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tv   The Saturday Night Showdown  GB News  January 13, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm GMT

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night showdown, keir starmer wants the state to brush our children's teeth. where's our ever expanding nanny state going to end.7 and ever expanding nanny state going to end? and biden has a sniffing problem and i'm not talking about hunter biden's cocaine . about hunter biden's cocaine. we've got a clip of joe biden trying to sniff another girl's hair, and we've got the bizarre story of jews in tunnels, not israeli soldiers in hamas tunnels. these are secret tunnels. these are secret tunnels dug under new york. but what on earth are they for? this is your saturday night showdown . discussing all tonight's topics . discussing all tonight's topics. my discussing all tonight's topics. my brilliant panel joining me tonight, our ella whelan simon evans and the crazy ginger cabbie, aaron courtnall. but first, let's get your latest news headlines from tatiana
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sanchez. >> leo thank you. your top stories from the gb newsroom. nine arrests were made during a pro—palestine rally through central london today . the central london today. the arrests were made for alleged offences including inciting racial . hatred, a suspected racial. hatred, a suspected racially aggravated public order offence and on suspicion of supporting a proscribed organisation. thousands of . organisation. thousands of. people turned out calling for a ceasefire in gaza. 1700 police officers were deployed onto the streets of the capital, that is yemen's houthi rebels have promised a strong and effective response following a fresh strike by the united states . the strike by the united states. the us says it was a follow up to a joint uk mission targeting houthi positions means the west is trying to stop the iranian backed group from attacking ships in the red sea. president joe biden confirmed a private message was delivered to tehran, making clear us well .
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making it clear the us is well. prepared a former postmistress who's planning to run against sir davey at the next general election says he must be brought to justice. the lib dem leader was postal affairs minister dunng was postal affairs minister during the horizon it scandal, but apologise or but has refused to apologise or take accountability for his take any accountability for his inaction. hundreds were inaction. hundreds of staff were wrongly faulty wrongly prosecuted after faulty software shortfalls in software led to shortfalls in subpostmasters accounts . sir ed subpostmasters accounts. sir ed says he was lied to by the post office on an industrial scale. speaking exclusively to gb news, yvonne tracy says she felt compelled to take a stand. >> i would have loved it if we could have got a subpostmaster who'd been affected by this to stand against ed davey , but i stand against ed davey, but i can understand that probably there confidence is not and they probably fed to death probably are fed up to death with the government, etc. so i thought it's going to be me. i'm reluctantly doing it, but i feel ihave reluctantly doing it, but i feel i have to do something and this is all i can do. i think he should be brought to account around 150 migrants have been intercepted in the english
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channel intercepted in the english channel, ending the extended pause in crossings on board three small boats. >> they're the first to make the treacherous journey since the 16th of december, longest 16th of december, the longest penod 16th of december, the longest period migrant period without any migrant arrivals for four years. arrivals for almost four years. it's thought bad weather conditions may have prevented more people from crossing the channel over the past few weeks , channel over the past few weeks, and a legal one football match had to be abandoned today after around 1000 reading home fans invaded the pitch. the start of the game was interrupted for three minutes when tennis balls were thrown onto the pitch. the referee then had to take players off after . 16 referee then had to take players off after. 16 minutes as home fans took to the field with some letting off flares, many renee supporters want the owner to sell the club, which is currently fourth from the bottom in the third following in the third tier, following sanctions imposed them by the sanctions imposed on them by the efl. though those are your top stories on gb news across the uk, on tv in your car, on digital radio and on your smart speaker saying news. speaker by saying play gb news.
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now . leo. now back to. leo. >> thank you tatiana , and >> thank you tatiana, and welcome to the saturday night showdown. now, keir starmer has pledged to expand the nanny state and introduce supervised tooth brushing for children in our schools. british children are now shorter, fatter and unhappier than other countries and the number one reason young children go to hospital is to pull out the rotten teeth, starmer's state sanctioned dentistry might save a few cavities, but what's next for our ever enlarging, established a quango to make sure we're conditioning our hair? uniformed inspectors checking our deodorant . ofcom powers extended deodorant. ofcom powers extended to make sure we're wiping our bums properly with state sanctioned bum wipers knocking on doors to wipe them for us and as soon as the state starts doing something for people, they lose the ability to do it themselves . so if we ever themselves. so if we ever actually get a conservative government, we haven't had one for a long time and they roll back the bum wiping programme ,
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back the bum wiping programme, people will moan that their bums are now dirty and smelly and make a crunching noise when they sit down. this is austerity. people are literally dying. they're going to tweet gary lineker will say that this is just like nazi germany because they didn't wipe people's bums ehhen they didn't wipe people's bums either. cross—channel migrants will post tiktoks of themselves counting their cash in state provided four star hotels, while the british civil servant dabs the british civil servant dabs the dingo berries off their bottom with a silken towel. you think i'm exaggerating? i'm not scotland's progressive government shows where state intrusion can lead. they tried to introduce the named person scheme, which would make children the responsibility of the state rather than their parents. it was branded a snooper's charter , giving the snooper's charter, giving the snp the power to spy on and break up the families of political dissidents. and it was thankfully repealed and just this week, humza yousafs floundering government announced plans to jail parents for up to seven years if they question their child's gender transition. even if the parents believe that
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they're acting in their child's best interest. but history has shown us that parents are always the best advocates for their own children, not blue haired bureaucrats beholden to radical communist ideologies like scottish politician maggie chapman. i don't want these people within a mile of my kids, never mind legally responsible for them . i'd prefer the snp to for them. i'd prefer the snp to do something to tackle the drug addiction blights scotland. addiction that blights scotland. 1400 babies were born addicted to drugs in scotland in the last few years . there's no point in few years. there's no point in making children brush their making sure children brush their teeth they're just to teeth if they're just going to lose them to drug addiction anyway, and the nanny state backfires during lockdown, the government tried to coerce us to get vaccinated with all the subtlety of bill cosby trying to get a model to drink her gin and tonic. this made people suspicious of vaccines . so suspicious of vaccines. so uptake vaccines , even the uptake of all vaccines, even the good ones, has plummeted and cases of measles have tripled . cases of measles have tripled. starmer wants to tackle this with home visits for vaccinations . but the more the vaccinations. but the more the state pushes the more people
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push back. he also wants to introduce breakfast clubs for every primary school and 9 pm. watershed for junk food adverts and a ban on vape adverts aimed at children. and he thinks it's the government's fault that british children are suffering. keir said frankly, if this was a parent that treated children this badly , as badly as the uk this badly, as badly as the uk government, they'd probably be charged with neglect . but the charged with neglect. but the government isn't our parents. keir is making the mistake of thinking that the solution to bad government is more government. you can't fix bad parenting with a toothbrush. it's just papering over the cracks of a broken society . we cracks of a broken society. we working people have seen their wages eroded by mass migration and globalised fashion. they can't afford to buy a home. critical race theory and destructive gender ideologies are pushed on their kids. degeneracy and self—harm is celebrated. china is allowed to corrupt kids in this country via the digital fentanyl of tiktok . the digital fentanyl of tiktok. with a decade of increasing government power, this chart shows how the size of the state
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has increased relentlessly in britain and other western countries. how about we try rolling it back ? if we really rolling it back? if we really want british children to better outcomes, we need to fix british society, promote and celebrate the family values and classic liberal values that great britain was built . on i am britain was built. on i am joined tonight by brilliant, broad caster and journalist ella whelan, the fantastic comedian aaron courtnall, also known as the crazy ginger cabbie. and he was wandering around aimlessly before , before here, before before, before here, before headliners tonight. so we've grabbed the wonderful simon evans. ella are we heading for a nanny? state of labour. come into power this year? well i mean, keir starmer has been pretty explicit that he wants to be blair 2.0. >> um, and i think lots of people remember the sort of sure start programme. and, you know, the explicit idea that the blair government had that if you intervene into family life , if
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intervene into family life, if you, the state will do a better job than parents and, you know, within. start there was all within. sure start there was all this, of , you know, this, um, sort of, you know, political ideology that in particular, if you got working class kids away from the sort of corrupt influence of their parents and into these, um, sure start programmes with some nice middle class kids all the problems in their lives would be solved. so there was a real anti—working class nana motive and background to all it. um, and background to all of it. um, you there are there are you know, there are there are i think the state does have a role and could do some very, um, exciting and important things for family life . i think there for family life. i think there should be state provided and free at the point of access. child that would be child care. that would be something solve , um, something that would solve, um, a of hard. a lot of hard. >> just had child, any >> you just had a child, by any chance? yeah. you chance? i have, yeah. can you tell sudden. but i've tell all of a sudden. but i've just had a baby as well. >> yeah. free stuff for babies would suit me down to the ground right would. would, >> it would. yeah, it would, that would, it would genuinely really would really help families. it would genuinely quite genuinely do something quite revolutionary for women's freedom. . and
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freedom. um, but instead. and you know, i think the breakfast club thing, why not? you know, the fine. but it comes along with this idea that, you know, rather tackling rather than tackling the issue that, nobody young or that, you know, nobody young or old, get a dentist old, can get a dentist appointment moment. yeah. old, can get a dentist appoor ment moment. yeah. old, can get a dentist appoor thatt moment. yeah. old, can get a dentist appoor that there moment. yeah. old, can get a dentist appoor that there is,noment. yeah. old, can get a dentist appoor that there is, you ent. yeah. old, can get a dentist appoor that there is, you know,eah. um, or that there is, you know, there there are issues with there are there are issues with resources for kids and things like that. has to come with like that. it has to come with this , you know, explicit nanny this, you know, explicit nanny state message, which is an attack parental authority . attack on parental authority. the being that , um, what, the idea being that, um, what, parents are so dumb or so stupid or so mean or so neglectful that they don't brush their kids teeth? yeah and therefore. absolutely. >> when absolutely. >> and i think when the state when in, simon, when the state steps in, simon, uh, you know, that that vacuum when the state steps in, simon, uh, neveriow, that that vacuum when the state steps in, simon, uh, never be , that that vacuum when the state steps in, simon, uh, never be be, at that vacuum when the state steps in, simon, uh, never be be, uh,1at vacuum when the state steps in, simon, uh, never be be, uh, filled:uum when the state steps in, simon, uh, never be be, uh, filled bym can never be be, uh, filled by the parents again . the parents again. >> the vacuum can never be restored . yes, yes, we've lost restored. yes, yes, we've lost that vacuum. there it's gone like helium into space. well, i mean, my main concern is that this policy hasn't come from a premier league footballer . um, premier league footballer. um, because marcus rashford, uh, connection with the free school meals thing, basically sold it to me, you know, whereas this feels much more sinister coming directly from starmer. right i
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think if they got maybe i don't know, uh , uh, some i don't even know, uh, uh, some i don't even know, uh, uh, some i don't even know the names of the, the, the england lioness goalkeeper . if england lioness goalkeeper. if she'd come up with this money for talking women's football, i'm definitely not going to know the names. no. in all seriousness , i think the problem seriousness, i think the problem with it exactly as you've with it is exactly as you've stated, which is that it's very easy to turn around and say, listen, half of the kids at these are coming into these days are coming into school without teeth school without their teeth brushed. that brushed. do you really want that to on? we're not to carry on? because we're not going enforce it going to be able to enforce it at go into every at home. we can't go into every home put a to the home and put a gun to the parents head. don't give them ideas. so yeah , so would ideas. so yeah, so would it be much just much more efficient to just brush teeth they get brush their teeth when they get to school? it can turned into to school? it can be turned into a group activity. yeah, it can be to out be used in order to flesh out all education. it can all kinds of education. it can be for bullying. be used for bullying. >> you children >> you can, you know, children who teeth brushed who have their teeth brushed at home by by parents can point at the who need the state. the kids who need the state. state absolutely. >> can be brought in. state absolutely. >> the can be brought in. state absolutely. >> the problem be brought in. state absolutely. >> the problem be brouit's in. but the problem is that it's just another as you say, just another exactly as you say, it's another atrophy, another muscle weakened muscle that will be weakened beyond regeneration beyond the point of regeneration at home, parents will be able to
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90, at home, parents will be able to go, that's a that's go, well, that's a that's a burden my mind. can all burden off my mind. we can all get five minutes later the get up five minutes later in the morning. they morning. now, knowing that they don't their teeth don't have to brush their teeth before after breakfast. if before after breakfast. maybe if we move some sort we can move them on to some sort of, uh, you know, uh, shake that they can drink in car the they can drink in the car on the way school the bus. way to school or on the bus. that eliminate another ten that can eliminate another ten minutes. yeah >> some people have >> because some some people have said the, you know, it's said in the, you know, it's difficult kids to difficult to, to get kids to brush their teeth. i personally have had problem my have had no problem with my kids. neat trick some kids. a neat trick is mix some nutella in with the toothpaste and they love it. >> you want to them >> if you want to give them diabetes at an early stage in their then happy days. their life, then happy days. well, so well, half scottish, so no. yeah, fair yeah, true. yeah, that's fair enough. but just think that enough. but i just think that i've three year old and i've got a three year old and a one year old. i mean, the one year old, she kicks and screams and i have tie down, and i have to tie her down, but like, myself. but like, just do it myself. but then three year old, he then like the three year old, he knows that he the knows that before he leaves the house or after he's had. >> got a one year old >> you've got a one year old with teeth. yeah >> got like 6 7. >> she's got like 6 or 7. >> she's got like 6 or 7. >> that's terrifying. they shouldn't for at shouldn't have teeth for at least another six months. yeah, get was get that checked out. if i was you. stop breastfeeding at >> had to stop breastfeeding at one because kept
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one years old because he kept biting off the areolas. >> no good at all. >> no, that's no good at all. yeah you're going that yeah you're going through that at then get at all, because then they get the blood and then the taste of blood and then you're raising, you know, lycanthropy, cannibal . lycanthropy, potential cannibal. >> shouldn't be, >> it shouldn't it shouldn't be, in opinion. shouldn't in my opinion. it shouldn't be down to do. it's down to the schools to do. it's all parenting, but modern down to the schools to do. it's all parenting nting, but modern down to the schools to do. it's all parenting n0w|, but modern down to the schools to do. it's all parenting now yout modern down to the schools to do. it's all parenting now yout mo that day parenting now you find that they're busy their phones they're too busy on their phones as they up. they're as soon as they wake up. they're concerned social media concerned about social media instead of actually seeing them. i think, hang on a minute. >> a >> there's a bit of a misanthropic to this misanthropic tone to this discussion, is the discussion, which is the idea that you, you know, i want to that if you, you know, i want to stand up for parents and for working parents no, working class parents that no, they when state comes they don't. when the state comes along something, suddenly along and do something, suddenly lose i don't lose all their muscles. i don't think it's working class. lose all their muscles. i don't thiri. it's working class. lose all their muscles. i don't thiri think working class. lose all their muscles. i don't thiri think everybody, class. lose all their muscles. i don't thiri think everybody, asass. lose all their muscles. i don't thiri think everybody, as soon as >> i think everybody, as soon as something is done for well, something is done for you, well, that's don't refer that's why we don't refer anymore, wearing clothes. >> that state clothes, you >> but that state clothes, you know, that the shirt, if you take something like the shore start program, um, or or, you know, any kind of state benefit or state intervention, i think a lot of the time people have a more cynical approach to it, which is that they'll take what they want, what can use they want, what they can use from and they don't buy the from it, and they don't buy the sort of ideology behind it.
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>> i the not the >> i mean, the it's not just the labour the conservative labour party. the conservative government a narrative government has had a narrative for a very long time that people are thick and awful and stupid, and state needs in and the state needs to come in and the state needs to come in and intervene . and we know that and intervene. and we know that that we know that that that isn't we know that that isn't true. and also it's the state itself. state creating jobs for itself. >> can expand >> so it can then expand and people you know, more people can get, you know, more power, and in scotland power, uh, which and in scotland , uh, scotland is an even more terrifying case because they're progressed further along, uh, along the road to, to total state domination. i mean, humza threatening parents with seven years in prison if they oppose their child's gender transition. that's i mean, that's that's an ideological crime . that's, you ideological crime. that's, you know, that's . beyond the realm know, that's. beyond the realm that they use for it, that they, they try and associate any kind of doubt you might have that your child has been born into the wrong body. >> talk about conversion >> they talk about conversion therapy. yeah conversion therapy, which was a very dubious practice, which was i think, a christian idea, think, largely a christian idea, which could be which was that you could be introduced to a sort of a
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psychotherapeutic program which would of being gay if would cure you of being gay if you and this was you wanted to. and this was largely american thing. i largely an american thing. i don't think a great deal happened the very sinister happened here. the very sinister that co—opted that they've co—opted that terminology, quite terminology, which people quite rightly anxiety about the rightly felt anxiety about the idea that you would be kind of taught out of being gay, which a doesn't work, and b is incredibly sort of, you know, has been debunked. >> and if anything, this , you >> and if anything, this, you know, gender transitioning can be some cases as that be seen in some cases as that conversion therapy. so you're seeing, you sometimes seeing, you know, sometimes homophobic families, uh, would prefer that their, their son trans auditions and then grows up to be to be a gay man. and that's certainly how it works in iran, which is one of the highest transition rates outside of yeah. they , of california. yeah. so they, uh, basically well, uh, they basically say, well, homosexuals is illegal. so if you're gay, you've got a choice, you're gay, you've got a choice, you know, can you from you know, we can hang you from this crane or you can transition. so you know, it does it does spur the it does spur on the transitioning industry. >> the snp is up as one of transitioning industry. >> mostnp is up as one of transitioning industry. >> most liberalp as one of transitioning industry. >> most liberal political s one of the most liberal political parties in the western world. i
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mean, the it's insane to suggest that you would have you would criminalise parents literally having a conversation with their children. yeah. or or one of the examples was if you didn't allow your child to present in the way they wanted to present, which translated into normal language, means you don't let your son wear a dress. you don't let your girl, uh, you know, go for some kind of surgery or something like and is , i would like that. and that is, i would be terrified to be a parent in scotland moment because scotland at the moment because what really doing there what you're really doing there is a message to never is sending a message to never mind attacks parental mind attacks on parental authority. sending authority. you're sending a message saying, um, message to kids saying, um, don't trust your parents. they don't trust your parents. they don't have your best interests at heart. it's driving that wedge that just leads wedge and that that just leads to dark possibilities. to such dark possibilities. >> well, it's almost what, you know, a classic child groomer , know, a classic child groomer, you know, you know, jimmy savile or somebody like that would say to to, the kid, oh, this is, you know, this is our little secret. >> don't tell your parents. it's horrific. and yeah, my kids don't they're don't get to choose what they're having never mind having for dinner, never mind choose gender anyway. having for dinner, never mind choose up, gender anyway. having for dinner, never mind choose up, gewill anyway. having for dinner, never mind choose up, gewill assessy.
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having for dinner, never mind choose up, gewill assess the coming up, we will assess the week's and week's winners and losers. and cursed blessed. this week, cursed or blessed. this week, joe suella braverman joe biden suella braverman and a comedian half £1 comedian who got paid half £1 million to run a con virus mrna on social media page for a council. sadly, it's not me . and council. sadly, it's not me. and we'll you what happened we'll show you what happened when to the when this lady tried to stop the traffic . she's gonna get hit by traffic. she's gonna get hit by a car
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radio. >> on mark dolan tonight in my opinion, the post office scandal proves ordinary people don't stand a chance against the governing elite people. power is dead. will the post office ever recover its reputation ? i'll be recover its reputation? i'll be asking former government minister edwina currie , plus top minister edwina currie, plus top royal insider lady victoria harvey and radio and tv legend mike reid. it's your perfect saturday night in mark dolan tonight . we're live at nine.
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tonight. we're live at nine. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. cursed or blessed? coming up. but first i promised i would show you what happened ventured happened when that lady ventured into traffic . into the traffic. what's my. so that was joe biden's motorcade. so it just shows that the authorities can actually stop protesters who go and stand in the middle of the road when they when they want to. >> it's nice to to.— >> it's nice to see a to. >> it's nice to see a kind of medium point being hit there, isn't it? because the only encouraging sign previously i've seen side of the seen from the other side of the atlantic bloke out atlantic was a bloke getting out and shooting yes, that and shooting someone. yes, that may was a bit heavy, but may be that was a bit heavy, but i think they found the i think they maybe found the middle now. yeah middle ground now. yeah >> well >> all right. okay. well it's time or blessed. time now for cursed or blessed. me brilliant panel will me and my brilliant panel will look at three big stories and decide the week's decide who are the week's winners let's winners and losers. and let's start the with the ever start at the top with the ever energetic the free energetic leader of the free world, joe biden, who's going to
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run again this year run for election again this year or for election. he's not run for election again this year or sprightlyzlection. he's not run for election again this year or sprightly as:tion. he's not run for election again this year or sprightly as he n. he's not run for election again this year or sprightly as he used's not run for election again this year or sprightly as he used's rbe. as sprightly as he used to be. he's currently leading the charge against houthi rebels charge against the houthi rebels as . the us uk have as well. the us and the uk have been bombing iran backed as well. the us and the uk have been idue)ing iran backed as well. the us and the uk have been idue tog iran backed as well. the us and the uk have been idue to their iran backed as well. the us and the uk have been idue to their habitiacked as well. the us and the uk have been idue to their habit ofked group due to their habit of attacking international shipping in the red sea. the bombing is being condemned some unlikely being condemned by some unlikely bedfellows, carol vorderman bedfellows, with carol vorderman and donald trump lining up together to criticise the decision to take action. as well as houthi rebels. biden has been busy with his favourite hobby being creepy around children . being creepy around children. let's take a look , secretary let's take a look, secretary austin, i do, i'm sorry. >> what are you doing ? >> what are you doing? >> what are you doing? >> was it a lapse of judgement or not? to tell you earlier? >> yes, yes . >> yes, yes. »- >> yes, yes. >> aaron did. >> aaron did. >> did that creep creep you out slightly? >> yeah, just a bit. but he's got he's got previous about it hasn't he. he does. >> he's sniffed a lot of, a lot of young people's hair. >> listen if it smells >> yeah. but listen if it smells nice smells nice to him. you nice it smells nice to him. you can't. he's at an age where it's like he be questioned. like he can't be questioned. probably little you just
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like he can't be questioned. prob it's' little you just like he can't be questioned. prob it's like ttle you just like he can't be questioned. prob it's like the you just like he can't be questioned. prob it's like the old you just like he can't be questioned. prob it's like the old manjust like he can't be questioned. prob it's like the old man int got. it's like the old man in the corner. the old man. he the corner. the old, old man. he says to he's says what he has to say. he's old. he's let him get. let old. he's just let him get. let him get on with it. but being a leader a powerhouse. yeah leader of a powerhouse. yeah should little bit should rein it in a little bit or he's aged like maybe just have on a or something have him on a lead or something and pull him back. >> you maybe get one of those air fresheners like have in air fresheners like you have in the from the rear the cab hanging from the rear view mirror, but of young girls hair, pine trees. >> that'd a dup a popular >> that'd be a dup a popular smell. the smell. that's a silence of the lambs type suggestion . lambs type suggestion. >> i mean, talking his age . >> i mean, talking of his age. talking his age, we are in an talking of his age, we are in an election year america . i election year for america. i mean, do you think joe biden has been selfish by not standing down and letting somebody younger democrats take younger in? the democrats take the reins? >> isn't anyone who can, >> there isn't anyone who can, though. i mean, that's i thought you were gonna anyone that's you were gonna say anyone that's younger. that the younger. well, i mean, that the democrats i mean , the democrats have. no i mean, the republicans from republicans are suffering from the but the the same problem, but the democrats have no one who's willing to cut sorry, carry on forward. and you know, it's it is actually extremely depressing that america is facing the exact same contest and the exact same
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tensions and the exact same sort of scenario, really, with joe biden and trump potentially. and you know, i, i kind of feel mean, you know, going for him about his age. and i think a lot of people think, well, there's it's our fault he's old. well it's our fault he's old. well it's not no . but and it's not it it's not no. but and it's not it doesn't shouldn't be a problem. but he does. it's not what i'm trying to say is i don't think the age is the fault of the incompetence. actually, i think a lot of the problem with joe biden the fact that he is biden is the fact that he is politically all over the place. and that most of and i don't think that most of that to down that that is to down the fact that he's getting a bit. he's getting on a bit. >> also, i think >> yeah, well, also, i think he's by people he's surrounded by people who have a vested interest in staying another staying in power for another four they should be four years. so they should be saying democrat party, saying to the democrat party, you get somebody, you know, get somebody, get somebody but they're somebody fresh in. but they're not because want they not because they want to they want power. and also want to stay in power. and also they up against trump they want to go up against trump because trump is pretty much the only person they could beat because divisive because he's such a divisive figure, much fun. >> i don't think they beat >> i don't think they will beat him. go to be biden, him. if it does go to be biden, trump. i think trump will win. but think biden is, as you trump. i think trump will win. but he's1k biden is, as you trump. i think trump will win. but he's a biden is, as you trump. i think trump will win. but he's a useful is, as you
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trump. i think trump will win. but he's a useful figurehead say, he's a useful figurehead for don't know that it's for the i don't know that it's the state. it'sjust for the i don't know that it's the state. it's just the the deep state. it's just the second tier of government, isn't it? they've by their it? but they've had by their own, like criteria, own, uh, like criteria, quite a successful administration. i know to pick know there's plenty to pick holes this but holes in from this side, but it's question. quite it's a very good question. quite what president lot it's a very good question. quite wiholes president lot it's a very good question. quite wiholes in'esident lot it's a very good question. quite wiholes in the ient lot it's a very good question. quite wiholes in the border lot it's a very good question. quite wiholes in the border on lot it's a very good question. quite wiholes in the border on thet of holes in the border on the south. yeah. well but then there, know, there are other there, you know, there are other people bothered people who aren't that bothered by makes for by that. i mean, it makes for vivid footage, but actually vivid news footage, but actually they've experienced economic, uh, you know, growth. mean, uh, you know, growth. i mean, they're way ahead of the uk the last had an last four years. they've had an astonishingly good recovery from covid american covid compared to us by american standards. if you want to be absolutely about it, absolutely cynical about it, they've a blinder they've played a blinder in ukraine. brought they've played a blinder in ukraine.along brought they've played a blinder in ukraine. along , brought they've played a blinder in ukraine. along , uh, brought they've played a blinder in ukraine.along , uh, standing brought along, uh, standing enemy to its knees without losing a single. they're not a single american body bag, you know, they've got rid of a load of crappy old american war weaponry and, uh, you know, they've done a lot that by their own criteria, by their own rankings, they've done tremendously well, despite having a decrepit pervert . having a decrepit old pervert. you know, the people in charge. >> people would say the exact same thing about trump's years in power. >> trump. no, a >> they trump. no, it was a completely different thing. trump did not have competent
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trump did not have a competent administration. white house. >> governments best when >> governments work best when they're incompetent they're so incompetent they don't do anything. and don't actually do anything. and they you argue that way they just you can argue that way and they let people get on with it. wasn't the same thing it. but it wasn't the same thing on republican side. on the republican side. >> it wasn't like mirror image >> it wasn't like a mirror image of been the exact of the bite. it's been the exact opposite. the biden thing. biden is charge, and is not really in charge, and he's got an administration which is not really in charge, and he seeingan administration which is not really in charge, and he seeing through1istration which is not really in charge, and he seeing through1ist agenda hich is seeing through an agenda which are very happy with. >> trump borrowed huge amounts of money to. >> i mean, a lot of this economic growth is just on borrowed their borrowed money. they're their debt going up. think it's debt is going up. i think it's a 34 now, the spike is 34 trillion. now, the spike is just, you know, has been insane in the last few years. >> no, of i completely >> no, of course i completely agree and most of agree with that. and most of it's chinese debt we know it's chinese debt and we know where heading. ultimately it's chinese debt and we know whyeah heading. ultimately it's chinese debt and we know whyeah h
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anyway, next up we've got former home secretary suella braverman, who's into who's stormed back into the limelight . what's she limelight this week. what's she been about? the post been talking about? the post office the merits of office scandal, the merits of dry january, liverpool's premier league title chances. no braverman is on more familiar ground with the government's rwanda told gb rwanda bill, and she told gb news she will not back the news that she will not back the plan it is toughened up. plan unless it is toughened up. let's listen. this is let's have a listen. this is about delivering a bill that works and stopping the boats . works and stopping the boats. >> you know i'm here because i believe vividly in things i'm here because i believe passionately in delivering for the british people . they are fed the british people. they are fed up . with the boats. they are fed up. with the boats. they are fed up. with the boats. they are fed up with broken promises. this is our last chance to get it right. and woe betide a government that fails the british people again . fails the british people again. >> this the start of a >> is this the start of a leadership bid for suella? >> i wish it was the end of it. i'm so sick of hearing this woman's attempts to try and muscle in on. and you know, i have no i have no love for rishi sunak either. but i really resent . the idea that the
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resent. the idea that the serious issue of immigration and control of borders and a debate that actually hasn't had that actually hasn't been had since brexit, we had we had the brexit and everyone seems brexit vote and everyone seems to you know, as to think, you know, and i, as oliver was obviously you know, excited but excited by the result. but everyone that everyone seems to think that that means that britain now and british want an exit, not british people want an exit, not just a ridiculous , but an just a ridiculous, but an extreme plan in the form of the rwanda plan. um, and want to do the kind of braverman style, you see, it's extreme. >> but mean, similar plan >> but i mean, a similar plan worked well in australia, >> but i mean, a similar plan woriiti well in australia, >> but i mean, a similar plan woriit stops well in australia, >> but i mean, a similar plan woriit stops people australia, >> but i mean, a similar plan woriit stops people jumpingi, >> but i mean, a similar plan woriit stops people jumping the and it stops people jumping the queue. at the moment. i think we've got an asylum system, an immigration system that of immigration system that sort of doesn't the right people in. doesn't let the right people in. the deserving cases, the really deserving cases, but is to anybody who wants to is open to anybody who wants to exploit it. well, uh , the rwanda exploit it. well, uh, the rwanda plan does exactly what the you know, it's a similar to european union style of thing, which is just export your immigration just you export your immigration problem else. problem somewhere else. >> that's a that's a great way to. >> well, no, i disagree then the immigration emigrates is somewhere . but in a, in
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somewhere. but in a, in a serious note i think we're in danger if we go along with what suella suella braverman is trying to sort of play culture war politics with the serious issue of immigration and trying to make out like she is, fervently isn't fervently believes this isn't part a culture war thing. part of a culture war thing. >> aaron is a as a >> actually, aaron is a as a cabbie, it'd be interesting to know what's the of know what's what's the sort of vibe, you get vibe, what's the feel you get from you speak to? from people you speak to? >> um , that people always have, >> um, that people always have, like different opinions. we try to, as a trade. i think they try to, as a trade. i think they try to enlighten us with their views of passengers, and we pick up loads of people from parliament and all that . yeah. during and all that. yeah. during a working period. but it's like we try to believe it or not, cab drivers try to sort of steer clear, excuse the pun those clear, excuse the pun of those types , because types of conversations, because no matter what, we have a reputation for ourselves a little bit. but yeah, and it's , little bit. but yeah, and it's, it's so we tend to it's a bit wrong. so we tend to sort of just like, do you know what? decided, what? whatever gets decided, we have just roll with the have to just roll with the punches. have to just roll with the puri hes. managed get >> i always managed to get cabbies it. cabbies talking about it. really? yeah >> they're not in my phone book. i tried to not talk to him about
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it, but but yeah, i mean, the football team that i follow arsenal sleeve, it says arsenal on their sleeve, it says visit so maybe so maybe visit rwanda. so maybe so maybe arsenal . fire over there from arsenal. fire over there from are they sponsored by suella or is that the rwandan tourist? possibly. she probably got some form of involvement in there. maybe. i don't know. >> and simon mean do you think >> and simon i mean do you think the bill will actually pass? i mean, criticised on mean, it's been criticised on both sides. it's too extreme for people left it's people on the left and it's nowhere near, uh, it's too weak for, suella. for, uh, suella. >> whether it'll >> i don't know whether it'll pass, but i know there's a significant contingent the pass, but i know there's a signiparty contingent the pass, but i know there's a signiparty who ingent the pass, but i know there's a signiparty who areent the pass, but i know there's a signiparty who are trying:he pass, but i know there's a signiparty who are trying to tory party who are trying to attach amendments to that attach amendments to it that they which it will attach amendments to it that thwill which it will attach amendments to it that thwill fail which it will attach amendments to it that thwill fail in which it will attach amendments to it that thwill fail in its which it will attach amendments to it that thwill fail in its itsich it will it will fail in its in its objectives. and i think they're probably if the last ten probably right if the last ten years have us anything, years have taught us anything, it's a huge it's that there is a huge battalion. whatever you battalion. now, whatever you think of either think of them, of either well—intentioned interfering think of them, of either well—in'andoned interfering think of them, of either well—in'and sozd interfering think of them, of either well—in'and so on, interfering think of them, of either well—in'and so on, whoerfering think of them, of either well—in'and so on, who willng think of them, of either well—in'and so on, who will pick lawyers and so on, who will pick holes in any attempt to deport a single they will single individual. they will just with red tape for just tie it up with red tape for so it would actually be so long it would actually be cheaper in the cheaper to put them up in the ritz. yes >> so the government, the people ritz. yes >> s> s> s> s> willa government to enactople ritz. yes >> will of overnment to enactople ritz. yes >> will of the 'nment to enactople ritz. yes >> will of the people,o enactople ritz. yes >> will of the people,o en thenle the will of the people, and then these unelected bureaucrats and
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lawyers step in and lawyers and ngos step in and stop that well—being. i mean, in all seriousness, i also would refute idea suella refute the idea that suella braverman kind of braverman is playing any kind of culture is culture war because she is simply , you know, this is simply, you know, this is a government bill, she's government bill, and she's trying to tie it and tighten it up that actually performs up so that it actually performs its function. up so that it actually performs its if 1ction. up so that it actually performs its if the»n. up so that it actually performs its if the people country >> if the people of the country don't see the small don't want to see the small boats they boats stopped, or if they feel rwanda of gesture rwanda is some kind of gesture that has no real substance to it, they're going to have an election which election pretty soon in which they that view. and they can express that view. and we'll what keir starmer we'll see what keir starmer bnngs we'll see what keir starmer brings. on left brings. but nobody on the left seems alternative seems to have any alternative plan than just simply plan other than just simply saying in work saying let them in and find work for you we for them. and, you know, we already level of already know the level of illegal or illegal immigration or undocumented immigration. it's a massive anxiety in massive source of anxiety in this country. anxiety, which was, ironically, briefly quelled and suppressed after brexit. everyone was satisfied they'd had their say and that this was going to turn it and it's turned into a completely, you know, another order of magnitude. >> was going to get >> they knew it was going to get much worse. >> exactly. >> exactly. >> they can they a >> they can they there is a there left wing there is a coherent left wing position around immigration which isn't just let them all
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in. and as someone on the left who's also voted for brexit, you can make the distinction between having of having an importance of democracy of democracy and the idea of controlling borders without going suella going along with suella braverman particular flavour of sort of pull up the drawbridge and of an almost sort of and sort of an almost sort of like isolationist , well, what's like isolationist, well, what's the left? >> what's left for the left >> what's the left for the left to, to control the border across the english channel. what is the left ? what would they do? what's left? what would they do? what's the policy? well i'm not madam chairman for the left. >> so i can't i can't announce that. but my, my view would be that. but my, my view would be that a sensible that you would have a sensible approach the whole. you have approach to the whole. you have to look at whole immigration to look at the whole immigration system, moment we system, because at the moment we have moment a have at the moment we have a system in we are sort of system in which we are sort of cracking very on cracking down very hard on asylum what would asylum seekers and on what would you do? >> boats issues, what would you do? immigration >> and illegal immigration should be with. you should be dealt with. you you know, a proper that know, have a proper system that just centre just functions in a centre somewhere you people somewhere and you deport people who are coming here illegally, exactly it exactly like suella. no, it doesn't. just let finish. doesn't. you just let me finish. no, isn't, because under this no, it isn't, because under this current government, you've had the had the windrush scandal. you've had several which it several instances in which it looks government
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looks like the government thinks that people want to talk about immigration. we'll immigration. okay. so what we'll do is kick out a few black people, what do is people, or what we'll do is we'll being we'll sound like we're being extremely, extremely extreme. but actual fact , the, the, but in actual fact, the, the, the immigration system, in terms of being extremely , you know, of being extremely, you know, punitive for not letting people come in criticising the right rather than saying what the left would do. >> we've got move >> anyway, we've got to move on next somewhat of next up, somewhat less of a household name end household name south end internet comedian simon harris, who name men who goes by the name men behaving badly on social media. now one look at my clothes will tell you it can be hard to make money comedian. you money as a comedian. thank you tkmaxx, in simon tkmaxx, but not in simon harris's got paid half harris's case. he got paid half a million pounds by the council to run a social media page countering covid misinformation or or spoiler alerts as as i call misinformation on news of this emerged when financial documents were released this week, and in the understatement of the year, the leader of the opposition council said there were concerns over the amount spent. i mean, simon does the hypocrisy rankle with you?
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you've got this lefty comedian who's always at the tories . uh, who's always at the tories. uh, no offence ella. uh who's always at the tories, but he's taking vast like money that you know, a tory mp could, uh, could dream of. >> i cannot understand . we >> i cannot understand. we covered this on headliners and i cannot understand how it. i mean, i would love to see the full minuted meeting , uh, where full minuted meeting, uh, where it was agreed . that this bloke it was agreed. that this bloke would get half £1 million just to persuade. i was absolutely mind boggling. my wife worked, did pr for kate and the did pr for kate bingham and the vaccine during the vaccine taskforce during the covid of her covid inquiry, and one of her jobs to try and create jobs was to try and create content that encourage content that would encourage people from certain ethnic minorities. who minorities. for instance, who were hesitant. was were vaccine hesitant. that was the used. yeah, she would the terms used. yeah, she would and she had lightened. and this was nationwide campaign . she was a nationwide campaign. she had like two tiny specks of budget compared to this. that's for the whole government vaccine rollout. this absolutely beggars belief. i we're treating it as . belief. i we're treating it as. a joke and it is a hilarious grift. i've never even heard of this comedian. i don't know if
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they call committee. i'm not saying comedian. like i saying like comedian. like i don't funny. i've don't think he's funny. i've literally never heard of him. but play. if you but i mean, fair play. if you can half £1 million out of can get half £1 million out of your council, i don't suppose many of us would nose many of us would turn our nose up it is absolutely up at it. but it is absolutely staggering. it's an extraordinary it's extraordinary example, and it's a complete mismanagement for what you know, very what looks like, you know, very little in ireland. little work in ireland. >> mean, this is because you >> i mean, this is because you live in essex, this is in southend. southend are putting up southend up the council tax, southend council, the people up the council tax, southend council, half the people up the council tax, southend council, half £1 the people up the council tax, southend council, half £1 million.)ple up the council tax, southend council, half £1 million. doe up the council tax, southend council, half £1 million. do you who paid half £1 million. do you think could maybe put their think they could maybe put their council tax down and stop just spending drunk spending like a, like a drunk sailor. they possibly could. >> i'm i'd could. >> i'm m could. » m m >> i'm just i'd like to meet this fella down the pub and see if would round of if he would buy a round of dnnks if he would buy a round of drinks everyone. don't drinks for everyone. i don't know got away know how he's got away with this, but, i mean, to be fair, the of drinks in the prices of drinks in south—east that would the prices of drinks in solaboulisl that would the prices of drinks in sotabout one that would the prices of drinks in sotabout one round. that would the prices of drinks in sotabout one round. that 'butld be about one round. yeah, but he. you what? fair play he. you know what? for fair play to the that's put to him. he's the one that's put himself out there to be like i'll this that and the other. i'll do this that and the other. and he's sort of got and he's got, he's sort of got away it. he's, he's away with it. but he's, he's managed to get something. and people have worse things managed to get something. and peop andave worse things managed to get something. and peop and ave paid worse things managed to get something. and peop and ave paid worit, things than and got paid for it, you know. yeah. know. so yeah. >> that's taking money. know. so yeah. >> halft's taking money. know. so yeah. >> half £1 taking money. know. so yeah. >> half £1 millionnoney. know. so yeah. >> half £1 million thaty. that's half £1 million that could needy
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children. >> i get, but then you've got other toothbrushes, you've got other toothbrushes, you've got other toothbrushes, you've got other toothbrushes, got other toothbrushes, you've got other councils around like the uk plant pots uk that are putting plant pots that of thousands uk that are putting plant pots th.pounds of thousands uk that are putting plant pots th.pounds to of thousands uk that are putting plant pots th.pounds to stop of thousands uk that are putting plant pots th.pounds to stop people usands uk that are putting plant pots th.pounds to stop people driving of pounds to stop people driving down so down their roads. yeah. so councils like great councils all over like great britain, especially in london, for example, my i for example, doing my job, i can't job the best of can't do my job to the best of my capabilities because there's a in the middle a plant point in the middle of the road. yeah do you know, i mean, that cost? mean, how much did that cost? that's thousands of pounds. that's cost thousands of pounds. yeah. have that's cost thousands of pounds. yeah. yes have that's cost thousands of pounds. yeah. yes these have that's cost thousands of pounds. yeah. yes these plant have that's cost thousands of pounds. yeah. yes these plant pots,ve voted yes to these plant pots, they still drive diesel range rovers like vehicles . rovers or like diesel vehicles. so i can't drive down your road but can drive down my road. but you can drive down my road. yeah. yeah. so look, listen, he's made bit money. if he's made a bit of money. if it's untoward how got it's untoward how he's got it, then and get get then obviously try and get get a bit back out of him. bit of money back out of him. yeah well the payments yeah well one of the payments that was given was £100,000 that he was given was £100,000 in one go in one go, which, you know, where now seeing all know, where we're now seeing all this stuff for the post office scandal. >> i mean, you wonder whether some summer's been done wrong somewhere, and he's got lucky with know, the, the with it. but you know, the, the if they did want to do i mean, i was volunteer jabber was a volunteer jabber throughout the part of the
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pandemic and none of us got paid. we just, you know, did it volunteers. so i think they said £1 million. well, yeah, i was obviously in the job, obviously in the wrong job, but it says something about, uh, politics moment that the politics at the moment that the council giving of council was giving hundreds of thousands someone thousands of pounds to someone to change, to create behavioural change, which is the big thing, not which is like the big thing, not do the actual work itself. >> yeah. well, anyway, next on the saturday night showdown, we are worldwide are going worldwide as german farmers streets and farmers take to the streets and new hasidic jews to new york hasidic jews take to secret plus i'll show secret tunnels. plus i'll show you happened when this you what happened when this chinese was released chinese lantern was released into chopper . albert into the sky by chopper. albert borgmann . borgmann. >> come in. nazareth
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radio. >> welcome back to the saturday night showdown. we're taking a world tour in a moment. but first, i promised i would show you what happened when that sky lantern was released. >> so hamas . alberta . hawk
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>> so hamas. alberta. hawk mangler . >> so hamas. alberta. hawk mangler. hamas. mini nazareth . mangler. hamas. mini nazareth. me . me. so a handy reminder they are not to release flying flames into your house. >> uh, going to new york now, where nine members of a hasidic jewish community have been arrested and charged due to a secret which connects to secret tunnel which connects to a synagogue. the men have been charged criminal mischief, charged with criminal mischief, reckless endangerment and obstructing governmental administration, and have been described as a group of extremist students . as police extremist students. as police attempts intervene did not go attempts to intervene did not go too well. let's have a look. oh no . no .
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no. no. >> wait wait wait wait. why you sit down? no no no no no no yo�*yo sit down? no no no no no no yo—yo yo. >> it's like an outtake from the blues brothers. aren't you? do you buy the explanation that these , uh, these tunnels were these, uh, these tunnels were were just rogue students ? yes. were just rogue students? yes. >> uh, yeah, possibly. >> uh, yeah, possibly. >> i'm just. i mean, imagine it over here, if that was caught over here, if that was caught over here, if that was caught over here, khan would over here, if that was caught over heretry khan would over here, if that was caught over heretry putn would over here, if that was caught over heretry put awould over here, if that was caught over heretry put a toll.d probably try and put a toll charge on it. going through the tunnel. you know what i mean? >> co—opt it into the >> but co—opt it into the transport network. >> just. i don't >> yeah, just. he's, uh, i don't know. he's were they rushing off to try and get himself a bit of toothpaste and a new toothbrush? sir keir starmer in town or sir keir starmer was in town or whatever, i don't know. whatever, but i don't know. i just bananas. what's just it's truly bananas. what's going on in the world? you'd never think that that would be happening age, happening in this day and age, i don't think. >> in this day and age, distinctly 18th century practice that hasidic jews borrowing under metropolis. i thought we'd established that that wasn't there was there was a fella that
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was saying that was living above it. >> he said, i'm sure it.— >> he said, i'm sure i it. >> he said, i'm sure i can hear people underneath like this was a hilarious tweet. >> so he's ringing yiddish. >> so he's ringing yiddish. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> he he tweeted, he tweeted saying like, saying that, uh, he's like, i live the basement and there's live in the basement and there's nobody ican live in the basement and there's nobody i can hear nobody below me, but i can hear jewish . jewish voices. >> yeah, can hear yiddish >> yeah, i can hear yiddish being , being >> yeah, i can hear yiddish being, being spoken. >> an it's an old new >> it's an old it's an old new yorker cartoon with a bloke lying in with his wife lying in bed with his wife going, okay, fine, heard going, okay, fine, you heard a seal there's a seal seal bark and there's a seal above, not their wardrobe. yeah, exactly. >> everybody slammed this guy. they said, you know, oh, you're anti—semitic , you know, you're anti—semitic, you know, you're hallucinating. even. hallucinating. you're even. you're hallucinations are anti—semitic. and he's anti—semitic. and so he's obviously, like a pig obviously, uh, been like a pig in muck this week because he's like, well, listen, i'm vindicated. uh to be honest, if you just watch that footage, if, i mean, you it's good that i mean, if you if it's good that it's a news channel because it's on a news channel because it's on a news channel because it a ridiculous it just looks like a ridiculous it just looks like a ridiculous it like an early it looks like an early woody allen doesn't allen film, doesn't it? >> basically, like it's like a satire you know, hasidic jews satire on you know, hasidic jews are right on the edge of caricature. anyway you know, they're kind of daring you not to laugh at them, to be honest with the massive hats and
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everything. seeing one emerging out of a sort of sewer, like a storm drain like that, very storm drain like that, it's very hard see it as a sort of hard not to see it as a sort of surreal hallucinate man. >> it does make me think >> yeah, it does make me think that living in a that maybe we are living in a simulation to be simulation and it needs to be reset germany next, reset over to germany next, where farmers not happy where farmers are not happy about told to say auf about being told to say auf wiedersehen their subsidies. wiedersehen to their subsidies. they reacted with a of they have reacted with a wave of protests roads with protests blockading roads with tractors trucks throughout tractors and trucks throughout germany. the problems began when the government reacted to financial crisis cutting the financial crisis by cutting the farming budget and as can farming budget and as you can see, that gone down well. see, that is not gone down well. but is part of a bigger but this is part of a bigger trend europe trend across europe of governments hammering farmers, shutting down farms in the netherlands, for example , to netherlands, for example, to meet eu net zero emissions targets. targets now , ella, this targets. targets now, ella, this is i mean, we're sort of seeing a rise of a populist uprising across across europe , and it's across across europe, and it's fuelled in large part by opposition to net zero and opposition to net zero and opposition to net zero and opposition to , you know, heavy opposition to, you know, heavy handed, uh, government action against people like the farmers . against people like the farmers. >> well, i mean, what what's happening in germany is
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remarkable since 2001, the number of farms has almost halved from about 450,000 to 250,000. wow people literally cannot afford to farm anymore because there have been successive crackdowns on things like, um, um , uh, fertilisers like, um, um, uh, fertilisers and pesticides. angela merkel in 2019 announced a 20, um, cut in that the eu has these directives around, um, nitrous rates and things like that. germany's very keen on trying to keep in line with that and that essentially means that the price of farming goes through the roof. there's you know, fertiliser, extremely expensive there's these expensive and there's all these new in around as new rules coming in around as animal husbandry. so you know, the kind of greens want to talk the kind of greens want to talk the talk about, um, organic living and smallholdings and everybody being like the good life . life. >> um, but this will have to starve if we do that. >> well, yeah, but if you want to have food security , which and to have food security, which and particularly in this country, i mean, it's quite a serious issue that we've realised, you know,
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after the war in broke after the war in ukraine broke out you realise out suddenly you, you realise that don't you import a huge that you don't you import a huge amount and well as amount and, and as well as a people and it's not just my husband from farming husband from a farming background. so, you know, we talk this a lot and talk about this a lot and it's incredibly hard to farm at the moment europe. so i mean moment across europe. so i mean just quickly is up to just quickly the eu is set up to provide food security that provide the food security that ella was talking about. >> you know, after the war. so then we had butter mountains and milk lakes and all the rest of it. now the eu seems to be moving in a different direction and amount food and cutting the amount of food we've got. >> agricultural >> the common agricultural policy, was why policy, that was that was why britain kept out the britain was kept out of the eu for as it was. yeah, for as long as it was. yeah, because they didn't want to because they didn't want us to interfere complain interfere with that and complain about no, absolutely about it. no, it's absolutely right. it is interesting right. i mean, it is interesting that obviously they're not saying um, they're saying that, um, they're complaining subsidies saying that, um, they're con being ng subsidies saying that, um, they're conbeing withdrawn, subsidies are being withdrawn, which are germany to germany is being forced to do because its won't because its budgets won't balance. is going balance. germany is going through rough time through a rough time of it generally moment. and generally at the moment. and this the most visible this is like the most visible aspect that. but it's quite aspect of that. but it's quite interesting. i think they're a lot like united alex lot like man united after alex ferguson soon ferguson left, you know, soon as angela walked out that angela merkel walked out that doon angela merkel walked out that door. they've been steep
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slide. >> things are that bad. okay well, still to come. and the saturday we'll well, still to come. and the saturda the we'll well, still to come. and the saturda the shocking we'll well, still to come. and the saturda the shocking office discuss the shocking post office scandal and ask if tv licence prosecutions be next for prosecutions could be next for the itv drama department. as another scandal and our final. what happened next of the evening? let's take a look at life on the open road
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welcome back to the saturday night showdown. it's time to delve into the post office scandal in a moment. but first, i promised you i would show you what happened in that video . what happened in that video. aaron is that ever happened to you? when you're driving around london? >> uh, a helicopter? no a ubers occasionally do that to me. the
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sky not fall out of the sky, but they pull out of side turnings to sort of crash into lampposts and things that. to sort of crash into lampposts ancbeings that. to sort of crash into lampposts ancbe on; that. to sort of crash into lampposts ancbe on high that. to sort of crash into lampposts ancbe on high alert. >> be on high alert. >> be on high alert. >> but yeah. >> but yeah. >> as a cabbie, you're not >> no, as a cabbie, you're not a fan of the ubers. >> uh, no comment. >> uh, no comment. >> is there? >> is there? >> is there like grudge? is there between you? like there a grudge between you? like there a grudge between you? like there is between, don't know, there is between, i don't know, i start when they i think at the start when they first town, there, first came into town, there, there was. there very much was. >> and they, how they, uh, >> and how they, how they, uh, got their licenses was, was , is got their licenses was, was, is all up in the air at the minute, but it's just, um, yeah, we feel a little bit hard done by. we go through strict process of through a strict process of passing knowledge and like, passing the knowledge and like, putting it to earn putting years into it to earn the right to apply for higher and do that. and then they come into town, basically 89 year old man basically apply man could just basically apply for licenses and for a one of their licenses and put through a chinese takeaway menu as a proof of insurance and then be on our way in a prius. >> moving on, we've got >> well, moving on, we've got the office scandal. scandal the post office scandal. scandal which hit the which continues to hit the headlines. it's been the headlines. it's been called the biggest miscarriage of justice in history , as hundreds of in history, as hundreds of postmasters tried to overturn
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convictions based on a dodgy computer system . i've been computer system. i've been wondering if there are any more huge scandals looming, and the prosecution of people for not buying a tv licence springs to mind. this week, a woman from county durham with learning difficulties and depression was prosecuted and convicted for not paying prosecuted and convicted for not paying her licence . aaron, what paying her licence. aaron, what do you make of the post office scandal and could it be the tip of the iceberg? i'll possibly be. >> it is a bit of a be.— >> it is a bit of a it's shocking really. what's what's what's happening. you don't expect that with the post office. you think that they should be elite in what they're doing, especially here. should be elite in what they're doingum,»ecially here. should be elite in what they're doingum,»eciamake here. should be elite in what they're doingum,»eciamake senses. should be elite in what they're doingum,»eciamake sense as to yeah um, but make sense as to why sort lacking my why i'm sort of lacking in my christmas cards this year? i wondered only got one, and wondered why i only got one, and that was from the missus. so the post not doing their job? post office not doing their job? >> them for >> yeah, maybe checking them for fivers. mean, the fivers. um, i mean, i think the biggest , uh, fivers. um, i mean, i think the biggest, uh, the biggest cause for prosecutions of women is non—payment of tv licence. >> and that's because, apparently, because women tend to be in more than, than men
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when the licence inspectors come. yeah >> and also it's, you know, usually women that are doing are handung usually women that are doing are handling the bills and organising family finances and things i, i don't things like that. and i, i don't let my name appear on a form anywhere. >> they'll never get my dabs. >> they'll never get my dabs. >> yeah. but you know, it's interesting because obviously the, the post office scandal is something really specific. the, the post office scandal is son there's really specific. the, the post office scandal is sonthere's a ally specific. the, the post office scandal is sonthere's a huge pecific. the, the post office scandal is sonthere's a huge number >> there's a huge number of people , the level of sort of people, the level of sort of i don't want to get sued here, but sort of it seems like lying, corruption and sort of cover ups is , is every day something else is, is every day something else comes out. yeah. um, but but this, you know, we are in the midst of quite a series of scandals, whether it's the sort of tainted blood scandal, what's happening, you know, and, and the tv licence fits into that, which i think there's a general tone coming up in this next election that a lot of people feel like, number one, things don't work. but number two, you, if you don't have an ear of someone in a position of power, you just get screwed. don't you just get screwed. you don't get and obviously you just get screwed. you don't get of and obviously you just get screwed. you don't get of the and obviously you just get screwed. you don't get of the people obviously you just get screwed. you don't get of the people obvi have been some of the people who have been through a rough time the through such a rough time of the post office, um , kind of
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post office, um, kind of encompass that sort of feeling of they have tried again and again to have their voice heard and have been literally told by whether ed davey anyone whether it's ed davey or anyone or or else or paula vennells or anyone else to shut up and go away. yeah, exactly . yeah. yeah, i think exactly. yeah. yeah, i think a lot actually. i think there's going be a lot more coming going to be a lot more coming out about how many other politicians , as as i want politicians, as much as i want to david's head or spike, to see david's head or spike, how much other politicians are implicated, yeah. >> okay. well, right up next is mark have you got for us this >> what have you got for us this evening, >> what have you got for us this evewell, listen , we talk about >> well, listen, we talk about the post office. >> ever recover rep >> will it ever recover its rep station? a lot people don't station? a lot of people don't want go the post office want to go to the post office anymore. should it be and anymore. should it be axed. and also top scientist says we also a top scientist says we should bring back masking . i'll should bring back masking. i'll be responding. in my big opinion i >> -- >> have you got your scissors out again? of course i do. >> and a flick knife. and, uh, and quite a lot of explosive material. >> okay, well, thanks to my brilliant panel tonight, ella whelan simon evans and iron curtain. we'll you again whelan simon evans and iron curteweeka'll you again whelan simon evans and iron curteweek .ll you again whelan simon evans and iron curteweek . bye. you again next week. bye. >> like things are heating >> looks like things are heating up. boiler is sponsors of up. boxt boiler is sponsors of
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whether on gb news . whether on gb news. >> hello there . good evening. >> hello there. good evening. i'm jonathan vautrey here of gb news weather forecast provided by the met office. we've got a mixture of variable cloud and some clear spells to end this first half of the weekend, and thatis first half of the weekend, and that is quite key in terms of what conditions you will see overnight. do see some overnight. where you do see some of clearer spells, of those clearer spells, temperatures could just drop off a with pockets of a touch with some pockets of frost developing mist and fog patches but areas patches as well. but those areas that cloud will that hold on to the cloud will probably see temperatures just hold slightly freezing. hold up slightly above freezing. many cities many of our towns and cities around 2 c, so not around 1 or 2 c, so not a widespread frost, but still a chilly start to sunday morning. rhiannon amount of cloud holding on wales, central southern on for wales, central southern england sunday england throughout sunday as well. sunny to well. a few sunny breaks to watch it's the watch out for, but it's the northern of uk where northern half of the uk where we'll some slightly more we'll see some slightly more prolonged areas of sunshine. showers, across northern showers, though across northern scotland will be falling as snow even levels. combine even to lower levels. combine that very winds that with some very strong winds across the north—east, they've got fisk across the north—east, they've got risk drifting snow got the risk of drifting snow and very bitter in those and feeling very bitter in those winds. towards the south, a
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winds. even towards the south, a fairly cold day six seven degrees celsius. but it's that very cold arctic air in the north that's going to sweep its way southwards over the course of sunday and into monday. those blue colours the blue colours covering the entirety of the uk. so some of us will certainly have to scrape the the thing on the cars. the first thing on monday showers will monday morning. the showers will be to push their be continuing to push their way into north, primarily into the north, primarily for northern scotland, but see northern scotland, but we'll see also showers for also some snow showers for northern a few northern ireland, perhaps a few for west wales. for the far west of wales. southwest england, as well as skirting humberside skirting into humberside and parts norfolk well further parts of norfolk as well further inland, blue skies inland, widespread blue skies but dealing very cold and the cold conditions continue right throughout by by a throughout the week. by by a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's 9:00 and maria and harry are in the gallery. >> it's going to be a cracker on
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tv, on radio and online in the united kingdom. across the world. this is mark dolan tonight on gb news. in my big opinion. the psycho scientists who urged ruinous lockdowns are back this time, urging us to wear masks again. so to mask or not to mask, that is the question. i'll be giving my verdict shortly . you won't want verdict shortly. you won't want to miss it . my verdict shortly. you won't want to miss it. my mask meets guest is the highly successful entrepreneur who started life with nothing and built a property empire , but he wants property empire, but he wants his legacy to be the end of knife crime. he tells his amazing and inspiring shortly story shortly. this guy has got a story to tell in a big story. will the post office ever recover its reputation? what is the future for this tainted organisation? should it be scrapped altogether? i'll be asking former government minister edwina currie , and it minister edwina currie, and it might take a ten. the post office scandal proves that ordinary people don't stand a chance against the governing
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elite. people power is


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