. let me make point. >> there are too many to arrest because britain is in the grip of extreme religious ideology . of extreme religious ideology. and 76% of the population support a ceasefire which is what these marches are for. >> so you're going to lock up 76% the british population . 76% of the british population. >> no one should be allowed to. >> no one should be allowed to. >> didn't say that. >> i didn't say that. >> i didn't say that. >> but anyone you were certainly starting you were certainly saying these are marches, anti—semitic and we all agree they should locked up, but they should be locked up, but not temperature has not that the temperature has risen in the room. >> but that's what this show is all about. it's of all about. it's the home of diverse opinion. yours? diverse opinion. what's yours? mark now coming up, rumour has it that very own rumour has it that our very own nigel could be heading nigel farage could be heading into the i'm a celeb jungle. but as reports , he'll be as the sun reports, he'll be camping the likes of boxer camping with the likes of boxer tony remain a lefty.
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tony bellew and remain a lefty. freddie sirieix . would he have freddie sirieix. would he have what it takes to be king of the jungle? former campmates edwina curry and christopher biggins cast their expert verdicts shortly, but first, as suella braverman goes rogue again and calls biased in calls the police biased in favour left wing protesters , favour of left wing protesters, should rishi sunak bow to calls to sack his home secretary a journalist and former mep patrick oaklin takes on anti racism activist imarn ayton .
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weekend at 3 pm. on gb news, the people's channel, britain's news channel . is nigel farage
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news channel. is nigel farage heading into the jungle? >> i'll be asking christopher biggins and edwina currie shortly . also ann widdecombe shortly. also ann widdecombe coming up on the kings saying that we need be more that we need to be more welcoming refugees. but time welcoming to refugees. but time for clash . and not for the for the clash. and not for the first time. suella braverman has gone rogue, launching an almighty attack on the police. in an article for the times , in an article for the times, which downing street did not fully home fully sign off, the home secretary questioned why and i quote , right wing and quote, right wing and nationalist protesters who engagein nationalist protesters who engage in aggression are rightly met with a stern response. yet pro—palestinian mobs displaying almost identical behaviour are largely ignored , even when largely ignored, even when clearly breaking the law. you could say then that the home secretary has thrown a metaphorical two fingers up to her boss, the prime minister for so does suella need to be sacked? let me know your thoughts . mark at or thoughts. mark at or tweet us at gb news and do vote in the online poll. but to
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debate this, i'm delighted to welcome the columnist and political patrick political commentator patrick o'flynn, who's written a great article about this in the spectator today , and the spectator today, and the anti —racism spectator today, and the anti—racism activist imarn ayton iman is our first time. great to have you on the show. first of many, i've got no doubt. do you think needs to go ? yes. think suella needs to go? yes. >> gosh. yes of course. >> oh, my gosh. yes of course. she is an extremist. right. so the very thing that she complains about is the very thing that she does on a daily bafis. thing that she does on a daily basis . let's thing that she does on a daily basis. let's just thing that she does on a daily basis . let's just include the basis. let's just include the fact that she spoke about multiculturalism being a failure. let's just add one clear point here. okay her parents are kenyan and mauritius . her husband is a jew and her bossis . her husband is a jew and her boss is an asian man. . her husband is a jew and her boss is an asian man . and she is boss is an asian man. and she is the home secretary of a country thatis the home secretary of a country that is majority white. so in terms of multicultural ism, that is a perfect example of the success of multiculturalism in this country, notwithstanding the fact that of course, during
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the fact that of course, during the fact that she is a success, she is decided to spend her time fuelling the culture wars left, right and centre , divide, divide right and centre, divide, divide and more divide. and so as opposed to calming the situation , diffusing the situation and bringing us all together as a nafion bringing us all together as a nation and this is why this woman needs to go. in fact, i should actually say by right. she should be leading with a mug or a t shirt that says i am east african and proud. and instead she says, no, let's just make things more worse and divisive . things more worse and divisive. so that's an issue. she needs to go she needs to go before. >> that's very clear. before i get to patrick, you said about how she's inflaming tensions. are the people on the streets of london calling for a holy war, not inflaming tensions? >> no, because we can't generalise. we can't generalise . okay. >> are those people inflaming tensions ? yes. the people are tensions? yes. the people are calling for an intifada, which means suicide bombs buses. means suicide bombs on buses. are tensions? are they inflaming tensions? >> a certain cohort ,
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yes. >> well, she's condemning those people yeah. people. yeah. >> certain cohort . we >> and a certain cohort. we cannot generalise here. we cannot generalise here. we cannot out we cannot tar cannot turn out we cannot tar the same people with the same brush. would be a brush. right. that would be a generalisation. therefore our prejudice, which when these things being shouted things are being shouted out, why marches disperse ? why don't the marches disperse? >> they get stronger >> why do they get stronger every ? every weekend? >> we're about >> because we're talking about a cohort, a specific cohort within those marches that are extremist. so you cannot ignore the fact that every community, every culture has an extreme cohort. that's a fact. okay. patrick >> patrick, has she got to go ? >> patrick, has she got to go? >> patrick, has she got to go? >> absolutely not. i must say that, iman, you said probably about made about 25 points. >> i have indeed. i'm glad you've been listening . i disagree. >> i disagree with all 25 of them. >> all right. >> all right. >> particularly disagree. let's let's take them roughly from the beginning. >> go ahead. you say that suella should be seen as an example of why multiculturalism is success. >> success. >> extremism and extremism . >> extremism and extremism. patrick, it's ridiculous. >> think she's an extremist.
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>> think she's an extremist. >> if you look at the polling, she's square in the middle of british public. >> no, she's not. she doesn't represent the consensus of the. >> i just ask if i could just ask. you spoke very well. yeah. patrick the multiculturalism point suella braverman has bought in to majority british culture, right? >> her point about multi culturalism failing. i think was amply demonstrated the day after the october seventh hamas pogrom . there were people in acton , . there were people in acton, people on the edgware road in london dressed in middle east garb and robes, waving palestinian flags, celebrating at that stage, not a single bomb had been dropped on gaza. they were celebrating having a pogrom. they were entirely motivated by their own their own obsession , often with homeland obsession, often with homeland co religion, country of origin conflicts. they hadn't integrated britain at all. i thought there was an absolute home run for suella on her point that multiculturalism , um, has that multiculturalism, um, has failed in certain not not across
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the board, but that the integration challenge hasn't been met. and i also think her article today is perfect , highly article today is perfect, highly reasonable, very moderately put, and i think it's undeniable . i and i think it's undeniable. i think it's undeniable that the police magically put really moderately put that was your sentence, moderately put . sentence, moderately put. >> is that what you're saying is that you have my turn and say , that you have my turn and say, tell me a single phrase that you thought was explosive or irresponsible . multiculturalism irresponsible. multiculturalism has felt that's what she said in the times. that's that was weeks ago. >> but was the most recent. >> but was the most recent. >> i'm saying in her article. okay, patrick, i'll come back to you in a moment. >> iman, thank you. thank you very was the most very much. that was the most recent terms of what recent article in terms of what she is moderate, right? so she said is moderate, right? so right . so fair enough. what right. so fair enough. so what you're talking about is something that she spoke about recently to all recently as opposed to all the things she's over the things that she's said over the time she's been a home time that she's been a home secretary for the last year. so let's just about the real let's just talk about the real thing a real thing that made her a real headline. multiculturalism has
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failed. let's just be clear. this woman said by angela merkel, ten years ago, okay, no problem. are right, you're accurate. let's just talk accurate. so let's just talk about the fact that suella braverman said this. okay? this is who is her parents is a woman who is her parents were kenyan and her parents are kenyan. and mauritius. her husband is a jew. her boss is an asian man . this is the point. asian man. this is the point. >> i'll tell you what. >> i'll tell you what. >> this is the point why you cannot know. you cannot talk about multiple come back on asphalt when you are just come back ruling . this back on this ruling. this country has now now. okay. country that has now now. okay. patrick patrick okay i'll come back to you. >> i'm you have very >> i'm on you have now very heavily side that suella heavily imply side that suella braverman's own ethnicity should shut down her intellectual freedom to think about what is best for the country that she's grown up in. >> that is her country free? you're implying that there's an inherited duty of someone from an ethnic minority background to take a certain set of attitudes on things like multiculturalism ,
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on things like multiculturalism, on things like multiculturalism, on things like immigration. now, if that's true, nobody from an ethnic minority background could ever be home secretary because they couldn't have their own intellectual independence guidance. and i think that is the most divisive attitude possible. and we should be a society where everyone, no matter what their skin colour, what their ethnic background is entitled to say what they think is the best for their society. >> and give the last >> and can give you the last word, patrick. that was great. i'm on the clocks against us. right. i'll let you have right. and i'll let you have your sorry. i just to your say. sorry. i just want to put you on the put one point to you on the multicultural issue, which is if multiculturalism is working, why are british jews afraid are 300,000 british jews afraid to leave the house? >> this is what happens with black people . all black people black people. all black people are afraid to work in certain areas . black people are afraid areas. black people are afraid to go into certain areas . to go into certain areas. >> are there people on the streets of britain calling for the death of black people? >> well. well, there were as a result black matter result of the black lives matter protests . that is a fact. okay. protests. that is a fact. okay. so this the point. okay. so this is the point. okay. final thank you . there final thought. thank you. there are cohorts within
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are extremist cohorts within every community that needs to be taken into consideration. that is a fact of life in terms of people being extremists. while she has been extremist, in terms of the fact that we need to take into consideration that into consideration that she is east african the fact that she's african and the fact that she's talking about people not being able to express. no. yes, she's british, but she's also east african. so therefore it's . african. so therefore it's. yeah. heritage. exactly. so therefore , she is she is being therefore, she is she is being hypocritical. hypocritical. she hasn't she's being hypocritical. is generalising when she talks about when she talks about protests and she talks about everyone being tarred with the same brush . so that is same brush. so that is hypocritical. hypocritical and thatis hypocritical. hypocritical and that is fascinating. general general, i just finished by saying rishi sunak. >> also another point has no mandate, right? he wasn't elected by the british people. the british people more agree with suella braverman than they do with him . so i would say he do with him. so i would say he needs to win this general consensus. >> consensus. >> it's not. you've seen the palestinian protests that is actually inaccurate.
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>> think we can all agree the >> i think we can all agree the general of britain do general consensus of britain do an let me tell you, i'm on an hour. let me tell you, i'm on was your first time. sorry it will be the first of many. thank you. my thanks my old friend you. my thanks to my old friend patrick anti—racism patrick o'flynn and anti—racism activist imarn ayton. a great debate. it's what this show is all about. it's what this place is all what do you think, is all about. what do you think, margaret out margaret do check out patrick brilliant patrick o'flynn's brilliant article in the spectator. it's out today. okay folks . well, who out today. okay folks. well, who do you agree with? as suella braverman the braverman goes rogue calling the police biased should police biased. should she be fired home secretary gillian fired as home secretary gillian says, everything suella said is absolutely right. should absolutely right. sunak should be wary of sacking her. it's in his interests to have her the his interests to have her on the inside of the tent rather than the outside . aiden says. you the outside. aiden says. you can't sacked for telling the can't get sacked for telling the truth. barry says suella braverman is just spouting hate to appeal to the hard right as she postures leadership she postures for her leadership bid . while your verdict is in. bid. while your verdict is in. 17% of people who say that there's a surprise, 17% of you say sunak should sack braverman . say sunak should sack braverman. 83% say she should stay . coming
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83% say she should stay. coming up with the country at breaking point . is up with the country at breaking point. is king charles right that we should more welcoming that we should be more welcoming to refugees? i'll ask former home ann home office minister ann widdecombe whether our monarchs should nose out of should keep his nose out of politics. first, rumour has politics. but first, rumour has it our very own nigel it that our very own nigel farage is heading into the i'm a celebrity jungle. it's a son exclusive. they're saying he's headed down under. but does britain's brexit hero stand a chance of becoming king of the jungle? i'll be asking former campmates christopher biggins and edwina currie
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monday to thursdays from six till 930 . now till 930. now >> now breaking tonight, rumour has it that our very own nigel farage will be heading down under for the next exciting series of i'm a celebrity. get me out of here. alongside a host of other stars, including staunch remainer , who, i've got staunch remainer, who, i've got to say, i've never heard of. but apparently he doesn't like brexit. the sun has reported, though it's not officially confirmed yet, that the gb news star will mix with campmates from the worlds of albert square masterchef, made in chelsea . and masterchef, made in chelsea. and even britney spears is little sister nigel will reportedly join this morning. presenter josie gibson, champion jockey frankie dettori and crucially, outspoken french remainer fred kyrees . in australia in 2019, kyrees. in australia in 2019, the charismatic star of tv show first dates was involved in a row over his settled status in
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the uk after brexit and once said he was made to feel like a second class citizen by the home office in 2017. fred also slammed nigel as irrelevant and useless, while in a more recent attack called him a coward who likes the sound of his voice too much. well how could the king of politics, the king of brexit, become the king of the jungle? let's ask christopher biggins and edwina currie begins. unbelievable story. first of all, do you think people will be tuning to in see nigel? well i certainly will. >> i can't wait. i think it's a very good booking and this morning, though, i was very, very appalled to hear that on a tv morning programme, itv morning programme that he was getting £1.5 million for his performance . performance. >> much more than i got and i'm sure much more than edwina got. >> so unfair. so unfair. edward is nigel taking a political
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gamble going in the jungle? >> well, i think he's got a very good chance of actually winning it. i mean , christopher won it it. i mean, christopher won it so he knows how that is done . so he knows how that is done. and i didn't. i would think that probably he's getting about a million pound because i think frankie dettori is getting about half a million. he's a very good indeed. he's just as good as nigel is when it comes to negotiate getting money. but yeah , i mean, a lot of people yeah, i mean, a lot of people are going to tune in and see this with this, this frenchman. i gather he pronounces his name siriex , which sounds a bit like siriex, which sounds a bit like serious sex or something, you know , they're going to be fun know, they're going to be fun together . they are both together. they are both attractive men in their own way. in fact , there's1 attractive men in their own way. in fact , there's 1 or 2 others in fact, there's 1 or 2 others that are really worth seeing. the whole idea, of course, christopher and didn't count for this, but the whole idea is to get people to take off most of their clothes in the hot sunshine of australia so that we
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in the rain and the cold and the snow here can just look at them with adoring eyes and really enjoy a feast for, you know, for real, for normal human beings to enjoy. it's going to be fun . enjoy. it's going to be fun. >> myleene klass, christopher biggins is very famous for her outdoor, rather x—rated shower that she took. do you think that nigel will try to replicate that iconic scene? do you think he'll be getting the guns out ? be getting the guns out? >> oh, i do hope not. oh, i think i could be ill. don't know. i think i think it's i think that's purely for the mining classes of this world. >> i mean, you know, and i think edwin is right. >> it would be nice to see a few bodies in there, but i think what would be even better is i think there's going to be so many and i think that's many clashes and i think that's where man will be. where our man will be. >> nigel will be absolutely wonderful . he will speak >> nigel will be absolutely wonderful. he will speak his mind . he wonderful. he will speak his mind. he will. he will take it in both hands. and i think i agree with edwina. he could
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become the new king of the jungle. >> edwina is there a danger for itv bosses is that they pay nigel all this money and then he gets voted off after a week or two? >> oh, no, i think people will vote to keep him in because they'll want to see him do the trials. that's part of the point of it. and they'll vote in large numbers to see him eating something quite disgusting and how he behaves now , the problem how he behaves now, the problem for nigel is a different one because he's got a big ego, a very high opinion of himself. naturally, he's done well in so many ways, except when he stands for parliament, he's never managed to get himself elected. and i think seven tries something like that . but of something like that. but of course doesn't control all course he doesn't control all the editing and as christopher will remember, the story that goes out about you is not necessarily the story that you want to put out when you are actually in the jungle yourself. if he thinks he's going to be able to talk an awful about able to talk an awful lot about brexit point of view
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brexit and put his point of view across, have to get that across, he'll have to get that through the editing suite first. and are that they won't and the odds are that they won't do they're much more do that. they're much more likely to put it out when he's cross of temper with cross or loss of temper with somebody or said something sharp, in which case he isn't going to look like such a nice guy and people will vote for him to the next bushtucker trial to do the next bushtucker trial as well. >> indeed . i mean, he will be >> indeed. i mean, he will be doing bushtucker trials every night, won't he begins. >> oh, without a doubt. and of course, i think the main people who are going to miss out on this , which is very sad, is the this, which is very sad, is the royal bank. whoops i mean, whoops, must be furious . they're whoops, must be furious. they're not going to get that 1.5 million in their hands. oh, absolutely . absolutely. >> listen, i mean, i'm fascinated by the political implications of this , implications of this, christopher, because i just wonder whether people will get to know nigel and fall in love with him and that might make them fall in love with brexit. >> well, i think i think they will fall in love with it because , you know, i don't know,
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because, you know, i don't know, edwina, you're a woman. would you be could you fall in love with him? i know your husband very well. what do you think? >> not quite my type. plus, >> he's not quite my type. plus, i think i'm just about old enough to be his mother. i think i'm just about old enough to be his mother . yeah, enough to be his mother. yeah, so that's probably ruling him out. um, however , either one of out. um, however, either one of the possible parties that's in his mind is that if he wants to lead a serious political party in future, then it would probably have to be the conservatives . and the real conservatives. and the real worry would be if he decides that he is so popular as a result of doing well in the jungle that he's going to go for a conservative seat and become a tory candidate and that could really set the cat among the pigeons. i mean, my goodness, the jungle this year could actually change the face of british politics for many years to come . to come. >> let's be honest. begins it's good news for nigel's accountant. it could be good news for his political career because i think it will humanise nigel and people will get to know him. and i know the guy. he's absolute gentleman,
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he's an absolute gentleman, but it's for gb it's pretty good news for gb news well . don't think news as well. don't you think that biggest star is going that our biggest star is going to be the most about to be the most talked about celebrity in the country for three weeks, allegedly at least? yes >> i mean, it's going to be it's yeah, it's going to be wonderful for gb news. it's one of them. i'm ashamed to say that. or rather not ashamed . i feel very rather not ashamed. i feel very sorry that boris johnson, one of your new recruits, is not going in. that would be fascinating. the two of them in there . the two of them in there. >> yeah, most definitely. and here's one guarantee. if nigel goes into the jungle, which the sun are saying he is, edwina ratings will go through the roof . i think they might break all records . records. >> oh, i think that's at least possible. yeah. that i was in 2014, we had 11 million people watching regularly night after night. and we kept coming. top trending tweet of the of the night six nights in a row when i had a row with an american
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playgirl . um had a row with an american playgirl. um airhead. that's had a row with an american playgirl . um airhead. that's the playgirl. um airhead. that's the nicest thing i can say about she was gorgeous but to look at. but she didn't have a brain. and i got into an argument with her and i think i won that one. however yeah, we did very, very well then. if not actually what makes great tv is not if they get on, not if they are harmonious , and if he's a gent, harmonious, and if he's a gent, that's boring. what really makes great tv is if there is a conflict of some kind in which people can take sides , that has people can take sides, that has everybody arguing and you'll have both. chris and me on again talking about it and we will be so excited and we'll be watching it every night or in the morning. if like me, sometimes you have to go to bed because you've got to do the school run. hey but you know, life is like that. >> it definitely begins . listen, >> it definitely begins. listen, before we let you go, begins . before we let you go, begins. you are the king of the jungle and that can never be taken away from you . can you just give me from you. can you just give me a sense any area in which nigel
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sense of any area in which nigel will struggle down there in australia ? australia? >> well, i think that . how old >> well, i think that. how old is nigel? do we know how old? >> well, i think nigel's got to be in his sort of late 50s, early 60s. he's 59. there you go . he looks about 39. he's he's, he's 59. >> 59. well, i think he might have a few problems with the physical things . i don't think physical things. i don't think he'll have any problems at all with eating all those horrendous things . i with eating all those horrendous things. i think he'll he'll he'll snip those little little penises down beautifully. but i think that, you know, it'd be i can't wait because i think he's he's funny. he's bright and he'll bring a whole new, wonderful presence to that show which is needed . which is needed. >> there you go. well, what a treat to have both of you on this is the sun who are calling it . they are saying that nigel it. they are saying that nigel farage is going into the jungle. we can't confirm that. it is speculation at the moment, but if it happens, he will go and
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smash it. i he can win smash it. and i think he can win now , folks, lots more to come. now, folks, lots more to come. despite facing calls for the sack branded policing sack after she branded policing of left wing protests biased , of left wing protests biased, the straight talking suella braverman simply speak for millions of ordinary brits. i'll ask my panel of top pundits when they tomorrow's they return. and tomorrow's papers. but next with the country at breaking point, is king charles right that we should be more welcoming to refugees? i'll ask former home office minister ann widdecombe whether our monarch should keep his nose out of politics. plus if anne was home secretary, how would she handle the marches this weekend? ann widdecombe is
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next should suella braverman resign or be fired by rishi sunak? absolutely not, says fran. she's the only person in the party with balls. peter says , mark, with balls. peter says, mark, your monologue made suella case far more eloquently than she did. that's a large part of the
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problem. namely, she's not intellectually nimble enough or wise enough to pick her words. keep those emails coming. now the country may be at breaking point after years of uncontrolled mass migration, but king charles has discussed the need to make refugees more welcome. at a charity event with sir michael palin, the monty python star spoke to the king yesterday evening at a humanitarian reception held at buckingham palace. and palin told reporters reuters he asked what i was doing and was talking about refugees , actually, and about refugees, actually, and the refugee problem and trying to find a way of absorbing refugees into the country and using talents . and this is using their talents. and this is something i totally agree . and something i totally agree. and widdecombe now joins us to reflect on this former home office minister and is king charles right that we should be more welcoming to refugees ? yes . more welcoming to refugees? yes. i think the king should be very, very careful about getting embroiled in this one. >> there is no doubt that if somebody is a genuine refugee
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and is given settlement here, that of course we should be welcoming. but that is very different against the background that we're now talking about when we've got the small boats coming in day after day. >> illegal immigration an at an all time record, you know , huge all time record, you know, huge pressure on local authorities . pressure on local authorities. liz, the expenses of hotels and all the rest of it . all the rest of it. >> perhaps he should pick his words more carefully. >> this is the king. >> this is the king. >> this is not the prince of wales it's the king. and i think he should be a lot more careful about what he says . about what he says. >> it's a dilemma for royals, isn't it, anne? they can either sit there and do nothing and be called freeloaders, but if they become active, they're told to stay out of politics. and where should they strike the balance , should they strike the balance, do you think, elizabeth, the second balance right ? second got the balance right? well exactly. >> i mean, that's what i was about to say . you know, if you about to say. you know, if you want to look at balance, you look at the late queen who never
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put a foot wrong and she didn't go head first into controversies. now, what she said to prime ministers those said to prime ministers in those tuesday sessions, i don't know . tuesday sessions, i don't know. >> but she was very, very careful about not getting the monarchy embroiled in politics. and i recommend that approach to the king i'm a great admirer of the king i'm a great admirer of the king i'm a great admirer of queen camilla. but he does need now to understand that he is no longer the prince of wales. >> it's got to be very careful what he says . what he says. >> what about his son, the prince of wales, prince william, in regard to climate change? he seems to have picked up the baton from his father and he seems to be doing charles's bidding . is an move bidding. is this an unwise move for our future? king i think it's a very, very unwise move. >> we're already beginning to see things unravel a bit. you know, the prime minister has put back the targets for net zero. people aren't at all happy at having to have new boilers and
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cars that are of doubtful efficiency . and there's a huge efficiency. and there's a huge question mark now arising as people are actually impacted by it rather than climate change being some theory in the background to which everybody could sign up . yeah, i just could sign up. yeah, i just think prince william needs to be careful . careful. >> and if you were home secretary, how would you be handung secretary, how would you be handling the marches this weekend ? weekend? >> and very straightforwardly, there wouldn't be any marches this weekend because i take the reform line , which is and the reform line, which is and the government have had time to do it. they've had time to do it. we should introduce a law that says that on armistice day and on remembrance sunday, if they are separate , as they quite are separate, as they quite often are on those two days, there should be no marches in support of anything at all in central london, not even the causes that i believe in. no marches in favour of anything at all because as the only show in town should be the honouring of
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the dead and the honouring of veterans , that should be all. veterans, that should be all. all that those days actually mean. it's not asking much if there are 365 days in the year and people can demonstrate on 363 of them. but could they leave armistice day and remembrance sunday alone? and i look forward to catching up with you on remembrance sunday at exactly 1015. >> that's mark dolan tonight. so thank you, anne. lots more to come. it's a very busy hour coming up. let me tell you, don't forget to email mark at coming up, as poppy sellers vanish from train stations , should the police do stations, should the police do more to protect our veteran volunteers and stand up for the british way of life? fleet street legend kelvin mackenzie has his say on that very shortly. but next she shoots from the hip and is facing calls to be sacked by rishi sunak . but to be sacked by rishi sunak. but is it straight talking suella braverman? simply speaking, for
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millions of ordinary brits , my millions of ordinary brits, my panel of top pundits will debate that. panel of top pundits will debate that . and a breaking story. that. and a breaking story. nigel farage could he go from being the king of brexit to the king of the jungle because the sun newspaper are reporting that he is going to australia . he'll he is going to australia. he'll be the biggest star on that show. if he does it. they're talking about £15 million. let me tell you, that's not even enough, the enough, because the guy is a superstar. he win? a superstar. so can he win? i'm a celebrity we'll discuss that and much to good evening. >> a bit of a chilly start tomorrow, but for most, it'll be a fine bright day with sunny spells, some heavy showers , spells, some heavy showers, particularly in the south. early on, we've still got low pressure dominating the so it is dominating the scene. so it is still spinning up plenty of showers particularly tonight showers and particularly tonight as the isobars squeeze together across south and south across south wales and south west england. it's going to get very windy. further heavy very windy. so further heavy showers come here, showers to come in here, the showers to come in here, the showers tending to showers elsewhere tending to ease some lively ones around ease off some lively ones around right now, but turning fairly dry through the night for much of the midlands, eastern england, northern england,
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scotland ireland scotland and northern ireland where we've the clear skies where we've got the clear skies and winds there and light winds there will be a frost across of scotland. frost across parts of scotland. further south, mostly holding up at but quite a wet start at 5 or 6, but quite a wet start to the for south wales to the morning for south wales and south west england. some heavy moving through heavy showers moving through here. will move through and here. they will move through and then into the south—east for then get into the south—east for a before tending to a time before tending to disappear, before more lunchtime showers the day across showers through the day across northern scotland for some northern scotland and for some northern later on, northern ireland. and later on, we'll see a developing over we'll see a few developing over north—west england and north wales. for a good of wales. but for a good chunk of the bright the country, it's dry and bright day spells of day tomorrow. good spells of sunshine side . sunshine on the cool side. temperatures mostly single temperatures mostly in single figures , maybe 11 or 12 in the figures, maybe 11 or 12 in the south. certainly a cold start to the weekend, a more extensive frost across britain frost across northern britain and patches as well. and a few fog patches as well. but gone , most of but once they've gone, most of us having a fine day on saturday, still a few showers in northern scotland with a bit of a and rain to a breeze and some rain down to the south—west late that'll the south—west late on that'll spread during sunday and spread in during sunday and again on sunday. some frost and fog early
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on >> i think the most exciting bit for me is talking to people, people who i think are ignored often by the major news channels. >> we're going to give news. they want to hear the voice that needs to be heard. i think there's a chance here for a diversity of opinion to be expressed, which you don't find elsewhere. it's really exciting. we back. we don't hold back. >> to free say how >> we're to free say how decisions that are taken here affect us all around the country i >> -- >> only on gb news the people's channel >> only on gb news the people's channel, britain's news channel . channel, britain's news channel. >> well , it is channel, britain's news channel. >> well, it is 10:00. i'm mark dolan. and this is gb news tonight. suella braverman goes nuclear after a series of run ins with her party and the pm. in recent months, the home secretary sparked more outrage today by penning a scathing newspaper article that slammed bias british cops and accused
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palestinian marchers of being riddled with islamic extremism. despite not getting the all clear from number 10. but as suella rumoured is rumoured to be imminently facing the chop from rishi sunak does she actually speak for millions of ordinary brits? that's the debate next with my top panel this evening. suzanne evans, john sergeant and amy nicole turner. also tonight, should the police be doing more to protect poppy police be doing more to protect poppy sellers amid these protests ? s and stand up for the protests? s and stand up for the british way of life? i'll quiz the most patriotic editor to ever fleet street sun ever grace fleet street sun legend kelvin mackenzie shortly. speaking of the sun , the speaking of the sun, the newspaper is reporting tonight that our very own nigel farage will all be heading down under for the next series of i'm a celebrity . it's still yet to be celebrity. it's still yet to be officially confirmed , but could officially confirmed, but could the of uk politics become the king of uk politics become the king of uk politics become the king of the jungle? my panel return to discuss that shortly. plus as sources claim, harry and meghan have been left fuming at this to your millions from netflix for no one knows what put it with the rest of them .
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put it with the rest of them. will the sussexes be able to change their spoilt brat image after being mocked in popular american cartoon family guy royal masterminds lady colin campbell and phil dampier give their expert analysis in uncanceled later , i'll crown my uncanceled later, i'll crown my latest greatest britain and union jackass of the week and tomorrow's newspaper front pages have dropped, so lots to get through. can nigel farage win? i'm a celebrity. we'll debate that shortly. but first, the news sophia wenzler . that shortly. but first, the news sophia wenzler. for news and sophia wenzler. for >> thank you, mark. i'm sophia wenzler in the newsroom. prime minister rishi sunak is facing calls to sack suella braverman after she defied downing street with her met criticism. comments in an article in the times today . the home secretary accuses the metropolitan police of playing favourites with pro—palestinian protesters . labour's national protesters. labour's national campaign coordinator , pat campaign coordinator, pat mcfadden, says that she breached the code by failing to clear the
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editorial table with number 10. london mayor sadiq khan says he's astonished by the article . he's astonished by the article. >> i think her behaviour over the last few weeks has been behaviour that is irresponsible . behaviour that is irresponsible. in her article in the times was incorrect and inflammatory at a time when senior politicians should be bringing communities together for uniting people who have differences. instead, she is stoking divisions and i worry as a consequence of her words and her behaviour, you'll see this saturday an armistice day by the far right edl and other like people turning up on saturday causing problems . saturday causing problems. >> meanwhile, veterans minister johnny mercer says people shouldn't feel discouraged from joining in this weekend's remembrance events in london. >> they're not going to be anywhere near the cenotaph and the metropolitan police are bending over backwards to make sure everybody who up sure that everybody who comes up into london, whether you're selling you're selling poppies, whether you're attending you're selling poppies, whether you're attencto; you're selling poppies, whether you're attencto a you're selling poppies, whether you're attencto a remembrance, u're selling poppies, whether you're attencto a remembrance, is'e going to a remembrance, is completely unmolested and
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allowed get on with what is a allowed to get on with what is a really special, important allowed to get on with what is a really sp
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on wednesday, and the queen is commemorated the nation's war dead at a ceremony at westminster abbey field of remembrance. camilla paid tribute and recognised the sacrifice of those who fought and died for their country. in her first visit to the abbey since the coronation. after placing the cross down, camilla and hundreds of veterans fell silent as the chimes of big ben rang out. this is gb news across the uk on tv, in your car, on your digital radio, and on your smart speaker by saying play gb news. and now it's back to . mark news. and now it's back to. mark >> a very warm welcome to sophia wenzler. a brand new star on gb news. and let me tell you, we go back. brilliant broadcaster. listen, folks , it's time for listen, folks, it's time now for tomorrow's front pages . as and tomorrow's front pages. as and we start with the metro and they lead with give suella her marching orders will be debating that shortly . we i newspaper that shortly. we i newspaper sack me if you dare braverman defies sack me if you dare braverman defies pm's authority
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independent don't sack braverman now or look week. george osborne tells the prime minister and the daily express israel agrees to four hour pauses in fighting and suella future teeters on the bnnk. suella future teeters on the brink . those suella future teeters on the brink. those are your suella future teeters on the brink . those are your front brink. those are your front pages. let's get reaction now to the big stories of the day with political commentator suzanne evans, tv news legend, former bbc chief political correspondent john sergeant and the brilliant author and broadcaster amy nicole turner. now as we've just seen from the front pages, all eyes are on suella braverman and her civil war with tory colleagues. the home secretary has been on a collision course with the prime minister across various issues in recent months , including in recent months, including calling rough sleeping in tents, sometimes a lifestyle choice and marking multicultural ism a failure . suella poked the failure. suella poked the hornet's nest once more today by penning that scathing article in the times without the green light from number 10. it was all about biased police at the
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pro—palestine marches. braverman was quickly rounded on with a senior tory mp branding her comments as a sackable offence and keir starmer calling on rishi sunak to show her the doon rishi sunak to show her the door. but here's the question is she simply speaking for millions of ordinary brits? is she speaking for you? let me know. mark at let me ask john sergeant, i don't think she should go straight away. >> if i was rishi sunak , i'd >> if i was rishi sunak, i'd wait to see what happened about the demonstration on saturday. i'd to see what the supreme i'd wait to see what the supreme court saying about the court was saying about the rwanda and i see how rwanda decision and i see how that was going because that could change in all sorts of ways . it could change the ways. it could change the position of the government and what the chances were the what the chances were of the government these government succeeding in these areas as otherwise. she seems to be goading the prime minister and if you go the prime minister, you can. there are two ways looking it . if minister, you can. there are two ways looking it. if you're minister, you can. there are two ways sunak, ing it. if you're minister, you can. there are two ways sunak, you it . if you're minister, you can. there are two ways sunak, you can . if you're minister, you can. there are two ways sunak, you can say you're minister, you can. there are two ways sunak, you can say ,ou're minister, you can. there are two ways sunak, you can say , oh,e rishi sunak, you can say, oh, she's getting me to sack her. i won't bother, you know, keep her in so it can go either way. there's no doubt that if it was a simple time, if we didn't have
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an election next year, her future this particular future with this particular government would be over in terms of her relationship with the minister the prime minister >> is this a case for rishi sunak of keep your close sunak of keep your friends close and enemies closer ? and your enemies closer? >> well, i mean, >> well, that's it. i mean, you've got careful you've always got to be careful of has got of that because she has got a tremendously practised way of hitting the headlines and that will not change. so you don't want you don't really don't want her in the back benches saying, ha ha you know, so i told you about and becoming a political martyr. yes. and also you see on something like this, let's say she was sacked tomorrow, which is what i'm rishi sunak and is what i'm sure rishi sunak and other like see. other people would like to see. and she then sort of whips up the issue of the demonstration. she's really whipped it up quite a lot. but she could, you know, really make things much harder for the government and for the police everything else, police and everything else, goading to in say, right, goading people to in say, right, if this is a hate march, we'll have one. and we'll have a counter hate march and once you get to that level, extreme , it's get to that level, extreme, it's on both sides. and they may be
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quite small in number to all the people could be involved, people that could be involved, but they can the most but they can have the most amazing battle and they can have that battle across london. and the would find very the police would find it very difficult to cope with. >> already struggling >> and they already struggling as speak. amy, does suella as we speak. amy, does suella braverman speak for millions braverman not speak for millions of ordinary brits . of ordinary brits. >> i think that she speaks for the further right of the conservative party, which think. >> what about my viewers and listeners who email in to this show telling us and telling me that they love suella braverman because she says what they're thinking . are they far right? thinking. are they far right? >> i think they are on the on the right of the conservative. >> calling gb news as >> are you calling gb news as viewers and listeners far right extremists? they're viewers and listeners far right extthe ists? they're viewers and listeners far right extthe right they're viewers and listeners far right extthe right the they're viewers and listeners far right extthe right the conservative on the right of the conservative party. that's not necessarily true. have viewers and true. we have many viewers and listeners labour listeners who are former labour voters who voted for boris in 2019 because he supported brexit. but i'll tell you where they are now. their politically homeless. >> but it came from euroscepticism, is euroscepticism, which is typically on right the typically on the right of the conservative party oh, come on, that's true . that's not true. >> the communist party of great
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britain supported brexit. >> are they as did as did jeremy corbyn for many years, right? >> absolutely simply saying >> absolutely. i'm simply saying that braverman is from that suella braverman is from the east erg. so. so you think she only speaks for the political right? no, i'm saying she's more popular with the political right. political right because of her views. i don't think it's going to be a very popular liberal view to say that homelessness is a is a lifestyle choice. that's a particularly less than compassionate view, which is going to strike a chord with the further right of the conservative. >> i'm not sure about this right versus left because i think there are many ordinary people out there, wing values. out there, left wing values. well i think are plenty of well i think there are plenty of fed up labour who admire fed up labour voters who admire suella braverman . suella braverman. >> what do you think, suzanne? that's this that's right. i mean, this whole idea is idea of left and right is nonsensical, really. it's tool nonsensical, really. it's a tool to batter people with from whatever for your own standpoint is i mean, i'm called far right all the time, but actually i think i have some quite left
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wing ideas as far as suella braverman is concerned. i think she is speaking for the silent majority. and i think if sunak sacks suella, he is sunk. frankly if he thinks his poll ratings are in the doldrums now, just wait to see what he does. if he sacks a woman who has this knack. john you actually said you thought she had a knack for hitting the political headlines . hitting the political headlines. i think actually very little i think actually her very little gun behind is actually gun behind her knack is actually for saying what the majority of people in this country are thinking. and that's why she hits headlines, because the hits the headlines, because the westminster bubble throws up its handsin westminster bubble throws up its hands in horror, feeds into this far right meme because it doesn't understand and what people although amy raises an interesting point. >> john. >> go on, john. >>— >> go on, john. >> it's saying the other >> it's just saying the other point about rishi sunak is he doesn't being doesn't strike me as being someone who's very political. i know weird thing to say someone who's very political. i know the weird thing to say someone who's very political. i know the primei thing to say someone who's very political. i know the prime minister» say someone who's very political. i know the prime minister buty about the prime minister but where she has got she's got politics coming out of her fingers and shows and fingers and that shows and i think the problem that he's got is that his character is very much someone who did well at
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school and did well at university and did well in business. so he's worked away in what he would regard as a sensible and straightforward way . politics isn't often that like that, but what i'm saying is that, but what i'm saying is that that letter she wrote for the times was for no one but herself and her own political ambitions. >> she is in a splinter group of the she's pointed out conservative. she pointed out with danny kruger. miriam cates, that faction of the party, which i think she'll probably leave in the next few weeks or be ejected and that part of the party will come. suzanne opposition, come. suzanne in opposition, amy raises interesting question raises an interesting question about whether or not suella braverman does much . braverman does much. >> she talks a good game. is she all talk and no trousers? >> there's something >> i think there's something about she's also about that. i think she's also hamstrung in many ways . she she hamstrung in many ways. she she doesn't have the backing of the whole of the conservative party or the rest of the cabinet. in many cases , or most mps. well many cases, or most mps. well you're right, actually, john, in a way. you look at half tory mps and i frankly think they should be in the labour party or the
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liberal party, not the conservative party >> like her. >> they don't like her. >> they don't like her. >> really talking >> she's not really talking because a disrupter. because she's a disrupter. >> doing anything they want. >> they want a home secretary that people will look as that people will look at as being solid and calm and peacemaker . being solid and calm and peacemaker. king they don't want they don't want home secretary to be too exciting running about. john, briefly briefly home country that sorts out crime, sorts out extremism sorts out immigration and gets on and does his job frankly suella is the only person i see about that. >> no, she doesn't. she just points them out. she just points out the problem. well, start. >> it is. i think amy raises a fair point. >> the jury is out there on on her actions rather than her words. john, briefly, only words. john, briefly, i've only got give me got a couple of seconds. give me 10s. that catchphrase. 10s. you know that catchphrase. it's name your it's also the name of your best selling book, which is in all good bookshops kindle. good bookshops and kindle. listen, the issue that's listen, the one issue that's very totemic for the government is the boats. and she's the is stop the boats. and she's the face policy. so if she face of that policy. so if she goes, i think that will goes, then i think that will look to voters like rishi sunak has given trying to stop the boats. >> sure . no, think that's >> sure. no, i think that's that's next week is.
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that's where the next week is. this week and this may seem exciting week and interesting and all sorts of people are arguing . i think next people are arguing. i think next week really important. >> yeah, most definitely. well, listen, folks , let's bit listen, folks, let's have a bit of christmas cheer , shall we? of christmas cheer, shall we? because christmas advert because the christmas advert season i'm season is fully underway and i'm very excited about it. in fact, you it's been you may know it's been a campaign of mine because marks and spencer's literally set fire to festive season with to the festive season with the most commercial packed most conceited commercial packed full of luvvies who were torching the memory of christmas. they even got rid of the word christmas and they just called it that mus what an inqu called it that mus what an insult , called it that mus what an insult, right? called it that mus what an insult , right? well, the biggest insult, right? well, the biggest player in the game, john lewis, released its much anticipated ad today. it's all about a young boy growing up as a venus flytrap, growing up as a growing up a venus. do you know what? what's the bloody ad? >> it's terrible. love you turn first. >> love you turn a fast. i love it. oh faster. oh turn .
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love me, girl . well. love me, girl . well . first did love me, girl. well. first did great stuff. >> john lewis saves christmas. other shops and supermarkets are available now. coming up the sun is reporting that our very own nigel farage will be heading down under for the next exciting series of i'm a celebrity . it's series of i'm a celebrity. it's still yet to be officially confirmed , but could the king of confirmed, but could the king of uk become the of uk politics become the king of the be asking my the jungle? i'll be asking my panel pundits that very panel of top pundits that very shortly. but as poppy shortly. but first, as poppy sellers vanish from rail stations ahead of armistice day , stations ahead of armistice day, should the police do more to protect our veteran volunteers and stand up for the british way
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of life ? police three legend of life? police three legend kelvin mackenzie is furious about this and he's live .
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pm. on gb news, the people's channel. britain's news channel . channel. britain's news channel. >> back to the show. we'll get to your emails very shortly . and to your emails very shortly. and the defence secretary, grant shapps , has called for poppy shapps, has called for poppy sellers to be fully protected after volunteers looked to have disappeared from britain's
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busiest railway stations . staff busiest railway stations. staff confirmed there would be no sellers at london, liverpool street after 500 pro—palestine protesters staged a sit in. volunteers have also not been seen at victoria or euston stations and at charing cross. three volunteers at a poppy stand saw themselves surrounded by demonstrators . there's also by demonstrators. there's also stories about edinburgh's waverley station been crowded out over the weekend as well. let's get the views of kelvin mackenzie. kelvin let's take a look at the front page of the sun newspaper today, a paper you used to edit. of course, when it was selling millions of copies. where have all the poppies gone? referencing the number of people not selling poppies at the moment for fear of attack . do moment for fear of attack. do you recognise your country any more? kelvin well, it's clearly no amount of police and no amount of soldiers can actually
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protect the poppy sellers because the poppy sellers themselves are in fear of what's going to happen to them. >> and on that basis , they're >> and on that basis, they're simply not going to turn up . so simply not going to turn up. so for the british legion and the vital money that is raised through poppies, this is a disaster . through poppies, this is a disaster. but it through poppies, this is a disaster . but it actually disaster. but it actually represents something else. i think right now there is a fear in our society about being caught out on the wrong side of a protest, whether it's just oil, where an ambulance couldn't get through the other day or it's you are a jew and you're in west london on saturday afternoon , you know, how are you afternoon, you know, how are you going to feel about that? this is the first time i have ever thought that it would be dangerous to be caught out somewhere on a london underground station , a mainline underground station, a mainline station walking down through chiswick on a saturday afternoon. there are a whole series of areas of life which i find very , very uneasy . and for
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find very, very uneasy. and for the poppy sellers, it's a disgrace . but there's lots more disgrace. but there's lots more going on. the idea, for instance , that braverman can say something pretty straightforward, right , that the straightforward, right, that the police act in one way to one group, but act in a different way to another group is plain . i way to another group is plain. i mean, the number of times that i'm gb news and other stations , i'm gb news and other stations, as they've raised the fact that as they've raised the fact that a police officer took the knee for the black lives matter movement , that kind of thing, movement, that kind of thing, and now we're seeing it for another group. she uses the expression , which is the area it expression, which is the area it is this expression which it may well cost her her job, which is that some the police are asserting primacy towards . okay, asserting primacy towards. okay, well, she knows which group that is. that's the group that are going to be out marching on saturday afternoon. they're going to be coming from all over the country and mainly from one
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particular community. and this is the first time you may be able to remember something else. your panel may be able to remember something else. i can never remember that when one group acts against you know, for themselves and for their people, but create a sense of fear towards everybody else. when was the last time that was true and which group was it that did that? i personally , honestly, i that? i personally, honestly, i can't remember it. that? i personally, honestly, i can't remember it . and i find it can't remember it. and i find it very, very disturbing. and the poppy very, very disturbing. and the poppy sellers and i salute the sun , but grabbing hold of that, sun, but grabbing hold of that, you know, they they they manage a paper like the sun puts that on page one. it represents the beating heart of ordinary people and ordinary people . i think and ordinary people. i think especially if you live in london, i feel would feel very uneasy. right now. >> indeed. ijust uneasy. right now. >> indeed. i just wonder, kelvin, whether the cops are already outnumbered . and i already outnumbered. and i wonder whether the authorities
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have already lost this battle against extremism . against extremism. >> well, i feel sorry for being a police officer . what must it a police officer. what must it be like to be a police officer? yeah. on saturday. and what will it be like if there is any trouble ? well, what will happen trouble? well, what will happen to our the metropolitan commissioner ? right. an commissioner? right. an enormously clever guy . i heard enormously clever guy. i heard sir tom winsor, a really clever guy talking about him saying what a fantastic politician , what a fantastic politician, what a fantastic policeman. was he was this morning. supposing he was this morning. supposing he has made an error, i'm keeping my fingers crossed that the leaders of this, uh, this march who all or at least a couple of them have links in the past to hamas , which is past to hamas, which is incredible. i mean, they're an outlaw terrorist group, for god's sake. right? how did they come to be the leader of this march? i hope to god that no police officer is injured. i you know, it's difficult. i mean , i
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know, it's difficult. i mean, i could see 150,000 people turning up on saturday afternoon . it'd up on saturday afternoon. it'd be it would be the biggest demonstration this country had ever seen, possibly by a factor of 6 or 7. right and there will be bad guys among them. and the people who suffer right . the people who suffer right. the people who suffer right. the people who suffer are twofold. one, police officers who could be seriously, seriously hurt and the other people who suffer are jews. right a massively important small group of people to our country that bring great wealth and great creativity and great community to us. right what about them ? well, nobody what about them? well, nobody talks about them anymore . nobody talks about them anymore. nobody talks about them anymore. nobody talks about. and yet they won't be leaving their homes, will they? do you tell me what jewish families , right, who have any families, right, who have any real sense of themselves, what why would they leave their homes ? what? why they come where they're yarmulkes. they can't wear their skull caps . right. wear their skull caps. right. because if they do , what could
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because if they do, what could happen ? what could happen and happen? what could happen and this is a serious, serious issue. and the poppy day thing issue. and the poppy day thing is just an example. may flesh of the dangers that exist out there on not only on saturday but around us all. it's an incredible moment. there's some very serious moment. and i'm very serious moment. and i'm very grateful that you allow me enough time to say so. >> well, calvin , we're joined at >> well, calvin, we're joined at the hip on this one. your comments reflect very much what i earlier in my big i said earlier in my big opinion, and look forward to opinion, and i look forward to catching soon. calvin more catching up soon. calvin more power the former power to you. the former editor of the sun newspaper, co—founder of the sun newspaper, co—founder of talksport kelvin mackenzie. come up. a sources claim that harry and meghan are in panic mode and fuming at being portrayed as, quote, self—entitled old grifters in this family guy clip time to do our . daily $250,000 this family guy clip time to do our. daily $250,000 sponsored instagram for post del taco. >> well , they don't like being >> well, they don't like being joked about. >> they've reportedly branded that savage . so will the
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that savage. so will the sussexes be able to change their spoilt brat image? my royal masterminds, lady c and phil dampier give their expert analysis shortly. but next in the media buzz, the sun is reporting that our very own nigel farage will be heading down under for the next series of i'm a celebrity . now. it's of i'm a celebrity. now. it's still yet to be officially confirmed , but could the king of confirmed, but could the king of uk politics become the king of the jungle? i will debate that with panel it's all with my panel next. it's all about he win ? see you
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suella braverman has to say . suella braverman has to say. welcome back. >> more front pages have arrived . we start with the daily mail . . we start with the daily mail. come for suella and you come for us all. tory rights warning to rishi amid fears he's thinking
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of sacking home secretary daily telegraph now sunak faces calls to sack braverman israel to fight on after us, says humanitarian pauses have been agreed and covid vaccine compensation scheme must be reformed. court case going through about the astrazeneca vaccine, which has been described as faulty or flawed. and let's see how that one plays out. curious that the other papers aren't reporting it, especially the guardian. let's have a look at the guardian now. pressure grows on sunak to sack braverman over clash with police and ceasefire. deal to free hostages was rejected by israeli pm say the guardian. what i'd like to see the fine print of that deal wouldn't you? okay let's get views now of my top punst let's get views now of my top pundits this evening . political pundits this evening. political commentator suzanne evans , commentator suzanne evans, former bbc chief, political correspondent. much more than that , political correspondent. much more than that, political editor of itn , that, political editor of itn, and of course, tv news legend
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john sergeant and the brilliant author and broadcaster amy nicole turner. so breaking tonight , a nicole turner. so breaking tonight, a bombshell showbiz exclusive courtesy of the sun. who are reporting that our very own gb news superstar, nigel farage, could be taking a trip down under and entering the i'm a celebrity. get me out of here jungle. though it's not officially confirmed yet, nigel will report oddly appear alongside a host of stars, including this morning. presenter josie including this morning. presenterjosie gibson. including this morning. presenter josie gibson. jockey frankie dettori and tv chef fred sirieix . so what do we think sirieix. so what do we think about this? can nigel go all the way? can he go from being king of brexit to king of the jungle? amy nicole turner yeah , i think amy nicole turner yeah, i think he will actually . he will actually. >> he's obviously going to go in there just like when i met him. i hate everything he stands for. i hate everything he stands for. i hate everything he stands for. i hate all his political beliefs, but core is he charming ? keep him on tv and ? but let's keep him on tv and not in politics. it's like boris. did we learn nothing from
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boris? big personality, brilliant on television . leave brilliant on television. leave them there. >> well , them there. >> well, unlike boris, nigel farage, a man of substance, he campaigned for brexit and he made it happen . made it happen. >> yeah, i think he's going to end leader of the end up leader of the conservative party and this little is going learn little country is going to learn nothing of nothing from the cult of personality and they're going to vote again for nigel farage. now, john nigel farage is not without his political ambitions. >> he's told me on this show, never say never in terms of joining the tory party, even leading becoming leading it or becoming prime minister an mp if something minister or an mp if something outrageous happens in the jungle, could that scupper his chances? >> well, of course it could. i mean, it depends what happened. but all these things you've got to be very careful with because as people are watching this and they're how you react they're watching how you react and coming to decisions and they're coming to decisions which then stick to, it's which people then stick to, it's extraordinary. yeah my feeling is, though , he's got tremendous is, though, he's got tremendous skill with people and he's got lots of ability to get on and he's going to put his i hope,
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put his sort of political pulpit to one side and concentrate . to one side and concentrate. well, as he was . well, he'll be well, as he was. well, he'll be very good at concentrate on how does he win over the other people . they will know he's the people. they will know he's the favourite. they will know he's been paid more than they have . been paid more than they have. so quite a bit of work so he's got quite a bit of work to so make sure that you to do. so make sure that you know, you volunteer for things and all those people skills. he will have . will have. >> be interesting to see what the others are doing . the others are doing. >> the person i knew, tony blackburn, was a school friend of won. think the of mine and he won. i think the second but he's very personable. >> he most definitely is. i think harry redknapp as a kid, harry redknapp was a winner of it and christopher biggins , who it and christopher biggins, who joined us earlier. >> nigel >> suzanne you know, nigel pretty do you think pretty well. how do you think he'll fare in the jungle he goes? >>i goes? >> i think amy hit the nail on the head. be the head. nigel can be incredibly charming think incredibly charming and i think perhaps the other people going into will think , oh into the jungle will think, oh my they my gosh, nigel farage, they won't be expecting garlic and wooden all the rest wooden stakes and all the rest of it. and think they'll be of it. and i think they'll be very pleasantly surprised because 1, very
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because he's great. 1 to 1, very entertaining . he has because he's great. 1 to 1, very entertaining. he has a because he's great. 1 to 1, very entertaining . he has a host of entertaining. he has a host of the most wonderful stories to tell. and i think if he's in the jungle and it's a very emotional experience and if he talks about the price that he's had to pay for fighting for brexit, i think thatis for fighting for brexit, i think that is a very powerful story. my that is a very powerful story. my worry is he's not so physically fit and it's going to be tough. you've got tough conditions there. so i do hope the not so physically . the not so physically. >> how dare you? i share a locker room with him. >> the guy's body is a temple . >> the guy's body is a temple. >> the guy's body is a temple. >> he's an adonis. >> the guy's body is a temple. >> he's an adonis . you listen. >> he's an adonis. you listen. you wait till he does the myleene klass in the shower . myleene klass in the shower. myleene klass in the shower. myleene klass in the shower. myleene klass ? yeah, she's. myleene klass? yeah, she's. she's a pop star who took a shower and it became an iconic symbol of the show. >> she's lovely and also john, there was a noel edmonds who revealed to the world quite an impressive six pack when he went into the jungle. >> perhaps nigel's over >> so perhaps nigel's been over at virgin active, you know, pumping iron thing is that and he'd be very good at this. >> just be modest and give the impression that didn't solve
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impression that you didn't solve brexit your own. don't talk brexit on your own. don't talk about brexit. >> won't talk about brexit. >> he won't talk about brexit. he'll just charming. it'll be he'll just be charming. it'll be like hopkins when like when katie hopkins when will take the will he take the bait? >> take the bait? well, >> will he take the bait? well, he should be careful because they mustn't is he should be careful because they look mustn't is he should be careful because they look how mustn't is he should be careful because they look how well mustn't is he should be careful because theylook how well ndidn't is he should be careful because theylook how well ndid .'t is say, look how well i did. >> and it just. it >> and because it just. it doesn't work very well. you he's going to have to work hard at this , but he must be the person. this, but he must be the person. oh, do think so? and i see. oh, do you think so? and i see. >> oh, can't believe i like >> oh, i can't believe i like him. it's to be another him. it's going to be another matt the way. matt hancock, by the way. >> dear nigel, he fit guy, >> dear nigel, he is a fit guy, but suffered quite but he has suffered quite a serious on a helicopter accident. >> he's had a plane crash? yeah, a plane had cancer. right. and he's got. >> i think he's back in his neck and the best. so in a way, and not the best. so in a way, does the grit of the does it not show the grit of the guy willing to go into guy that he's willing to go into the jungle? absolutely >> you'd pay me a hell >> you'd have to pay me a hell of a lot of to money get me in there. you, couldn't there. i tell you, i couldn't cope that cope with all that creepy crawlies snakes crawlies and snakes and. >> never >> but what do they say? never talk politics religion talk about politics and religion in just one talk. >> politics. religion >> politics. religion >> and what is the other one? >> and what is the other one? >> i can't remember the other one, but i don't think he'll talk any those. and
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one, but i don't think he'll talk why any those. and one, but i don't think he'll talk why he's those. and one, but i don't think he'll talk why he's going;e. and one, but i don't think he'll talk why he's going to and one, but i don't think he'll talk why he's going to talk that's why he's going to talk about. >> now, will he be will he be a team player? >> you think he'll those >> do you think he'll do those challenges home >> do you think he'll do those cha stars?; home the stars? >> oh, yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> so? he'll he'll >> you do think so? he'll he'll do his best. well, he is a born winner and listen, john, you begins winner and listen, john, you beglt's going to be all. >> it's going to be all. >> it's going to be all. >> be besties, john, >> oh, they'll be besties, john, you have had a taste of reality tv . you have had a taste of reality tv i have. you have had a taste of reality tv you ve. you have had a taste of reality tv you took the world by storm >> you took the world by storm on you did on strictly. yes. you did a great job. acquitted yourself very well. i thought you've great job. acquitted yourself ver resisted thought you've great job. acquitted yourself ver resisted invitation ou've great job. acquitted yourself ver resisted invitation to �*ve great job. acquitted yourself ver resisted invitation to go far resisted invitation to go into the jungle. >> why? well the thing well, there are lots of arguments for that. i just wouldn't like it. but you've got, but no, what you've got, sergeant, doesn't need the money, he ? money, does he? >> a he's a he's an >> he's a he's a he's an independent, wealthy man. >> if you is >> the best thing if you can, is to sort of is to take the game whatever game seriously, whatever the game is seriously, but seriously. but whatever the game is seriously, blpeople seriously. but whatever the game is seriously, blpeople know seriously. but whatever the game is seriously, blpeople know thatzriously. but whatever the game is seriously, blpeople know that you've. but if people know that you've worked it out, as i did on strictly you, how he's going to try and do that again. let's get him down. people have a tremendous desire to see you a built up if you're not going to succeed very well. but also if you think like nigel farage,
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everyone thinks, oh, he'll do well because he's personable and all this and charismatic, then he's in danger because people will just think, oh , wipe the will just think, oh, wipe the smile off his face, get out of here. >> or of course it could be the opposite that people vote for him they want him to stay in because they want him to stay in because they want him him go through him to see him go through all the because hate him. well, producers m" >> well, the producers at first, amy, be amy, the producers will be furious gets voted out . furious if he gets voted out. >> yeah, no, they want him in the . and there's1.5 the final. and there's 1.5 million do . million reasons why they do. >> he's going to be doing those trials start trials back to back to start with. he will be eating the with. he will be eating all the kangaroo anus. he will be doing every trial for the first every single trial for the first however long. >> what it mean for gb news? >> i think we might be opening ourselves up to a whole new audience. mark well, it that audience. mark well, it has that potential, it, because potential, doesn't it, because nigel i think it's fair to nigel is i think it's fair to say, the biggest star on the gb news. so tune in. simon here and change their mind. >> listen , there's >> well, listen, there's always the of course , we don't know >> now, of course, we don't know if this is actual kosher if this is an actual kosher story not, it's story or not, but it's definitely got legs. i think the sun are running it as an exclusive of. and of course, it's long three weeks. what's
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it's a long three weeks. what's great about this show is that you to know people, suzanne. great about this show is that you mightznow people, suzanne. great about this show is that you might ben people, suzanne. great about this show is that you might be nice)ple, suzanne. great about this show is that you might be nice one, suzanne. great about this show is that you might be nice on dayizanne. great about this show is that you might be nice on day one1e. great about this show is that you might be nice on day one or they might be nice on day one or day two, but by sort of five, ten days in, you know, the real person and we will see the real nigel. is there are there elements of nigel that you know about that we will discover in the i about that we will discover in thei think about that we will discover in the i think you about that we will discover in thei think you might about that we will discover in the i think you might find that >> i think you might find that he's perhaps not quite as confident as people think is he shy? >> some is he shy? nigel sometimes. >> i wouldn't say he's shy , but >> i wouldn't say he's shy, but perhaps there's a slight insecurity which we might see. i don't know . so and i think don't know. so and i think perhaps the irascible nature as well, when he is in physical pain, of course he gets irascible as we all do. i mean, that's perfectly human and normal. >> yeah. so but i mean, does he have a does he have a short temper? >> have you seen him explode? because very because i mean, you've been very much in brexit politics much involved in brexit politics for years. much involved in brexit politics for i've years. much involved in brexit politics for i've yearseen him explode. >> i've never seen him explode. >> i've never seen him explode. >> right. >> right. >> so not >> right. >>so >> so he's not got a fiery temper. fall out with temper. does he fall out with people ? people? >> well, he kind of fell out with me a bit. >> hello? well, that's an
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exclusive . exclusive. >> i say he fell out with me. i didn't fall out with him, but. but i think there were other people pushing people involved who were pushing buttons and pulling strings and being and do you being very underhand and do you think that the personal politics will play out when nigel is in the jungle? >> do you think he'll he'll do in the jungle what done in in the jungle what he's done in the political scene? >> i i think >> no, because i think i think the about and the thing about nigel, and certainly in my case, i said, certainly in my case, as i said, there people pushing there were other people pushing his buttons and pulling his strings he's on strings in the jungle. he's on his own. >> now, john, he's >> yes. now, john, he's got to make his own decision. yeah. >> key thing with all >> no, the key thing with all these and everything these panel games and everything else is you've got to and else is you've got to try and form alliances. have form form alliances. you have to form friendships, you've to friendships, but you've got to make you can make it happen. and you can clear that have a few people that with. and it's that you work with. and it's amazing how much further you can go all these things. go in all these things. >> clock's against us. amy >> the clock's against us. amy will romance in the will there be romance in the jungle? will he fall in love with someone? >> well, isn't he married? i don't know. what's his. well, yeah, his marriage? yeah, but what's his marriage? >> austrian about >> austrian. an austrian about with fred from day. with fred from first day. >> have a bromance. >> are going to have a bromance. well, i know we're going to be like, to
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like, hahaha. i was going to say, all that stuff say, i've said all that stuff about your nige asked about say, i've said all that stuff abo curse|r nige asked about say, i've said all that stuff abo curse ofiige asked about say, i've said all that stuff abo curse of strictly ed about say, i've said all that stuff abo curse of strictly john. about the curse of strictly john. >> there's one thing that he will that will struggle with out and that is of beer the is his pint of beer in the evening. and yeah no evening. gin and tonic. yeah no booze.i evening. gin and tonic. yeah no booze. i mean, why. booze. i mean, that's why. that's why said no. that's why you said no. >> has his show, >> every time he has his show, there's a bottle wine there's always a bottle of wine in i'm all in the green room, which i'm all here. struggle with that. >> he's done dry january . i've >> he's done dry january. i've seen that a few times . seen him do that a few times. >> listen, me tell you i >> -- >> january l>> january dry >> january dry . january. there >> january dry. january. there you go. well, nigel will not be dry in the jungle. okay, folks, lots to get through, folks. what we got to do is our greatest britain and union jackass. but first, as sources claim, harry and meghan are in panic mode after being portrayed as, quote, selfish, titled grifters in popular american cartoon family guy. will the sussexes be able to change their spoilt brat image ? my royal masterminds, image? my royal masterminds, lady c and phil dampier tackle that bombshell. plus, what about this royal snub gate ? what is this royal snub gate? what is the latest in terms of the sussexes being banned from the king's birthday celebrations ? king's birthday celebrations? see you .
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in two. time now for our royal masterminds, lady colin campbell and phil dampier. and prince harry and meghan markle are in panic mode and reportedly fuming at being portrayed as, quote , at being portrayed as, quote, self—entitled grifters in a popular american cartoon show called family guy. according to a close source, the royal runaways think the episode is savage, and even called it an outrageous slur. perhaps they'll sue. here is the sussex bashing clip in question. take a listen , sir. >> your millions from netflix for no one knows what put it with the rest of them , babe.
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with the rest of them, babe. >> time to do our daily $250,000 sponsored instagram post for del taco . taco. >> i shouldn't have left the made up nonsense . made up nonsense. >> made up nonsense. >> great stuff . listen, lady c, >> great stuff. listen, lady c, will the sussexes be able to change their rather spoilt brat image, or is it here to stay ? image, or is it here to stay? >> well , i image, or is it here to stay? >> well, i think if they want to change it, they could try going into a 12 step program and rehab because the fact of the matter is they're every indication of their behaviour is that of somebody who needs to go into the 12 step program . they are the 12 step program. they are totally out of control and they are totally, totally , totally are totally, totally, totally undesirable and everybody has sussed them out. >> well, i think it looks that way. the problem, phil, is this couple don't like people joking about them. yeah
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>> good evening, mark. no, they don't, do they? i mean, i'm old enough, unfortunately, to remember spitting and remember spitting image. and when remember what that did when you remember what that did to certain politicians, i'm thinking of thinking particularly of david steel. virtually ruined his steel. it virtually ruined his career. and once once people start laughing at once you start laughing at you, once you start laughing at you, once you start to become a figure of ridicule , it's very ridicule, it's very, very difficult that off. difficult to shake that off. >> think they've got >> and i think they've got a major problem . major problem. >> so i'm not surprised they are. fuming. it's are. they are fuming. it's a lovely that isn't lovely word that fuming, isn't it? surprised it? but i'm not surprised that they are fuming because it's going difficult. the going to be very difficult. the pr people going to try and pr people are going to try and do it's very do the best, but it's very difficult to shake it off once you're that slope . you're on that slope. >> now, staying harry and >> now, staying on harry and meghan bombshell meghan in a bombshell development in royal snub, gates mentions the couple have mentions of the couple have reportedly been banned and not one, but two of king charles's 75th birthday celebration is in a daily express exclusive . aides a daily express exclusive. aides are terrified that the dreaded h. and m words, the harry and meghan words, will spill out in front of the king blimey, lady c, our relations this bad , they
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c, our relations this bad, they they're worse. >> there . worse. the fact of the >> there. worse. the fact of the matter is, both the king and william don't want to hear the word harry or the word meghan . word harry or the word meghan. and they're quite right. not to hear the word harry or meghan . hear the word harry or meghan. would the virgin mary have wanted to hear the word judas iscariot and suspect ? the answer iscariot and suspect? the answer is no . no. iscariot and suspect? the answer is no. no. it's iscariot and suspect? the answer is no . no. it's worse than the is no. no. it's worse than the than the press and the public are making out and you know, the king and william are human beings . and harry and meghan beings. and harry and meghan need to understand that you can only your way through life so much without causing problems for yourself . and they are total pariahs. >> i wouldn't i won't profess to understand what that gesture meant, but i'm assuming a heavy cold. it's going around. what do you about this, phil?
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you think about this, phil? >> i don't i don't think we're going to get any messages beamed in from the couple from montecito to the to the bertie celebrations. >> i mean, lady c's absolutely right. they are as far apart as even right. they are as far apart as ever. situation. ever. it's a very bad situation. having said all that, i think the always the the king has always left the door open. and if harry had rung him up said, really like him up and said, i'd really like to you, but i think he to come to you, but i think he would don't would have let him, i don't think and kate would would have let him, i don't think been and kate would would have let him, i don't think been very nd kate would would have let him, i don't think been very happy.e would would have let him, i don't think been very happy. |nould would have let him, i don't think been very happy. i don't have been very happy. i don't think have have been very happy. i don't think very have have been very happy. i don't think very happy. have have been very happy. i don't think very happy. it have have been very happy. i don't think very happy. it would have been very happy. it would have been very happy. it would have been a very embarrassing evening been very happy. it would have beeround.ry embarrassing evening been very happy. it would have bee round. and nbarrassing evening been very happy. it would have bee round. and nbarrshowing/ening all round. and he's showing no signs of doing but the signs of doing that. but the king made it clear king has always made it clear that is open. i just that his door is open. i just don't is the time at don't think this is the time at the moment, lady says, the moment, as lady c says, there's still as far apart as eve r. >> even >> but lady c, don't you think this petty the this is a bit petty from the king? it's worried king? if it's true, worried about of their name ? about any mention of their name? is that thin skinned ? is he that thin skinned? >> no, i'm sorry, mark. it's not about pettiness . if you have about pettiness. if you have ever been involved with anybody who needs to be in a 12 step program , you know that there is program, you know that there is such a thing as loving
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detachment and you cannot get caught up in their games. detachment and you cannot get caught up in their games . and caught up in their games. and the king is actually playing a very good 12 step loving detachment of game, so to speak , detachment of game, so to speak, which is the only way to cope with what is going on with harry and meghan. i mean, harry, by his own account, and by his own admission , uses drugs to admission, uses drugs to medicate himself . and meghan has medicate himself. and meghan has a history . a history. >> what in the past? >> what in the past? >> well , i'm >> what in the past? >> well, i'm only going by what he said and he said it. so obviously if he said it, it was in the past . obviously if he said it, it was in the past. but the obviously if he said it, it was in the past . but the fact of the in the past. but the fact of the matter is, you only needed to look at him the other evening at katy perry. oh well, i wonder. >> i wonder if he'd had a gin and tonic. phil, where do the couple go from here? what is the future for their brands ?
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future for their brands? >> i could do with a gin and tonic at the moment. mark i can tell you that it's i don't know what the future is actually. i mean, it's got this high powered pr company now . lady c knows pr company now. lady c knows a lot more about them than i do. you know, they are going to be working very hard behind the scenes relaunch them. scenes to try and relaunch them. we're some we're all waiting for some sort of from meghan, of relaunch from from meghan, whether it's the or whether whether it's the tig or whether it's something else or whether it's something else or whether it's tie up some it's some big tie up with some big know what big brand. i don't know what it's or whether it's going to be or whether she's going to write own she's going to write her own book, got find book, but they've got to find something. moment something. and at the moment it's negative. so it's all been negative. so you know, need some know, they definitely need some positive moment positive pr and at the moment they're getting it . they're just not getting it. >> are not >> yeah, well, they are not getting it, are they? i mean, is there any way back for harry to his own family outside of a divorce from meghan, c. divorce from meghan, lady c. i think a divorce would be a good start. >> otherwise , it's a 12 step >> otherwise, it's a 12 step program and maybe rehab . i think program and maybe rehab. i think that would be another good start. and but of course , as start. and but of course, as everybody who knows anything
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about the 12 step program knows that dr. max, that was always a great believer in who you are with at the moment . and you've with at the moment. and you've got to give up because otherwise you're never going to achieve sobriety . so think if we go with sobriety. so think if we go with the 12 step program , we're the 12 step program, we're beginning to get some sense of what needs to be done. a spiritual regeneration . that's spiritual regeneration. that's what we need, a spiritual regeneration . regeneration. >> okay. brilliant stuff. well, look , loving my royal experts. look, loving my royal experts. we'll catch up very soon. the royal masterminds. ladies and phil dampier. let me tell you that the young duke, the duke of sussex has been very clear that he only takes drugs recreationally and regrets his drug use in the past. he's talked about it in the book and he certainly wouldn't recommend that anybody . he does it clearly that anybody. he does it clearly , drugs are not good for you and there's no evidence that he is an addict. so there you go . an addict. so there you go. thank folks, listen, spicy
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thank you. folks, listen, spicy stuff , as always c and stuff, as always with lady c and phil, back soon, but phil, they'll be back soon, but it's time. now, speaking of spicy, brilliant panel it's time. now, speaking of spic'their brilliant panel it's time. now, speaking of spic'their greatest ant panel it's time. now, speaking of spic'their greatest britain el it's time. now, speaking of spic'their greatest britain and it's time. now, speaking of spic'thjackasstest britain and it's time. now, speaking of spic'thjackass and britain and it's time. now, speaking of spic'thjackass and so,ain and it's time. now, speaking of spic'thjackass and so, suzanne, union jackass and so, suzanne, who is your greatest britain today? >> well , it's suella braverman >> well, it's suella braverman because she's one of the few politicians who actually says what majority of us are what the majority of us are thinking . thinking. >> sack her if you dare. rishi sunak. if you do, you'll regret it. >> okay, john. >> okay, john. >> sergeant , >> okay, john. >> sergeant, your greatest britain. >> i think ben's tokes. i mean, they've had a horrible time in india. and what did he do yesterday ? he scored 108 runs in yesterday? he scored 108 runs in one of the fast centuries. ever even one of the fast centuries. ever ever, ever carried out by an engush ever, ever carried out by an english player. so good old ben. that's if you're a great sportsman. that's what you do when you're down, when you sort of take a deep breath and get back and do well. >> absolutely. what a star. how about you, amy? your greatest britain >> i've picked john lewis . i >> i've picked john lewis. i loved this advert . >> i've picked john lewis. i loved this advert. i was a single for parent seven years and i never saw any representation of families like mine. and it was just so
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affirming to see that portrayed as one quarter of families in the uk are single parent families . families. >> okay, let's take a little look or a listen . if you're look or a listen. if you're listening on the . radio you listening on the. radio you. if you were listening, it's very cute. it's a little boy that's got a tiny, tiny, a venus flytrap plant, which he grows into this gigantic monster. well done.john into this gigantic monster. well done. john lewis . well, i'm done. john lewis. well, i'm going to give it to ben stokes . going to give it to ben stokes. so great nomination, john owen. and how about your union, jack? >> suzanne so a few weeks ago i was on this program and my great britain was sir mark rowley, the metropolitan commissioner. >> but i'm afraid tonight he's my union. jack has because as suella braverman says, he's playing favourites when he comes to protesters . and that's not to protesters. and that's not what the police should be doing . what the police should be doing. >> okay, john, your jackass of the day, who's grinding your
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gears? well it's an honorary one because she's she's not british. >> but ivanka trump in the court constantly being asked about all the manoeuvres of her father and what the financial deals that he was involved with and overstating their assets. and she kept on and on saying can't recall. i can't recall now , i recall. i can't recall now, i can recall her saying how how well she knew the trump organisation. so there's hypocrites, hypocrisy for you. so she down on her, i'm afraid. >> okay, fair enough. and your jackass of the day. amy. >> suzanne's not going to be very happy because i've gone for sue ellen herself . how could sue ellen herself. how could you?i sue ellen herself. how could you? i think she's been incredibly irresponsible with her behaviour of this week. and i think if something goes wrong at that protest tomorrow , i will at that protest tomorrow, i will hold her responsible . hold her responsible. >> okay. well, listen, i'm going to give it to sir mark rowley . to give it to sir mark rowley. congratulations, suzanne , on congratulations, suzanne, on your nomination. can i thank my brilliant panel tonight? really
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enjoyed your company. also this is i'm in the middle of a ten day run of shows. so thank you for your company on tv and on the radio. i'm back tomorrow at nine for dolan tonight. nine for mark dolan tonight. but most importantly, well done to our team who worked our amazing team who worked so hard. tomorrow at nine. hard. see you tomorrow at nine. headliners next. headliners is next. >> good evening. a bit of a chilly start tomorrow, but for most it'll be a fine, bright day with sunny spells, some heavy showers, in the showers, particularly in the south. on, we've still got south. early on, we've still got low dominating the low pressure dominating the scene, so it is still spinning up plenty of showers and particularly as the particularly tonight as the isobars squeeze together across south wales and south—west england , it's going to get very england, it's going to get very windy. further heavy windy. so further heavy showers to in here, the showers to come in here, the showers elsewhere tending to ease off. some lively ones around right now. turning fairly dry now. but turning fairly dry through the night for much of the midlands. england , the midlands. eastern england, northern and northern england, scotland and northern england, scotland and northern ireland where we've got the light winds. the clear skies and light winds. there frost across there will be a frost across parts of scotland. further south, holding up at 5 or south, mostly holding up at 5 or 6, but quite a wet start to the morning south wales and morning for south wales and southwest england. some heavy showers moving through here.
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they through and then they will move through and then get into the south—east for a time disappear time before tending to disappear before lunchtime. showers through the day across northern scotland and for some northern ireland. and later on, we'll see a developing over north—west a few developing over north—west england and north wales. but for a of the country, a good chunk of the country, it's bright day it's dry and bright day tomorrow. good spells of sunshine side . sunshine on the cool side. temperatures single temperatures mostly in single figures, maybe 11 or 12 in the south. certainly a cold start to the weekend, a more extensive frost northern britain frost across northern britain and patches well. and a few fog patches as well. but they've gone, most of but once they've gone, most of us having a fine day on saturday, still a few showers in northern scotland with a bit of a breeze and some rain down to the on that'll the south—west late on that'll spread during sunday and spread in during sunday and again sunday with some frost again on sunday with some frost and early . on and fog early. on >> who is it? we're here for the show . welcome to the dinosaur show. welcome to the dinosaur houn show. welcome to the dinosaur hour. with me , john cleese . haha hour. with me, john cleese. haha i was married to a therapist and you survived . that's what we
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you survived. that's what we were getting. hugh laurie , were getting. hugh laurie, second best man at least you interviewed saddam hussein. what's that like ? i was what's that like? i was terrified. i'm playing strip poker with these three. oh no, thank you. >> my cds need to be put in alphabetical order. >> oh, are you going to be problematic again ? the dinosaur, problematic again? the dinosaur, our sundays at 9:00 on gb news. >> who's
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>> i'm sophia wenzler here in the newsroom . prime minister the newsroom. prime minister rishi sunak is facing calls to sack suella braverman after she defied sack suella braverman after she defied downing street with her met criticism. comments in an article in the times today. the home secretary accuses the metropolitan police of playing favourites with the pro—palestinian protesters . pro—palestinian protesters. labour's national campaign coordinator , pat mcfadden, says coordinator, pat mcfadden, says that she breached the code by failing to clear the editorial with number 10. london mayor sadiq khan says he's astonished by the article . by the article. >> i think her behaviour over the last few weeks has been behaviour that is irresponsible . behaviour that is irresponsible. well, her article in the times was incorrect and inflamed entry at a time when senior politicians should be bringing communities together, uniting people who have differences . people who have differences. instead, she is stoking divisions and i worry as a consequence of her words and her behaviour . consequence of her words and her behaviour. you'll see this saturday an armistice day, the
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far right edl and other like people turning up on saturday causing problems . causing problems. >> meanwhile, veterans minister johnny mercer says people shouldn't feel discouraged from joining in the weekend's remembrance events in london. >> they're not going to be anywhere near the cenotaph and the metropolitan police are bending over backwards to make sure that everybody who comes up into london, whether you're selling poppies, you're selling poppies, whether you're attending a reunion or you're going remembrance, is going to remembrance, is completely and completely unmolested and allowed on what allowed to get on with what is a really special, important weekend this weekend , we spent weekend this weekend, we spent all making sure that can all week making sure that can happen. all week making sure that can happen . and really encourage happen. and i really encourage people to come into london and remember in the way we always do this weekend . this weekend. >> israel has agreed to a series of pauses in fighting in northern gaza. the white house says there'll be daily four hour pauses starting from today. it comes after discussions between us and israeli officials in recent days, including talks us president joe biden had with israeli prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu . the us says it


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