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tv   PM Qs Live  GB News  January 24, 2024 12:00pm-1:01pm GMT

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you are and where you're who you are and where you're from. we'll put your questions to straight the to our panel straight after the pm down. pm sits down. >> pmqs live is all about you. >> pmqs live is all about you. >> that's right. but before we get to the chamber, andrew griffith , quickly to you. last griffith, quickly to you. last night were you surprised by simon clarke's call for the pm to resign? well look, disappointed that we're even talking about that. >> you know, we've got a clear plan. that plan is delivering . plan. that plan is delivering. we've people are starting to benefit. from tax benefit. to bev's point from tax cuts in their wages at the end of this month, inflation is down. >> that's what we should be talking about. >> have a and of course >> we have a plan. and of course keir starmer, who simon also calls a danger, doesn't calls out as a danger, doesn't have thought prime minister's >> that thought prime minister's questions we're taking you right now right , questions we're taking you right now right, right to questions we're taking you right now right , right to the questions we're taking you right now right, right to the house of commons to his majesty the king and her royal highness the princess of wales, mr speaker, this morning i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others addition to duties others in addition to my duties in this house. >> this afternoon. i shall be meeting the extraordinary 100 year old holocaust survivor ,
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year old holocaust survivor, lily ebert . year old holocaust survivor, lily ebert. lily promised that if she survived auschwitz, she would tell the world the truth of what happened. never has such a promise been so profoundly fulfilled. and as we prepare to mark holocaust memorial day on saturday, i am sure the whole house will join me in reaffirming to lily reaffirming our promise to lily that we never forget the that we will never forget the holocaust and we will carry forward life's work for forward her life's work for generations come . generations to come. >> richard thompson, thank you, mr speaker. >> and can i echo the prime minister's comments on world holocaust yeah holocaust day? yeah >> my constituents, like all of our constituents, rely the our constituents, rely on the royal mail to deliver important items mail and packages and items of mail and packages and for people to run their businesses . businesses. >> they'll very alarmedto >> so they'll be very alarmed to learn from ofcom learn of proposals from ofcom that royal might allowed that royal mail might be allowed to the number of days that to cut the number of days that they might be able to, that they will that service . can will provide that service. can the prime minister give a commitment here today that commitment to me here today that under watch , there will be commitment to me here today that untreduction tch , there will be commitment to me here today that untreduction in| , there will be commitment to me here today that untreduction in postala will be commitment to me here today that untreduction in postal services no reduction in postal services as provided by royal mail in as provided by the royal mail in scotland anywhere scotland or anywhere else? >> , yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> well, mr speaker, i agree
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about the importance of the royal mail's universal service obligation. and as you will have heard the minister this heard from the minister this morning, absolutely morning, we remain absolutely committed to ensuring that it remains as it is. >> polos. >> polos. >> thank you, mr speaker. the lib dem, lib dem run council in eastleigh has just received a report from their external auditors warning of the possibility of fraud and ignonng possibility of fraud and ignoring whistleblowers who tried to warn them . does the tried to warn them. does the prime minister agree with me that lib dem leaders who shun accountability and shun transparency and simply say not me, guv, should start showing some remorse and responsibility or make way for those who will. well, my, uh . only of the well, my, uh. only of the answer. come on. my, uh. >> my hon . friend raises an >> my hon. friend raises an important matter to the people of eastleigh, which i was pleased to discuss with him on my recent visit to his area. and i know contents of the i know that the contents of the report are deeply concerning . it report are deeply concerning. it is see this is disappointing to see this liberal democrat run council
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rack up debt with absolutely no plan for how to fund it, and the council has been issued with a best value notice . and i know best value notice. and i know that he is talking to the department of levelling up, who will monitoring situation will be monitoring the situation closely . closely. >> we now come to the leader of the opposition, keir starmer. >> uh, thank you, mr speaker. >> uh, thank you, mr speaker. >> can i join the prime minister in his comments about his majesty the king and her royal highness the princess of wales, and in his comments about holocaust memorial day ? never holocaust memorial day? never again must be said more defined . again must be said more defined. early this year, as it said every year. mr speaker , last every year. mr speaker, last week we lost sir tony lloyd , a week we lost sir tony lloyd, a true public servant who touched the lives of many people across the lives of many people across the house and across the country and i am glad that his family were here yesterday to hear the many tributes to and memories of tony. he will be greatly missed. mr speaker , the prime minister's mr speaker, the prime minister's had quite a week . from endlessly had quite a week. from endlessly fighting with his own mps to collapsing in laughter when he was asked by a member of the
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pubuc was asked by a member of the public about nhs waiting lists. so i was glad to hear that , that so i was glad to hear that, that he managed to take some time . off. >> can i just say i wanted to the prime minister >> i'm certainly going to hear the leader of the opposition on those people who don't want to hear. those people who don't want to hear . they certainly leave hear. they can certainly leave because . that's who it's going because. that's who it's going to be. so get it in order. some of you are wanting to catch my eye again. not good eye again. it's not a good way to keir starmer mr to do it. keir starmer mr speaken to do it. keir starmer mr speaker, i love this quaint tradition more tradition where the more they him his back , the him off behind his back, the later in here. later they cheer in here. >> keep it going . >> keep it going. >> keep it going. >> but . >> but. >> but. >> and also for this side, you can have a joint cup of tea. come on, mr speaker, i was glad to see that he managed to get some time off yesterday afternoon to kick back, relax and accidentally record a candid video for nigel farage. >> the only thing missing from that punishing schedule is any sort of governing or leadership . sort of governing or leadership. so was he surprised to see one
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of his own mps say that he doesn't get what britain needs , doesn't get what britain needs, and he's not listening to what people want ? prime and he's not listening to what people want? prime minister mr >> mr speaker , he talks about >> mr speaker, he talks about what britain needs, what britain wants, what britain values this from a man who takes the knee. mr speaker, who wanted to aboush mr speaker, who wanted to abolish the monarchy , who still abolish the monarchy, who still doesn't know what a woman is. and just this week. and who just this week, one of his frontbenchers said that they backed teaching divisive white privilege in our schools. mr speaken privilege in our schools. mr speaker, looking at his record , speaker, looking at his record, it's crystal clear which one of us doesn't get britain's value. mr speaker . us doesn't get britain's value. mr speaker. he spouts so much nonsense . nonsense. >> no wonder they're giving up on him . and even now , as his on him. and even now, as his government crumbles around him and his own mps point out, he's out of touch. got no plan for growth, crime or building houses . the prime minister is sticking
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to his one man pollyanna show. everything's fine. people should be grateful to him. the trouble is no one's buying it, does he actually understand why his own mps say he doesn't understand britain and that he is an obstacle to recovery ? obstacle to recovery? >> five minutes again, mr speaker . he >> five minutes again, mr speaker. he he calls it nonsense. but these are his positions, mr speaker. and he doesn't want to talk about it. but this is the fact he chose he chose to represent a now proscribed terrorist group. mr speaker , he chose to campaign speaker, he chose to campaign against the deportation of foreign national offenders . mr foreign national offenders. mr speaken foreign national offenders. mr speaker, just like he chose to serve the right honourable member for islington north. mr speaken member for islington north. mr speaker, that's his record. those are his values . and that those are his values. and that is exactly how he should be judged. yes, i'm not mr speaker, in 2008, i was the director of pubuc
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in 2008, i was the director of public prosecutions putting terrorists and murderers in jail. >> he he he was making millions betting on the misery of working people during the financial crisis . crisis. >> this and we've seen this story time and time again with this lot party first, country second safely a second in westminster. >> they get down to the real business of fighting each other to death , the country forced to to death, the country forced to endure their division and chaos. the longest episode of eastenders ever put to film . eastenders ever put to film. meanwhile, this week we discover that britain is going to be the only major economy that no longer makes its own steel that the government is handing . out the government is handing. out £500 million to make 3000 steel workers redundant , £500 million to make 3000 steel workers redundant, and £500 million to make 3000 steel workers redundant , and that the workers redundant, and that the parents of thousands are being told that his free childcare promise is nothing but a mirage. isn't he embarrassed that the tory party is yet again entirely
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focussed on itself ? mr speaker, focussed on itself? mr speaker, yet more sniping from the sidelines. >> yeah, you can see, you can see you can see. yeah, you can see you can see. yeah, you can see exactly. you can see exactly why hizb ut—tahrir hired him in the first place. but he wants to talk about these things . even talk about these things. even his own party are now realising that he simply doesn't have a plan for this country. mr speaken plan for this country. mr speaker, the member for dagenham and rainham said it's difficult to identify the purpose of his leadership and long time and long time celebrity backer steve coogan recently said he licks his finger, sticks it in the air and just sees which way the wind is blowing . even labour party is blowing. even labour party know, mr speaker, he's not a leader. he is a human weathervane . on starmer . weathervane. on starmer. >> it's not the sidelines, it's behind him that the fire's coming in. mr speaker , and he coming in. mr speaker, and he can and blame the labour
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can try and blame the labour party all he wants. the difference is i have changed my party. he's bullied by his party and has he found the time in his busy schedule to work out why thousands of parents are being told by their nurseries that they won't get free childcare , they won't get free childcare, that he promised them . that he promised them. >> prime minister mr speaker, let's see what his party is offering the country . offering the country. >> it's right. >> it's right. >> so we all know, mr speaker. >> so we all know, mr speaker. >> he doesn't. he doesn't have many. >> he doesn't have many ideas for our country or i'm going to hear the prime minister >> well, he doesn't have many. >> well, he doesn't have many. >> but one thing we do know, mr speaken >> but one thing we do know, mr speaker, is that you don't want to push it . to push it. >> do you know . >> do you know. >> do you know. >> do you know. >> do you know that he's committed to his 2030 decarbonisation promise , mr decarbonisation promise, mr speaken decarbonisation promise, mr speaker, which they say will cost £28 billion? but i was reading about it this week. he says he's changed the party. one of his team called it an
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albatross hanging around their neck. that might have been the shadow chancellor, maybe, mr speaken shadow chancellor, maybe, mr speaker, but he said he said they're doubling down on it. all this ahead of a crunch meeting. we're told this week for them to work out how they're going to pay work out how they're going to pay it. save them some pay for it. i can save them some time because we all know the answer higher taxes the answer higher taxes for the british . mr speaker, british people. mr speaker, there's only one party that crashed the economy . crashed the economy. >> they're sitting right there . >> they're sitting right there. right there . right there. >> and he he . oh, mr holmes, >> and he he. oh, mr holmes, you've had your question already. >> obviously you don't want to remain for the rest of your summer. >> summer. >> he is mr 25 tax rises and he's got nothing to say on childcare for millions of families will have been listening for an answer and they got absolutely nothing . he got absolutely nothing. he announced that scheme a year ago, claiming it would get 60,000 parents back into work only on monday of this week did he notice that there were some,
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in his words, practical issues with that . eight weeks before with that. eight weeks before its launch . parents can't budget its launch. parents can't budget plan for work or make arrangements with their employers and the prime minister response is to say it's all fine. it's the fault of the labour party . is this merely labour party. is this merely a practical issue or is it yet another example of him simply not understanding how life works for other people? yes >> mr speaker, we are delivering the biggest ever expansion of childcare in this country's history. mr speaker , but while history. mr speaker, but while millions of parents will benefit from that again , it's right that from that again, it's right that he should come clean with them about the cost that his that his plans will impose on all of them. he goes on and on about them. he goes on and on about the green promise. mr speaker , the green promise. mr speaker, he says he wants to keep it . he he says he wants to keep it. he says he wants to keep it, but he doesn't have a plan to pay for it. really saying is it. what he's really saying is he'll scrap the borrowing associated , but he wants to keep associated, but he wants to keep the £28 billion of spending. so
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for all those working families who are benefiting from our free childcare offer, he should come clean with them . clean with them. >> now, why doesn't he come clean with them now? >> come clean with them now and just be clear, his plans mean back to square one and higher taxes for british people. chris kaba mr speaker , making kaba mr speaker, making steelworkers redundant and failing to provide childcare is not a plan , prime minister. not a plan, prime minister. >> it's a farce . it's a farce. >> it's a farce. it's a farce. and he may soon discover that with childcare, there's an it problem. nurseries haven't got the spaces, they haven't got the staff . if there's a black hole staff. if there's a black hole in their budget and it's eight weeks to go, that isn't a plan. and families across the country, well, they can laugh all they like families making like. families are making plans now . they laugh at it. of course now. they laugh at it. of course they do . families are struggling they do. families are struggling with a cost of living crisis , with a cost of living crisis, trying to work out the household budget , trying to work out the household budget, balancing spiralling mortgages , prices and mortgages, prices and eye—watering bills. and then at the last minute, they're thrown
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into chaos because their nursery says they can't deliver the free childcare. he promised . now he childcare. he promised. now he calls that a practical issue, but i preferred the honesty of whichever of his colleagues briefed to the times that it was not a complete show . who was it not a complete show. who was it who briefed that to the times? hands up . will the prime hands up. will the prime minister finally realise ? minister finally realise? >> i'll decide . how long the >> i'll decide. how long the question goes. those who wish. don't hear it. i've told you the answer and i'll help you on the way here. >> when will the prime >> starmer. when will the prime minister realise that >> starmer. when will the prime min biggest realise that >> starmer. when will the prime min biggest practical;e that >> starmer. when will the prime min biggest practical issuet the biggest practical issue facing britain is the cost? farcical incompetence of the government that he leads as prime minister >> mr speaker, another week with noideas >> mr speaker, another week with no ideas at absolutely no ideas. this country and absolutely no plan, he talked about the cost of living. mr speaker, he talked about the economy, but he never actually brings it up. and we
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all know speaker , all know why. mr speaker, because improving and because things are improving and we are making progress. >> we wages now rising. >> we wages now rising. >> mr speaker, debt on track to be reduced and inflation more than halved from 11% to 4, because he actually knows that our plan is working and that his £28 billion tax grab will take britain back to square one, and that , mr britain back to square one, and that, mr speaker, is the choice. it's back to square one and higher taxes with him or a plan that's delivering a brighter future with the conservatives . future with the conservatives. changing gear. >> mr speaker, too many oligarchs and kleptocrats are living off ill gotten gains beyond the reach of domestic courts here or in countries like america. >> ever since the 2016 london anti—corruption summit moves to create an international anti—corruption court have been gathering momentum to plug this gap. it already has support from countries like canada, holland and nigeria and fund and nigeria and would fund itself from the fines charged itself from the fines it charged
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. will this government take the lead in getting it underway? ending impunity for these crooks once and for all? >> yeah, well can i firstly pay tribute to my honourable friend for his work on this issue as i am sure he'll appreciate establishing a new bespoke institution is a significant endeavour, but i know he's discussed it with the foreign secretary, the secretary, who will look at the proposal detail. in proposal in more detail. and in the meantime , time, as he knows, the meantime, time, as he knows, our economic crime act has a raft of new measures to crack down on dirty money and will down on dirty money and we will shortly publishing our second shortly be publishing our second anti—corruption . we anti—corruption strategy. we will set out ambitious plans for combating corruption, both here at home but also internationally i >> -- >> as snp leader stephen flynn. >> as snp leader stephen flynn. >> mr speaker, last night as tory mps were once again fighting amongst themselves , the fighting amongst themselves, the pubuc fighting amongst themselves, the public were sat at home watching john irvin of itv news report on footage from gaza of an unarmed palestinian man walking under a white flag. >> being shot and killed by the
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idf. prime minister. such an act constitutes a war crime, does it not? here, mr speaker, we have been absolutely consistent that international humanitarian law should be respected and civilians will be should be protected . protected. >> i've made that point expressly to prime minister netanyahu and the foreign secretary is in the region this week making exactly the same point. >> stephen barclay . mr speaker, >> stephen barclay. mr speaker, i don't think it's unreason to expect the prime minister of the united kingdom to rise to that despatch box and tell the people of these isles and elsewhere that shooting an unarmed man walking under a white flag is a war crime . now, now, in recent war crime. now, now, in recent weeks, this house has acted with urgency and intent . following an urgency and intent. following an itv drama. the question is, will this house now show the same urgency and intent following this itv news report? and
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finally back a ceasefire in gaza i >> -- >> mr speaker, no one wants to see this conflict go on for a moment longer than necessary and we do want to see an immediate and sustained humanitarian pause to get more aid in. and, crucially, the hostages out, helping to create the conditions for a sustainable ceasefire . i for a sustainable ceasefire. i set out the conditions for that earlier in the house. the foreign secretary is in the region today and will continue to press our and to press all our allies and partners to make sure that we can bring about that outcome later. summoned speaker access to nhs dentistry is a key issue in negotiations topic locally. >> actually, we've done something about it and the university of suffolk and the local nhs deserve credit local nhs deserve great credit for new dental for establishing a new dental centre to carry centre which is going to carry 18,000 hours a year of nhs dental appointments. however, a source great frustration for source of great frustration for myself number of myself and a number of constituents people myself and a number of constrain1ts people myself and a number of constrain1ts be people myself and a number of constrain1ts be a people myself and a number of constrain1ts be a dentist people myself and a number of constrain1ts be a dentist atzople who train to be a dentist at university five years and university for five years and have their training heavily subsidised, can immediately go private or actually go abroad
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without anything back to without giving anything back to the nhs. this seems wrong to me. would the minister support would the prime minister support the view of of my the view of many of my constituents for, say, five years nhs, years they work in the nhs, they give and a give something back and make a huge to this huge contribution to this problem . problem. >> minister, my hon. >> the prime minister, my hon. >> the prime minister, my hon. >> friend, is a long standing campaigner for better dental access in his constituency and i congratulate him on the new dental centre. that's opening, which i know he worked very hard to deliver and i agree with him. it's to deliver and i agree with him. lbs and to deliver and i agree with him. it's and that we seek it's right and fair that we seek better value for the significant investment taxpayer investment that the taxpayer makes education and makes in the education and training of the dental workforce. that's why, as our workforce. that's why, as our workforce plan outlined, we are exploring whether a tie in would ensure dentists spend ensure that dentists spend a better proportion of their time in the nhs and will be launching a consultation on this policy later this year. >> columbia . >> columbia. >> columbia. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> in the wake of the anniversary of bloody sunday, people in derry are watching unarmed palestinians being gunned down by israeli soldiers. over 25,000 people have now been slaughtered in gaza. the prime
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minister says . and he said it minister says. and he said it again today that he wants to see again today that he wants to see a sustained ceasefire. so my question is a very, very simple one.the question is a very, very simple one. the next time there's a vote at the un for a ceasefire will representative for will his representative vote for it ? yeah it? yeah >> well, mr speaker, of course will engage with all un resolutions on their merits. and i've been clear, no one wants to see this conflict go on for a moment longer than is necessary. we do want to see an immediate pause so we can get aid in and hostages out, because the situation is desperate for many people sustainable, people there. but a sustainable, permanent ceasefire needs to fulfil a set of conditions, including hamas releasing all of the hostages , hamas no longer the hostages, hamas no longer being in charge of gaza with the threat of rocket attacks into israel and an agreement in place for the palestinian authority to return to gaza to provide governance and services , the governance and services, the foreign secretaries in the region, those are the principles on which we are working, and i believe those are shared by all our charleton mr our major allies. charleton mr >> in 1859, brunel opened his
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rail bridge over the river tamar. in 2022, i met with network rail and others to celebrate the agreement to build a simple footbridge going over the railway line in lostwithiel . the railway line in lostwithiel. that bridge still doesn't exist and i have no completion date. can my right honourable friend help ? help? >> prime minister i know that my honourable friend is a long standing campaigner for the footbridge at lostwithiel station, and i recognise her concerns and the pressing need for the construction of this footbridge. >> i'm told that network rail is currently working on a funding solution for that, so that it can take forward this important project in the next financial yeah project in the next financial year. and minister will year. and the rail minister will keep my honourable friend updated progress. updated on his progress. >> , thank you, mr >> liz twist, thank you, mr speaker . speaken >>a speaken >> a report released yesterday by the joseph rowntree foundation found that 1 in 4 people in the north east are living in poverty with the child poverty rate for every local
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authority in the region higher than the uk average . too many of than the uk average. too many of our people are being hard hit. now the prime minister says that his plan is beginning to work, so can i ask the prime minister why does rising child poverty fit in his plan to. >> well, in fact, mr speaker, the plan is working because poverty is falling in our country . since 2010, there are country. since 2010, there are 1.7 million fewer people in poverty , including hundreds of poverty, including hundreds of thousands of children. of course , there's more to do. there's always more to do to make sure children don't grow up in poverty . but that absolutely poverty. but that absolutely wouldn't be helped by labour's £28 billion tax grab on their parents, which would take money out their family's out of their family's bank accounts. gibson the land. >> mr speaker, bracknell forest is a place of aspiration, opportunity and enterprise. >> yeah. business occupancy rates and employment figures are thankfully high. footfall at the
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lexicon shopping centre is up and wages are up, but the cost of living continues to bite. across the uk . what more can be across the uk. what more can be done to put more money in people's pockets . people's pockets. >> or it's great to see. thanks to my honourable friend that bracknell forest is thriving with people in work , up footfall with people in work, up footfall in the town centre, up and as he knows, almost 100% of his schools now. good or outstanding. but he's right that we must do more to relieve the burden on working people, mr speaken burden on working people, mr speaker, why we cut speaker, which is why we cut taxes tens of millions of taxes for tens of millions of people this people in work earlier this yeah people in work earlier this year. on average, £450. year. worth on average, £450. and we've got to stick to the plan for lower taxes. the stronger economy and a brighter future for the people of bracknell forest. and absolutely not risk going back to square one with the labour party. >> mr >> debbie abrahams. mr >> debbie abrahams. mr >> mr speaker, if everyone had the same good health as the least deprived, 10% of the population in england, there would have been a million, a million fewer deaths between
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2012 and 2019 and 28,000 fewer deaths in the first year of covid. >> these inequalities are not inevitable. does the prime minister think that cuts in social security to 85,000 low income households, including people and low paid work in my constituency, will help? or to address these health inequalities ? inequalities? >> well, i can assure the honourable lady that we are committed to caring for society's most vulnerable and that's why almost 20 million families will see their benefit payments increase this april, which will bring our total support over these few years to around £3,700 per uk household . around £3,700 per uk household. the department for work and pensions is looking very closely at how it can target its services precisely on the most vulnerable customers, and i know the honourable lady spoke to the dwp permanent secretary at length this he length about this when he appeared before this select committee earlier month, committee earlier this month, and assure that he and i can assure her that he will be writing the committee
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will be writing to the committee on subject shortly. on exactly this subject shortly. jonathan lord, the post office scandal has affected so many people, including my constituent seema misra , a subpostmaster seema misra, a subpostmaster from west byfleet with an outstanding record of service to her community who was wrongfully convicted . in 2010 of stealing convicted. in 2010 of stealing £75,000 and was sentenced to prison on her first son's birthday and whilst pregnant with her second son, does the prime minister agree with me and more importantly with seema misra herself, who is in the gallery today with her husband davinder , that she is due a full davinder, that she is due a full apology from the post office, a full apology from fujitsu and proper compensation as a matter of urgency . of urgency. >> yeah , i know my honourable >> yeah, i know my honourable friend has been a great support to his constituents over all the years and has fought relentlessly for the truth to
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come out, as i've said, the honzon come out, as i've said, the horizon scandal is one of the greatest miscarriages of justice in our nation's history. >> we will introduce as i said a few weeks ago, primary legislation within weeks to ensure that all convictions that were based on erroneous horizon evidence are quashed that will clear people's names , deliver clear people's names, deliver justice and ensure swifter access to compensation . innocent access to compensation. innocent people like my honourable friend's constituents, have waited far too long, and i'm determined that they receive compensation as swiftly as possible. we have a clear moral duty to right these wrongs , and duty to right these wrongs, and thatis duty to right these wrongs, and that is exactly what we will do. >> alex norris thank you , mr >> alex norris thank you, mr speaken >> in 2021, 3527 food parcels were given out by bulwell and bestwood food bank. last year. that number exploded to 6500, with nearly half going to children. the foodbanks now having to buy food to supplement donations, which can only be sustained for a short period . sustained for a short period. rather than pretending that things getting better, will rather than pretending that thin prime getting better, will rather than pretending that thin prime ministerbetter, will rather than pretending that thin prime minister apologise. rather than pretending that thinprime minister apologise for the prime minister apologise for
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the prime minister apologise for the daily chaos in government which is leading, leaving widespread destitute , widespread destitute, unaddressed ? unaddressed? >> mr speaker , i don't want to >> mr speaker, i don't want to see anyone reliant on food banks, but while while while they are in place, i have nothing but praise and thanks for the people who run them. but it is wrong to say that we aren't making progress. when i came into job, inflation aren't making progress. when i cam running job, inflation aren't making progress. when i cam running atjob, inflation aren't making progress. when i cam running at 11.», inflation aren't making progress. when i cam running at 11.», inflis on aren't making progress. when i cam running at 11.», inflis the was running at 11. that is the single biggest impact on families of living and now, families cost of living and now, thanks to the efforts of this government, most of them opposed by his party, inflation now by his party, inflation has now been than halved at 4. and been more than halved at 4. and we're combining that with significant tax cuts to put more money in people's accounts money in people's bank accounts at of every month. at the end of every month. that's the right way about that's the right way to go about supporting people combined with our of living our extensive cost of living support for the vulnerable support for the most vulnerable and all statistics that and all the statistics show that that support has helped, has made difference . and that's that support has helped, has madeyou ifference . and that's that support has helped, has madeyou get ence . and that's that support has helped, has madeyou get with . and that's that support has helped, has madeyou get with responsible what you get with responsible management of the british economy . economy. >> i thank you, mr speaker. >> i thank you, mr speaker. >> in november, i held an adjournment debate on the south
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>> in november, i held an adjowline nt debate on the south >> in november, i held an adjowline and ebate on the south >> in november, i held an adjowline and the e on the south >> in november, i held an adjowline and the needthe south >> in november, i held an adjowline and the need for south fylde line and the need for a passing double its passing loop to double its hourly and increase hourly service and increase resilience against delays and cancellations , which again cause cancellations, which again cause misery for travellers over christmas. >> the assurances i received from rail minister built on a positivity generated by reallocation of hs2 funds . reallocation of hs2 funds. >> since then, progress has been desperately slow and my efforts to advance this critical piece of infrastructure for the people of infrastructure for the people of fylde has been frustrated. >> will the prime minister meet with me to discuss how the government can help to get the south fylde line back track? government can help to get the solprimede line back track? government can help to get the solprime ministerack track? government can help to get the sol prime minister my track? government can help to get the solprime minister my hon.ack? >> prime minister my hon. >> prime minister my hon. >> friend is correct that local transport projects are and must be prioritised and every region of our country will have more transport investment as a result of decision that we made on of the decision that we made on hs2. now work is underway to consider potential upgrades to the west coast main line, including improvements at preston station , which may preston station, which may support local support additional local services from south fylde . i services from south fylde. i know the rail minister is carefully considering these opfions carefully considering these options as we speak and will update my hon. friend in due course .
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course. >> layla moran. course. >> thank ’vioran. course. >> thank you,1. course. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thank you, mr speaker. >> thames water a shambles >> thames water are a shambles in the recent flooding in oxfordshire. >> were dumping sewage from >> they were dumping sewage from 270 sites along the thames in one there was waste one week. there was waste backing up into people's homes because of drains they had because of drains that they had not unblocked, they couldn't not unblocked, and they couldn't even their own reservoir even refill their own reservoir because were too dirty. >> but rather than offer a rebate for this shoddy service , rebate for this shoddy service, they are intending to put bills up for everyone by 60. so will the prime minister explain to my constituents why they are being asked to foot bill for asked to foot the bill for thames water's gross incompetence? >> mr speaker, we've been clear that the volume of sewage discharged by water companies is unacceptable, and that's why we've launched the most ambitious storm overflow discharge reduction plan, and we have now achieved monitoring of almost every single storm overflow in england under this previous government. and have introduced unlimited penalties on water companies. and where there is evidence of poor performance , the environment performance, the environment agency will not hesitate to pursue water companies concerned
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just as they did. i believe a couple of years ago in the honourable lady's constituency, where they find thames water, specifically £4 million, following a serious incident. >> theresa may >> theresa may >> thank you, mr speaker. yes today the honourable member for knowsley and i published our report on tide type one diabetes and disordered eating, a condition estimated to affect over a quarter of type one diabetics in the uk . it over a quarter of type one diabetics in the uk. it is over a quarter of type one diabetics in the uk . it is life diabetics in the uk. it is life shortening life threatening and can lead to death . so i am can lead to death. so i am pleased to say that hampshire integrated care board have already responded positively to the report . will my right hon. the report. will my right hon. friend ensure that the government not only looks seriously at the recommendations we have put forward, but acts on those recommendations which would improve lives, save lives , would improve lives, save lives, and save money for the nhs ? yes and save money for the nhs? yes >> can i start by thanking my right honourable friend and indeed the right honourable member for for their member for knowsley for their important work on this issue. of course , i know both of them
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course, i know both of them speak from personal experience, and says , it is important and as she says, it is important that people get the treatment they need. health secretary they need. the health secretary will the will of course consider the report and nhs has already report and the nhs has already been services to been piloting services to support those with this condition, is aware of condition, as she is aware of and i understand that the nhs is also now expanding pilot sites to every region of the country. so that even more people can benefit from the appropriate integrated madam kc, mr integrated care. madam kc, mr speaker , we aim to 2024 with speaker, we aim to 2024 with starvation and famine is acute as ever across the globe, much of it caused by the climate crisis. >> yet at present, the world's worst hunger crisis is in gaza , worst hunger crisis is in gaza, created by israel's ongoing siege. >> the integrated food security phase classification has found that out of 600,000 people facing starvation globally, 95% of them are in gaza. mr speaker, starvation used as a weapon of war is a war crime. i the
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israeli government has the power to end the starvation crisis by ending the siege of gaza and opening all crossings. does it not? prime minister >> mr speaker , i've been >> mr speaker, i've been absolutely clear that we are incredibly concerned about the devastating impact of the situation in gaza on citizen , situation in gaza on citizen, and that's why we have tripled our humanitarian aid for this financial year to the region . financial year to the region. and as i said in the statement yesterday, are working with partners such as jordan and the united states to open up new aid corridors so we can increase the united states to open up new aid supply of aid, getting in to those who desperately need it. >> miriam cates , thank you, mr speaken >> this morning the press reported the tragic case of a 14 year old girl who took her own life following horrific social media bullying, bullying, including on tiktok and snapchat. since 2010, across the engush snapchat. since 2010, across the english speaking world, there's been a marked increase in poor teen mental health, teen suicide attempts and children addicted
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to pornography. the united kingdom has a strong tradition of legislating to protect children from serious threats to their safety and welfare, so does my right hon. friend agree with me that it's time to consider banning social media, and even smartphones for and perhaps even smartphones for under 16 seconds? >> well, mr speaker, our . under 16 seconds? >> well, mr speaker, our. mr speaker , my hon. friend is speaker, my hon. friend is absolutely right to highlight the impact of what happens onune the impact of what happens online on our children . and online on our children. and that's why our online safety act tackles both criminal activity onune tackles both criminal activity online and protects children from harmful or inappropriate content, such as bullying or the promotion of self—harm. and accessing pornography , and also accessing pornography, and also exposure to eating disorders . as exposure to eating disorders. as ofcom are now rightly developing and consulting on the guidance and consulting on the guidance and the codes of practices for how platforms will meet how those platforms will meet their duties and if they don't clean up their act, then ofcom will be able to impose fines of up 10% of global turnover on up to 10% of global turnover on the social media firms. >> mr speaker recently released
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documents reveal that the foreign office had serious concerns about the israel's compliance with international humanitarian law and its ongoing assault on gaza. >> this assessment was hidden from parliament whilst the prime minister boldly stated his confidence in israel's respect for international law. since then , the scale of israel's war then, the scale of israel's war crimes in gaza have been revealed to the world thanks to the south africa case, to the icj . therefore, is it now . not icj. therefore, is it now. not the time for the prime minister to admit that he has the blood of thousands of innocent people on his hands and for him to commit to demanding an immediate ceasefire and an ending of uk's arms trade with israel ? arms trade with israel? >> mr speaker , that's the face >> mr speaker, that's the face of the changed labour party .
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of the changed labour party. nichi hodgson . mr speaker, can i nichi hodgson. mr speaker, can i start by thanking you for commissioning the holocaust educational trust exhibition in portcullis house and for your personal, unwavering commitment to holocaust remembrance? >> mr speaker, as we approached holocaust memorial day, will the prime ministerjoin me in commending the important work of the educational trust , the holocaust educational trust, in particular work with in particular their work with holocaust who, despite holocaust survivors who, despite living through the darkest moment human history , moment in human history, continue to share their testimony in the hope of ensuring never again in the face of the appalling rise in anti—semitism which we see on the streets of britain. >> will my right hon. friend join me in encouraging all members book of members to sign the book of commitment stand up against commitment and stand up against anti—semitism ? anti—semitism? >> mr speaker, i join my hon. friend in paying tribute to the brilliant work of the holocaust educational trust and thank her for all her work on this issue. i'll be signing the of i'll be signing the book of commitment during
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commitment this afternoon during my meeting with lily abbott, and i members on all sides i encourage members on all sides to do the and reaffirm to do the same and to reaffirm with determination , to with shared determination, to ensure holocaust is ensure that the holocaust is never forgotten and defeat never forgotten and to defeat the research of anti—semitism and forms of hatred in our and all forms of hatred in our country . country. >> final question. sarah champion . champion. >> mr speaker, i represent a proud steel community in rotherham who stand with the steelworkers in port talbot at this very worrying time. my constituents don't want to see their taxpayers money used to make british workers redundant. our primary steelmaking capacity decimated and our national security compromised. so . will security compromised. so. will the prime minister change his destructive course, starting by looking at the credible multi—union plan to safeguard our steel industry's long terme future ? future? >> yeah . >> yeah. >> yeah. >> mr speaker, i know this is an anxious time for steel workers in south wales, but we are committed to working with the steel sector to secure a
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positive and sustainable future. the honourable lady will know that during the pandemic we provided support to celsa, a steel company in south wales, to safeguard jobs and ensure the sustainability of that plant and what was proposed to happen in south wales was the loss of 8000 direct jobs , thousands more direct jobs, thousands more across the supply chain and the complete closure of the plant because of the government's investment and support and partnership with tata, we have safeguarded 5000 direct jobs, thousands more in the supply chain and ensured the long terme sustainability of that steel plant. so it has a brighter future. obviously, this is a difficult , but it's entirely difficult, but it's entirely churlish of her not to recognise the largest support package. it is one of the largest support packages that any government has provided any company, and in the process, save guarded thousands ofjobs. of jobs. >> that completes prime minister's questions . minister's questions. >> welcome back to pmqs live with me, gloria de piero and
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christopher harper. >> that's right. we're still joined in the studio here by science minister andrew griffith and general and shadow paymaster general john ashworth. and shadow paymaster general joh so shworth. and shadow paymaster general joh so you>rth. and shadow paymaster general joh so you have been sending us >> so you have been sending us your questions. have you >> so you have been sending us your questions . have you been, your questions. have you been, as you've been watching pmqs with us? and there are some crap, some crackers that have come in. i not that word cracker i >> -- >> what's crackers? >> what's crackers? >> crackers. crackers jonathan ashworth. you are in the shadow cabinet. you would hope to be in the cabinet if there is a labour government. there's a few questions that have come in from our viewers on the same theme. so i'm going to start from leigh with leigh from wirral. why why has he just spent ten minutes in pmqs having a slagging off competition with the leader of the opposition, when neither have discussed anything which benefits the country and people of the uk? does this paint politics and politicians in a good light? >> i mean, i totally get why leigh on the wirral watches politicians arguing amongst themselves every week here when
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there'll be so many things impacting leigh's life , i impacting leigh's life, i suspect. i suspect leigh is probably worrying about the increase in the mortgage because of the tories wrecking the economy is families across the wirral and elsewhere. we're worrying about the fact that they're playing around £1,200 more average in tax. if leigh more on average in tax. if leigh goes to asda or tesco's later today, you'll see that the pnces today, you'll see that the prices have gone up in the shops and they've been locked in. >> and of course, whether it's the whether it's dealing the nhs or whether it's dealing with schools the nhs or whether it's dealing with people schools the nhs or whether it's dealing with people rightlychools the nhs or whether it's dealing with people rightly are)ls the nhs or whether it's dealing with people rightly are paying where people rightly are paying a fortune and nothing works. so i totally get why leigh is responding . labour's got plan responding. labour's got a plan to this , and after 14 years to fix this, and after 14 years of the tories, we need to change this and these this country and fix these problems labour's plan. problems with labour's plan. >> andrew griffiths i'm going to bnngin >> andrew griffiths i'm going to bring in from bradford , who bring in carl from bradford, who says to school with me. says he went to school with me. hello, carl. it's nice of you to get um, i'm from get in touch. um, i'm from bradford and a former school friend gloria. anything bradford and a former school frien get gloria. anything bradford and a former school frien get done a. anything bradford and a former school frien get done in anything bradford and a former school frien get done in pmqs nything bradford and a former school frien get done in pmqs or:hing bradford and a former school frien get done in pmqs or isng bradford and a former school frien get done in pmqs or is it ever get done in pmqs or is it just a chance of trying to get one over on the other ? one over on the other? >> well, i'm not going to fall
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in, exactly the same in, do exactly the same trap that john done , just that john has just done, just like week after like keir starmer week after week. all they ever do is criticise. there no why criticise. there is no plan. why would if your leader of the would you, if your leader of the opposition not use that time to set you're going to set out what you're going to do about boats , what about stopping the boats, what you're going to do to reduce crime even the crime, even applaud the government taking tough government for taking tough decisions economy. that's decisions on the economy. that's meaning people's are being meaning people's taxes are being cut, we learn thing. cut, but we did learn one thing. and thing we learned and the thing we learned actually was number in actually was number one in my inbox morning, is inbox this morning, which is people are really worried about royal mail and they're worried about that about potentially losing that lifeline, regular lifeline, which is the regular delivery. and right of the delivery. and right out of the box. minister said box. the prime minister said that he confirmed this that he confirmed that this government is actively committed to the daily to maintaining the daily delivery, as we've got now . delivery, as we've got now. >> well, i'm jonathan alison's emailed in saying. >> well, i'm jonathan alison's emailed in saying . she wants to emailed in saying. she wants to know if the labour party are doing what their constituents want in relation to the rwanda bill, going against bill, or are they going against the by opposing the voters wishes by opposing the voters wishes by opposing the government? the voters wishes by opposing the governrnott? all. >> no, no, not not at all. because look, people because look, i know people across are across the country are absolutely that the absolutely furious that the government have lost control of our . it's actually these
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our borders. it's actually these criminal our borders. >> i totally get why people are so angry, particularly when they're on they're paying £1,200 more on average , and they're average in tax, and they're worried mortgage worried about their mortgage because the because it's gone through the roof, the mess the roof, because of the mess of the economy the tories economy that that the tories have us. economy that that the tories hav look, us. economy that that the tories hav look, what us. economy that that the tories hav look, what we've said we >> look, what we've said is we need serious plan. they need a really serious plan. they spent £400 million on this. so far we've not sent far we've not even sent one asylum asylum seeker. asylum or asylum seeker. >> the last labour government actually more illegal actually deported more illegal migrants than this, than this government has. >> i mean, patrick o'flynn, a very respected ex ukip was very respected ex ukip mep, was making that point just a few days ago . look, what we would do days ago. look, what we would do is would invest in a proper is we would invest in a proper cross border police force to go after these people smugglers , after these people smugglers, smash these gangs using terrorist style laws, go after them and actually would clear them and actually would clear the backlog . the backlog. >> and if people from albania or india or wherever it is aren't supposed to be here, we'd send them back. >> that's what the tories should be doing. but they're failing. andrew >> as john knows, >> well, as john knows, his party has opposed every single one the one of the tougher laws the criminal sanctions that we've put on people smugglers.
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criminal sanctions that we've put on people smugglers . we have put on people smugglers. we have to break economic model. to break the economic model. rwanda a core part of that, rwanda is a core part of that, because if people feel that they're going around hawking the idea in calais of taking these dangerous, unsafe crossings that lead tragically to deaths in the channel lead tragically to deaths in the channel, we have to break that model. and scheme model. and the rwanda scheme does that, and we have not heard we still not hearing from john this morning. we still not hearing from john this morning . just another plan, this morning. just another plan, just giving alternative . just giving you an alternative. well, you voted against the laws. toughen the laws. you said toughen up the laws. you said toughen up the laws you're part of your laws and yet you're part of your crowd. don't even think these laws to you had laws are going to work. you had this fella. >> you had party chair >> you had your party chair resigning , then not then. he was resigning, then not then. he was going to vote against it, but because he labour mps giggled at him. i mean, laughing at him. i mean, they're laughing at him. i mean, they're laughing at him then out him now. uh, he then walked out and now he's back on the news today. >> so there was a lively debate on our party is divided from top to bottom on this. the best way in those in which to toughen up those laws other side , all we laws on the other side, all we heard was opposition the heard was opposition to the whole first place. whole idea in the first place. they've plan . once again, they've got no plan. once again, no plan. listening no plan, no plan. listening >> another theme that >> okay, uh, another theme that has been quite dominant is, uh,
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people who have voted for the conservative party in the past concerned about the direction that it's going in. dave has got in touch, by the way. do tell us where you're from when you email in, because we like to know, um, who we're chatting to and where they are country. david they are in the country. david got touch, referring to the got in touch, referring to the infighting conservative infighting in the conservative party. only party. he says there's only one way possibly save way they might possibly save their that to make their skins, and that is to make suella braverman their leader . suella braverman their leader. >> look, yes or no . >> look, yes or no. >>— >> look, yes or no. >> the way the way that a party, any party, um, delivers faith with the electorate is to get on and deliver. now, the good news is we have a plan. we've had to make tough decisions. i understand why people feel that. it's a difficult few years , it's been a difficult few years, but we're coming out. we have a plan . people starting see plan. people are starting to see the terms of things the benefits in terms of things like cuts , reducing interest like tax cuts, reducing interest rates mortgages , as rates on their mortgages, as we've got to stick with that plan . what don't see from plan. and what we don't see from the opposition, wherever you look, getting down
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look, whether it's getting down on record amount of on crime or the record amount of putting into childcare , is them putting into childcare, is them coming forward with a plan . very coming forward with a plan. very good at criticising, constant carping , sniping from the carping, sniping from the sidelines, but not an actual comprehensive set of plans . and comprehensive set of plans. and the that we know , and the one plan that we know, and i'll finish on this point. but the plan we do know is £28 the one plan we do know is £28 billion of extra spending every year a plan to fund come year without a plan to fund come to our labour spokesperson in a second on that, in a second on that. >> but first be funded . >> but first be funded. >> but first be funded. >> well, we're all on you, andrew penny is emailed in saying the tory party are all guilty. they broken britain, broken promises. guilty. they broken britain, broken promises . why trust them broken promises. why trust them again? she's voting for reform. what's your to reform ? what's your message to reform? >> um, well, there's only there's only two that are there's only two people that are going prime minister after going to be prime minister after the election. the next general election. that's a long to run. but that's a long way to run. but we've i don't penny that's a long way to run. but we'veeitheri don't penny that's a long way to run. but we'veeither of)n't penny that's a long way to run. but we'veeither of those penny that's a long way to run. but we'veeither of those options. y likes either of those options. >> well, well, penny needs to work out, you know, which option is that's going our is it that's going to back our police that's continue police. that's going to continue to strong economy to deliver a strong economy that's put more money to deliver a strong economy th.her put more money to deliver a strong economy th.her pocket put more money to deliver a strong economy th.her pocket , put more money to deliver a strong economy th.her pocket , becausee money to deliver a strong economy th.her pocket , because we're ey in her pocket, because we're
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going taxes after going to reduce taxes after a penod going to reduce taxes after a period we've had to period in which we've had to take decisions and take difficult decisions and a vote for any party other than the conservative party, i would say is not going to deliver that. >> okay. i wonder what penny had to say. >> penny , it's hard to say about that. >> she can she can let us know. um, steve, my another plea, please do let us know where you're from when you're mlm. but steve says, i would like to ask jonathan ashworth, how is labour going sure provide going to make sure they provide the need and the energy that we need and i think we might cover, um, andrew's point about the £28 billion that we see seem to be doing a little bit of a hokey cokey on, is it, are you borrowing £28 billion a year or not? to help supply britain's energy? >> well, we believe there is potential for lots of really good, well—paid, quality jobs across the country , uh, which across the country, uh, which will power up this country in a way in which the government has failed to do that . failed to do that. >> we will also bring down energy bills by investing in onshore wind. the government won't allow onshore wind . we won't allow onshore wind. we should be using onshore wind. we
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should be using onshore wind. we should making better of should be making better use of solar. should be making solar. we should be making better of tidal. one of the better use of tidal. one of the problems why we're not doing it at the moment is because there are problems with way are problems with the way in which the which something called the national need which something called the neweial need which something called the néwe need need which something called the néwe need to need which something called the néwe need to those need to we need to fix those problems. we're create problems. we're going to create a company, gb a publicly owned company, gb energy, drive of the energy, to really drive of the investment that we need in our national drive investment national grid drive investment in wind whole in onshore wind and the whole the sector , uh, renewables the whole sector, uh, renewables sector, we know , as i say, sector, which we know, as i say, can bring good quality jobs to this and bring down this country and bring down energy bills. is an energy bills. so that is an example of long terme planning . example of long terme planning. thatis example of long terme planning. that is an example of how the labour party does have a plan. i mean, they talk about having a plan. their plan has given families higher mortgages and higher . that's higher tax bills. that's basically their plan. we want to bnng basically their plan. we want to bring and bring down energy bills and create good, well—paid jobs across country with that, across the country with that, andrew, or do you think that the way that jonathan describing way that jonathan is describing this spent on the this money being spent on the green plan more and more taxes? i mean, that's what well, the >> i mean, that's what well, the labour party have singularly failed to say how they're going to fund for that. >> they're actually it's their
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one policy, and they themselves are sixes sevens, whether one policy, and they themselves are we're es sevens, whether one policy, and they themselves are we're going sevens, whether one policy, and they themselves are we're going to ivens, whether one policy, and they themselves are we're going to borrowhether one policy, and they themselves are we're going to borrow today' it's we're going to borrow today or to tax tomorrow. or we're going to tax tomorrow. but there recklessness in but there is a recklessness in the labour party's approach to energy . we all understand how energy. we all understand how important energy is. it's important energy is. it's important to cost of living. important to the cost of living. it's biggest single thing it's the biggest single thing that's households . that's pushed up households. challenges on the cost of living and the that you would and the idea that you would simply pluck 2030 out of thin air. you know, a handful of years away now , now, um, and say years away now, now, um, and say that we're going to decarbonise our economy and turn off oil and gas by 2030. we'll expose real jeopardy to british people. so you've got two things. you've got the 28 billion that they won't say how they're going to fund. a plan . fund. they don't have a plan. but you've also this general but you've also got this general sense of we're just going to barrel . um, all to barrel ahead. um, we all want to decarbonise our economy. uk decarbonise our economy. the uk has a fantastic job in has done a fantastic job in offshore wind farms with the first, second, third, fourth and fifth offshore wind fifth largest offshore wind farms in the world. we've got really a proud record. really a really proud record. but what we're not going to do is this sort of ideological is have this sort of ideological tear to 2030 going to
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tear to 2030 that's going to expose people , particularly in expose people, particularly in rural like mine, but rural communities like mine, but people whose homes perhaps don't have highest quality have the very highest quality insulation. they're going to be the ones paying the price for labour's reckless approach to energy . you just contradicted energy. you just contradicted yourself because the one hand yourself because the one hand you want to do you say we all want to do decarbonisation , and then the decarbonisation, and then the second you say there's second hand you say there's not. by second hand you say there's not. by want by 2030. so when do you want to do by let you finish, but do it? by let you finish, but not by 2030. you want do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? 030. you want do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? this you want do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? this is you want do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? this is alou want do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? this is a bigwant do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? this is a big long do do it? by let you finish, but notyou? this is a big long terme by you? this is a big long terme plan. government . the plan. the government. the government's long terme government's got a long terme plan. target? but plan. what's your target? but what? to do what? we're not going to do is just out there the idea just throw out there the idea that going to take the that we're going to take the whole economy by 2030, damaging our industry, pushing up individuals , households, bills, individuals, households, bills, actually adding to the carbon bill because you're going to be bringing and bringing in things like oil and gas damaging our gas from overseas, damaging our security as a country. and ultimately heaping the cost on ordinary working. but you do want to decarbonise but not have a target. well, we have a legal we have a legal as a country. we have a legal obligation . both have a legal obligation. both our parties jeopardy by 20, by
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2050. john, um , and it's all 2050. john, um, and it's all about getting the right the right pace. >> you're trying to have your cake and eat it. i mean, you know, you're trying to say, on the one hand, you want to decarbonise hand, decarbonise on the other hand, you're who decarbonise on the other hand, you'r i think to understand the bafic basic maths, it's no wonder you push economy cliff and push the economy off a cliff and everyone's paying their mortgages. the glide mortgages. this is the glide path a glide path path of a glide path that's still up with the very best of the g7 to 2050, john, versus a reckless tear to achieve that by 2030, which is your party's policy . and i think viewers can policy. and i think viewers can understand the difference between doing something in a measured and doing something measured way and doing something for reasons . for ideological reasons. >> okay, there's loads of questions in here from disgruntled conservative voters who are not too keen on rishi sunak. i'm not going to give you a free hit on that. labour's jonathan ashworth, but i'm going to i can get a straight to say if i can get a straight answer here, you always get a straight from me . say the straight answer from me. say the conservative party did depose rishi sunak and replace him with
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somebody who has more of a better poll ratings with the voters, a country that would. but but my point to you, jonathan ashworth, is that all the polling suggests that your lead, which is substantial, but it is soft . and if the tories, it is soft. and if the tories, they may or they may not, i have no crystal ball . if they get rid no crystal ball. if they get rid of rishi sunak and replaced him with somebody pulls better, with somebody who pulls better, then be in trouble . then you could be in trouble. >> well, first of all, and you'd expect me say as expect me to say this as a politician, but it's absolutely true. opinion true. you don't believe opinion polls , right? the only poll that polls, right? the only poll that matters is the election day. and in the end, it's up to the viewers of news, the british viewers of gb news, the british people, who want people, to decide who they want their government to be. and no politician take anything politician should take anything for or say something's for granted or say something's in the bag or something terrible is going to not at all. is going to happen. not at all. uh and, you know, we are working very hard to win the trust of the british people in that general campaign. general election campaign. but look, . you look, in the end, right. you know, had different know, we've had different questions from rwanda to energy
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bills and so on that shows you what people want to focus on. but instead we've got this kind of circular firing squad in the tory party preoccupied with tory party more preoccupied with with infighting and division. when people are paying more on their mortgage, more in tax, more in the shops, they can't get an appointment in the nhs, there's at borders . there's chaos at the borders. and actually is why this and actually this is why this country cannot turn the corner that it needs to do after 14 years. so we do need change in this country and labour. will has a plan to rebuild the nhs and raise living standards and grow our economy. >> andrew, before you come back at from at that, patricia from sheffield, to us she's sheffield, has said to us she's a standing tory voter, a long standing tory voter, but she for your she won't be voting for your party on the party at the election on the bafis party at the election on the basis that what they're judging you on, what you've delivered, what to deliver. what you promised to deliver. and the party reluctant and the tory party is reluctant to deliver brexit, fully to fully deliver brexit, fully deliver brexit, give a one reason, one reason she reason, one reason why she should vote tory and look down the camera there and talk her should vote tory and look down th
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situation. >> you can see that our british armed forces as well as supporting vicariously the very difficult situation in ukraine, are actively trying to bring peace to the middle east and the red sea at the moment, in these difficult times, it is the conservative party that's going to cut your taxes , that's going to cut your taxes, that's going to cut your taxes, that's going to focus on getting good value for money. for every pound that government spends. those are our core beliefs. it's been a difficult few there's no difficult few years. there's no there's doubt about that. there's no doubt about that. your viewers completely understand it is this understand that. but it is this government that is coming forward. got a plan . we're forward. got a plan. we're sticking to that plan. what do we know about keir starmer? we know he wants to take the knee. we he to jeremy we know he wanted to put jeremy corbyn into power, someone whose values i think are not similar to the values of your viewers. they're not my values. and that's very important at the election when you look at a choice . choice. >> joan from devon , and this is >> joan from devon, and this is a similar point , we've got a similar point, we've got disgruntled tories. if i could pick out two sort of recurring
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themes, disgruntled tory voters and also people who are generally fed up with politics and politicians , as joan from and politicians, as joan from devon . please ask them why devon. please ask them why politicians never give a straight answer and just use the media as a platform for their own ideas. honesty has gone . i own ideas. honesty has gone. i make no judgement on. we make no judgement on youtube. but is there a way we can do political communication the communication better without the you know, said that she you know, he said that she promised punch and judy . promised that punch and judy. >> but you characterise it as punch and judy. but it's right in a democratic system that there is a clash of ideas. but there is a clash of ideas. but the viewers at home and the people going to an election can see that there is a big choice in an election campaign . and in an election campaign. and when that election day when that general election day comes vote so comes that their vote is so powerful that that they to powerful that that they get to decide between whether they want five the five more years of the conservatives after the 14 years and get to ask themselves how they would they woke up they would feel if they woke up in and the tories in the morning and the tories have that election or got have won that election or got five or whether they five more years, or whether they want for change, or want to vote for change, or whether after 14 years, they want different approach. want a different approach. and i
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think right think it's right that politicians , uh, have these politicians, uh, have these debates, have arguments debates, have these arguments and that different ideas and that these different ideas are exposed. it's not punch and judy. are exposed. it's not punch and judy . it's because we've got judy. it's because we've got different views of world. different views of the world. and in a democratic system, it's right different right that those different views are andrew are aired. andrew >> well, agree with john on >> well, i agree with john on that. give you that. and look, let's give you let's give your viewers a straight straight answer to a straight a straight answer to a straight a straight answer to a straight we have had straight question. we have had to up taxes because of the to put up taxes because of the costs covid because costs of covid and because of the protect every the desire to protect every household the difficult household during the difficult energy crisis that we have had, we are now reducing those taxes because conservatives believe that you should keep more of you earn. we have started that in the last two budgets. am i hope and expectation is that because of the fact that the economy is now will be now in better shape, we will be able continue journey . able to continue that journey. that difference. that is a clear difference. there's difference of there's a clear difference of philosophy. clear there's a clear difference of philorecord clear there's a clear difference of philorecord of clear there's a clear difference of philorecord of delivery.ear there's a clear difference of philorecord of delivery inr track record of delivery in terms of we're doing. terms of what we're doing. straight answer, straight question , and that is what we're doing. >> straight answer, straight question to finish yes or no, question to finish on yes or no, do prefer it when we put do you prefer it when we put viewers listeners questions viewers and listeners questions in rather than me viewers and listeners questions
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in chris rather than me viewers and listeners questions in chris being|ther than me viewers and listeners questions in chris being clever|an me viewers and listeners questions in chris being clever so me viewers and listeners questions in chris being clever so and and chris being clever so and so's ? yes or no? so's? yes or no? >> yes. i much prefer it. what do you what do you think of our new format? well i don't think we would be members of parliament if we weren't comfortable exposing ourselves parliament if we weren't co whatable exposing ourselves parliament if we weren't co what ordinaryysing ourselves parliament if we weren't co what ordinary folksourselves parliament if we weren't co what ordinary folks sayelves love. >> we love it much . that's >> we love it so much. that's what we about this show. what we love about this show. bringing your voice to our politicians . politicians. >> science minister andrew griffiths and shadow paymaster general ashworth general jonathan ashworth thank you for joining on gb news >> yes, you've been watching and listening to pmqs live with gloria piero and chris hope. listening to pmqs live with gloriago piero and chris hope. listening to pmqs live with gloriago anywherei chris hope. listening to pmqs live with gloriago anywhere because ope. listening to pmqs live with gloriago anywhere because up. don't go anywhere because up next it's good afternoon britain with ben and emily, a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. of weather on. gb news. >> hi there, it's aidan mcgivern here from the met office with the gb news forecast dry for many of us today. sunniest in the south, a lot of cloud elsewhere and it will continue to feel cold, especially in the south where we've got this
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easterly wind and cold air imported from the continent. >> further north, lighter winds with high pressure nearby, but a lot of cloud coming into northern and eastern scotland. southern scotland as well northern and eastern england . northern and eastern england. >> and here there will be some showers, rain at lower levels, some snow over the hills, but mostly these showers are light. >> 1 or 2 showers for wales as well, but otherwise western scotland , southern and scotland, southern and south—east seeing the south—east england. seeing the best of any sunshine and wherever you are it will feel cold. six at best. cold. five six celsius at best. >> some places staying at 1 to 3 celsius with that biting in wind from the east affecting southern areas. >> and we'll continue to see that overnight. clear skies in the south leading to a widespread frost. once again. temperatures dipping to minus one or minus two celsius fairly widely . western scotland also widely. western scotland also seeing a touch of frost because of clear skies. here but elsewhere, where we've got the cloud , well, it's going to stay cloud, well, it's going to stay frost free across parts of east wales into northern and eastern england, eastern scotland as well fewer showers around on
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thursday, in fact, after1 or 2 thursday, in fact, after 1 or 2 showers , first thing mostly showers, first thing mostly becomes dry by the afternoon. increasing amounts of sunshine across much of scotland and less sunshine further south and south—east, with cloud increasing through the day . increasing through the day. >> looks like things are heating up . up. >> boxt boilers spot answers of weather on gb news as
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i >> -- >> well . good afternoon britain. >> well. good afternoon britain. >> well. good afternoon britain. >> it is 1:00 on wednesday. >> it is 1:00 on wednesday. >> the 24th of january. >> the 24th of january. >> commotion in the commons. >> commotion in the commons. >> the prime minister comes out fighting after dramatic calls from his own benches to resign last night, rishi sunak accused sir keir starmer of being a human weathervane, while the labour leader mocked the pm for being, quote, bullied by his party. >> but did either of them actually land a punch ? hm. actually land a punch? hm. >> for king and country , the >> for king and country, the head of the army warns brits will be called up to fight if the uk goes to war with russia because the military is simply too small. would you support conscription and insensitive sussexes as the king and princess of wales endure medical procedures back home? >> prince harry and meghan markle were photographed posing with the jamaican prime minister on the red carpet last night. a man who wants to cut ties with the monarchy. what the british monarchy. what exactly is their game plan ? exactly is their game plan? >> and the trump train steams


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