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tv   Martin Daubney  GB News  May 31, 2024 3:00pm-6:01pm BST

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announced that diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate . after all, is this candidate. after all, is this the right thing to do, or is it yet another dramatic u—turn from the man mocked as mr flip flop.7 next up, rishi sunak's nationwide tour continues and today the prime minister is in the north west, while a new poll shows voters like his policies like pensions and national service. they're not warming to the prime minister did the tories have a rishi problem? and last night donald trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in his hush money trial. he blasted it as a rigged, disgraceful trial . well, at disgraceful trial. well, at 4 pm, donald trump will address p.m, donald trump will address the world in what promises to be his his most explosive press conference ever. and of course, gb news will be there for you live and direct from trump tower . and at around 3:25, i'll be joined by former white house adviser to president trump, sebby's corner gorka . you won't sebby's corner gorka. you won't want to miss that. also yesterday, five bulgarians were jailed after fleecing british
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taxpayers of over £50 million in benefits fraud . we'll have benefits fraud. we'll have staggering pictures of a town built in bulgaria, entirely paid for by embezzled benefits, handouts, and that's all coming between now on 6 pm. welcome to the show. and we'll also have the show. and we'll also have the latest on a truly shocking story from germany, where prominent anti—islam activists michael sternberger was brutally attacked in a mass stabbing earlier today that also saw a policeman stabbed in the neck. we'll also have some lighter stuff as well, as we cruise into the weekend. what a mickey mouse week. it's been for rishi sunak. they're talking about mickey mouse degrees. of course, this will also feature ed davey. he's been on a paddle board. he's been on a paddle board. he's been on a paddle board. he's been on his bike. he's been on a waterslide . what will his next waterslide. what will his next stunt be? would he be on a trapeze ? we'll have that live trapeze? we'll have that live from the lib dem campaign trail.
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and i want to hear from you. it's your show as much as mine. there's a way to get in touch as even there's a way to get in touch as ever. fire him over and i'll read out as many as i can between now and 6:00. but first, let's kick off the show with your headlines with tatiana sanchez . with tatiana sanchez. >> martin, thank you very much . >> martin, thank you very much. the top stories this hour. sir keir starmer has now said that diane abbott is free to stand for the labour party at the general election, ending days of uncertainty. mr abbott had the labour whip restored this week after a long suspension , but after a long suspension, but claimed she'd been banned from standing as a candidate and accused the labour leader of culling the party's left wing . culling the party's left wing. but sir keir starmer says she can stand with the party. >> labour and a vote for labour is a is a chance to end that chaos. to turn a page, to change for the better of the country, to change our nhs, to change our
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pubuc to change our nhs, to change our public services, to make sure our economy is stable, to make sure our communities are cared for and to move forward and rebuild our country. that is the choice i accept. not a single vote has been cast. i'm humble about this and i know every vote must be earned. but the power now under our democracy is with the voters to staying with laboun >> sir keir starmer says his party will fix britain's economy as he outlined a series of plans to cut household bills. speaking at an event in scotland , the at an event in scotland, the labour leader said the new pubuc labour leader said the new public owned gb energy would cut costs and speed up the transition to clean power . transition to clean power. urging his supporters to vote for change, sir keir said that while liz truss had lost control of the economy, labour's plans could be trusted. the prime minister dismissed it as a vanhy minister dismissed it as a vanity project . a nine year old vanity project. a nine year old girl remains in a critical condition after a drive by shooting in east london. after the offender fired from a motorbike. three men, aged 26,
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37 and 42, who were sitting outside a restaurant in hackney, were also injured and taken to hospital for treatment . police hospital for treatment. police say one of them is facing life changing injuries. say one of them is facing life changing injuries . at a press changing injuries. at a press conference just moments ago, detective chief superintendent james conway said the motorbike was stolen from a property in wembley in 2021. they've urged anyone with information to contact police or crime stoppers . free school meals would be given to all primary school children under a pledge by the liberal democrats . the party liberal democrats. the party says it will fund the plan by introducing a tax on share buybacks. the scheme would be introduced immediately for children living in poverty before being phased . in for all before being phased. in for all children, sir davey says. too many children are going to school on empty stomachs. former conservative mp julian knight has announced that he'll run as an independent at the general election . posting to social election. posting to social media, he said he was forced out
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of the party due to allegations he said were false. it comes after claims of serious sexual assault, though he faced no criminal charges. meanwhile, the welsh conservatives launched a campaign this afternoon pledging to bolster the country's nhs and halt a proposed tourism tax. the party also took aim at labour's 20 mile an hour blanket speed limits, saying there's no evidence they improve safety or air quality . police say at least air quality. police say at least two people have been injured in knife attack in germany during an online live streaming event. the assailant was reportedly outside a campaign tent for the german anti—islamist group citizens movement pax europa. the attacker was then seen walking through the city's market platz square, all of which were streamed live online. the suspect stabbed several people involved in the event before knifing a police officer in the back . before knifing a police officer in the back. in the us, before knifing a police officer in the back . in the us, donald in the back. in the us, donald trump was found guilty last night of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal in a
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historic turnaround from commander in chief to convicted criminal. trump, who pleaded not guilty and denied all 34 counts against him, rejects the verdict and said the people would ultimately decide in november's election. recent polls suggest a tight race against president joe biden, though around 13% of trump supporters have said they wouldn't vote for him if he were found guilty. houthi rebels in yemen have claimed responsibility for an attack on a us aircraft carrier in the red sea, which they say is in response to joint uk us strikes last night . response to joint uk us strikes last night. the prime minister says the uk will not hesitate to protect british interests after the raf carried out a fifth round of joint strikes against the houthis , who have been the houthis, who have been targeting commercial ships. the houthis, who have been targeting commercial ships . more targeting commercial ships. more than 600 homes in surrey have been told not to drink their tap water after tests by thames water. the company says there's a possible deterioration in the quality of drinking water in
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some areas. people in the village of bramley have been given precaution instructions not to use their drinking water for cooking or brushing their teeth or drinking. it comes after tests were carried out following a historical fuel leak from a petrol station, which has prompted complaints from local since 2021. chancellor jeremy hunt, who represents the constituency, says bottled water is being distributed to all those affected and a zoo is celebrating after 11 endangered baby penguins were born . the baby penguins were born. the highest number in a decade. the humboldt penguin chicks were born at chester zoo in mid—april. experts say the species was the most at risk of the 17 penguin species, due to climate change and overfishing thing. they're naming this year's chicks after plants with nettle , thistle, dandelion, nettle, thistle, dandelion, tulip and daffodil among the new baby chicks . for the latest baby chicks. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts by scanning the qr code on your screen or go to gb news.
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com slash alerts. now back to . martin. >> thank you tatiana. now there's only one place to start, of course, and it's a huge development in the labour civil war. just over an hour ago, sir keir starmer said diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate in the general election. and this comes after a long row over the future of britain's first black woman mp. well, mr abbott had been expected to be overlooked after she lost the whip last year, after she suggested that jewish, irish and traveller people experience prejudice but not racism . but here's what sir keir racism. but here's what sir keir sir keir said this afternoon . sir keir said this afternoon. >> diane abbott was elected in in 1987, the first black woman mp . she's been a trailblazer. mp. she's been a trailblazer. she has carved a path for other people to come into politics and pubuc people to come into politics and public life. the whip has
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obviously been restored to her now and she is free to go forward as a labour candidate . forward as a labour candidate. >> have you spoken to diane? >> have you spoken to diane? >> and do you understand that she wants to put herself forward, to stand? she's free to go forward as a labour candidate. >> the whip is back with her. it's been restored. and of course , you know, she was a course, you know, she was a trailblazer for many, many years. and has cleared the path for others to come into politics. so formally matter for the nec. but i've not expressed a view up until now. she's free to go forward as a labour candidate. >> there you go. abbott's back and i'm joined now by alison mcgovern, who's the shadow for minister work and pensions. welcome to the show, alison. alison the campaign trail, the general election has started. but who would notice it? nobody's even been talking about anything to do with labour's election plan. that all been talking about diane abbott . this talking about diane abbott. this debacle is completely overshadowed. week one of the general election trail. is it the right thing to do to bring
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diane abbott back, or is it yet another u—turn from keir starmer? >> well, i would definitely disagree with the characterisation of the situation there. >> as you just have it. >> as you just have it. >> i've spoken to many hundreds of people on doorsteps since, rishi sunak decided to finally, at last call the general election and they've spoken to me about lots of things, the state of their local a&e, what's happening for their kids in school and i definitely would disagree with your characterisation of the discussion that's happening in the general election as it is. you know, this hasn't been an easy situation for anybody. and you described earlier the problem with the letter that was written in diane's name, but she's gone through that disciplinary process and done the necessary training that was asked of her. as i understand it . so this process is dealt with now and in snap elections. you have this expedited process to confirm candidates will get on with it. and, you know, the country, i think is crying out for change in the way that we
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run our government. and that's what we in the labour party are absolutely focused on now. >> alison, a lot of people will be scratching their heads when they think about the labour party, pride ourselves on being anti—racist, on kicking out anybody who would come across as anybody who would come across as a bigot. but we need to address where this all started . that where this all started. that letter in the observer. it's true that many types of . white true that many types of. white people with points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice, but they are not. all their lives subject to racism in pre—civil rights america, irish people, jewish people and travellers were not required to sit at the back of the bus, clearly saying that racism experienced by jewish people doesn't really count because they weren't sitting at the back of the bus. how do you think it washes with the british public that you go on some online training module and you're suddenly not racist? because that's what diane abbott was accused of. >> well, i think that she has, accounted for that letter, which is not acceptable . jul. and that is not acceptable. jul. and that process has been gone through , i
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process has been gone through, i think that we need to get change in our country because whilst i, you know , i understand, this is you know, i understand, this is an issue that had to be dealt with. actually, this general election is about making sure that our kids have got a decent school to go to. it's about making sure that when people are sick in this country that the nhs functions and crucially , nhs functions and crucially, it's about making sure that people have got decent homes to live in and good jobs to do. those are the big issues that affect all of us. that's why we need to change our country and that's what we're focused on. >> alison, i put it to you. if she said these kinds of comments, i don't know about black people or muslims or gay people. this wouldn't have gone away. she'd have been kicked out of the party. it sends out the message, does it not, that racism against jewish people doesn't really count. you can simply apologise. the tone for your movements and then you're back in the party. not only that, be standing at the next election. i i profoundly disagree. >> we have to have zero tolerance on racism and discrimination. that's why the labour party, following the
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terrible situation that we got into previously we elected keir starmer as our leader who promised to rip out anti—semitic by its roots. and he has got on and done that and established processes that can deal with it. now we are in a general election at last, wanting to change our country and show that there is a better way for people to have a decent home, a good job to do and to and to have public services that support them. and that's where we are focused in the general election , isn't the the general election, isn't the fact of the matter is they could have done, they could have cleaned up the party properly by getting rid of jeremy corbyn job done there. >> but they could have got rid of diane abbott to show to prove that we were not stand for any type of anti—semitism in the party. but sir keir starmer has buckled. six unions wrote to him . angela rayner complained. anas sarwar complained there's a rift within the party. sir keir starmer has backed down. he's taken the path of least resistance to let diane abbott stand and hope this goes away . stand and hope this goes away. >> i just don't agree with you.
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we have changed our party since the defeat in 2019. we have made sure that we've got processes so that we can deal with any problems as as they happen and to make sure that we dealt with the challenge that we previously had in our party. keir starmer has changed the labour party and that's why we are focused on the issues that are raised with me day in, day out on doorstep after doorstep. people seeing the consequence of 14 years of conservative government, which has been absolutely terrible for both public services and for people's pay, and the quality of life that people in this country are able to lead. we've changed our party in order to be able to change our country. and that's what we're getting on and doing now. yeah >> alison, there's still a row breaking out as we speak around candidate selection in chris ward, a starmer adviser has been parachuted into brighton. that's gone down very badly with the left of the party. faiza shaheen has been deselected . she's been
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has been deselected. she's been replaced. she's saying that's proof of a systemic campaign of racism, islamophobia and bullying within some of the party. divided parties don't win. and it very much looks like alison mcgovern at the moment. the labour party is incredibly divided . divided. >> again, i'm going to have to disagree with you. that's just not the case, i am lucky enough to have experienced. this is my third snap election now, and we always have this, swift move to get all of our candidates in place . we've got some fantastic place. we've got some fantastic people who've stepped forward to represent the labour party. and ihave represent the labour party. and i have to say, you know, if you think that that is a divided party, what have you got to say about the conservative party with their absolute merry go round of prime ministers and chancellors ? i mean, that's been chancellors? i mean, that's been so terrible for the country. we are selecting a great bunch of people to be our candidates. we've got a vision for changing our country and that is what people are talking about on doorsteps up and down the country. so i'm sorry to have had to disagree with your characterisation of politics so much. this afternoon, martin,
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but i feel you've got it absolutely wrong . absolutely wrong. >> okay, well, we can agree to disagree, and i want to thank you for your time and mcgovern very generous with your time. thank you, the shadow minister, for work and pensions, alison mcgovern. thank you very much . mcgovern. thank you very much. now, moving on, listening to all of that was our political correspondent , katherine correspondent, katherine forster, who's out on the campaign trail. catherine, welcome to the show. always a pleasure and a happy friday. you're on the campaign bus there. well, here we go again. another day. and all we're talking about is diane abbott and rifts within the labour party. that's the last thing sir keir starmer wants us to talk about. and yet here we are again i >> -- >> yes. good afternoon martin. i'm here in cheshire, where the prime minister has been visiting a farm. but yes, you're quite right this afternoon. here we go again, talking about a diane abbott. keir starmer appeared to have kept a lid on divisions within the labour party over the last few years. didn't he seem to do a very good job of making
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it seem like they were all unhed? it seem like they were all united? that has completely broken apart over the last couple of days with this massive, massive row erupting over diane abbott. now, sir keir starmer's first position was no. she hasn't been barred . it's she hasn't been barred. it's a decision for the national executive committee on tuesday day. and then, of course, deputy leader angela rayner came out yesterday. and in complete contrast to sir keir starmer, said well, i think that if she wants to stand she should be able to stand. then we had anas sarwar , the, the scottish labour sarwar, the, the scottish labour leader, basically agreeing with angela rayner that was not the official line. only a few hours ago this morning, sir keir starmer was still saying it's a decision for the nec. but then, lo and behold, in the last hour or so he has moved now saying she is free to go forward as a labour candidate , if she wishes. labour candidate, if she wishes. now, the irony of all this is
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this is not what was supposed to happen. what was supposed to happen. what was supposed to happen was that diane abbott was going to get the labour whip back, and then she would decide that she was going to retire, and this would all be done very graciously, etc, etc. but given that this story broke with the news that she thought she'd been barred from standing, it's all got very nasty very quickly now. i think initially the feeling within labour was that this was sort of a bubble story that would go away. they just had to ride it out. clearly that has changed when we've gone on with three days of bad headlines and people across the political spectrum basically saying that this is no way to treat the first female black labour mp. so let's see if she stands. she had been planning to retire. we understand . but i suspect now understand. but i suspect now after all this, she's going to stand for labour. and i would suspect too, that she will win
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regardless of what sir keir starmer might or might not have liked to happen. >> okay, catherine fauser, you are currently, as we can see, tearing across the country on the conservative blue battle bus out on the campaign trail with the prime minister. what's the latest when everyone is talking about diane abbott? what's rishi up to? >> yes. so we're here in the nonh >> yes. so we're here in the north west today, and the prime minister has been at a farm just close to macclesfield called, andifs close to macclesfield called, and it's a david rutley . is the and it's a david rutley. is the candidate there. this is a super , super, super safe conservative seat and he's got an 11,000 majority. and you would imagine this is a seat that has been conservative for a very, very long time . conservative for a very, very longtime. but of conservative for a very, very long time . but of course, we long time. but of course, we know now that labour and the lib dems have in their sights many in inverted commas, safe conservative seats. so i think this is a bit about shoring up their core vote, getting out to
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that rural vote and saying, look, i'm here for you . and of look, i'm here for you. and of course, the prime minister talking to farmers was stressing that he represents a rural community in richmond, that he talks to the farming community all the time , that he values all the time, that he values what they do, talking about the weather and how much rain there's been. and of course, some of them are not very happy about some of those, conditions post brexit. >> katherine forster, thank you very much for that update. all aboard the battle bus with rishi sunak will cross back to you later in the show. thank you very much . we'll have lots more very much. we'll have lots more on the election campaign. of course, throughout the entire show . and if you want to see sir show. and if you want to see sir ed davey fall off a paddle board , then don't worry, i'll have that and much more coming up. just for you. and there's plenty of coverage on our website. and you've helped to make it the fastest growing national news website in the country. so thank you very much . country. so thank you very much. now £20,000 tax free has to be won in our great british giveaway. but you need to be quick as lines close at 5:00
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listening or watching on demand. good luck . good luck. >> now donald trump has been found guilty of falsifying business records. he says the verdict is a disgrace . but the verdict is a disgrace. but the big question now is will he be sent to prison or will he roar back? will be joining trump soon on martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel
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welcome back to approaching 326. i'm martin daubney on gb news now. later in the show, across live to epsom on one of the biggest days in the horse racing calendar. but before that, to the huge news coming out of the united states . and there's one united states. and there's one simple question today. will donald trump go to prison? trump was found guilty on all 34 counts following his hush money
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trial last night. he says the verdict was a disgrace , and verdict was a disgrace, and trump is expected to speak to the media at around 4:00. our time, around about half an hours time, around about half an hour's time now, of course, nigel farage is very good friends with the don, and farage told gb news that the jury's verdict is good news for trump's hopes of becoming president again . again. >> i personally think that the biden administration and the us judicial system have massively overplayed their hand. it was interesting that within half an hour of the verdict, trump's donation website crashed. you know, i mean , huge numbers of know, i mean, huge numbers of people were going on to give money to his campaign. and the real key thing here is what happens to those in the middle. people love trump. they say it's a disgrace . people hate trump. a disgrace. people hate trump. they'll say, oh, at least our system works . what happens to system works. what happens to those people in the middle? and my guess is that fair minded americans will think this is not showing their country in a very good light. and my sense is,
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ironically, this is probably the biggest electoral boost he could ever have had . ever have had. >> well, to discuss this further, i'm now joined by the former white house adviser to president trump, sebastian gorka. seb always a delight to have you on the show. so the world awaits . donald trump's world awaits. donald trump's appearance ran about 30 minutes or so time last night. he called the trial rigged and disgraced . the trial rigged and disgraced. are you expecting him to come out and be meek and apologetic or do you think he'll go nuclear, i think if you've been awake , and have a pulse for the awake, and have a pulse for the last eight years, you know what? it's going to be today, it's a sad day for all americans in terms of how the legal fabric of our judicial system terms of how the legal fabric of ourjudicial system has been rent asunder by judge juan merchan, by the prosecutor alvin bragg, and by biden's department of justice. but on the flip side , as that clip from nigel made very clear , the american people,
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very clear, the american people, especially those who are undecided, see through this the fact that the president's website, donald j., crashed for hours yesterday because it simply couldn't take all the donations that were coming from new supporters. the fact that my twitter feed is full of democrats who say that's it, this is wrong. i'm voting for donald trump. we've had it. we can't have the use of the judicial system as a political weapon. and to use a british phrase, this isn't just president trump or my former boss. this is the leader of the opposition. who, right now is trouncing the incumbent, joe biden in all the significant polls. and it should be the american people who get to decide on november 5th whether he gets to be president, not some democrat judge in a democrat city. >> and, seb, how do you think it will go, though, at that electoral pole? it is the only poll that counts. but elections are won from the centre, not from the magars, not from the hard—core base , who will
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hard—core base, who will probably follow donald trump off a cliff. if they could . but will a cliff. if they could. but will more moderate people? irrespective of what you say about this being a rigged trial, how it reflects badly on the entire fabric of the american legal system? will they be spooked by the fact that whether you agree with it or not, he has been found guilty on all of those counts? will that put the more moderate voters off, do you think? >> well, look, you , me, all the >> well, look, you, me, all the viewers of gb news, we're freaks. why because we're obsessed with politics. we watch these shows, we read the newspapers, and it's tough to admit this, but we don't determine elections. it is the middle, as you say. the people who are rather apolitical, who just want to make that car payment at the end of the month, make sure the kids have a new pair of shoes for the new term at school. and for them. what's the most important thing? usually it's their wallets. it's their pocketbooks . and just look their pocketbooks. and just look at the economy. we've had a doubung at the economy. we've had a doubling of the rate for a mortgage in the last three years. we've had record
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inflation. we've got open borders. i mean, you think you've got problems in the uk, we've got upwards of 10,000 illegals a day, more than 8 million let into into the us by joe biden's regime. so whether it's, you know, the illegals threatening your jobs, the price of petrol, which was quadrupled at the top of the biden administration , or just the fact administration, or just the fact that your mortgage payment has doubled in the last three years. i think people remember fondly the years when we were in the white house, when we had the biggest economy vie we had a, you know, a gallon of petrol was less than $2 when the border was secure. we crushed isis, lowest unemployment in history for hispanics and for black americans. people are going to vote based upon the economic disaster that is the biden administration. and then, of course, you'll have, you know , course, you'll have, you know, the hardcore maga base of people who listen to my radio show every day , and then you'll have every day, and then you'll have the loony leftists, but the middle will wake up that they want the boss back .
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want the boss back. >> okay, well, all eyes will be on trump tower around about 30 minutes time. sebastian gorka always a huge pleasure to have you on the show. no doubt we speak to very much more between now and november the 5th bonfire night. sure to the fireworks seb gorka . thank you very much. gorka. thank you very much. always a pleasure. now still lots more to come between now and 4:00. i'll have the very latest after a mass stabbing in germany and campaigners for the country's anti islamist group were attacked earlier on. but first it's your headlines with polly middlehurst . polly middlehurst. >> the headlines this hour sir keir starmer says diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate at the general election in july, ending days of uncertainty . miss abbott had the uncertainty. miss abbott had the labour whip restored this week after a long suspension, but claims she'd been banned from standing as a candidate and accused the labour leader of culling the party's left wing. but sir keir starmer says she can stand with the party.
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>> labour and a vote for labour is a is a chance to end that chaos, to turn a page, to change for the better of the country, to change our nhs , to change our to change our nhs, to change our pubuc to change our nhs, to change our public services, to make sure our economy is stable , to make our economy is stable, to make sure our communities are cared for to and move forward and rebuild our country. that is the choice i accept. not a single vote has been cast. i'm humble about this and i know every vote must be earned, but the power now under our democracy is with the voters to. >> keir has also said today his party will fix britain's economy, as he outlined a series of plans to cut household bills. >> speaking at an event in scotland, the labour leader said the new publicly owned gb energy would cut costs and speed up the transition to clean power. the prime minister dismissed it as a vanhy prime minister dismissed it as a vanity project and police are appealing for information from turkish and kurdish communities
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in london today as a nine year old girl remains in a critical condition in hospital after a drive by shooting in east london, she was having dinner with her family in a restaurant in hackney when shots were fired from outside the restaurant. three men were also hurt in the incident. one of them is facing life changing injuries. >> detectives are saying the motorbike used in the attack had been stolen from a property in wembley in 2021, and they're urging anyone with any information to come forward and contact police or leave a message on crime stoppers . message on crime stoppers. multiple people have been injured after a man apparently stabbed members of the public dunng stabbed members of the public during an on live online, rather live stream event in germany. >> the attacker was reportedly outside a campaign tent for the german anti—islamist group citizens movement pax europa, before he was shot by police . before he was shot by police. >> and if you're just catching up with the news today , donald up with the news today, donald trump has become the first us president to be handed a criminal conviction. >> he was found guilty last
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night of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal . it comes as polls scandal. it comes as polls suggest a tight race for the white house against joe biden, though around 13% of trump supporters have said they wouldn't vote for him if he was found guilty. >> he's due to speak in new york this afternoon. >> we'll have that live for you right here. gb news. that's the headunes right here. gb news. that's the headlines for the latest stories, sign up to gb news. scan the qr code on the screen right now or go to gb news. .com/ alerts. >> cheers! britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . financial report. >> checking on the afternoon numbers for you now the pound buying you $1.2756 and ,1.1733. the price of gold is £1,835.60 an ounce, and the ftse 100 is
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currently eight £8,267. >> cheers. britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . financial report. >> thank you paul, i've got loads more still to come on the show. and remember 4:00 we're due to hear from donald trump himself. it's going to be explosive stuff , but if you want explosive stuff, but if you want to get in touch with me, here's a new way. and bev turner has got all the details. >> we are proud to be gb news the people's channel. >> and as you know, we always love to hear your views. >> now there's a new way of getting in touch with us at by commenting , you can be part of a live conversation and join our gb news community. you can even talk to me, bev turner or any of the members of the gb news family. simply go gb com forward slash your say
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>> this is gb news and we are
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britain's election channel. >> this vote may seem to be about the politicians and the media, but it's actually about you. we won't forget that. >> join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together. >> more than ever, it's important to hear all sides as you make your decision in the run up to polling day. >> this is gb news, the people's channel >> this is gb news, the people's channel, britain's election . channel. >> welcome back. 339 is your time on martin daubney? and this is gb news. now. later in the show, i'll talk about the town in bulgaria that's been built entirely on the back of the biggest benefits fraud britain has ever seen. an astonishing story. an entire town built off your taxpayers money. now donald trump is about to speak to the media after he was found guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records. and believe
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me, you will not want to miss what's expected to be his most explosive media address in absolutely years before that, german police have shot a man who attacked members of a german anti—islamist group. footage on youtube shows the assailant stabbing a man and a police officer during a raid in manheim market square . it was hosted by market square. it was hosted by michael sternberger from a group called the citizens movement. pax europa . well, i'm joined now pax europa. well, i'm joined now by our homeland security editor, mark white. mark, welcome to the show. truly horrific set of images, just once again outlining the danger to people who speak out against islam. fill us in on the details. in this case. >> well, members of michael stolzenberg party, the bpp, which has been campaigning on, among other things, the dangers associated with the islamization of germany, they believe that
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michael sternberger was deliberately targeted. he was just about to address this rally in anaheim city centre in the market central square there, when the attack happened. footage apparently showed him being stabbed, then members of the rally team, other members of the rally team, other members of the bpp party pulling this attacker away from mr sturz berger. and then some point the attacker is seen getting up and launching another attack on the leader of the bpp before then moving towards a police officer, a police officer who we believe had mistaken one of the victims for the suspect and had that person on the ground. well, that person, that police officer was then stabbed by the attacker at
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that point, stabbed in the neck and according to the police, suffered significant injuries. as for michael sternberger , he as for michael sternberger, he has undergone, we're told, emergency surgery to stab wounds to the face and to the leg, but no further update on his condition and no word yet from the police about the motivation behind this attack. but as i say, martin, the party, the bpp are in no doubt that this was a targeted attack because of michael sternberger's outspoken views on the dangers of islamist extremists . extremists. >> pretty horrific story. mark white, thank you for bringing us up to speed. and of course, we'll have more details as and when we know the status of those casualties. thank you. mark white. now let's do something a little different, a little lighter , because if you're a lighter, because if you're a horse racing fan, then it's one of the best times of the year. i'm going to cross live to epsom
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ahead of today's big race, the oaks. i'm martin daubney on gb news. britain's news channel
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welcome back 346. i'm martin daubney on gb news now. viewers can now see pictures live from new york city, where donald trump will speak to the media at around 4:00. today's course, expected to come out fighting and swinging after his conviction yesterday following his hush money trial, was found guilty, of course, on all 34 counts. he called that a disgraceful rigged trial and you've already been getting such in your droves on this topic via hey dom says this if donald trump goes to prison , then the usa has a civil prison, then the usa has a civil war on its hands. the
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prison, then the usa has a civil war on its hands . the democrats war on its hands. the democrats are a disgrace. much like our labour party with similar tactics here for the benefit of the usa and for world peace. donald trump needs to win own ads. this this is truly shocking . a democrat judge supported by a democrat prosecution who refused to allow the defence to provide certain evidence in the most pro—democrat city around , most pro—democrat city around, with most likely a full democrat jury. they found trump guilty. is this truly what you would call a fair political verdict? no. opinions should be involved at all from politics. this shame america and quickly, kathy adds this if trump goes to jail, does that mean that his security detail, which is granted to all former presidents, has to go . to former presidents, has to go. to jail too? and we spoke to sebastian gorka earlier in this houn sebastian gorka earlier in this hour. he used to advise donald trump, of course, in the white house. he was saying that donald trump, comme the website, has gone into meltdown. people
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trying to send donations after that verdict live . they simply that verdict live. they simply can't get through to the website and nigel farage. earlier today, he said this would be the biggest boost possible in the campaign trail. now let's move on to another story and let's move on to our top story today. and that is sir keir starmer has said diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate in the next general election . and the next general election. and it comes after a long row over the future of britain's first black woman mp. miss abbott had been expected to be overlooked after she lost the whip last year , after she suggested that year, after she suggested that jewish, irish and traveller people experience prejudice but not racism more. join me now to discuss this is former labour party adviser scarlett mccgwire ahead of scarlett getting up. let's just go back over the details of that letter that diane abbott sent to the observer on the 23rd of april, 2023. she said it is true that
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many types of white people with points of difference , such as points of difference, such as redheads, can experience this prejudice , the prejudice of prejudice, the prejudice of racism, she meant. but they are not all their lives subject to racism in pre—civil rights america. irish people, jewish people and travellers were not required to sit at the back of the bus, thereby basically saying racism against jewish people doesn't exist. let's discuss this now . people doesn't exist. let's discuss this now. i'm joined by former labour party adviser scarlett mccgwire scarlett. welcome to the show. we've lost an entire week of the campaign trail, the labour party house talking about this , and it first talking about this, and it first seemed that sir keir starmer was going to do a corbyn on abbott and kick her out the party to clean the party up to change it, as he said. and then, angela rayner complained. anas sarwar complained. six union chiefs pushed back and it seems that that softened sir keir starmer, since he's done another u—turn . since he's done another u—turn. i put it to you. if sir keir starmer can't stand up to angela
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raynen starmer can't stand up to angela rayner, diane abbott, anas sarwar and the union chiefs how on earth can he be expected to stand up to vladimir putin or kim jong un? >> right? well, that's a nice tory line that you've got, martin. >> let's get the facts right. >> let's get the facts right. >> no, it's a it's a serious question. >> i am i am being really serious and i just don't think you are. >> let's get the facts right. >> let's get the facts right. >> diane abbott apologised as soon as there was a fuss about that letter. right. she then did. and there was then an investigation into it. she was asked to do a two hour anti—semitism training course. she did that and from then on, well, that's fine if you're not allowed in two hours, you're suddenly not anti—semitic . i suddenly not anti—semitic. i don't think i do not think that diane abbott is anti—semitic. right. | diane abbott is anti—semitic. right. i don't think she's anti—semitic . what she was anti—semitic. what she was trying to say. right. and she said it very, very badly. and she apologised as if she was saying that for black people ,
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saying that for black people, the minute you see them, you know, you're black. and that is in a in the south of america. they were put in the back of the bus. that does not mean that there isn't incredible discrimination against jewish people, but saying that about black people does not make her anti—semitic tick. however, she did the training. that's what she was asked to do. she was asked to apologise, which she'd already done. she was asked to do the training and now , not do the training and now, not because of the unions or angela rayner , actually, partly because rayner, actually, partly because of the media fuss. rayner, actually, partly because of the media fuss . but now, of the media fuss. but now, quite rightly, she's allowed to stand because she's she's apologised. that's what people do. they do things wrong and they apologise . they apologise. >> scarlett, do you think let's just flip some of the of the meanings around in this letter? do you think, for example, i don't know if she said black people can't experience racism because they didn't because they didn't experience the holocaust . didn't experience the holocaust. do you think that kind of logic would be allowed to be
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reprogrammed with a two hour onune reprogrammed with a two hour online training course ? online training course? >> no, martin, that's. but that's not what she said, was it? let's let's say let's get what she said straight. what she said was that for black people, they they had to sit at the, at they they had to sit at the, at the back of the bus and that for jews and travellers, let's let's not leave travellers out of it. it's not just jews, right? let's not have a hierarchy of racism. let's not pretend that that that travellers aren't. >> diane abbott made a hierarchy of racism in her letter to the observer. that's precisely the point . point. >> she was trying. she was trying very, very , very trying very, very, very clumsily, for which she has apologised . and she was trying apologised. and she was trying to say that there is a difference in perception and actually , you know, a lot of key actually, you know, a lot of key jews i have spoken to about this before and after. right? i mean , before and after. right? i mean, i mean, i remember working for jewish policy research and
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saying when i did an anti—semitism survey with them, saying, it's really tough for you , much tougher being black you, much tougher being black because you're always black, right? that's what she was trying to say. she said it very badly. right. it's not that there isn't incredible , that there isn't incredible, that there isn't incredible, that there isn't incredible, that there isn't anti—semitism. right. and it's not that that the holocaust didn't happen. but what she said is, is i apologise. i didn't mean to say that she went, i and i just do not think that diane abbott is anti—semitic . right. and most anti—semitic. right. and most jews don't either. okay that's out then. >> it's all sorted. thank you for joining us. scarlett mccgwire forjoining us. scarlett mccgwire always a delight to have your company. former labour party adviser . well, don't go party adviser. well, don't go anywhere because in a few minutes time we'll hear live and direct from donald trump. he's expected to come out swinging, absolutely fighting after he was found guilty of falsifying business records, guilty on all 34 counts. the world awaits a
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press conference live and direct in around five minutes time. live on gb news with me martin daubney. but before all of that, it's daubney. but before all of that, wsfime daubney. but before all of that, it's time for your weather and it's time for your weather and it's alex burkill. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello again. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office as we head into the weekend. and whilst it won't be completely dry, there will be a good deal of fine and settled weather around and also some warm sunshine too because of high pressure that is going to continue to extend its way in from the west. like i said, though not completely dry and that's the theme that we've had through today. some outbreaks of rain and southeast, most of these though, clearing away as we go through the evening and overnight. a few outbreaks of rain across the north of scotland. otherwise it is going to be a mostly dry night, a bit cloudy towards eastern parts , cloudy towards eastern parts, clearer skies further west and where we see some clear skies. i'm expecting temperatures to
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just about dip into single figures and there could be the odd pocket of mist and fog first thing tomorrow. otherwise, as we go through tomorrow, it is going to be a mostly fine day. still some lingering cloud across eastern parts of scotland first thing, and there could be a few outbreaks of rain here. further west, though, a largely dry, bright and sunny story as we go through the morning and into the afternoon as well, perhaps a bit of cloud at times across northern ireland may bring the odd spot of rain, but on the whole a mostly fine picture here and a similar mostly fine story for wales and western england. however across eastern england we may still have some cloud lingering from today and that could bring a little bit of drizzly rain , but that is likely drizzly rain, but that is likely to clear away as we go through the morning and things should brighten up quite nicely. we may see a bit of cloud building in other areas where it starts sunny, and as a result we could also see a couple of showers developing. but most places are going to stay dry and at times quite bright. a bit of a breeze, but it won't be as strong as today. and with that feeling a
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bit warmer. two temperatures more widely in the high teens or low 20s as we go through later on tomorrow, we are going to stick with the mostly dry picture. just 1 or 2 showers, but most places are going to avoid these . some clear skies avoid these. some clear skies overnight into sunday could again allow for some mist and fog patches, but for most, sunday is going to be a fine day before some rain starts to push in to the far northwest. later, by that warm feeling inside from boxt boilers, sponsors of weather on gb
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news. >> hey. very good afternoon to you. it's 4 pm. and welcome to the martin daubney show on gb news. broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. now, coming up last night, donald trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in his hush money trial. but he blasted
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it as a rigged, disgraceful trial . you can see live pictures trial. you can see live pictures on your screen now because the former president is due to address the world any minute now . what promises to be his most explosive press conference ever and gb news will be there for you. live and direct from trump tower back in britain , rishi tower back in britain, rishi sunak nationwide tour continues. and today the prime minister is in the north west, while a new poll shows voters like his policies on pensions and national service, they're not quite warming to the prime minister. do the tories have a rishi problem? and while the other political parties have slogged it out on policy, liberal democrat leader ed davey has been wooing voters by falling off paddleboards , falling off paddleboards, getting on his bike and flying down a water slide . now, ed's down a water slide. now, ed's final stunt of the week is expected later this hour. what will it be on a trapeze and a tutu? we've got a ringside seat at the ed davey circus and yesterday five bulgarians were
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jailed after fleecing british taxpayers of over £50 million in benefit fraud . we'll have benefit fraud. we'll have staggering pictures of a town, an entire town built in bulgaria, entirely paid for by embezzled benefits, handouts and that's all coming up between now and 6:00. now, remember, any moment now, we're about to hear from donald trump from trump tower . very, trump from trump tower. very, very shortly, he's expecting to come out blasting back at his critics. what does this mean for the future of america? guilty on all 34 counts. we spoke to seb gorka earlier in this hour. former white house adviser to trump . he said trump's website trump. he said trump's website is in meltdown by people trying to donate. hollywood blocked buster politics. meanwhile, back in britain, though, things have been a bit more. well, mickey mouse, as you can see here,
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here's rishi sunak, pictured yesterday in milton keynes, one of those beautiful photographs they get from an unflattering angle. there he is from mickey mouse degrees . do we have mouse degrees. do we have a mickey mouse prime minister now , mickey mouse prime minister now, i want to hear from you all the usual ways ahead of that trump press conference, especially what on earth is going on in american politics? is the entire game being taken apart by the judiciary? send your comments forward slash usa. before all of that, your headunes before all of that, your headlines with polly middlehurst i >> -- >> martin. thank you. well, as we stand by for those events to unfold at trump tower in new york and donald trump to bring us that news conference, we will bnng us that news conference, we will bring you up to date with the latest uk news. sir keir starmer has today given the green light to diane abbott to stand as a labour candidate in the general election in july. it's put an end to days of confusion over the matter, which threatened to overshadow labour's campaign in miss abbott. had the whip restored this week after a long
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suspension, but claimed she'd been banned from standing as a candidate and accused keir starmer of culling the party's left wing. but he hit back, saying she can stand with the party, labour and a vote for labouris party, labour and a vote for labour is a is a chance to end that chaos , to turn a page, to that chaos, to turn a page, to change for the better of the country , to change our nhs, to country, to change our nhs, to change our public services, to make sure our economy is stable, to make sure our communities are cared for and to move forward and rebuild our country. >> that is the choice i accept. not a single vote has been cast . not a single vote has been cast. i'm humble about this and i know every vote must be earned . but every vote must be earned. but the power now under our democracy is with the voters to. >> well, sir keir starmer also said today his party is going to fix britain's economy. he outlined a series of plans to cut household bills. speaking at an event in scotland, the labour leader said the new publicly owned gb energy would cut costs and speed up the transition to
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clean power. >> urging his supporters to vote for change. he said that while the former tory pm liz truss had lost control of the economy, labour's plans could be trusted. the prime minister dismissed it as a vanity project . meanwhile, as a vanity project. meanwhile, police are appealing to the for pubuc police are appealing to the for public information as a nine year old girl remains in a critical condition in hospital today following a drive by shooting in east london. three men who were sitting outside a restaurant were also injured dunng restaurant were also injured during the incident and taken to hospital. one of them is facing life changing injuries. police investigating the shooting are appealing for information about the motorbike used in the attack. >> they say it was a ducati monster with a white body, red chassis and red wheels stolen from a property in wembley in 2021. >> they're urging the public to come forward or contact crime stoppers now. >> free school meals would be given to all primary school children under a pledge by the liberal democrats . liberal democrats. >> the party is saying it's going to fund the plan by
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introducing a tax on share buybacks. the scheme would be introduced immediately for children living in poverty before being phased in for all children. so ed davey says too many children are going to school on empty stomachs . now, school on empty stomachs. now, as we stand by for that news conference at trump tower in new york, let's bring you up to date with events in donald trump's trial. if you were watching last night, you'll have seen he was found guilty of falsifying records, business records, that is, to cover up a sex scandal in a historic turnaround from commander in chief to convicted criminal. no former serving us president has ever been convicted of a crime before , nor convicted of a crime before, nor impeached, for that matter. it comes as polls suggest a tight race for the white house against joe biden , though around 13% of joe biden, though around 13% of trump's supporters have indicated they might not vote for him if he was found guilty. still expecting to hear from donald trump that news conference in new york, we can see there for the live pictures coming to us as donald trump
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steps to the podium. let's listen in to what he has to say. >> the winner, if they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone. this to me, they can do this to anyone . and these are bad anyone. and these are bad people. these are in many cases , people. these are in many cases, i believe, sick people. when you look at our country , what's look at our country, what's happening where millions and millions of people are flowing in from all parts of the world, not just south america , from not just south america, from africa, from asia, from the middle east, and they're coming in from jails and prisons , and in from jails and prisons, and they're coming in from mental institutions and insane asylums. they're coming in from all over the world into our country. and we have a president and a group of fascists that don't want to do anything about it, because they could right now, today , he they could right now, today, he could stop it, but he's not. they're destroying our country . they're destroying our country. our country is in very bad shape, and they're very much against me saying these things. they want to raise your taxes by
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four times. they want to stop you from having cars with their ridiculous mandates that make it impossible for you to get a car and afford a car. you make it very possible for china to build all of our cars. it's a very serious problem that we have. we just went through one of many experiences where we had a conflicted judge, highly conflicted judge, highly conflicted . there has never been conflicted. there has never been a more conflicted judge. now i'm under a gag order which nobody's ever been under. no presidential candidate's ever been under a 939 candidate's ever been under a gag order before. i'm under a 939 gag order before. i'm under a gag order. nasty gag order where i've had to pay thousands of dollars in penalties and fines and was threatened with jail. think of it. i'm the leading candidate. i'm leading biden by a lot, and i'm leading the republicans to the point where that's over . so republicans to the point where that's over. so i'm the leading person for president, and i'm
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under a gag order by a man that can't put two sentences together. given by a court. and they are in total conjunction with the white house and the doj. just so you understand, this is all done by biden and his people , maybe his people. his people, maybe his people. more importantly, i don't know if biden knows too much about it, because i don't know if he knows about anything , but he's knows about anything, but he's nevertheless the president. so we have to use his name. and this is done by washington, and nobody's ever seen anything like it. so we have a judge who's highly conflicted . and you know highly conflicted. and you know what the confliction is nobody, nobody wants to write about it. and i'm not allowed to talk about it. if i do, he said, i get put in jail. so we'll play that game a little bit longer. we won't talk about it, but you're allowed to talk about it. ihope you're allowed to talk about it. i hope you do, because there's never been anybody so conflicted as this . as far as the trial as this. as far as the trial itself, it was very unfair. we weren't allowed to allowed to
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use our election expert under any circumstances, you saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side . witnesses that were on our side. they were literally crucified by this man who looks like an angel this man who looks like an angel. but he's really a devil . angel. but he's really a devil. he looks so nice and soft. people say, oh, he seems like such a nice man. no, unless you saw him in action and you saw that with a certain witness that went through hell. and when we wanted to do things, he wouldn't let him. he wouldn't let us do those things. but when the government wanted something, they got everything. they got everything they wanted . it's everything they wanted. it's a rigged. it was a rigged trial. we wanted a venue change where we could have a fair trial. we didn't get it. we wanted a judge change. we wanted a judge that wasn't conflicted and. and obviously he didn't do that. there's nobody's ever seen anything like it. we had a da who is a failed da . crime is
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who is a failed da. crime is rampant in new york. violent crime. that's what he's really supposed to be looking at. crime is rampant in new york yesterday in mcdonald's , you had a man in mcdonald's, you had a man hitting him up with with machetes, a machete , whoever he machetes, a machete, whoever he can imagine, even a machete being wielded in a store in a place where they're eating and he's going rampant. and bragg is down watching a trial on what they call , crimes. down watching a trial on what they call, crimes. crimes they're falsifying business records that sounds so bad to me. it sounds very bad. you know, it's only a misdemeanour , know, it's only a misdemeanour, but to me, it sounds so bad when they say falsifying business. that's a bad thing for me. i've never had that before . i'm never had that before. i'm falsifying. you know what? falsifying business records is in the first degree. they say falsifying business records sound so good, right? it means that legal expense. i paid a
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lawyer . totally legal. i paid a lawyer. totally legal. i paid a lawyer. totally legal. i paid a lawyer a legal expense and a bookkeeper without any knowledge from me, correctly marked it down in the books. a very professional woman, highly respected , she testified, marked respected, she testified, marked it down in the books as a legal expense. so a legal expense i paid a lawyer is a legal expense in the books . it's not, in the books. it's not, sheetrock construction or any other thing. it's a legal expense. think of that. this is what the falsifying of business records were. and i said, what else are you going to call it? what else are you going to call it? now? i would have testified. i wanted to testify . the theory i wanted to testify. the theory is you never testify because as soon as you testify , anybody, if soon as you testify, anybody, if it were george washington, don't testify because he'll get you on something that you said slightly wrong. and then they sue you for perjury. but i didn't care about that. i wanted to, but the judge allowed them to go into
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everything that i was ever involved in. not this case. everything that i was ever involved in, which is a first. in other words, you could go into every single thing that i ever did . was he a bad boy here? ever did. was he a bad boy here? was he a bad boy there ? and my was he a bad boy there? and my lawyer said, what do you need to go through it? all you wanted to do is testify simply on this case, because i would have loved to have testified to this day. i would have liked to have testified, but you would have been you would have said something out of whack , like it something out of whack, like it was a beautiful sunny day and it was a beautiful sunny day and it was actually raining out . and i was actually raining out. and i very much appreciate the big crowd of people outside . that's crowd of people outside. that's incredible what's happening. the level of support has been incredible. so the whole thing is legal expense was marked down as legal expense. think of this. this is my this is the crime that i committed that i'm supposed to go to jail for 187 years for when you have violent crime all over this city at
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levels that nobody's ever seen before, where you have businesses leaving and businesses leaving and businesses are leaving because of this, because heads of businesses say, man, we don't want to get involved with that. i could go through the books of any business person in this city, and i could find things that in theory, i guess , let's that in theory, i guess, let's indict him. let's destroy his life . but i'm out there and life. but i'm out there and i don't mind being out there because i'm doing something for this country, and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important, far beyond me . and this can't be allowed to me. and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents . it happen to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happenin should never be allowed to happen in the future. but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump . this is bigger than than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger than my presidency . and the people presidency. and the people understand it because i just see a poll just came out, the daily mail that was the first one came out. it was done last night right after the verdict, where i'm up six points. six points from what we already were. we
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were leading fairly substantially. we're up six points in the daily mail poll now. maybe other polls come out. it says something differently. but a lot of people have predicted it because the public understands and they understand what's what's going on. this is a scam. this is a rigged trial. it shouldn't have been in that venue. it shouldn't have been in that venue . we shouldn't have had venue. we shouldn't have had that judge. he should have allowed allowed us to have an election expert. we had the best expert , most respected expert, expert, most respected expert, head of the federal elections commission. he was all set to testify. he was waiting for two days. and when it was his turn , days. and when it was his turn, bragg's people protested and the judge knocked him out. said, you can't testify. he actually said, you can't testify for anything having to do with the trial. you can say what the federal elections is. well, that doesn't help. everybody knows that, but you can't testify. so essentially, he wasn't able to testify . other people weren't testify. other people weren't able to testify. but with these
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people , they were able to use people, they were able to use people, they were able to use people jul salacious, by the way, and nothing ever happened. there was no anything . nothing there was no anything. nothing ever happened. and they know it. but they were salacious , as but they were salacious, as salacious as they could be. and it had nothing to do with the case. but it had to do with politics and do you notice the timing? the timing was perfect. this case was dead. it was dropped by every agency , every dropped by every agency, every governmental board. it was dropped by the highly respected southern district. they said, no, there's no case here. it was dropped by federal election. and that's what it's about. this is about a federal election, not a state election. you're not even allowed to look at it . they took allowed to look at it. they took the state and the city, and they went into a federal election . went into a federal election. they're not allowed the people from federal elections, southern district and washington dropped the case. everybody dropped the case. there was no case. cy vance dropped the case. and when
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bragg came in, he said, this is the most ridiculous case i've ever seen. and who would have a certain person again , gag order? certain person again, gag order? who would have a certain person like this ever testify? he said , like this ever testify? he said, this is essentially one of the worst people i've ever seen, ever to testify, he said. the craziest case i've ever seen. this is bragg. craziest case i've ever seen. this is bragg . then when i this is bragg. then when i announced i was running for president a long time later, they decided to revive this case, and they got a judge , case, and they got a judge, judge marcia, and who was responsible for another case that was also brought destroyed the life of a very good man, by the life of a very good man, by the way, destroyed the life of a very good man who went to prison once. very good man who went to prison once . and then they just put him once. and then they just put him in prison again, because they said he he lied. he didn't lie. i looked at the statements he made . in i looked at the statements he made. in fact, he didn't remember something. and they put him in jail again. remember something. and they put him in jail again . they've him in jail again. they've destroyed him with me for many
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years. he was an honourable person. he was an honest man. and if you look at what he did, supposedly it never happened. there's never been anything like this over the education of his grandchildren in over. he didn't report that he had a car or two cars on his income. i don't know , cars on his income. i don't know i , cars on his income. i don't know , i wonder how many people here have cars. i wonder how many people said, oh gee, i have a car that's worth x dollars. how do you even figure it? and i guess you do have to report it, but i would say probably almost nobody does. nobody even thinks about it. they put this man, they destroyed this man, but they destroyed this man, but they put him in jail again because they didn't want him to testify . they didn't want him to testify. they didn't want him to testify. they didn't want him to testify. that's why he went to jail. they put him in jail twice . he's 77 years old now . . he's 77 years old now. normally, i'd say that's an old guy ' normally, i'd say that's an old guy , but i don't feel 77. nobody guy, but i don't feel 77. nobody ever says that about me. i'd
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like them to say, gee, we have to have a little sorrow for this man because they don't. they just don't say that about me. but maybe i'm better off that way. i think i'm probably better off that way. but they put him in jail twice. off that way. but they put him in jail twice . nice. and you in jail twice. nice. and you have to see what? they put him in jail. and he was threatened by the judge . this man was told, by the judge. this man was told, you're going to get 15 years in jail if you don't give up trump. and he was told that you're going to get 15 years in jail. and he made a plea deal because he didn't want to spend the rest of his life. and he was told that viciously . we're living in that viciously. we're living in a in a fascist state. he was told that viciously . so you can told that viciously. so you can go to jail for four months, five months, or you can get 15 years in jail. so do a plea , almost. in jail. so do a plea, almost. who wouldn't do that plea? everyone does those pleas. it's a horrible thing. there's a
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whole group of lawyers that fight that. it's so unfair. it's so unfair . fight that. it's so unfair. it's so unfair. but they fight that. it's so unfair. it's so unfair . but they destroyed so unfair. but they destroyed his life. so many other things. you look at southern district didn't want to bring the case. nobody wanted to bring the case. and then, you know, who didn't want to bring the case? most of all is bragg. bragg didn't want to bring it, but then he brought it and they tried to make it a different case. they didn't say legal expense, equal legal expense. again if i wrote down and paid a lawyer. and by the way, this was a highly qualified lawyer, now i'm not allowed to use his name because of the gag order. but, you know, he's a sleazebag. everybody knows that. took me a while to find out, but he was effective. he did work, but he wasn't a fixer. he was a lawyer. you know , they like to lawyer. you know, they like to use the word fixer. he wasn't a fixer. he was a lawyer at the time. he was a fully accredited lawyer. now, he got into trouble. not because of me. he got into trouble because he made
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outside deals. and he had something to do with taxi cabs and medallions , and he borrowed and medallions, and he borrowed money. and that's why he went . money. and that's why he went. and then he pled to three, three election violations . and as soon election violations. and as soon as i saw that, i said, i wonder why he did that. he pled he took a deal. now, he took a deal because he wanted to get off. in other words, i'll take a plea deal and i want to get off. and he wanted to make a deal with the southern district, and they wrote the worst report i think i've ever seen on any human being other than the report that was written on james comey by the inspector general , a very the inspector general, a very great inspector general actually wrote a report that was so bad, this one was possibly worse . the this one was possibly worse. the southern district, the judge didn't let us use it. he said. it's hearsay. i said it's not hearsay, wouldn't let us use it . hearsay, wouldn't let us use it. this is about the man. but he got in trouble for a very simple
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reason, because he was involved with borrowing a lot of money, and he did something with the banks. i don't know if it's defrauded the banks, but something happened . you guys something happened. you guys know what it is. and then in addition to that, he gave up on three things where he wasn't guilty in fact, they were going to testify in that. the, head of the fec, the brad smith, the election expert , number one election expert, number one rated in the country, was going to testify . why? he took a plea to testify. why? he took a plea on three things. he just added them in because that gave him more bargaining power with respect to me. but the three things that he pled on having to do with the election and having to do essentially a little bit with me, they weren't crimes. they weren't crimes. nor is paying they weren't crimes. nor is paying money under an nda. so we have an nda non—disclosure agreement . it's a big deal, agreement. it's a big deal, a non—disclosure agreement, totally onorable . totally good. totally onorable. totally good. totally accepted. everybody has them . every company has
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them. every company has non—disclosure agreements . but non—disclosure agreements. but the press called it slush fund and all sorts of other things. hush money, hush money. it's not hush money. it's called the non—disclosure agreement. and most of the people in this room have a non—disclosure agreement with their company. it's a disgrace . so it's not hush disgrace. so it's not hush money, it's a non—disclosure agreement. totally legal, totally common. everyone has it. and what happened is he signed a non—disclosure agreement with this person. i guess other people. but it's totally honest. you're allowed to make the payment. could. you don't have to make it. you can make it any way you want. it's a non—disclosure agreement. and he signed that. and there was nothing wrong with signing it. and this should have been a non case. and everybody said it was a non case including bragg. bragg said. until i ran for office and then they saw the
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polls. i was leading the republicans, i was leading the democrats, i was leading everybody . and all of a sudden everybody. and all of a sudden they brought it back . it's they brought it back. it's a very sad thing that's happening in our country. very sad thing that's happening in our country . and it's a it's in our country. and it's a it's a thing that i'm honoured in a way. i'm honoured. it's not that it's pleasant . it's way. i'm honoured. it's not that it's pleasant. it's a very bad for family. it's very bad for friends and businesses. but i'm honoured to be involved in it because somebody has to do it and i might as well keep going and i might as well keep going and be the one. but i'm very honoured to be involved because we're fighting for our constitution. the money that was paid was paid legally. there was nothing illegal. in fact, the lawyer in creating the nda because at that time he was a fully accredited lawyer. he wasn't a fixer. i never thought of him as a fixer. the media called him a fixer, or the prosecutors called him a fixer. he was a he was a lawyer and he was fairly good. later on, i
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didn't like what he did. i didn't like what he did. i didn't like, for instance, i didn't like, for instance, i didn't like, for instance, i didn't like that when i became president, he went around and made deals with companies. when i heard that he was gone, he was gone and he had payments coming to him. and a lot of this involved things that are very simple. there was nothing wrong. these were standard. this was standard stuff. all standard stuff. everything involved was standard. there was no crime here. in fact, i just watched a couple of the reports. you watched jonathan turley, andy mccarthy , greg jarrett. you look mccarthy, greg jarrett. you look at all of these people , mark at all of these people, mark levin , all very talented people, levin, all very talented people, great people , many more, many great people, many more, many more. and they don't know me, essentially. they don't know me. they're legal scholars and experts. but i look at them, i watched, early this morning saying, there's no crime here.
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everybody says there's no crime here except for this da that's got the city out of control with crime . it's out of it's crime. it's out of it's absolutely out of control. so we have an nda that was signed. we have an nda that was signed. we have legal expenses . and here's have legal expenses. and here's the thing on legal expenses , you the thing on legal expenses, you have 100 where they say they do a charge. i just recorded this out. falsification of business records in the first degree. it sounds so bad . i said wow. and sounds so bad. i said wow. and even my own lawyers , i get very even my own lawyers, i get very upset with them because they don't say what it is. they say, well, falsification of legal, records is only a felony. well, that's a lot is only a they say misdemeanour, but they try and bnng misdemeanour, but they try and bring it up to a felony . if bring it up to a felony. if there's two crimes, they have all these different things. the other thing is they missed the statute of limitations by a lot because this was very old. they
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could have brought this seven years ago instead of bringing it right in the middle of the election. so they missed the statute of limitations. they did everything. now, let me give you the good news. the good news is last night we just got a report. this morning in the history of politics, i believe maybe i'm wrong. somebody will find that i'm wrong. maybe but i don't think so. they raised with small money donors, meaning like $21, $42, $53, $38, a record, $39 million in about a ten hour period. no. think of that . i period. no. think of that. i like those people . because so like those people. because so far, i guess it's backfired now, i don't know. i'd rather not have it happen. i don't want to have it happen. i don't want to have it happen. i don't want to have it backfiring. i don't want to win this thing legitimately .
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to win this thing legitimately. not because they were stupid and did things that they shouldn't be doing . they shouldn't have be doing. they shouldn't have brought this case. they were saying it this morning. this is a case that should not have been brought . i watched danny brought. i watched danny mccarthy say, this is a case that should not have been brought, and that was this morning. but they all say that every legal scholar has said it, every legal scholar has said it, every legal. and these are great people . they really understand people. they really understand the law. the other thing a poll just came out the first poll. i don't know, maybe others will be bad , but a poll just came out bad, but a poll just came out a little while ago , the daily little while ago, the daily mail. does anybody read the daily mail? it's very good. they have a good poll. at least i like it today . and the daily like it today. and the daily mail just came out with a poll and it has trump up six points in the last 12 hours, 6.6 points since this happened. who thought this could happen ? because the this could happen? because the people of our country know it's
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a hoax . they know it's a hoax. a hoax. they know it's a hoax. they get it. you know, they're really smart and, it's really something. so we're going to be appealing this scam. we're going to be appealing it on many different things. he wouldn't allow us to have witnesses. he wouldn't allow us to talk. he wouldn't allow us to talk. he wouldn't allow us to talk. he wouldn't allow us to do anything . the judge was a tyrant and you got to see that with bob costello. a fine man. i've never seen anything like it. and neither has anybody that was in that courthouse where he demanded that the courthouse be cleared. now, the good news is, most of the people in the courthouse were the media and anybody that was in the media. if you're fair, you'll say, wow , if you're fair, you'll say, wow, that was anger. that was crazed. he was crazed. and the reason that bob costello acted a little bit upset , that bob costello acted a little bit upset, which i think he has a right to, was that every
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question he was being asked was being objected to by the other side and sustained by the judge, sustained, sustained , sustained. sustained, sustained, sustained. i think he did it many times. i don't know what the number many times even i was sitting there saying and these were basic questions . and he i never saw questions. and he i never saw anybody treated that way by a judge. and i've been treated very badly by two other judges also, because it's all the same thing. and it all comes out of the white house. crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country. he's the history of our country. he's the worst president in the history of our country, the most incompetent . history of our country, the most incompetent. he's history of our country, the most incompetent . he's the history of our country, the most incompetent. he's the dumbest president we've ever had . he's president we've ever had. he's the dumbest president, most incompetent president , the dumbest president, most incompetent president, and he's the most dishonest president we've ever had. and so many of the he's a manchurian candidate. you take a look at the way he treats china, russia and so many others. you know, i ended the russian pipeline. it was dead. he comes in and he approves it, and he gets 3.5 million, meaning 3.5 million is paid to the family. his family , from the
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family. his family, from the mayor of moscow's wife. and i said, where did that come from ? said, where did that come from? nobody wants to talk about it. but he's a very big danger to our country. and the only way they think they can win this election is by doing exactly what they're doing right now, win it in the courts, because they can't win it at the ballot box. so we're going to show them that we're going to fight. it's actually i don't know, it's something where i'm wired in such a way that a lot of people would have gone away a long time ago. they would have gone away after impeachment. hoax number one. that was a total hoax. i had great support from the republican party, though. then you had impeachment hoax number two, and then they formed the committee. how about they form the committee of thugs , the the committee of thugs, the sixth committee of thugs , and sixth committee of thugs, and they took their records and they destroyed all of the records. after the committee was
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abandoned . and because those abandoned. and because those records were great for us. now, can you imagine if republicans did that? everybody would have beenin did that? everybody would have been in jail by now. the think of that, the unselect i call it the unselect they call it select committee. i call it the unselect committee of thugs. they meet. it's 100% democrat and two past republicans that are no longer republicans that are no longer republicans that are no longer in business anymore. thank you. but it was all democrats and two wayward republicans is liz cheney and bnan republicans is liz cheney and brian adam kinzinger. he cries every time he goes on television . it's the most emotional human being i think i've ever seen. and that was our representatives, these two people were our rep. so they had all this stuff that they're leaking. and then when it came time to look at the records, like where the police said and the, capitol guard said that i suppued the, capitol guard said that i supplied think of it that i
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recommended as many soldiers or national guard as you want, 10,000 . if you had 500, you 10,000. if you had 500, you wouldn't have had a problem. there wouldn't have been aj6. but nancy pelosi and the group didn't want it anyway. so they have testimony to all of that, that i did not attack the secret service agent in the front of the car. you know, these are strong people . and i supposedly strong people. and i supposedly went to the driver and i grabbed him around the neck and he rebuffed me. and then i went to the other guy, who i think is a black belt in karate, and he's slightly younger than me, maybe 35 years, 40 years, 50 years. and i grabbed him around the neck and said , he's a black belt neck and said, he's a black belt in karate. they know how to get somebody from around their neck. they would have gone like this and that would be the end of that. actually, i had a friend that. actually, i had a friend that said, you shouldn't dispute that. that makes you look like the toughest cookie we've ever seen. you should have let that
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go on. but the fact is, it never happened. it was all made up and that was proven to be made up. it proved to be a false story, and they deleted and destroyed all of that information , every all of that information, every ounce of it. we're dealing with a corrupt government. we have a corrupt country. our elections are corrupt, our borders are open, our borders are going to be closed very soon. november 5th is going to be the most important day in the history of our country . now, when important day in the history of our country. now, when i important day in the history of our country . now, when i say our country. now, when i say that, because my people are always saying , do this, do this always saying, do this, do this because we're fighting for america, donaldj trump. com i america, donald j trump. com i hope everybody watching right now donald j. because it really makes a difference, they have a lot of money on the other side. i don't know where they get it. nobody knows where they get it. nobody knows where they get it. but for some reason they get it. but for some reason they get it. but for some reason they get money. but they're not on the side of our country in many ways , i think they hate our
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many ways, i think they hate our country. who on earth can want open borders where people are allowed to pour in from countries unknown, from places unknown, from languages that we don't even that we haven't even heard of? we have people sitting in schools with languages where very few people have ever even heard of these languages. it's not like spanish or french or russian languages is unknown. we have people coming from corners of the globe and many of them are not good people. many terrorists record levels of terrorism , record levels of terrorism, record levels of terrorists have come into our country . record. they've never country. record. they've never seen anything like it. you know, there was a report that in 2019, i don't believe this by the way. the media gave it and it was good for me. believe it or not. they said in 2019 there were no terrorists recorded that came into our country. i don't
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believe that. i don't think that's possible. but they actually 2019 was a trump year. i don't believe that that could be possible. but they said no terrorists came into our country. so let's say it was close. let's say it was close. but now record levels of terrorist record levels, the highest level we've ever seen of terrorists are pouring into our country . you have china with country. you have china with just in the last few months, 29,000 people came in and i looked at them on a line and they looked like perfect soldiers . they're almost all soldiers. they're almost all male from 19 to 25. it looks like a recruiting exercise. they have beautiful tents. they have propane stoves , they have cell propane stoves, they have cell phones. the best you can buy. i said, what's going on? it looks like they're building an army right in our country now . i right in our country now. i don't think that would happen right . we're losing our country right. we're losing our country and i really think that this is
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and i really think that this is an event. what took place yesterday with this judge. look, we have conflicted, but he's a crooked judge. and you'll understand that. and i say that knowing that it's very dangerous for me to say that. and i don't mind because i'm willing to do whatever i have to do to save our country and to save our constitution. i don't mind . so constitution. i don't mind. so so . thank you. so we will so. thank you. so we will continue the fight, we're going to make america great again. very simple. when people fight maga , they say we're going to maga, they say we're going to fight. i watch biden, we're going to fight maga. we're going to stop maga. let's make america great again. that's all it is. maga make america great again. our country is in serious trouble. we oh, $36 trillion. we
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were going to be. we were energy independent for the first time even independent for the first time ever. and now we're begging venezuela for oil. one statistic you have to hear venezuela was crime ridden. caracas, their cities, crime ridden two years ago. three years ago, they just reported a 72% drop in crime. in the last year because all of their criminals, most of them and the rest are coming in now. the ones that didn't come in in venezuela , their prisons have venezuela, their prisons have been emptied into the united states. they're criminals and drug dealers have been taken out of the cities and brought into the united states. and that's true with many other countries . true with many other countries. the congo has just released a lot of people from jail. congo africa just released a lot of people , a lot of people from people, a lot of people from their prisons and jails and brought them into the united states of america. this is
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what's happening to our country, andifs what's happening to our country, and it's not sustainable by anyone. little things like our kids can't have a little league game anymore because you have tents and you have migrants living on the fields. that's the least of it, people are taking over our luxury hotels, migrants, and yet our veterans, our great veterans are living on the streets like dogs . they're the streets like dogs. they're living on the streets, but migrants are living in luxury hotels and cities all over our country, run by democrats. so it's my honour to be doing this. it really is. it's a very, unpleasant thing, to be honest . unpleasant thing, to be honest. but it's a great, great honour. we're going to we're going to do what i have to do. i'm going to do it. and the support has been. that's why i mentioned the number of $39 million. that's why i mentioned we're up six points. and we went up a lot over the last month because
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everybody saw was a rigged deal. it was a rigged trial . but we're it was a rigged trial. but we're going to make america great again. we're going to make it better than ever before. november 5th. remember, november 5th is the most important day in the history of our country. thank you very much, everybody . thank you very much, everybody. >> okay, that was donald trump. and if you thought he was going to go quietly, think again. addressing the world's media there at trump tower, a few quick points for those of us just joining us. he started off by saying, if this can happen to me, then this can happen to anybody. this is bigger than trump, this is bigger than my presidency. he went on to tell us he'd raised $39 million in ten hours, directly after that trial was concluded, he said he'd gone up six points in polls in the daily mail. he will be appealing america, he said . we appealing america, he said. we live in a fascist state, so i'm now joined in the studio by
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james heale political commentator, who very patiently sat through all of that. if anybody thought donald trump was going to meekly come out and say, i better not break my gag order, wow , they're in for a big order, wow, they're in for a big surprise. he came out guns blazing. >> absolutely. it's a vintage trump turning this
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in some kind of match up with joe biden. that's not quite what this micro poll was asking . so this micro poll was asking. so i think it's important to, it's important to get that straight . important to get that straight. >> now, that is an absolutely fair point, and he did also mention, again, this rallying call of donations , $39 million. call of donations, $39 million. he said he was quick to point out this was in small amounts. so lots of people throwing their money into the pot in ten hours, as you'd expect. once again, he's using this not only as a rallying point, as a sounding board, but also as a fund raising moment. that's what he does. >> absolutely. and i think his campaign was a little bit worried about how he wouldn't be able to be out there during the time that the trial took place. he was in court four days a week. that does not seem to have affected his campaign in any way . i don't have any way of
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verifying whether those donations were as high, accumulated to something as high as donald trump said, but i think something that's really important with fundraising here is that wall street, some of the big financial names on wall street are starting to move behind donald trump. he lost a lot of support after january 6th, and a lot of the bigwigs on on the fat cats, whatever you want to call them on wall street went a little quiet with their support front page of the financial times today. a big hedge fund manager, bill ackman , hedge fund manager, bill ackman, is saying, i am probably going to support trump and where wall street goes, some big money can follow and laurie, talking of wall street, we can see on our screens our live pictures from the streets of new york. >> there's a split crowd. there's somebody holding up a sign there saying lock em up. there are some muggers , some there are some muggers, some make america great again hanging from lampposts , shouting out, so from lampposts, shouting out, so we have those for and those against. and whatever you say about donald trump, he has that ability to mobilise america. i
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wanted to ask you, though, this key point, laurie, elections in the in britain are won from the centre . they're not won from the centre. they're not won from the right. from the left. they're won by trying to appeal to the middle ground, to the sensible conservative centrist. do you think that those 34 charges will put off the moderate voters, or will they be, pulled into this? oh, no, it's the entire system against trump. it's the judiciary . it's the politicians. judiciary. it's the politicians. everything is against them. where do you think the moderate vote will go on this at the moment ? moment? >> this is you've posed such a good question and you're absolutely right. this the rule of thumb is elections are won from the centre. we're trying to see keir starmer here move toward the centre with with, you know, kind of mixed results here. donald trump is certainly not in the centre . and he takes not in the centre. and he takes an entirely different strategy doesn't he. don't go to the centre. make sure that you rally your base . forget about people
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your base. forget about people who are in the centre to shore up that that group of people, make sure that they get out and vote for you. now it didn't work in 2020, but it was tight, right? that was a very , very right? that was a very, very tight election. it could work this time around . and i think this time around. and i think one of the things we'll be looking at is voter turnout . looking at is voter turnout. some of those cohorts of people, young people , ethnic minorities young people, ethnic minorities that came out in force for joe biden . will they come out for biden. will they come out for him this time around because he is going to need to. biden is going to need to appeal to a wide a very wide range to counter this great enthusiasm that donald trump has with his base, because you can be pretty sure that his supporters will turn out on november 5th. >> and just a quick apology to anybody watching on screen. there may have been some fruity language on that screen there, but back onto the conversation here. laurie laird. of course, donald trump was very keen to steam into joe biden. he called him crooked joe biden again .
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steam into joe biden. he called him crooked joe biden again. he called him the dumbest, most incompetent . there's some other incompetent. there's some other offensive language on the screen there. we're just trying to keep those away. this is the live protest. we're doing our best to try and control it. apologies if you saw some bad words there. it's live television after all. back to joe biden, he said crooked joe biden , the dumbest, crooked joe biden, the dumbest, most incompetent president. we ever had. he called him the manchurian candidate in the pocket of china, he said, i don't even think he knows what's being talked about. it's fun. but can i also ask you about that? another huge thing being talked about in america is joe biden's mental capacity. his competence. is that something else that you think donald trump will just keep nibbling away at? i absolutely look, that is a very easy way to go after biden . very easy way to go after biden. >> i think we'll see much more of that sort of thing. it didn't help donald trump in the sort of mental acuity , you know, mental acuity, you know, fitness, fitness stakes where he seemed to nod off during his trial on a couple of occasions .
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trial on a couple of occasions. but he does do very well at the podium. he is seems much more energetic than joe biden at the podium . that's a real risk for podium. that's a real risk for joe biden. it's an interesting joe biden. it's an interesting joe biden. it's an interesting joe biden is an interesting sort of paradox because he has got a lot of legislation through now. you may not agree with that legislation, but in terms of getting things through, shepherding things through congress, he has a very, very good record. economists might argue that these haven't been helpful things. perhaps that's another conversation. but he has been an effective president. if you look at legislation . but you look at legislation. but he's not popular. the economy had been doing very well under biden. people don't seem to recognise that. and in fact, we're getting some signs that the economy is starting to slow. this might be a problem forjoe biden if he wasn't getting credit for a strong economy. now we're seeing signs of a slowdown . we're probably not going to .we're probably not going to get an interest rate cut. this is another vulnerability for joe biden. but i think we've got to look, don't look at the national polls right this election because of the electoral system,
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will be decided in 5 or 6 states. got to look at the polling in michigan, wisconsin , polling in michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania. this is where this election will be decided . election will be decided. >> and, laurie, could i ask you about the gagging order? i mean, before the trial even began, donald trump was very, very personally attacked the judge, juan merchan, right from the first bat before he even got in the courtroom. and now this judge holds the future, potentially, of the country in his hands if he decides it's down to him, he's now responsible, he can decide whether donald trump is imprisoned or not. now donald trump, of course, will most likely appeal and try and push this back beyond november the 5th. so maybe it's a technicality . but if anybody technicality. but if anybody thought today, maybe trump's advisers said you might want to go a bit easy on the judge, you're under a gagging order. and yet he was saying, this guy is highly conflicted. he called him a tyrant. he said he might
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look like an angel, but actually he's a devil . he's a devil. >> yeah, he he really has had some choice words not only for the judge, but for the judge's family as well. and i think this will form . there are a number of will form. there are a number of areas where, to my mind, what i've read, i'm not a lawyer, but a number of areas where there could be an effective appeal mounted. and i think one of the things donald trump's lawyers will do is look at the judge's daughter, who does work for a group of democratic operatives and said that may be grounds for appeal. there are a number of other grounds for appeal that to my mind, seem to be, quite feasible . you know, look, you feasible. you know, look, you can't appeal because you don't like the decision , but you can like the decision, but you can appeal on the process. and there are a number of things about this trial that were unusual. most of all was the implication that the prosecution never pushed this too hard, that federal election law had been broken in, after these business,
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business records were falsified. that's the reason they were falsified. this mixing and matching of state and federal law is unusual. i don't think it's been tried very often before. that could be grounds for appeal, but we won't know they have. the prosecution has 30 days to file an appeal. they almost certainly will. and that appeal will start to grind its way through the system. july 11th. that's d—day for the sentencing . so it would be sentencing. so it would be unusual. i don't think legal experts think that donald trump will be behind bars. he's old, although he although less old than bill biden, as he keeps reminding us these are not this falsification of business records. yeah. oh lori. >> leah, we seem to have lost signal. there i was about we've got you back. lori, can i quickly ask you. of course, donald trump's many. quickly ask you. of course, donald trump's many . we still donald trump's many. we still have you lovely. of course, donald trump's one of his many, many critics across politics and the media will be delighting at the media will be delighting at the decision . 34 counts, all the decision. 34 counts, all guilty. a lot of celebrities
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robert de niro, george techie, the usual suspects are doing a tap dance in merriment. and yet it looks like there will be this appeal. the money is coming in on the balance of history , the on the balance of history, the balance of how things have gone before. how do you think this will play out with the electorate, with the body of people watching across america now, is this going to give trump a boost , or is now, is this going to give trump a boost, or is he going to give him a vote down? >> you know, i don't think it plays either way. i know we want to talk about something more exciting than that, but i think it will further energise his base, which was already pretty energetic . anyway. i don't energetic. anyway. i don't think, you know, we saw polling a couple of months ago. if he's convicted, what will your support do? and there was there did seem to be a polling drop in support , but i'm not sure that support, but i'm not sure that that will happen. i think the big risk here is that voters on both sides may get turned off by the entire process, but i don't think that this hurts donald trump all that much, if at all. >> yeah. i mean , as he said
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>> yeah. i mean, as he said there in his usual, self—deprecatory way, november the 5th is the most important day in the history of america. he's quite clearly saying the entire future of the nation depends on that date in 30s. laurie laird, do you think he's got a point ? got a point? >> yeah, i do think he has a very good point, but not for the reasons that he thinks so. i think one of the key things, the legacy of donald trump is that he has sown distrust in the judiciary system in the us. he has sown distrust in the electoral system, and we have a significant minority of americans who do not believe in these institutions anymore. and that's troubling. >> okay. superb stuff. thank you so much forjoining us on the so much for joining us on the show. laurie laird, expert analysis. there us political journalist. what a day in new york. donald trump addressing the nation from trump tower . the nation from trump tower. wow. he came out swinging. and stay tuned for more reaction . stay tuned for more reaction. that incredible speech by donald trump. i'm going to be joined by joe biden's former chief of
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staff for her reaction . i'm staff for her reaction. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news channel. but before all of that, it's your weather and it's alex burkill . weather and it's alex burkill. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello again. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office. as we head into the weekend. and whilst it won't be completely dry, there will be a good deal of fine and settled weather around and also some warm sunshine too because of high pressure that is going to continue to extend its way in from the west. like i said, though not completely dry, and that's the theme that we've had through today. some outbreaks of rain in southeast. most of these, though, clearing away as we go through the evening and overnight , a few outbreaks of overnight, a few outbreaks of rain across the north of scotland. otherwise it is going to be a mostly dry night, a bit cloudy towards eastern parts , cloudy towards eastern parts, clearer skies further west and where we see some clear skies. i'm expecting temperatures to just about dip into single
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figures and there could be the odd pocket of mist and fog first thing tomorrow. otherwise as we go through tomorrow, it is going to be a mostly fine day. still some lingering cloud across eastern parts of scotland first thing, and there could be a few outbreaks of rain here. further west , though, a largely dry, west, though, a largely dry, bright and sunny story as we go through the morning and into the afternoon as well. perhaps a bit of cloud at times across northern ireland may bring the odd spot of rain , but on the odd spot of rain, but on the whole a mostly fine picture here and a similar mostly fine story for wales and western england. however, across eastern england we may still have some cloud lingering from today and that could bring a little bit of drizzly rain. but that is likely to clear away as we go through the morning, and things should brighten up quite nicely. we may see a bit of cloud building in other areas where it starts sunny, and as a result we could also see a couple of showers developing. but most places are going to stay dry and at times quite bright. a bit of a breeze , quite bright. a bit of a breeze, but it won't be as strong as today. and with that feeling a bit warmer . two temperatures
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bit warmer. two temperatures more widely in the high teens or low 20s as we go through later on tomorrow, we are going to stick with the mostly dry picture. just 1 or 2 showers, but most places are going to avoid these some clear skies overnight into sunday could again allow for some mist and fog patches, but for most , fog patches, but for most, sunday is going to be a fine day before some rain starts to push to in the far northwest later. bye bye. >> looks like things are heating up boxt boilers sponsors of weather on
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gb news. >> hey. very good afternoon to you. it's 5:00 pm. and welcome to the martin daubney show here on gb news. we're broadcasting live from the heart of westminster all across the uk. coming up, donald trump has come out all guns blazing after he was found guilty at the end of his hush money trial . he says
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his hush money trial. he says i'll appeal what he has called a scam trial. absolutely explosive interview. we'll have full analysis next. sir keir starmer is dramatically announced that diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate . after all, a labour candidate. after all, is this the right thing to do? or is this yet another dramatic u—turn from the man mocked as mr flip flop ? and we'll bring you flip flop? and we'll bring you the best and the worst of this week on the campaign trail. and don't worry, we're not just going to show you what sir ed davey has been up to. up. there he goes, popping into the water. that's all coming up in your next hour. welcome to the show. well, what an afternoon. it's been already a short while ago, donald trump addressed the world from trump tower. and by jove , from trump tower. and by jove, he came out swinging. anybody who thought he was going to meekly obey that gagging order and keep sterm will be sorely disappointed. he talks about
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everything from the amount of money he's raised to a poll surge, as he claimed. he said america is now a fascist state, and he claimed no . december the and he claimed no. december the 5th is the day, the most important day in american history. well, i'll be joined by a former chief of staff for joe biden shortly, susan platt will join me for her reaction. donald trump, of course , has some trump, of course, has some choice words to say about joe biden calling the most incompetent, president we've ever had, and also the dumbest. we'll get full reaction on that. get in touch. we've already got hundreds of mails on your views on donald trump and get in touch. there's still time to do so. forward slash usa is the way to do so. but before we do, all of that is your headunes we do, all of that is your headlines with polly middlehurst. >> well, as you've been hearing, donald trump said in the last hour that his criminal trial was figged
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hour that his criminal trial was rigged and the judge in the case was conflicted as he addressed media moments ago at trump tower in new york following his unprecedented conviction of all 34 counts against him last evening , it was a wide ranging, evening, it was a wide ranging, 33 minute speech to waiting news reporters and the public. >> trump, describing manhattan's district attorney as corrupt and joe biden as a manchurian president before pointing to what he called rampant crime in new york. >> he referenced america's immigration issues and its relationship with china and russia, adding that joe biden was the dumbest and most incompetent us president they'd ever been, adding that he intended to lead the republican party to victory . the former party to victory. the former president and convicted criminal also said the country he once led is now a fascist state, and claimed he's fighting for the constitution. >> take a look . >> take a look. >> take a look. >> i'm doing something for this country and i'm doing something for our constitution. it's very important, far beyond me . and important, far beyond me. and this can't be allowed to happen to other presidents . it should
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to other presidents. it should never be allowed to happen in the future. but this is far beyond me. this is bigger than trump. this is bigger than me. this is bigger than my presidency . presidency. >> well, here in the uk, sir keir starmer says labour veteran diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate in the general election in july . general election in july. >> it's after the mp was suspended over comments she made suggesting that jewish, irish and traveller people experienced prejudice but not racism. miss abbott had the labour whip restored this week, but is refusing to comment on sir keir starmer's announcement until the labour national executive makes a decision about whether or not to endorse her next week. sir keir has said she can stand as a labour mp . labour mp. >> labour and a vote for labour is a is a chance to end that chaos , to turn a page, to change chaos, to turn a page, to change for the better of the country , for the better of the country, to change our nhs, to change our pubuc to change our nhs, to change our public services, to make sure our economy is stable, to make sure our communities are cared
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for and to move forward and rebuild our country. that is the choice i accept. not a single vote has been cast . i'm humble vote has been cast. i'm humble about this and i know every vote must be earned . but the power must be earned. but the power now under our democracy is with the voters . the voters. >> well, sir keir starmer also said today that his party is going to fix britain's economy. >> he outlined a series of plans to cut household bills. he was speaking at an event in scotland and saying that the publicly owned new gb energy entity would cut costs and speed up the transition to clean power, urging supporters to vote for change, sir keir said that while the former prime minister, liz truss, had lost control of the economy, labour's plans could be trusted and the prime minister dismissed it as a vanity project i >> -- >> now police are appealing for information from the turkish and kurdish communities of east london, as a nine year old girl remains in a critical condition in hospital after a drive by shooting. she was having dinner
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with her family in a restaurant in hackney when shots were fired from outside the restaurant. >> three men were also hurt in the incident . the incident. >> they were sitting outside the restaurant. one of them is facing life changing injuries. detectives say the motorbike used in the attack was stolen from a property in wembley in 2021. they're urging anyone with information to come forward and speak to police or contact crime stoppers . stoppers. >> and multiple people were injured after a man apparently stabbed members of the public dunng stabbed members of the public during an online live stream eventin during an online live stream event in germany. >> the attacker was reportedly outside a campaign tent for the german anti—islamist group called citizens movement pax europa, before he was shot by police. the injured police officer has undergone emergency medical treatment. it's not yet known what motivated that attack. international news and houthi rebels in yemen have claimed responsibility for an attack on a us aircraft carrier in the red sea, which they say is in response to joint uk us
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strikes last night. the prime minister says the uk won't hesitate to protect british interests after the raf carried out a fifth round of joint airstrikes against the houthis , airstrikes against the houthis, who have been targeting commercial shipping in the region . more than 600 homes in region. more than 600 homes in surrey have been told not to dnnk surrey have been told not to drink their tap water after tests by thames water , the tests by thames water, the company says there's a possible deterioration in the quality of drinking water in some areas near there. people in the village of bramley have been given precautionary instructions not to use their drinking water or cook with it, or even brush their teeth. >> it comes after tests were carried out following a historical fuel leak from a petrol station , which prompted petrol station, which prompted complaints from locals. >> since 2021. better news at the zoo today there's one particular zoo celebrating after 11 endangered baby penguins were born. that's the highest number in a decade. they're called humboldt penguin chicks. in a decade. they're called humboldt penguin chicks . they humboldt penguin chicks. they
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were born at chester zoo in mid—april. experts are saying the species was most at risk of the species was most at risk of the 17 penguin types due to climate change, and overfishing. they're naming this year's chicks after plants . they've got chicks after plants. they've got cute names like nettle, thistle, dandern cute names like nettle, thistle, dandelion , tulip and daffodil, dandelion, tulip and daffodil, all among the new baby chicks. we wish them well. >> well done, chester zoo . >> well done, chester zoo. >> well done, chester zoo. >> that's the news. for the latest stories, do sign up to gb news alerts, scan the qr code on your screen or go to slash alerts . slash alerts. >> thank you pauline. now there's only one place to start. of course , and that's that of course, and that's that incredible speech by donald trump . it lasted more than 30 trump. it lasted more than 30 minutes and he said he'd appeal against his conviction for falsifying business records. he also said that joe biden is the dumbest president of all time . dumbest president of all time. and here's a taste of what he had to say. >> we're up six points in the daily mail poll now. maybe other polls come out. it says something differently, but a lot
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of people have predicted it because the public understands and they understand what's what's going on. this is a scam . what's going on. this is a scam. this is a rigged trial. it shouldn't have been in that venue. we shouldn't have had that judge. he should have allowed allowed us to have an election expert. we had the best expert, most respected expert, head of the federal elections commission. he was all set to testify . he was waiting for two testify. he was waiting for two days. and when it was his turn, bragg's people protested and the judge knocked him out. said, you can't testify for. >> well, trump came out all guns blazing. you've already been in touch in your hundreds with your sides. let's go through a few of those . now, ian says this those. now, ian says this american democracy and judicial systems are under attack with the conviction of donald trump. trump more importantly, was never going to win in new york. whether or not you believe him to be guilty or not, sadly, he has been convicted by political means. however barry doesn't
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agree. he says this 34 convictions guilty , guilty and convictions guilty, guilty and lots more guilty. send him down eamonn chris adds this trump derangement syndrome will now be in overdrive. the lefties will be in meltdown i love it. roll on the 5th of november. go trump us president 2024. whereas terry has the opposite view. he says donald trump should acknowledge his mistake , take responsibility his mistake, take responsibility and accept the penalty . so huge and accept the penalty. so huge amounts of emails there, please keep them . come in now to a huge keep them. come in now to a huge development in the labour party civil war, because just over an hour ago, sir keir starmer said diane abbott is free to stand as the labour candidate in the general election after all. and this comes after a long row over the future of britain's first black woman mp, miss abbott had been expected to be overlooked after she lost the whip last year , after she suggested that year, after she suggested that jewish, irish and traveller people experienced prejudice but not racism . but here's what sir
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not racism. but here's what sir keir starmer said this afternoon i >> -- >> diane abbott was elected in in 1987, the first black woman mp . she's been a trailblazer. mp. she's been a trailblazer. she has carved a path for other people to come into politics and pubuc people to come into politics and public life. the whip has obviously been restored to her now , and she is free to go now, and she is free to go forward as a labour candidate . forward as a labour candidate. >> have you spoken to diane and do you understand that she wants to put herself forward, to stand? >> she's free to go forward as a labour candidate. the whip is back with her. it's been restored and of course, you know, she was a trailblazer for many, many years and has cleared the path for others to come into politics. so formally matter for the nec. but i've not expressed a view up until now. she's free to go forward as a labour candidate. >> well, that was sir keir starmer. let's speak now to our political correspondent, katherine forster. catherine, welcome to the show. she joins us on the campaign trail with the conservative party today.
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let's turn first over to this labour party civil war. catherine, a week into the campaign trail for the general election. nobody's talking at all about sir keir starmer's ideas on the stump for the country the next election. instead, they're obsessing about once again the labour left, tearing itself apart. >> yes, it's become an almighty mess, hasn't it? this diane abbott row over the last few days. and first of all, she said she'd been banned from standing. then sir keir starmer spent a couple of days saying no, no, no, absolutely not. no decision has been taken. he was saying that up until and including this morning and then at lunchtime suddenly said she's free to stand if she wishes. now clearly, his previous position became difficult after the deputy leader, angela rayner, broke rank. so to speak, yesterday and came out and said well, i think he should, she should be allowed to stand if
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she wants to. similarly, anas sarwar the scottish labour leader. but i think what this has done has basically opened the fact that, the labour party does still have divisions within it . sir keir starmer appears to it. sir keir starmer appears to have been undergoing a bit of a purge of some on the labour left in the last few days . other in the last few days. other people cast out or not allowed to stand, and other big starmer supporters parachuted in to safe labour seats. but it does reopen the divisions and it has been damaging. i think they thought initially it was just a sort of westminster bubble story that wouldn't cut through , but it has wouldn't cut through, but it has cut through. it's brought some bad headlines. cut through. it's brought some bad headlines . a lot of people bad headlines. a lot of people think it's not the way to treat , think it's not the way to treat, britain's first female black mp who served as an mp for 37 years. so yes, this row has drowned out most of what labour has been trying to say this week. meanwhile, i'm with the prime minister here in greater manchester. he was in macclesfield a little bit
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earlier on a farm, talking to farmers , stressing, of course, farmers, stressing, of course, that his constituency is a rural one and we're moving on now. we'll be in different places tomorrow. it's all a bit of a whirlwind, just over a week into an election, the prime minister called. none of us, to be honest, were expecting it. but here we are. >> well, you're in manchester, a place i live for three years. a place i live for three years. a place famed for its rain. let's hope rishi sunaks team this time katherine forster have remembered to pack an umbrella. katherine forster, thank you very much. excellent week from you and i look forward to working with you again next week. great stuff on the road with the conservatives now rishi sunak and sir keir starmer will go head to head in the first tv debate next tuesday evening , and debate next tuesday evening, and liberal democrat leader sir ed davey hasn't been invited and he's not happy. well, liberal democrats will take part in any debate that were allowed and frankly, we should be allowed into all of them, in my view, and our main message in this election have been on the health
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service and care health services, on its knee, on its knees, and it needs to be rescued, particularly with more gps and more nhs dentists and investment in care. >> but we're also talking about our economic ideas to grow our economy and also deal with the cost of living. and we're talking about the environment that's so important. people are really angry that the conservatives have allowed the water companies to pump their filthy sewage into rivers, lakes, onto beaches. so those are the sorts of things we talk about. >> there's ed davey moaning on dry land. i think he prefers it in the water. now, listen, i'm joined now by the former labour mp stephen pound. stephen, always a delight to have you on the show. let's look back at a rather eventful week in politics. we have to start, of course, with the labour party. sir keir starmer's team must be pulling their hair out. there are week in and nobody's talking about what's happening on the campaign trail. they're talking about what's happening back at labour party hq. of course i'm talking once again, something we've discussed before, stephen, the left of the party causing a huge headache. civil war over diane abbott .
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diane abbott. >> well, as you can obviously see, i've pulled my hair out long, long ago , but let's let's long, long ago, but let's let's get get this in perspective, there are, there are at least a dozen labour mps sitting labour. sorry prospective parliamentary candidates for the labour party, who would certainly be described as on the far left. and we're not just talking about people like zarah sultana and apsana begum, john mcdonnell, you know, there's any number of them. they're being allowed to stand. you know, we're that big, a broad church. but look, the fact that you've been an mp for 37 years doesn't give you the god given right to be an mp forever. and i think we need to get this in a little bit of perspective. i think that people people seem to be deifying , diane abbott, i to be deifying, diane abbott, i mean, some of the things she said about redheads suffering just the same way as jews from prejudice, it was downright silly and stupid. but hopefully we can move on from that. and today's announcements about the sort of, what i thought was virtually was a gb news, but in fact, it's gb energy that , you fact, it's gb energy that, you know, the government, the prospective government is now promulgating. but look, from your point of view, you must be rubbing your hands with absolute glee, because what looked like
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being a fairly tedious election campaign is positively delightful for the few . it's delightful for the few. it's pretty grim for us politicos, but pretty good for you, isn't it ? it? >> well, it has finally leapt into life. but not not in the way i'm sure that sir keir starmer would like. but on a serious point, starmer would like. but on a serious point , stephen, you have serious point, stephen, you have to wonder if there's strength of leadership being shown. earlier in the week, diane abbott was out and then six union chiefs wrote to sir keir starmer anas sarwar complained about it. angela rayner complained about it and suddenly there's a u—turn . who's in control? and if he's .who's in control? and if he's got to bow to angela rayner and diane abbott, how on earth can he stand up to putin? kim jong un or donald trump if he gets back. un or donald trump if he gets back . in? back. in? >> no, nobody can accuse keir starmer of being weak on this. i think he's been particularly strong on this. but look, the fact is, he can't micromanage every aspect of the labour party. he can't manage. we've got 650 mps. he's not going to be on top of every selection of every one of those 650 mps. of course he's not. and we do have a mechanism within the labour party which actually allows this
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matter to be dealt with by the regional office or the national executive committee, and they're going to make a decision on tuesday, which is when, you know, we basically close the books on who's going to stand at the next election. i don't think there's any sign of weakness here from keir starmer. i think there's a there's a bit of humanity here, but there's also, above all, there's a steely purposefulness, some of the people that he has actually drawn a line through are people who, frankly , shouldn't be who, frankly, shouldn't be labour mps. and it's not something when you're a labour mp, it's actually a pretty responsible position and you know, you're representing your people and your country, and it's something you can't afford to have people who don't take the job seriously. or above all, martin, have another agenda. there's no point in having people elected on the labour ticket who then campaign against the labour party, and we've seen too much of that in the past. i'm sorry to tell you. >> okay. let's look back on the conservatives week. rishi sunak. you can't doubt his energy. you can't doubt his vim. he's been full of beans out there, but it's not quite landing in the polls, 25 points ahead. still, the labour party, the interesting thing, steven, is that people like rishi's
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policies . three quarters have policies. three quarters have backed the pension boost 47 like the idea of scrapping mickey mouse degrees, but they're not quite warming to rishi sunak himself . do quite warming to rishi sunak himself. do the tories have a rishi problem? >> yeah, well, the thing is the dial is not shifting, he's come up with all this stuff. i mean, you know, frankly, the national service idea was just risible. you know, i think that that pretty much blew up as soon as he launched it. but, you know, some of the other stuff, of course, but he's not actually shifted the dial. and i think this is the interesting thing, you know, at the end of each week of the election campaign, the people in all the various offices, they sit down, you know, the conservative central office, labour party hq, and we do a grid of, you know, who's had a good week and who's had a bad week. and i think you can kind of grade all the political parties for the last week. and i think that probably the worst week for the last week, frankly , week for the last week, frankly, was ed davey the liberal democrats, because, you know, you can stand being frightened of being scared of in people, in politics, but being feared but not being laughed at. and this business about him wobbling around on a bodyboard on lake windermere and then tossing himself off for his own amusement, for and elucidation
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was just downright risible, and ihope was just downright risible, and i hope he didn't swallow hope he spat that water out, because we all know what it's like up there. and he just looked silly sliding down a wet slide , ending sliding down a wet slide, ending up in the birth position between the legs of one of the candidates. it'sjust the legs of one of the candidates. it's just downright embarrassing and you know, rishi sunak has not had a great one. i mean, you know, he's certainly not endeared himself to people in south wales by asking how they're going to get on in the football. believe you, me and the labour party. yeah. i'll be i'll be perfectly honest. it's been a pretty grim couple of days for us and it's been a self—inflicted wound. the dup have got problems over there. you know, the scottish nationalist party got problems. you know clyde, cumbria got problems. the labour party in wales have got con so and dear old reform have got problems because they've missed out on their golden opportunity to have you know, have nigel come, you know coming through and actually leading a what would have probably been a pretty successful campaign. so nobody's had a good week. in fact, the only people who can really look back on the last seven days with a smile of glee and rubbing their hands with joy, frankly, are people like yourself because it's been pretty entertaining.
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and i'm thank you for keeping a straight face and thank you particularly for actually keeping to talking about the actual issues . as tony bain used actual issues. as tony bain used to say , talking about the to say, talking about the issues. there are important things , as you know, what could things, as you know, what could be more important than the future of this country? the defence of this country, the health service, public order, say public safety , law and say public safety, law and order, all those things are crucial. let's not be distracted by the flimflam and the silly nonsense of falling off paddleboards and all that rubbish. let's not be distracted by selection problems within the labour party . let's try to get labour party. let's try to get on to the issues and see what the debates will actually show . the debates will actually show. the world's too damn dangerous at the moment to allow ourselves to be distracted by silliness and stupidity. we've got to be strong. we've got to be serious. we've got to be a proper sober democracy. you know , there's democracy. you know, there's plenty of examples of people around the world who are making around the world who are making a mockery of democracy. let's not try to go down that road ourselves. please stephen pound, wise words, sage like advice to round off your talk there on this friday afternoon. >> but of course, stephen, we
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will have more pictures. we will have more pictures of ed davey falling off a paddleboard and much, much more. and don't get me started on david cameron's shocking pint of beer that he pulled this week. do you want a flake with that is a most appropriate response. stephen pound go and have yourself a pint. speak to you again another time. always a delight. thanks for joining us. now stand by for forjoining us. now stand by for lots more reaction to donald trump's dramatic speech earlier in trump tower. i'm about to speak to one of joe biden's former chief of staff to see what their take is . in fact, what their take is. in fact, here's live pictures here of trump leaving trump tower now waving to a crowd. a lot of people outside, both supportive and against him. we'll have full reaction after this. i'm martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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>> this is gb news, and we are britain's election channel. >> this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media, but actually, it's about
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you . you. >> and we won't forget that. >> and we won't forget that. >> join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together. >> more than ever, it's important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day. >> we're here for you. >> we're here for you. >> this is gb news the people's channel >> this is gb news the people's channel, britain's election . channel. >> welcome back. your time is 525. i'm martin daubney and this is gb news. now let's get more on that incredible speech by donald trump . he said he'd donald trump. he said he'd appeal against his conviction for falsifying business records. and donald trump also said that joe biden is the dumbest president of all time. well joining me now is susan platt, who is joe biden's former chief of staff. welcome to the show, susan. a delight to have your company. as you'd expect, donald trump was hardly meek and mild. he said, if this can happen to me, it can happen to anybody. this is bigger than trump or my
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presidency. november the 5th is the most important day in the history of america . what was history of america. what was your takeaway from that speech ? your takeaway from that speech? >> well, martin, thank you for having me. it was an unusual trump style . it was rambling. it trump style. it was rambling. it was just jointed. it was full of lies and misrepresentations and attacks at everyone . and he attacks at everyone. and he never claimed to take any responsibility for anything he's done, i'll tell you last night when the guilty counts on all 34 counts were announced . i have to counts were announced. i have to admit, i did open a bit of bubbly, but my other thought was, you know , there are there was, you know, there are there were 12 people, 12 of donald trump's peers, that found him guilty on all those counts. and i was a little concerned of what what trump would ask other folks to do across the country, like he did on january 6th, attack the capitol . but i was so the capitol. but i was so thrilled this morning when nothing happened , no courts were
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nothing happened, no courts were attacked , nothing. there were no attacked, nothing. there were no demonstrations in the street. and i think what that means is people still know what's right and wrong, what's legal and illegal. and contrary to what some will say to them, they still believe it, donald trump, of course, has gotten a front foot and said not only is the system rigged politically, but now judicially, he cast a shadow over the entire state of the american judiciary, and he's on a gagging order, lest we forget susan platt. and yet he came out , saying the judge was compromised, saying he looks like an angel, but actually, he's a devil. do you think now donald trump will take this forward not only to attack the entire political system? we've seen him attack the media system before, but now he's turning his guns on the entire legal establishment. the fabric of the american establishment . american establishment. >> of course he will. what's different? he is never claimed responsibility for anything that he's done. of course he said he's done. of course he said he's never done anything wrong. i beg to differ with that. but you know, we stood tall
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yesterday . today the citizens of yesterday. today the citizens of new york stood tall yesterday. we're still here today. and i think, you know, the rule of law has to stand at some point. this country was founded on that, equal justice for all. and i think it's about darn time that that we do find some justice here. and, you know, he talks about no other president has been brought up on all these charges. well, there's a reason for that. no other president has lied, skirted the truth and gotten away with so much for so long. it's about time the chickens come home to roost. >> and do you think his attacks on joe biden himself? i mean, again , we would expect that he again, we would expect that he called him the dumbest, most incompetent president we've ever had.the incompetent president we've ever had. the manchurian candidate, implying he's in the pocket of russia and of china. susan, do you think that the biden camp would be wise to go back to trump and say, well, you're a felon, you're convicted? will they go down that route , or will they go down that route, or will that would that be an attack
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line, or do you think they'll play line, or do you think they'll play more polite, more queensberry rules? what would your advice be to joe biden? >> i think they'll they'll start with talking about the issues, talking about the rule of law and our democracy. but ultimately, you can't avoid the elephant in the room. this would be the first president if he were to be elected, that was convicted of any crime, let alone 34 felony counts. and leaving aside all the other trials that that will happen, unfortunately, i think this is going to be the only one in, that will come to conclusion before the election. but i think the republican party as well will sit back and think, do we really want to nominate someone who's convicted of 34 felonies? neven who's convicted of 34 felonies? never. it's an historic time, but it's a challenging time for us. and i think we have to rise to that challenge. >> and susan, could i quickly ask you, a lot of opinion polls we're seeing in america are saying particularly young people , they are concerned about joe biden's mental capacity and his
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wherewithal. he's an old guy. is that something that you're, you know, in your heart of hearts? is it something that bothers the biden campaign team moving into the presidential election in november? >> well, it's not something you can change. and i've known joe biden for , oh, gosh, 30 some biden for, oh, gosh, 30 some years. and when i recently talked to him, he's the same guy i talked to years ago. i mean , i i talked to years ago. i mean, i can't imagine a man i talked to him about something that happened a long time ago. and he goes, i remember that. and point by point, joe biden is still 100 completely, completely there knows what he's doing. and there's a competence to joe biden . you know, this afternoon biden. you know, this afternoon he's going to be doing a press conference on the middle east. donald trump is on a diatribe trying to defend himself for maligning women, for, i mean, people forget about that. this is an adulterer. this is one who was accused of rape. this is and this is one who's accused of election fraud. i mean, what are we going to take? >> okay, well, it's going to be
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the greatest show on earth, as it always is. that election on november the 5th. certainly in britain, it's fireworks night. certainly they're going to be fireworks that night in america . fireworks that night in america. susan platt, the former joe biden's former chief of staff. thank you very much. it's a pleasure to have your company on the show. thank you forjoining the show. thank you for joining us now. still lots more to come between now and 6:00. and i'll tell you why. one of madonna's fansis tell you why. one of madonna's fans is suing the queen of pop is the true blue star. now to blue. but first, here's your headunes blue. but first, here's your headlines and it's polly middlehurst . middlehurst. >> you with gb news the headunes >> you with gb news the headlines this hour , let's take headlines this hour, let's take you to the united states first, where donald trump has called his conviction part of a grand conspiracy and accused the judge in his case in the courthouse in manhattan of being conflicted following his unprecedented trial and the outcome last night. >> he's been speaking at a news
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conference in the last hour at trump tower in new york, hours after being convicted of all 34 counts of falsifying business records relating to hush money payments to the porn star stormy daniels during a wide ranging 33 minute speech, trump vowed to appeal what he described as a scam verdict. >> the now convict and former president also falsely said the united states is a fascist state, and he claimed he's fighting for the constitution . fighting for the constitution. >> he's due to be sentenced on the 11th of july unless he files an appeal . sir keir starmer says an appeal. sir keir starmer says diane abbott is free to stand as a labour candidate at the election, ending days of uncertainty for the labour party. mr abbott had the labour whip restored this week after a long suspension, but claimed she'd been banned from standing as a candidate and accused the labour leader of culling the party's left wing. staying with laboun party's left wing. staying with labour, sir keir starmer says his party is going to fix britain's economy, as he outlined a series of plans to cut household bills. speaking at
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an event in scotland, the labour leader said the new publicly owned gb energy entity would cut costs and speed up the transition to clean power . the transition to clean power. the prime minister dismissed it as a vanhy prime minister dismissed it as a vanity project and here in london, police are appealing for any information from the turkish and kurdish communities. as a nine year old girl remains in a critical condition in hospital after a drive by shooting that happenedin after a drive by shooting that happened in east london, she was having dinner with her family in a restaurant in the borough of hackney when shots were fired from a motorbike outside the restaurant. three men sitting outside the restaurant were also hurt. one of those is facing life changing injuries. detectives are saying that motorbike used in the attack had been stolen from a property in wembley in 2021, and they're urging anyone with any information about the bike or anything else to come forward to the police or contact crime stoppers . and in germany, stoppers. and in germany, multiple people have been injured after a man apparently stabbed members of the public dunng stabbed members of the public during an online live stream
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event. the attacker was reportedly outside a campaign tent for the german anti islamist group called citizens movement. >> pax europa , before he was >> pax europa, before he was shot by police. >> those are the headlines . for >> those are the headlines. for the latest stories, sign up to gb news alerts. scan the qr code on your screen or go to gb news. common alerts . common alerts. >> cheers! britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report . financial report. >> let's bring you up to date then. with today's numbers, the market's looking like this. the pound buying a $1.2724 and ,1.1734. the price of gold £1,000 and £8,834.81 an ounce. and the ftse 100 has closed for the day today at 8275 points. >> cheers britannia wine club proudly sponsors the gb news financial report .
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financial report. >> thank you pauline. thanks to everyone who's been getting in touch today on donald trump, on diane abbott, on ed davey's aquatic frolics. and if you want to get in touch with us, there's a new way to do it. and here's bev turner with all the details. >> we are proud to be gb news the people's channel. and as you know, we always love to hear your views. now there's a new way of getting in touch with us at by commenting, you can be part of a live conversation and join our gb news community. you can even talk to me bev turner or any of the members of the gb news family. simply go
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>> heavy newspapers getting you down. >> my wife didn't divorce me that month. >> struggling to separate the wheat from the chaff. >> i know that it's a bit of a circus at the best of times.
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well don't worry, headliners has got you covered. >> we'll take the burden of reading the day's news. and if we get depressed, who cares? it's an occupational hazard, frankly. that's headliners on gb news from 11 pm. till midnight, and the following morning, 5 to 6 am. on gb news, the comedy channel. now just kidding. britain's news channel . britain's news channel. >> welcome back. your time is 539. i'm martin daubney on gb news now. a planned memorial to honour the royal navy's role in ending the slave trade is facing a backlash due to claims that it lacked sensitivity. the statue, intended to commemorate the west africa squadron, which rescued 150,000 slaves in the 19th century, was to be installed near portsmouth. historic dockyard. but landsec, the owners of the key , rowed back on owners of the key, rowed back on the proposal, saying the statue would be out of keeping with the welcoming and inclusive environment it sought to foster.
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well, joining me now to try to make sense of this is the political commentator kaz hossain. welcome to the show. hope you're having a great friday. what fresh madness is this? this is a statue designed to commemorate the ending of slavery. how on earth can that be something? that's what racist. >> it's just insufferable . i >> it's just insufferable. i mean, it's incontestable, irrefutable, indisputable that this statue will show britain in a positive outlook , and it'll a positive outlook, and it'll show britain in a good light. >> hence the brisk and hostile objections to having this statue i >> -- >> and in terms of the facts, it's worth going over them again. the royal navy's west africa squadron was specifically and deliberately set up to end the slave trade in africa, and in doing so , 1600 slave the slave trade in africa, and in doing so ,1600 slave ships in doing so, 1600 slave ships were liberated, 150,000 african slaves, more than 2000 sailors lost their lives . british lost their lives. british sailors. it was the most dangerous ticket in the entire royal navy. surely cares that is
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worthy of commemoration . worthy of commemoration. >> you're completely correct. >> you're completely correct. >> but we don't just. >> but we don't just. >> do you know this is just not an isolated incident. we don't celebrate sir john newton , who celebrate sirjohn newton, who you know, contributed to the slave trade being abolished in 1807, just before he died. >> i just after he died, it got abolished , we don't celebrate abolished, we don't celebrate florence nightingale because she's a white, privileged female. >> we don't celebrate people because in britain we don't celebrate anybody who does anything good. because britain is this evil country and we've only committed negative acts . only committed negative acts. >> now it turns out that the owners landsec it is a private piece of land. they own it. they can make this decision. it's up to them. but they took this decision. apparently when they asked their employees who objected, why they objected because they don't want to upset people , that because the royal people, that because the royal navy people have been indoctrinated to believe that it was it contributed to slavery, even though it abolished, you know what, contribute to abolishing slavery. >> and it's, you know, it's
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caused a lot of, media traction. and even penny mordaunt got involved . involved. >> and she says these people deserve to be recognised. >> toby young of the free speech union has called it outrageous. it's just it's just a way of getting attention. people have done and it's taken away attention from the royal navy who are heroes, quite frankly. so you know, people of colour like myself because they liberated people know it's wise words. >> they're saying, you're right, penny mordaunt, who's the constituency mp for this area, has in fact been trying to fundraise to get a statue built to have it paid for. it seems that will hit the buffers because landsec the landowners, they just won't allow it . thanks they just won't allow it. thanks for joining us as a political forjoining us as a political commentator. always a delight to have you on the show. now, if you want to see rishi sunak looking like mickey mouse or a baby ruining a photo opportunity for sir keir starmer, then you're in luck. i'm about to show you the best and the worst images from the first full week of the general election campaign. brace yourselves, martin daubney on gb news, britain's news
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welcome back. time is 546. i'm martin daubney . it's gb news. one of daubney. it's gb news. one of the final furlong now is madonna. two blue. well, one of her fans has filed a lawsuit against the material girl, accusing her of exposing concert goers to pornography without warning . the lawsuit also warning. the lawsuit also alleges that concert goers were forced to watch topless women simulate sexual acts . well, simulate sexual acts. well, joining me now is the showbiz reporter steph takyi steph , reporter steph takyi steph, always a delight to have you on the show. how are you doing? so first of all, who who will be surprised that going to a madonna show isn't going to be full of simulated sex? isn't that what she does ? that what she does? >> martin, this concertgoer has clearly been living under a rock. i think more people would have sued madonna if she didn't include any scenes of a sexual nature in her show. i think that's when the punters will be
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quite disappointed that they didn't get their money's worth. this celebration tour has been receiving rave reviews across the whole globe , and then we've the whole globe, and then we've got this punter here who's quite annoyed because he says that there were women on stage who were topless, and it was almost like they were doing gyrating moves, which is to be expected in a madonna show. >> she's always been about sex positivity, exploring the body on stage . so for these concert on stage. so for these concert goers to be clearly getting their knickers in a twist, it makes no sense. and it's a waste of money. but with this lawsuit, there is other things that's, you know, obviously the media is going for the top line about the sexual stuff, but they are complaining as well that, you know, during the concert, which took place back in march in la, they were saying it was too hot. and when they were complaining to madonna, madonna just told them to take their clothes off, which is obviously quite funny . which is obviously quite funny. but for them, they said it actually provided them with quite a bit of emotional distress, and it actually made them feel physically ill. the problem with these kind of
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lawsuits, martin, it's no sweat off madonna's nose. you know, she's done a great tour and these people are actually wasting their money. you know , wasting their money. you know, you cannot be going to seeing someone like a legend like madonna and not expect it to be x—rated. we all have that choice of what we're going to see. and unfortunately for these people, they just got it wrong. >> steph, it sounds absolutely reprehensible . it sounds utterly reprehensible. it sounds utterly shocking. can you get me any tickets? just joking . i'll tell tickets? just joking. i'll tell you what though. a lot of people are saying online, a lot of people are saying online that the acts now and also like sam smith, there is an increasing amount of overly sexualised material, and that could be a problem if you've taken the nippers . nippers. >> well, martin, the problem is, well, not even the problem. we all know that sex sells when it comes to shows and when it comes to the entertainment industry. and like with most things, when it comes to film concerts, it's all down to individual choice. if it's too much for you or you think it's not something that's going to be appropriate for you, you can always miss out. no one's telling you to spend your money. this person spent over
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£500 per ticket to go see madonna. so you must have that well educated choice if it's going to be too much for you, just give it a miss. but i think with the entertainment industry there is that argument. martin, whether it is going too far now with its x—rated ness, you know , with its x—rated ness, you know, it's almost like all these acts are trying to outdo each other and maybe this is a new trend that will start where fans do want to clap back and say, enoughis want to clap back and say, enough is enough. yeah you surely think, though, steph, that if you have kids and you know what? >> you're going to get, it's like going to a steak house as a vegan and complaining there's too much meat steph takyi always a superb menu when you come on the show. thank you very much for joining us. always forjoining us. always a delight. have a fantastic weekend for yourself. now as it's friday and we're all getting ready for the weekend, i thought i'd look back at some of the funniest moments of the last few days on the general election campaign. now don't worry, this isn't just going to be the ed davey show, but of course we have to start with the liberal democrat leader. there he is. he
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tried his hand at paddle boarding on tuesday on lake windermere and as you can see, man overboard looking for floating voters. i thought he was against stuff that was plopping into the water. moving on.the plopping into the water. moving on. the prime minister rishi sunak, has promised to clamp down on what many people call mickey mouse degrees. well, as you can see here, a photographer caught the prime minister looking very much like the cartoon mickey mouse character himself. i love those those pictures, always at an uncompromising angle . and of uncompromising angle. and of course, we can't leave sir keir starmer out of this campaign craziness because, look, the baby tried to leave the labour leader out of this picture. look, he's going to talk to the hand because the face ain't listening. you can't control babies on campaign trails now of course. let's check in on ed davey again. this time. there he is. he got on his bike. davey again. this time. there he is. he got on his bike . this was is. he got on his bike. this was yesterday in cornwall, i believe. luckily he didn't lose his balance here. well done. he can ride a bike and of course david cameron. well he's fought
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in many, many campaigns, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to make a show of himself, would he? well, look at the state of that pint . would anyone like a that pint. would anyone like a flake with that pint to his credit, he drank the evidence as quickly as physically possible. that was an abuser in macclesfield. i know macclesfield. i know macclesfield . if you serve that macclesfield. if you serve that up there, you'd soon be wearing it . it probably tasted good, but it. it probably tasted good, but by jove didn't look very good at all, did it? now, sir keir starmer clearly thinks that if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. no chance of the baby ruining that photo opportunity, sir keir starmer went back for more. no doubt that will please the mums and the housewives. you can't beat a baby on a campaign trail but it's time to see what else. sir ed davey has been up to. yes, he's been on the slide. what a doughnut. there he is going down the slide. let's hope for his sake. but that's not a metaphor for the liberal democrats election. chancellor but of course, we've saved the best bit to last. yes, unforgettably. it's rishi sunak
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showing why he never made it as a footballer . two left feet. a footballer. two left feet. look at that. i mean, this will haunt him. i sincerely believe that will haunt him. it's the worst display i've seen since diana ross at the world cup . diana ross at the world cup. missed that penalty. and steve, my senior producer, always says she did that because they shouted miss diana ross and she booted the ball wide. i think that will haunt him early in the election campaign, chris hope, our political editor, challenged sir keir starmer on my behalf. can you do 100 keepy uppies? apparently he's quite tasty at football. starmer turned it down. smart fella. getting it wrong haunts you forever. it's a for ever moment now. i've had so many emails during the show, so many emails during the show, so many you all saying he's coming in and most of them have been about donald trump. those 34 guilty counts last night and his explosive press conference around about an hour ago , we around about an hour ago, we carried on gb news. he's roaring back, calling america a fascist state, saying november the 5th is the most important date in
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american history, the date to save america . connor says this save america. connor says this the left don't care about a fair or a just trial. they just want the guilty verdicts . they just the guilty verdicts. they just want trump dead and buried . want trump dead and buried. chris says this trump derangement system is now in full force. i absolutely love it. roll on the 5th of november. got from us president 2024. lee says. got from us president 2024. lee says . les beg your pardon. says says. les beg your pardon. says this if donald trump loses again in november , will it be rigged in november, will it be rigged again this time? or will you just have to accept that he's a loser? louise, as this the worst thing will be his revenge. trump's revenge . if he gets into trump's revenge. if he gets into the white house, then we will see america descend into absolute chaos. phil as this we need to take notice in the uk of what's happening in the us as within our country. it's already started with the courts and the policing. now i believe we'll get 100 times worse if the labour party become the next government. we must protect our
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laws, our culture, our history and our future of the legal vote. now moving on and we're moving on to the show now. escorted it's dewbs& co after this. i'll be back on monday. now to your weather. alex burkill . burkill. >> a brighter outlook with boxt solar sponsors of weather on . gb news. >> hello again. here's your latest gb news weather update brought to you by the met office as we head into the weekend . and as we head into the weekend. and whilst it won't be completely dry, there will be a good deal of fine and settled weather around and also some warm sunshine too because of high pressure that is going to continue to extend its way in from the west. like i said, though not completely dry, and that's the theme that we've had through today. some outbreaks of rain and southeast. most of these though, clearing away as we go through the evening and overnight, a few outbreaks of rain across the north of scotland . otherwise it is going scotland. otherwise it is going to be a mostly dry night, a bit cloudy towards eastern parts, clearer skies further west and
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where we see some clear skies. i'm expecting temperatures to just about dip into single figures, and there could be the odd pocket of mist and fog. first thing tomorrow. otherwise, as we go through tomorrow, it is going to be a mostly fine day. still some lingering cloud across eastern parts of scotland first thing, and there could be a few outbreaks of rain here. further west, though, a largely dry, bright and sunny story as we go through the morning and into the afternoon as well. perhaps a bit of cloud at times across northern ireland may bnng across northern ireland may bring the odd spot of rain, but on the whole a mostly fine picture here, and a similar mostly fine story for wales and western england. however, across eastern england we may still have some cloud lingering from today and that could bring a little bit of drizzly rain, but thatis little bit of drizzly rain, but that is likely to clear away as we go through the morning, and things should brighten up quite nicely. we may see a bit of cloud building in other areas where it starts sunny and as a result we could also see a couple of showers developing. but most places are going to stay dry and at times quite bright. a bit of a breeze, but
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it won't be as strong as today. and with that feeling a bit warmer, two temperatures more widely in the high teens or low 20s as we go through later on tomorrow , we are going to stick tomorrow, we are going to stick with the mostly dry picture. just 1 or 2 showers, but most places are going to avoid these . places are going to avoid these. some clear skies overnight into sunday could again allow for some mist and fog patches, but for most, sunday is going to be a fine day before some rain starts to push in to the far northwest. later, by that warm feeling inside from boxt boiler as sponsors of weather on
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over a week now since the election was called. we'll bring you up to speed on all the campaign goings on. diane abbott
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now can stand what a what a farce this is all turning into. but now we've seen policies and tough talking on things like fly—tipping, people potentially being asked to leave social housing if they're repeat offenders. we've had big talk on energy and lots more. what's your thoughts on it all? but of course the big stuff dominating the news today. of course we saw donald trump last night, found guilty on 34 counts today. did you see it? if 40 minute speech, if you missed it were it not because we will be looking at that. he spoke a lot about many issues that we face here on controlled immigration, changing demographics and the nation's safety. i can tell you now, it was pretty explosive, your thoughts on it all? also in germany, have you seen the horrific event which took place there? there was a critic of islam speaking and knifed repeatedly. all lived streamed. what on earth is going . on? what on earth is going. on? well, there is a packed show
6:01 pm
coming up


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