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tv   Saturday Morning Live  GB News  March 9, 2024 10:00am-12:01pm GMT

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gb news. >> good morning. i'm peter andre, alongside ellie costello, and this is saturday morning live. and a massive hi to my father who's watching in australia. >> what's name? >> what's his name? >> what's his name? >> savvas. savva >> savvas. savva >> good morning to you or good night to you. i should say that's exactly right. >> good night. >> it is. good night. >> it is. good night. >> well, good night you, >> oh, well, good night to you, but morning the rest of but good morning to the rest of you. really good to all of you. really good to have all of your morning. we've your company this morning. we've got packed show for got an action packed show for you. going all you. we're going to have all of the with our the day's top stories with our superstar the superstar panel. we've got the former winner, former apprentice winner, mani swindells comedian tommy swindells and comedian tommy sandhu us morning, sandhu with us this morning, and they're already off they're already being told off by floor for being
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by the floor manager for being too . so this is going to be too loud. so this is going to be a good morning, guys. a really good morning, guys. >> red bull christian >> after red bull boss christian horner controversy horner has faced controversy over week, we're asking over the past week, we're asking if you should let your private life affect your professional one. ben f42 will be joining us to the bottom of this. to get to the bottom of this. >> going to have a view >> you're going to have a view on that. going to meet our on that. we're going to meet our greatest briton, who advocates to awareness premature to raise awareness for premature births and maternity leave. this is such an important issue, and one really be one that we should really be spreading about. spreading news about. >> yeah. and can you get a six pack in 75 days? well, new research shows that more than a billion people worldwide are obese. billion people worldwide are obese . what is the answer to obese. what is the answer to this? although you can get a six pack at the local shop within about five minutes. very good. our guests will be sharing all the fitness and health the best fitness and health secrets. >> and this show is nothing without you. we love to hear from you, don't we, gb views. >> we want to hear lots from you
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today. yes. >> gb views at gb news. com suns out mother's day tomorrow. i have reminded you this morning. >> yeah, of course i knew that. >> yeah, of course i knew that. >> you already knew that, though. you already had plans. of so us of course. and so yes. let us know what doing know what you're doing for mother's you are mother's day. many of you are probably taking a trip up to where mother so where your mother is today, so good luck with let us know good luck with that. let us know what plans are if you what your plans are and if you are happy mother's are a mother. happy mother's day! but tomorrow. >> a father happy >> and if you're a father happy to mothers you've got to the mothers you've got a different day. yeah. anyway, for that know where i that i don't know where i was going that, before we going with that, but before we do anything else, sophia wenzler has news headlines. has all your news headlines. no idea. >> thanks, pete. good morning. it's 10:02. i'm sophia wenzler it's10:02. i'm sophia wenzler in the gb newsroom . more than in the gb newsroom. more than £32 million has been spent policing gaza related protests in london. the met police confirming the figure as it prepares for another day of demonstrations as hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in the palestine solidarity campaign march from hyde park corner to the us
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embassy. later, officers say they have warned they have a robust plan in place to tackle hate crime and extremism. the protest is going ahead after the counter—terrorism tsar said the capital has become a no go zone for jews during demonstrations. shadow minister nick thomas—symonds says it's vital police get the support they need. >> we have to preserve the right to peacefully protest. i think that's a very important part of our democracy. but at the same time, we have to crack down on racism in all its forms. we have to be very strong and tough on anti—semitism and indeed islamophobia, where it is found . islamophobia, where it is found. and we have to make sure today that our police and our especially our frontline police, who, by the way , they, have to who, by the way, they, have to deal with extremely difficult judgements in fast moving situations are given the support
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that they need. >> meanwhile , the head of the >> meanwhile, the head of the foreign affairs committee has accused israel of blocking aid, getting into gaza as a humanitarian crisis in the region deepens. a ship carrying suppuesis region deepens. a ship carrying supplies is expected to set sail from cyprus this weekend. it's after the uk , us and the eu after the uk, us and the eu announced plans to create a maritime corridor with a temporary port to be built off the coast of the strip , and the coast of the strip, and scotland's first minister has dismissed suggestions of a conflict of interest following a gaza aid donation as ludicrous and completely untrue. humza yousaf announced he was giving £250,000 to the unrwa wha? the telegraph reported. he's being accused of overriding recommendations by officials to give up to 200,000 to another un agency, unicef , and meghan agency, unicef, and meghan markle says she suffered hateful and cruel abuse while she was pregnant. the duchess of sussex led a keynote speech on international women's day where
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she spoke out against social media abuse. she said we have lost our sense of humanity on social media. as she recalled the comments aimed at her while she was pregnant, the comments aimed at her while she was pregnant , with prince she was pregnant, with prince archie and princess lilibet appearing on a panel at a conference in texas, meghan explained how every voice can make a change. >> if you know that there's something wrong and you're using your voice to advocate in the direction of what is right, that can really land and resonate and make huge change for a lot of people. so your voice is not small, it just needs to be heard i >> -- >> and for the latest story, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts. now it's back to ellie and pete. >> welcome to saturday morning live. really good to have your company this morning. the time is 10:05. and let's start with our top story, shall we. because pro—palestinian demonstrations will go ahead today for the
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first time since the man who advises the government on extremism said that certain parts of london had become no go zones for jews. while this protest follows accusations by the chair of the foreign affairs select committee that israel is blocking aid into gaza , it also blocking aid into gaza, it also comes as protest group palestine action spray and the slash historic painting of lord balfour of the university of cambridge. >> well , the group also claims >> well, the group also claims that the peace symbolised the bloodshed of the palestinian people since the balfour declaration in 1917. >> that was a public statement issued by the british government announcing its support for the establishment of a national home for the jewish people in palestine in. >> well, let's go live now to central london and our political correspondent katherine forster joins us now . it seems the joins us now. it seems the rhetoric and the action is ramping up as the weeks go on. catherine what's going on? >> yes, indeed. and good morning
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, ellie and peter. yes, i'm here at hyde park corner in central london, where this 10th national march for palestine is due to get underway at 12:00. of course , there's been dozens of marches and protests up and down the country since those atrocities committed by hamas. and on october the 7th triggered the conflict in gaza . as you can see conflict in gaza. as you can see behind me, a heavy police presence already, and there'll be over a thousand police officers there expecting, though hundreds of thousands of people on this march, their stalls setting up over to the right of me and rishi sunak, of course , a me and rishi sunak, of course, a week ago saying to people planning to march, don't let extremists hijack the march . and extremists hijack the march. and saying to the police, it's not enough to manage these marches. you need to police them. we will back you. but of course, it's a
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very difficult line that the police are trying to tread here. i was talking to some of them just before we came on air. they'd come down from yorkshire, from humberside . these are from humberside. these are stretching police resources massively . it's cost the massively. it's cost the metropolitan police alone £32 million. policing these marches. and they would rather not arrest people. they would rather control the situation and only act if it's absolutely necessary . and i asked them about face coverings, about chants of from the river to the sea. they will be guided by more superior officers. but basically they say it depends on on the reaction that it causes and what i've noficed that it causes and what i've noticed at previous marches is the chants are from the river to the chants are from the river to the sea, tend to last for just a few seconds, and then stop. there's plenty of people with face coverings . normally that's face coverings. normally that's not officially allowed and generally it all will be very peaceful. but towards the end of
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the day, when the dark starts to fall, things often turn unpleasant. i will be reporting here on gb news throughout the day. >> katherine forster, thank you so much . well, we're joined now so much. well, we're joined now by today's panel. we're joined by today's panel. we're joined by former apprentice winner marney swindells and comedian tommy sandhu. really good to see you both this morning . and you both this morning. and marney, let's start with you, shall we? and what catherine was was saying there . so this is the was saying there. so this is the man that advises the government on and he's on extremism and he's essentially saying there are some london, especially some parts of london, especially on a saturday, as catherine was describing, is describing, where jews is essentially a no go zone for jews. >> it's such a difficult one because you have to appreciate people need their voice . people need their voice. >> i'm just not sure if the protests are now the most effective of that effective way of getting that voice especially voice heard, especially when it comes detriment and the comes with the detriment and the fear it's causing for a whole nother community. we're the nother community. we're in the uk we shouldn't uk, we shouldn't be having those. of that those. the extent of that feeling that fear here, and feeling and that fear here, and i think we could dealing with i think we could be dealing with it efficiently . it more, more efficiently. tommy, what do you make of
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palestine action. this is a video that went super viral yesterday a palestine action. that group spraying and slashing a portrait of lord balfour. >> i don't get this right. if you damage anything in public, that's vandalism. that's illegal. that's a crime. so i personally you know when you've heard over the past as well that people have pulled down statues into in protest or they want to delete parts of history, i'm just not a fan of deleting history. i don't think that that solves anything going forward. i think you've got to remember it. you've got to learn from it. you've got to learn from it. you've to actually that you've got to actually keep that artwork. also, shows artwork. and also, this shows how nonsensical person is, how nonsensical this person is, because spray it and then because why spray it and then cut you just cut it? you just that's unnecessary spraying. that's a waste because you waste of spray paint because you sprayed it and it's like, i'm going to spray it and cut it and then well hold on, you then burn it. well hold on, you didn't need the first steps didn't need the first two steps then. is clearly not then. so this is clearly a not a logical this is logical person. this person is not thinking any kind of not thinking with any kind of cohesion thought cohesion in their thought process but also process whatsoever. but also i this is a crime. this is what we're witnessing now. and i'm surprised they weren't arrested. i'm surprised they weren't
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locked up for it. >> well, a cambridgeshire police spokesperson has said they've received the online reports criminal officers are criminal damage officers are attending scene secure attending the scene to secure evidence and progress the investigation. no arrests have been at this stage . been at this stage. >> it was the one that did that painting. i'd be devastated, right? >> you would. it has been destroyed quite clearly. yeah. marnie, so upset marnie, people are so upset about and angry this about this and angry about this online. understand why i'm with >> i can understand why i'm with you. i think need to learn you. i think we need to learn from and what from these things. and what precedent it set that when precedent does it set that when you're something, you you're angry at something, you just it. you just, you just slash it. you just, you know, it. that's not the know, attack it. that's not the right way to do it. violence is not the answer. and that's coming someone who's in coming from someone who's in boxing. not always boxing. violence is not always the . the answer. >> that's a very good message. do us know think of do let us know what you think of that. know you'll have an that. i know you'll have an opinion that home. gb opinion on that at home. gb views gb news. com and now views at gb news. com and now someone wants something views at gb news. com and now someone rupertants something views at gb news. com and now someone rupert murdoch.ything views at gb news. com and now somemean, pert murdoch.ything views at gb news. com and now somemean, he'smurdoch.ything views at gb news. com and now some mean, he's 92rdoch. thing views at gb news. com and now some mean, he's 92rdoch. old,g >> i mean, he's 92 years old, right . good on >> i mean, he's 92 years old, right. good on him. he >> i mean, he's 92 years old, right . good on him. he looks right. good on him. he looks great. he's just got engaged so he could be married for the fifth time later this year. now is 90. is it too old to get engaged or too old to get
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married? or is it none of our business? i mean, here we can see for those that are on the radio, we've got pictures here of rupert. he looks great, mate. 92. >> good, to be >> he does look good, to be fair. tommy. what do you think? it's 92. >> old to get married, >> too old to get married, i think when got a few hundred think when you got a few hundred million think look million quid, i think i'd look good 92 well. but. yeah, good at 92 as well. but. yeah, but i'm glad to that i've but i'm glad to see that i've got. got 92 old's got. i've got the 92 year old's hairstyle at that. hairstyle already. look at that. we've we've got we've got the same, we've got the which is the same barbers, which is beautiful. no look, i think why not if you're at 92, get not if you're loaded at 92, get married. know you think married. i know you think i worry young worry about is this poor young 67 maybe she doesn't 67 year old. maybe she doesn't know maybe know what she's doing. maybe he's. he's corrupted he's. he's he's he's corrupted her. duped her into marrying her. and duped her into marrying him now i think. why not i think go for it. look, marriage number five. eight times. go for it. look, marriage number five married eight times. go for it. look, marriage number five married ten eight times. go for it. look, marriage number five married ten times. times. go for it. look, marriage number five married ten times. why s. go for it. look, marriage number five married ten times. why not? get married ten times. why not? rupert murdoch? to rupert murdoch? i'm sorry to say, not sure if you say, at 92, i'm not sure if you know how many days you got left. years you got left. he looks well fit and good. he well and fit and good. i hope he has years of marriage. has many more years of marriage. but like the fact that was but i like the fact that he was married. was engaged last married. he was engaged last year 11 weeks and then year for about 11 weeks and then called off. who knows called that off. so who knows whether wedding whether this wedding will even go ahead.
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>> family weren't >> apparently the family weren't very the last very happy with the last engagement, and i can't imagine the happy. the children are very happy. this one. >> know, but isn't it up >> yeah, i know, but isn't it up to the individual? you want to get to get married? you want to get married, want know, married, you want to. you know, you be on your own. you you might be on your own. you might feel lonely. yeah. you might be on your own. you migl think lonely. yeah. you might be on your own. you migl think itynely. yeah. you might be on your own. you migl think it just. yeah. you might be on your own. you migl think it just want]. you might be on your own. you migl think it just want a cuddle >> i think it just want a cuddle to with the fact he's bajillionaire. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> it's got nothing to do with knows even noticed knows if you even noticed that he's billionaire. knows if you even noticed that he"what.lionaire. knows if you even noticed that he"what do naire. knows if you even noticed that he"what do you�*. knows if you even noticed that he"what do you think, marnie? >> what do you think, marnie? >> what do you think, marnie? >> think knows. no >> i think love knows. no bounds. more power to bounds. i think more power to him. understand him. i can understand the cynics, what's to cynics, but again, what's it to do us he. if he wants to do with us if he. if he wants to share that wealth, if he wants to love, share to share that love, share whatever offer, whatever else he has to offer, why not married? >> get married? >> why get married? >> why get married? >> she's she's >> because she's she's a molecular . missed his molecular biology. missed his his wife. she's going change his wife. she's going to change his wife. she's going to change his 52. and his genes to make him 52. and you'll from you'll see he'll come back from his honeymoon . he'll have a full his honeymoon. he'll have a full head hair. he'll have head of hair. he'll. he'll have a like peter and it'll a six pack like peter and it'll be ripped. in fact, he might look like peter. >> reverse 92 29. they go >> reverse 92 to 29. they go where going and got where he's going and he's got the this. the money to do this. >> you're onto something there. >> but let's be honest, he wants to be happy. i just for me, i don't even know why. it's a
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question. yeah. he's he's got all marbles. all his marbles. >> yeah. i'm sure >> has he. yeah. yeah i'm sure you sure everything's you know i'm sure everything's working fine. >> you know what i mean? yeah. it's all it's up to him, isn't it? you're right. >> not? >> why not? >> why not? >> love is. is lovely , >> love is. love is lovely, right? and. and living with someone would be lovely. but i think four think if you've tried it four times, think you just times, do you think you just want live together? sorry want to live together? sorry i want to go. >> ellie cynic before you >> ellie is a cynic before you ask that. >> so? how are we getting on >> so? so how are we getting on with the marriage? because you're now. you're engaged now. >> is number one. and hopefully. >> how hopefully. >> yeah. and how are we doing with do need talk with that? do we need to talk about right now or. about that right now or. >> is it coming soon >> no. no. is it coming soon next year. >> emma gm- next year. >> do you think by the >> anytime. do you think by the next time you yeah. next time i see you yeah. >> yeah. it's on the card. it's on the card. i'm not 92 and on the card. but i'm not 92 and this number five. no this isn't number five. no >> that's right. should >> that's right. so we should hurry shouldn't he. hurry up then shouldn't he. >> could argue >> you might. you could argue that you failed, failed that if you failed, it failed at something maybe it's something four times. maybe it's not what i'm saying. not for you. what i'm saying. maybe of go. maybe he should kind of go. look, i. you know, i tried once. second you it's not second three. you know, it's not going let's just see going to happen. let's just see each how goes. each other and see how it goes. >> perfect. maybe you >> perfect. no. yeah. maybe you don't up at fail. don't give up at fail. >> you keep trying. >> you keep trying.
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>> well done. >> oh. well done. >> oh. well done. >> that's the winning spirit. >> come back. spirit. >> yeah, back. spirit. >> yeah, well, do you know what? to be him, it's quite to be fair to him, it's quite nice to see traditional values. >> can that. >> yeah, you can say that. >> yeah, you can say that. >> likes marriage. >> he obviously likes marriage. clearly. yeah. and i'm not sure he the concept he understands the concept of marriage though. >> the do us part. stay >> the death do us part. stay together forever. >> that's possible. yeah. >> that's very possible. yeah. >> that's very possible. yeah. >> him, >> whatever it means to him, he's i think we he's happy. and i think we should him to it. should leave him to it. >> don't know if he's happy, >> we don't know if he's happy, but we hope he's happy. he but we hope he's happy. yeah. he must to be engaged. must be happy to be engaged. >> i want your >> now, peter, i want your peter. that was very formal, very peter. that was very formal, venls because brought >> is it because i brought up marriage? right? >> is it because i brought up marriage? iyeah. need to ask >> maybe. yeah. need to ask your opinion this because opinion on this story because you have previously been the host world. host of miss world. >> actually of >> i am actually the host of to be. >> not doing it this yeah >>i yeah >> i just didn't do this year because obviously emily's very soon birth and couldn't soon giving birth and i couldn't be miss world, now be overseas. miss world, now there's controversy there's this controversy around it, i remember it, right? and i remember when i first present world it, right? and i remember when i firstfirst present world it, right? and i remember when i firstfirst time, resent world it, right? and i remember when i firstfirst time, and 1t world it, right? and i remember when i firstfirst time, and i world it, right? and i remember when i firstfirst time, and i thought,rld the first time, and i thought, oh, you know, miss world, isn't that an thing? and do you that an 80s thing? and do you know, still watched by 2 know, it's still watched by 2 billion people around the world and don't the, the and they don't do the, the bikini stuff anymore. and it's about , you know, that you have
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about, you know, that you have to have academics, you have to do a certain amount of charitable work. so it's based on what you've achieved more than your look. it's beauty than your look. so it's beauty and, what is it? beauty and bryant. yeah. >> that's it. yes. very good. the important bit for that. >> well what's the other word . >> well what's the other word. >> well what's the other word. >> what other insignificant. >> what other insignificant. >> what's the other important thing. >> but what are your thoughts. >> but what are your thoughts. >> is it old school. is it. what do you think. >> no. okay. going back over time. look, people, men and women are are sexualised for their exterior. i am, i know, i'm judged on my sheer beauty. people don't want to know my personality. i'm like, but listen beyond the looks. there is so much more going on. but so i quite like the fact that miss world is a celebration the world is a celebration of the physical form, don't think physical form, and i don't think there's wrong there's anything wrong with that. think the that. but however, i think the times we're in, they need times that we're in, they need to see so much to it, but to see so much more to it, but the that it's not being the fact that it's not being shown, the fact that we're taking stance, it's taking this stance, that it's not like, not going to be on tv, i'm like, like said, billion people like you said, 2 billion people watch it happens all around watch it. it happens all around the banning it doesn't
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the world. us banning it doesn't make happen. you tearing make it not happen. you tearing up doesn't mean up that painting doesn't mean that history deleted. that part of history is deleted. it's and i think it's going to go on. and i think it's people maybe it's wrong for people who maybe want enjoy the visual factor want to enjoy the visual factor of miss world. and be of miss world. and i'll be honest, watch it if was honest, i'd watch it if it was miss man. you know, miss, miss, miss world, you know. miss mister world, you know. yeah, could be you wouldn't yeah, that could be you wouldn't be surprised. but, you know, if it was mister world, i'd watch it was mister world, i'd watch it because i'd be like, let's just check out some ripped guys. let's how hard they've let's see how hard they've worked look that good. these worked to look that good. these are fully are people that are fully focussed on the physical. >> superficial. >> you today i'm superficial. >> you today i'm superficial. >> need to >> that's what you need to realise. about looks realise. it's all about looks and marriage and people getting, having, loving. having, having, regular loving. that's all i want. i want people to be loved. >> well, what you >> well, marnie, what do you make because this is make of this? because this is all to a column in the all down to a column in the daily that's basically daily express that's basically saying because saying it's been ruined because of feminists. >> i it's most anti >> i think it's the most anti feminist to get rid feminist thing ever to get rid of i i think it's of it. i feel i think it's a really sad situation to not have it shown. was actually on gb it shown. i was actually on gb news talking to eamonn news recently, talking to eamonn about importance of women about the importance of women being able to be multifaceted, have dimension, have the have every dimension, have the looks, have the beauty, have have the brains , have it all.
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have the brains, have it all. and i think, i think who is who are people to restrict that and say we shouldn't focus on the beauty? why have they taken out the bit? tried to do the bikini bit? they tried to do this wrinkled girls and this with wrinkled girls and formula girls, i think formula one girls, and i think these consenting adults that these are consenting adults that are choosing to enter a competition, celebrate it, embrace it. let's let's give them their flowers, so to speak . them their flowers, so to speak. >> and i have to stick up for them because i literally, again before i presented it the first time, thought, isn't this an time, i thought, isn't this an old is . and then when old thing? and is. and then when i and saw what these i saw it and i saw what these girls had achieved and their charitable work, their achievements know, achievements in, you know, academics , i thought, okay, so academics, i thought, okay, so they're focusing whole they're focusing on a whole different yes beauty was different thing. yes beauty was part of it. i can't believe i remembered beauty, but not brains. that that is terrible. >> no, you did on purpose. >> no, you did it on purpose. >> no, you did it on purpose. >> it was a joke. that was a joke. >> yeah, it's a great. anyway. >> yeah, it's a great. anyway. >> no, it wasn't on last night. >> no, it wasn't on last night. >> i wasn't presenting, which is. >> yeah, i know, well, i'm sure they much missed you. maybe they very much missed you. maybe that's why it wasn't shown in this country. you this country. because you weren't involved this year. yeah. weren't involved this year. yea now makes sense now, >> now it all makes sense now, haven't we?
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>> right. we've got time to >> all right. we've got time to go this story that go through this story that caught morning, caught our eye this morning, very being told, very quickly. we're being told, dishwasher. there's a science to it. dishwasher . it. stacking the dishwasher. this is because rishi sunak was talking alongside running this is because rishi sunak was talkcountry alongside running this is because rishi sunak was talkcountry. alongside running this is because rishi sunak was talkcountry. heongside running this is because rishi sunak was talkcountry. he also de running this is because rishi sunak was talkcountry. he also nipsinning the country. he also nips upstairs to the flat number upstairs to the flat in number 10 rearrange dishwasher . 10 to rearrange the dishwasher. rishi sunak did she sunak rishi. >> dishy. dishy >> dishy. dishy >> rishi, yeah. >> rishi, yeah. >> that happened. >> that happened. >> yeah. there's a picture now for those on the radio, guys, it's how we're . this is it's showing how we're. this is the incorrect way is stacking loads of plates and bowls on top of each other, i think. yeah, yeah. >> and that's like what you do, right? >> yes. i'm. i'm not a stacker. oh, i thought you would be. >> i thought you'd be good. >> i thought you'd be good. >> i thought you'd be good. >> i think i try, i'm not good, whereas i am the bottom , graphic whereas i am the bottom, graphic there, the bottom shelf, just to perfection . i stack to perfection. i stack to perfection, in fact, having no comment because mine's chaos there. >> there's a lot of free space. >> there's a lot of free space. >> i have been known to remove everything from trays, and restack. oh okay. >> yeah. so same here. >> yeah. so same here. >> do you guys rinse before you stack? always money. oh, yeah. mine is chaos. i just throw it
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in with the food on it. >> still, i'm exposing kind of madness. is that madness? >> i have got loads of kids, so. >> i have got loads of kids, so. >> oh, yeah. never leave space and access? and does everybody have access? >> throw their stuff >> do they all throw their stuff in? but also the dishwasher. >> how are you? >> how are you? >> thank you , marnie and tommy. >> thank you, marnie and tommy. oh, thanks. >> and tommy. really >> marnie and tommy. really good to thank to see you. thank you. >> thank you for having us. >> thank you for having us. >> to us on that on >> get back to us on that on the dishwasher story. because i think that's something that everyone feels quite passionately about. are you a stacker or you a thrower? do stacker or are you a thrower? do let know. we'll catch with let us know. we'll catch up with you a bit later on in the you a little bit later on in the show. now, with us show. now, do stay with us because coming we're going because coming up, we're going to our greatest to be meeting our greatest briton her briton and finding out about her efforts for efforts to raise awareness for premature maternity premature births and maternity leave incredible leave. she's a really incredible person. also to be person. we're also going to be talking should your talking about should your personal affect your personal life ever affect your personal life ever affect your personal ? it's all about personal life? it's all about the christian horner debacle. want to know your opinion on that one? this is a saturday morning live on gb news. interesting
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welcome back. good morning to you. loads of emails coming in this morning. thank you so much for your company , pete. there's for your company, pete. there's a couple for you, and i'm enjoying them. so this one's from mark, who says, pete, what goes your you goes through your head when you hear song ? example, hear your song? for example, if you into and you you walk into a shop and you hear girl playing, hear mysterious girl playing, i'd know. i'm listening i'd love to know. i'm listening to show in car this to the show in the car this morning and it, says mark. love “$- %-i >> love that. mark. well, it's an interesting thing because i remember back in the day, i'm going couple of names going to drop a couple of names here, i toured with madonna here, but i toured with madonna and bobby brown. remember and bobby brown. i remember going club brown going to a club with bobby brown and his songs and they were playing his songs when in, and when he walked in, and i thought, how cool! yeah, but when you walk in somewhere and they just. they play your song, you just. i curl a little ball. curl up into a little ball. yeah, i don't know what to do. and i know you cos he's so humble. no, ijust and i know you cos he's so humble. no, i just really. and my kids like, look at me and i'm like, start looking like, can you start looking now, it's, awkward . it's, i find it really awkward. but then other people don't. and i think it's beautiful that they'd play it, so. they'd even play it, so. >> you know what as well, >> but you know what as well, i
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said of my first questions said one of my first questions to pete, actually, met to pete, actually, when i met you, do annoyed you, was, do you get annoyed when sing it when people come up and sing it to because that happens all to you? because that happens all the and the time, doesn't it? and you were saying, it better then were saying, sing it better then i problem. i have a problem. >> and you said, no, you love it. >> you never get sick of it. you love it because obviously it's your on that note, ellie, >> and on that note, ellie, would like to sing the song would you like to sing the song for me? >> which song? no. what's >> which song? no, no. what's wrong? i did, so we've wrong? i did, i did, so we've got jasmine. >> jasmine i'm >> jasmine saying, i'm travelling. this is about mother's travelling to mother's day. i'm travelling to see today and i've not see my mother today and i've not seen christmas. please seen since christmas. please can you shout she you give her a shout out? she watches is watches every week. her name is tess a fan of tess and is a massive fan of pete. tess we love you and we hope you have a wonderful mother's day tomorrow. we mother's day tomorrow. and we hope put husband hope that you put your husband through paces . oh, that's through the paces. oh, that's what's to happen my what's going to happen in my house tomorrow. what's going to happen in my h0lyes omorrow. what's going to happen in my h0lyes ,morrow. what's going to happen in my h0lyes , i'mrow. what's going to happen in my h0lyes , i'm glad you know all >> yes, i'm glad you know all about it as well now. and jane says going three says there's going to be three generations of mothers in our family lunch tomorrow to family lunch out tomorrow to celebrate day. my 96 celebrate the special day. my 96 year and my daughter year old mother and my daughter are to there with our are going to be there with our grandchildren. lucky am i? grandchildren. how lucky am i? well, are lucky. well, jane, you are very lucky. happy mother's you and happy mother's day to you and happy mother's day to you and happy to all the happy mother's day to all the mothers out there and who are
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watching mothers out there and who are watandg mothers out there and who are watand just one more, just one >> and just one more, just one more. rupert murdoch more. nigel, on rupert murdoch saying on rupert murdoch saying good on rupert murdoch if he's he didn't he's happy, if we if he didn't have anything else to spend our money of crisis. money on. cost of living crisis. why not have girlfriend party why not have a girlfriend party that day ? that lasts all day? >> well, there you go, girlfriend. >> party night? >> party night? >> well, yes, that's very true. keep those views coming in. thank you so much for your company this morning. let's talk about next story. you'll about this next story. you'll have on this. this is have an opinion on this. this is about the red boss, about the red bull boss, christian horneh he's course christian horneh he's of course faced the past faced controversy over the past ten days after allegations of inappropriate towards inappropriate behaviour towards a female colleague. that is, of course, something that he's denied. >> yeah, well, he has since been cleared of misconduct and the female accuser has been suspended. but with rumours of tension within the team, we're asking how far should your personal circumstances affect your life ? your professional life? >> well, to talk about this with us is singer and tv personality ben ofoedu. really good to see you. this morning. good to see you. this morning. good to see you then. >> it's great to be here. yeah. >> it's great to be here. yeah. >> really good to have you with us. what do you make of this,
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then? do you think that your personal ever affect personal life should ever affect your personal life should ever affect you! think it shouldn't, but it >> i think it shouldn't, but it does, and that's the truth of it. you know, i salute geri horneh i mean, she handled that amazingly beckham amazingly when victoria beckham went ago. went through stuff years ago. you handled it you know, she handled it amazingly well. ijust you know, she handled it amazingly well. i just think amazingly as well. i just think that it shouldn't. but it does. it's when i sing songs, i it's like when i sing songs, i go on stage, but if i've got a bad leg, it's going to affect my show. you know, you're a show. and you know, you're a human being, you're a multifaceted person. but things like things that like that, personal things that are out in the public domain, it really affects your life. >> so when go on stage and >> so when you go on stage and you're doing a and there's you're doing a gig and there's thousands people they're thousands of people and they're singing out, say that week, stories come out, say that week, yeah. stories come out, say that week, yeah . are you stage? is there yeah. are you on stage? is there that in your stomach that knot in your stomach of thinking, are people thinking, you know, are people going completely. you're going to. not completely. you're kind the two emotions, kind of mixing the two emotions, right, of what's going on personally going on personally and what's going on on stage and how the audience are thinking yeah totally. >> do you feel that? and for me, stage is my safe place and it's the time i feel the best in my life. last year i felt life. but last year i felt terrible on stage all the time,
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you know? so last year was probably of shows, probably my worst run of shows, and because there and that was because there was a lot of stuff out, in the lot of stuff in, in, out, in the pubuc lot of stuff in, in, out, in the public domain, which i didn't intend for it be out there. intend for it to be out there. and someone had released it and decided media was decided that social media was more friend than the 17 more of their friend than the 17 year relationship they year relationship that they had had. they decided to tell had. so they decided to tell 2 million people first before they told me. and they just, you know, ran with the whole know, they ran with the whole media and i media thing. and that's i suppose journalism that. media thing. and that's i supand journalism that. media thing. and that's i supand yournalism that. media thing. and that's i supand you say sm that. media thing. and that's i supand you say that that. media thing. and that's i supand you say that was that. media thing. and that's i supand you say that was your >> and you say that was your worst time on stage. >> because way >> was that because of the way that you felt? yes. is that what you from the audience? yeah. you got from the audience? yeah. >> was the >> no, no, it was it was the way i felt. and know, sometimes i felt. and you know, sometimes you on a train or go on you can go on a train or go on places and you think everyone's looking i'm sure they're looking at me. i'm sure they're looking at me. i'm sure they're looking you can have looking at me. and you can have a time. and a lot of the a bad time. and a lot of the time it's how you feel. time it's about how you feel. even not even though it's may not be happening no one happening and maybe not, no one cares. you think that cares. but if you think that they then you react and they care, then you react and you act in a different way. you act in a in a different way. >> yeah. i mean, it's an interesting thing because we were discussion interesting thing because we were and discussion interesting thing because we were and (you ssion interesting thing because we were and (you know, if before and i said, you know, if you're your abuse you're using yourjob an abuse of power to do something to affect somebody, yes . then it's
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affect somebody, yes. then it's directly, to do with your job. therefore, personal and work are crossed and therefore it should be out there. but if what you have done is not an abuse of power, just talking about musicians and all these people that get accused of all sorts of things, and then you've got this , you should be able to separate their or their acting from their music or their acting from their music or their acting from their personal life is that, you know, do agree that ? know, do you agree with that? >> yeah, totally agree with >> yeah, i totally agree with that. you know, just that. i mean, you know, i'm just used sort singing songs that. i mean, you know, i'm just use(making singing songs that. i mean, you know, i'm just use(making recordsing songs that. i mean, you know, i'm just use(making recordsing sstuff and making records and stuff like that's , like that. and, and that's, that's how i, you know, anything that's how i, you know, anything that goes wrong in my any that goes wrong in my life, any personal things that go wrong, i sort dip into work and i act sort of dip into work and i act as as i can. i sing as hard as hard as i can. i sing as hard as hard as i can. i sing as hard as i can, and i make more records and i try to do things, and that's how i myself. and that's how i express myself. if in the if someone is, you know, in the media theirjob media and theirjob is journalism , which is absolutely journalism, which is absolutely fine, they that and fine, then they use that and i suppose they go into it. if they are the story, then they churn it out, but it just affects everything. >> can i ask you a personal question? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> anything. >> anything. >> you're hurt, man. i can feel
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it. i can feel your hurt and i can see it. is it because i just by you were saying a bit by what you were saying a bit before? lot that you before? is there a lot that you just want to say, but you're just want to say, but you're just not saying? obviously, i don't want to cause any problems here. i know vanessa as well. and you know, i've always she's always been lovely to me. but i'm just saying is there is there do you have this moment of thinking, oh, i just want to talk.i thinking, oh, i just want to talk. i just want to say something that i'm not so much i want to say, but then i don't want to say, but then i don't want to say, but then i don't want to bring myself down to the level of where i think that she's at. >> and what she said. there's so much could say. there's much that i could say. there's so much stuff that happens behind the scenes. so i've just. yeah, i'm always constantly yeah, so i'm always constantly biting and, you biting my tongue and, and, you know, to sing and i'm know, i'm here to sing and i'm here entertain and stuff here to entertain and stuff like that, think that i salute that, i just think that i salute jerry. i salute any woman or male that has just kept their mouth quiet. i remember kylie minogue had split up with her husband on the same day or whatever, or her boyfriend didn't hear anything about it.
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you don't need to hear about people's personal lives in the pubuc people's personal lives in the public arena. >> i've kept quiet for years, but we'll talk about that another time. >> hello, with on that note, though, really interesting that you say about geri horner, because that's the first person i aboutin because that's the first person i about in this well. i thought about in this as well. >> family of those in the >> is the family of those in the centre of a personal situation. and in your situation, do you also feel for your family, your loved ones who have to watch that pain so many people get hurt in a relationship situation i >> -- >> it's not lam em >> it's not just the couple involved, it's the surrounding people. it's best friends, it's families. sometimes it involves children. there's so much pain going on, so for it to just be thrown out into the public arena for every tom, dick and harry to have their opinion on what they think that this should happen and this and that. and you know what? suppose it's fair game what? i suppose it's fair game if if one of the if someone if one of the participants going put participants is going to put it out into the public arena, then of that's going to happen i >> -- >> but you would hope someone would appreciate or the public
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would appreciate or the public would that there would appreciate that there is one right? or do you not one sided. right? or do you not think do realise that ? >> well, 7- >> well, i 7 >> well, i just ? >> well, i just think for them it's entertainment you it's it's entertainment to you it's your you, your real life to you, their real to it's just real tears. to them it's just let's go positive for one second. music? >> music . >> yes, music. >>— >> yes, music. >> yeah, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. >> what's what gigs are coming up. what are you doing. because you talked. it's europe and everywhere you talked. it's europe and everywhe yeah i mean i've been >> yeah. yeah i mean i've been blessed with that magical song turnaround. small turnaround. the fact a small record turnaround. what's record turnaround. hey what's just with you ? just what's wrong with you? >> i love this, you're looking kind of down to me , so. kind of down to me, so. >> yeah. no. >> yeah. no. >> oh, you're so good. you're so good. >> i've been blessed with that. and, it's the gift that keeps on giving. that's a classic. and, you know, the 90s classics are everywhere, so i'm touring. i'm also on album which also working on an album which is, fide is, you know, bona fide presents, the reimagined and presents, the 90s reimagined and so i'm kind of doing that, and i'm doing covers of songs that really helped me like pm dawn and stuff like that. love it . and stuff like that. love it. >> so what about you two getting together? >> always at the same gigs, always at the same gigs. >> you know, eventually i'm
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>> and you know, eventually i'm sure something, sure we'll do something, make some together. absolutely some music together. absolutely love instead of fats >> but instead of fats and smalls, and short. brilliant. >> that's a name . >> that's a new name. >> that's a new name. >> that's a new name. >> that's us. i'm going to smash it. >> oh, ban fian- fian— kn— >> oh, ben's so good to see you. thank you so much for having me. >> for coming in. >> thanks for coming in. >> thanks for coming in. >> thanks for coming in. >> thank you. ben. cool >> thank you. ben. cool >> yeah. don't go anywhere >> yeah. now don't go anywhere because, we're going to because, up next, we're going to because, up next, we're going to be if you can get a six be seeing if you can get a six pack and going pack in 75 days. and we're going to week's to be meeting this week's greatest is greatest briton. this is saturday morning on gb saturday morning live on gb news, channel. news, britain's news channel. and happy today. and i'm very happy today. >> you pete
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welcome back to saturday morning live. we're having a lovely time, aren't we? this morning we are actually buzzing. >> think the sun's out. >> i think the sun's out. everything's because everything's good because i missed last week. missed you last week. >> was off. was off >> it was off. it was off gallivanting, actually. was gallivanting, actually. so was i. you go. anyway, it's i. so there you go. anyway, it's nice be back, has nice to be back, lawrence has got who got a question for you. who says? to peter . do
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says? ask ellie to ask peter. do you still have a six pack? very important question, lawrence . important question, lawrence. >> can you ask lawrence , >> ellie, can you ask lawrence, lawrence i do, it just hibernates sometimes . it depends hibernates sometimes. it depends what time of year. but that was recently. look at that . although recently. look at that. although there is an age difference, i am 51 and he is 18. but i now want to look like him. >> so you both have six packs? >> so you both have six packs? >> yeah, mine's just hibernates. it comes and goes. >> well, you do work very hard though, you work out though, don't you? you work out all time. all the time. >> i do a workout. >> i do love a workout. >> i do love a workout. >> thanks, lawrence, i hope that answers question, well, answers your question, well, there well, do there you go. well, do keep those and those emails coming in. and also, that a very also, lawrence, that was a very good because it links good question because it links very our next story, very well to our next story, doesn't it? >> but i love how we >> it did, but i love how we just read one view out. we'll come more later. come back to more later. >> back some >> yeah. we'll come back to some more thank you. more later. yes. thank you. >> i'm covering my >> now i'm covering my hibernating right now. hibernating six pack right now. a by the world health a new report by the world health organisation revealed that organisation has revealed that more people more than a billion people worldwide obese. >> stats show >> yeah, stats show that for women, obesity increased women, obesity rates increased from 8.8% in 1990 to 18.5% in
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2022, and for men it went from about 5% to 14% across the same time period. >> now, sometimes we all need a bit of motivation to inspire us to work out and get fit. >> and our next guest does just that, not just in fitness, but also nutrition. >> yes, the six pack revolution . >> yes, the six pack revolution. this is the founder of that community, scott harrison scott, so good to see you today . so good to see you today. >> you're looking good scott. >> you're looking good scott. >> and you i'm surprised similar age though aren't we i mine also hibernate sometimes as well. >> hibernation is fine. >> hibernation is fine. >> so the six pack revolution what's that about? basically what's that all about? basically your your school of your your idea, your school of thought is that everybody is capable of having a six pack, right? >> they are. but the six pack itself, the visual abs is not what the program is really all about. it's an online fitness, nutrition, and personal development program where we change with change your relationship with food, with drink, with yourself, and you work on your mindset as well. so our biggest demographic is 35 to 65 year old men and
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women that , you know, they might women that, you know, they might go from a size 20 dress to a 12, for example, in one wave of the program , and you're only going program, and you're only going to get a six pack if you're closer towards the six pack. as you know, pete isn't something you're going come you're not going to come with a size a six size 20 dressing up as a six pack 75 days. but everyone pack in 75 days. but everyone can get it. but there's not a way six separations either in a in abdominals. so, but it's in your abdominals. so, but it's more about six. like to call more about six. i like to call the six pack revolution more about six core values. you about six core values. so, you know, fitness , health, mindset know, fitness, health, mindset and so on. >> so just talking about is >> and so just talking about is it true about, abs that everyone's got them, they're all there, but it's just covered by, you know, different layers. yeah. and yeah. is that true. it's there. yeah. >> and also we know they're made in the kitchen right now. exercise. as we were talking earlier is important. it's good for your posture, bone for your posture, your bone density, your muscle tone your mindset for sure. yeah. and a big investment in your future. we should be exercising into your 90s and beyond. non—negotiable. but, 90% of your
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results visually and your internal health, mental health as well, comes from the food 90. >> yes. wow. >> yes. wow. >> so is nutrition 20 times a week if you don't sort the nutrition out, not much vision . nutrition out, not much vision. >> cool stuff's changing. >> cool stuff's changing. >> see now. right. and i love you, man. because we've known each ages. and love each other for ages. and i love what do. and i've seen what you do. and i've seen i know that are on your know people that are on your program and that they just program and that they they just can't you. i mean, can't stop praising you. i mean, a very close friend mine, a very close friend of mine, laura, thinks that laura, she just thinks that you're bee's knees. and you're the bee's knees. and she's this program she's been doing this program for i what i've for years. what what i what i've always people, though , always said to people, though, and you you can correct and i hope you you can correct me if i'm wrong, i've always me if i'm wrong, but i've always said we focus a lot on what said that we focus a lot on what we eat. but actually, if we should eat. but actually, if we should eat. but actually, if we people to be we encourage people to be active, round they're active, surely all round they're going to make slightly better choices. we just encourage choices. if we just encourage people to eat right, that's not encourage them . encourage them in them. >> it's not holistic. >> it's not holistic. >> yeah. it's not necessarily teaching them to be active. and, you know, keeping active helps your helps your body. your brain. it helps your body. and it probably makes you make better choices to your diet as
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well. now, i don't know if my points point of view on that is controversial, but i always say exactly right. >> it's fitness, >> i just said it's fitness, nutrition, a mindset. yeah, but you can be a fit and overweight. you be fit and obese , but you can be fit and obese, but you know you can. right? right. so you'll see marathon runners. there's some big people that run marathons. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> well pete i wanted to ask you a question actually about junior, if we get that junior, because if we get that photo up again. well, thought photo up again. well, i thought it lovely, actually, it was really lovely, actually, on which last on your birthday, which was last week, photo week, junior shared this photo and happy birthday, dad. i and said, happy birthday, dad. i hope to look like you when hope to look just like you when i grow up. or half the man you are senior doesn't realise is that. but how lovely is that? you such a good you obviously set such a good example him terms of your example to him in terms of your fitness and nutrition, that fitness and your nutrition, that he be just like you. he wants to be just like you. >> yeah, what he doesn't >> yeah, and what he doesn't realise i want to be realise is i want to be just like but but actually, like him. oh but but actually, no, about my son. no, i love that about my son. and again, it's just i just show him, you know, i'm 51 years old. i get in the gym, i'm like, come on, like it's just about on, son. like it's just about being active it's not being active again. it's not about need yeah, not about you need to. yeah, i'm not strict anything.
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strict on them about anything. i just them to keep just encourage them to keep active he's a great kid. active. but he's a great kid. >> but we were talking, weren't we? lot it is we? off air and a lot of it is discipline, isn't just discipline, isn't it? just getting the morning and getting up in the morning and getting up in the morning and getting a gym. it's getting yourself to a gym. it's not about exercise. not even about the exercise. it's for you as a it's just it's good for you as a as a mindset. yes. yeah. >> you just as i said, you've got to have this relationship change with yourself. once got to have this relationship charand with yourself. once got to have this relationship charand the yourself. once got to have this relationship charand the non—negotiable ce you and the non—negotiable mindset you mindset is what you need, you know, you to still be know, if you want to still be able go out for walks when able to go out for walks when you're in the lovely you're older in the lovely weather still weather and yeah, still walk up the need the stairs and maybe not need a frame to the toilet, then frame to go to the toilet, then you need to keep your body moving. >> and i guess you there's >> and i guess you know there's not. you say probably 90% of not. you can say probably 90% of people go , oh wow, i can't people don't go, oh wow, i can't wait the gym today. wait to get to the gym today. there's probably 10% that do, but people are like, i but most people are like, i can't bothered. don't want can't be bothered. i don't want to it. but it's pushing to do it. but it's pushing yourself just go for that yourself to just go for that walk or go and do something or just for a run, because once just go for a run, because once you've it releases the you've done it, it releases the right endorphins and you just feel one feels bad feel better and no one feels bad after workout. after a workout. >> but if what i'd like to say to people is, imagine every time you that walk, or you you go for that walk, or you swiped a a bar for
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swiped a swap a mars bar for a sculpt bar, go and, go sculpt bar, or you go and, go for you're putting for a workout you're putting into pension pot of life. into your pension pot of life. >> that. yeah, okay, >> oh, i like that. yeah, okay, one quick question about carbs and non carbs . you know, there's and non carbs. you know, there's talks about carbs and fats and you shouldn't have carbs and you should only have fats. and some people say you should. >> you know fad >> only you know these fad diets. >> only you know these fad die' my thoughts that >> my thoughts are that you don't any macronutrient . don't remove any macronutrient. the body needs protein carbs and fats have healthy fats and you have a healthy balance, a balanced plate balance, a balanced plate balance throughout day. balance throughout the day. plenty of hydration, water. >> and scott, this is this is your book, isn't it? eat your way to a six pack. so this is this essentially embodies everything that you just saying. >> it's a sunday times best >> yep. it's a sunday times best seller. thank you everyone seller. so thank you everyone for the support. and yes, everything to do with the program is now in a book. and, everything you need is there. it's a 75 day program. it will change your life forever . all change your life forever. all the recipes, all the exercises. the mindset is all in there. >> it's really working. it's spreading and it's getting bigger and bigger. you know,
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your your program works . and a your your program works. and a lot of 77 we've got participants in 77 countries now and changing tens of thousands of lives all over the world. it's you just keep going, mate. >> i'm doing best. >> i'm doing my best. >> i'm doing my best. >> but you're going to like >> but you're not going to like the that actually, at the the fact that actually, at the end show, we're to end of this show, we're going to have doughnuts. we're going to we're be all we're going to be trying all different of doughnuts. different types of doughnuts. >> healthy, though. >> they're healthy though, scott. fat free and scott. they're all fat free and gluten and all the rest. gluten free and all the rest. >> dairy free. >> dairy free. >> i'm not sure i like the sound of of this. of any of this. >> just trying you know, >> i'm just trying to, you know, get ready for holiday at moment. >> so i'll say, are you going? >> maldives. >> maldives. >> oh, well, that's how i do my holidays. >> doughnuts anyway. >> i eat doughnuts anyway. listen, lovely. >> meet >> lovely to meet you. >> lovely to meet you. >> much for coming >> thank you so much for coming in. can check out book in. you can check out that book in. you can check out that book in all bookshops in all good bookshops and on amazon eat way to amazon as well. eat your way to a pack mate. now a six pack there, mate. now don't anywhere. oh, pop my don't go anywhere. oh, pop my book, down we're book, my book down there. we're going sitting down with going to be sitting down with this greatest britain. this week's greatest britain. this morning live
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gb news. welcome back to saturday morning live. thank you so much for all your emails that you're sending in this morning. paul says, hey, peter, a nice peter, you are such a nice bloke. met you once at spa. you made my girlfriend's you made my girlfriend's day. you have everybody. oh, now have time for everybody. oh, now he actually going to he says he's actually going to buy book, there's days, buy that book, there's 75 days, six days. he loved six pack in 75 days. he loved it. and tracy says, really? enjoying your enjoying the show. your chemistry fantastic. i chemistry is fantastic. i absolutely love saturday mornings. give a mornings. please can you give a shout out to my mama bear, theresa garner, wish her theresa garner, and wish her a happy mother's day? she's arriving shortly for the weekend . 0h, arriving shortly for the weekend . oh, that's really nice. >> happy mother's day, guys. now how about, michael saying here about horner ? he's saying he about horner? he's saying he must go and not castigate the woman involved . so it's good to woman involved. so it's good to have your views, guys. and i love that. it's all the different subjects that people are writing in about, which is. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> val says personal life and business do have business life do have a crossover, the fact crossover, and the fact that people can't see it is a problem. the thing about deceit is destroy is mistrust and lies destroy your you've your integrity. if you've lied once , you're a liar forever.
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once, you're a liar forever. nobody can tell a word you say ever again. how are people supposed to trust you in business? ever again? that was the point i was making on fair this morning, wasn't it? i think that a point, val. once that is a point, val. once somebody has that side of somebody has seen that side of somebody, lying and somebody, you know, lying and cheating of thing, cheating and that sort of thing, would to be business would you want to be in business with interesting. >> okay, interesting. >> okay, interesting. >> talking miss >> jack's talking about miss world miss world world saying, i think miss world is what is up with people? is ace. what is up with people? these adults. these are consenting adults. i reckon ellie could win reckon ellie could easily win miss personality , miss world. her personality, she's not just about looks, but personality she's a nice personality shows she's a nice human and beautiful. >> oh well thank you jack. that's very kind. legend making me you very much . me blush. thank you very much. really lovely emails this morning. so much. do morning. thank you so much. do keep coming in lots on the keep them coming in lots on the palestine well. so we palestine march as well. so we will at the top of will share that at the top of the hour. gb views gb news. com now show this our now on this show this our favourite segment because we're now on this show this our fav�*about segment because we're now on this show this our fav�*about aren't nt because we're now on this show this our fav�*about aren't we )ecause we're now on this show this our fav�*about aren't we shining we're all about aren't we shining a light amazing who light on amazing people who do really this really amazing things. and this week our greatest briton is anita roberts. >> now on top of a full time job and raising three children, anita spends a lot of her spare
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time raising awareness for premature births and the impact that it has on families . that it has on families. >> well, after her twins maxwell and darcey, beautiful names were born 12 weeks early, her planned maternity leave was cut short by three months. >> anita now works with charities to help support other parents on their neonatal journeys, and is joining us today to talk about her personal journey. >> anita, so good to see you this morning and congratulations on being this week's greatest briton. thank you. you are an absolute superstar and i think it's so important to have you on our sofa this morning, because i think unless someone has been directly impacted by a premature birth, they don't realise the impact that it can have on your life. tell us a little bit about your story. >> when you're pregnant with a multiple , you're warned that multiple, you're warned that they could arrive early and all of the sort of things to watch out for. >> however , i had no idea i >> however, i had no idea i phoned, i was still working, i phoned, i was still working, i phoned into work one morning, said, well, i'm really not feeling very well, i'm just
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going to go and lay down, so fast forward a couple of hours and i needed to get myself to the hospital. everyone was at work, there was nobody to take me. so we got to the hospital and the nurses were like, oh, you're only really 12. you've still got 12 weeks to go. nothing's going to happen. and i was left alone in a room with a midwife, at which point i said to the midwife, i'm really sorry. the first arrived. sorry. the first baby's arrived. >> birth >> yes, you'd given birth without her even noticing? >> yes, yes. >>- >> yes, yes. >> my goodness. and how many weeks pregnant were you at this stage, 27 plus six. >> wow. >> wow. >> and how quick was the arrival ? >> 7. >>i 7- >> i had ? >> i had about 7 >> i had about 30s notice my husband and my other daughter were actually in the room with me at the time , and i said, oh, me at the time, and i said, oh, can you take eamonn out, please? and my husband sort of said, well, where do you want me to take her? and i said, at this moment, i don't think that matters, right, right, right. wow. then i turned to the wow. and then i turned to the nurse said, i'm terribly nurse and said, i'm terribly sorry. first here. at sorry. the first baby's here. at which sort of looked which point she sort of looked
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under the towel and then hit the crash button and just every living, breathing person came running into the room. a couple of days later in the neonatal unit , i, i had of days later in the neonatal unit, i, i had somebody come up to me and say, oh, i was there that evening. i say, i'm terribly sorry, i don't remember you. >> oh. >> oh. >> another thing. >> another thing. >> yeah, exactly. >> yeah, exactly. >> so you of course, didn't realise that that was going to happen. you were going to give birth your twins at 27 weeks. birth to your twins at 27 weeks. but what people realise but what people wouldn't realise then give birth and then is once you give birth and obviously they're premature, they first they spend those first few months hospital, they? months in hospital, don't they? absolutely. your children spent the in the first three months in hospital, your hospital, but that's your maternity just like maternity leave gone just like that. you're not given anything. so where i had. so more where i had. >> no, not at all. where i had a daughter at home already, i could only spend limited time with the twins , so i couldn't with the twins, so i couldn't sit there from morning till night. so i would just pop in whilst my daughter was either , whilst my daughter was either, at nursery, because of course, with 12 weeks to go, that's my husband feeding and just seeing on the screen time. my little
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girl met her baby sister. >> are they beautiful photos? >> are they beautiful photos? >> and those are your twins now? yes. oh, they're just gorgeous, gorgeous children. do you know what struck me about your story? anita was actually the care in the hospital . i know that emily the hospital. i know that emily works in neonatal mental care , works in neonatal mental care, units, but those first 24 hours were actually quite distressing for you . i'm sure that times for you. i'm sure that times have changed since then, they have changed since then, they have , and if i can just say i'm have, and if i can just say i'm actually working with some nhs groups as well, to sort of explain what happened to me and try and make the journeys better, so i'm working with a parent advisory group at the moment for kent, surrey and sussex neonatal development unit . so we all get together and there's a series of moms or dads as well that have , gone through as well that have, gone through what, what i've gone through and we all work together to improve what's happening now to make that difference. if i can make somebody else's journey a month
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of a bit better than mine, i'll do it. so before you came into. >> well, when you came in, you were telling us you were nervous and you were you were a bit scared about this, and you were like, greatest? like, why am i the greatest? britain? couldn't britain? like you couldn't believe you know, believe it. but you, you know, from point of view and i'm from our point of view and i'm sure everyone with sure everyone will agree with this somebody through this when somebody goes through some trauma and then some sort of trauma and then they, they come through the other side and everything goes back to normal. what makes them amazing is when they then turn, decide to become selfless and go and help other people. most people are just like, phew, i got through that. i just need to get on with my life now and look after my own kids. but actually, what is amazing. so what you're doing is amazing. so i understand i hope you can understand why. why chosen and why people have chosen you, and also family will also why your family will probably telling you how probably keep telling you how wonderful and it might wonderful you are. and it might just over head times, just go over your head at times, but take it in. but i hope you take it in. >> you very much. it just >> thank you very much. it just it just doesn't feel real and but of the challenges are but sort of the challenges are always there. i don't always there. so it's i don't consider that my job is done. so i the problem i have at the
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moment is that my twins were born in the wrong school year, so they were born on the 24th of august. they weren't due until the 17th of november. yeah. >> so it has such an impact. anita, i'm so sorry. sorry. the end of the hour. sorry afraid we are out time. thank you are out of time. thank you so much. get to the weather. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers sponsors of up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on gb news. >> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. it's largely cloudy across the uk through the rest of saturday. there'll be some outbreaks of rain and still quite a keen easterly wind, and we can see that on the synoptic pressure low pressure pressure pattern, low pressure dominating to the southwest dominating sat to the southwest of the uk, isobars close together, indicating that quite brisk easterly breeze there a lot of cloud across the uk through saturday afternoon. we did have some sunshine this morning across the southeast, this filling in with clouds
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slowly through the day and some sunshine again. also holding on across northwestern parts of the highlands. temperatures quite chilly in the north, 7 or 8 degrees, but feeling cooler in that easterly breeze 12 to 14 in any brightness further south. but outbreaks of but you can see outbreaks of rain continue through into the evening this turning heavy evening time, this turning heavy across parts of wales for a time. two then as we move time. two and then as we move overnight , the cloud lowers and overnight, the cloud lowers and thickens further of thickens further outbreaks of rain , particularly rain and drizzle, particularly across eastern parts of the uk. further we will see a few further west, we will see a few clearer spells could dip temperatures into mid single figures in the north, but high single figures in the south. so a frost free start to sunday but a frost free start to sunday but a damp start for many a grey damp start for many outbreaks of rain pushing north and . some of this will and westward. some of this will be heavy at times, two in between. there could be a few brighter breaks, particularly towards western towards southern and western parts of wales into southwest england. could trigger! england. this could trigger 1 or 2 heavy showers, for many a 2 heavy showers, but for many a cloudy to come with cloudy afternoon to come with further outbreaks of rain, that keen still there keen easterly breeze still there so feel quite chilly . so making it feel quite chilly. >> that warm feeling inside from
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boxt boilers . sponsors of boxt boilers. sponsors of weather on
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gb news. away. >> good morning. i'm peter andre, alongside the wonderful ellie costello. this is saturday morning live. yeah. >> really good to have your company this morning. we've got an action packed show for you. when be honest. and when don't we? to be honest. and we'll the day's top we'll go all the day's top stories our panel. the stories from our panel. the former winner marney former apprentice winner marney swindells tommy swindells and comedian tommy sandhu. swindells and comedian tommy sandhu . we're going to have fun sandhu. we're going to have fun this morning and is vaping soon going to be unaffordable for younger generations? >> the chancellor announced the new vaping and tobacco tax in the spring budget this week, and we'll see what impact this will actually have . actually have. >> and of course, we're going to get all of the latest showbiz news. of course, what happened to the princess of wales uncle
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on celebrity big brother last night? well, voted out. night? well, he was voted out. stephanie takyi will be giving us the latest. us all of the latest. >> , he has a name, but it >> sure, he has a name, but it is the moment gary gold. is at the moment gary gold. >> yes . >> yes. >> yes. >> smith, believe, and a vegan >> smith, i believe, and a vegan taste test. >> i am telling you from a non vegan. these are sensational. we'll be joined by the founder of borough 22, the vegan doughnut company, to see if they compete with what you'd usually find. i'm telling you, you're going to be blown away. >> yeah. not convinced by vegan doughnuts? i think you've got a bit of an effort to make there at the end of the hour to convince me, but stay tuned. we're going to be trying them a little bit later on in the show. we're going to be trying them a little showater on in the show. we're going to be trying them a little show isr on in the show. we're going to be trying them a little show is nothing he show. we're going to be trying them a little show is nothing without. this show is nothing without you. your emails you. so do keep your emails coming of the stories coming in on any of the stories that we are talking about today, whether palestine whether it's the palestine marches, whether mother's marches, whether it's mother's day, views here day, we cover all views here or whether you doughnuts. or whether you but doughnuts.
11:02 am or whether youbut before doughnuts. or whether you but before we ughnuts. or whether you but before we ughanything >> but before we do anything else, wenzler all else, sophia wenzler has all your news headlines. you're going him. going to love him. >> thanks, pete. good morning. it's 11:01. >> thanks, pete. good morning. it's11:01. i'm sophia wenzler in the gb newsroom. your top story. more than £32 million has been spent policing gaza related protests in london, the met police confirming the figure as it prepares for another day of demonstrations. hundreds of thousands of people are expected to take part in the palestine solidarity campaign march from hyde park corner to the us embassy later , officers have embassy later, officers have warned they have a robust plan in place to tackle hate crime and extremism. the protest is going ahead after the counter—terrorism tsar said the capital has become a no go zone for jews during demonstrations . for jews during demonstrations. shadow cabinet minister nick thomas—symonds says it's vital police get the support they need. >> we have to preserve the right to peacefully protest. i think that's a very important part of
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our democracy. but at the same time we have to crack down on racism in all its forms. we have to be very strong and tough on anti—semitism and indeed, islamophobia where it is found. and we have to make sure today that our police and our especially our frontline police, who, by the way, have to deal with extremely difficult judgements in fast moving situations , are given the situations, are given the support that they need . support that they need. >> meanwhile, the head of the foreign affairs committee has accused israel of blocking aid, getting into gaza as the human crisis in the region deepens, a ship carrying supplies is expected to set sail from cyprus this weekend . it's after the uk, this weekend. it's after the uk, us and eu announced plans to create a maritime corridor with a temporary port to be built off the coast of the strip . in other the coast of the strip. in other news, the mothers of two
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teenagers killed in nottingham say they've lost faith in the justice system. valdo calocane was handed a hospital order for manslaughter by diminished responsibility after stabbing 19 year old students barnaby webber and grace o'malley kumar, as well as the school caretaker, ian coates. in june of last yeah ian coates. in june of last year. the teenager's parents have now criticised the police and the crown prosecution service, telling the times they felt foolish for thinking they would see justice properly served . a london fertility served. a london fertility clinic has had its licence to operate suspended due to significant concerns about the unit . it comes as the telegraph unit. it comes as the telegraph newspaper reports that the centre had been reported to police over fears embryos were being destroyed. the homerton fertility centre in east london admitted errors in its freezing processes had led to some embryos either not surviving or being undetectable . all the being undetectable. all the suspension means the unit will not be able to accept any new bookings for treatment, but existing patients can still access its services . and meghan
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access its services. and meghan markle says she suffered hateful and cruel abuse while she was pregnant. the duchess of sussex led a keynote speech on international women's day, where she spoke out against social media abuse. she said she had lost our sense of humanity on social media as she recalled the comments aimed at her while she was pregnant with prince archie and princess lilibet. appearing on a panel at a conference in texas, meghan explained how every voice can make a change. >> if you know that there's something wrong and you're using your voice to advocate in the direction of what is right, that can really land and resonate and make huge change for a lot of people. so your voice is not small, it just needs to be heard i >> -- >> and in elizabeth, emblem has been created to honour public servants who have died in the line of duty. the emblem would be awarded to the next of kin of police officers, firefighter and other public servants. the award is considered the civilian equivalent of the elizabeth
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cross, which recognises members of the armed forces who've died in action or as a result of a terrorist attack. the fathers of two murdered police officers have said it means so much after they successfully campaigned for they successfully campaigned for the . and for the latest the honour. and for the latest story. sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. com slash alerts now it's back to ellie and pete . ellie and pete. >> thanks, pia and welcome to saturday morning live with me and pete. really to good have your company. the time is 11:06. and to our top story now because pro—palestinian demonstrations will go ahead today for the first time since the counter—terrorism tsar said certain parts of london have become no, no go zones forjews. >> yes, this protest follows accusations by the chair of foreign affairs select committee that israel is blocking aid into
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gaza. >> well, it also comes as the protest group palestine action spray and slash, a historic painting of lord balfour at the university of cambridge. >> the group claims the peace symbolised the bloodshed of the palestinian people since the balfour declaration in 1917. >> well, our political correspondent katherine forster has been following the protests . has been following the protests. >> there are forces here at home trying to tear us apart to advance a divisive, hateful ideology agenda. don't let the extremists hijack your marches. >> that was the prime minister's appeal last week. today, another pro—palestine march. hundreds of thousands marching against a war 2000 miles away in gaza, with over a thousand police officers on duty , the government's on duty, the government's counter extremism tsar warns. london is becoming a no go area for jews , saying the uk has forjews, saying the uk has a permissive environment for radicalisation . open since
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radicalisation. open since october the 7th, has been dozens of marches across the uk , mostly of marches across the uk, mostly pro—palestine, some pro—israel . pro—palestine, some pro—israel. incidents of anti—semitism and anti—muslim hatred have surged. many are marching simply against the horrors unfolding in gaza. i feel helpless, i can't sleep at night. >> i'm watching this genocide , >> i'm watching this genocide, and i will do everything i can in my power to march against it. these marches have been peaceful. they've been full of dogs and children and the people of london. i've been a londoner. i've been living here all my life, i'm actually proud of life, and i'm actually proud of the people in today. the people in london today. >> everyone is so >> but not everyone is so amenable . dozens have been amenable. dozens have been arrested, and the arrested, and policing the protest cost some £25 protest has cost some £25 million by the end of last year. the police are under pressure to get tougher . get tougher. >> you can freely criticise the actions of this government or indeed any government. you cannot use that as an excuse to call for the eradication of a state or any kind of hatred or
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anti—semitism. this week i've met with senior police officers and made clear it is the public's expectation that they will not merely manage these protests, but police them . and i protests, but police them. and i say this to the police we will back you when you take action, but without changes to legislation. >> gb news understands policing at today's march will be no different to before , and met different to before, and met police chief sir mark rowley is standing his ground. >> we're obviously operating in a very challenging political environment where tensions remain high. we have to police the law as it is , not as others the law as it is, not as others would wish it to be. >> mayor of london sadiq khan is unimpressed. the police have operational independence. >> i think it's really unfortunate when politicians give the impression they can tell police what to do. look tell the police what to do. look if the prime minister is telling the which marches the police today which marches to allow, which marches to ban, what's to stop him tomorrow,
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telling the police to who to arrest, charge, who to arrest, who to charge, who to prosecute . we don't live in prosecute. we don't live in nonh prosecute. we don't live in north korea. we don't live in russia. in the uk. north korea. we don't live in russia. in the uk . that russia. we live in the uk. that being said, i'd encourage anybody protest to anybody going on a protest to please of the fact please be cognisant of the fact that can say things that that you can say things that cause concern, cause people real concern, real fear. >> another saturday, another >> so another saturday, another march, until there's a genuine, lasting ceasefire in gaza, there will be more katherine forster . will be more katherine forster. gb news. >> well, loads of be getting in touch on that. sandra said. time these marches were stopped. it's a disgrace that some jews are scared to even enter into central london. these marches have no influence on either israel or hamas. have no influence on either israel or hamas . they're costing israel or hamas. they're costing us a fortune in policing that we can't afford, and helen says the political party that vows to rid us of these marches will get my vote at the next general election. and the vicious vandal that destroyed the painting of lord should be jailed, lord balfour should be jailed, says helen. do you keep those views coming in on that top
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story? gb views at gb news. >> com now we want to look through the top stories of today, and we're delighted to be joined by former apprentice winner marney swindells and comedian guy , tommy comedian very funny guy, tommy sandhu. guys. sandhu. thanks, guys. >> you. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> i wanted about meghan >> i wanted to talk about meghan markle. obviously, you know, markle. now obviously, you know, everyone to have their everyone seems to have their opinion on her, but she's been trolled and her worst trolling was while she was pregnant. so what are your thoughts on that? >> i mean, i, i wouldn't say i'm a huge meghan markle fan and i think she's done some things which would incite people to have an opinion . however, have an opinion. however, i would fiercely condemn the idea that she deserves to be trolled. i don't think anyone deserves it . i've been trolled coming off the back of the apprentice. everyone gets it , and anyone everyone gets it, and anyone who's experienced it how who's experienced it knows how unpleasant it is. i can't imagine what that would have been as well as she was pregnant, dealing with the hormones so. meghan hormones of that. so. meghan markle i know she's a decisive, divisive but trolling divisive character, but trolling is always uncalled for. >> okay, i'm a bit torn on this
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because it splits me in numerous ways because you can think about social media in general and what social media in general and what social media in general and what social media does allows social media does is allows people write letter. >> feedback what would previously points of view back >> feedback what would pr> feedback what would pr> feedback what would pr> feedback what would pr> feedback what would pr> feedback what would pr> sorry, sorry, i was just going to i think there's going to say i think there's a huge difference, though, between criticism, analysis , having criticism, analysis, having an opinion then opinion of someone and then trolling, think to trolling, which i think goes to such a deeper event. and my mum
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always it's not what you always says it's not what you say, say it. and say, it's how you say it. and i think they go too far. the trolls really take it far. trolls really take it too far. >> a >> sometimes i think in a situation that, know, situation like that, you know, you to up for her you have to stick up for her because on this and i'll tell you because when you're you why, because when you're pregnant, you've just been thrust whole new world. thrust into a whole new world. remember the world was in remember the world she was in before this world she's before to this world she's pregnant. going through all the more hormonal more vulnerable, hormonal changes, you know, thrust in the limelight a whole different limelight in a whole different way . that's that would be a lot way. that's that would be a lot to deal with. >> it's hard. and also it's scary. i don't know if anyone's ever felt the trolling or whether you have those comments. some can be threatening, some of them can be threatening, some can be some of them can be intimidating. you know, and intimidating. and, you know, and when you say, when you're when like you say, when you're in even if you're in a fight or even if you're just someone you know fame just someone you know of fame and known, and you know you're known, how do out and about do you feel going out and about knowing, that's knowing, thinking that's how everyone and you everyone feels. and we, you know, sensitive like we know, sensitive people like we are. we're all sensitive here. you all emotionally you know, we're all emotionally in . but yeah. no, but but in tuned. but yeah. no, but but but that one comment, that one bit of negativity, that's the bit of negativity, that's the bit that stands out. you might have, as do millions of
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have, as we do millions of loving , supportive, wonderful loving, supportive, wonderful comments. but the negative stuff just sticks because it just somehow sticks because it huns just somehow sticks because it hurts your feelings. >> it really interesting to get your thoughts on this story as well. came out yesterday and well. it came out yesterday and it's reported that it's being reported that meghan markle actually seeking markle is actually seeking a bias pr firms bias from top british pr firms now, order to improve her now, in order to improve her image in this country. >> do you see some irony in that? do you think that can be done? >> do you think the british people are forgiving and would be very happy to take back, be very happy to take her back, if like? or do you think if you like? or do you think that too much water gone that too much water has gone under bridge now? under the bridge now? >> think first and >> i think i think first and foremost, the british public are very protective over the monarchy the royal family, very protective over the moni rchy the royal family, very protective over the moni think the royal family, very protective over the moni think anythingyyal family, very protective over the moni think anything thatramily, very protective over the moni think anything that hasly, and i think anything that has threatened that going to be threatened that is going to be looked at. pr, looked very unfavourably at. pr, as i'm learning, is one of the most powerful tools . so there's most powerful tools. so there's definitely a way she can have a transition. but that is going to be a huge, insurmountable obstacle climb . obstacle to climb. >> i think it's more interesting what that tells us, because if she's trying to win over the british public, it shows that actually she wants to be a part
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of great and here of great britain and life here and therefore harry must want to be a part. if you're if you're spending the money pr, spending the money on pr, then you're actually want to you're actually saying, want to make but you could make that good? but you could argue an argue that great britain is an ex and maybe she ex of hers now, and maybe she should nothing to with should have nothing to do with it. move on. >> it is what keeps them >> but it is what keeps them relevant, i mean, it's relevant, isn't it? i mean, it's the link to the royal family, whether or not, whether they like it or not, right? that that's what's made them as couple. them so famous as a couple. yeah, you to be an actress, yeah, you used to be an actress, but it's that she's but now it's that she's the duchess of sussex without. >> that >> you're right, without that storyline. what's so storyline. what? what's left? so i say storyline. what? what's left? so | say , storyline. what? what's left? so i say , there is i suppose, as you say, there is a connection there where she kind needs the british press kind of needs the british press to be on but i don't to be back on side, but i don't know. i don't think it's going to well, and i even to go down well, and i even don't that effort is going don't think that effort is going to down i think that to go down well. i think that storyline are going be storyline people are going to be very what her very dubious as to what her intentions are public, are incredibly forgiving . incredibly forgiving. >> i mean, they are. yeah, i really think they are. think really think they are. i think if someone you know, it if someone shows, you know, it depends on the situation, of course. but if someone shows the right kind of remorse and if someone's willing to you someone's willing to go, you know i up there .
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know what? i messed up there. they're incredible. i've not really seen and i'm not obviously i'm in britain and i'm saying this and it's like, oh, but i'm honestly, i just don't think you see that a lot, really. >> think em" >> so you think if she were to come country with come back to this country with harry, kids and say, harry, with the kids and say, would you need an apology, do you british people you think the british people would apology, or do you would need an apology, or do you think just back and think to just come back and look, open? look, be open? >> to you this way. >> imagine if because because harry the royals are harry is like as the royals are like britain's son. yeah. he's like britain's son. yeah. he's like son. like their son. >> yes. >> yes. >> so they're with him >> so they're annoyed with him at the moment. >> do yeah, yeah. >> do no wrong. yeah, yeah. >> do no wrong. yeah, yeah. >> in my house. you >> you're smug in my house. you get out. >> but now. >> but now. >> now the royal family are cypriot. brilliant. cypriot. it's brilliant. >> back and he's >> hey, he comes back and he's like hey bah bah. >> he's very cypriot baba. >> now he's very cypriot baba. i'm very you come i'm very sorry, you know, come on, the wrong thing, blah on, i did the wrong thing, blah blah blah blah. i do think blah blah blah blah. i do think the public be like the british public would be like that. the one that. that's that's the one beautiful thing about this country. when you country. that's why when you have need have things like children need and everyone comes together, there's something about this country that. country that does that. >> i think. >> i think. >> i think that analogy, >> i think with that analogy, with analogy. yeah. was with that analogy. yeah. i was just to say that just going to say with that analogy, harry the son and analogy, harry being the son and mother's at son, mother's looking at their son,
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sons wrong. so in that sons can do no wrong. so in that sense, yeah, i meghan sense, yeah, i think meghan markle have a higher markle is going to have a higher threshold. and i also think actions speak than words. actions speak louder than words. i a lot of i think there's been a lot of words. absolutely. i think we need it action. need to see it in action. >> your son has gone and got married someone. married to someone. >> do her in my >> you do not bring her in my house again? no, in my house. and then of a sudden they and then all of a sudden they bnng on and then all of a sudden they bring on my lap. bring her over on my lap. >> what? i mean, it's like >> yeah. what? i mean, it's like i'd love see it. that makes i'd love to see it. that makes everything better. i'd love to see it. that makes everythioutcome. and we all come >> the outcome. and we all come back together. happy back together. one big happy family. it's yet to be seen. family. but it's yet to be seen. it is. >> well, my. it is. >> well, will have % will have an >> well, you will have an opinion on that one, especially when to meghan when it comes to meghan and harry's. know what you harry's. do let us know what you think. views at gb news. think. gb views at gb news. >> com talking marriage. >> com talking about marriage. >> com talking about marriage. >> how's going? >> how's it going? >> how's it going? >> yeah, all still >> yeah, it's all good. still there. thank i'm you there. thank you. i'm glad you keep checking. yes >> still going ahead, let's >> still going ahead, so let's have we've only got have a look. we've only got a minute, but you're about to become dad do you become a dad again at. do you mind me saying your age? is that this great. this 51? that's great. >> 5121 plus gst, vat, vat. >> 5121 plus gst, vat, vat. >> the story , the daily mirror >> the story, the daily mirror today about a mother who's had lots different rounds of ivf. she has just got pregnant with
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twins at 52. so the question this morning is, is age just a number when it comes to being a parent? pete, we'll start with you. >> i do think so, yes. what about you, tommy? do you like it ? >> 7. >>i ? >> i think 7_ >> i think no em 7 >> i think no it's not. age is not a number. she's a fool. she should not have got pregnant. this woman crazy talk of she. she tried all these times. obviously i'm happy for her, obviously, but . but can obviously i'm happy for her, obviously, but. but can i just say she's gonna struggle? i get i parenting is just tiring, okay? it's a lack of sleep . it's okay? it's a lack of sleep. it's a wonderful it's joyful and all those things is rewarding and amazing because the kids love you see yourself in them you and you see yourself in them and your own parents and and you see your own parents and your those are your kids, and those are wonderful but it's wonderful things. but it's blooming man. getting up blooming tiring, man. getting up night weekend runs. night feeds and weekend runs. i don't even want to do this show. i come here because i don't have to do saturday duties. yeah, yeah, i've left them. i've left my i left my missus to it. i'm like, look, she can do all the school runs. there's parties today. heard them today. there's kit. i heard them arguing morning, you arguing in the morning, you know, kit . that was
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know, over hockey kit. that was all off this morning. all going off this morning. >> like, out of here. >> i'm like, i'm out of here. >>— >> i'm like, i'm out of here. >> pete and ellie show. >> i'm on pete and ellie show. >> i'm on pete and ellie show. >> i'm on pete and ellie show. >> i think something >> i think there's something to be the be said about doing it at the other of you know, other end of life. you know, i think mum had me when she was think my mum had me when she was 38, i'm approaching 30. not even thinking is thinking about kids. my plan is set. so that i can set. my life up so that i can have them as older, spend have them as i'm older, spend time with them once i've made my life, established life, i've established myself. i've my oats. so i've sown my wild oats. so that's of my vision. that's that's more of my vision. >> sorry. >> so sorry. >> 33mm w- emm— >> so sorry. >> me did you just >> so sorry. >> me when did you just >> so sorry. >> me when she did you just >> so sorry. >> me when she said you just >> so sorry. >> me when she said the| just >> so sorry. >> me when she said the other tap me when she said the other end and it tells me end of life? and it tells me that's you. >> that's you . no idea what we >> that's you. no idea what we go through on show. go through on this show. >> so young. don't you? >> you feel so young. don't you? >> you feel so young. don't you? >> i do, thank you. and you are still young. thank you. let's >> i do, thank you. and you are still to 'oung. thank you. let's >> i do, thank you. and you are still to 'ourmake3nk you. let's move to on make that. >> thank you guys. >> thank you so much. do >> thank you so much. now do stay with us. we're going to be joined our friend joined by our friend the wonderful stephanie takyi. for all latest showbiz, all the latest showbiz, including what's going to happen at tomorrow. and up
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next. >> welcome back to saturday morning live. we are having a brilliant time today. you're making me laugh a lot today, ellie. thanks now i like doing this. >> look now. >> look now. >> bit later on on gb news saturday with dawn neesom, dawn , saturday with dawn neesom, dawn, how's your show looking? >> i think we should just broadcast. what i've just been talking about . that'd be much talking about. that'd be a much better honest. better show, to be honest. >> definitely some headlines. >> very, cheeks >> probably wasn't very, cheeks weren't as same colour as her gorgeous dress. >> did . >> and they did. >> and they did. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> we've got a great show coming up. i've very good, boris up. i've got very good, boris johnson a very good johnson exclusive, a very good meghan exclusive. i know meghan markle exclusive. i know it's happening. got it's all happening. we've got some and zero dogs as well. some hero and zero dogs as well. a bit of a bit of dog thing. >> we love dogs. yeah. >> we love dogs. yeah. >> yeah, exactly. and how migrants to cost you migrants are set to cost you even more money. 0h, we even more money. oh, and we might talk about mums as might even talk about mums as well, because mother's day weekend, mother's day weekend, it is mother's day weekend. yeah, i've got to be very nice mine because very nice to mine because i won't see her. very nice to mine because i woroh,ae her. very nice to mine because i woroh, ia her. very nice to mine because i woroh, i know you're gonna be >> oh, i know you're gonna be working. yeah. >> you sending love on? >> are you sending her love on? >> are you sending her love on? >> i'm sending her lots of love via so going to be via the tv. so it's going to be a great show and got some great
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guests, are a really guests, though. are a really good coming up. we good debates coming up. we get really australia really confused in australia because not mother's day because it's not mother's day the is here. the same time as it is here. >> so my and she's >> so i ring my mum and she's like, you talking about? >> oh, was it when? is >> oh, was it when? when is mother's day in australia? no idea. no idea. idea. you have no idea. >> shocking behaviour. >> shocking behaviour. >> even know was >> he didn't even know it was mother's did. mother's day here i did. >> yeah, sorry. he didn't know. >> yeah, sorry. he didn't know. >> knew. >> i knew, he knew. >> i knew, he knew. >> he knew. he's across it. >>— >> he knew. he's across it. >> definitely look great. >> he definitely look great. >> he definitely look great. >> way. got to hear a >> by the way. you got to hear a song by stevie wonder called, lady, lady woman in lady, not lady in red, woman in red, in red. red, woman in red. >> i'm have a listen. >> i'm gonna have a listen. >> i'm gonna have a listen. >> thank you. lady in red is also great also a great song. >> and great. >> and you look great. >> and you look great. >> dawn and show sounds great. >> dawn and show sounds great. >> great. >> and it's gonna be great. >> and it's gonna be great. >> love your cheeks matching >> i love your cheeks matching your dresser. >> thank much. yes. we >> thank you very much. yes. we won't what we were won't broadcast what we were talking came talking about before we came back thank dawn, back on air. thank you. dawn, that's now, back on air. thank you. dawn, thatweek now, back on air. thank you. dawn, that week learned now, back on air. thank you. dawn, that week learned exactly this week we learned exactly what the chancellor, jeremy hunt, the spring hunt, has lined up in the spring budget, including for budget, including plans for a tax products, along tax on vaping products, along with in tobacco duty. with increases in tobacco duty. >> into force >> now, this comes into force from october but from october 2026. but the chancellor reiterated the chancellor also reiterated the government's intention to ban disposable vapes as soon as possible. >> what campaigners are hoping
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this will tackle the pocket money pricing that has attracted so many young children to vaping, so is this going to make it unaffordable for younger generations to smoke or vape? >> join us now to discuss this with doctor catherine millington sanders. >> yeah, really good to see you this morning, doctor. so >> yeah, really good to see you this morning, doctor . so what do this morning, doctor. so what do you make of this? essentially making vapes more expensive and in turn hoping that it means young people just simply can't afford anymore. young people just simply can't afford thankanymore. young people just simply can't afford thank youtore. young people just simply can't afford thank you very much . and >> so thank you very much. and good morning, so the government described a smoke free generation by banning tobacco products for children turning 14 or younger, and there are currently 4.7 million adults alone vaping in great britain. >> and shockingly, about 400,000 children in great britain. between 11 and 17 that are also vaping, 100,000 of which have just never smoked. and we know, importantly that 90% of our lifetime smokers in the uk actually started smoking between the age of ten and 20 years old.
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if we look at the reasons that children actually say that they give for vaping, it's firstly to try just to give it a try. give for vaping, it's firstly to try just to give it a try . and try just to give it a try. and the other, the second most common is other people use them. so i'm going to join in. so in other words, our peer pressure of society. and thirdly it's liking flavours . importantly liking the flavours. importantly with cigarettes tobacco produces a mixture of things like tar, nicotine, carbon monoxide , nicotine, carbon monoxide, harmful chemicals. and it's the nicotine that is highly addictive. and when we get addicted for anything, whether it's, smoking or whether it's vaping, it's really difficult to quit. but i think it's really important. also to point out if you smoke vaping, actually is much safer. but if you don't smoke, just don't vape. so the potential to really try and make us a vape free society for children under 14 is really crucial. because if we can get people not to start vaping, they're much less likely to continue vaping in the future. and then also to stop , to not go
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and then also to stop, to not go on to smoke later in life. yeah >> i think one of the things that you said that was very interesting is if you're a smoker, it's probably much safer to go into vaping. but if you've never smoked before, starting vaping is very, very dangerous. and of course, you know, in the 80s, 70s, 60s, when movies were all about then it was all smoking was cool and it had this image and you see these vapes being targeted really , at kids, being targeted really, at kids, i mean, you know, colours and flavours and all sorts of things makes it really difficult for a kid not to think it's cool to do, and this is getting worse. so do you think taxing or, you know, making the prices higher is, is going to be the key because you've also got the other side where it means that people that are that are addicted and can't get rid of the addiction just going to the addiction are just going to be more and more, to, be spending more and more, to, to keep their up . to keep their habit up. >> you know, i think you're right. it's a really tricky scenario. >> i mean, i, i had just the
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other day, a 12 year old come in with, with their mum and they described exactly those things that they were losing money because they'd become addicted. and just because they wanted to be social with their friends, they were worried about the impact not smoking or not impact of not smoking or not vaping, rather their vaping, rather with their friends , and also that they were friends, and also that they were out of pocket. their mum was becoming worried because it becoming more worried because it was and more expensive. so was more and more expensive. so on your one hand, yes, it would be costing more, actually if be costing more, but actually if we look long terme we look at the long terme benefits helping our country benefits of helping our country not vape and not smoke, that's going to give us much bigger rewards at the end of the day, particularly from long terme health. you know, i sit and look in many of my clinics at the effects of the long terme effect of smoking , effects of the long terme effect of smoking, and we of nicotine and smoking, and we know it's one of the biggest killers from a smoking potential. so there is a possibility that we can stop possibility that if we can stop people vaping, they are less likely then potentially to go on to smoking. we still i mean, if we think about it, smoking has been the evidence for been around all the evidence for over but we've only
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over 70 years, but we've only really just started to see the evidence vaping. so we don't evidence in vaping. so we don't really yet completely understand all those terme impacts all of those long terme impacts that i may see in sort of ten, 15 years in my clinic. we just don't know yet. >> and that is a terrifying prospect, isn't it? and i think many people will be watching this thinking, why this interview and thinking, why aren't with aren't we just getting on with it then are talking it? then why are we talking about into force about this coming into force from october 2026, also the from october 2026, and also the government's ban government's intention to ban them completely? they've simply said, well, we'll do as soon said, well, we'll do it as soon as possible . why can't these as possible. why can't these things happen straight away? >> point . >> good point. >> good point. >> i love that question. >> i love that question. >> right back at them. >> and, right back at them. >> and, right back at them. >> why can't they do it straight away? i know these things take planning obviously planning and obviously there's got with got to be sensible planning with it, , yes, the sooner we can it, but, yes, the sooner we can see the benefits of, stopping vaping, stopping smoking, the sooner we'll see the health benefits , which, as a gp, that's benefits, which, as a gp, that's what i care about the most. >> okay, doctor catherine millington saunders, good millington saunders, really good to thank to see you this morning. thank you so much for your thoughts on that it is a real worry, that issue. it is a real worry, isn't it? i mean, i don't smoke,
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i've never vaped, but but even i have been in a corner shop and thought, oh, they look nice . thought, oh, they look nice. yeah, they pretty. colours yeah, they look pretty. colours are smoked for while and, you >> i smoked for a while and, you know, to stop smoking is for some people it's near impossible. i mean, it's an addiction. that's the thing. so we've we've just getting we've got to we've just getting people is the, people getting started is the, the worst part of all of it. >> that was a really good point that you made. >> i think coming off smoking and obviously positive, and vaping obviously a positive, but into but going from nothing into vaping need that. yeah. vaping need to stop that. yeah. does far enough? let us does this go far enough? let us know you gb at know what you think. gb views at gb there's lots more gb news. com. there's lots more to come on this show today, but first the news first let's get all the news headunes first let's get all the news headlines wenzler. headlines with sophia wenzler. >> thanks, ellie. it's 1130. headlines with sophia wenzler. >> thanks, ellie. it's1130. i'm sophia wenzler in the gb newsroom. your headlines more than £32 million has been spent policing gaza related protests in london. the met police confirming the figure as it prepares for another day of demonstrations. hundreds of
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thousands of people are expected to take part in the palestine solidarity campaign march from hyde park corner to the us embassy. later, officers have warned they have a robust plan in place to tackle hate crime and extremism. the protest is going ahead after the counter—terrorism tsar said the capital has become a no go zone for jews during demonstrations . for jews during demonstrations. meanwhile, the head of the foreign affairs committee has accused israel of blocking aid getting into gaza . humanitarian getting into gaza. humanitarian suppues getting into gaza. humanitarian supplies are being airdropped as the crisis in the region deepens. a ship carrying aid is also said to be ready to deploy at a moment's notice. it's hoping to leave cyprus this weekend. that's after the uk, us and the eu announced plans to create a maritime corridor with a temporary port to be built off the coast of gaza in the coming weeks . the mothers of two weeks. the mothers of two teenagers killed in nottingham say they've lost faith in the justice system. valdo calocane was handed a hospital order for manslaughter by diminished responsibility after stabbing 19
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year old students barnaby webber and grace o'malley kumar, as well as the school caretaker, ian coates, in the june of last yeah ian coates, in the june of last year. the teenager's parents are now criticising the police in the crown prosecution service, telling the times newspaper they felt foolish for thinking they would properly would see justice properly served and a new honour, the elizabeth emblem, has been created to recognise public servants who have died in the line of duty . the fathers of two line of duty. the fathers of two murdered police officers, who campaigned for three years for the award have welcomed the move, saying humbling and move, saying it's humbling and overwhelming . for the latest overwhelming. for the latest story, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen , or go to gb news. common screen, or go to gb news. common alerts
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welcome back to saturday morning
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live. >> thank you so much for your company this morning. loads of emails coming in. we've got a few on mother's day, haven't we? >> do. >> we do. >> we do. >> and a very good point >> and it's a very good point from here saying, dear from julie here saying, dear ellie absolutely from julie here saying, dear ellie your absolutely from julie here saying, dear ellie your show. absolutely from julie here saying, dear ellie your show. thank jtelyvery love your show. thank you very much. you're both amazing. please those please could you mention those of going of us who are going through their mother's without their first mother's day without their first mother's day without their my darling mum their mum? i lost my darling mum diana six months ago being diana six months ago and being a single mum and an only child myself, tomorrow will be a very difficult and that a difficult day and that is a very good point. and i almost good point. julie and i almost feel insensitive that feel slightly insensitive that i didn't of that didn't even think of that before. absolutely before. but you're absolutely right. all our right. so we're sending all our love to anyone, whose mum is not with . with them. >> yeah, on their first mother's day without mother. it day without their mother. it must tough. must be really, really tough. and single mums out and also, the single mums out there such tough there who are doing such a tough job alone. i know that your your kids absolutely adore you. kids will absolutely adore you. absolutely. and we wish you a very happy mother's day as well. so a really good point to raise. >> katie hello ellie >> and katie says hello ellie and name is katie and peter. my name is katie obviously, and this year is my first mother's day with my beautiful baby girl. beautiful rainbow baby girl. please you wish my mum please could you wish my mum lorraine my molly a very
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lorraine and my nan molly a very happy day ? they are so happy mother's day? they are so special giving special to me. so we're giving you lots of love. >> katie to lorraine and molly. molly day to you molly happy mother's day to you all. and do keep those emails coming in on any of the topics that we are talking about today. but now, we are delighted to but for now, we are delighted to have showbiz journalist stephanie friend in stephanie takyi, our friend in the studio with us. stephanie pinkies and pinkies. >> pinkies. >> pinkies. >> you look amazing as always. i've got so much to get through with you, haven't we? should we start with celebrity big brother and gary goldsmith? kate middleton's uncle. >> chucked out. >> he's been chucked out. >> he's been chucked out. >> he's been chucked out the celebrity brother's house. celebrity big brother's house. kate must been. she must kate must have been. she must have a sigh of relief when have had a sigh of relief when her uncle was booted out, because been of because he's been a bit of a wild card and he's he's been all loose lipped. you know, we haven't heard from the haven't heard much from the princess so. princess of wales. rightly so. dufing princess of wales. rightly so. during her after her plans abdominal surgery. but her her uncle seems to have been like her spokesman and has been, you know, revealing secrets about the family. so luckily he's been evicted out of the house, which
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i think was the right move because i think the public were getting a bit bored of they getting a bit bored of him. they were saying that he was were kind of saying that he was just his, you know, his , just using his, you know, his, royal connections the show. royal connections on the show. and a bit distasteful. and it was a bit distasteful. >> i think i found some of his comments a bit strange , wasn't comments a bit strange, wasn't there one this week when it was ekin—su , the ex—love islander ekin—su, the ex—love islander asked, what's going on with the princess of wales? and he said, oh, it's not in the public domain , but if it comes out, domain, but if it comes out, i'll have an opinion on it. domain, but if it comes out, i'll have an opinion on it . what i'll have an opinion on it. what do you have to have an opinion on? >> well, that's the problem with him. always ready him. i think he's always ready to on things even to comment on things like even yesterday he was saying, you know, quite a private know, he had quite a private life. then now his niece is, life. and then now his niece is, you know, the future queen. it's been of a hindrance to been a bit of a hindrance to him. and i'm like, she's got loads and aunties who loads of uncles and aunties who don't say anything in the newspapers. kind newspapers. and he's kind of made himself into a bit of celebrity. >> he should be the kind of person that no no comment. >> i'm going to protect kate . >> i'm going to protect kate. >> i'm going to protect kate. >> yeah, it's a bit strange, as you say. >> i think big sigh of relief >> i think a big sigh of relief for royal family that
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for the royal family that he's been out. for the royal family that he's beeyes out. for the royal family that he's beeyes he out. for the royal family that he's beeyes he is.)ut. >> yes he is. >>- >> yes he is. >> i mean, you've got to think about people like paul burrell, who's always talked about the royal family. and i think, you know, he probably was more scary to be on shows because you knew you were going to get. >> knows that must >> he knows that family must have going, no. yeah. have been going, oh, no. yeah. because to diana because he was close to diana and media always and i think the media always looks kind of people looks for those kind of people who any insight that's who will give any insight that's possible royals. possible into the royals. >> move to the oscars. >> now let's move to the oscars. 0h, >> now let's move to the oscars. oh, has it been shown for the first time? >> yes, it is on itv, usually was on sky has been on sky for the last 20 years, but itv have won the rights to the oscars. it's going to be on tomorrow night from 930 on and then night from 930 on itv and then 1015 on itv. it's set to be a great show. i think we're not going to see anything controversial like will smiths slap, but it's been a good well, you never know, steph, you never know. i might eat my words , but know. i might eat my words, but it has been. >> have you heard will smith's latest album? >> , he's got an album. >> no, he's got an album. >> no, he's got an album. >> it slaps. let's go. carry on.
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sorry, he won for the day, but yeah, it's set to be a good show we have. ryan gosling is going to performing. i'm just a to be performing. i'm just a ken, you know. we know barbie doesn't terms of doesn't do well in terms of awards, but he is going to be performing with 65 other ken's on stage , in terms of the actual on stage, in terms of the actual awards, i think it's going to be quite predictable. i think we're going to see oppenheimer sweep the night away with lots of awards. we've got paul things featuring emma stone, which i think will do really well. but do you know what? i'm quite jealous guys. the goody 0h. oh. >> 0h. >> me too. >> me too. >> goody bag is worth >> the goody bag is worth £110,000, and these a—listers are going to get three weekends away, 1 in 1 in switzerland, one in st bart's and one to a holistic retreat as well. so they are going to love that spoilt rotten. and even their cats are going to be fed some dehydrated raw food. >> can i ask you a question? >> can i ask you a question? >> yes you can. so about the barbie thing, right? >> yeah. do you think it's almost like what do in almost like what they do in music sometimes.
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>> yeah. there's a pop poppy song. yeah. it might not do as well as a that's kind of well as a song that's kind of got and do you think it's got grit and do you think it's because barbie is like the pop song of the movies? i do, because, i mean, it was it was loved . and obviously margot's loved. and obviously margot's insane. yeah, you're a margot . insane. yeah, you're a margot. yeah, like we know that fancy, you know? do you think it's got anything to do with that? >> yes, totally. peter, because most if the audience at home had their choice and voted for what films were going to be nominated in it will look totally in oscars, it will look totally different. we would see more action more blockbusters , action films, more blockbusters, all that kind of stuff. but the votes voted , the awards are votes are voted, the awards are voted for by the members. so the members tend to go for cinematography. a heavy, hard hitting storyline, and for barbie, it just hasn't connected for some reason, even though it's done well in the box office for the critics, they just see it as another poppy, kind of film, which is a shame. it is a shame. but you know, greta and both margot up for eight awards for the film. so there's still
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some achievement for them to have tomorrow. >> stephanie, we've got about 30s left with you, but i did want touch on mel b and want to just touch on mel b and her comments now in the christian scandal . christian horner scandal. >> she's come out in an interview with the sun now, and she all the spice she says that all of the spice girls have rallying around girls have been rallying around geri girls have been rallying around gen her geri horner, providing her support because geri's been facing slack . a lot of facing a lot of slack. a lot of people are saying, what is the girl power standing by girl power with her standing by her husband? and i think, you know, have the know, for her to have the support by the rest of the girls, quite brave them . girls, it's quite brave of them. and i think she needs that support. going through support. she's going through a tough that's girl tough time and that's what girl power about. tough time and that's what girl povier about. tough time and that's what girl povi think about. tough time and that's what girl povi think it's)out. tough time and that's what girl povi think it's sot. tough time and that's what girl povi think it's so lovely. >> i think it's so lovely. and you do this the spice you do see this with the spice girls you even now girls and you even now interviews each other. interviews about each other. it's love and support. >> that's it is because you >> and that's it is because you think to yourself, look how long they together knows they were together and who knows each other better than their actual they've actual band mates. and they've been with each other been through with each other through the highs and lows. so this all for love this is they're all for love geri. they are. >> and know, was going >> and you know, this was going back we were saying back with what we were saying before should before when, you know, should things yeah. things be kept private? yeah. not in the public eye and
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separate it. it's because they have through this together have to go through this together anyway home. do so to anyway at home. they do so to make it public is even. >> even. it's all on geri >> even. it's all eyes on geri and christine moment. and christine at the moment. >> it really one i do feel >> so it really is one i do feel it really is. >> and but you know, they >> i do and but you know, they are filming reality show, are filming a reality tv show, guys, about that. guys, we'll talk about that. another week, okay? >> stephanie what a what a cliff—hanger to leave us on stephanie takyi really good to see very see you. thank you very much indeed. see you. thank you very much indeed . now, peter's been indeed. now, peter's been causing chaos morning causing chaos all morning telling everybody in the newsroom that we're about to try the tastiest doughnuts all the tastiest doughnuts of all time. the tastiest doughnuts of all tim and the tastiest doughnuts of all timand let me explain why. >> and let me explain why. because a vegan. no, i because i am not a vegan. no, i love my food. and when i was told these vegan told about these vegan doughnuts, was like, oh, it doughnuts, i was like, oh, it doesn't very tempting. doesn't sound very tempting. gluten dairy free, egg gluten free, dairy free, egg free, egg free. this free that free. >> well , one free. >> well, one thing it isn't is free. >> you've got to pay for it. and let me tell you, it's worth every penny because they are outstanding . outstanding. >> okay. >> okay. >> we're going find out if >> so we're going to find out if we the difference . we can taste the difference. >> promoted the whole thing. we're about yet. >> minute. >> we'll see you in a minute. see a bit.
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>> welcome back to saturday morning live. loads of you getting in touch this morning, paulette has been in touch about mother's day. of course . it's mother's day. of course. it's mother's day. of course. it's mother's day. of course. it's mother's day tomorrow here in the . paulette says a great the uk. paulette says a great show. ellie and peter. just to mention that mother's day in australia is the 12th of may. >> i knew that. >> i knew that. >> did you know? okay. >> did you know? okay. >> no. luanne thank you, paulette, for that, by the way, luanne said, and this is really interesting. another day, another choices another removal of our choices to that enjoy to all of you that enjoy a drink, enjoy it while you can, as you will be next. alcohol. alcoholism kills and it causes far antisocial behaviour far more antisocial behaviour than a vape or cigarette. and kids drink too. this is what we love is you guys giving your views and we want read both views and we want to read both sides. both sides of sides. you know, both sides of the fence. >> yeah. that. >> yeah. love that. >> yeah. love that. >> we're talking >> and we're talking about vaping. of because the vaping. of course because in the spnng vaping. of course because in the spring week jeremy spring budget this week jeremy hunt talking about, raising the taxes the idea is taxes on vapes and the idea is that they get too expensive for children to buy because at the
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moment they're kind of like pocket isn't it, pocket money prices, isn't it, paul , i gave up smoking paul says, i gave up smoking after couldn't have after 30 years. i couldn't have doneit after 30 years. i couldn't have done it without vaping for 12 months. and i know so many people like that who have been addicted to cigarettes. and it does that step to go does become that step down to go into don't want into vaping. so you don't want to of it all together to get rid of it all together for reason. for that reason. >> that's yeah. sorry. >> that's right. yeah. sorry. i'm mother's day. i'm going back to mother's day. i'm going back to mother's day. i we're all over the i don't know, we're all over the shop i don't know, we're all over the sho my couldn't >> my wife couldn't have children. >> my wife couldn't have chiithis. from david. my wife >> this is from david. my wife couldn't have children, but loves child. so couldn't have children, but l david, that's really thoughtful. lovely thoughtful. that's really lovely , duncan, tax does not make vapes complete ban is vapes healthy. a complete ban is needed, but won't happen if it's a money making opportunity. i do agree that banning things does seem of an effect. seem to have more of an effect. but cause other problems. >> yeah, certainly thank >> yeah, you certainly do. thank you your email you so much for your email today. so many today, today. we've had so many today, haven't and been so haven't we. and it's been so lovely have your now lovely to have your company now my rumbling lovely to have your company now my i rumbling lovely to have your company now my i it's rumbling lovely to have your company now my i it's because'umbling lovely to have your company now my i it's because itnbling and i think it's because it knows that we are finally going to put these beautiful vegan doughnuts that we've been talking all morning the
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talking about all morning to the test, aren't we? >> i'm so excited now. ryan founded 22, in 2011 as founded burrow, 22, in 2011 as he wanted to provide an inclusive for those inclusive doughnut for those suffering with gluten and dairy intolerances . intolerances. >> yes, he found that there were very few multi allergen friendly products and lower quality choices out there on the market, so he wanted to make a difference. >> and 2014, after many hours of researching and tweaking , he researching and tweaking, he crafted a recipe for firstly gluten free, then dairy , soya gluten free, then dairy, soya and finally egg free doughnuts, meaning they were completely plant based too. and they are delicious. i'm telling you. >> okay, well, i'm not convinced so far , but ryan pantry is here. so far, but ryan pantry is here. he is the founder of burrow, 22. and ryan, you're not actually vegan, are you? >> so no. no. >>— >> so no. no. >> why did you want to create a doughnut that's vegan free and plant free and all the rest ? plant free and all the rest? >> well, my family had allergies, and multiple allergies, and multiple allergies, and multiple allergies, and i just got fed up, like, as a parent, taking your children to events, to parties , and they're not
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parties, and they're not included. they have their own little pat lunchbox , their own little pat lunchbox, their own little pat lunchbox, their own little food that's safe for them to eat, but seeing everything that was on offer, they weren't included in that. and they didn't know any better. but as a parent, it used not sit right parent, it used to not sit right with me. so i was like, i want to produce something that is going to be so good that they're going to be so good that they're going to be so good that they're going to it. going to want to eat it. obviously, safe them obviously, it'd be safe for them to eat, but their friends are going excited about as going to get excited about it as well. an well. and then it becomes an inclusive experience. >> first >> now, i remember the first time you i, you said, time i met you and i, you said, try one of these. and i didn't know they were know at the time that they were gluten. i'd heard something and i that won't be i thought, oh no, that won't be for i'll have standard for me. i'll have the standard doughnut. you gave me one of doughnut. and you gave me one of these and i like, these doughnuts, and i was like, oh, best doughnut oh, that's the best doughnut i've ever what is it? i've ever had. what is it? what's made from? and then i've ever had. what is it? whétold made from? and then i've ever had. what is it? whétold meide from? and then i've ever had. what is it? whétold me aboutm? and then i've ever had. what is it? whétold me about it? and then i've ever had. what is it? whétold me about it? and “vegan you told me about it being vegan and i couldn't it, and i couldn't believe it, i honestly so maybe honestly couldn't, so maybe i shouldn't that shouldn't have told you that they're vegan. shouldn't have told you that the yeah,egan. might have been >> yeah, that might have been because people have my because lots of people have my reaction, don't they, ryan? >> they say, oh, it's gluten free dairy free it's free and dairy free and it's vegan. and they're oh no, vegan. and they're like, oh no, no, not for me. no, no, that's not for me. >> absolutely. >> they're absolutely. >> they're absolutely.
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>> from to be >> what's it made from to be totally wasn't it. totally vegan wasn't it. >> use a number of >> yeah. we use a number of flours like combination flours like a combination of flowers like grain flowers that are all like grain flours . and substitute like flours. and we substitute like the dairy with plant based milks and yeah, that's it. and it's got, it's yeasted as well, like a normal doughnut and deep fried . so that's what gives it its rise and a few other ingredients. i cannot tell you. so guess what? >> guess what he's told me. has he ? he? >> yeah. you know about the secret recipe, but i forgot. oh, well , that's. well, that's. >> then it can stay secret. >> then it can stay secret. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> tell him and it'll stay secret . yeah. secret. yeah. >> yeah, exactly. don't forget. right. >> should we of these? >> should we try some of these? yeah. like i can't resist yeah. i feel like i can't resist any yes. come pete, any longer. yes. come on. pete, my one was that glazed. >> the first i haven't >> the first one. i haven't tried some of these. others one. >> so you have >> these others. so you have got, vanilla bean got, you've got vanilla bean glazed a one. glazed which is a white one. >> the one that i tried that first time. >> yeah. those the rings. >> yeah. those ones, the rings. >> yeah. those ones, the rings. >> want, you >> do you, do you want, do you want >> do you, do you want, do you waryeah. just go with glaze. >> yeah. just go with the glaze. >> yeah. just go with the glaze. >> this one is this. yeah. >> this one is this. yeah. >> that's just like a glazed doughnut. >> cool. this the >> okay. cool. so this is the one to go for. one that i'm going to go for. >> we go. your time .
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>> here we go. take your time. >> here we go. take your time. >> oh, so sorry. >> oh, i'm so sorry. >>— >> oh, i'm so sorry. >> to zoom in on this. >> i'd love to zoom in on this. >>— >> i'd love to zoom in on this. >> can get zoom in. just >> we can get a zoom in. just take time and enjoy the pi'ocess. >> f p- >> you're making it weird. >> you're making it weird. >> think? oh, my >> what do you think? oh, my god, really good. do you god, it's really good. do you know i sorry. it's know what i mean? sorry. it's really chewing. yeah >> do you the other half? >> do you want the other half? >> do you want the other half? >> man. you got own. >> no, man. you got your own. i want whole want a whole one. >> no, amazing. you >> no, that is amazing. you would believe that. that would never believe that. that is vegan. yeah, ever. do get is vegan. yeah, ever. do you get that a lot ? that reaction a lot? >> yeah, definitely. so people who are a gluten intolerant as well, they're like questioning like, no, actually there has to be gluten in this. >> you have people bring it back saying, sure gluten free? >> yeah, yeah. and that's a real like testament to how for like testament to how good for people you there people because, you know, there are watching are going to be people watching and going, gluten free. >> e none of >> here we go. you know, none of that day, but it that existed in my day, but it does actually. and for does exist actually. and for people with people who really suffer with it, is debilitating. they it, it is debilitating. they can't this real can't eat out. this is a real game changer them. game changer for them. >> yeah absolutely. it's, >> yeah, absolutely. it's, what have it have we got here? it is debilitating. imagine debilitating. like imagine you're going out to a restaurant, you're putting your health else's hands, health in somebody else's hands, and trusting that person and you're trusting that person to to what you've to have listened to what you've said. you've communicated to
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them, trusting that them, and you're trusting that that person is going to understand the in the understand the person in the kitchen, they're going to kitchen, that they're going to talk is going understand. talk to is going to understand. so anxiety that so there's a real anxiety that can you're coeliac can build up if you're coeliac or intolerant. when you or gluten intolerant. when you go out to eat, there's a lot of trust involved, isn't there? >> absolutely. have >> absolutely. you have to really trust or trust really trust a brand or trust a restaurant they're not restaurant that they're not going or make you unwell. >> yeah, and it's me, it's >> yeah, and it's for me, it's just common it's just just common sense. it's just having clear guidelines. clear procedures . we're completely procedures. we're completely gluten free kitchen anyway, so we don't handle any allergens in the kitchen. what's this one? what's this is a creme brulee. >> oh, that's my favourite. i need to try the creme brulee. >> and then what's this one in the middle? >> a classic jam >> this one is a classic jam doughnut with raspberry doughnut filled with raspberry jam. what we got here? >> and what have we got here? >> and what have we got here? >> got a raspberry glazed >> you've got a raspberry glazed doughnut dried strawberries. >> i want, a bit of >> i want, i want a bit of everything. ryan, have won. everything. ryan, you have won. so just looking so many awards. i'm just looking at long here. excited? at this long list here. excited? >> incredible. at this long list here. excited? >> tell incredible. at this long list here. excited? >> tell us incredible. at this long list here. excited? >> tell us whatiible. at this long list here. excited? >> tell us what you've won. >> tell us what you've won. >> won a hat full of >> so we won a hat full of awards at the free from food awards. so that's like the oscars free world. oscars of the free world. >> and we won top the top
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>> and we won the top the top awards free from product of the yeah awards free from product of the year. vegan custard year. wow. our vegan custard doughnut, i was awarded pastry chef of the year by be inclusive hospitality, which was a real honour , because it's taken, it honour, because it's taken, it took eight years to come up with that did it really? so that recipe. did it really? so yeah, lot of persistence, yeah, a lot of persistence, a lot getting broken lot of getting my heart broken when recipes didn't work. but then knowledge and then a knowledge and understanding of ingredients, access to new ingredients on the market , enabled me to be market as well, enabled me to be able to crack the recipe. >> there's a gap in the market, isn't there? >> there is. amazing. >> there is. amazing. >> i say something before >> i just say something before because don't want up because i don't want to wrap up and haven't where people and we haven't got where people can but wait, please can buy this, but wait, please try. the creme try. please try the creme brulee. try get brulee. all right, try it. i get so excited. >> and then you people >> and then you tell people where you. where they can find you. >> can they? >> where can they? >> where can they? >> can they this? >> where can they get this? >> where can they get this? >> you london, we >> where can they get this? >> based ou london, we >> where can they get this? >> based in london, we >> where can they get this? >> based in bermondsey,1, we >> where can they get this? >> based in bermondsey, sove are based in bermondsey, so if you to kitchen you come down to our kitchen every saturday, we're open and we doughnuts that we sell all the doughnuts that you in bermondsey you see, and we're in bermondsey , verney , in south bermondsey, verney way, calmer way, it's, we're in a calmer kitchen. so if you google karma kitchen bermondsey, you'll find us. kitchen number four, us. we're kitchen number four, you can also go to borough
11:55 am and order from our website well . we deliver same website as well. we deliver same day in london and we deliver across the uk, northern ireland as well. this is going to be big man. >> remember us for commission purposes. >> oh of course you're already doing brilliant doing the advertising. brilliant ryan. to meet you. ryan. fantastic to meet you. wonderful. doughnuts. wonderful. try your doughnuts. we'll same we'll be back same time, same place week . place next week. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar , the sponsors of weather solar, the sponsors of weather on . gb news. on. gb news. >> hello there. welcome to your latest gb news weather from the met office. it's largely cloudy across the uk through the rest of saturday. there'll be some outbreaks of rain. it's still quite a easterly and quite a keen easterly wind and we that on the synoptic we can see that on the synoptic pressure pattern. pressure pressure pattern. low pressure dominating sat to the south—west of the uk. isobars close together , indicating that quite together, indicating that quite brisk easterly breeze . there a brisk easterly breeze. there a lot of cloud across the uk through saturday afternoon. we
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did have some sunshine this morning across the south—east this filling in with clouds slowly through the day and some sunshine again. also holding on across the across northwestern parts of the highlands . across northwestern parts of the highlands. temperatures quite chilly in the north, 7 or 8 degrees, but feeling cooler in that easterly breeze 12 to 14 in any further south, any brightness further south, but you can see outbreaks of rain through into the rain continue through into the evening time, this turning heavy across a across parts of wales for a time. two and as we move time. two and then as we move overnight, cloud lowers and overnight, the cloud lowers and thickens further outbreaks of rain and drizzle, particularly across eastern parts of the uk. further west, we will see a few clearer spells could dip temperatures single temperatures into mid single figures in the north, but high single figures in the south, so a frost free start to sunday, but a grey damp start for many outbreaks of rain pushing north and of this will and westward. some of this will be heavy at times, two in between. there could be a few brighter breaks, particularly towards southern and western parts into southwest parts of wales into southwest england. this could trigger! parts of wales into southwest england. this could trigger 1 or 2 heavy showers, but for many a cloudy afternoon to come with further rain , that further outbreaks of rain, that keen easterly breeze still there
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so feel quite chilly . so making it feel quite chilly. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers sponsors of up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. away. >> hello and welcome to gb news saturday. i'm dawn neesom. i'm sorry. i've got a mouthful of doughnut from the previous show, which anyway, for which is delicious. anyway, for the i'm the next three hours, i'm keeping company tv, keeping you company on tv, onune keeping you company on tv, online radio, online and on digital radio, keeping date on the keeping you up to date on the stories really matter to stories that really matter to you. up hour . is you. coming up this hour. is there a secret plan for the bofis there a secret plan for the boris to take back the boris johnson to take back the tory party? hold on a minute. following wednesday's budget flop, some tory backbenchers have been whistling for the big dog to return to the conservative kennel . then conservative kennel. then britain's counter—extremism tsar says the pro—palestinian protests are turning london into a no go zone forjews. is he
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