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tv   Neil Oliver - Live  GB News  February 3, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm GMT

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podcaster, writer, citizen journalist, evolutionary biologist . journalist, evolutionary biologist. though bret weinstein to talk about many things, but mostly asking him about his recent trip to the darien gap in panama to find out what he saw there. also on gb news, i'll be joined by canadian journalist david kradin to discuss claims that fabricated intelligence was used to justify the crackdown on those who participated in the freedom convoy. the canadian truckers, as they're better known. and i'll be joined by our dutch farmer to bring us up to
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date on exactly what is happening there in relation to the farmers protest . all of that the farmers protest. all of that and lots of chat with my panellist for this evening, my friend, journalist philip , friend, journalist philip, presenter jasmine friend, journalist philip, presenterjasmine birtles. but first it's the latest news headunes first it's the latest news headlines from radisson . headlines from radisson. >> thanks , neil. our latest >> thanks, neil. our latest stories now stormont's first nationalist, first minister has pledged to work with unionists to build a better future for northern ireland. the historic appointment of sinn fein's michelle o'neill was confirmed as power sharing was restored two years after it collapsed . it two years after it collapsed. it follows an agreement between the dup and the government over post—brexit trade. the dup , emma post—brexit trade. the dup, emma little—pengelly, has become the new deputy fm, a role that carries equal legal power. michelle o'neill is promising to be inclusive and respectful as we mark a moment of equality and a moment of progress, a new
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opportunity to work and to grow together . together. >> i'm confident in that wherever we come from, whatever our aspirations are, we can and we must build our future together . we must build our future together. i'm really delighted together. i'm really delighted to see every mla back in this chamber today, and i welcome the fact that the dup have decided to re—enter the democratic institutions and that the outcome of last year's assembly election is now being respected . election is now being respected. >> police hunting for a suspect chemical attacker have released new video of a home in newcastle being searched . two containers being searched. two containers with potentially corrosives were recovered . warnings can be seen recovered. warnings can be seen on the labels and tests are now ongoing to see if they held the substance that was used during an attack in south london. abdul ezedi hasn't been seen since an image was taken of him at king's cross station on wednesday night. 31 year old mother remains in hospital with injuries believed to be life
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changing. her two young daughters were also hurt , but daughters were also hurt, but not as badly as thirst fought. iraq has accused the united states of putting the middle east on the brink of an abyss. following a series of airstrikes overnight. the us struck 85 targets in syria and iraq in response to a drone attack on a us military base that killed three soldiers last weekend. nearly 40 people, including civilians, have been killed. uk says it supports washington's right to respond to attacks from militant groups linked to iran. iraq's warned that the strikes will have disastrous consequences for the region . consequences for the region. well scotland yard say that more than 10,000 pro—palestine supporters have marched through central london today. members of the stop the war coalition and palestine solid campaign called for an end to the israel—hamas conflict . one woman was arrested conflict. one woman was arrested on suspicion of setting off a smoke bomb or flare. these
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protesters explained their demands . demands. >> people need to support palestine and stop what's going on because day to day, every day , more and more horrific sights are seen. >> the people are talking and the government needs to listen. not only the uk, all governments needs to listen because the people have spoken . people have spoken. >> we all humans. we all >> we are all humans. we all should feel each other. we shouldn't be. gaza shouldn't be like that. people shouldn't be killed and slaughtered like that. praying for that. so i'm praying for a better world, a peaceful world. >> french police have ruled out terrorism as a motive for a knife attack at a train station in paris earlier. the suspect has been arrested following the incident at gare de lyon this morning. three people were hurt, but didn't suffer life threatening injuries. but didn't suffer life threatening injuries . french threatening injuries. french media are saying that the attacker was from mali and carried an italian driving licence . train services have licence. train services have again been affected by strike action across parts of the country. drivers who are members of aslef union at avanti west
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coast, east midlands railway and west midlands railway are staging a 24 hour walkout over their pay and conditions. the action started earlier this week and will continue on monday. two while a ban on overtime will last until tuesday, aslef saying that drivers have not had a pay rise for almost five years, but the government is urging the union to accept an offer that was last year . union to accept an offer that was last year. for the was made last year. for the latest stories , you can sign up latest stories, you can sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code that's on your screens right now, or go to gb news. com slash alerts. now let's get back to . neil. let's get back to. neil. >> french writer voltaire said those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities . atrocities. >> absurdity is the new normal , >> absurdity is the new normal, bringing atrocity that bit closer . we live in a world of closer. we live in a world of the absurd have done for years now. there must be a department
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of the absurd somewhere , with of the absurd somewhere, with staff incentivised by bonuses and coming up with the most absurd notions for sale to the public. last week it was about a citizen army to fight the russians. your country needs you. welcome back to 1915 and preparations for the catastrophe of the somme. that absurdity came hot on the heels of our prime minister rishi sunak, unelected and unwanted, but empowered to make decisions on our behalf. an absurdity in itself , our behalf. an absurdity in itself, pledging our behalf. an absurdity in itself , pledging british support itself, pledging british support for ukraine for 100 years or more, meaning your taxes, your children's, your grand children's. as anyone asked children's. and as anyone asked the ukrainian people if they're even up for a hundred years war. it's been going on for so long now. the absurdity. it's getting hard to remember that world hard to remember that the world wasn't way . covid wasn't always this way. covid changed everything. the green light for the rollout of all the absurdity in the world stockpiled absurdity was pushed like off watches and like knock off watches and handbags out the backs of lorries, shut in lorries, healthy people shut in their homes, people arrested for walking alone in the mountains or running along beaches. heaven
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forbid they might stay fit and boost their vitamin d. elderly people on end of life care, midazolam and morphine. instead of getting treatment for illness. gyms closed. but fast food outlets opened round the clock . the better to replace clock. the better to replace muscle with fat and illness instead of health chains on swings and play parks , hazard swings and play parks, hazard tape on park benches , magic tape on park benches, magic arrows and the floors of supermarket pits, fear stoked that covid couldn't get you if you were sat down in a restaurant, but that it might kill you if you walked to the toilet without a strip of blue paper over your mouth and nose. scientists have shown more fear porn claiming covid is the scientists have shown more fear porn hiv:laiming covid is the scientists have shown more fear porn hiv and1ing covid is the scientists have shown more fear porn hiv and who covid is the scientists have shown more fear porn hiv and who wasi is the scientists have shown more fear porn hiv and who was up the scientists have shown more fear porn hiv and who was up toe scientists have shown more fear porn hiv and who was up to his new hiv and who was up to his elbows in experiments concerning both.7 oh yes, anthony fauci, former the us centre for former boss of the us centre for disease control . nothing see disease control. nothing to see here. now the leader of slovakia, robert fico, has vowed to investigate what happened to his people in that time of the biggest financial deal in european commission history , european commission history, being the order for vast quantities of the so—called vaccines and to ask why so many
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people were urged to take products of unproven efficacy . products of unproven efficacy. we here at home, our own covid inquiry, won't even consider the matter of the so—called vaccines until after the next election , until after the next election, if ever. and then the absurdity of said pm sunak standing up in parliament last week to declare unequivocally that covid vaccines are safe . more and vaccines are safe. more and more, the absurdity is obvious. like the grin on the cheshire cat that won't go away in canada , a federal judge ruled last week that prime ministerjustin week that prime minister justin trudeau's use of the emergencies act to crush the freedom convoy protests by the country's truckers was unreasoned and violated charter rights. undaunted and unashamed . and undaunted and unashamed. and trudeau's government is appealing the decision. canadian . author regina wartell has published a new book, fisherman's fraud , detailing the fisherman's fraud, detailing the crime committed against the canadian people. when what she calls hate science exploiting imaginary data and excluding
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real world data was used to invert reality and to demonise and destroy those who chose not to receive the experimental gene therapies. she details how mainstream media and academia institutions conspired to make impossible the lives of those disinclined to risk the shots, and so emboldened the canadian government to freeze the bank accounts of those taking part in or supporting the truckers protests, even to throw them in jail. the truth is out there. and yet those responsible remain in place. moving on to the next absurdity , it won't be long absurdity, it won't be long before the guilty exonerate themselves of all blame by declaring none of it actually happened.a declaring none of it actually happened. a kid you, not canada , happened. a kid you, not canada, is the country in which a real life nazi was just last year treated to a standing ovation in that country's parliament, applauds by justin trudeau and the rest of the parliamentarians for his efforts to fight the russians . our allies, without russians. our allies, without whom nazism would have conquered
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the world, is beyond absurd, utterly shameful, and yet consequences for trudeau. were there none around the jabbed countries of the world, excess deaths are , to put it mildly, deaths are, to put it mildly, alarming . alarming to anyone alarming. alarming to anyone with their eyes open , that is, with their eyes open, that is, others injured by the injectables are ignored, ridicule and living lives in limbo after having been persuaded they were doing the right thing or downright coerced on pain of losing jobs. government statistics here in britain , in the united states, britain, in the united states, across europe and asia show people of all ages dying unexpectedly in large numbers . unexpectedly in large numbers. hean unexpectedly in large numbers. heart attacks are up by 20% in the middle aged fatal heart attacks in people not previously known to have been suffering ill health, excess deaths for the young are higher, too. mortuary are overflowing, making room for extra corpses, funeral directors struggling to cope and yet, despite the efforts of lone voices like that of andrew bridgen mp, doggedly asking questions about causes and
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seeking compassionate debate by his parliamentary colleagues, all but a handful, he steadfastly refuses to talk about why thousands of their infants are dropping dead and not of covid is that behaviour by so many elected representatives just absurd .7 or representatives just absurd? or are we witnessing a silent , are we witnessing a silent, unquestioned atrocity ? those who unquestioned atrocity? those who can make you believe absurdities can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. remember, i say absurdity came close to atrocity in the covid era. peaceful protesters in western countries, all over the world were beaten by police armed with riot gear and pepper spray. young women pinned against walls throttled by policemen. here in britain , policemen. here in britain, mainstream media figures made . mainstream media figures made. space for speculating about whether those refusing the injectables ought to be held down the street and forcibly down in the street and forcibly jabbed or driven from society, as though their very existence was a threat. absurdly is all around no functioning border on britain's southern coastline , no
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britain's southern coastline, no functioning southern border in the united states. veterans soldiers and other homeless. cold on our streets while migrants are paid to stay in hotels and handed free mobile phones. someone said this week if they can make you believe men can have babies, they've got you . in this world of the absurd , . in this world of the absurd, we're told men can be women and women can be men. well, not just told this. we're threatened that if we don't endorse the absurdity, we're hateful people liable for prosecution . laws are liable for prosecution. laws are being rewritten to erase the existence women as an existence of women as an immutable biological fact, so that being a woman is nothing more than a choice available to any and all. is this just absurd, or is it atrocious? i say, what is atrocious is the hoax that is the so—called climate crisis . billions of climate crisis. billions of pounds and dollars being made by those in control of the propaganda, while billions of people are ushered ever closer to the abyss. there are nearly 8 billion of us alive now, and an
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estimated 4 billion depend on food grown with nitrogen fertilisers . without those fertilisers. without those fertilisers, without that food, those billions will likely die of man made starvation and yet claims have been made that gas resultant from those fertilisers is bringing planet earth to boiling point. nothing less than war. attritional war is being waged on the farmers of the world by authoritarian governments . but in response to governments. but in response to that grotesque absurdity, those farmers and more and more of the people of the world are standing up and fighting back for the sake of all standing by, while millions are denied food would be an atrocity, and yet, by accepting the nonsense of net zero, the global suicide note written on our behalf by transnational entities like the world health organisation and the world economic forum and the united nations, the claptrap trotted out annually at cop . and trotted out annually at cop. and davos by corporations like blackrock while doing little more than cheering the arrival
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of the horsemen of the apocalypse. co2 plant food for a greener world is demonised as poison. this too, is absurd. those in pursuit of control of information, control of the mainstream have already achieved, and control of the internet. next up have coined a new terms for information. they simply like this is simply don't like this is so—called mal information information which is openly and frankly acknowledged as truth , frankly acknowledged as truth, as fact, but truthful facts that get in the way of the powerful having their way. to paraphrase multi—millionaire climate hoaxer and sometime us presidential candidate . al gore, mal candidate. al gore, mal information is inconvenient truth . during the run up to the truth. during the run up to the 2020 us election, the con contents of hunter biden's laptop were deemed mal information by those backing his dad and though that laptop was real and those damning contents were real, their existence was whitewashed until biden senior was in the white house. talk about influencing an election allegations that donald trump
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colluded with russia in return for power have been exposed as downright lies. and yet, such claims are levelled at the most popular politician in the united states. to this day, former speaker of the house nancy pelosi, says those protesting the war in gaza are doing putin's bidding. we're told that . unless we are ready to go to war with russia, putin will push ever westwards. war is the ultimate atrocity, leading to slaughter. and yet war is the goal of the governments of the west war in ukraine, the west war in ukraine, in the middle dream of war middle east, the dream of war with russia, with iran, with china driven as they are by the appetites and wants of those transnational corporations that make all their decisions for them all the way back in 1915, dunng them all the way back in 1915, during the war that was supposed to end all wars . what an absurd to end all wars. what an absurd nofion to end all wars. what an absurd notion that was another philosopher, georg gurdjieff, said in times of madness such as wars, men suddenly seem to lose even the small amount of common sense they had and turn into
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complete automatons, giving themselves over to wholesale destruction in vast numbers, even losing the instinct of self—preservation . there are self—preservation. there are penodsin self—preservation. there are periods in the life of humanity which generally coincide with the fall of cultures and civilisation , when the masses, civilisation, when the masses, irretrievable , lose their reason irretrievable, lose their reason and begin to destroy everything that has been created by the centuries and millenniums of culture. here's the thing today it is not the many who would knowingly destroy everything, but the few prepared as they are to wreck our world rather than surrender an iota of their power and wealth , they would commit and wealth, they would commit all manner of atrocities in our name . but the masses are name. but the masses are increasingly aware of the absurdity and of the imminence of atrocity , the great awakening of atrocity, the great awakening from the nightmare is all around us. i predict the next global pandemic will be made not of some confected disease, but of an overwhelming, enlightening wave of sanity and truth .
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wave of sanity and truth. joining me tonight, as i said at the top is financial and business journalist, author and presenter jasmine business journalist, author and presenterjasmine birtles. jasmine i feel we live in a world of madness and absurdity. how do you feel? >> well, i clearly absolutely. i mean, i agree with every single item that you've mentioned there . you know, i could add a few. um, please do . yes. one of the, um, please do. yes. one of the, one of the things that's, um, getting me at the moment is the use of language. of course. and this is something that you've covered before, but i was thinking about the absurdity of, of these repeated phrases that we through the covid we got through the covid nonsense. you know , it's nonsense. you know, it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated and, um, and, or for example, with, with ukraine, we had so many people going just one more push, just a few more billion, just one more push. that was
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about a year and a half ago. just one more push. well, it's gone down hill downhill from there. they kept telling us it's going to be all right now. we've got all sorts politicians got all sorts of politicians saying the saying that anybody. well the farmers for example , the farmers farmers for example, the farmers in europe are right wing, extreme lists. anybody, anybody who's is taking on the establishment, anybody who's decent, normal , establishment, anybody who's decent, normal, ordinary establishment, anybody who's decent, normal , ordinary people decent, normal, ordinary people going, this isn't right. oh, you're a far right extremist. >> i'll put that. well, definitely put that to the to the dutch farmer and farming spokesman who's coming on later. but yes, that's a beautiful illustration of an absurdity. yeah. really the idea that those farmers who grow the food upon which we depend three times or more every day , people who've more every day, people who've got better things to do but are motivated to get in their tractors and drive into cities to their predicament, to protest their predicament, are characterised by the mainstream media and those governments. as far right extremists. yes. >> anybody is that somebody >> and anybody is that somebody in germany? there's a german mp who's been described a far in germany? there's a german mp who'sextremist;cribed afar in germany? there's a german mp who'sextremist because a far in germany? there's a german mp who'sextremist because he's|r right extremist because he's he's questioning immigration. you just just questioning it. so
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the idea to and this is so the whole idea to and this is so orwellian that anybody who's questioning the established view, the established government, whatever, you know, however absurd what they're doing is, is immediately a far right extremist . and i'm sure, right extremist. and i'm sure, you know, they're calling andrew bridgen a far right extremist for questioning, possibly that there possibly be there might possibly be something 100% right with a covid alleged vaccine . covid alleged vaccine. >> and it's hard to pinpoint what might be the worst thing that's going on at the moment. yes, because it's shooting yes, because it's like shooting fish proverbial barrel. fish in the proverbial barrel. exactly. yeah. but the excess deaths, yes. they are not being discussed. >> no . exactly. and doesn't it >> no. exactly. and doesn't it say a lot that they're particularly not being discussed before the election? i mean, that kind of says all you need to know really, from what i'm heanng to know really, from what i'm hearing , excess deaths in this hearing, excess deaths in this country currently are about 13. i'm not sure it sort of goes, you know, around it's certainly in double figures anyway. and you would think, as you said, you would think, as you said, you would think that somebody would be going, um, just a question. yeah, a
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question. just yeah, just a question. just yeah, just a question. no we're on a fast break already. >> jasmine. joined >> jasmine. i'll be joined afterwards by brett weinstein, uh, to discuss what he has witnessed, the southern witnessed, uh, on the southern border states. border of the united states. this oliver. live on .
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were bullying her for money for this, for that and yes, yes, yes i >> welcome back. evolution biologist bret weinstein joins me now to describe , amongst me now to describe, amongst other things, what he saw during a visit to panama and the darien gap. bret, thank you for joining me. >> very good to be with you, neal. neal >> great to see you. can you what is happening? why were you there, here in panama, of all places ? and what did you see? places? and what did you see? >> i was invited to panama by michael yon, who is a former green beret who has been travelling the globe trying to understand , uh, the hidden story
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understand, uh, the hidden story behind, uh, many of these global patterns. and he has been looking in the darien of panama at the mass migration . that is at the mass migration. that is flowing up from south america for years, he's been sending me materials which, uh, are quite shocking , but there was a part shocking, but there was a part of me that needed to see the story for myself in order, even just to establish that the facts were appeared. just to establish that the facts were is appeared. just to establish that the facts were is the appeared. just to establish that the facts were is the scale?'ed. >> what is the scale? >> what is the scale? >> you know, when you talk this is jungle. you know, it's probably important to describe the geographical the actual geographical context of what scale of this place. what is the scale of this place. what is the scale of movement of people of the movement of people through trek ? this place? of the movement of people thr(soh trek ? this place? of the movement of people thr(so the trek ? this place? of the movement of people thr(so the darien ? this place? of the movement of people thr(so the darien gapis place? of the movement of people thr(so the darien gap isplace? of the movement of people thr(so the darien gap is aace? of the movement of people thr(so the darien gap is a gap in >> so the darien gap is a gap in the pan american highway, a road that runs from prudhoe bay, alaska, to the southern tip of south america with a 60 mile, uh, empty stretch in one of the most impenetrable jungles in the world. there are certainly .
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world. there are certainly. thousands occasioned tens of thousands of people moving up from south america through the danen from south america through the darien gap daily, early. uh, this migration has been, uh, ratcheting up in scale over time . and on the ground, it is quite obvious that there are preparations being made to expand the migration . this is expand the migration. this is all being done without any discussion with the citizens of the united states, which is the place where almost all of the migrants are headed. and without the agreement of the citizens of the agreement of the citizens of the countries through which these migrants will pass, what nationalities are coming ? nationalities are coming? >> you know, in middle america or central america that are passing through? but who is it that's on the move? it is an extremely diverse group of people . people. >> there are many people fleeing from south america, especially venezuela . but we also met venezuela. but we also met people from afghanistan, iran ,
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people from afghanistan, iran, yemen, the caribbean in, for example, haiti . uh, it's a very example, haiti. uh, it's a very diverse migration . but i have to diverse migration. but i have to say that one of the things that i concluded upon seeing this in person, i should say, my son and i travelled there together and we're in discussion the whole time. chris martenson was also there. but one of the things that we saw was , was that there that we saw was, was that there appears to be a migration, which is economic in nature, people fleeing toward the us for, uh, economic reasons. and there also is separately housed a very large chinese population that is, uh, seen hinckley of a different nature . the migrants different nature. the migrants are , uh, all forthcoming about are, uh, all forthcoming about the nature of their migration , the nature of their migration, about the tribulations that they experienced in the darien gap with the exception of the chinese, who will not discuss what they are doing and why, and i became ever more alarmed at seeing . the distinction not only
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seeing. the distinction not only in these two populations, but also so in the treatment of the two populations by by the panamanians. the panamanian has allowed us to range freely across the migrant camps that involved people flowing in from all over the world. at the chinese camp, we were not allowed in and we were not allowed in and we were not allowed to take any pictures. so we did take some, but they were done covertly and the distinction is something that really is hard to appreciate until you've seen it in person . until you've seen it in person. >> what? >> what? >> it's a big question , and i >> it's a big question, and i don't suppose there are any unequivocal answers you can give, but what's your assess moment of what is happening there? in particular, why are many , many thousands of young many, many thousands of young chinese men travelling to middle america to head north? >> well, because they are not forthcoming , >> well, because they are not forthcoming, we >> well, because they are not forthcoming , we have to forthcoming, we have to speculate . i would say one thing speculate. i would say one thing thatis speculate. i would say one thing that is true is that there is a
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kind of hostility that comes from the chinese migrants. when one attempts to engage them in conversation. i find that very surprising . if this was surprising. if this was a migration of people either fleeing an oppressive regime or seeking a better life in america , you would expect them to be cunous , you would expect them to be curious about americans and to want to interact with these people from a culture that they aspire to join. i got no none of that from these migrants. they were , uh, cagey, not forthcoming were, uh, cagey, not forthcoming , and, uh, seemed interested in doing liberally misleading us at one point, uh, one, uh, person tried to trick michael yan, who has lived in china, into believing that he was from korea. and when michael tripped him up and got him to speak chinese, reflexive me. there was laughter among , uh, his laughter among, uh, his compatriots. so so this felt , compatriots. so so this felt, um, it it's frightening to see a
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disproportionately . young male disproportionately. young male population of, uh, what appear to be chinese nationals moving towards the us without our awareness . awareness. >> now, in, in a past life almost. well, you are an evolutionary biologist, which gives you that perspective . live gives you that perspective. live on everything that you look at. you know, we all know about , you you know, we all know about, you know, china, having experienced its one child policy. there's a there's an imbalance in the male female demographic in that country. as a biologist, female demographic in that country. as a biologist , when country. as a biologist, when you look at us as a species, do you look at us as a species, do you get an insight about what might be happening? >> yes. >> yes. >> and it's a disturbing one. there's a principle in biology, in evolution , in that sex ratios in evolution, in that sex ratios tend to default to 1 to 1. and the reason for that is because although males and females are different in the way they reproduce, on average they produce the same number of offspring. so population offspring. so when a population has a surplus of males, it makes
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sense to produce a female, and when it has a surplus of females, it makes sense to produce a male . the question is produce a male. the question is why does that logic not apply in china ? for if you were a chinese china? for if you were a chinese couple and you were going to have a child , if there was have a child, if there was a surplus of males, it would make sense to have a female because not only would she be certain to find a mate, but she would have, uh, her choice because she would be in high demand. so the fact that that logic did not obtain in china is curious. and it made me wonder if there is an evolutionary adaptation taken at a higher level in which populations sometimes produce a surplus of males , uh, in surplus of males, uh, in preparation for war. um, so , so preparation for war. um, so, so i it is only a hypothesis. but in seeing a migration of military age males flowing from china through the darien gap into central america and up to the united states, i have to wonder if this might not be a
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military force waiting for orders. that is being deployed covertly in the midst of a migration that makes it hard for us to recognise it. >> jasmine birtles jasmine is with me in the in the studio. how do you feel listening to that, that that story , that, that, that that story, that, that, that that story, that, that, that that story, that, that, that reflection on, on cites scene? >> well, it does mirror what i've been hearing actually, particularly in the us . i've particularly in the us. i've certainly heard of chinese nationals coming over as, as brett says, young men , just men. brett says, young men, just men. and they've been offered, um, to, to have their passports fast tracked, their naturalisation fast tracked if they will join the army . so that's something the army. so that's something that i've definitely heard. and also as brett speaking it, it makes me think of what's happening in europe, not just in the, the united states. i mean, we're constantly talking about the young fighting age men who are coming in boats illegally into this country. it's
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happening in other countries in europe . it's odd. it's not, you europe. it's odd. it's not, you know, it does worry us. and of course , we're all called right course, we're all called right wing extreme lists, even for questioning. this but we are questioning. this but we are questioning it because . there's questioning it because. there's something not right about it. it's unbalanced. >> brett, i've been i've been listening to you talk on various matters for years now. and i remember all the way back in 3 or 4 years ago, perhaps you talked about a trajectory that made of civil war in made you wary of civil war in the united states of america, all way from defund or all the way from defund or aboush all the way from defund or abolish police way abolish the police all the way through? you still joining through? are you still joining dots kind of dots that lead to that kind of internecine conflict ? internecine conflict? >> yes. and i wonder if that potential which is in evidence, uh , this month, more than it has uh, this month, more than it has been at any point in memory. um, if that's not part of a larger story, one of the things that's not obvious, looking at the migration in panama, uh, to the untrained observer or to
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somebody who's not on the ground, is the degree to which the international community, the un, the international organisation for migration, the shias, all of these organisations are facing , organisations are facing, imitating and in aspiring the migrant s to transit the darien gap , which is migrant s to transit the darien gap, which is a tragedy in itself, in and of itself. people are dying in the jungle. um, but the international community appears to be, uh , possessed of appears to be, uh, possessed of the idea that migration is in and of itself a good thing and that it and of itself a good thing and thatitis and of itself a good thing and that it is their job to encourage it and facilitate it, which is a large explanation. i believe, for what is taking place in panama, what is taking place in panama, what is taking place on the us southern border and what is taking place in europe. >> and it can surely only lead to trouble because, as you pointed out at the top of your of our encounter this evening, the american people, the incumbent citizens, are not being consulted about this , far being consulted about this, far less their approval sought. yes
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>> in fact, i think that it is the west itself that is jeopardised and believe me, i'm not inherently an opponent of migrants . my ancestors certainly migrants. my ancestors certainly migrated and it can be a very good thing for a society. but it has to be done at a scale . all has to be done at a scale. all that can be absorbed. and it also has to be limited to people who actually aspire to join the societies to which they are migrating. and nobody is asking these folks whether they really want to be americans or europeans . and i think it is a europeans. and i think it is a tragic error . to europeans. and i think it is a tragic error. to challenging reflections there. >> bret weinstein , evolutionary >> bret weinstein, evolutionary biologist i hope that we will continue and pick up this conversation in another time. but thank you very much for what you've had to say this evening. >> thanks so much. >> thanks so much. >> it's another break, hence the abrupt end to that fascinating chat. after it, canadian journalist , uh, journalist david crane, uh, talking about her court has
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ruled the government's use of emergency powers to smash the truckers freedom convoy was unjustified. i am neil oliver live on gb news.
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so polarised that they almost encourage extremism and an inability to think critically . inability to think critically. >> and from panama to canada, uh , i'm joined now by journalist david creedon to contemplate what's been happening in legal terms in a court in ottawa in relation to the truckers protest. uh, thank you. so much for joining us. uh, can you can forjoining us. uh, can you can you just bring us up to date with exactly what's happened and what the consequences will be, if any, for justin trudeau's part , ontarians. part, ontarians. >> well, neil, you've been talking about absurdity today . talking about absurdity today. and that's really what describes this entire incident of justin
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trudeau , prime ministerjustin trudeau, prime ministerjustin trudeau, prime ministerjustin trudeau invoking the emergencies act to brutally support us the freedom convoy protest in ottawa . and by the time it was almost exactly two years ago, on february 14th, justin trudeau invoked the emergencies act, which had never been used before . it was a piece of legislation that replaced the old war measures act, which had been defunct for some years. this legislation was approved during the brian mulroney years as a replacement, so it had never been used, and the intent was only to use this legislation in the event of a real emergency . the event of a real emergency. so trudeau used this . and so trudeau used this. and february 14th. the irony of that, of course, being valentine's day , he used this to valentine's day, he used this to suppress this protest, this completely peaceful protest . and completely peaceful protest. and on january 23rd, federal court judge richard mosley ruled that
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trudeau's decision to do that was unreasonable was unjustified , and was unconstitutional , was unreasonable was unjustified , and was unconstitutional, and he should never have done it. he had no reason to do it, and he knew he had no reason to do it. and there's a, uh, another story thatis and there's a, uh, another story that is growing as as i speak right now that it's concomitant with, with this ruling is the evidence, the overwhelming evidence, the overwhelming evidence , now that justin evidence, now that justin trudeau faked his own , an trudeau faked his own, an emergency, he faked the intelligence. it was all fabricated intelligence based on a group calling itself the canadian anti—hate . network canadian anti—hate. network which calls itself an a non—government organisation but is in fact financed by the
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federal government . so what they federal government. so what they did was say that there were white supremacist and nazis behind the freedom convoy , and behind the freedom convoy, and this was all based on a single podcaster named jeremy mckenzie , podcaster named jeremy mckenzie, who then asked to see the documents relating to him being some kind of white supremacist or far right nationalist, and through the access to information act in canada, he received those documents and it revealed that the federal government was taking all of its information from , um, this information from, um, this canadian anti hate network, of which i've been targeted myself for participating in the 1 million person march and that's actually the last time i was on your program , neil, was to your program, neil, was to discuss that 1 million person march. but because i was at that event , the canadian anti—hate event, the canadian anti—hate network targeted me for being there. this is not a credible organisation . it's and it's been
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organisation. it's and it's been it has been debunked as nothing more than a source of disinformation for justin trudeau. and of course, this the irony of this is so pregnant because justin trudeau is always , always calling anybody who disagrees with him . as somebody disagrees with him. as somebody who peddles disinformation, misinformation and he's even beginning to use that firm that's come to currency in the u.k. mel, information. yes so anything he doesn't like to hear and of course , like the uk, and of course, like the uk, canada is on the verge of passing legislation or introducing legislation called the online safety act. and you know what that is? it's going to effectively ban disinformation, misinformation and mal information without even defining it. so what has happened here, david, can i just jump happened here, david, can i just jump in there? >> last week i became aware of a new book by, uh, regina , uh, new book by, uh, regina, uh, about alleging hate science and
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suggesting that data was modelled and falsified. uh, to invert reality in canada. you know, to, to make, uh, uh, the covid a problem of the unrwa vaccinated when . the, when the vaccinated when. the, when the official suppressed data actually showed that it was people who had been jabbed who were suffering from covid . and were suffering from covid. and and so there seems to be a running theme here of deliberate use of, well, falsity to, to prosecute a government agenda. >> yes. i actually . prosecute a government agenda. >> yes. i actually. interviewed, uh, regina this week after seeing her on another broadcast, uh, which i frequently go on because i was so fascinated by this book, which i immediately obtained actually, through through regina sent me a copy and i read the thing as quickly as i could before i interviewed her. and it is absolutely shocking because this is the sort of study that wouldn't pass
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muster in high school. but this was approved by the university of toronto and by the federal government. that is entirely funded. it and what is frightening about this is that we have a federal government in canada that creates its own science, that creates its own evidence, that creates its own information to justify its authoritarian actions. so in this case, we had a study to prove that the unvaccinated were evil people that don't hang around with those unvaccinated people, don't let them go into the airports, don't let them travel. don't let them go to work. >> david, just let me bring exactly right. >> just let me bring my >> just let me bring in my studio guest well. studio guest here as well. jasmine, we were talking about absurdity the top the absurdity at the top of the show. you what? what's your show. you know what? what's your what's to what's your reaction to listening blatant use of listening to this blatant use of misinformation well, misinformation and lies? well, you terrible thing is you know, the terrible thing is that a surprise. that it's not a surprise. >> certainly with trudeau's >> certainly with with trudeau's canada everything he canada, um, everything that he has seems to me, has has done, it seems to me, has been of what you been the reverse of what you
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should doing. and i'm should be doing. and as i'm listening, thinking listening, i'm thinking also about what the what he did with the banks effectively de—banking a whole load of truckers , a whole load of truckers, ordinary people who happen to be as, as you say, peacefully , uh, as, as you say, peacefully, uh, protesting . and this shows the protesting. and this shows the potential for a dec, a central bank, digital currency. if we had central bank digital currency. this is exactly what any government could do. they could switch off the money that you have. >> absolutely. david one last question. just quickly, please, because i'm running out of time. will be consequences for will there be consequences for justin trudeau off the of justin trudeau off the back of this in ottawa ? this judgement in ottawa? >> i highly doubt it. uh, with the exception , i hope, of the exception, i hope, of electoral consequences. meaning he's defeat in the next election. but in terms of him being sent to jail , uh, of him being sent to jail, uh, of him being sent to jail, uh, of him being charged with any crime, absolutely not. he he will walk away from this like he's walked away from this like he's walked away from this like he's walked away from every other scandal. he will continue to call his enemies racist and misogyny
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honest, and he should have been charged for freezing people's bank accounts. and it wasn't just truckers who had their bank accounts frozen . anybody who accounts frozen. anybody who supports that protest by donations had their bank account frozen. that . is something that frozen. that. is something that only happens in totalitarian regimes. canada is fast getting there. >> david, i'm have to cut this short only because of pressure of time. >> but thank you so much. once again, you've helped enlighten us fascinating and us about a fascinating and deeply troubling situation. thank for joining us. >> us. >> well, always a pleasure, neal >> well, always a pleasure, neal. thank you. >> thank you. after the break, i'll be joined by dutch farmer jos ubels, who will bring us up to date on the protests across europe on behalf of the farmers. i'm neil oliver on gb news.
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welcome back. my final guest
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this evening is jos ubels, who is a farmer in the northern part of the netherlands. also a defender of farmers and farming . defender of farmers and farming. and he joins me now. jos, thank you so much forjoining us. >> hi . >> hi. >> hi. >> i am i've been following the farming protests. it's it must be some kind of encouragement to know that i checked that there's protests now in the netherlands, in germany, in italy, scotland, ireland, poland, france, romania, lithuania, belgium and greece. that which started in the netherlands has has set afire, has it . the netherlands has has set afire, has it. not >> yeah. it really did. um, you can see that in 2019, the protests by the farmers defence force , we organised them. they force, we organised them. they were pretty big. um, and, and uh, they were caused by the fact that our government decided was a very good idea to , uh, cut the a very good idea to, uh, cut the
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production , uh, the husbandry production, uh, the husbandry and animal production by 50. so uh, 50% of the cows were kicked out of the country. was it was some, uh, ingenious plan of our new government . um, this led new government. um, this led a fire into the farmers , uh, and fire into the farmers, uh, and they said, okay, we're not taking this anymore. the bureaucratic system is getting overwhelmed by stupid ideas , and overwhelmed by stupid ideas, and we have to fight for ourselves . we have to fight for ourselves. so, uh, this brought a lot of farmers to the streets and you can see that the bureaucratic problem is not only a dutch problem, but it is spread by the european union and their their ideals , ideas about how to ideals, ideas about how to change the world. >> um, i'm fascinated. change the world. >> um, i'm fascinated . i'm >> um, i'm fascinated. i'm fascinated just by this idea. the satellite surveillance that has been deployed , uh, to keep has been deployed, uh, to keep an eye on the farmers that you're being watched from space. can you talk to us about that ?
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can you talk to us about that? >> yeah, it's actually when i heard that the first time. >> it's quite funny. we all know that you have the google maps and everything included. uh, similar like that. you can zoom in from satellites. pretty detailed to the fields and the crops . um, but now they they crops. um, but now they they decided it's very nice to check your farmers from a on a three daily base , uh, with satellites daily base, uh, with satellites and, um, they use artificial intelligence and, uh, they really check if all the farmers of the european union sold their crops , uh, on the correct time crops, uh, on the correct time and the correct crops because, um, me being a dutch farmer, i'm not even allowed to show the crops that i want to. so uh, this is restricted. i can only show what is allowed by the european union and by my government. and they checking this three days. this every three days. >> imagine if. what is that costing ? imagine if that money costing? imagine if that money was used to offset was being used to offset imbalances . and subsidies and
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imbalances. and subsidies and all of the rest of it, far less maybe to watch borders for human trafficking or drug trafficking. what a difference it would make. >> yeah, well, i would say if you use that kind of surveillance to drug trafficking and to drug , surveillance to drug trafficking and to drug, uh, yeah, to drug. dealers, that will be no drug problem all in the world. but they are using it to surveillance. the food producers. so this will eventually come cause food eventually come cause no food production . production. >> and you're. >> and you're. >> how does it feel? i have to ask that your character, because of your defence of farming as far right extremists. how does that how does that go down with the farming population and the wider public in the netherlands ? wider public in the netherlands? >> well, i think that the wider pubucis >> well, i think that the wider public is starting to see that it's all just used by, um, uh, by by leftist, uh, by leftist politicians that, uh, don't have any arguments. they only have stories to tell, and they back their stories up by, um , uh, their stories up by, um, uh, yeah. putting us in a in a
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corner where it's easy to attack. um, but but the funny thing is , we are not far right. thing is, we are not far right. or whatever, but there's one thing that we can say if you try to . change the way a farmer to. change the way a farmer farms for over decades from your desk, because you think it's way better to produce less and to grow less, uh, because hunger is a good thing, then you probably are very, um. yeah extremist. uh thinking yourself. >> thank you so much. thank you so much for your time. this evening. so important. i'll keep on catching up with you and your colleagues. thank you. jasmin we talked about absurdity at the top of the show. you feel the top of the show. do you feel the absurdity even greater? absurdity is even greater? >> i really do, you know, you think behind this? what think what's behind this? what are other than are we going to have other than food that is farmed? well, there's process. food, there's the process. west food, which bill is which apparently bill gates is producing, you in some of producing, you know, in some of his, um, mega mega farms. producing, you know, in some of his, um, mega mega farms . and i his, um, mega mega farms. and i was up with idea was brought up with the idea that processed not that processed food is not a good to have. it's really good thing to have. it's really not good for you. we should have natural where is this
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natural foods. so where is this all from? all coming from? >> and more >> where is and more importantly, it all importantly, where is it all going? from this going? that's all from me this evening. thank you to all my guests. you to my guests. thank you to my wonderful panellists, jasmine birtles. up, it birtles. next up, it is, i believe, the saturday five and all. i will see all. being willing, i will see you next week . you next week. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news . weather on gb news. >> hello there. good evening. i'm jonathan vautrey here of your gb news weather forecast provided by the met office dunng provided by the met office during the northern half of the uk that saw some of the better, sunnier breaks over the course of today and this evening of today and into this evening as you've got the greater as well. you've got the greater chance clearer chance of seeing some clearer spells around the start off the night. quite cloudy night. quite murky and cloudy across the southern half, particularly western wales, south—west hill south—west england. some hill fog, drizzle around south—west england. some hill fog,cloud drizzle around south—west england. some hill fog,cloud tend'izzle around south—west england. some hill fog,cloud tend to le around south—west england. some hill fog,cloud tend to thicken|d south—west england. some hill fogtheyud tend to thicken|d south—west england. some hill fogthe north tend to thicken|d south—west england. some hill fogthe north as end to thicken|d south—west england. some hill fogthe north as we to thicken|d in the north as we head throughout the second half of the rain eventually the night. some rain eventually arriving but for arriving towards dawn. but for most it going to be most of us it is going to be a very mild night. temperatures really here we'd normally really here what we'd normally expect daytime this expect during daytime at this point quite point in february quite a
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dreary, start for northern dreary, damp start for northern ireland. england ireland. northern england and into scotland as we head into sunday outbreaks rain sunday with outbreaks of rain spreading touch spreading their way in a touch dner spreading their way in a touch drier the south. still some drier to the south. still some drizzle watch out for and we drizzle to watch out for and we could see the odd sunnier break just for just develop, perhaps for eastern wales, eastern england perhaps as perhaps also eastern scotland as well, very well, but with some very blustery winds well, but with some very blusteryin. winds well, but with some very blusteryin. and winds well, but with some very blusteryin. and that winds well, but with some very blusteryin. and that is winds well, but with some very blusteryin. and that is a inds well, but with some very blusteryin. and that is a mild coming in. and that is a mild direction of so it is going direction of air. so it is going to see temperatures widely above average time of year. average for the time of year. that in north that rain in the north eventually stalls where this frontal system lies across scotland, pushing its scotland, as it is pushing its way into some colder air ahead of it. we could see some snow over the hills in the far north, maybe even into some lower levels for caithness and orkney, but a rain warning is in force for western scotland, where we could see some very persistent rainfall throughout monday. drizzle and cloud across the board really further to the south of that. but the rain will eventually across eventually arrive across southern districts as we head eventually arrive across southerrtuesday; as we head eventually arrive across southerrtuesday and we head eventually arrive across southerrtuesday and wednesday. towards tuesday and wednesday. enjoy evening enjoy the rest of your evening by by a brighter outlook with boxt sponsors weather boxt solar sponsors of weather on .
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gb news. >> it's saturday night and this is the saturday five. i'm darren grimes along with albie amankona, belinda de lucy, ben leo and benjamin butterworth. tonight on the show, i've got a message for would be reform voters vote reform, get labour. >> um uk must have the right, at least the option to send back foreign nationals to countries deemed unsafe . deemed unsafe. >> sacrebleu. we need to copy the french folks. newcastle united, the world's biggest hypocrites. >> they need to apologise to the for banning their fan for expressing gender critical views. >> and now they're trying to stick mandatory tips on buying a pint. i say get out of my pub. >> it's 7 pm. and this is the saturday five.


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