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tv   PM Qs Live  GB News  January 17, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm GMT

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going to work. this rwanda not going to work. this rwanda plan it's completely unworkable. they've wasted £400 million >> they've wasted £400 million of taxpayers money they're of taxpayers money and they're in complete chaos with resignations. his resignations. he can't unite his own be crossing own party. we'll be crossing to pmqs live as soon as he's on his feet. >> e email your >> please, please email your questions. would you ask questions. what would you ask the it is the prime minister today? it is your pmqs. >> that's right. we found your questions are better than questions are far better than anyone's. can dream up in the anyone's. we can dream up in the studio . and mps are studio. and indeed, mps are asking last week's big asking notably, last week's big question whether there question was was whether there should knighthood from mr should be a knighthood from mr alan bates from the post office and went viral that and what went went viral that question there from question the answer there from from mcvey. from esther mcvey. so any question best question question your best question pinging it to us and we'll ask our to let us cross live our panel to let us cross live to the prime minister's questions >> the speaker is on his feet , >> the speaker is on his feet, about to start prime minister's question. this is sort of the bare knuckle fighting of westminster. this is when you really get to see their mettle, what they are made of. >> what's it like now in the chamber, maria.7 when you're waiting for the pm to speak, is a moment of tension. it is very noisy. >> it's quite hard living on
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prime minister's question. here we had meetings with >> we had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others to duties others in addition to my duties in i shall have in this house. i shall have further such meetings later today. jason mccartney. >> you, mr speaker . >> thank you, mr speaker. according to the alzheimer's society, nearly 5000 people are currently living with dementia. >> in my comb valley constituency of . whom 3153 have constituency of. whom 3153 have had a formal diagnosis. >> this. that figure went up by one this week with my dad's diagnosis. >> my dad is my constituent. >> my dad is my constituent. >> will my right hon. >> will my right hon. >> friend pledge to make dementia a priority by driving up diagnosis rates.7 bolstering dementia research, investing in social care, and improving access to the most innovative diagnostic methods, and improving access to new, life changing treatments. prime minister well, can i send my warmest wishes to my honourable friend and his father and family? >> and i recognise that a
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dementia diagnosis can bring worry both for the person who is diagnosed, but also their wider family. and my hon. friend is absolutely right about the timely diagnosis of dementia. it's vital to make sure that those affected can access the care and support they need . nhs care and support they need. nhs england is actually carrying out a pilot to make sure that we can improve dementia diagnosis in care homes. our major condition strategy also includes a focus on dementia. but crucially, as my honourable friend said, we are now doubling the funding for dementia research so we can help everyone , including his father , everyone, including his father, don't come to the leader of the opposition , keir starmer. opposition, keir starmer. >> yes , can i send my best >> yes, can i send my best wishes to the honourable member and his father? >> also, and all those suffering in this way? >> mr speaker , i can't let today >> mr speaker, i can't let today pass without saying how saddened i was by the tragic death of bronson battersbee , aged just bronson battersbee, aged just two, who died in heartbreaking circumstances in skegness. >> i know that this house will join me in sending our deepest
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sympathies to his family. join me in sending our deepest sympathies to his family . mr sympathies to his family. mr speaker , the government has been speaker, the government has been forced to admit that it has lost control . control. >> packed with 85% of the 5000 people earmarked for removal to rwanda . rwanda. >> has he found them yet ? prime >> has he found them yet? prime minister mr speaker, what i can tell the honourable gentleman is that in spite of him blocking every in spite of him blocking every in spite of him blocking every single attempt that we have taken , we have managed now have taken, we have managed now because of our actions to reduce the number of people coming here by over a third last year , by over a third last year, remove over 23,000 people from this country back to their home countries , carried out 70% more countries, carried out 70% more illegal enforcement raids, arrested hundreds of people, closed down thousands of bank accounts and processed over 100,000 cases. >> the biggest number in over 20
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years. mr speaker , that's years. mr speaker, that's because on this side of the house, we want to stop the boats. we have a plan. it's working. and with him we will just go back to square one. >> mr my first thought is, how do you actually lose 4250 people then you remember that this is then you remember that this is the government that scrapped hs2 , but the costs are still rising by billions. >> this is the government that spent £400 million of taxpayers money on a rwanda scheme, and yet can't deport a single person. this is the government that waged a week long war on the greek prime minister for reasons known only to themselves, and suddenly you are reminded that, of course , this reminded that, of course, this farce of a government could lose the people. it was planning to remove. but he didn't answer the question . so i'll ask him again question. so i'll ask him again where are the 4250 people that the government has lost? >> where are they ? mr
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>> where are they? mr >> where are they? mr >> mr speaker, mr speaker, as i said, we've actually identified and removed over 20,000 people from this country back to where they belong. >> but but he talks. >> but but he talks. >> he asked these questions about the rwanda scheme. mr speaken about the rwanda scheme. mr speaker, it is important that we get this up and running because it's important as the national crime agency say, that we have a working deterrent to resolve this issue. that's indeed how australia solved this problem. and that's how albania has worked for us. but we know we asked these questions, mr speaken asked these questions, mr speaker, about the detail of these things. but we all know he doesn't. he doesn't actually care about solving this problem. and we know this because when the bbc asked him, when the bbc asked him about the rwanda plan , asked him about the rwanda plan, they quizzed him. they said if they quizzed him. they said if the numbers crossing the channel on small boats decline, i.e. so it's working , would you still it's working, would you still reverse it ? the labour leader reverse it? the labour leader said yes , it's crystal clear he
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said yes, it's crystal clear he doesn't have a plan and it will be back to square one. >> mr speaker, spending £400 million on a plan not to get anybody to rwanda whilst losing 4000 people is not a plan. it's a farce . a farce. >> it only this only this government could waste hundreds of millions of pounds on a removals policy that does not remove anyone. only this government could claim that it's going to get flights off the ground, only to discover they couldn't find a plane, only if only this government could sign a removal deal with rwanda, only to end up taking people from rwanda to here. but but he still hasn't answered the question , so hasn't answered the question, so i'll try again. hasn't answered the question, so i'll try again . what progress i'll try again. what progress has he made in locating the 4250 people his government is apparently lost. >> he's dodged it three times. >> he's dodged it three times. >> where are they , mr speaker?
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>> where are they, mr speaker? it's the same thing again and again . again. >> here we are talking about what we are doing. but i'm happy. i'm what we are doing. but i'm happy- i'm happy what we are doing. but i'm happy. i'm happy to go over it. mr speaker, what are we doing? we've increased the number of illegal enforcement raids by 70, leading thousands of arrests leading to thousands of arrests using powers , mr speaker, that using powers, mr speaker, that he blocked in this house. we have closed down thousands of bank accounts of illegal workers. again using powers that he blocked . mr speaker, order. he blocked. mr speaker, order. mr >> do you want that early cup of tea? >> are you going a little bit more silent, prime minister >> mr speaker, as i said , we >> mr speaker, as i said, we have worked through a record number of cases and returned a record number of people back to where they become. all of that is a plan that is working, and we can see that it is working because the numbers of people coming to this country are down by over a third. mr speaker. but again, it is a bit rich to hear him in here pretending that he cares about how we actually stop
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the boats when he's been crystal clear, he's been crystal clear and said that even if the plan is working to reduce the numbers , he would still scrap it. mr speaken , he would still scrap it. mr speaker, it's because he has no values, no conviction , and no values, no conviction, and no plan in his back to square one. >> no no no no . plan in his back to square one. >> no no no no. he plan in his back to square one. >> no no no no . he hasn't got >> no no no no. he hasn't got a clue where they are. has he? no i can tell you. >> i can tell you one place they aren't and that's rwanda , aren't and that's rwanda, because the only people who sent to rwanda is cabinet ministers >> and for all the word, the ridiculous thing is, we know the prime minister himself doesn't even believe in this rwanda gimmick. >> yes, he had to be talked out of scrapping the whole thing. he didn't want to fund it. he didn't want to fund it. he didn't think it would work. didn't want to fund it. he didn't think it would work . when didn't think it would work. when he sees his party tearing itself
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apart, hundreds of bald men scrapping over a single broken comb . comb. >> doesn't he wish he had the courage to stick to his guns ? courage to stick to his guns? >> well, mr mr speaker, now i have absolute conviction that the plan we put in place will work. absolute conviction, because i believe it's important that we grip this problem now. he spends a lot of his time in this house talking about his time as a lawyer. mr speaker, and i would urge him to listen to them, because lord wolfson has said that our bill severely limits the for removal for eminent cases, has said that it is undoubtedly the most robust piece of immigration legislation this parliament has seen . and mr this parliament has seen. and mr speaken this parliament has seen. and mr speaker, a former supreme court, i want to hear what the prime minister has got to say, because it matters to my constituents, those who feels it doesn't matter to us. >> please leave. >> please leave. >> prime minister, as i said, mr
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speaker , for eminent kc said speaker, for eminent kc said this is undoubtedly the most robust legislation passed and a former supreme court justice has been clear that the bill would work. but i know, mr speaker, he's always been more interested in what leftie lawyers have to say. mr speaker , i've even got say. mr speaker, i've even got here. i've even got here the textbook that he authored for them, and it's called , and i them, and it's called, and i quote, european human rights law by keir starmer. quote, european human rights law by keir starmer . so . prime by keir starmer. so. prime minister . minister. >> prime minister when i stand up, please sit down. >> can i just say we don't use props in this house and i will certainly ensure that if you do need reminding, i certainly will. >> keir starmer it's such utterly pathetic nonsense . utterly pathetic nonsense. >> he's been brutally exposed by his own mps yet again. >> he's been brutally exposed by his own mps yet again . he's got his own mps yet again. he's got one party chair who says she
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hopes the lords will rip his rwanda deal to pieces. he has got two more who had to quit because they don't think it'll work. all of them appointed by him , all now in open revolt him, all now in open revolt against his policy. each other and reality . is against his policy. each other and reality. isis against his policy. each other and reality . is is there any and reality. is is there any wonder they all think this gimmick is doomed to failure when the prime minister himself doesn't believe in it ? mr doesn't believe in it? mr >> mr speaker, mr speaker , it is >> mr speaker, mr speaker, it is rich to hear from the honourable gentleman about belief in something , because it will be something, because it will be news to him. it is actually the case that you can believe in something and stick to that position on this side of the house. >> i mean . i will say to this >> i mean. i will say to this side , although somebody jumping side, although somebody jumping in from other. >> can i just say it's very important, it's an important day. people want to know what's
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going on. so i want my constituents just like yours, to hear what the prime minister has got to say, prime minister, just this week, mr speaker, we had another example of the honourable gentleman doing one thing, saying another , because thing, saying another, because it is this week he backed the home secretary in banning the terrorist group hizb ut—tahrir, despite him personally using the european court of human rights to try and stop them being banned. >> and don't take my word for it, mr speaker. the extremists own press release said, and i quote the hizb ut—tahrir legal team, led by keir starmer. now i know, i know, he doesn't like talking about them because they've been a client, but when i see a group chanting jihad on our streets, i ban them. he invoices them . yes. our streets, i ban them. he invoices them . yes . just. our streets, i ban them. he invoices them . yes . just . yeah invoices them. yes. just. yeah because there's eight questions that i think some of you may
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want. >> well, i'll tell you what. the sums already gone off the list. we wanted them keir starmer . we wanted them keir starmer. >> mr speaker , if he stuck to >> mr speaker, if he stuck to his position, he'd be voting with us. >> would be voting with us. >> would be voting with us. >> his former home secretary says the plan won't work. >> his current home secretary calls it batshit. his former immigration minister doesn't back his plan. even the prime minister himself doesn't believe in it. and last week, another of his mps said that the tories should admit that things have got worse since they came to office. that after 14 years they've left britain less united. they've left britain less unhed.the they've left britain less united. the country is a sadder place , even if the prime place, even if the prime minister can't even persuade his own mps that it's worth supporting him if he himself doesn't even believe in his own policies, why on earth should anyone else think differently ? anyone else think differently? >> mr speaker, another week when
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it's crystal clear, the honourable gentleman doesn't believe in anything and he doesn't have a plan . now, while doesn't have a plan. now, while he talks the country down, let me update him on what's actually been happening in the past week. inflation. more than halved from 11% to 4. real wages is rising. real wages rising for the fifth month in a row. last real wages rising for the fifth month in a row . last week, rates month in a row. last week, rates started falling and millions of people benefited from a tax cut worth £450. so while he takes us back to square one with a £28 billion tax grab, let's stick with the plan that's delivering a brighter future for britain . a brighter future for britain. sevilla mr speaker, it's against the law to silence victims of crime . crime. >> but that's exactly what the post office did through the use of non—disclosure agreements. and this is just the most recent case of ndas covering up mismanagement and misconduct. and even crimes at work. will my right hon. friend the prime minister consider banning their
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use in all severance agreements once and for all? >> minister . >> minister. >> minister. >> my hon. friend is right to raise an important point and the ability to speak out about things is key to unlocking justice. and while ndas can have a place at. my honourable friend is right to say that they shouldn't be used to stop victims of crime in particular, getting the justice that they deserve, i can tell her that the ministry of justice are carefully considering to carefully considering how to best issue, best address this issue, including legislation , and i including legislation, and i know that my right hon. friend, the justice secretary will keep the justice secretary will keep the updated on further progress. >> leader of the snp stephen flynn. >> yes, mr speaker, people >> yes, mr speaker, when people woke up today in homes that they can't afford heat with can't afford to heat with mortgages that they are struggling to pay to, that struggling to pay to, news that inflation is once again on the rise, they will have looked to westminster and westminster for answers and instead they find a uk government, which is tearing itself apart over how quickly it can send vulnerable people on a plane to rwanda .
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plane to rwanda. >> surely the prime minister must understand that the anger that some of his own backbenchers have towards him is no comparison to the anger that the public have towards his party. here >> prime minister, mr speaker , >> prime minister, mr speaker, if the honourable gentleman did care about supporting working families to pay their bills, to pay families to pay their bills, to pay their mortgage, why on earth is the snp making scotland the highest taxed part of the united kingdom , where the average mr kingdom, where the average mr speaker , not the wealthiest, speaker, not the wealthiest, where the average worker in scotland is now paying more tax than they do in england ? than they do in england? >> stephen flynn of course, mr speaken >> stephen flynn of course, mr speaker, when it comes to the rwanda bill, the reality is that if you want to stop the smuggling gangs, you should introduce safe and legal routes, but instead the prime minister is seeking to weaponize some of the most vulnerable people in society . society. >> it is straight out of the cruel and callous right wing extremist playgroup in his time
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in office is fast approaching its conclusion . does he its conclusion. does he seriously want this to be his legacy? his prime minister? >> well, mr speaker, i said, it is important that we stop the boats because illegal migration is simply not fair. >> mr speaker, it's not right that some people jump the queue that some people jump the queue that they take away our resources to help those who are the most compassionate, that need our most help. and by the way, mr speaker , are exploited way, mr speaker, are exploited by gangs and many of them lose their lives making these dangerous crossing. so i completely disagree with the honourable gentleman, the fair and thing to and the compassionate thing to do to these criminal do is to break these criminal gangs. and that's why we're going stop the boats. liam going to stop the boats. liam russell thank you, mr speaker . russell thank you, mr speaker. unexpectedly five months ago, i had a heart attack and thanks to the swift action of the nhs emergency services, it was caught early . caught early. >> so one stent operation later, i was on a swift path to rehabilitation and recovery. and i stand here today, uh, fighting
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fit and a bit lighter too. um, so along with encouraging everyone to visit the british heart foundation website to understand the early warning signs and get fantastic resources to help them with the prime minister also join me in personally thanking everyone who helped save my life and helped me recover, including the east of england ambulance service, the teams at watford general and harefield hospital, the cardiac rehabilitation teams and everyone who supported me , everyone who supported me, especially my family and my team, some of whom are in the gallery today, who helped ensure that i continue to deliver for the great people of watford . the great people of watford. >> i thank my honourable friend for sharing his story and i know the whole house will be delighted to hear that he's made a swift recovery . we all wish a swift recovery. we all wish him good for health the future as he resumes excellent as he resumes his excellent campaigning on behalf of his constituents in watford. and i also join him in thanking our fantastic nhs staff for the life saving work that they do up and down the country. we're backing
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them with record resources from our doctors to our ambulance service. all in this service. we are all in this house truly grateful for what they do . haaland lucas, thank they do. haaland lucas, thank you very much, mr speaker. >> until the uk government calls for an immediate ceasefire, it is complicit in the horrors in gaza. >> yeah, not my words, but those of the head of oxfam who , like of the head of oxfam who, like every single agency trying to operate on the ground , is clear operate on the ground, is clear that aid can't be effectively delivered while fighting continues more uk aid is, of course, welcome, but even when it does get through, it can result in what one palestinian aid worker calls bombing us on full stomachs . full stomachs. >> 24,000 people have already been killed, so can he tell us what will it take for him to back a permanent bilateral ceasefire here? prime minister? >> mr speaker of course we want to see a peaceful resolution to this conflict as soon as
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possible. a sustainable , possible. a sustainable, permanent ceasefire with an end to the destruction, fighting and loss of life, release of hostages and no resumption of hostilities would , of course, be hostilities would, of course, be the best way forward. but in to order achieve that, a number of things need to happen. hamas would to agree to release would have to agree to release the hostages. hamas the all the hostages. hamas would no longer have in would no longer have to be in charge gaza the threat of charge of gaza and the threat of more attacks from hamas more rocket attacks from hamas into israel have to end . into israel would have to end. and the palestinian authority boosted with assistance, would need return to gaza in order need to return to gaza in order to provide governance and aid. that a sustainable ceasefire that is a sustainable ceasefire that we will work very hard to bnng that we will work very hard to bring about. nick fletcher, thank you. >> mr speaker. mr speaker, today i was unsure whether to raise a national issue such as the desperate need for a minister for men or a local issue such as doncaster, the need for a new hospital or edlington for a new leisure centre. but i thought the best thing could do is ask the best thing i could do is ask the best thing i could do is ask the prime minister to come and have tour of doncaster, and have a tour of doncaster, and while him around my while i'm showing him around my hometown, i can press the need
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for minister men. i for a minister for men. i can show the site for a new show him the site for a new hospital i can introduce him hospital and i can introduce him to the of edlington. so to the people of edlington. so he can discuss their new leisure centre. prime centre. so will the prime minister accept my invitation here, minister? here, prime minister? >> thanks . thanks my >> well, thanks. thanks to my honourable friends fantastic honourable friends. fantastic campaigning behalf of his campaigning on behalf of his constituents. doncaster city council has received, i think, more than £80 million in levelling up funding to support its regeneration products and most recently, doncaster has been awarded £20 million in our long tum plan for towns over the next ten years, which i know he is working very hard to make sure is prioritised for local people. i would be delighted to discuss those projects and his other ideas when i come and visit him as my diary visit him. as soon as my diary allows . julie elliott thank you, allows. julie elliott thank you, mr speaker, 71% of requests for funding from the community ownership fund aimed at saving libraries, pubs and village halls have been rejected since 2021. >> it pits communities against each other and does nothing to address the underlying causes
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that have led to the loss of these much loved assets. when will the government offer more than a simple sticking plaster for our towns? hi streets and communities ? communities? >> prime minister mr >> prime minister mr >> mr speaker , actually i set up >> mr speaker, actually i set up the community ownership fund when i was chancellor and it is doing fantastic work funding hundreds of projects across the country, including, i believe , country, including, i believe, one in the honourable lady's own constituency . see the back on constituency. see the back on the map scheme. it is there to support local communities to take over assets , whether it's take over assets, whether it's pubs, uh, village halls or other community assets. and it's doing a fantastic job. it's right that there's a competitor process because want to sure because we want to make sure that is deployed in that that money is deployed in the make the the areas where it can make the most difference. >> thank you, mr speaken >> over crowding on chiltern railways has become a daily misery for commuters from stations like haddenham and thame parkway and princes risborough. in my constituency , risborough. in my constituency, the root cause of which is an ageing fleet constantly breaking down and shorter trains having to be run. there are proposals
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on the table for both short terms, additional capacity and long terme fleet renewals. so what am i ryan o'neal friend, the prime minister instruct the department for to transport fast track those proposals so can track those proposals so we can end overcrowding on chiltern. prime agree with prime minister and i agree with my hon. friend that the performance on chiltern hasn't been in recent been good enough in recent times. that children . times. i know that children. have recently begun engagement with the rolling stock leasing market, which will help reduce overcrowding. but also, together with dft, they are looking at providing additional capacity at peak times. so i know my honourable friend, the rail minister will ensure that these plans continue to progress and keep my hon. friend updated . patrick. >> ready? thank you, mr speaker. >> ready? thank you, mr speaker. >> what exactly is it about the prospect of deportation to rwanda that makes the government think it will such think it will be such a deterrent to asylum seekers? does think that life in does it think that life in rwanda is somehow less comfortable, secure, comfortable, less secure, less safe is . here comfortable, less secure, less safe is. here in comfortable, less secure, less safe is . here in the safe than it is. here in the united kingdom? >> what does the government
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think is wrong with rwanda? that means asylum seekers won't want to there. yeah, it's nothing. >> there's anything wrong with it. that it's not the it. it's just that it's not the united speaker, and united kingdom. mr speaker, and i point out to the i have to point out to the honourable gentleman that deterrence we know that deterrence works. we know that it works because our scheme with albania has ensured . a 90% albania has ensured. a 90% reduction in arrivals from that country . country. >> it's a coffee, mr speaker. >> it's a coffee, mr speaker. >> it's a coffee, mr speaker. >> i know my right hon. >> i know my right hon. >> friend, the prime minister is committed to energy security in the development of renewables, as i, and that's why sizewell as am i, and that's why sizewell c this week. c started a dco this week. >> however, there are plenty of other developments which are happening greenfield sites happening on greenfield sites where are planned to be where cpos are planned to be used by national grid to plough up farming fields used for food. >> but also tree production as well. >> when there are brownfield sites already available connected the network. connected to the network. national grid is refusing to pubush national grid is refusing to publish its study of bradwell and why they deem it would not be suitable for this connection of offshore wind farms and interconnectors will he meet with me to discuss this and other east anglian mps, and also
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to use the powers of his office to use the powers of his office to get that study published ? to get that study published? >> yes, as my honourable friend will know that planning applications for new infrastructure are managed independently , so i can't independently, so i can't comment on specific cases. but i do agree with her that it's important to listen to the views of local communities like those that she represents across suffolk and east anglia. i know my hon. friend for aberdeenshire west was visiting her area recently to mark the commencement of the project that sizewell c, and i can assure her that relevant ministers will continue to pay close attention to her concerns . to her concerns. >> stevens. thank you, mr speaken >> the leader of the house last week correctly described the contaminated blood scandal as on another level compared . to other another level compared. to other scandals. now that sir brian langstaff has announced today the publication of the final report of the infected blood inquiry, he reminds us, mr speaker , that his principal speaker, that his principal recommendation remains that a compensation scheme should be shared, set up with urgency and
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that no one should be in any doubt about the serious nature of the failings over more than six decades. that to led catastrophic loss of life and compounded suffering prime minister over 100 parliamentarians wrote to you this week. so you tell us this week. so can you tell us now when those affected will be paid compensation for their loss here? >> mr >> mr speaker, >> mr speaker, i >> mr speaker, i am >> mr speaker, i am acutely aware of the strength of feeling on this issue and indeed the suffering of all of those impacted by this dreadful scandal . i gave evidence to the scandal. i gave evidence to the inquiry last year and as i said then , i recognise the suffering then, i recognise the suffering that thousands have experienced over decades . he will know that over decades. he will know that the minister for the cabinet office parliament on office updated parliament on this towards the end of last year. this towards the end of last year . he'll this towards the end of last year. he'll know it's a highly complex issue. interim payments have been made in some cases and we are committed and absolutely committed to responding the committed to responding to the final quickly as final report as quickly as possible. its possible. following its publication . publication. >> robert neil, thank you, mr speaker . >> robert neil, thank you, mr speaker. last >> robert neil, thank you, mr speaker . last week, conservative speaker. last week, conservative controlled bromley council's children's services were rated
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outstanding by ofsted in all four areas of inspection , only four areas of inspection, only the third time that has happened under the current framework. will he join me in congratulating the officers and members of bromley council and perhaps even visit bromley and see our new saving civic see our new cost saving civic centre? well. perhaps not, not quite. >> on my way to doncaster, but i'll bear it in. i'll bear it in mind, but can i join my honourable friend in paying tribute to bromley council and all the officers involved in providing what is an incredibly important local important service in their local community looking some community and looking after some of vulnerable children community and looking after some of our vulnerable children community and looking after some of our society. ilnerable children community and looking after some of our society. theyble children community and looking after some of our society. they all children community and looking after some of our society. they all deserve in our society. they all deserve our thanks and our praise for their brilliant efforts. >> doctor rupa, thank you, mr speaker . speaken >> promised to transform >> hs2 promised to transform intercity . travel and my seat intercity. travel and my seat where old oak common will be one day. >> but after leeds and manchester were ditched, its london ends now in doubt . london ends now in doubt. >> could the pm today commit to ensuring it at least reaches euston, or is he intent on
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stopping all transport forms except private jets? >> maybe. >> maybe. >> yeah , prime minister i think >> yeah, prime minister i think i think her her leader might have something to say about the forms of transportation. >> mr speaker, and perhaps on hs2 as well, because i still haven't heard from him, haven't actually heard from him, his position on whole subject. >> but we have. mr speaker, i would say old oak common is destined to be of the destined to be one of the foremost stations in the country because the because of the station and the extra connectivity will extra connectivity that it will have across london. the have across london. as the initial hs2 trains initial terminus for hs2 trains and we said at the and as we said at the announcement, we are working with the private sector as we have done in other developments in london, to raise private money, save the taxpayer money and connection to and deliver the connection to euston planned . euston as planned. >> breathless. thank you, >> very breathless. thank you, mr speaker. >> i just back from the >> i just got back from the inaugural women's health summit dunng inaugural women's health summit during summit, was during the summit, it was announced that specialist announced that the specialist maternal mental services maternal mental health services will now be available to women in every part of england by march. >> this is particularly pertinent for me after one of my constituents, jessica cronshaw,
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passed whilst pregnant with passed away whilst pregnant with her elsie after suffering her baby, elsie after suffering with pregnancy sickness. with severe pregnancy sickness. >> hyperemesis gravidarum . so >> hyperemesis gravidarum. so can i thank the government for following through with this important reform and push him to keep going with the spirit of this reform? so our nhs is fit for women in the future. yeah >> prime minister, well, can i thank my hon. friend for raising this matter and i know the whole house to convey our house will want to convey our sympathies jessica's family, sympathies to jessica's family, but i'm pleased reforms but i'm pleased that the reforms that making will a that we are making will make a difference women the difference to women across the country. in the future. we're committed to our women's health strategy, i'm grateful that strategy, and i'm grateful that for her support and again, her advice and ideas so we can ensure it delivers the care that we want it to across the country. >> andrew gwynne, the conservative candidate for the wellingborough by—election yesterday revealed that the conservative had offered . conservative party had offered. her a deal to be the candidate if the previous member , her if the previous member, her partner, stood down without a fuss. >> the prime minister said just last week that candidate
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selection is all done locally within his party, so would he now like to deny that this secret deal was offered by prime minister mr speaker, as i said last week in our party, candidates , election is done candidates, election is done locally . james grey . locally. james grey. >> mr speaker, would my right hon. >> friend the prime minister agree with me that a remote rural hotel is just the wrong place to house asylum seekers and refugees from their from their point of view? >> and will he therefore join me in home secretary >> and will he therefore join me in announcing home secretary >> and will he therefore join me in announcing yesterday:retary >> and will he therefore join me in announcing yesterday thaty for announcing yesterday that the wiltshire outside the wiltshire hotel outside rowland bassett, is, in fact to be returned its proper be returned to its proper purpose in april. mr >> well , i purpose in april. mr >> well, i thank my honourable friend for the question. he's absolutely right . the use of absolutely right. the use of hotels is unfair , and also it's hotels is unfair, and also it's unfair on local communities and also cost taxpayers £8 million a day. and that's why . our plans day. and that's why. our plans to reduce the number of people coming has meant that we could close the first 50 hotels across the country with more to follow.
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and i thank the home secretary and his team for their efforts. but the way but fundamentally, the only way to resolve once for and all to resolve this once for and all is to implement our rwanda scheme so we can have a working deterrent. that's how we deterrent. and that's how we will the charlotte will stop the boats. charlotte nichols, mr speaker. nichols, thank you, mr speaker. >> i've been contacted by desperate have desperate constituents who have rung pharmacy rung every single pharmacy within a 50 mile radius of warrington and still haven't been able to access their medication for adhd . medication for adhd. >> this has been going on for months and isn't just a warrington issue. pharmacists are calling it the worst shortage ever seen, with only 11% of people able to access their full dose this month and adhd uk have called the government's response pathetic. >> they're right, aren't they? yeah so i'm very sorry to hear about the situation in the honourable lady's constituency for the health secretary. >> obviously heard what she said and is in touch. >> obviously heard what she said and is in touch . with the and is in touch. with the relevant drug bodies to make sure we can have the provision
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of adhd medicine to all of those who need it. >> tom harwood speaker. >> tom harwood speaker. >> for around a decade, over 200 of constituents in the mill of my constituents in the mill complex ipswich have been complex in ipswich have been caught the cruellest of caught in the cruellest form of limbo . there deep structural limbo. there are deep structural problems with the building and cladding years cladding problems. a few years ago got about million ago they got about £15 million out settlement out of court settlement to make a the a contribution towards the cladding the freeholder cladding cost. the freeholder nama . the irish financial entity nama. the irish financial entity set up after the irish banking crisis, ran away with that money, putting my residents and my constituents back in square one with little to no hope will the minister talk to the prime minister talk to the irish to raise this irish taoiseach to raise this immoral case, and also meet with me a way for me to discuss a way forward for my constituents, who i meet with every week? >> prime minister. >> prime minister. >> i'm sorry to hear >> well, i'm very sorry to hear about my hon. friend's case, but i'll that government i'll ensure that the government looks details gets looks into the details and gets back order about back to him in short order about how can support him in his constituents. >> walter dougie beattie closed question number 10. mr speaker. >> mr speaker, i have repeatedly expressed my commitment to joint
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working with the first minister of scotland to deliver for the people across the country. >> martin docherty—hughes. i'm grateful that answer. grateful for that answer. >> speaker, whether it is >> mr speaker, whether it is rightly been much attention paid >> mr speaker, whether it is rigthe been much attention paid >> mr speaker, whether it is rigthe post] much attention paid >> mr speaker, whether it is rigthe post officer attention paid >> mr speaker, whether it is rigthe post office horizon)n paid to the post office horizon scandal, there another scandal, there is another shocking example of government and private sector collusion that began under the last labour administration and continued under the tories. mr administration and continued under the tories . mr speaker, under the tories. mr speaker, almost 200,000 mortgage prisoners . who borrowed with prisoners. who borrowed with high street lenders such as northern rock have become trapped after the portfolio was sold off to foreign entities like topaz finance and helios , like topaz finance and helios, who have been creaming off extortionate revisionary standard variable rates. essentially since 2008, leaving even those who kept up with payments in danger of having their home repossessed. 200,000 aspirant homeowners . have had aspirant homeowners. have had their dream taken away from . their dream taken away from. >> so can the prime minister and
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playing catch up with like he is doing with the post office scandal, meet with me and campaigners to discuss what more can for mortgage prisoners. >> mr speaker , i am familiar >> mr speaker, i am familiar with the situation for mortgage prisoners and something i worked on andi prisoners and something i worked on and i know the on as chancellor and i know the treasury and the current chancellor been engaging treasury and the current chancampaign been engaging treasury and the current chancampaign been and ging treasury and the current chancampaign been and others with campaign groups and others to find ways to resolve it. it's not an easy situation to fix overnight , but there are not an easy situation to fix overnight, but there are things that looked at as we speak. >> goodness, rules. >> goodness, rules. >> mr speaker, yesterday the scottish whisky association published report looking at published a report looking at the economic impact of the sector, not just in scotland but across the whole of the uk. some of the highlights included that in 2022, they contribute generated billion in gross generated 7.1 billion in gross value added, 2.1 billion has been invested in capital projects between 2018 and 2022, and 41,000 jobs are supported by the sector in scotland, including 1 in 9 in my moray constituency. does the prime minister that supporting minister agree that supporting the scotch whisky industry and the scotch whisky industry and the forthcoming spring budget and beyond is a correct priority
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for this government and this government? >> oh my hon. friend is a superb ambassador for murray and for scotch whisky . and he's right. scotch whisky. and he's right. it's a hugely successful export industry that supports tens of thousands of skilled jobs across scotland. i won't obviously tread on the chancellor's toes about future budgets, but i am proud of this government's track record in supporting the industry. having removed us tariffs on scotch whisky, reduced with reduced tariffs and deals with countries and countries like morocco and argentina , and also supporting argentina, and also supporting the interests in our the sector's interests in our ftas with australia, new zealand and most recently with cptpp . and most recently with cptpp. >> ipp peter dowd . >> ipp peter dowd. >> ipp peter dowd. >> mr speaker, the prime minister has been very keen to take credit for falling inflation in previous months. will he now take responsibility for today's rise? >> yes . >> yes. >> yes. >> mr speaker, mr speaker, inflation was over 11% when i
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got this job in flation. today is 4. mr speaker, in common with the us , france, germany, all the us, france, germany, all countries . have seen a mild tick countries. have seen a mild tick up in december for all countries have. but the crucial thing is that inflation has been more than halved, delivered ahead of schedule , and that having an schedule, and that is having an enormous to families up enormous benefit to families up and the country. benefit and down the country. benefit that by his that would be reversed by his party's to saddle them with party's plan to saddle them with £28 of tax rises , excuse i >> -- >> mr speaker, i'm a keen parkrun in warsaw , but i'm also parkrun in warsaw, but i'm also part of the core team of volunteers that recently bought parkour on to tamworth. >> so in the 20th anniversary year of parkrun, will the prime minister join me in encouraging ministerjoin me in encouraging other towns that don't yet have a parkrun to get one? >> prime minister well, it's great to hear that my hon. >> friend is . an avid park >> friend is. an avid park runner and thank i thank him for actually volunteering so that the people of tamworth can enjoy
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one two. i completely agree with him. when i had more time, i was a at the northallerton a regular at the northallerton parkrun parkrun parkrun and the junior parkrun as which i recommend as well, which i recommend for those children. it is those with children. it is a fantastic and accessible way to get people moving and i join him in encouraging everyone to get involved in his local area and beyond. >> beyond. speaken >> at the last general election, residents question at the last general election, residents in west hertfordshire were promised a hospital , but we still a new hospital, but we are still waiting for green light and waiting for the green light and having to put up with broken lifts and overly crowded treatment wards in other parts of the country. there are entire hospital buildings that have had to be closed down, like the one in stepping hill in stockport, because they are structurally unsafe. from broken promises on new to backlog of new hospitals to the backlog of repairs, people are sick and tired the tired of waiting. so can the prime tell the prime minister tell me by the time of the next general election, many of the broken election, how many of the broken hospitals will be fixed . and
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hospitals will be fixed. and will my residents be able to point to a single spade in the ground? >> well, mr speaker, we are investing record sums to not just deliver 40 new hospitals across the country, but 90 different hospital upgrade beds. and familiar with the and she'll be familiar with the plans. west hertfordshire plans. i hope west hertfordshire trust a new emergency trust to develop a new emergency and speciality care facility at watford general, including women's services. women's and children's services. it make an enormous it will make an enormous difference to residents in the area. i'll leave it. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> a recent bbc news article raised fears that blithe could become a ghost town as we see our shopping centre claws to be replaced by a new higher education facility. residents are right to be concerned, and i have personally seen decades of labour neglect in decline in our town. and i have i really have, but this conservative government has invested hundreds of millions of pounds to level up my constituency with spades in the ground as i speak here in the ground as i speak here in the . house of commons. can my
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the. house of commons. can my right hon. friend assure me that the rebirth of our towns will continue as a key focus of this conservative government >> well, my honourable friend is absolutely right, and i commend . absolutely right, and i commend. him for being such a strong advocate for blythe. and i. nearly half of the recent towns fund has been distributed to northern regions in england to level up constituencies like his own. and that is the difference. as he after years, if not as he said after years, if not decades, the decades, of neglect under the party this party opposite, it's this government levelling up government that is levelling up across country. across our country. >> question ian mearns. >> final question ian mearns. i'm very grateful. >> mr speaker, in june 2022, to some fanfare, the government announced the approval of £41 million for a package of works for the restoration of the tyne bridge , which is the route of bridge, which is the route of the a1 67. >> the old a1 , the a1 67. >> the old a1, and it the a1 67. >> the old a1 , and it connects >> the old a1, and it connects gateshead with newcastle city centre. and it's instantly recognisable around the world as an emblem of tyneside. >> however , the funding is still >> however, the funding is still awaiting sign off within the department of transport and work cannot progress, given
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cannot progress, so, given the scale the complexity of the scale and the complexity of the work that's required and the significant additional cost implications of funding does not come forward, can we actually have the money, please, to get on with the work so that the bndge on with the work so that the bridge will be ready for its centenary celebrations in 2028? >> well, mr speaker, i will ensure that the relevant minister back to him with minister gets back to him with an on project and i'm an update on the project and i'm pleased just investing in pleased not just investing in that in his area, but that project in his area, but also following on from the last question, i know his area is received levelling up funding worth £20 million help worth £20 million to help transform economy transform the visitor economy in gateshead. example of gateshead. yet more example of this government investing to level up across the north and across the country . across the country. >> that completes prime minister's questions and that that was pmqs live with me , that was pmqs live with me, gloria de piero and chris hope, the prime minister and keir starmer traded blows over whether rwanda policy is actually the right way to stop the boats. >> yes , indeed.
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>> yes, indeed. >> yes, indeed. >> maria caulfield, what was your reaction, your takeaway from that pmqs? >> well, it was clear that while keir starmer was . criticising keir starmer was. criticising the rwanda plan , he doesn't the rwanda plan, he doesn't actually have a plan of his own. i think he uses that to detract from the fact that while we've seen a reduction in the number of boats crossings, the of small boats crossings, the lowest number in years. lowest number in six years. labour pretty labour have been pretty clear that if come into that if they come into government that they will scrap all that we're all the progress that we're making and we'll be back to square a rise and an square one with a rise and an increase number of increase in the number of illegal crossings. >> that's interesting >> well, that's interesting because your because we want to bring your questions into this discussion. it's about pmqs. it's all about your pmqs. this. thank some great thank you. we've got some great ones already. keep sending ones in already. keep sending them and we love your love finding out not just your first too. first name, but where too. you're from to maria's you're from and to maria's point, stephanie peacock from labour been touch labour bruce has been in touch to would starmer do to to say what would starmer do to stop boats? stop the boats? >> we've been very clear. we've got we're >> we've been very clear. we've gotwe're going >> we've been very clear. we've got we're going to tackle the >> we're going to tackle the criminal gangs. why criminal gangs. that's why people on the boats people are getting on the boats in first place. we're going in the first place. we're going to up a new police unit. to set up a new police unit. we're going recruit 1000 we're going to recruit 1000
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caseworkers process people caseworkers to process people and where they're and send them back where they're not we've plan, not eligible. we've got a plan, andifs not eligible. we've got a plan, and it's that this rwanda and it's clear that this rwanda scheme unworkable. but scheme is simply unworkable. but the to say, the problem, you've got to say, if it works before the election, how get rid of it? how can you then get rid of it? well, depends your well, it depends on your definition what works. you definition of what works. you know, the supreme court have said are said only 100 people are eligible to rwanda. eligible to be sent to rwanda. there's 160,000 people in a black backlog. so it black backlog. so i think it comes back what works and comes back to what works and i simply don't think this does. >> khalife your problem is that many your colleagues the many of your colleagues on the backbenches the idea. backbenches don't like the idea. it's enough. i mean, it's not hard enough. i mean, there's many in these 30 or so tory sink the tory mps tonight to sink the plan. message to plan. what's your message to them? you understand why them? and do you understand why they're so worried? >> the rwanda plan is only >> well, the rwanda plan is only one part of our plan to one small part of our plan to tackle small boats. >> and we're already >> and actually we're already doing what the labour doing much of what the labour party plan. we're party claim is their plan. we're already claims. we've already processing claims. we've cleared there's cleared the backlog. there's only of that only about 4% left of that backlog. are tackling the backlog. we are tackling the criminal thousands have backlog. we are tackling the crimi|investigated|ousands have backlog. we are tackling the crimi|investigated|ou parts have backlog. we are tackling the crimi|investigated|ou part of ave been investigated as part of that stopping the that and we are stopping the crossings. you know, we've returned over 26,000 so returned over 26,000 people, so we're already doing that work. so labour really doesn't have a plan . plan. >>
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$- $— @ point is, and this is >> but the point is, and this is what from south shields is what film from south shields is written to both written in, to say, you both come up with perfectly good answers, but this the answers, but this is the perception people watching perception from people watching or listening at the only or listening at home. the only reason rwanda isn't reason the rwanda scheme isn't working have working is because we have politicians on both sides of the house that don't have the courage to do what is needed, and this is the problem, isn't it? you say, well, you've got a plan there, doesn't their plan doesn't work. but people are like, going to like, well, is anyone going to be sort this out? be able to sort this out? >> i know, and understand the >> i know, and i understand the frustration, fact of the frustration, the fact of the matter is, though, the government have wasted nearly £400 million of taxpayers money and more cabinet and they have sent more cabinet ministers to rwanda than they have isn't have migrants, it isn't a workable plan, and i just don't think of public think think a lot of the public think it is. >> are there politicians on both sides house? and that sides of the house? and that was what found interesting from what i found interesting from phil from shields, because phil from south shields, because rishi is that rishi sunak point is that this is the labour party getting is just the labour party getting in they have no plan. in the way. they have no plan. but argument is but but his argument is politicians sides of the politicians on both sides of the house of commons are a problem to what to dealing with what is necessary stop boats. necessary to stop the boats. >> well, making progress
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>> well, we are making progress in stopping those boats. the in stopping those boats. so the boats, those people boats, do you think those people in own party, as says, in your own party, as bill says, and, and steph's party, that and, and in steph's party, that perhaps squeamish about it too? >> how much of a problem is that for are some for you when there are some people we people and you know, we know it's going tonight. it's going to happen tonight. you've one group saying, oh, you've got one group saying, oh, no amendments, you've got another group saying, uh, more amendments, another group saying, uh, more amermean, s, rwanda issue is >> i mean, the rwanda issue is one small part of the whole overall package in reducing those boat crossings. and those small boat crossings. and we progress. you we are making progress. you know, the lowest number know, we have the lowest number in over six uh crossing, in over six years. uh crossing, uh, reduction in the last uh, a 50% reduction in the last half of the year. so we want to reassure your, your viewers that actually scheme is actually the rwanda scheme is one of it. but what one part of it. but what progress being made already, progress is being made already, which would be underdone keir starmer has been very clear about this. all of that, the process, guessing the tackling the gangs uh, know, steph the gangs. uh, you know, steph talks but he has been talks about it, but he has been clear scrap all of that clear he would scrap all of that and be back to square one and it'd be back to square one of just free all, if of just a free for all, if i may, ryan , a viewer. may, a ryan, a viewer. >> ryan says we've waited two years arguing rwanda . why years arguing about rwanda. why can't just send it all back can't we just send it all back to when there are many to france when there are many boats over the past few
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boats arriving over the past few days on the south coast? send them back. >> if it was that easy >> i think if it was that easy that, you know, i don't think that, you know, i don't think that a solution, there's that is a solution, but there's no doubt we do need to work. cross border already cross border and kyrees already been those conversations, been having those conversations, and if we election, he and if we win the election, he will know, we'll will have to, you know, we'll have draw up those plans and have to draw up those plans and have to draw up those plans and have to draw up those plans and have to have those conversations. but the fact of the matter is, those the matter is, return. those have this have collapsed 50% under this government compared to the last labour government, and we haven't power for 14 haven't been in power for 14 years. this conservative years. is this conservative government control government that has lost control of borders? of the borders? >> i'm going to maria >> i'm going to come to maria now a question from chris, now with a question from chris, because of last because as the events of last night were difficult for your party. um governing parties do from time have from time to time have rebellions. uh, lost lee uncomfortable. uh, you lost lee anderson and brendan clarke—smith smith last night, so chris has been in touch to ask. i guess it's only a question for you. who will rishi sunak replace lee anderson and brendan clarke smith with both new mps from the red wall. very different seats to the one that you represent in louis. um, when are we going to see those
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appointments and who should it be? >> well, i mean, obviously it's not my a place to tell the prime minister who to appoint, but i think we have got some real talent. we saw dean russell there asking a very important question pmqs health. question on pmqs his own health. yeah. very popular yeah. and he's a very popular yeah. and he's a very popular guy. so to try and unite, uh, colleagues on all sides of the debate, russell someone debate, dean russell is someone who who has who could, you know, who has that got justin that potential, got justin tomlinson amazing campaigner, tomlinson an amazing campaigner, got dehenna davison . you know got dehenna davison. you know who i think you know, she's not standing she time standing again. so she has time to be able to do, you know, being a deputy chairman is quite a to get around a busy role. time to get around the country. we've got some the country. so we've got some amazing side. amazing talent on our side. >> you worry though, that >> do you worry though, that those wall mps resigned those two red wall mps resigned last night almost the last night and it's almost the party? your is losing party? your party is losing connection those connection with that. those those who backed the those voters who backed the tories in 2019 and may vote labour time. so i'm not in labour next time. so i'm not in a wall seat, but i'm a red wall seat, but i'm a brexiteer. >> for brexit. i voted >> i voted for brexit. i voted to take back control and i am supporting the rwanda bill because disapply the because it does disapply the human does have human rights act. it does have the ministers to the ability for ministers to overrule decisions. on overrule court decisions. and on top of the progress we're
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already making, know, already making, you know, i talked about the albanian crossings are down 90. uh, you know, are sending people back know, we are sending people back 26,000 the rwanda is the 26,000 people. the rwanda is the last chunk that was actually put people off act as a deterrent. and i've in rwanda. so and i've worked in rwanda. so you know, i've spent two, you know, summers either know, two summers either teaching nursing. teaching english or nursing. and i uncomfortable with i really feel uncomfortable with the way people talk down. you were safe there. it was were safe there. sorry. it was a safe country. safe there. yeah. and. absolutely. and just and. absolutely. and i just i feel sometimes feel uncomfortable sometimes about talk rwanda. >> okay. i'm going to widen this debate out a bit. shelly has beenin debate out a bit. shelly has been in touch we've we've been in touch and we've we've heard something quite representative of what's gone on today. obviously you have different of different visions of what britain look like, britain should look like, different solutions, and you're going attack opponents. going to attack your opponents. but shelly messaged to say, but shelly has messaged to say, when the house, the house of when are the house, the house of commons going to tackle the problems? instead of constantly pointing blame at pointing the finger of blame at each other? and this is a really hard question because it is natural to say, well, they're rubbish and better, but is rubbish and we're better, but is there can do politics there a way we can do politics in a of a better way?
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in a bit of a better way? >> i think that's a really good question. and actually pmqs is probably most adversarial. probably the most adversarial. and maria said, you know, we and as maria said, you know, we saw important saw that really important question dean russell. question from dean russell. the first was about first question indeed was about dementia. a forum where dementia. so it is a forum where you raise really you can raise some really important constituency issues that ordinary that affect, you know, ordinary people mps people and indeed mps themselves. absolutely themselves. but it's absolutely right. us to talk right. people do want us to talk about issues. while about the issues. and while there's no doubt people are concerned and concerned about rwanda and immigration, really immigration, they're also really concerned of concerned about the cost of living and the bills are going up. mortgages have up. the fact that mortgages have gone how they're going to gone up and how they're going to pay gone up and how they're going to pay for things at the end of the month, and judy. month, too much punch and judy. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> and pmqs isn't really reflective. i came reflective. i mean, ijust came from the health summit from the women's health summit that held this morning that we held this morning highlighting the work we're doing. britcliffe doing. and sara britcliffe highlighted her highlighted that in her question, highlighted the question, and we highlighted the work cross—party, question, and we highlighted the woriknow, cross—party, question, and we highlighted the woriknow, carolyn :ross—party, question, and we highlighted the woriknow, carolyn harris,arty, question, and we highlighted the woriknow, carolyn harris, the you know, carolyn harris, the work on the menopause, olivia blake, the work on miscarriage. uh, sara britcliffe is doing a huge work in campaigning for better i think huge work in campaigning for bettpublic i think huge work in campaigning for bettpublic don't i think huge work in campaigning for bettpublic don't see i think huge work in campaigning for bettpublic don't see that.|ink huge work in campaigning for bettpublic don't see that. itk the public don't see that. it doesn't the news. doesn't make the news. >> actually. >> maybe they should actually. maybe. there's a way maybe. but maybe there's a way that media won't focus on that the media won't focus on the women's health summit today. >> all rwanda
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>> it will all be the rwanda vote. so do miss the vote. so people do miss the cross—party work. >> there was some news >> there was some positive news in there. >> i f- in there. >> i read about it this morning. >> indeed, and also in the pmqs. the pm talked about protections for which for whistleblowers. yes which i think most interesting. think was most most interesting. there's being by alex there's work being done by alex chalk justice department chalk at the justice department to people, to blow the to protect people, to blow the whistle post whistle on, on, on the post office other other office situation. other other big, rose. so what do you big, big rose. so what do you think home. think at home. >> like prime minister's >> do you like prime minister's question time? do you feel enlightened? give you enlightened? does it give you more confidence your politics enlightened? does it give you m
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driving, they're that driving, and they're things that were people were brought to me from people from barnsley that really affect their lives. >> how do it, maria? do >> how do you do it, maria? do you find on the labour you find a friend on the labour benches at all the benches and look at them all the time? yeah >> no, absolutely. and we do, you particularly in the you know, particularly in the health you know, really health team, you know, i really would like take the politics would like to take the politics out health completely out of health completely because you four nations, you look at all four nations, wales run run by labour, snp wales is run run by labour, snp run in scotland, northern ireland there's not enough functioning assembly at the moment and we run the health service england and all service in england and we all face same issues. and if we face the same issues. and if we could aside, we could put politics aside, we might more progress. >> maria, a question which is specifically it is from >> maria, a question which is specif uh ly it is from >> maria, a question which is specif uh would it is from >> maria, a question which is specif uh would yout is from >> maria, a question which is specif uh would you askfrom >> maria, a question which is specif uh would you ask rishi dave. uh would you ask rishi sunak you are rishi sunak for the purposes of this if the purposes of this debate, if he are a real he thinks reform uk are a real threat tories? i mean, threat to the tories? i mean, come of course they are. come on, of course they are. what are you going to do about it? not lewis. well, it? perhaps not in lewis. well, i know. i don't know. >> right. got a big >> oh, right. we've got a big chunk. there was chunk. you know, there was a chunk. you know, there was a chunk people did for chunk of people who did vote for brexit yeah brexit in lewis. yeah absolutely. they're absolutely. people when they're frustrated about taking back control, control of our borders, uh, thinking reform uh, our thinking about reform and say to people. and and what i say to people. and the the the polls showed this from the telegraph only a couple of days
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ago. they're not going to win a single if you us single seat. and if you want us to the progress on to continue the progress on things like immigration, the plan as plan is working. maybe not as fast as people want it to, but it's you've to it's working. then you've got to stick it's back stick with us or else it's back to square one with labour. >> surely reform is a >> and we surely reform is a gift isn't gift to your party, isn't it? >> party did >> well, the brexit party did very well in my seat. i think it was a unique election with different challenges to the ones we next we will face at the next election. the labour are election. the labour party are taking granted taking nothing for granted because poll because the only poll that matters is the poll on general election i don't election day. i mean, i don't know when the date is. i don't know when the date is. i don't know privy to that. know when the date is. i don't knowhen's privy to that. know when the date is. i don't knowhen's the privy to that. know when the date is. i don't knowhen's the date?' to that. know when the date is. i don't knowhen's the date?' to thatwe'll >> when's the date? maria? we'll find we'll out. but the >> yeah, we'll find out. but the prime it's you prime minister says it's you know, end of prime minister says it's you knoyear. end of prime minister says it's you knoyear. so end of prime minister says it's you knoyear. so it's end of prime minister says it's you knoyear. so it's not end of prime minister says it's you knoyear. so it's not something the year. so it's not something that's yeah, that's imminent. but yeah, absolutely reform. you know they are to attracted to them. >> and think, uh, >> and i and i think, uh, stephanie peacock labour, stephanie peacock from labour, the don't the real threat to you i don't if it is that if you acknowledge it is that people i don't really people are like, i don't really like him, don't like like him, don't really like them. think i'm not them. it's people think i'm not going for going to bother voting for either of them. going to bother voting for eitiwell, them. to inspire. >> well, we've got to inspire. >> well, we've got to inspire. >> offer >> we've got to put an offer together. >> we've got to put an offer tog
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to keep making that case because we're taking nothing for granted. fight. granted. that's a real fight. >> us >> but maria caulfield backed us today. party today. tonight the party government lose primary government could lose primary legislation that could trigger a labour confidence in labour vote of no confidence in the government. as soon as well. tomorrow tabled. tomorrow will be being tabled. maybe . will you win maybe next week. will you win tonight? got some tonight? well, we've got some amendments well. amendments as well. >> third reading comes >> so the third reading comes towards the day. towards the end of the day. so there'll further there'll be some further amendments. voting on amendments. we'll be voting on and won't get through though. it's like the reading. >> it's like the third reading. no, all about the third reading. >> confident reading. >> we're confident that we, you know, voted know, the those who've voted against last against the legislation last night , you know, have made against the legislation last night, you know, have made some valid points . it will go to the valid points. it will go to the house of and it will come house of lords and it will come back. there's a chance to look house of lords and it will come ba amendments. :hance to look house of lords and it will come ba amendments. and:e to look house of lords and it will come ba amendments. and:e to prime at amendments. and the prime minister mode. but minister is enlisting mode. but we're for third we're confident for third reading get that through. >> so you could amend. sorry. forgive >> so you could amend. sorry. forg after the >> so you could amend. sorry. forgafter the house of lords. bill after the house of lords. >> well, that's that's standard practice legislation >> well, that's that's standard practithere's legislation >> well, that's that's standard practithere's legamendments when there's often amendments following the house of lords and the will the house of lords will obviously in itself. >> going f" p" >> i'm going to ask you both this. would you your this. would you bet your mortgage sunak leading mortgage on rishi sunak leading youum, mortgage on rishi sunak leading you um, yes . >> um, yes. >> um, yes. >> stephanie peacock, you need to look at it from the from the
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other side, as it were. >> surely they can't put it >> surely they can't put a is it a prime minister? >> surely they can't put a is it amean, prime minister? >> surely they can't put a is it amean, i've prime minister? >> surely they can't put a is it amean, i've lostrime minister? >> surely they can't put a is it amean, i've lost track.’iinister? >> surely they can't put a is it amean, i've lost track. inister? >> surely they can't put a is it amean, i've lost track. i mean, i mean, i've lost track. i mean, i mean, i've lost track. i mean, i think we general i think we need a general election, really. >> we need it. there >> and we need it. and there was a on my question a question on that. my question to would be to the prime minister would be will general will you now resign in a general election? that's what warren said . but you think we've to said. but you think we've got to wait november ? look, we've said. but you think we've got to waitreally ovember ? look, we've said. but you think we've got to waitreally important look, we've said. but you think we've got to waitreally important work. we've got really important work. >> inflation got really important work. >> today. inflation got really important work. >> today. havelation got really important work. >> today. have halved figures today. we have halved inflation, but it's a done inflation, but it's not a done deal that's important to people's purses at home . in people's purses at home. in immigration we're making progress and we want to get that final nail to in the rwanda plan . got work to be . um so we've got work to be done election happens. . um so we've got work to be doryou election happens. . um so we've got work to be doryou both action happens. . um so we've got work to be doryou both been happens. . um so we've got work to be doryou both been fantastic. >> you have both been fantastic guests. stephanie peacock from labour and health minister , uh, labour and health minister, uh, maria caulfield, thank you very much for coming in. we hope you'll back again. you'll be back again. another all might invite all woman panel. we might invite another week just another bloke in next week just for you, chris. >> and you've been watching and listening with listening to pmqs live with gloria piero and gloria de piero and me. christopher. we're back christopher. hope we're back next week. please do tune in and think your best questions think about your best questions now. send them next now. send them in next week. don't anywhere next up it's don't go anywhere next up it's good afternoon britain with tom
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and . emily. a brighter outlook and. emily. a brighter outlook with boxt solar , sponsors of with boxt solar, sponsors of weather on . gb news. weather on. gb news. >> hi there. >> hi there. >> it's aidan mcgivern here from the met office with the gb news forecast dry for many of us today. sunniest in the south, a lot of cloud elsewhere and it will continue to feel cold, especially in the south where we've got this easterly wind and cold air imported from the continent. further north, lighter winds with high pressure nearby, but a lot of cloud coming into northern and eastern scotland , southern scotland as scotland, southern scotland as well. northern and eastern england. and here there will be some showers, rain at lower levels and some snow over the hills, but mostly these showers are light. 1 or 2 showers for wales otherwise wales as well, but otherwise western scotland, southern and southeast england. seeing the best any sunshine and best of any sunshine and wherever you are it will feel cold 456 celsius at best. some
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places staying at 1 to 3 celsius with that biting in wind from the east affecting southern areas. and we'll continue to see that overnight. clear skies in the south leading to a widespread frost once again, temperatures dipping to —1 or —2 celsius fairly widely . western celsius fairly widely. western scotland also seeing a touch of frost because of clear skies here. but elsewhere, where we've got the cloud, well , it's going got the cloud, well, it's going to stay frost free across parts of east wales into northern and eastern england, eastern scotland as well fewer showers around on thursday. in fact , around on thursday. in fact, after 1 or 2 showers, first thing mostly becomes dry by the afternoon, increasing amounts of sunshine across much of scotland, less sunshine further south and south—east with cloud increasing through the day . increasing through the day. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boiler as sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. good afternoon britain, it is 1:00 on wednesday. >> the 17 of january final showdown . showdown. >> rishi sunak faces the toughest challenge to his leadership yet, with a final commons votes on his totemic rwanda bill. he lashed out at sir keir starmer over his former job as a human rights lawyer , job as a human rights lawyer, while the labour leader compared tory mps to hundreds of bald men
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scrapping over a single broken comb . comb. >> but as the crunch rwanda votes approach this afternoon , votes approach this afternoon, gb news can exclusively reveal that a further seven seven boats, seven boats cross the channel this morning, bringing around 300 further illegal migrants to the uk. >> the pressure truly is mounting and the tragic story of a toddler found starved, starved to death next to his dead father in lincolnshire. >> serious questions are now being asked of social services and how involved they should have been . we'll bring you the have been. we'll bring you the details . details. >> well, it was quite a boisterous pmqs. >> who do you think came out on top ? top? >> it's really interesting. it felt like it was the first election pmqs we heard some lines that could well be brought again and again and again ,


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