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tv   Martin Daubney  GB News  April 8, 2024 3:00pm-6:01pm BST

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of codie fisher in a murder of codie fisher in a birmingham nightclub knife attack on boxing day, and police are hunting for habiba masum after a mother was stabbed in broad daylight on saturday. and gb news can reveal that the bangladeshi born man entered the uk on a student visa. next, the controversy over angela rayner's tax affairs just will not go away. sir keir starmer says no one's interested , but that's one's interested, but that's just not the case. labour's deputy leader is still under huge pressure about the sale of a house nine years ago. will it matter .7 and the state pension matter? and the state pension has gone up by 8.5% today. and that's great news for millions of brits . but i'm asking the of brits. but i'm asking the question can the country really afford to keep the triple lock? and speaking of money, as more train drivers go out on strike once again today, some merge at the pay dispute has cost the industry more than £2 billion. is it time for them to get back
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to work, or are they right to keep on fighting for that pay rise? and that's all coming up in your hour? in your next hour? thanks for joining me on the show. your company is always an absolute pleasure. also in the show today, an astonishing report, a survey of attitudes amongst british muslims really is an eye popping british muslims really is an eye popping reading . it says 52% of popping reading. it says 52% of british muslims would like to ban cartoons featuring the prophet muhammad. you recall thatis prophet muhammad. you recall that is what drove the batley grammar school teacher into hiding more than three years ago, 46% of british muslims are supportive of hamas. we'll have the director of research from the director of research from the henry jackson society on the show later on to talk about this report and what it means for british society . are we living british society. are we living in parallel existences with very conservative attitudes, pervasive in a way that simply
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aren't compatible with british values? get in touch all the usual ways, and we've got a new way today of getting in touch. send your views and post your comments by visiting gb news. com forward slash your say just to repeat that forward slash your say. get on there, get involved. drop a comment and i'll read out a few of the best throughout the show. but of it's but before all of that, it's time news time for your latest news headunes time for your latest news headlines francis . headlines with sam francis. >> martin, thank you and very good afternoon to you. it's just after 3:00, and we start with some news we've some breaking news that we've heard half hour or heard in the last half hour or so where the so from birmingham, where the killers of 23 year old cody fisher have jailed for life fisher have been jailed for life , with a minimum terms of 26 years and 25 years respectively. the semi—professional footballer was stabbed and killed during a fight on the dance floor of a birmingham nightclub on boxing day 2022. a jury at birmingham crown court have found. the 23
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year old remi gordon and 22 year old kemi carpenter guilty of his murder. we're expecting a statement from police shortly from outside the court in birmingham, which we will bring to you live when we get it later this afternoon . in other news, this afternoon. in other news, a 28 year old man has been sentenced to life today in prison for the murder of his wife . in march last year, wife. in march last year, nicholas metson stabbed 26 year old holly bramley at least four times before cutting her body into over 200 pieces, which he then stored in their shared flat's kitchen. lincoln crown court heard he attempted to then conceal his crime by buying cleaning supplies and paying his school friend £50 to help dump his wife's body parts in a river. holly bramley's remains were discovered in that river over a week later by a passer by.the over a week later by a passer by. the labour leader says that the nhs is on its knees and has promised to modernise the health service if the party wins the
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next election. he hopes that a plan to digitise children's health records, known as the red book, will boost vaccination rates and improve access to health care. it would also see parents receive automatic reminders for appointments and health information via the nhs app. sir keir starmer says the plan will bring the nhs into the future. >> everybody has that. red book knows that it can get lost, it can get forgotten all the details have to be re—entered. it wastes a huge amount of time and this is an example of the sort of reform that we want in the . obviously everybody the nhs. obviously everybody will absolutely will know the nhs is absolutely on its knees if we're elected into government, if we're privileged enough to come into government, we have to pick the nhs put it on its feet, but nhs up, put it on its feet, but we also need to make it fit for the future. and that's where the reform comes in. >> the prime suspect in the murder a woman in bradford murder of a woman in bradford came to britain on a student visa . west yorkshire police have visa. west yorkshire police have released this photo. if you're watching on television, you can see here of 25 year old habiba
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masum from the old oldham area. he's described as an asian man of slim build and was last seen wearing a jacket with grey, white and black stripes on it. the victim , known to masum, was the victim, known to masum, was attacked on a main shopping street while she was pushing her babyin street while she was pushing her baby in a pram and despite efforts from an off duty doctor and passers by, she did die from her injuries. later in hospital, the 25 year old, a digital marketing student at the university of bedfordshire, is still at large. police are warning he could also still be armed and they're warning people not to approach him . and they're not to approach him. and they're asking anyone with information to contact police on 999. a new poll has found that 74% of british muslims would not object if abortion were outlawed. a survey of 1000 british muslims carried out by jl partners, also found that just 28% would object if homosexuality was banned. homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967, which is currently
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supported by 62% of the general public. supported by 62% of the general pubuc.the supported by 62% of the general public. the research was commissioned by the henry jackson society, which says the results reveal attitudes that are very different from the bulk of the british population. in the post office, minister has said that people responsible for the horizon it scandal should go to jail. kevin hollinrake was speaking after meeting dozens of those affected by the scandal , those affected by the scandal, which saw postal workers wrongly jailed due to faulty software . jailed due to faulty software. the horizon inquiry is resuming this week, with alan bates , who this week, with alan bates, who was the focus of an itv drama due to give evidence there tomorrow . well, we've heard this tomorrow. well, we've heard this afternoon that high street retailer ted baker has announced it's cutting 245 jobs in the coming weeks. it's also been revealed that an additional 15 stores will be shut, with 11 of those due to close next week. after the chain went into administration. the company remains in the process of finding a new partner to run its retail and online sectors. in
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sport everton has been deducted a further two points from a second breach of the premier league's profit and sustainability rules. the merseyside club was already docked six points earlier in the campaign for the same offence, but now dropped 16th in the table, just two points the table, just two points above the relegation places . the club says relegation places. the club says they've already begun their preparation the preparation to appeal the decision . and finally, before we decision. and finally, before we head back to martin in westminster , harold bishop is westminster, harold bishop is returning to neighbours 15 years after his emotional farewell to the long running soap opera. at the long running soap opera. at the age of 85, actor ian smith is now the series longest serving actor and his return comes after his first departure in 1991, when his character harold was dramatically swept out to sea. he later, though, returned after it was discovered that he'd actually been picked up that he'd actually been picked ”p by that he'd actually been picked up by a passing ship and had spent years living with amnesia in tasmania. as a salvation army worker named ted. well, the circumstances of his latest comeback remain unknown . that's
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comeback remain unknown. that's the latest from the newsroom for now. more coming up in the next half hour. you can, of course, sign up to gb news alerts. just scan that code there on your screen or to news. screen or go to gb news. com slash . slash alerts. >> thank you sam. now we start the news that broke just a short time ago. and rempe gordon and cami carpenter have been jailed for life for the murder of codie fisher in a night club knife attack. he was killed in a pre—planned attack in birmingham on boxing day 2022. and gb news west midlands reporter jack carson is outside birmingham crown court. jack, welcome to the show. a case that moved the nafion the show. a case that moved the nation and today justice has been served . been served. >> well, exactly right martin. we've heard just from the victim impact statements in the sentencing today. just how much of a tragedy, of course, the murder of 23 year old
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semi—professional footballer and pe teacher cody fisher was known only to his family, but to his girlfriend well . his killers girlfriend as well. his killers remy gordon and cammy carson carpenter, both sentenced to life today. remy gordon , given a life today. remy gordon, given a sentence of a minimum tum of 26 years. but of course that will be reviewed within license. the same for cammy carpenter, who was given 25 years as a minimum sentence . both, of course, will sentence. both, of course, will serve life imprisonment because of their crimes. but here is the story . first, this is the moment story. first, this is the moment remy gordon was arrested by police just two days after murdering 23 year old cody fisher in a nightclub in birmingham. fisher was a talented footballer , having talented footballer, having played for stratford town and bromsgrove sporting , and was bromsgrove sporting, and was enjoying a night out on boxing day in 2022 when he was fatally stabbed in the chest. his murderers remy gordon and cammy carpenter killed cody in a
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pre—planned act of revenge on the dance floor of the crane nightclub in digbeth, birmingham, two days before his death. cody fisher was out with friends on christmas eve in a different nightclub when he accidentally into accidentally bumped into gordon's back. this cctv footage shows the two in conversation when fisher believed he'd done nothing wrong , but was nothing wrong, but was threatened with violence. after the confrontation , remy gordon the confrontation, remy gordon found a picture of cody online and asked his friends to help identify him. seen here messaging group chat only 45 messaging a group chat only 45 minutes after the initial incident, gordon says he's due to shank him up. cody's simple mistake would turn out to be the catalyst for his murder. far forward to boxing day, and cody fisher can be seen in this footage . arriving at the crane footage. arriving at the crane nightclub a few hours later, his murderers remy gordon and cammy carpenter turn up and smuggle a weapon through security. gordon had found out from friends in the hours before cody was going to be there just before midnight. cctv shows violence breaking out. it's at this
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moment fisher is fatally stabbed in the chest, with the knife penetrating a valve in his heart . he's later pronounced dead at the scene. west midlands police detective inspector michelle thurgood led the investigation after getting a call to say, somebody's been murdered in a nightclub in the dark that has over 2000 people, is a challenge in itself . in itself. >> however, with the assistance of cctv and then from the appeal that we put out to the public, we were able in the preceding days to piece together who are potential suspects. and then in terms of the suspects with absolute minutia detail, watch, watch and rewatch the cctv, which was a process that took months, not days . months, not days. >> alongside gordon and carpenter, the jury cleared 19 year old friend of gordon's, regan anderson , of murder and regan anderson, of murder and manslaughter, but found him guilty of affray . guilty of affray. >> we'll have all been that person that's either been pushed or pushed somebody in a crowded
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premise and normally it might be a free cross words, it might be an apology and that's the end of it. but i guess we'll never understand why remy gordon took such an affront to this . that such an affront to this. that led to the events of boxing day . led to the events of boxing day. >> in a tribute by cody's mum tracy fisher, she said he was brave, fearless and the most genuine soul she knew , adding it genuine soul she knew, adding it was a pleasure and honour to call him my son. jack carson gb news. yeah, and the continuation of the victim impact statement, particularly here at the sentencing today , the words of sentencing today, the words of tracy fisher saying that it was like i too was stabbed in the heart when cody fisher was killed on boxing day in 2022. >> heartbreaking story of that. thank you very much , jack thank you very much, jack carson. we'll be going back to birmingham crown court. were expecting a police statement very soon. thank you. jack carson . now to the hunt for carson. now to the hunt for a man wanted in connection with the murder of a woman with a babyin
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the murder of a woman with a baby in a pram in bradford on saturday afternoon. and gb news can reveal that the prime suspect entered the uk on a student visa. police are appealing for members of the pubuc appealing for members of the public to report any sightings of habiba masum, who is from the oldham area and was known to the victim. well, our yorkshire and humber reporter anna riley is at the scene. anna, welcome to the show. hugely distraught icing case. what's the latest ? case. what's the latest? >> yes, martin, a truly shocking case that has rocked the community here, in which a 27 year old woman was stabbed to death whilst out walking her babyin death whilst out walking her baby in a pram right here in the westgate area of bradford, close to the city centre. it sparked a nationwide manhunt for hyam hyams . assume a 25 year old man, hyams. assume a 25 year old man, as you say, that entered the uk on a study visa. we've been speaking to people here on the
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ground and earlier we spoke to geo khan. he tried to help the woman at this scene here on saturday at 320 when the incident happened. >> so when i looked, she were lying down and the head was down and, you know, all i see at the back and the baby was the pram was there. and then i tried to check her nerves , his pulse and, check her nerves, his pulse and, you know, she wasn't there. the pulse then within a few minutes an asian doctor come and he goes, look, i am a doctor and let me check her. and he had his bag with him and he start checking her. and mean, what checking her. and i mean, what we did, we turned her over and the all over on the the blood was all over on the floor, on our body. and then there a stubborn marks. there was a stubborn marks. well, not marks, but a wound on the neck. it was disgusting. actually. i couldn't take it in, but i tried my best to, you know
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what i mean? calm myself down. >> mr khan there describing the scene on saturday afternoon, he said that he had known the victim for a couple of weeks, that she was a customer of his shop, that she always had a smile on her face and that she was a very friendly character, a little bit more just briefly on her beam. as soon we know that he's a keen blogger with his own youtube channel, he regularly posts clips to the site of his tours around the uk, and he was also seen in one of these videos setting up a child's cot and also telling people on his facebook account how to prepare a hospital bag for your newborn baby. now, police are saying if anyone cites him , call 999 anyone cites him, call 999 immediately. do not approach him , he may still be armed. and there's a press conference at 4:00 this afternoon in which west yorkshire police will be giving us further updates, which we can to on this
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case. >> okay. thank you very much. anna riley, yorkshire and humber reporter, live from bradford. and as noted, we'll bring you that press conference from the police around about p.m. that press conference from the police around about pm. when police around about 4 pm. when it happens . we'll have lots more it happens. we'll have lots more on that story throughout the show. there's plenty of show. and there's plenty of coverage website, gb coverage on our website, gb news. you've helped to news. com and you've helped to make it the fastest growing national website in the national news website in the country. you very much . country. so thank you very much. now it's time now for our biggest giveaway of the year so far. is your chance to win £10,000 in tax free cash, luxury travel items and a 2025 greek cruise worth a further ten grand. it's a prize package worth over £20,000 and it could be yours. and here's how you could win it. >> variety cruises have been sailing since 1942, and thanks to them, you could set sail in 2025. you have the chance to win a seven night small boat cruise for two worth £10,000 with your flights, meals, drinks and excursions included . you can
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gb britain's news channel
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welcome back. it's 321. i'm martin daubney and this is gb news. later in the show, i'll tell you all about a historic moment at buckingham palace today. marvellous but before that, the row over whether angela rayner paid enough tax when she sold her house in 2015 has gone on for more than a month now , and it's showing month now, and it's showing absolutely no signs of going anywhere fast. yesterday, the mail on sunday claims to have fresh evidence that the labour deputy leader did not correctly outline her tax arrangements . outline her tax arrangements. today, labour leader sir keir starmer said nobody is interested in this issue. well, i'm interested in it and i'm and so is this man next to me. i'm joined in the studio by former
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labour mp stephen pound. stephen, thanks coming to stephen, thanks for coming to studio. my pleasure. >> i just recovered from seeing that picture of french guard that picture of the french guard republican into republican marching into buckingham republican marching into bucl ingham republican marching into bucl inghan dear oh lord, republican marching into bucl inghandear oh lord, what >> i mean, dear oh lord, what were we fighting for? >> the french have actually done something good. i'll come to that a bit. let's get that in a bit. okay. let's get back miss rayner now, do you that in a bit. okay. let's get back thatiss rayner now, do you that in a bit. okay. let's get back that this ayner now, do you that in a bit. okay. let's get back that this would row, do you that in a bit. okay. let's get back that this would haveio you that in a bit. okay. let's get back that this would have gone| think that this would have gone away a long time ago if she'd just said, you know what, it was a chaotic period of my life. we all have chaotic lives . i made all have chaotic lives. i made a mistake. here's the tax bill instead. is the cover up or whatever is the conversation around it making it worse? >> well, this is i mean, alastair campbell's rule, if you remember, was if it's still news after nine days, you're in trouble. >> i think the problem with >> and i think the problem with this the are in this is the tories are in a fairly dire place at the moment, so on anything to so they'll seize on anything to have pop, think, defend have a pop, i think, to defend angela saying that, angela rayner by saying that, you because she's you know, it's because she's a northern i think that's northern lass. i think that's a fairly reality is she at >> the reality is she was at that particular was that particular time she was moving present moving in with her present husband, got two kids. it husband, got the two kids. it was time, but as was a complicated time, but as far i can if simply far as i can see, if she simply says, here evidence of
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says, here is the evidence of the advice i was given. >> the advice i given was wrong. >> hands up £1,500. here you are. if the advice i was given was correct, then let's forget about it and move on. but at the moment, the more we talk about it, know, kind of it, the more you know, kind of defensiveness there is then the deeper and, you know, deeper we're in and, you know, she maintains her innocence, that she's done nothing wrong . that she's done nothing wrong. >> is this also, though, stephen, of double stephen, a question of double standards has been standards because she has been in the in the past, very quick to you a mistake, to say if you make a mistake, you should resign, particularly around now around boris johnson. and now she's of put out there she's been kind of put out there in spotlight it's in the spotlight herself. it's almost rules apply. >> well, i'm not entirely sure that a read across that there's a read across between johnson got between what boris johnson got up what angela rayner up to and what angela rayner is accused think that's accused of doing. i think that's accused of doing. i think that's a fairly degrees of a fairly different degrees of importance a fairly different degrees of importathe accountability and >> but the accountability and taking no account for your actions. >> precisely so, which is why i think firstly, it think two things. firstly, if it was that, you know, was deliberate that, you know, she was somehow trying to fiddle £1,500, then i think i'm amazed that she's actually gone down this route. and i just don't think, know, denies think, you know, she denies doing, which. doing, of course, which. yeah, absolutely. simply absolutely. and i just simply
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don't happening. don't see that happening. if it is, that was given is, you know, that she was given wrong wrong wrong information and wrong advice it. you advice, then let's see it. you know, move on from know, let's just move on from that. the moment it's not that. but at the moment it's not necessarily tempest necessarily a tempest in a teapot a but what it teapot or a teacup, but what it is, it's just something that the tories are desperately trying to grab anything . and they'll grab on to anything. and they'll take of course they will. take this. of course they will. and the fact that and i think that the fact that in past, and, you in the past, angela, and, you know, generally, we've know, the party generally, we've been fairly when been fairly, fairly robust when it outing it comes to actually outing people does rather people for their does rather bounce back at us. >> do you think it will come back bite the party on back to bite the labour party on the behind, there such the behind, or is there such momentum now behind change in the country? will just kind the country? it will just kind of blow away until the election. >> martin, honestly don't >> martin, i honestly don't believe that there's parliamentary seats up and down the going to flip the land which are going to flip back tories because of back to the tories because of this. simply going this. there simply ain't going to spent of to happen. yeah, i spent most of my time on the doorstep. my time out on the doorstep. i mean, you know, the insists mean, you know, the wife insists i out house and do it, i get out the house and do it, but don't detect any of but and i don't detect any of this. the people this. i mean, most of the people i'm this actually still i'm saying this actually still see is see angela for what she is absolutely authentic, genuine person. she's not a tax accountant, you know, she's not accountant, you know, she's not a she's a financial adviser. she's a simple working woman who's
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simple a working woman who's buying a house, and she's moving simple a working woman who's buwith a house, and she's moving simple a working woman who's buwith her)use, and she's moving simple a working woman who's buwith her presentd she's moving simple a working woman who's buwith her present husband.oving simple a working woman who's buwith her present husband. and] in with her present husband. and if she owes £1,500, then , you if she owes £1,500, then, you know, let's have a whip round for her, because, you know, i'd like to get that of the way. like to get that out of the way. >> thanks for joining us like to get that out of the way. >>the thanks forjoining us like to get that out of the way. >>the studio.�*|ks forjoining us like to get that out of the way. >>the studio. stephen ining us like to get that out of the way. >>the studio. stephen pound,; in the studio. stephen pound, former friend in the studio. stephen pound, formershow. friend in the studio. stephen pound, formershow. cheers, friend in the studio. stephen pound, formershow. cheers, frithank of the show. cheers, mate. thank you. now the state you. cheers. now the state pension today 8.5. pension rises today by 8.5. and that's an extra £900 a year for some as the government's triple lock commitment kicks in. but here's the catch. this comes as an estimated 2 million pensioners are dragged into paying pensioners are dragged into paying more income tax due to the government's stealth tax freeze. so our pensioners really better off. well, we know a man who will know the answer because here to break it down, it's gb news economics editor liam halligan money . halligan with on the money. ma'am, always a joy to have you on on this happy monday. so pensioners are they really any better off or is that dread of fiscal drag going to punish them? >> quite a lot going on here
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today? martin it's the start of the new fiscal year, the new tax year as we say, and so the basic state pension is going up. and it's worth saying that the triple lock is in place and is holding. so what does that mean in terms of the actual numbers. let's have a quick look here. and on the money it and on the money graphic it wouldn't same without wouldn't be the same without one. some information one. so here is some information about pension . about the basic state pension. the triple apply. the the triple lock does apply. the triple the tory slash triple lock was the tory slash lib dem coalition policy that came in between 2010 and 2015. it says that the basic state pension goes up each year by the increase in earnings across the economy. on average, the increase in prices , or 2.5, increase in prices, or 2.5, whichever is higher. this year, we have an 8.5% increase in the bafic we have an 8.5% increase in the basic state pension from today, because that's how much earnings went up. that's on top of last year's 10.1% went up. that's on top of last year's10.1% increase. >> okay. i'm sorry, liam halligan, we have to interrupt and cross now to sentencing. >> day is finally upon us after a long and harrowing road to get some sort of justice for cody .
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some sort of justice for cody. we always knew in our broken hearts what the conclusion would be any doubt that our be without any doubt that our beautiful his life beautiful boy had lost his life down crime for no down to knife crime for no reason at all. the sentence passed is somewhat a blessing that they are no longer on our streets and hopefully go somewhat to try and eradicate this awful epidemic that is ruining so many lives. sadly not all have been brought to account, but they know who they are now. for us as a family, cody will still not come home and we will forever live in the shadow of his senseless murder. i know that our grief will go on and we will continue with our life sentence, missing our child each every day . i will each and every day. i will mention with many thanks the police the legal for police and the legal team for their determination during the investigation for investigation and for apprehending responsible apprehending those responsible to my flows. lisa and kirsty have been a constant support and always on my page from all the letters from around the country. too many to mention, but you know who you are to the football world who showed so much respect and love for cody after his
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passing. football being his greatest passion of all. to all cody's friends and team—mates and those that have supported us in court. finally to my family and friends that have been consistent and supported me , consistent and supported of me, of me throughout darkest of me throughout my darkest days, didn't know days, even when they didn't know what to say and so said nothing but was still there to jess, cody's girlfriend, who has shown tremendous courage. cody loved you dearly . my dearest son, who you dearly. my dearest son, who has remained strong and has had to deal with losing his little brother and part of his mum . brother and part of his mum. lastly, my brother, for sitting through the horrendous court ordeal where no remorse has been shown day in and day out . you shown day in and day out. you have shown tenacity. as a person. i will be forever grateful. love to you all. tracey. do you think today's sentence is actually will deter young men from taking knives out on a night out? >> no. absolutely not. no, no . >> no. absolutely not. no, no. what do you think of today's sentence? >> is .
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sentence? >> is. not much. do you feel like justice? no. >> justice will never be done. but no. that's them sentences. shocking what would you. >> what would you like to see now going forward? >> harsher sentences to start with for carrying knives . with for carrying knives. >> carrying knives. what message? what message would you give to an individual if tonight they want to go out and they want to carry a knife. >> you're weak, weak, pathetic cowards . cowards. >> that's what i'd say. cowards. >> that's what i'd say . and they >> that's what i'd say. and they will ruin so many lives to live, to fight another day. >> sorry. say again. i said live to fight another day . to fight another day. >> and no knife. >> and no knife. >> bro. thank you . you just. >> bro. thank you. you just. it's a lot worse . you feel lost. it's a lot worse. you feel lost.
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is expected . is expected. >> well, that summed it up. that i summed it up. >> well, that summed it up. that i summed it up . you know, i've i summed it up. you know, i've said as much as i can say. you know, and as much as i want to say , tracy, what are the young say, tracy, what are the young people thinking about going out now? >> what? sorry. what message? >> what? sorry. what message? >> don't be scared of going out. >> don't be scared of going out. >> so there's no reason not to be scared to go out at the end of the day. lives. life that you've got to carry on. you know what it's no good being what i mean? it's no good being scared that's scared of doing nothing. that's you. you you. that's it. you lost. you used you know what used to living. you know what i mean? whatever. mean? just whatever. >> yeah. mean? just whatever. >> it's h. mean? just whatever. >> it's killed me. that's what he's doing as well. come on, let's go. thank you all. cheers. >> michelle. thurgood, the sio is going to read out a brief statement now as well . statement now as well. >> that was the another steph takyi brit school. >> i will do my best. the absolute tragedy of cody's death is just how unavoidable it was to think that cody's life was snatched from him, from nothing more than bumping into renee
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gordon two nights before he is death is incomprehensible. i'd like to pay tribute to tracy and her family for showing the strength to come to court today, and for the dignity that they have shown since the tragic events of december 2022. we will continue to tackle knife crime in the west midlands, but we can't do that alone. if you are a parent, guardian , teacher or a parent, guardian, teacher or listening to this, can i implore you to talk to those you care for about cody's story and the devastation that the carrying of knives can have on many, many lives. together we will work to bnng lives. together we will work to bring down knife crime. thank you. thanks, michelle. okay. >> thank you very much . >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> okay. and that's the reaction to the sentencing today of two murderers of cody fisher. that was cody's mother, tracy , who
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was cody's mother, tracy, who gave a very moving account there, talks about the loss of her beautiful boy, we need to eradicate this awful epidemic of knife crime. she said we will forever live in the shadow of his death, and our life sentence begins . thank you all who've begins. thank you all who've been there for me during my darkest day. she then very movingly talks about cody's little brother , who not only little brother, who not only lost his brother, but part of lost his brother, but a part of his mum. she said no remorse was shown in court and she believes this sentence will not stop. knives justice will never be done, she said. she asked for harsher sentencing. she called people who carried knives weak, pathetic, cowards, somebody else in there. i believe that was father. he used used some language which i'd like to apologise for if that offended you. but clearly very, very you. but clearly he's very, very moved he said, moved and emotional. he said, don't knife . live to don't carry a knife. live to fight again another day. but don't be scared to live life.
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and then he said , this has and then he said, this has killed me. and they turned away and they left very, very emotional response there. you can't imagine what it must be like to have to say that about losing your son, aged just 23. there's lots more still to come between now and 4:00. and we've been talking to the great british public about yet another train strike. would you believe the dispute's been going on now for almost two years? it's groundhog day on the railways, but first, it's time for your latest news headlines with sam francis . francis. >> martin, thank you very much and good afternoon . from the and good afternoon. from the newsroom. 334 exactly. and as we've been hearing, the mother of cody fisher has said that those who carry knives are pathetic cowards after two men who murdered her son have been sentenced today to at least 25 years behind bars for the murder
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of the footballer in a busy nightclub in birmingham , remy nightclub in birmingham, remy gordon and sammy carpenter stabbed and killed the 23 year old during a fight on boxing day. speaking moments ago, she said that he will forever live in the shadow of the senseless murder and that those who carry knives are cowards . the post knives are cowards. the post office minister says people responsible for the horizon scandal should go to jail. kevin hollinrake was speaking after meeting dozens of those affected by the horizon scandal, which saw postal workers wrongly jailed due to faulty software. the horizon inquiry is resuming this week with alan bates, who was the focus of an itv drama due to give evidence there tomorrow . due to give evidence there tomorrow. nhs due to give evidence there tomorrow . nhs staff, including tomorrow. nhs staff, including paramedics and nurses , have been paramedics and nurses, have been shown pornographic images offered money for sex and assaulted at work, according to new research . a study of more new research. a study of more than 12,000 health workers revealed widespread incidents of sexual harassment, with 1 in 10
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saying it's something they've experienced in the workplace . of experienced in the workplace. of those, almost a third reported sexual assault in response to the findings by unison, the government says nhs organisations have a responsibility to protect staff and patients , and tens of and patients, and tens of millions of people will be looking to the skies later tonight for what's set to be the most viewed total eclipse ever. while the weather might eclipse the excitement , for some it's a the excitement, for some it's a different story in canada, though, where clear are though, where clear skies are set to bring near perfect viewing conditions. niagara falls has declared a state of emergency to manage the biggest crowd of visitors ever expected to popular to flock to the popular waterfalls . and here in the uk, waterfalls. and here in the uk, some of us will get a small glimpse of a partial eclipse in the west and including in the west and north, including in belfast, glasgow and liverpool from just before 8:00 tonight. that's the latest from the newsroom. for now, you can of course, sign up to gb news alerts . just scan the on alerts. just scan the code on your screen go to your screen or go to
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slash . slash alerts. >> for stunning gold and silver coins , you'll always value coins, you'll always value rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report , the gb news financial report, and here's a look at the markets this afternoon. >> the pound will buy you $1.2637 and ,1.1652. the price of gold is £1,835.68 per ounce, and the ftse 100 is at 7929 points. >> rosalind gold proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . report. >> thank you sam. now in a few minutes i'll talk about a shocking new poll that's found less than a quarter of british muslims think hamas committed murder and rape when they attacked israel on october the 7th. but first, there's a new way to get in touch with us. and
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here's bev turner with all the details. >> we are proud to be gb news the people's channel. >> and as you know, we always to love hear your views. now there's a new way of getting in touch with us at forward by forward slash your say by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our gb news community. you can even talk to me bev turner or any of the members of the gb news family. go to family. simply go to forward your say
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i >> welcome back. it's 340. i'm martin daubney, and this is gb news. now, later in the show, i'll speak to a man who says downing street is blocking candidates from the right of the tory party. from even standing at the next general election. but now, to a shock poll into attitudes among british muslims and less than a quarter believe hamas committed murder and rape
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in israel on october the 7th, and here are the main findings of a survey of 1000 people. and the headline figure is that just 24% of people think hamas carried out those despicable acts. six months ago. today is the anniversary . 46% of those the anniversary. 46% of those polled feel sympathy towards hamas, and 52% want to make it illegal to show a picture of the prophet mohammed. of course, that's what drove the batley grammar school teacher into hiding over three years ago. and now by doctor taj now i'm joined by doctor taj hodge, who's the founder of the oxford institute for british islam. welcome to the show. thanks for joining islam. welcome to the show. thanks forjoining us, doctor hodge. what do these what do these findings say to you? it seemed to indicate a british muslim population with views that are simply out of touch, completely with those of the rest of the british public? >> yeah, that is a very dreadful news, not not only is it distressing and disturbing, but it's also very dangerous.
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>> and the point here is that, you know , this poll, if you take you know, this poll, if you take it to be accurate , it's a, it's it to be accurate, it's a, it's been done by, it has consulted british muslims , mostly born in british muslims, mostly born in this country. >> now, if they are born in this country , educated in this country, educated in this country, educated in this country, how could have country, how could they have such view now? such a view now? >> doesn't matter on which side of aisle you on. come. of the aisle you come on. come. regarding, the israel—palestine question, the point here is when innocent civilians are killed from either side , isn't it right from either side, isn't it right that one should condemn and denounce this? >> this is the issue. >> this is the issue. >> and i think this is, this is a wake up call for muslims. but remember , in, with 9/11, there remember, in, with 9/11, there was the same issue , we find that was the same issue, we find that muslims , didn't want to believe muslims, didn't want to believe it. this type of blind loyalty to their own, perspectives. and i think it's important that ,
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i think it's important that, muslims should be called out for this. and it's important also that, the general public should help muslims understand that they should be prepared to condemn what is wrong, a wrong can never be made a right. what hamas did is unspeakable. it's atrocious. it's a savagery. it's brutality. it's barbarism . and brutality. it's barbarism. and we should label it as such. but by the same token, we should also look at the other side of the coin . this country has for the coin. this country has for years and years just given israel a blank check . and we israel a blank check. and we really need to take stock of this . even the really need to take stock of this. even the foreign really need to take stock of this . even the foreign secretary this. even the foreign secretary has said british support shouldn't be unconditional. and i think this is a wake up call as well for the general public that we should try to be honest brokers in palestine and israel and not just support one side, unthinkingly, uncritically . unthinkingly, uncritically. okay, okay. >> bringing it back to british
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shores. very concerning that 52% of british muslims feel it's not acceptable. they want to make it illegal. in fact , to show a illegal. in fact, to show a cartoon of the prophet muhammad . cartoon of the prophet muhammad. that, of course, is what drove the batley grammar school teacher into hiding, where he remains three years to this day in fear of his and his family's life. we have rules in this country around freedom of expression. why are 52% of the muslim population accepting that? absolutely >> and that's why, for example, we're having a big conference in at oxford university in july on islam for liberty and free speech. so this idea that you can't show the prophet muhammad's photo or image of him is nowhere to be found in the quran this comes like many other crazy, rules and regulations from the sharia. and the sharia is not divine law. sharia. shana is not divine law. sharia. sharia is medieval opinion masquerading as divine law. but most muslims are not aware of this, so they have no clue that the quran itself doesn't, ban
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this stuff. and why should we, in this country not be advocates and proponents of free speech if there's no free speech in this country , then what future is country, then what future is there for all of us? because you and i are free to express our opinion, as long as it's not a hateful and inciting of inciting violence and that is the cornerstone of british democracy. and if these muslims, my co—religionists, if they wish to live in this country, they need to abide by the laws of this country , including free this country, including free speech and including if someone wants show a photo of the wants to show a photo of the prophet muhammad, someone wants to that, you do not to do this or that, you do not run them of town. you do run them out of town. you do not, condemn them, and so forth. what's also important is that that muslims need to understand that muslims need to understand that they cannot bring their import theology from pakistan, saudi arabia, egypt, or whatever
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and think that they can impose and think that they can impose and implement it in this society . that's why our organisation, our institute is promoting something called british islam. we want an islam that's rooted in and relevant in this society. it should be integrated, it should be inclusive and it should be inclusive and it should be inclusive and it should be indigenous. it should be part and parcel of this landscape. it's not some sort of a foreign import. and that's why it's very important that we should speak out against what is happening currently, both in palestine and also in this society. >> doctor hodge, i think a lot of people will agree with that. sounds very laudable, but is that practical? it says in the same body of research here that only 23% of british muslims, islam, should be declared or say it's undesirable to have islam as the national religion. presumably that means that the vast majority think islam should be the dominant religion in the uk. >> yeah, because they have been brainwashed program and conditioned by the islamic
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clergy that they can't be a separation between state and church, between state and religion. and this is not what islam is about. islam talks about freedom and pluralism and inclusivity and democracy. the mullahs, the bearded priests , mullahs, the bearded priests, they talk about intolerance. and, and all types of fascist, interpretations of the faith. >> okay. thank you very much. excellent dose of common sense, doctor taj hargey, who's the founder of the oxford institute for british islam. thanks for joining us on the show. now, another day, another train strike. yes drivers who are demanding yet more money are causing yet more misery for the general public. today we'll be live from waterloo station. i'm martin daubney on gb
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welcome back. it's 351. i'm martin daubney. this is gb news now . at
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daubney. this is gb news now. at 5:00, we'll have the latest on the hunt for habib masum , who's the hunt for habib masum, who's wanted in connection with the murder of a woman in broad daylight in bradford on saturday. now there's fresh misery for the public today after train drivers walked out once again and their long running pay dispute . drivers at running pay dispute. drivers at eight train companies are currently on strike, and gb news viewers can see members of the aslef union on the picket line there at waterloo station this morning . the union says the morning. the union says the dispute has cost the industry more than £2 billion so far. well, joining us now from waterloo station is gb news national reporter theo chikomba theo, thanks for joining us. what's the situation now at waterloo ? waterloo? >> yeah, well at waterloo business as usual actually. all the shops are open, cafes and so much more . the shops are open, cafes and so much more. but this the shops are open, cafes and so much more . but this is the shops are open, cafes and so much more. but this is one of the most used stations in the country. >> an estimated around 158,000 people go through this station every single day. now we can see
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people going in and out of the station . that's because a south station. that's because a south western rail are the only service which is operating out of here to go to places like guilt , of here to go to places like guilt, guildford and woking. >> but you further >> but if you live further afield , there are no trains afield, there are no trains going that way. and the last train, if you're going that direction, just 5:00. direction, is just after 5:00. >> but union members , >> but aslef union members, train drivers have been on the picket line here outside the station and this is 22 months how. >> now. >> they've been doing walkouts here and there throughout the yean here and there throughout the year, affecting commuters all across the country wanting to get to work and others wanting to seize the opportunity. >> this week is school >> this week it is school holidays for many children across the country, but the question is should they continue taking strike action? >> i've been speaking to some of those who have been using the services here today. >> i haven't been impacted, but if extra money, it's if they need extra money, it's all about the money, isn't it? if they need extra money, it's all soyut the money, isn't it? if they need extra money, it's all so ?t the money, isn't it? >> so? >> so? >> so? >> so it's right that they're still striking? >> i think so if they think they
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deserve then yeah, deserve more then yeah, definitely know. definitely i don't know. >> know what they're >> see i don't know what they're actually striking for. like i don't they more don't know if they want more money and but money or this and that, but it's, pretty annoying . it's it's, it's pretty annoying. it's very annoying. see, i'm not a trained driver, so i don't know what, it requires to be a train driver , but if the tracks are driver, but if the tracks are already set up for me and i just got operate this 59 k sounds pretty good, but . but got operate this 59 k sounds pretty good, but. but i'm got operate this 59 k sounds pretty good, but . but i'm not got operate this 59 k sounds pretty good, but. but i'm not a train driver. >> i don't know that i can't go on strike. loads of people, loads of me would like to increase their money. they can't because they're stuck in a job or they can't go on strike, or they don't want to go on strike. but, that's it really. >> aslef union members were offered 4.4% last year. >> april for a pay rise two years in a row, which they rejected. >> meanwhile , the department for >> meanwhile, the department for transport say the offer remains on the table. but the general secretary for aslef says we will continue striking if our members are vote in favour for strike
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action. >> okay, thank you very much. theo chikomba live from waterloo station. we'll have of course, more throughout the show. now two men have been jailed for life for the murder of non—league footballer cody fisher in a nightclub on boxing day in 2022. cody's mother tracey, who gave a very emotional press conference earlier on. we had that live on gb news set of families life sentence is beginning today. she called her son's killers weak, pathetic, cowards . she talked pathetic, cowards. she talked about how cody's younger brother had seen her brother had not only seen her brother 90, had not only seen her brother go, but also a part of his mother too. we'll have the full update on that. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel first, it's time for your weather with alex burkill . burkill. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb
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news. >> hello again. welcome to your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office. most of us will see some wet and windy weather as we go through the next 24 hours or so, in association with a feature that been named by the that has been named by the french service, french met service, storm pierrick . but it is going to pierrick. but it is going to bnng pierrick. but it is going to bring some unsettled weather to many of us. watch out for some heavy, thundery downpours across parts the south we go parts of the south east as we go through evening. otherwise, parts of the south east as we go thrcstrong evening. otherwise, parts of the south east as we go thrcstrong everacrosstherwise, it's strong winds across southern and western coastal parts that could cause a bit of a and then some heavy, a problem and then some heavy, persistent rain pushing its way across of northern england persistent rain pushing its way acrointo of northern england persistent rain pushing its way acro into scotland. thern england persistent rain pushing its way acrointo scotland. asrn england persistent rain pushing its way acrointo scotland. as weanland and into scotland. as we go through and into the through tonight and into the early hours tomorrow because early hours of tomorrow because of wet and windy of the cloudy, wet and windy weather, temperatures really aren't going drop for aren't going to drop much for many so a mild start many of us, so a mild start tomorrow, pretty unsettled. tomorrow, but pretty unsettled. one two heavy, persistent rain continuing across parts of scotland be some wintry scotland could be some wintry showers over the higher ground here. outbreaks here. otherwise some outbreaks of rain parts of northern of rain for parts of northern england wales, england and into wales, and a few spots elsewhere too. few showery spots elsewhere too. but something a drier, but something a bit drier, perhaps a bit brighter,
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perhaps even a bit brighter, across parts of northern ireland, western wales and southwest england. as we go through the afternoon, temperatures will be down several degrees compared to today, 13, today, highs of around 13, possibly 14 celsius at best. after a bit of a chilly start on wednesday morning, it is going to turn wet and windy again from the west as some wet weather pushes its in. in pushes its way in. in association with another system that's going to push its way through in the week . through later on in the week. and should something of and there should be something of a across southern a dry trend across southern parts , at and parts, at least, and temperatures with temperatures rising to with highs in the low 20s. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> hey. very good afternoon to you. and a happy monday. it's 4 pm. and welcome to the martin daubney on gb news. daubney show on gb news. broadcasting from the heart
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broadcasting live from the heart of across the of westminster, all across the uk, remy gordon and cami carpenter have been jailed for life for the murder of codie fisher in a nightclub knife attack . and police are hunting attack. and police are hunting for habib masum after a mother was stabbed in broad daylight on saturday in bradford, and gb news can reveal. the bangladeshi born man entered the uk on a student visa , and some people on student visa, and some people on the right of the tory party are claiming that downing street is blocking them from standing at the next general election. i'll be speaking to one of those people who feel the party is going towards the liberal democrats, and that's all coming in your next hour. thank you for joining me on the show. always an absolute pleasure to have your company. also, later in the show, we'll have the full details of a report by the henry jackson society , which shows a jackson society, which shows a
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very divergent set of opinions amongst british muslims to that of the general public. only 25% of the general public. only 25% of british muslims think hamas committed murder and rape on october the 7th, six months ago today. it is the anniversary of that horrific event . 46% of that horrific event. 46% of those surveyed have sympathy towards hamas, and 52% of british muslims would like to ban cartoons of the prophet muhammad. if you recall, that is what sent the batley grammar school teacher into hiding. three years ago. what on earth is going on and what, if anything, can be done about it? i want to hear from you and there's a new way to get in touch with us here at gb news. from now on, you send your views and your posts your comments by visiting forward visiting gb forward slash visiting forward slash usa . that's slash usa. that's forward slash usa. get in touch and i'll read out a bunch before
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the end of the show. but before all of that, it's time for your latest news headlines. and it's polly middlehurst. >> martin, thank you and good afternoon to you. well, the top story from the gb newsroom today is that the killers of 23 year old cody fisher have been jailed for life with a minimum tum to serve of 26 and 25 years, respectively. the semi—professional footballer was stabbed during a fight on the dance floor of a birmingham nightclub on boxing day in 2022, a jury at birmingham crown court found 23 year old remi gordon and 22 year old cammy carpenter guilty of his murder. the sentence passed is somewhat a blessing that they are no longer on our streets and hopefully go somewhat to try and eradicate this awful epidemic that is ruining so many lives. sadly not all have been brought to account, but they know who they
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are or for us as a family. cody will still not come home and will still not come home and will forever live in the shadow of a senseless murder. that was, cody's mother, tracy, speaking outside birmingham crown court. well in another story today, a 28 year old man has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of his wife in march last year, nicholas metson stabbed 26 year old holly bramley at least four times. lincoln crown court heard he attempted to conceal his crime by buying cleaning supplies and paying by buying cleaning supplies and paying his school friend £50 to help dump his wife's body parts in a river. holly bramley's remains were discovered in the river over a week later by a passer by. now the labour party's headquarters has been targeted by pro—palestinian protesters as the group, known as youth demand , sprayed both as youth demand, sprayed both the inside and the outside of
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the inside and the outside of the building in red paint. the protesters claim the party are complicit in, quote, the murder of palestinian jews in the ongoing israel—hamas conflict . ongoing israel—hamas conflict. it comes after the labour leader, sir keir starmer, reiterated his call for the government to publish advice received on whether israel is violating international humanitarian law, and the labour leader says the nhs is on its knees today. he also promised a modernise the health service if his party wins the next general election. it is hoped that a plan to digitise children's health records, the records , health records, the records, known as the red book, will boost vaccination rates and improve access to health care. it would see parents receive automatic notifications for appointments and health information via the nhs app, while sir keir starmer says the plan will bring the nhs into the future. >> everybody has that. red book knows that it can get lost, it can get forgotten. all the details have to be re—entered.
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it wastes a huge amount of time and this is an example of the sort of reform that we want in the nhs. obviously everybody will know the nhs is absolutely on knees if we're elected on its knees if we're elected into government, if we're privileged enough to come into government, we'll have to pick the nhs up, put it on its feet. but we also need to make it fit for future. that's where for the future. and that's where the comes in. the reform comes in. >> starmer , now the >> sir keir starmer, now the prime suspect in the murder of a woman in bradford in yorkshire , woman in bradford in yorkshire, came to britain on a student visa. west yorkshire police have released photographs now of 25 year habib masum from the year old habib masum from the oldham area. he's described as an asian man, asian man rather of slim build. he was seen wearing a jacket with grey, white and black horizontal stripes. the victim, known to masum , was attacked on a main masum, was attacked on a main shopping street while she was out pushing her baby in a pram . out pushing her baby in a pram. despite efforts from an off duty doctor and passers by, she died from her injuries in hospital.
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the 25 year old former digital marketing student at the university of bedfordshire is still at large, with police warning he would still be armed. police are warning people to not approach him and anyone with any information should contact 999. now to news in the united states, where donald trump says that the right to an abortion should be left for the state to decide , polls show the majority decide, polls show the majority of americans believe access to abortion should be legal, with about 1 in 8 voters saying it's the most important issue for the next election . the former next election. the former president, who's running again this the overturning this year, said the overturning of the roe v case actually of the roe v wade case actually represents choice returning to the american people, many states will be different. >> many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others. and that's what they will be at the end of the day. >> this is all about the will of the people. you must follow your heart or in many cases, your religion or your faith. like
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ronald reagan, i am strongly in favour of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother . incest and life of the mother. >> donald trump now news here at home everton has been deducted a further two points for a second breach of the premier league's profit and sustainability rules. the merseyside club was already docked six points earlier in the campaign the same offence, campaign for the same offence, but now dropped to 16th in the table. just two points above the relegation places. the says relegation places. the club says they've already begun their preparation to appeal that decision . that's the news for decision. that's the news for the latest stories. do you sign up to gb news alerts? scan that qr code on your screen right now or or go to >> thank you very much, paulie. now we start with two stories that sum up the state of lawless britain. in a moment, the latest on the hunt for a man wanted in connection with the murder of a
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woman with a baby in a pram in bradford on saturday afternoon. but we start with the sentencing of two men for the murder of footballer cody fisher, rempe gordon and cami carpenter have been jailed for life today. cody was killed in a pre—planned attack in a birmingham nightclub on boxing day 2022. well gb news, west midlands reporter jack carson is outside birmingham crown court. jack carson is outside birmingham crown court . jack, birmingham crown court. jack, welcome to the show. a case that absolutely moved the nation and indeed cody's mother, tracy gave an incredibly moving statement. a short while ago. what's the latest ? latest? >> yeah, well, those statements from the family that we've heard outside birmingham crown court upon the sentencing of cody fisher's killers, really driving home, how just how tragic this killing was. of course, cody fisher was a 23 year old semi—professional footballer for local teams here around the birmingham area. he was also a
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p.e. birmingham area. he was also a pe. teacher at a local school . p.e. teacher at a local school. but on boxing day in 2022, remi gordon and cami carpenter were found by a jury here at birmingham crown court to have killed cody fisher in what was called a pre—planned act of retribution . the court heard retribution. the court heard today meant that the two engaged in significant planning in to order carry out a sustained group attack in which cody fisher was killed after a knife was stabbed into his chest and killed him. after the knife penetrated a valve in his heart. now, cami carpenter is the man which the court heard throughout this trial, and today he was the one that delivered the blow to cody fisher's chest . he, as well cody fisher's chest. he, as well as remi gordon, who was the group leader described in this attack, both received life sentences . as for the murder of sentences. as for the murder of cody fisher, remi gordon receiving a minimum of 26 years. but of course, as long as he's
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remaining of course on licence , remaining of course on licence, depending on what the parole board decides, it could well still be a life sentence. that 26 years, of course, is still a minimum . and the same for cami minimum. and the same for cami carpenter, who was given a 25 year minimum sentence . and after year minimum sentence. and after the sentencing, the mother of cody fisher , tracy fisher, gave cody fisher, tracy fisher, gave her thoughts on that sentencing to the press here. >> well, you always knew in our broken hearts what the conclusion would be without any doubt that our beautiful boy had lost his life down to knife crime no reason at all. the crime for no reason at all. the sentence passed is somewhat a blessing, that they are no longer on our streets and hopefully go somewhat to try and eradicate this awful epidemic thatis eradicate this awful epidemic that is ruining so many lives. sadly, not all have been brought to account, but they know who they are . for us as a family, they are. for us as a family, cody will still not come home and we will forever live in the shadow of his senseless murder. i know that our grief will go on
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and we will continue with our life sentence, missing our child each i will each and every day. i will mention with many thanks the police and the legal team for their determination during the investigation and for apprehending responsible . apprehending those responsible. >> yeah, really interesting comments from tracy fisher there, particularly the point that she said about, sadly that not all of those involved have been brought to account and they know who they are. that refers to that during this to the fact that during this trial , to the fact that during this trial, birmingham crown court heard remi as heard how remi gordon, as the group leader of this attack and the group leader of his friends, was constantly messaging a group chat over that christmas period on how exactly he could go about getting that what was called an act of retribution and an act of revenge . this all started two revenge. this all started two days on christmas eve, when cody fisher accidentally bumped into remi gordon in another nightclub in solihull, and what led from that was obviously the act of retribution that we've seen.
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unfortunately, in very tragically, take place. the judge here, judge farage kc, saying when he was sentencing carpenter in particularly saying that the choice of weapon, which we heard in court today was a zombie knife. the judge said, led me to conclude that you intended to kill so very clear from the judge there what he summed up the intentions of these two men to be, as we're hearing, they're just the impact really , of cody's death. the really, of cody's death. the fact that , as tracy fisher was fact that, as tracy fisher was saying, that she is she and of course, cody's father now feel like they are living a life sentence without their son and in particular, the victim impact statement we heard from jessica chatwin, who is the who was the girlfriend of cody that really particularly powerful because she was there at the time of the attack. she was one of the witnesses that spoke in court dunng witnesses that spoke in court during the trial, saying that just before the attack happened,
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cody turned round and gave her a smile, which she said was full of love and happiness, and she now wonders whether that was his laugh last goodbye. but here is the tragic case and the story of cody fisher's death. play by play. this is the moment remi gordon was arrested by police just two days after murdering 23 year old cody fisher in a nightclub in birmingham. fisher was a talented footballer, having played for stratford town and bromsgrove sporting, and was enjoying a night out on boxing day in 2022 when he was fatally stabbed in the chest. his murderers , remi gordon and cammy murderers, remi gordon and cammy carpenter, killed cody in a pre—planned act of revenge on the dance floor of the crane nightclub in digbeth, birmingham, two days before his death. cody fisher was out with friends on christmas eve in a different nightclub when he accidentally bumped into gordon's cctv footage gordon's back. this cctv footage shows the two in conversation fisher believed he'd done
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nothing wrong, but was threatened with violence after the confrontation, remi gordon found a picture of cody online and asked his friends to help identify him. seen here messaging a group chat only 45 minutes after the initial incident , gordon says he's due incident, gordon says he's due to shank him up. cody's simple mistake would turn out to be the catalyst for his murder. fast forward to boxing day and cody fisher can be seen in this footage arriving at the crane nightclub a few hours later, his murderers remy gordon and cammy carpenter turn up and smuggle a weapon through security . gordon weapon through security. gordon had found out from friends in the hours before cody was going to be there. just before midnight, cctv shows violence breaking out. it's at this moment, fisher is fatally stabbed in the chest with the knife penetrating a valve in his heart. he's later pronounced dead at the scene. west midlands police detective inspector michelle thurgood led the investigation, getting a call to say somebody's been murdered in a nightclub in the dark that has
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over 2000 people, is a challenge in itself. >> however, with the assistance of cctv and then from the appeal that we put out to the public, we were able in the preceding days to piece together who are potential suspects and then in terms of the suspects with absolute minutia detail, all watch, watch and rewatch the cctv, which was a process that took months , not days. took months, not days. >> alongside gordon and carpenter , the jury cleared 19 carpenter, the jury cleared 19 year old friend of gordon's, regan anderson, of murder and manslaughter, but found him guilty of affray. >> we'll have all been that person that's either been pushed or pushed somebody in a crowded premise , and normally it might premise, and normally it might be a few cross words, it might be a few cross words, it might be an apology and that's the end of it. but i guess we'll never understand why remy gordon took such an affront to this. that led to the events of boxing day. >> in a tribute by cody's mum,
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tracy fisher , she said he was tracy fisher, she said he was brave, fearless and the most genuine soul she knew, adding it was a pleasure and honour to call him my son. jack carson . gb news. >> and we'll have lots more on that story . okay, that was an that story. okay, that was an update. there on the story from earlier on. cody fisher and a mother, tracy, very, very emotionally spoke . we carry that emotionally spoke. we carry that live and we'll have more on that throughout the show. well let's get more now on the latest on the for man in the hunt for a man wanted in connection with murder of a connection with the murder of a woman a in pram in woman with a baby in a pram in bradford on afternoon . bradford on saturday afternoon. >> so when i looked, she was lying down and the head was down. and you know, all i see at the back and the baby was the pram was there and then i tried to check her nerves , pulse and, to check her nerves, pulse and, you know, she wasn't there. the police then within a few
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minutes, asian doctor coleman , minutes, asian doctor coleman, he goes, look, i am a doctor and let me check her. and he had his bag with him and he start checking her. and did , checking her. and what we did, we turn over and the blood we turn her over and the blood was over on the floor, on was all over on the floor, on our body. and then there was a stubborn marks. well, not marks, but wound on the neck. it was disgusting. actually. i couldn't take it in, but i tried my best to, you know what i mean? calm myself down. >> well, i've lost more than that story at 5:00, and we all expecting a statement from west yorkshire police throughout the show as well. we'll cross to that as and when it happens. a huge amount of questions to be asked. of course, we found out gb news broke the exclusive story that her masum came to the uk on a student visa. that's how he got into britain of bangladeshi origin. broad daylight stabbed a young mother
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to death. a 20. 27 year old. there are youtube videos he put out to his followers, of him making a cot you can see there on screen . perhaps that suggests on screen. perhaps that suggests the child may have been his. we don't know. we're going to wait for the police to give us more details . there's another video details. there's another video where he said he liked to travel and talked about how he enjoyed going to barcelona . appears a going to barcelona. appears a very ordinary 25 year old young man, worked in tech marketing and now he's wanted at large. no sign of him at the moment. a shop owner tried to save the young woman , but she died and young woman, but she died and the manhunt continues for habir. masum wanted in suspicion of murder in bradford on saturday in broad daylight, and we'll have lots more on that story. and of course, that press conference from west yorkshire police later show . and police later in the show. and there's plenty of coverage on our website, you've
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welcome back. it's 324. i'm martin daubney , and this is gb news daubney, and this is gb news
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now. still to come, labour party hq has been vandalised with red paint . and here are the shots. paint. and here are the shots. live in south—east london. on your screen now you can see red handprints , red paint sprayed handprints, red paint sprayed from a fire extinguisher. both outside and inside. they got inside hq and they blasted it with paint called youth demand and they certainly are making their demands. we'll have an update live at the scene later in the show . now we all know in the show. now we all know just how divided the tory party is at the moment, but now some people on the right of the party are claiming that downing street is blocking them from even standing at the next general election. well, i'm joined in our westminster studio now by our westminster studio now by our political correspondents, catherine fourth. catherine, i read this over the weekend and the claims are maggie thatcher wouldn't even be selected as a candidate these days because the theory being rishi sunak wants to load the party with the wets ,
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to load the party with the wets, as you may, unsavoury call them those from the more, one nation side of the to party ensure they can't be a right wing takeover. is there any merit, or is this sour grapes from those who haven't made the grade ? haven't made the grade? >> well, it absolutely depends on you're talking to, what on who you're talking to, what response you will get to that question . now, the some feeling question. now, the some feeling very bruised by this saying effectively that cchq wants to put in what they're calling yellow tories. in other words , yellow tories. in other words, not very far away from the lib dems. they want to stack it basically so that after the, they lose the next election as they lose the next election as they expect to do , they'll make they expect to do, they'll make sure that there'll be some sort of centrist one nation candidate who takes the leadership up, whereas there's plenty of, of people that have been rejected or from the right who feel that , or from the right who feel that, you know, this is this is a stitch up. now cchq, i think it's worth saying have said that this has no basis in fact, but
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then goes on to say, obviously a bit difficult for candidates who attack the party leader to be selected , given that they will selected, given that they will be asking constituents to cast their votes for him to be pm. so on the one hand, they're saying there's no basis in fact , but there's no basis in fact, but they are also admitting basically, if you have been publicly not very nice about the prime minister then don't expect to be selected for a seat , i to be selected for a seat, i don't think that's entirely surprising. i mean , for example, surprising. i mean, for example, lord david frost is very keen to stand. he's he's happy to relinquish his seat in the house of lords, but he has been extremely critical of rishi sunak. now are they really going to want to give him the chance to want to give him the chance to , to get in as an mp and to, to get in as an mp and potentially in influence the outcome of the next leadership election? i suspect they're not. >> okay. well, let's speak to one of the people who says he's
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being blocked from standing, and that's david campbell bannerman, who, is the former who, of course, is the former mep for the conservative party. welcome to the show , david. so welcome to the show, david. so you've been pretty outspoken in your condemnation of this. you think it's a fix? tell us more . think it's a fix? tell us more. >> well, it is a fix, i'm afraid. >> central office has far too much power over candidates. >> it really should be down to local associations to choose their candidate . their candidate. >> s and what you have is a sort of whole system that the first people. >> i'm the third at the moment. >> i'm the third at the moment. >> i'm the third at the moment. >> i can apply anywhere but nowhere because i'm deferred and i'm not the only one. >> there's some senior people, and this is often because number 10 interferes with candidates and they sit on the candidates committee. we know who they are allegedly vie, who get involved in this, but it's not right to fix it. you know, there is a process, quite rightly , to process, quite rightly, to ensure that you have decent candidates. >> you know , and they're not >> you know, and they're not bankrupt or corrupt or whatever . bankrupt or corrupt or whatever. but, you know, when it comes down to it, it really should be
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down to it, it really should be down to it, it really should be down to local associations. >> that used to be the case before william hague changed the constitution back in 98, and david in a report i read over the weekend, leaked from inside some of those candidate interviews. >> the questions weren't about low taxation, weren't about your positions on brexit, but instead candidates are being asked their take on diversity . it doesn't take on diversity. it doesn't sound like the conservative party to me. >> well , you know, the point is, >> well, you know, the point is, in the actual constitution , in the actual constitution, there's nothing about conservative values. >> what we're meant to believe in. and that is a major problem. now, i'm afraid i don't think we know what sunak believes in or what the administration believes in, and that is turning people away. >> and it's all part of the bigger picture. but no, those values is really what people should be interviewed about because you don't want to find out after they're elected that they're actually closet lib dems. they're not really true
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tories, and they don't actually believe in a lot of conservative policies. and that is what's going on at the moment. and i'm afraid it does go back to cameron and before cameron, it's been for a long time, and been fixed for a long time, and you just have to read nadine dorries book the plot to see what's going on. and there's a lot of reality in that. it's not fiction . fiction. >> okay, david, we've got a question here. katherine forster. our political correspondent is in the studio. i would like to ask you a question. hey, catherine. >> hello, david. hello, david, i was at a dinner back at party conference where conference last year where i think you suggested. you basically said that were so basically said that you were so fed up with the conservatives, the track that they're going down that you suggested that members actually stopped paying their fees. and can you really be surprised? >> i'm afraid i have to stop you there because we can cross out of bradford, where police are making a statement on the search for the man suspected of killing a over the weekend . a young mother over the weekend. >> i would like you to thank you
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all taking time to be all for taking the time to be here afternoon and for here this afternoon and for sharing support and sharing the your support and sharing the your support and sharing our updates and appeals. so far , saturday's incident has so far, saturday's incident has understandably caused a great deal of shock and concern, not only in bradford but across the country . on saturday afternoon, country. on saturday afternoon, a 27 year old woman called sam akua was stabbed to death in bradford centre . i would first bradford centre. i would first like to say my thoughts and the thoughts of all those within west yorkshire police are with sam's family and friends at this incredibly difficult time . we incredibly difficult time. we have a suspect in this investigation who details have been widely circulated and we are doing everything in our power to locate him. >> we've been overwhelmed with pubuc >> we've been overwhelmed with public support , and i would like public support, and i would like to thank everyone who has so far assisted with our investigation . assisted with our investigation. >> i will now go through everything we know about saturday's incident and the steps we have taken since . there
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steps we have taken since. there will be time for a small number of questions at the end on saturday the 6th of april, shortly before 3:20 pm, called, salma akhtar was walking in bradford city centre . salma was bradford city centre. salma was with her young baby at this time and was walking along westgate when she was stabbed , attacked when she was stabbed, attacked and stabbed multiple times . and stabbed multiple times. emergency services were called at 3:21 pm. however, despite the best efforts of members of the best efforts of members of the public, ambulance crews and hospital staff called salma sadly lost her life due to the injuries her baby is safe and well and was not harmed in this incident . through initial cctv incident. through initial cctv enquiries, we identified a suspect, 25 year old habib masum kulsum. amazon are known to each other and are from oldham in greater manchester. on sunday, we circulate an appeal to locate masum, who also has links to burnley and chester. masum is a
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slim asian man and was last seen wearing a duffle coat with three large horizontal lines of grey tracksuit bottoms and maroon trainers at 3:30 pm. on saturday, he was captured on cctv getting on a bus on market street. here in bradford. he then gets off the bus at 3:42 pm. on killing hall road and walks in the direction of bradford moor park. this is our last confirmed sighting of him . last confirmed sighting of him. there has since been no confirmed sightings of masum . confirmed sightings of masum. however, i would like to thank again everyone who has been in touch. we have had teams of officers working through all the contacts that we've received and following up on all lines of inquiries . there is significant inquiries. there is significant resources conducting cctv and house to house enquiries and we also have local bradford officers carrying out increased patrols in the area, which i hope will be of some reassurance
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to residents with the support of other forces, we have conducted a number of raids in the burnley and oldham and chester areas in the search for my son, and dunng the search for my son, and during these searches , a 23 year during these searches, a 23 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender and is now in police custody . our offender and is now in police custody. our enquiry continues at pace and we remain keen to receive any information which would assist. we are also appealing to any taxi drivers in bradford who may have picked up my son on saturday afternoon from the bradford moor park area, and it is very likely that he would paid in cash. if he would have paid in cash. if you see masum , please call 999 you see masum, please call 999 immediately and i urge people not to approach him, but to instead to contact the police , instead to contact the police, and we can act on any information that is provided . information that is provided. thank you. any questions? chief constable, if anyone knows the whereabouts of the son, that they're concerned about their own safety or well—being because they think that that might
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jeopardise them, what would your appeal to be be to them? they can contact us on 999, or they can contact us on 999, or they can contact us on 999, or they can contact crime stoppers independently if they want to remain anonymous. >> whereabouts is the 23 year old from? >> i don't want to provide that information at this moment in time. >> can you tell us if masoom was known to police before this, and if elaborate on if so, can you elaborate on that, please? >> masoom, was known to the police, not in west yorkshire . police, not in west yorkshire. and that's as much as i'd like to say at this stage, the victim knows of at least. do you have any contact with her? had she been with yes. been in contact with you, yes. she what can you tell she had. and what can you tell us about that? obviously, my inquiries at this moment in time are in relation to the live investigation. i don't want to go into any details outside of that. you like to make that. would you like to make a direct appeal to my son himself? i direct appeal to my son himself? | , direct appeal to my son himself? i , i would encourage masum i would, i would encourage masum to contact us and hand himself in immediately. >> he talks about the baby and how the baby's doing. >> the baby. as i said in my
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statement, the baby was not harmed in this incident and is fit and well. >> tell us the >> can you tell us the relationship between the suspect and the victim? >> want to go those >> i don't want to go into those details , but what i say is details, but what i can say is they known to each they are both known to each other. sorry >> said said a baby. he is fit. >> well, the baby is fit and well. >> so he can't give us any more. no i don't want to go into any detail. >> can you give us an age for the baby? >> i don't want to go into any details. how concerned are you that might have the that the son might have fled the country stage . i have country at this stage. i have through lines of enquiries through the lines of enquiries that we've done. we've done an all ports warning, and i believe him to still be in this country at this moment time . and any at this moment in time. and any eyewitnesses who were at the actual event on saturday afternoon, what would your message be to them? as we've donein message be to them? as we've done in the previous appeal, we would encourage anybody who was in that area who may have seen anything, caught anything on their dash cam footage in vehicles. if they were passing to contact the police immediately. we'll pick immediately. and we'll pick up that and deal with that information and deal with it. >> and are any events or
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>> and are there any events or incidents prior to this incident that or relevant that are of concern or relevant to investigation ? to this investigation? >> all i want to talk about is this investigation at this moment in time, should the pubuc moment in time, should the public worried ? masoom has public be worried? masoom has obviously at this moment in time is a suspect. we do have a victim who has sadly died, so he is at risk or is at risk. so i would encourage everybody to contact us and not to approach him. people in bradford are obviously very concerned right now. can you tell us about the work that west yorkshire police is doing in bradford city centre right now? yeah, as i said, we've got extra officers within bradford at this moment in time who are conducting house to house enquiries with regards to the investigation also the investigation and also conducting sweeps for cctv with regards to where the last known occasions were. >> we know the suspect had moved from oldham to bradford. >> can you tell us about the length of time that she was there and the reasons behind that move? i don't want to go
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into any of those details at this moment in time. into any of those details at this moment in time . could you this moment in time. could you just is his for us, just tell it is his name for us, please ? yeah, certainly. the please? yeah, certainly. the deceased is called samah, which is k u l s a m a deceased is called samah, which iskulsamaakhtar deceased is called samah, which iskulsam aakhtara deceased is called samah, which is k u l s a m a akhtar a akhtar k ulez a m. say again. sorry. >> k u l s a k u l s k ulez a m. say again. sorry. >>kulsakulsa kulezam. say again. sorry. >>kulsakulsama. >>— >>kulsakulsama. >>andthen >>kulsakulsama. >> and then akhtarakter. >> and then akhtar a k t e r. how concerned are you about knife crime and the victims of knife crime and the victims of knife crime and the victims of knife crime in west yorkshire , knife crime in west yorkshire, which is being addressed as one of the key concerns by the police and crime commissioner and the mayor yorkshire . and the mayor of west yorkshire. work. work is ongoing with regards to that . we have our regards to that. we have our operation gem lock with regards to the areas that we have concerns about increased patrols in those areas , but this is in those areas, but this is separate to that. this was somebody who was coming to the area for a particular reason . area for a particular reason. >> one final question .
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>> one final question. >> one final question. >> have you have you had to refer yourselves to any other pubuc refer yourselves to any other public police body or anything in relation to anything previous contact you may have had with anyone ? yes, we have referred anyone? yes, we have referred ourselves to the lpc because we have had previous contact with the deceased. and could you just give us a final reminder if anyone's got any information, what they should do, please contact the police either on 999 or crime stoppers if they feel like they don't want to divulge their details . their details. >> thank you very much. so >> thank you very much. so >> and that was a press conference from west yorkshire police . the deceased has been police. the deceased has been named kulsum akhtar, 27 year old mother from oldham, stabbed to death . habib masoom is wanted on death. habib masoom is wanted on suspicion of that murder. it was confirmed in the police conference there that masum was
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known to police, the details are being widely circulated. been overwhelmed by public support. the officer claimed there have been a number of raids, he added in burnley, oldham and bradford. a man aged 23, has been arrested, for assisting massom . arrested, for assisting massom. he confirmed he was known to police, as was the deceased, although he didn't go into any details appealing for cctv footage or dash cam footage of anybody in the area, masum was seen getting onto a bus and they're appealing to taxi drivers who may have picked him up. he may have paid cash, they say. still known to be in the area. he was specifically asked there. the police officer. has masum in your knowledge , left masum in your knowledge, left the country and the police officer replied, i believe him still to be in the country at the moment . still to be in the country at the moment. so still to be in the country at the moment . so the still to be in the country at the moment. so the manhunt for
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habib masum now underway, believed to be still in the country, a man has been arrested for assisting him. but the man, still wanted on suspicion of that murder remains at large at present. we'll have full details on that as they come in now. i'll have plenty more to bring you on that in just a moment, so please don't
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welcome back. it's 443. i'm martin daubney , and this is gb martin daubney, and this is gb news. now, later in the show, i'll tell you all about an historic moment involving the french at buckingham palace today. but before that, the state pension rises today by 8.5. as the triple lock pension commitment finally kicks in. and the government says the increase will provide a meaningful difference for those reliant on this pension. but is this right?
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how does today's pension increase actually impact you? well, here to break it down, it's gb news economics editor liam halligan with on the money reporter . liam halligan with on the money reporter. liam, liam halligan with on the money reporter . liam, welcome back to reporter. liam, welcome back to the show. so is this a happy monday for pensioners or is a dread of fiscal drag going to eradicate all of these increases ? >> 7- >> it's a bit 7_ >> it's a bit of 7 >> it's a bit of both. martin, i'm sorry, i can't give you a straight answer, but that's economics, isn't it? quite a lot of time . give me a one of the time. give me a one handed economist. napoleon handed economist. as napoleon said , because they always say on said, because they always say on the one hand, but then on the other, a lot going the one hand, but then on the otihere. a lot going the one hand, but then on the otihere. this a lot going the one hand, but then on the otihere. this is a lot going the one hand, but then on the otihere. this is thea lot going the one hand, but then on the oti here. this is the start going the one hand, but then on the otihere. this is the start ofing on here. this is the start of the fiscal year. monday the 8th of let's do an on the of april. let's do an on the money graphic, because money graphic, martin, because i know it wouldn't the same know it wouldn't be the same without headline is without one. the headline is that the triple lock applies. the triple lock is the law that was introduced by that tory lib dem coalition from 2010 onwards, that the basic state pension goes up each year by either earnings , prices or 2.5,
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earnings, prices or 2.5, whichever is the greater. now we've got a rise this year of 8.5% from today, from april the 8th in the basic state pension . 8th in the basic state pension. that's on top of last year's 10.1% rise. so these are big chunky increases, even though as many pensioners will tell you and there are 12 million people in the uk getting the basic state pension, as many of them will tell you that our basic state pension is actually quite low international standards, low by international standards, but of is 8.1% higher. but as of today is 8.1% higher. let's have a look at those numbers. so the basic state pension is £221.20. that's up from £203.85. that's per week. and that's for those who've qualified for the basic state pension since april 2016. those who qualified before that . so who qualified before that. so that means that they are older, they're getting £169 a week, £169.50, up from £156.20. and that's if you qualify for the
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bafic that's if you qualify for the basic state pension before april 2016. look, these are quite chunky increases there, you know, six 700, £900 a month in some cases. and pensioners should be quite pleased about that. certainly a lot of younger people think the triple lock is unfair because they say all pensioners, they've got all the houses and they haven't got mortgages. that is the case in some cases. on the other hand, martin, there's also quite a lot of pensioner in this of pensioner poverty in this country . a lot of pensioners country. a lot of pensioners would say the basic state pension because pension isn't a benefit because they've paid for all their they've paid for it all their lives have, through lives and they have, through national contributions lives and they have, through national and contributions lives and they have, through national and yalsoibutions lives and they have, through national and also say ons , of course. and i'd also say that it , of course. and i'd also say thatitis , of course. and i'd also say that it is quite low by international standards. and there's also this little extra tax thingy going on. >> okay. superb. so as ever, liam halligan always on the money. thanks for joining liam halligan always on the money. thanks forjoining us on money. thanks for joining us on the show. now is the uk prepared for war? well, we'll be discussing this next. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back. it's 450 now. we've got more on a breaking news story we brought you a short while ago, and it's this. the labour headquarters has been vandalised and spray painted by an extremist group called youth demand. and they hope from their actions, this will help impose an arms embargo on israel . and let's speak now on israel. and let's speak now to our reporter, charlie peters, who's outside that vandalised labour party hq. charlie. well come to the show . so there's come to the show. so there's a scene of devastation behind you there. charlie, what's what's there. charlie, what's what's the latest? and what do we know about this group ? about this group? >> so 11 people have been arrested here at labour hq in central london. it's a group called youth demand. we revealed last week on thursday that they
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were set to take action in central london this week. we also revealed that they are joining forces with palestine action youth demand is a spin off of just stop oil. it's environmentalist group that's focused typically on oil and gas issues, but it has joined with palestine action for some planned collaboration later this week on the wednesday. but today is their first demonstration. a group of 70 protesters from the group of 70 protesters from the group set off from victoria embankment in central london, marching towards parliament square. we understand that several members of that protest were threatened with arrest under new powers given to the police last year in the public order act, but were not arrested. although one member was searched. however, at the same time, concurrently, 11 people were arrested here for spraying labour headquarters in central london with red paint. we also understand that three
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protesters made it inside the building . now this group, youth building. now this group, youth demand they are focusing on a mixture of pro—palestinian and environmentalist messages . they environmentalist messages. they believe that a genocide is being caused by oil and gas licences, and another one is being caused by the arms sales to israel, allowing them to conduct that war against hamas in the gaza strip. this is the start of several protests they have planned for this week, and there are fears that that protest level could escalate as the week goes on, in particular with this collaboration with palestine action, because that group has conducted rather more severe means for their protests beyond just paint , they've been known just paint, they've been known to smash up windows, infiltrate factories linked to israel and engagein factories linked to israel and engage in more violent means to get their message across . but get their message across. but youth demand here, 11 arrests in their first of several demonstrations this week . demonstrations this week. >> well, charlie peters, indeed
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it was you who broke the exclusive story that they were teaming up with palestine action, and they said they meant business and they've proven it very . very quickly. >> yes, absolutely . and at the >> yes, absolutely. and at the time, policing minister chris philp did say that he was extremely concerned by this new alliance. but he said that the police would not stand by to allow anyone, any group to cross the line. lord walney, the government's independent adviser on political violence and disruption , said that these new disruption, said that these new links were an unholy alliance between militant gaza protesters and environmental ists. youth demands say that democracy has failed , and the only way they failed, and the only way they can prevent what they say is a genocide is direct action. like this . this. >> okay. thank you. charlie peters live there in south—east london outside the labour party hq. charlie peters, to remind you the story last week you broke the story last week that youth demand were teaming up with palestine action to step up with palestine action to step
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up hostilities. and they proven that today 11 arrests at labour party hq, 70 protesters marched towards hq, three made it inside and with makeshift fire extinguishers full of red fluid, sprayed it across the inside and the outside of the labour party hq. and what happens to them now remains to be seen. they weren't obviously stopped from getting inside , or they took the labour inside, or they took the labour party hq totally by surprise . as party hq totally by surprise. as you can see the footage there, they're spraying the paint and it sort of just stop oil manner, but than this is but rather than orange, this is red, presumably to signify blood. they want arms blood. they want an arms embargo. they want the uk to stop selling arms to israel. now. love all the latest in just a moment on that story. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel now let's get your weather forecast and it's alex burkill. >> with a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather
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on . gb news. on. gb news. >> hello again. welcome to your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office. most of us will see some wet and windy weather as we go through the next 24 hours or so, in association with a feature that been named by the that has been named by the french met service, storm pierrick . but it is going to pierrick. but it is going to bnng pierrick. but it is going to bring some unsettled weather to many us. watch out for some many of us. watch out for some heavy, thundery downpours across parts east as we go parts of the south east as we go through otherwise, through this evening. otherwise, it's across it's strong winds across southern and western coastal parts that cause bit of parts that could cause a bit of a and then some heavy, a problem. and then some heavy, persistent way persistent rain pushing its way across england across parts of northern england and into scotland. as we go through tonight into the through tonight and into the early of tomorrow because early hours of tomorrow because of and of the cloudy, wet and windy weather, really weather, temperatures really aren't going to drop much for many of us, so a mild start tomorrow , pretty unsettled. tomorrow, but pretty unsettled. one persistent rain one two heavy. persistent rain continuing across parts of scotland could be some wintry ness over the higher ground here. otherwise, outbreaks here. otherwise, some outbreaks of parts of northern of rain for parts of northern england and into wales, and a few spots elsewhere too, few showery spots elsewhere too, but something a bit drier,
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perhaps even a bit brighter across of northern across parts of northern ireland, wales ireland, western wales and southwest go southwest england. as we go through the afternoon, temperatures be down temperatures will be down several compared to several degrees compared to today. highs of around 13, possibly 14 celsius at best. after a bit of chilly start on after a bit of a chilly start on wednesday morning, it is going to turn wet and windy again from the west as some wet weather pushes its way in in association with another system that's going to its through later on to push its way through later on in the week. and there should be something dry across something of a dry trend across southern parts at least, and temperatures rising to with highs 20s. highs in the low 20s. >> looks like things are heating up . boxt boilers sponsors of up. boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> good afternoon to you. it's 5 pm. and welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news. broadcasting live from the heart
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of westminster and all across the uk on today's show. police have appealed for habib masum to give himself up after a mother was stabbed to death in broad daylight on saturday, and she was named a short while ago as 27 year old kulsum akhtar . next 27 year old kulsum akhtar. next up, rishi sunak is hoping people will flock to the tories once the economy improves . but i'll the economy improves. but i'll tell you why that might not even happen because it might not even save him at the election . and save him at the election. and more than two centuries since france last invaded britain, i'll tell you why. french troops were at buckingham palace today, and that's all coming up in your next hour. welcome to the show. it's always an absolute pleasure to have your company. i want to hear from you. and there's a new way you can get in touch with us. you send your now and us. you send your views now and post your comments by post them. your comments by visiting forward
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visiting gb forward slash visiting forward slash your say forward slash your say. put your comments up and i'll read the best out before the end of the show shortly as well. i'll have the direct of research at the henry jackson society on the show. i'm talking about an astonishing survey into the attitudes of british muslims. some really eye opening stats to go through. and i'll ask him, does this prove we have two societies here living in tandem? we seem to be incompatible in terms of values . but before all terms of values. but before all of that, it's time now for your latest news headlines with polly middlehurst . middlehurst. >> martin, thank you and good evening to you. well, let's bnng evening to you. well, let's bring you up to date with events in yorkshire where in the in west yorkshire where in the last police have confirmed last hour, police have confirmed at a news conference that the man in connection with man wanted in connection with the murder of a woman in bradford was known to them. 25
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year old habiba masoom, also , we year old habiba masoom, also, we understand, came to britain on a student visa. he is from the oldham area and is described as an asian man of slim build. he was last seen wearing a jacket with three large horizontal grey stripes, and he's wanted after 27 year old kulsum akhtar was fatally stabbed as she pushed her baby in a pram in broad daylight in a busy shopping centre on saturday in bradford. police say they now want to speak to any taxi drivers who may have driven the suspect to bradford moor park. they're saying the suspect is likely to have paid in cash, and people are being warned not to approach him either. assistant chief constable damian miller said in the last half hour, the patrols in the area have now been increased . increased. >> there has since been no confirmed sightings of masoom. however, i would like to thank again everyone who has been in touch. again everyone who has been in touch . we have had teams of touch. we have had teams of officers working through all the
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contacts that we've received and following up on all lines of inquiries . there are significant inquiries. there are significant resources conducting cctv and house to house enquiries and we also have local bradford officers carrying out increased patrols in the area, which i hope will be of some reassurance to residents . to residents. >> damian miller, speaking there of west yorkshire police. well in another murder story today, the killers of 23 year old cody fisher have been jailed for life with a minimum time to serve of 26 and 25 years respectively. the semi—professional footballer was stabbed during a fight on the dance floor of a birmingham nightclub on boxing day 2022, and he died. a jury at birmingham crown court found 23 year old remi gordon and 22 year old cammy carpenter guilty of his murder, speaking outside court today, cody fisher's mum tracy said you never expect your child to be murdered . the child to be murdered. the sentence passed is somewhat a blessing that they are no longer on our streets and hopefully go
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somewhat to try and eradicate this awful epidemic that is ruining so many lives. sadly, not all have been brought to account , but they know who they account, but they know who they are for us as a family, cody will still not come home and will still not come home and will forever live in the shadow of his senseless murder. now, in other news, today, 11 people have been arrested following a pro—palestinian protest at the labour party's headquarters. the group, known as youth demand, sprayed both the inside and outside of the building in red paint. the protesters claimed that the party is complicit in what they've described as the murder of palestinians in israel's conflict with hamas. the terror group. and it comes after sir keir starmer reiterated his call this morning for the government to publish its advice on whether israel is violating international humanitarian law in gaza. meanwhile, the labour leader says the nhs is on its knees and he's promised to modernise it if
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his party wins the next election . it's hoped that a plan to digitise the red book of health records that parents receive when a baby is born will boost vaccination rates and improve access to health care . it would access to health care. it would see parents receive automatic notifications for appointments and health information via the nhs app. sir keir starmer says the plan will make the nhs fit for the future. >> everybody has that. red book knows that it can get lost, it can get forgotten. all the details have to be re—entered. it wastes a huge amount of time and this is an example of the sort of reform that we want in the nhs . obviously everybody the nhs. and obviously everybody will at will know the nhs is at absolutely on its knees if we're elected into government, absolutely on its knees if we're elected into government , if elected into government, if we're privileged enough to come into government, we'll have to pick up , put it into government, we'll have to pick up, put it on its pick the nhs up, put it on its feet. also need to make feet. but we also need to make it and it fit for the future. and that's reform comes in. >> sir keir starmer now in the united states, donald trump says that a woman's right to an abortion should be decided on a state by state basis. polls show
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that the majority of americans believe terminating a pregnancy should be legal, with about 1 believe terminating a pregnancy should be legal, with about1 in should be legal, with about 1 in 8 saying that it's the most important issue for them at the next us election . the former next us election. the former president, who's running again this year, said the overturning of the historic roe v wade ruling actually means choice is returning to the american people. >> many states will be different. many will have a different. many will have a different number of weeks, or some will have more conservative than others. and that's what they will be at the end of the day. this is all about the will of the people. you must follow your heart or in many cases, your heart or in many cases, your or your faith. your religion or your faith. like ronald reagan, i am strongly in favour of exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother . mother. >> donald trump well, for the latest stories, do sign up to gb news alerts. scan the qr code on your screen right now or go to gb news. com slash alerts .
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gb news. com slash alerts. >> thank you polly. now, in the past half hour, police in bradford have named the 27 year old mother who was stabbed to death in broad daylight as salma akhtar and the man they suspect of the killing is habiba masum. and gb news can reveal that the prime suspect entered the uk on a student visa. detectives have appealed for him to give himself up and for the public not to approach him. well, our yorkshire and humber reporter anna riley is at the scene. anna, welcome to the show. we heard we heard a short time ago from damian miller , the from damian miller, the assistant chief constable of west yorkshire police, releasing a significant amount of new details . fill us a significant amount of new details. fill us in. >> good afternoon. yes, we were in that press conference here at the bradford west yorkshire police headquarters and in that
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press conference we heard the name of the 27 year old victim. she was named as kulsum akhtar. police went into the details of how she was tragically stabbed to death on saturday afternoon in near bradford city centre in west gate. we also heard in the press conference that masoom was last seen on a bus at 320. at 342 in the afternoon. he was getting off the bus in the direction of bradford moor park, and that there'd been no confirmed sightings. after that . confirmed sightings. after that. and the police said that any taxi drivers that have may have picked him up for them to get in touch. he may have paid cash. they also that teams are they also said that teams are following enquiry , following all lines of enquiry, including increased patrols, and that a 23 year old man had been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender and that he was known that masum was known to police, but not in west yorkshire . and i believe we have yorkshire. and i believe we have
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a clip as well to play you there of assistant chief constable damian miller in that press conference. >> we have had teams of officers working through all the contacts that we've received and following up on all lines of enquiries. there is significant resources conducting cctv and house to house enquiries and we also have local bradford officers carrying out increased patrols in the area, which i hope will be of some reassurance to residents with the support of other forces . we have conducted other forces. we have conducted a number of raids in the burnley and oldham and chester areas in the search for masoom , and the search for masoom, and dunng the search for masoom, and during these searches, a 23 year old man has been arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender and is now in police custody . our offender and is now in police custody. our enquiry continues at pace and we remain keen to receive any information which would assist. we are also appealing to any taxi drivers in bradford who may have picked up my son on saturday afternoon from the bradford mall park
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area, and it is very likely that he would have paid in cash . he would have paid in cash. >> so that's the update there from the police. there were some questions from the press afterwards as well, in which the police have referred police said they have referred themselves iopc. that the themselves to the iopc. that the victim had been in touch with them before she was murdered, and as a result, that's why they've referred themselves to they've referred themselves to the iopc. no more information was given as to the relationship between the two. only that they were known to each other. it was also confirmed that the baby that was the mother was pushing the pram of when she was attacked is unharmed. so that's the information that we've got. police again saying that this man could still be armed so not to approach him, but any sightings , please report them to 999. >> thank you. anna riley. live there from the scene in bradford and damian miller , the assistant and damian miller, the assistant chief constable, when he was asked if he believed that the, the suspected killer was still
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in the country, he said yes. s he believes that he is still in the country at the moment, a reporter asked him if he felt , reporter asked him if he felt, muazzam had left the country and that was, that was rebuffed by damian miller. so the manhunt continues. as said, there, a number of raids made burnley, oldham and chester. the police are appealing for anyone with dash cam footage who may have beenin dash cam footage who may have been in the area round about the time of the killing, or also around about 322 when he was last seen on a bus to the bradford park mall area . moore bradford park mall area. moore park area beg your pardon? two taxi drivers who may have picked him up, but for now they believe this man who we recall habima. some came to the uk on a student visa , was known to the police visa, was known to the police but not in the area. and also the deceased was also known to the deceased was also known to the police. we'll have more on that throughout the show as any fresh details emerge. and in
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other news, two men were today jailed for life for the murder of footballer cody fisher. rempe gordon and cammy carpenter killed cody in a pre—planned attack in a birmingham nightclub on boxing day 2022 or gb news. west midlands reporter jack carson is outside birmingham crown court. jack, welcome to the show , a case which greatly the show, a case which greatly moved the entire nation at the time and indeed today, jack cody's mother , tracy fisher, cody's mother, tracy fisher, gave an incredibly moving statement after sentence was passed. bring us up to speed . passed. bring us up to speed. >> yeah, well, tracy fisher, the mum of, 23 year old cody, who, of course, was killed in the nightclub here in birmingham on boxing day in 2022, called in her statement after sentencing here, she said that anyone who carries a knife is a pathetic coward. strong words, of course. and she's still dealing with the
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tragic loss of her son, cody fisher. the events of his death started actually on christmas eve, two days before his murder, when he accidentally bumped into, remi gordon in a nightclub into, remi gordon in a nightclub in solihull. then over the following 22 hours, gordon collaborated with cami carpenter and others in a group chat in order and working out how to act on his revenge . the court on his revenge. the court heanng on his revenge. the court hearing over the trial and in the sentencing here. about this pre—planned what was called an act of retribution . so remi act of retribution. so remi gordon, who was called the group leader of this attack, was given a life sentence today, 26 years minimum. cami carpenter, who this court heard was the one who actually stabbed cody in the chest during that group attack . chest during that group attack. he's been sentenced to a minimum of 25 years, and given life, of course, in prison . now, both of course, in prison. now, both of them have already served well over a year , of course, in
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over a year, of course, in custody since this investigation and trial has been taking place. and so that will be deducted from , their sentences. but the from, their sentences. but the tragedy and the impact of cody fisher's death has really been felt here, particularly the victim impact statements read out in court, not only from tracy fisher, but also, of course, jessica chatwin, who was the girlfriend of cody fisher, was there on the in the crane nightclub in digbeth on the nightclub in digbeth on the night of his death, witnessed, his death , and the impact of her his death, and the impact of her really pushed today because she said that he was the love of my life. she called him her soulmate. she says my life has stopped. stopped that day, and i will never have get to have a fun loving christmas again. and that, she says she has to deal with the horrific events of that night, not only witnessing the attack, but also holding him in her arms as he took her last breath. also speaking outside the court on sentencing was tracy fisher, the mum of cody, and here's what she told us. >> we always knew in our broken
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hearts what the conclusion would be, without any doubt that our beautiful boy had lost his life down to knife crime for no reason at all. the sentence passed is somewhat a blessing that they are no longer on our streets and hopefully go somewhat to try and eradicate this awful epidemic that is ruining so many lives. sadly, not all have been brought to account , but they know who they account, but they know who they are. for us as a family, cody will still not come home and we'll forever live in the shadow of his senseless murder. i know that our grief will go on and we will continue with our life sentence missing our child each and every day. i will mention with many thanks the police and the their the legal team for their determination during the investigation and for apprehending responsible . apprehending those responsible. >> yeah, really important point to pick up on from from tracy fisher there feeling that not all justice in her eyes has been done, particularly around feeling that not everyone who might well have involved in
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might well have been involved in this so—called senseless murder of her son has been brought to justice. we know, of course, and we heard during the trial that remi gordon messaged just 45 minutes after cody fisher bumped into him accidentally in a nightclub. 45 minutes later, he was messaging a group chat with his friends, asking that he asking how he could find out who exactly the person was. there was a picture of cody fisher put in that group chat, asking people to help and try and identify what he called a pip squeeze. and then after the photo was sent, remi gordon put in that chat , photo was sent, remi gordon put in that chat, allegedly that he was due to shank him up. then as i was saying, over the next 22 hours, more planning took place between gordon and also carpenter in how to go about, of course, as we heard this act of retribution, this act of revenge. and it was the conversation between friends that they realised that cody fisher would be in the nightclub on the in the crane on boxing
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day night. and then they went, of course, to their smuggling a weapon through security . the weapon through security. the judge in the sentencing here saying that gordon and carpenter were subject to inadequate checks on the door. now, since of course, this case, this murder happened , the license of murder happened, the license of the crane has been permanently refused, rejected by birmingham city council and removed. they are no longer a licensed club . are no longer a licensed club. but of course, after the sad death of her and tragic death of her son, tracy fisher, now moving towards what she wants to be called, cody's law , which be called, cody's law, which includes the increased security around nightclubs and also the introduction of bleed kits to try and help stop these tragic killings in the future. >> jack carson thank you for that summary. and indeed, tracy fisher's testimony was so profoundly moving. she said no remorse has been shown by the
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killers. around this sentence. and this will not stop knives . and this will not stop knives. she talked very movingly about how cody's little brother not only lost his brother, but also a part of his mum. that day. only lost his brother, but also a part of his mum. that day . are a part of his mum. that day. are okay on a change of pace, it's time now for our biggest ever giveaway of the year so far. it's your chance to win £10,000 in cash. luxury travel items and a 2025 greek cruise were £10,000 on top. it's a prize package worth over 20 grand and it could be yours . and here's how you be yours. and here's how you could get on board. >> variety cruises have been sailing since 1942, and thanks to them , you could set sail in to them, you could set sail in 2025. you have the chance to win a seven night small boat cruise for two worth £10,000 with your flights, meals , drinks and flights, meals, drinks and excursions included. you can choose from any one of their 2025 greek adventures and find your home at sea. you'll also win an incredible £10,000 in tax
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free cash that you can use to make this summer spectacular. we'll also treat you to these luxury travel gifts for another chance to win a prize worth over £20,000. text win to 63232. text cost £2 plus one standard network rate message or post your name and number two gb zero four, po box 8690. derby de19, double t, uk. only entrants must be 18 or over. lines closed at 5 pm. on the 26th of april. full terms and privacy notice at forward slash win. please check the closing time if listening watching on demand. listening or watching on demand. good . good luck. >> great stuff. now a shock poll has found that less than a quarter of muslims surveyed in britain believe that hamas committed murder and rape in israel on october 7th, because today is the sixth month anniversary. astonishing findings , and i'll speak to the findings, and i'll speak to the research director from the henry jackson society next. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's
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news channel
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welcome back. it's 523. i'm martin daubney, and this is gbh news. now, later this is gbh news. now, later this hour, i'll speak to a senior police officer in scotland about the absolute chaos that's being caused by the snp's controversial new hate crime law. but first, to a shock poll into attitudes among british muslims and less than a quarter believe hamas committed murder and rape in israel on october the 7th. and here are the main findings of a survey survey of 1000 people. the headune survey of 1000 people. the headline figure is that just 24% of people think hamas carried out those despicable acts six months ago today , 46% of those months ago today, 46% of those polled feel sympathy towards
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hamas and 52% want to make it illegal to show a picture of the prophet muhammad. of course, that's what drove the batley grammar school teacher into hiding. three years on, he's still there . and finally, 46% still there. and finally, 46% think jewish people have got too much power over uk government policy. astonishing findings. i'm joined now to discuss them by mark sidwell, who is the director of research at the henry jackson society, who commissioned this poll . welcome commissioned this poll. welcome to the show, mark. an astonishing set of findings that suggest to me certainly reading them, we have a british muslim society with a set of completely different views to those held by the majority of the nation . the majority of the nation. >> thank you martin. it's great to be on. and of course we should. we should start by acknowledging that, you acknowledging that that, you know, millions of fellow know, we have millions of fellow citizens who are muslim in this country and they're not monolithic . and, you know, they monolithic. and, you know, they make extremely positive contributions ways to contributions in many ways to our national life. but we
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commissioned poll because commissioned this poll because we important to talk we think it's important to talk about there are about where there are differences and where differences of values and where there be quite worrying there seem to be quite worrying shifts. think shifts. and certainly i think there's information in there's important information in this poll. and the thing that i think most worrying most think is most worrying and most striking is when we look at striking is that when we look at these see that these results, we see that actually some most actually some of the most extreme radical are extreme or radical opinions are actually held by the actually being held by the youngest generation, by sort of 18 to 35, and by the most educated, by those often who've been to university. that's extremely worrying, because that's opposite of that's really the opposite of what you might expect. and people say, well, older people might say, well, older people might say, well, older people prejudiced than people are more prejudiced than the come along the new generations come along and university and and they go to university and they're know, they're more, you know, inculcated more inculcated into, into more liberal that the opposite liberal values that the opposite seems to be happening. >> and i think that should be a real cause for concern. we need to think about what's on to think about what's going on there. problems there. are there real problems in universities the in the universities and the attitudes they're educating attitudes that they're educating people and also perhaps people into? and also perhaps what the difference among what makes the difference among the young is it is it about onune the young is it is it about online misinformation ? is that online misinformation? is that part of what's going on? because perhaps the younger , more, more perhaps the younger, more, more
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onune perhaps the younger, more, more online older online than the older generations. yeah , it's generations. but, yeah, it's very worrying trends. >> i totally agree . that really >> i totally agree. that really leapt out at me, mark. this this sense that the young , almost sense that the young, almost a counter—narrative to our expectations are the more radicalised and as you say, what does that suggest about what they're being taught on university campuses, wanting to elect to me as what elect out to me as what i mentioned in my intro, about 52% wanting to ban cartoons of all pictures of the prophet muhammad . and we spoke to somebody earlier from the oxford centre on islam who said, this isn't in the quran, this is a more modern shana the quran, this is a more modern sharia based interpretation . and sharia based interpretation. and of course, the batley grammar school teacher mark is still in hiding. we don't have blasphemy laws in this country, and yet 52% seem to be in favour of them i >> absolutely. we seem to be developing in some ways an informal one, and there's certainly a risk of falling into that that's being enforced by these these of that these, these sort of norms that that forming among some that are forming among some communities . as you say, it communities. as you say, it shouldn't be as something
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shouldn't be seen as something that's deep in in the that's sort of deep in in the religious background. is religious background. this is actually a modern, trend. actually quite a modern, trend. we did a paper on this last yean we did a paper on this last year, some other extremism think tanks have worked on it. i'm pleased say commission pleased to say the commission for extremism, which for countering extremism, which is, sponsored by is, more closely sponsored by the government, just put out something on blasphemy related extremism earlier this year. it's a trend seems to be it's a trend that seems to be developing out of some political strains, particularly of strains, particularly out of pakistan , and that that is pakistan, and that that is starting to inform, views inside the uk. and we need to think very seriously about how we counter that. you talk about, batley, there's wakefield as well . there's, there was a film well. there's, there was a film that, caused a lot of trouble. it's really it's an important area to think about. >> well, mark said, well, it's a brave and it's a vital piece of research. there's so much more to go into on halal, on public prayer rooms, on on the dominant religion , of islam perhaps being religion, of islam perhaps being coming to the fore, the forefront in the uk. mark sidwell, the director of research at the henry jackson
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society, thank you very much for joining today on gb news. joining us today on gb news. fantastic piece of work. now, of course, still waiting to course, we're still waiting to find out when the next general election be. and a gb news election will be. and a gb news poll over the weekend put labour an incredible points ahead of an incredible 26 points ahead of the and the bad the conservatives and the bad news for rishi sunak is that another poll out today says that even if the economy improves, by the time we go to polls , it the time we go to the polls, it would hardly make a difference to how intend to vote. to how people intend to vote. well, joining me now is gb news senior political commentator, nigel nelson. nigel welcome to the show. well, as bill clinton said, it's the economy, stupid. that's what people always vote on. seems like that's not the case because i think the tories were thinking that the longer the election goes on, the better the election goes on, the better the economy may improve. therefore, the better their prospects . but but nigel, this prospects. but but nigel, this says, going to happen. says, ain't going to happen. >> no. that's right. and i think that that the problem is the tories really have run out of road now and run out of time, so
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it would, it would require a huge improvement in the economy and people feeling much, much better than they do now before it would have any effect on the polls. i mean, people sort of decide to vote over a fairly long period of time. and the idea that you can just turn it round in a couple of months isn't really a goer. round in a couple of months isn't really a goer . also, isn't really a goer. also, you're up against the one great election driver is time for change. that margaret thatcher lasted 13 years. new labour lasted 13 years. new labour lasted 13 years. rishi. rishi sunak's tories have been around now for 14 and that probably is a year two two. many >> and nigel, you know historically the conservative party always put themselves forward at any rate as the party of low taxes. we have the highest taxes since world war two. so that's not happening. and what was curious about this report, nigel, is that 41% believe that taxes will rise if the tories win, but 49 if the
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labour party wins taxes will increase whatever the party that gets in. so perhaps that's the point. people just don't think there's much difference between there's much difference between the two parties, nigel, and they simply now want change. >> no, i think that that that sadly i mean, people think that , sadly i mean, people think that, high taxation is almost inevitable in inevitable no matter who's in government , which is inevitable no matter who's in government, which is a inevitable no matter who's in government , which is a pity, but government, which is a pity, but i mean, that that's the way, way it appears to have gone. obviously, you've got to blame a bit on the aftermath of covid for this, but at the moment the tories are relying on things like, national insurance cuts now, although that that's made , now, although that that's made, people a bit better off when you compare it with the tax thresholds being thrown or being frozen and the personal allowance frozen, that means 1 in 4 people are either paying more taxes or paying tax for the first time. so really, the cuts they've done so farjust haven't they've done so far just haven't made enough of a difference. and evenin made enough of a difference. and even in the economy will improve
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a little bit over over this year , you will probably see inflation getting down to 2. that will mean cheaper mortgages, but but it's just not enough. and i think that that now sir john curtice the pollster, was absolutely right. the tories have got about a 1% chance actuallywinning. chance of actually winning. >> okay . thank you very much. >> okay. thank you very much. and that's nigel nelson. so the economy won't make any difference. will penny difference. but will the penny drop now drop in downing street now there's lots more still to come between now and 6:00. and i'll tell why . the coldstream tell you why. the coldstream guards you guards were in paris today. you believe it. but i can tell you that we haven't finally invaded france. sorry to disappoint, but first, here's your latest news headlines, and polly headlines, and it's polly middlehurst . middlehurst. >> and we start this headline section with some breaking news for you. we're hearing from the metropolitan police that they have human remains have identified human remains found in a park in south london as that of 38 year old sarah
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mayhew . it's after a man and mayhew. it's after a man and a woman were arrested on suspicion of murder . they, we understand, of murder. they, we understand, remain in custody. that discovery was made in rodan fields in new addington , near fields in new addington, near croydon, on tuesday. that's at the beginning of april . and that the beginning of april. and that news just coming into us from the metropolitan police. more on it, of course, as it comes to us also in the news today, the man wanted in connection with the murder in bradford murder of a woman in bradford was known to police. 25 year old habiba masoom came to britain on a student visa. he's from the oldham area. is described as an asian man of slim build. he was seen wearing a jacket with three large horizontal grey stripes and he's wanted after 27 year old kusama akua was fatally stabbed as she pushed her baby in a pram in broad daylight in a busy bradford shopping area . busy bradford shopping area. police want to speak to any taxi drivers who may have driven the suspect to bradford moor park. the suspect is likely, we understand, to have paid in
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cash. people are being warned as well not to approach him, assistant constable damian assistant chief constable damian miller said a short time ago. patrols in the area have now been increased . a new poll has been increased. a new poll has found that 74% of british muslims would not object if abortion was outlawed. a survey of 1000 british muslims carried out by jl partners also found that just 28% would object if homosexuality was banned. the research was commissioned by the henry jackson society, which says the results reveal attitudes that are very different from the bulk of the british population . those are british population. those are the headlines. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news stories, do sign up to gb news alerts, scan the qr code on your screen or go to . >> thank you very much, pauline.
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now joining me now is michelle dewberry. she's of course doing dewbs& co six till seven. judy's always an absolute joy to see you. what's on your menu? >> hello, martin. yes, i've said farewell to the caravan in skegness and the bar in skegness and to the bar in lanzarote. i'm back in the studio. >> and how i've missed everybody. >> there's so much been going on while i've been away. >> course i want pick up >> of course i want to pick up the ridiculousness of willie the ridiculousness of the willie wragg , but i want to wragg situation, but i want to dig deeper. >> martin, what goes on with our morals in society? why are so many grown adults desperate to be sending pictures of their bits and pieces to strangers , bits and pieces to strangers, using apps for hook ups and all the rest of it? >> it's all very odd , and i just >> it's all very odd, and i just wonder what it tells us about society broadly . also as society more broadly. also as well angela rayner rumbles on well is angela rayner rumbles on keir . he reckons it's keir starmer. he reckons it's just a smear campaign now just all a smear campaign now against angela rayner. is it? are you actually interested at home? tell me in this row about angela rayner's house. >> not also as well. >> are not also as well. >> are not also as well. >> i pick up that story that i know you've just shown the pictures of labour covered
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pictures of labour hq covered in paint. think that paint. now, do you think that there should be an arms embargo or i also want to talk or not? i also want to talk about the loneliness benches. martin, if was feeling a bit martin, if you was feeling a bit lonely , would you grab a pew at lonely, would you grab a pew at these benches ? these rainbow coloured benches? >> now? they've installed them at stoke on trent. >> sit down have a chat with >> sit down and have a chat with a answer a stranger. is that the answer to loneliness? to fixing loneliness? >> the of >> well, i like the idea of sitting down a bench with a sitting down on a bench with a stranger, the rainbow stranger, but the rainbow colours put me that's colours might put me off. that's just dewberry just me. michelle dewberry great to back and you'll be to have you back and you'll be rocking and firing. 617 dewbs& co straight after me. looks superb now. got lots more still to come before 6:00. in a few minutes i'll cross live to scotland, where the controversial hate crime laws are having a huge effect on how police officers do their jobs. is anybody surprised? but first, there's a new way to get in touch with us. and here's bev turner with all the details. >> we are proud to be gb news the people's channel. >> and as you know, we always to love hear your views. now there's of getting in there's a new way of getting in touch with us at forward your by
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forward slash your say by commenting you can be part of a live conversation and join our gb news community. you can even talk to me, bev turner or any of the members of the gb news family. simply go news. family. simply go to gb news. com say
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i >> earlier on breakfast. >> earlier on breakfast. >> you made it. >> you made it. i >> you made it. i get >> you made it. i get it cracking. yeah. >> okay. get into your seat under gordon brown. >> and we had high levels >> and we had very high levels of pensioner poverty under the last government. last labour government. >> have the >> the nhs should have the staff, equipment the staff, the equipment, the technology it needs without relying sector . relying on the private sector. but i've got to deal with the world it is. after 14 years world as it is. after 14 years of government, of conservative government, russia's against russia's aggression against ukraine being the predominant factor at the present moment, it makes sense for a country like ourselves to make sure that we're in a good place if the worst should happen. >> i have been called out by my children, who are six and eight, for having me, i'm like, for for having me, and i'm like, for goodness elbows on the goodness sake, elbows on the table. yeah. >> breakfast on gb >> from six it's breakfast on gb
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news . news. >> welcome back. it's 540. i'm martin daubney and this is gb news. now, i don't want to alarm you, but french soldiers have been seen marching through the gates of buckingham palace. but don't worry. they were celebrating their 120th anniversary of the entente cordiale , when france and the uk cordiale, when france and the uk signed a deal settling a range of colonial disputes after the historic napoleon sonic wars. now, at the same time, members of the coldstream guards were in paris, where they met president macron. well, joining us now is the former royal correspondent for the sun, the legend who is charles rea charles, always a j'oy charles rea charles, always a joy to have you on the show. so we've invaded france at long last. >> yes. well, thank god i mean, it's a lovely bit of theatre, you know, and in actual fact, at buckingham palace, the scots guards you know, guards were there, you know, along with the french. >> and that's the first time they've been on the same field,
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if you like, since waterloo, together , so that was quite together, so that was quite a nice little bit, fortunately , nice little bit, fortunately, though the it's only going to be the changing of the guard. >> they're not going to allow the french to guard the palace. thatis the french to guard the palace. that is a right only reserved for the, you know, home grown troops and the commonwealth troops. and given they're given the french record and not being able to stop people coming across from calais , i'm quite across from calais, i'm quite pleased that they're not going to guard the palace otherwise , to guard the palace otherwise, we may end up with illegal immigrants each of the royal immigrants in each of the royal rooms there, martin. >> yeah. charles, i was i was wondering if you'd get that a little bit in. but these these are moments. they are important . are moments. they are important. they show the benefits of the royal family in our extension of soft power. and we could do with more relationships with france because, you know, we certainly do with their help, as say, do with their help, as you say, on a range measures, mainly on a range of measures, mainly protecting their own borders. >> yes, yes. absolutely
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>> yes, yes. you're absolutely right. it is important. >> and relationships , with >> and relationships, with france have been, you know, a bit of seesaw over the, over the years with brexit and everything else. >> but really we are close relations. we are close, close friends . and, you know, we will friends. and, you know, we will call upon each other when and if needed, as, as we did during two world wars. >> yeah. superb stuff . and you >> yeah. superb stuff. and you know, look at all that pomp and ceremony. it does look magnificent . it it is. and we magnificent. it it is. and we could do we do with a good could do we could do with a good royal story at the moment, charles. do charles. we could all do with cheering this helps cheering up. and this all helps isn't it. >> certainly does. it was >> it certainly does. and it was nice see duke and duchess nice to see the duke and duchess of edinburgh taking the salute, today , with the french today, with the french ambassador. that was, that was quite pleasant as well to see them out and about, doing their doing their stuff. >> fantastic. so thanks for joining us. charles rae the entente cordiale, at least in the palace grounds, very much alive and kicking. thank you very much . now loads of you've very much. now loads of you've been getting in touch today and using our new way of getting in
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touch. that's our web page. gb news. com forward slash your say there's still time to get your views across before the end of the show. if you go in there, you'll see that i'm logged in as martin daubney. reply martin daubney. you can reply directly me, keep it clean directly to me, keep it clean and i'll read out a few of those in the next few minutes before the show. i'm martin the end of the show. i'm martin daubney britain's the end of the show. i'm martin daubrchannel britain's
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>> i'm patrick christys every weeknight from 9:00, i bring you two hours of unmissable, explosive debate and headline grabbing interviews. >> what impact has that had? >> what impact has that had? >> we got death threats and the bomb threat and so on. >> our job to do what's in >> ourjob is to do what's in the interest of our the best interest of our country. >> you made argument for me. >> you made my argument for me. >> you made my argument for me. >> and i tackle the >> my guest and i tackle the issues really with issues that really matter with a sharp take every i'm sharp take on every story i'm heanng sharp take on every story i'm hearing and down the country. hearing up and down the country. >> a beginning, hearing up and down the country. >> a beginning , an >> that was a beginning, not an end. >> patrick tonight from >> patrick christys tonight from 9 pm. gb news, 9 pm. only on gb news, britain's news channel .
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britain's news channel. >> welcome back. it's 547. i'm martin daubney and this is gb news. now, this time last week we were talking all about scotland's controversial new hate crime law. it into hate crime law. it came into force on april fool's day. yes. really? that was no joke. and as people protested outside the scottish parliament, there were fears that the police would be deluged with complaints. and sure enough, that's exactly what's happened. it said that 8000 complaints were made in the first week since it became law . first week since it became law. well, i'm delighted to say i'm joined now by david threadgold , joined now by david threadgold, who's the chair of the scottish police federation. thanks so much for joining police federation. thanks so much forjoining us on the show, much for joining us on the show, david. david police officers must be pulling their hair out at this. your job is hard enough at this. yourjob is hard enough already. the boys and the girls in blue want to police the streets. now, thanks to this ,
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streets. now, thanks to this, you're having to police people's tweeze. is it not a complete waste of police resource ? waste of police resource? >> well, that's an entirely subjective view , martin. subjective view, martin. >> them. the role of the police in scotland is to enforce and, you know, to police the laws that do exist and many personal views on the relevance of this one, you know, are not for me to comment on, but you're absolutely correct in your introduction piece that, you know, been around know, there have been around 8000 police scotland 8000 calls, police scotland has gone public and said that they will investigate each and every one calls . and when you one of those calls. and when you consider that approximately a third i understand, third of them, i understand, have been made anonymously, it does emphasise the scale of the task. but also i would ask the pubuc task. but also i would ask the public whose support we need and whose trust we need, but what is your motivation and contacting the police and reporting hate crime? you know, an offence under the hate crime legislation 7 under the hate crime legislation ? because i just cannot accept that there were 8000 people who, on the 31st of march this year, felt like they were being the victims of hate crime. so
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there's real understanding of there's a real understanding of there's a real understanding of the consequences of tying up police in dealing this police time in dealing with this legislation impact that legislation and the impact that that might have later on this that might have later on in this calendar . calendar year. >> but, david, in terms of the deployment of officers , of deployment of officers, of resource of overtime, you know, the to day basics of running the day to day basics of running a police force, this must have created a huge headache for you in terms of the deployment of resources. and i guess the greater concern is, does that mean that crime, crime mean that street crime, crime that impacts people directly? we know, example, a house is know, for example, a house is broken into every two hours in scotland, less than half crimes are solved and now you have to put officers on to this. it cannot help matters. >> no, you're right, it can't. >> no, you're right, it can't. >> the police, you know, are we are well under our budget at establishment in scotland at the moment. we had a recruitment freeze which took effect from september has only september 2023. that has only just we've only just recommenced recruiting police officers in scotland at the end of march. so any spike in the business of policing, such as we have seen
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in the last week , will have an in the last week, will have an impact. now, what we are trying to as officers in to do as police officers in scotland and, you know, within my organisation is to my own organisation is to promote policing in a positive light, to that police light, to show that police officers scotland are officers across scotland are trying to do their best to deliver that in very deliver that service in very difficult circumstances . uses difficult circumstances. uses this amount drain on our this amount of drain on our resource only have one resource can only have one impact, and that will be on the delivery policing delivery of policing across scotland either other scotland, either in other aspects policing directly aspects of policing not directly related legislation. related to this legislation. community policing, policing of the network, for example, the roads network, for example, but also on the time taken to deal this type of call, deal with this type of call, which can only be increased because volume of calls because of the volume of calls that we are seeing. >> yeah. and of course, david, you humza yousaf would you know, humza yousaf would no doubt a laudable doubt think it's a laudable thing stamp down on hate thing to stamp down on hate crime. people support that notion. you're the guys at notion. but you're the guys at the sharp end having to police the sharp end having to police the streets. and if you're unable to do that job because you're tired to computers, you're tired to computers, you're through paperwork, you're tired to computers, you'rit through paperwork, you're tired to computers, you'rit just through paperwork, you're tired to computers, you'rit just doesn'th paperwork, you're tired to computers, you'rit just doesn't bode erwork, you're tired to computers, you'rit just doesn't bode well'k, then it just doesn't bode well for keeping the streets safe , for keeping the streets safe, does it? >> i mean, what we want is, you
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know, if you talk about 8000 cases, there's a real risk potentially, that the genuine complainer, you know, that person scotland who is person in scotland who is genuinely the victim of this type of crime be missed. type of crime could be missed. now, humza yousaf is very keen to talk about police scotland's ability to deal vexatious ability to deal with vexatious complaints, ability to deal with vexatious comjwe nts, ability to deal with vexatious comjwe do, ability to deal with vexatious comjwe do it all the time and that we do it all the time and we do, but we've not seen anything like the scale of this. certainly in my time in policing and there is a risk that will and there is a risk that we will miss genuine miss that genuine call in deaung miss that genuine call in dealing those calls that dealing with those calls that have either been made anonymously those, as i have anonymously or those, as i have been contacted today told been contacted today and told that made as that have only been made as a protest against the government in scotland. now, it's not my job to have political commentary on would again on this, but i would say again to the public, please, if you feel like you are a genuine victim of this type of crime , of victim of this type of crime, of course the police. but course contact the police. but if it a if you're doing it to make a political point or a personal point, or to try generate point, or to try and generate you know, point scoring because you know, point scoring because you support a different football team else, then team from someone else, then the impact from the impact of those actions from the pubuc impact of those actions from the public a real impact public will have a real impact on our ability to deliver policing later on in this
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calendar year, because budgets are tight and the money are so tight and the money required to deal with this aspect of policing at the moment will have to paid for later will have to be paid for later in and that will in the year, and that will have an impact. in the year, and that will have an andict. a new poll out >> and david, a new poll out today shows that 68.6% of the scottish people would like to bin the hate crime law. what's the mood amongst the rank and file officers whose job it is to police this ? police this? >> i mean, it's only a week old, so, you know, it's very new legislation . there is no context legislation. there is no context around, the, you know, around, let's say the, you know, the of crime that's been the volume of crime that's been reported the training reported to us, the training that as police that we received as police officers in scotland was far from ideal, i think, in the way it was delivered, but also the time frames that we were dealing with. have to with. but i believe we have to move now and get move on from that now and get down business of actually down to the business of actually deaung down to the business of actually dealing goal, dealing with this goal, these goals, is word goals, confusion is one word that's to you that's been described to me. you know, basically having to know, we are basically having to sit set of sit with every set of circumstances is presented circumstances that is presented to us with those circumstances and decide and the legislation, and decide whether or not what has been presented to us fits the bill. if you like, quite literally. and decisions are
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and then decisions that are being the best of being made with the best of intentions are being criticised or commented on in the media. so we all have a role to play in sort of managing the expectations, not of expectations, not only of the public, politicians public, but what the politicians and this bill is actually likely to achieve. >> okay. >> okay. >> super. thanks very much for joining us this afternoon on the show. that's david threadgold, the the scottish the chair of the scottish police federation . thank you for your federation. thank you for your forthright opinions. now there's a new way for you to get in touch with me here at the show. and it's send your views and post your comments by visiting forward slash your say. i've got a few those say. and i've got a few of those to read out in particular the survey by the jackson survey by the henry jackson society on attitudes of british muslims has got you going. a quick one here, paddy. come on martin, can't really be martin, you can't really be surprised or shocked by this poll. it's so blindingly obvious. no, paddy, it is shocking to see it in cold, black and white. when we see, we appear to see two societies very differently apart and another one here, on the murders today,
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day in, day out, we hear of premeditated murders. these cannot and will never be stopped. why should i and others have pay for their lifelong have to pay for their lifelong incarceration? there must be no capital punishment . but these capital punishment. but these cases, irrespective of their age. john, that's a very strong opinion. but we don't have that in british society. but keep those views coming in. i'm logged in as me. you can reply directly to me on gb news. com website . slash yourself. and website. slash yourself. and that's all from me now. dewbs & that's all from me now. dewbs& co is up next and don't forget to join us from 6 am. tomorrow. it's breakfast with eamonn and isabel, britain's isabel, followed by britain's newsroom at 930 with andrew and bev and then tom and emily with good afternoon britain from midday. and then it's my mush back at three. i'm martin daubney. this is gb news now it's your weather and it's alex burkill. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb
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news. >> hello again. welcome to your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office . most of us will see some wet and windy weather as we go through the next 24 hours or so, in with a feature in association with a feature that has been named by the french met service, storm pierrick . but it is going to pierrick. but it is going to bnng pierrick. but it is going to bring some unsettled to bring some unsettled weather to many us. watch out for some many of us. watch out for some heavy, thundery downpours across parts east as we go parts of the south east as we go through evening. otherwise, parts of the south east as we go thrcstrong evening. otherwise, parts of the south east as we go thrc strong winds1ing. otherwise, parts of the south east as we go thrc strong winds acrosstherwise, it's strong winds across southern and western coastal parts a bit of parts that could cause a bit of a problem , and then heavy, a problem, and then some heavy, persistent way persistent rain pushing its way across northern england across parts of northern england and into scotland. as go and into scotland. as we go through and into the through tonight and into the early hours tomorrow because early hours of tomorrow because of wet and windy of the cloudy, wet and windy weather, temperatures really aren't going much for aren't going to drop much for many a mild start many of us, so a mild start tomorrow, but a pretty unsettled one. two heavy, persistent rain continuing across parts of scotland could be some wintry ness over the higher ground here. some outbreaks here. otherwise some outbreaks of rain for parts of northern england wales, and england and into wales, and a few showery spots elsewhere too. but bit drier , but something a bit drier, perhaps even a bit brighter across parts of northern
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ireland. western wales and southwest england. we southwest england. as we go through afternoon, through the afternoon, temperatures will down temperatures will be down several compared several degrees compared to today. around 13, today. highs of around 13, possibly 14 celsius at best. after a bit of a chilly start on wednesday morning, it is going to turn wet and windy again from the west as some wet weather pushes its way in in association with system going with another system that's going to its through later on to push its way through later on in and there be in the week. and there should be something of trend across something of a dry trend across southern parts, least, and southern parts, at least, and temperatures with southern parts, at least, and tempeintures with southern parts, at least, and tempein the; with southern parts, at least, and tempein the low with southern parts, at least, and tempein the low 20s. with highs in the low 20s. >> that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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when it comes to israel, should there be one or not? also, what's going on with this weird obsession with daubing paint over everything? just because you disagree with something, where that from? where does that come from? what's all about? and what's it all about? and speaking strange things, speaking about strange things, what on earth been going on while i've been on my holidays? ispeak while i've been on my holidays? i speak of course, of the bizarre situation when it comes to william wragg. you'll all be familiar am familiar with this, i am sure we'll now scotland are we'll now scotland yard are investigating what's been going on, to know what do on, but i want to know what do you on in our you think is going on in our society? why many grown society? why is so many grown adults seemingly so keen to adults now seemingly so keen to connect to strangers this connect to strangers in this way, sending pictures of their bits pieces and the rest bits and pieces and all the rest of very odd, if you ask me. of it very odd, if you ask me. but what does it say about our morals as a society? also, speaking labour speaking about the labour party, keir that focus keir starmer says that the focus on angela rayner's house is a smear campaign. so let me ask you, is he right and do you care about that story or not? i also want to ask you, as brexit made britain a lower status nation, that's what one former mp thinks. do you agree with him? also, do you think that the


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